Informe de Auditoria 2010 - Primer Semestre 2012




National Audit Office of Argentina (Auditoría General de la Nación)

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This is an official report or audit of the "Secretaría de Minería" (the Mining Department or Secretary of Mining), specifically on the The report was created by Argentina's autonomous and constitutionally-created "Auditoría General de la Nación." This might be translated as "Auditor General of the Nation." The report includes the time period from 2010 until the first half of 2012. The goal or subject of the audit is "Management of Environmental Management Subprogram-II mineral Environmental Management Program for Sustainable Production in the Productive Sector in relation to Component 2, Bricked Craft Activity, and the following subcomponents of Component 3: (i) National Register of areas degraded by mining done in the past: survey data, training of personnel; (ii) Detailed Assessment of the environmental liabilities of the former foundry Metal Huasi in Abra Pampa -Jujuy- and remediation project; works executed and in execution." The audit includes technical information. It also includes information on the funding for Subprogram II, 80% of which came from the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB or IDB or in Spanish: BID) and 20% of which came from the Argentine government.

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