Bridging the great divide: exploring the relationship between student engagement and educational outcomes for African American and Hispanic community college students in the State of Florida

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Greene, Thomas Gardner

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The purpose of this study was to develop a better understanding of the dynamics surrounding the relationship between engagement in educationally purposeful activities and valued outcomes of community college education. The primary goal of this study was to establish empirically the existence of the engagement–outcome relationship and then to identify and describe some of the more compelling educational practices the data suggested mattered most to enhancing the academic success of African American and Hispanic community college students. In general, the findings from this study empirically confirmed that the relationship between student engagement and quality educational outcomes exists. Further, this study described how this relationship varied, depending on how student engagement was operationalized and as a result of a number of student characteristics. Lastly, the study identified a limited number of pathways which the data indicated led to greater success for African American and Hispanic community college students.


