A bidirectional MEMS thermal actuator as the building block for a programmable metamaterial

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Zhao, Cheng, M.S. in Engineering

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This thesis presents a novel bidirectional MEMS thermal actuator that is intended to be implemented as the building block for a microarchitectured material. The successful proof of concept demonstrates the potential for a new level of miniaturization for the technology that would improve existing capabilities and enable new ones. The design is built upon the bent-beam type thermal actuators with an emphasis on large travel and force output. Sensing capabilities are accomplished through piezoresistive strain gauges that provide sufficient sensitivity and resolution. An analytical model was created to calculate the performance parameters of actuator designs and was used in conjunction with optimization software to arrive at four selected designs with minimal theoretical trade-offs. Successful fabrication of the devices was achieved with standard microfabrication techniques. Preliminary testing results have demonstrated the successful operation of bidirectional actuation and confirms the validity of the concept


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