New Molecular Collisional Interaction Effect in Low-Energy Sputtering
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An unexpected pronounced enhancement is observed in sputtering yields per atom for N2+ compared to N+ from a polycrystalline gold target. This effect is seen when the kinetic energy per projectile atom is below 500 eV and increases as projectile energy decreases to near-threshold energies. Enhancements for O2+ over O+ begin at even lower kinetic energies below 100 eV per atom. This new molecular interaction effect may be explained qualitatively by invoking a simple energy transfer model which involves the vibrational frequency of the molecule and the collisional interaction time. [S0031-9007(98)06668-X]
Y. Yao, Z. Hargitai, M. Albert, R. G. Albridge, A. V. Barnes, J. M. Gilligan, B. Pratt Ferguson, G. Lüpke, V. D. Gordon (currently with UT Austin), and N. H. Tolk are with the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee 37235 -- J. C. Tully is with the Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 -- G. Betz and W. Husinsky are with the Institut für Allgemeine Physik, Technische Universität Wien, A-1040 Vienna, Austria