Exploring public and private modes of experience in the everyday banality of suburbia




Small, Jennifer D.

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I made the decision two and a half years ago that a photographic image was not the end of a making process for me, that there was still a story that had yet to be told about each image that I make and that I had not yet found a method of bringing together the images and the complete stories about the situations depicted in them. I wanted to explore all of the possibilities of telling stories and I felt that the Design curriculum offered me various opportunities to work with mediums that could replace or augment a photographic image as a means to tell a story. Throughout my work in the Design program I have moved from the singular image as a method of storytelling to supplanting that image with the written word, and finally to a hybrid form of these two methods. Through much iteration I have found a process of making work that uses various media to tell a story, and that finds various stages for these stories to reside. This work is first and foremost a reflection of my process. The products of this process are the stories I tell about a richly layered universe comprised of what I see. I view everyday life under a magnifying glass and I use that magnification as a starting point for a strange and often glorious daydream.



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