A Comparative Study Between 3-Axis and 5-Axis Additively Manufactured Samples and their Ability to Resist Compressive Loading

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Kaill, N.
Campbell, R.I.
Pradel, P.
Bingham, G.A.

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University of Texas at Austin


One of the main limitations of parts made with Material Extrusion (ME) is their anisotropic mechanical behaviour. This behaviour limits the functionality of these components in multi-directional loading conditions. A critical factor for this mechanical behaviour is the poor bonding between layers. 5-axis ME has the capability to orientate the printed layers in order to limit the effect of poor inter-laminar bonding. Previous studies have investigated 5- axis ME, but not fully explored 5-axis capabilities of this manufacturing technique. To address this gap, this paper compares the mechanical behaviour of 3-axis and 5-axis ME samples when subjected to compressive loading. The results demonstrate how depositing material in “3D layers” can improve the consistency of a sample’s mechanical behaviour. This study indicates that 5-axis ME can enable more isotropic behaviour in printed samples.


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