Writing with Pictures: Immersive Technology and 21st Century Professional Development




Carpenter, Russell

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In The Language of New Media, Lev Manovich asks, “What kind of space is virtual space?” (254). This seemingly simple question will pose a number of challenges for writing centers as they develop services that transcend physical space. As writing center administrators integrate new media and technology into their operations, they must continue to invent and articulate theory that informs the development of virtual spaces. In Heuretics, Gregory Ulmer poses a related question: “What will research be like in an electronic apparatus?” (32). Ulmer explains that the notion of spatiality has changed since the development and widespread adoption of the computer (Heuretics 36). Indeed, it has, and the cultural and political landscape of the university has changed as well, as educational technology and virtual spaces are often at the heart of many academic institutions.

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