Hardware accelerator for ALICE ITS Cluster Finder

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Qazi, Anisa Aziz

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An integral part of the upgrade to the Inner Tracking System (ITS) of the ALICE detector is to support increased readout rates of the charged particles resulting due to increased interaction rate of 50kHz in Pb-Pb collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A major task of the ITS readout system is to compress the data and store it in the mass storage system for later analysis. The first step of data compression involves cluster finding on the pixel data received from ALPIDE sensors followed by Huffman compression. In this Thesis, we evaluate the resource requirements for implementing cluster finding on the Arria 10 FPGAs which are an integral part of the ITS readout system, in an attempt to reduce the computing nodes needed on the First Level Processors (FLPs) and also to speed up the processing. We present a hardware implementation of a single pass Connected Component Labeling algorithm. A special linked list based merger table that ensures a constant worst case latency for chained label mergers independent of their length is proposed. For retrieving the shapeIDs, pixels are segregated into clusters on-the-fly without the need to store labeled pixels in memory. Verilog code implementing this design has been written, a testbench for functional verification has been developed, and the design has been synthesized.


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