IISIS ®« 1 v ^\M> ,3^%.fc%,W^ \.v" tor Continuod\„ *• v^.y r>. •«% i Hlgh92> L#w 68 «'J^5 WjlIfr.f C' "•rg-# ** D ti t tfc/f n ..... I.,ij.i Price5 TEXAS, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1951 S»x~;Pa^s-?^a^ St («• 1>«-A/• Rally C ifl sSi Plans f Stunts . for NC Gameft _ _ s-x k4i­ n^iKm Eoglt Scours, Bivi :•'• ' By i°EC K1RKPATRICK J kUnion expansion and student interest are his ifcaifi ToBo PortroyicT V _••• „ "~¥-'llj;-A^'yi~n,TOp.,r, n. u-.^.n..,,.;,miHi^.n,,&M;...>^t, -j**'—Ll—-t J' xl. %« ..'• •• • -i .-. •. j, v ^ v « skW? •><. -t !m^sk &• The Texas Union Board of Directors Monday SfternoQfl -cerhsrsaid the newrdtpeetw. m§r completed its <. work Tuesday on go into effect October 6.;, •/=.•< -• ^ v "The Union,'^ Nolen muses^ "is strictJy a student operation^ card stunt preparations for the : ftlllf * half-time show.Saturday, and the students ,. • Six stunts will.be performed at it owrated to thel: the North Carolina game: of the majority of 4he i 1, Large blue, block letters NC dents. 7t0Q0 OU Tickets on a white, background; Just under "So one of the things."we're.,, •this "Welcome" will be spelled going to look for is more revenue-' out letter-by-letter. making possibilities in the Unioa. 2. For the dedication to the Boy The money will go into the Uniftit Scouts of America the second program, Nolen «dded. ­profile of Boy the stunt will be a a Seven thousand tickets to "There were 16,000 blanket tax : Noleh's vari^d UT\acti^tilpii%|Mml Scout and the letters BSA, Texas-Oklahoma football game holders last y£ar; there are only' ; cl.uded-a tour as head cheer leider SSNe*t will be a reproduction will go on sale Monday, October 9,000 this year. Figuring it on .a in '43, head cheer leader in 'is, f of the; Boy Scoiit Eagle badge.* 8. Blanket tax holders May obtain percentage basis, there should1, be. and a place in the Cactns as an ^ * H x$•>**?"•} *£••; ~yT 8t«// Ph»t» ' 4. 0range and white' block let^ .tickets, to the gfcie Monday an adequate number oi tickets,'" outstanding student, FIVE VISITIN& OFFICIALS meet with rfoderih versify: nermann Gulfascn, mayor of Bremmer-ten of 'the UT monogram with through Wednesday • at Gregory Miss Afcher said. "I am interested in school spirit'black shading. from the cities, states, and provinces that they haven; and Maria Baumbusch, from Bremmerv , Gym at the ticket office. Office .The price of, the tickets to the twelve months out of the year,'^ Coke party in the' 6. A picture of the orange toW-OU game .will be 11.80. represent in Germany for* a Standing from jeft to right—Franz Stein, may-hours will be' from 8 a.m. to 12 he said, "not just during football ?r, including the windows, with v-office of Foreign Student Advisor Joe Neal or of Mainz; Karl LocHmaier, from Offenburg; noon and from 1-5 p.m. Tickets to all out-of-town games : Season, and for the betterment of> the left of the , Monday afternoon. the numeral 6 on There should be no scarcity of will be onf sale Monday through the Union, and for the students, Guenther Rutschke, Deputy Chief, Economic tower and numeral 1 on the right. Seated from left .to right—EvelynSeherabon, tickets as last year Miss Alice Wednesday instead of Monday I am going to work 90 hours" a 'Bra nth.Government of Middle FrancohSa;.Ottb 8. The last stunt will be'a pic­Archer, ticket manager of the In­through Thursday as last year, week on this 44-hour a week job.; -from Austria; Jacob Heil, County manager, Of- Behnamann, mayor of Braunschweig; and Herman.. ture of the famed Longhorn mas­tercollegiate Athletics Office said. Miss Archer emphasized. am especially interested in h fenbach County, Sprendlingen; 6r. W. D. Webb, cot, Bevo. y.' v "I Schmall, from Munich. ; . . Upperclassmen will remember the Miss Archer also , pointed out ro« Photo. ij)4? tha Union ejqpansion program and associate professor of government at the lint- vigil Gregory The Rally.Committee has had!a all-night at Gym that blanket taxes will be neces­'.'JITTER" doing what we can with the facili- Big job on its hands this year. It last year standing in line for tick­sary for the North Carolina game •fties.available. meets Mondays, Wednesdays, and ets that , were flown from Dallas this Saturday. Blanket tax pic­Fridays at 8 p.m. and at 4 p.m. to satisfy the unusually large de­ture's will be .taketf through Octo­"Of course, I have to find om US Social Equality Amazes in Waggener Hall 401. what needs to he* done, and what| mand. ' ber 3 at the University Co-Op. At the games, the committee has been done, and the Union and the freshman"council will pass Board is the final atitiiority1 bxi out the flash cards6 and instruc­programs in the Union. > Visiting Voters tion sheets five minutes before the Nolen was a member of one ol half-time performance. -v the first survey committees inves­ By MARJORIE CLAPP -*t return to Washington, D. C., sug­. While in Austin,r the statesmen Dockery said that t^ie stunts tire A klckoff meeting Thursday of tigating thex need for Union esn , Five German provincial and eity gesting Improvements in the will visit Chamber of Commerce being checked so many times that the Religious Emphasis commit­pension., He graduated from tha officials mingled end convened American administrative branch meetings, City Couticil scissions, there shouldn't be any foul-ups tees, will ^begin the planning for University with a BS in psycholo­informally with students from of government. . ^ and talk with: officials of the unless the students in the section the week of religiou.s activities gy in '48.-4 courts and.tiie Legislature. . do.something ^rong. He asks that "Student politicians and organi­to give credit for those enrolled February J.7-21.. ,t their native -land Monday after­They will-return to Germany . Ha is married, has.t one 'child, noon at a coke party in the in­and put in praetiee American prin­'Their impressions of Austin are all thotio in We 'section re^ care­zations are beginning now to cam­in. the Great Issues course., The'meeting at the fiaptist Stu-Cindy Jane-—"who looks just likef ternational Advisory Office. .' ciples observed. v still indistinct. . • • fully the; instructions, choose the paign for positions in student gov­{2) The integration of foreign dent_Center, .405 West 22nd, will me"—and.spent -S3 months in th%; -They answered questions with Among the officials are, comt correct color of card, and hold ernment and it is up to the stu­students is being accompH begin at 6 p.m. and last about 40 Navy wfth two years in Hawaii^ -"We cannot give' our impres­ M enthusiasm and painstaking delib­ the cards in a yerticle position with .* •»( parable to-American rank, thre^ dent body to be well informed to through tie newly formed Texas minutes, said Anne Shaw, execu­He is an ensign in the Naval re­ sions of America yet. We must eration, although the of mayors a ipounty manager, land a the' top "of the 'cards level with know how to vote'in campus elec­International Friendship Club. tive secretary. The faculty com­ St era use an study the government, before we tions,"' Student President Wales serve. His wife is the former Junangjj ., >l<:,terprater was necessary. deputy chie| of. the economic the eyes whin the leader give* the (3) He is U^^d i^is ability mittee on rgli|^iiMP?lj|fi *ej»re-< Dameron, ,of Hereford. J 'fgfa say anything..We>^have' not been signals. „ ...... told a crowded first meet- sentativaa fxoin. atodlili^^goveni.- Bateaeh of tile five,visitors dis­blanch of a.province. ; " here long enough t« have gainei I • 'sfflsess -* "• *•* -tb'-^pusfc^eb-i^^^ ^ -TiW-^e#^dtrectbr played pr<^^ in^^''"br IhV Campus lkague of Wo­ played obvious surprise that •tu-' Hermann' Gullasch, . Wilhelm ' (4) Because the budget has ment, members of the United the real impressions," Herr. Heil DNA Fraternity MmIi jnen Voters Monday. Religious Workers Associatidn, all fessional handball, was President' dents, photographers, and report­Bennemann, and Keinrich Stein concluded. The participation x>f Delta Nu been cut, it will be impossible to of Phi Kappa Sigma, President o£ / Madden cited work ers are allowed to speak freely are the three mayors representing on 'Student have longer library hours, and working members, of religious em­ Herr Stein added that his most Alpha in the. Business Adminis­Government committees as exam­APO, a member of the Friars» , phasis committees, representatives with high public officials. They the cities of Bremenhaven, Braun­ instead, they are going to be and was re-appointed a first judgedv vivid impression has been the tration Alumni Conference to be ples of how students may edu from the Dean of Women's office -were a bit taken-back by tHe< in-schweig, and Mainz—located in equality between sexes. . held here Friday, will be discussed cate themselves in the' workings shorter. . " in student elections five times; !*>,£ j...'. .. • formality of the occasion. the..western sector of Germany. Student Vice-president-Wilson and the De^n of Studeni Life's "Women are treated the same rand other activities Of the Na­of student government. He intends to complete liiapS! office, key people from each reli­ "We> have noticed whit social Wilhelm. »Rutachke and "Jacob as men here. You know," that could Foreman said that the closer re­thesis in psychology, and will get|^ tional Transportation Fraternity On the progress of his plat- gious foundation, campus leaders, equality there is here in America,'-' Heil represent the German gov­make quite a difference in several will be mapped at a meeting Tues­form^Mftdden said: lationship between students, and anid anyone else interested his MA in February, .after wWch|^ may ^r'ene of the statesmen commented. ernment proper as county manager the faculty, which he advocated in he intends to devote full time tollil more years in the man-woman re-day at 7:30 o'clock in Texas Un­In spite of his efforts,: (1) he .attil«lr^-=^:'• ^... .I—-..;-:-:'-..­ ^ "Here, apparently, high officials and deputy chief. his platform, the "Union. lationship," he quipped. ion. didn't tfcink^lt <$ratfld be possible •peak with, everyone, and all the All Of the men are college grad­ plished by the coffeorums begun This will be the first joint For the past two years, Nolen people. mix together. This" is a uates and are well-versed in ad­Jast year. Re-examination«of the meeting of all the committees. has o^arated a ranch dude ahd®: -great surprise to ns." ministrative government functions' *Educatlon By Irritation* campus chest and the investiga­After this, each of the jsJeven boys' camp southwest of Colorado|^f In Germany, our interpreter ex-Queried about the most serious tion and/following-.through of all working committees will meet in­Springs. He has also managed.th^M k plained, those occupying such high defect in German government to­bills in the student assembly are dividually,,to plan different phases Capitol Hotel and helped operates®< positions as the five visitors are day, Herr Stein replied, that di­pending. of the Religious Emphasis Week. one at Kingsville. seen almost as,rarely by the aver-vision of the towns intp sectors • Jean Wesley, secretary of the On each committee there is one The 27-year-old director wat^f age citisen as the average Ameri­create a serious probfem' in good, Students' Association, cited Steer faculty member and one religious a born in Pueblo, Colorado, but he can sees President Truman. government. . • Here, Internatiohal Club, Judi­adviser, but-the chairman is didn't stay there long. "I-was ; The German officials arrived in "When a town ,is divided into1 Dr.a J. Gilbert McAllister has ' among the Kiowa-Apache Indi-ceremony held lyhen a tribal,mem­ciary Committee, Public Relations student. " my way to Texas," he quips. j^jg, t Austin Saturday night for a sectors, families are sometimes been named to succeed Dr. Thom­.anans. He was the third white man ber is ill or to celebrate anniver­Committee, and faculty evaluation Father Joseph Maguire will give as a few of the many service the key speech at the meeting Members of the Texas Union,V'.'® '-••• mpnth's stay in Austin, where they split. I ask you—how can we ever as N. t&mpbell as chairman of the ever to attend-a pfeyo.te ritual saries. Dr. Mac lived among these committee which re­Thursday. Roberts, of which' will study civic-and state govern-have a united Europe or a united department of anthropology. studied have gained Charles new Board Directors ap­ — ment. Sponeored-by-the Stat« Dft-Germany.when jBven the towns are.. among these people, an all-night Indians -for a year and cognition's a part of student gov­religious co-ordinator on the cam­pointed Nolen are Mr. John ™ Dr.-Mac,.&s' be is known -to -his their family, kinshipt and behav­ ernment. pus, and Wales Madden, Students' M^Curdy, chairman of the .Ex-iff? ' partment, the' visitors will remain not united?" -• students, is no^ew figure around ior patterns. -w—r- Association president, will also Student's Association, Pean ofpj; Jtk the country for ninety days sur­The sectors within a town often the department. He joined the This summer Dr. and' Mrs. Mc­speak. Miss Shaw will give a pic­Women Dorothy Gebauer, DeAnj* ">j. veying the democratic system of work at cross-purposes, he com­faculty . in 1935 and University Allister went to Puerto Rico on a ture of the Way Religious Empha­Wi'li»m D. Blunk, Herman Jones, government and economic prin­mented. '.. , . -• served as"chairman of the depart­Caribbean cruise. The trip over sis -Week will look this year. Sidney Siegal, Joe Bob Bettis.V; ciples in major cities. ---•-f §-••• The mayor of Mainz, Herr Stein ment from 1038 until 1&47. by freighter required six days. The board ofNdirectors will meet Bill Parkier, Jean Wesley, and Stu- Under the plan, the govern-- stated that the.city boasts the • His classroom technique is They returned by plane in 11 Tuesday morning tO get ready for dent President Wales Madden. •mental scholars will make recom­newest university in German^—­ something which he calls "educa hours. The high point of interest S Thursday's meeting. They will ap­mendations, in individual reports, the only university in thf country tiori by irritation," and is designed on .the trip for Dr. Mac wag his point a steering committee, com­ to the State Department upon their witji a campus like that of Ameri­ to stimulate some kind of interest visit io the University Rio Piedras. Plans for the coming year were posed of two religious workers,can colleges. among the students. ,; ^ ^ . The university there has a mod­discussed at the first Wica meet­five students, and Miss Shaw to Elected ' Herr Stein added that Commu­ J-I^f OHO pti McAllister's hobbies include em department \of anthropology ing last night in the Texas-Union. help work out details for the week. nists. hold no'officeg in Mainz and Bquare dancing—he and his wife and funds are being raised for a Short discussions of the inter­L. D. Haskew, dean of the College "I'.J H the surrounding territory. There is no however were-formerly Co-sponsors of new building which will «hotise est groups, the Mica-Wica Harvest Of Education, is he^kd of the board Clique Chairman law, prohibiting Swing and Turn—and raising un­ only the deartment and the mu­Ball, and the date bureau followed of directors. the^i from holding governmental usual plants. seum. an introduction the Religious Emphasis Weiek is set' Tommy Rodman, a Phi Kappa'"r­ positions. ' • of new fall Among their plants, collected McAllister received his officers. " , „ aside for the purpose of stressing Psi, was elected chairman of theife M Dr. ' "I do not believe that the Com­ over several years,/is one of the r New officers include Theo Leu-thevneed for religion in the life clique Sunday night. The clique is ^ bachelor of arts degree ip sociolo­ munist party should be outlawed carrion 'type which smells like, of the student. Special speakers the political action group of the ^ gy and. anthropology here in 1928. ders, president; Rose Brune, vice-because that will drive them! un­ ate invited to. come, and Several fraternities. & dead fish when it blossoms. An­ Later, he got his master of arts pfesident; Mary Esther Haskell, '• Bar Examinations, House derground. As long as such a party other is the comparativly small meetings will be j held during the A five-man steering committee • ,J\ con­ in from secretary! Joyce Jackson, treasur­ ; of Representatives, State Capi­is legal., we still 'have, some spinless cactus, peyote. degree archaelogy the er; Shirley Lawrence, historian; week. -was also 'chosen. Members are." " tol. • •" i'.;;..':: '/• trol over what the Communists University of Chicago,, where he Claude Goldsmith, Jim Leonard,do." Dr. McAllister met the peyote also got his doctor's degree in Johnnie .Human, reporter; and Gordon Llewellyn, Howdy Clark, Herr Gullasch, however, stated plant while doing field work J. GILBERT MCALLISTER 1933. Connie Constenadof corresponding-and Homer Jackson. ---­Co-Op. •" ..•r^ secretary. , • -• 8-1 and 2.-5 — that several. Red party members Rodman classified the meeting Veterans Advisory Besides the regular, officers Service,-V Hall. are officers in the Brehierhaven at com­as "a very quiet one." The next " named the meeting the : 9-12 and 2-5 Non-credit re^ government. ,V. meeting will be held on OctoJj^T % mittee chairmen were announced. gidkration, Women's Gym. , Herr Heil, pounty manager, Those given were Mary Helen Will Open on Drag 14'to draw up a slate of men to^i;: J1 —-Coffee hour HiftSi Founda­commented that several,jCommun-run in the fall assembly elections, cfa. Spear, program; Jane Kneip, so­A booth wjtei'e students will be ists have been -elected tion. : to seats'in cial; Irma Saldeyar, intramurals; able to places-orders for football Radio program auditions, Ba-the westejn-zone national assem­ Mildred Fox, -membership; Pat corsageB will be opened by Mor­bly. :>• dio^on^e^­ phoning; Strauss, 8-S -—."Pictures by William Lester, / Asked if he is a politician, Herr Smith, Eisie tar Board, honorary society* for 4* ' publicity; Sue Henslee, co-ordinat­senior, women, Thursday in front , Laguna Gloria. HeS replied indignantly that gov­HOUSTON, Oct. lli^)—Tex­ presidential nominee who would nal sea waters and warned the ing; Dottie Passios, dating; Carrin of the University Co-Op. &.Zfj Se, A -—Bally:Committee, Waggener ernment ia a^career with .German as' Atty. Gen. Price Daniel Mon­not, as. Daniel claimed, ignore the same thing could happen to inland Mauritz, parliamentarian; and The organization will act as men: v*;'-• ••/•• -f * Hall 4101. day bluntly asked Te.xans to dump right* of Texas. ' waters and land.' , :> Evelyn -Scherabon and Georgia campus representative of a down­ i,I\ t — Sorority section staff meet­"There are, three major, puties President Truman • andv |ind a He spoke at the seventh annual He said President Truman, in MacDonald, councilmen-at-large. town florist'' shop, which will der'—Free Democrat, Social Denio. ing, Cactus Office. convention of the Texas Water campaigning in Texas in 1948, liver all student orders., I i:46 — Tryouta for Girls' Glee crat, and Christian Socialist In Conservation Association. By RUSS KERSTEN K -lead everyone to believe.he v^ould: ;The booth will'be open Thurs­ ,;i£;jQ|ub,;Texas Union 401. the city government, a man is Body of Student ;S«nt "It is my jiope that Texas yrill respect 'Texas' rights to. its tide- days before home games.from 10 T ~»-'Glri8* Glee Chib meeting^ elected to hia office. In the state To Ef Paio for Biirial ; lead the way i?v findmg a ipresi-•iaTtds. ... • t. • a-m-ito' 3 "iyra.;, and Fridajs, from A good salesman is li-manTexas Union 401.. "gofgWinient, when a man is ap-denti^l noininee who will uphofd 1 "Lerfr than SO days after Texa^r It) a.m. to ^ p.m. Students: will 7 — Mortar Board, Texas Union, pdinted to office, he disassociates The Body of T. Finley Robinson Texas' contract of annexation with gave hiip the biggest,majority of sign an order, blank at the booth, fat in a fur coat. -7-«w^ South^Central Texas Ciub» politics, and-,government and con-Jr., 24-year-old music student who the Unitedl State^'Vhe said after any state," Daniel declared, "the Needed for Follies giving'the-name and address of • V •y> ,. ir Texas Union 315. centrates only on good govern­-dead:-in hiaroomErk the Attorney f was' found his luncheon speech. President ordered their date, and pay for the flow­• A bright-eyed young thii 7 — Sigma Alpha Iota, Green ment." ^ day, was seiit to El Paso by the Danierbitterly attacked the Su" ^neraiTto-filehSUit for the^TexaalllChorun mcmhein, brtth-m»t«> imW ers. The corsage Will be delivered proached her lab instruct Room, Music Building.. . V Hyltin-Manor Funeral Home. preme Court decision that stripped Tidelands." femal, Spanish dancers anrf~sing^^rthrdatfe-on4he moming of the iss,-; and'; askleH how sh"< ^9^0 "— Tryduts for Forty Acre Cactus Sdrority Staff ^ ' The funeral is to be held. Mon­Texas of -jts lands beneath margi-;"It Is , my hope that Te^as ers, and musical variety perform; game. :./y; make a good , grade in Follies,' International ~ Room^ day in El Pa»o.­ Democrats and Texas. Republieans ers are still needed for the-Forty-: Prices are as folioars because ihe just ''HAD T|| -^exaa. Union--^ 4-•^,'. <»f S. p.m. Today; Bar Cixams Given to 178 r _ Traces of nitrate en AifeinaonV will go to their respective presi­acre Follies to be held Noyember An average-size yellow or white Putting away a' coup^f? 7:30 — AAAE, Architecture Students assigned to the 'soror­hand enabled a justice " of the , State:bar exams were given to dential; conventions in Mf 18-17. " ' muni tifed with brange ^W^iifSlJe test tubes, looking tho -Building 105. — ity section of the Cactus will meet peace to .return a-verdict pf sui. 5JawstudentsJMfaodayijte the in»tructed to Vote against any Tryouts will be held Tuesday e whSe, rbb-shyl % Xc30 — Delta Nu Alpha, Te$as Tuesday afternoon at S o'clock in cide in the case. first of a three-day series. Ttoey candidar ' the .A'Union Lobby. -. r tibe Cactus Office, Sordrity Editgr Survivors .include .his parents,_ will also .be giv^n Tuesday and nomination who^will not promise UTexip Union from 7 7:30 E. H. Sattlsoii to le«t to 9:30. mum tied yrith ribbona.anbd extra Slightly overwhelms JeanKeliner announced. nr| Wednesday moirnmg/at 8jQfr-a;mij--fe'^uphold-the -Texay-annexation* decorations Buch aB schbdl initial* ladv returned^,; *'Nbt "• Bqsh Hashana Hillel Tentative plans for. contactin r. of El Paso r his grandmother, in the House of Representatives. satue~ 3rummer, are also needed. or_WiftiatUre"e0Wbe11s^ Switching off.* A^dj^nal ttyouts wt^ be Jheld A;very ,large, low or . white instructor blared l j* ./ .,-.o ~*~•• WW Sw^.-kfAM^ li IM went i*dtto tip -tier *krk of foothafl lMt Sattttda^, H's* ib Dawson, speedy Texts h*lf-| Sooners senttled Wffltai <•* £l!4=r"-^, xft wingtheawdern typ® wtiyhf. bedefined -V^jTV rW;a § j^lilirljeen selected bn">,(lit»|'^®"?-.. Jt, ^s.teim that d«pM^ Ufrdr iipon yiwing r" Mslrin Powler reetired credit vmyr Ydulc, power/and 'tirt »^%J4*«*|» baekfkM by #»e 17. Kentucky he Jjsm&anm &xk etrictiy to the fnmad, uwn^ powtt' & for the part his passes played in Michigan State College, en* of when it came time to> send in the 2. California (ZZY ?, , • 962 the Homed Frogs' victory ow T«t«. * ' '•• 3. Tennessee (27) 934 IS. Clenuott (1) ' BiiiBfiiif tUs Hs»9iia the nation's leading independent *• ^ Dawfcon^ had for company full-'Nebraska. Others fn the first 10 are Texa?, {.Oklahoma (IS) «, 80S. 19* Baylor Neil Worden, Notre Bart®} Jim Weather*!!, Oklahoma line­football powers, Monday was which Rested Purdue 14^after I, Notre Dame, (9) ^720 20. Kaiiaas „„ _ gayterback Zek# Brptowski, man, was mentioned prominently ranked as the top team in the sqneesing past Kentueky the pre­§. Tmu ($) •If; Other j«6te i«res MitlijMd fetns of Miswnri.sad XwHasis, w« wondered jiiifc in tlie lineman considerations.-lint weekly Associated Press na­vious Saturday, Ko. 6; Ohio State, 7v Ohio. State (1) .480: »MiasMf|ii and»J^|ke I»w»t wlwt^peof wwld eorgia; and halfback „ Johnny which barely got past SMU 7-0, 8. Illinois 294 27} AWNuna SSrBelr €w«l Illinois; tion-wide poll of the season. makete is «Mr «9Cf«d sieeting, No. T; Illinois, a 27-18 winner oyer 9, Maryland (4). *S7 Cornell 20; Northwestern IS; Wis­We kMw that Texaa saed aboet Dawnon scored alt 14 points for Coach Biggie Munn'a,Spartans, 222 consin 17; Villanova and Tnlane UCLA, No* 8; Maryland, a »4-14 10. Texaa AAM two-thirds ground ta«tk« and Qm the Longhorns against Purdue last who spanked Michigan, 2J-0, last victor over Washington 4c Lee, No. Second ten: ^ 4-16; LSU 11rSouthern California SWC Yardage Led other third air attack against Ww -Siturdsy. week* edged out the Golden Bean •{ and Texas AIM, a 20-7 winner 11, Georgia Tech (4) SOS 10; Arkanni 8; F^rdham, Pen* ;,; Paul Williams,Uliiiniii wtbofitLonghorn end,WP# •• V| •.*"'•• >w* •f California for first place. ©*er Texas Tech, No. 10. 12. WaaMngton (2) . 166 State, and Stanford 7; Amhersi : Ns'ieiiipl^ni. at tfce Mwf «ais­ i>who was selected as the UP "line-Ky rfAflC , The voting for the first poll;... 12. Washington (2) 166 8; TCU, Virginia. Cincinnati, and The Bears took the runner-up isc 261 yards rnsMnf aM, 126 tilicui ity€^k*^^irt">*w^^k'""y4fr -90—jj. with first nlsre .MteainJiiad{fi.tJrJj,2L.Ge^ (i\ . 96 SMU 6; South Dakota State, Yale, 7^r~Tyrrnnnmnr 8> votes from pasirfnc. ^enmkina cempleted f ef • ^ -prominently mentioned for, his DALLAS, Oct. i^JP}—Malttn Tennessee, the team whieh was 10 points for first, nine for se­14. Frineeton SI lanr-Navy *i • Sen~>^aneiace S; 'swimmr* -'tiistt^"j^ss^se. '* work against the Boilermakers, cond, eight for third, and so on: 16. Oregon State (1) ~ Minnesota and Drake1. Fowler of TCU is the man in .accorded tbe top spot in a pre­ Bat tida. yaar-iOeni wsa » near Mentioned also in the\-job««| Southeast Conference football season poll Sept. lO. Jn last ^arterlNUjk e^atf selecting the backfield of th«1 The TCU tailback is the total|month's balloting, Michigan State Das Fage, wWiuto bee« week was the performance .©*t o£fenge leader and the most ac-was rated numbiw 2. ing with T Joiea inpractke.Jpnta *«the That Was before the teams got was put on trial agiinst Kentueky J"foY'two touchdowns and passed to Fowler has gained 344 yards into 'their game suits, Michigan and proved to bt a good T^stss. , Billy Vessels for another as the and passing. He ranks State hftd barely beaten Oregon Now ft w«s page's am to take running State the previous Saturday, 6-0, the aland. Figs fi theoght t» be second in yardage in passing— but the Spartans ripped their old the better passer ef the Mrs, seDixie Series All Even 240—but has the top percentage. Michigan rivals solidly' in their we decided that most of the Long-He has completed 18 of 28 passes As Barons Top Houston for a mark o~f .642. second game and drew 87 first-, horns' offensive maneuvers would place votes out of a total 188 cast. i centered a*eond Pags and $• BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Oct. 1— Glenn Lipmann of Texas A&M Sprist attack., . ­ On the basis of 10 points for leads the bait-carriers with 167, mm-r (JP)—The Birmingham Barons first, nine for second, eight for What happened? Only tbrce yards on 22 runs and Lfmar Mc­squared the Dixie Series with the third, and so on, Michigan State passes w«re thrown by the Texaa IOIBY LAYNEHan of Arlkansas is second with ; Houston Buffs Monday, winning stacked up 1,026 points in the poll 9 team. One of them was inter­ 3-2 on George Wilson's two-run 153 on 20 carries. Fowler is third Texas this year than he did last with 124 yards on 23 rushes. of sports"Writers and sportscaeters cepted and the other two felt in­Ml aa eeinpletiona homer.is'the sixth inning. from coast to coast. complete. And Page, who played year, aa fair ares Fred Benners of SMU has concernedj bat fce did not gain as? i The Buffs loaded the bases California, which came east to a vary good game at die man- thrown 48 pasees and completed mttch yardage. In 1950 he threw ' With two away in the ninth, but rock Pennsylvania, 36-0, and gain under position, threw only one of 28 for 292 yards and an average tte" th^S^The^ta^ti^U» !>«*• «?d compleUd S for Buster Freeman, the Barons' star a lot of respect from eastern grid of .604. 140 yarda. This year he attempted relief pitcher, got them out with- iron scribes, had 22 firsts and i were teased by halfback Don Bar­ Jerry Norton of SMU leads the 21 passes, completed 12, but/ out damage. Loser was 23-game punters with an average of. 41.0 total of 962 points. Tennessee, ton and Bonnjr' Andrews. gained only 114 yards, Of the 22 winning A1 Papai. on nine, kickfej Larry Isbell of. Bay­ winner orer Mississippi State This came to Lengliorn fans as he tossed last year he had only JP-~ The Baron victory squared the lor is second with 40.2 oh five. 14-0, pblled 27 firsts, and a total somewhat of a surprise since the on* intercepted. This year Texasof 984 points Steers had a pretty good, reputa­ -•^'series at 2-2. -;" . ' Bill Jurney of Arkansai has intercepted four * of Samuel's tion as e paHially-passing ball caught the most passes, taking six The Oklahoma Sooners, voted aerials. No. 1 team a year ago, gained the club, and has turned out such for 128 yards. Bob Blair of TCU . OUT IN FRONT \% Gib Dawson (47) ac he down on h?« six-yardJaunf with 13 minufet gone aa is second with five for 106. Yale No. 4 spot on the strength of a atrialiats Bobby Leyne, Paul Aiitoinatic Lary of A4kM has been the most convincing 49-7 victory over Wil­scoots around right end after taking a pitch-ouf rin the first quarter. The Purdue defender i» cen­Campbell, and Tompkins. ; No B-Tox Yet?liam * Mary. Oklahoma'had' 18 ffbm T iienes. Dawson scored Texas' first touch­ter Don Fife (58). In tha past years Texaa baa Car Washing Co. effective punt returner. Her has carried back five for 99 yards. first-place ballots. been not exactly a.passing team, Better Get Themr Fast Service Arkansas leads in team offense A major surprise,; not only to but an eleven that depended high­ with 869 yards while SMU tops Indiana and a Jot of so^alled ex­ly on yardage gained throogh the To See Tar HeelsYaecupnied inaida — Sidawalla in defenie, allowing only 208.8 perts, was Notre Dime. The Fight­air. In 1949 the Steers, with Injuries Hurt Frogs at Steam Cleaned WHITE yards per game. ing Irish, who have been" voted Campbell their leading tdsser, Students who do not have pic­the nation's top team four times threw 209 ps»es, completed 106r Welcome Students A Ex's tures on their blanket tax may MhIu Jala*' Cougar* since the poll Was inaugurated in andgained 766 ya«tadorhigtte have trouble getting into Satnr* N., $1.25 S.M.Meeks, former Universi­1986, landed in the No. 6 position. season. Last year, under tha gan» Aggies Work on GU Plays day's game when Texas meets ty sophomore track and footbsll Coach Frank Leahy's lads eralsbip of Tompkins, the Orange . GRIME TO SHINE North Carolina in Memorial man? has enrolled at the Univer­cracked Indiana, 48-6, Saturday and White pHad up. 1137 yards SSI Sautk Lirnr Ph. Z-S3S0 B&**4 m AttociaUi Pr**» perfect shape. Johnny Medanich, Purdue game. . Work on those Stadium. ­ sity of Houston. with some of the old Notre Dame n^th only 76 completed passes out The1061 Southwest Conference who missed the 28-7 upset victory movies will continue Tuesday. Students do not have to draw of 140 attempts. football race swings wide open overNsbraikawithin^^i^ is Meanwhile, Baylor's pre-season ticketa for-the game but they And you can go further back Saturday night at Little Rock, and back at right half. '-• -1--::Cohf«pM*ffiv^ after-must show their blanket fax through the Southwest Confer­ already one of the teams is sing­. The Texas Longhorns, two-time taking a holidey last week, heard which has their picture on it. ence statiatica and find where ing the "injury blues." scout reports, on Tulane, whom the winner* iir 1961, took it fairly'easy Auditor's receipts stamped "pic* Texaa has always been—at least— Arkansas coach Otis Douglas in mvctice Mohdiy working on a Bears play Saturday in New Or­tare taken" will not be valid. leans. • . -v' . v-a pqftially passing team. Blair reports from.Fayetteville that all glaring weakness—pass offense.-Cherry was 6ne of -the Texaa Blanket tax pictures are be­his ends but one—Je.rry Bogard, The Steers failed to complete a The Bears' Monday sessions in­ing made at the University. Co- coaches that had a lot of concern sophomore—are out with injuries. pass all day Saturday, While beat­ cluded. plays they' expect to run Op and will continue ..through im air tactics, but he first taught While the injuries don't seem to ing Purdue, 14-0. off against the Green Wave,' vic­tM Longhorns how to gain yard-Wednesday. Students who hav -tV\y°us be serious, Douglas is moaning Fullback Byron Townsend and tors over-a strong Miami (Fla.) age on the ground. ' their pieture made Wednesdajr" about the valuable practice they'll end Hub Ingraham'missed the ses­team Saturday. ' ; -Many fane wtio iavr the game or before vrill have their blanket^ be missing. sion because of minor injuries. Over in Aggieland, All-America|and who heard it over the radio tax returned before Saturday'sAlsor the Porkers appear to be However,:both are expected to be candidate Bob 'Masked Marvel* said that it remindfd them s lot fame.in worse shapa offensively, as top ready for the North Carolina game Smith worked out in a sweatSuit I of the way Cherry would coach offensive and defensive fullback Saturday. Monday, while the "remainder;of.[the.Longhoms. Cl^eriy.way.in the MenaceProves i 1® Lewis Carpenter has a sprained Before, the workout, the Steers the squad in general scrimmaged ( stands at the Fordse game, hot A force—As ankle, and won't be anywhere near saw 8low-motion~W^ .the typ» = of^ Oklahoma|l^ Price--was on the sideline : WHITAKER FIELD, Sunday^ top shape Saturdiy. . split-T plays they'll sea In actios(coaching the Longhorns and H wss Meanwhile, coach Dutch Meyer (Spl.)^—A gutless band of Texan in the game at College Statjon hia way of Winning the contort^ of the TCU Frogs, the other con* St*trs On« of S«v«n Saturday night. -114-0. Sporta Mollets failed to appear.at the appointed time thia sunshiny testant,. reports his squad in near-Unbsatsn Texas Teams . Smith was working "out some ' •tatl*tica ahow what powerthe Longhorns had sgshist: Pur-afternoon and thereby forfeitedaches and pains he received Sat-the scheduled West-of-the-Missis- Bt thii Aluoeiattd ft*— ­ You'll like the Only seven undefeated teams sippi football ehampionahip to group of Texas Tech Red Raiders HOLIDAY HOUSE! remain among Texis' 26 senior plunged for 62, Barton earried for Killer Haya* auperbly conditioned in Dallas' famed Cotton BowL colleges as the football campaign 48, Dick Ochoa powered for' 81, Printers. : The schedule for the Sou^twest moves into*its fourth week. and Jones ^blasted through the Nine Inkehi were there at kick- Trinity University, Sul Ross, Conference teams ^isJipreek ia: line for 68. v.; off time, but—as mentioned be­We now have Texas Tech, Hardin-Simmons, and Arkanwks vs. TCU at Little^ Bock Purdue's quarterback Dale Ssm-fore—the gutless Mullets didn't Knight) .(Conference game); Bay- Austin College fell out last week.' ueli had a bettar day against make it. wsnm-m : Topping the field is North Texas lor vs. Tulane at New Orleans. State, which has won three games Also Bice vs. LSU at Baton i • u<> and scored 149 points to 12 for Rouge (night); SMU vs. Missouri j MUfai IVIUStnflS the opposition. Southwest Texas in Dallas (night); Texas AdcM vs. State and Midwestern also have Oklahoma at College Station won-three games eachi (night)j and North Carolina ri. Delta Tau Late Rally >Jl :^J|toQj!inip . of the,:undefeated Texas at Austin, < '' Texas college teams: Fast Efficient . I.. t >U »p . pettt&. 1*x. StM« S 0 f<9 12 1.000 Managers Meet Today Sft'w'tt T«*. SUta. 3 0 141 II l.«00 CURB SERVICE Midwcittrn S » »S IS 1.400 T«u» A*M 0 41 SI 1.000 In Girls Mixtd Murals »T JErr HANCOCK ^ Fountain-<-Steaks ' t*m* a 0 at e 1.000 rn. InirtumtnU Ct tt*in*t«r .. . , Btylor .1 • It 0 1.000 .Managers for mixed tourna­ j Sandwichas—Sodat Stvphra r. Aa»«n-l 1 Share nice 4-room f.rase (pari- PICk UP & DEUVERY Mirfnara' score 'on, « play thit n »eat. De»tr«bl« aurrdundiiix*, cconomi-HAIR CUTS—?Se. Staey'a BifHar S)i6». and Dick Fahey playing for* the [ Sigma still leading, 1?-®-— . CuaOalope. apattiatnt. covered yards. Dittert agiin^fl 5S outlay. Call 8-0705. . i&9t THKBK KOOM aniurniihid Newman Club won second place, p A rat Beaird^to Ford Rnbbir<| 70 Suitaki* "for akop or itttdic. BURNISHED OR unfurnl»h«d. On« ! bed-' FORTUNE. HOLIDAY,. NatioAal 'G*«. Vory toed baatnaaa 'location.. Will mt SERVICE . Thia year tournaments will be11®*8 P®* Xippa Sigma itfeid,1S-S, passed to Miseli for -the extmr l room, lanta. Hvina-dininf . xwm, til# , araphic., Eiqulra—Xle, ( lor |1. B»U or laaa*. If aaeattary wil] famith phon* jut they,failed to convert. Another point. At the ^ o*J gima held in volley ball, Softball, bad­ 'klMlMK-bath. 4 cloneti. Centril heating, ter Horn*., Gardan,., Faabion. . La'dita and oarional mitiatanec. LETS TALK with the score tied, 7-7, and pene­ Etkert-to-Mohr psfes tof A touch­ •tU« twt fan. Bcfidtx. Playground*. AH Journal and pMktt beibk edition* 10e. BUBlNfiSS. Mr>. TharM* Taylor, A- minton, bowling, Ytabla^ tennis, utilities paid-D««orator "farntohad. J (S!e 25c. Cam let Se. I {«r -25e. Ali Attto Shars Expama Buraan/ l|0t La-down, Mid an I5ckert-to-0wynn trations eten pt 34 each; teim S^t4S. lt«4 W*«» at' E. J2nd North-kinds-of mairaciQ.i aad book a for r«-vaea, 2-S*S$. • . ~ ; tennis, and golf.^v'" Teagtie toes for the extra point took th* ball fdr four downs «nd wood T«rraee. 1 •eareh *o>k ^ ^riee. Wo Wao4 trad*. •i.n.X; .i"i i.nij.i."-! . ' . ,.jt. .j • •. Open -tU U, nisbta. A.All U»od Magi-SUITS-DRESSES made the seore 19-18. Delta, xau the Mariners „mide 36 yarda to Dienetics ^ ii»t« and Bo«ka. 110* lATtta. Typing Drita climaxed their uphill strug-Derm BV16 ysirda to Wn III <#a» TRAVEt THE IrtoMi, Oalls*. gle ln the closing tnteatto of th« ^(0«C«Sia«...Or ejt.auditina Fort Worth^S4r COn>oii-AbH«fraiy>A jytrtniilwifl atest on. the tWfd seoting piM Alpha Tan Omega beat Delta ssirEf X (the Winning *x«M point. 1801 Lattea. Fbonr: S-ISSSi . > DISSERTATIONS, EVENIKG and:.' Buddy Ksyden for the ATO aiatie). DictAtioB. Coacbiaf. lira. Pat- Phi Gamma tontinued ttdr VNivs: KEN—trlrate room. •fi 'mm ; moeky. SS-ISIS. -y — I I feaitb; lB.00. Shar* room 3^ i «• x winning way* Monday nifht by M"'=Woeks T«r»itj. 2714 Whitt*. 3-3**6. EtTERIENeED M.A. tradnata. Raaaori-PILLOWS factory Method { defeating tha Dttefc lM; Sharps Delta Tau. Delta,won a ClassbtsJUi Ski abla, Mrs. Da*<*. 5-12ST, I shooting Boss Prick, an excellent B g^me ori yardage gained site' ill ..Ij • -t.1 • r.H,1 , • Ficirr'ij nnf3ii BM*ecAmm [ piis#r,_ connected for ill three of the regulation contest a^dad'ni a tC«ll uuuny MUJL1IJM i Bargalf^-h'intwancj tra< tie. 12*18. .With |MB»etft^on> al>» ••[in mmwiKi Wanted Itosaea w^r« 4o^X«S. Perry, Char­even, <-botk taanu took the ball ­ •tn'i uLiaizinivin In Tirei—Brakeand Wheel nci nnnun-1 -v -— -• • "-••'-• Y • ley fFirkar, i»d Harry Shitploii' for four downs and Delta Tan Hiinwun timun GIRLS, BOYS and famlly laundry dona ^ Servici^eitr0^ Tha Dekik Wtfa Yarymueh in the Delta Woty. on yardagiHiiisnn iintiin-.i at knaa. l405 C«4ae. Fbona: Mill. WHEN YOU THINK OPLAUNDRY.OR CLEANING Car Heater* baU t*m* unttHhiliftsJbcminutea gained. uaurj urousitibj lost and fi&teiidl jtt _ WANTED: Maa for *aw iadaatry pnbli­ ni^ixun ui! irKn . ar^«r ti«Med Beam mni ihojt H into expire^ ^k'-hiae, compired ten that hai be«n going on at the Dqrlng ft tour of duty Jn Japsti m,.though th* official aver*««shave Bearn, big right­only on* of two gam** scheduled the shallop left field stands with Giants stranded by Brsnca^ academy in,a small way for many he enjoyed ihe plentifuji supply of |*ot been released. Sen Musial»»0-hander from * Atlanta, pitehed one on their home field starting Tuea-two down; in* the.second. Hears The Glints, gifted by five walks years." That's th? opinion of CoL pheasant and doves. A>£ter «neun­gffywawold 8b Umkt Cardinal tfar-his meei brilliant games Monday day to cltoa* th* greatest stretch the Dodgers their 13th 4w^°n"ia .their last Thomson's Slst blast of th* sea* four comforting' double plays, in­proves of the action taken against "poppet" for a lure. / rifice bunts. The record for least Force Base, Is closest is third jdsei with 14 games, Hearn yielded only five son in the fourth inning withIrvia cluding a twin-killing in » wild the cadets, since it wis not very The Colonel was^ born In Stu­ assists intrae game is none and Is 1'^ i' -U'C?1 •386 murk after Sunday'* game. hits to the' booe-tired Flock and on base and .Irvin's 24th leading scrambl* on tiiiB base path* which Bevere. They *r* eligible to re art, Iowa, but was appointed to '• . But he can'tpick up-, 20 points. was not In serious danger of feeing off th* eighth unhorsed th* right* jnded the gamesl_-3lcU^bbimiir>« th* pwaattF caugfct becauseBobby Thomson handed fastbalier. Bud Podbielan As » result of this wholesale piia Phillies Is a*eond with *844. and Mont* Irvin slashed $home worked the ninth. slaughter of the Dodgers who did • Only two «tt«f players, BkD M runs. Andy Pafko gav* th«t flock its manage to teach first,.only two of tion was'the earnest desire of ev­ tween throwing Itis finest pitcher, he was a liaison officer for sev-A driveriess car IUhr Homia Wagner «nd S«r "MondSy night the amasfng men only score when he. «aughfe a manager Charles Dresaen'a lads eryone to have a crackrjack foot­*ral,y«rs»;:.||||||^^ 1 Sal Maglie, at the,.Flo$k with only hill eraahed Into twite tes Co^era Honu^/ bat* won aom U»-ball team," the Colonel stated. two days' rest, or taking a chance Besihes his bachelor of science "op Monday morningtional Leagu* tatting titissthanj mm A 1924,graduate of ^Test Point, front porch, of IfusiaL Wagnar won eight crowns j On Sheldon Jones, * sometimes-degree f rom West Point, h* holds brilliant but often-«rra$cK,right­Col. Hehney was a letterman in a-B. S. in civil engineering,from itZOOfiNeches. N . . and Hornsby seven. - Wih hander. 1 I ' both footbatt wd liitosie. "Those the University of Cal|forin» and jn»e^owner of the rui-awi?'# Rounding out thatop ten *•of Maglie, winner Of *28 games in were the days of the Four Horse­is a graduate of the Swiss Fed­sild, Ids, pirlt^r Sunday are Boy CJampanella, hold.* ­ the regular season; «aid Monday men of Notre Dame," he remi­eral Institute of"Technology. InBrooklyn, .327) Mont* Inia, New his arm was a little tired, but ex-nisced. "Football «M very tough addition h* holds certificates ofYork, ^It;, Johnny Wyrostek, pressed .willingness to give it a go then, but didn't have the speed graduation from numerous Army Cincinnati itllj Balph. Kiner, and heavy passing of today's Pittsburgh, JOt; A1 Dark, New if Leo wished him to. servtetr schools. .w j. . .... . NEW YORK, Oct — he'll hit-the double-play ball." ybu had an idea that the Dodger There was ^ild jubilation in game." The use of a" roving guard The Bronse Star with a MV",York, .304; Carl Furillo, Brook­Behind -the hatting cage *nd The calmest man on the scene fans realized the creeping death the Giants' dressing when the" line work, he lyn, .801; and Johnny Metkovich, room complicated the Purple Heart, with a cluster, around the clugouts, the reporters was the Giants' dandy little mana­which had been overtaking them Monday's tight duel ended. Dur­added. hits Horn* «nd Aute Pitsburgh, .294. and Beveral campaign ribbons have and' photographers milled about ger, Leo Durocher, who sat on the the past few weeks had bony Preacher Roe of the Dodgers a ocher said he never had seen "Notre Daine, Navy, Yale, bfeen awarded to Col. Henney.­ aimlessly and with the wide, bench, arms folded, dutwardly hand onthetrshoulders, e was th* loop's top pitehar after Hearn's sinker ball duoking the Princeton, *nd Harvard were some puring 'Vf orld War U he served 1508 M Rfver who ' canM^beliere-it eyes of men relaxed. Monday the Bums had .to do it, tin regular season closed Sunday, had just seen th< sun rise in the way it did against the Dodgers. of the football powers that we en­aa division engineer of the Ninth Phone 7-2904 ^ttr*^22^0*cwr^ -Only-tb* m*chine-gun• actioti of and they,couldn't. They left their At one point midway of the con­countered then," said" Col. .Hen­Infantry Division In North Africa; west. ^ ;• •raff*. Ski Maglie of the Giants still an his jaws on a wad of .-gum *nd game in Philadelphia Sunday. test, Hearn struck out three bat­ney, who played tackle on the as chief of the department of en­ They w«re suffering occasion^ silences when he would was second with 28-6, ilBS nark. ters in succession. Army team. gineering at the Engineering emotional hangover from Sunday's ga?e dreamily it nothing s^t^ alt Warren Spahn of Boston led in Hearn, accepting the congratu­Hunting, fishing, and photog-School at Fort Belvoir, Va.; and drama-packed afternoon, and here bespoke any tension. lations of his teammates on rack­ strikeout* with 168, seven more Seoul . HAND TOOLED they wese faced with more of •The fint roar came when than runner-up Don Neweombf of the iMme potent medicine. How Jackie Robinson, hero of Sunday's ing up his 17th and most-impor­ tant win of the campagin, couldBrooklyn. much caii a guy stand, anyway? encounter, came to the plate, but only say MIt's all like a dream." SANDALS The vi6lently partisan crowd it ;was a. whisper to the din that OU 8th Line Weak Dressen, having watched that CHICAGO, Oct. 1—(ff)-—Ffirl* WM funneling into Ebbets Field, greeted Andy Pafko's home run .'Sizes 3!4 to i fain, Philadelphia's first sacker, bringing with it an undercurrent in the second inning. \ 18%-game lead, of early August OKLAHOMA CITY, Oct. W Monday was unofficially crowned of excitement. The Dodger joy was short-lived, melt j|way until his club was in M (Jf) —-A football scout • who si 13i* Athletics* first American Dodger fans, who died a thou­as Bobby Thomson put the G&nts watched Oklahoma swamp William despeme; straits, confessed to be- League baiting-champion in 18 sand deaths in that climactic 14-^ing in bid shape. He said his great Here's a chance to get rid' of in front with a two-run homer in and Mary, 49-7, Saturday reported portant to us, because we've al' Sill years with • .844. average. inning struggle at Philadelphia the fourth, and from then on the to bead coach Ray George of catcher, Roy Campanella, prob­old. clothes yoU've not yet thrown ways had clothes, but it might be PirstA's star to win the title Sunday, were fearful their bit-game proceeded as if the Plants Texas A&M: • ably would be unable-to plfty Tues­away and you may save someohie's the difference between life and sine* Jimmy For did in 1933, loved Bums would be oni?.,.rag-had written the script. ' day because of a crippled leg. He life _at the same time. " death for a Korean," he said. frith M9, 29-y*ar-old-Fain fin­dolls, spent and lifeless from their The rousing enthusiasm of the The Clothes for Kor« clothes should be clean, to ished 18 points ahead of Chica­ordeal. Dodger fans *gridually dwindled eighth teams." tal test to either Clem Labine, a which opened Monday at the Uni­facilitate speedy' packing. Mr. rookie, or Carl Erskine, an fn-and­ go's.versatile Minnie Minoso, Cub--Giant partisans feared a tre­to apathetic encouragement; -with George made the report public versity will last until October 15. Duhn stressed that winter clothes, ; an Negro rookie-of-the-year can* mendous letdown might be suf­big Jim Hearp handling the Bums Monday in a telephone interview, outer. : Boxes will -'':b*;'^.>>licid'':^'lii'-/'th*' are especially needed, but he said didate, Who had .326. Last fered by their team when it dis­like he owned them* The Dark-amplified for Oklahoma City's ground-floor of th* Main Build­any contributfon would be appre­^ year's, ibampion, Billy* Goodman covered thfv pennant wasn't yet Stinlcy-Lockman double-play com­Downtown Quarterbacks at their ing and on the' main floor of the ciated. He singled out riioes as a -«f Boston with .364,failed to won When they:^jought they had bination smothered threats almost .y*eMy,.liMch*0ttt~:'7:'--^---^--c Union, where students may donate, necessity to the Ko<«*ns thfc win­ finish in the top ten this year. it in Boston. before they started. Texas A&M, with victories over shoes and clothes to the Koreans! ter. Blankets also are urgentlyf-Other leaders in u&offfciid' |t«-: -GharleyDressen.abundleof As-. ^Stanley doye at Peewee UCLA and-Texu Tech, next meets J[, ^A. Dunn, building crew fore­needed. tistics computed through Sunday's jitteiv, Ms pale little eyes blink­Reese for the out that ended the man, who isvchairman of the drive, Oklahoma at College Station, Sat­Clothes for Korea at the Uni­closing day included: George Kell, ing nervously, wis explaining his game, coming up out of the dirt urday night. ' said he hopes every organization versity is part of a drive spon­Detroit's 1949 championwith strategy In passing: PUddiri' Head like a grinning little raggamuffin, V "I don't think we have enough will help. : "";"" sored by the United Churches of Jones to get at Del Eftnis in a •• . ,\l depth to cope with a team like NEW YORK, Oct. 1A(^)~ .3.429, who finished with .819 this Mr. Dunn said he had received Austin. The Austin chairman is tight spot, because; "Xou can Oklahoma," Georg$ said in the Allie Reynolds, no-hit hero of the time; Boston's T«d Williams, a PLAYOFF STANDINGS letters in the past week from the Rev. John Barclay; pastor of four-time champion, .818; Nelson keep the ball low to Ennis and NATIONAL LEAGUE novel interview. But he added that champion Yankees, will pitch the -chaplains and other officials in the Central Christian:xt Chieago,.818(JohnnyPesky, Staliiandvk* w a R*caiv«r in,'80 ,New_ York^. , ,-.y.;..;l 0 1.00 A&M be full the World Se­tKorea filing of the Urgent need clothes collected in Atistih will be Bostoti, .tlO; Gil Mcdougald, Strength "unless some injury oe ries—but Manager Casey Stengel for clothes. Tom Stolhandske,^left offensive Brooklyn ^-__..0 1 , *000 paoked for shipment at the Cen­ guysNew Y^rk, .808; Bob Avila, 'Cleve­end for the ^onghorna; caugrM 23 Tuesday's probable pitchers: curs this week." said Monday, "those are -"The Army just can't help theae jtral Chrfctian Church. MOCCASINS land, .30$; Gil' Coan, Washington, passes during the 1950 season. Brooklyn at New York—Clem He said he expected his star making me work up double strate­Korean people, and if we don't WasbaU* Leafier ZMg fullback, Bob Smith, who re­gy so I gotta have two sets of .308; and Elmer Valo, Philadel­The passes were .good for 814 Labine or Carl Erskine vs. Sal some people will freeze to death .in stock far ceived an ankle injury, in the Tech plans after that." the phia, .802. yards and one touchdown. Maglie or Sheldon Jones. this winter. It doesn't seem im­ game, to be ready to go Saturday -"Those guys" are the playoff-AUSTIN ­night.' battling Dodgers and Giants. Sten­WELDING A Sties* to t1*95 Oklahoma head coach Bud Wil­gel said, "it is bad enough wor-Two New MemlMrs RADIATOR kinson^who used 44.men.againit. rying^about trying to beat 'one WORKS TOTS sins 11*. 2.50 William snd Mary, saw the A&M-cluft^V®"ve"got to i^out In Social Work Faculty topW.stVSt. Tech game. He told the quarter­tWO." Tot 0-37SS MISSES siM.utot2.95 The addition of two facultyback . club that 'A&M has "tre­Stengel said if the Dodgers win, members to the University Grad­ mendous speed and excellent ball he will pitch Lefty Ed Lopat in Rises I tot 3.15 ism, uate School of Social Work gives carriers." the second , game and use Vic a new emphasis to psychiatric so­ "I don't think any 4eam will Raschi for the first game in Ebb Uses » to ll 4.25 you 9*f cial work in the department. stop A&M cold," Wilkinson Mid. bets Field. He doesn't want to. •t CAPITOL NATURAL "Control of the ball will pliy an trust the" soft-stuff southpaw in Miss Mary Esther Burns; as­ unusually important part in our the little Brooklyn. park against sociate professor of social. work, ' WHITE game Saturday night." y the predominantly right-handed has been added to teach advanced TAN 1-DAY Dodger lineup. . ^ social oase work and conduct a .But if the Giants are the op­seminar in social case work with Tehnif' Entri«sExt«ndtd ponents, quick Vic Raschi will Miss Lorraine Warnken, associate Phofo To Wednesday for Girls pitch the second game in the sta­professor." ' dium, and Lopat will opeii up in . Additions to the fall curricu­Rnfshlng The deadline jfoy women's Intra­the Polo Grounds. lum include a. thesis course for the mural entries in table tennii sin­Stengel, who has" won three master's, degree, offered by Eycrythirig for your Camera straight -pennants since coming to Charles-W. Laughton, associategles and tennis doubles has been ,extended^ until Wdnesday. The the Yankees and is now shooting professor of social work, and Free Camera Rental deadline, had previously been for three straight world champion-"Culture.Contacts", taught by Dr. Bcheduled for last Wedne«d*y, • George L~ Sanchez,~profesaor-of 8 and Ifrmm Movie ProjectorsThe preliminaries for these Dodgers because "I think the history and philosophy of educa­and films for rent LONE-STAR Giant pitching is a little tougher." sports will begin on Thursday and tion. •' SHOE SERVICE INC. continue for a week. • --A PI TO t SPEEDWAY 2254 %uadslup* ' "J* .-: r The deadline for swlmndng v j CPHOTO SUPPLIES * i'v practices has'been extended until N*xt TO Co-Op H Greg Scott|2428 Guadalupe -8-5717 Monday. Preliminaries win begin RADIO Tuesday night.*'-*. . SALES & SERVICE , Ball Room Dance Studio W. M. Walah, OWaor • Lost your clothes? j 3T Over H Million Saw .Steers la '50 7-3846 K:J-: ri'i ' 4 *31Pick np th« phone and dial 2-2475 545,412 persoiu saw the 1950 edition of the Loiighoras play. The Stters played 11 games including the Cotton Bowl game. 2010 Speedway Above Texas Theater Rooms For Men % • •—tell llie classified ad-taker your trou­bles and she will help you fix up an 4 -A. ^ ^ i V i _ K '• .-•'•'•'.•'.•r'v''* ^ \ ^ -ir/ • • •. J''­For things lost or found-i-For things v .VhX-"" , v -. \ ^ " 'k;-"'.ii?'.".""*'"'0"". " ^'P " ' -you want to buy or sell or trade—For 'Mural Schtdulo TUESDAY -FootballCtrn B S o'clock •Sigma Phi Epitton r». Delta Kappa Eptl­lon.Holmn Haul TI. Blocker Hoaio..WhltU Wildest* •«. Harrrqro Hoaia, . Out A ' 7 o'clockNoreo Arm* TI. SHD CarkkortM. -aWhitif -Wildcat# »«. Am«rr Henae.Blbonqulat -8w«le» ,*». YlfCA. • S o'clock •••.••Coffey Pot# ti. Vaaie OiprmiTM.Moaerbon Hoasocata TI. jRaloctant Dra­(OSI.Tlielcmo Co-Op r», HA Club. ONE DAY sisSW® I V It iSil WSIiil " m MMSim In fa * -NOW AVAILABLE-v Robert E. Lee Hall" Across From Law Building Not even this fellow can outdo the TexasBook StorG ^ "*$%> -m • W J1-*?*.> -v , + s • i " -1 =^S^rp* 1 » ^ rent - Cleaning acuf Pressing* No. Extra Charge • *. No sirl Not *v*n * Yogi can do som*th!ng bigger than th« Texas Book Stor*-doesfor you. Contid*r »>& ' t f'JiC ftjf Y —for just about anything—nge the clas­f&t ** *r * % „ IteflNler $18. Velwt ,'% I -Iteflto VWo« GLASSES 85 * . • . they tiav* * fr*« phon* ]usf for you, they wrap and mail your packages, fell you how to get to Kard-to-find^laces on th* campus, order special books for you •, ,3­j md sifigd ads of. The Daily Texan.v Phone w«» on you hamf .jdWl ' -S, , ^ yt * If •r'* • -"ib r *$> * i-}c £& i ^day^^colne in tomorrow.and pay«££\-jL~ -< J'-7; ,u ' ''•:^Pre8criptfotM?*^[ ^Allsrcrejne Cosm' .. _ Surgical Girmente l "Sy m minor, r *SJ THf DAtt tEXAN Pag# t >'«^-r-7 ^ vs, 4 #f 4+S. ' ^ > -4 +•• 'VoN J it1 it>> UttU Man £n 9§mI Campus mm M erews# gpdtfatf^ ptrophies are dished out annual- not yeU whjle teams are in a huddle or ^Uic tjiilveralty consistently manages calling signals. 3$. « -• lag miles behind the winnera. The student bodies shaft avoid •r *«'*» KEMTlKi-, .• tu, Bktkwdl, n«U«lt « » &• Pirhapa these low finishes h*v* been misconduct such as fighting and t Ttmm mm* onanisatioa of ; ftudent body, didn't Mm}. '-overt demonstrations, use of intoxi­Wa's got a did-fUiMwd good j kamm as CdibritMi, Inc., luts the fe.v courtesy toward teams and^officials, , AfekroM.bad axpoteaeo^wMii knows, bat it won't stoy qnito tha^-His choices, to ordpnJIrs. F. Bit a Soeialiat visitor tin traiti— «f ^ |€ode,as okayed by the UniversityC and general discourtesies during the goodwfthoot a little help Bias Crosby, Winston 080 one montb ais inlttiki «ai- Gamble , * i half-time period. the student body. ^Churchill, Ducheae, of Windsor, The turn would Rk4 MM all GoncfaJ KiMnbower, Pablo Ft jmrppae^ q£ jttife Siwrtemanship C. Post-Game Courtesy: ' ' to docido vrtio <«a addrwii H* ournnilin# faces *t th« p«p rallies «aa«o, lawaliarlal Nebro, Krncst ;£ode la to further good relations be-Each student body shall demoji ftoltr and atudenta, -—•nd iritb |ood tmuil Tb«re , HemiBgway, Joca Crawford, and : Itlab«^to.1i«s«fo.tbiMia0ny iSf, Conference schools/ strate: weren't onoogb pooplo at tho oir--.Gloria Swaason. /•atkl oil or Is It ]n|< k-1 port Friday to start a d«e«C CaT:'f> a-Regpect to both teams after tha ( * (onkblo to (iWnsoion I. Team. "• asata fame. v. ~*u> * ^ Should eollece and anhrersitar atimulaU thought? t -- 71 jgg A. Each member of the team shall: game lill Han administeatoHi hav* tho v|^t to r -.«» W ' p$ On this campus, tho matter it leader this fWDL To accomplish not officially decided. two .toani."Tli«se 1^1% yonll ro-' that, sh» woald naturally hsVO bf-; is t Treat contest officials with due Tha: Great Issues CommHieo, member, came to school Septem­nefitted a great deal from tha p«^pf~ respect and courtesyand shall accept ber 1 and haven't quit working however^ stayed ottt of poesible rally attendant* and vocal np* hot water by asking.President T. the officials' decision in good spirife^ aiF auare hard yet. Not asking much, all port of her socotl^ ristaxs. S. Painter for a chock on speaker* they want from tho student body- Bat» unfortanatoly for J lie*. for this fall's issues course. -­ is a eoople 4f hours* enthusiasm plans, "it was asking too mseh cious manner; ^ Public information is "being steadily Pro: the tendency ^rill be to* each week at peo hiIHm; Vv^ j, '; (still according to ^e stccry, of underminecr by the, growing practice of ward conservatism —-protecting course) for the sistarsto90 all tho II. Student Body *• / morning Professor bnar This thing -called spirit is in­ vtiie good name of the Uaiversity secrecy in government," charged a news­ tangible. At AftMt.yott get it on way over te Gregory Gym., and avoiding unnecessary clashes. A. Pre-Game Courtesy Taking the easy way oat, big Hf, paper convention declaration^ of press N»ighboring Naws the end of a paddle. At Baylor, Con: such actions stifle free yoo get it in chap«£ At ' other sisters told the aspiring yell lead­ t<,( The host school shall: freedom. v thinking and expression while im­ schools, yon get it oat of • bottle. er that it would simply bo too, to* a. Write a tetter to the visiting- posing an extra clamp on student . Ired by infringements on their rights, Here, let's get it oat of a whop­"undignified" for a Pi Phi to ran. committees. -school and team prior to the ping " week end, i.e.f banquets, dances good for the people to know." It's up to the Longhorna wheth­California in' Berkeley seem to in popularity daring the. past few ^psowntly tho Cliqna leader ::: • * * " "" and receptions. hive been a little .optimistic when months. In order to brighten the hasTn mind an alteration of Clique This declaration by 43 of the nation's er freshmen at SMU will wear tra­ : The Better Business Bureau they named a room in the Men's day here are some items from * motives from the old sweop-'eft^. b. Provide receptions and direc­top editors andT publishers, obviously ditional freshman caps. Seems the Clubhouse the "Tap Room." What warns consumers to, be wary of Lexicon by Variety's Abel Green. all attitado to placing student gor-^ superlatives about, low prices, tions for visiting students and aiming at President Truman's question­Student Council decided fresh­do they serve in the Tap Room? .Tiuman Capote—The President ernment as a whole ahead of per­•^v -team. men will wear caps throughout the Coffee—no more, no les*. A guide for retail advertising . is dead! (Everett Freeman) sonal politics. able security codes, hit hard! at the exten­ football season unless SMU wins and selling states:-"Underselling Grace a iDieu—So long, Grace. With only that to go on, ho was m c. Provide a means of information * sion of."military security" into fields of its homecoming game with Texas The Daily Kansan warns—that claims are usually inaccurate be­Jeanne d'Arc—rNo light in the elected—«i^d that, hints of hotter " booths or •: fliHgr#, f provide Set reporting which do not remotely require on November 3. this is the time of the year for cause they .are impossible of ful­bathroom (Bob Consldine). times in fall elections. information about tickets, sec­secrecy. , . thieves. In the way of preventive fillment. It is impossible for any Moi aussi—I'm Australian (Al. , Here's hoping somo indopon^ Looks like SMU. freshmen will have complete and tions, seating, etc. be. seeing a lot of those hats. « remedies they say: ' advertiser to * Oaff). donts aso tfeis elao in molting ap During the day before passage of the accurate knowledge of all prices quarts—Pie-eyed %¥>S * 1. Question any strangers to see Pied a trols their minds-—to run for the Stu­ B. Game Courtesy : resolution late Sunday, a little man ap­A renewed stress on • sportsman­they have reason in all other stores at all times .. after three quarts. dent Assembly this fall. if a for being «* ^Then'S shall be co-operation be­peared on the program and spoke first­ship has begun at most colleges.. in the house. p ,4;.' _ tween yell leaders, band, other stu­hand of the real meaning of Suppression. The Baylor Lariat printed a copy ' 2. Make sure there is someone 8&1 dent organizations and student body;: He was Dr. Alberto Gainza Paz^-pub-of the Southwest Conference in the house at all times. . Sportsmanship Code before their ' • i.e., yell leaders cheers will not coin- •I-- lisher of La Prensai. " ' first home game. North Carolina'* Around November 17 we'll be Daily Tar Heel went even further seeing a tot of Frogs; the TCU va­ than the athletic field with an riety. The student congress was Diar G«n«: editorial on "honor.." The Mega­unanimously in favor of a student phone of Georgetown also editor­body trip to Austin for the TCU­ializes on "ethics." Texas tilt. But the studonts will *. not be consulted as they were last Wk Rules and Regulations Signs of Our Time: The'new year with a poll. TB hospital at Chapel Hil) will (This article appeared M the the proposal for a code defining tribtttions—or political holpt. treat both Negro, and whit* pa­September 28, 1»51, iaaaa ef the proper conduct. 'Probably sonte It is . going to bo, difficolt Daiie Laiiktree, 6'9" freshman, tients and"\five Negro students are just enrolled at AAM. He hails Christian Seianc* Monitor.) practical advances in drawing the •tato in a law or a «odo whoro For attending classes at the North from Buenos Aires and is without The American conscieiu^i is be­line between right and wrong will proper aid to friends and political Carolina law school. « a doubt the tallest member in the ing dusted off. There is good hope be achieved in the present investi­supporters ends and improper in­ ByBRADBYERS piwe them firmly in' your whenever inside it movfng car. --. __ _______ class of~!6&.—~— . _that current disclosures of moral gations. fluence begins. Possibly congres­ T«»m» Managing Editor husband's hand before enter-This mask consists-of a two-An assistant dean at the Uni­Lanktree sayi when ho gpes laxity a«y —F-or—inataaeiL-clearer eoncepts sional dissatisfaction, with the op- in the malj-the other cky. ,Mg,tJ»e.vehicle. . \ inch by five-inchi double thick versity of Alabama has been fired wife hunting he will try Billy inite reforms. A first sten Is tha of improper "influence" should^ «Mtr6hs^th--d^^ a«l«f we received a "hand out" edi­. 3. .Wear the new* patented teirrforeed strip -of-adhesive . because the-administration felt Roses' Diamond Horseshoe since admission that something is come out,of tho Hoey committeo Guy G. Gabrielson, chairman oftorial-from a national sate* woman's atiti-accident mask tape, which is worn directly. the dean's business connectiorT air 1bBy"'Bi^figig^tliigg"T^-tw^--^^^^^At'--li8t-.Proiidont Truman hoaringw. William M. Boyle Jr, tho Bepublican National Commit* ty council which commended over the mouth. tho council's offering a prize with an alcoholic beverage firm six feet. has recognized this with his pro­chah man -of the-Democratic„Na-. toe, will set higher standards for to tho woman who does, most • • was "fietrifflental" to the Univer­Incidentally, A & M coaches posal that federal officials should tional Committee, declares that it political worltirl.^And the expo— -• There's something doWn­ to promote safe driving in sity.. seem to think-he might like a file reports showing their total was not only right but his duty to sure of abaSes in the Internal Bev-~ Mght malicious about a wo­ the nation during the year. The Crimson-White!s editor game called basketball. He'll give incomei s make appointments with officials onae Bureau is pointing clearly te man when she gets, in a car. by businessmen considers this a breach of academ­a toy Publicity can wonderful when requested dangers double TKo editorial 'implied thit it anyway. be a the of employ­ -maybe women should move This particular famijy we ic freedom. He takes . the stand W aid to conscience. Several wit­visiting Washington. He insists ment. But in all these matters k(iow is 'an excellent exam­ that since other members of the The lewa Stat* Daily says there nesses have recently testified that that this was all hs did when Congress and the public should out of the back seats and ple. They're very .fine people, into the front. faculty who have outside business is~ no. longer any question about they had seen nothing wrong in American Lit&ofold Corporation make sure that they demand noall of them—the husband, the interests have hot been fired then the Big Seven's policy of taking gifts or money* from firms was renewihg a thricit-rejoetod loss of themselves thaii do others. .We have our i>wn ideas paying Wife, the daughter in her ear-there is no reason -to bother a a with* which their government jobs application-for a loan from tho SenSitor Hoey has said that the about that. And we know a • ly twenties, and. the daughter , athletes. They get a -flat $50 faculty member who invests in the month plus books and tuition and brought them in contact. But since Reconstruction finance -Coirpoi*-only way to obtain "dedicated .. sure-fire way for some wo-"There are two sources of in her late (teens. They atl legal beer business. a few other things.. •••••.'I'-'... these practices have been exposed tion t&at he did not discuss tha serviee" by government em^oyeej^ . men to win. the^ councils prize. light in this world: the sun in like each other, probably ' / \ some have had^ the grace to con­loan with an Rt'C official. -' is to see that they ivbid ^'outside All she ilas' to do is follow the heavens,,and the nejj|ipa-more than is the case with The University of ArkaMa* stu­T**aa AAI elected an all Aggie cede that they don't look just Aside from any questions as to employment." Will' Congress apply these three simple rules: per on earth." most families. '^r 1. Never enter a car un-. —-Mark Twain • they get-into car, dent senate appropriated $125 for slate for their elasi officers. The right now. The new light of pub-. the ethics of Mr.. Soylo's other «c-this rule to itself? If the plan Mr..,, Until a tho Southwest Conference Sports­South Texan said there was evi­licity which today enables them tivitios -this' opuodo . Raises • tha Truman proposes is adopted it will . : lesi absolutely ttee'essary. . * with the husband drifing. The When a trip mustv lye. S "A newspaper is freedom in manship Conference to be held dence of "railroading" in the eloc­to perceive the unethical; aspects question of what .is >improjpOr in­show many congressmen with oat- family solidarity then concen­ made,' carefully remove' car • there October 8. * ution. They don't condemn this of these practices might haye been fluence. Just-tho making of an-ap­side income' and employment-^ trates itself"amoftg the three... ^Jkejrs from your purse and -—Samuel Adams : Leon Brunk, who no.w. holds the ^.practiie. • ' supplied earlier. Many would have pointment couldearryagooddoil many entirely proper. But wl" women. chairmanship of the group, rough­"The Aggie Club gifts~and fee^ if .required, ofweigbtunde# eertisincircum-has the RFC inquiry shied off ev­ "Watch that carl ly outlined his plans for the con­criticized for its action. This elec­to report them. stances. Yet this is something.that ery timeitiui^ "Slow down now. That's a ference.. Sportswriters and nota­tion just proved an example of Mr. Truman's proposal could be every congressman is continually subject of .influence exerted %• crossroad. THE«4)A®TEXAN bles in the field of sportsmanship what happens when strong or-very usefuL We hope Congress plagued to do by his constitusnts. congressmen to obtain loans? ~~~ "You're ^driving too -iaat. I -and athletics will attend. Howard.. -ganizAiion meets • disotganisatiOn. Will give it earnest consideration. Indeed he is often requested to ;We need higher standards. We "Be careful. • You've, been Grubbs, executive secretary of the They played smart politics. That But it would be a mistake to think ''build a fire" .under this bureau trust every measure for obtainingasleep twice now." ^ Dally T«**n; • «tud«n( n«w«paj>»r of lh« University of* Tmi, ii SWC, has already accepted Ar­was competition—the -k e y to that any regulation is going to or that to obtain action favorable them will be pressed. These meas­ And on and on ind on. puolMlscd in *u*tiD morning «xcept Monday anii Snturdsy, 8«pUiab«r kansas' invitation. The Universi­ to Jana, and «ze«pt durlns bolJdkr and .uuunlaatign p«rig>. realize it is their responsi­ .-Ortnioay of tha Taian ara not a«cei«arth thoaa of tha AdmlnUtration bility to protect the family sibly something can be done with law against taking campaign con- Texon Crossword Puzzle 9r other Uoivarfity offieiala. . v BataMd •• aacood-ciaa* matter Octobar 18. 1948 at tha Poat Offiea at fronr the danger of mala driv­ Aqatin, Tam»», qndar *ha Act of March I. 1879. ers. t ... ASSOCIATED PRESS WIRE SEMV1CE* . The amazing thing is -tho ACROSS 2. Comply 17. Calculating, ' * A»"?cUV^ Pre«» J* axciaaivaly anHtled to tba-aia for repufcllcatlon ol way they .stick together. 1. Departed 3. Born asthe ail a«wa diapatchea croditad to it or-not otherwise credited in' this news­ , 8. Girdleof . ... pj Qpportunitie6 s*!**1. .aad,local items tponUnaous origin published herein: Rights of Whenever one getif tired, an­ 4. Erbium mean of / Answer Is publication of all other matter herein also reserved. other is always ready to start "Venus (var.) (sym.) 19. Wing aeprasented for National Advertising by National AdyertUing in. And quite often all three • -• 9. llireadlike 5. The cockpit 21. Custom jn Hie . The Civil Aeronautics ' Admfrriatrattaa tion. .who show leadership and manage­ Service, Inc.. Collrsa PablUhers Rapreaantatlva exercise their talents at once. • structure 8.Correctable 22. Gave Classified needs Airways' Operatfona . Slieeiiliata ment ability. The poaltionr pay entraoe* . stodent tuitian scholarships Madison Aye. New York N.Y. But when the wife or one ^ 10. A beetle 7. Girl's 23. Give title to (Radio Operators) and KadU> Maioten-aaiaHes of (S.100 and (S.StS a y«ar. "forma will be available start-< Chicago — Boston — Los Angelee — San rranclsco -Ads anee TechniciaDa operate and main­Studeota may also apply if their maior ing Friday September 28 and will aot be 12. S-shaped to of the girls is driving, the name 25. Electrified tain the Federal Airways Systems in study is la government, economies, in­:sceivtad,«ftm^ Friday October S, ' molding 8. Think .particles Alaska and Airways Oparationa Specia­ternational relations, industrial manage­^Applicants mttst have ~C" a*veraee, b« f UH fidfcaa picture changes considerably. 13. King of < (archaic) 27. Recollection lists for Hawaii and the Pacific Islands. ment, . industrial egineininc. eociolory. regiatered for' 11 m more houra aad Not a word is said. Everyone Airways Operatlana Speeialiats atart at payeholOffy, anthropology, georraphy, or seed financial aaaiataaea. T|0«? -S*X> MEMBER fairies i . 9. Woods* 29.. Yellowish a/aalarr of $S,loe p-a. and Kadio Mais-. hiatoiry.T &.:f i-.Aaaadatad .Collegiate Press ;feels perfectly safe. (Shakes:) tenance Teehniciana at II.UI p.a. Ap-, JOKNKAI. All-Anarican Pacenaker 11. Miscellany cloy ^ > The Junior Profeasfonal Asabtant ex­.^Foreign Student Adviaer And why not. In the two H.Beam plicanta. aeleeted for employment, re— 13.Turkish amination, which will be tiaad fer filliag^ %t',y SUBSCRIPTION RATES SL Dip slightly 33. River (It.) ertve 12 weeka indoctrination training poeitiona paying $3,100 a year, will be Tha Panhellenle Coancit meeting haa 0$?#* n J .. Subscription Three Months years we've known this fami­15/Oneof the weight (pi.) .Into water 34. Attitudinise »t the CAA Aeronautical Center at open to atudenta in the fields of bac­. «a postponed from October 1. to 4 Oklahoma. City. Okla. Travel expenses to delivered -« Ifaiied iu Austin •" Hailed out of town ly the women .have had only . Ryuku'. 15. Measure. 32. Bamboolike teriology, economies, geography, geophy­p.m. Moaaay, Oetobar S, at the XapMi f.r;fft-C%ief ........ RUSS .KERSTEN w^y should he? Hasn't he al­IT. Correct satisfactory completion O* nation will b# nsed to fUl ,poaiJiona it indoctrinatlon' traininB and arrival thr^sghou^ the and at ^WuUwtot, D.C^ and noiaiamljistiona _ SfrW1** ?™tojr * * BRAD BYERS ways had them there to help 18. Curved wood thai overseas poet of jduty employ fn aoeial caeienca Advanced Standing gaanainationa wni be" reeelve a wst of living allowance ef xonntry isi admini* ?— Mildred Klesel hirp? ^ Strips strative fielda whete the need is far givea October i throngh October it.for « per cent if assigned to HMiU. New ^ws^Editor--" , . —— Marjorie Clapp{ ... *0. JUver (Fr.) Employees are re«uired tkoae stadenta : who -had ~ petitioned to tako theiai prlor to September SC.' Tkm> "•"•}*— 'Ken Tooley 24.Lodge pioyment agreement that they wiH -J8**" ^ u?l (^or no I achadulo for v the examinations, whichSociety toi^.-Betty Segal "ySr^FJSf TnS^t^ a^v^nilTwUh^nS^: «n to be givea at 1 p,m. In Owbty 9 AmiifeeiUeJit^r Editor Ken Gompertz identifiable reason) of a bit " 25. Norwegian "uOdiag 14; ia as follows: ' <^1 ,QpU,^rrA^engineering (except j" ntrwnurals Co-or4inator ... Jeff Hancock of nottsense about keeping -£ writer «bgious>News Editdr .Mnnie Human -your powder dry. The non­S». Cicatrix or­ . -»-.7«Bi«*St:v peraonnel See eir . . writing to the williavolve SS!SS2S5^Sr^!^jg^^*W(^ ersoi}])01 Cc^-ordfaator Sidney Siegel sense was composed' by tho i •T. Annoy Officer, CAA Aeronautical Center, P. O. P]o Gox, Johnnie Humeri, late Will Cuppy' in hijS later tS. Arrange Box tOgt. Oklahoma Cfty, Okla. , Applicanta for both examiaationa neat • pass a written tMt, ia addltion to " Claude Mounce* M. E. Darsey, and, latest book, "How to get in aline Humble OU * Keftefec CMwpwiy kas * S3" college ^atttag-Jn the KS o'-te Kelly Crozier from.January to December." • SfQ. Music note announced vacancies in all branches at Studenta who plan v m ..Cl^'Ser^ee.,. --- mp-F" Ep mt mm , -.JuUBlC "lliCu T to Kevamher • .:&>!•­ mm . I1IM W&Bmmm tr.iai';. mm 'K-WitirfiLU MHB,*,£. *_ W.m* -*• v'**i f <"l W * mm {| }&% S J* w en Elementary Education ma- Oraxla %rfiriiot¥eai«^ jors,, Child Development majors group of thf Lesley Foundation, '•' ^Marfaa* M*Cmfr tw* fc4*^tetor kl't%1^niver«i^ Shane* Eavia Maria OUyw, and Jack ;«l»rf SaryRaWaaa, Oetofc and tiioee interested in th# wel­met Sunday afternoon»t the Lab* byteriaaClrareh September^. -' wfcete he-Is a monbef of-the var-> College of Wtomaey.^:^;. at* in eh»fg«« a&jBag. anrionneed th#'||^t*fi^ir; fare of children are invited to at­Austin home of Betty McBvayer * \Tk« t«% is teaching aasiataot •Mar triek'teim.* • • 't Casting direetori fo*. «Si* jitwo for Swimming and to complete try- in violin and is eompletiag fee* ! ** -V V2^W"'^ n ^ Jayca-taV^»a XfH^kf ^bf ,E1 tend the fi*st -meeting of vthe Uni- plays are Oliver Hailey, hew pres- outs for, two new plays "Over­brarian; and Betty McBMcyer; fwwtaWf wwH *i the UaiTarsity. Jane Theresa Liebert and J)r* P*a* became the brifti Qf Eagena versity of T«cas BraHc^ «f the tones" By Alice GefetSenberg and Ideni; Mary Dameral, vice-jrcerf- Alfred J, Kelly wins m*x*ied Sep­ formed la the ehapel of *j,e IVw-She lived in Wooster, Ohio:-_ * T. Tsehoapa of New ^Braunfals. As|ociation for Childhood Educa. "If Men Played Cards As Women tember IS «t the Immaculate Con, , vr, byterian Theetefleal JNM* The bridegroom is completing The double-ring 4ere«nony .was tion on Widnwidsy right froih 7 Do" by Geoigt S, Kaufman. They c.a..!i^chp)i uy^. r*!? t s -Si^ ^ JfeCwrdy. I*~.«^pajteate his work for * ifeaehelor^of busi-performed in Sta. Peter and Paul t» t h» Texas Union 811.« / . ' " will be presented October 27 at «£ the UniYereity, ^ . , ' Braun-8 p.m. in ty* Educati&ntf Building i nns administration defree at the Cathloic" Church of .New Miss Virginia Bake*, president m*d&.«&: of thev . University : Methodist Sobsrtwn received a bachelor UniTeewty*—^. < gs>,\•of science degree.in chemical en­fels Septambtr 22. 9 feity preside over the organisation Church ,«£'•**• andmaater of *rt* defrree gineering and hit doctor ofmedi-Miss Mueller, daughter of, Mr. ,v-rmeeting,r.tj; 'J The" purpose of this" or-> Directed by Bat -Cookr-^Ovw, • <• wc^.r r"*;TT'i'™" \ Jau Lois fcaetsal and u Daa* cine degfee from the 'University. _ J U n . t . M Ifn and Mrs. Hennan Mueller" of "Et ganlsatiOn 1s to gether and die-tones," a eomieal satire > on the He is a member of Phi B«ft* H, «M CharlW K*nersbercor were Peso, attended Southwest Texas seminate knowledge of the" move* eattiness ef women, features a PM Eta Sigma, Alpha Epsilon Del* double conversation between two Ita^ndaiid.CJ^^W&e^of State Teachers College it San ment for the education of child­ tfttwrrtll lit.+.k*-f«AAji fitl*VtA«jl .. ••'.••• ••• JL •' friends and selves. Church of the Good Sheperd. their hidden -San Antonio were recently mar­Marcos, as. well as ^ Uni^ersityl Teffn^BWHrlHt^ $£L ried ht the First Baptist Church A former student at th« tfni-Cairalya Sva Lively was mar* Members of the all-girl east are While at the University,, she was tioh all childhood education inter­Sara Abregp Bar­ as Margaret{ veraity, the bridegroom » now ried to William Irl B«ahan*a Sep­a member of.WicaK'^c^?"• "•' ' ests including parent education; ElJ^ ^ Both fee bridetod bridegroom an instructor at the Corpus Chrie-tember 8 in the Presbyterian The­Mr. TscVoepe receive^"a BBA to promote the progressive type of bara Wil^^Maijiii,Margaret's real self; Mary Dameral as Har­•re senior* at Ike University. The ti Naval-Air Station, where, Mrs. ological Sejninary Chapel. degree from the University in education in nursery school^ kin­ as Keilerberger is a dental techni­ riet; and -Bonnie Sue Bain .bride is n member of Zeta Tan Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan are August, i960. ^ dergarten and primary gradesr outspoken side: Hetty^ the more Alpha sorority. Meeks is a gra­cian with the WAVES. ^ both former students of the Uni­and to raise the standard of the of Harriet, Alternates and book­ 18 duate Of Thomas Jefferson High versity. DracUla Aahworth and Bill professional training for teachers Anita Jo Rober a»& IwlliyL holders sire Beysirly Harris and ~r~ School And is a member of the and leaders in this field, ^ X" Maairaa Jukiaa wen married Re­ *'T" Association. -mo»d Roger* Jr. were married Barbara Pontius; Alma Vivian CUat* and Joe cently in Whitney, Texes. Dr. Cora Martin and Miss Phyl­ September JS in Austin. *" Henry Mangelsdgrf will be MIf Men Played Cards As Worn- mar­ The bride, a former University lis Richards are co-spdnsors of — JwWliM. I J«aa Morrta and Rogers is graduate of ried November ft-in on Do" is a comical satire directed Mrs. a St. Mary's student, iB the daughter of Mr.. ACE. WMAarjr FrMMt FrUt Jr, were Austin -High School. Her husbknd Cathedral. by Oliver Hailey. Cast as the four and Mrs. Durward B. Ashworth poker players are Hubert Stromof Whitney. Mr. Jackson-is a gra­as John; Harris Johnson as duate of Arlington State Collfge.-Moores Begin George; Joe Klopfstein as Mare;He ii now a senior electrical en­and Floy Bennett as Bob. Curtis ' Your sfon are strictly favorable H you'ra sporldhQ gineering student at the Univer­Interfaith sity. , Eckland is alternate and" book In a Jody Bond I Big dippers of complirnent to the Qa| whO >*• holder. .. -, I.ryoutSf-Pirst-.tcatMeeting short program Will be pre­makes this bloute the stellar attraction of her wardrobti Evalya Cary WilhaaaV engage­A ment to Claraaea T» Walbara has Drs. Harry E. and Bernice T. sented between th* If, s p.m^ Pat Cater, president, hks an-• A graduate of Austin High of two-that will be given" on how 118 E. 10th f..aounoed. . Aahbal Literary Society' will at the home of Mrs. Price Danidl, School, Mr. Welborn attended the to undeVsCand and get along with Preceding the , meeting tryouts meet Thursday at 5' p.m. at the 2800 Gilbert Street. ' University and has served in the people. The Second will be given ' will be held for-persons unable to Kappa -Alpha Theta house, 2401 The Club's first regular meet­Air Force. He is now employed Thursday,. October 18. attend auditions last week They Pearl Street. ing will be October 9 at 7:30 p.m. with the U. S. Geological Survey. Dr. Harry Moore is professor of will begin at 6:45 p.m. The club's •' • : •••••. •-in the Texas Federated Women's .ilf ' * sociology at the University; his - first concert is scheduled for early ' Sigma Aljpha Iota, honorary Club Building, when Dr. Eduard Eralyn Moora became the bride wife is psychololical consultant to — December in conjunction Vith the music fraternity, will hold a busi­Taborsky, associate professor of of ^Desmond Smith On September the Austin public schoolsL Her- Men's Glee'Club. ness meeting Tuesday evening at governmont, Will address the 1 in Lampasas. Both are former schel IBernara is in charge of the -fjS-:- X-V . 7 o'clock in the Green Room in group. His topic will be "Battle students of the University. Interfaith Supper Programs. The doll size pantfo gi The-Wopid R«iat*daai« Com-the Music Building. for the Soul Behind the Iron Mr. Smith is now serving in Reservations be made should •iiMioB of the student Christian Curtain." New members ate in­the armed forces and has recently hot later than noon Wednesday at • Association will disbahd and the Tha PharmaeattM will present vited.' ' : returned from overseas. Hillel Foundation. group will join the Texas inter* a style show at 8 o'clock Thurs­aatienal Friwdihip Clah and help day night at Buttreys', Dresses in ~ earry out the aims of this organi-the latest fashion will be modeled ution. The coinission's belief is by several of the members. All * '-"that they* could be'of a more use­wives of new ph«rmacy students ful Mature and the change would and members of the group are in­ benefit both organizations. vited to attend. ; ' . Any person that^ ia sUllvinte^ • ested iti working with a group Elsoman H. Saulson, director sueh as' the W.R.C. isurged to of Hillai Foandatioa, will speak information from' Miss Sallie Tuesday evening at 7:30 and — er, executive director, Univer-Wednesday at 9 p.m.' ' I «si^r YWCAi by calling 2>9246. The regular student-conducted • * OolMzo "NEMO-KINS" is I service is scheduled for Friday ^ _The Soath Caqtral Taaaa Club evening. "Sabbath of Sabbaths" nowMt, tMest Sensation*! will meet Tuesday at 7 p.m^ in will be" the topic under discussion. Hmches to fit all slsesl Run* Sexa».Uniottl515.„Plana.jfor ibi. annual Thanksgiving dance will be Italia Guild will holTit aacond l curve like 4 dn." resistant nylon elastic, washes diseussed. -'. meeting of the semester on easily, dries quickly. STRAPLESS WHtSLfOOL (ihowm «tw*«) iiKMiMrifel* ^ Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Texas The Fanlt-findar* Gaoiogical 'WMle eaty-Smell. Madluw Te^as Union. A p|-pduction com­ b«r«-sheulder inhlMts. Hold* perfectly, control* in comfort. Saeiaty, a club designed to further mittee will be appointed+ for fKe 45 «fiU w Woet^SS.OO University interest and knowledge radio show for the following week. foundationi, Sceond Floor in geology,-will hold its first meet­ 95 All radio studenta are invited ing of the year Wednesday at to attend the meeting." Sir MOllY WO 00 MAXWELL -TiSO • p.m. in Geology Building. 14. Sponsor of the society, organ- Members of Martar Board will Ued Jast spring, is Dr. Keith -s leave from in front of the "Y" T Era* MmeMia Bdr, past fa a permanent m&ed-volee Austin t Symphony Orcheetsa, / Tickets "for* tko *Austin presidentof Vaughan, Mary Frances Adams, Luke, William McClure, Irvin H. chorus oigwnization which is the Contrasting with its occasional phony's 1951-82 season cover nine Joseph tenso Jr., Llewellyn P. Nelson, Locis Neomann, Bobbie goal of Austin muaie leaders when "long hair" appearances with the programs. In addition to the fS.SO (*$» of abb Rose, Frederick Rowland, and Nixon, Robert O'Conor Jr., Ivan student and enlisted^ * servicemen Phillip Traweek. R. Olson, John' W. Pancoaat, Ev-the 75-voice ehorqa for "TOMS" symphony, the men's ehorus con- u&fof*' #*v _, ^ Xn the bass sectioit will bet G, erett Schmidt, John L. Strayhorn, complete* He supporting role with numbers such as spirituals, jolk season tickets, there are $6 un­ noyoleoe will be: Marion reserved general admission seats;1 , Ceadtoe Beat, Pttaeiail* G. Bfrthalomew, Bill Baskin, Har­Joe Thompson and Jim Wallace, the Austin Symphony Orchestra centrates on lighter, more familiar and reserve^ seate at *8, $12 and old Blevins, Bruce Brocks, Brad Assistants to My. Lenzo this onOetoberlS. ,.J3bklgj..|. for Dun-end ' Brac^sfreef,' Inc.,' timn* involve formation of a Austin Symphony Orchestra, led dents who would be interested in i •UtiimifciiiM i•»«>«» n^«uv.»rt m»im ma i»utMaMMBKIMUMM•» jfc McBride, Vi*ginia McDaniel, Si # Women's ehorus aiter tfie iJc­ y"SoeeaanryMontague, Connie Nel- if> Hjpgg Auditorium during the more voices to the al­of the season Monday from as of male tober 15 concert. 4r$Janicft Ray, Nancy Lippa, overstuffed chair. His chair-con­ first „ Business Administration ready-established Austin Men's 1! h e chorus director men's ^•^iianiae Jo&won, Carmen Smith, Conference October 5.„ Chorus, also directed by Fath, ductor position is a result of a pointed out that the group is eom- For 'Sister Eileen Hortenae Keuthinger, . Kathleen which sorted as a nucleus for the' broken rib complicated by an men who are not ^-fender; Janice Schnlle^ Evelyn TS posed largely of asthma attack, n "Tosca'* ehorus. During the next feW weeks pass* ing bttilt idirectly beneath the musicians and some who do not p;. Spacer, Delom Steinkamp, -Although he" will still be' con-1 ENROU IULTMI AT ers-by may be al§rmed by < theei^kpartment. The.forces of good and Success of the plan will avert even read music but who just like Jpkylli* Vagtborg, Saraln Ziefler, fined to.his chair .Tor the presen­ strange intermingling sounds comi/Tevil being such as they are, our the mistake of two years ago when to get together regularly and sing. of AKTHUR MURRAY'S "arid Delore« Roger*. " * * _ tation "Tosca" October 15, ing from Hogg Auditorium and two heroines manage to survive. an imprompia chorus collected to The chorus meets at Hancock See-, t^The alto section will include, the baiement oJ the^Modern Lan­"My Sister Eileen" will open on help sing the Strauss opera, "The reation Center, 41st and Red Riv-Rachlin still plans to condact-It's easjttttbeoMBe tbemosr^op, rriette Bengston, Stiirley Bra»- nhr petsonin your set«dwn yo« guages Building. It's only the Wednesday,"October 17 in Hogg Bat," with th« 3piphony, was al^ :er, Monday" nights-at 8 p.m., bat vmt Arthur Matnj^i. Hm, be* lrElixabathColeman, Hftn COB* sound crew preparing for the Auditorium and through Oc­ lowed to fall apart; although the may' not do so again until after Haviag a party? ess perform the most Belie Faulk, Carolyn Ren-run "Healthy Living," an education­ -# Mwralt? JlnMar SisuMrs first Department of Drama pro­tober 20. Tickets for this, produe-men's chorus continued its work _"Tosca." difficult step* in a tew houn. -traw, Jane Carole Gibbs, Mary al broadcast of Radio House," be-separately. it HtUxam . That's because the famous duction, "My Siater EiJeen." f ; tion may be purchased at the Fine The male singers have been * rMtiiaii Buy-9t Stmt Morgan Glau, K^tby Grandstaff, giBS its fourth-consecutive year Arthur MumtyMt&c Siep i« the Noises irom these two building^ Arts Box Office in the Musie -Weekly rehearsals began about presented in concerts at McClos-W* kttt Nnrito •< aO l/|ii t»£"j|jm Heller, Henrie Horton, Mary at 1 p.m. o>v£r radio station KTBC. key step to dl dances. Owe ia will be the clamor of air hammers; Building beginning. October 12. the middle of August for the can­\ey General Hospital in Temple "Wllwett, Betty Jackaon, Cather-on the air Thursday, October 11, ' AUSTIN NovalY ca to Arthur Mtvniy** today. blasting dynamite and assimilated Curtain time is*t8p.m. • ; tata and the"Te Deum" response twice, at Bastrop, Round Rock, l*k. S-43S7 -Jne Jonea^ Pat Kendall, Jenona This program was presented; an eoo w. sts streetsnoi^.'• ' (in the church,scene) Which the Dripping Springs, the Confeder­ Hj6we, jMary Lane Oliver* Ana- award as one* of the best educa­ chorus will Sing In "Tosca." Dur­ ARTHUR MURRXT £.4itaaia-~Eano», Eddie Rawlinji, Kera "My Sister -Eileen,'' a"~ comedy r tional broadcasts of 1940 by -the, ate Reunion at Camp Ben McCul* written by Joseph Fields and Jer­ ing most of that time, the men's lough on three occasions, before ilinejr, Lucy Lee Speaker, and s Institute for Education by Radio, THE TOWER ' chorus has continued its Separate Charlotte Williama. ome Chodorov, is an anthology of alt the Austin civic clubs, several 2116 ^ said Joe Murphy, script writer at weekly song'session. Favorite Rendezvous of • *• Parent-Teacher Associations gjf v|^Tenora are: Morton Hecht, L. the woes and experiences of two Radio House. ';v ' and Texas U. enterprising sisters, Ruth , and Formed four years ago, the 'churches, and in 'Community Con­Guadalupe .Congress Herren, Tom . Roger#, Steve Thomas Rishworth, director of to Feature Polgar Eileen, who go to New York to Austin 'M^n's Chorus'is in its third certs and Community Chest con­Best'Music in Town ­ Smith, Dick Torbyfill, Gordon Radio House, is master of cere­ 8-4687 2-626! make their way in the"" field of year of direction under Fath, co­certs in the last few years. They CdH Johnny a^tu2-6382 •; Polgar is back! He's back with monies of the quiz program. Fine Arts. inciding with the tenure of Con-have not sung with the Symphony more of his phenominal memory Teams of students from rural The apartment situation, being feats, his amazing mind reading schools around Austin compete inwhat it is, Ruth and Eileen are acts, and his baffling, demonstra­answering questions from a les­forced to accept a two room flat. tion of mass hypnotism.^ • . son which is studied^ in the 20The squalidness of the apartment Dr. Franz Polgar will be in tire? schools participating in the series. is made worse by the sound of .nir gory Gymnasium on October 9, The broadcast is . listened to ashammers and .dynamite which is as the fjyst of the Cultural En-part of class work by the schools. itration for the YWCA cre-the result of the new subfrfty ^be? tertainment Committee series Tentative plans for this year's Ntfhre writing claaa Wednesday waa Which will bring to the 40 Acres broadcast call for a ranch theme,large that two sections will -hare to be formed, Mrs. Ruth during the year luch names as with each of the participants re­ Bob Hope, The Houston and San ferred to as a cowboy, range fore­ ^albot Wasson,' director, an- THE 19S1 CACTUS Antonio ^Symphonies, and a Ro^ man, or -some other-appropriate $sotmeed. The "Y", registration gers and Hammerstein orchestra. title. . I^mmittee has announced that six* There are no season tickets this The program Is sponsored by |fcien more pupils may efaroll. year for the CEC series. However, about 20 firms and agencies. elase of not more than' SB. Blanket Tax holders' are admitted ^waa expected, bnt regiatration to-First meeting of the,-year for free -with presentation of tehir.84 persona.. A class this the Men's Debate Workshop will cards. Tickets for those who havewould make indiTidualcriti-be held Tuesday at-4 . p.m. in Announces Taxes are $1.20 of ej^h wr^'s work imjsoe-Speech Building 201. no Blanket all and the firSt one at the door atller -" y , All men students interested in 7:15 gets the best seat. The show It's Party Time SjOne class will meet on Wednes-debateare invited. starts at. 8:15. T -Say nights from 8 until 10 o-cloek, Martin Todaro, instructor in IffMbile the other will meet from 8 speeoh who is" in-'charge of th<^ Ij&til lOVelock on Tuesday nights. workshop, said the purpose of the Foroign Student Tuition '^Rhen outstanding authors are to unit is to train speakers to repre­ Forms Availablo 4 Days lecturers or discussion leaders, sent the University. two elaaaee will combine en "Last year there were 50 ip-. Friday will be the last day that Come out and enjoy yourselves jtte meetingnight. baters in tiie workshop," said Mr. foreign students' tuition scholar­Those who wish to regifter may Todaro, "but most of the old de­ ship forms for the first semester see Mrs. A^aMon at the "Y" ad-baters graduated last year'so the will be available at the Interna­-^tonal-'Advisory -Officer said^Joei Brasoe, or telephone 8-8741. of freshmen, and sophomores^' Neal, director. The -meeting Tuesday will last , -.(At as open home for the elasa To be eligible applicants must about aia hour. Its purpose is to !$j* Taeaday night, J. Frank Dobie have a C average or higher, must 6200 Dalles Hwy. gave pojntera on professional organize for the year's activities. be registered for twelve hours or Phone 5-1303 writing, and introduced Hart Still-The debate questions will be given more, and must be able to prove out. well, well-known local author who a definite need for financial as­ viHeondaet the claseei. s In the. workshop, inexperienced' ' :• ' 'H • f ''''' & sistance. men will be trained for debating Pictures are to be made at the Koen Studio . y&»V. and the more experienced will be TON IGHT coached for more perfection. ­ Plans call for participation in Slenos to Charge six intercollegiate tournaments. 2346 Guadalupe These events are the Southwest Color by Technicolor "Valentino" SE Invitational, .and Round-Up at la Tackaiealer For Bureau Work "Showboat" Tony Dastar Austin, Baylor ; Forensic, Miami Eluior Parhar ?iThe Stenographic Bureau,.cen­Debate, Missouri Valley Forensic Ava CUrdMf —pluit— at Lawrence,*Kas., and Southwest Howard Km) tal service agency for the Uni­ The Man from Conferen$& —plu»— versity, will charge for typing, stenographic, mimeographing, and Colorado' 'Hills of Home f mnltilithing . services • this year. Gioan Ford STUDIO HOUM: Two UT Exes Rtctiv# Janot Laigk WilHwn Holdon •" • '• •» r J S -•••«,.' 2 . ISese aervfcea were formerly 111 Tochnlcolor • ghren to indiTidaal department« Magazine Citations Bo* Offlei Ovtna 6t00 Boot Offtaft Orwt liOO -•• without charge. * >\ ^Thia action places the Steno-Two former University students, • 8:30 aoii. to 5:30 p.m. m £2gAphie Bureau on a basis parallel both, now magazine editors, re­ cently received awards in t with other service organisations a con­ gest sponsored "by-the Internation­of the University. al Council of Industrial Editors. Some of the changes that have' The Humble Way, edited by been effective since September 15 -Walter G. Beach, received orfe ofinclude a price of f2.per hour for mimeographing and multilithing the highest'awards out of the 835 INTERSTATE THEATRES magazines entered. Alt Appointments Must Be Made Through Sawd a charge of $1,50 per hour vThe Dallas -Magazine, . with • -,v-V •••'.-• 'V -iiv 's-';v•• •'' • V".' '*'' V.*'s v-'.'-.y"*-?*' • xbt typing and stenographicwork. General .office supplies will—fee. Horace Ainsworth as editor, re­ ceived honorable mention. fnrnlahed at cost.—-" • - , • • Sorority . _ An oijtgoing United States Mail STUtCUY #BI be handled~-wltitout charge FOR FUN I except for the acfcui3-imount-©f t-i 8> i i * (HIVlll S. pottage. There is no charge tO SHOWS NIGHTLY vlwndling faculty mail. -SCHEDULE ; Fea!uir* St«rts at 7;P. M. -~ y* v • SONAU> ;; RHONDA Traffic Violotortr :; ALPHA Ctfl OMEGA Mon. Oct. I -thru Wed, Oct.1 EZJOPIHZA DRIVE -IN JANET LBQH RtAGAH • FUMING Warrants ALPHA DELTA PI - —... Mon. Oct; I thru Wed. Oct.1 'KON-TIK1" Warren W. Blackman, A Tkrilliii( Story of ALPHA EPSILON PHI Mon. Oct. I thru Wed. Oct. 3 e 'Austin traffic divi-Explorationounced that students T"" "• "LAST OF THE ALPHA GAMMA DE-tTATy...—^ Mon. Ott. I thru Wed. Oct. 3 traffic Citations last " BUCCANNEERS" t« lw Wt lilt M* who have -not attend; Paul Heorie-*—Uck Oakie MOVED, OVERI bow chitp ALPHA OMICRON PI -Tuesr Oct. 2 thru Thurs. Oct. 4 vitt be faced sooivwith that t«i! * 9 * -s e also stated tiiat his DRIVE-IN JERRY LEWIS "TheScar ALPHA PHI „ — Thurs. Oct. 4 thru Set.,Oct. fy will check with the DEAN MARTIN t 0 ?;v office' for the names TAKE CARE OF John . ' Marcada* flow enrolled!, MY LITTLE GIRL" Iraland '«.< •' ' -' McCamkridga CHI OMEGA* Thurs. Oct. 4 thru, Mon. Oct. 8 'THAt% M*?BOY'? —Puny Espraa* Cartaea— ^-^ral, however, there will Jefnae Crata DELTA DELTA DELTA •»«aata»aaav Kathryn Grayaon R« FIm .MMtion pictuca w« M . , Ati Gardnar Frank LOVEJOY m GAK4MA PHI SETAr ­ y|-,Brackenridge Hospital described te bring back because thru Thurj. Oct. II '9f4tte Sanders.as feeling *'fajrly' "KID FROM LAS VEGAS" D#vid 3ruc«—Anne Gwynne year reqneet. KAPPA ALPHA THETA -late Honday afternoon. K Tue|* Oct^9 th^ Thuri Oct. 11 "GOODBYE S ie Uiaivjersity's only girl cheer > CHARLES 1 m ider was fojured ThUrnday night YANK KAPPA KAPPA 6AMMA / ll Wed. Oct.J0 thru Fn. Oct.12 MY FANCY" ^^OAUGHTON PHI,My — s-fri. OcK I21hru Mon. Oet.15 LOB MeCalUster WWT 'UNDER WESTERN SKIES" <>TUE PFBETAPHI Ye© Carillo—Naoli Berry Jr. V Jf ?£ sv rirtt Show 2 p»m. OF NOTRE CAMS r rf*-DELTA TAU Frt.Orf.l2 fhniMon. Oct. 15M > ^Ww;Qce^5itir»W«KlrOet.^7 :SS5ff­ DODGE CITY" rtf&hfcx MAUREEN O-IURA 1 T'SS '-mm ­ mm ,, ^ m — JWW |L ;• 1 | ,,^p