Grain Refinement of Freeform Fabricated Ti-6Al-4V Alloy Using Beam/Arc Modulation

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Mitzner, Scott
Liu, Stephen
Domack, Marcia
Hafley, Robert

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University of Texas at Austin


Grain refinement can significantly improve the mechanical properties of freeform-fabricated Ti6Al-4V alloy, promoting increased strength and enhanced isotropy compared with coarser grained material. Large β-grains can lead to a segregated microstructure, in regard to both αphase morphology and α-lath orientation. Beam modulation, which has been used in conventional fusion welding to promote grain refinement, is explored in this study for use in additive manufacturing processes including electron beam freeform fabrication (EBF3) and gas-tungsten arc (GTA) deposition to alter solidification behavior and produce a refined microstructure. The dynamic molten pool size, induced by beam modulation causes rapid heat flow variance and results in a more competitive grain growth environment, reducing grain size. Consequently, improved isotropy and strength can be achieved with relatively small adjustments to deposition parameters.


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