287-911-2500-9 BULLETIN OF TH~ UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS No. 198 FOUR TIMES A MONTH EXTENSION SERIES No. 19 SEPTEMBER 8, 1911 THREE-ROOM AND FOUR-ROOM SCHOOL BUILDINGS PUBLISHED BY THE UN IVERSITY OF TEXAS A USTIN, TEXAS Entered as second-class mail matter at the postotfice at Austin, Texas. Cultivated mind is the guardian genius of democracy. I& la the only dictator that freemen ac­knowledge·and the only ,security that freemen ·destre. Pre11ident· Mirabeau B. LamU". ~.Austin Printini: C9mp&n·J. THREE-ROOM AND FOUR-ROOM SCHOOL BUILDINGS SUPPLEMENT TO ONE-ROOM AND TWO-ROOM RURAL SCHOOL BUILDINGS All the specifications contained in the bulletin No. 152, Ex­tension Series No. 4, One-Room and Two-Room Rural School Buildings, will apply in the plan for these la1'.ger buildings. The rooms are exactly the size of those in the smaller buildings. There are merely additional rooms extending over additional space. No extra strain or demand of any kind is placed on the building material. There is, therefore, no reason for further specifications than those contained in the bulletin, and those in­dicated in the accompanying cuts. M'­ ~ ~ ~ ;:;""· c;:, .,... - ;:,,.. ~ s ~· "" ~ .,..... <.:: .:;, "'3 ~ "" £; Three-Room Plan. Three-room building, erected either by adding one room to the two-room bnilding 11s specified by the De­pr.rtrnent of Extension of the University of Texas; or as an original plan for a new three-room building. 1'hree-rooni and Four-roorn School B nil&ings CLA~S ROOM z~~o·,., 3?:~o·· , 1::.MTRAl'IC[-Vl::.~Tll!>ULE. COAT ROOM . PORCH . CLASS ROOM ze:o··,,. ,::,,2:0.. COAT "OOM . The chief value of this plan is that two of the rooms have south and one of them east exposure. 'l'his is, the Texas climate cqnsidered, the ideal arrangement. All the rooms are protected on the north and west from the objectionable north and west winds and the west sun. 0) ~ ..... °" (;' ""' "'· ;:s ~ ""' "' ~ ~ ~· ;;;"' -""· ~ <:> ~ ~ """ Four-Room Plan. 'rhis plan is simple, artistic and inexpensive. All the rooms are on the ground, thus the confusion occa­sioned by noisy feet in one room above another is avoided, and there is less danger to the children from fire. The plan also gives opportunity for the projecting eaves which shut much of the direct sunlight out ?f the room. South MOYAlt>a..&. ftR\ "-3 ~1-....,.ro"""" ~ .,,.. ~: \g) "'! o=--~O "" "" ~ 0 0 ~ t ~~ ~ ~ f i e CLA!>!> ROOJ-'I CLA!>!> ROOM CLAS.5 ROOM . ~ 2~··0" 111 ~z~o~ 0 ~ ~ Z3·. o" )I .:>'l.~o" ~ ~ Z:)' o·~ ;,z' o· ;;: • t ~ t ~ R, CL.A.S.:> R(>OM 'Z~~o~ "' ~,_: o"' ~ 0 ;:: ~ c:::) 0 ;;\ COAtT ROO,... HTRAMC.£ V.E.!:»Tll!tUL COA-r Ft.OOM M'JVA&t..2, '"1.ATP'Oft.r'\, t/.i ~ • ~ Cl COA.-r kOOM POR.C.I'( ...... COAT R.OOJ-\ · ti: .,... ""· R: ''" ;:l Three of the rooms have desirable exposure. All the rooms are protected on the north, and only one is exposed «::) on the west. "' Two chimneys serve for the entire building. -'I