The development of microbead-based immunoassays: an application of the electronic taste chip

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Rodriguez, Marc David

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There are many people I would like to acknowledge for making graduate school a gratifying and challenging experience. First, I owe many thanks to my supervisor, Dr. John T. McDevitt, for his guidance and leadership from the very start. I have learned many valuable lessons, both on a scientific and personal level, from our discussions. I also hope to someday emulate his democratic nature and controllability during times of crises. Furthermore, I would like to express my admiration in the creativity and scientific-aptitude shown by Dr. McDevitt , Dr. Jason Shear, Dr. Eric Anslyn and Dr. Dean Neikirk in creating the “Electronic Taste Chip” project. I know someday, if not already, this research will come to fruition and benefit the lives of many people. Indeed, I am grateful to have been a part of this intriguing, cutting-edge technology. I would also like to acknowlege Dr. Dean Neikirk and coworkers for providing the McDevitt lab with a supply of silicon chips, Ginger Gillan for help in the early stages of immunology protocol development, and Jorge Wong who has contributed directly for the generation of the superporous beads as described in Chapters 3 and 4. Dr. Bruce Walker and Dr. William Rodriguez from the Harvard Medical School are thanked for useful discussion regarding infectious disease detection. I would also like to acknowledge the National Science Foundation IGERT Program for access to their research facilities at the University of Texas at Austin and the opportunity to meet with other excellent scientists. Although the classes and activities required more time, I feel I have gained an edge over others and feel as I am part of a very well respected program. Finally, I want to recognize my mother, father and sisters. Their support and belief in me has, and always will be, at the heart of my accomplishments.




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