Great American women and their hats : costumes from history

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Spears, Laura

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Great Women and Their Hats: Costumes From American History, is an artistic installation featuring five women from America's past: Dolley Madison, Elizabeth Keckley, Lucy Burns, Lois "Lipstick" Long, and Zora Neale Hurston. These women all made little known, but important contributions to the state of women and America today. The pictures and research information for each woman will create an educational environment and background for the centerpiece of the exhibit…their hats! In my research for this project, I explored the role of the costume designer as an anthropologist. I researched each woman's life, her personal style, and hats of her time period. Then, I approached a moment from her life as if it were a scene in a play or movie, and designed a hat for that moment, based on the primary research. The hats I made serve as artifacts of the women and their time, and educate my audience about the contributions and achievements of these women to American culture and society.



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