Framework for Development of a Classification Procedure for Use of Aggregate Fines in Concrete

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Zollinger, Dan G. , 1952-
Sarkar, Shondeep L.

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Although data on use of aggregate fines in portland cement concrete are largely very encouraging, there is a lack of proper definition, and knowledge regarding nature, and characteristics of different aggregate fines, their properties, and effects on portland cement concrete. The focus of this project was to examine the methods and test procedures used in the past to characterize the properties of fines, and develop, on a preliminary basis, a framework to characterize and catalogue the properties of aggregate fines, propose new ones that would eventually complement a set of guidelines for the use of aggregate fines in portland cement concrete. A test run of this classification process is provided as a demonstration of its utility to distinguish aggregate fines possessing different properties and characteristics. Possible applications of aggregate fines, such as in high-performance concrete, controlled low strength materials, and insulated concrete forms are discussed as future directions of research.


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