Compressive and Bending Performance of Selectively Laser Melted AlSi10Mg Structures

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Murphy, D.
Fashanu, O.
Spratt, M.
Newkirk, J.
Chandrashekhara, K.

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University of Texas at Austin


Selective laser melting (SLM) is a widely used additive manufacturing technique that effectively manufactures complex geometries such as cellular structures. However, challenges such as anisotropy and mechanical property variation are commonly found due to process parameters. In a bid to utilize this method for the commercial production of cellular structures, it is important to understand the behavior of a material under different loading conditions. In this work, the behavior of additively manufactured AlSi10Mg under compression, bending, and tension loads was investigated. Vertical and horizontal build directions are compared for each type of loading. Specimens were manufactured using the reduced build volume (RBV) chamber of the Renishaw AM 250 SLM machine.


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