New techniques to determine ages of open clusters using white dwarfs

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Jeffery, Elizabeth Jane

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Currently there are two main techniques for independently determining the ages of stellar populations: Main Sequence evolution theory (via cluster isochrones) and white dwarf cooling theory. Open clusters provide the ideal environment for the calibration of those two clocks. Also, comparing white dwarf theory against Main Sequence theory provides an excellent opportunity to refine our understanding of both. I present results on the age of the open cluster NGC 2477 by observing to the terminus of the white dwarf cooling sequence. Additionally, I discuss the feasibility of determining ages from the brighter white dwarfs alone, without the requirement of observing the coolest white dwarfs. A new Bayesian statistical technique is employed to obtain and interpret results. In preparation for applying this new technique to real data, I have done internal precision measurements for a set of test data taken with the WIYN 0.9 m telescope at Kitt Peak National Observatory



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