Ignition Experiment In a Single-Turn-Coil Tokamak

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Carrera, R.
Driga, M.D.
Gully, J.H.
Hertel, N.E.
Hopf, J.
Hsieh, K.T.
Montalvo, E.
Walls, W.A.
Weldon, W.F.
Werst, M.D.

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A novel concept for a fusion ignition experiment, IGNITEX proposed along the lines of previous ideas for a compact thermonuclear device is analyzed. A single-turn-coil tokamak is analyzed. A single-turn-coil tokamak supplied by homopolar generators can ohmically heat a DT plasma to ignition conditions and maintain a thermally stable ignited phase for about ten energy confinement times. The IGNITEX experiment can provide a simple and relatively inexpensive way to produce and control ignited plasmas for scientific study.


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R. Carrera, M.D. Driga, J.H. Gully, N.E. Hertel, J. Hopf, K.T. Hsieh, E. Montalvo, W.A. Walls, W.F. Weldon, M.D. Werst, H.H. Woodson, C. Ordonex, T. Parish, M. N. Rosenbluth, “Ignition experiment in a single-turn-coil tokamak,” 8th Topical Experiment Meeting on the Technology of Fusion Energy, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A., October 9-13, 1988.
