Study of two-photon Line Excitation Array Detection microscopy

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Murphy, Samuel Alexander

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The functional meaning associated with neuronal activity in the mammalian brain is an active area of research limited by the available microscope instrumentation. Exploring this domain of neuroscience necessitates high-speed 3D imaging operating over 1 kHz volumetric scan rates with sub-cellular resolution, as action potentials propagate on sub-millisecond time scales. Monitoring these signals requires in vivo experimentation, so additional care must be taken to avoid invasive methods that may damage sample tissue to live animal subjects. Multi-photon imaging provides an opportunity for non-invasive microscopy with optical sectioning while simultaneously deeply penetrating brain tissue. However, current multi-photon microscopy methods are limited to 10-100 Hz volumetric imaging rates. This thesis explores and expands upon a potential high-speed 2-photon imaging technology, 2-photon Line Excitation Array Detection (2p-LEAD) microscopy. 2p-LEAD combines line scanning with detection via a multi-channel photomultiplier tube (PMT) array, with the potential to operate at 125 kHz frame rates. In the experimental prototype outlined in this thesis, a 1035 nm excitation line of 2.4 µm x 259 µm (1/e2 beam intensity diameter) is scanned at the focal plane. The resulting fluorescence is collected by a 16-channel linear PMT array. With a fast-scanning galvanometric mirror, we scan the excitation line at 3,000 FPS, generating a 170 µm x 75 µm fluorescence FOV imaged to a 16 x 320 pixel frame. Temporal focusing was implemented to improve optical sectioning and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), by reducing the out of focus fluorescent signal. This reduction was achieved by dispersing the pulse-width from 300 fs at the focus to multiple picoseconds. 0.5-2 µm fluorescent polystyrene beads were imaged to characterize the system resolution of 1-5.3 µm laterally. Thus this research lays the groundwork for 2p-LEAD imaging at 125 kHz, with an acousto-optic deflector replacing the galvo-mirror as the primary scanning element, for high-speed neuronal imaging.


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