The Quasar SDSS J105041.35+345631.3: Black Hole Recoil Or Extreme Double-Peaked Emitter?




Shields, Gregory A.
Rosario, D. J.
Smith, K. L.
Bonning, E. W.
Salviander, Sarah
Kalirai, J. S.
Strickler, R.
Ramirez-Ruiz, E.
Dutton, A. A.
Treu, T.

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The quasar SDSS J105041.35+345631.3 (z = 0.272) has broad emission lines blueshifted by 3500 km s(-1) relative to the narrow lines and the host galaxy. Such an object may be a candidate for a recoiling supermassive black hole, a binary black hole, a superposition of two objects, or an unusual geometry for the broad emission-line region. The absence of narrow lines at the broad line redshift argues against superposition. New Keck spectra of J1050+3456 place tight constraints on the binary model. The combination of large velocity shift and symmetrical H beta profile, as well as aspects of the narrow line spectrum, make J1050+3456 an interesting candidate for black hole recoil. Other aspects of the spectrum, however, suggest that the object is most likely an extreme case of a "double-peaked emitter." We discuss possible observational tests to determine the true nature of this exceptional object.



LCSH Subject Headings


Shields, Gregory A., D. J. Rosario, K. L. Smith, E. W. Bonning, S. Salviander, J. S. Kalirai, R. Strickler et al. "The quasar SDSS J105041. 35+ 345631.3: black hole recoil or extreme double-peaked emitter?." The Astrophysical Journal, Vol. 707, No. 2 (Dec., 2009): 936.