¡y W lp P *F IPF*- I Lady Longhorns lose close game to Raiders in SWC tourney, page7 "g> " GZ* ' r j r T ' ^ **- ! c f " ¡JES* *m v" . ¿T -- > ■ - —- v :W-;:/'r ' r' * ¿ * * ».-t~ Tf ^ ~ ~ ~ ’' - ■**- , - , _ J | *** ^ y I * '" 1 „ fidSt AVAIUBL£ CÓPY Da il y T e x a n Vol. 90, No. 110 1 Section The student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin Friday, March 8 1991 25c Computer glitch delays SA runoff tally Aaron DaMommio Daily Texan Staff A c o m p u te r failure late Thursday delaved results from S tu d e n ts ' Association runott e le c­ tions until F r i d a v jn o r n - ing, a d ding nine or more hou rs to the time c a n d i ­ t e n s e a lrea d y dates will wait. Results will be a n n o u n c e d in the SA o f­ fice about 9 a .m . Friday bv Jo natha n Krueger, SA Election Su p erv iso ry Board chairman. " C o m p u te r s will do t h a t ," w a s Eric D ix­ o n 's calm reply w h e n asked about the p o st­ p o n em en t. D ixon, a s p e ech ph ilo sop h y senior, com p eted with Garth Davis, a p h i­ losophic pre-mod ju nior, tor the office of SA president. Davis took an equally fatalistic stance. "I g uess I'll ju st sit tight until to m orrow m o rn ­ i n g ,” he said. " N o t m uch else w e can do right n o w . " Julie Bray, a g o v ern m e n t junior, c o n t e n d ­ ed for the vice presidential seat with M ona Kiblawi, a journ alism |unior Brav said the delay took her by surprise b e c a u se she had believed the election board had the co u n t­ ing organized. " I t ' s kind of d ep ressin g g e t­ ting geared up for results t o n ig h t ," she said. Krueger said all of the ballots, w h ich stu­ d en ts fill ou t on fo rm s that can be scanned by m achine, were read in a n d the data sent to a c o m p u te r in the C o m p u ta tio n Center I hat com puter, w h ose to talk votes and print results, b ro k e dow n after 9 p.m. jo b was S in ce it takes tw o to three hour-' to restart the com p u te r, and s o m e of the staff opera­ ting the m a ch in e s had been a n d uty since 7 a .m ., the w orkers decided to leave the final tally for the m orning. "1 d id n't trv to s to p t h e m , " K ru eger said. He added that he had considered cou nting the votes by hand , but did not think he could g u arantee an accurate result with an estim ated 5 ,5 0 0 to 6 00 0 b allots in a race he believes will be close " I ' m not going to hav e that m uch confi­ d ence in the nu m bers if w e did them by h a n d ," he said, noting that such results would likely be appealed endlessly. N o preliminary r e s u l t s w e re available b e ­ cause M easurem ent and i valuation C enter staff, w h o feed in the ballots, ch o se to at­ tempt to cou nt all of the votes in one s e s ­ sion Th u rsd ay . l o r the past three years, runoff elections have g a r n e r e d l e s s than 3 ,500 votes Previ­ ous elections had one-da\ runoffs, and the la st three have suffered from rain on elec­ tion day But neither Krueger nor Davis w a s surprised b\ the large vote-count I expei ted a large turnout There w e lot of Greeks v o tin g ," D avis said. The results, when th ey finally com e, still likelv to be disputed on an oth er fn Brian Bvrd, the third-place cand id ate tr general elt n, co n tin u es to pu rsu e allegations that D ix on's grad* point a v e r­ age is too low for him to uualifv as a cand i- date The S \ constitu tion requires can d i­ dates to hold a 2.5 average In con n ection with B yrd 's allegation, the SA Appellate C ourt met Thursday to h e ar a com plaint from Bill Tiede Tiede a form er presidential ca nd id ate w h o d ropped o u t of the race b efo re the general election to sup- Please see Delay, page 2 S K l A a C . Scott Lewis 'Daily Texan Staff ' ] John Me Candidate Eric Dixon shook hands with supporters at Catfish Station restaurant on Sixth Street Thursday. Garth Davis, at Jaim e’s M exican Restaurant, show s disappointm ent when told that runoff result is delayed Editor election gets green light Jennifer R. Sansbury Daily Texan Staff I he I exas S tu d e n t Publications Board of t >per- ating T ru stee s voted Thursday night to a b an d o n its plan to ap p o in t the D aily Texan editor and instead hold a ca m p u s w id e stud ent election April 8 b etw ee n applican ts w h o fulfill require­ m ents it will re vise later this m o nth. The board will m eet M arch 23 to reconsider and revise the e ditor qualifications set out in the TSP H a n d b ook o f O p e ra tin g Proced ures. P rop o­ nents of altering the gu id elines said they may have been too stringent, and thu s led to the diffi­ culties the board h a s faced in finding so m e o n e w ho met each qualification. Stu d e n ts interested in ap p lyin g will have o n e day, March 25, to d o so. T h e board will meet March 26 to certify cand id ates. The election — a binding s tu d e n t re ferendu m is slated for April 8 and a runoff will be held April 11. H ow ever, the UT ad m inistratio n m ust ap p rove guid eline ch an g e s, w hich could delay the process. "1 really cio q u e stio n w h e th e r w e will he able to do it on S a tu rd ay , the 23rd, and certify the candidates on T u e s d a y ," said G len Nixon, a m e ­ chanical e n g in e e rin g sen ior and votin g m e m b e r of the board. "I think i t ' s a big question mark I think w e'r e now getting into t h i s trap w h ere we can't get o u t . " T he board declared a vacan cy for the position Feb. 14 w h en the only original applicant, g o v ­ ern m e n t sen ior ( ireg W einer, did not fulfill s o m e unw aivable requ irem ents. I he Declaration of Trust in the hand b ook states that Texan editor elections are to be held concurrently with S t u ­ dents' Association elections and that the T S P board "sh a ll a ppo int the editor in the case of a vacancy. I he eligibility of a can d id ate ... must be certified by the O perating Trustees on standards set out in their hand book prior to the time of said electi<>n." Each of the four applicants, jo urnalism seniors M atthew ( onn ally and C a n d ic e Driver, W e in e r and jo urnalism junior Diana Williams, t a i l s to meet at least one u n w a ivab le qualification for Texan editor. But b ecau se the -handbook d oes not state the criteria used to fill a vacan cy, som e, inclu ding Nixon, argued that the board w as no longer obli­ gated by the original requ irem ents. H ow ever, Jam es Vick, vice presid ent for stud ent affairs, who represented the UT adm inistration .it the meeting, argued that the requ irem ents m ust stand. " O u r interpretation was that the stated crite­ ria, th o se that can be waived and th ose that c a n ­ not be waived, applied to both e l e c ti o n s and a p ­ p o in tm e n t s ," he said. " T h e r e is nothing that would lead me or others w h o interpreted the statem ent to believe that a n y of those non-waiv - able requ irem ents could be waived merelv b e ­ cau se we had no election. Vick said the ad m inistratio n asked for a ruling from the I, I Sy s te m O ffic e of General C o u n s e l, which agreed u t th its interpretation "I think the principle that we uphold h e re is as important as the results we re a c h ," s a i d Kevin M c lla r g u e , current Texan editor. U n d e r the a s ­ s u m p t i o n t h a t the hand b ook re p re sen ts a c o n ­ tract b etw een T S P and the UT ad m inistratio n he said, " T h e legal o p in io n vou have given us is bv s o m e o n e w h ose client is the University o f Texas to the contract How S y s t e m , which is a p a rk can it be prudent for 1S P to rely on s o m e o n e v\ hose i lient is th e oth er park in the contract tor in te rp re ta tio n 1 Vick said, " T h e interpretation of thos* rules will he m ad e by th e Unt\ ersity. " U r are concerned th at the past three vears u e have had t u o elections in which we had an unopposed candidate and one election in which This there was no cand id ate certified, he said tells me that th e re 's som e th in g wrong with the process. " W h a t 1 would urge y ou to do, as the board, is to delay a decision ot trv ing to appoint a n editor and review the criteria and reach a d ecision on the criteria that could be applied not only tin- w a r but next y e a r ." A lthough re w orking th e re quirem ents and im­ mediately applyin g th e m violates a prov ision in the handbook stating th at c h a n g e s would not go Please see TSP, page 8 Madrigal confesses to slaying of officer Michelle Koidin Daily Texan Staff Capital m u rd er charges were hied Thursday bv the Travis S h e r i f f ' s D e p a r t m e n t C o u n t y against a m an a ccu sed of sh oo tin g a D ep artm e n t of Public Safetv trooper to death e a rh Tuesdav mornin g David Madrigal, 26. waived all of the rights read to him by D e te c ­ tive Gary Cutler, snd c o n fesse d to shooting Carlos Rav W arren, k n ow in g that W arren was a D PS trooper, according to an affidavit signed bv Cutler The Sheriff's D ep artm ent also tw o charged Madrigal and his luán S. G on zalez, 23, brothers, and Marcelo G on zalez, 2U, all ol the block of C a rso n C ree k in Del Valle with aggravated kidnap­ ping. Madrigal was d en ied bond tor the capital murder charge, but bond for the aggravated k id n ap ­ ping charge stands at $500 G0Ü His brothers' b ond" are >2 00.tkX! each. San Antonio police charg ed M a­ drigal Tuesday with a ttem pted capital m urder after he fired at a San Antonio police officer two hou rs alter the "h ooto u t with W a r ­ ren. The patrolm an shot xn k, se­ riously w o und ing Madrigal. Accord ing to the affidavits filed m Travis C o unty , Madrigal and Marcelo G onzalez confronted a 17- vear-oid youth with ha n d g u n s about midnight M onday EU told police the m en into their car and took him to a road­ side park <-n "Pe xas High wav 71 iorved him The men pressured the vouth to information ab< ut Mar­ provide cel o s caí stereo, which he claimed had been stolen. The youth said m the affidavit that Madrigal threat e ned him with ms gun. Please see Shooting, page 2 Postwar maneuvering, civil strife continue in Iraq T roops, hostages, PO W s sent back home UT dorms and co-ops promote alum i­ 5 num can recycling Associated Press Also inside: The anti-Saddam rebellion reportedly spreads to Baghdad as government newspapers appeal for national unity 3 Weather: N o -O ne-W i I l-B e-R ead m g -T h is-B e- cau s e-T h eyv e-A II-S kip p e d -O u t-o f- Town-Early-for-Spring-Break-W eath­ er Highs will be in the mid-60s. though most ot you are probably en­ joying 110-degree weather at Padre anyway, and the north winds that won’t reach the island sands will be 10-15 mph Lows here will be near 40 as you chug your beers on that warm beach Index: Around Campus Classifieds Comics. . Editorials E ritertainmenl Sports State & Local Television University World & Nation the trucklo ad F orm er Kuwaiti h o s ta g e s reached late freedom by " U S A ! T h u r s d a y , c h a n t i n g troops — U . S . A ! " and A m erica n dustv but trium phant arrived in Europe for their first hot show ers and cold beer in w eeks. The tirst of 6 0 ,(XX) Iraqi prisoners w ere to start their t r i ps h o m e M on- d iv, un der an a g re e m e n t reached Thursday bv Iraqi and allied officials in Saudi Arabia. In B aghdad, Iraq's pfhcial media pleaded for national unity and o m i­ nously vowed that d issid ents "w ill p a y ." that O p p o n e n t s of S a d d a m Hussein claim ed rebellion had the spread to the Iraqi capital, and Iraqi refugees said an uprising in s o u th ­ ern Iraq con tin u ed d esp ite the e xe ­ cution of more than 4(X) dissidents. Iraq released trucks and buses filled with Kuwaitis to Red C ross ot ticials. 13 11 13 4 9 7 6 12 5 3 The Bush adm inistration estim at­ ed that 800 to 2 ,IKK) Kuwaitis had been released \s the trucks rolled into the U .S -occupied sou thern Ira­ the Kuwaitis qi w a iv e d U S A ! I s A !" to wn of Sa fw an, an d s h o u t e d Kuwait said Iraqi tro o p s abducted it" uC- the oil-rich 30,000 Kuwaitis d u ring m o nth occupation ot em irate. At the s iv hour m eeting am ong Iraqi and allied torces it w a s agreed Iraqi POWs that "s everal hundred w ould begin bus trips h om e each dav from holding cam ps in northern S a u d i A ra b ia Iraq i d e l e g a te s promised then g o v ern m e n t would continu e to return abducted K u w a i ­ ti civ ilians, and w ould turn ovei any foreign it found to t h e Red Cross, a I 5 sta te m e n t said. journalists \bout three d o z e n foreign jour­ n a l i s t s a r e m i s s i n g in southern I r a q Gian-Battista Bacchetta, head of the Red C ross delegation in Kuwait citv, said 29 journalists mav be re­ leased Friday. B aker proposes talks with Palestinian Arabs Associated Press 'si i v W O N , Ireland S e o o ta i v of '-tate Jam es Baker o ttered U iu is dav tv' m eet w ith P alestin ian Arabs in Israel in an effort to begin b rid g ­ ing Vrab-Israeli d if f e r e n c e s set out on a H K lav m ission to th e Mid­ d le E ast and the Sov iet t non ¡ He also said he w ould go to Kuwait on Satu rd ay, and a senior official aboard his plane >aid Bakei w ould d iscu ss the su b ject ol tree e lectio n s with Kuw aiti l e a d e r s Baker sp eak ing w ith r e p o r t e r s before his \u Force jet refueled in Ireland on the wav to Rivadh Sau ii Arabia, said ot the Pales man Vi abs we are prepared them It thev want to meet with us to meet with In Saudi \rahwi Baker intend s te sound out King Fahd and Prince foreign minister, on Sand the Troops from the 82nd Airborne Division cheer from a bus in Dharan. Please see Baker, page 2 v ir w 0 u : h f e u Associated Press Page 2 Friday, March 8,1991 T H E D A ILY T E X A N T h e Da i l y T e x a n Permanent Staff Steve Higqmtji itVi Micf ..................... Dipu Editor H . . . . . . . . . Managing E drtor Associate Managing Editors N ew s EcMor Associate News Editors News Assignments Editor Senior Reporters Associate Editors Entertainment Editor A ssociate Entertainm ent Editor Sports Editor A ssociate Sports Editor General Sports Reporters Photo Editors Photographe r s Images Editor Associate Images Editors G raphics Editor Around C a m p u s Editor S u s issue Staff Kevin M cH argue Randy Kennedy ma Brown Scott Stanford Jeff Turrentme Mope S ten Matthew Canton Dane 3ch .iv Jenny Huang ty (State) Aaron D aM o m m o (University), 'He Koidin (P o lic e i David I oy iU n iversity) Adam Hersh D ave Winter Shannon Pro sser ..................................................S h a i Tsur Keith Nelson Mindy Brown e Aron Mar- Babm e n C ra g M Douglas Kirk J Crippens M ichelle Patterson •D a p ra M arc Eon Scott Lew is Joey Lm, Jack W Plunkett sason Jo h n M c C mmcr G reg S Werner Jean n e Acton Bobby Ruggiero Felipe C am pos MtcheHe Patterson Reporters Editorial Colum nist Editorial Assistant Entertainment Assistant Sports Assistant Sports Writer M i*eup Editor W • e Editor Copv Editors G raphics Assistant C om ic Strip Cartoonists Volunteer Local Display At! Director Oasstfted C ipiav Classified Telephone Sales Classified Telephone Service Carl Nemec. Jenny Sarrsbury Am v Schlege- Bu k Sralla. Rebecca Stewart Nancy Thom as Heather W aym ent G abriel Dem om bynes Angela Shah David B ezan son David D zierzanow ski Lew C ohn Pau Ham m ons Kristine Wotff M ichael C asey Christy Fleming, Jennifer jarratt. Fun Lau Korey Colem an jiem an Cam eron Johnson. Robert Rodriguez, G re g Werner .................................... Jim Suydam Advertising Cindy Anderson Scott Butler Michael Chang Catherine Durkin Mr ame Hanson Dave Hemphill. Sandra Kuehler M i hael La K er Lebfrom Doug L » on Melina Mad ora l isa Perry Jyfle Robinson. Elsa Snyder Stace Sorrells Wendy Watkins Dwight Wilhelm Landon Sims Brad Coroett Cmdv Garza Sheronda Scott Joyce Inman Oavid Ross Jennifer Brooks Art Carrillo, An 78705 The Daily Texan is . ut exam periods and when school is not m session Second class Delav Continued from page 1 Baker Continued from page 1 port Bvrd, made the complaint on Byrd's behalf. The complaint asked the A p p el­ late I ourt to require the S A Judicial Commission to convene before spring break to hear Byrd's appeal ot the Election Supervisory Board decision to certify Dixon as qualified to run tor office. The boa||! voted 6 I Iu esd av to certify Dixon. Tiede said the lone dissenting vote led Bvrd and him ­ self to pursue the appeal, despite lacking evidence that Dixon's grades are too low for candidacy . law, the U niversity mav not release grade information without a student's consent. federal B\ Candidates from both sides com­ plained ot abusive actions from their opponents. Kiblawi said peo­ ple marked her apartment door with Davis stickers and left messag­ es on her telephone answering m a­ chine saying "G a rth for president," plus obscenities directed at her. She said the acts send her a defi­ nite signal: " W e hate vou, w e will do anything for Garth and we know where you five." It |ust makes me mad because we have played so clean," she said . 'There's no reason for ihis mental abuse." Brav said she was disappointed bv the attacks made against her op­ ponent. " W h o cares enough to do that? she asked. "It's kind of low, I think. I'm sure w hoever's doing it doesn't know M ona personally." But Davis disagreed with Ki- blawi's description of the campaign as clean. "A fte r the things that have been done to me I w ould n't be surprised if someone was trying to set me u p " bv doing harm to Kiblaw i he said. "N o n e of my people would do that.” Davis said Dixon-Kiblavvi sup­ porters held up signs saying "G arth doesn't want your v o te," referring to a comment Davis made in a Tues­ day debate in Beau ford H. Jester Center. whether Arab attitudes toward Isra­ el had changed since the war with Iraq. " W e think it's reasonable in light of what has happened in the region to approach the peace process from both sides," Baker said. That is, he said, he w ill pursue a two-track approach. H e wants to see it Israel and the Arab states are ready to take some "confidence- building steps" toward peace. And he wants to get Israel and the Pales­ tinians talking to each other. " A n Israel ¡-Palestinian dialogue is still a very important component of thi' overall process as we see it," he said. Shooting C o n t in u e d fr o m p a g e 1 At P i s a m , W arren arrived at the roadside park, in the 3000 block ot Texas H ig hw ay 71, about three miles east of Bergstrom A ir f orce Base M adrigal then got out of the driver's seat of his 1981 brown Toy­ ota and shot W arren several times, the affidavit said The teen-ager swore that M ad ri­ gal then climbed back into the car, and that he heard more gunshots just before M adrigal pulled aw ay. On the w av back to Del Valle, Madrigal had to stop to change a flat tire. He then dropped his broth­ e r s and the 17-vear-old off at Mar- celo's apartment. The teen-ager told police he heard Marcelo Gon/ale/ say, "A s long as he makes it to the border he'll be ok av." The teen-ager said he also heard Marcelo comment, "1 can't believe he capped a patrolm an." when Madrigal shot W arren, and accompanied his brothers in the ab­ duction. Juan Gonzalez said that Marcelo pointed a .38-caliber handgun at the teen-ager, and M adrigal used a chrome pistol. The brothers asked M adrigal vvhv he shot W arren, and M adrigal an­ swered, "1 had to do it," and said he was heading for the border, Juan Gonzalez said in the affidav it. The affidavit states that Juan G o n ­ zalez told J.R . Page of the Sheriff's Department that he was in the car Sgt. John Jones of the Austin po­ lice homicide detail interrogated Marcelo Gonzalez. In the affidavit, Marcelo Gonzalez said that when W arren stopped at the park, he asked M adrigal to step out of the car. As W arren walked in front of the I’ovota, M adrigal shot him, Marcelo Gon/ale/ said. Two hours later, San Antonio pa­ trol officer Juan Morales pulled over M adrigal's car on 1-35 South and D i­ vision Avenue in San Antonio. M adrigal shot at Morales with a .380-caliber semiautomatic pistol, and Morales fired back, injuring Madrigal in five places. The Daily Texan i U S P S i4ó-44( a s Texas Sludeni Publications 250C vV’ntii W ednesday Thursday and Fnday except postage paid at Austin Tx 78710 Lideni ■olida» A contribuí ions * be accepted by telephone (471 4591) at the editorial office (Texas Siudem Publications Burdina 2 122) or at the n« ws aboratory (Communication Building A4 101) For «jcai and national disp< •» Ktvertising call 471 1865 For class ' ec display and • it'onai classified display advertising call 47r 8900 For classified word advertising cafl47t 5244 Entire contents copyright 1991 Texas Student Publications The Daily Texan Mail Subscription Rates One Semester (Fa« or Spring) Two Semesters (Fal and Spring) Summer Session One Year (Fall Spring and Summer) Send orders anc address changes to Texas Student Publications P 0 D Austin r > 78713-8904 or to T S P Bu-idinq C3 200 or cali 47t 5083 To charge by V IS A 1 , terCard call 471-5083 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Daily Texan. P.O. 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William is a native of Dallas, but he says he much perfers living in Austin because of its more casual atmosphere. I le has a degree in Philosophy from the University of North Texas and is an apprentice dramatist. He also likes vacationing in Colorado. UNIVERSITY C O O P 2246 Guadalupe • 476-7211 • Parking at 23rd & San Antonio Mon-Fri 8:30 to 7:30, Sat 9:30 to 6:00, Sun noon to 5:00 T E X A N CLASSIFIED ADS WORK FOR Y O U R S CALL 471-5244 It *¡*i l l l' l ) f i % v i f * f imm PATTERNED SHORTS J U S T ..,, t * K ir 8611 N. MOPAC EXPRESSWAY EXIT STECK IN' 512-794-9036 r^r r ^ ' v -:-r^ AS ALWAYS ASj | * C R f c o i T SANE PRICE P R IC E GOOD TH RU 3/10/91 P R IC E GOOD THRU 3/24/91 GOOD A t AUS T IN A R F A S T O R E S THURSDAY S DOW JONES:$.963 37 DOWN 9.90 Volume: 197.060.000 shares WORLD & NATION V V U n L U OC l3lM I I U I ^ Soviet legislature OKs hard-line nominees T h e Da il y T ex a n Frtday, March 8,1991 Page 3 Associated Press M O S C O W — President Mikhail Gorbachev won legislative ap p roval Thursday for eight of nine no m i­ nees to his new Security Council, an inner cabinet that will tackle d e ­ fense, foreign policy an d econom ic problem s The powerful bo dy will have a distinctly hard-line m ak e u p , v\ ith onlv on e recogn i/ed reformer, for­ mer Interior Minister Vadim Baka- tin, a m o n g its m em bers. that are boycotting G orbachev also blasted the si\ re­ publics the March 17 referendum on holding the Soviet Union together, sav in g their refusal to participate w a s "ille­ gal top that vote I he country's and u n la w fu l." prosecutor w arn ed separate!) tne a m o n e trying w ould be impr pit ed Soviet S u p r e m e In ap p ro v in g eight ot his nine nom inees to the Security Council, the legislature h an ded G o rbachev another victory in his c ontinuihg bid to revam p the g ov ernm en t's executive branch and strengthen his persona! pow er I eg- in islators g a\ e ( >nrl N o vem ber to cr C ouncil, which will a d v ise him dai !v on d om estic and foreign affairs. ev appro the Se uri dv Bakatin, w h o w as rem oved as head of the Interior Ministry l a s t year and replaced bv hard-liner Bor­ is Pugo, returned to the inner circle ot tin- Soviet leadership had prt ssv m o v e Bake d e p u t y que er w as noi Council wh d ( his itioned whi Mi G orbachev d ism issed , . , i th , i m gis, dei cism , sayin g he had p turn Bakatin to the le. p raising his "potential. I he S u p r e m e Sovit also confirmed Pugo, V G en n a d y Y anave\ Valentin A le x a n d e r B e s s m e r t n y k h , chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov tense Minister Dmitri Y a/o \ G o rbach ev's special Middle Ea vov, Y evgenv Primakov. i’avlov, Fort Mil Mil rime nú re d t.nf lister lister KG B , De- and it en- urn Gorbachev signals a delegate at the Russian Communist Party congress. Associated Press Iraqis acknowledge postwar civil unrest Associated Press N IC O SIA , C y p r u s — The rebellion against S a d d a m H u s s e in 's rule reportedly spread to B a gh dad, and g ov ern m en t n e w s­ p ap ers a p p e a le d T h u rsd a y for national uni­ ty in the first official a c k n o w led g em en t of Iraqi civil unrest. Rioting broke out W e d n e sd ay in B ag h ­ d a d 's al-Thawra and al-Shulla districts, w here m any poor Shiite M uslim s live, ac­ cording to a Shiite o p p ositio n leader in Syria, Ayatollah M o h a m m e d Taqi Mu- daressi. He said the Iraqi arm y failed to control c ro w d s p ou rin g into the streets to d e m o n ­ strate against S a d d a m . About 1.5 million people live in the two neighborhoods. The claim s, m ad e in a statem ent from D am asc u s, could not be in depend ently ver­ ified. But refugee accounts and r e p o r ts from other o p p ositio n g r o u p s su g g e ste d that S a d d a m has yet to crush the revolt prom pted by Iraq's defeat in the Persian G ulf war. M ud aressi lead s the Islamic Labor Party, one of seven Shiite g ro u p s in an anti-Sad­ dam coalition. Shiites m ake u p 55 percent of Iraq's population o f 17 million. S a d d a m and his powerful inner circle all b elon g to the Sunni M uslim minority. Until now-, the an ti-S ad d am revolt had in Shiite-dom in ated been southern Iraq and in the northern K urdish region. concentrated For the first time sin ce the u n rest begun, official gov ernm en t m edia referred to the threat S a d d a m 's regime faces. The g ov ernm en t daily Al-lraq published an editorial w arning of division and disinte­ gration, say ing "a n ta g o n ists w ere trying to d ism em b er Iraq a n d strike at its national u n ity." "T h e re is a p ressin g need tor unity of ranks and any tendency to harm this unity would be ... sabotage, said the editorial, which w as carried bv the official Iraqi N e w s A gency m onitored in Nicosia. " A r a b s and K urds, Christians and M uslims, S h u t o and S u n n is an d all other so n s, ¡Iraqi is the hom eland in which all calls for division die o u t , " it said. Another governm en t n e w sp a p e r, Al- Thawra threatened: "H vervbodv w h o tries to u nderm ine the security of the revolution is a traitor a n d a mercenary. .. All of shall regret it. They w ill pay M udaressi said that in Basra, soldi the regular arm y had joined the civil and were e n g a g e d in "fierce fighting' S a d d a m 's Republican G u ard. He said the latest information froi o t v said about 50 t a nk s from both side been destroyed in the past 24 h o u rs >s h ad "T h e regime h is certainly not beei to retake B a s r a ," M ud aressi said H< claimed that 14 cities stretching from tti Khanaqm , on the Iranian border been pu rged of g ov ernm en t forces. i able .' also Basra hav e Oil firefighters assess damages 400 wells bum in Kuwaiti field Associated Press KUWAIT CITY — A merican oil firefighters w orking near c lo u d s of black, acrid sm o k e a n d roaring oil fires are a s s e s s i n g w'hat it will take to restore K uw ait's oil facilities s a b ­ otaged by Iraqi forces last month. S o m e say the bill could run as high a s $20 billion o v er 10 years. Kuwaiti oil officials estim ated on Thursday that 189 million g allon s a d ay — dou ble what Britain u se s in a day — have been lost from K uw ait's largest oil field since Iraqi forces blasted 400 o f the field's 500 oil wells. They said the d evasta tio n began two d a y s before the start of the Feb. that 24 allied grou n d c a m p a ig n drove the Iraqis from Kuwait, when the touched off exp lo sive charges placed at each well. Iraqis About 800 o f K u w a it's 1,000 wells have been d a m a g e d , estim ated A hm ed M urad, an executive of the state-ow ned Kuwait Oil Co. It could cost $20 billion in the next five or 10 years to restore all of Kuw ait's fields and oil facilities, said M usab Al-Alyseen, head of an force e m e rg e n c y K uw aiti task form ed to get the fields flowing again. They include the w o rld 's second- the G reater Bu rgan south of located 25 miles field, largest field Kuwait city. On T h u rsd a y , no fires had yet been put out, and officials of the state's oil c o m p a n y said m a n y wells still have Iraqi anti-personnel mines aro u n d them. "It's like a drive through hell, isn't it?" said A yad Al-Kandari, a Kuwaiti drilling engineer, as he escorted the journalists past scores o f burning wells a n d at least six d e ­ molished Iraqi tanks alon g one road through the Greater Burgan field. The sky w a s a d e a d , flat gray with the m id d a y tem perature d o w n to to 40 d e g re e s bec au se of a heavy pall of gray and black that blocked the su n 's rays. sm o k e A low, constant roar that s o u n d ­ like jet en gin es filled the air, ed c au sed by burning natural g a s in the dem o lish ed oil wells. Mixed with oil, the g a s fueled bright orange flam es that at som e wells roared u p ­ ward a s high as 200 feet, at one point form ing a fiery, fum in g half­ arch over a road. Intense heat fires could be felt 500 y a rd s a w a v , and so m e from Associated Press A Marine patrol walked past a burning well outside of Kuwait city Thursday. The Marines are caked with oil and covered with soot from the wells. the sm ell w a s like that of burning rubber. A thin film of black oil cov­ ered the ro a d s an d desert. Specialists from two oil firefight­ ing c o m p a n ie s from 1 louston one ow n ed by the famed firefighter Red A dair — and a C a n a d ian co m p a n y surx eved the burning field bv heli­ copter on ru e sd a y , officials said On W ed n esd ay and Thursday, the experts began a g ro u n d tour of som e wel ls, planning w av s to put out the fires and cap the wells, but only after allied dem olitions experts had cleared paths to the wells. The\ weren t available tor c o m ­ ment, but Murad said it w a s too ear Iv to say when they w o u ld begin putting out the tires b e c a u se their special equipm en t had not vet ar­ rived fields as Hie Iraqis clearly intended to d e ­ vastate K uw ait's oil tar back a s A u g u st when, shortly'alter seizing Kuwait, they planted 10- pouiui explosive charges at -.veils th roughout the Greater Burgan field, said Murad Bush’s focus now domestic Associated Press W A S H IN G T O N — C o n g r e ssio n a l leaders on T h u rs­ day a p p la u d e d President B u s h ' s bid to seize up on the m om en tu m of military victory with a fresh attack on A m erica's d om estic n eed s, but p ro d d ed him for the legislative w eap on ry to match that battle cry. H o u se S p e a k e r T h o m a s Foley, D-Wash., said he didn't take literally the p resid en t's call for action within 100 d a y s on transportation an d crim e bills. But he wel­ com ed the renew ed e m p h a s is Bush laid u p o n the d o ­ mestic a g e n d a in his Persian G ulf war victory speech W ed n esd ay night. "I am fullv in su p p o rt of the p resid en t's notion that we should a d d r e s s our attention to so m e o f these criti­ cal national d om estic i s s u e s , " lie said. "I w elcom e his interest and s u p p o r t ." The highw ay bill, which h as long been sched uled for action in this C o n g r e ss, cou ld be voted on in the I lo u se by May, Foley said. But, he said, "W e haven't got the crime bill y e t" from the adm inistration, " S o it is a little hard to m ake a prediction on th at." H o u se Minority L ead er Bob Michel, R-UL, said the p resid en t's d om estic priorities would get a boost be­ cau se of his high p erso n a l popularity. But w inning in the legislative arena will require constant attention from the White H o u se, h e said. " S o m e of these things are very contentious an d very controversial," he said, citing the difficulties the a d ­ ministration w a s having getting C o n g r e s s to ap p rove more m oney for the sa v in g s and loan bailout But Bush can win " if we sim ply have a stead y hand at the keel,' Michel said on N B C 's Today show . Presidential sp o k e sm a n Marlin I it/w ater said Bush's call to act on his ag e n d a within 1(X) d a y s w a s " a goal (for) an effort to get our legislation p a sse d . We think it's go o d to have a public d ead line that h o l d s ou r feet to tin- fire as well as theirs." Bush used the speech to state again his interest in ed ucation, saving he wanted to " e x p a n d ch o ice" for citi/ens. But here, too, C o n g r e s s w as waiting for the adm inistration to flesh out its proposals. The chairman of the H o u se Education a n d Labor C om m ittee, William l ord, D-Mich., said he u nderstood the d ela y s were d u e to Bush switching education secre­ taries. "W e have no education in i t i a t i v e s from him at the present tim e," he said. \ i bania tries to quell exodus Associated Press V IE N N A , Austria Albania on Thursday clam p ed military control on three major ports to halt a ch ao ­ tic e x o d u s an d ste p p e d u p security in the capital of Tirana after at least one person w as killed in clashes with police. a s c a m e I he m o v e Ita ly , ov erw helm ed by th o u sa n d s of Al­ banians flooding its eastern ports, asked 1 irana to stop the flow of ref­ ugees, release its political prisoners and p led g ed more aid to E uro pe s poorest nation. Two boats carrying u p to 8,000 A lbanians reached Italy on Thurs­ day night, becom ing the latest in an ex od u s of tens of th o u sa n d s from the Balkan nation in the last week. Many are crossing the Adriatic Sea to Italy while others travel ov erlan d to Yugoslav ia. Albania is E uro p e's last hard-line C o m m u n ist holdout, an d the refu­ g ees have little faith that elections set for March 31 will e ase financial w oes and political unrest. Albania m oved to staunch the e x ­ o d u s Thursday bv restricting travel to the main port of Durres, other port cities an d Tirana to prevent 'abnorm al gatherings of p e o p le ." " I he seaport of Durres becom es a military / o n e , " said a governm ent statem ent released bv the official A I A n ew s agencv. The governm en t also instructed its Foreign Ministry to contact the United N ations and other countries im m ediately " t o find quick and h u ­ manitarian so lu tio n s" to the prob­ lem. G r a m o / I’ashko, a leader ot the op p ositio n Democratic Party, said about 10,(XX) people still w ere wait­ ing in Durres for sh ip s to take them to Italy, but that all sh ip s had left port. "It's a dram atic situation and we are e n c o u ra g in g them to stay be­ cause these are m ostly y o u n g peo­ ple, and they were go in g to vote fot u s , " he said "T h e y are without hope also be­ c a u s e there is anarchy in the c o u n ­ try," Pashko told 1 he Associated Press. The travel restrictions also were an effort to p u rg e h u g e crow ds from E m bassy Row in Tirana. O ne per­ son w a s killed and at least eight o th ­ ers injured W ed n esd ay when riot police u se d firearms an d water can nons to d isp e rse the crow d s drawn by rum ors of v isu giv eavvavs. In a declaration Thursday on Al banian state radio, the ruling Party ol Tabor, the former C om m un ist party, called the e x o d u s a "national d e m e n tia " an d said it "b re a k s the heart ot every honest A lb an ian ." " w. xsk' m Associated Press Loyalists to Saddam execute dozens as rebellion in southern Iraq grows SAFVV AN Iraq — Forces loyal to S a d d a m Hussein executed scores o f o p p o n e n ts in a sin gle day, but the Iraqi leader has not succeeded in crushing the o p p o s i­ tion m ovem ent, Iraqis from the south of the countrv claimed Thursday. There w as confusion over the extent of Republican G uard control of Basra, Iraq s second largest citv |iis| 22 miles from here. O n e man w ho left Basra Thursday m orning said S a d d a m 's top f i g h t e r s w ere now in charge but another said thev controlled onlv certain districts. The it I S. gov ern m en t said Wednesdav ap p eared Iraqi forces were back in control ot Basra after R epublican G u ard units su p p re sse d an ti-Sad ­ d am riots. that H ussein \li Kazem 22 a student and tanner w ho left Basra on W ed n esd ay said an anti-Saddam protest by ab ou t 1,000 p eo p le earlier W ed n esd av w as fol­ lowed by the public exec ution of about TOO opposition members. "T heir h an d s were tied, then they tied them to The bodies are still a traffic tanks and shot them, he said there, bound by the wrists at Sahat S a a d circle in Basra. M andela's lawyer lashes out at witness JO H A N N E S B U R G , S ou th Africa W innie M an de­ la's lawyer accused a witness in her kidnap and a s ­ sault trial Thursday ot bein g a publicilv-seeker who hoped to profit lioin s t o n e s that Mrs. peddling' M andela beat him an d three others. During two hours of cross-examination,- attornev G eo rge B i/os tried to show that w itness Kenneth Kgase so u gh t out n e w sp a p e rs in South Africa and abroad to publish a ccounts of the alleged ct imes. "Y o u r story that y o u h a v e been p ed d lin g w ould not fiav t* been worth verv m uch if v ou had not implicated Mr s Mandela Ui/os said. I'm not here to implicate an y on e K g a se respond ed "1 have no reason to implicate M is Mandela. ! m her v ictim It w a s K gase s second d a \ o! testimony in the trial, .a which began 1 c'b 8 Mr s M andela, the wife* of \ fi i can Na three' c o d efen d an ts pie oac h c4 kidnap and a vsai Prosecutors allege th- a nd three othei \ o u n g i ygicss leadet Nelson •leaded innocent k nclants abducted K gase from a M ethodist ( hureh Mandel, i and .ounts in December in Mrs, hom e M a n d ela 's Sow eto home. O n e ot them, 14-vear-old Stom p ie Soipei, later d ied . an d beat them Prosecutors s i v the d e fe n d a n ts were m otivated bv allegations the* tour y ou th s had hom osexu al relations with a white minister al the church The church has cleared the minister of a m w ro n g d o in g Election in England stym ies Conservatives H U R S ’I G RE EN , E nglan d Despite Prime Minis ter John Ma|oi s soaring popularity his C on serv ativ es su ffered one ot their b ig g e st u p se ts in a d ecad e, losin g a special election in a form er 1'orv stro n gh old in north E nglan d. With the gulf war o v e r sh a d o w e d bv anger over an unp op ulai tax, the centrist Liberal Democratic Partv scored a l,b01-vote victory ov er the 1 ories in the p r o s ­ p erous Ribble Valiev district, according to unofficial results. The district has about b2,(XX) voters. There w as no immediate' b reakdo w n of the vote percentages. An earlier exit poll of 2,000 voters show ed the Tones w inning VS percent of the vote* 10 points behind the cent! ist Liberal I >emocrat Partv "If this is right, I begin to yv un­ der w hether w e can ever win a bv- election ," said M ajor's Education Secretary Kenneth Clarke. The Liberals ap p ear u> have picked u p a lot of vo tes as ,i protest v o te." sp ectacular C on sérvalo lit- w a s referring to last year's v ersais ec turns rdshire on the s p ec i a l parliamentary in districts in mid-St« and E astbourn e. Labor ifirst, and the liberal th Liberal D em ociats e re ju bilan t ab o u t Huírsela ballot, hold on the 100th dav atter Major took office. Study connects cotíce to high blood pressure Major ATI AN TA Healthv m en w h o drank three u six c u p s of coffee a day experien ced a significant d r o p in blood pressure when they kicked the habit, research oi s said Thursday The researchers th.nk the d ro p might be larger in peop le with high blood p r e s s u r e , w ho should be ad v ised to give Up col too, said m u ot the sti.viv s au thors I >i Robert S u p erk o oi S tan fo rd Universitv •nt dr p n n • M aybe this will help t m ent tor high blood p re ss cipal author, Jeff Myll of Sta I he \ itional c o f k v V. blood p re ssu re w as sm all a show n n o etlect ol coffee on » Page 4 Friday, March 8, 1991 THE DAILY TEX AN EDITORIALS Viewpoint opinions expressed in The Daily Texan < They .we not necessarily those of the University at Student Publications Board of Operating Trustees Op or gu6$t columns are those of the writer »e of the editor and the writer of the article at ion, the Board of Regents or the Texas expressed in Dissenting Opinions and staff ssr,r T ax M e B a by Texans shouldn't fear income tax Go v . A n n R i c h a r d s c o n t i n u e s to sta\ e o f f e n d o r s i n g a I e x - os s t a t e i n c o m e tax . 1 let p u r p o r t e d a l t e r n a t i v e s to i n ­ c r e a s e s t a t e r e v e n u e — a s t a t e l e tte rs a n d c u t s m a d e a f t e r a p e r f o r m a n c e a u d i t o f s t a t e a g e n c i e s — a r e p o l i t i c a l h c o r r e c t , b u t s o c i a ll y w r o n g . Th e t r u t h , a s L t. G o v . B o b B u l l o c k b r a v e h a n n o u n c e d I h u r s - is th at s u c h m e a s u r e s a r e m e r e B a n d - a i d s to a g a p i n g da\ w o u n d t h a t o n l v a s t a t e i n c o m e tax c a n h alt a n d h e a l. I h e p o l i t i c i a n s w h o s u p p o r t a state' l o t t e r y d o s o b e c a u s e it a id s t h e m p o l i t i c a l h . In s u p p o r t i n g t h e e s t a b l i s h m e n t o f a l o t t e r y , T e x a s l a w m a k e r s a r e e s s e n t i a l l y g a m b l i n g o n a n u m b e r , w h o s e p a v o f f is a s lik e lv a s a p a v o f t o n o n e of t h e lo tte r y t i c k e t s th e v s e e k to l e g a l i / e . A s t a t e lo tte r y w ill n o t m e e t th e fi n a n c i a l n e e d s o f t h i s s t a t e an d will p l a c e a d is p r o p o r tio n a t e b u r d e n u p o n th o s e least able to p a y . I he state c o m p tr o lle r h as e s t im a t e d that a state lo ttery will g e n e r a te S731 m illio n in o n e y e a r o f o p e r a tio n , w h ic h w o u ld not b e g i n to a p p r o a c h t h e S 4 . 3 b illio n d e f i c i t t h e l e g i s l a t u r e m u s t c o u n t e r to m a i n t a i n e x i s t i n g s t a t e s e r v i c e s . 1 h o s e least a b le to affo rd to d o n a t e th a t 3731 million a re th o se m ost likely to p u rch a s e a lottery ticket. That i s u n accep tab le, esp ec ia lly c o n s i d e r i n g that th e re is a n o t h e r o p tio n , o n e that w ou ld co st le x a n s n o th in g . A s t a t e i n c o m e ta x w o u l d c o s t T e x a n s n o t h i n g b e c a u s e it is w h o lly d e d u c t i b l e f r o m th e n a t i o n a l i n c o m e tax l e x a n s a l r e a d y pay, p ro v id e d th at th e state a d o p t th e s a m e tax atio n sy s te m and b r a c k e t s u s e d n a t i o n a l l y . T h e m o n e y t h a t c o u l d r e m a i n in a n d b e u s e d in F e x o s is c u r ­ r e n t l y d o l e d o u t a m o n g all 5 0 s t a t e s . I t's a w t u l l v n i c e fo r I e x a n s to p a y f o r a n e w s c h o o l h o u s e in O p e l i k a , A l a ., o r a n e w e x it r a m p in R a m s e y , N . J . , b u t w e c o u ld u s e th a t m o n e y h e r e . I e x a s r a n k s n e a r t h e b o t t o m o f t h e c o u n t r y in its e x p e n d i t u r e s fo r b o t h its s c h o o l a n d c r i m i n a l ju s t i c e s y s t e m s . T o r e m a i n m e r e ly p a t h e t i c , T e x a s n e e d s t h e $ 8 b illio n it w o u l d e a r n o v e r t h e 1992- 1993 b i e n n i u m . It n e e d s it n o w . — D u v c W i n t e r 11 the king's smart bombs and all the king’s men UT athletics needs a 'Varsity Club' M any years ago, college sports were the S o u th w es t. Paul Q u in n , in sim ple affairs. Manly men played for honor, thrills and plain old fun. O t h ­ ers ch o se alternativ e w ays to w o o w o m e n — such as quoting D u n n e or e x p o u n d in g on the virtues of A m erican liberty. Lite was good, or so it seem ed . recruiting, T he m odern era brought dollar signs to col­ lege athletics: multimillion-d ollar bowl g am es, aggressive " s c h o la r s h ip s ” stretching far beyond ro om, board and tuition. O th e r factors com plicated the picture — m ul­ tiversities of un fath o m able size, a national push for fitness and the o n c e u n m e n tio n ab le female athlete. and S o m e w h e r e along the line the once-u nitied mission of college athletics diverged. Lodav som e schools strive to fulfill the old scholar- athlete ideal and m a x im i/e participation by m aintainin g several v a r s i t y level sports. O t h ­ ers, such as ou r university, mark a solid line betw een intercollegiate sports com petitors and the general stu d ent population. T h e y conc entrate the m o n e y in a m inim um n u m ber of varsity sports in order to d ev elop excellence in tho se fe w. At Berkeley, a school following the old m ission, o n e of every 35 s tu ­ d ents participates in the 13 m e n 's and 11 w o m ­ e n 's varsity sports fu nded bv the athletic d e ­ partment. C o m p a re that with the University, w h ere few er than o n e in every 140 stud ents co m p etes in s ev en m e n 's and s ev en w o m e n 's sports. This is all harm less e n o u g h . Less-than-stellar athletes d o n 't co m e to A u stin w ith d ream s of stardom in football, basketball and the like; they hit the sm aller schools it th ey w an t to c o m ­ pete at the intercollegiate level. M ean w h ile, the thriving m ass of non -participants gets som e cheap thrills ch e erin g for nationally ranked not- so-student-athletes. O f cou rse not all the non-varsity types just vegetate in their d orm rooms. T h e University's Recreational Sports D ep artm ent otters a two- tiered system consisting ot intramural and club sports. Rec Sports has been e xtrem ely s u cce s s ­ ful in m eeting the need s of m ost s tu d e n ts, and .< i Gabriel Demombynes TEXAN COLUMNIST "A proposal to create a Var­ sity Club status,, embodying most of these guidelines, was passed by the Intercollegiate Athletic Councils in 1981." m any team s co m p etin g as club program s have achieved substantial national recognition. U n fortunately, som e UT team s, nam ely crew and soccer, have found th e m s e lv es held back bv their status as club sports. " W e 'r e dealing with problem s o f mission — the p u rp o s e s of crew and soccer d o not fit in with R ec S p o r ts ," said UT soccer C oach Robert Parr. O n e a d m in ­ istrator at Rec Sports is re sp o n sib le for all 39 club sports. Last fall, the crew team s had the opportunity to obtain a n u n u s e d state-ow ned w areh o u se for use as a m u ch -n e e d e d boat­ house; the deal fell through b ecau se Rec Sports w asn 't prepared to deal with the paperw ork and responsibility. T he pro blem s extend b eyon d th o se of a d m in ­ istration. UT soccer delivered a national c h a m ­ pionship, an d the crew team racked up a string of victories im pressive e n o u g h to attract a for­ mer O lym pian to Austin to coach . Yet the soccer squad still has to vie with intramural m atch es for time on UT fields, and the crew finds itself w orking against its o w n Rec Sports administration. The University's attention, the athletes say, lut hom e most at the bottom line would m o ney . Better statu s would o p e n up alumni donations, corporate s p o n so rsh ip s and a host ot lucrative fund-raising opportunities. is I h e United States R o w in g Association looking to match s p o n s o rs to varsity crew pro­ the g r a m s Ü S R A 's regional coord inator, said is "v e r y high up on the list of s c h o o ls ." C rew and soccer are in a bind that would m ak e Jo se p h I leller proud — thev need varsity status to raise m o ney , but thev're certainly not g oing to rise above the club sports program w ithout a m o u n ­ tain of cash. Iexas Varsity statu s isn't a possibility for either team. UT Athletic Director D eloss D od d s told the soccer team that th ey'd need to p re sen t a $3 million e n d o w m e n t to obtain varsity status. W orking in the s cop e of their $1 0,0 0 0 a year operating budget, th e y 'v e got a long w ay to go to meet that mark. W hat the Univ ersity n e e d s is a 'n e w Varsity Club class for sports. Essentially, such statu s would be that of a varsity team w ithout scholar­ ships and without a serious financial c o m m it­ ment the Univ ersity. Adm inistration would be handled bv the D ep a rtm e n t of Inter­ collegiate Athletics, w hich would also pay a minimal salary to the team s' coach es, to be s u p ­ plem ented bv team fund-raising. from learns would raise m o n ey th e m se lv es, but with the University's b lessing and re cognition. Varsity Club team s would have second-priority access to all facilities, after that of varsity teams. And Rec Sports would be free to c o n c en tra te its efforts on intramurals and le s s -d e m a n d in g club sport programs. A proposal to create a Varsity Club statu s, e m b o d y in g most o f these g uid elines, was passed by the Intercollegiate Athletic C o uncils in 1981. Apparently, it e n c o u n te red n o signifi­ cant oppositio n but died on the d e s k o f form er UT President Peter Haw n. C rew team b oosters presented a similar plan to the M e n 's 1AC last O cto b er and h av en 't received a reply. Varsity Clubs probably s eem ed like a good idea 10 vears ago; today they 're needed m ore than ever. I \'inomhynes is ii form er row er on the t rew teuni. Center doesn't study war I am writing to re quest that you publish a correction to an obvious misconception that appeared (" I he colors of war are red, white, hiue and burnt o r a n g e ," The I huh/ Texan, Feb. 21) in the new spaper. 1 refer onlv to the implication that any kind of chem ical w arfare research is being cond u cted at the C e n te r for Fast Kinetics Research. No such research is being d on e here, nor has any such research been car­ ried out here in my three-year tenure I should point out that the C enter for Fast Kinetics Research is a national facility for biomedical research, financed by the National Institutes of Health. W e are c o n ­ ducting research program s aimed at iden­ tifying new anti-cancer drugs and related biomedical subjects. Prior to any research program starting at the ce n te r it is scrutinized by an exter­ nal review board of senior scientists who must approve the work as being relevant to the goals of the center. It is inconceiv* able that research co n n ecte d , in any form, to chemical w arfare would receive a p ­ proval, regard less of the researcher. Presumably, the error h a s arisen bv careless reporting. W h e n s o m e o n e has a joint position, as in the case at h a n d , it is the responsibility of the reporter to identi­ ty the location w here the work is being done. By m entioning the C en te r for Fast Ki­ netics Research the reporter is im plying that the work is being d o n e here. T h is is not so. A te le p h o n e call to a n y o n e at the center would have resolved that issue in a few seconds. I he staff of the C e n te r for Fast Kinetics Research its m any is very proud of ac hiev em ents in the field of biomedical re­ search. W e d o not wish to have ou r repu­ tation d am ag ed as w e feel ha s been d on e bv this article. I trust that you will find an appropriate way to restore this situation. P erh ap s on e of your reporters could visit us and write an accou nt on the research th at we actual­ ly do. A. Harriman I ) e p u t i/ I hrct to r C e n te r fo r I ast K in e tic s Research Statue symbol of arrogance T h e main reason i would like the statue of Jefferson Davis ch a n g e d or rem oved is not racism ( " R a / i n g of D avis in effe ctu a l," th e D aily T exan , M o n d a y .) A ngela S hah very well pointed ou t oth e r m en we h o n ­ or in the S o u th Mall that had faults such as W ilson and W ash in g to n . But, for me, the statue stand s for a g ro up of people and a w ay o f thinking that sou ght to divide an d destroy ou r na­ tion. A time w hen people put the South befo re country, w hen men like Robert E. Lee w h o thought secession was illegal and unconstitutional and slavery immoral would turn their backs on their country, trying to divide it. If the statue had an epitaph of "le t us not forget our w r o n g s " stating it was a rem ind er of what not to be, fine. T h e stat­ ue is a classic e xam p le of S o u th e rn arro­ g a nce and pride in not w an tin g to admit it was w rong and that it lost. It is the sam e reason which leads to "s ta t e s ' rig h ts ," sece ssio n ism and almost the destruction of ou r nation, the sam e reason the main build ing poin ts south as well as the Capitol. Th is is how I see it, so swallo w your pride and let's get this b eh in d us for it has bee n lingering for about 130 years. Boris T urcinovie H istory Children need guidance T h is is my sin cere congratulations to David Karabinas for his c o lu m n (" P a r e n ts raising patients, not c h i ld r e n ," The Daily that Texan, T u esd a y .) s o m e o n e wrote about this profound prob­ lem facing parents in the United States to­ day. It's about time I believe Karabin as is correct in his a s ­ sessm ent of the lack of time pare n ts are able to spend rearing their children. Possi­ bly, this is related directly to ou r un stable e con om ic situation in the United States. It is extrem ely difficult to live on a mini­ m um wage salary, let alone raising a child and on e se lf o n that incom e. O n e m u st get tw o jobs and work 60 to 80 h o u rs a w eek to m ake e n d s m eet. No, think I do not Ju das Priest " c a u s e d " that te en ag e boy to com m it su i­ cide. look think A m ericans need d eeper into the problem ol a society that 'raises' its children w ithout guid ance. to I Jennifer N affziger A rchitectu re Southern 'character' is an unfortunate characteristic of UT Symbols have great power. "This campus is one gigantic, distorting, painful insult to blacks." Sam Kaplan TEXAN COLUMNIST with that o f Stalin's purges and op pression. They can act as the catalyst for great m o v e m e n ts or can remind p eople o f their history. Th e pow er that a symbol wields, how ever, varies with each b eho ld ­ er ot it. I he Jefferson Davis statue on the Sou th Mall is an example. Th e statu e is now the focus of controversy over a new bill w hich it dow n. The tearing p roposes it main a rg u m e n ts tearing lor d ow n carry great moral reso­ nance: the pain that seeing the statu e cau ses m any, the aversion to glorifying a man w h o stood for, am o n g other things, the protec­ tion of a system based on slavery, and perhaps the sym bolic value to the m odern civil rights m o vem ent o f tearing d ow n a sym bol of past oppression. T h e main a rg u m e n t against tearing the statu e d ow n is that to do so would distort and d en y the history o f the S ou th (for w h atever else people would disagree on, most would ag ree that the statue of sym bolizes m uch of the culture and tradition Jefferson Davis of the old South). I iue self-serving O n e Tiring It is easy to feel great outrage at the glorifying of a m a n like Davis and feel great sy m p a th y for those w h o m the statue c a u s e s great a n ­ guish. H is also easy to dism iss the "d istortion o f h is to ry " arg u m e n t sm ok e scre en . as a subm ission raised the apparent contradiction of w hy w h en Lastern Europeans and R ussians tear d ow n their sta­ tues of Stalin, thev are praised for a tte m p tin g initiate a New World O rd er, but w h en UT stu­ d en ts (or Texas legislators) want to Jefferson Davis's sta tu e, they are accused o f trying to distort or denv history. tear d ow n to T h e reason for the difference be­ tw een the situations does not lie in the differences b etw een the two men Jo sav Jefferson Da\ i*, is no Stalin is to wrongly com p are the incredible evil of So u th e rn slavery Th e re are, how ever, tw o main reasons whv the situations differ. T h e first is that Stalin, though he ruled for a long time, only repre­ sented a period of Russian histo­ ry. Jefferson Davis, how ever, in a very real sense, sym bolizes S o u th ­ ern culture built up over 200 is a difference be­ years. T here tw een d en yin g or symbolically ripping d ow n an aberrant part of o n e 's history and d en y in g an e n ­ tire culture and heritage, the u n ­ d ercurrents of which still affect us today (though the culture may be rep u gn ant to manv). Th e oth er reason is m o re practi­ cal. S tu d e n ts can work from now until d o o m sd ay , and they will never rem ov e the S o u th e rn ch a r­ acter from this ca m p u s. This c a m ­ pus boasts the statu es of C o n fe d ­ erate heroes, the C o n fe d era te war memorial, and the n am es like Lit­ tlefield and Hogg; it lacks a north mall. T h e re is reason that all the e n t r a n c e s or ig in a l b u i l d i n g s ' op ened to the south, a n d that the statu es of W oo drow W ilson and Dav is face south. T h at reason is that G e orge Littlefield, a staunch S o u th e rn e r motivated by Ins h a ­ tred for the N orth, d esigned the cam p u s; the c am p u s will always bear his mark of S o u th e rn pride. this whole c a m p u s Conservatives, how ever, g e n e r ­ ally stop short of w h ere their a rg u ­ m ents ultimately lead. They never seem to point out, in their haste to the distortion of history, avoid that is one huge distortion of history. It is a testam ent solely to the " g l o r y " and " h o n o r " of the S ou th and has n othing which points ou t that the South was built upon the backs of S ou thern blacks. If p e rs o n s with little or no s en se o f history exa­ mined this ca m p u s, th ey would have no idea how m uch blacks have had to face and ov ercom e in both the pre- and post-Civil War Sou ths. T h e C o n fe d era te soldiers memorial is probably the most o f­ fensive sym bol to blacks, for w h en it reads of the "b e tte r S o u t h " that was built from the ruins of the Civil W ar, ev e ryon e k n o w s what this " b e tte r S o u t h " had in store for blacks. 1 his cam p u s, then, is o n e g i­ gantic, distorting, painful insult to blacks. Co nservatives w h o clam or that the statue not be torn d ow n should also be clam oring for a way to rectify these gross historical d is­ tortions. Ih e University should have more than on e statue o f black h e­ roes (in p ro m inent places on c a m ­ pus). T h e s e statues should point out all that blacks have had to o v ercom e in the S ou th , both from institutionalized slavery and the discrimination o f "Jim C r o w " laws and the Plessy vs. Ferguson S u ­ preme Court decision. the statu e w ould m ake, d ow n conc erned s tu d e n ts and legislators should attept to m a k e a .po sitive statem ent, affirm ing w h a t blacks have a ccom p lish e d , while re m in d ­ ing e v e ry o n e that the S o u th w as not e v e n close to being all hon or and glory. C o n serv a tiv e s shou ld e m b race this solution, co n c ern e d as they are with p reventing the disto rtion ot history. Blacks should not view this solution as an a p p e a s in g sop, blit rather, as an op portu nity to round out what is presently an in­ com plete history on ca m p u s. Anv sy m b olic value attached to tearing d o w n the D avis statue would be g o n e in a year or so. But Martin L uth er King Jr. and F reder­ ick D ou glass statues would be p erm anent affirm ations of tri­ um ph for blacks and rem ind ers of the op p re ss io n s and im p e d im e n ts that the Sou th has put in the way of the black c o m m u n ity 's u n fin ­ ished jo urney to racial equality. Instead of the negative, history- tearing d en ying statem ent that more. Kaplan is a Plan ll/h istory sop h o­ UNIVERSITY rwD«L»m« Friday, March 8,1991 Page 5 University admits to EPA violations David Loy Daily Texan Staff The U niversity ad m itted eight of 17 charges of violating federal h az­ ard o u s w aste law s at the Balcones Research C enter, re sp o n d in g T ues­ day through the atto rn ey g eneral's office to Environm ental Protection Agency allegations. As a result of inspections con­ ducted on Aug. 22, 1989, an d M arch 20, 1990, the EPA pro p o sed fining the U niversity $170,550 after discov­ ering evidence of alleged violations. But the eight violations the U niver­ sity adm itted are som e of the le a s t, serious, carrying a com bined pen al­ ty of only $10,600. The adm itted charges, from a re­ port released by the attorney g en er­ al's office, include failure to perform a toxicity test on w aste, failure to m aintain required perso n n el train ­ ing docum ents and records at Bal­ cones and failure to post w arning signs. The m ost serious charges denied by the U niversity include failure to make applicable a n d p ro p er h az ard ­ ous w aste determ in atio n s for all sol­ id w astes generated — w hich car­ ries a fine of $49,750 — and storage of restricted w aste for reasons other th an p ro p e r recovery, treatm ent or disposal — w hich carries a fine of $79,600. These charges m ainly involve a fu rn itu re-stripping operation con­ ducted at the research center. The U niversity ow ns a com m ercial-size unit that strips paint from furniture to be refurbished by im m ersing it in a chem ical solvent. The U niversity w as charged w ith im properly d isposing of 250 p o u n d s of chemical w aste from the strip ­ ping process. The U niversity's report did not resp o n d to tw o charges. These w ere failure to provide an n u a l personnel training review s an d failure to p ro­ vide training to all facility p erso n ­ nel. The report stated that the U niver­ sity could not eith e r adm it or deny these charges because it did not have the necessary inform ation on w hich to base an an sw er. The U niversity partially adm itted to one charge d ealin g w ith failure to conduct inspections at least once each op eratin g day. The U niversity adm itted not inspecting one of tw o evaporation tank s at Balcones. The U niversity has requested that the EPA g ran t a h earin g in the case and levied against it. that no pen alties be The EPA an d th e Texas W ater C om m ission w ere alerted to th e al­ leged violations by a UT em ployee concerned that the U niversity w as storing know n and u n k n o w n ch em ­ ical w astes at an u n a u th o riz e d site at the research center. Records obtained from the EPA revealed that the agency, up on in­ spection of the cen ter, found haz­ ard o u s w aste containers sim ply la­ beled "stu ff," h a z a rd o u s chem icals stored in soda bottles w ith rags stuffed in the top, broken bottles and containers w ith the lids off an d a box filled w ith ru stin g an d co rro d ­ ed cans containing chem icals. EPA Violation Responses •D e n ie d $ 7 9 ,0 0 0 violation of storage o f restricted w a s te fo r reasons other than proper recovery, tre atm e n t, o r disposal •D en ied $ 4 9 ,7 5 0 violation fo r fa ilu re to m a k e app licable an d proper hazard o u s w a s te determ inations fo r all solid w astes gen erated • Denied $ 9 ,5 0 0 violation fo r fa ilu re to m a k e app licable an d proper hazard ous w a s te determ inations fo r all solid w astes gen erated • A dm itted to $ 5 ,0 0 0 violation fo r fa ilu re to com ply w ith w a s te accum ulation requirem ents R E P A IR • Boots • Shoes • Leather Goods • Luggage C U S TO M MADE • Boots ^ Belts • Chaps • Etc. Capitol Saddlery 1614 Lavaca • Austm • 478-9309 Felipe C am po s/D aily Texan Graphics C A M AMO dh. Tonight & Saturday Kinky Friedm an Texas Union 24th & Guadalupe H ead less hu rd ler Kellie Bryant, finance senior, practices for the 400-meter hurdles at Memo­ rial Stadium. Bryant has been running track since high school and has been on the UT team for four years. The track and field season begins March 22 with its first outdoor meet. Scott Lewis Daily Texan Staff UT C om m ittee finds biggest problem storing containers filled w ith alum inum cans Carl Nem ec Daily Texan Staff C oncerned resid en ts u sed to p u t out boxes and trash bags to collect alum inum cans in som e ot the U ni­ versity's residence halls, but now the U niversity has taken recycling into its ow n h an ds. All lau ndry room s in UT resi­ dence halls and the U niversity-run co-ops and a p a rtm e n ts now have cardboard boxes or 55-gallon d ru m s for collecting alu m in u m cans to be recycled. and The recycling steerin g com m ittee, m ade u p of UT residence hall a d ­ m inistrators stu d e n ts, met I hu rsday to discuss p lan s for a p u b ­ licity and educational cam paign about the recycling effort. But the m em bers found that the effort has already caused logistical problems» Ih e biggest obstacle they face is finding a place to p u t recyclables be­ fore they are picked up. A ustin Metal a n d Iron, the com ­ pany that picks u p the cans, will not W e ’ve made ourselves environmentally aw are.” — Scott Lumry, assistant coordinator o í Beauíord H. Jester Center send a truck unless there are at least 600 p o u n d s of cans. Each box in the dorm s is lined w ith a bag that will hold 10 to 15 p o u n d s, so 50 to 60 bags need to be collected before they can be picked up. C urrently, full bags are being stored un d er stairw ells because the residence halls have no extra room to store them . The recycling com ­ m ittee m em bers w ant a central col­ lecting facility, but finding space for it on cam pus poses a problem w hen there are "n o t en o u g h places to park cars," said Tom C olburn, area coordinator for UT family student housing. The education cam paign also will try to teach stu d e n ts to w ash out cans before depositing them in the boxes because u n w a sh e d cans at­ tract bugs. T he com m ittee will distribute fli­ ers and put u p posters in all of the U niversity residence halls to tell stu ­ d e n ts w here recycling containers are located, w hat to put in the bins and ask them to w ash out their cans. A public service an n o u n cem en t abo ut the recycling cam paign will also ap p e a r in U I publications for resid en ts and em ployees. Scott Lumrv, assistant coordina­ lester C enter, tor of Beau ford H. said UT em ployees have put recy­ cling boxes in their break room s. "W e ve m ade ourselves en v iro n ­ m entally aw a re ," he said. The U niversity has begun by re­ cycling only alu m in um , w'hich sells for 30 cents to 40 cents per p oun d d e p e n d in g on dem an d . But the com m ittee is looking into collecting o th er pro ducts that can be profita­ bly recycled. Lumry said the residence halls will not collect n ew sp ap ers, because no com pany in th e citv will pick them up. Papers also bring only pennies per h u n d re d p o u n d s. Ihe com m ittee has considered collecting cardboard, corrugated since the m ajority of the prod ucts for UI Food Services com es in box­ es, Lumrv said. An A ustin com pany will pick up cardboard only if there are more than six bales of it. The U niversity, how ever, d o es not have a baling m achine, and if the residence halls w anted to buy one, com m ittee m em bers agreed that space w ould still be a problem . Each housing entity — Jester C en­ ter, M en's Residence Halls, W om ­ en s Residence Halls, the co-ops and the ap a rtm e n ts — will receive a the m oney earn ed percentage of from recycling in accordance w ith the percentage of the residence hall population they house. T hus, since Jester C enter has 30 percent of the population, the dorm will receive 30 percent of the m oney. * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ Í , ALPHA CHI OMEGA Wishes to Thank CONTINENTAL AIRLINES Our Platinum “ Hoop-lt-Up” Sponsor HAUX MEN'S SHORTS JUST $19.90 8611 N. MOPAC EXPRESSW AY E X IT STECK N , 512-794 9036 DO YOU SUFFER FROM COLD SORES OR FEVER BLISTERS? CALL NOW TO ENROLL IN RESEARCH STUDY BEFORE YOUR NEXT ATTACK! • 16 years of age or over • Medical care at no cost to you • S275 financial incentive provided. FOR MORE INFORMATION 346-9955 Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-4:30 PM 1 MB SIMMs for Mac Plus 1 MB SIMMs for other Macs 1MB SIMMs for Mac llfx i MB SIMMs IBM MacProducts USA 2021 Guadalupe Suite 23 Second Level Dotxe Mall Free Paiking 46945000 SHOP DILLARD'S BARTON CREEK SQUARE AND HIGHLAND MALL MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 10 0; SUNDAY 12-G DILLARD'S AND ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS WELCOME t T h k D a i ly T e x a n Page 6 Friday, March 8,1991 STATE & LOCAL Bill to streamline agencies Buck Sralla Daily Texan Staff A bill that w ould stream lin e m ore than a d o zen state b oard s and co m ­ m ission s in to a sin gle ag en cy d e­ signed to put ifs teeth in to e n fo rcin g en viron m en tal protection law s w as introduced T h u rsd ay by S e n . Carl Parker, D -P ort A rthur. T he p ro p osed T exas D ep artm en t of N atural R eso u rces w ould bring under o n e roof the cu rren t o p e ra ­ tions of the T exas W ater C o m m is­ sio n , the T exas A ir C o ntro l Board, the Stru ctu ral Pest C ontrol Board and several sm aller state b oard s, a c ­ cording to th e bill. P arker co-au - the bill w ith S en . G en e thored S e n . C h e t G re e n , D -H o u s to n , B rooks, D -P asad en a, an d R ep . R ob­ ert Sau n d ers, D-La G ran g e. Lt. G ov . Bob Bullock, w h o sp ok e in su p p ort of the plan T h u rsd ay , said, " I n the past, this sta te 's p iece­ meal ap p roach to p ro tectin g th e e n ­ v ironm ent has b een a th ree-rin g circus, w ith d ifferen t a g e n cie s p er­ form ing the sam e act in d ifferen t rings. "T h e D ep artm en t of N atural R e­ sou rces will bring a vital state fu n c­ tion — p ro tectin g o u r G od -g iven natural e n v iro n m en t — u n d er on e tent so the p eople o f T exas will know ju st w h o is re sp o n sib le for safeg u ard ing and clea n in g up their air, w ater and la n d ." T h e n ew d e p a rtm e n t w ould com prise five d iv ision s. T h e P erm it­ ting and M o nitoring D iv ision w ould m ake the board regard ing all a p p lica tio n s for air, w ater, solid and hazard ou s w aste perm its and m o n ito r co m p li­ a n ce w ith those perm its. re c o m m e n d a tio n s to A lso, staff scien tists, as part of the E n viron m en tal H ealth Protection D iv ision , w ould review all perm it ap p licatio n s before th eir issu an ce to d eterm in e the risks involved . In a "h a n d s -o n p a rtn e rsh ip " w ith the co m m u n ity , the Policy and P lan n in g D ivision w ould w ork w ith ind u stry to find less toxic altern a­ tives to stand ard o p eratio n s. Fhe Legal A ffairs and H earings D iv isions would be in ch arg e of le­ gal m atters and hold co n tested case h e arin g s w h en citizen s or industry ch allen g e the g ran tin g or d enial of a perm it. B ecau se th e d ep artm en t wmuld con so lid ate existin g p rogram s and m axim ize available fed eral funds, Bullock said the creation of the body w ould not have a sig n ifican t im pact on the sta te treasury. S an d y R u sh er, org an izin g ch air­ m an for th e T exas State E m p loyees U n ion , agreed and said the co n so li­ d ation w ould create ad ditional jobs. "[L a w m a k e rs] are actu ally talking ab ou t tryin g to raise p eop le's sala­ ries to hire high-quality p eople to be able to d eal w ith the en v iro n m en t in this w a y ," R u sh er said. W h ile P arker did not ack n o w l­ ed ge an y fu ture raise in salaries for state w o rk ers, he said ag en cy e m ­ p loy ees w ould not e xp erien ce a sig ­ n ifican t lay off threat. "W e 'd only lay o ff th o se that a re n 't n e cessa ry , and if th e y aren 't n e cessa ry , they ou g h t to be laid off n o w ," he said . A lon g w ith creatin g the stre a m ­ lined a g e n cy , the bill co n ta in s pro\ i- sio n s a llo w in g citizen s to b eco m e police o fficers of the e n v iro n m en t by su in g p o llu ters th e m se lv es. Ken K ram er, sp o k esm an for the Sierra C lu b , praised the id ea, say in g it w ould give ord inary people g re at­ er a cce ss to the cou rt sy stem . H e ad ded th at, un d er cu rren t law , citi­ zen s can only file a law suit ag ain st p o llu ters u n d er certain n u isan ce p ro v ision s and that onlv state a g e n ­ cies can su e for v iolations o f e n v i­ ro n m en tal statu tes. Citizen group charges EPA with cover-up Steve Higginbotham Daily Texan Staff A citizen w atchd og g rou p criticized a g o v ern m en t agency for givin g a report o f its en fo rcem en t of e n v i­ ronm ental statu tes that they say exclu d ed citizen input, and a ccu sed it of cov erin g up v io latio n s com m itted by a w ater treatm en t facility n ear D allas. Brigid S h e a , program d irecto r for T exas C lean W ater A ction, ch id ed the E n v iron m en tal P rotection A g ency at a T u esd ay p ress c o n feren ce for its h and ling of an audit it con d u cted on a region co v erin g T exas and su rro u n d ­ ing states that w ould ch e ck th e efficien cy of th e EPA in correcting en v iro n m en ta l violation s in the reg io n . "W e are d istu rbed w ith th e w ay th e EPA has h a n ­ dled this p ro cess from the b eg in n in g , w h en citizen s w ere exclu d ed , to the end w h en it w as released in such a fashion that it w ould g et th e least p o ssible atten tion — at 4:30 last Friday a fte r n o o n ," Sh ea said . Carol M u rray, w h o lives e a st of D allas near Lake T aw ak on i, sh ow ed sam p les o f w ater taken from a pri­ vate w ater utility that o p era tes th ere. T h e sam p les c o n ­ tained large am o u n ts o f sand and oth er p o llu tan ts, m aking the w ater m udd y. M urray said th e w ater, w h ich is taken from Lake T aw akoni and a n o th er reserv oir, is filled w ith fecal coli- form bacilli — from h u m an a n d anim al w aste — and sh e su sp e cts it has led to vag in itis and th e grow th of am o eb as in gum tissu e, a lth o u g h it is "im p o ssib le to p ro v e " that th e w ater is th e cau se. M urray also p rod u ced an EPA file on the T aw akon i W ater Utility C o rp o ratio n in D allas w hich states that the EPA knew sin ce A u g u st 1988 that op eration and m a n a g em en t rep orts "w e r e ap p aren tly being falsified " and th at th e turbidity m eter, w h ich m easu res silt and fecal coliform , w as n o t b ein g used . "T h e s e are ju st a sa m p le o f the obviou s record s d is­ crep an cies and in ad eq u a te s u r v e y s ," th e report stated . H ow ever, w h en M u rray applied for the d ocu m en t th rou g h the T exas O p e n R eco rd s Act, she received a cop y w ith that part b lacked ou t. Sh e ad ded th a t she d oes n ot rem em b er how sh e g ot th e clean cop y. David Barv, press o fficer for the EPA D allas b ran ch , said th e agency cu stom arily blacks ou t parts of its d o cu ­ m en ts b efo re d istrib u tion to citizen s " if it in v olv es in­ form ation of an e n fo rcem en t-sen sitiv e c a s e ." He refu sed to elab orate w h at co n stitu te s an "e n fo rc e m e n t- s e n sitiv e " case. Bary said e n fo rcem en t a g a in st the w ater su p p lier b e ­ gan in 1988, but that th e co rp o ratio n was taken to b an k ­ ru ptcy cou rt, and action had to be d elay ed . "T h is has b een a very co m p le x c a s e ," Barv said , but ad ded "th e r e will be a ctio n fo rth co m in g to get this situ ­ ation c o r re c te d ." R esid en ts of the Lake T ow ak on i area have b een on a boiled -w ater statu s sin ce 1988, M urray said , m ea n in g they m u st boil the w ater b efo re co n su m in g it. " D o you think b oiling this w ater will do any g o o d ? " sh e ask ed , hold ing up a sp e cim e n . Food vendor John Johnson, wrapped in a flag, drinks beer to provoke arrest in his alcohol ordinance protest. Vendor challenges alcohol law Steve Higginbotham Daily Texan Staff To protest a d o w n to w n alcohol con su m p tion o rd in an ce , a man sporting an A m erican flag draped around his neck and hold in g a b eer can stood ou tsid e o f A u stin City Hall T h u rsd ay , h o p in g that he would be arrested for d rinking so he could file a law suit ag ain st the city. Jo h n Jo h n so n , a Sixth Street food vend or, sp o k e to the A ustin C ity C ouncil b efo re staging the p ro test ou tsid e. H e argued that the A u gust 1990 o rd in an ce o u t­ law ing co n su m p tio n of alcohol on streets, sid ew alk s and alley s in d ow ntow n A u stin is u n co n stitu ­ tional. T h e area affected ran g es from Tow n L ake to 15th Street and from Lam ar Boulevard to C h icon Street. " I plan to be a rrested today for drinking a b eer on the sid ew alk in front of the C ity C ou ncil c h a m ­ b e rs ,” Jo h n so n said. "I'm asking the C ity C ouncil to have m e arrest­ ed , p le a s e ." U nfortunately for him, he was not. As Jo h n so n w as preparing to op en the co n tain er just ou tsid e the building, a police officer walked into the past him on his way c h a m b e rs, Jo h n s o n 's pleas to be arrested . ig n o rin g Jo h n so n said he w ants to test the con stitu tio n ality of the law in cou rt. Several cities with such o r­ d in an ces, such as San A ntonio, h av e b een accu sed o f violating the T exas C o n stitu tio n , and th e state L egislatu re is cu rrentlv d iscu ssing the con stitu tio n ality of alcohol co n su m p tio n laws. I ori R enteria, an o th er citizen w ho spoke to the City C ouncil, charged that the o rd in an ce was targeted against the h om eless, but the sh e said w rong approach the h om eless off the streets. is u sing clear to the city "Y o u do not treat the h o m eless problem w ith law e n fo r c e m e n t," R enteria said. "Y o u are d iscrim i­ nating ag ain st the p oor and m in or­ ities in en fo rcin g the o rd in an ce in certain areas and not in o th e r s ." A lthough th e law' cov ers d o w n ­ tow n and East A u stin , it d o es not pertain to Sou th A u stin or "B u b - b a la n d ," Renteria said, lt also d oes not apply to the "ta ilg a te p a rtie s" held by UT stu d en ts. H ow ever, C ouncil m em b er R ob ­ ert B arn ston e said th e o rd in an ce w ill eventu ally cov er all o f A u stin or non e of it, d ep en d in g on how the exp erim en t in th e d ow n tow n area w orks out. " l t probably ou g h t to be ev ery ­ w h ere or now here afte r w e look at a certain area and s e e how it g o e s ," B a rn sto n e said. But Jo h n so n said , "T h e y 'r e ru in­ ing that street [Sixth S tre e t]. T hey just ad ded a n o th er nail in th e co f­ fin of the w h ole party atm o s­ p h e r e ." yom'SeMte Bar*B*Q B E R T 'S BAR B Q — The m eatiest and juciest BBQ for 20 years! Succulent ribs, sausage, beef with trimmings. Specials Daily! We cater. 610 W Martin Luther King. 474-2613. THE P IT BA RBEQ U E — 5423 Cameron Rd., 453-7866; 3815 Dry Creek (at FM 2222», 451-0000. Serving delicious barbeque made fresh daily. MIRGCIK MARTIN’S PLACE “ D IR T YS” — Austin’s oldest restaurant serving UT great burgers since 1926. Curb service, outdoor or indoor dining available. 2808 Guadalupe. 477-3173. HAM BURGER H ILL — Featuring our famous bacon swiss burger with sautéed mushrooms. Open 7 days. 11600 Manchaca. 282-8856. PINCH A POLLO — Discover a healthy way to eat chicken! Marinated and cooked on a grill to a ten­ der juicy perfection. Served with tortillas and hot sauce. Additional plates, side orders available. 7915 Burnet Rd. (at Anderson Lane) 452-3088. Orders to go. Mon.-Sat. 11:00 am -9:30 pm. DARIO’S MEXICAN RESTAURANT — Come and enjoy the best migas in town. Dario’s is fam i­ ly owned and operated, offering traditional Mexican food in a casual, comfortable setting. Large breakfast menu. Enjoy lunch specials, combination plates, enchi­ ladas and steak dishes. Import and domestic beer. Our hours are Tuesday-Thursday 7 am-4 pm; Fridays and Saturdays 7-10 pm; Sundays 7 am-3 pm. 1800 E. 6th St. 479-8105. ITALIAN CARM ELO’S — Homemade Italian food, award winning pasta and a pastry selection that is absolutely primo! 504 E ast 5th Street, 477-7497. JA D E FOUNTAIN CH IN ESE RESTAU- RAlNT — Daily lunch from $3.25 (Saturday and Sunday too!) Dinner from $4.25. Deliver nightly. 3704 N. IH-35 (3 8 ‘/. St. & 135) 459-6001. HUNAN KING CH IN ESE RESTAU­ RANT - All you can eat buffet. Lunch $3.99. Dinner $4.99 w/UT ID. 6517 Airport Blvd. (in front of Solo S e rv e )452-5172. 41 GDIS CAFE WEST CAMPUS C A FE, B A K E R Y , AND BIC YC LE CLUB — All natural, full menu din­ ing. Cookin’ like Grandma did, without preservatives. 2 Fer Specials offered Mon., Tues., Wed. Bakery items, Expresso, Capucinno. 2512 Rio Grande St. 480-9011. -mex H ICK O RY S T R E E T BA R & G R ILL — Nestled behind a beautiful garden is a UT Casual Din­ ing Tradition featuring a vast array of specialty Food Bars (salad, soup, potato, bread, & sundae bars), Aus­ tin ’s best V¿ lb. Gourmet Hamburgers and delicious en­ trees. Open 7 days. 800 Congress Ave. 477-8968. O’B R IE N ’S CAFE — 624 W. 34th. 451-9665. Known for its relaxed family dining, quality foods, and tasteful prices. Everything is fresh and homemade dai­ ly, from dressings to desserts. Live Irish music Fri. & Sat. nights 9 p.m.-midnight. Over 20 imported beers and wines. We will be open on St. Patrick’s Day. CHEZ Z EE B A K E R Y & CAFE — 5406 B a l­ cones Dr 454-2666. 4 Stars Hilary Hylton - 11/25/89. “Reincarnated in the former Chez Fred location. The new menu focuses on fresh fish and pasta. Flavorful and innovative dishes are moderately priced. Who could resist the bakery case full of tempting desserts.” Breakfast, lunch, dinner, Sun. brunch! DRAUGHT HOUSE STEAKS — Award winning steaks, great burgers and vegetarian lasagna. Lenten Specials! 15 beers on tap. 4112 Medical P ark­ way. 458-9826. PIZZA O LIV E’S GOURMET PIZZA — Fantastic California toppings on our delicious crunchy corn meal and imported olive oil crust. Three special pizzas daily — or try one of four pastas and calzone. Party room available. Free half-baked pizza delivery. 1112 West Sixth Street. 320-8400. LA VISTA AT TH E HYATT REG EN CY — Every Tuesday night is College Night through March! Present your college I.D. and get our sizzling fajitas for two for $9.95. Famous Jum boritas and V¿ yard long beers, too. 208 Barton Springs, 480-2034. Fajitas-to-go also available. MEXICAN > STEAK 4 SPORTS t h e D a ii. y t e x a ] Friday. March 8.1991 Page] A&M’s Davis denies firing Aggies advance; athletic director says he supports coach Mark Babineck Daily Texan Staff D A L L A S — C o n tra ry to a co ­ p y rig h t sto ry in H o u s t o n t h e Chronicle, e m b a t­ tle d T exas A&M C o a c h K e r m it D a v is sa id )r. T h u r s d a y n ig h t th a t, as far as he k n o w s, h e h a s n o t b e e n fired afte r h is first y e a r a s th e A ggie coach. SWC D avis, sp e a k in g a fte r h is te a m d e- feated T exas T ech 57-48 to a d v a n c e in th e S o u th w e s t C o n fe re n c e P o st­ se aso n C lassic, v e h e m e n tly d e n ie d th a t th e ax h as finally fallen o n his sh o rt C ollege S tatio n ca reer, le v y in g c o u n te rc h a rg e s of b ad re p o rtin g on th e sub ject. "I'm still th e b ask etb a ll co ach at It 1 h ad Texas A&M , D avis said. b e e n told th a t 1 w as n o t th e coach , [the plav ers] w o u ld h av e b e e n th e first to k n o w a b o u t it." H e w e n t o n to label the re p o rt as "irre s p o n s ib le jo u rn a lism " — s o m e ­ th in g he said th at he lias g ro w n ac­ cu s to m e d tii in 1 exas since co m in g to A&M from a successfu l stin t at Idaho. "I c a n 't b eliev e a g u y th a t w o u ld m ak e th a t sto ry u p w o u ld n 't call m e a n d ask m e if th a t's th e tr u th ," said an o b v io u sly a n n o y e d D avis. " M a y ­ be co ach es sh o u ld sta rt s p re a d in g ru m o rs a b o u t m ed ia p e o p le ." R u m b lin g s a b o u t th e p ro g ra m b e ­ gan w h e n it w a s alleg ed th is w in te r ta le n t sc o u t Rob th a t N e w Y otk Jo h n so n h a d b e e n u s e d b y D avis to d ra w S y ra cu se fo rw a rd T o n y Scott to C ollege S tatio n . S ince th e n , n u m e ro u s p la y e r d e ­ th e s u s p e n s io n s fe c tio n s, te a m 's m iserab le 7-20 reg u la r-se a- so n reco rd a n d la st-p lac e finish in th e SW C h av e led to fre q u e n t ru ­ m o rs of D avis' d e p a rtu re . a n d T exas A&M A th le tic D irector John D avid C ro w , w h o w ith school p re sid e n t Dr. W illiam H. M obley w o u ld be th e m e n re sp o n sib le for m a k in g su c h a p e rs o n n e l d ec isio n , p re c e d e d D avis in re fu tin g th e in fo rm atio n . "If th e re 's a n y th in g th a t's h a p ­ p e n in g officially, th e T exas A&M h e a d b ask etb a ll coach a n d th e a th ­ letic d ire c to r d o n 't k n o w a b o u t it y e t / ' sa id C ro w in a te rs e p re p a re d s ta te m e n t. " I ca m e to w atc h th e b ask etb a ll g a m e s a n d to a tte n d the SW C a th le tic d ire c to rs m e e tin g o n S a tu r d a y ." to D allas T h e A ggies w ill face fifth -ran k e d th e a n d to p -se e d e d A rk a n sa s SW C C lassic q u a rte rfin a ls F rid ay . in Davis at a March 1990 briefing, one year before rumors of his firing began. Associated Press Texas stunned; unranked Tech moves on Ticket prices increased for football games Keith Nelson Daily Texan Staff A p ro p o sa l to raise ticket prices for nex t s e a s o n 's T exas football g a m e s w as a p p ro v e d W e d n e sd a y by th e UT m e n 's a th le tic council. R eserv ed tick ets for g a m e s at M e­ m orial S ta d iu m w e re raise d from $15 to $20 each ; re se rv e d tick ets for th e C o tto n Bowl g a m e a g a in st O k la ­ in c re a se d from $25 to $30; h o m a a d u lt ticket^ a d m issio n g en e ral m o v e d u p from $7 to $10; a n d ch il­ d r e n 's g en e ral a d m issio n tick ets in ­ cre ase d from $3 to $5. T he council v o te d d o w n a s u g g e s ­ tion to raise s tu d e n t tickets for the O k la h o m a g a m e bv $2. T he rese rv e d tic k et in c re a se is th e first since 1983, said D o u g M esser, asso cia te ath letic d ire c to r in ch a rg e of finances. " N o b o d y likes to raise p ric e s ," he said. "W e d o n 't e ith e r. W e d o rec­ o g n iz e th a t if y o u 're p ro v id in g re­ so u rc e s for p ro g ra m s to g ro w a n d be co m p e titiv e , so m e tim e s y o u juM h av e to ." W ith th e in c re ase , n o n e of th e L o n g h o rn s ' five 1991 h o m e g am es a g a in st A u b u rn , Rice, T exas Tech TCU o r Baylor w ill b e a " p re m iu m g am e, o r o n e w ith h ig h e r ticket p ric­ es, h e said. O v e r th e p ast th re e se a ­ s o n s, T exas h a s ch a rg e d a n a d d i­ ticket foi tional $5 p e r re se rv e d p re m iu m g am es. T h e idea to ra ise ticket prices c a m e a fte r a su rv e y c o m p a rin g o th e r sc h o o ls' prices rev ealed th a t T ex as' prices w'ere g en e rally lo w er. "W e looked at o u r prices, co m ­ p a re d it to m a jo r sc h o o ls a ro u n d th e c o u n try , a n d fo u n d o u t w e w e re at th e b o tto m of th e to te m p o le ," he said . H e said N o tre D am e , at $25 a tick­ et, to p p e d th e list, w h ile C olorado, W a sh in g to n , Illinois a n d o th e rs c h a rg e d $20 last se aso n . M e sse r's "c o n se rv a tiv e e stim a te " of h o w m u c h extra in co m e th e new ticket prices co u ld d eliv er w as $350,000 to $400,000- Mark Babineck Daily Texan Staff D A LLA S — T exas Tech m a d e th e k ey d e fe n siv e play s. It m a d e th e clu tch sh o ts d o w n th e stre tc h . A n d , m o st im p o rta n t, it m a d e h isto ry . Women T h e R ed R a id e rs jo ined th e o nly A rk a n sa s te a m s to d e fe a t T exas sin c e c o n fe re n c e plav b e ­ gan in 1983, h o ld in g off th e 1 4 th -ra n k ed L ady L o n g h o rn s 63-61 at th e S o u th w e s t C o n ­ ference P o stse a so n C lassic. as T w o stre a k s w e re b ro k e n w ith th e final re­ su lt at M o o d y C o liseu m . T exas T ech (23-6) b ro k e a 14-year, 37-gam e w in le ss stre a k a g a in st T ex as (21-8), a n d T ex as also h a d its strin g of 18 to u r n a m e n t v ic to ries s n a p p e d . For R a id e rs' C o ach M a rsh a S h a rp , th e gam e m a rk e d th e e m e rg e n c e of a new' force to to be re c k o n e d w ith in th e SW C. " I t's th e b ig g e st w in I'v e h a d sin c e I'v e b een a t T exas T e c h ," sa id S h a rp , w h o h as b e e n a t th e h elm for th e last 24 lo sses. " I t's s o m e th in g w e n e e d e d to d o to ta k e u s a s te p h ig h er. th e cre d ib ility of "I k n o w th e re w e re a lot of p e o p le w h o th o u g h t th e co n fe re n c e w o u ld d ro p . H o p efu lly , w e 'v e s h o w n th a t th e re 's s o m e g o o d b ask etb a ll th e S W C ." left in A s for th e L ady L o n g h o rn s , w h o wúll m iss th e to u r n a m e n t finals for th e first tim e, th e e m o tio n s w e re o b v io u s. "It h u rts. It's d is a p p o in tin g ; d e v a s ta tin g ," T exas C o ach Jo d y C o n ra d t sa id . " I t's n o t th e kind of th in g th a t will last, b e c a u se w e'll b o u n c e back. But y o u reallv feel b a d " . T he g a m e m o re re se m b le d th e first m e e t­ ing b e tw e e n th e te a m s in L ubb o ck , w h ich Texas w o n 66-63 w ith a late b a sk e t, th a n th e L adv L o n g h o rn s ' 77-53 Erw'in C e n te r c a k e­ w alk Feb. 25. W ith 7:44 re m a in in g , Vicki H all, w h o th e paced T exas w ith 20 p o in ts , k n o tte d score at 48 w ith a ju m p e r. But o n T e c h 's e n s u in g p o sse ssio n , L ady L o n g h o rn c e n te r C in ie tra H e n d e rs o n w as w h istle d for a p u s h in g foul o n T e c h 's h igh scorer Je n n ife r Buck, w h o fin ish e d w 'ith 19. D esp ite th e foul, Buck h it th e s h o rt ju m p e r a n d m a d e th e free th ro w , s p a rk in g a 10-2 l ech ru n o v e r th e next th re e m in u te s from w h ich T exas w o u ld n o t reco v er. a tte m p t to p re v e n t th e u p s e t. V \ith 2:21 re ­ m a in in g a n d T exas d o w n bv se v e n , H all p o p p e d a th re e -p o in te r to clo se th e m a rg in to 60-56. H o p e re m a in e d aliv e for th e d e fe n d in g SW C co -c h a m p io n s w h e n T ech g u a rd K rista tw o free K irkland m isse d th ro w s a n d L ady L o n g h o rn E d n a C a m p b e ll n ailed th e se c o n d th re e -p o in te r for T exas in a m in u te to close th e m a rg in to 61-59 w'ith 20 se c o n d s left. th e se c o n d of T exas re g a in e d p o s s e s s io n on a tu rn o v e r, b u t all co m eb ack h o p e s w e re d a s h e d w 'hen a lo n g p a s s bv H e n d e rs o n w a s in te rc e p te d by R a id e rs' g u a rd A lexis W are. In th e se co n d half, e a ch L o n g h o rn w as rarely ab le to a tte m p t a s h o t w ith o u t a t least o n e T exas T ech p la y e r g u a r d in g h er, a fact th a t d id n o t go u n n o tic e d by C o n ra d t. "I th in k T ech p la y e d aw fu lly goo d d e ­ fe n s e ," sh e said. "T h e y w e re fired u p a n d m o tiv a te d a n d p la y in g w ell. [O ur] p la y ers felt like th e y w e re d o u b le -te a m e d e v e ry tim e th e v h a d th e ball, a n d th a t in d ic a te s th a t y o u r o p p o n e n t is p la v in g in s p ire d d e fe n se . W hile "W e took so m e difficult s h o ts early, a n d th e y w o u ld n 't fall. W e n e e d e d to be m o re p a tie n t, w 'ork h a rd e r, a n d ta k e b e tte r s h o ts ." th e L ady L o n g h o rn s o u ts h o t th e R aid ers 47.3 p e rc e n t to 39.7 p e rc e n t, T ech m a n a g e d to tak e 13 m o re s h o ts , a n d o n e n e e d o n ly look a t th e r e b o u n d in g to ta ls to see w h y . W hile T ech b e a t T exas on th e b o a rd s by o n ly th re e , th e R ed R aid ers e n jo y ­ ed a sizable 17-9 a d v a n ta g e o n th e o ffe n siv e g lass. M uch of B uck's su c c e ss w a s a re su lt of p u t- back s of e rr a n t sh o ts, s o m e th in g sh e a ttr ib u ­ ted to th e e m o tio n a l p re p a ra tio n of h e r te am . "W e w e re in te n se for th e w h o le g a m e ," sh e said . "T o n ig h t w e w e re able to p u t tw o [quality] h alv es to g e th e r, a n d th e re 's n o w ay w e co u ld play th a t w ell w ith o u t a total team e ffo rt." T exas T ech u s e d o n ly six p la y ers, w h ile tw o T exas re se rv e s p la y e d . All 10 sta rte rs, in c lu d in g T exas p o in t g u a r d A m y C la b m n , w'ho m issed W e d n e s d a y 's g am e wi t n a s p ra in e d k n ee , p a rtic ip a te d for at least 31 m in u te s. ■ ■ ■ SW C P lay er of th e Y ear D elm o m ca D eH o r- n ey led N o. 8 A rk a n sa s w'ith 19 p o in ts , in ­ c lu d in g th e s h o t th a t se n t T h u rs d a y n ig h t's g a m e in to o v e rtim e , as th e R azo rb ack s elim i­ n a te d H o u s to n 83-77 from th e SW C W o m ­ e n 's T o u rn a m e n t. T h e L adv L o n g h o rn s d id m a k e a last g a s p W ith wire reports UT men swim to strong lead to open SWCs Lew Cohn Daily Texan Staff D o u g D ick in so n led a m a rc h of th e L o n g h o rn s in th e 50-yard fre e­ style a n d Jaso n R h o d e s wmn h is first SW C title in d iv in g as T exas stro k e d to a 335-234 lead o v e r SM U in th e first d a y of th e SW C M e n 's S w im ­ m in g a n d D iv ing C h a m p io n s h ip s . H o w ev er, th e L o n g h o rn s w e re sev erely c h a lle n g e d by th e M u s­ ta n g s from th e sta rt of th e m e et. S M U 's C h a d H u n d e b y a n d Jeff V ance se t SW C th e ir ev e n ts, k e e p in g it close until th e 50- re c o rd s in Please see Swim, page 14 Edna Campbell has her shot blocked during the Lady Longhorns’ slim defeat by Texas Tech. «sso ciaiea Kress Handwriting experts implicate UT players Paul Hammons Daily Texan Staff H a n d w ritin g e x p e rts h a v e id e n ti­ fied UT p la y ers K evin Wiley, a n d B urke C ollins as h a v in g filled o u t falsified p re sc rip tio n s for ste ro id s, a c co rd in g to The Dallas M orning News. I he d o c u m e n ts w e re seized last w eek in L iberty, n e a r H o u sto n . S o u rc es w 'ithin th e team h a v e a l­ rea d y identified W ilev a n d C ollins as filling ste ro id p re sc rip tio n s a n d sellin g th e m to te am m e m b e rs, ac­ c o rd in g to th e article. S elling fo rg ed p re sc rip tio n s is a se c o n d -d e g re e felony p u n is h a b le bv im p ris o n m e n t of tw o to 20 y ears a n d a $20,000 fine. T h e article also said so u rc e s claim as m a n v as 25 UT p la v e rs h a v e u se d ste ro id s. T w o of th e so u rc e s n a m e A ll-A m erican lin e m a n S tan T h o m a s as o n e of th o se p la y e rs. to The M orning News co m m issio n e d Dr. M ary L ynn B rv d en , a D allas a n a ly z e ex p e rt, h a n d w ritin g h a n d w ritin g sa m p le s from th e tw o p lay ers, p ro v id e d by th e U n iv ersity , c o m p a rin g th e m to th e Liberty p r e s ­ crip tio n s. A se c o n d o p in io n w'as la t­ er received from certified d o c u m e n t ex a m in e r D on L ehew . T h e p re sc rip tio n s w ere inscribed Please see Steroids, page 14 Texas’ James Bonney finishes fifth in the 500 free Thursday in 4:26.54. T he Horns scored 57 points in the event. Horns look to abuse Bears, advance in tournament Mark Babineck Daily Texan Staff in D ALLAS — A fter T exas' 99-86 victo ry o v e r th e n -N o .3 A rk a n sa s th e S o u th w e st C o n fe re n c e finale last S u n ­ to d a y , look a h e a d to S u n d a y 's ex­ p ec te d re m a tc h . te n d e n c y w as th e Men But as m u c h a s h e w o u ld like to d re a m of a n o th e r p a r t­ in g s h o t a t A rk a n sa s in th e ir last SW C P o s ts e a s o n C lassic a p p e a ra n c e , T exas C oach T om P e n d e rs said th e o n ly objectiv e at h a n d for th e 2 3 rd -ra n k e d L o n g h o rn s is th e Bay­ lor g am e 2 p .m . F riday at R e u n io n A re n a. " I'm n o t e v e n th in k in g a b o u t A rk a n s a s ," he said. "B ay lo r is a team th a t's a w fu lly ta le n te d , a n d 1 th in k o u r k id s re sp e c t th e ir ta len t. I picked th e m to be in th e first d iv isio n th is y ea r, a n d I w as s u rp ris e d th a t th e y s tru g g le d . T h e y 'v e got an o u ts ta n d in g p o in t g u a rd [D avid W esley], th e y 'v e g o t g o o d size a n d th e y can p lay lots of d iffe re n t w ay s. T h e y 're c a p ab le of b e a tin g ju st a b o u t a n y b o d y ." th e U n d o u b te d iy , P e n d e r s a n d le x a s te am also h a s n 't fo rg o tte n th e v erb al a b u s e th e y e n ­ I he d u r e d d u rin g last m o n th 's visit to W aco. in c id e n t, w h ich in c lu d e d p e rso n a l a tta c k s on P e n d e rs ' w ife, led to a p u b lic a p o lo g y from Bay­ lo r's a th letic d e p a r tm e n t a n d h a rd fee lin g s o n b o th sid es. D u rin g th e re g u la r s e a so n , th e Bears w e re in ­ ca p ab le of to p p in g T exas, d ro p p in g a 94-77 d e c i­ sio n a t th e E rw in C e n te r a n d falling s h o rt in a 100-95 b a r n b u r n e r a t W aco. S e v e n th -s e e d e d Bay­ lor fin ish e d 12-14 in th e re g u la r se a so n , b u t o n ly 4-12 in th e SW C. W e sle y 's in d iv id u a l p e rfo rm a n c e s th r o u g h o u t th e y ea r se e m e d th e s q u a d 's ro ller-co aster se a so n . W hile sh o w in g ta len t a n d p o te n tia l, th e ju n io r a n d th e team w e re b o th in ­ c o n s iste n t. to c h a ra c te riz e W h e n Bears C o a ch G e n e lba looks o v e r th is y e a r 's L o n g h o rn s as c o m p a re d to th e E lite E ight T exas sq u a d from la st se a so n , h e se e s a team th a t is m o re f u n d a m e n ta lly so u n d . " T h e ir team is d iffe re n t a n d b e tte r," h e said . "T h e y re b o u n d b e tte r, a n d th e y ’re a m u c h -im ­ p ro v ed d e fe n siv e b ask etb a ll team from o n e y ear ago. Ih e v h a d to flat o u t o u tsc o re you to beat vou l a s t v e a r." th a t P e n d e rs a g re e d th is y e a r's e x p a n d e d fro n tc o u rt a tta c k offers m o re b alan ce th a n last y e a r ' s BMW (L ance Blanks, 1 ravis M avs, a n d jo e y W rig h t) o ffen se. But th e situ a tio n in w h ich the I o n g h o rn s find th e m se lv e s th is M arch is also very d iffe ren t. "L ast se a so n , w e felt w e h ad to w in a g am e [at the SW C C lassic] to g et in to th e N C A A to u r n a ­ m e n t,' he sa id . "W e re n o t as d e s p e ra te as w e w ere th is tim e last y ea r. I'm p ro u d of w h a t th is team h as d o n e a g a in st a n o u ts ta n d in g s c h e d ­ ule." C o n c e rn in g th e R azorbacks, P e n d e rs' o n ly w ish for th is to u rn a m e n t is to split th e sc h o o ls into d iffe ren t reg io n s to e n s u re th a t their earliest possible clash w o u ld be in th e Final F our. "L ast year, [N C A A officials] d id n 't th in k w e w ere g o in g to m ak e it to th e final eig h t, a n d th e y 1 d id n 't h av e resp e ct for o u r leag u e th in k th a t's c h a n g e d this y e a r .” ' h e said . Arkansas (1) Friday at 7 p.m. Texas A&M (9)— (beat Tech 57-46) Semifinal Saturday at 6 p.m. TCU (4) Friday at 9 p.m. Rice (5) Championship Game Sunday at 3 p.m. Reunion Arena Texas (2) Friday at 2 p.m. Baylor (7) Semifinal Saturday at 6 p.m. Houston (3) Friday at noon SMU (6) Felipe Campos Daily Texan Graphics Page 8 Friday. March 8, 1991 THE DAILY 1 EX AN D A N ’S 1 1600 LAVACA 5353 BURNET ROAD 476-5423 459-8689 SPECIALS 0000 FRIDAY A SATURDAY JIM BEAM * 0 f t B ourbon W Nskay COLONEL LEE • 0 f t Bourbon Win M a y CANADIAN AGE *)ft i m a t M i i K w . LEGACY « 0 * Scotch W M M y RON RIO RUM 90 P. V l f t » TEMPO TEQUILA •0P > WhW aorOotd ST. CHARLES 90 P. C aff Brandy CANADIAN CLUB 80 P* Canadian WNelry u 8.99 u 6.49 * 5.99 u 9.99 u 5.99 i, 5.99 u 7.99 r»-8.99] 1 7 K I T .. ____ ANCIENT AGE 14.99 9 0 P i Botabon W tatnay EZRA BROOKS 15.99 90 P l B ourbon W N M e y J.T.S BROWN 12.99 • 0 f t B ourbon W taM ay WALKERS CAN. 11.99 • 0 f t Canada»! W t»M , WALKERS DELUXE 13.99 96 Py B ourtxm Wlatfcey JOHNNIE WALKER REDOC QQ 9 6 f t Scotch WbaMy C V i V V BALLANTINES 86 f t . Scotch W N M y CLAN MACGREGOR 90 Pr Scotch W h « * . CUTTY SARK 96 f t Scotch W hisky PANCHO VILLA 90 pr GoW Tequta MONTEGO BAY 90 Pr V lf t im E&JBRANDY 9 0 P r Ca Brandy BEEFEATER 94 Pr Engtmh Gtn GORDON GIN 90 Pr Cm SKOL VODKA 90 Pr Vodka 22.99 15.99 25.99 11.99 9.99 15.99 24.99 13.99 8.99 SHOP DAN’S FOR BETTER VALUES EVERYDAY HOURS 10 AM TO 9 PM SPECIALS CASH OR CHECK GLENFIDDICH 46 Pr Mao Scotch Whraa, FAMOUS GROUSE 90 P» Scotch W hiM y TEACHERS 9 6 f t Scotch W tva* , *,20.99 n . , 14.99 11.99 GLENFORRES 12 YRS. 1C QQ 96 Pr Mali Scotch f J . V J ’ 50 mt | SABROSA M Py M e, C o ***L K J CAROLANS 34 p- mahCraamUg BAILEYS 34 f t Inah Craam U quaur RUMPLE MINZE 100 Pr Garmon Schnapps SALIGNAC V.S. 80f t fts n c h C o g n a c DRUMBUIE SO Pr Scotch Uquaur ALMADEN Ca Bon Ctiabm Bull. Burg SAUZA GOLD 8 0 Pr Tequia CODORNIU Brut Ctaaarco Spanish *,..6.99 «,,8.99 ,16.99 ,13.99 12.99 ,22.99 .u 6.99 ,10.99 SUTTER HOME Ca White ZIntandsi COOKS Ca Extra Dry or Brut BRISTOL CREAM Harvsys S p an s* Sherry TOKAJI ASZU Hungary S Pmtonyo* SPANISH SHERRY Estradas Cockial ------------ B E E R 12 OZ CANS BUOWEISER MILLER LITE SCHÜTZ LONE STAR 750 ml i2Pak 6 29 12 pm 6.29 Casa 24 8.49 Casaof2«9 99 12 OZ NR BOTTLES RED STRIPE FOSTERS BARTLES & JAYMES PEARL L! grfl^ 6Pia, 4.79 6 Pa* 4.99 4 pm 2.79 . . . . . . . 12 PM 4.19 University Market Facts... 32 601 students and 9,827 faculty/staff of the university read classified ad­ vertising in The Daily Texan, 9% more than read the classified pages of the American-Statesman (Source The University Market, Belden Associates. 1987) RICE UNIVERSITY SUMMER PROGRAM OF HISPANIC STUDIES Seville, Spain. June 5 - July 15, 1991 Language and Upper Division Courses Graduate Courses Program Fee: S2,190.00 Eligibility and Admission Courses are open for credit to Rice students and students from other recog­ nized colleges and universities. For application forms and further information, contact Dr Maria Teresa Leal. Director. Summer Program in Spam, Department Of Spanish. Rice University PO BOX 1892. Houston. Texas 77251 Deadline for application April 2, 1991 TSP Continued from page 1 into effect until Sept. 1 of the next school year, Vick said the adminis­ tration was willing to work around that. The motion to revise the require­ ments and hold an election was pre­ sented to the board twice before being passed. After it was voted down the first time a second motion was made to simply appoint an edi­ tor at the meeting. However, the board was reminded both orally and in a letter from Vick that "changes do not take effect until they are in­ cluded in the minutes and approved by the president" — indicating that an appointment would not be ac­ cepted by the administration. Jeanne Acton, associate images editor, expressed concern that board members could not objective­ ly revise the requirements because they are aware of which require­ ments each candidate lacks. In addi­ tion, she suggested that antagonism between one of the applicants and the administration might influence its decision-making. But Vick said, " I wouldn't say that there's no conflict of interest here — we're all human beings. I don't want to see a confrontation because it will help no one. I want to see The Texan succeed." The board will appoint The Tex­ an's next managing editor at its April 11 meeting — with a possibili­ ty that no editor will be selected by that date if the administration does not approve the board's guideline changes. ' Fernando Dovalina, assistant managing editor of the Houston Chronicle and board member, said he sympathizes with the stress the vacancy situation puts the Texan staff under; however he believes this election to be the most legiti­ mate way to handle the problem. McHargue said he was pleased with the board's decision to allow for a student election, although he expressed regret that it took an ex­ treme situation for the board to move forward with revising editor qualifications. " I think the board is going to make the requirements as liberal as they can. That seems to me the in­ tention. If it didn't, that would be foolish. I think the board did the right thing for the wrong reasons — acting out of fear of confrontation HUNDREDS OF PAIRS OF VINTAGE WESTERN BOOTS From the 4l)’s-50's-60’s, Reconditioned and Readv to Wear MOST BOOTS UNDER 100.00- LARGE SELECTION OF EXOTICS • Toe and Heel Guards — Installed while you wait. • Specializing in Odd & Unusual Sizes — Great Selection ot Men's Large and Ladies’ Small Sizes. • Accessories — Sputs, Boot belt s. Southwestern Sterling Bolos, Ranger Belts, Ranger sets. Tooled Ladies Handbags from th '30\ and'40\, chaps, saddles. • Leather Jackets — $50 and up. • $5 Bootshines — one free with purchase of a pair of boots. W E S T IL L BUY GOLD! C A D I L L A C JA C K B O O T C O . 6623 N. LA M A R 452-4428 GET READY FOR SPRING BREAK DRIVING Wheel Alignment and/or Tire Balancing 1 Hour or Less For Smooth & Straight Highway Ride Convenient to Campus r 1 £% off with this ad c p mmmtm e n c L J I n mm In # m# /4 L IG N 111 E. 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Cullum explains that the 12 per­ formers were assigned sections of in h o p es that the Kassandra tale interpretation would their artistic " e x p o s e the truth of how mvths sh a p e u s .” then " s e e d s , " individually and Th e performers form ed, both in c o n ju n c ­ tion with other co m p a n y m em bers, what Cullum describes as the pro­ d u ction 's self-contained interpretations of Kassandra and I he the pow er s cen es depict her as a child, an A m ­ azon warrior (inspired bv Bradlev's work), a m odern w o m a n , a h o m e ­ less old w om an and a prophet for represents. she earth's — rather than T ro y 's — d e ­ struction. The s h o w ' s eclectic representa­ tions include African dance, tradi­ tional acting, soulful ballads, Brazi­ lian martial art and harm onious chanting, with a two tossed in for good measure. snake or Cu llu m 's objective is " t o heal on a human and individual lev el" and to address the ecological degradation and social ills of our planet. K assan ­ dra was mistakenly ju dged to be mad bv Trojan society despite the accuracy of her prophecies. Similar­ ly, Cullum explains, to day 's e n ­ lightened co m m u n ity is re ndered si­ lent, not b ecau se of petty god s, but because of m odern social bigotries inherited the denial of the from G od d e ss figure. Cullum elaborate s, " O u r goal is a ... re surgence of G o d d e s s e n erg y I his spiritual imbalance has led to the deterioration of our world through the denial o f the G o d d e s s . " T h e production see k s to repair the equilibrium b etw ee n G od and G o d ­ d e s s in order to ov ercom e , as Cu l­ lum explains, " t h e denial of G o d ­ dess by both h u m a n s and G o d . " the a ss u m p tio n S h e continu es, " W e are w orking that God un der need s this rebalance as m uch as we do. ... O u r p roblem s g o beyon d )ust a m a n -w o m an conflict. It is a God- G o d d e s s issue as w e l l." Inherent in the G o d -G o d d e s s reestablishing equilibrium is reconciling the mind- bodv rift, granting both mind and body importance. Not surprisingly, K assandra tran­ scends conventional theater, falling into a gray area b e tw e e n d ram a and religious ritual. With Robert W h y b u rn 's fanciful forest set, a substantial d ose of re­ freshing hu m or, and a fascinating approach to a tim e -h on ore d myth , Kassandra prom ises both e n te rta in ­ Movie examines wartime prejudices Three performers who represent Kassandra in Vortex's current show. ment and insight. T h o s e w'ho scoff at reevalu ating spirituality and fem ­ ininity in order to un derstand and resolve societal conflicts will be the pleasantly surprised. D espite to c o m p a n y 's spiritual approach ecological and ethical p ro blem s, the heart of the production is applicable to a theoretical or social slant as well. I he essential m e a n in g carries itself well across ideological b o u n d ­ aries. Jason Aycock Daily Texan Staff a A photograph exists, taken bv Dorothea Lange, J a p a n e s e o f gen tlem a n with tw o g ran d ­ his c h i l d r e n . I h e gra n d fa th er s i t s f o l d i n g a o n chair, holding a walking-stick. T h e grandchildren stand still beside him w ith detached looks. All three look on calmiv, and all three have ID tags on their coats. I he year is 1942, and they're aw ait­ ing processing and internm ent bv the U.S. gov ernm ent. 1942, It w'as Fe bru ary this photograph that spurred writer and director Alan Parker (M idnight Express, M ississippi B an tin g ) to take on a n oth er a m b i­ tious project, the depiction of the War Relocation C e n te rs of World in C om e See The Paradise. W'ar II, starring D ennis Q u a id and Tam lyn Tomita. In P res id en t Franklin D. Roosevelt issued I xecu- tive O rd er No. 0()66, authorizing the "r e lo c a tio n " o f 110,000 Jap an ese A m ericans to rem ote desert loca­ tions that were little better than c o n ­ centration cam ps. In 1944 the S u ­ preme Court upheld the decision, and relocation o f the Ja p a n e s e b e ­ gan. This chaotic A m erica provides the backdrop for the film. T he action begins in fo36 New York, w here Jack Met .urn (Quaid) is a " s w e a ts h o p lawyer'' for the film projectionists' unio n. After his fel- low organizers go too far bv burning to dow n a leave for Los Angeles, w here he gets a job with a theater run bv Mr. Kawamura (Sab Sh im o n o ). Jack decides theater, in falls Jack soon love with K aw am ura's d aug hter 1 1!\ (To m i­ ta), but Kawamura op p o s es their marriage, and California state law prohibited the intermarriage of C a u ­ casian and Japan ese. The two elo pe to Seattle and have a baby daughter. T h e turning point o f the film ar- COME SEE THE PARADISE Starring: Dennis Quaid, Tamlyn Tomita Director: Alan Parker Playing at: Village Cinema, 2700 W Anderson Lane Rating: ★ ★ ★ (out of four) rives w hen, not long afterw ard, the Pearl Harbor b om b ing takes place, the Raw am uras receive their intern­ ment orders, and Jack is drafted. As leaves their hom e and the fam ih b usiness behind t o r the controlled life of the cam p, the previously an­ gry lack b ecom es less and It*"- able the K aw am uras despite to help g oing A W O I to visit his wife and daughter. to .Although Cinne See The P aradise is it is the Kawamura love story, a family that com es to front and c e n ­ ter as m e m b ers struggle to stay to­ gether. As the loyalty tests are a d ­ the the m i n i s t e r e d paths of the two older b rothers in the tamily diverge. Ih e all-A m eri­ can L hariie feels betrayed , and eventually repatriates to Japan; H a r­ ry joins the 442nd , the Ja p a n e s e - American com bat unit that was the most highly decorated of the war. internees, The film is a detailed and highly accurate representatio n of World War II America. O n e s cen e treats the a ud ience to a particularly uglv exam p le of racism: Jack takes his y ou n g d aug hter it' see Santa C laus, who won t let her sit on h i s l a p . As Jack storm s out of the store, he a n ­ grily t el l s the m a n ag e r, " I ' m not from an orp h a n ag e . S h e 's an A m eri­ can and I'm her fa th e r." the M anzanar A m arker and plaque are .ill that intern­ remains of m e n t cam p in northeastern Califor­ nia. i’lie plaque reads in part: " M a v the injustices and humiliation s u f­ fered here a s a result of hvsteria, racism and econom ic exploitation never e m erg e a g a i n ." As the United States begins reparation p ay m e n ts to this vear, C om e See The Paradise is a fit­ ting rem inder of ou r past that som e people would rather forget. internm ent survivors the , The Kawamuras face bigotry and internment camps that threaten family cohesion in Come See the Paradise. , ^ , Mexic-Arte exhibits experimental music Jennifer Wong Daily Texan Staff ■ T h i s w e e k - * e n d , A u s t i n l w ill w i t n e s s in u I t i in e d i -i in .i d n e s s : freight elevator p e r f o r m s iu es, balls b o w lin g ignited the midst of a c o n ­ cert, and people d iscu ssing the strange world of experim ental ra­ dio and mail art. Musical artists and experim ental DJs from across the country are d esce n d in g on Austin " U n d e r c u r r e n t s ,” a three-day experim ental music fes­ tival at M exic-A rte M u seu m . for in art T h e festival focuses on the inter­ national cassette scene, w h ich has reclaimed the people, for w h ere music is not controlled bv Colum bia nor regulated bv BMI, but w h ere it is distributed person to person, tape deck to tape deck In the '70s, T hro b b in g Gristle began a fanzine called Industrial N ew s, w hich coined the term " i n ­ dustrial” music. S ince then, the underground has exploded with fanzines and netw o rk s devoted to ind ep end en t music music made with plum bing pipes, or tape m a ­ chines, or recordings of insects, or ail or none of the above. I h e scene also incorporates poetry, visual art, perform ance art and mail art. Daniel Plunkett, coordinator for "U n d e r c u r r e n ts ” and publisher of the m agazine N D, has assem bled an exhibit of more than 1,000 cas­ se t t e s j u s t for t h e festival. O n Friday at 3 p .m ., Jo hn Held Jr. of the M o dern Realism Archive in Dallas, and Robin Janies, who rev iewed cassettes for O P m aga­ zine will speak, l exas e xp erim en­ tal bands O n i-U sta d and Liquid Mice will perform. Saturd ay is billed as a night of " a u d io c r a z in e s s ." I h e Haters, from Frem ont, Calif., will perform a four-hour installation piece in the freight elevator at 6 p.m . O ther artists include big C ¡tv Orchestra, kn o w n involving burning bow ling balls and vacuum cleaners Later, / a n Hoffm an will perform a pu \ e using an arrav of tape decks. concerts for O n Su n d a y , experim ental radio D J s , artists, and collectors will talk about cassette n e tw o rk s and other topics, Ingrid 1 ater, A ustin's Kurklins and Mike Honeycutt, who host a radio show called "M y s te r y Hearsay International” in M e m p h is, will perform. For those slackers w h o miss the show s b ecause of spring break, the " U n d e r c u r r e n ts ” cassette ex ­ hibit will run through the month of March. UNDERCURRENTS W here Mexic-Arte. 419 Congress Ave Date: Friday through Sunday Food for thought Jaglom explores womens' cravings for bed and board in 'Eating' Jeff Turrentine Daily Texan Staff the begin­ A t nin g of this c e n ­ S ig m u n d tu ry , F r e u d w o n ­ dered , " W hat do w o m en w a n t? " just He w a s n 't w o rk in g on a new theory; he seriously did n't know . Th e issu e is as mystifying now as it w as then: Do they want co m m itm e n t in relationsh ips? Equal op portu nity the boardroom ? in Multiple O 's in the b ed ro o m ? O r is it an entire gallon of Blue Bell M ocha A lm o nd F u d g e over the kitchen counter? that h u n g e r In his new m ovie, Eating, film­ maker Henry Jaglom exp lores w o m ­ e n 's figurative h u n g e r in its mvriad fo rm s — for lasting love, respect, the m e an s bv great sex — and which is sublimated and ch a n n e led through the m ore lit­ eral kinds of h u n g e r — for chocolate cake, eclairs and lasagna. Finally, and so m e w h a t com fortingly, that sam e bew ildering d y n am ic — so con fou n d in g to men — w h ich can prompt a w o m a n w h o claim s she s ravenously hu n g ry to order a tiny salad at a restaurant is revealed to be just as co n fo u n d in g to w o m e n . Helene ( l i s a Richards), about to turn 10, has decided to throw h e r­ self a birthdav partv Since one ot her closest friends |iist turned 30 and anothei is about to turn 50, Hel­ ene plans on m aking it a three-wa\ Love, hate, envy, desperation, jealousy — all these emotions which ordinarily demand an ap­ propriate release are internalized and ultimate­ ly articulated in the par­ lance of food and weight. ill of her birth day affair, u n iti n g friends and to join in the festivities at her Southern California hom e. friends-of-friends turn from As the 38 w o m e n and no men splinter — arrive one bv one, g ro u p s form all ov er the house, and the conv ersatio ns of these beautiful talk ot what- people a g e n t - i s - h a n d l i n g - w h o m a n d w hat's-vour-next project to m arked­ ly m ore catholic topics: Is H elene p u t­ ting on a bit o f u n g a t ’ Look at that w om an s legs they're perfect oh but I bet d ie throw s up. I think Sophie s binging again. All of these w o m en are su cce ss­ ful, attractive individuals vet each suffers indelibly from d eep seated feelings of insecurit\ which is cer tainh no crime and w hich -n t all that u n com m o n . But these w o m en are too terrified to admit that the\ might have real problem s const it u tional problem s, so thev recontextu a l i/e their j n d desires onto that matrix shared b\ w o m e n ot all classes, races and ages: food. f e a r s 1 luis, "I d o n 't feel good about m v se lt" Lik ew ise, translates as "I d o n 't " I 'm fat feel so good about her over there, and I'm trying to feel better about m v se lf" b eco m es Love, en v y , hate, " S h e ' s fat. jealousy — all these desperation, em otions which ordinarily d em a n d an appropriate release are internal­ ized and ultimately articulated in the parlance of food and weight Jaglom — w h o claim s to u n d e r ­ s t a n d w o m e n better th an he d oes men and w h o se multifaceted, s y m ­ pathetic films su p p ort his claim l i a s finally s y nthesiz ed h i s idiosyn­ cratic film te chniqu e with a c o n v e n ­ tional narrative g uideline. I lis earlier films were heartfelt but erratic; with last y ear's Nmc Year s Day and now w ith Eating, the d irec­ tor is (pardon the pun) h av in g his cak e and eating it too; the fast edits and d oeum entarv-like feel is still there but recently it's been im bued with new structure and order. E ating will most likelx be d eem ed ’ w h atever that a w o m en s movie m eans and u n d o u b te d ^ w o m e n will conn ect w i t h these characters and understand them on a m uch d eeper and different level than men will. But a m m an w h o has ever been involved with a w o m an, or plans to be, can 't attord to m i s s t h i s film, either: T h e s to m ­ ach ma\ be the way to ou r hearts, but it might also Ix the w a\ to get to w om en s heads. intim ateh EATING Starring: Lisa Richards, Mary Crosby Director: Henry Jaglom Playing at: Village Cinema, 2700 W Anderson Lane Rating: ★ ★ ★(out of tour) Evelyn Brandenberger Daily Texan Staff A f t e r t h r e e m o n th s of cast d e v e l o p m e n t d irectorial and refinem ent, di­ r e c t o r B o n n i e Cullum and the o f p e r f o r m e r s t h e V o r t e x Repertory C o m ­ pany have merged their talents to create the innovative and p ro v oca­ tive Kassandra. T hree years ago Cullum beg an to research K assand ra, the legendary Trojan princess w h o refu sed the ad ­ vances of A pollo and was s u b s e ­ quently d o o m ed to p ro p h e sy w ith- • out a n v o n e he ed in g her w arnings. C u llu m 's vision of the Kassandra myth takes s h a p e with the work of a multi-talented and multi-disciplined com p an y sh e views as "spiritually open to the material and to healing the e a r th .” Th e play is based on vario us parts MARQUEE TWISTER To use an extremely clichéd phrase — Twister is a must see! The movie, written and directed by Michael Al- mereyda, is an inside look at a family representing the ills of our society — immaturity, failure to take responsibil­ ity for one's actions, smoking, drink­ ing and refusing to face reality. This is represented by miniature society the Cleveland family: the father, Eu­ gene (Harry Dean Stanton), the chil­ dren, Howdy (Crispin Glover) and Maureen (Suzy Anus), Maureen's 8- (Unsay year old daughter, Violet Christman) and the family's servant, Lola (Charlaine Woodard). The Cleveland family is typically dysfunctional, the mother has been absent for 15 years, Howdy has the habit of practicing whip tricks in the living room, and Maureen drinks too much. The only degree of normalcy is provided by Lola, who is basically ig­ nored becau se she is the servant. En­ ter Chris (Dylan Mi Dermott), M au­ reen's and Violet's father. He takes it upon himself to get Maureen and especially Violet, out of the Cleveland madhouse. But this never happens. Instead, Chris is given the duty of watching after the family w'hen Eugene dec ides to take a per­ manent vacation after he discovers that the absent mother had been insti­ tutionalized and then died. ex-boyfriend The performances are wonderful. Glover is his typical loopy self as he generates an air of intense family loy­ alty, and Stanton is ec centric enough to make the audience believe he is capable of raising such a nutty tamily (there is a wonderful scene in which he reveals his newest business ven­ ture, the breeding of miniature cows). The highlights of tlx* movie are the cam eos by Tim R o b b i n s a s Howdy's fiancee's boyfriend and by William S. Burrough a s the new owner of the mother's house. Comedy, soc ial satire and tragedy equally form the basis for this movie, the mixture works delightfully and well. ★ ★ ★ * / _ > — T revor W a lla c e AMERICAN BLUE NOTE After avoiding a long tradition of roc k 'n' roll movies, jazz lovers can finally see a film more suited to their t a s t e s . A m erii an B lu e N o te features not only iazz, but also a deft touch of show even Tchaikovsky in a jazzy kind of way. rhumba tunes, and Peter M acN icol ( S o p h i e ' s C h o ic e ) plays the persistent, desperate and only mildly successful saxophonist lack Solovv. As front man for The lack Solow Quintet, jac k devotes his lite» to "upgrading” his hand to the "real ' iazz c i r c u i t s on 52nd Street in New York City. The g u y s shine at every au­ d i t i o n , but somehow they always find themselves playing gigs at weddings and sparsely populated bars. Unfortunately, l a c k s fellow band members have w'liat lac k hasn’t got wives, c hildren, steady girlfriends and opportunities to perform with more established |.izz artists. Even with Jack stic king his nec k out to keep the band together, the quintet is constantly pla­ gued by tardiness, fading dedication, and unusual music requests. But op- portunity arrives when the1 band is of­ fered a deal playing at a ballet recital sponsored by jac k's pseudogirlfriend, Benita (Charlotte d'Amboise). Although A m erica n B lu e N o te is not an awful production, its script and ac ting do not impress vivid memories on the minds of moviegoers. A scene in which Jack's uncle apologizes for cheating Jack's father has nothing to do with the band, the iazz circuit, or the1 rest of the film. There are sjxits of lightweight humor, but the best thing about the movie is the music. This movie serves as the feature film debut for producer/director Ralph To- poroff. The storyline is adopted from Toporoff's experiences as part of a "w eekend gig" band in the AOs. ★ ★ — K en d a ll D avis Page 10 Friday. March 8, 1991 THE DAILY TEXAN IMMIGRATION ( L im ite d O penings ^ CAES Cnao Oevetoprnent Center ' Residency Status ir USA based on Family >r Employe' Sponsorship * W or* Permits and Visas tor Students and Pro- tossionais ' J- 1 iA/aiver ot Foreign Residency Requ rements Gloria Lee Vera Attorney at Law 443-4788 >946 S. IH-35 Suite 202 Austin Texas 78704 t a v e r n . ^ T o n ig h t & F lo w e r H e o d S a t u r d a y Shoulders Texas Union 241ti & G u a d a lu p e BREW YOUR OWN BEER!! COMPLETE HOMEBREW I i ;. 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Colege TOP 0 and Popular Dance Tracks * We w l rratch any store's price 4 W e c a i rot accept Credt card fa' the SA LE * Please; Brng this Ad fa the special SA LE * This offer wl expre on March 30.1991 T fu ft no extra charge for special order and special order will be julljill w itk á a wtei Digital Musk Is locally owned and operated company. ‘T H E S I N G L E M O S T I M P R E S S I V E M O V I E O F T H E Y E A R . . . ” - J O m n H R i c h a r o s o n , P R E M I E R E M A G A Z I N E AUSTIN 6 SS1 THOMPSON OFF 1SS 1 RNLK SO. a t NONTOPOLIS P h o n g 3 8 5 - 5 3 2 8 A D U L T VID EO f i B N T E R 1 COUPLES THEATER-Fri. & Sat. 7pm-6 am SINGLES TH EATER-Ope'•i 7 ddys 24 hours ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 9 ♦ ♦ D O Z E N R O S E S $ 1 2 .9 5 t ,t*h & ( I/Tv Fiesta F low ers 3830 N Lamar 4 5 3 * 7 6 1 5 } ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ TAPE RENTALS-Í3 for 2 days MAGS.-Buy One Get One Free 55 PRIVATE VIEWING ROOMS CALL 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD BY POPULAR DEMAND ♦ ED’S EGGS N’ GRITS ♦ WEEK-END BREAKFAST ♦ SA T - SU N 8 -NOON ♦ THRE ADGILL'S ♦ 6 4 1 6 N . L A M A R 4 5 1 - 5 4 4 0 SWDiNT SPECIAL Hakes the Difference (Coupon required) Valid through April 30, 1991 *AJ ♦It fMi (Kío-c-fy Not good with any other ofter From the Director of "WOMEN ON THE VERGE OF A NERVOUS BREAKDOWN' “A SCREWBALL SEX COMEDY! This film shows the bright, gaudy visual style, the breezy manner and the exuberant energy that are Mr. Almodovar’s particular virtues.* -J a n e t Maslin, The New York Times "THE JOYFUL WORK OF A MASTER FILM MAKER who’s made Madrid the playpen of the Western world!* TNT & ALARM Starting at $ Q § Hurry Offer Expires 3-12-91 N E W MOTION RADAR ALARM $149.00 ii*si.iuo EXCALIBUR FULL REMOTE ALARMS FROM $179.00 instauro ~ T ree” ÑT “ "N r I Stripping of old w indow tint | | w ith the p u r c h a s e of n e w | | LIFETIM E W A R R A N T Y T IN T ] | . I • c l a s s Hurry Limited | { 0$ - T i m e 0 f t e ' E X P I R E S 3 - 12- 91 j | I m o n n film ALL DAY ALL S E A T S -A L L SHOWS} V " 1 m O w t S HInono R y o i m MERMAIDS ik,,,j i 45 7:00 9 15 ec Oonscm rom S#.*» » i S'eve Uunsnbe'g n THREE MEN AND A UTTLE LADY |h.i 5:1$ 7 30 9 45 > John Jrovoitc A rtwjfte A>h»y in LOOK WHO’S TALKING TOO i»x.,.y 5 00 7 «5 9 30 C t im e s p u b l is h e d a r e f o r to d a y o n ly ) * h e o u e a t o r s o f b l o o d s i m p l e a n o r a i s i n g a r i i o n a ■ F R O * . O E t C O E N A N O E T H A N C O E N MlLLEP'S CROSSING Friday-Sunday Hogg Auditorium 7:30 & 9:40 p.m. NEW U N IO N FILM CALENDAR AVAILABLE MARCH 20th R O B E R T D E N I R 3 B B B fSjm l w i l l F35 el NUDOU FiSKVlUi RD 4 3 4 - 9 3 6 2 _____ ANEW JACK CITY H THX 4 59 7:15 9 20 MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN COWBOYS 2:40 9:05 7 30 9 55 * S H IP W R E C K E D F < T 2 00 4 00 6 00 8 00 10 00 * HARD WAY K THX 2 20 4:45 7 25 9 55 A SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY R THX 2 3 0 4 4 5 7 109:20 • G R IF T E R S K 3 15 5 307 50 1000 A HAMLET |l*(.| 4 00 7 00 9:45 A HOME ALONE [»*<.] 2:43 3 10 7:30 9 40 * DANCES WITH WOLVES |k ; i :j1 4 30 8 00 4 NEVER ENDING STORY II m ________z oo * KING RALPmT h T ' 4 0 0 6 0 0 B 0 0 1 0 0 0 GREAT HILLS 8 WELLS BRANCH 8 US 113 I 6ftEAT HILLS TRAIL 7 9 4 - 8 0 7 6 A MY HEROES HAVE ALWAYS BEEN COWBOYS 2 40 5 03 7 30 9 55 A NEW JACK CITY K 2 05 4 00 6 00 8:00 10:00 A SHIPWRECKED [iT.] TMK 2 10 4 00 5 50 7 40 9:30 A L A STORY il'U n ] 2 99 5:00 7 20 9:3b a HAMLET |H<;| 4 0 0 7 0 0 9 4 5 A REVERSAL OF FORTUNE H 2:45 5:10 7:35 9:55 * HOME ALONE il’I 'T BARTON CREEK A SILENCE OF THE LAMBS H THX Z 25 4 30 7:20 9:50 A NEW JACK CITY K 5 55 7:55 9:55 A SHIPWRECKEO ;l ‘<[| 5 45 7:45 9 45 * DOORS K 700 9 45 A KING RALPH [pg] 5 35 7:45 9:40 A SILENCE OF THE UM BS K 5 20 7 40 10 00 HOME ALONE |p g] 5:10 7:30 9 50 A GOOFATHER PART 3 K 5 05 8:00 A RESCUERS DOWN UNDER ,U 540 A NOTHING BUT TROUBLE fPUlS] 9:25 7:40 9:40 MOPAC at LOOP 360 3 2 7 -8 7 8 1 * SLEEPING WITH THE ENEMY K 2 55 5 30 7 50 10 00 SCENES FROM A MALL 2:15 3:10 7:35 9 30 GREEN CARD !»’< ¡ I “ l 2 3 5 5 0 5 7 309 45 T H R E E M E N A N D A L IT T L E L A D Y H 2:30 5 0 0 7:40 10 00 I M E R M A I D S |r<;| 2:19 4:45 7:20 9 45 THE FIRST MONSTER MUSICAL “ H IG H L Y R E C O M M E N D E D Crispin Glover’s performance is one of the great wacko characterizations in film.” - Peter Rainer, LOS ANGELES TIMES “ B L IS S F U L L Y B O N K E R S ... Twister emerges as outrageous, original entertainment. - Peter Travers, ROLLING STONE Harry Dum Sta n t o n CfBW N C U M R s u i t A m u V fW i MiDlRMCTT l O r t & U j h ' ' W üüAMilüRROUCHJ S u s p i c i o n All it took u as a whisper. WARNER BROS, presents an ARNON MILCHAN P ro to an IRWIN WINKLER film ROBERT DE NIRO GUILTY BY SUSPICION” ANNETTE BENING • GEORGE WENDT • PATRICIA WETTIG and SAM WANAMAKER «¡STEVEN REUTHER - “S ARNON MILCHAN m s ¡¿ALAN C. BLOMQUIST "JAM ES NEWTON HOWARD ‘i.™ ! IRWIN WINKLER SOWiDTKittAlB M UK VAR£5t P C - 1 3 p a r e n t» s t r o n s u c a u t io n t o x ij SAKABANt CAiSETTC AM) CDs *• «W '<*"1'1 >•' Cteli.RH « M i IJ . OPENS FRIDAY, MARCH 15TH a GREYCAT FILMS release t ? H I anrt Guadalupe 477-1324 » PRESIDIO THEATRES STUDENT DISCOUNTS DAILY $4.50 WITH VALIDID. M ATIN EE A L L SHOW S B EFO RE * 00 PM RIVERSIDES RIVERSIDE & PLEASAN T VALLEY NO THE DOORS k SUAP-T STEREO _________1.30 4 15 7 00 9 45 12 25_______ NEW JACK C ITY R SMART STEREO ________ 3.30 5 45 8 15 10:30 12 40 HE SAID, SHE SAID |p< > < SMART STEREO ________ 3 00 5 3 0 7 5 0 9 55 12 10 AMERICAN NINJA x SMART STEREO ___________3:00 5 15 8 00 10 15__________ HARD WAY k SM AflT STEREO ________ 2 :3 0 5 1 5 7 4 0 9 55 12 10 DANCES WITH WOLVES |h .i:>) SMART STEREO _____________ 3:30 7:00 10:20____________ SILENCE OF THE LAMBS h SMART STEREO ________ 2 1 5 4 45 7 30 1 0 0 5 12 35 LA STORY |Pdi3j SMART STEREO 12 20 MID VILLAGE CINEMA 2700 ANDERSON 451-8352 CYRANO DE BERGERAC leo: OOLBT s t e r e o ____________ 2 4 5 5 3 0 8 15____________ EATING |Pii| __________3 :1 0 5 2 0 7 4 5 9 55__________ MR. AND MRS. BRIDGE l>* a] _________ 2 30 5 00 7 35 10:05_________ COME SEE THE PARADISE k 3:00 5 45 8 30 # • m Mi • f t • 5 : H Ul 0 (A — < ) ) ) LT 1 03 ^ r-..á ^r^ XA 8:00-5:00 p .m ./M o n d ay-Frid ay/T S P Building 3.200 T H E D A IL Y T e x a n Friday, March 8, 1991 Page 11 ,7 kiM i , - • TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL 10 — Misc. Autos 80 — Bicycles 360 — Furn. Apts. 360 — Furn. Apts. 360 — Furn. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 400 Condos- Townhouses 420 — U nf. Houses " L O N G H O R N W A N T A D S " — Specifications — * 20 words, 5 days $5 * Merchandise fo r Sale. Priced at $1000 o r less. Price must appear in ad. * If item doesn't sell, ad­ vertiser must call before 11 0 0 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify fo r the 5 a d d i­ tional insertions at no charge * Must specify "Longhorn W ont A d " classification to qualify fo r $5 rate. * Changes allowed for "Pr ce Only". TO PLACE A WORD OR LINE AD CALL: 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 ___________ CLASSIFIED WORD AD ‘ RA TES ! iime ' Charged b« the word 15 word mini­ mum Set in 5 p> type only Rates are for consec uiive days Eoc" word Each word 3 times Each word 5 times Eaci- word 10 times facr word 15 times Each word 20 times $ 38 5 * 0 2 S’ 45 S2 SO S3 0 0 $3 40 per insertion $1 0 0 charge to change copy First * » .’ words may be all capital letters ?Sc for eoch additional word in capital let­ ters Mastercard and Visa accepted. CLASSIFIED LINEAD 'RATES ‘Charged by the line. O ne column inch minimum Available in 5 to 14 pt type 1 rol 1 mch 1 Time $8 20 W O R D A N D L IN E A D D E A D L IN E S C H E D U LE M o n da y Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Fnday Enday Ham ................. Monday 11am 'uesdoy I ’am Wednesday 11am Thursday Ham TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED DISPLAY AD, CALL: 4 7 1 -8 9 0 0 ___________ CLASSIFIED D ISPLAY-AD RATES________ ’ Charged by the column nch One column nch mm,mum A vor ety of type faces and sues and borders available Fall Rales Sept 1-May 3 0 1 to 49 column inches Per Month $8 6 0 Per Column inch Over 50 col m per monft' call for rates C L A S S IF IE D D IS P L A Y D E A D L IN E S C H E D U L E Thursday, 4 p.m. Monday Friday, 4 p.m Tuesday Monday, 4 p.m. Wednesday Thursday Tuesday, 4 p.m. F r i d a y ..................... Wednesday, 4 p.m. In the event of errors made m an a d­ vertisement, notice must be given by 11 a.m the first day as the publishers ore responsible for only O NE incorrect insertion All doims fo' adiustments should be mode no* later than 3 0 days after publication Pre paid kills receive credit slip if requester! at time of can­ cellation if amount exceeds $2 0 0 Slip must be presented for o reorder withm 9 0 days to be valid Credit dips are non-transferable and In consideration of The Daily Texan s acceptance ot advertising copy for publication the agency and the a d ­ vertiser will indemnify and save Harm­ less, Texas Student Publications and in, officers employees and agents against all loss liability damage, and expense of whatsoever nature arising out of the copying pnnting or publishing of its odverttsment including without limita­ tion reasonable attorney's fees result mg from claims of suili for libel, viola­ tion of nght of privacy plagtansm, and copyright and trademark mfnngement. DEADLINE: 1 1 :0 0 a .m . p rio r to p u b lic a tio n M A S T E R C A R D V I S A A C C E P T E D M a s te rC a rd L O N G H O R N W A N T A D S FERRET RO O M M A TE went to Desert Storm and I must sell his ferret Nam ed Jazz Demusked. spayed, $ 2 5 0 O B O 453-1186 3 -4-5P STAIR MASTER dual action. Stair stepper by Proform Practically brand new, per­ fect condition Worronted, $ 2 0 0 negoh- oble Coll 4 7 7 - 6 0 3 / 3 -4 -5B _________ D E N O N D C D 86 0 C D player. Remote, variable output, digital output, fader pitch control 2 months old, never used $ 3 2 0 3 23 0 6 3 8 3-4-5B ___ ____ 8 0 2 8 6 IBM Clone. 32M B HD, 5 1/4" 3 1/2' floppy 7 68 KB RAM, MS W O R D Pascal. Basic Autosketch, Windows, Deskmote, $1000. 8 34 2112 3 -5-5P YOKOTA TUOLUM NE mountom bixe Brand new condition with U-lock Asking $ 3 0 0 or best offer Paid $ 4 0 0 7 94 9 4 5 2 . before midnight. 3 -6 -5 N C HP 198 Business Consultant II $ 45 . 2 Honda Expresses-not $ 5 0 4 9 9 -8 9 7 3 3 -6 -5 N C running. SONY TV 15 model KV 1515 Runs great $175 O B O Call Sergio and leave mes­ sage 4 4 1 -0 6 8 3 3 -6 -5 N C TANDY 1000TX 30 meq h a i T T T T " ! 5 .2 5 drives. DOT matrix printer 640k memory, color monitor, mouse $ 8 0 0 4 4 5 -0 1 7 7 ofterApm 3-6 -5P RCA MODEL XL100 14 mch tv with re mote control/cable ready Only a year used Perfect condition. Asking $179 99 O B O 474 0821 3-7-5B ____ C A N O N AE-1 automatic camera with 3 5 -1 0 5 -M A C R O Achiever hand gnp flash warranty, new condition, $ 3 0 0 everything 3 4 5 -6 9 2 8 anytime 3-8 -5P lens Also, zoom CO LO R TV, VCR. stereo, cordless phone, answenng machine, 10 speed bike, vac- cum. Aton 2 6 0 0 and games Pnce from S 30 $125 3 39 -3 1 4 6 3 8 - 5 B ______ 3 4 5 — Misc. USED FURNITURE COLLECTIBLES VINTAGE CLOTHING JEWELRY DECORATIVE ITEMS i A u s t i n A n t i q u e d S t c A t o y e 5 1 1 7 N. L am a r ) 1 0 -6 7 D a y s a W e e k j ___ C A S H B u y in g G old -S ilve r Broken Chains, Class Rings Unwanted Jewelry Serving Students Since 1976 L i b e r t y C o i n s 45th 6 Guadalupe T-SHIRTS $5 O N THE DRAG Distinctive Concepts Active Artweor 2338 Guadalupe Sidewalk vendor in front o f Tex­ as Textbooks. Daily 1130-4:30. M ention this ad fo r 10% off 2-14-20B RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. W . APTS. 1 0 1 E . 3 3 r d 3 Bd-2 B Huge t Bd-luiury Ural» Exceptional Fumrthmga • Pretty Pool PM» • Shutne »u»l a tew stop*. 4 7 6 * 0 3 b j CEYRIY PLAZA E f f . ’s - 1 & 2 B e d r m s . All Bills Paid 4 2 1 0 R e d R i v e r 452-4366 S um m er Fall Leasing (Special Summer RatesI RENTAL -360 — Furn. Apts. Mountain Bikes 928-2810 NOW-1991 GT BIKES • MANv 1990 MODELS REDUCED 10000 St u d e n t d is c o u n t s BUCK’S BIKES VISA MC Am E up Discover Welcome 7 5 B I K E S $ 2 5 a n d u p South 900 W Ben White (across from A A Hosp.) North - 54ttl St. 4 Airport (across from Lamme's Candy) Every Saturday Austin Bicycle Salvage 2 4 4 - 7 4 4 4 REAL ESTATE SALES 130 — Condos - Townhouses * ORANGE TREE Í I C0N00 í ★ ★ ★ instead of paying room and * ★ board, why not own this 2 bed- * ★ room, 2 12 bath condo. Select " ★ roommates whose rent pays your * ★ mortgage Other potential tax ad- if ★ vantages Only two short blocks ★ it from the heart of campus ★ ★ ★ J (713) 667-7337 { ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ■ A WEST CAMPUS CO NDO S 2 BR, 2' 2 BA, 2 3 0 0 Leon # 2 0 4 a n d # 1 0 2 , ve ry w e ll m a in ­ ta in e d , q u ie t c o m p le x, w a lk to d ra g /c a m p u s , TC AD, 9 2 8 square feet, le ased thru M a y . $ 6 2 ,9 0 0 , f i­ n a n c in g a v a ila b le , ca ll Jay 3 4 3 - 6 9 9 0 , KVA. Inc 3 -M 6 B k. W H Y RENT? ...WHEN YOU CAN OWN! Sales, bargains, R.E.O., governm ent, o w n e r financed ★ Professional prop. mgmf. ★ FALL PRE-LEASING N O W ! Call Jerry Oakes at PMT 476-2673/467-7781 2-12-20B-A MERCHANDISE 2 2 0 — C om puters- Equipm ent APPLE M A C IN TO SH with two dnves Im- oaewnter printer, carrying case, manu oís and software $ 4 0 0 , call 473 -2 36 1 3-5-5B_______________________________ 320 — W anted to Buy o r Rent N IN T E N D O A N D Sego gomes wanted. Will pick up and poy cash Coll 2 55 - 6631 3-7-5B 330 — Pets NEED PET SITTING dunng Spring Break? Experienced, available Evelyn 4 5 4 -3 2 0 8 , or 4 76 - 3 6 3 4 .3 5 4B loving care References NEW OWNERSHIP APPLE T O Y O T A now has COLLEGE GRAD PLAN on new vehicles (Largest Selection of Toyota s in Austin) Come by for Details A P P L E , /TOYOTA m-f 805 W. 5th Street M 478-5676 S9"9 GO VERNM ENT SEIZED vehicles from $100 Chevys. Surplus Your area (1) 8 0 5 -6 8 7 - 6 0 0 0 , Ext S-9413 2-13-23P Fords Mercedes Corvettes G O VE RNM EN T SEIZED Vehicles from $100 Chevys Surplus Buyers Guide (1) 8 05 - 9 6 2 -8 0 0 0 Ext S 9413 3 4-25P Fords Mercedes Coivehes 20 — S ports-Foreign Autos ★ ★ RED SPRING BREAK CONVERTIBLE 1987 Toyota Célica GT convertí ble, Red/black top, AT, AC, fully loaded, console phone, low mileage, 1 owner, excellent con­ dition. $10,900. 4 4 3 -4 5 0 6 , or 3 4 6 -9 7 0 7 leave message 3-5-4B UT O RANGE Corvette 1968 "6 9 3)00 miles New point Runs greot $ 7 ,5 0 0 Coll Ron 8 1 7 -8 3 4 -8 7 4 0 Fori Worth. 3-6- 3B _______ 1980 TOYOTA Célica ST. Monuol, 5- speed $1.200. Coll 2 51 -7 9 7 8 3-7-5B 89 B M W 3251, excellent shape, loaded 512- warranty $14,700 3 4 6 -4 3 6 6 , 3 72 -6 01 2 3-7-7B ____________________ 84 V W Rabbit Convertible Attention Sun cVarshippers- W ork on your tan while you drive O ne owner, tnple white, 4 5 ,0 0 0 miles garaged, new tires, very clean. $ 6 ,0 0 0 (512)335-7111 3 -7 5B-D TOYOTA CAMRY '84 -S p iffy , clean inte­ rior, good hres. battery, A ' C Auto tron simmission, one owner $ 2 ,6 5 0 4 77 - 7 2 9 3 3-8-2B_________________________ '87 PONTIAC Grand Pnx 5 speed 2- door, sports coop, loaded. Must sell, asking only $ 7 ,2 0 0 Call Park 4 7 7 -7 3 5 4 3 -8-20B 70 — M otorcycles C H E A P I N S U R A N C E Call 1-800-444-7014 for FREE Quote M O O N LIG H T MOTORCYCLE-- Motor cycle service and salvage at discounted prices Towmq ovailable Broken bikes bought 4 4 0 -0 8 0 8 2-13-20B 8 0 — Bicycles \ \ V MOUNTAIN BIKE SALE * Al 1990-91 Mountain BtXes on Sate Fuji • GT B Dismondback • Stxmano * 21 Speed FUJI Mountam Bike CR-MO Frame. Stxmano parta - only $269 00 * STUOEWT SPECIAL - FREE LW.ock with Exkc purchase or $10 00 oh 1 yr. free service, extra discount on 2 Bike purchase SOUTH AUSTIN BICYCLES 444-0805 2210South 1st MC • VISA • AM EXP. # DISCOVER N O W PAYING cosh for selected used mountom bikes Cothrons Bike Shop, 1504 Fortview, 4 4 7 -7 0 7 6 , John 2 ’ 5- 20B-K L O N G H O R N W A N T A D S M IN N E S O TA /D A L L A S /M IN N E A P O L IS round tnp oir coupons for spnng break $ 95 3 4 3 -2 7 9 3 3-4-5B TRANSPORTATION 50 — S ervice-R epair 458-6185 DYER TRANSMISSION & AUTOMOTIVE, INC. Domestic & Foreign Transmission Overhauled e Allison Transmissions Overhauled Engine Overhauled A C Repairs 7 5 1 3 North I.H. 35 Austin, TX 7 87 52 20% OFF ANY TRANSMISSION WE INSTALL Now Preleasing Summer Rates Starting at $295 • 1 BR & 2 Hr • C eilin g Fans • C en tral A C • On S huttle • Laundry Room • Fully Furnished • Pool R i o N u e c e s 600 W. 2 6th 4 7 4 - 0 9 7 1 H O U S T O N 2801 H e m ph ill Park - 472-8398 BRANDYWINE 2804 W hitts Ave. • 472-7049 D A L L A S 2803 H e m ph ill Park • 472-839S W 1LSH IR E 301 W . 2 9th • 472-7049 Great Summer Rates • Fullv Fum ixhed • Laundry Room • Central A ir Heat • 2 Blocks From U T ★ W A L K TO ★ CAM PUS 1100 EAST 32ND ST. AVALON APTS. One 8R - $265 Summer rote Wolk-m cbseH ceiling fans, on site monogement, toundry Great for low-engineering students 476-3629 3 -7 -20 B -A H O N D A Come ride with us i i ! ) i t e s 6 9 8 reg $1000 00 Now Preleasing Huge I & 2 Bedrooms On PV Shuttle Route Free Cable TV 4 4 4 - 0 0 1 0 Come See What We've Leased Today! A 4 5 9 -3 3 1 1 < ^ e c k out S e k x tio r^ rfU s e d H o n fa s ^ i 6 5 0 9 N. L am ar á TTL T H R E E O A K S & P E C A N S Q U A R E APARTMENTS • Summer Rates • 1 Bd: 1 Ba • Furnished • Laundry • PRELEASEFOB SUMMER OR FALL 4 5 1 - 5 8 4 0 409 W. 38th St. Prelease NOW! C A S A G R A N D E EFF-AII Bills Paid Summer Fall $ 3 4 0 Summer Fall $ 3 4 0 Summer Fall $ 4 1 0 Summer Fall $ 4 4 0 1 -1 2 - 1 2 - 2 3-2 Summer Fall $ 6 4 0 Summer Rates Available Furnished Unfurnished Large rooms, parking laundry, pool, on UT shuttle, near UT 1400 Rio Grande 479-0389 327-3446 M I N U T E S F R O M C A M P U S 34th Street Guadalupe 1-t Available immediately Fully ceiling furnished Ians aundry room & coy ered parking 4 7 7 - 6 6 6 1 C L A S S I F I C A T I O N S TRANSPORTATION 10 — Misc. Auto* 20 — Sports-Foreign Autos 30 - Trucks-Vans 40 — Vehicle* to Trod* 50 —■ S#rvK»-Íppo*t 60 — Ports- Ac ces sor tes 70 — Motorcycle* 8 0 — Bicycles 90 — Vehicle Leasing 100 — Vehicles Wonted RIAL ESTATE SALES 1 10 — Services 120 — Houses 130 — Condos-Townhouse* 140 - Mobile H om e*- Lots 150 — Acreoge- Lots 160 — Duplexes - Apartments 170 — Wanted 180 - Loons MERCHANDISE 190 — Appliances 200 — Furniture-Household 2 1 0 — Stereo TV 220 — Computers- Equipment 2 3 0 — Photo-Cameras 240 Boots 250 — Musical Instruments 26 0 —* H o b b ie s 2 7 0 — MkxhirHfry - Equipm ent 280 — S p o rtin q -C am p in g Equipm ent 290 — Furniture- A pplian ce Rental 300 — G a r a g e - R um m oge S a fe s 3 1 0 — T rad e 320 — W anted to B uy o r Rent MERCHANDISE 330 — Rets 340 — lc tgKor n W ant A d * 345 — M,*< RENTAL 3 5 0 — Ren tal S e r v k e s 3 * 0 — Furr». Aprs 370 — Unf A pt; 3 8 0 — Furn D u p le x e s 390 — Unf. D u p le x e s 400 — C a n d o s-T o w n h o u se s 4 1 0 — Furn, H o u se s 4 2 0 — U nf. H o u se s 4 2 5 — R oom * 4 3 0 — R oom - B o a rd 4 3 5 — C o -o p s 4 4 0 — R oom martes 4 5 0 — M obile H o m es Lots 4 7 0 — R eso rts S t o r a g e S p a ce 4 8 0 4 9 0 — W anted to Rent- L e a se SOB — Misc ANNOUNCEMENTS 5 1 0 — En tertainm ent- T k k ett 5 7 0 — Per s o n o i* 53 0 - Travel T ro n sp o rtatto n 54 0 — L o st A Foun d 550 — Licen sed Child C ore 5 * 0 — P uW k N o tk e 5 7 0 — M u sk -M u sician s EDUCATIONAL 580 — M usical Instruction 590 — Tutorin g 6 0 0 — In struction W onted * 1 0 — Misc. Instruction SERVICES 6 2 0 - L e g al Se rv ice s 630 — C om puter S e r v k e s 6 4 0 — E xterm in ato rs 6 5 0 - M o v in g -H au lin g 6 * 0 — S to ra g e 6 7 0 — P ainting SERVICES * 8 0 Office 690 — Ren tal Equipm ent 700 — Furniture R epair 7 1 0 — A pplian ce R epair 7 2 0 — S te re o - TV R epair 7 3 0 — H om e R epair 7 4 0 — B k y c fe R epair 7 5 0 - T yping 7 * 0 — M isc S e r v k e s EMPLOYMENT 770 — Em ploym ent A g en cies 780 — Em ploym ent S e r v k e s 790 — P art tim e 800 G e n e ra l H elp W anted 8 1 0 - O ffice-C lerical 8 2 0 - A ccounting B o o k k e e p in g 8 3 0 — A d m in istrativ e M a n g e meni 8 4 0 — S o le * 8 5 0 - Retail 8 * 0 — E n gin eerin g Technical 8 7 0 ~ M edical P ro fe ssio n a l 8 8 0 8 9 0 — C lubs- R e sta u ra n ts 900 — Domestic - H o u se h o ld 9 1 0 — P o sitio n * W anted 9 2 0 — Work W anted BU SIN ESS 9 3 0 — B u sin e ss O ppo rtun ities 9 4 0 — O ppo rtu n ities W anted SELL Y O U R ITEM in the " L O N G H O R N W A N T AD S" 20 Words, 5 Days s 5 ° ° OR WE WILL RUN THE AD AN ADDITIONAL 5 DAYS AT N O CHARGE! ‘ Sec Specifications G ING ERBREAD Stately HemphtH Park hom e available for fall Pre-lease. 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, a k o v e 2 study, porches, CA/CH, ceding fans, fenced yard w/huge trees. 47 4- 0 6 0 6 o r 2 7 2 -5 7 8 3 . Ask fo r Ms. Lorie. __________ h a rd w o o d floors, : 4 208-A 425 — Rooms EL RIO APARTMENTS 2405 RIO GRANDE AUSTIN, TEXAS 78705 ROOMS FOR RENT Storting at 175.00 & up C A/C H, C a r­ pet, C eiling Fons in some unrts Fur­ nished. Alt fcsxlts paid. C o ll 4 7 7 5941 o r D igital Beeper 3 9 7 -9 5 2 0 _______________________________ 3 5-SP LARGE CLEAN carpeted room P entronea /b a th / re frige ra to r N o kite her Q uiet ndividual N o p e ri 38th Stree' Bills po.d 4 53 -5 4 1 7 3-7 20B A .at.. TW O ROOMS available Beautiful Hyde Pork home M any extras S 185/$225 utilities 4 7 7 -4 0 4 8 /4 5 9 -0 5 7 0 3 -7 -5 8 440 — Roommates ROOMMATE SERVICE W ill help you find a com pat­ ible roommate M ale o r female. Call Sam. 280-7118 2 12 20B C RO O MMATE W ANTED to share 2-1 m _!GiXsviile a re a C e ilin g fans, h a rd w o o d floors Many wmdows $ 27 0. 1/2 bills 4 76-80 27 3 - 8 - 5 B ___ SHARE SPACIOUS four bedroom home with riiree non-smoking naies Hc>t Nt Jeck w eight room $ 3 0 0 0 0 “ 8 P i5 3 4 9 9 0 3-8-1P_________________________ 490 — W anted to Rent Lease P SY C H O LO G IST w r i t e s , r p a 'v e T T r needs inexpensive Austin residem - with garage Unconventional okav coil 817 .’ "8 -5 6 5 9 3 4. SB jfem ple) _ A NNO UNCEM ENTS 510 — Entertainm ent- Tickets TICKETS Neil y o u n g . Rudolph Nureyev, WWF N ew K ds, Scorpions, Shng, Austin Rodeo - oil shows. Garth Brooks Poison The Judds. Ninja Turtles 478-9999 5 2 0 — P e rs o n a ls W A N TE 0 S tim u la tin g (I hope) c o r r e ­ s p o n d e n c e w itti b rig h t bran y in te re s t­ in g w o m e n a g e s 2 0 - 3 5 W r ite S o n n y Q .. p O 8o« 309 iowa City, IA 52244 2- 2 7 -I9 P 530 — Travel T ran sp o rtatio n SI00C $ 8'% ' $ 4 0 0 $ ’ 0 0 C O M E O N D O W N , SPRING BREAK'! Plaza Square M otel w th $ 2 9 90-$31 90, double or * 5 minutes to Mexico * 20 mmutes to South Paare jp anc • this ac: To guarantee your reservan-, 1-800-552-5334 22 5 5 Central Bfvd B ro w nsville . TX ’ 8 5 2 0 3 -7 28 H A W A II 4 r o u n d trip t e ke” , ‘o r $19'-' w th d is c o u n t tra v e l p ro g r a m to i y o u r o n g dis ta n c e te ie p n o n e se rvice 8 3 7 - 4 0 4 5 2 ¡4-206-D " ~ A ~ A I. ' 580 — Musical i n c t r s i r t i n r s jn p tE S S O N y Experienced P iA N O teacher, N a tio n a l Gwid Judge Be gmner advanceO C M d re t o d u ", 873 8 3 0 9 .2 -H -2 0 B E 2 -2 6 -2 0 6 GUITAR LESSONS R & B Rock. « country ’0 veon leochmg expenetKe Andy Buil.ngton 452 0 l8 i 2-28-.:U 6 A _ 590 — Tutoring R E S E A R C H A S S IS T A N C E Fullservice PROOFREADING LIBRARY RESEAR CH OUTLINE DESIGN LITERATURE REVIEW Grad/Undergrad levels Dobie Mail, Suite 29 478-0871 SERVICES 750 — Typing S p e e d w a y T Y T I N G D O B IÉ M A L L L a s e r P n n t i n g / S p e l l c h e c k A p p i i c a t t o n s / R e s u m e s T e r m / R e s e a r c h P a p e r s A p p l i c a t i o n F o r m s A u d i o T r a n s c n p l i o n 2-18 2 0 B K Com e by # 2-20-146 __ ★ 2-13-208 C AVAILABLE NOW! 2 br/2 ba Apts, across from Law School. S550-S585/ including cable. mo. ABP Pre-leasing for immediate occupancy or summer. Call 474-9523 or 452-5197 2 -2 0 14R $325 Large 1 bedroom apart ment. Walk in closets, CA/ CH, ceiling fans, pool, water and gas paid. Walking dis­ tance to U.T. 610 W 30th. Manager apartment #134. 477-8858. 3-6-20B-E NEWLY RENOVATED 2 br/2 ba apts. Across from Law School. $640- Unf. $670-Furn. ABP in­ cluding cable. Now pre­ leasing for Fall. Call 474- 9523 or 452-5197. EFFICIENCY UNITS $ 2 1 0 -2 4 0 ABP Peach Tree Apts 1804 Lavaca 4 7 6 5152 M l, 2 5 only 3-6-5B SPACIOUS. QUIET, 2 2». U1 1 block" CA/CH, fans, wolk-m closet pool dish $ 5 5 0 $ 60 0. washer Red River 30th 477-3388 3 6 20B-C ___ O N E BEDRO O M one bath apartment, furnished very large close to campus Covered parking $35 0 / mo 3310117 3 7 /B E________________ _______________ 370 — U nf. Apts. ♦ * ENFIELD + ♦ AREA! ♦ Huge efficiencies Pool, huge ♦ ♦ walk-in closets, basic cable ♦ ♦ ♦ great carpet and tile. Call ; * 482-0398 * ; 0XT0R D PLACE\ O N E B E D R O O M S LA R G E A N D E X C L U S IV E P R IC E D F R O M $ 4 7 5 0 0 ON-SITE MNGT CALL SETH V 478-0933 (IS) 474-0606 (WK)Jk EASE LEÁVE MESSAGEVM • • Easy access to U T LARGE APTS. ★ — Bus #1 goes directly to the drog e Very large 1-1's, approx 6 2 5 -7 5 0 sq. ft. (at $ 2 8 0 - 2 9 5 ) • Pool e Plenty of parking • Convenient to everything • O n M etro route • Laundry facilities • Low year round rates N orw ood Apts. 5 60 6 N. Lamar 451-1917 2 28-206-C • ~ EFFICIENCIES ★ $205/mo. $195/mo. for Summer. Prime location. Red River. Shuttle Bus. Walkmq distance to H E B • 371-0160 ★ 2 8 -2 0 6 E LIVE IN BEST LOCATION IN AUSTIN AND FIVE MINUTES FROM U.T. SHUTTLE Enjoy extra large newly remodeled 8 o c plans de$#gned *o meet you* hfe$tyfe 1 2 and 3 bedrooms avc*iob»e We pre lease up to 6 months to advance1 PRELEASE N O W ! o r m ove n o w ! SOUTH SHUTTLE Condo1 Wosber drye»* gem Summer spec iqI< Greai one bedrooms from PROPERTIES ONE 447-7368 2 2ft 70B A All Bills Paid Efficiencies and 1-Vs from $245- $395. 2 Blocks from shuttle PEPPERTREE II APTS. 410 W . 3 7 th 4 5 1 -8 5 3 2 /45 2 -1 12 1 ★ WEST CAMPUS ★ Eff. NOW AVAILABLE * N ew carpet & mimblmds * Gas and water poid ★ W a lk to campus ♦ O n ly S 2 9 5 /m o n th l 4 5 0 -1 0 5 8 /4 5 0 -0 7 0 2 Leave M essage 1-1's PENTHOUSE APTS. Two blocks west o f campus, best new Incredibly from 5 3 5 0 mgrnt 'u'ge ?-2's start ng from $ 5 7 5 and 3 2's (split level) Starting from $ 7 7 5 Fu' nished or unfurn she f cable p a d . beauttfu pooi, laundry facilities, rov e red pork - g 1801 Rio Grcsride 480-0201 ____________ 2 22 20B-C HUGE 1-1 A N D 2-2 Gas, heat, water & cable paid. O n quiet street Ceiling fans, ver­ tical blinds, pool For $350 to $450. 3 Elms Apt. 400 W. 35th St. 453-1804,452-1121 3-4 I0B-C In Four-plex 614 W, N orth Loop Very attrac­ tive, almost new. 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, private patio. Quiet. Am ­ ple parking. Convenient loca­ tion. N ear bus. Q uality neigh­ bors N o pets. $ 3 5 0 plus electric. 472-7617. 3 5 46 C LO CATIO N' LOCATION! And a» bills paid near rJ?wntQw-> UT C a p i'o Older budding renovated with large rooms and plenrv of amb anee Cc'l o » - e ' ot 4 "4 4 8 4 8 2 25 2 0 B -C ____________ iarge pool, te-mis, cao.e # 7 SHUTTLF Far mature students, small se­ complex curity on-site manager I and 2 pert room /$2 4 5 v.iloqe Pari Apartments ____________ 3 3 6 4 q 8 p 3-1 ; 0 8 Íb ÍD R O O m " 3 0 1 W 39th S- $ 2 7 5 /m o , includes wa'er 288 3 4 2 2 3 -5 -4 B ____ ____ _______ 326-9215. or e * UNIQUE E 'F IC E N C n Sounilo tile hrepiace d walk us closets, shuttie walk, pool $ 2 7 5 $ 2 9 5 ' FRONT PAGE PRO PERTY 4 80 8 5 '8 3-5 20B-C # * WEST CAMPUS' L e g e 2 -2 big clo­ se's, cf -".crowq.e cp, Sb50' pre-,ecs ing Front Poqe P-operties 48C 3518 3- 5 -2 0 8 C____________ ______ ________ SPACIOUS. QUIET 2-2'S UT 1 bio.« C A /C H tons wolk-m cioset. pool dish wosner Pec x -e ' 30m $55C $ 6 0 0 _________ 4 " 3 38 8 3 -6 -2 0 8 G l A N D 2 3DR oportme ts unfurnished wit*- m icrow oe. ceiling fans ana other applronces Nob HiH 4 ’ 2 9 8 8 7 3 -6 eB GARAGE APARTMENT sub- et May August Near c'T House yordwork m e > change for rent Senous. responsible student only M c e 4 95 9 4 5 9 6-v’em 3 6-3P 390 — U nf. Duplexes C O NVENIEN T 1.35/RED River Older I I- with hardwoods, A C fans S'? ?B R31- iey. ndividuot. $ 2 9 0 4 '2 - 2 0 9 7 3-1- 2 0 6 -C _____________ ..oik, iorge 2/1 m vKtorian house. 'ueplote sto.nea giass ceiling 2110 Son Gobnel 4 7 8 -7 5 7 . $ 6 d0 3-6 - 3P fans, i TH E A SH FO R D a ■ Now Pre-Leasing for Summer Fall (Special S um m er R ates} Large Efficiencies. 1-1's, 2-2’s, Starting at $250. ALL BILLS PAID á ■ • F u r n is h e d U n f u r n is h e d • West Campus Shuttle A • On S :e Mgmt & Maint f 2 4 0 8 L e o n • ° o o l • Laundry Room • Covered Pat * íg 4 7 6 - 8 9 15P -m . - m . nax. ^ax. -m . v a t -m . -mA i i $ $ S Q U A R E i p « r l m « a t s * NOW PRELEASiNG SI H FALL * EFFlCIENCiEsi * FURNISHED * 5 BLKS FROM CAMPUS * IT SHUTTLE STOP * DEIL XE1 BEDROOMS * 2-1 ECONOMY STY IF * ON-SITE MANAC E MENT A L L B I L L S P A I D 2 2 1 2 § a n b a b r W t S t r e e t Austin. Texas 78705 ( 3 1 2 ) 4 7 4 7 7 3 3 M 0 0 0 0 V E You II Get Any C om plex You W ant - - - - No A dc ca’ c " F ees No High Pressure All P r'ce R anges 8 1 9 W. 2 4 th (U n iv T o w e r s ) o r C A L L N O W ! FR EE FR EE FR EE Now Pre-teasmg Condos, Apartments, ar4 Houses C _ i T V PROPERTIES J Ü L 478-6565 2717 Rio G ra nd e Campus Area Specialists 3 4 5 Bedroom homes 3 2 Condos from $1 000 00 2 2 Condos from $675 00 i ‘ Condos from $4 75 00 ito Grande Properties Really 4 7 4 - 0 6 0 6 (vrwj 12 OAKS CONDOS 704 WEST 21st • C e iitn g fa n • Microwave • W asher and dryer • Covered parking • W alk to campus 2 B e d ro o m 7 b a th s a v a ila b le Preleasing Summer a n d Fall 4 9 5 -9 5 8 5 or 251-7515 2-13-20B E T ^ T e a s i n g T í a s ™ BEGUN 3 2 House, h u g e 2 -2 c o n d o s W est C a m p us a m : H yd e Pork o re os ’ 704 West A.e O a n g e tr e e , C ro ix le n te n m a i L O O K N O W Rio Grande Properties 474-0606 ___________________________ 2 T9-I48-E PRELEASiNG N O W St Thom as L e n n o x O ra n g e tr e e C e t-'f-n io i PMT A sk for John or Terri 4 ^ 6 - 2 6 7 3 2 19 208 E QUIET Spacious 2/1 7 fownhouse 10 mm to U.T., Shuttle stops at fro n t door. Fire- place, deck, w scenic view o f N o rth ­ west HiHs, ceiling fons. 2 -level, utility room w ith w asher/dryer Abundant storage Shopping center I 1? blocks. Pool 2 blks. O ne available now and one fo r fall pre-leas06___ __________ _____ A V A ILA B LE MAR 15 West Campus 2-2 oppiian ce s • W D m ic ro w a v e eseived porkma SoOU '.m m e i $ 4 iX i 345-6518 3-5 4§ C CHESTNUT SQUARE 1-1>?i I wo ... rage, 9 6 0 square reel ovoiioble Sept $ 7 5 0 4 5 9 4813 3 S -2 06 -C go W E D G E W O O O 1-1 with ~asher-dryt- Avoikible 'une $4 50 Coll now 459 4813 3-5-206-C GABLES 2 -2 :V -urmshed' Two ca¡ go oge ovaJabie June 1. $ 9 5 0 4 59 4813. 3 -5 20B-C 420 — Unf. Houses 4 77 I '• L 24 nrs. O ld 'oshioneq .ha rm of I to 3 bedrc am home • toi a - aod, go», appiionces $ 2 50 -6 0 0 2-19 -2 0 6 A 2-1-1 NEAR IF shuttle, to ge kitchen. W /D onrsectiom, $525 A v q iio b tt 4-15 Coil 4 5 4 H75 2-20-206 * ' 5 5 3 5 5 3 -------------- ASAR W o rd Processing pope*v Repot tv Theses com pleted w ith core and jtter hon $ ’ 85- Los' minute o k 451 4 8 8 5 2- I1-20P MESQUITE TREE APARTMENTS O n e bedroom furnished apartm ents Close sriutie Dishwasher A C Ce ling ‘an. loundry to compus, r e a r facilities and hc-t tub W o te r and I V cob'e paid N o pets 2 4 1 0 Longview info Resident m a n ag e ' " 3 0 1 For U N IT S A V A IL A B L E 4 / 8 - 2 3 5 7 N O W ' 2-26 206 C N O W PRELEASING summer/fall, walk UT, 1-1. small, qutei complex Well main­ tained 2711 Hemph.il Park 4 7 7 -8 3 2 0 2- 20 20B__________________ __________ LUXURY 2 1% HARDW O O DS-carpet covered parking, hreplace, washer/ dryer, pool, hot tuo $ 7 2 5 611 E 45th 3 45 6 5 9 9 2 -2 6 -2 0 6 -A NORTHCASTLE APARTMENTS 3 4 5 -0 8 0 7 3 6 -7 0 6 UT 1-1 FURNISHED Hyde Park area, close to UT call Tom. 4 51 -5 09 6 or Tma 5197 2 -27-20B 447 TW O BEDROOM special11 Spacious floorpfan storting ol $ 32 5, mo. Close 'o UT 4 7 8 -0 9 9 2 3-6-20B -A TRANSPORTATION 70 — Motorcycles (What You Won't See at Willow Creek Hills Apartments ) Absolutely no pests allowed! G A B R i ^ Page 12 Friday March 8 1991 THE D \ ll.\ TEXAN SERVICES FRIDAY MARCH 8 | S A T U R D A Y KXAN KRVO KLRU UNI MAX T N T USA WGN K T B C K V U E K X A N KB VO K L R U B E T KTBC Ü .X CBS Ties W iring . Joan "ÍVWS ftxx s 7 AM 1 X o o q » * 3 X 11 * * 1 ! M • Jung 6 Resttess i o 1 2 BeautifJ As he Wane Gudng Ught , -■* 1 .30 p PM L X p PM 0 X KVUE sort) Good Wrxng Amanea ■ ® Today SaY Jassy Raphael Home Wtm / r a T iñ Te» Troto M*cf Cane LCVWO A» My O tte r One L i*e ffl tve General HosoOl Closer aOO* Days of Our IM S Another Wortd Santa Barrara GerMOo Donahue Inst í a Try Toona Gunn» nappy Days ujvene Reqrs & same „ee Kate 6 Manas M atm Hrgfuwy *0 Hunter Banaby .•ones Hogan Goner FVe Tale Sor Pwer '-Nr Nr*a HC J< ALF 3 s Compara Whos TBS . ■ '... Grftgar Ltde House Movw Snatterec Vows Hus' Ml Rogers Sesame Stree* rrv Progranrren . • rrv Programmei * MrMe 1 C ap » Blood Tom & Jarry F tristones Bradv Bu1* Good Tnes JePersons HMMhes A. GrtWi Happy Jays Sarfort Movie Spy Who loved Ii -nends oi Sesame Street Souare One 6c- Hi ' Mac!ie« lehrar m EdWn w Wrfrey Jeooarty N8C News News Whee To Be Announced Nan; Gout Mas! Wantec Dark Shadows Agamsl We -aw Great rsxr Copy Efl News A ^ 30 r PM 5 30 C PM 0 30 CosOt Sfwr 7 PM B4ty Graham CBS ‘lews 1 30 Sons anC. Daughters Dallas .30 a Pm 8 30 Q H ? 3 10 z Clisers 1 1 *1 ' 30 2 C s i 8 S*non Pad "a* S-mon and Trump Card Chaiienaers A& News. New*, Gnu*. Full House 3eD> T * FnVy 'Gome 20,70 Yews Nahftne Newhart Wo 519m iii HuKt Mxfnigm Caller News Tonrant Show Letterman Star ’ Hr Next Arsento Hal! Ckeat Movie MotmaWr Austr City Lmrts Off A* Fnday Nile • . Mvvt .. MoonrMter News Person Mringftt Low • Movie Flash Gordon Sanford Screen VOS0 LP Sett Notes Sanford Me Voeo SoU Perry Masor Person (:15> W along an Mow Now Voyager Judge (630) Popeye O ¡600) Cartoon b re a» - Mww Torch Song New Mvtr Hammer U n e Vayj the Eueekas Castte P Elephant P B E T 32 1600) p*d Pad BoOCV Jones Sown Vffleo Vfflrtoons • TV VM * 3$ (6 30i Worth Movw GeWano W tw e <:15) S ' V .1 the Ran Drice Oesahe El Ubo i cade-atjosj C rea Crazy About Mowas Movw Last PfflUe ¿haw TV Mure ( « ) , AMC 35) (Cana Mene s My Face 1.45) Dynamite Pass Move Having Ax Mow. Foman Video Sou. Platavistt! With the Moon M ow Having M ow A Dog of Natacha (15) Waltang on Mow Bad Boy RapOty Cretna NICK a Wp Banana ,=«-■......... Magrun PI Joan Rivers Gereido Naws_ K Griffith L.12L- J htxw-xxxie BeJiV Inch Hqh DucxTales Clap n Mask Chas Bun Y -* Jeanrae •v. y -: Bulls Eye NBA Sasrettui- Penner Daw Wile ko*4 Nooztes ’’Í-. • Todays U tM Etpper .«ney HeathcW Ym Can; on TV' HeyDude Douore Dare MaxeíVade Insc -30ney Mork & y :..... Get Smart Dragnet Best ot SNL Judoe Char Read Name Tyne Wwnut W r. Lose Holtywood Pvraftad Press Luck ......... Ten ot Us Dance Cartoon Express MacGyvw Grthgac 8UB Bunny and Pats Mow Party Gin Mirder St* Wro» - m Bngadoon HKchcoc* Bay HitchhrWr Movie S tria ll Ftch .JT. ....... tnoara .rmas ml the Last v- . S4CÍ Mrvie My left Foot Ax M'A’t Foixitar MOW Tumxig Poxit State M ow Suddenly at the larkal Mana Naxaero De Murees Pobre Diarxá -v - DfNasüe Paji Rodnguez En Vvo YVOl'C Vswn Movie Gavian o ¡45) Prevw Movie Blooc at Heroes Mow. Day Nighttxeed <25) Meet Me MOW Turning & > (.40) Savaa Swamc Femwood Marm Vee HlKhCOCA Mow Invasxxi ot the Bee Gxls Green Acres Bewitched Qot* Gfts Patty Duke My 3 Sons Night Court ... Tanang Suttons INSURING SUCCESS AT UT — SINCE 1980 • TYPING-RESUMES-TERMS PAPERS OPEN 7 DAYS-A WEEK : 21iiS S T "* " • TUTORING * AS Subjects - ¡ a s s . 472-6666 FNN/BRV FAM NASH HSE HBO ESPN SHOW DISN ACTV ACTV ACTV 813 W, 24th ST. U F E 24 D ISC 54 AM Affltudes Lifestyles Dioosaucers 7 10 11 12 AM Baby Knows 30 Ppm 8 9 AM Sister Kate Vi Day bv Day AM Gourmet Soenser Mantel Mommc Market Watch Midday Market Rpt AM iW E.R PM ■ iie —arket Mutual iff T, Uifman Market PM ShopTam 50 Litres Bg Valley - 700 Club Naure of Hangs Vdeo Momxig PUse Your World Sheia Healthy Pasouaie Kids Quiz Do It Self Amencan Sa Garden T ® Carc Wow Mark Rendezv-ms Cel Outdrs ot Zorro Music Shop Great 1 2 Moon iighbng f f PM Attitudes • ff PM Mow . Market father Wall Street Countdown father MarketWrap flyman Pulse Your Wortd Pasautie Do It Self Standard Tine Amencan Too Cart Crook. • . ■ f f 5 Cracxed Up 3 4 PM M PM Supermarket MuTjdi ’f f TV Poll PM ER ff Duet PM L A Law - ff PM M ow The Opera 7 6 CO PS. Popeye S a Garden Or Dagf VideoPM M Nature Poueve Rxi Tin Txi Beyond 200C Wildlrte * Rendezvous Profies '*ev< Zorro Lifestyles ETtreprenei. Brother Maniac Mow Black m Shield at Fafworth • Mow Beggars • WW. Thxigs Texas vVar Chron NashMile Fxeoower Now Txnewateh • ff PM Is EN» • • f f PM T Ullman Mow Ai DiMeda TOC-Club • Protect • * • • • A SE 3t> Sixvrvai Ax Power City of Angels Fugftve Mow: Of Human Bondage Dehrecch» Mone Apache Drums Fugitive Avengers • Sirw al . . ^ • • • • - (4:30) Program éude • 3t Mow: Body Siam (Cont) (Z£ Mow Percy Mason * Thoroughbre Ace Movie Lean School Fshxi on Me • SenrePGA Gettng Fit Mow Internan Pooh Tree Djmbo Mow Monkeys. Avengers WmterSpeed House Go Home! Donald Ouck (Cont) ComrcxxxtY (530) Lonnurnty (Cont) Women ot Biiboad Calabash C sonuslL, Deliverance Bilboarú Billboard - PNImof Now Hear This Workout Mow. Hannas Mow Skxng Mag Wrong Guys Body V a í, ’ -¡r College Basketball T - Y ........ War America Body by Undercover Basketball Mow; Star Trek V: The Fiid Frontier College Basketball • Hotel College Basketball • No Greater Glory Days Oft Motoworld Up Close WorldCup History at the NBA College Basketball Mow Lean Skang en Me Soorts College Basketball . 10k Classic • " Factory Lunch Box KIMTV ... Musk Box C.O.P.S. PLEXUS II Family Robxisor ÍSTÍTMÜÜL Billboard Mow Heartbreak Danger Bay VRams Pound Raccoons Care Bears Technology. ivmnsit,. Present Talk Pekxig Up Donald Dick Zend* Back Biliooart the Peces Wm, Lose Steos of Kids. Inc. Gambler MKksy Mow Percy Totally Mason Minne Radio Man Poker Party Heakng Satvabon AIDS Motherland Fath .. 52 * • * ‘ Let the _°eupie_ Speak Let the People Speak ■ Let the People Speak • Let the Speak - On Stage Mow Fox College Basketball Mow Revenge 8 9 10 11 12 Golden Age College 01 Rock Basketball Movie BKjb Steel 'f f PM EN G f f AM .30 Sell- • Threshold • • Mow Beggars ■ * Borden own Safan Bordertown Mow. Black Citizen Carter Shield ot [:aiworth Wk) CrooK On Stage Texas Nashville Nov. At the knprov Mow: Fox Drve to Crook, Kids m OneJkght College Basketball Mow: Another • • * Ace Mow: Blue Thunder • Mow Batman • Persoective East New Athens ttiL .... - Good Age That WlKh LOS! XI Austin Is labor Beat Live From Christian • ’ • ■ College Basketball Soorts College Basketball ■ " * • Mow Ffeft Black ¡45) Revenge Bee Gere: Gong Hone Austin I ¡Deration • Ready Go! 02 /Harriet Mow. Kmg Video* Solomons Banana Phlmor Vines Video Mow Monleys, Global Jungle Es AmtX..... Impacto Love/Alive Vanguardia Hispana Sabbath Radio Man L lf s & n Hank HOtV Temple B r . ^ i ... Sxiatra Presents Authority Wult F R I D A PRIME TIM E 7:00 pm O S ) BILLY GRAHAM CRUSADE Thousands of people overflow the Hong Kong Government Stadium for Billy Graham’s largest ever outreach g © ★ *★ MOVIE THE SPY WHO LOVED ME (1977) Roger Moore, Barbara Bach Jarnes Bond, agent 007, teams up with Russia s top agent to find British and Russian nuclear submarines that disappeared at sea PG © * * * * MOVIE MY LEFT FOOT (1989) Daniel Day-Lewis, Brenda Fricker. With his courageous mother s unflagging support and the love of his brothers and sisters, Christy Brown battles cerebral palsy to become a writer. R Q CD ® MACNEIL/LEHRER NEWSH0UR g I f M0RK & MINDY S i BULLS EYE ffi ® FULL HOUSE g 60 ® TO BE ANN0UNC CB 3 AMERICA’S MOST WANTED A convicted killer is called a murdering machine; a bank examiner runs a scam. © * * MOVIE BLUE THUNDER (1983) Roy Scheider, Malcolm McDowell. A police pilot is chosen to test the government’s newest high-tech helicopter. R 39WAN 7:30 pm ® SALUTE TO THE STATES The Sunshine State, Florida, has made many contributions to the film industry. © M0RK & MINDY ® NBA BASKETBALL Utah Jazz at Chicago Bulls (L) © 3 BABY TALK A single mother raises an infant son, who gives a baby's view of life. Voice: Tony Danza g 8:00 pm Q 3 DALLAS Bobby and J.R take their sons on a cattle drive; Liz and Cliff’s relationship worsens g ® WWW MOVIE SUDDENLY (1954) Frank Sinatra, Sterling Hayden. Three hired assassins take over a house in a small town where the president will pass on his way to a fishing trip © ® GREAT PERFORMANCES Songs of Berlin, Gershwin, Porter and others that Fred Astaire introduced and turned into classics are featured g © GET SMART CB ® FAMILY M AHERS Steve’s beautiful cousin tries to sweep Eddie off his feet. (R) § ® DARK SHADOWS A seance brings a witch to the present by possessing Julia, g CB 3 AGAINST THE LAW MacHeath represents a beauty queen whose title is jeopardized by revealing photos from her past g 4 } COLLEGE BASKETBALL ACC Tournament, quarterfinal from Charlotte, NC (L) 8:30 pm ffi DRAGNET CB 3 GOING PLACES g 8:45 pm CB) FREE PREVIEW 9:00 pm O f fi SONS AND DAUGHTERS Mary Ruth reluctantly asks Tess for help in cooking a fancy dinner; Gary invests Dakota’s college money in a scheme g © ww MOVIE THE BLOOD OF HEROES (1989) Rutger Hauer, Joan Chen. In a barren future after civilization’s collapse, man’s only entertainment is a brutal game played by roving, battered professionals. R g (3) BEST OF SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Rick Nelson gets trapped in The Sitcom Zone, ffi 3 20/20 g CD ® MIDNIGHT CALLER g CB ® STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION Three cryogemcally-preserved survivors of 20th-century Earth are found on board a satellite; meanwhile, the Romulans threaten to go to war. g ® ww MOVIE FLIGHT OF BLACK ANGEL (1991) Peter Strauss, William O'Leary. An Air Force pilot suddenly loses his sanity, steals a nuclear bomber and heads for Las Vegas. 9:30 pm (Q) WWW MOVIE MOONRAKER (1979) Roger Moore, Lois Chiles. James Bond is assaulted by a giant with jaws of steel and captured by an army of amazons when he sets out to protect the human race PG’ © www MOVIE DAY OF THE JACKAL (1973) Edward Fox, Cyril Cusack A detective races against the clock to find a hired assassin who’s plotting to kill Charles de Gaulle PG’ © ® GREAT PERFORMANCES Julie Andrews reviews her life in song, starting with her early days as the daughter of London music hall performers, through her stage success. © FERNWOOD 2NIGHT Singer Laurie Gallagher performs with her mother. 10:00 pm © ® ffl GJD ffl ® NEWS (3) ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS A woman finds the diary in which her husband wrote of killing her. @ NIGHT COURT g CB ® ARSENIO HALL g 10:30 pm O ® CHEERS Facing certain death when the pilot collapses at the stick, Sam and Diane reveal their true feelings for one another g © GREEN ACRES Eb represents himself as a wealthy landowner and advertises for a wife. (Si the ROUSTERS © 3 NIGHTLINE g ffi ® TONIGHT SHOW © SPORTSCENTER 10:45 pm © WWW MOVIE NIGHTBREED (1990) Craig Sheffer, David Cronenberg A fugitive flees to an underground refuge in Canada populated by nightmarish but benign monsters. R g © ww MOVIE REVENGE (1990) Kevin Costner, Anthony Quinn. A man who falls passionately m love with a wealthy friend's wife is pursued, beaten and left for dead. ’R’ P 11:00 pm O 3 taxi © ff i AUSTIN CITY LIMITS Merle Haggard, Masters of Blue Grass © BEWITCHED Samantha's father pays a visit, but when he learns Darrin is a mortal, he gets furious and makes Darrin disappear, ffi f f i NEWHART Dick’s TV show is canceled because of low ratings g CB ffi ★★ MOVIE THE IDOLMAKER (1980) Ray Sharkey, Tovah Feldshuh. An ambitious young man uses his talents to turn ordinary teenagers into rock’n'roll superstars during the 50s. PG’ © COLLEGE BASKETBALL Big West Conference Tournament, quarterfinal from Long Beach, Calif. (L) 11:30 pm © 3 SIMON AND SIMON © DOBIE GILLIS Thalia decides Dobie will become a rich doctor. 32) ww MOVIE TAMING SUHON'S GAL (1957) John Lupton, Gloria Talbott. A vacationing bank clerk has a strange encounter with a moonshiner and his wife, ffi 3 INTO THE NIGHT ffi ® LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN 12:00 am © WWW MOVIE FLASH GORDON (1980) Max von Sydow, Sam J. Jones. A football hero is transported to the mysterious world of Mongo, where he battles Ming the Merciless to save the Earth from destruction PG © WWW MOVIE THE TURNING POINT (1952) William Holden, Edmond O’Brien. A reporter working on a crime investigation committee learns the committee chairman's father has syndicate connections. ® PATTY DUKE Cathy is appointed student principal for a week. 12:30 am O 3 PAID PROGRAMMING • >*) Generacone Ghesoxko - Mow, on the (kxi A**airsar rounders X » House ogars R ir 4«re Vice MARCH 9 U N I (ID fork) Visor Mow Dt Color Moreno M A X i n Mow Second Sight •>.* . Beverly HW Rnts MOW Fortxdden Dance Picture . Mow: El Chacal Mow Butch Cassxfy A M C 5® Mow Betm a From East Mow Mod! Waitress Mow Keep Em Rmknq Mow ftder From Mow Mystenous Desperado t o Mow Wolf Man T N T 5 fi U S A 171 N IC K 51 W G N (22 ravels of Ja n e i 500) "IK Y Durxte teathor arm itrae! Hawk Sup» t e n s Rondo ’ Vest Was Won Acw A Dayof Fury ' Walk the JL . . Wad and xmnm! ipnng T-axwi! Sahxday xX*r Sattxttey ass* outhouake m Mm tow . Mete & Maude vr & ram to w Agne of God Twlando (WA Pro Wrestkig >oU Train to w 8q Stack P I !"roseasen Baseball • • • x»er Force Gxiget 1100.000 College Basketball foneymoonr to w BUM X r t on TV X* Control A Wizard Jenms >azy Kids •eshmm nip. oeney .ooney Rewitofwd Get Smart Gragne! test of SNL emwood ktchcock Green Acres tewrtohed XXxeWks 3atty Duke tocGyvw ■ Counter sihte to w : Pnnce of Bei Ax ’ ' ' ’ 05) Ski Paw Mow Love Me lugs Bunny and Pas Toregm Mow Soper Sleuth W w Cm a Clear Day You Can See Forever ■ .451 Dream Rrtehtock to w Blues Broffws f " j i7. . O D f f l D ID JD .... E ® W rn* fob Vila Rster Par Jaotaxi N /ideo L P /fleo LP 630) Ptatavscr GarfWd and Friends Rea. terry KxJs Wrestkng /kJaoSa* «am e Street ieetteuce Od n Ptey hggsbixg Mr Rogers Natxxiai T B S (TD Ronanza in House W W Superiors Geographic Nature Explorer R»C *y >axf Arresh RMWItes Teen Summit Mow L l Coyoti J AM ' 30 Q AIM B 30 Q *M 3 30 10 km 30 11 * M ' 1 30 12'* * 30 A PM 1 30 n PM C 30 TM Tales Henry >eN Mhr Packs * College basketball -nal Four Basketbai. Q PM 0 30 jNmOK 4 m H 30 r PM & 30 C PM CBS News News B 30 ■l PM Journal Jnde Buck New Kids Bugs & Tweety (Tie Rosey Mold Jyomxiks 3y the Be* j* Nxt ape Rad ’ TOOer John, M.D arnxy Irapoer John, MD NBC Sports “ro Bowlers W NBC SportsWorK Ace World xGAGo* ABC News News .yes Ot roung Riders Enforcer NBC News News Wheel Amen 3wm Home Golden EnwyNest Garol A Co. Dear John Wmtertes' of Sports Missing -ad of • 30 Lenny ' O O f « Mow la Samba Mow F-arw Nitffl The Gaflege Basketball Great . ' News News News Mow Diner Gaturdav Mow Dead or Akve • • World Night Live • Amencan Giadators - RkJden f earhook j)os M PS Weekend Jam LIFE FNN/BRV FAM (6-00) Sell- 39 Stxilements nvestxiQ France a Amer Baby Gerbert Popeye Bat,y Knows Dav bv Day Art S Craft Hnh Tech IRS Tax Nancy xwi Mow IGng Creole JO • * New Yankee /dan 05) Wise * ;*ac.......... Mow Gxls! Gxis1 Gils' 40) Cao 15) Yan .50) Gaxmet * M. Stud» Rockford Fies «Y tege Basketball 05) Tlw Oto House Austr C*y Lxnis Austr City Lxrets Moments • Wiliams Off Ax Mow Cnmr - - o< Innocence kwts Movw: Rqht to K iT • ’ /deo LP Rao City sen Sixnm* .. rank s PI. Gports Martn Wrestkng • * MOW. Casi» Royale ■ • ’ * /dec Sou ... J.S OtympK N«om Tracks Mow. Dark . Midnght Love Rap City DISC n NASH 3 S Heathen!* Heathdift F stone Bonanza Vrgnan Rifleman Wagon Tran Big Valley Arernai Odyssey Prof. Natixe Backyard Garden Joy Aleene mute Safan Side bv Great Remodeirna Country Skfe bv Mow Man Aganst die Sea Work) Away Country Citizen Carter Jrah Tommy Hunter Go Oix Way Remodekna Gavid L Wolper ■ M Y (5:30) Program Gude - Billy Tubbs Edtke Kermit Snow Gemían Soccer Hockey Womens College Journey Survival Mow Apache Duns Shortstones Footsteps at Man Terror Golden Age of Rock Mow Kansas Paaít talando Noboero Ganado Gigante • • ■ Tu AAs k í Work) Visen Mow La Coyota Mow: Little Shop of Horrors 45)18 Agan! Rrevw Mow Enerrees. a Love Story 15) X* Me Agaxi Mow Night Game * - © Outdoor Chaitenoe J Houston Mark Sosxi Ry Fishxig ..... . Sports Q PM 3 .30 10 " * l u 30 11 m ' 1 30 a n AM 30 7 AM 1 30 a am ® 30 Q AM 3 30 10 11 A“ 1 1 30 1 2 ™ 30 a PM 1 .30 n PM L 30 3 p:30 4 P " H 30 C PM ^ 30 e PM B 30 -j PM 1 30 E.R. Attitudes Gourmet Sister Kate Supermarket Duet Moon­ lighting Elayne Boosler Spenser For Hire LA Law Mow: Towermg Inferno Mutual Cap lifestyles Lifestyles i/estw s Lifestyles ^estvtes SCORE Card • • * ■ Mow, Won Man Mow Affaxs of CeUx* Mow Love Me Tnmrirt © Cont) Mow: Abtwtt & Costello Mow Grease Horses • ■ M ow Bad» of the Assassin vcw Raising Gunsmoke Vietnam Junlee SCORE Cart Bonanza Sport Church SL On Stage Shortstones Snow Carotne's Comedy Winter Speed Kdt Bordertown New Zorro Rxi Tin Txi Bik Stallion Mow: Hellfighters Wild Beyond 200C Beat Country Coast ffl Coast . Mss Marpte AN Creatures College Baskefflali (15) Little Shop of Horrors College Basketball Mow Unit Mow Taking Up Mow Hero in the Couitry Clubs Challenge Church St Mow: Hand Women's Mow toosr Cannons College Basketball Mow Madhouse T Utlman Lenny Survival Musk Shop • Mow: Joshua then and Now Wings . Molly Dodd LA law Lenny South Bank Maniac New Zor-C TDC-TV Vreosyncra TV Poll Dr, Rub) sa­ Mow Three Cases of Murder *’ Patd . Strange Tena X Planet Earth Q PM 8 30 E R q pm 3 :39 10,U 30 11 PM ' 1 30 1 2 A" 30 • • • ’J* jP ’i Barbara Mandrell Texas Cfuch St ON Oorv Barbara Mandrell Musk Shop Texas -«lege .... Basketball : Comedy on the Road Tenres At toe Improv Mow Hand Tennis (Cont) • • (.45) One- (15) Harlem Nights College Basketball Sports Work) Cuo (15) Licence to Skmg Cofieoe K i Basketball Yakov Smxnoff Smer Dave Movie Into the Fxe (25) :/.h ,. . .. Force to w Ghost, Vxed I4y 3 Sons rwrtte © Mother Wuzztes Rjuid Donald Duck crom Disney, [ffl (500) Comnutey 500) Comm BiMboarC Cokxsouncs News With Love >islopher Commuvty BdXxtert Sabbath Gosoei TroBi Davsonna Hangkrteig um ounds Kxfs TV LCRA Zend* Farm Health Evangeksm From UncolnPk. Temple Celebration of Praee Danger Bay Zsxro Mow Mage Snowman Let Live . Animals Mow Ugfy Dachsfuid Clxldoroof Acupuncture HangWxig Reel Service/ V-Rams Presents Jesus Chnst Blessed Vxgxi Holy Temple (6.00) Comm. Lai the People Speak ■ People Speak Home America MUb- Lngual. Muf» Cultural Austin Cooks Ma»c Vdeo Teslament • El Evangeko Chnst Chnsbsn Biblia Church of the Path Steos of Satvabon Comxig Revokibon Christian Maggs Hekvse Austin Art History ktea/live Jewish Mulb- Lxiguaf. Muft- Cultuai Commuvty Billboard People Speak Family First Mow Animal Behavior ¡3 5 )01/ Mow F®m Gm • ( 35) Ugfy Cefebratun Race/ Citizens Live Frontiers Poker Party HDTV Mish Mash Cheap Meteas Softball MARCH 10 Mow Urtar Cowboy Coneae Basketball Movie Fresh Mouse CM) Avontea Tallan . C o te Basketball It s Garry Mow Driving Mss Daisy Mew: Licence to ...... Basketoai A&E HSE HBO ESPN SHOW DiSN ACTV A cr.* ACTV S U N D A Y 0 1991 IV Latina Inc FI Worth TX KBVO KLRU f f i i ® me 0 i. ■7 AM 1 30 g AM 8 30 Q AM 3 30 Austin Ftrveibend CBS Sunday Mommg Sxnon and KVUE m e n . KXAN f f i ® GT J. Robeson R Schuller Kenneth Copeland Hyde Park Hour Suiday Today The Press a j a BamiiJy Jones Mxades .¿r - Methodist Sxnon Face (15) College Bus Work) Basketball This Week Great Hills Paid Reflejos D Bnnklev Ebonv/Jet (:15) NBA World of Austin Basketball Movie: A Thousand Disney Clowns (45) NBC TBA College Basketball 1 0 AM , U 30 11 AM 1 1 .30 12 PM 30 a PM ! 30 r\ PM (15) Final College Basketball .30 L Q PM 0 30 Oiymac 4 pm .30 H Winterfest College Basketball PGA Golf + .« to Murder , u Wile CBS News ABC News On Scene • NBC News Sunday Best Eifflose 'Y* Mow: Lethal Weapon Civil War Test Senes Hendersons Civil War True Colors Living b-' Ye Mamed .net Mow Man Who Skied Down Everest Come Stnp Live Six Wives of Henry NCAA 60 Minutes Life Goes News On Murder, She Wrote Funny Fixmv Mow Aftermath: ABC Sunday Test of Love Night Mow TBS (TD Fkntstones . , . Brady Bunch A Griffith (-05) News BET (H) (6X30) Pad Bobby Jones For/Record Mow Last Starfighter Ramsey Vneo OixVckces Pad UNI 53) (6 30) PlatavBk» Hoy v Santa Mtsa World Vision Debates J. Canales Mow Camada • Friends of Sesame Street Long Ago Wild Am. S Africa Tony Brown Mow D C Week Wail St McLaughkn Movers A Gathering Genesis N Mow Planet Earth v -. - it Pxates Planet Movie: On Her Maiestys Secret Service Pad Pad MAX © AMC f f i TNT (IB USA 17) NICK 5® W G N a (Cont) (Cont) Popeye CL Ouckula (:15) What Cartoons Jem Bugs Bunny and Pals Cartoon Express Mow: Thmk Mow Big Mow Callfomia Suite (45) Marines Fly Hnh Mow: SpeNbxffler Mow: Thnll of a Romance Pnde and '.he ¡'js s iu : Snatcher - • CIS) Romance or the Hgh Seas Wrestling MacGyver (20) Egg and 1 Mow Werewolt • ■ Mow: Vagabond Lover Pent? Mow A-ige on My Shoulder (.45) Mow. Barricade Home From the H i Kabiooey Flipper Yo» YOO Kabiooey SK8TV Crazy Kids Dentvs Fifteen Freshmen Wikter Summw Out of Trne Hemaoe Mass In- Star Search m . wild West M ow A Lion Is «i the Streets Mow: Street Sxiger DM Can't on TV Hqh School Doq House Swamp Out Control Fifteen Basketba* Hitchcock Mutter. She Wrote Mow 10 Million Dollar Getaway Counter- stnke Dennis Crazy Kids Double Dare Insp Loonev Looney Bewitched Get Smart Dragnet Mow Nurvoo Mow Sa Weeks • • Movie Mow Suspuon - Mow Destry . - Fútbol/ Soccer Mow You g Boxeo Budweiser Mow: Mystenans Mow B*Q Shots Mow: Christmas Vacation Too Balando Nobdero Siempre en Domingo ■ Titulares M ow Los Cuates de National Geographic Bobby Jones Explorer For/Record Video Paid N4oW: Nightbreed Mow Shadow ot a Doubt - Mow Streets .. Mow Topa, NBA Basketball * Equalizer Best of SNL Femwood Miarre Vice Hitchcock ../:... Monsters ..liLl Graham *toV!S..N .... American Green Acres Paid Pax) Pax) Canales J, Canales Mow: Work) Venn Accidents Mow Barricade (20) Camp Hollywood - f id 1:50) Dodge News News News Mow Hwh Spxits Star Search Newhart Movie: Lorts of Dtsapkne Mow Alex Ebonv/Jet Ragtime Star Trek. Nexi Fnday the 13th Pad Off Ax via Alio. Alio Oft Ax Netwk : . Work) Part XL 30 Pad C PM 5 30 C PM 8 30 7 PM ' 30 Q PM 8 30 Q PM 3 .30 10 ^ , U 30 11 PM.30 a o AM LIFE FNN/BRV FAM 3 d DISC 34 NASH SS 90 ScpplementJ Swiss Lifestyles Lifestyles Lifestyles i Investing ' ‘.I- :...... IRS Tax Hnh Tech. France Coro SCORE Cart Gertert Pole C O PS Batman Brother Madeline Madeline Vxgxuan Rifleman Wagon Trail Deal Orphans Amencan Medical Speed Truckin' Truck •Y Y Television Winston Collector's House Coast to Coast Anxnal Odyssey 7 AM 1 30 0 AM 8 30 q am 3 30 10 AM , U 30 11 AM . 11 30 12 PM .30 a PM 1 :30 C S I 34 (M>0) Self- Diabetes (V ... Fam Internal Cardiology OB/GYN PhysKiar •Y". Internal OB/GYN Physician ..Y.-YYi Dentistry Fam A&E a Journey Survival Mow Overlanders H SE 3*1 (5:00) Program Gude - • HBO 82 © © Baba Wizard 0» Gok) Medai Trad. Lifestyles KldS-TV Lee Haney In PGA Senior PGA Last of the Mohcans OWL TV Mow Weekend a) Berrees School Soorts Reporters Mow Twins A & E Revue Outdoor Saltwater (:45) Playwrights Thtr Golf Tennis James Brown Chili Bowl Nat'Is Dangerous Tennis Immediate Fairehi 3O0PV...... Kennedy Soorts Center Colleoe Basketball Auto Racx« Mow Once Upon a Time ri the West Big Valley Survival Amencan Mow Hand ■ .30 rL~. Thrombotvsi Phamiacy • • • • q PM Irrtecbous Gunsmoke W a Chron. 0 30 4 PM H :30 C PM 5 7 PM 1 30 1 0 0 O C 10 PM .30 l u 11 ^1 1 30 12 AW 3£ -Ji' Herpes wus New Pane SCORE Card Bonanza Brother Mamac Planet Earth Wid Thxigs Mitestgnes Physoan ^ h v i.... Cardiology I'Tema.... OB/GYN Fam Physioan Prescnbmo Info Self Mow Sorcerer ( « ) South Bank Jose Careras Ten Great Writers Bordertown NewZcxro Charles Stanley Change J John Wimma Larry Jones Paid BBC Nature ot Thxigs Discovery Sunday Discovery Sunday Wings Best of the BBC Discovery Sunday Silver - Work) Challenge Amencan Caesar Mow: Bea Hockey :Y , M NCAA Selection y y ,,; , J ....... Steel Rxi Txi Tin Best o( the Our Century . • • • ■ Cavalcade Terror College Swxnmxig Skixig FormUa Ore Mow: Cry- Baby College Baseball Fghting for the Forest A & E Revue Carokne's Comedy Terror * Racing . Sports Center Mow Loo* Who's Talking (.401 Prevw HBO Comedy ( 10) Glory v-,. , j e * Cannons Elvis (05) Jeff ..M ow Mow: Lady Vanishes Ladies Pro Bowlers Musk Box Winston Cel Outdrs Fghbng for the Forest College Basketball • fa x Bowl u (:35) Beer Pomt/V«W Let People Speak Rad» Man New Athens Banana Pandoras . £e!ebd»gn . ¿.-’• 'ii.... of Praise Steos of Satvabon Finn's Back Femxvst Forum . Mow Barefoot ESPN SHOW DISN ACTV ACTV © Mother 1MjzHm Pound ACTV f f l Commuvty Billboard t - J 5 L - Comm. Farth Gospel pur ‘ L»n Speaks HMtcrest Baptist • • : Andrea Mart» to the Beach Mow Twins Mow: Hey There, Its Yogi ¿ear Peter & E oq Academy Awd Best ot . Mow: Horn at Last Family Robinson Am. Now Hear Tins W1C Austin Motherland Estamos en Teias ACC Gardeners Mow: Challenge Centex PC to Lassie Woman & Avontea Users Kidz Klub Evereng With Mow Barefoot Executive . Spike Jones Cokxsoux)! : / ' y Alternative Views Earthkne Sunday Mass impact 1, ^pk- Hyde Parti Hou Esta es Yrvnphant Whats on You Mxvff Greater Love Hou J Ferguson J .... J (500) Comm. Woman of Vakx Palestinian Women of Calabash . Ausbn Cooks tewi / It's You Turn Phottaoun '*'> ! ‘ XXXKli Agenda Art History Kncwxig D«S > Es Amor u-to Church .S t James Baptist ¡0 . : . Stone Help Daw) Chapel G a te Basketball Mow: Back Peroan TV Tabemacie impacto . Cel. Outdrs In- Bass Y l l Y . ... Bill Dance Hidden Hero . Cavalcade NHRA Wrston Motorsoorts Tiudan .. Amencan Sports NHRA Winston M Dance Bass Cel, Outdrs Speed Trocían Truck 750 — Typing ZIVLEY the Complete Messhnai typing Sentke •LO C X PU ST 1I m i n i ' s 2707 Hemphill Pork 472-3210 472-7677 LONGHORN COPIES • Resumes • Theses • Term Papers • Word Processing • Binding • Laser Printing 2518 Guadalupe 476-4498 PAPERS RESUMES RUSH JOBS D o t's T y p in g 2 0 0 2 -A G u d a lu fx - 472-5353 P D Q Word Processing Papers: $1.50 a page • Spell Check • Laser Printing • 3 months storage • 5 minutes from UT Full range of services available. Call 453-4568 Leave message. W e check messages every hour. 3-5-20B-A N EED A paper or resume typed? 16 ye ars P r o o 'r e a d m q ovoilable. quick turnaround 836-6787 _________________ 2-18-208 e *p e r.e n < e SAME-DAY service on word processing SI.50/page! Includes loser-prntmg. Ex­ pert quality, happy customers. Reports, m eses, letters, resumes, moiling lists M i­ chael, 467-8586 2-19-2GP ZIVLEY 27th & G u a d a lu p e 472-3210 472-7677 Q UALITY TY PIN G /w ord processing. O ver eigR* yeors' experience Near campus Quality guaranteed $1 50/page 477-9116 2-21-16P_____________________ FAST, ACCURATE word processing Re­ ports. monuscnpts, resumes, graphics Excellent spelling/grammar S I 45/page Candy 452-4509, poger 483-2691 2- 22-2ÓB-D ZIVLEY TERM PAPERS DISSERTATIONS 27th & G u a d a lu p e 472-3210 472-7677 W O R D P R O C E S S IN G expenenced, pro­ fessio n al G ra d u ó te / undergraduate work $1 50/page Bar boro fullas 453-5124 3-5 208 ________ typ ist full-service Word-processing W ORD -UP any |ob. Any time. East, intelli­ gent, Spelling guaranteed Also computer con­ sulting. 459-8047 3-7-208____________ S U S A N 'S W O R D Processing Personol/ busmess, desk top publishing, and pres­ entation service*. 4/8-0825. 3-7-28-A ZIVLEY APPLICATIONS RESUMES 27th & G u a d a lu p e 472-3210 472-7677 760 — Misc. Services RELIEVE STRESS through meditation, for pnvate instruction call CoH 478-7541. 3-6-38__________________________________ M O N E Y 1 M O N EY ! M O N EY ! Scholarship awards-guaranteed lor eoch student Send busmes* size self addressed stamped envelope to AW A RD S, P O. 8o« 8179, St Louis M O 63156 3-6-3P EM PLO Y M EN T 780 — Employment Services MIDNIGHT SUN! Summer employment - Alaska - Women/Men to $600 a week. Airfare plus room/ board p ro vid ed . Hiring through April Call now! Info. 1-900-988-5152 Ext 170 ($3/ min. - four minutes max.) 790 — Part Time Always Hiring Good Voices 282-1908 Well, don’t worry. The Daily Texan Pre-Leasing Guide is coming M arch 2 0 th . If you want some help with the search, first find the Pre-Leasing Guide in the paper on March 20th.... And relax. 3-6-20B EM PLOYM ENT 790 — Part time T E L E M A R K E T IN G EVENINGS & SATURDAY SAURY + BONUS Mature person with positive attitude, Preferably pursuing degree in business, finance, or marketing. Fixed schedule, $7 hourly rate & bonuses. For per­ sonal interview C A L L S K I P 3 28-0125 1-7 pm, M F EM PLO Y M EN T 800 — General Help Wanted WE HIRE INDIVIDUALS WHO STRIVE FOR SUCCESS 2 14 ?0 B C Part-time leasing agent for W . Campus commu­ nity, Afternoon & every other Saturday. Leasing experience a MUST. Ap­ ply 2222 Rio Grande, Suite D-104. 3 7 28 MORE CLASSIFIEDS PAGE 14 T h e E q u it a b le 's R e p re s e n ta tiv e s in T e x a s h a ve the p o te n ­ tia l to e a r n $50,000 to $100,000 in a n n u a l incom e. S om e m a y d o m u ch b ette r - e a rn in g $200,000. I f y o u a re ch o sen to be one o f o u r S a le s M gt. T ra in e e s y o u w ill re c e iv e the finest, m ost e x te n sive tra in in g in the in d u s try w ith co m p e titive s a la rie s an d frin g e benefits. U n d e rg ra d u a te d egree re q u ire d . A p p lic a n ts w h o fin ­ ished h ig h scho o l in the M e tro H o u sto n A r e a a re desired . E x t r a c u r r ic u la r a c tiv itie s in co lleg e an d part-tim e fu ll­ tim e jo b s w h ile atten d in g school w ill he co n sid e re d a plus. H ig h e n e rg y le ve l, a b ility to h a n d le re s p o n s ib ility an d take in it ia t iv e is a M U S T ! I f y o u fit th is d e s c rip tio n , ca ll: Charles A. Calderwood, CLU, ChFC (713) 621-4759 Eq u al Opportunity Em p loy er I HE IM IL Y TEXAN Friday, March 8,1991 Page 13 PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED A C R O S S 1 f a s l e n e i 6 Fur s o u r c e lO Darkens 14 H igh c a r d 15 V e lo city 16 B elief 17 O ld -w o m a n is h 18 Z e s tfu l 19 S p a n is h a r tis t 2 0 S u r r e n d e r e d 2.2 M ea su r in g in s tr u m e n t 2 3 W o rk t a b l e 2 4 N ot m o v in g 2 6 C r a z e 2 9 S p ik e 3 1 L o n g — 3 2 " It c o s t r 3 4 C lo s e a g a in 3 8 G o a lie 's fo a l 3 9 My — S a l ” 4 1 O ff-w h ite 4 ? T o t N A T O 4 5 D is a p p e a r s 4 8 D e e r 4 9 H a r r o w 's fo e 5 0 C e r e a l 51 T ra c k e v e n t s 5 6 A n d e s .jativi! It s — 5 7 W ay to T ip p e r a r y 6 8 M ind 6 3 O v e r d u e 6 4 A u s t r a l i a n b ird v a r 6 5 Arm b o n e s 6 6 G r e e n b a c k s 6 7 P a v e d strip 6 8 '*— M a c a b r e " 6 9 M o n s te r 's h o m e 7 0 P o t filler 7 1 l e s — U n is DOWN H a n g e r 1 A frican land 2 3 Indigo sh r u b 4 W e ll-fo u n d e d 5 A vert 6 A ctiv a tin g 7 Main d r a m 8 C o r r o s iv e liq u id s 9 U sh e r e d 1C M a k e s k n o w n 11 V isionary 12 B lack b ird 13 Full 2 1 J a c o b 's b r o th e r 2 2 Herb 2 5 B lack liquid 2 6 O b s e r v e Lent 2 7 In th e d is ta n c e 2 8 P e a c e lo v er 3 0 G o a w a y 3 3 P r e p a r e d n e s s 3 5 R e p e a te d s o u n d 3 6 N e ig h b o r h o o d 3 7 P a s s io n 4 0 R a n g e 4 3 A sia n s o c ie ty 4 4 H o w ever 4 6 bu t th e B ra v e ' 4 7 C o m p r is e 51 B e a u ty '■*- 5 2 H an d to o l 5 3 R o u tin e s 5 4 S im p le «■» 5 6 — — o n c e 5 9 M etic u lo u s 6 0 S ic ilia n to w n 61 S t a g e g r o u p 6 2 L e tte r s 6 4 P e r io d 199 I United Feature Syndicate V0U ca¡D ¡ j LQSIN6 IWONDER HOHJ RAY'S MAKING OUT. THE PLATOON'S HIM REMINDS NOT THE SAME Y0U0FWHAT WITHOUT HIM... ITS ALL ABOUT OUT HBPB... SOLPIERS PON'T REALLY FIGHT FOR IPEALS, OR. FOR COUNTRY OR FOR GOP. WE FIGHT FOR EACH OTHER. AF TER SIX MONTHS IN THE PESERO 706ETHER, ITS MY BUPPfES, MY NCOS, MY LIEUTENANT, I'M WILLING 70 P/E FO R ' / MLJ& Around Campus is a daily col­ umn listing University-related ac­ tivities sponsored by academic de­ student services and partments, registered student organizations. To appear in Around Campus, or­ ganizations must be registered with the O ffice of Campus Activities. Announcem ents m ust be subm itted on the correct form, available in The Daily Texan office, 25th Street and W hitis A venue, by 11 a.m. the day before publication. The Daily Texan reserves the right to edit sub­ m issions to conform to style rules, although no significant changes will be made. MEETINGS University M ethodist Student Fellowship will meet at 9:45 a.m . for a discussion of "A Christian Under­ standing of Peace" and at 6 p.m . for worship and fellow ship Sunday at U n iv e r sity U n ite d M e th o d ist C hurch, 2409 Guadalupe St. Spanish Tertulia w ill meet at 4:30. p.m. Friday at Waterloo Ice House, 608 W. 24th St. University Church on the Rock will meet for prayer and worship at 7 a.m. M ondays and W ednesdays in University leach in g Center 3.110. Fellowship m eetings are held on Fridays. For more information call 474-4372. The Shire of the Ivory Tower w ill meet from 2 to 6 p.m . Saturday at Pease Park. Battle gam es and cultur­ al events will follow. For more infor­ mation call 926-6930. Korean Presbyterians on Campus will meet at 7 p.m . Saturdays at the K orean U n ite d P r e sb y te r ia n Church, 5500 A venue G. Refresh­ the Bible ments provided after study. Chinese Bible Study w ill meet at in Tavlor Hall 6:30 p.m. Friday 2. 006. Students Older Than Average, a social/support g ro u p for students age 23 and older, will meet from 5 to 7 p.m. Friday in the Texas Union Building Battle Oaks Room (2.400). Come kick off the break, compare plans, and touch base at our weekly meeting. V isitors welcom e. The Buddhist Association w ill meet for an Eighty-Eight Buddhas Repentance Ceremony at 7 p.m. Fri­ day in the lexas Union Building Eastwoods Room (2.102). The Indian Students' Association will meet at 8 p.m. Monday in Rob­ ert Lee M oore Nall 4.102. SHORT COURSES UT Kendo Association offers be­ ginning and advanced training in kendo, the art of Japanese sw ord- manship from noon to 2:30 p.m. Saturday hi the Recreational Sports Center 1.106 and from noon to 2:30 p.m. Sunday in L. ih eo Bellmont Hall 502. For m ore inform ation call 326-9021. ment The Baptist Student Union will have conversational English classes for international students at II a.m. and 3 p.m . Friday in the Baptist Stu­ dent Center, 2204 San Antonio St. The University Folk Dance Soci­ ety will not meet Friday at 8 p.m . at I he I e x a s Union Q u a d r a n g l e Room (3.304) and will not meet again until after spring break. FILMS AND LECTURES The Department of Spanish and Portuguese is sponsoring a Por­ tuguese conversation hour (Bate- Papo) from m>on to 1 p.m . Friday in Batts Hall 201. A nyone w ho would like to practice Portuguese is w el­ come. " L a te The Institute for G eophysics is sponsoring a seminar by Ian W.D. P r eca m b ria n D a lz ie l: Gondwana Laurentian Supercon­ tinent: An Antarctic/Texas Connec­ tion?" at 4 p.m. Friday at The Atri­ um, 8701 Mopac Blvd., Conference Room 382. OTHER Services for Students with D is­ abilities needs volunteers for the spring semester. Previous volun­ teers and new applicants are wel­ come. Call Annie Elderbroom, 471- 1201. The European Student A ssocia­ tion will have happy hour at 7:30 p.m. Friday at Scholz Garten, 1607 San Jacinto Blvd. For more informa­ tion call Ulf at 320-0650. Teatro Frontera encourages any students of color — particularly Chi- canos/as — w ho have experienced a racial incident to share their experi­ ence. The incident may be overt pr covert but must have happened at the University or in the UT area. In­ terviews are being collected to cre­ ate a performance event produced bv leatro Frontera. For more infor­ mation call 440-7045 and leave a m essage. The Gay and Lesbian Students Association will have happy hour from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Friday in the lexas Union Building Cactus Cafe. Gay Graduate Students w ill have happy hour at 5:30 p.m . Friday at 505 Club, 304 VV. Fourth St. Texas M emorial M useum 1S sponsoring an exhibition of Tradi­ tional Crafts of Saudi Arabia Satur­ day through Mav 12. Hours are Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m ., Saturday from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m . and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. f ile exhibition features over 250 handmade traditional crafts from both the village and nomadic Be­ douin people of Saudi Arabia. Free adm ission. The University Amateur Radio Club will have a sw ap net (on the air) at 9 p.m . Sundays. Radio fre­ quency is 146.94 MHz. Buy, sell and trade radio and computer equip- The M uslim Student Association will have jumma prayer at noon Fri­ day in Robert A. Welch 1 lall 3.266 Phis on-campus prayer arrange­ ment is for those w ho are unable to attend the regular prayer at the mosque because of class. UT Sailing Club w ill have a sail at 10 a.m . Saturday. The carpool will meet at the northw est corner of 26th Street and Speedw ay. internships The Study Abroad O ffice an­ nounces new opportunites for se­ mester study and in London. Juniors and above are eligi­ ble for internships in various areas. Deadline for applications is April 27. Com e by the office at 100 W. 26th St. or call 471-1211. Chabad Jewish Student Organi­ zation invites all Jewish students to com e to our Shabbat services and full-course meal beginning with a candle lighting at 6 p.m . Friday at the Chabad H ouse, 2101 N ueces St. The Performing Arts Center is sponsoring an evening of modern m ovem ent form Austin's leading com pany, the Sharir Dance Com pa­ ny, at 8 p.m . Friday and Saturday at the McCullough Theatre (formerly The Opera Lab Theatre). U i 1 lei w ill celebrate Shabbat with singing at 7 p.m . and services at 7:30 p.m . on Friday and services at 9 a.m. and lunch at 1 p.m. on Satu rdav. include tutoring, S tu d en t V o lu n te e r S e r v ic e s needs volunteers to work in a varie­ ty of public school positions in ele­ mentary, middle, and high schools. individual and Positions group children with vaious disabilities, som e bilingual or English as a second language chil­ dren. All subject areas and grade levels available as well as som e af­ ter-school and co-curricular pro­ grams. For more information please call 471-3065. UT Ballet Folklórico will not have practice at noon on Saturday. University Amateur Radio Club will sponsor a hidden transmitter hunt from 7 to 10 p.m . Saturday. A nyone with a scanner mav partici­ pate. Hidden transmitter on 146.52 MHz, coordination on 146.94 Ml I/.. Panhellenic Student's Asscoia- tion will have a picnic at 11 a.m. Sat­ urday at Eastwoods Park. M easurement and Evaluation Center will accept registrations for the April 13 Graduate Records Ex­ amination (GRE) until Friday with an added late fee. Materials are available at the general information and referral desk in the Main Build­ ing. For more information, call the MEC at 471-3032. The Student Health Center is sponsoring a M ethods of Contra­ ception Class for men and wom en from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. on March 12 at the Student Health Center room 448. Call 471-4158 to register. lÁükCV C olO 'A Q
uR c RuMoR, KOKC-V C a c - 'Yr!, \6ri'T i bo o l? fr'<00l? M \js) A K'Ci-Vif, 5 Mk\R V6.1 t'íO'f 0>vK isioT / UoRE'f, lc v-jc&Q. . ■ -i*re c a o - vie c ¡6 m e oo Í5e .Za iLft c D l. D S F. l lit/. WATCH FOR THE SIGNS... com m ercial legal speed for cars, M axim um motorcycles, buses and light trucks in rural zones of Interstate designated highways. O SPEED LIMIT 65 SPEED LIMIT 55 the m axim um Still legal speed perm itted in most highway zones. ...it's to your safety advantage. A c o u r t e o u s r e m i n d e r f r o m t h e D P S T ro o p e r s . If you don't KTSB R A D I O 9 1 . 7 C A B L E F M AUSTIN’S ALTERNATIVE THE FUSCO BROTHERS by J.C. Duffy I'D LIKE TO TAKE BACK ÜJHfíT I S A ID ABOUT VOU DROPPING YOUR XflUJ TO THE. FLOOR EVERY TIV0E AN ATTRACTIVE (jjomflfM WALKS BY, LflfviCE \ I WAS WRONG- t h a n k You, G lo r ia ... yOU REALI ZED I DON'T h a v e A l a s c i v i o u s niN D ? (I r e a l i z e d you rv-»MJ£9 I'fA CM AW WAN Tc? A CaocEsrr. hr? \ F3g>- u e e p i'd josrTHPee Bornes Bock LEFT. AWVOJAV, I FlOUtfSn 'YPT 1 30 C >F n -o s e o Hex) 6UVS I'd s &l r N b u o o ^ jp S e e t h e *nX> o r k l^úF'T bue IfpDLfejd Tnt ;> V >r E-xDor^ A 1 - VH.i*’ A .t XXV by Johnson 6i Nash J Page 14 Friday, March 8,1991 THE DAILY TEXAN Kieschnick’s bat quiets his critics every time up and let things take care of themselv es." W h ile Kieschnick s bat appears to be revitalized, his pitching is anoth­ er matter. After tour outings tainted by inconsistency, Kieschnick’s trips to the mound have been all but eliminated. After compiling an 8 56 E R A over tw o starts and two relief appearanc­ es, Kieschnick has not pitched since Feb 21 w hen he gave up -ox hits and tw o runs against M cNeese State in relief ot Rodnev Pedraza. W ith the 1 onghom s' upcoming rigorous spring break schedule, though, Gustafson may not have another choice but to give Kieschnick anoth­ er chance. " I haven't seen the mound in a long time, and that's something that really m issing," Kieschnick I'm said. " I'd really like to get another shot at it pretty soon." ■ ■ ■ 1 he 12th-ranked O k la h o m a Sooners that come into Disch-Falk at 7 p.m. Fridas have been on quite a tear. Oklahom a i- 11-1, and has been battering several opponents. Tin Sooners have fiv e hitters hitting more than .350, with three over the .400 mark. Derrick W h ite leads the team in hitting at .478 After the conclusion ot the two- game series with Oklahom a on Sat­ urday, Texas (17-6) gets one dav off before embarking on a stiff spring break schedule of nine games in nine davs. Fhe Longhorns plav Emporia State on M onday, followed bv a three-game series w ith Kansas Tuesday through Thursdav, then W ashington State travels to Disch- la lk tor another three-game set 1 ri- dav through Sunday. Craig M. Douglas Daily Texan Staff the i n tir>t For t w o t i m e Brooks weeks. is K ie s c h n ic k v ie w i n g the world as it ap ­ p e a rs o u ts id e C liff Gustafson's doghouse — and iiist in time tor H o rn s ti in th* man designated hitter the starting pitcher appeared lineup in m \ of No. 5 Texas' first seven games before being benched w ith an anemic 24s ¡ average and an injured ego. O ve r the m*\t 12 games, Kieschnick started in just But last weekend, the Corpus Christi product knocked his w av back into the lineup w ith six hits including three home runs, to go w ith five RBI against Notre Dam e and Illinois. The hitting tear raised his average to 287. V\e re seeing some encouraging signs; those are the kinds of things that we expect he can d o ," G ustaf­ son said. Two weeks ago. Gustafson had been the one to say that if Kiesch­ nick like a didn't quit playing freshm an,” then he w ouldn't plav, 1 he comment spurred Kieschnick to make a change in his mental out­ look. I love to play, and when I'm not in there, tht n I'm alw avs looking for con id be w ro n g ," t i l i n g s Kieschnick said. I just had to relax and tell them that 1 was going to go up there and swing as hard as | can that Swim Continued from page 7 yard freest) le. in In the 50 free, Dickinson, who had shaved for this meet, qualified first in the preliminaries in front ot teammate Shaun Jordan, the de­ fending champion the event, who was unshaved. From the start of the race, Dickinson held a slim lead over Jordan, which held up through his turn and finish as he touched out in a time of 19 61 sec­ onds, .01 cut the 5 W C record held by Jordan who finished second in 20.114 Brett Stone finished tilth, Jason I ink finished sixth and Rob H u dock took seventh as the Long­ h o rn s scored 76 points in the cham­ pionship final, AH five qualified for the NC A As. dropped half-a-second ott mv ime since last \ ear," Dickinson said. 1 had a good summer of train- ing, ind I think it helped. If Shaun had t h i s meet been shaved tor though, he would have had a good race, too. It helped [having Jordan in the next lane] because he didn't want to get beat I knew he'd go as hard as he could and would put up a fight." Dickinson was a bit surprised with the time he swam. He actually would have liked it to have been higher. "1 really didn't want to go this fast," he said. " I wanted tt» go a lc'.72 and then go this fast at nation­ als. I'd rathe* have no one know w ho 1 am going into N C A A s , and be a dark horse." Anybody need a point guard? Associated Press Rolando Blackmon looks for help as the Mavericks San Antonio beat the Nets 111-99. and Phoenix lose again, this time to Houston 122-90. Elsewhere, snapped Atlanta's home court streak 106-104. No ifs, ands or buts — Raiders are 17-4 Tom Grace Daily Texan Staff The biggest word for Texas lech baseball Coach Larry H ays concerning his Lubbock squad going into Southwest Conference plav i" a verv "mall one — " if ," "It everyone plays up to their potential, it our starting pitching holds up, and it we can find a quality stopper, we will be a verv exciting team to watch this season,” H ays said, echoing previ­ ous appraisals ot his team. lech is known as a power hitting team that smacks lots of home runs in Lubbock's small, and often w ind y, Dan Law Field. The Red Raid­ ers' problems in the past have been pitching, consistent hitting, w inning on the road and earning conference victories against the upper- div ¡sion clubs. This season H avs has some weapons that could help his team contend for the SYVC title. Texas Tech is led bv senior catcher Tonv Tijeri­ na, last vear's U I’I Á11-SWC backstopper. Tijeri­ na is currently hitting .420 w ith three homers and 19 R B Is through 20 games. The other half of Tech's battery that has gotten the team off to a 17-4 start is junior pitcher M ark Brandenburg. Even though Arizona State got to H ays' ace on W ed nesday and took a 6-5 deci­ sion, Brandenburg sports a 5-2 record, a 2.95 E R A and an amazing seven complete games in as m anv starts. Senior shortstop Tim Tadlock is field leader and carries a .375 batting average. Jeff Bovdston is the top outfielder, hitting .370. Steroids Continued from page 7 with the name of Duncanville p hy­ sician David Hubler, although there were several discrepancies between the inscription on Hubler's forms forged copies. the and H ubler told The Mornmy News that he had never treated either player. that of W ile y was named earlier this week by the Austin American-States- innn as having sold prescriptions. The State Pharmacy Board confis­ cated records M onday from several local drug stores as part of an ongo­ ing investigation. N either W ile v nor Collins could be reached for comment. Steroids are a drug used bv some athletes to increase strength and muscle density. No break for rapidly improving Texas golfers Tom Grace and Sarah Hornaday Daily T exan Staff The Texas men's golf team has reached the midterm of the season, and the scores are good so far. I he Long­ horns are coming off a w in in the Border O lym pics held in Laredo last week, and several different players have contributed to the recent overall im provement, 1 he Longhorns will kick off their version of spring break by hosting Oklahom a Saturday in a "R y d e r C u p ” match. ! he event will be held at Austin C ountry Club and Barton Creek C ountry Club. I his is the onlv time the team will compete in a non­ tournament format. The morning round will begin at 8 at A C C and w ill feature best-ball matches, w hile the afternoon session at Barton C reek C C tees off at 2 and will be individual match play. "Saturday should be a fun d a v ," Coach Jim m y C lay­ The team has been playing well, and it's ton said. always nice to play against Oklahom a. It's a fun format for the p layers." Thursday the team will head west to plav in the G olf Digest Invitational, which will be held on the T PC Course at The W oodlands, just north of Houston. This tournament w ill feature one of the strongest fields as­ sembled in the regular season. ■ ■ ■ The Texas w om en's golf team w ill be hosting the Friday Longhorn Classic Golfsmith-Betsy Raw ls through Sunday. Play begins at 8 a.m. at The Great Mills G olf Club. The tournament features five top 10 teams, four top 10 individuals and Southwest Conference competition from Texas A & M , T C U and S M U . Ninth-ranked Texas will compete as a team, and four Texas golfers w ill play individually as well. Also com­ peting w ill be defending national champions Arizona State, No. 3 Arizona and their N C A A titlest Susan Slaughter, No. 4 Georgia, No. 5 Furm an and N o. 7 Miami. Track teams make run at NCAA title Matt Schulz and David Starting Daily Texan Staff Despite dom i­ n a t in g th e Southwest C o n ­ ference cham pi­ o n s h ip s a n d being the d e­ fending national the champions, La d y Longhorn team tra c k would seem to be anything but this overconfident heading weekend s N C A A track championships in Indianapolis. Longhorns indoor into "N o , w e don't consider ourselves the favorites," Texas Coach Terry Crawford said. " W e see ourselves as more of a surprise team than a favorite." Texas, which has never finished low'er than fourth place in the na­ tion during C raw ford 's coaching tenure, lost several point scorers from last year's meet but returns two of the nation's top sprinters in Carlette G u id ry and Sandie Rich­ ards and features a strong freshman class. " W e feel w e're a team that can be a top five team ," C raw ford said, "b u t every year is different. You can't predict the breaks. You just try to have a better meet than last y e a r." Several La d y Longhorns are among the favorites in their events. G u id ry w ill attempt to defend her titles in the 55 and 200 meters and should be the favorite after record­ ing the nation's two best times in those events. Richards, running the 400 meters, should be among the leaders after earning second place in the event at last vear's cham pion­ ships. Two freshmen, shotputter Eileen Vanisi and jum per Telisa Young, w ill be making their first trip to the N C A A championships. triple The mile relay team of Richards, Nicole Ates, Barbara Selkridge and M ichelle W illiam s will compete in the meet after registering one of the top five times in the nation. Also traveling to Indianapolis w ill be triple jumpers Cynthea Rhodes, Monica H ays and sprinter Tamela Saldana. ■ ■ ■ in Four Texas men's track athletes are invited the the N C A A Indoor Cham pionships Indianapolis, which begins Friday. The Long­ horns w ill be represented by All- Am erican Tyrone Scott in the triple jump, Peller Phillips in the long jump, Scotty M iller in the pole vault and Lance W ilson in the shot put. W ilson was the only Longhorn to quality automatically for the cham ­ pionship. The other competing Longhorns met N C A A provisional standards and w ere admitted to the field this week. Three other individuals and a re­ lay team met the provisional stand­ ards but were not invited to com­ pete. M iller will be competing for the first time in nearly a month after arthroscopic knee surgery. Accord­ ing to Coach Stan H untsm an, " M il­ ler is jum ping fairly well. H opefully he'll be com pletely recovered by Fri­ d a y ." The H orns finished tied for 33rd place in last year's cham pionship on the strength of D erw in H all's fourth-place 55-meter dash. EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EM PLO YM EN T EM PLO YM EN T EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT 800 G eneral Help Wanted 800 General Help Wanted 800 General Help Wanted 800 G eneral Help Wanted 840 — Sales 880 — Professional 7 9 0 — Part time 7 9 0 — Part Time 790 — Part Time $ $ PUT YOUR COMMUNICATION SKILLS TO WORK! FIRST USA TELEM ARKETING s cur­ re n t!/ accepting applications for the follo w in g professional'. ★ MARKETING AGENT R e p re s e n tó le s will oe respons. consumer ble for marketing products and services primarily premium credit cords na tio n ­ w ide This posilior requires e * cellenl com m unication skills with some sates experience preferred D a y & evening hou-s ava ila b le 6 3 0 12 3 0 M -F, or 1-5 M F, o' 5 3 0 ^ 30 m -f w e G u a r a n t e e $6/howr plus benefits! Commission mo» be e arned on some protects PLEASE upptv person M f 10 a m -4 3 0 pm at in FIRST USA TELEMARKETING 505 Barton Springs Rd. S u ite 6 0 0 EOE _________________ 2-13-VOfc C d a t a a n a l y s is Hart Graphics, a iarge Ausfm- based printing firm needs some­ one for a temporary part-time ¡jusitior.. You most be oble lo work with Cvuorrtc Pro 2.0 and have strong math skills and be able to do data analysts. You will work 5-10 hrs/wk and may schedule /our own hours The project will last from 4-8 weeks, depending on number of hours worked per week Applications are available from 8-5 M-F. HART GRAPHICS INC. 8000 Shoal Creek EG!: 3 -8-2B L O O K IN G FOR a summer job in Dolías* W e need cam p counselor» life guards, and specialists ¡.aure Seymour ol the JCC |2 i4 | 739 2737 3 4 SB interested* Coll EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER good 'o m p u te r skill» ovoiiobln fo r 1'-? to 2 years 4 78 4 6 / 6 3 5 40 GRADUATION 2 0 -3 0 hours a week Temporary, port time sales position, some weekends High school d iplom o required Some college p referred W o rk at g ra du atio n centef Minim um 1 ye ar retoil a nd 6 months cier. ca! experience G o o d customer service, inventory a nd stock display W o rk under pressure Close proxim ity to UT E m ploy­ ee discount on most merchandise If inter ested app ly ot University C o -O p , 2 2 4 6 G uadalupe. M -F 9 a.m 1 p.m 3 5 4B PROOF READER 27 hours a week Tem porary part time position Minim um 6 months printshop or proof reading experience Some college reading & pro of preferred Excellent reading ability D etail-onentoted de­ pendable ability to meet deadlines, fo ld ­ ing machine and packaging experience preferred Close proximity to UT Employ­ ee discount on most merchandise tf inter ested apply at University Co-op 2 2 4 6 G uadalupe W eekdays 9 o.m .-l p m 3 -5 -4 8 LEARN BOOKKEEPING SHORT WALK UT FULL- PART-TIME counltng trainee Bookkeepmg/ac- for prebusiness aeu m o io r. oiso, typing word-processmg COmpu tmire- 'ramee [45 wpm) also prelaw e iro nd runner N onsm oking seit Starters S4 0 0 S4 25 Write application 8 -4 weekdays 4 08 W 17th 2 18 20B E $5.00 Hr. 834 3030 AFRICAN AM ERICAN history half-time Reseorch ond write for encyclopedia of Texas history Requires groduate degree m history Coll Dr $ 9 0 0 0 $ 11.000 Jones for descnption 471-1525 3-6-5B CHILD CRAFT School needs substitute teochers W alk to UT ond flexible hours 8 0 0 W 30tk 4 7 2 3 4 3 7 3 -6 3B LE FUN gomeroom has a night shift operunq Please leove your application a t 2 2 0 0 G uadalupe 3 -7 -2 8 NEED RUNNER for small d ow n tow n law 472-7241 firm Afternoons preferoble 3-7 36 ★ ★ ★ STUDENTS Concert Tickets Sotes Phone Rep Positions Pon-time Evening hours M on-T h Friday 5 3 0 -9 0 0 prr. j 3 0 -8 0 0 prr 9 00-12:00 pm Oat M o rn __________________________ 2 22 2QB-K ★ TELEMARKETING ★ Evenings and Weekends Salary Plus Bonus 4 7 7 - 9 8 2 1 Robert M. ★ ★ 3-6 20B-E Water Safety Instructors, Supervisors and Lifeguards needed (June-Aug. 2). W.S.I. or Lifeguard certification required. American Red Cross - Dallas (214)871-2175 E E O /A A Em ployer 3 -6 3P 800 General Help Wanted THEWEKEELA CAMPS, CANTON, MAINE O n e o f A m e n c a 's m ost p re s ti­ gious la m p : seeks c re a tiv e dv ‘ o r sta ff p o sitio n s June nam os 17 A u g u s ' 18 for lenm s uthletics, la crosse g ym n astics w a te rfro n t r a d io / v id e o , p to n o . d u n ce p a lle t d ra m a so n g le a d g u it u ', ers ( o m p c ra h ro p e s ceram ics, ort, w o o d w o rk in g , p h o lo g r a p h /, y e a rb o o k A ls o kite her ana m a in te n a n ce p o sitio n s If you th.nk you re lo ps R eply To 130 S M e rk le Rd C olum bus. O H 4 3 2 0 9 (614) 2 3 5 3 1 /7 EASY MOfcEY t pay up to 110 00 lor Goxt Class I also buy • Gold Wedding Rings Bands • Rings * Chams (even if bro *en James Lewis Gold Buyer 458*2639 LtQ u O R STORE Port lim e em ployee needed fo r weekends A pply 3 3 0 0 Bee Caves Rd . a ft# ' ipm {West Bank M arket) i 6 3B EAS r W O RK' EXCELLENT PAY ASSEM BLE PRODUCTS AT H O M E CALL FOR 5 04-641 8 0 0 3 EXT IN F O R M A T IO N 4 7 9 3-8-2P INTELLIGENCE i OBS All branches US Customs DEA el< N ow h,r;ng. Cali 0 ) 8 0 5 6 8 7 6 0 0 0 . Ex. K 9 4 ) 3 3 -7 23 P P A Y L F S S CONVENIENCE STORES is looking for a few more G O O D PEOPLE. FULL­ TIME and PART-TIME positions are available. APPLY TODAY or call to schedule an INTERVIEW. S T E A D Y W e WORK, VARIED SHIFTS, A D V A N C EM EN T O P ­ PORTUNITIES and FULL BENEFITS. Cotact us at any of the locations: 2805 San Jacinto 1001 West Lynn 5303 Cameron Road 2400 Burleson Road 8925 Anderson Mill Rd. 477-4259 477-3981 452-0741 444-3690 250-1608 o ffe r E O E HAVE THE SUMMER OF YOUR LIFE AND GET PAID FOR IT. Top 3-camp organiza­ tion m the Pocono Moun­ tains of NE PA. Our 60th year. Positions in all areas - water and land sports, Fine Arts and Out­ door Adventure. Please call 1-800-533-CAMP (215-887-9700 in PA) or write 407 Benson East, Jenkintown, PA 19046. 3 8 IB W A N T E D 100 p eo p le W e will p ay you to lose 10-29 lbs m 3 0 d ays All notufol 817 5 9 5 -6 5 8 7 2 14-208 G RADU ATING SENIORS! Summer em ployment opponur.it.es fo' students oc cepted to la w School Call Capt T R fe , 8 0 0 8 7 6 2 0 0 4 7 ut 4 7 7 -5 7 0 6 or 20 JOB 3 8 IB on site Please send resume to: MENTAL HEALTH W O R K ER S O pening to work vaned shifts in residen tial psychiatric hospital fo r adolescence Experience o r 2 years college reloting area required Benefits include health, dental, life short-term disability, p ha rm a ­ cy, on-site cafeteno A p p ly direct. The O aks Treatment Center. 1407 W Stoss ney EOE 3 8 IB APARTMENT M ANAGER N eed couHeous, m otivated, m echanically in ­ clined couple to m anage a 2 9 unit apt com pie* A pt m anagem ent experience not re quired H ow ever individuals must p rovide excellen* references, possess some response ble prior work experience & must be bon d oble Compensation includes a furnished 1 BR opt a modest salary Send resume to man oye r at 108 W 45th St #101. Austin TX 78751 or coll 4 5 2 !419 fo r interview oppt If no answer 4 5 3 2771 ________________________ 2 19-20B ★ WENDYS ★ has positions available at our MLK location Flexible hours for students. Starting salary up to $4.50 per hour depending on experience. Apply in person Monday-Thursday between 3-5 at 413 West MLK. ______________________ 2 18 20B-K Responsible person needed fo r leasing/management of la rg e campus p ro p e rty. Must be able to work some weekends & be able to stay fo r at least one year. Con­ tact Jean at 474-0971 fo r more information. _______________________________ 3 - 7 -2 0 8 Large management company seeks experienced manager for small condominium protect lo­ cated in the West Campus area. Experience required. Must live The Tipton Group 18383 Preston Rd. Suite 200 L/B 13 Dallas, Texas 75252 Attention Brian Crow or Call (214)250-4646 3-7 148 inc. in Sweetwater Pools, Houston is looking fo r lead­ ership orientated individuals to run our pools this summer. Training is available — must have o r be willing to take Lifeguard Training, First Aid, and CPR courses. You will life­ manage as well as ra n g e g u a rd . $ 8 0 0 .0 0 -$ !,0 0 0 .0 0 per lessons and month plus bonus. Call between the hours o f 9 :3 0 a m -ll:3 0 pm and 1:30 pm -3:30 pm M-F to set up an interview. 713-2 70-5 94 6 S a la ry AUSTIN PARKS & RECREATION Summer camp counselors needed to work summer camp programs. Part-time ond full­ time positions available. Call 458-4107 to set up interview. 3 -8 3B M arried couple fo r assistant management position. Free apartment plus free utilities fo r working 3 out of 4 weekends. O ne to w ork part time weekdays, small salary. N o children o r pets. Call 250-5113. 3 6 36 Attention! Fast growing Austin-based telecommunication company needs full time/part time tele­ marketing representatives. Ex­ cellent communication and telephone skills a must! Profes­ sional attitude and demeanor required. Must be organized and detail oriented Apply in person at 600 Congress Ave., Suite 1250.12th floor. M-F. 8- 5 _______________ 2 -2 2-2 0 B -D WANTED NEW FACES Actors, models, teens, & adults Com- mercials prmt fashion video In t e r ­ viewing now Experience enco ur­ aged, but not required 467-1637 Beverly Hills Inc. 64 4 8 Hwy 290E Ste #F106 UCENSf .201 _______________________________ 2 - 2 6 - 2 0 B 1 CALL to Avon does 4 all! N o expen ence N o problem' Free training o f­ fered 335-9712 2-21 20B A ______ W O U LD YOU like to fmoHy lose weight, feel good und turn it ,n!o o business* W e h a v e C a ll A n n 6 0 ? 9 4 / 3 3 0 8 3-4 10B 810 — Office- Clerical SHORT WALK UT RIU-/PART TIME; (I) Typing/ word processing / compu-tinker trainee (45 + wpm), (2) Book­ keeping trainee (prebusiness), (3) Prelow: do legal errands in own car; Nonsmoking self-start­ ers. $4.00-$4 25 Wnte app 8- 4 weekdays, 408 W . 17th. 2-18 20B E 820 — Accounting- B o o kke e p in g LEARN BOOKKEEPING SHORT WALK UT B o o k k e e p in g ac- FULL /P A R T -T IM E counting trainee dea! for prebusiness motor also, typing «vord-processmg, 860 compu-hnker trainee (45 wpm), also, prelaw errand runner N o n sm o k ng self starters $4.0Q -$4 25 Wnte application 8-4 weekdays 4 0 8 W 7th 2-18 20B-E EVENING HOURS fo r college student Entry level supervisor N o p rio r e xp e ri­ ence needed Circulation Sales Supervi sors needed for supervision o f individual selling subscriptions in local n e ig h b o r­ hoods O u tg oing personality necessary Excellent hours 3 30 10 p rr daily/S undoy $180 per week guarnoteed plus equal o r greater commission Full benefit & use o f com pa ny vehicle while on the jo b (Personal ve ­ hicle required for occasional use) A pp ly m person 9 am N oon, M-F Austin American-Statesman 166 East Riverside t O.E 2 -2 6-9 B PHONE SALES Need extra income? Call me. Salary paid weekly, cash bonuses paid daily, hours 5 p.m.-9 p.m. M-F & Sat. 9 a.m.-l p.m. Call 467-6624 3 -6 3B 8 5 0 — Retail BRIGHT IDEAS FURNITURE BRIGHT IDEAS is looking for o dynamic and enthusiastic individual for a full time soles position W e need someone with re­ tail sales expenence ond excellent com­ munication skills for our Austin contempo­ rary turnilure showroom. Apply in person M-F, 10 a.m .-8 p.m at 8 8 2 0 Burnet Road #302. Residential Treatment Cenfei near O a k Hill hiring full-time M H W and part-time Sat./ Sun. overnight M H W . Excel­ lent references a M UST. Cal Stacey at 462-2669 or 288- 2687. M, Tues. or Frt b e­ tween 9 AM-1 PM. 2-26-9E 890 — Clubs- Restaurants PELICAN'S WHARF Accepting applications fo r part-time evening bus help. A great job fo r students. A p ­ ply in person, 2-4 p.m., 421 W. Riverside. EOE 3-7-2B A pplicants need e d fo r room service, cashier position. 2 part-tim e positions avoliab le, AAA/PM. Should possess g o o d phone voice, org a n izatio n a l skills, a n d previous cashier experience prefe rre d APPLY IN P ER SO N Tues. & Thurs. 9 -N o o n , W y n d h a m H otel IH -3 5 an d Ben W h ite Blvd. EOE 3-5 -3B MAKE GREAT m oney bartending TABC Certification Job placement assistance Phone AUSTIN SCHOCX OF BARTEN DERS 4 5 9 1587/1588 2 -2 8 20P 3 -6 3B 900 — Domestic- Household Engineering- Technical H O U S TO N OVER Spnng Break* Help paint my parent's house (exterior) Spnng Branch i ch areo March 14-to. 4 5 3 -4 9 9 0 3- 8 IP L O O K IN G FOR responsible canng nidi viduol for quality childcare after school in my house. Transportation required Co# after 5pm, 4 5 9 -6 8 1 5 3-5-4B R O O M A N D board weekend babysitting (Hexibie hours with some nights off) Cafl 3 2 8 -5 5 2 9 after 6pm 3 -8 26 in exchange for S W IM M IN G must have current W SI Call a p p o in tm e n t 3 3 5 -6 7 5 4 3-7-58 INSTRUCTORS” "needed for 3-5 -5P TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS WORK FOR YOURS CALL 471-5244 i * I t