Physical Activity Partnership for Girls

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    Partnership for Girls: Posters and Presentations
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes fourteen posters and presentations disseminating findings for the PA Partnership for Girls study findings. Posters and presentations span from 2010 to 2021.
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    Partnership for Girls: Community Partnership Documents
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes documents that relate to the partnership agreements with local agencies that collaborated with the PA Partnership for Girls study.
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    Partnership for Girls: Community Advisory Board Meetings
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes eight PDFs of slides and one handout of key study findings used during community advisory board meetings for the Partnership for Girls study.
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    Partnership for Girls: Community Events
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record contains materials for the community events that took place as part of the PA Partnership for Girls program intervention. Community event included participant girls and their parents and their objective was to connect families with existing community resources and introduce them to new kinds of physical activities. Six community events took place, including: (1) Archery, (2) Zumba Zone; (3) Step It Up! Be Fit with Family Challenge, (4) Pool Party; (5) Golf Open, and (6) Green Gym. This record includes the (1) BFF Passport, (2) pedometer logs for the Be Fit with Family Challenge; (3) event calendar, and (4) a template of the community event evaluation forms.
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    Partnership for Girls: SMS and Social Media
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes materials for the SMS and social media components of the PA Partnership for Girls study. Included are (1) two SMS message plans, (2) an SMS how-to guide; (3) an SMS database planning sheet, and (4) a social media flyer.
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    Partnership for Girls: Media Coverage
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
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    Partnership for Girls: Parent Focus Groups
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record contains materials for the focus groups conducted as part of the PA Partnership for Girls study. This record includes (1) recruitment flyers, (2) a focus group protocol, and (3) focus group interview guides in English and Spanish.
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    Partnership for Girls: Picture This! Photovoice
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    "This record includes materials of the Picture This! Photovoice project, an important component of the needs assessment for the PA Partnership for Girls study. Included are (1)a leader’s manual, (2) participant workbook; (3) handouts, (4) session table; (5) consent form, (6) project presentation; and (7) a list of relevant publications. Photovoice blends a grassroots approach to photography and social action. It provides cameras not to health specialists, policy makers or professionals, but to people who do not usually have a say in decisions affecting their lives: youth. Picture This! involves putting cameras in the hands of girls ages 11‐14 to find out about physical activity opportunities and constraints for girls in Westside neighborhoods. Girls will take photos to answer these questions: (1) What helps girls your age be active? (2) What keeps girls your age from being active?"
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    Pa Partnership for Girls: Be Fit with Friends: Training Manual and Session Guide
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This training manual was awarded Best Educational Material in 2013 by the American Public Health Association, Public Health Education Health Promotion Section. The BFF Leader Manual, one component of BFF, guides leaders of Girl Scout troops in the implementation of BFF through information and skills training and program sessions for small groups of girls, all of which promote increased PA and decreased sedentary behavior. BFF uses a variety of behavioral strategies to promote PA, provides opportunities in safe, non-intimidating settings for girls to enjoy PA and develop new skills, and connects girls and families to PA-promoting community resources. The 9-session BFF health education curriculum included in the manual was designed to increase girls’ knowledge of PA and health, build behavioral skills and increase social support to achieve behavior change.
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    Partnership for Girls: Be Fit with Friends Physical Activity Mobile Units
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes materials for the BFF Physical Activity Mobile Units, a program component of BFF Meetings. The program included a total of 5 PA Mobile Units: (1) Active Gaming with Kinect, (2) FlexiFun, (3) Time for Recess, (4) Active Gaming with Wii, and (5) Video Fitness. Learn more about this intervention component by reading the BFF Facilitator Training Manual.
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    Partnership for Girls: Recruitment Materials
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes a variety of recruitment materials used throughout the PA Partnership for Girls study. The recruitment flyers included in this record target different audiences, from participants and their families, to troop leaders and volunteers.
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    Partnership for Girls: Media Survey
    (2023) Latino Research Institute
    This record includes materials for the study’s media survey, which assessed access/use of various media in in girls (ages 11-14). This record includes: procedures protocol, recruitment materials; consent form, measurement tool, and a list of related publications.
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    Construct Table: Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Overview: Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Follow-up Data Collection Protocol: Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Baseline Data Collection Protocol: Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Facilitator Guide: Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Parent Supplement Follow-up Survey: Partnership for Girls (Spanish version)
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Parent Supplement Follow-up Survey: Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.
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    Baseline Parent Survey (Spanish version): Partnership for Girls
    (2011) Parra-Medina, Deborah
    “Be Fit with Friends,” a partnership between the IHPR and Girl Scouts of Southwest Texas, encourages girls to engage in physical activity through planned activities, education, social media, and more. San Antonio Girl Scouts were instrumental in developing the “Be Fit with Friends” program, identifying barriers to physical activity (for instance, basketball courts in use by boys, concerns about neighborhood safety) and creating a Facebook page to connect to others in the program.