"Come quickly sweet" Muslims : American foreign policy in the Middle East 1958-1963

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Barrett, Roby Carol

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This study focuses on the challenges presented by revolution and non-alignment to American Foreign policy in the Middle East, 1958 to 1963. Reflecting the alignment of the United States’ foreign policy apparatus, the Middle East is examined its broader definition encompassing the region from Morocco to India. This work explores the application of containment policy and its two pillars economic development and security assistance in the Middle East, and both the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations applied this policy. It also examines the impact of the alliance with Britain on policy, and where appropriate, it discusses the complicating issues of Israel and oil. This is done by breaking down the study by country and chronology providing the opportunity to evaluate the application, interaction, and changes in US policy as a given specific context changed. This also places US, and to a degree British policy, within a regional context in which local leaders and movements increasingly held the political and diplomatic initiative. It explores the relationship between non-aligned India and Egypt and the catalytic role played by Iraq. It scrutinizes the US role in region from the standpoint of increasingly complicated responsibilities, the challenge of Soviet encroachment, and the waning of British power and influence. Although almost 50 years past, the debates, the rivalries, and the policy conundrums of 1958 to 1963 are as germane to the debates of the 21st century as they were to the middle decades of the last.




