News Coverage by a Competent Staff of University Students Makes THE DAILY T EXAN the Most Complete Medium for News of Campus Happenings PHONE IT IN . .. N e w s After IO P. M. ________ 9181-fit 9187 Classified Ads ........................ _____ 23164 Display A d s .......................... ............ 23164 Circulation ....... ................... ............23164 , (Eire <3 aihj £ex a n The f irst College Daily in the South 5SR5S The Weather S u n d a y : U n s e t t l e d , c o ld ­ er, p rob a b ly ra in . AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1928. EIGHT PAGES TODAY N o . 7 6 WARFARE LOOMS IN SOUTH AMERICAN STATES OVER DISPUTE VOLUME XXX NICHOLSON AND BENEDICT ON FETE PROGRAM Newman Club Visitors Entertained at Banquet GUESTS AT TEA Dance Held at K. C. Hall Friday Night the The principal speakers at banquet Saturday night at the Driskill H otel in honor o f the vis­ itin g delegates to the convention o f the Newm an Clubs o f the Gulf States were Dr. Ann Nicholson of W ashington, D. Q ., and President H. Y. Benedict o f the U niver­ sity. , y* Dr. Ann Nicholson has been ac­ tiv ely connected w ith the National at Council o f Catholic Women W ashington fo r the past several j l S h e a r s , and is active in educational AA T work, particularly along the w est­ ern coast. Invocation, The program fo r the banquet w as as follow s: the Rev. Joseph Burke, C.S.C., Ph.D., president o f St. Edwards; intro­ ductory, the Rev. Wm. F. Blakes-j lee, chaplain o f the T exas N ew ­ man Club; toastm aster, William M. Ryan, president o f the Texas Newm an Club; chorus, “ Lullaby,” ; “ Our Clock,” N ewm an Hall Glee j Club; “ The T exas Newm an Club,” Theodore W eiss; vocal solo, “ My I H eart at Thy Sw eet V oice” (Saint j sa e n s), Xenia B ell; the alum ni,] J. Austin H unter, president o f t h e ! T exas Newman Club in ’24, Address, Dr. B enedict; was given in honor o f the visitors. The hall was decorated in a pro­ fusion o f rainbow colors. Buda B oyles’ orchestra furnished music fo r the occasion. A novel bal­ loon dance added to the en joy­ m ent o f the a ffa ir. Saturday afternoon a t 4 o ’clock Carlos E. Castaneda, Latin-Am er- ican librarian, conducted a tour through the U niversity grounds. Saturday night at 7 o ’clock at the Driskill H otel, a banquet was given as the clim ax o f the social affairs. A special m ass a t St. A ustin’s chapel at 8:30 o ’clock, follow ed by communion breakfast at the Dris­ kill H otel, concluded the a ctivities of entertainm ent by the local club for the second annual Gulf States Province convention. — o------------- - UDDEN SPEAKS TO GEOLOGY SOCIETY Dr. J. A. U dden, director o f the Bureau o f Econom ic G eology, spoke on “ The Structures F avor­ able for the Accum ulation o f O il” at the regular m eeting o f the Southw estern G eological So­ ciety Friday night at 8 o ’clock in the Main Building. During the business session, a com m ittee waa appointed to plan the program num ber which 'Southwestern G eological Society w ilt give at th e annua! m eeting o f th# Am erican A saoeiatien o f P e­ troleum G eologists, which m eets 19, and in Fort Worth, March Sd, according to R. H. Cuyler, pre side ut p f the society, RUSK WINS IN OF CONTESTS Spain a n d Parsons Bqat Mogford And Kacir SERIES DELAYED Must Finish Schedule Before Holiday S e a s o n Library Books Out For Holidays to Be Checked Dec. 21-22 Books taken out o f the Li­ brary for reading during the holidays must be signed for or renewed ort December 21 or 22, according to an announce­ ment by E. W. Winkler, librar­ ian. ' Mr. Winkler states that un­ less the books are renewed for the holidays the regular fine of five cents be charged for the tim e they are over-due. per day will The Library will remain open from 8 to f> o’clock on all days except Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Y ear’s Day, and the afternoon before New Year’s Day. ROGERS SPEAKS ON P. T. WORK AT T MONDAY t o Lecture Delivered Men and Women Staffs HEALTH DIRECTOR Will Address Kiwanis At Noon Luncheon Monday ESTIMATED WITH ‘FLU’ SATURDAY Hundred Cases Not Listed With Hospitals August O. Spain and Homer L Parsons, representing the Rusk I Literary Society, Saturday night defeated George Kacir and Lin- j V i l l e Mogford of the H ogg De-: bating Club on the question, “ R e-, solved That Parliam entary Form j o f Governm ent Is Superior to the j P residential Form .” and Parsons took the negative side o f the question, while the H ogg rep­ resentatives sought to uphold the Q j - j g resolution as stated. I i ILL ON Spain The debate was held in Rusk hall in the l*aw Building with S. O .*Green, Robert B. Renfro, and George W. Parker, a1! middle law students acting as judges. was picked as the best individual speaker o f the evening. fepain I d The victory Saturday gives the Rusk a record of one J n i g h t l y , late Reports tabulated Satur- indicated that appr0x. im ate,y one hundred and fifty stu influenza. Hos ,igtg included the nam es o f j m ajoring in o r i e n t s and others s u f f e r in g ; Rogers stated j d e n ^,g a r e jy The second o f a series o f tw o talks on health subject will be de­ livered by Jam es E. Rogers, d i­ rector o f the National H ea lth Service o f N ew York, in the Y . M, C. A. auditorium 7 :30 o’clock Monday evening. The talk: will be for the b en efit o f the in ­ struction sta ffs both men and w o­ men o f the U niversity and A ustin High School and will deal w ith physical problems training work. rela tin g a t to Monday a t noon Mr. R ogers will speak to the Austin K iw anis Club at their w eek ly luncheon. He is attem pting to arouse in terest in the passage o f a bill that w ill make teaching o f physical tr a in ­ ing in the schools com pulsory. In his talk Saturday to stu d en ts physical education, fo r that sport sake should be true follow ers o f first talk in room 201 Law Building. A large number o f stu d en ts and fa cu lty members w ere in attendance. niness o f a number o f the d e - i dents rejdde the d ifferen t team s j on learned It wa# from Miss haters th a t concerned has slowed up tho schedule. The George LaRue, clinical nurse Rusk affirm ative team com posedI Scottish Rite Dorm itory, that ap- h ealth , play, athletics, and leisure, o f Ben Davis and Charles U h iris proxim ately f if t y o f the g ir ls at in his talk Saturday. He stressed has been unaOTe to com pete b e -j ^b(} contracted } the fact th at there is not enough “ flu .” Four girls common g ro u n d , or a close med- cause Davis has been on the sick j list the past week. ium o f contact, between the gen- eral faculty and physical educa­ tion sta ffs and advocated a rem ­ edy for this situation. dorm itory had 0 f the at physical Mr. Rogers ed u ca tio n stated also o f the Cercle win anH ° ? e deff‘aL A t*JRn\ f rom the malady are ill a t frater- I sportsmanship** aeum 8l,oakorK haT ? a l ,ean *laUi j nity houses, sororities, and dorm - 1 the goal o f all ‘ ’ so far, having registered victories j ju r ie s. a com plete check could sport. He made his over tho Rusk negative and H ogg affirm ative team s. the ; not bo made o f the private homes s to ­ Hnd boarding houseH where The rules o f the w ere confined the Scottish to intersociety Rite Infirm ary, and m any others debates require that the contests had been given treatm ent for s e ­ o f the second round be held be­ vere colds and w ere confined to the tween December 15 and 18. T h e . tfce jr r00ms. Those girls in com plete program for the week is j hospital were: Jenetta Grantham, as follow s: Speakers affirm ative Frances Greenwood, Opal F red­ versus Athenaeum negative^ Mon­ erick, and Anna Powell. the day night, Decem ber 17, in H o s p it a l L ist Athenaeum Hall, Law Building; The follow ing students are re­ Speakers negative versus A then­ ported ill at Seton Infirm ary: aeum affirm ative Tuesday night, Max Bowden, M attie Cocke, Na- Decem ber 18, at the Texas Bible than Sacks, Gladys Ulland, Hu- Chair; Rusk affirm ative versus bert Lee, A. B. Rich, W. L. Boy- H ogg negative Tuesday night, D e -j **tt, Fred A lexander, Carl Joek- cem her 18, m eeting place to be I usch, Gene Ross, W arner McNair, Dudley W ysong, W'illiam Thomas, announced. team having the highest j Chris Iefler, R. G. Durham, Ray- standing at the end o f the se r ie s ! mo^id Strong, J. C. Mayo, R. G. will receive the Wroe cup, an- Burst, Jimmie Lanham, A nthony nual award to the winner o f the Glover, Charles Frederick, Phoebe j Thompson, C hester Farrow, W il- contests. The instructors The demand fo r physical edu­ th e cation supply, continued Mr. Rogers, m entioning the fa ct that 35 sta te s have laws m aking physical tra in ­ ing com pulsory in the schools. exceeds OTHER WISE MAN­ TO BE DRAMATIZED A dram atization o f “The O ther Wise Man,” by Henry Van D yke, will be presented at the U niversity Presbyterian Church this Sunday night at 7:36 o ’clock in the p lace o f the regular evening service. A t the morning service, the Rev. Mr. Wharton w ill take as the subject of his serm on “ The Three W ise Men.” are: Dr. Aaron DR. BATETE TALKS o_________ j Ham Ham ilton, H arry B lackwell, o-~~— Julian Shapiro. Students at the St. David’s hos- AT BIBLE CHAIR; pital are: Marjorie V ogan, Mari Dr. W. J. B attle, professor of will languages, STUDENTS CONDUCT FRUIT CAKE SALE classical Sunday night at 6:30 o ’clock on “ M onum ents to Christ” a t the W esley Bible Chair in a special Christm as service -for U niversity The Home E conom ies Club will students. The lecture will be ii* lustrated with lantern slides. The service is under the auspices o f the Epworth League. Mr. Van D yke also wrote the Morrow, Margaret Bowling, P olly dramatic version o f the story, and ! Barr, G. C. K eyser, E. B. Camp, his permission Las been secured to “ The Other W ise I Mac Collins, F ay Gilbreath, J. E. I produce it. r n John cede the lecture. Stapleton, E velyn (Turn to page 6, Col. 4) A brief social m eeting will pre­ DEAN HILDEBRAND Green, Lavoy Lloyd, M. V. Brad- Man” is in four acts. shaw, The follow in g is a list o f char- Nauih, George Carlson, E lw yn Mi* j actors: Artaban, the other w ise man, Edwin D avis; Abargus, high lam. A list has been compiled o f the priest o f the M agii, Francis C of- fin; Persian nobles, D e w itt Red­ dick, John Anderson McCurdy, and Khodin Marion McCurdy, Chase; a sick man, J. C. M elcher; a m essenger, Lynn B row n; the centurion, Chauncey A crey; a w o ­ man of B ethlehem , E vangeline Chatmas; a peasant, Lee D aven ­ port; a captive maid, Ruth Junk- in; soldiers o f the Roman govern­ ment, W ilber Seeders, Charles Kish, and Jam es H unley; the Lee tor (also th e V oice) Dr. W har­ ton. Dean I. P. Hildebrand will at­ tend a convention o f the Associa- , D A C T D A M C C M C tT T tion o f Am erican Law Schools f*hi* stem Df*f»f»m- in in Chicago Decern I ber 27, 28 and 29. The execu- including Dean Club scheduled fo r Saturday was I Hildebrand and three other mem- postponed until after the holidays, j hers o f the U niversity faculty, is being assisted by according to Dr. J. O, M arberry} Judge P. W, Stayton, Professor o f the director o f extension teach* j Bryant Smith and George Stum - j Mrs. C. C. A rrow cod; the costum es ° ^ k 2 1 P y Marion ing bureau. TO GO TO LAW MEET The m eeting o f the Graduate j tive com m ittee GRADUATE CLUB berg will m eet Decem ber 26, m a flli! which m eets The cast ' * La A L D ---------- |V lt# ll< I a an 3 in At the m eeting a fter Christmas, day before the convention proper. and ^ Ts" Sims; Dr. Marberry w ill speak on ‘‘Ex- Judge Stayton will speak on civil Louting and sta g e ^arrangements tension Teaching as Viewed by procedure, as a part o f the p r o - iare. ln ®aid Toepper- * e l"> asslBted b>’ In>» Jo * » " * th . S tudent.” bault and M ary Bolling, I Brim for the first night . ar* e •: CONTENTS OF RARE PAPERS PRESERVED BY PHOTOSTAT P resident Hernando Siles of is Bolivia who said, necessary, we all will g o / ’ “ If war The trouble area between Bo­ livia and Paraguay. The shad­ ed portion is that claimed by Bolivia, the black lines being the usually recognized borders of the countries. Elias Ayala, Paraguayan min­ ister, was handed his passport by the Bolivian governm ent. Dean Moore Suggests Change in Dance Hours A cting upon a suggestion sigrfed by various house-m others and owners o f boarding houses for women students, and upon personal convictions, V. I. Moore, dean o f men, proposes to suggest to the social calendar com m ittee a resolution that article 121 o f the handbook o f the Students’ A ssociation be so altered that U niversity dances be set + at n tim e to end at an earlier PRIZE OFFERED TO AUTHOR OF SHORT STORY hour. “ The proposa1 will sta te that Saturday night dances will he from 8 to l l o ’clock rather than from 9 to 12, and organization dances on Friday nights from 8 to 12 o ’clock rather than from 9 to t ,” said Dean Moore. to attem pt In the event that There is, however, no intention j on the part o f any authority or facu lty member to force such action, which is m erely a m atter o f personal suggestion based on the petition of the house the m others. should social calendar com m ittee adopt such a resolution, it then would have to be referred to the S tu d en ts’ Assem bly for adoption. “ The only proper way to cope with social a ffa irs, as* well as others, is to refer the m atter in question to the proper authority, which is the Students’ Assem bly through the social calendar com ­ m ittee,” Dean Moore stated. Grade Books Due Before Christmas; One-third Missing A pproxim ately two-thirds of in the students have their grade books, according to a statem ent from the regis­ trar’s o ffic e . turned Grade bonks m ust be turned in at the registrar’s o ffice be­ fore the Christmas holidays in order that grades for the first sem ester may be entered in them. No grades will bd given out at the registrar’s o ffic e to students until all grade hooks have been distributed. 22 SPEAK ERS FOR FIRESIDE FORUM LISTED .---------- FRENCH CLUB TO HOLD MEET DECEMBER 17 Dr. Schaffer to Speak On Summer Trip In France _______ The first m eeting ancaise will be held Monday Fr December 17, at 8 o ’clock at the U niversity Club on San Antonio Street. ( o f Romance Dr. Aaron S ch a ffer, professor languages, w ill give a talk on his trip through France last summer. language language. is French It is planned to have m onthly m eetings o f the Cercle Franca;?.* with addresses by people whose native and who have made a long study of The purpose of the is to gather all those French and a w aft- opportunity to i • All trios'1 who desire I ***!?» !!?ench\ I the club for in French spoken and .to speak t v , * to hear it Meetings Continued who ar? j*H‘re£ted literature the ; life and i xious I* J . / I J A rte r I l O ll G c t y Season —— Fireside Forum talks w ll be j them selves are extended an invi- to the m eetings o f a fter the holidays, ac- tation The reasons for the* suggestion eontinued stated by the house m others are cording to M. D. Woodbury, as- club. that dances which now end at 12 sistant secretary of the Y, M. C, three and I o ’clclck disrupt harmony A. T w enty-tw o speakers are on . m eetings are: P rofessor George am ong the stu d en ts both before tbe program for the week o f De- j Engerrand, associate professor of and a fte r the dances. The mi­ P rofessor Marcel nority o f students that attend the the Romance Moraud, affairs can hardly accom plish any language departm ent at Rice in study before the dances, and tend of to disturb the m ajority who do at F oster’s boarding} the B ureau o f Business Research not go. Sleep is interfered w ith the returning by dances, and this tends to inter­ fere w ith studies on the fo llo w ­ ing days. the Theta Xi house and Dr. H, Y. j stitutc, and C. J, G ro sm a n , Benedict house. camber 17 to 22. The program anthropology; follow s: Officers pf the cluh year M onday: Dr. W. T. Mather at o f the U niversity. for the next Speakers head o f those from for the the j present S ch affer, president; Mrs. M. I.ud-i wig, vice president; Mrs. Walter Fisher, secretary; and Miss Kath­ erine Of lite , treasurer. Tuesday: Dr. L. L. Click at the Sigm a Alpha Epsilon house, Dr. L. W. Payne at the Chi Phi house, Dean T. U. Taylor at the Beta Theta Pi house, Dr. J. B. Wharey at the Phi Delta Theta house, Dr. W. A. F elsin g a t the Omega Beta Pi house, and the Rev. Lawrence Wharton at McDonald's boarding house. Dean Moore’s reasons include those stated by the house m others, and, in addition, “ the detrim ent incurred on the students by the ow l’ loss o f sleep, and in habit that is alw ays present college life, arid the d iffic u lty in securing chaperons.” 'night -“ It is really a good plan to in- H. T. Parlin at W ednesday: Coach Fred W alker at the Tau D elta Pi house, Dean the Pi Kappa stitu te the daylight-saving plan Alpha house, Dr. R. II, M ontgom- on Fridays and Saturdays here,” j ery at the Alpha Rho Chi house, * D. C. Reddick at H uellet’s board- Dean Moore said. this hold a week, according to Miss Jennie W ilmot, p rofessor o f home eco ­ half nomics. The cakes are in ing house, Ellwood Griscorn a t j pound, pound, and one and one- H cssey’s boarding house, Dr. C. P. j half pound sizes, The cakes may in room 2 o f the Patterson at M ergcle’s boarding i he purchased fruit cake sale all HEL.D DECEMBER 23 house, Dr. D. A. Peniek at the home econom ics building. Little Campus, Dean T. HL Shelby at the Y. M, C. A. dormitory, and Dr. O. R. Chambers at C opeland’s boarding house. Thursday: Coach Clyde L ittle­ field at the Lambda Chi Alpha house, Dean V. I. Moore at the Sigma Nu house, and A m o No- the Sigm a Alpha M oi wotny at house. is The Home Econom ics Cluh raising money in the sale for the $300 scholarship that the club o f­ fers to som e girl in the home eco­ nomics departm ent. During the Thanksgiving season, club sold fruit cakes, arm bands, and chrysanthem um s. the A candy sale next W ednesday, Thursday, and Friday in the Main by EXTENSION DEAN AT SCHOOL DEDICATION CHRISTMAS VESPERS P rofessor T. H. Shelby, dean o f the Division pf E xtension, is in Goose Creek attending the de­ Christmas Vespers will be held dicatory exercises o f new Goose Creek High School, which j at the U niversity B aptist Church at 6:30 Sunday, Decem ber 23, has been erected under the su­ o’clock. Christmas songs w ill be pervision of the- survey com m it­ sung. tee o f which P rofessor Shelby is in charge, Professor Shelby will be on the program. Christmas Day com m union ser­ v ice will be held at the church. the y (b) to A contest for Journal Writers* Make $50 Award Monthly vocal solo, (a) “ Rain,” “ Icicle,” Mrs. J, E. Callahan; “ Civic R e­ o f C ollege Grad­ sponsibilities u a tes,” Miss An N icholson, Ph.D., field representative o f the N a­ tional Council o f Catholic W om ­ en; chorus, “ The E y es o f T exas,” Newm an Hall Glee Club; benedic- j clipping is being sponsored tion, the Rev. Wm. J. Cartwright, I “ The W riter,” a trade journal C .S.P., pastor o f Chapel. short story based on a brief newspaper by for St. A ustin’s w riters. The story is to be based a V isiting d elegates to the con- “ p lo t-b o ile r ” which is a newspa- vention o f the G ulf States P r o v -; per paragraph o fferin g an idea ince o f Newm an Clubs, which is for a short story. being held in A ustin through to day and which opened Thursday, were welcom ed to A ustin by an inform al' reception in both N ew - ^ j|ta n Hall and the Newm an Club ^ r o o m s Thursday. A prize of $50 is to be given for the best story subm itted each during February, March, month and April, 1929, j on w hat the m agazine term s the best Business sessions w ere held Friday and Saturday m ornings from 9 to 12 o ’clock, and on Fri­ day and afternoons from 2 until 4 o ’clock. Friday afternoon the visiting Saturday R ules for the con test are as follow s: S elect som e brief newspa­ per clipping which seem s to con­ tain possibilities for a short story, and work it out in 1,200 to 2,000 words. Pin the original newspa­ per clipping, containing name and date o f newspaper, to the story M anuscripts received delegates were g u ests o f honor a t The author's full name, address, a tea given at the Country Club. : and occupation should accompany Ladies o f the A uxiliary, o fficers the typew ritten m anuscript. o f the province and o fficers o f the local club com posed the receiv­ ing line. A pproxim ately tw o hun­ dred gu ests called during the a f­ ternoon. before, the fifth o f each m onth will be the considered follo w in g issue:; i. e., manuscripts received before January 5 w ill be considered for the February issue. n fr id a y from 9 to 42 o ’clock j Send m anuscripts to the contest editor, “ The W riter,” 311 College H ouse, Harvard Square, Cam bridge, M assachusetts. An inform al dance at K. C. Hall inclusion in fa r A Cactus Beauties on Friday: Dr. E. R. Sims at the building is being sponsored [ Acacia house and Block Smith a t j j the Sigma Eta Chi house. club. * — —■----- —o-------------- Screen at Majestic -------------- o-------------- SUMAN TO TALK M R S _ p o R D p R E S | D E S AT VESPERS SERVICE TO ENGINEERS C actus beauties m ay now see them selves glide across the silver screen at the M ajestic theater. The news reel pictures were taken by Pat he and were purchased from this com pany by the m anagem ent o f the M ajestic theater. This th e­ on ly Para­ ater usually show s m ount N ew s but arranged the special purchase from Pattie, o f six ..scenes w hich are being released nationally by Pattie, T he picture co n sists T he beauty candidates were film ed before the L ittlefield Dor­ m itory and on the grounds o f the old 'Perry estate. C. O. Lee was the photographer. He divided the into three groups, blondes, girls brunettes, and red heads. A lit­ tle com edy is injected when one o f the girls stubs her toe in lit­ tle girl fashion. the O nly 50 o f the 63 candidates are shown in the picture. The pictures* according to those who have seen them , are exceptionally clear, and is good. beauties o f seem inclined to a ct Just a bit ‘%tage shy” before the pryin g eye o f the cam era, m id th e Path# pho­ tographer. The picture is to run through Tuesday, December IS­ background Some the ----------- John Human o f Mrs. Kent F old, form erly Ber- the Humble nice Green, president o f Y. W. C. Oil and G as Company, author o f ; A. in 1 9 2 6 , will preside at Ves- a text-book, “ Petroleum Produc- pers and at the devotional period, tion M ethods,” will speak to the Monday afternoon in *the girls’ students o f petroleum engineering] study ball. Monday at 5 o’clock, according: to P rofessor Elias Sella rd* who given ix sponsoring the m eeting. Mr. Human will talk on phase o f th e practical work petroleum production. program will be corn­ ] posed o f H. Dybwad, cello , Carl som e 5 Edward Bock, viola; Maymie and Joe Mays, violin, will o ffe r several selec- in I M ltohell, violin, A string quartet a musical The m eetin g will be held in tions. Carl Edward Bock, E ngineering Building, room %Ql. j com panied by W alter K laem er, AU stu d en ts taking petroleum I w ill give a violin solo. Tile vested to at-1 choir w ill render several Christ- en gineering are expected ten.d, it was announced, I ma# songs. Making possible the acquisition o f m any m anuscripts, docum ents, letters and books whose rarity causes them to be hoarded by their original owners, and the preserva­ tion of many torn and fra g ile pa­ in pers, the photostat m achine the library of the U niversity is o f invaluable aid to the library sta ff, according to E. W , W inkW , librarian. With the photostat, ex- a c - 1 a ct copies can be made o f papers which cannot be secured by d ie li­ brary as perm anent property. The photostat was purchased by the library about lo u r years ago and it is in alm ost constant use. It is operated in the basem ent of the library building by Edwin Crowell o f Cameron, U niversity sophomore. The m achine resem ­ bles a huge cam era • both in ap­ pearance and in its operation. It photographs the ob ject placed b e­ neath the le n s in much th e rom e way in which a cam era photo­ graphs. but the fir st print m ade from the original appears in w hite on black, and a second exposure is necessary to secure the positive copy in black on w hite, I i i I "it, ' A brief m usical service consist­ ing o f Christm as carols sung by the congregation w in precede Min presentation o f th e drama. Fred * “A Christmas Chi w ill H ym n.” A n o ffe r in g w ill be tab* en and th e m oney used to bay Christmas g ifts fo r the poor. sin g GIRLS’ GLEE a i WILL SING Beginning IT,'the Gtmi Chri o f the Gridiron Captains for * RATTLER CLASH A LO N G W A I T R E W A R D E D STEERS RESi Walker S en d sm a fO R K j1 f tr o u g h Paces GOES ON WITH COACH ABSENT I IU Walker gave them one o f Y esterd ay was n o t a d ay of r e s t fo r the S te e r e t jeer*. In sp ite ! o f th e ir gam e F rid a y n ig h t, Coach the hardest workout* th a t they, have g|l had this year. After a preltrai-' a lim b erin g -u p exercise, s ti f f « r image w as on hand fo r ■ tho regulars, with three and fo u r t e a m getting' fra y , against o f i i , Brock, Camp, Bose, L ooney an d I the composed - nary a team into sr# HI; Wray. JU Everybody seemed stale, and I I I w orking, ■ w e re n ’t h ittin g th e b a sk et aa o fte n I I as a w inning te a m should be able to do, but th e ir d efen se w as still j scrim m aging th e g e ttin g and te a m s had a h a rd tim e th ro u g h to take shots at th e bas- 1 in j b e t . The team s w ere slow th e y j g e ttin g sta rte d , b u t once g o t “ h o t,” p len ty fa st an d rough. the scrim m ag es g o t IU % W alker was well pleased w ith th e showing whic h his m en m ade in th e ir gam e F rid a y n ig h t and w as sp ecu latin g on w h at th e out- j com e m ight have been h ad he le ft 'till th e flu - his sta rtin g five the iah, o r had ju s t a lte r n a te I fiv e th a t sta rte d w ith th e second j fiv e th a t got in to th e a f f a ir . T he e n tire squad p a rtic ip a te d in th e fo r th e p u rp o se of gom e, m ore seein g how th e d e fe n se o f th e new men w ould sta n d up u n d e r in JU ■ ftji saj, j|- • JU S t n **re*W ith a. week m ore o f w ork be f o r e th e holidays s ta r t, and ■ i * w eek s o f w ork > tw o ! a f te r school re-1 th e convenes in J a n u a r y b e fo re f ir s t co n feren ce tilt, W alk er will hav e p len ty o f tim e to whip his j m en fo r th e o p en er w ith B aylor in Waco J a n u a r y 12. T h e first c o n fe re n ce fo r A u stin will be w ith S. M. U. Ja n - wary 19. into shape gam e i f * WU 75 Men G et Togs; 200 Expected for Spring W ork W ith H ead T rack C o ach C lyde L ittle fie ld o u t o f to w n on a duck h u n t, th e early b irds o f th e 1920 S te e r tra c k team h av e b een going e x e r­ th ro u g h lig h t lim b erin g -u p cise® e v e ry a fte rn o o n on th e S ta ­ dium this track . W ork s ta r te d w eek arid L ittle field issu ed eq u ip ­ m e n t to 75 men a t t h a t tim e, an d m o re have been r e p o rtin g daily. I t is ex pected th a t a t least 200 will be o u t fo r th e tra c k r e g u la r w ork next spring. T his sp rin g will see T e x a s u n ­ d e r th e tu to rsh ip o f Coach Lit­ tle fie ld and the le a d e rsh ip o f C ap­ ta in I /co Baldw in fig h tin g to r e ­ c a p tu re th e tra c k cham pionship, an from h o n o r which wag sn a tc h e d th e ir g rasp a g r e a t Rice team . P ro sp ect? rig h t now a re f a ir to m edium , w ith th e ou tlo o k in to m e event* e x c e e d in g ­ in ly b rig h t, and o th e rs being ra th e r dim . th e p rospect* season la st by T h e outcom e of th e y q ar will ! d epend on th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f th e tho men who will com e u p fro m fro sh squad, and squadm en who have not been a b le to hit th e ir I strid e in y ears past. old T he work b efo re th e C hristm ** ho lid ay s has been an d will con- ; tin u e to he very light. Real tra c k w ork will s ta r t a f t­ e r th e holidays an d g e t h a rd e r un- 1 til th e op en in g a f th e tra c k sea- I son in th e so u th w ith th e T ex as R elay*, a n d c o n tin u in g on to th e I c o n fe re n c e m eet. B etw een the reco n v en in g .1, an d o f! classes J a n u a ry th e f ir s t] c o n feren ce gam e J a n u a r y 12, ii Isl p robable th a t a n o n * in f e r e n c e gam e with Some o f th e stro n g e r te a m s from tile o th e r c o n fe re n c e s j in T ex as will be billed. W alk er would to sch ed u le a gam e th e stro n g B e n to n N orm al I w ith q u in t, The D enton Eaglet? have I w hipped B aylor a n d S. ML ll. this y e a r, and th e T e x a s m e n to r feels! th a t a gam e w ith th e B e n to n boys his w ould be a good th in g f o r club, a t an y ra te it would accu s­ tom them to to u g h opposition. like W a lk e r ha* in tim a te d t h a t he w ill n o t cu t his sq u ad th is y ear, b u t w ill re ta in th e p re s e n t n u m ­ b e r unless th e y d ro p o u t o f th e ir own accord. W a lk e r h as m ade a h a b it o f n e v e r c u ttin g his sq u a d s a n d fo r th is re a so n a la rg e n um ­ b e r o f ex p erien ced s q u a d r o n a re back ev ery y e a r fo r his team . S p ecial to T h# D ully T e x a n t h e y sw am ped th e F A Y E T T E V IL L E , A rk., Bec. 15 - T h e A rk a n sa s P o rk e rs m ade ■ a d e a n sw eep of t h r i r tw o-gam e s e rie s w ith th e O klahom a T e a c h e rs when visitor* to n ig h t 54-28. A t in la st n ig h t’; b a ttle , th e oui com e o f th e gam e was n ev er in d oubt, a n d th e Rais­ in back* had th in g s th e ir own way from th e s ta rt. H a v in g th e ad-1 v a n ta g e and e x p erien ce, th e locals lite ra lly ra n a w a y w ith the te a c h e rs. in h e ig h t, w eight H ugh Roy B row n, a fo rm e r s tu ­ d e n t o f th e U n iv ersity , who rn now a tte n d in g th e U n iv e rsity o f M is­ so u ri, th e A lpha D elta Pi house. is v isitin g a t I o w a SO M E / N f C A P T A I N ’ T H A T GUY CAGLE. W IL L . M A K E H L S A* k . W H O L E T E A M V 1 SY HIMSELF- t i t s> A L R t A O V / - I a r m y S t o c k t£ A j.u /t^ > ‘M Y T H I C A L E L E V E N ’ GOES INTO A C T I O N D E C E M B E R 29 a S p ecial lo T h e D aily T e x a n to see FO R T W ORTH, Dee. 15.— P o o lh all fan s who jo u rn e y to F or* the W orth D ecem ber 29 team lilt b etw een com posed of m em bers th e S o u th w e ste rn C o n feren ce a n d the team m ade up o f sta in fro m the and T .I.A .A ., T exas C o n fe re n c e , sec­ in d e p e n d e n t schools o f th e all s t a r th e o f tio n , w ill h a v '1 an o p p o rtu n ity to see a “ m y th ic a l” elevon perform * A lm ost all o f th e S o u th w e ste rn o u r s w ere selected for a ll-e o n fe r- < iv e p o sitio n s, five of them b e ­ ing c a p ta in s o f te a m s d u rin g th e p ast seaso n . S am m y R eed, v e te ra n S. M. U, sig ­ F a n s w ill g e t an o p p o rtu n - q u a r te r , will p ro b a b ly b a rk nal?. tty to see ju s t w hy sp o rt w r ite rs picked R u fu s K ing, C h a rito n F in ­ cher, T om m y H ughes, Ross Love, Ile rse h el B u rg ess, an d M erlin T o­ 1 ler fo r a ll-c o n fe ren c e honors. From our Select Stock of T ies— Socks— Belts— Handkerchiefs— Shirts- Silk Robes——P a ja m a s — and other gifts or N u n n -B u ih atinkle Fashioned Oxfords A Rainbow 'Round His Shoulders I'HAT popular son* a p t l y describes th ese new m u fflers— m ig h ty fine fo r g ifts :>r fo r your own w ear. G loriously ric h tones w orked into c le v e r p a t t e r n arran g e* rn tii is. Tie and M uffler Sets A Gift of Gloves Glove.* a re a h an d y g ift— esp e c ially the*** of w ash ­ a b le kid in light ta n or dark brown. Lounging Robes it & profusion of p a tte r n s and co lo rs $10.00 and better SUITS and OVERCOATS From O ur Big Clearance Event Including Our Famous Kuppenheimer Clothes Such Gifts W i l l Be Really Appreciated .............. .I........ $ . * ................$ $65.00 Suits or Overcoats $60.00 Suits or Overcoats ....... $57.50 Suits $55.00 Suits $50.00 Suits $47.50 Suits $45.00 Suits $42.50 Suits $40.00 Suits $37.50 Suits $35.00 Suits $30.00 Suits $27.54) Suits $25.00 Suits or Overcoats or Overcoats ................. ........ or Overcoats ...... or Overcoats ...... ............. or Overcoats or Overcoats ............. or Overcoats ......A......... or Overcoats or Overcoats or Overcoats or Overcoats .... or Overcoats ...... ..... ............. $ | ........................3 3 $ ..... .............. ................. $ ....................... $ ...$ Many of These Suits Have Two Pairs Trousers 619 Congress Ave., Austin JjgrjA-' AY ■ House of Kuppenheimer Good Clothes) SUNDAY, DECEMBER IS, 19: B A S K E T B A L L N E X T Eagles M e e t Port A rthur In League Finals P o r t A rth u r vs. A bilene E agle#! th e sh o u tin g I t ’s all o v e r b u t a n d w eeping. O n e m ore gam e, and th e T ex as .State In te rsc h o la s­ tic L eag u e fo o tb a ll ra c e will he e n d e d f o r th e y e a r 1928. L a st S e p te m b e r som e 200 high schools s ta r te d the fig h t f o r th e title and W arn w as fav o red hut C o rsic a n a w h i p p e d th em , an d th e n C le b u rn e dow ned C orsican a. A bi­ len e th en gave C le b u rn e a good lick in g to get in to th e finals. to w in. and th e g u lf W rdle A bilene w as w hipping e v e ry th in g in n o rth and w est T e x ­ as, Port; A rth u r w as h a v in g a big in tim e down on c e n tra ! T exas. T h ro u g h f o r f e it­ u re , lin k , inelig ib ility a n d h a rd th e r e s t of th e te a m s dow n th e re w ere elim in a te d , an d P o r t Ar­ th u r bested M i'in A v en u e o f San A n to n io in a co in flip p in g m an h, a n d th e n g o t th e b e st o f M arshall th e in a 0-0 tie by p e n e tra tin g la r ­ th e M avericks’ 2 0 -y a rd lin e g e s t n um ber o f tim es. The tw o te a m s m e e t th is w eek ­ end. A bilene is picked to w in, a n d th ey should. T h ey have the arni hest record, th e b e s t te a m , sh o u ld give th e g u lf c o ast boys a n e a t w alloping. T he outcom e m ay b e a b it d if f e r e n t, if th e P o rt A rth u r lack la sts to n g enough. Give Him Something Wearable TIES GLOVES SH IRTS SOCKS SCARFS -are so certain of genuine acceptance I/L N O W IN G th a t he likes w e a ra b le g ifts, you o u g h t to p re s e n t him w ith sev eral a rtic le s fro m th is sto re th a t he w ould a p p re c ia te . And, too, he can n e v e r have to o m any u se fu l g ifts. I ake a d v a n ta g e o f y o u r last few d a y s in A u stin , and do y o u r C h ristm a s chopping. You w ill fin d th e selectio n s and prices to y o u r a d v a n ta g e , especially a t— I LIG H TER W e h a v e t h e m f r o m 50c on up P h o n e 3 0 9 0 G u a d alu p e W hat Could Be Better Than Perfume For Her? Look over our selections from these famous perfum ers Coly Houbigant Giro Gueriain, M. Lentherie Hudnut Melba Roger & Callet Caron Woodworth Palmer Cheramy A beautiful line of vanities by the above artists. TO M AKE HIM H A P PY : A m ity Leather Goods, Bill Fold Sets, Sm okers’ Supplies, C igarette Lighters, M ilitary Brushes, Toilet Sets. P. W. McFadden & Co SUNDAY. DECEMBER IG, 1928. T H E D A I L Y T E X A N ________________ - PAGE 3 3 TEXAS GRID STARS ON ALL-WEST ELEVEN SPORT TALK tor in English, is completing a I Mr. Conklin will take the mod- model of the old ti lobe theater in I 4 to the meeting of the Modern Shakespearean Language Association bf America which the early which meet-i in Toronto, Canada, <, 28, 29, where he I to ember will use it in leading his paper, ‘‘The ‘ Heavens’ of the Globe -- Notes and a Model.” The model is a complete replica of the orig­ Lillian Augspurger of Tuleta, who received her bachelor of arts degree in 1927, visited in Austin Wednes­ day and Thursday. plays were given. The model is made in such a way that it may be folded into flat parts, so that it may he packed away without inal, and a variety of materials have been used in its construct ion. Mr. and Mrs. Turk art- visiting a their daughter, Sarah, who is member of Alpha De»ta FL OLD GLOBE T HEATER Henry Ernest Conklin, inst rue- breaking, CONKLIN MODELS the University from Petty, Walker And Cowan Are Men Named * — J Three Texas grid s acs will par­ ticipate in the annual East-West star chanty game to be played in San Francisco December ii), lied Petty, live Texas Aggie M great all- southwestern end. Handsome Ran some Walker, Texas Tee Ii qua<*- t< I hack, and Cowen cf Sui Ross, also a quarterback, haw art - pied invitations to play in tic c • ask. Po , y was a u nam mop.; choice of critics this ye..r for ail-confcrence honors and was gi ven honorable for all-American hor*.!. mention eastern newspaper* by several His C o n s is t e n t p ay has beer, tnt talk of the c o n f e r e n c e for toe pas' to two years and he is carry on the good work of Mann, Matthews, Hunt, in last year’s game. certain Sike^ a nd three Walker has for the last years been the ‘‘big gun” iii ti e Texas Tech attack. He* is rated as one of the greatest backs in the* southwest and his spectacular runs have sent many a thrill up the spines of grid fans of the state. He is big and fast and will prob­ ably give the Pacific coast fans. a few things to talk about before the game is over. Cowan, the mainstay of the Sui Ross Loboes for three seasons, has failed to score in only one of hb club’s gimmes this year. Like Wal­ ker, he is big and fast and can plunge a line with terrific driving power. Redman H u m e , Southern Metis odist’s great back, was invited to show his wares to the fans of the far west but declined, fearing in­ juries that might keep him out of professional baseball. Bevo Hea­ vers, 4 r^an8ilS fullback, also re­ fused an invitation in order that he might play with the southwest­ ern all-stars against a similar a g ­ gregation from the Big Six in Dallas January I. fa r The men picked so are: end:, Petty, Texas A. & M.; Cruickfhank, Olympic Club; Bo ren, Southern California; Ford, Olympic Club. Tackles, Scllman, St. Mary's; Stanford; Tobin, Dressel, Washington State; C ar­ man, Utah. Guards, Robes ky Stanford; Diehl, Idaho; Farwick, West Coast Army. Centers, Gran- nuei, Santa Clara; Vickers, Colo­ rado A ggies; quarterbacks, Walk­ er, Texas Tech; Cowan, Sui Rosa; halfbacks, Simms, Stanford; Spei- cber, West Coast Army; Marcus. California; Horarv Washington State; fullbacks, Hoffman, S tan ­ ford; Allen, Olympic Club. While Downtown 5q uads Announced bv Coaches for Big Charity G am e ipn-iai to Th* Daily Tin,in to completion DALLAS, Dec. 15.— P!an< are for ring pushed he football game here New Year’s hay between an all-.-:at* n a m 'rom tin Big Six Conference* and he Southwestern Conference. Al! arrangements have been complet­ ed, aud th?* squads of both teams announced. Coach Being will ar­ nee in Dallas December 26 with his team and will go through sev- •ral workouts on Ownbv Oval where the game will be played. The all-star club the from Southwestern Conference will come to Dallas from Fort Worth, where it plays December 29. The Club in Fort Worth will have 19 men oh it, while the club playing In Dallas will carry six more, or t total of 25 men. Delay Action On Seating 11 Problem at Gym Nothing ek e has been done in regards to the seating situation of the Silents’ gymnasium, and noth­ ing will be done until the gymna­ sium tho is completed, and all bleachers have been placed along rhe south *ide of the structure, a< cording to Dr. K. J. EU linger, director of athletics, Tho offic­ ial attendance at Friday night’s a crowd which ^atnc was 260, Tragically filled the incompleted bleacher seats. A plan of dividing the holders season if blanket taxes, faculty tit hots and business men’s tickets into st von equal groups, and each group to see one game is being considered by the athletic offic­ ials and a definite settlement of this situation may be expected within the next week or ten days. All non-conference games will lie worked on the basis of '‘first come, first served,” while a spe­ cial plan will be used for the con- fel f nee affairs. CATCH A DRINK Y o u D o n ’ t W a i t on U s ANNUAL CHRISTMAS WAFFLE WEEK Let's Celebrat WHAT SANTA CLAUS SAID AFTER EATING A WHOLE WHEAT W AFFLE P. h.’s ti if hi . . . the Whole Wheat Waffle is the ''truffle of health aud happiness” which is after ult, more'a part of th< (It cist matt Spirt! 'hun pence and prosperity. S E E I F Y O U A C R E E W I T H S A N T A K. Sandwich Shops, Inc O PPOSITE T H E UNIVERSITY O PPOSITE THE HANCOCK .Tor health and happiness . . for sheer delight on Christmas Day and a thousand days to come . . The Silver A nniversa ry BUICK With Mas ter piece Bodies By Fisher COVERT AUTO COMPANY c 3 2 1 W e s t 6th S t r e e t A u s t i n , T e x a s T e l e p h r n e 6 8 3 4 When Better Automobiles Are Built Buick Will Build Them By B O B C A N T R E L L Texan Sp o rts Editor The opener Friday night be-' and Rattlers j tween the Steers gave every member of both aouads a chance to break into the line-up and at the same time gave the score-keepers a few things to think about. When 25 men get in any game, we don’t care what kind it is, the keeping up w ith I the substitutes is a bigger job than keeping up with the play, j Walker has of j material, and he will use all the ! men he can in every game, some­ thing which doesn’t speak of an | easy time for the scorers. abundance an H o lly B r o c k a p p e a r * to be m a k i n g a n i d e a l c a p t a i n . T h e S t e e r f o r w a r d t a k e s an i n t e r e s t in e v e r y m e n on th e s q u a d , a n d l a t e l y h a s b e e n t a k i n g tim e to sh ow t h e b e g i n n e r s th e e r r o r o f t h e ir w a y s , a n d h e lp t h e m r e m ­ ed y t h e ir f a u l t s . A c t s like this on th e p a r t o f H o lly m a k e s him b e t t e r lik e d by e v e r y m e m b e r o f the s q u a d , s o m e t h i n g w hich g o e s t o w a r d s r e t a i n i n g a t e a m w o r k a n d c o - o p e r a - g o o d a n d a t io n b e t w e e n t h e s q u a d c o a c h i n g D i s s e n s i o n a m o n g th e m e m b e r s o f a s q u a d so o n e r o r l a t e r a f f e c t s th e r e l a ­ tio n s b e t w e e n th e s q u a d a n d th e co a c h . lo n g w a y s t a f f . Tile fact that Coach Walker dotsn’t cut bis squad has given him one of the biggest squads this year in the history of Texas basketball. Practically all of this year’s group were members oi last year’s squad. Walker says that you can never tell when a sub will turn into the best court star around. He has several men on the squad that will corno around and make great basketball stars, and it is men like this that make the cage teams of next year, and the next. the T h e s h o w i n g o f P i n t W e b b in F r i d a y n i g h t ’s c l a s h c a m e a s a s u r p r i s e f o l ­ to m a n y o f l o w e r s o f t h e c o u r t g a m e . W e b b s t a r t e d o u t l a s t y e a r , b u t d r o p ­ the w o r k a f t e r g o i n g o u t p e d f o r s o m e t im e , b u t th is y e a r he s t a r t e d o u t a g a i n , a n d it look s lik e s o m e b o d y will h a v e to g e t u p a n d s t e p to k e e p th e little m a n f r o m r o b b i n g t h e m o f t h e ir p la c e . f e llo w n iv s s lit t le his b e s t in e v e r y t h i n g t h a t he a t t e m p t s . T h e Well, Port Arthur and Abilene will meet for the state Interscho­ lastic League football title the last part o f next week. Abilene outscored her opponents, while Port Arthur outflipped one Main Avenue, San Antonio, and beat the other, Marshall, when she got inside the 20-yard line more It looks like Abilene to us times. for the state champions, but then Port Arthur’s luck may hold out — who knows? Personally, we hope it doesn’t. The Abilene boys deserve the title; they’ve licked every team up against them, while Port Arthur — well, the for records themselves. that has gone speak in t im e o v e r T h e d u c k s m u s t be h a v i n g a g r e a t L o u i s i a n a w h ile C o a c h e s L i t t l e f i e l d , J a m e s , a n d D isch a r e K a r o w , H i g g i n s a ll a r e o v e r t h e r e t r y i n g to b a g e n o u g h d u c k s the m e m b e r s o f th e 1 9 2 8 S t e e r g r i d f iv e s q u a d a d u c k s u p p e r , A ll o f rrV^.i a r e d a n g e r o u s s h o t s ——it s d a n g e r o u s to b e a n y ­ w a y s c l o s e to t h e m — a n d the p o o r d u c k s j u s t c a n ’t help c o m ­ i n g c io a e to h e a r M a r t y sin g . s u p p l y th e set to ability from Arkansas started her basketball season o f f with a 54-34 win over the Northeast Oklahoma Teach­ ami ers’ College Friday night, took their second step last night with a win over the same club. The Porkers have all of their of­ last year fensive back, and Rose, their big guard, WMB the only man whose loss might in any way hurt them, and Schmidt hag a bunch of six-foot that giants fighting it out for position. Looks like a big time when Texas and Arkansas meet here along the first part of Feb­ ruary. CIS 11 “last-minute99 suggestions —reasonably pricedI And what a range for choice! Vanities, studs, automatic pencils, pocket lighters, earrings, bill folds, purses, belt buckles, cuff links, bon bon disney fountain pens, salt shakers, pocket knives, vases, cigarette holders, humidors, candlesticks much too numerous for us to name them all in this small space! You must come in and see them for yourself. Whether you wish a gift of moderate price or one of great worth, you will find a splendid variety here. of oil makes, •old. rented, and repaired. O w machines and our wark it guaranteed. Dealers of RO YAL, UNDERWOOD St REM INGTON Portable T pyea n ters. Also Royal A Underwood F actory ty p ew rite rs rebuilt w . T E X A S BOOK STO RE Phone 7000 Jewelers - Silversmiths 618 Congress Ave. ' Select Jewelry Gifts Now Early shoppers get best se­ lections. Let us show you the latest in watches and rings. Also many other articles. I he better ju dge you are of real values, the more you will appreciate buying at our store. S H E L T O N Jewelry and Optical Company 125 East Sixth Street Mid Terms Over No Finals Time To Shop With one week left in which to do our shopping, and nothing to do but attend classes, students will have an excellent opportunity to come in and look over our many wonderful gifts. Gifts That Please And it s so easy to select them at the C o o p where there is an unlimited assortment. (Y o u ’ ll find gifts for everybody) l o your friends and the little ones this year. With a 4 % Paid on Interest Accounts 5 attractive shades from which to choose your D eLuxe E m bo ssed Cover B A N K B O O K Silver Birch Grey Norfolk Faun Copenhagen Azure Persian Mist Yuletide Garnet /V “ / " ... UN Ppm At & 0 Y ' 2 3 2 4 . G U A D A L U P E S T R E E T Resources an d Individual R esp msibiltty Over T H E D A I L Y T E X A N SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1928, BULL BELLOW S By A LEX M U R P H R E E THOUGHT FOR TO D A Y chi th e M m p w e t th* U sf- Wirity el Tem*, Aa*tin. br the Tvjum StutJeate Pub. leat tor, 5, I*<, «v«rjr »wrs' lug except M o n d a y. J54ft©ii*l a ttice* . B. B all. T*Jepho f* t* JL a to tu tu ne its success. .« th e next t. n • til 11*1 »C< "Vt 4? C ti n sufficiently * 4* . * . * A years , r , . ' - » . .A ., .. A 4 * d *' # * , J t . f , . A prem ium so th ey say T hey're th ere fo r m onths o r ju s t a week O r maybe fo r a day. Some say there ought to be a law This disease to fe tte r B u t there are several m ore who think A holiday is b e tte r. DAILY SA NTA C L A U S L E T T E R FROM UNIVERSITY K ID D IE S Dear Sandy Claws: Being as you are the f ir s t lib- ; eral Scotchman I got acquaintance w ith, I aint going to strain y o u r j pocket hook this year. They ain t I but two th in g s I w an t in m y sock —one is a little book g re atly de­ m anded by all us college fellers ! entitled "H ow to Dress W ell” by I Strip Poker. I The second th in g th a t would ! make the Y uletide a hot one fo r me is a little m illionaire heiress — five fe e t two, eyes of blue. None o f your hardshell co-eds fo r me ITI do all the drinking. Besid. % T h at was a d irty trick you pull­ ed on me last year. You raid you were too f a t to come down the chimney, so I le ft the cellar door open. The next m orning I didn’t find nothing b u t em pty beer b o t­ tles there1, and no "course p asser" like I asked fo r neither, * Send an Heiress m oney) here in lac to avoid inconvenience, (arid h e r a purple C adil­ Yours respectfully, FU LLER GINN, OUR DAILY BULLETIN FROM BYRD’S BUNCH By Mike Moron ON BOARD T H E BARK "C ITY OF AL .SMITH” WITH BYRD’S EXPEDITION TO THE SOUTH POLE — SOM EW HERE SOUTH ISLAND— Decem­ OF GOOFUS ber 12. (By special greased w ire to Bull Bellows). A very event­ ful day was silent by C om m ander Byrd making observations and tab u latin g result# of tho fam ous blindfold teat now being enacted upon his helmsman. ** , The process of dodging icebergs L ast evening th e Com m ander: and several frie n d s rode ashore on | the ship’s log to the fam ous C li-1 quo! Club on G oofus Island. T h e y 1 re p o rt th a t a cool reception was* given them , and they were forced | to r.wim back to the "CITY OF ALI SM ITH" a f te r usin g the log for firewood. This aftern o o n a p air o f chess' sharks appeared from o f f to the leeward and a f te r a close contest* th a t lasted fo r ab o u t an hour, they carried o ff th e A naretic S u b ter­ ranean Chess Cham pionship Cup, ‘ g reatly to the dism ay of Comman­ d er Byrd. The other ship of the expedition, the ELEANOR BOILING, is mak­ ing knots ahead o f us, some of. them -so efficient th a t the "CITY O F AL SM IT H " is m eeting with J difficulty in u n tiein g them . — FRESHMEN GIVEN — o - ■- HYGIENIC TESTS F reshm an hygienic tests, given by the health council, w ere com­ pleted S aturday, The tests w ere given to 400 freshm an women and to £00 men in th e U niversity as well as to the seniors of Taylor and A ustin High schools. The tests w ere based on hygiene tau g h t in high schools, th eir p u r­ pose being to fin d out ju s t how much freshm en know ab o u t p er­ sonal hygiene, prevention of com­ m unicable diseases, and tem p er­ ance education. The tests were composed of 50 m ultiple choice questions and IOO tru e or false questions* The grades will be posted a fte r th e Christm as holi­ days. The tests w ere giyen to the women Tuesday and to th e men Friday and S atu rd ay . Miss Jeanie Pinckney. f l o p p y S h o p p e Delicious Pop Corn Each grain properly Seasoned In-perior; heightened P rating of definitions i* ring* a .g re a t w eariness to any college s e n io r: ho ban been defined a t so long, and so ab stractly , and with such endless insistence. He hip* found in the life he has been living d u rin g the defining time so divorced from engrossing em otion, and the m oonranking of a college com m unity Jo ap a rt from the life-struggle of th e world. In the Forum definition Contest fo r November, on "R elig­ io n ," is a striking indication of this weariness of seniors. T he prize-winning definitions are led o ff by a list of dignitions " h a n d e d down by the world’s g re atest m inds." One of these is Mat­ th ew Arnold’s "Religion is m orality touched by em otion . , . Ethics rekindled, lit up by feeling.’* A lm ost a p e rfe c t opposite o f th e se clear and unassum ing word? is the cum bersom e e ffo rt of one o f th e prize-winners: "Religion is a ort. ut egocentric conceit, in the in te re s ts of which man postulates a ‘su p e rn a tu ra l’ world, populated by c e rta in of the risen dead, over which reigns a vainglorious sovereign w hose alleged solicitude tow ard m undane econom y is made a basis o f th e assumption th at man occupies the suprem ely im portant place in th e universe— a p retty theory in proof of which biological research h a s n o t been reassuring." i, - If this prize-winner w ere traced , ten to one he would be found to be a senior. But M atthew Arnold was a senior once, a t Bailie!. The d iffe re n c e is th at when M atthew Arnold w ent to college, people saw b u t j su n se ts instead of billboards.— Southern C alifornia Daily T ro jan . BEER A T VARSITY? Notwithstanding the d efeat of the proposal to sell beer in the M cGill union, as evidenced by the straw vote last week, th e m atter seem s to be of sufficient im portance to arouse discussion in o u r sister u n iv ersity in Toronto. Telegraph advices indicate th a t the m atter is a t p re s e n t arousing just as much discussion th ere now as it did here last w eek, with the same mum argum ents being advanced on both sides. W e recommend to th at estim able journal. The V arsity, the plan of c o n -1 d u c tin g a straw vote. It proved very successful here. W e might also re m a rk that if they could hold th eir council elections on the same day, th e y would, as we did, poll a heavier vote than has been seen fo r some i tim e . * ? Absence of discipline on the part of the crew w as given as the chief cause o f th e heavy loss of life in the sin k in g o f the Vestrin th e report issued last month, in by the com m ittee of special in ­ quiry into th e d isaster, S ta tes The U nited general absolved th e steam boat in - ! spec lion service of charges o f fading to mak*- com plete examina­ tions of th e vessel before it left New* York. Theodore R o b erts is dead. "The grand old man of the film s"— stage an d screen star— died at his hom e in Los Angeles 6 8 . Friday n ig h t a t the age of The thespian had been h e a lt h i e r th e last five years, was not seriously ill until stricken a t the com pletion of a picture two weeks ago. in poor Roberts e n te re d the silent d ra­ ma early in its career, and was a the original Lasky member o f company. H e was the only acto r to be g ran ted a life conli act. Worse th an influenza is this raging latest epidem ic which is sear Jefferson City, Missouri—spi­ nal m eningitis. With the d e a th yesterday of two more victim s, the toll ha? been Increased to eight. Several new cases also w ere reported in the epidemic region. W ithout expressing any opinion as to the a d v i s a b i l i t y o f selling b e e r in the unions of the C anadian universities, we can safely say th at we sure glad to see the m a tte r come up in o th er universities than our Paym ent o f m ore than 94 mil­ It is a m atter which can not be dismissed lightly by eith er fac­ o w n. lion dollars w as m ade the United tio n , whether on the ground o f th irst on the one side o r of m orality H a te s by th e B ritish government It would not be surprising to see the verdict expressed on th e other. on the w ar d eb t account ycster-j h e re reversed in some o th er colleges, nor would such a v erd ict neons- now owes up £ * £ ; t e v a ‘ 4 r f * : r ° ; \ r o U 3 betag interest. Great B ritain only 14,453,000,000. " ' an th« acritol results of these votes are the reasons advanced I on th e one side and th e other by the propagandists, before th e m atter is ta k e n to the polls. If it is th e opinion of C anadian university stu ­ d e n ts th at the reaction of the public tow ard su.'h a m easure will be m ** 1B in E uropean countries, th ere would seem to be ing abolished is steen, with the dis-j KUI# reasonable excuse fo r banning the serving of beverage in reas- corery of a n ew an d deadly gas * e n a b le quantities. If, on the co n trary , any g en eral opinion am ong the which would m ak e war an inter-! stu d en t* of the various universities seems to indicate th e rep u tatio n o f these universities would puffer as a resu lt o f the m easure, it ought national suicide. Dr- Hilton I r a Jones, widely to be definitely and irrevocably quashed, Possibility o f all w ar debts be- ) lh i ot r or known research chem ist, annotine- j cd the discovery, that the new neath to a n y p erso n who inhaled f — ...... ................ ................ ......................... a . In any case, we would encourage any discussion o f th is question, and declared j jn o rd e r to see w hether the unofficial opinion expressed a t McGill is eau sea instant j supported elsewhere or not.— McGill Daily. MOVIE TRAINING Members o f K appa Kappa Gamma will have a tortoni dinner at the chapter house Sunday a n d M o n d a y will enter- a Christ- of the Kappa Ss® Ar- Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer is watching with interest the preliminary movements towards the establishment of a course in motion picture training at the University of Southern California. While 8. C. is the logical place for the opt ration o f such a course bec&ijse of its close proximity to the Hollywood studios, this is never- theless the first time that any university has taken this industry se- rip**!? enough to work out a definite course of ^Instruction.— Univer- *sty of Washiagto* Daily, Fine Leather Goods Make Fine Christmas Gifts Here you will find something just a little different as our leather goods come from all parts of the globe. Make your selection now— we will wrap and mail any ar­ ticle on any day you may specify. Your inspection is cordially invited. Mu r Bill Books Clothes Brushes Key Cases Laundry Kits Brief Cases Boston Bags Manicure Sets Diaries Photo Cases Ladies* Purses Letter Cases Emergency Cases Military Brushes Bridge Sets # Bridge Scores Writing Cases Pullman Slippers Dressing Cases Toilet Kits Drinking Cups Trip Books Sewing Kits Cigarette Cases Library Sets Medicine Bottles Clean-Up Kits ,r WARBROBE SUIT CASES FIT TED CASES, HAT BOXES, GLADSTONE CASES HARTMAN WARDROBE TRUNKS ' Robt. Mueller & Brother AUSTIN TRUNK FACTORY SIO Congress Awe, Inexpensive, but sentimental Gifts selected from our stock with SEAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF TEX A S Pins — Rings — Vanities — Pocket Lighters Book Ends # Memory Books — Pillows — Pennants - Banners Gifts for friend Golfer A . J. Reach, Wright and Ditson Clubs, Bags, and Balls A set of George W right Registered Clubs w ith chrom ium $30 plated shafts (D river & Brassie) .......................... A set of Registered Record Irons (6 ) W ith wood p re s s .................................................... $50 O ther clubs, $1.75, $3.50t $5.00 Or for friend Tennis Player A new racket from our popular stock of Gold Star— Top- flite — Davis Cup or a dozen 1929 Tennis B alls..............$6 The most popular gift for the College Man today is a pocket lighter Select one from these brands with University Seal Clark — Evans — Ronson — Golden W heel $2*50, $7.50 HAVE YOU SEEN IT? The new portable phonograph that will play 1000 to 2000 records with­ out winding? Q R S Portable Phon­ ographs. See them in our stock. $25 — $50 AU Colors Something really new! (Sold on easy terms) O O K I OR171 r n a i r n ® r n f a w Useful Presents From— W. H. RICHARDSON & COMPANY Never before at Christm as time has this store been supplied with such a large stock of gifts for the shoppers of Austin. Sporting Goods Coffee ■ * Dish Sets iii Silverware Kitchen Utensils Bird Cages Percolators Hardware Hunting Supplies CPAHICU P l U R E D U C A T IO N G R O U P GIVES O IH lIU n v L U D j H O L I D A Y P R O G R A M FRIDAY of g ram m ar from the seventh t o 1 the next m eeting of the eleventh grade. th e S tate Teachers Association on th e pro­ gress made on the resolutions. The com m ittee will rep o rt a t t);40— Devotional service of the I Students’ Association. j --------- - IO— Sunday School classes. xv,— 11— Sermon by the pastor, the ( J a S l S f-p Rev. L. H. W harton, ‘'The Three Wise Men.” . 6— Social su pper fo r members j . I of the S tu d en ts’ Association. C :3 0 -G ro u p m eetings of S tu d e n ts' Association. the I j 7 1 S 0 -A special C hristm as PW-I toe the presen tatio n of “ The gram play by H enry V an Dyke, O ther Wise M an.” , W ILL PRESENT YULE PROGRAM The local chapter o f th e coun­ cil o f prim ary education m et F ri­ day night a t the Faculty W om en’s I Club u n d er the direction of Mrs. I C ora VI. M artin, in stru cto r in p ri­ m ary education. A fte r the busi­ ness, the m eeting was tu rn e d over | to I/eafy W hitaker, ch airm an of com m ittee. Lueile B u rn ett, Lucille Fullwood, Lucy Small, amt Marie M iller w ere hos- teases with Miss W hitaker fo r the j m eeting. question, “ W hether or Not We Should Tell Children There Is a Santa Claus, and lf So W hen?” Jewel Hudspeth closed the difvus- sion with an article from th ‘ New York Sun. Leafy W hitaker was elected perm anent chairman of the pro­ g ram committee. Hostesses for the n ext meeting, which will be Jan held the sec tnd Friday in uary, are Winnie Burnett. Towel Hudspech, Onica rodm an, and Lot­ tie Mac Kirkpatrick. I j a n d C. c lS tc tn C C m j the program p • _ e Univ(,rsitv is p re p arin g for a roim d tabl<‘ d>»<'u«>i<"' o f n u b 1 Tbl' pr'«™ m was followed by the j a l k s ______ Spanish D ram atics cfcrUtma3 program hn to ^ 2 * 2 C u r t i s a e r o p l a n e m a k e s W ednesday evening. M em bers of the A ustin High ; T E S T OF A E R O SILENCER r Uh D ram atics C lu b ' will present bastion anginas will th e play “ D ia lo g d e P a s t o r e d » C u rtis aeroplane th e cant including D olores Peavy, David Sisto, Cal H u ffm an , and F idencia Guerra. n t r e t r u t f i s t rn H t i v __ * te s t on the new aero i tien is connected with the South- fo r in tern al com-j em Airways Com pany located in ill be made with j Dallas and a branch of th e com engine Tues- pany in San Antonio, «»/»/* in- day aftern o o n , according to fo rm ation from the dep artm en t of new m uffler. m echanical engineering. W illiam W erner Von Falken- stien, inventor, will be present to test. Von Falkens- w itness the Tests o f the new m u ffle r are to determ ine the e x te n t to which it reduces the noise of an engine and its effect on engine power. P aten t is now .pending on the FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Services Sunday at School Spanish Club, “ Arco Iris,” will give Spanish folk dances and l l a. niG l a sh o rt Spanish play. The Span-' s^ e n c er A ctual Let Us Help You With Gift Problems W e are receiving daily new and attrac tiv e novelties in P o tteries F rench g lassw are E v ery thing for B ridge in new ideas Candlesticks. Texas seal calen dars — book ends, sm oking rack s and m any other college n u m b ers SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1928. » T H E D A I L Y T E X A N o c m AT AUSTIN CHURCHES UNIV ERSITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Lawrence W barton, pastor TH EA GOLDSCHMIDT Society E ditor Tclrpbone 6 9 3 5 Transfers From San Antonio Junior College Entertained W ith Party SOCIAL CALENDAR Friday, Decem ber 2! a t Phi Gamma D elta dance the Austin C o u n try Club. 9-1 o’clock. Students S u n d a y Club of All Saints Chapel dance a t Gregg House, 9-1 o’clock. Saturday, Decem ber 22 Skull and Bones d in n er dance a t Austin C ountry Club, 7-12 o’clock. Alpha Delta Pi Has Formal Tea Pi Alpha D elta en tertained with a form al tea Friday a f te r­ the noon from 4 to 6 o’clock a t ch ap ter house a t 1803 W est Ave­ nue, honoring th e ir housem other and alum na, Mrs. A. L. Penick. Those in the receiving line w ere: Mrs. A. L. Penick, Mrs. P. L. Zedler, Mrs. T hurm on Mayne, Mrs. J. G. Wilcox, C onstance Stark, Sue S tro th er, M ary H atcher, and M ary Nell Jones. M em bers of the so­ ro rity and alum nae composed the house party. D ecorations o f red carnations and autum n leaves carried o u t throughout the Christm as m o tif the house. Mrs. IL Y. Benedict and Mrs. T .( H. Bowman, and Lu­ cille W illiam s and Geraldine Mas- »ie, altern ately , poured tea a t the dining room table, which was dec­ o rated with a centerpiece of red carnations and fern , silver candle­ sticks w ith red tap ers, and red and white m ints. The follow ing girls assisted in serving the refresh m en ts, which consisted of a salad course: I r e n f Bowen, Grace H argon, M ignonette Treschwig, M ary Nass, M argaret Show alter, Eunice E b erh art, P erla Dickason, and Thelm a Bblm. A R C H I T E C T U R E F R A T E N T E R T A I N S A T T E A H onoring the freshm an girls of the d ep artm en t of arch itectu re, Alpha Alpha Gamm a, honorary a r ­ chitecture fra te rn ity fo r women, entertained w ith an inform al te a Thursday a t 5:30 o’clock a t the home of G ertru d e Sumners, 2623 U niversity Avenue. The follow ­ ing were g u ests: Olive Koenig, Mamie Kellum, M argaret Wolf, Mary Keith, N ancye T acquard, Rosa Lee S pecked, Jessie W alk­ er, Ruth Sparks, and Mrs. Ruth Junkin. Members of th e fra te rn ity act­ ed as hostesses. The m em bers present w ere: Ruby Lee Ransom, Lily Rush W alker, Dorothy Hill, Cornelia C oltharp, and G ertrude Sumners. su bject, “ God The P reserv er of M an” ; Sunday School at 9:30 a. rn.; W ednesday testim onial m eet­ ing a t 8 p. rn. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Daniel E. G riedcr, Minister Sunday m orning service l l o’clock; only the will be held, a t evening service will be dismissed, and the congregation wall worship with the F irst M ethodist Church, on form al opening of the new church build­ ing. Sunday School will meet as usual a t 9:30. C hristian E ndea­ vor will m eet a t 6:30 as usual. the occasion o f the T he sermon su b ject fo r Sunday m orning will b e: “ The People’s the S aviour,” C hristm as season. in keeping with an d be Still,” The anthem by th e choir will be: “ Adore by Gounod. Mrs. E. K. W atson will sing the solo, and Miss K atherine W right will play the violin ob­ ligato. N ext Sunday’s services will be especially prep ared Christmas ser­ vices. AL SAINTS UNIVERSITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Rev. Harris (Watterson, Jr., Rector Third Sunday in Advent. Holy communion th e corporate corjjmunion and b re ak fa st of the S tudent Sunday Club 7 :30 o'clock. M orning-p ra y e r and sermon by the R ector a t l l o’clock. and Special music evening p ra y er; address, “ A New C hrist­ m as S to ry ,” 5:30 o’clock. Y. P. S. L. at 4:30 o’clock. S tudent Sunday Club a t 0:30 o’clock. T hursday a t 8:30 p. rn. there will be a rendition of selections from choir the Messiah by the u n d er the direction of Ralph Leo. UNIV ERSITY METHODIST CHURCH Pastor, H. Bascom W atts D irector of stu d e n t work and Sunday School, choir, George C. B aker, J i*. a. rn., Dean T. H. Shelby, superintend ent. 9:30 At l l a. rn. preach on “ Life in which is the finale of Serm on” series. the p asto r will the House,” “Fireside The choir will furnish special music. O th er num bers on th e program will be a talk by Miss Lilia M. J “ How T hey C e le b ra te , Oasis on C hristm as in xSpain,” a talk by; C arlos E. C astaneda on “ What They Do in Mexico D uring C h rist-; m as W eek,” a vocal solo by Rosa­ lia Kibbe, and piano solo by F.ver- e tta Love. T h e study hall will be dec­ o ra te d in Christm as fashion. Dur­ ing th e evening, th e audience will join w ith the club in singing Span­ ish C hristm as carols. C H IL D R E N H O N O R E E S A T F A C U L T Y FROLIC out c a rried The U niversity F a c u lty Club en tertain ed S atu rd ay aftern o o n a t th e club house, 2304 San Antonio stre e t, with a C hristm as p arty hon­ o rin g the children o f th e mem­ bers. In the din in g room , tinsel in moss, red candles, silver stare, the and m istletoe C hristm as motif, and in the recep­ tion room a large C hristm as tree based with red leaves was the m ain decoration. A bout one children took p a rt in the special games led by Katherine F lo rey and Sula Conn, a fte r which and ice cream were served. Mrs. L. M. H ollander the g u ests with piano selections until S an ta Claus arriv ed to distribute the gifts. e n te rta in e d h u n d red cookies S atu rd ay n ig h t a t St o’clock th e club en tertain ed th e members w ith a program an d dance. The a Christmas program * included ami sto ry by Dr. L. W. P ayne special C hristm as songs by a q u ar­ tet. A fter the p rogram , the din­ ing room was cleared fo r danc- A t 7;30 p. rn. th e girls* choral club from the M ethodist O r p h a n s ren d er a Hom e of W a co . will C hristm as concert. T his is the the “ W hite Christ­ occasion of m as” fo r the Sunday School. The o ffe rin g will go th e orphans home. J u n io r Church, l l a. rn., Mrs. H, Bascom W atts, director. Fellowship h alf-h o u r fo r d en ts a t 6 p. rn. E pw orth League, 6 :30 p. Miss Viola Kellum , p resid en t. stu ­ in., QflmL mmsJL oJaLm, (Otic. (jNfn ^JndmJual (5h op - CNppare A A S tudent tra n sfe rs from th e V u - I Snior College a t San Antonio w ere entertained S atu rd ay night with a C hristm as bridge p arty in the liv­ ing room of the W om an’s Build- ing. Elizabeth Frothso acted as hostess fo r the occasion. Hot chocolate, cake, and candy were served, and prizes aw arded for’ high score fo r both boys and girls. The guest list included: Mrs. E leanor Boldt, Beth W or­ thington, M artha Hodgin, Doro­ th y Rooke, E thel Kessler, P auline Crowell, H a rrie t Brady, Elizabeth Prothro, Anne Breese. John Kirby, A rth u r Klein, Jack Stew art, W illiam Haywood, F re d ­ erick North, H e rb ert May, C harlie Nichols, Roland Arnold, N athan N ayfach, Jam es Revely, Sam Penn, idresse Raym ond, Jam es Gregg, John Storm , R obert Stanley. • a * * LEO MUSIC SCHOOL HOLDS P I A N O R E C I T A L , Leo School of Music presented pupils of Victor Powell, pianist, in recital a t the school studios F r i­ day evening at 8 :15 o’clock. The following program was giv­ en : I , T arantelle ...................... Quigley Jack Presnell I. M inuet in G Beethoven M ary Dill JIL Duet (V alse) ........ M athews Gerald and Bruce P atterson IV. Valse Blue B a rc h e tta ........................Nevins M arguerite Brown V. M inuet in G Prelude Paderew ski ..................... Chopin L ena Novy VI. N octurne Prelude ...................... Chopin E sth er Deats VII. Turkish M arch ...... R ubenstein-B eethoven M arie Vance VHI. Im prom ptu .............. Reinbold Philipp .................Chopin Puck ......... E t u d e Golliwoggs Cake Walk .... I DeBussey M ary Louise McDaniel EPI SCOPAL CLUB W IL L GIVE D A N C E Sunday Club of the Episcopal Church All S aints Chapel wiH en ­ te rta in with a dance Decem ber 21 from 9 to I o’clock a t the G regg In v itatio n s have been sen t House. to all Episcopal students and to m em bers of th e organization con­ nected with the church. Those in charge of th e affair are: Billy W inten, general chairm an; W alter Vonalson, decorations; George in v ita tio n s; McDade B u r­ Cook, nett, fin an ce; E tta Winslow, re- Pea- fresh men ts. The V arsity crocks will fu rn ish the music. All those who have been invit­ ed and will accept have been re ­ quested to call a t the Gregg House from 3 to 5 on December 17 to as 20, and m ake reservations, th e dance will be restricted to IOO couples and 25 stags. 1, j Victrola Records for Xmas GifU / N The gift that keeps on g iv in g - Let ua help you Victor, Brunswick Columbia lU j ISAAC BLEDSOE F red Kingdom Mgr. 821 C ongress, Phone 661© M e t a l l i c S p o r t * J e V , e * * Czech*' . J ci po* • • A u stria „ g ° w im p o r t e d T E A C H E R S A S K REVISION P illow s OF G R A M M A R T E X T B O O K S In w earing apparel average high t R oberta Lavender, associate pro- fessor of classical languages in the U n iversity; and Dr. A lfred IL Nolle, S outhw est Texas S tate Teachers College, San Marcos. R ealizing t h e school stu d en t’s lack o f knowledge of gram m ar, the language teach­ ers o f th e S tate T eachers Associa­ tion, in a jo in t m eeting a t San A ntonio Novem ber 30, appointed a com m ittee to co n fer with S. M. N. M arrs, state su p erin ten d en t of public instruction, concerning the text- revision of language the ,0®, T he com m ittee is composed of Dr. L. W. Payne, J r., p ro fesso r of E nglish in the U n iversity; Miss Punch was served dn ring ing. the evening. The com m ittee will p resen t Mr. M a m w ith a set of resolutions drawn up by the teachers. These resolutions suggest th a t M arrs ap­ point a com m ittee of trained lan­ guage teach ers to advise and co­ operate w ith the S tate Departm ent of Education on ways and m eans of secu rin g proper sequence and emphasis in language work, and in the study, of gram m ar and f un­ dam ental language stru ctu re. « P ro fe sso r ami Mrs. E. J. Villa- vaso w ere in charge of th e pro­ gram and decorations, and assist­ ed in the decorating by students in th e in terio r d ecorating class of Miss Florence W right. The teachers urge system atic exam ination and revision of the course of study of language in the grades, w ith emphasis on language work from th e third through the sixth grades, and a thorough study |’yST »i|r »' rn SS5S •» —* Dresses Sweaters Scarfs Gloves Hosiery Beautiful Negligee Pajamas A s k to see our delicious stu ffed fruits an d m arm alad e s O pen every evening until 9 :3 0 p. rn. $1.65 $1.95 $2.50 riatmas! BOUDOIRS Blue Rose Black Pink Green Gold Y ellow Rod $2.50 to $5.50 WHITE BOOT SHOP IMI This Christmas The Bluebonnet Shop 2206 Guad. St. W A R R E N ’S The Christmas Store 714 Congress L A S T C A L L for Xmas G ifts and Toys A Pound Box of Fine Assorted Chocolates■ F R E E M onday and all weak your purchase am ounts to 5.00 or more in any depart­ m ent. Specials E xcepted SAN TA CLAUS Will be here ju s t 6 more days. He urges a ’,I the little folks to hurry and tell him the things they want fo r Christmas. Visit him in the Toy D epartm ent. GIVE HER GIVE HIM . S m art spring dresses, in new colors, ex tra value a t 9.90 and 15.00. New hats o f satins and em­ broidered silks 3.98 to 5 .9 8 . P ure Silk Hosiery in C hiffon and Service weights 1.00 and 1.98. 17.00 to 33.00 Overcoats, Specially priced at 10.78 to 19.75. Two pants suits, terns, 22.80. ; latest pat- : I Broadcloth shirts, white pat terns 1 .0 0 to 2 JO . New Purses, m any novel­ ties ........... 1.00 to 3.98 Outing and Muslin Pajamas, 1.40 to 2.50. P erfum es an d T o ilet SOc to 7.50. sets, Silk Bloomers, Pastel shades, 98c to 1.79. Boxed Handkerchiefs, t ie to 1.50. Kid Gloves, lined and lined, 1.40 to SJO. , 2,000 new ties, f ie to 1*8® Fancy^Silk Sox, f ie to t i e Silk and Wool Scarves, I to 2.48. Felt and Leather Boudoir ..... f i e to 2.80 Slippers Handkerchiefs, to LSO, Norris Chocolates For One Friend From Another Wrapped in Special Xmas Cover G r if f it h Scarbrough Building # Phone 5361 / Prescriptions compounded 4 ;• v Fabric and Kid Gloves, to 2.98. P A G E 8 "■"* — ■ , i, ............. .. Sigma Nu Entertains With BESS OLSEN * Snow B a ll Friday Night SUN D A Y, D EC EM B ER 16, 1 Evening Gowns W e Give Them Individual Care and Preserve Their Fragile Texture and Ex­ quisite Coloring. Let Us Cleanse Them. (Continued From P age I ) rases o f tho " flu ” report***? sorority and fr at erni ty houses. at! ; Those ii! at th e sororities arr; Phi Mo, Winnie Mae T aylor, Jac­ Jenkins,! queline M isfit, Ruby M argaret Glasscock, Laud*- fN*ll' K nipiing; Alpha D eft* Pi, Gerald- * trre Ma -sic, Corinne C ollins,; Tri? Dei!a, Margaret Baker; Gamma Phi Beta, Phoebe Thom pson, Hat-1 tie C o r k e ; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Elizabeth Moore; Zeta T a u Alpha,! Gladys Suavignet, A in e Wood-! head, Rio me Shison, Mary Mar-1 Karat G lasscock; K apoa Alpha I I beta, Then Goldschm idt. Those ill a t fra tern ity nooses ar**: Phi Sigma D elta, G. L. Levi,I J. IL Garonzik, B arnett Shaw, My-: Dr*. Koenig & K ott Fool Specialists 3 2 1 L i t t l e f i e l d B l d * . P h o n e 4 8 5 5 Ma** D ow ell Mar Dowell Mac Dowel I Chopin Chopin T h is s e a s o n ’s s h o w in g is th e m o st c o m p le te th a t 5 h a v e e v e r p u r c h a s e d fo r A u stin s h o p p e r s . V a n ity F a ir H o siery T o M a tc h V a n i t y F a ir H o siery T o M a tc h S L I P P E R S H O P Per tech Shoes — Perfect* PihNnq 101E Sixth '•One door off Congress mjIIY/j 391! The M aster Cleaner who is Preferred for Reliability Phone 23 123 P referred For Reliability" ' ontlnues 7 More Shopping Days • . . . French Hoot Shop s A ll shoes not included. . . hut vii- r i e d selections offered SU ED ES . . . B IV E KID BROW N KID . . . R EPT ILE AND PATEN TS. ‘; I*',; ■j*-1 I ,8*1*1 , S te p -in p u m p of B ro w n S u e d e o r P a t e n t K id S m a r t o x fo rd -tie s in B la c k S u e d e , B ro w n K id a n d G e n u in e P y th o n Entire Stock A p e r f e c t f it tin g p u m p of B la ck S ued e, j u n i o r s p ik e heel. A lso P a t e n t 9.85 G if t S u i E x q u is ite m u l e s D ’O r sa y s sh a d !* o f n e g lig e e . e n d in m a tc h in g P o p u la r o x f o r d s in B ro w n S u ed e, B la c k S u e d e , P y ­ th o n o r T a n C a lf . . , v e ry sh o rt v a m p B la c k h e e l S to c k in g s w ith V-Lfi*te fr o m G o r d o n , in w a n te d c o lo r s ; G u n m e ta l, C in d er * )!* a n d G r a p h ite . f e e t d if f ic u lt D a in ty o n e - s tr a p a d a p t e d fit. to B r o w n S u ed e, a ls o P a t e n t ~»r B ro w n K id to Jew elled heels, also cu t-steel. H a n d b a r s o f s u e d e , c a lf and re p tile . An u ltra fin e K idskin tie in Blue o r W in e B ea u tifu l R eg e n t P u m p s in B lack or B row n S uede, sfeo Blue K id T. H. WILLIAMS & CO The Quality Store ..... . Su n d a y , d e c e m b e r i s , i §2* IN VAUDEVILLE A T HANCOCK AT QUEEN THEATERS WITH C. B. “ MANHATTAN C O C K - talking and singing in TAIL,” spots with Nancy Carroll and and always Richard Arlen, sounds and music; reviews say it’s good-—like cocktail; plus vi­ taphone acts and Movietone news; it’s here Sunday through the Q u e e n . Wednesday a t “THE FOREIGN LEGION,” being ten degrees better than Greta Garbo; with Mary Nolan, and Lewis Norman Kerry, Stone; Thursday through Sat­ urday. At the Queen. you “COMPANIONATE MARRI- A G E” is good Ben Lindsey pro­ paganda with fine acting by don’t Richard W alling; want Sunday to miss it; through Tuesday. “ MADEMOI­ SELLE FROM A R M E N T O R - R ES” —the song (the kind that you quit singing and merely hum when you get to certain words) picturized at tyst but they had to do it in Europe; here Wednesday through Fri­ day. At the Majestic. for VAUDEVILLE is good, with the best youth and beauty and pretty girls we’ve had this sea­ son; absolutely over-weighted with jockeying applause and this master-of-ceremoni^s bunk—in fact, both are carried to extremes, slowing down most tragically the tempo of a really excellent bill, and the jokes are sadly moth-eaten for the most part. There’s only one act, the Anatol Friedland Night Club Company, chiefly dancing, but it’s well worth seeing. Audien­ ces liked it yesterday. I t ’s here today, last times. “ ROMANCE UNDERW ORLD,” OF THE with Mary A stor and John Boles will be here Monday through Friday. At the Han­ cock. “ THE OPENING NIGHT,” with Claire Windsor and John Bowers here Sunday through Tuesday. “ TURKISH D E ­ LIGHT,” with Rudolph Schild­ kraut Wednesday only. “DIA­ MOND H A N D C U F FS,” with Lena Malena, Conrad Nagel, etc., Thursday only. “T H E DEVIL D AN C ER ,” with Gilda Gray, Friday only. “ F O U R W ALLS,” with John Gilbert, Joan Crawford, and Carmel Myers, Saturday only. At the Crescent. “LES M ISERABLES,” the great film of France from Vic­ tor Hugo’s masterpiece, Sunday and Monday. Richard Walling, Sue Carol in “ WALKING BACK,” Tues. “ Warming Up,” with Richard Dix and the per­ fect sweetheart, Jean Arthur, don’t miss it, Wednesday and Thursday. “THE DOCKS OF NEW YORK,” George Ban­ croft, Baclanova, and Betty Compson; Friday and Saturday. At last Austin has the chance of being really wicked and seeing one of those devilish night club shows! Need I take you into my confidence and admit that as a result of Federal authorities hav­ ing placed lock, chain and notorie­ in ty on the Night Club Anatol New York, we now have Broad­ way laid out for our aproval on the Hancock stage? If you know th ere ’s a vaudeville in town, you know how Anatol Friedland and his review happen to be the big occasion on it. Whether hot from Broadway or it’s plenty warm, although not, they don’t really pass around the bottle as you might expect from the publicity. Finish and amart- I OTS OF FUN and youth and beauty greet the Vaudeville ad­ dict at the Hancock Opera House today. The bill is good, with more pretty girls than you have a right to expect. N O W A T MAJESTIC ^ A N C Y CARROLL, who is featured with Richard Allen * a t the Queen th e a te r through Wednesday in “ MANHATTAN COCKTAIL.” and I t sings. talks A A l l M r* ' I I i a jg E T T Y BRONSON AND RICHARD WALLING as the young­ sters who try out Judge Ben Lir.d&ey’s theory of marital hap­ piness in “COMPANIONATE MARRIAGE,” now at the Majestic C H , - * l \ C . O C A > mr o> sat , I «s with the Vitaphone babies returns for the third tittie* or is it the fourth? Also Movietone news, j J The picture Thursday is “The I ? | Foreign Legion,” being hot as hell, f lbsH accordil*S to Advances, with Mary Nolan, Norman Kerry and Lewis \ p^H Stone. Also Vitaphone presenta- i I ht i lions.— C.B. V* < :.v We never liked propaganda pie tares, and “ Companionate Marri age” is a propaganda picture from start to finish, but it hides the propaganda so well that the whole thing appears as an attack upon modern marriage. Only in the first few scenes ami last hundred feet or so, does the propaganda come definitely to the surface. Betty Bronson and Richard Walling do the best work in the picture, but we frankly say th a t Betty Bronson is not suited to the working girl part she plays in the picture. .She is more suited to tin­ type which she played in “ Peter Pan." Imagine Peter Pan getting m arried! Walling does the only acting in the entire picture, and it doesn’t last long. And the Majestic is still Publix. the The comedy, "And Came the most laughable Dawn,” thing we have seen in some time. is — R.M.C. Last Tim es T oday . Interstate Big Tim e V audeville ON THE SCREEN “ Driftwood” Full Synchronized Music Score Comedy Fables Fox News Tomorrow “Rom ance of the U nderw orld’’ with MARY ASTOR Full Sychronized M us ic Score Comedy Fox JNews : d u Y b s ^ p a g e I JOHN BOWERS A T CRESCENT With a wide and varied pro- giam scheduled, the Crescent the­ following ater will present first rate movies this week: “The the will at the Crescent Opening Night” feature Claire Windsor and John Bowers in a drama cf the theater, play­ ing Sunday through Tuesday. “Turkish De­ light" takes the creen for Wed­ nesday only, with the famous old actor, Rudolph Schildkraut, in tho cast of a comedy smash-up. CLAIRE WINDSOR NEW SERIES with GEO. LEWIS and a college full of YOUTH and BEAUTY JOHN BOWERS Albert Payson Terhune Sunday Thru Tuesday T h e a t r e Business Directory DOCTORS CLEANING AND PRESSING Dr. E. B. Crowder, Dentist 505 Scarbrough Bldg., Austin, Tex Drs. Lynn and Lynn Dental Surgeons 507 Scarbrough Bldg., Phono 8154 SAM F. PAGE Cleaner, Hatter, Alterations Open Sundays and Holidays anti) noon. For Pressing-— 806 Congress Phono 2-2039 PLUMBING OPTOMETRIST E. R A V EN — PLUMBER “Where Good Plumbing Repairs Are Made” 1403 Lavaca Street, Phone 6763 —Dec. 7 A. BURSTYN, O. D. Careful eye examination. Correct and comfortable glasses. 618 1-2 Congress pENTIST RECREATION DR. B. E. FARMER 603 Scarbrough Bldg., Ph. 2-3513 BOWL A GAME OF POOL MISCELLANEOUS , PLAY HINGE-PIN TEXAS RECREATION HALL MILLER BL U E PRINT CO. Engineer’s, Architect’s Supplies and Blue Printing 08 E. 10th Ph. 7985 ANNOUNCEMENTS CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR SALE T H I A S R E S K A R CH B U R E A U . iaJ g a th e re d on su b je c t. S o u th ­ w e s te rn h isto ry a n d b io g ra p h y a sp e cialty . R easonable ch arg es. .24, P hone 7657. 706 W . an y KODAK— the ideal— GIFT For Friends, R elatives, or Sweethearts* W OOD— W O O D —N o th in g b ut best g r a d e s ; I ostoak, C ed ar, cordw ood. Blocks 18-60 p er cord. R ick $2.00. W est A u stin W ood u- Y ard Phone 74M0, G LA SS In s ta lle d in a u t o s ; store fronts f u r n i t u r e to p s . W in d o w g la s s . P h o n e 22422. RHODES-HERALD GLASS CO. House T im e r a n d R oller fo r F o r d s , 6 0 c O. K. GARAGE H O w. 2nd B r i n y y o u r film s to us, S P A C IA L SA L K o n ly 26c ta c h . 806 Cony rosa. reco rd s, on B ru n sw ic k J . It. Heed M u sic Co., ’h. 7HOH. FOR RENT BOWL A GAME OF POOL FINISHING that must PLEASE H IG H E S T clo th in g a n d rin g 8717. P R IC E S p aid shoes. fo r ea* t-o ff 467 E a st Stb o r rf FO R RENT*— A t t r a c tiv e Q uiet ro o m . Uni- v o rs ity n e ig h b o rh o o d . P h o n e 7165. Y our K o d a k e x a m in e d a n d clean ed F R E E N ew T ire * C heap O. K. GARAGE HO W 2nd B O O N E PH O T O CO 1 0 6 0 C o n g re s s LOST AND FOUND TE X A S RECREATION HALL PLAY HINGE-PIN CHRISTMAS SUGGESTIONS P I P E S — D u n h ills , Ka / w ood ion, B a sie n is, C o m o y s, a n d o th e r * — E v e ry th in g th # fo r sm o k e r. A ls o — P e n a , P e n c ils, D esk »Setn. H u y l e f t a n d M c ta le rs C a n ­ dy. A B E FRA N K C IG A R S T O R K . 72* C o n g re s s . PH. 4070. ideal E L E C T R IC A L A ppliance* m a t e , C h r is tm a s g i f ts . W e arc* o p e n e v e ­ n in g s u n t i l 9 p. rn, * t ! 0 C o n g re ss l’h 3603 J NO. I,. MARTIN T H E Brunswick, and Colombia ID E A I. C h ria t m a s G i f t — V ictn r, Record*, Phone 621 Congo- «. lease B le d so e , 6619. G IV E a C a rry o la P o rta b le fo r C h ristm a s . R e g u la r fo r *25.00. K eu ez B ros. t n t wTJot- (e a sily Com l f o r $36 .0 0 v a lu e s I l l K. 6 th . P h . 3336. AUTOMOBILES S T U D E N T SPECIALS! 1024 Chevrolet Touring, S p e c ia l 1027 C h e v r o l e t T o u r i n g , A S n a p a t 1924 F o rd T o u rin g , A D a n d y (o r on h $ J i T e rm * m a y b e a r ra n g e d KNIGHT*W HIPPET CO Rh, 30"> W . 5 th F o rd W indshield C lass Inal sdtm *** 9046. COACHING IN MATH a n d ph y sics. E d - - ----- -.................. .......... ................... .... FOR R E N T : U n til N ovem ber 1 6 th , fu r . " ‘A1’*'* • » run v e n d e e * , in Un ward E. Gimon. HO W. S i , phone ******** neighborhood. P h o n e 9181-304 ----------------- ------------ — — *■■........ - room s APPROVED H O U S E : P l e a s a n t sle e p in g p o rc h , g i r t s ; h o a rd if d e s ire d -------- ----------------- — — F"#*’"” "' 9046. DRESSMAKING Block of c a m p u s . R e a so n a b le r a t e s . 20 E a s t 25, P h o n e S i 4 0 , ,'r' r r * 'Av,-- F IR S T G L A S S d r e s s m a k in g , W a rk g u ar­ anteed. De all kinds cd tailored wort; and alteratio n s. Dinner evening dress#* a .specialty. Phone 24038. T W O C L E A N , f u r n is h e d ro o m s. B eath* a f e a s t e x p o s u re . W a lk in g d is ta n c e re a s o n a b le . W a tte R e n t f u r n is h e d . P h a s e 6831. U n iv e r s ity . a n d lig h t TAILORING CALL WEST END Q uick S e rv ic e — C h e ap R ata* damners. D y e rs a n d H a t t e r s P h o n o 68ISI LAUNDRY H O M E L A U N I ) * } , I i i PM O N E 3 / 0 2 WANTED • W A N T E D —Man o r w o m an so licito r f o r accid en t insurance. Good p ay fo r s p a re (live' resid en ce a u d p h o n e n u m b er (J, lim e. for conference. Mr. Huddleston, P. Box 735. city. § r BEAUMONT STUDENTS*WAN’T- ED: Throe passengers to B e a u ­ Leave 7 :3 0 p. rn. Phone m ont, S a tu rd a y , ab o u t noon— a rr iv e C losed, co m fo rta b le OI Hi -88 or call Fug. Bldg. 203. 22n d. car. place W A N T E D — A s t u d e n t w a n ts a q u ie t ro o m n e a r c a m p u s . M u s t h a v e g a r a g e . W r ite box 1 9 2 7 N , U n i­ v e r s ity S ta tio n . to STUDENT wanted for position with local advertising concern seeing standard advertising, M ake application in writing, giving ex­ perience in selling advertising ad­ vertising. P. O. Box 154, City. A P A R I M E N T W A N T E d T D o w n sta ir* a p artm e n t, bedroom , livingroom , b a th , k itch en ette f o r m a n , .w lfe,"|m diJkgbjr d u r ­ ing a canion o f S ta t* lo c a tio n a n d p ric e . Address* hex 1883, V D iv e rsity S ta tio n , A u s tin , T e x a s. th e L e g is la tu r e . O N E o r tw o s t u d e n t s room lig h t. P h o n e 6 2 2 3 . C all a t s i f t C o u rre v a A va. fre e o f c h a r g e . D u tie s fu rn is h e d v ery P H O N E W A L K E R a t MCY f o r ty p in g . F iv e conia p e r page. e x p e rt H IG H E S T C A S H P R IC E S P A ID fo r W # » N o th in g shoes. a n d S C H W A R T Z , 417 E a a t 6 th . P hone i m USE THE TEXAN COAL ANO WOOD— B en g rad es. Quick ' U n iv e rs ity C oal ar.d W o o # s e rv ic e . Co. 9 0 s S a d M a rco s, f t a u * 7 7 4 * . - - d e a l s ilk W K W ENT) (dentine hatpins, rkiaastoa®*. gold and or down, ait hem s titc h in g . P O R B O Y S; tw o m o d e rn ro o m s. eon Veblen res. ta 8 liver clips. Mxbai Ganns way, 710 C<&- home Near U niversity. SS01 **«•*• Jfeoft* IpIU* Own Omeg'g Plea* 919% hose, ^ _ DIAL 23104 tm PAGE A T H E D A I L Y T E X A N SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1«, 1928. the organization, w ho ha* been at- n o tic e , i* Mella Verne iou* G enius” Sunday m orning at I t r a d in g l l o’clock at the F irst Congreoa- i Green, who play* both violin and tional Church at W est Twenty* of third and Guadalupe streets, The c o m e t and is only six years age. classes o f Dr. Kuehne and D r .. ice will not be held because o f Chambers will m eet , o’clock. No even in g service w ill I be held. The Christmas tree serv- — ------------- o—...........— “ The Book That** D iffe r e n t.” 9 :4 5 the influenza epidem ic. at r National Societies Hear U. T. Faculty Members in Meet N early forty members o f the city; and Professor Chester I.ay U niversity faculty are to appear will read a paper before the Am- on th e m a w of the t a r t a n ortam A n ocia tio n of U n t w is t * ' so cieties during the Christmas hoi- Instructors in Accounting. Ida vs. D r. D. L. C lark. Dr. RL A J Dr. R E. M ontgom ery will l a w , C. H. Snover, Dr. T heodore appear b e fo re the A m erican As- S tenbcrfr. and Or. Floyd Stovall w rtaSon fo r L ab o r U f W a t io n J| will present papers before the and A ssociate Professor C. D. m eeting of the M odem la n g u a g e ; Simmons w ill a tte n d the m e e tin g A ssociation at T oronto, and H. E of the A m erican S tatistical A*po- Coftmiin and Mr«. Annie Irvine arc '■ elation as one u t us dishier sec- on the program of the sam e ass© ; ret aries. D ean Ira P. H ild eb ran d elation with paper*, to be read b y la n d P rofessor* R. VV. Stayton and CU W. Stum berg will take part title. in the session* o f the A ssociation th e i of A m erican Law Schools w hich Mr. C onklin expects also eaent his theories as to abe Theater before one o f the m eets annually in Chicago. to aa “ lf it is possible to make m oney from one’s bobby, th st is o n e’s privilege, but personally I think that a hobby should be practiced I for the pure sake o f enjoym ent j obtained from the hobby, l f a hobby is pursued fo r the *ake o f [ enjoym ent alone, I think it w il lj add some years to a man’s life. At least it will not make him old I before his tim e. "When I have a busy day at school, with p len ty of papers students * correct, and the have tV y W ’ T c a n alw ay. to re­ turn to singing as a way lieve m yself o f my nervous ten­ I also like to turn to ath- sion. M h, nd b a)|j Unnif> o r ^ WACOGROUPTO GIVE CONCERT HERE SUNDAY t o j Orchestra o f Orphans Comes H ere for Program volleyball for a w ay to relieve m yself of this strain; however, the facilities o f the school right now are not conducive for the tarnally to turn to such means. Perhaps Home at Waco. A Christmas co n cert o f s a c r e d music will be given in the Univer- idty Methodist Church Sunday ev ­ ening at 7:30 o ’clock by the Meth­ odist Homo orchestra and the Glee club of the Methodist Orphans’ hen the new gym nasium is erect- i ed, they will have a place for the faculty, I think it i* a good thing for a person not only to have one a hobby but several. This, I*1 measure, will minimi*. the dancer of becoming too seriously devot- in This is said to be one o f the best trained m usical organizations o f young people in the state. The orchestra is mads* up m ostly o f girls o f high school age, th ough a fe w younger m usicians are includ­ ed. One o f the you n ger members of Lot* Mac Strawn, another mem- j her o f the orchestra, is listed a* reader, pianist, trombone and sax-j ©phone player. Ail the girls are trained by. the m u sk teachers in th e M ethodist Orphans* Home at W aco. W. F. the superintendent o f B arnett, an^ *^r“* B arnett will ac com pany the party to Austin. ----------------------- Each Christmas sejfton the or- { ganization makes a trip over the j Its last appearance in Au*-; state. tin was two years ago. The g lee; club cn.,i*s here from G eorgetown and goes from Austin to San Mar­ cos. In conjunction with the en ter­ tainm ent, the U niversity Methodist Sunday w ill observe “ W’hite Christmas.” T h e o fferin g will go to the home at W’aco. School SNIDER SPE A K S ON • R ELIG IO U S G E N IU S” The Rev. R, P. Snider will speak on "The Major Insights o f Relig-I * elk>™- Dr. R. G. Lobbed. Dr. R. science degree ProD*«v>r G idley was horn H o llar j M oore, and P ro fe sso r ii, S. Van- fo r dis. diver will go to New Yor.v to pre- An article by Dr. L. M. der is to furnish the basis russion at another one o f the se e -1 sent papers before the American ** * *° ° ne ho y. tion m eetings of the M odem Jan- Mathematical Society. Dr. C. F. j Arrowood, Dr. C, T.* Gray, and gu age Association. Dr. E ugene B arker, Dr. Cha*. Dr. H. J. M u ller will a p p e a r be W. H a c k e tt, Dr. F. B. Marsh, Dr. fore th e Am erican Association fo r i Charles W, Ramsdeli, and Profes­ in I the A dvancem ent of Science sor Th a* I W. Biker will take part the same societies city. Other in the m eeting of the American m eeting in N ew York are: the Bo-1 this Historical Association, held tanka! S ociety o f America, be- j year at Indianapolis. Dr. Fred fore which Dr. J. T. Buchholz w ill! € , Ayer will read a paper before read a paper; the M ineralogical the National Society c f College Society o f A m erica, before which Teachers o f Education a t Cleve-1 Professor S. L. Brown will pre­ on ■ sent a paper; the Geological So­ land. Dr. C. C. Glascock is tho program Spanish t it t y o f Am erica, before which Teacher*’ Association of A rn erica, J Dr, E. H. Bollards and HL H. Guy*} j l«*r will p resen t papers; the Am* m eeting th is year at D e tr o it Dr. Max ^landman will preside J eriran Anthropological S ociety, over one of the sections o f the before which J. E, American Economics Association! Pearce w ill read a paper; and the m eeting at C hicago, an d Proles- American Philological A ssociation, *or W. L, White will read a paper before which Dr. H. J. Leon before the marketing round table will read a pape r. Dr. 0 . R. Wil- o f the same association. Dr. A. hams will read a paper before the B. Cox w ill present a paper be­ fore the American fa r m Eco­ nomic* Association in Hoi*', M ichigan, in 188 4. Upon graduating from the Hdtly High School, he entered the U niversity o f Michigan w here he received a bachelor of in 1903. He also received a Ph C. there. He taught for several years in the departm ent o f pharmacy in the U niversity o f Michigan and then received an appointm ent at the U niversity o f Indiana in 1914 as a professor o f pharmacy, He moved to G alveston where he was professor o f pharm acy in the Gal­ veston branch o f the U niversity until the college moved to Austin two years ago. Society o f American gists’ m eeting at Richmond, Vir nam #jginia. Professor in the the of r o t singing In Austin P rofessor Gidley is connected with the Am ateur Cho­ ral Society, M ethodist choir, and class the non-sectarian which m eets in the Texas theater. i The Amateur Choral Society has ,° 'selected P rofessor Gidley to take one o f the principal parts in the opera, “ Bohem ian Girl,” which will he presented by the society som etim e next spring. Professor Gidiey will play the part o f Flor- | stein, a happy tenor who is rarely i sober. Dull Hours Enlivened By Song, Says Gidley By HENRY DLUGOI.ENSK! “ S in g in g is som ething t h a t I en jo y ; th a t k i p s me paps aw ay m an y an otherw ise dull ev en in g , a n d a t the same tim e increases my a p p r e ­ ciatio n o f all o th e r a r ts ,” said P ro fesso r W illiam F, Gidley, dean o f the C ollege o f Pharma* y, in discussing th e re a so n w hy he chose s i n g - : lr,sr as a hobby. "Of course," he added, "there** — — ------------ m ust be some talent attached OI | while useful should verve tn dis I would never have g n - n ringing * I r ° ' V ™ m a I t to I sa to their life work th o u g h t ” P rofessor Gidley according r ro iesso r uiuiey, according ° n7 Uf: . W° rk * People el*im is their hobby and I — .......— J ' BOGGS T O SING A T BIBLE C H A IR T O D A Y Charles E. Hoggs, o f the Chi­ cago Civie Opera Company, w ill! Chair Texas Bible th is Sunday at I I o’clock. service Christm as J1® belli ** t‘i>e c ,‘*8‘n

*• F * L- ^ w e t t , th e m in ister o f Th(i that; thf. Bible Chair, will give a talk, Q1VE: D a n s e t t e s 298 M ade to sell at 4-00 Here’s the gift you’d like to receive! And this is the kind of value that has m ad e our u n d e r ­ things famous throughout the United States. All the smartest colors. In crepe de Chine or Georgette, lace trimmed or exquis­ itely tailored. IOO ST O R E S teat in the College o f Phar­ “ naturally that they havr no timp fop other th(,j "nm- n<- lhinr, XMu „hou|,j not b(, singing. W hile he things. Thiu should not be , houW u l | , u p ! bm own words, drifted” into m n tw c fc m f . t the D n ,v a n ity o f j cmw. AU In d ia n a m acy, he became associated with! a g ro u p o f fellows who lik ed to * ng. A club was formed and they made a n n ea l trips to Culver, In- a^je the f ollege o f PH ar- w>rae f firrn o f recreation that will a he I serve to ta k e o n e ’* mind o f f serious s u b je c t. O therw ise, is apt to g e t in a rut and not be think clearly; he then won- prize (]«©•; why he is not progressing a* lana, to com pete for the o f th,, t e s t chorus. ; , H,„d| y m he , houW .. should ’I don’t think a man “ It satin* to nm- dominance over the life work Professor G idley thinks a per- so much in som e way.” asserted Pro- time on a hobby that it gains pre­ it ca se,” ‘'If that were the o f! continued P rofessor Gidley, “the life work and vice Ver sa, A hobby usually should not occupy more than ten hour* a week of one’s time. I never spend more than five hour* a week in singing. take up a hobby that is not u s e -; son should not spend fill s s o r Gidley. that hobbies, like card*, checkers,! self, and pool, are a total waste tim e. They benefit no one, do hobby should be the not develop one m entally or phy-j ideally, and the only purpose that they can serve is to pas* away som e v alu ab le hours th a t could be put to good use. Ail hobbies. F O O T W E A R ~" ^<0 n EES Special Prices For Christmas Shoppers A (tift to thrill the heart on Christmas morn and to carry through the year a message of lovely thought illness. THE PERFECT Th e cupboards ami cabinets, the tables are crammed with suggestions for your Christmas list. New and an­ tique Jew elry, Shawls and unusual Bags of Needlepoint, Beads and fine leather. New early Hats, exquisitely made of crepe and straw'. Beautiful French Scarfs, and Cashmere squares. FOR T HE HOME— Naive ware* from obscure lauds. Old silver from England and early American sterling. Things in Crystal tin.! Fine China for the table, icings in Bronze, Pew ter and Brass as well as wrought iron. Pottery from Italy and Belgium. Lamps, Candlesticks, Bowls, Lamp Shades, Cushions, Etchings Occasional tables, Fireside benches, Old Settees. Book Ends, Vases, Fine French occasional furniture of b eautiful woods inlaid with bronze, Manv Perfum e, S m okers' articles, old boxes, trays. Many small g^f!Ulfr n P -'oe YOU WILL DO WELL IF YOU SELECT YOUR GIFTS HERE E.M.Scarbrough & Sons The Store of Christmas Service ♦ No End of Variety in Gifts of Loveliness • For M other, Sister, and Room-y* * —at Scarbrough’s SH A W L S— $8.95 to $49.50 Hand-em broidered a n d rn a c h i ne - em broidered shaw ls . . . m etallic squar­ es and evening wraps. Street Floor H O SE — of course! “ D O R M ” R O BES $4.75 to $3.75 exq u isite Sheer, that love I and som e w ith clox. things the room -m ate will P icot tops, som e; Street Floor $10.75 to $15.95 V ery tailored quilted sa t­ in robes, with warm in- ner-linings . . . and more fem inine silk negligees. Second Floor PERFUMES $1 OO to $15.00 Her favorite “ odeur” will please her, surely. C oty’a H oubigant’a R i c h a r d H udnut’s, D enny’s, etc. Street Floor Satin or Metal-cloth MULES $4.00 to $7.50 The intim ate g ift . . . and the Black satin with colored lining, or m etal cloth. g ift-u sefn l! Street Floor Xmas Money sr Highest cash p r i c e paid for second hand clothing, overcoats, etc. suits, shoes, Telephone 3762 CHOKERS $1.00 to $6.95 You’ll exclaim , yourself, over th e beautiful collec­ tion o f m etal and jewelled chokers for g ifts. Street Floor HANDBAGS $1.98 to $10.00 . Suede, calf, velvet . such a variety from which to choose, every imart style included! with . Street Floor 4 * * Im * Lovely Silk Crepe DANCETTES $2.98 to $5.98 Step-in and bandette to match . . . o f pastel crepe de chine . . . in tailored or lace-trimmed styles. Second Floor “Ride the Street Cars” Save shoes and tires by using the Street Cars, because they are— # Economical Dependable Comfortable Safe —And no traffic worries. “Courtesy and Service” W ic h ita Fall* F o r t W o r th Laredo AUSTIN 620 CONGRESS W a c o D a d a * B e a u m o n t KERCHIEFS 25c to $3.00 Those lovely big silk ’ker­ evening . . . chiefs hand - embroidered lin­ ens and small silks. for Street Floor EARRINGS $1.00 to $4.95 f o r ev­ B rilliant earrings ening wear, large antique­ like earrings street wear, and m any others. for S treet Floor P A JA M A S $1.98 to $10.50 C ollegiate broadcloth pa­ jam as in bright strip es . . lovely silk affa irs, tailor­ ed or lace-trim m ed. Second Floor