uTlre Bailli Mtxnn First College Daily in the South VOL. XXVIII A U STIN , TEXAS, FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927. N o. 3 7 Fencing Matches r Will Be Feature of Saturday Movie Pharmacy Arrangements Completed by Bigler “ Jack-Knife Man” Is Picture Attraction et Open Air * Theater t M U R P H R E E V S . LEE An interesting fencing match a r­ ranged by Truem an O’Quinn, will be staged a t 8 o’clock Saturday night at the Open Air T heater preceding the picture show. H ubert Lee and Alex M urphree will be the participants in the match and much fun is prom ­ ised to the observers. snow “ There will be enough in Saturday night’s picture to cool off every one in the audience,’’ accord­ ing to Mrs. C. J. Moore. The main picture by a is to be preceded howling comedy whcih is guaranteed to bring a laugh from the most staid professors on the campus. The comedy is to be followed by an educational ^eel on Snow T rans­ is portation. This interesting reel to show a new invention by which the deepest d rifts can be plowed through; this is the cooling scene. in Visit to Campus Following the action of the Board of Regents in moving the College of Pharmacy from the Medical Branch of the University at Galveston, to a r­ Austin in the fall, Dean Bigler visited in Austin last week to make rangem ents for the relocation of the school. He returned to Galveston yesterday. The Regents ordered all equip > ------------------------------------------------ I I J O f 7 O in L l i t / i v t / i J ( r f V l>kN ment of the college to be moved from /~^ j rs~\ its present location time for the long session. Local au- ^ ‘B E S T ’ PROGRAM thorities of the University have o f fered them V Hall as headquarters UNDER GRIFFIN for the departm ent pharmacy proper. to Austin of If the departm ent accepts, the of­ fices now situated in V Hall will be moved to T Hall, according to Dr. E. P. Schoch, professor of chemistry in the University. The college was moved to Austin on the petition of the college itself and of the Texas Pharmaceutical As­ sociation. A fter consideration, the Regents decided to move the depart­ ment, which would not only aid the pharmacy school, as they believed, but would also give more room for the School of Medicine. Retrenchment Is Necessary for Second Term Activities Lib Receives H IST O R Y G IV E N Barry Papers M any Students P ay A ctivities Fee at A uditor's O ffice Dram atics and Excur­ sions Cut, C om m ittee Report S ays Collection Dealing W ith Early Texas History Is Acquired to p a y S t u d e n t * d e s i r i n g t h e i r a c ti v i t i e s f e e s — t h e b l a n k e t t a x — s ho u l d t a k e t h ei r o r i gi na l a u d i t o r ' s r e c e i p t , go t o the a u d i t o r ’s o f f i c e t h e r e in t he re* pay ci pt f o r t h a t fee. t he E d u c a t i o n Bu i l d i n g , t h e f ee , a n d r ec e i v e W i t h dealing with Acquisition by the University Lib­ rary of papers the early history of several once fron­ tier Texas counties has ju st been an­ nounced. These pap* rs form a col­ lection, to be known as the Barry of Papers, consisting of the diary Colonel J. B. (Buck) Barry, about 135 pages of his reminiscences, and his personal papers and correspond­ ence on the Mexican War, frontier conditions in Texas, the Civil War, and the Reconstruction period, and deal with the history of Brown, Erath, Coryell, and Bosque Counties, j I ||y % y | t h e U n i ­ this r ec e i pt , a t v e r s i t y C o - o p the a c t i v i t i e s t i c k e t m a y b e o b t a i n e d , a n d a t t h e U n i ­ v e r s i t y P u b l i c a t i o n o f f i c e s in B. a n d d e l i v e r y , Hall , s u b s c r i p t i o n t h e w it h i n d e l i v e r y b e s u m m e r s e c u r e d . t e r r i t o r y , is p u b l i c a t i o n s to to t h e d e s i r a b i l i t y o f L e t t e r s h a v e b e e n se nt o u t e x ­ p l a i n i n g t hi s fee, a n d S t u d e n t s h a v e b e e n c o m ­ i n f o r ­ i ng in n u m b e r s to pay it, m a t i o n T h u r s d a y said. I . _ „ O p C ftK O II Crystallography Lecture This A fternoon W ill Feature M athem atical Formation * Speaking on the most interesting phases of crystallography ag revealed by the recent study of the X-Ray, Dr. C. A. Lunn, professor of pure mathematics, will lecture in G arri­ son Hall Auditorium, today at 5 o'clock. That summer school student sup­ port has fallen down on their activ­ ities program and th a t drastic m ea­ sures will have to be taken to insure a full continuance of the recreation j card was the conclusion reached by ! an emergency m eeting of the com­ mittee on student activities, recrea- I tion, and entertainm ent called by Dean V. I. Moore, chairman of the committee. S o l u t i o n by S t u d e n t s Immediate increase in the activity ; fund available made possible by support of awakened interest and : the student body was the solution p u t I forward in a statem ent of the con- I sideration of the meeting by Dean Moore. to consider ways The full statem ent follows: “ A meeting of the Summer Activi­ ties Committee was held Thursday and afternoon means of carrying out the program announced for the second term of the current Summer Session. A de­ tailed report showed that, due ta lack of student support, resources were cut down fa r below estimate** previously made. A small number paid the activity fee on July this 21st, the total income source being less than $600. A policy of immediate retrenchm ent is, therefore, necessary. from very W e e k ’* P r o g r a m S a f e 'Masterpieces of Greek Art’ Given by Leon Tonight Mysterious M ycenean Period Taken as Beginning of Art Illustrating his lecture with some SO specially prepared lantern slides, Professor H. J. Leon, adjunct pro­ fessor of classical languages in the University, will talk on “The Master­ its pieces of Greek A rt,” showing development in the various fields, at the Open Air Theater tonight a t 8 o’clock. In tracing the growth of the arts of the Greeks, Professor Leon will take up first the a rt of the m yster­ ious Mycenean period. “This,” he says, “ was a pre-historic period, du r­ ing which some very marvelous ob­ jects of a rt were developed.” F a m o u s E x a m p l e Then Professor Leon will sta rt with classical Greece and first show the most famous examples of their architecture, including the P arth e­ non and some of the other temples and theaters. I shall take examples of sculpture from the most crude and primitive forms, such as the famous Hera of “ And so on Samos,” he promised. through to the period of its highest development, about the time of Phi­ dias and Praxiteles. “ Next there was a period of de­ cline, when the classical simplicity was replaced by emotionalism and realism. Slides will be shown of some of the smaller works of sculp­ ture, like the Tanagra figurines, which show intim ate scenes of pri­ vate life. P e r i o d o f D e c l i n e “For painting, sincemost examples of the Greek painting have perished, being more destructbilc than marble and bronze, I shall devote the dis­ cussion chiefly to vases, paintings of which numerous specimens survive. “ Some of these are very fine and finest examples of represent the Greek a rt,” Dr. Leon said. The University has a few models of the Grecian vase work, in addi­ extensive collection of tion to an For the rest of Greek a rt, the University collection is limited almost entirely to photo graphs. ----------- ~o - M A U R I C E G A R D N E R M aurice Gardner, of Florence, member of The Texan s ta ff during the past long session, and now na attache of the Galveston News, is on the campus fo r a short visit. He will retu rn to school in the fall, he says. Granville Price, editor of The Texan is working with him. last year, Q uartets, trios, and duets, assisted by the entire chorus composed the second program of the University choruses during the second term un­ der the direction of David Griffin to be held at the Open Air Theater. The q u artet which was featured by last the University Choruses Thursday night at the opening pro­ gram for the second term was again the feature of last night’s program. Those making up the q u artet were Mrs. Fred Jones, soprano, Zuleme H erff Simpson, contralto; Charles Stone, tenor, and David Griffin, bar­ itone. Norma Owen appeared at the piano. The program in full follows: Lucia, sextet, quartet a r ................. ............................... L. Donizetti Mesdames Jones, Simpson; Messrs. Stone, G riffin Madame B utterfly duet Puccini Mr. Jones, Mrs. Simpson Forza del Destino ................. Verdi Mr. Stone, Mr. Griffin F aust, trio finale ..................Gounod Mrs. Jones, Mr. Stone, Mr. Griffin St. Saens Samson and Delilah Mrs. Simpson N aughty M arietta .. Victor Herbert Mrs. Jones and University Chorus Ah, Mimi, duet ....... Piecini Mr. Stone, Mr. Griffin La Ci Darem ......................... Mozart Mrs. Jones, Mr. Griffin Bella Figlia ........... Verdi Mesdames Jones, Simpson; Messrs. Stone, G riffin Norma Owen a t the piano — o----------------- _ E nglish Professor A fter spending his fifth summer session as teacher of English in Our in San Lady of the Lake College Antonio, Dr. L. L. Click has retu rn ­ ed to the University to teach during the second term of summer school. Dr. Click is associate professor of English, teaching in the field of Am­ erican literature and nineteenth cen- Returns for Term I Greek sculpture The papers were presented to the University library by Kos Barry of W alnut Springs, Texas, through Dr. J.*K. Greer. Dr. Greer is at present j editing the papers and preparing a biography of Colonel Barry. Colonel Barry came to Texas in 1845 from North Carolina. He was yet a young man when he came here, according to Dr. Greer, for he was born in 1821. Barry settled in Bosque County, and his life was an active one in the history of the state, although there has been little men­ tion of him in written records. in in the He was active the Mexican W ar and was wounded at M onterrey when about 25 years old. Then he the Texas Rangers, served with working territory extending from the Red River to Lampasas. in Barry became a colonel the Civil W ar and afterw ard served as a member of the legislature for sev­ Among his personal eral term s. friends and acquaintances were Sam Houston, Eld Burleson and Col Jack Hays and numerous other prominent early Texans. Besides being a stock owner, Col­ onel B arry was a politician and he held a num ber of minor offices, be­ ing an organizer and leader in the Grange Movement in the state. His death occurred in 1906. Dr. Greer, the editor of the papers, is form erly of Iredell, Texas. He received his doctor of philosophy de­ gree from the University this spring, writing for his thesis one of the few state poltical studies. His work was on “ Louisiana Politics, 1845-1861.” Dr. Greer has been teaching d u r­ ing the summer a t the University and has taught in a number of state schools. He has been principal of the Lockney, San M arcos,'and Brown­ wood high schools, a teacher of his­ tory a t Honey Grove and an instruc­ tor in the West Texas S taet Teach- College a t Canyon. He will be ers associate professor of history in the College of Industrial Arts a t Denton this coming year. Crystallography “The departm ent of dramatic ac­ tivities was cut out entirely along with that of put of town excursions. Contracts for bland concerts by an town band were canceled. out of Much has been learned about cry- Other allotments for various activi- the study of the farms of crystals of the various substances. is stallography by sutdying them under ties were cut to the bone, the X-Ray, it was seated. Dr. Lunn! in will take up the geometrical fo rm s' accord with announcements already of these crystals, and make drawings I published as fa r as this is possible. to dem onstrate the form ation of the under different crystals. jcircumstances. Nf, xt weeks offerings are not affected and ire a detailed program will appear In |n elem entary way he will take “The program s will be given the up the study of crystallography from I Sunday's Texan. the point of view of the chemist and geologist, but he can, with the illus­ trative m aterial available, give only the rudim entary ideas of the chem­ istry of crystals, Professor Lunn said. “The only apparent remedy fo r the situation lies in the possibility o f in the student activity* an increase fee fund. If a num ber of students who have not paid this fee decide to do so, it will be possible to complete entertainm ents as the course of planned.” The lecture will feature the m athe­ matical form ation of crystals, and the new relation of crystals to science through the X-Ray, rather than the knowledge of and geological formation, Dr. Lunn con­ cluded. their chemical -*Q* Czech Club to H old Illustrated M eeting ------------- „------------- S, E L C L U B M E X I C A N O regular meeting “El Club Mexieaflo” will * hold their Saturday night at 7 o’clock in the Neewmnn Club Rooms. This is the second meeting of the term and all mem­ bers and visitors are urged and Will I be welcomed. ------------- o - ----------- if Czech Club will hold a special meeting at which lantern slides of Czecho-Slovakia Fi Lambda Theta will meet th h neighboring; lands will be presented in Education afternoon in the reception room of building 312 a t 8 o’clock tonight, ac- the University Cafeteria at 6 o’clock, cording to J. W. T rojanwski, p r e s t - jit has been announced by Marie* IL d e n t PI L A M B D A T H E FA Morrow. and The slides, furnished by the Bu- drcu of Visual Instruction through the Czech departm ent, will be ac­ companied by comments on each flashed on the screen. The pictures will be of im portant and of places salient points in the history of t h e , lands. in Czecho-Slovakia This is the second m eeting of the i Club this term , the president sa id .! there being (meetings every o ther, is merely a special Friday. m eeting,” he said. “ This E ngineering Student o------------ Set* N ew H ike Record Grady Durham, engineering s tu ­ dent in tho University last long ses­ sion, arrived on the campus T hurs­ day, having come from Los Angeles, California, where he has been spend­ ing a short vacation since the end of the spring term. He “high-wayed” the distance in seven and a half days, which, he says, is a record. Durham is from Austin. He will return to California in the fall, when he expects to enter the University of California,s ' r . ' , ■ AL ' ■ Today’s Program Friday’* P r o g r a m 12:10— Education A ssedation. Cafe. 5 o'clock— Professor A. C. Lunn lectures on “ Crystallogra­ phy,” Garrison Hall auditorium. 6 o’clock—Pi Lambda Theta. Cafeteria Reception room. 8 o'clock—Professor H. J. Leon delivers lecture on “Masterpieces of Greek A rt.” Open Air Theater. illustrated Newman C l u b W atermelon spread and stunt-fest. Newman Hall Lawn. Czech Club meets in Education Building 312 fo r slid-e lecture. Saturdays’ P ro g ra m Street c ar block north, one block east. 4 o’clock—Ney Studio Tour. to 43rd street, one 1 7 o’clock— “ El Club Mexicano” meets in Newman Club rooms. 8 o’clock—Fencing and Movie, “Jack-Knife Theater. M an.” Open 9 o'clock— All University Dfcot Women’s Gym. m r The course of study for pharm acy I tu ry English literature. A fter a close study of the m atter, j of the nineteenth century. the I Among other courgeg he tea£heg English 136, American prose writers It ie a very popular course this term. C H EM ISTRY BU ILD IN G R A Z E D IN T W O W EEK S “A fter all, the doctor deals tirely with m atters in body, but the druggist deals chemistry, physics, and botany his compounding of medicines,” Dr.; Mayfield bought the rem ains o f f —--------------------- — w ith ! cording to indications Thursday by Joe S. Mayfield, Removal of the debris of the Chemistry Building, which burned last October 16 and which was sold several weeks ago to C. M. Brown, Austin j police sergeant, will be practically complete within the next two weeks, ac- the en­ the human in charge of in wreckage ...... (Continued on Page 3.) Educational Body Hears Pittenger the building from Brown and is un­ der contract to get them off the cam­ pus by September 21, when the long session begins. The first floor is all th at remains of the site, the top floor already hav­ ing been disposed of. It was sold separately to another purchaser, and Heart of School Process J* he has already taken it away. Su bject of D is­ cussion Workmen are busy with crow-bar tearing ap art the brick and chisel ; walls of the ground floor. Others taking the bricks and cleaning reference to school work will fea- them of the m ortar and other debris tore the m eeting of the Educational clinging to them. And still others Association at the ( aietcria today u t are loading the bricks into trucks and Discussion of vital questions with j ; 12:10 o clock. Preceding } the general discussion! Top F l o o r G o n e hauling them away, the subject of Dr. B. F, Pittenger dean of the j Mayfield is contem plating the in­ school of education, will address the J stallm ent of a machine to clean the “The . m ortar off the bricks, this being done | association on In slowly by hand at the present time, John The machine wi|l embrace a series of Heart of the School Process.” the course of the I Guinn, burstone, will entertain w ith ! steel brushes, he said. vocal selections. Radiators, w ater and steam pipe*, The program has been arranged by laboratory fixtures, and a typew riter Miss M argaret Phillips, secretary of I or two are among the objects of tho Association. junk iron being removed luncheon W all* o f C hem istry B uilding Yield up ‘A n tiq u e’ D ocum ents Letters. L etters dated from the 1880’s on up to the time of the fire. L etters brown in the middle with aged ink —and black on the edges with charred paper. Letters on every subject under the illness of the planets, from Uncle Jake to the 'recent' contract for sale of a mine. Letters. Thew are found milling about with the wind rn what rem ains of the ruins of the old Chemistry Building, which arc rapidly being removed campus by workmen. from the The sheets of paper a re the rem nants of a huge file of corres­ pondence th at once stood in one of the offices destroyed by fire. N ew m an Club H olds W aterm elon Spread “ Every self-respecting Newmanite should attend this feast we are giv­ ing tonight,” said Leonard Canaves- pa, president of th« Newman Club for the second term of the summer the watermelon when asked about ; spread the club Is going to give to- f night a t 8 o'clock, a t the Newman Lawn, “ The waterm elon feast will be only the climax to a w ries of games and stunts th a t will be played on the lawn,” Cana veep! added. “ The main purpose of the affa ir is ta make the ; new students who are here for the second term g et acquainted with the old Nem anites,” H e also made an announcem ent inviting all the members of the club and visitors in general to the New­ man Club meeting, which will take place next Sunday, Ju ly 31, a t the immediately Newman Club rooms, j 1 > a fte r high mass, 'SM.** The main picture, However, is to be the big feature of the evening. is “Jack- The title of the picture the Knife Man,” and scenes are taken Parker B utler’s from Ellis story of spiritual achievement, and is centered around the love which the humble w hittler has for his fellows in the quaint midwestern hamlet, typical of the life of that section of the country. Moving of the College of Phar­ macy to the Main University came withe vt the asking or desire of the officials here, said Dr. Schoch. But when they learned in charge a t Galveston desired to move the departm ent here, the local au­ and thorities welcomed them here, agreed to co-operate with them in aiding the school, Professor Schoch continued. those that Tho story is filled with pathos which is set o ff by a kindly humor which delights the public and sends a thrill of mixed sorrow and joy through the audience. Hotel Dance on Social Calendar W ith draw al of K. C. H all D ance L eaves Roof A f­ fair A lon e on Card The regular Summer German will be held on the Longhorn Roof of the Stephen F. Austin Hotel tonight from 9 to 12 according to Bill Barbour, m anager of the Hotel Dances. This dance, as usual, is on the social calendar, as the social calen- d ar committee has granted permis- The removal of the departm ent to Austin will decrease the cost of in­ is struction in th at departm ent, it thought, since the cultural courses form erly offered by a separate sta ff at Galveston will be given by the legular staff of the University. Such and courses as English, Chemistry, Botany will be given in the same classes as regular academic students. One professor of chemistry will come from Galveston to give a spe­ cial course for pharmaceutical stu ­ dents. It is hoped that, with the removal of the school to Austin, more stu ­ dents will become interested in phar­ macy. Many students are desirous of taking pharmacy, but cannot make their way a t Galveston, Dr. Schoch said. With the school here, many more students will be accommodated than formerly, he thinks. In addition to these advantages, there will be more courses th at may ” j» co rrect any erron«ou. | b T .tu d i'e d 'o u trid e o f'th e " d'ruw tat . field here in Austin. Such courses as Business Adm inistration and Engi­ neering are, of course, not given in Galveston, Dr. Schoch pointed out. impression given out by advertising in Thursday’s Texan^ The K. C. Hall German has been postponed for the present but will be held again in about two weeks. takes three years and leads to degree of G raduate of Pharmacy. The attendance at the roof Ger­ man has been very good and a large the manage- crowd is expected by m ent this Friday. The Longhorn roof is the coolest place in Rustin, and is j8 not so closely the only place th at a dance can be medicine as might be hot summer j fin*, officials declare. enjoyed during these months, according to Barbour. The cool breezes th a t blow on the roof a re an attraction to the dances. it has been decided th a t pharmacy connected with expected at The Univer- sity authorities, have come to the conclusion th at pharmacy is at least as closely connected with the aca- The music, as usual, will be fur- demic departm ent of the University n n / l and his la s with the Medical Branch I a. IL a l a . j * t v i i t i l l r r a l d / n l u k t f i s i K n / I t l A V n nighed by Harold Caldwell Stephen F. Austin Hotel O rchestra, the regular German Club O rchestra of the long term . l l I a n n o u n c e m e n t s OF INTEREST Im portant announcements effecting every student and faculty of the institution are made every day in The Daily Texan. school work To carry on the successfully and stay on the campus the fullest extent, students should read all of The Texan all of the time. enjoy to h e S a l l y e c x a n fUfeU*bod OM th e t* m p * s of Us* ^SlvCT^Sty^of To tau by the Tex** 8 t«4«ate Pa bite sue**, resistance to th e hom e bowling, lac*. * * * ry irornsBS « * t b t M onday au d S a tu rd ay . Baste#** o/ficcc, B. Halt, Tciephorc #90#. E tfte rte l offir**, J Hail, T clcphoaa t i 81-SI (A fter IO * rn,, O U T ). P rin te d by tb a U a sra rcfty Pre**, A, C W rig h t, M anager, J Hall. E n te re d ac ab ro ad cia*# aM tte* a t th# po* to S e c a t A u stio , T ea s* . of the first inning, and things looked prom ising fo r an early * m eal u n til the last two M udxnrre batsm en took It into their heads to o ffe r a stu rd y This fact seem ed p articu larly dis- I q u ietin g to a stout man in a w h ite I apron, Who stood at rile en tran ce to j th e pavilion*, sig n alin g frantic ally to ^ MaoagTftt Editor th e home um pire. Cktef Editorial Writer “ How's th a t? ” bellowed the bpwl- * «r a t last, as the ball struck a b a ts ­ Manayer af Pablkatloaa man on the head, Bart th * * , B o su n s# Man*#»r; Loa** Bactbe, OM ca M t-a y c r ; L *s$« kb Maili. A dtar ti# tax M aaa«tr; it s * * Hop* to*, CU *#(ftoi AfJw*TtJii»* M aaafer. PUSmffSF STAFF o f ll*?- changed to lb.5. Physics 422b, K. H all 5, will m eet a t IO o'clock instead o f 9 o ’clock. English Ic.5, a new section, will m eet a t 8 o'clock in Ed. B. 210, Spanish Ac.3, a new section, will m eet a t 9 o’clock in M. B. 208. English 2a.2 m eeting a t IO o ’clock in M. B. 315 should be and is now changed to 2a.3. E nglish 2c.4 m eeting a t l l o ’clock in G. H. 319 should be and is now changed to 2e.5. Econom ics Ic.4, a new section, will m eet a t 8 o’clock in G. II 322. Econom ics Jb.4, a new section, will m eet a t 9 o’clock in G, H. I. E. J . M ATHEW S, R eg istrar E. J. M ATHEW S, R egisterer. PH ILO SO PH Y 103 will m eet in G. H. 203. Philosophy 172 will m eet in G. H. 213. E. J . M ATHEW S, R eg istrar TRCEMAH 0*QUINM DICE VAL CHAK ----- la»*M> J I W ale a Wffite® I- McGSl Cee ll Ball ----- Raiph Parker E late* Hoaefc Inurn# Bayte r n i v n i , * * 1 *«*#* * » • « • cd by th a t o f P ro fe sso r Leon. dially invited to rfttend. C H A R LIN E LALLIER ALL ( AN D ID ATES fo r f he degree o f B achelor of B usiness Adm inis­ tra tio n in A ugust should go to Dean F itzg erald a t once and sign a dip- loma card . All candidates fo r the d eg ree oi B achelor o f Science in E ducation in A ugust should go to Dean P itten g er a t once and sign a diplom a card. T. V . TAYLOR, C hairm an Diploma C om m ittee Our Clearance Sale on SWIMMING SUITS GOLF SUPPLIES and SP ORTS WEAR w ill s a v e j r o u m o n e y I TH E NEW M AN CLUB will hold a fe a st F rid ay evening on the lawn. All m em bers are cor-) w aterm elon C. & S. Sptg. Gds. Co. 704 Congress <*•(>• Editor A**te?an| ...... Assistant A ssistant “ H o u t!” cam e the triu m p h an t r e ­ ply, w ithout a m om ent’s hesitation. fn batsm an trie d th e “ O u t? ” am azem ent. “ Yes,” snapped th e um pire, “ and to the m u tto n !” I a in 't going so’* t a t cinders fo r nobody!” T h e re ’s one consolation ab out m ak­ ing a lawn, lf you succeed, you did st; if you fail, tfegre w asn’t enough ra in .— Daily I Mini. First sign o f approaching w in ter: th e pessim ists stop w orrying When ab o u t typhoid and s ta rt w orrying ab out p n eum onia.— Waco News-Trib- une. “ MA” SPE A K S UP Mrs. Miriam A. Ferguson is out in a lengthy statem en t opposing all of the to th e proposed am endm ents sta te con stitu tio n . Now, will all those iii the audience who believe she w rote th a t statem en t please stand on th eir h eads?— M arshall News, pairs, and, M, B. 46 3 W ILL soon undergo re ­ th e re fo re , beginning th e classes as­ T uesday, July 26, signed th ere will m eet as follow^; la tin l a in G. H. 300. lh in G. H. 300, l a t i n l a t i n 3c in G. TI. 300. Latin 5a, b, c, in M. B. 206. ^ Latin Sa, b, cf and 13a, b, c, in G. H. 800. E. J. M ATHEW S, R eg istrar. are m ajo rin g SENIORS who in Econom ics will please call a t G ar­ rison Hall on o r before A ugust 1st to make arran g em en ts with reg ard to th e ir m ajor exam ination. E. E. H A LE ENGLISH l b .3 m eeting a t IO o ’clock in Q, H $19 should be and is now changed to lb .4 . PR O SPE C TIV E c rim e -a ro u n d -world stu d en ts will please ta k e notice th a t the C om m ittee on Admission from o th er Colleges o f th e U niversity of Texas has to prom ise no credit on an y w ork taken on a n y crusie. d efin itely voted E. J . M ATHEW S, i R eg istrar. N O TICE OF change in activities program o f Ju ly 26-30: F riday, Ju ly 29: 8 p. rn.— L ecture, “ M asterpieces o f Greek L ite ra tu re ,” illu strated , P rfo esso r H. J . Leon. P ro fesso r M elvin’s lectu re rep lac­ English lb.4 m eeting a t l l o ’clock S enior ring*, in G. H. 303 should be and is n o w f o w n s . U niversity Co-op. H u r r y ! H u r r y ! O nly a very s h o r t tim e to get in v ita tio n s, caps an d “T H E GRADE'S T H E TH IN G ” Mil # I i Scene: U niversity o f T ext* Eleva­ f to r. S i be tom orrow. Tim e: Df.> before yesterday, m ay­ as dissim ulation injustice and a m ean t to an end, b u t it is a doubtful expedient because m eans are not “ on the level” very often breed m ore w rong in th em selves than the p artic u la r end would ju stify . th at C haracters: Two G rsde-H ound*; rex, indeterm inate; obviously fem ale, h u t m ight have been either, COLLEGE S PIR IT AMD SUMMER SESSION • a a you a tte n d o f people could be Second C. H : Do you know, 11 v e r it y cam pus to ' f i r s t G. H.: Oh, w hat did m ake on English? W G MORE h etero g en eo u s collection im agined than th a t which g a th e rs on the uni- sum m er made only a B. I thought I ’d make j cession. Gray haire f men working an A; but I gue*s Til have to be | tow ard d o cto rates mi ogle with callow co n ten t with a B. W hat did you ; u n d erg rad u ates ende ad oring to mas- j t* i th*- intricacies? o f E n g i l d compo* m ake on your course? lights and chronic flunkers elbow one an ­ o th er ab out the desk, rn the cen tral library. C onflicting in te re sts , d iffe r­ ing ai mn and am b itio n s, anim ate the th ro n es which win tile class rooms d u rin g the m onths of the sum m er. The problem of w e ld in g this an A, arid I think I ought to have had it. I don’t see w hat could have been the m atter, Vd have made it too: b u t— . I coaid take th at course over and make an A; and I think t h a t ’* lo s t w hat ITI do. F irst: I just m ade % C. I w anted sit ion. B rilliant in te lle c tu a l (C u rtain ) as­ sem blage into some s o r t o f coherent whole is little sh o rt *of insuperable. Y et th a t task m ust Im * accomplished if the sum m er session is to be really w orth while. Those who regard a t ­ tendance at th e u n iv e rsity m erely os a step tow ard a d v a n ced positions and fatten ed pocketbooks are oblivious to much th a t is vital in college life. C hicago crooks m ust get good deal o f quiet enjoym ent o u t of M ayor “ Big BHP T hom pson’s assertion th at he is ru n n in g them o u t of town.-— B eaum ont E n terprise. THE DAILY TEXAN BUSINESS DIRECTORY i n g CHINA U N IF IE S U nification in China is accom plish­ ed alone the line o f the snake and the rabbit, -D allas News. K ugs Cteanrd L tw u w J — Work Guaranteed CAPITOL CARPET CLEANERS ZI 17 E ast Av*,, Black A Cooper, P h. SS3S LUM BER GAGE BROTHERS Furnaces, Roofing, and Tin Work 7th * Red River St*., Repairing, Phone 5279 C A R P E T C L E A N E R S T I N N E R S AN D R O O F E R S BRYDSON LUMBER CO. M aterial of All Kinds 19»h and Guadalupe P hons 8331 W A N T E D TO BUY P L U M B E R S Cast off Clothing and Shoe*. W e Pay th# H igh est Prince* for 407 E a st Bib S t. Phone 8717 m u. - — — a VE? W here Geed Plumb! 1403 L a v a c a St E RAVEN, Plumber ne repair* are made’ Phone 8 7 8 2 4 1 7 E ast 8 H ighest cash price paid second-hand for clothing and shoes. iwarts Phone 3783 ■maw Official Notices’ They dem and m u ch from the uni­ versity and give n o th in g in re tu rn , th e ir value to the in a titu tio o is less than nothing. The A verage under- • g ra d u ate may be m o ra lly slack and THh: CKK€H FLU B will p resent bul­ late IJ aet wally lazy, bub he lives rn an C zech o slo v ak ia ut atm osphere of faith rn an y loyalty 8 o clock tonight in Room 312, Kdu-y lo his in stitu tio n w hich is too o ften caGon Building. AH those who arg lacking am e rig Students. in tere ste d are welcome. the m ore advanced f’R ESID EN T tern i i * * * Education has, according to one man, d eterio rated into a bookkeep­ ing job in the office of the R egistrar. indication* -cern to ju stify Present th a t opinion. It would be d ifficu lt t o determ ine ju s t how often conver­ sations like the one quoted have oc­ curred on the cam pus of the U niver­ sity o f T ex as; b u t th ere are good ground* fo r believing th a t the a tti­ tude reflected is prevalent. W hat doe.< it m ean? Simply th a t a g re a t many men and women come to the U niversity fo r reason* o th e r than a ger aine love of, and ability the knowledge th at lo com prehend, the institution is supposed to foster. The grade is more im portant th an the course. A false set of values is thua raised up. quite l f they re g a rd i tog positions The a tta in m e n t of distinction Those who come here- from teaeh- to do u rad u ate work is | have responsibilities at well as priv­ the univ Or­ e t to l*e deprecated under any en - j lieges, cutt* lance#; b u t fo r the stu d en t o f sity sim ply as an in te lle c tu a l bar- genuine ab ility the grade follows as gain co u n ter; if they look upon th eir a m atter of course upon the satis- 1 sum m er’s work In te rm s of dollars factory com pletion of work in which j abd Cents, they are bl) sd to those re- interested. F ran z I spousibUitiea. The g re a te s t thing in he is genuinely Mulnar w o k e a dram a of g re a t ex- j I- university is not know ledge but the j sp irit; a sp irit which arise s from a celli nee called Thing ” Too m any would-be Uni- self-sacrificing loyalty insti- vfruity stu d en ts arc* acting lotion as a p a rt from th e a ttain m en t th at should be called “ The G rad e’s j of p u rely individual end,#. Only by at i absorbing some o f th a t sp irit can the the T h in g /’ They are “ taking th ree Ari” ra th e r than pursuing a stu d e n t make d e fin ite course of study fo r a worth- Daily Iowan. while purpose. Iowa his own in one Play’s “ The the to PI LAMBDA T H E TA will m eet F ri­ day Ju ly 29, a t ti o'clock a t the JI reception!; in tip.* C a fe te ria , M eet room. M ARIE 0 . MORROW 11 “ E L ( LUB M EXICANO” will have a reg u lar m eeting .Saturday, a t 7 11 p. rn , a t the Newman Club rooms. All m em bers, and visitors also, are urged to atten d . GUSTAVO W. FERNANDEZ President. The BEGINNING Tuesday, Ju ly 26, th e follow ing schedule changes will be; e ffectiv e. H istory 182, at 9 o’clock , will , , . , . . . Spanish l i e , a t 9 o ’clock, wilt H istory 172, a t 10 o’clock, will Busine** A dtninistration SNH), a t IO ’ a t ! o’clock, will m eet in G, H. 109 instead 1 supremacy C V L R DONE to decide . m eet in G. IL l i d in stead of 109. From Other Pens m eet in <*. H. IOO instead of 113, , m eet in G. IL I t s instead o f 109. T it-B its; P uddieton and Madmen* j testim ony ; rep aat wag lo b f served a1 the cider I gown* U niversity Co-ep. in p resen tin g evidence < rick et. and th e new ly elected cap- ___________ „ ____ COURT PRACTICE I N connection with the Sa VV 22 1-2 ....... .......... 7707 M eyer, Lillian, 2611 W hitis Mackie, F red, 1710 C olorado ...... M eyer, W N orm an, 2611 Whiti» ............. 7707 M acNaughton, David, IOO E 30 .. M iddleton, Annie Laurie, La Casa Es­ Mace!, S ister Mary, Newman Hall . ....................... ...... ...... ........ Maddox, C yrus, 1412 C ongress .... I Maddock#, Gladys, 2606 Speedw ay ...... Madison, Llihu, 2609 Nuece* Mahoney, Leo, 2211 Speedw ay M allard, Lurline, 608 W 24 Maim*, Evelyn, 308 E 17 ............ Muioch, T C hester, 2703 Red River ... Malone, Lorena, W om ans Bldg ..... M anor, C orine, 2001 W hitis M anor, Homer, 604 W 18 ........ ....... M ansfield, Evelyn, 3502 Duval ... ................... .................. M arek, ju lia , M arish, F ran k , 404 W 23 ............... M arkham , M ildred, W'omans Bldg Warr, John E, 1706 Brazos 8836 M arrs, Miffy, 1608 C ongress ....... Marsh, Gen, 910 W 17 ........................... 7262 M arshall, Dorothy, 2008 U niversity .... 4510 Marshall. Mrs, Edith, 306 W 14 ........ 21375 Marshall, E sther, 407 W 27 ........... 22133 M arshall, Robert. 1910 San A ntonio .... 4168 M arshall, Win, 1908 U niversity 23311 M arshall, Willis, 2220 San G abriel .8 1 5 8 ........................................ M artin, F reem an, 704 W 9 ........... M artin, Geo, 807 IV 22 M artin, H erb ert, 2806 N G uadalupe .... M artin, H orace, L ittle Cam pus ....... ........................... ........ I M artin, John "M artin, Lillian D, 511 W 35 ........... M artin, Lillian E, 801 W 28 ............. Miles, C aroline, 2101 Nueces 9181 Milse, NVH, W omans Mi ley, Helene, 2005 W hitis ................. 4786 Miller, B enjam in, 1906 U niversity ..... 8043 Miller, Felix, 2614 Rio G rande ........ 7151 Miller, H arry, 206 Circle Ave .... ....... 7523 Miller, ........ 6935 Miller, L Alline, 2002 San A ntonio ........ 3716 Miller, M arie A, 1205 E 13 ...... 22287 Miller, Otis, 200 W 19 67f>8 ............ 7668 ii iller,# S tan fo rd L, 711 W 21 6482 4105 5808 22812 .. 3832 . 3001 . 4820 . 5429 - 4852 9181 . 7174 . 7151 22302 23311 . 9181 3587 . . . 239 6 ’? 22591 . . . 6402 .2 3 2 4 6 . . 3024 3716 9035 . . 3587 .. 8450 . . 4032 . . 7174 . . 5967 . 4027 22591 I Millhollon, Annie, 1613 W 9 MiUholion; Tho# R, 1614 W Millhous#, Cha#. 505 W 38 ............... Mills, Cha#, 1908 Speedw ay ........ .......... Mills, De I win, 2103 Nueces M ilton, Florence, 310 C rockett Milton. Win B. 200 W 7 M inter, Boss, 910 E 23 M inter, C atherine, 1711 West Ave Mitchell. Exie, 302 W 37 Mixon, Ruby, Womans Bldg ......... Mobley, H arvey. 801 W 25 Mobley, Tho*, 2614 Rio G rande . Mohler, Theo, 2207 Nueces Mobley, John Allen, J9 0 8 U niversity Mohr. E lean o r, Womans Bldg ...... Molby, E thel, Kirby Hall Molhusen, M ilto n . 210 E 26 1-2 .. Money, Clay. 404 W 23 Monroe, C lifton, 7Q8 W 25 1-2 Monroe, H orace, 712 W 21 Monroe, Ruby Lee, 2407 W hitis M ontgom ery, d a n d le , 2002 San An M ontgom ery, F red , 2 ’JOO Leona ... M ontgom ery, Mary, Kirby Hall M ontgom ery, W illie Sue. 610 w 24 Moore. J a s A. 1206 W 6 Moore, Otho Lee, 801 W 25 Moore, R Woods, 1901 W hitis Moore, V ictor, 105 VV 26 Moore, Wm, Box 4 76 Moore, W ilm a, W om an/ Big M oorman, Jam es, 2500 W hitis M organ, Gladys, 2IOT San A ntonio M orn*, H a r r y .! 707 W 2 2 1 -2 M orris, Mrs. I D T . 707 VV 2 2 1 -2 ... . Mormon, T L, L ittle Campus ....... Morrow, M arie. W omans Bldg M orton, Jack, 803 W 23 6394 8361 ...... . 3410 J M artin, Lillian Edwin, W om ans B ld g . 9181 I M artin, O scar, 2311 Nueces ... 4594 M artin, Q uintin. 2508 G uadalupe ....... . j M artin, Ruby Lee, 2000 W hitis ..... I M artin. Sam. §007 W ichita J M artinez, A ugustin, 2,400 T rin ity I M artinez, G abriel, 2506 San Antonio . 6398 j Massey, Jackson* 508 W 18 .......... 8.333 ___ ...22447 I Massey, Tom W, 205 E 23 I M asterion, Leigh, Cam p W arnecke, New B raunfels ............................ '........... M attel, Em ily, 782 W 23 1-2 . . I .1 T § 3 0 3 I M atthew s, Carl, 708 W 23 22536 ...... i l l E 38 ........... ... 9808 Matthew’s, Gladys, M atthew s, Gladys, 2307 Speedway .... 4075 J Manse!, 4111 Aye F ...... 4553 M atthew s, M atthews, Woodson, 1908 Whitis _____4432 M auer. Chaa, 2510 G uadalupe ............. 6788 Maxwell. Geo, 2202 Nueces 0313 Maxwell, P erry , 1710 Colorado ............. 6851 7082 ........... .22882 .. .... Ju d d , 2400 Speedw ay 3616 23925 9043 | M artin, Claud . . 4503 ,■ 8265 . 8265 23431 9181 . 8138 ..................... ......... I .,' ................. ........ ...... ..........„ J 9181 21680 9181 i|peedw ay l Try, 300 E 34 ..... .......................... ........ 9026 Moseley, Joel, 2606 Moseley, M ary, 2606 Speedw ay .......... 9026 22812 Moser, A lbert, 2103 Nueces Moses, Mosley, Louie. L ittle Cam pus .................. 23431 Mo®teller, C urtis, 1310 Circle Ave ... 21335 M oursund, Andrews* 707 W 22 1-2 .... 5653 M uelL r, E sth er L, W omans Bldg ........ 9181 M ueller, F lora, W om ans Bldg ____ .... 9181 ......... 22230 Mullins, Lelia, 2617 W oodbridge Mullin?, R ichard, 1412 C ongress ......... 7363 M unster, Josephine, 1394 1-2 Rio G .... 7948 Murchison, Josephine, 1807 Lavaca .........6583 Murchison, W alter H, 307 W 19 .......... 21787 M urdy, Mrs, 2408 Nueces ....................... 22053 M urphree, Alex, 2809 N G uadalupe ....210$5 M urphy, S am antha, 2007 W hitis ......... 4455 6655 M usgrave, Alvin, 2507 G uadalupe 23282 M yers, Ila Mae, 2208 San G abriel 5090 Myers, M ary C atherine, 1223 L orane 23583 Myers, Minnie M, 706 W 2$ ........... 9025 ......... M yers, Sam el, 1710 Colorado 6951 Nagle, F red S, 2602 Salado ..... ......... 5087 Nail, H e m e R, 21(44 Nueces .... 6445 Nana, 102 E 26 .............. ........... ....2 3 4 3 9 Nance, W innie D, 708 W 22 1-2 5428 Nash, Oscar, 4210 Ave D ........................ 22420 Naas, H arry A, 804 Lavaca ....... .... 4640 N ation, Nellie Mac, 912 W 25 ........ 3679 Nayfach, Ju liu s, 1932 San A ntonio .. Nayfash, N athan, 1932 San A ntonio .... Neal, David, 200 E 32 .......... ,3182 Neilan, Edwin, 1915 Nueces ..................22471 Neill, Leslie M, 2500 W hitis ........ .. 22618 Nolle, A n toinette, 4312 Red River .... 7451 Nelson, Gee, 407 W 23 . ......I.... 21802 Nelson, Lillian, 2703 Speedw ay ........... 21612 Nelson. Mrs Mae R, 407 W 23 ......... 21802 N esbitt, C arl, 2100 Nueces . . .... 7293 N esrsta, Cha#, 205 E 25 .................... * 24477 Newcomer, M attie Mae, 2110 Nueces .... Newman, L aura, 2402 U niversity Newman, Sam uel, 2411 Nueces Newsom, Louise, 712 W 23 . . Newsum, Lindsay, 2207 Rio G rande Newton, Arch B, 108 W 19 ....... Nichols, B uford, 213 E 25 ....... ............... Nickels, Dorothy, 9556 Nolan, Phillip, 1906 G uadalupe ...... -W ren, P aula, 1508 VY 9 ..................... g j^ a 7056 Norm an. L aura, 1910 W hitis ......... 7050 . N orm an. R euben, 1910 W hitis . N orth way, Inez, 2008 U niversity . 4510 N orton, Eleanor, 2405 W hitis .......... 7438 NortJey, Llewcdlyn, 305 E 16 ................. 23950 O Banm on, A nna Gene, G raee Hall 7707 Q gletree, Dan, 4202 Ave B G uadalupe ................ #29 4 2 ! i s’ 28 O Keefe, Dania, 20! W 16 . . . 0420 Olyphant, Elizabeth Ann. 4200 Ave G 2296*1 Oliver, John, 1212 Tom Green 3054 O l^ c r, Tommy*, 1605 Nickerson ...........23465 222f,9 OJtorf, Rosalia, 2009 W hitis O ’Malley, Chaa J, 2809 Quad. 21035 9 9 T \ n ’ ! ru em an ‘ 1709 C ongress " I 23959 Orfebeke .R a y m o n d , 2217 Rio G rande 22098 O sburn, Irvin, 2409 San A ntonio 9626 O tto, Jo s C, 1905 U n iv ersity ...... g043 Otto, Mrs. K atherine, 1905 Univ........... * g n T Overall, John B. 2110 Tom G reen ...... 9593 Owens, J M iriam, 709 G rapevine 3946 Owens. W innie I. W om an's Bldg. Z Z 9181 ...... 6597 ....... 9310 g olg 22098 6921 ....................J 2 2 8 5 4 ... a (Clip ^nd file this directory and watch for other installments appearing during t h i s w eek.) Texas Students Publications, Inc., B. Hall * - J ‘'ad* ■ ' ¥ J i B i a Hi FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927 sr ar THINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEN By GENE BYRNES up till the last m inute allowed them large a by the U n iversity rules, number have added courses since they received th eir grades last Mon­ day, according to inform ation given out at Dean B enedict’s o ffic e y e s­ terday. Thursday, August. 4, is the la st day on which students may drop courses in without receivin g a grade o f F that course. The number o f students who have changed or added course* in their a t­ tempt to clear up th eir odd thirds has during the past four days far e x ­ ceeded that of last summer. Pharmacy f (Continued from page I) Schoch continued. The druggist is much more than a compounder p f m edicines in his pres­ en t field. H e is a m erchant and a business man as much as any other person in the com m ercial world; and th erefore he needs courses in busi­ ness adm inistration as much as any other person in a business occupa­ tion, Dr. Schoch concluded. Parlin Leaves for V acation Till Fall Dr. II. T. Parlin, junior dean o f the College of A rts and Sciences dur­ ing the long term , left yesterday for Sun Antonio where he expects to spend the first few days o f his vaca­ tion, beginning with the end o f the fir*t term o f sum m er school. Dr. Purlin will return to his home in Austin within the next few days, a fte r on the then lasting up to the beginning of the long term. j m ajor part o f his vacation, leave soon to BARGAINS BOOK See our D isplays TEXAS B O O K STORE : : n ^ r z - J i m n B E 'Z o tlik rn F o r C a t s a n d W e n a d s Prevent infection! Treat every cu t, w o u n d or scratch with this power­ ful non-poisonous anti­ septic. /u n ite actually kills germs. Helps to heal, too. It is a very unusual set of circum ­ stan ces when a lone woman can not on ly overpower a 250-pound drunk­ ard, but also rule, whip, and man­ age a group o f peons for several years. Both Miss Rich and F orrest S tanley, the bandit lover, did their parts admirably, but not even a ct­ in g can be appreciated in this pic­ ture. H ow ever, the M ajestic is offering H arry Langdon^ la te st Mack Sennett com edy, “His First F la m e,” and w ith­ out a doubt it is one o f the best th in gs that this com edian has ever done. The com edy is in five reels, practically a featu re w ithin itse lf, and the many original stu n ts pulled in th is picture shoves “ Long P an ts” out c f your memory. I he Broncho I Wister the sta r lin g ’T ’ H I S picture, un­ daunted Tom M ix, fairly teem s w ith action; a gun it begins with fig h t and ends with an explosion— plus the u«ual sm ack, The scenes are laid in the wilds o f A rizona where, upon returning from France a fter the war, the hero fin d s his fath er is being illeg a lly relieved of a large number o f his horses by a new and none too p leasin g neighbor. The neighbor has a p retty daughter. The usual situation arises, of course, and Tommy falls love with the in in spite of the polem ic festivi­ girl en ­ tie s that the two fa ction s are the in. B ut— so m uch for gaged story. that The show is in sharp contrast with “ W hite Gold,” the preceding o ffe r ­ in g at the H ancock, in that it con ­ tain s none of the su b tle forces which tu g a t the hearts o f hum anity in the row. Instead, it c o n te n ts itse lf with th e conventional sort o f w estern h o ­ kum . If you still preserve any illusions about the wild, w ooly, and bucksnort- Ing W est, of judge a m ovie by the num ber o f men the hero kills, by all m eans go and see it, otherw ise— . -------------- —p------------------ A nna Belle Council and Grace M cM urray sp en t the afternoon on the cam pus after a tw o w eeks visit to the Old Maid’s R etreat near K err­ ville. Grace and A n n e Belle were stu d en ts in the U n iv e r sity arui resi-* d en ts of Kirby H all la st year. S e n io r s! Only v er y short tim e t o and caps invitation s, g e t g o w n s . U n iversity C o-op . 1 —-—A ■—— 1« r in g s , »—— — — "t — i m. m m m " w: c mpf u s , *■ * V Student* Secretly Married , » i MLI **> * Students Wed Friends o f Olive Freeland o f Me- From the Lubbock Journal, w e o f in . ustm . A llen and Jam es L. Shearer o f M e r - ii* " " *1hat f 1" * 1® “ • * Renfro ced es were surprised at the an n ou n ce- i Lubbock and 'V: D' Benson J " * m en t that the young couple had been i CeR ? niarrie marrieU .In..,, 1==* m arried since last D ecem ber. Both were students last lon g session. Miss F reeland was one o f the popular ladies o f the S cottish R ite you n g D orm itory. She is the daughter o f F B. Freeland, m ayor o f M cAllen. Mr. Shearer was a debater on the V arsity squad. He is a memjber o f Lambda Chi Alpha. I r. Ben- R„th 80,1 ,s now a student in the School o f Law and Mrs. Benson w ill enter the Academ ic School next year. They will make th eir hom e in A ustin, Dr. L. L. Click, professor o f E n g ­ lish, has returned to the U niversity to teach fo r the second term . H e has been teach in g at the Lady o f tjfie Lake C ollege at San A ntonio. * * * Lehman-Bryan DeVVitt Reddick, instructor in the Departm ent o f Journalism , is in Aus tin arranging and g e ttin g m aterials Elizabeth Bryan o f B eaum ont, for- f or the courses he w ill teach in the in the U niver- last week to Clay L e h m a n } »jtv. m er student o f the U n iversity, w as j com ing long session raarried of Texarkana. The w edding was solem nized a t the hom e o f the b rid e’s grandm other, Mrs. Clara Chaison, 1012 P ennsylvania A venue, B eau ­ m ont. Eloise Chaison, also a U ni- , ten sity student, was the bride s o n l y 1*. a atten d an t . , , • , . * * * the second term . Evelyn M oore, secretary the Com ptroller’s o ffic e , is now on her vacation. in 11 it in m o n nos returned u v icii to H elen H am ilton has returned to ' , ... cam pus and w ill attend school _ , . Alice Pierson, daughter o f Judge W illiam Pierson of A ustin, w ill re­ turn to the campus in the fa ll from E urope, where she has been for th e past tw o sum m ers, spending one sum ­ m er in Paris and this season in Pal- form er estine. She will en ter the U n iversity ! student o f. the U niversity has been in Septem ber. the U niversity a year ago. Francis C a rb id e and Waldo Lue- dermann sp en t the week-end at the Omega B eta Pi H ouse. They left today for a m on th ’s visit in Colorado and C alifornia. Ben Grim es o f M ilford, spending the past Delta Sig house. She was a stu d en t in few days at the -----T THE M A J E S T IC : F riday and S a t u r d a y , Irene Rich Tom Mix. H A N C O C K : F riday and S a t u r d a y , in “ The Clim ber*.” in “T h e Broncho T w i t t e r . ” Q U E E N : Friday and S a tu r d a y , M on te B lue T E X A S : Friday and S a tu r d a y , J ohn G ilbert in “ T h e S h o w .” in “ B i tt e r A pple*.” Bitter Apples J i FTER a consistent non-appear­ ance for som e m onths, M onte Blue is featured with Myrna Loy in the Q ueen’s third picture for the w eek. M onte Blue the young actors who was more prom ­ ising at the rise o f his first curtain lhan he was a fter his first fea tu re, and yet he has rem ained charm ing, if not brilliant, in his successive in ­ terpretations on the screen. is one o f The ch ief interest for the con ­ scious and observant m ovie-goer in the current picture should cen ter op the work o f Myrna Loy. Her p artic­ ular .sort o f character work is m ost unusual, and if she can vary it s u f­ fic ie n tly to adapt h erself to d iffe r ­ at- e n t typ es o f pictures, she w ill little co n se­ * tain a position of no quence am ong screen v illain esses. I he Show TTH E T EX A S presents John Gil­ the bert and R enee A doree in last o f their appearances togeth er, in which Lionel A tw in was also p r a c tic a l/, if not officially, co-star­ red. This is one o f the pictures which one could ill afford to miss. Miss A doree g ives a characteris­ tic perform ance, b eau tifu l in its re­ straint. yet trem ulous with em otion as an Hungarian carnival girl, while Mr. Gilbert, it is su ggested , m ay have H u rryl H u rr y ! Only a very short to get tim e in v ita tio n s, caps and S en io r rings, gow ns. U n iv ersity Co-op. J played the character of the bally* hoo man the author (fo r w hich should m ake acknow ledgem ent * to ; Molnar and his creation o f “L iliom ” ) j with more natural verve than dra- I marie art. Lionel A tw in as the villain o f the piece plays a brilliant perform ance, which for sheer rascality and malice, im proved upon. The could not be photography and m echanical effects are m arvelously handltd to strike a note o f horror, and the production of is outstanding from every point view. T h e Clim bers 'jpH IS show w as a disappointm ent som e to the w riter. There are theator-goers who more than likely enjoy the show because o f the very good acting on the part o f Irene Rich. B ut the role this accom plished ac­ tress had to perform in this show is very over-drawn. The plot is light and improbable. T E X A S “ A u s t in ’s C o o lin g S t a t io n ” John G ilbert M ae M urray ’ . f t ; , in “The M erry W id ow ” Most G loriou s Film R o m an ce ?. — j ) E v e r Made — —ga ri— : — sp ---- SQUIRE R aym ond Publishes E nglish T ext Book Dr. W illiam 0 . Raym ond, visiting assistan t professor o f English from the U niversity o f M ichigan, Ann Harbor, is listed am ong the fa cu lty m em bers o f the U n iversity who have w ritten in U ni­ versity classes. textbooks for use Dr. Raymond is teach in g in both sum m er term s o f the U niversity school. Dr. Raymond has had published a From book o f “ S elections Sw in­ burne” that is being used for class­ room work. He is also author o f a num ber o f articles d ealing with V ic­ torian literature. An article on B row ning is expected i to be printed soon in the puhlfca- j lion s o f the Modern L anguage Asso- c int ion. Students Still H ave T im e to Drop Courses Students are still adding courses and have crowded the dean’s o ftir » Irene Rich in “The Climbers" E xtra A dded A tt r a c ­ tio n — H A R R Y L A N G D O N in “ HIS FIRST FLAM E” Midnite M atinee Sun. Nit© A dolphe Menjou in “SERVICE FOR LADIES’* to d a y & T om orrow Also N E W S T O P IC S F A B L E S PHONE 8000 Classified Ad Section Your Message Daily to 6,500 Readers FIND YOUR NAME IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION AND SEE THE SHOW RATES BUSINESS SERVICE LOST A N D FO UND FOR SALE Q U E E N N O W WRS IC. BROS J ‘M ite Insertion 5 Insertions t Insertions 4 insertion s 6 Insertions I m onth __ Bold application. - f JM .SS .70 .as IOO 1.80 CO-EDS— Follow tho crowd stairs over W oolworth’.* for to !)*»*• y u p ­ latest style in shoes and hats. Better quality at lower prices. Mew shipm ents arriving daily. When you go up, prices go down. tile Maximum of 2S W ords face and display type rate! spots / k in Jesse H opkins, C lassified Ad M er. A N NO UN CEM ENT Theme* and Mi.SS TEXAN A HILLER, 6898. these* prom ptly and acca- la tely copied. Room 6 , Masonic Temple — 81 Bldg.. 7th and Lavaca St. Phone g en ce” COACHING SLM MKH S T U D E N T S- You are invited to take advantage of the “low price* and ladle in our I MATHEMATICS C oaching: Students w ant- la test sty le s m g coaching in Algebra, Geom etry, Ana- Daey’s, ups lairs over W oolworth'*. When ; lyrics, Trigonom etry, Calculus, etc. Phone — 28 ■ 8S64 or com e to 2806 N orth Guadalupe and je u go up. prices po down. — 81 cai) for Baker. sh oes hats. in ANNOUNCEM ENTS— To whom concern and ail pep* take action i turned;;.:. Sm ith has the pa** to ti dal, Take Un* aid. thin may „ interested should w ise Kathryn : the "Queen Theater University of Texas. Phone 8(552. j DON’T, ¥J} fL Spanish A, I \ or 22 Coach­ ,n® l,y *orm<’r member of Spanish faculty. —I i MATH AND PHYSICS COACH— Expert I coaching. Five years’ experience. Strictly under the honor system . Satisfaction guar­ — June I anteed. Dial 6968 for Golden. End BUSINESS SERVICE HAW non 0 * f f . awarn* tm* cwUvcusa A lso C o m e d y — N e w s S U S BEST WORE - Th,., b est service B iggs and is ho more. the price Snappy cleaners and ta tors. Snap bauk at , t Ll'T ut. I OOT Congress, phone 7601. — 2C arid j C()k J l l lk GT S,*a *ltthc (2o. ; . french; I {ti J ’ 2* *"d Spa po h a# well as you I Ihone Lee. H ubert ' mm N O W HANCOCK TOM MIX “The Broncho Twister” in Also C O M E D Y — N E W S WE COPY THEMES, th ese-, and do ail kind* of stenographing, in ult (graphing and m im eographing. Call 5864, 914 L ittlefield Bldg. T exas Multlgrapb Shop. M n . S . J. — ti Adams. STUDENTS T R A N S F E R -O w n e d and oper­ ated by student*. Trunks hauled 50 rents. ( ’an handle any amount, of b u sin ess. Phone — AS V. M. C. A Poi 4. Harvey Blanton. I ii KS ES TY PE D : The e ien ce! college graduate and '‘grip b er. Call 23X6'J for K ing after o'clock a. m. Rates reaimnaWt*. typed by exper­ legal nten- IO — 29 i to mc. Graduate IF MATH troubles you, bring your trouble* satisfaction guaranteed. Dial $464 or call at 2811 — A 9 North Guadalupe for Reid. student, FRONT ROOM, adjoining bath, gout beast exposure, near U n iversity. Phone 3-1936 LOST A N D FO U N D LOST Monday, Scotch pebble a bar pin qf sliv er and Reward. Ring 4 6 0 6 . — Si ; TI library copy I LOST — On the cam pus. S ta te of “The New South’" by Thompson. Please : return to TRH# France* Young, 1807 Lavaca Phene 4588, Reward. — SI I LOST frad d ock “ Statistical M ethods’” Freem an “ M ental T ests” Terman “ M easurem ent o f In telli­ Reward for return E. G. VILLERS 2103 N ueces Phone 22812 FOUND- Ladies’ Parker duofold fountain pen with gold band around barrel. Owner may have sam e by calling by the Texan Office, Ii. Hail, room 119, and paying for — tf this ad. Sons. POUND— Red Schaeffer fountain pen with initials "F. W. D." carved on barrel, also gold band around barrel. Owner may have the sam e by calling at The Texan office — 26 and paying for this ad. FOR SALE , “FRANKIE and Johnnie," played by Ted Lewis and his Rand. New C olum bia rec­ Isaac Bledaoe, — 6 t i d. 821 Congress Aye. th e bi”; t ever. Phone HtflO. I t ’s trade FOR SALE Or San Antonio property, by owner, six-room residence. floors, Phone — 5 All m odem conveniences , hardwood practically new ; near U n iversity. 9*77. for FOK SALE-—H ouse of eleven room*. S u it­ able for room ing house or fraternity. On Main carline. A ll in good repair, walking 2708 Guadalupe. distance from U n iversity. — Ju, 22 Phone 22420. FOK SA LE-—Scholarship in one o f th* lead­ ing business colleges of th* Southw est. Interested, writ* M anager. Box 1027, ,—i f If U niversity Station. FOR S A L E — A t bargain, e x c e lle n t a D o d g e to u rin g in 192 5 rise. ch an icai con d ition. F iv e good I; yes. R eceived the host care. F o r sale far below the m ark et co s t. W r i t ? 1 9 2 7 N U nivarsjty S tation . — 'REI) LIPS, k iss my blue* away,'' sung by S ta n l e y and Marvin. New Victor rec- SZI Congress. Phono ZZzH Isa a c Bledsoe. , ord. . «L19. FOR SA LE— N ice cast front lot on Salado Street, for only $1,060. T. H. l ia r i^ ^ A — ........ y , IDEAL PLACE TO ROOM " or in U niversity neighborhood. 1 W ANTED— Sm all furnished cottage j north Please write descriptions* in full to U n iversiyt R a ­ — { tion, Box 1927c, ,l a student forgot what he had regarding points of law? Or is it because they have not y et learned c f the unexplainable custom in School o f Law which mark? him who j **Jud|ce, I want to ask a question. U h - 1 habitually volunteers to recite as a uh— j ca n q think o f w hat I w as go- J u st a min- j “joke ? jfe began very th ou gh tfu lly, j -ng if, say right now. the; to him# the im printed on and H I think o f it." R ecitation P lat— B ull! A sum m er school J. A, is also char­ acterized by the thoroughness with which he prepares his lessons. “Come the Fire! W eek" Visit a J. A . Class during first week of a sum m er session, be fo re any o f the class have become acquainted with the custom ary a tti­ tude of a law student. You will see Once one o f these students answer- frt unprepared, but he had really read a room full o f bright eyes focused it ca*e and ju st couldn’t recall en the master o f cerem onies, in te r e s t; e v e r y ! ftt the m om ent, and ever since that or enthusiasm countenance, *ager hand* waving f o r ; fa ta ! m orning he has been rem em- » recognition o f the floor priyilege, pered as "the student" who answ ered occasionally even a snap of the Un- j unprepared. ger, and now and then an outburst A nother mem ber of the sam e class a f laughter will be heard from dif- feren t parts o f the room. The atm osphere rivals junior high school class aam. But the a ttitu d e of th ese J. court, the decision o f the trial court j A. s does not seem to be so much j again on reversal and rem and, and J one o f desiring to “show o ff" as that j the final decision on the second ap- o f an enthusiastic class in a junior peal, w hatever that is. high school. learned his case so well that be re­ cited the style and syllabus o f the that of trial in enthuse- ■ court, the decision o f the appellate Mu paused at the end o f the reel- j a case, gave the decision o f the Most o f the students in the form er class seem to be inspired by serious I purpose, a desire to add their opin- ions of their know ledge or reedy divulged by ‘ he textbook the profeasor, or a desire in­ to crease their know ledge by question­ ing the judge on m atters not d i­ rectly bearing on the su b ject in ques- to that a 1- The poor student had that part o f it. forgotten N ow You Tell One Perhaps one. reason w hy interest in such a fir st year class is alw ays kept up is that students are co n - 1 ' N = = T H E D X I L Y T E X A N "tartly learning new facts o f p r a t-1 ped o f wom en sc u lp to r s/’ ileal value in their every day exper- j lences. The N ey Studio is kept u p by the A rt L eague o f A ustin. Mrs. A. C. G oethe, one of the m em bers of th e Art L eague, w ill be a t the studio to conduct th e students about th e build­ ing- The building itself is interesting. An old world atm osphere is conveyed through the castle-like effect o f the square building with tow er. The grounds w itk th eir trees and shrubbery and th e little" lake" are kept as in the days w hen E lisa- friends bet N ey entertained there. stra n g e, her its The m otto which characterized the upward trend o f her life and work if1 engraved in the corn ersto n e o f the studio— "Sursu rn. ’’ In one room of th e studio is the collection o f works o f E lisa b et N e y ’s ea rlier years. A m ong them is a bust o f Ki ng Ludwig II o f Bavaria, who was her friend d u r i ng her earlier life in Germ any. A nother room , th e studio in which she w orked, contains a collection o f busts o f prom inent m en, and casts of sta tu es she made. H ere are placed sta tu e s o f her own family. “ The Head o f a Y oung V io­ lin lit," a bust o f her son, was her favorite. E lisab et N ey was an extraordinary wom an, som etim es m isunderstood b e­ cause o f her disregard o f co n v en tio n ­ She kept her m aiden name alities. PK You D o n ’t W r i t on U s ' A f t e r th e G e r m a n T asty eats of good ta ste. That is the Spirit o f P. K. for people The quality o f our food s and service are making P . K, Shop ever m ore popular. S e r v ic e the Who!® N ig h t Thru Sandwich Shop Cl O P P O c r r O P P O S I T E H A N C O C K T H E A T E R For instance, one student learned that when one read*, “ The d efen d ­ ant conducted her to the door and he passed o u t /' th a t this m eans the lady le ft through th e door, and not that she fainted. A nother J . A. learned that a hare that is a rabbit, and still another dynam ite St not alw ays pronounced dinam ite (sounding the first I as a short i) . Ber ha pa no one w ill ever be able to explain ju st why the spirit o f the J. A. does not live on in the Middle and Senior Law classes. But would not Law School be fun if it did? ---------------o~~------------ Students Will J Visit Studio Ney Studio Visited at 4 o ’Clock Saturday Under Dr. Neiton afternoon The N ey Studio w ill be visited as the second local excursion o f the se c ­ ond term Saturday at 4 o ’clock. U n iv ersity stu d en ts w ish­ ing to make the tour make take the Main Car to 43rd S treet and A venue G, Mr. I. I. N elson , in charge o f the excursion, will m eet all stu d en ts who are prom pt at th e carline and direct them to th# studio. U niversity stu d en ts who have not seen the collection o f works which E lisabet N ey le ft to the U n iversity o f T exas will be am ply repaid for m aking the tour, according to the com m ittee. Lorado T a ft has called E lisabet Ney "one o f the bent equip- S en iors! O n ly v e r y chort tim e to and in vitation *, get gown*. U n iv e r s ity Co-op. ring*, cap* GO LF SU P PL IE S * and SPO R T S W E A R w ill sa v e you m on ey C. & S. Sptg. Gds. Co, 704 C on gress tai, thinking that he had finished. I "Now," said the Judge, "tell me fom ething about the ca se .’* Our Clearance Sale on SW IM M IN G S U IT S / Joy Ride to San Antonio! Every Sunday R O U N D T R IP $1.50 Excursion Train L e a va* A ustin 6 : 1 0 a. rn. R etu r n in g : Leave* San A n t o n i o 2 : 1 0 p. m. or 8 : 0 0 p. rn. Arrive* A u stin 4 : 3 0 p. rn. and 1 0 .1 8 a . rn, D in in g Car for B r e a k fa s t. * Theaters, Movies, Parks, a n d A S ervice In stitu tio n Milton L. Morris, Pisa*. A T ick et A g e n t, P u r ch a se ticket* a n y day in ad v a n c e at T I C K E T O F F IC E , A U S T I N H O T E L Phone* 7 7 5 5 & 6 0 9 6 E. O. Beard, A ssista n t V au d evile B ase B all S u n d ay Ju ly 31 San A n to n io vs. W ich ita F a lls Indispensable ' - FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1927. E lisab et N ey as she freq u en tly ap ­ in public, driving her tw o ­ peared w heeled pony cart. On such occas­ io n s she invariably w ore a long, flo w ­ in g cape and a c lo se -fittin g black tu r­ ban. H er courageous disregard o f pub­ lic opinion brought her to th e notice o f the grea t persons o f the world. Schopenhauer said o f her, "Perhaps you know E lisabet N e y ; if not, you In h er youth have lost a great d ea l.” he paid tribute to her personality with the words, "I did n o t believe th eer existed such a charm ing g ir l,” and success which vrz* hers in Europe, Elisabet N ey cam e to a new , u n set­ tled country, and directed her in ter­ ests to the advancem ent o f art. Y et in spite o f th e renow n * * a fte r m arriage, and wore her hair c u t short, in a day w hen th ese things w ere unusual. V isitors com ing to th e studio when she was at work w ere som etim es shocked to find her w earin g a loose, black v elv et tunic th a t cam e to her kn ees, a t a day when it was the fa sh ­ ion fo r w om en’s skirts to sweep the flo o r. M any people o f A ustin rem em ber H u r r y ! H a r r y ! O n ly rn v e r y sh o rt to g e t tim e invitation?,, cap* and S e n io r rings, gow n*. U n iv e r s ity C o-op. SUMMER GERMAN Cool Roof on o f Stephen F. Austin Hotel ‘Top o* T ow n " Friday Night, July 29 Harold Caldwell an d h is Hotel Stephen F. Austin Orchestra w i l l p la y 9 to 12 Admission $1.10 On S ocial C a len d a r Do Y bu Demand Distinction? ISHNCTION In dress is the right of every woman... and we have placed it with­ in every woman’s reach! Modern dry cleaning, made pos­ sible by modern methods and skilled workmen insures for every wom an distinction in dress. Send your dresses to us. Master Cleaner, Dyer and Hatter Phone Number on Every Page in the Book SUMMER SCHOOL DIRECTORY Installment No . 8— Students ..... Face, Jarrette B, 1704 W est Ave ....... 7491 ................... 4786 P a g e, Wilmer, 2 0 0 5 W hitis . 6432 palm er, Jno. W , 1913 W hitis Palm er, Orville, 503 W 28 . ............. 22250 ...................... 4773 Palm ore, Irma, 7 1 0 W 22 Parke, Jan H, 2309 Rio Grande .. 22958 Parker, K atherine, 2 8 2 2 Salado . . . . „ / 4 8 4 2 ......,,v „.,i.,2 2 5 9 1 Parker, K elly, 402 W 23 Parker, M innie B elle, 1309 N ew ton ... .. 9600 Parker, Ralph, 706 W 22 ..................... 9 026 4842 Parker, Ruth, 2 8 2 2 Salado Parker, V irgil, 404 W 23 ..... 22591 Parks, Ola, 203 E 25 .................. j............... 3140 Passm ore, Glen, 3 0 7 Park P lace ............. 9675 .... 9675 Passm ore, H elen, 307 Park Place Pastoriza, Josie, N ew m an Hall ............. ate, D a rd en , 1011 Congress .................... 3405 Paton, Jas T, 1905 U niversity .............. 8 043 Patterson, Cecil, 2004 W ichita ............. 8288 Patterson, Mrs C ecil, 2004 W ichita ........ 8288 P atterson, John D, 1901 W hitis ______ 5967 P atterson, Lon, 2309 Speedw ay ............ P atton, Jacob, 601 W 24 P aulin, E ugene, 2510 W ichita .......... Peck, (’has 1405 E 1st ...................... Peek, G aston, 1710 Colorado ......... . ..... Peltier, Sr. Mary, N ew m an H all P entecost, Edna, W om an's B ldg ............. 9181 Perkins, L Van, 2 1 ! W 25 2 2946 6614 ................ . ......... 6591 21015 6278 .......................... 7751 ............. 21951 ............ i Perron, Marius R, 1904 U niversity ........ 9439 Perry, Jas, 1200 W est 6 ..... ............... 7042 Petm ecky, Dora, 1108 Blanco ........... 23064 Petsch, M eta, 2002 San A ntonio ..... .......3716 Petsick. A nnie L, IOO E 2 6 ........................ 3 156 Petter, John H enry, 3 205 Guadalupe .... O feil, Rowene, 4 0 3 E 8 Pharr, B urnett, 801 Highland Phillips, Eleanor, 2001 W hitis Phillips, John N, 3 0 7 W 19 .....................2 1 8 7 8 ...................... 7668 P ickett, R eavis, 711 W 21 Pierce, Raymond, 2505 N ueces ...... . ...........2 3 6 7 9 Pillow, Ben F, 1410 C ongress ...... 2 3 5 7 9 Pillow1, Mark L, 1910 C ongress P ings not, A lice, 6 1 0 W 18 ............ 7959 ....... .23431 Pitm an, Olind, L ittle Campus P itts, W illie, 1908 Speedw ay .............. 5808 Pitts, Win, 1908 Speedw ay ...... ........ — 5808 Poetfcer, A nnie, 1916 Speedw ay ........ 3401 ......................... . 8129 Pollard, Cha?, 200 E 22 Pool, Mary, 2510 W ichita .....___........ 6614 Poole. Mrs M attie. 2714 N ueces .................... . 7280 Pope, Mrs Ii D, 702 W 24 1-2 .............. Pope, II David, 702 W 24 1-2 ............. Porter, Dorothy. "Woman’s Bldg. Porter, Edna, 2107 N ueces P orter, R. A ., 2311 N u eces ........ Josey, Jas B, 2501 Rio Grande ............ 7626 P osey, Josephine, 601 W 13 ............. ....... 9498 P oston, Jos A, 505 W 2 6 P oston, M am ie, 505 W 2 6 ................... 9498 P ow ell, F rancis W. 706 Grapham Place Powell, John, 803 W 17 ..................T...... 4164 P ow ell, Phil a. 402 W 24 P ow ell, V ictor. Rt 5 , Box 143 . lf , Grace Hail Powers, Robbie ...... 9181 7386 4594 ......... 3028 ....... 7797 ...................... ........... ........ 4830 . , ...... 5808 ................ - ...... ........ 8484 .............. 3214 Pow ers, W illie Belle, 2002 San A ntonio 3716 Prasatik, A ugust, 802, W 2 2 ~................ 23992- P rescott, A nnie K, 1908 Sp eed w ay ...... 5808 P rescott, Thos, 1908 Speedw ay ............ P resley, R Harold, 1607 Lavaca a^.JM eTT- Presnafl. A lice, 2405 W hitis . . ( . . . Z Z . ^438 Presnall, Jos, 601 W 2 i ....... 22946 8080 P r e s e l l , Leo, 2J06 Tom G reen P rew itt, Wrn, 1934 San A n to n io J38S Pribble, Jas W , 1908 U n iv ersity Price, Donald A, 2711 N Q uad................. 23090 8 4 9 8 Price, Johnnie E, 32 E nfield Rd. Price, M erle, 31 Duval Price, M yrtle, 2301 Rio G rande P rice, R ufus, 1908 W hitis P ritch ett, Ruby, 1916 Speedw ay ............ 3401 Prowse, Josephine, 4309 D uval ........... 3497 P uckett, Geo E, 1934 San A n to n io ...... 7385 P uckett, H azel R, 1117 W 9 .......... ........ 4991 Quinn, B etty N, W oman’s B ldg .......... * 9181 ............... 5198 Rabel, E stella , 2411 W hitis Racy, Edw in, 2352 G uadalupe ............. 9403 ................ 9259 Ragan, ( ’ K, 2800 San Pedro R agsdale, R ufus, 300 W 2 7 .............. . 0946 ................... 8315 Railsback, G eo, 2309 D uval Raines, Lila, 2006 W ichita .............. 4789 Raley, V iolet, 304 WT 18 ........................... 7325 Raley, Wm D ew ey, 407 1-2 W 27 Ralph, M ildred, 2101 N ueces ....................’ 7598 .... 7 § 1 2 Raison, H E, 1704 Brazos Ram irez, Francisca, Newm an H all .... 4830 R am sey, C lifford, 2303 San A ntonio ... 23387 Ram sey, Fred, 2506 W hitis $2§33 Rape, M ary J, 200 W hitis ....................... 8108 Rasor, A lie, 2 2 0 6 San A notnio ......... Rasor, Leona H, 2206 San A n t o n io J8108 R a tliff, John, 708 W 24 1-2 ........ .........2 2 3 8 7 Rawlins, Lydia, 105 W 20 ........... ...... ..... Raym ond, A llan, 706 W 35 ..................2 3 6 4 0 R east, Mary, 703 W 24 ................. .......... 7 0 12 Beat, N annie E, 2407 U n viersity ___... 7021 ........ 9626 Rector, P aul, 2409 San A ntonio Red, Geo, 804 W 26 ........................ Redford, E m m ette, 2303 Speedw ay .... 9500 Reeder, M rs. Gladys, 1916 S p eed w ay .. 3401 ........... 2 2 622 R ees, H erm an, 2610 Spedw ay R eeves, M art, 1902 W ichita .................. 3371 3564 Reid, W m, 2811 N G uadalupe ..... R enfro, C urtis, 205 E 25 ..22447 ................. 7598 Renick, A lm a, 2101 N ueces Reynolds, C harlie, 306 W 19 ............ 22941 Reynolds, Jas R, Y M C A ........ ............... Rheinlander, N ora, W omans B ldg ......... 9181 Rhodes, A llen, Y M C A ............. 9026 Kibble, Wm, 2604 Speedw ay .22351 Rice, L illian, 512 W 38 * 8794 lick , Absalom , 2101 San A ntonio Richardson, C ecyle, 1501 N ickerson .. 3098 Richardson, Mrs J J, 2111 Tom Green .. 3705 Richardson, Joseph B, 701 W 23 ........... 9210 Richens, A lm a, 19IO E 1st ........ 9266 Richey, O leta, 710 W 22 ........ . 4773 Richter, L eilet, Camp W arneeke, N ew Rickhard, John A, 1406 Brazos .............. R icklesTTerre, 2 4 0 9 San A ntonio ......... 9626 Riddle, Marie S, 108 WT 32 ................... 22013 R ienstra, John, 2 0 6 E 22 ........................ 23305 Hies, M inette^ 1916 Speedw ay .............. 3401 R iggs, Elijfttf&h, Grace H all ................... 7707 Riley, Mary C, 2 3 0 7 Speedw ay ....... 4075 R ib # ,’“Richard, 220.7 Speedw ay .j? * Rimmer,'. Sam m ie Lee, E nfield 5194 R!o,s Carlos, L ittle Cam pus .............. ....23431 Rippey, Wm, 509 W 26 .............. 5775 R itchey, Robt, 1910 San A ntonio R itter, E m a, 802 E 23 ........... 4846 R ivers, Julian, 2411 N ueces ................... 9310 R iviere, Joseph, 711 W 21 ........................ 7668 Robbins, May B elle, IOO W Johanna .. 9957 Robbins, Ruth, 1905 Pearl ....... .......2 3 3 2 6 R oberts, Driskell, 1206 N ueces ......... .... Roberts, Geo L, 310 W 26 .............. ......... 5771 R oberts, H elen, 2 0 0 7 W hitis ................... 4455 R oberts, Laura, W om ans B ldg.................. 9181 R oberts, L illia n ............................ ................... R oberts, M yrtle, W omans Bldg 9181 Robertson, Pearl, W omans Bldg ____ 9181 R obinson, H enry, 2107 Tom Green ....2 3 3 8 6 R obinson, Louise, 2 Q02 San A ntonio .... 3716 R obinson, Mrs. M ary, l l E nfield ......... 6500 R obinson, Z oraster, 2107 Tom G r e e n .2 3 3 8 6 ...... 5901 Rockw all, H elen, 4 2 1 2 A ve F 9500 Rode, Otto, 2303 Speedw ay .... 6878 Rodgers, May, 2002 W ichita R o e ,‘Catherine, 705 W 22 1-2 ...... 9043 R o e ,-C live, 7 0 5 W 22 1*2 ...... .......I....... 9043 8233 Rogers, D orothy, 2106 N u ^ e s Rogers, Edith, 606 H ighland 7569 R ogers, Ella, 710 W 22 ............................ 4773 R ogers, Leon, 2106 N u eces ..... 8233 Rogers, P auline, 508 W 22 ............. 22205 R ogers, Stella, 710 W 2 2 ....................... 4773 Rogers, Thos, 319 W 19 R ogers, Thos G, 606 Highland ............ 7569 R ogers, V ivian, 5th & Red River ....... 7883 8550 Rom berg, Fdererick, 406 E 32 ........ Roper. G eorgia, 1807 East Ave ..... 6517 Rose, Gladys, Kirby H a l l ............................. R ose, L lew ellyn, L ittle Campus ....... R osenquist, Carl, 1710 Univ. Station .... Ross, A lice, 2508 Red River .................... 9290 Ross, Jas, 1901 W hitis .............................. ................... 4830 Rothe, Josie, N ew m an Hall Rotsch, Cecil, 2004 W ichita .............. 8288 R otsch, M elvin, 2004 W ichita ......... ......... 8288 R ousse, Thos, YMCA, ...................... ........ 900o Roy, A ddie M ay, Rt. 5 ....... ................ R oyall, N athaniel, 1908 U niversity ....... 23311 R ugeley, Dorothy, 2 4 0 5 W hitis ........... 7438 R um sey, Addison, IGI E 30 ......... Russ, S E, IOO W 29 ......................’Z Z . 7704 R ussell, A i l e t t e , 504 W 17 .................. 5047 R ussell, J J, 2 8 2 3 Salado .............. 23639 R ussell, V ilena, 504 Wr 17 ................... 5347 Rutland, Jas, 601 W’ 26 .......... 22480 R utherford. V era, 710 W 22 ..................... 4773 Ryan, Mary, 2218 Rio Grande ............... 8 6 6 3 B raunfels ................ 23431 ............. ............. ...... ... (Clip and file this directory and watch for other installments appearing during this w eek.) to Summer Students T h e U n iv ersity / an n o u n c es d aily: S ch edu le ch an g es; Im p o rta n t In fo rm atio n a b o u t C ourses, I heses, L ec tu res a n d E n te r ta in m e n ts ; S ta te m e n ts of N ew R u les a n d R e g u la tio n s; C om plete n e w s of the E n tire C a m p u s! S tu d e n ts a n d F ac u ity M e m b e rs will find y-y-ew I he I e x a n tru ly yyw - Indispen sab le to th e m T h e U n iv ersity n e w sp a p e r occupies a p a rtic u la rly im p o rta n t p a r t in th e life P a p e rs dues; of ev ery s tu d e n t an d fa cu lty m em ber. A n n o u n c e m e n ts of THE UNIVERSITY NEWSPAPER S c h ed u le ch an g es; im p o rta n t in fo r­ m atio n a b o u t courses, theses, p ap e rs due; a n n o u n c e m e n ts of lectures a n d e n ­ te rta in m e n ts ; s ta te m e n ts of n e w official rules a n d re g u latio n s— all of these things are reco rd ed only in T h e T ex an . Besides, th e re is the co m p lete new s report of every c u rre n t event on th e c a m ­ pus. r n kl ll THE DAILY TEXAN The Daily Texan sr A. Texas Students Publications, Inc, B. Hall * ■’ v - ' r : ;v , , l i t / ' 4 . ■ * /v'l