Introduction to The Angela Y. Davis Reader
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James, Joy
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Blackwell Publishers
For three decades, Angela Y. Davis has written on feminism, anti-racism, political philosophy, and liberation theory. Her analyses of culture, gender, capital, and race have profoundly influenced political and social thought, and contemporary struggles. The Angela Y. Davis reader presents interviews, essays, and excerpts from Davis's most important works, including her memoir, in four parts - Prisons, Repression, and Resistance; Marxism, Anti-Racism, and Feminism; Aesthetics and Culture; and Interviews - Davis examines progressive politics and intellectualism. The extensive introduction by Joy James both provides biographical background and contextualizes the intellectual development of Davis as one of the leading thinkers of our time.
Angela Y. Davis, Angela Davis, George Jackson, racism, sexism, feminism, anti-racism, political prisoners, prisons, prison industrial complex, incarceration, prison abolition, abolitionism, Black Panther Party, rape, resistance, liberation theory, Black Power Movement, Civil Rights Movement, Communist Party, SNCC, Black Feminism, slavery
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James, Joy. "Introduction." The Angela Y. Davis Reader. Ed. Joy James. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 1998. 1-25.