Reuse aware data placement schemes for multilevel cache hierarchies




Wang, Jiajun, 1991-

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Memory subsystem with larger capacity and deeper hierarchy has been designed to achieve the maximum performance of data intensive workloads. What grows with the depth and capacity is the amount of data movement happened between different levels of caches and the associated energy consumption. Prior art [65] shows that the energy cost of moving data from memory to register is two orders higher than the cost of register-to-register double-precision floating point operations. As the cache hierarchy grows deeper, the energy cost on the large amount of data movement between cache layers has become non-negligible. Energy dissipation of future systems will be dominated by the cost of data movement. Thus, reducing data movement through exploiting data locality becomes essential to build energy-efficient architectures. A promising technique to improve the energy efficiency of modern memory subsystem is to adaptively guide data placement into appropriate caches with the performance benefit and energy cost of data movement in mind. An intelligent data placement scheme should only move data blocks with future re-reference into cache. As the working set size of emerging workloads exceeds cache capacity and the number of cores and IPs sharing caches keeps increasing, a data movement aware data placement scheme can maximize the performance of cache-sensitive workloads and minimize the cache energy consumption of cache-insensitive workloads. Researchers have noticed that exclusive caches have better performance compared to inclusive caches. However, high performance improvement is always at odds with low energy consumption. The amount of data movement and energy consumption of exclusive caches is higher than inclusive ones. A few state-of-the-art CPU caching insertion/bypass policies have been proposed in literature. However these techniques are either at great expense of metadata overhead when adapting to exclusive caches, or they focus on reducing data movement at the sacrifice of performance. On the GPU side, designing efficient data placement schemes also faces great challenge. CPU caching schemes do not work for GPU memory subsystems, because the SRAM capacity per GPU thread is far smaller than the number per CPU threads. The capacity of GPU on-chip SRAMs is too small to hold large data structures in the GPU workloads. Data with frequent reuse is evicted before it is re-referenced which results in high GPU cache miss rate. Keeping the above shortcomings of prior work and key limitations in mind, this dissertation focuses on improving the performance and energy efficiency of modern cache subsystems of CPU and GPU by proposing performance and energy sensitive data placement schemes. This dissertation first presents a data placement for multilevel CPU caches to guide data placement into appropriate cache layers based on data reuse patterns. PC is utilized as the prediction heuristic based on the observation of good correlation between memory instruction and the locality of the data accessed by the instruction. Unlike prior art that includes great overhead for meta-data (e.g., PC) transmission and storage, a holistic approach to manage data placement is presented, which leverages bloom filters to record the memory instruction PC of data blocks. The proposed scheme incorporates quick detection and correction of stale/incorrect bypass decisions and an explicit mechanism for handling prefetches. This leads to energy efficiency improvement by cutting down wasteful cache block insertions and data movement. To overcome the challenges on the GPU side, an explicitly managed data placement scheme in GPU memory hierarchy is presented in this dissertation. In order to improve data reuse of a popular HPC application and eliminate redundant memory accesses, data access sequence is rearranged by fusing multiple GPU kernel execution. Bank level fine-grained on-chip SRAM data placement and replacement is designed based on the microarchitecture of GPU memory hierarchy to maximize capacity utilization and interconnect bandwidth. The proposed scheme achieves the best performance and least energy consumption through reducing memory access latency and eliminating redundant data movement.


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