I'm a Student, I'm a Tutor, I'm Confused!: Peer Tutor and Classroom Student




Kimball, Jennifer

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Writing centers that employ undergraduates offer the tutors invaluable experiences, and the undergraduate tutors bring a distinctive perspective and skill set to their work. Indeed, undergraduate peer tutors are in a unique position: as we work with writers to decipher instructor comments we may suddenly realize why “awk” was scribbled in the margins of our own papers; as we are writing a 10-12 page paper we may suddenly discover a new way to tackle paper organization with a tutee. Although all writing consultants wear many hats as diagnosticians, audience members, devil’s advocates, and guides, being an undergraduate adds another layer that influences the way peer tutors wear these other hats. Like other undergraduate tutors, my experiences in the classroom shape my abilities as a peer tutor and my experiences as a tutor impact my class work by providing me with useful tools and inspiration

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