A case study of housing programs in the Historic Center of Quito : the need for planning direction (1990-2007)

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Donoso Gómez, Rosa Elena

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Since the 1990's, the Historic Center of Quito (HCQ) has been the center of a pioneering urban renewal experiment in Latin America (Rojas, 2004). The local government implemented a series of housing programs to help improve low-income overcrowded living conditions, increase the resident population and protect the patrimonial structures. These policies are relevant to current global trends aimed at historic centers as new places to live, invest or attract tourism. This report will examine the housing policy and its implementation in the context of Quito's overarching planning and development strategies. In particular, the paper will focus on the programs (1) "Casa de los Siete Patios", (2) "Vivienda Solidaria" and (3)"Pon a punto tu casa,". By examining the planning and social policies behind the programs, related financial constraints, issues of gentrification, and consistency with the Quito Historic Center Comprehensive Plan, the report will look for coherent housing policies to apply to the current urban and population environment. Using data from field research such as interviews and document review, I will analyze the benefits and deficiencies of these programs. Published data states that 70 percent of the total numbers of housing units in the HCQ are rented by low income populations (INEC-Census 2001); however, the current planning approach seems to ignore this trend and is reducing the possibility for low and middle income inhabitants to maintain their residence due to rising land prices and rents. This analysis will produce constructive policy critiques and provide recommendations for housing policy formulation and improvement.


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