Enumerating Equality: A Comprehensive Analysis of Anti-Bullying Policies Protecting LGBTQIA+ Student Wellbeing




James, Isaac W.

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Bullying and harassment of queer and trans students in the K-12 public education system is still a prevalent problem that leads to negative consequences for LGBTQIA+ student wellbeing. One strategy to reduce the amount of bullying and harassment directed towards queer and trans students is to enumerate sexual orientation and gender identity in anti-bullying law at the state level. To better understand the factors that contribute to a state legislature passing this kind of enumerated anti-bullying and harassment law, this thesis seeks to study eight different variables that encompass a wide range of considerations such as demographic information, legal precedent, and partisan control. Our findings indicate the presence of four statistically significant variables: Democratic presidential vote, Democratic unified government, the presence of a non-discrimination law, and the presence of a “no promo homo” law. By better understanding the factors that correlate with a state’s passage of this law, policymakers can be equipped with a more comprehensive understanding of their state’s positionality on this issue among other states. Similarly, advocacy groups and grassroots organizations can use this data to understand the most effective areas around which to conduct organizing and advocacy to progress LGBTQIA-inclusive anti-bullying and harassment legislation more effectively. A case study in the Texas Legislature is discussed to confirm the application of the theoretical findings to a pragmatic experience.


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