©he Bailli ©txan VOL. XXVI. A m o n g T h o s e In S ch o o l BY MABEL COOPER LESTER J. SACK FRANCES ETHEL W1PFF B. A. Shanblum of Fort Worth is one of those who survived the pre-j liminary debate tryouts. Last year he was a member of the Athenaeum’s I inter-soeiety championship debating; team, and before entering the Univer-j sity he participated in Interscholas­ tic League public speaking activities.! Shanblum, who is now a -middle-law student, made the honor roll several ; times during his academic period. He^ is a member of Sigma Alpha Mu fr a -J ternity. A U S T I N , TEX AS, T H U R S D A Y , N O V E M B E R 20, 192 4 No. 52 OXFORD WILL MEET TEXAS DEBATERS Laws and Pre-laws Clash for L FIL Fifteen Racquet Men CULLED ON CLARK Fight Way to Second FILLO Round of Touranment IT 3 P, IHI. Championship Today'WNR WILL BE HELO FIRST WEEK THETAS RECEIVE OF THREE RALLIES WILL BE H E L D T hr o ® o f I engineer in the University, will j Peregrinus Has M onopoly on Dan C. Hoffman of Brenham, a Mentor get his degree in June. Hoffman is J president of the senior engineers this year and was president of the junior class last year. He was elected re- J Gently to Tau Beta Pi, the Phi Beta. Kappa of the College of Engineer­ ing. "Ile has earned all of his ex­ penses in the University. This year and last year he was an assistant j in physics. He is a member of the American Society of Electrical En­ gineers, Ramshorn, and B. Hall A s-!L awi sociation. * ♦ Interclass Footall for This Season LAWS Fin TO WIN Dean Says “Little Brothers' Can't Enter School if They W in P o r t i o n P r e - L a w s i | McCullough Kuykendall I. I. e. Townes t . Cooper The issue editors on the sta ff of I Allen ...................I. g ............... Tolbert The Daily Texan are Rachel Dun- j Stephenson c ..................... Poteet away of Amarillo, Hal Bou rl and o f, fettle .....................r. g ................ Dupuy Houston, John Sammons of Austin, I Steinley ................ r. t .......... W oodruff Granville Price of Austin, ( hades McLynn ................ r. e.................. Selleh Banister o f Corsicana, Louis Ham- penick ..................qb................ Mensing lett of Austin, Dick Scurry of Dal- H o c k e r .................. I h..................... King of Marlin, j Reeves .................. r. h................... Sugg las, and Sam Johnson Each ..............f. b............. Terrell a week and is responsible for his is­ sue of the paper. issue editor works one night j Lumpkin B y V a n M, A n d r u s Thirty racquet wielders answered the fifth annual city the clarion call for partici­ pants in tennis tournam ent, and the Hefters got under w ay yesterday afternoon with fiftee n of the first round men reaching the second lap on the upwarb climb to the finals. to Top Stories to A ccom ­ odate Guests FOO 0. HILL EXES ♦ Berkley Bell, Austin High product, showed some real tennis in his first two matches. In the first round he easily defeated Terrell Sledge, Long­ In his second horn netman, 0-1, 6-2. | encounter of the afternoon he took into camp Lloyd Gregory, former cap- | tain of the Ijonghorn net teanv. Bell I has been playing sensational tennis Present Residents Will M ove ;,ll, this year a"d a WOl.nt future is before him. Louie Thalheimer, the Longhorn ace, played only one match, defeating Gensberg, 6-1, 6-2. Thal- I heimer showed his old form although he had not played for some time. A banquet November 26 for the visiting ex-members of B. Hall has F i r s t R o u n d R e s u l t s been announced by the B. Hall As­ Thalheimer d. Gensberg, 6-1, 6-2; is sociation. The banquet, which Key d. W illis, 6-4, 6-4; Boon d. F itz­ planned as a feature of the enter­ gerald, 6-3, 6-3; Hightower d. Peek, tainment for the men attending the Cy-l, 6-4; Brownlee d 70racy, 6-2, 6-3; , Hetinigr won by default; Thomas Won 3. Hall reunion, will be held at University Commons by default; Wilkinson won by default; Amman won by default; Mather d. Woodhead, 8-6, 6-3; Love d. Buck- lew% 6-2, 6-1; Penick d. Welch, 6-0, 6-0; Bell d. Sledge, 6-1, 6-2; Gregory won by default. Among those on the program for toasts are: D. A. Frank, of Dallas; E. A. Camp, of Rockdale; S. Gillis, if Cameron; and Dean H. Y. Bene­ fic e The music of the evening will he furnished by Brawley’.*? Orches- ra and a quartet, the latter com­ posed of Dunbar, Camp, Birkman, md Harker of B. Hall. Thomas vs. Boon match called on account of darkness; Wilkinson , d. the Hightower, 6-3, 6-1 in one of About 200 men are expected to lie fMtest and best matches of the day, here for the reunion, according t o 1 Love d Mather, 6-1, 3-6, 6-2; Funk- general I houser d. Penick, 6-1, 6-2; Bell d. Hamilton Lowe, who closest barge of the reunion. The present ; Gregory, residents of B. Had will move to the match 0f tourney. Gregory had the top .stories in order to provide room y0ung Austin High netter match j point, but failed to put over the win- tor their visitors. j ninjr point. S e c o n d R o u n d R e s u l t s 6-2, 5-7, 7-5, has GRIM SPECTRES The following matches will be play- i ed this afternoon: Second round sin- TO ENLIVEN CAT gles; completion of the Boon, Thomas I matches; Thalheimer vs. Herring; CHASERS’ DANCE Key vs- in Stac>’ va- Amman; Thin! round matches; winner o f the Thalheimer-IIerrin vs, winner of the Key-Brownlee set. Winner of Thomas vs. Boon set vs. Wilkinson. Winner of (Continued on Page 2) Award for Highest Scholas­ tic Record Presented at Pan-Hellenic Meeting At a meeting of Pan-Hellenic Wcd-j nesday afternoon Kappa Alpha Theta sorority was presented the cup for the highest scholastic average of last I year. Dom Parlin the; cup and complimented the girls of; the sorority on their good grades of last year. Stella Slade, Theta rep -! resentative to Pan-Hellenic, received j the cup. presented The cup will be kept by Kappa Al- 1 I pha Theta until next year, and if the sorority still has the highest av­ erage for this year, it will remain in its keeping another year. In the event a sorority has the highest average for three consecu­ tive years, the cup becomes the per­ manent possession of that organiza­ tion. For the past three years the Pi Beta Phi’s have had the highest averages, and as a result they now own a silver cup permanently. —o T urtle Club to A id N ational Red Cross W ith Cam pus Drive it Turtle Club will maintain a booth in the first hall of the Main Build­ ing all this weok and Monday of the next in the interest of the Na­ tional Red Cross drive which is sponsoring on campus. The the buildings will be placarded with ap­ propriate posters, and it is hoped that large number o f pledges will be a secured. At its meeting Wednesday night in the Woman’s Gym plans for the winter term program were discussed. From now on copies of “.Swimming” will be available to members of the Turtle Club in the office the Gym. The next .swimming practice will be in the first week of Decem­ ber. of and Gown Members Must Sign up Today for Banquet Says President at t h o b i g g e s t r a l l i e s o f t h o y e a r will b o b e l d F r i d a y , M o n ­ n i g h t s , a c ­ d a y , a n d W e d n e s d a y t o B o b P a y n e , c h i e f y e l l c o r d i n g l e a d e r . E a c h o f t h e s e r a l l i e s wi l l b e h e l d a t 7 : 1 5 n. rn. a t t h e M e n ’s G y m . T h e W e d n e s d a y n i g h t r a l l y will h e h e l d f o r b o t h t h e s t u d e n t s a n d e x - s t u d e n t s a n d will h e l a r g ­ e s t o f t h e t h r e e . T h e s p e e c h e s a t t h i s r a My will b e m a d e b y p r o m i ­ n e n t c x - s t u d e n t s , s a i d P a y n e . t h e SCHOOL ATTITUDE City and University Responsi­ bilities of Austin Frosh Co-eds Stressed xMore than one hundred girls a t­ tended the third meeting of the fresh­ men which was held in the Girls .Study Hall Wednesday afternoon at 5 o’clock. Girls residing at dormi­ tories met last Thursday afternoon, girls living in rooming houses met | Tuesday, leaving the Austin girls to j meet yesterday. co-educational The meeting was opened by sing­ ing led by Betty Leu W oolsey, fol­ lowed by a short talk by Dean Lucy J. Newton. Miss Newton brought out in her speech the responsibility of Austin girls to their city and Uni­ .She told of the advantages versity. over a of boarding school. “ I wish you girls would throw o ff the high school at­ in re­ titude,” stated Miss Newton attitude gard of former “ Don’t consider yourselves free to disregard the University regulations just be­ cause you have lived in a University atmosphere.” the improving freshman girls. schools to Miss Newton’s talk was followed by an introduction of the Freshman Council. The council members pres­ ent, Marian Broome, Elizabeth Bry­ an. Frances Foster, Annette Bellows, Mignon Reed, Katherine Ferguson, and Betty Lou Woolsey, in turn dis­ to be held cussed the Gymkana Thursday night at 7:15 in the Wom­ an's Gym. The meeting was closed by the singing o f “The Eyes of T ex­ a s” led by B etty Lou Woolsey. Boyd and W alker Question Will Be Condemna­ tion of French Policy To­ ward Germany IBIS TEH TO BE K E N Malcolm MacDonald, Son of Former Premier, Ie Mem­ ber of English Squad «« — T e x a s U niversity w ill m eet O xford U niversity o f England in d e b a te at Austin som e tim e during th e w eek o f Jan u ary 5 to IO, 1925. The s u b je c t of the d e b a te will he, "T hat this house co n d em n s th e p olicy of F ran ce to w ard s G erm an y since the the w ar," O xford a ffirm a tiv e side. ta k in g H o r n e r A r r a n g e s M e e t Debating Coach William O. Moore received a telegram Tuesday from J. K. Horner, coach at Oklahoma University, that he accepted terms from the Oxford debaters to meet both his team and Texas during the first week in January. He had previously asked Horner to make the arrangements. had the The Oxford men are at present making a tour of the United States, tfchedfUfdT with and have debates more than thirty o f leading colleges. They will be in the South­ west during the first part o f J an­ nary, and in addition to Texas and Oklahoma, will probably debate with Tulane or Louisiana University. This is a change from the original pro­ gram, which took them into the West, and Coach Moore states that Texas is very lucky to secure their visit. E n g l i s h R u l e s The contest will be held according to the methods used exten sively’ In England. Each side will be allowed three speakers, one of them the captain. The speeches will not be limited to any specific of time, and there will be only two re­ buttals made by the captains, lasting five minutes. The audience will de- length (Continued on Page 2) PFLUEGER TO READ FOON! G. KELLER T h e fin al episode, o f th e 1924 Intram ural fo otb all race w ill be p la y e d this aftern o on a t 5 o ’clock on Clark F ield b e tw e e n th e L a w s and th e Pre-Law s. Coach “H eavy” Henderson and Coach “Shorty” Sparks, mentors of the Laws and Pre-Laws respectively trotted their players out yesterday afternoon for the last practice per­ iod before the game and both teams wrent through a hard workout. L a w s H a v e E d g e - ---------------o Funereal music, wierd and The Laws have an edge on the Pre- Laws in several fields. They pos seas a weight advantage, they are a team of more experienced men, and they have shown up better in their two games and at practice than the future lawyers. Dopesters give them a fourteen point advantage. Coach Henderson has been working hard in an effo rt to keep the morale of his- team at the proper pitch, for although eerie, he realizes that he has the shade on strains in will shriek out his opponents he does not care to in­ when Steve Gardner tunes up Friday crease the chances for an upset in night for the Pre-Med dance. The the intramural dope. Law players grave yard effect will be carried out would not talk in regard their in all details. The hall will be in ab- chances for the title. But even though a few they did not talk it is a fact th a tj^ k d e darkness except for out on the Law hill yesterday a fte r -1 ghastly, illuminations, noon they went through a s tiff prac- Skeletons will peer forth from the; Skulls, most unexpected tice. with their wicked, but indispensible Pre-Laws to the final game in the accomplices, the crossbones, will strike intramural race has instilled a mark- ^ear ‘n hearts of tiinin the Girls Study Hall. against a formidable, more ie need aggregation. In addition to will be Dr. and Mrs. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Dean and Mrs. Hub­ bard, and Miss Anna Hiss, as well as all those cold-blooded and unfeel- , ., i mg instructors of the science depart- iment. Roy Cakier, the chief mourn- , er, will lead the grand march. Today is the last day for signing I Kerbow, Hope Ridings, Betty Thed- up for the Cap and Gown banquet j ford. Helen Bentley, Hazel Berg- that is to be held at the Driskill Ho- i storm, Marjorie L. Oliver, Lucy tel Friday night at 7 o’clock, stated j Moore, Ora Brown, Rachel Dunaway, ... Lorena Holder, Thelma Sholwalter, l Ruth McMillan, president of the or­ Ophelia Schaeffer, Dorothy Price, ganization. This affair is formal and marks Elizabeth Stamps, Inez Alford, Mil­ the last entertainment of the organi- dred Carson, Lucille Ellis, Dorothy station this term. Each senior is to | Pettigrew, Winifred Anderson, Wi- for \ the j nona Gause, Mary Dunlap, Elizabeth bring one dollar w ith her Wroe, Joyce Garrett, Anne Katherine banquet fee, stated the president. A card will In* placed in Miss New-[George, Ruby Peek, Anne Kelley, Ba­ ton's office Thursday morning until j telle W illis, Bess Alexander, Celeste I o’clock for all seniors, members on Graves, E. Abshear, W, Hargis. M. not members of Cap and Gown, to [Cotter, Marion Evans, Mary Goid- m$n, Ruth Hargraves, Pauline Hay- sign for a place at the banquet. Guests for th e occasion will be beck, Mildred Beall, Margaret Bra- President and Mrs. Splawn, Dean and cher, Hildegarde Manche, Dottle Students from Lubbock County Mrs. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. John; Pierce, Rosalie Biggin, Flora Hold- last A. Lomax. Miss Ione Spears, Mi&sjman, M. Duncan, V. Hallinan, Ruth Jones, Emmie Wheatley, Mary G. Yarbrough, Winnie Nance, Naomi Cropper, Ruth Pierce, Mildred Ellis. Bernice Strawn, B. M, Hancock, Lou­ ise Fox, Dorothy Findley, Mary Ger­ many, Leola Martin, Christine Mar­ shall, Martha Taylor, Lillian Barber, Emma Laura Evans, Lucille Whar­ ton, Clara Clift, Mildred Ralph, and Dupree, president; and Guy Bradley,! Seniors who have signed up thus executive tar are: Bertha Looney, Mildred which the Pre-Laws must face come? j committee was formed, composed of j Fielding, Margar et Mary Fielding, from j Josephine McHugh, Claurice Phillips, j Mary McMillan, Antoinette Burns, the rumored announcement o f the and Howard Ferguson. Those pres J Virginia Harper, beulah Pinson, Lois Dean Hildebrand that in case ; overwhelming defeat of the Laws a tje n t were: A. W. Hudson, VV. D. Ben-i Wilcox, ( h a rlo ts Knowd, D. Mims, I the hands of the Pre-Laws that a d -hum, C. M. Phillips, Andrew Castle I Rosemary Walling, Alice Newton, ; mission requirements to the Daw: bury, Glen Burgess, Lester Strickle, Schol will be raised for the I*re-Law'; Howard Ferguson, C. C. Hoffm an, gridsters, or some steps IGI! be taken Mf, and Mrs. Charles Dupree, Eliza- to make their entrance to the Law belk Robins, Josephine McHugh, Edith Peak, Ruby Peak, Blanche Ba- School extrem ely difficult. ^ Rijth McCiung, Helen Konjias, Flo- j Dorothy Fisher. rine Ashcroft, J i m m i e inmon, Fran-i All seniors whose names do not ces Cox, Anna Marshall, Elizabeth appear on this list and who expect Greenlee, Elizabeth Tucker, Irene Ko-1 to go, and whose names may be spell- hoe, Ha Wee Williams, Gladys Blair,! ed wrong, are asked to odgn on the in Miss N ew ton s office today, The tentative starting line-ups fur jeon, Boyce Pember, Guy Bradley, j' eris Clayton, Elizabeth Eby, Mar- card exper- j The officers elected were: John I Rev. Murphy and mother. J Anna Hiss, Miss Lucy Newton, and C ounty Club Elected O fficers of Lubbock other handicap?jsecretary-treasurer. An | the game are: [John Dupree. .ion Goode, Frances E. VV I pf f, Fram es stated the president. T alk to A rchitects Swjf* w Iiter. U , Fa"loul Short Stories in German Speaking Countries at Dr. L. A. Pflueger of the Modern Language Department will read this afternoon from 5 to 6 in room '? 12 of the Education Building the weekly public reading. The selec­ tion will be taken from “The Three Righteous Combmakers,” by Gott- friend Keller, famous Swiss writer Members of advanced architectu­ ral classes attended informal lectures Wednesday morning by Dr. Knicker­ bocker Boyd, a prominent Philadel­ phia architect, and F. W. Walker, secretary o f the Associated Tile Man­ ufacturers o f America. Dr. Boyd made a general talk on architecture as a profession, and Walker spoke on Keller wrote lyric poetry of con­ the tile industry, illustrating his dis­ siderable merit; but his strength is cussion with samples of tile products. not to be sought there. As a novel­ Both Dr. Boyd and Walker are ist he ranks higher. His chief con- on their way to the meeting of the tribution in this field is the eduea American Institute of Architects to It is, be held in San Antonio Thursday.I tional novel “Green Henry. While in Austin they were en tertain -; however, in the short story that kel- local members of the I n s t i - ; ^ really found himself. Here he ed by in German first j probably .stands speaking countries. EN G I N E ER I N G F R A T The beat known collections of hi? short stories are called “Tales of Zu- WILL H E A R S PE AKE R; rich” and “ The People of Seldwyla.” This latter hook consists of tales that in or near the imaginary transpire Tau Beta Pi, honorary engineering little Swiss city of Seldovia, fraternity, will meet tonight at 7:15 in the Engineering Building. Keller had an exuberant imagina- tion, and an unfailing g ift of iftven- There will be at this meeting, ac- tion. His analysis o f his characters, cording to the president, William H. j especially of his female characters, Wilson, a talk by an important speak-; is very keen. He paints with the er, a discussion of the forthcoming j most realistic detail, and has the gift initiations, and the appointment of J of making his scenes stand forth with committees, the utmost vividness. . Rachel Dunaway, a senior in the University, is the only girl acting as issue editor this year. Miss Dun­ is national president of the away Y. VV. C. A., a member the Orange Jackets, the Senior Coun­ cil, and Theta Sigma Phi, honorary and professional journalistic frater­ nity for women. of Hal Bourland is president of the a corres­ Harris County Club and leading news pondent for papers over the State. He will get his Master of Journalism degree in August. several John Sammons, junior, is president o f the Department of Journalism. He is a member of Sigma Delta Chi, honorary and professional journalis­ tic fraternity for men. This sum­ mer he worked his way to Europe where he spent some time. Granville Price, junior, was award­ ed the silver medal last year for be­ ing the best reporter. He was an issue editor during the summer. He plans to get a B. J. degree next year. He was a member of the publicity committe for the Stadium drive. Charles Banister, a senior in the University, who has applied for a B. A. degree, is a member of the Men’s Honor Council. He is a mem­ ber of Sigma Delta Chi. Louis H am lets an applicant for a B.A. degree this year, is an honor roll student. He has taken an active part in the Journalistic Department since his entrance into the Univer­ sity. is Dick Scurry, a law publicity director for the Curtain Club. Last year he took an active part in the stadium drive. student, Sam Johnson, a junior in the Uni­ versity, will get a B.J. degree next year. He is Sunday editor o f The Texan. He is a member of the Var­ sity track team. COACHES Now is the time when your services will be in demand, for many students have discover­ ed that they need outside aid to pass their c o u r t s . Bring them to you with a T E X A N W A N T AD RATES 6 T im e. ..........................11.OO 3 T im e. 65c ©th ii ai la %%Mn F ir r t Cllhfl Daily th# S*“itii in PaW bhH rn th# t* m p m af th* University of Teal tm CNC* «*e#pt Monany ftvaircw o»#**. Main B uilds* 15*. Telapbon* I i i* . Bd i tor mi o«c*. J- Hail 7. Telvpboo* SIS*. p rin t* * by lh# U niversity of T cum P raia, A. C. W rhfht, M ana**r, J . Bail- W th* T«z m Stn4*i»ta PablS«*tl<«*, EDITOR IAL STA FF MOULTON "TY” COBB...., STEW ABT H A R K R ID ER.. DOROTHY A N N F IS H E R Editordn-Chlef Managing Editor Editorial Assistant William L. MoGill _ . . . Robert L. Murphree .... A. B. Smith— ---- — — ... T. Wilton E r w in . B ert Dyke— .....— — Boone Crisj>~«------------ .................. Z . BUSINESS S T A F F .............. .................. Supervising Bowne** Manager .................„ ....................... Assistant Manager ..Advertising Manager .........Assistant Advertising Manager .Circulation Manager Office Manager ______ _ _______ ________ TODAY'S S T A F F .. Granville Price Sarah Thaxton M arg aret Cousins Gray Gillette Eliza beth Rice — Victor Emanuel _ Shirley Lomax — Issue Editor Assistant Issue E ditor Assistant Issue Editor Assistant Issue Editor r Society Editor Sports E ditor _______ Theater E ditor SPO RTS W RITERS J. Pkk McMurray M«f Arnett Tom turn-*** \ m M A adm* H a m er Rim** An*** S ':* man Max Hamburg*? B#** Marsh T nm Butler SO CIETY W R ITE R S Ma he I B rockhotia«n Isabel Blackm an Bens M inter J u a n ita F o u ta ia L illian H arw ell M a rg are t B arclay M aurine R utland Rebec<*a B radley Jo sep h in e Tea* REPORTERS K*th#r»n# P-wh Dari* Hf«ef*#i» D arcth jr Y*t#* B -inrm tt* May** G. He A Iii* tar Mi* nor R*'-d M ary B* I i v ia Mf i*i# Ca*U« Verd* J a r r r ll L fllia* K la s e r R obert Se* An ni # D u r h a m Thorn** S m ith I>u41#y W y n n Ke n a c tk Clough Edward Steer* Max Jacob* I,oui** Byre* E lm er C alahan r»arth*«ihi W ilco* R uth Swindell* A lbert H u rle r M aurine W alker Jo h n J la via L e al*# Po* Ca»t#*l O arlla E lizabeth Se bn ta# Wi l l i am A v r e t t Jimmie Bar*# W alton P e te e t E arl W ilson A r th u r M erch an t B arry Blabop H udjie I.a n ra s le r E lizabeth Baldw in B lanche H orn V ivian Field* Fielding E arly Sam nel N ew ton F red Sherw ow l Ayne* M atcek Wrn K. Sm ith Ja c k M cD erm ott E tta M artin Almost every' day a home town club is organized in the Uni­ versity. The most recent club was formed by the students here from Fredericksburg. The Texan is glad to see these clubs or­ ganized, and hopes many more will be perfected during the fall term. The organizations could be of great benefit to the school while the Legislature is in session this winter. You can't keep the women out of politics. Spain’s first wom­ an mayor took office recently at Cuatre Tondeta. This appoint­ ment is considered significant inasmuch as Spain has no law giv­ ing suffrage to women. Many men used to object to women and preachers taking an active interest in politics, but all classes of people should be encouraged to take part in governmental affairs. It’s certain they can’t make politics any more corrupt. Oxford’s acceptance of an invitation to debate against the University of Texas team in January is a mark of recognition to the quality of debating done here. Our debating teams in the past have ranked among the best in the United States. The Ox­ ford, England-Texas debate will be epochal, and should attract the largest audience that ever listened to a college speaking con­ test in Texas. You have to hand it to college students for being resource­ ful in the art of gathering in the ducats. Charles T. Wrightson from Fresno, recently arrived at Oregon Agricultural College California. He is a commercial flier and has conceived the novel idea of bringing his plane to school with him and taking up pas­ senger* during his spare time to pay his college expenses. We expect that some of Charles’ profs would be a little afraid to go up in the airplane with him. Sixty sororities at the University of Michigan voted on the sorority houses. question of permitting girls to smoke in the Fifty-nine of the sixty voted against the practice. I f a vote were taken here, we believe all thirteen of the sororities would vote against the practice. There are perhaps a few girls in the Uni­ versity who smoke cigarettes, but the number is very small. There is less .smoking among college girls than among any other If a girl wants to smoke, perhaps she should be group of girls. allowed to do so, but pity the girl who wants to smoke. A boy m a y not object to other girls smoking, just so his girl doesn’t indulge. THU COLLEGE WOMAN IN BUSINESS “We have noticed within the last year a reaction against the college woman in business. Whatever the cause, is forced upon us from day to day as we talk with business men, that they are unwilling to take the college woman on her record of pa I experience, but will bring her into their organizations on their estimate of her present worth to them as a ‘green hand,’ ’’ says the Smith Alumnae Quarterly. fact the Admitting that this statement is true, there is nothing dis­ tressing about it. The Texan does not believe there is any such thing as a reaction against either college men or college women aa a class, but against individuals. It is sad but true that a col­ lege education does have the tendency to make us overestimate our knowledge and the value we would be to a business firm. The reason that some college students, both boys and girls, to make good in business, is that they are unwilling to start at the bottom. It has been said that a lawyer should know everything; a young lawyer. This is also true to some extent of young doc­ tors, Journalists, salesmen, and all other classes. College train­ ing in worth a great deal to us; in fact, it is said that it is worth more than $70,000 to us, but we cannot cash in on imme­ diately. fail it lf college men aud women will be willing to start at the bot­ tom, begin on the same basis as high school graduates and others, and then work to the very best of their abilities, they will make good arid lie promoted rapidly. A college education is worth in ­ to us unless we are willing to work diligently after we leave It la not an end to success within itself, but a means to an end It alone means little; hard work alone often does not mean much; but a college education phis hard work will assure) the college woman in business ultimate success. There rn no reaction against the college woman in business— ; tile reaction is against the lazy college woman in business. BILLY STIFF HOTSY TOTSY! By Alexander OFFICIAL NOTICES White Section rallies. Editor, Daily T ex an: There baa been much argument the Curtain about and concerning Club, and the group of ambitious one* who have a tte m p te d to shatter precedent and strike out for them­ selves by giving a play to of their It is their m isfortune in this own, p artic u la r they are the club, and thus are members of about to bring the club's name into disrepute, and sham e upon all mem­ bers of the University dra m a tic or­ ganization. incident th a t In all the fifteen years which the C urtain Club has lived never has it l*een so near the edge of the yaw n­ ing abyss of public disapproval; and all this brought about merely because Gaines, Akin, Williamson, Miss Bur­ nett and Miss W est have taken it to present a play upon with which the C u rta in Club has nothing to do, and will have nothing to do. The club as an organization has washed its hands completely of this affair. themselves The fa ilu re of "T he Rope" will not the C urtain bring discredit upon is not Club, for th e C urtain Club the sponsoring, siding, or abetting play. The success of the play will in no way reflect credit to the C ur­ tain Club fo r the same reason. Let it be finally understood th at this a f ­ fair Is a private Ona over which the C urtain Club has no control, and de­ sires to have none* headlines to the co ntrary notw ithstanding. M. E. W ILLIAMSON. ALL GIRLS who have decided not to sit in the W hite Section at the Thanksgiving game come to the gym­ nasium and scratch their names from the list; otherwise they will be held responsible for the price of the seat. J , SCHMID. T H E R E will be a meeting of the sophomores at the Law Auditorium Thursday n ig h t at 7:30 p. rn. Every sophomore is urged to attend. S N EED LEVY. ALL MLM BERS o f the Sigma Alpha Epsilon and Kappa Alpha f r a t e r ­ nities who have not had th e ir pic­ tures made for the C actus please do so today. ORGANIZATION EDITOR. at 4 o'clock a t Men’s Gym. FR ESHM AN BAND practice Friday It is necessary there as there will be much to decide upon and do for the A. & M. game. th a t all men be DIRECTOR. hand TH E R E will be a rehearsal Thursday a t 7:30 at the W om en’s Gym, All Longhorn and freshmen members m ust bo present. DIRECTOR. FRESHMAN girls please come to the Gymkarma tonight a t 7:15 in the Woman's Gym. MARIAN BROOME. FRESHM AN girls pay dues (25c) at i 111 Main Building. FRA N C ES FOSTER. 10-mile ALL HIK ERS who have not had two m anager hikes, phone (3404) F riday afte rnoo n between 2 and 4 :3Q. M ARGUERITE LANG. M EETIN G o f freshm an council ati foreign office and the Admiralty in Photo Laboratory, 216-.J, M. BM Holland during the l a t t e r p a rt of the Monday afternoon a t 4 p. rn. to have war, and he won the Lothian prize picture made for Cactus. Meeting in 1921. He was a f i r s t class in th e wil be held afte rw a rd in 157, M. B. Final History School of 1923, and is an active supporter of E x-P rem ier Asqu ith . P R E S ID E N T . IN TERC O LLEG IA TE d eba te tryou ts E*-Premi«r'* Son in rn. to nig ht COACH, m eet F rid ay a t 4 p. LA TER TU LIA meet* at 7:30 in Girls Study Hall to initiate the? Malcolm McDonald, son of the re- Law A uditorium to draw for places, cent Prem ier Ramsay McDonald, is) In 1923, he contested th e | a cripple. ! Bassetlaw Division of Nottingham-) shire the genera! election as a J labor candidate, and was beaten by .3,000 votes. He is still a prospective constituency. candidate from M. C. Hollis, the o th e r member, was president of the Union at Oxford in 1923, and has co ntribu ted to several the O u t­ English papers, look. COMPANY A, 111th Engineers, will meet a t the Armory on Speedway at 7:30 p. rn. tomorrow. Members are com m anded to rep o rt promptly. new members. Bring fees of $1. including / ( APT. GEO. IL CANTRELL, th a t in T H E R E will be a meeting The Texas rep resentatives will be of Tau chosen from the following: J. M. B a ­ ffeta Pi, honorary Engineering fra - Bhara* C. B. Beard, Paul Bledsoe, Ty in the En- Cobb, Wilson Cowen, F. Joyce Cox, tern ity, gineering Building. All m em bers be S. A. Crowley, Edwin Davis, J. A. j Gos< h, Raymond G erhardt, Ed Lee present. I Gossett, J. R. Hamilton, J. P. H a rt, tonight a t 7:15 P R ES ID EN T. - ALL MEM BERS o f the j W. Hughes, Glen Lewis, R. W. Mac- f r e s h m a n ; Donald, Gordon Marsh, E. A. Math- tonight at tho er, M. O. Rogers, Thom as A. Rousse, rn. It is n e e -T i. D. Sansing, B. A. Shanblum, M, hand be a t practice Women’s Gym at 7 p. canary th a t all members be present Wise, B. Woodall. a t all practices between Thanksgiving, now and --------------° — *~ TENNIS (Continued from Page I) DIRECTOR. the ALL MEMBERS of freshm an band tu rn in their blanket taxes to D unnagan or Gilbert by Thursday If yop have already secured night. tickets on them, turn the ticket ob­ tained tax. All mem­ bers who do not have blank et taxes I t is neces­ see Dunnagan at once. sary th a t all members who desire to play in the A. & M, gam e do this at once. in with the DIRECTOR. NO ORANGE JA C K E T meeting to­ night. AH members repo rt at the MARION P E N N . ------------ ~o—------------ DEBATE (Continued f r o m p a g e I ) the Stacy-Amman set vs. Love; F u nk - | houser vs. Bell. D o u b t e a D r * WH The doubles will probably not s t a r t until F rid ay afternoon but the d ra w ­ ing has been made and the following team s will meet: Thalheim er and Sledge vs. Minchan and Stiles; Shep­ pard and McCandless vs. Gensberg and H erring; Funkhouser and Love vs, Brownlee and Van Sickle; H ig h­ tower and Wilkinson vs. Ritter and Wuk&sch; Thomas and M ather vs. Buckalew and A rn e tt; Brewster and Key vs. Peek and Woodhead; Amman and Bell vs. Gregory and Penick; Boon and Willis vs. Gracy and Morse. All participan ts will meet on the University squad courts promptly a t 2:30 o’clock. the winner, each one present iffTsinroiiiwwniinimMffiiiiHiHiiinwmiifiifnwniifiimmfnfiwiwimiHiiiiiHHi tide casting one vote. SPECIAL SALE ON NEW FICTION AND NOVELS at prices considerably below list. This is your opportunity to select a few Christmas presents. Make Y our Selections Early The Co-op The three debaters for Texas Uni­ versity will be selected Decem ber 5, at the second prelim inary elimina­ tions fo r the debating squad. Out of the twenty-four that survived the twelve will be tryouts of Friday, three who are eliminated, and to meet Oxford will be three highest of the survivors. the the th a t T a lk to A u d i e n c e Reports of the debates the Oxford team has already held with American schools show th at the Eng­ lishmen use a d iffe re n t style of a r ­ gum ent from th a t usually heard in debates in this country. T hey talk freely along the general lines of the question, devoting as much of their effo rts to winning the audience as to developing the case, as contrasted with the American style of arguing along organized systematically form. a stud en ts who Three University have already won fame fo r them ­ selves in the political world of E n g ­ l a n d compose the Oxford team . J. D. W oodruff, the captain, is a liberal, an ex-president of tho O xford Lib­ eral Club. He hag served under the La Poudre A ux Y eux Y.M.C.A. Auditorium French Comedy in Two Acts the F rench De­ P resen ted by p a rtm e n t of the University of Texas Tuesday, Nov. 25, 1924 a t 8 p. rn. Doors Open 7:30 p. m. O rchestra Selections 7 :30-8 DR. J. S. KOENIG C h irop od ist— F o o t S p ecia list 321 L ittlefield Bldg. Phone 4855 a Uli!I11l!lJI»in!i!lHillUimni!U!{llll!ai!!iUtmum!iit!!!Ulir!!UlfIH!II11!!mnilItlllk I Eat at the BON TON CAFE Always for the University in Everything 609 Congress niiiininiiiwuBiiiRmmwitiiiniiHfitfiiitiiHHnittiiminiifiiiHtniiiiifiHtnniimfiiiimtiiHrHtHitiiiiiiiimiiminmwfiiii^HHiHtfiMRtffmiHiiRiiiimtmmHUfr I STUDENT SPECIAL RATE I r£ SH Special Rate to Co-eds PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE In o u r Dry Cleaning a n d Dyeing D e p artm en t we give One-Day Service Ju st T e le p h o n e 6 4 4 4 DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY GOOD WORK OUR HOBBY C A L L 3 7 0 2 HOME STEAM LAUNDRY 211 East 5th Street W A R R E N ’S READY-TO-WEAR SPECIALS novelty silks ..... 15.00 22.50 and 25.08 silk dresses of satin crepe, and 20.00 warm coats of the new ­ est cotings, self and fur trim m ed 15.00 E ntire stock of furs, including the popular Thibitines— AT 20 P ER CENT OFF 25.00 fu r and self trimmed w in­ te r coats, new I O * 7 C ................... A O * f +J colors 30.00 fur trim m ed coats of Bo­ livia and novelty "7 CL coatings ...................JfaO* I O 27,50 and 30.00 faille, Bengaline and satin crepes silk dresses- 18.75 32.50 and 35.00 silk dresses of fine crepes and .......... novelties 25.00 dresses of crepes 54 p0 fine f u r trim med coats of O Q C A novelty coatings, new shades ..... O j . D U 18.75 silk failles and novelty silks 62.50 and 75.00 coats of trimmed fu r lustrous Bolivia and 2 X - 49.50 navy Hairline strip e serge and in new models blue 13.75 dresses black • 10.00 Up to 12.50 value w inter hats of velvets, and felts.. : :.... 4*98 a n ’‘Bobbed” New solids and novelty ....... p attern s ..... * sw eaters in 5.75 Girls winter coats of solid and plaid materials, some with f u r collars— 1-5 O F F robes New bath tern s; d ark and light shades ......... in new pat- 3.00 Sells for Cash Sells for Less AI S . GREENBERG’S Where E ye s Are Examined and the B est Glasses A re Made See Us and You’ll See Better 8th and Congress In Practice Since 1895 714—On the Avenue J _ H E P A I L Y T E X A N t h e a t e r c a l e n d a r anco ck. A us t in C o mm u ni t y players pr e s en t “A d a m and Eva " Q u een: Marie P re v o st and M on­ te B lue in “ The L over o f C am ille." Majestic* G lenn H u n t e r in “ M er­ ton o f the Movies." Texas: “ P en rod and Sa: " ho p la y s R odney B itts. J he a u d ien ce w a s com posed for the m ost p a rt o f “to u g h ie * ” w ho had cen a ttr a cted to the scen e when they uir.y — ........... , r l - f ' ™ 1 aUt0m0bil**> o f P lay. E v id e n tly th e “t o u g h ie s ” took the m a k e-b eliev e f ig h t too se rio u sly . th a t sta te m e n t lif t e r a n n o u n cin g t h e ir co m p lete ro ste r o f noted p la y er s t o ' a p p ea r in th e screen versio n o f H a r r y ! i^eon Leon W ilso n ’s p o p u la r n ovel . " J I ****** G lenn H u n ter , th e “ M erton ” w ho c a p tiv a te d th e N ew York sta g e , has th e s ta r r in g role. V iola D a n a , p etite -"tar, is fea tu r ed o p p o site him a s B ai­ su per- lie “ F lip s ” M on tagu e, m o v ie-so p h istic a te d a c tr e ss w ho leads h is d a n g lin g fe e t to the dizzy h e ig h ts o f su cc ess. th e ‘ Lover of C am ille” Q ueen J oday E v e r y m an has one real in his life tim e , and it is th e p o rtra y a l o f such a love th a t is th e them e o f* “T he love I ter today- T h is sh o w in g a t the i« — t he , sic 'if th e S creen . I t in clu d es W il­ lard, W in ifred B ry so n , P ie rre G en- Mine'r and0n H u r st- and C arlton with Uavid Belasco, o f th e S a o h a r ™ 1 t f y P la y , -D e b u r a u - M o n t. f c D: b^ M arie P re™ , ‘ ' C am elias C am elias »ppo8i t ? hlf 11 ° p p o a lte him L ady 7 T h ere is a d istin g u ish e d su pp ort h i* c a st in th is W arn er h r o a c |a a _ i s ;"',u,u “e m ta tu a te d m a n y ti o f th e i C ‘ ° Uld h a v e hut one love. I f c o u ld "iiS e- 7 n 0nc° “ *d th a t a m ap h.. ....... Uated m a n y C m es, but a 'u m a t h e Io yes a w o m a n s h e might sink t o s o c i a l ladder and his l o v e fo r h e r would re m a i n u n fa lte r in g . l o w e s t d e p t h s o f t h o SC ARBROUGH’S MAN’S SHOP “ M erton of the M ovies” at M ajestic Today. * M erton o f the M o v ies,” the d elic­ o f is “ the p ic­ io u sly sa tir ic a l H o lly w o o d ’s m ovieland , tu re w ith th e p erfe ct c a s t .” co m ed y -d ra m a Jes.se L. I.ask y, f ir s t v ice-p resid en t o f th e F a m o u s P la y e rs-L a sk y C orp o­ ration in ch a rg e o f p ro d u ctio n , m ade There Is a D istinctive Standard Shoe For E very O ccasion Here’s a Tuxedo ■ That’ll be Asked Again! $55.00 J T W K - i IN SOCIETY ULTI! Dt.-'r ELIZABETH RICE Editor GRACE G R A F T S A s s t . Editor - N =t= Hogg Debating Cbb Holds Fall Term Open House A ___ __ ______ T h e H o g g D eb a tin g C lub en ter- Pacify Club . th e T e x a s B ible 'tallied about f i f t y m em bers and g u e sts o ♦ 1 p T u esd a y nigfvt a t C h a ir w ith an open h ouse fro m t ill l l 8 , T hdJni v ers tty F a c u lty C lub w ill entertp S a tu r d a y n ig h t at th e club house ith a b rid ge p a r ty . M rs. M. T h e fe a tu r e o f th e p a rty w a s a com- — im* a u n u g e p a r ty . M rs. M. in c h a rg e o f a rr a n g e- shniilH Vie allow ed as m ents nd a ll m em bers o f the- club .t im e r s ut m e - ciun ic d eb a te on th e su b jec t, “ R esolved , j B. P otr th a t a m an sh ould be a w w c u jgT — m a n y w iv e s a s a r e n ece ssa r y to sup- u n,) ^ p la n n in g to a tte n d a re asked p o rt h im .” T h e a ffir m a tiv e sid e w as rep resen ted by D u d ley W yn n H ow ell H ap p , w h ile th e n e g a tiv e w a s J d efen d ed b y Gordon M arsh and L a- F r r ia L i t e r a r y von L ovin ggood . T h e th r ee ju d g e s, S c i e t l e a tw o o f th em U n iv e r s ity co-ed s, r e ­ tu rn ed a u n a n im o u s v er d ict in fa v o r to wa r e se r v a tio n s w ith h er a n d j l a N tm F r id a y . * * * * not is B en S . W oodhead, a fo r m e r m em w a s ch eered to th e in c CIUmj Woo * b er o f th e club h is p r e se n ta tio n o f th e G rand gcho in Hi® u tcoviiva,fc*vi* w— -— ,r io u s O r t a * W eek ly G r u a t, F ^ ra H o ste sse s o f and G loriou s G rizzly W eek ly H e g a v e ta k e -o ffs on p r a c tic a lly a ll, I ne Iranrptj t i olio I f a » i, • leria L ite ra r y S o c ie ty w ill cn ­ i c i n r id a y a fte rn o o n fro m 5 to 6 a la a t the hom e o f the p r e s i­ E n field . f t ! M cK eever, !f,a s g iv e n in honor o f th e new 'n honor o f th e nm a ffa ! th e in he ) ran ees W ells, E lo ise B ak er, Louise L ew is. o f th e a ffir m a tiv e m em bers o f th e club. V B ra d y M orris g a v e IO “ T h ree H un ------- dred R ea so n s W h y G irls Shou ld Be L onghorn A llow ed le ss. H e to P la y on th e * * * * >pa Alpha - L l T e a bt? i s r; it cit T h u rsd ay a f t e r ,,,,.,, ck T h u rsd ay a fte rn o o n a t p r o fe sso r s a s a u th o r.U e s g u m e n ts ---- f t h p S c o t t i s h R i t e V i ‘ u ' ° Wlt^ a te a t f ( ' J o y c e G a r re tt o f t h e S c o t t i a h K i t e ? l e d ? ( .s a n d p a t r o n e s s c s U Kjy EC VJ ttliVW en jo y a b le D o rm ito ry p la y ed se v er a l enjoyable jrm itory played several p ia n o solos. F r a n c e s G ran t g a v e the c r itic ’s rep o rt o f th e ev e n in g , and m a n y o f h er, c r itic ism s w ere loudly a p p lau d ed . B y t Jo h n so n rend ered an im prom p tu sp eech on h is r e la tio n s w ith g ir ls. T y Cobb g a v e th e p r e si­ d e n t’s a d d ress o f w elcom e, arid p r e ­ H ellenic entertain * * * * ironed. tncmhcrs o f nth,.. Bom bers o f oth er so r o ritie s have in v k cd to call b etw een the hours h o n o r i n g “ P l e d sided over th e m ee tin g * * * * Grace Hall Girls G ive M usicale e P a n -H e lle n ic C ouncil is to en- in w ith a tea from 4 to 6 o ’clock ly a f tern o o n at th e F a c u lty Wo- soror- C lub, h o n o rin g all th e th e cam p u s. A ll p a tr o n e sse s pled ges, the o f R esid e n ts o f G race H a ll, a ssiste d b> ers a re asked to ca ll d u r in g th e «n ’ors, and ch a p ero n , M rs. th e ir hv>v/«« m ond, en ter ta in ed T u esd a y aftern o o n ! I uesaay ha P . H . R ay-eioon. * * * # w ith a silv e r te a th e ir p ian o fu n d . fo r th e b e n e fit o f t ta X i a n n o u n ces th e p led g in g IC. R ich ard son o f C olorado C ity. T h e r e c e p tio n room w a s attrac-j o f y ello w and w h ite ch ry sa n th e m u m s* w ill be g u e s ts a t th e mo f.iLyr them e w as reflect-! house n e x t week for - — a short and the sam e color th em e w a s r e fle c t ed in th e ca n d les, bon bons, and o th ­ er a p p o in tm en ts o f t a b le _ ,Cfct ry a n a ce or w aco and Hild n ett W a1 lace o f W aco and H ilda M rs. W . G. F r a n k lin poured te a and >f Y oakum w ill be g u e s ts o f A r >f Y oakum w ill be g u e s ts o f A r in th e d in in g room by ir tin fo r th e w eek-en d, rem ain w a s a ssiste d trtin fo r th e w eek-en d, rem ain M rs. A. VV. W ilk erso n , M rs. R ich a rd !-- el* fo r th e T h a n k sg iv in g g a m e C orner, and M iss M a ttie L ock ett th e tea A d e lig h tfu l p ro g ra m o f v o ice num liers w a s p resen ted by M iss M ai„ Irb y M cC abe o f S a n A n to n io and g e n e B a rro w o f A u stin . O scar J- F o x o f S a n A n to n io g a v e th e piano a cc o m p a n im e n ts e lig h tfu l p ro g ra m o f v o ice n u m - C l a n t o n o f A b ilen e h as en- ;as p resen ted by M iss M arg a ret the 1 m v e r sity and w ill spend 4cC abe o f S a n A n to n io and E u - n ter w ith her a u n t, M iss A n - * PKK D ln n i--- p a ren ts, ebb B la n to n . ssm a n and M rs. T h om as L. i, an d th e ir tw o so n s w h o have s itin g here fo r som e tim e w ill a tu r d a y fo r W a sh in g to n , D. C. T T H er ^ Speakers’ Club Term Banquet M arion P. G ood night and lit T he Speakers* C lub en te r ta in e d s h t e r ’ M ary A n «. o f D a lla s h tlnff friem jg . e n ter ta in inff I n e n d s jn th e „ ,, , pm hannuet.Lx iwrs s * w ith th eir re g u la r fa ll term banq uet .hfc w in ^ remembere & room . A d elic io u s d in n er w as serv ed , and m em ber o f d u r in g th e co u rse o f w hich an in ter- o ro r ity e s tin g p ro g ra m o f sp eech es w a s p re­ fo rm er A lo h a fP A !pha Austin Community Players Present Comedy Last Time Today th e A dam and E v a ,” th ree-a ct P lay b ein g p resen ted as th e f ir s t of a series o f p la y s by th e A u stin Com- m u m ty P la y e r s th is y e a r , w a s re- ceived very w ell by a la r g e a u d ien ce la s t n ig h t. a t the H a n cock T h ea ter t h e C om m u nity P la y e r s com ­ a re posed o f A u stin people, fa c u lty m en ,. hers and stu d en ts. “ A dam and E v a ” is a c lev e r com ­ edy. the J The sto r y c e n te rs ab ou t a m ily o f J a m es K in g , a rich rubber! sp oiled ' m a n u fa ctu rer w ho h a s been by too m uch m oney. T h e y o u n g e r /AU- . J d ie H u g h s, is su ed fo r m a r r ia g e bv th ree m en, D r. Ja ck D a la m a te r, p layed by F r a n k B road d u s, A dam S m ith , p layed by R a y J a ck so n , and Lord A nd rew G ordon, p layed by L. A. B arton. I .u„ d ,e H u* h s> is su ed fo r m a r r ia g e the A sp ecia l f e a t u r e , o f th is p la y , s th a t the second b alcon y, b ette r known as th e “ R o o st,” w ill be opened to the co-eds alon e. A d v a n ce se a t sa le s are g o in g very w ell. f e n rod and Sam at I exas It w a s d u r in g th e film in g o f ex- r r S" nCS fo r “ P en rod “ t'd S a m .” th at a g en er a l m ix -u p and boyish • W h W! r ? " * ? , ° n 8 v a ca n t ,o t 'n Hic A lex nd ^ er A lex a n d er, w ho n lavT - le.xander, w ho p la y s P enrod, w a s • * * * ddy M essm g er ° f L° S A n « e ,a s- ' I ~ ~--------------------- iv e ly d ecorated w ith a r r a n ^e me Rt s L h a ‘ . rk and MiI* m ix in g it up w ith Bud I * w A ^ \ v r ' ' > V A ■ \ "Al% P e r fo r m a n c e s at I I a. rn. and 1-3-5-7-9 p, m. sen ted . . J a m es L ittle g a v e a to a st to th e la d ies. R obert C a lv er t d eliv ered an a d d ress to the new m em bers, on be­ h a lf o f w hom A lb ert H u rley g a v e a w itty resp on se. W ilso n H u n t, a new m em ber and tr a n s fe r fro m an E a s t­ ern u n iv e r sity , talk ed on “ M y F ir st E ig h t W eeks a t th e U n iv e r s ity of T e x a s .” O th er sh o rt sp eech es w ere g iv e n by E d w in T a e g e l, E r n e st Co­ tu lla , and J ero m e S n ead . * * * # NIGHT— NOV. 26 flail Orders Now M rs. E . H. A sto n is v is itin g her I Saturday 10 a. rn. d a u g h te r, O na, fo r a fe w d a y s. M rs. W . B. B izzell w ill a r r iv e to ­ d a y fo r a sh o rt v is it w ith her d a u g h ­ ter , E la in e. S S . OO » $ 1 - $ I . S 0 - $ 2 - $ 2 . S O ­ SPECIAL P R O L O G U E ! E u g e n e O ’N e ill’s O n e-A ct P la y “ T H E R O P E ” T o n ig h t. F ri. and S a t. nights a t 9 o ’clock and S a t. m a tin ee a t 3 o’clock Q U E E N S ta r tin g T o d a y A n d He P la y e d an d Sm iled T h o ugh His H eart Waa B rea k in g : £ S ' l m * lu s h ' d C o-Stan 1B~ “ WILLIAM* o f' toast I ■ j e r S T u u i a #• W m m i - - H ou rs o f S h ow s 1 1 :0 0 -1 :0 0 3:0 0-5:0 0 7:00-9:00 R egu lar P rices A u stin C om m unity P layers P r e s e n t ADAM AND EVA The Grefat New York and Austin Comedy Success H ancock O pera H ouse F in al P e r f o r m a n c e at 8 : 1 5 7 5 c , $ 1 .0 0 , $ 1 .5 0 T a x F ree U pp er G aller y E x c lu siv e ly for G irls, 5 0c S T H E A T E R today a»*«j Thursday T a r k in g to n I ar cf the m ~ “Akx»nt h<. w ,|| probably be M - i .Lnrf nassin" And his broken And t h * pair I. | W * M * “ eraity directory. not, d efin itely out for the Thank... giving gam e. STRENGTH Wily BE USED WITH AGGIES son *«<* H ** believed that it will go The starting lo n g h o r n lineup ha? been a m atter of conjecture all *ea- ” . under a aen eu s revam ping between now and the Turkey Day « There is a p©*«ib Sty tTiat K the — fc»in?t Hon donate* I do the fighting dutchm an proved L B e r -' that he had no superiors ll. the eon- Horned I ferenee as a d efen sive center. A n . injury cost P fankuche - Day va ult it Recovering * n « ^ w ^0 t< n . through ry, who tore Frog line for several huge gains ,a it Saturday will find the fourth place ;his chance at in the backfield along with Marley, position. WHI Get in Scrimmage This W eek „pa«on J. p f, nkuch<, been d eli- wjth ^ irHffue at o ffen - _ u~ «,u _ • ■ > sta r t'in t'he‘ backfield if anybody is. J H o m a n or Moore would p n ir ^ it h N early frty men are working out w r ig h t, and Slover, certainly w to seven day? on (la r k Field daily with that d e­ termined attitude that the Texas Ag­ gies will be vanquished Thanksgiving. To Doc Stew art, next Thursday^ gam e, now only means much more than simply playing out the schedule. be It w ill mean more ^ ^ ^ §. i in terferen ce run ftnd would ^ ^ ^ o ^ D ayv.w lt R ecovering j |f)n Scottish Rite C athedral. For ' * b oys at $25.On per m onth; or will work i n E. A. D egree. All visiting rA brethren made w elcom e. P. W. Mc- Fadden, S ecty.; W. A, Sm ith, W. M. rent one good front room for $6 50, or large room furnished for two boy? at $10 00. Two blocks south o f St a S TUDENT drives to San A ntonio diam , in good, quiet location, aud the campus. H W U , „ „ .......... , m r , w e e k e n d . w . n t . four or five - Call at 1902 N eches S treet at o n c o .|to accom pany. E xpenses reasonable. Call at Texan o ffic e , 155 Main Bldg., *—21. phone 3149. f .y(i blocks from ^ ^ ^ ^ Narhea St ——21 r’ull at To*an i ■ 1 .. ,' j DfifiM u ithout boifdlt t o t one man ..OST— B e t w e e n 503 2018 W ichita a pair Return to Texan o f f o e . (>m, ’h a if black from cam p us, 2001 One-ha lf black from cam pus, 2005 ~ ~ 22 W ichita Phone 3313, COACHING in German A and I, also in Math I; 715 W est 24th Street. | Phone 9377. 2 *i — 22 j glasses. — 29 to sive tackle. On the defen se he will center, go Swam py Thom pson, for »_ ^ „ w „ alternating w i th p urp0sc of Society Is Erection O ’N eil’s One-act Added Featur and Operation of a Added Feature to Regu­ Station lar Pictures Drama an enthusiastic night another m eeting club was At N ew ell »t End E ugene O’N eill’s an t the an-Confercnce pivot W ednesday [o rg a n ized « one act melo the cam pus. T hose o f dram a, “ The Rope*,’’ will open tonight interested fiv e , room 210 o f the Engi- prom inent m embers of the Curtain I organized on the stu d en ts radio m et in n cerin g Building add com pleted the d u b in the ca st. form ation and organization o f som e m isunderstanding, “ Longhorn Brass P ou n d ers,” a club -T h e Rope” w as again announced as le ft at. his regular position. This with the im m ediate erection and op- L C urtain Club production in yester- leaves Matt N ew ell out o f th* Bn# eration o f a station as its purpose, [d a y ’s T exan. The m anagem ent of and he almost surely will pair •> ~ is, the enterp rise w ising i s , ! the en terp rise w ishes em phatically to dfkl/or im nrpssion. Five nr* » J according to the president, S te r lin g |correct this m istaken im pression. F ive end with Stokie A llen. ()f the C urtain club in the play; other than in am ateur at the M ajestic T heater with o f thoge directly inter- have roles sig n ifica n ce of the name ^ Tho sign ifican ce o f the nam e L o n g h o r n s will c o n t i n u e t o j)ue ^ I ^ ^ - ouM t ^ t the T h e ^ be * • j scrim m age against the Prerhm en. j s putting on new plays for g ie s’ special b en efit that to tent a g a i n s t the heavy y ^ 11^ And at the same tim e **! R I ^ the^fros ^ Doc have , nd t„ l „ the U n * ^ -o~ — * ONE GET ONE. r a r H O N i MATH AND PH YSICS COACH — F does not mean failure at mid­ term s. It means fight. Let me show you how to stage a com eback in any ntath or physics. Dial 5 963 for Gol- OK ! den. Called M eeting U niversity Lodge No. 1190 \ a f Sc A. M. IA am ateur transm ission | th i8, the club has nothing w hale ^ reception ” Plans w ere d ffjr the e r e c tion and operation; com- to do w ith it. “Xhe Rope” is being presented at r JjUt|w|f pianH that w ere ten ta -, the M ajestic liv e ly discussed a t the last m eeting, and a program co m m ittee, co n sist­ ing o f P . R. H appel, chairm an; Bert ap­ C ate, and H. CL M eyer, w as pointed and instructed to arrange an next in terestin g program fo r the m eetin g. M eetin g s will be held each W ednes­ day a t 7 p. m. rn room 210 o f the E n gin eerin g Building. All those in ­ terested in am ateur radio are urged to a tten d . The com m ittee has prom ­ in stru ctive and ised well planned m eeting. to arrange an ------------- T he cam pus will not fad V arsity. Each one get one. lure between the pictures at 9 ©’clock tonight and Friday and Saturday, with a m atinee perform ance S a tu r­ day at .3. -o- N urses Entertained W ith H ealth Slides T u esd ay A ftern oon the N urse# attending intensive course for county nurses were en ter­ tained T uesday afternoon by the D i­ vision of V isual Instruction o f the U n iv ersity w ith a show ing of health film s and slides. LIGHT A CUESTA REY or EL TRELLES IOC t o 25c Sc t o 3 f o r 5Cc For sale in the University n e i g h b o r h o o d by University Drug Store, B.&E. Cafe H om e Drug. Co., W ukash Bros., C. G. W ukash ABE FRANK CIGAR CO. d i s t r i b u t o r s ^ S T Lower past of Duofold foun- tain pen betw een Senior High and and 71.> C o n g re s s, or G uadalupe West 2 4 t h . Phone 9377. Reward.— XJST— Bar pin, platinum , diamond antling, n n d e r phone 925th Rn- *> t card - .O S T - A Thi Mu Minority pin ant with Platte- Finder rnturn to Mite, Ired C arson or ta ll 4217. . O S T - a Byers * H ave, Shorthand fountain pen with gold clip. R«H ur„ to T exan o ffic e or phone M SS. BOARD AND R O O M - Three blocks from cam pus; excellen t board, good I rooms $33.00. 2501 Natees, ii 5603. Mrs. Driskell. • « FOR RENT— Six room cottage on southeast corner lot, 3100 G uada­ lupe; sleeping porch, phone 7812. — 30 m i s c e l l a n e o u s MATH GOAL II— Students, don’t let your quiz be fa ta l. Get the service? of an experienced math for daily lessons, quizzes, and exam in a­ tions. Phone 9267. 102 West 20th SU — 20 coach w ithout eOST— Red W aterman fountain pen cap betw een W o m a n s in ^ b i d i n g and Main’ Building or M in Building. Return to te x a n I r e . _______________ OST A black fountain pen with t h . I n i t i a l . - T J A ” a w a I ••inner pleaae leave at T exan o h ee it dial 5967 and call for Mr. * » a WOOD, W OOD—H eater blocks and stove wood in ricks or cord*. Phone 5287. J. Reese. ______ _ MATH COACH— Student*, don’t let your quiz be fatal* C»et the services o f an experienced math coach for daily lessons, quizzes, and exam in a­ tion. Phone 9367. 102 VV est 20th SU J ion. . f o r s a l e OR S A L E - P ra c tic a lly new Edison P h o n o g ra p h w ith 85 r e c o r d , at a 3400 Speedw ay. ,a,gain . I hone | ;045. OR S A L E — T u x e d o , s ir e d«, P r « - t ie ally new , v db .ilk vert I W 0 . •hone 3133 or call at n03 W . 23rd- DAN CIN G — Private *tudio, SOO W. 31st. Phon* 7812- COACHING in German A or 1. F . K ^ Anderson; phone 4968. " -1- FOK BKIVATE les<«»n* in French or German call ut 2708 Guadalupe -20 Street or phone 2429. ( HEM I coaching with a guarantee to pa??. Phone 5152 or 8714. — 27 b o a r d a n d r o o m OR R E N T -L a r g e , well furnished ruom. private upatair. apartm ent, artier a ir t and W hitia, aero... from niverxity. M eal, convenient. Ref- 20 fa c e s. 4161 KENT W eil furnished house­ keeping apartm ents >u*e. .G ile s - Plenty u t hath?. Mrs. Va 710 W est 22nd. — 20 j in approved. Order Your T h a n k s g iv in g C h ry sa n th e m u m * Now From The A rt Flow er Shop 204 W. 6th SU, Phone 9360 CAMPUS SHOP Expert Cleaning and Pressing for MEN and WOMEN PHONE '1998 A G reat R eduction in Perm anent W ave Regular $25.00 W ave Now 15.00 Via ni cures 50c B o b b e d Hair Shampoos 35c CACTUS BEAUTY SHOP 2218 G uad. Dial 3519 It’s the Last No m a tte r how b rilliant the s ta r t is, no m a tte r how startlingly suc­ cessful the ru nn er is as he rounds the tra c k s tu rn in g into the straight- aw ay, no m atter how long his early lead IT’S THE FINISH THAT COUNTS Get behind this last drive to p ut over y our g re a t M em orial Stadium You lead the South, Hold t h a t lead . SVM Ana E A C H O N E G E T O N E W rite home to Uncle Jim. W rite E a st to Cousin Bill. W rite 'em and tell ‘em to come across. I G O T MI NE G et to W ork and T ry e a c h o n e g e t o n e H E R E ’! Y O U R H A T .O O Tht Sylepark H at SN A P f ° r College Men ALPINE JVljES for Business Men In Pearl Gray, DavvjEel and Bluestone colors- All silk lined. A l^ n c y Hat Bands. This is positively th< eatest hat value on the mar ket. Just the hat f Thanksgiving. Come at Oi and Get Your Size EACH *IST WATCH AN ACCU.TE TIMEPIECE I The certainty of r t f tim ekeeping is a g reatly a p ­ preciated fact in t irchase of a B racelet W atch here. You exam ine the?, beautiful W atches, m ak in g your choice with |<»mfOrting assurance th a t the W atch you buy wfe accu rate service for a most g ratifyingly long f • H ere is ju st the kifa stock you desire from which to pick a Christm f fo r a woman, or a girl. All b eau tifu l, all s ty l i m echanically perfect. Each price a value S U p in m o n e y s w orth. W hite Gold W a le d p o p u lar shapes, exquisitely o r n a m e n t e d $0 to $50.00 C h r i s t m a s Speci^L 14-k W hite Gold Case, hand e n g r a v e d , 1 5 -jew usted m ovem ent ;35.00 J e w Silversmiths ingress A ve. v THE BBQNNET SHOP The vc University Shop is w Showing GIFFOR XMAS mderful Array Iso Cards t h e :b o n n e t s h o p 2206 Quad. C actus Arcade ‘Orders Solicited ■i g f— i*—IWM 1 .. ■***— PRICES GO W H EN yc\ C Y ’ S I d o w n L A D U ® ) S H O E S AT P O P U L A R P R IC E S T H E L A E S UPSTA IR S Over W oolworth’#