LBJ Journal of Public Affairs, Vol. 19, 2008




LBJ School of Public Affairs

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LBJ School of Public Affairs




TABLE OF CONTENTS: From the Dean's Desk by DEAN JAMES B. STEINBERG (p.5) -- Editors’ Foreword by IAN T. BROWN and KIP BROWN (p.7) -- Remembering Dean Elspeth Rostow (1917-2007) by JAMES K. GALBRAITH -- Conselhos Municipais and Participatory Democracy in Campinas, Brazil by MICHAEL MEYER (p.15) -- Deep Democracy: Creating a Culture of Dialogue by PATRICIA A. WILSON (p.33) -- Manipulating Motherhood: The Enduring Legacy of Revolutionary Gender Role Revisionism in Post-Sandinista Nicaragua by ANGELA JENKINS (p.45) -- Poverty Concentration and De-Concentration: A Literature Review by NATASHA O. FLETCHER (p.69) -- Knowledge Necessary to Meet Poverty Alleviation Goals: Building Enterprise to Reach Low-Income Markets by YASMINA ZAIDMAN, HELEN NG and ADRIEN COUTON (p.83) -- Strategic Sustainable Development Extension Plan to Alleviate Poverty by STEVE FORBES and CHARLES D. TURNER (p.93) -- Defining Common Ground: The Emerging Maritime Strategy for the U.S. Navy in the Western Pacific by CLARK TWIDDY (p.105) -- A Community Learns: The Austin, Texas, Response to Hurricane Katrina by M. KATHLEEN HOLODY, JOANNE CROMPTON and KIM LOOP (p.115) -- The Wiki State: Government Innovation Using New Online Tools by GARY CHAPMAN (p.131) -- Do We Need Radical Changes in Our School and Workforce Development Systems? by RAY MARSHALL (p.139) -- Innovative Partnerships by KENNY VINCENT (p.159) -- The Quest for Competitive Electricity Markets by JAY ZARNIKAU (p.171) -- Author Profiles (p.191) -- Editor Profiles (p.197)

LCSH Subject Headings
