Interesado, Defensor del Pueblo, Dictamen, March 29, 2007
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Vitti, Jeronimo
Maiztegui, Cristina
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This short document, just over a page long, is on the letterhead of the “Defensor del Pueblo de la Nación” (the national ombudsman’s office) of the Republic of Argentina. It has a space for a reference to “Actuación No. /07” but the space for the “Actuación” number is left blank. The document suggests the initiation of an action on the subject of “Lead contamination in Abra Pampa, Jujuy.” As reasons for this, it states that INQA, the Applied Chemistry Investigation Group from the National University of Jujuy, tested the blood of 233 people from Abra Pampa and found them to have high levels of lead. It is signed by Jeronimo Vitti, Area III, and Dr. Cristina Maiztegui, Boss of Area III.