Hi!!! ^^MmssmaasssearosBBBams • ^ ,ggaB^ffP_ '* • 7^'.s* HI >'[) €* f\J,V' ,_ -.... .»W\f hzh­ _,..... . . •^^•pi'''"'yii Commwij fore# «3Bs . tfpfl \. m =a?E2 Firtf Colltgt 0 eif^ln-*,Th m t o##4 *5 • f ,< ' AUSTIN. TEXAS, FRIDAY, DKEMBBt' l. j^O -r.' '-.I''' Four Pages Today , y^-. VOLUME $1 ffj fr3y*r''v?Price Rv# Cen+t w**5 i . i in i Hill in I nil 01 • tr I M* »j"1 "W"""' "1 i1'^!1 S^iyilir^'dijiniitom imfr ( Mill Ml ii|in d iii i| i\g>r hi i i H ») Inj -> . »•:;, ,T?7,1 -\ ^ *rt1 L * v r 1 1 * ^\Tf± %*•, *%v •/ %, v' \ L ! V „>•> %• "V f l\ ' i» *v * , K r mm# •' vllfl <-X|-' &&S3! A&ic .vw Aggie Game Had Line *• ^ *,*! ^ v^ zi S* * ' < ** FV,>1 fl- ^ ™ Siftf m m ^ & v. %% > x. ^ /*•4 > .^ t zr " > £ * #w* ^ < 'Sr±s-x": ifor ana People -;rr i > Bf JAMES RECH tpr"-F" "-,"?• Sporit Kdtitvr --A By RUSS KERSTftN l£& m ».-'i Iv* w t i&& 40 'ftmtm Sport* Staff The ttiight of the Texas Longhorns Wa& abj» derooiutoW sg& TIamblin* HoBert ianow just jsons top ^Sptay .oi spirit, she ,• ^Thursday in Memorial Stadium as the Steers romped to;:*^. frlain Bab. poised Longhoms wjfent out and of "won. one foe coach''—Blair convincing 17-0.victory over Texas A&M, their ^reateal^. '• r,.* To" the ^r«meiidotti delightjpfanthusiastic-Texas students who Cherry was home, sick in bed. rival. They become the first yLonghorn eleven to ever go 7vS screamed frantically in the sea-A fine half-time program by ft. unbeaten in Southwest^ Conference play against the i*rea».^ *kr— the bands and the Unlvertlty —="33 flash card section spiced the en­ent members. Planes tertainment for thethrong in jam-»• -Once:again-the-^iumpi'^aB^WonTup woat packed Memorial Stadium under ^line over shadowed the offensive fireworks and halted A&M*s an incessan sun tempered oirty. « Jam Austin slightly by a gentle sonth breese.. ^brilliant fullback Bob Smith when it counted.' * , s 4 "€s "s Visiting. dignitaries included With retiring head coach Blair Cherry too illillSI,DaVid'tf^i^ ck Dempaey, boxingV immortal For Big Game ; hospital to be oh Afiairid, the Steers operated under the joint ­ nassa Mauler Gene Autry of direction of assistant coaches Ed Price and Eck Curtis. -^ radio and movie fame; GorernorThe air was literally full of Allan Shivers, who is a University Coach Cherry, who wasn't allowed to listen to the game 4flO psrti- r bufIknew they would be in good hands^"^^ cipatin^ Ttuclents flashed^—in eol-j were inthe parkingarea in front — Seemins^y Iceyea too ­ orful apiashesi—the figures 50/ a of tBi administration building— Turkey gobbler, a maroon AM on' in the opening minutesplanes which, ranged in site, from » white background, a UT mono­ play, Texas staved off anthe dteky two-seaters to big twin- Archaeologist gram ? arowd. ' -- StrJm i-• PAoto fc» Noltm Bof i?arriB, was presented a bouquet at dne big four-engined liner from Over 66,000 fans watched as: midfleld by IJoyd Hand, student IN LEAP-FROG FASHION Byron Townsend, j^nghficn: fulk saasofi set by-Bohn HUliariLin l93^--Bud -Mcrndin_(6J) ish-Orientalist' and archoeologiit Dallas pulled op to the unloading i l-~i • " I p»." I n_ _ W. I...L.Ik the Iionghorns score their tenth stu- who speaks here twice this week president, in" behalfr of the back, comes sailing over the heap from the 2%-yard line in +h» Mia and disgorged its passengers. victory in II, years dent-body./--^" -v-; isecbndi"X{asr+er" for " Texas' final touchdown. THts "SSQFS~ by end predicted the-present ritna­ protect the Memorial Stadium binoculars, cameras, and an oc-There were the old familiar Towniend tied the' all-time Steer touchdown record of twelve tion in Southeast Asia iii his book jinx. It was the first tinle this «uionai thermos bottle made its white handkerchiefs on close_calls, "Years of Blindness," published season that the high-scoring Ca­ way to the administration build­showers of confetti on touch­ in 1948. dets have been shutout. ing. gome wete-niet by students downs, the ocasional "all the way" Possibly this can be attributed "The book is a very important orfriends and others went to the rumble of many thousands of feet to the fact that this was the sec­ line of waiting cabi which had on the wo'odeh stands, and always one dealing with the relationship ond time tills season that, Truman Considering JUse started forraing at 6 o'clock Thurs­the-yelling, yelling, yelling. Spirit between colonists and the people was also shutout. But not all «&y-­ day morning. 5 * * -' ^ ; • slackened, a bit in the defense-; of Asia," Dr. SndoVph WillaTd, tiwr gloss waa tabbe*,*# i^1 t s. Mi Mgg tiswi Th« inevitable ixShdeSfeript char-minded second half. professor or English said., "Dr; •dfeea^i fullback.' .ieber with a cigte stub alack in -At halMine the 20&-piftce Aggie Smith was a" great Wales wrote, that the colonising his sheepish grin ininried with the marching .band entered in regrular Thtpda;. Wl^i ^.||lint gaw6^hfiaaS|| and exploiting by the European agowd asking, "Anybody want tic-formation playing the "Aggie War running room' in the Texas sec­ Hymn." Some fancy footwork at . nations would lead to the strife ksfa?0 ondary, he^was awildstallioaon 4C Bi Tfcn.airliner, empty ^xcept fofr midfleld preceded their next for­~ WASHINGTON, Nov. 30.—jarid no such authorization has been hesitate to" order-its"use if €he.whether the war ln the Far Esst found.in A«a today."; rampag^. By gaining It Its creWj-taxied out of the way mation, LONGHORN, from one welfare, of the United State?F and will be carried fcross the ICorean The British writer and lecturer against Texas, Smith mqved intoK President Truman said Thursday given.for the next big plane waiting to five-yard line to the other, which the United States will fight on in l Mr. Truman has said previously the other democracies were, at border .into Manchuria—a course wilj. -speak on Art of Southeast third place among the natkn.^^ was conjured while they played unload. ^ X4.y—r Korea with every means at its dis-jthat he hopes the atom bomb will stake. some military authorities say will Asia Friday and Saturday at $: rushing leaders with 1,302 •ytsrd*&~ A twin-engiiied Lockheed Loae-"Texas Taps." With a few, quick posal—-including the atom bomb if 1 never .gain have to be used. But Thursday the • President said it's be necessary if the Chinese Red p. m., in Geology Building-14. He The Texas line had the Sdge ; star, brown with orange • trim-movements, the letters dissolved necessaryr—to keep Red aggression i he has said, too, that he would;not entirely up to -the United Nations invasion is to be checked. is sponsored, by the University Smith, however. In the firtt pla<% %1 nungs, pulled in. The partisanship and were replaced by TEXAGGIE from spreading to Amerjgan • Public Lectures—Commlttee , and ths^awwennbye of them, andthey . •» }in tb" sEmFes. the Department of Fine Art*. The pulverised the Aggie front line.v ^ the Texas ,stiQk«rs on the, win­eluded with a replay of the "Ag­ public is invited. The old ^tnrtarsm^. the shod|^», With the exasperated air of dows,. 4" " . gie War Hymn" "and formation man near the limit of patience, a Dr. Wale* ia'particularly inter­troops from; the offensive line,' 'Airport Manager,, Edward F, of j^he traditional block T. «am$ superbly to the aid of tfai# ^ Mr. Truman said this feountry has ested in transmission and develops "Belshan's office was crowded with After the Aggies cleared the' sophomore and Junior .lineman ia made every possible effort to head ment of culture in the Orient. peopl« asking about checking bag­field, on came the Longhorn Band, the first-string $te«r defense tot, off a third world waT. For two years he-Was field di­ gage, (retting plane repairs, and Silver Spurs, GowboyS, and Texas rector of the Greater India Re-halt the Aggies every He said these efforts will con­ a huge Uni­ threatened the Texas goal.. misplaced friends. Stars. They formed tinue and he hopeS they will suc^ •eareh Committee, and madfr ^ "We don't try to get an accu-versity -Totter -and played "Auld cavations in Siam, and later W -It was Jim Lansfotd, Bud'Mc-f c^ed, -^ TV*' ideal arrangrement When a youngfman first comes expenditures of the health-ser Fadin, ^ Ken\ and ­ nte count of the planes," he,said, Lang Syne" then moved into a Malaya. He investigated ancient "until after the fush is, over." cross and rendered "Faith, of Our But' he declared in a formal hospital is a T-formation with thei outyof , medical school and begins vice, student hospital fees could sites and studied early trade Rowan who &ded ws^ght "It'sthe phone that really keeps Fathers." They cldsed with the statement that "we are4 fighting nuning'center and utilities in the working on the staff of the health not possibly covet hospitalisation routes by which Indian culture the center of thf -{ionghom' Ua busy," he said. "People call customary AMC and UT mono­in Korea for •our own national junction, said Dr. George M. Dech-service,^ he ndll;stay; only .uptil he Dr. Decherd said;' fensive line when tl^a A£gi«i was / security and survival," and he When students ate attending transmitted to Southeast out and «xpect us to know every­gram, playing the alma mater in erd, Jri, director of the XJniversitjr gets a better offer. . Now, too* Asia* -, He served in the Indian their deepest penetration ia,Texa«_^ told a tense, crowded-news con­ 'theiiUtfiversity, ^yiirted,hosipitelr body-that has come in and where both formations. ' Student Health Cjenter, Thursday there is the army tSking tyovmg Army" from 1940 .to 1941on tho territory late in the third qua% to put our finger .on th^ir friends * **£ ference we-will use Byery weapon .morning. He was addressing the doctors, W said.->, ixMiion-for-minor things, the doc­ ter. A'itM .was halted en fhe fonjf'" that is" needed. tor explained, since there is no f to -tell them dinner is waiting or " annual meeting ?of the Southwest­As in any establishm§f^\ fug spacf in that vicinity was not 1940 team, came balk tq watch tion, he., said he doesn't want to pital, you have to decide what you visit to the tlnited States.^ In remained in Japan where he was ing of Greater India," will ha pub­Coach. llany, available after about 8:30 a.m. the 1950 champions play Tsgcas see it used. It's a terrible weapon, TOnt to offer," Dr. Decherd said lfi41 he was a member of a,group arrest moved smartly f«r-first &M. he "said—one" that doesn't spareJ guc^ foiwgn -M the question oJ of Japanese,who came to^AmeTi ments that were not acceptable lished in 1951. near the mid-field stripe, but the to the. war-leaders, and because 'Dr.-fale%,laetait^3^|ev fired-up Texaadefendaei MMEfeni" Thirteen men played the A&M innocent men, women and cMl-J whetHer to supply medical service; ica to ,try to prevent war. .This mwIJf.1. he .was sympathetic' with the peo 1|»45.4« '*«*.* ... In Longhorn territory. / r / %ame in 1940. Pete' Layden, full­dren. , fdt the faculty and staff must be ii^^wy.wi. ii'iiiiiui''ii""i|'I iii'toe-To Be HeL .., day School, won convert and kins, who waa given The woodpile guards had jfc *»fte frteni 'Horn Roeten "Wh-oreT' ^iProiesiBbr Harry Helson, chair, group; and Orville Borchers, deai Dr. L. D.-'Haakaw, d^«|.t)t« Dr. Ksgawa has-been, adynamic ple Hitch' School; Malcolm Kutner, mian of-the department of psy­discuks the Soviet Union's nature o$ School of Mwtlc at J whos pa2« with the Chicago, Car-bt and manpower resources. He will College of Education, aiiid this ia fa uniting Jspanwe jwdfced 9h '9e«o»d 'Mora Roolwrr^f chology Brooklyn Collage, Bntriai wiE ba « ih" di#ls; Vernon Martin, blocking deliver the discussion in two lee-the first attempt-afrthe Universi­avange»i«et Isn't mat,«o«« Brooklyn, N.Y., will be guest of terpretation, intonation«kton«!i Ay ty to assemble 4 large part of the killed in a car wreck} and honor at a-reception Friday fronj thin, dktiolih'aad smdent lwdy -'toy. I ipi. «>plaae:'ciadi*' building morSle a btiuw '' no holidayStodny, 300. wp , JS pr of this column Attending iMt'Miili' ,«vMU •imliiii ii]l Wii fli • '•raftS' • m aW TEXAN mb~ m- I ve 1 By KELLY CKOZfER iSjNVfft -MiWtjKJ By 1CEN TOOLEVf JEvkiwr: ««n*Ww lot In, •Mttng on a foldtng chat* 4n «ne . , film SptftU Staff ?fh».da*«»i**'*06in Thuwday of thA coachea.room* surrounded The Asrgies weren't ashamed of the ball gAme they played •&&•• 1*4 h*#d«d tb« Aggie# a by a grow of fins and reporter*. lf*b defeat, "That ought to hold • "Ttiu played t fin tlili in Memorial Stadium Thursday afternoon. They Were some-" 'mm JMttfa*" *«* tb«, «ry ®oi#g aiteraeon* Teapkiu played Ua what proud of theft playing but sorry that they were on the fpwmd. u , "a , ( , > hmi |UM «f tKt jpwr. His pase- -1 loW side of the scorer* " v.,7-—--: tk " v. Cottfe* down 'H*' ailtgyinqr .1«C w*» Aani Mii lki awlaetiwa " ^r-^i. Into the roam wu Bill §®».'M., ~ "f^T ,;f7*r" , would like sto find out what to Coach Harry Stiteteirrwho was "standing , by the~stairs ••' Graying Eck Gbrtis. who shared feed them to make tham play that drinking a coke, wouldn't single Jointly with th« rest of the as-way all the time." When he Was out any •tahknti eoi&he* tba responsibility one offensive" or-defen­ questioned directly about the play­ sive lineman "as being-the best, «if directing Thursday's game, was ing of the "Man-froni-lraan," Bud "The whole1 Texas line was out­ McFadin. ha said, "When we talk standing." about Bud, it is this way—>be al­ The greying coach said,*"Theways plays a good game. Today difference in the two teams was he hadachance to play more on that Texas capitalized on every defend t&a«h« had all year long. opportunity and we .didn't" , When he has that chance he ak He" sinrwrfily said, "I think allways loola aciiL. iJetter.1* of my boys played well, and I'm /. Coach Prnse «|r*«l with Coach wm not the least bit ashamed. We. Cartis that Kn Jackson, Bad Me- had some bad breaks, and we Fadta, and Dick Rowaa werethe lacked the ability to make a first »_. 3 9y GENE EHRLiCH Sealing. 6-foot aophomore' from Experienced teacher. Phone 7-1409. Tmtm ttmru Buff 6-5, fltnd Dowies is 6-3. Womack of the Southwest Conference. ; hood. $22.60. 58-4670. Fort Worth. THESES, REPORTS. University gradu. is 5-11 and .when speed is de­ ENGLISH coaching bj PHD candidate. JProsh on the haals of i wa'ning : ;^He picked Arkaniws as the likely PhBne S 68-4164. ate. Mrs. Julian. Cell 6-8628. More height than usual for.the sired -more, than height,' Viramon- P. M. | Leather Goods footiball season, basketball comes Longhom eager* will he. a slightly titlist and tagged SMU as the tes and Scaling will both enter COACHING: French* Gerinan, Russian. TYPISTS' POOLi Expert typists, theses, bata, belts, to Hw Uaivenity campus Eriday, strange situation for Coach Gray -the. lineup. sleeper in the race. A&M and Refrigerators Experienced teacher. Phone'2*1669. COWBOY BOOTS, holsters, etc. 6*4747 evenings. the Texas Longhorns and TCU, he predicted, woud be the saddles, bridles. All leather goods who in the past has turned out Huffman made to order. Everything . Western. S»m Houaton 8«axk»Ui n««t «ll2h mighty midgets Slater logical' choices for the number Dancing Capitol -Saddlery. 1614 Lavaca. TYPING: theses, themes, notebooks, out­ as 8 p.m. i* Gregory Gym. • Jorily two 1&49 starters who will three sppt. -For R«n*„ lines. etc. Phone 6*8889. ' ™. Martin, Al Madsen, Bobby Joe not be back for the Stefrs this ^to* game of -Bice^ and LEARN TO O&NCl Lost and Found SCIENTIFIC TYPIST. lark, and Bill Huffman—all un-year. However Coach .Gray pre-Baylor, Texas; —be Unirersi(y Bellreea eUsSes. Hondej sod MANUSCRIPT season for both teams. Neither added, would finish Day—rWeek-^Month p.m. boor Experienced. Mrs. Moore. Phone dict*d:4]»t out the order Thursday 8—9 I class les-LOSXi ^ one pair brown 7-6088. ttom i$ loaded «ith •xperien^Heiri"i*n f-!f«, in the Conference race..However sons. 60a -University iiitt fres"" ae~nS?5 field. Klein "stands at «-6, Palk at well to finish in the upper half " sKcSS ntramffiCal U bands, but ttee Steers have a slight NEW ANNETTE DUVAL DANUE STUDIO found please csll Keith at 8*2766. TYPING SERVICE. 3108 Swisher. Phone the genial coach was not as pessi­ 10th and Congress " ^ Miss Welch. in r^nrnjng lettermen with mistic as the rating may sound. S Phone 8*3961 or 2*9088 LOST: Cloth Jacket. grey on. Ute battle 7-8206. whil» the HnntsvilUs tMm . jacket order with knit bottom. If And for t&ia reasftiaii ^fine crip1 found call 7-4880. Reward offered. TYPlftG. theses reports, term papers,. *»«.''" Furnished Apartments • notebooks. Telephone 7-7787. , of sophomores-are beginning play ] TlM Kaat* |a tb« first 4^0 Vols Guard Named m 1950 .1 ' vif v/. BX.OOK UNTV ERSITY—Boys, for. Texas. Along with Viramon- • eoaple, EXPERIENCED typisti •_uanuseripts, mHm. Ti» Mcosd ' - practically ' a«w. . mrfge, . efficiency tea and Sealing artf Cecil Mor« , thafes, dissertations." Phone' -3.-71»• ' «rfll Im played-Saturday njgkt liWestinghous* and apartment, tile bktB, aew Aiaidaira; 98. THE SAFETY PEN. ladlvidtwl «• f<* gan, Kelton Brewer, and Leon siso cottais; twin feeds;, bills. paid, WANTED part-time: typing. Saturdays .6-9444. . ^rour cbiMten. Moetbly, hourly rates. , 7 AP Lineman"bf W#lk Black. j Jntfpn«tionftl Harv«)ter |pseW_ sertlee for footbaU garaee. prefened. Phone 2-4970. FIVE ROOMS,-bath and extra shower Pickop—delivery. ».»468—6-0696. •Jfc» for To^pa, tllCNQXVlli^^'kov/' A> 18$-potthd& fr^ift Norfolk; "Whan 'these men get a 'little Refrigeratory room, with -large jrwagtv attractively TYPING i Nest work. Will eel) for and 2*9606. more experience under their belts furnished end situated Ave bloeits from DOWNTOWN KINDERGARTEN, Nur-deliver. Phoue 2-4868 or ' } V«atiVais ' plgbt M "Hey, #et that fellow out of there Vk., Paffer makes up in spped . **"' *»oe baby sitting. 60e Ihiivsrrsity campus. Office -phone 7-610*8, »»»•. la ma ewtaSs raiser, a« we can run some playa," yelled vrtiat be lacks in brawn. then we may . have a -better i Ea*y -"Hior -Bendfix residence.phone8rT46^. £;w. , Certificated teaeber, day $6.50, LET ME your thesis, themes. chance," .he said. Weekly. 400 Best tod.' 2-8163. TYPE vjOiutt % high scoter oJ! , tte Tennessee'* General .Bob Neyland -Oth^r forwards winnirtg^ We Phone S-9168. ' MODERN, beautifully furnished sis;> «*«»pa%ii-^Toni Hamili ;£Add 'to this array of court Washers •mmipii duplex. yerd< THEMES. weekly lineman award during Uie room Brick, attractive yard REPORTS, THESES. J81T Music imrrVm-, will mm talent, Dick Harris, 8-4; « junior] TJniversJ^y neixhborhcKxl^ : i06 West Oldbam. 2*1715 after 6£B0 .p.m. k. season wtoe gOards Bernie Lehion- Bird. M «««Imrvl iek of Pennsylvania, Bud McPadin lettermah forward, George Cobb, j BECORDED MU8J0 and F.A. systems ACCEPTED MOKNiKGS: T££S£SZ ^ "• , s>, lgwtfd Ted J*ffer# Daffer/s » of Texas,and tea Bicbter of Cali­a speedy aenior lelterman guard,] For Sale vlcfc* 8 841s'*" Csrapvis Music Ser-DISSERTATIONS. 900 . West list, 2-9444. Electric. t1»e^*rte«M» .... and .the erienced help. -All equipment includieg m into its secmnUxy lairfr UCLA; *ft4 teckles Elmer Costa , Four squadinen, tuther Star­ _ 1»S0 pick-upj Stock, tools, office fl*. Wanted 'xiasil^ .. aejd thftt &Hure wit la^toir osf Norih Carolina State and Jim_r borough, Phil Kansopher, Harold THL tttWs* .-fMM.M cash. all eeeutM. will '-•wnipaMPPPs . , *JUitir *o4 in enabUw Tenmuwie to band tbe 1|eatfeerftR ot Oklahoma. .Simmons, and T«a Pnce, a trans-fvw ff.90OtOQ per rear. 2*8608 for " ilrir SUBJECTS pr. Schmidt, October t. —­ -• r. ftntf fil .< » lanas»a^» _ ^J ' Ai ^ it ai ii ii'l " ot ; wwrow nPmiiwwj k V, " ' ' 1950 or 'ilW® aewtfa; SILVER FOX ITOLX. praet (tsOl 6-1726. include4:/ lAxtnleQa. Very reasonabti K*41tl, „ fcwrfUi/. Kehta< . Baylor, »Bd be Lloyd Dicken*and , Wddon LOW PSlCaj FOR—->rsctL _ ^ Jimmy 522 FAST 6tfa ST. him lineman 9\ Paul GirosW. Bicej centers m* 2hmcaA„ formurdt; Dean Loyd, washhis machine with 1 BADLY .WANTED* Ride to Now torn tb«;i««Hc tsUt^g l» tbe final .i center; and Toim Sewel and Far-PHONE SMC refrigerate*, kitehea tab of vicinity:j for«< Xmas holldeys 2*mVoik**t m|Murl of »• drive and share Ceil i hkM. «-»21 ili Mary Marjori* Johnson and ijaafo*Alpha fchi. •s and B»c* Wi F. Moot-* will be married t>ecera-'Moore received -a degree G. Blalar, former University stu­ CLEVELAND, Nov, war now, ai^d there ^ but a *W'Aa ta tm-•itMi «m The National Council of Churches hope that ber 29 In * format ceremony at dents, were wed in a double-ring a total world conflict 4he often-heard eon civil angineering_froni the Uni-first of Christ Thursday messaged Sec­cah be avoided." _ , Westminster Presbyterian Church ceremony'In • the'" Burnet if the ."last great verait# of Kentucky and will re­ retary.{kneralTiygve Lie *2 the . Mr. Swe&glcfcareh is not affili­ ia Port Arthur,. Mist Jtihnaon re* Methodist Church November 1&* ceive a degree in architecture United Nations its conviction that ated with the national council. It Sa S.' ' ~ celved a b&riielor^faeirace.de­ ' The bride studied business ad­ "war is not inevitable/* serves the majority of University gree in education at the Univer­he$e In JuiM>~~^t)Hr^a inemher ~«f ministration at the University and "I've ,rSe'wri" The newly^ormed body told students who belong to the Church sity last June: She is a member Sigma Chi. belonged; to Wica and the Te: that were supposed to b»; Thay Lie that it was fully aware of the of Christ, I Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow­ weren't, and 1 don't think this ett* dangera'littto situa Pdntiij|f:':iif'iii^W^^y ship. The bridegroom received a tjon but it still believed warcould (dlrectly^ftghtitig Rusaifr now, with liberal arts degree from the Uni be av0id*d»:;^:;^ the Soviet Union filing the Edit* Kniefciii^;e«~Pi^aMk! V-UshT 4 varsity and els* "did graduate i: Lie was told' that ihfcn strings „of-her satellites in the Dr. Robert L. Suthariand, study, «He was president of the ^ r" fi has offered a special prayer that war, Ut. Sweet said he hoped the tor of the Hogg Foundation far tumbling team, a member of Miea the UN tnay find 'ere '^«(W9lwir. T_ ledby PeterKuttner, a Untv«ri)% heriehide 18.95 to emy in Nashville and is now a The University chapter will be student. 9 Sophomore at the University. He The . • International host. Delegates are. expected from After a 1 o'clock lunch at the 20.95 ea U( * member of Phi Kappa Psi fra­El Paso, Houston, Norman, Okla., Campus Cafeteria' the group, will ternity and Alpha Phi Oiqega. uet to and Baton Rouge,' La. return to Hillel to dlaeoaa "He _ The seminar will begin with ser« Plafe#.';^; Religion"vices at Hillel Foundation Friday, pjn. Iszy Schufwolf, a University PARTY LINE NAVAL AIR FLIGHT JACKET Internationalists at 7:30. p.m. Following the ser­student from Israel,will lead the With Quilted Moulton Collar and Quilted BY FAIRFAX SMITH vices, Manny -Tanenbaum, a for­discussion. f lining-—Cowhide or horeehide Honor Miss Duge T**an SeeUty Siitor The annual IntemMtiorial Ban­mer IZFA field worker in Israel, Seminar participant^.w^4aave ,, 32,S0 aad quet honoring fore.igh students will speak on ."Hanukkah, Feast from Hillel at 7 p.ni. for a wiener -: " = — 24.50 ea.• The telephone eoij*erBation pie-Gamma DelU will both ha ve at.Lights." roast ta close Saturday'a actiti- A reception will be given in. lured above is just representativS formals Saturday night. The Gam­18, fromv« to 8^0 p.m at the A skit entitled J,Th» Microscope :bes.*" ^ *—r - -tstof • .4wr-. honor of Miss Edna Duge, repre­of the many that have been car­ma Phi dance wiH be at the Com­University Baptist .Church. and the Prayer Shawl," is also Breakfast Will bMf B-15 JACKETS • ' sentative of the Institute of Inter­ried on «&"'wwS.'7;".WIth'Ta'>i661> modore Perry and will carry out The banquet^ which this year planned for Friday evening. Uni­lei Sunday at 9 o'clock. An e^* national Education Friday from ball game, a holiday, and a more a wishing well theme. Avis Hasel-will be presented as an "old-fash­versity chapter members in the hibit on Israd tfcen wfU he Con­ Moulton Collar and Alpaca Lined 3:30 to 4:30 p. m. in B. Hall 19. than usual number of parties go­tine is in charge of it. The Alpha ioned American Christmas din­skit 'will .be Mervin Rosenbaum, structed. The aeminar will con­ Mountain Cloth Shell The reception is for the seventeen ing on, the telephones have been Gams will entertain at their new ner," will show how Christmas, is Isaac Epstein, Jonas Kaye, and clude with a 1 o'elock lunche^iDi i^. "• i • 9.95 and students oh the campus who are keptbusy. house which will be decorated observed in foreign lands. Sunny Solomon. ' Campus Co-Op Cifeteriii^^l®S li.95 ea. sponsored by the Institute; and Among the fraternities and so­around a large sorority crest. All foreign students are invited. for interested faculty members. rorities celebrating on" Thursday Barbara Ftf day finwetal chairman, Those attending are asked to drop Miss Duge will be on the campus Were Beta That* Pi and Kappa Sigma Alpha Mp will also have by the'University BAptist Churcb, TANKER JACKETS Friday through Tuesday as part Kappa Gamma with buffet lunch­a foralal which, will be at the and pick up tickets. in 'mm h Blanket or Quilted lined, Knit Cuff* of a field trip to colleges and uni­eons before the game and Acacia, Federated Club. A holiday in Rio and waiat ' versities in the South. Phi Kappa Tau, and Phi Gamma theme will be carried out. This will be the first formal oc­Delta with buffet suppers. Campus Pi Beta PhT"will have their an­Graduate Club at e llSif. - — 8.95 ea. s. . * ,* in Guild Co-op haid an informal-dance nual costume bail at Texas Union casion held the International ~ : with nylon shell !0.95 ea. X^nter mTTlHalir ^ 7-and open house Thursday night to jat which the best draiaad couple{Xo Meet XoniaBt Emaauel Taneabauui, whQ hae} ing 6^6»6, The prica k SO endkwhich the ' girls' co-ops were es and stag will be awarded. . •pent a year studjring and working: A Hanukkah -dance will ba hdfd pecially invited.--• BOMBER JACKETS r ^ • 2eta Taw Alpha -#111 have a back­At Old Seville --in Israel; will^ be guest speaker at at-the Hillel Foundation Satardajpt ' "Dra^nwy^^^ho?"5 --The Art fluJtnt*' Aasoctatidtt-ward party at the pld Boy Scout December 9 at 8 o'clock,. Tackle twill ahell in various bright colors dran^starring Gene Tiemey, Vin­will a costume Betty gilder in The Graduate Club will have a 7:80 o'clock Friday at Hillel. have "monster" Hut. Jean is Hantdckah, Festival of Dedica­ Foundation, His topic' will be10.95 and cent Price, and Walter Huston, party Friday night Members will charge, of arrangeiflents/ meeting Friday at 7Y30 p. m. at tion, is ope of the two minor festi­ "Hanukkah in Israel." ? .• 11.95 ea. will be the Monday free movie. come dressed as their favorite Phi' Sigma Kappa will have bar­Old Seville. "Is Socialized Medir vals not in the Bibl$. It ja atte The.holiday of Hanukkah begins; •It will start at 7:30 in the Main monster. George Love is in becue with deer and"a ranch party cine Desirable?" will be discuesed. called Hag1 Haorim—Festival 6f Lounge of the Texas Union. charge. . Sunday,. December 3. In observ­ at their house Saturday night, -Speakers Will be Dr. Carl' M. Lights, and Hag Hamaccabim-*-­ HUNTING BOOfS , The Delta Chi'« will have a while Theta Xi and Alpha Eptilon ance of Hanukkah, Hillel will have Festiyal of the Maccabees.. Rosenquist, professor of sociology, Music Man to Have Smoker candle lighting each evening at the • For men and women ranch party at the new boy scout Pi will both have closed houses, and Mrs. Elizabeth Bodenstein, in­The celebration of Hanukkah A smoker for all men music hut which will be a strictly blue- foundation. Dr. Joseph Cahh of A good boot for field trips A; manner theme will be carried structor in German, who" ha* re begins on the twenty-j&fth dat of ^ students wilL be given by Phi Mu jean affair. * ' outat the Theta XI party of which cently spent a year in England. New Orleans will talk oi "What Ktelev, the dajjr tl» TenKde-wieJ A perfect gift for the -. 11.SO to Alpha Sinfonlaj honorary music Is B'nal B'rith?" at the 6 o'clock Outdoor mother br dad,— The Sigma Phi £piilon'i "will Don French is in .charg;e. The After the panel discussion, the rededicated to the service of Gedi 13.80 pr. fraternity, Sunday afternoon at 2 have their annual tea dance Sat­AEPi's will have a Gay Nineties Sunday supper forum at Hillel. group will' adjourn for dancing. after the followers of'.Jadalf deri'i o'clock in the Music I. Building urday afternoon at the Cliff House. party and a vaudeville skit. Nor­ All graduate students are invited The supper will include foods ap-feated the SyrUm bgiona ia-th^i foyer. 4. propriate fpr the holiday. WOOL PLAID SHIRTS Gatfema Phi Beta and, Alpha man Black is social chairman* to attend. Maccabean -victory^^-Theia^vaI|S:. "Buckakein joe" 7.95 ea. Dy. Cahn ia. executive secretary lasts eight days becauseof a wlrpk"' of &str%t y7::of B%ai B'rith. H«f clewhichoccurreddcvi^thari­will be accompanied by Stanley didication. L When the perpetual FRONTIER SHIRTS Kaufman of Dtilaa, president of lamp was about to be lit, that* Topic the Texas State, Conference of waa only one cruae of undefiled oil For Men and Women „ B'nai B'rith. Reservations ii for the needa of a imlitary day, but 5.95 to be made by noon Sunday by call-it ; lasted eight days. • 6.95 ea. T> vj9 ^ a Z^i'^ * MEN'S FRONTIER TROUSERS LONDON, Nov. 80-^-(ff)—Prime j * \§ iJ " Attlee's official spokesman said Sunday. His last visit to the U. S. Chinese Communists might be will­ 5.95 to Minister Attlee declared Thurs­the Prime-Minister-needed^^at least was made on-November 9, 1945. day that Britain0wants fullest con­48 hours to prepare for the trip. World relations in light of atomic 1 6.95 ea. ahd recalled that Britain had sug­ sultation -before a decision is Under such a schedule he could development ww .the prime ?Ub- gested a buffer the ^ fit zone along reached on use of the atomic bomb leave: here. Saturday nignt by ject" of that meeting. 1 WOMEN'S FRONTIER TROUSEfts on behalf of the United Nations in plane and arrive in the U. S, on Attlee expressed hope that the Korean-Manchurian frontier. Att­JSlS-'S the Korean War. lee said that idea might form part InWideVirlety 5.95 to Attlee announced to a cheering of the negotiations with the Reds, ' . ' ' 4 7.95 pr. House of Commons that he will go • Britons of all political faiths Like the Longhorns -r& to the United States for talks with WESTERN HATS President Truman on critical world j hid become Junior partners in the problems. He will..fly,, probably alliance with the U. S, and were rvJV/t^'.r rW* S'.Si+'Sftt 3" or 4" Brima this week end. not being adequately consulted. 5.00 to In reference to use of the A- Conaemtivr tea d e r Aflthohy . V{'-1 v ' 10.00 ea. Bomb, most .dreadful weapon of Eden suggested Wednesday talks RANGER HATS modern warfare, Attlee said: n I^I at highest possible levels with the kSjM "The British. Government * con-, BY. WALTER RUNDELL JR. Wide curved brim In maldon, lava United States so that Britain's >r & ? Teean Mutic Criiie aiders that a decision of such grave X-• green or aunburat How rare it is to find a pianist "Sousedska" is a piece of power views could be more weightily pre­ ea. 10.00 importance could not be taken o» embodying the great musicianly and brilliance. While "Furiant" aented. Against this background, behalf of the United Nations with­ understanding and superb techni­does not have the Ijnric quality of Attlee's declaration that "I «hall out fullest prl'or consultation w|th ARMY COMFORTERS those member states who are cal fl|c3PI^?jo^ Rudolf Firkusny, the former, it. was played with lose no time in going over to the at who was presented in recital by dash and sparkle. ­ i 5.50 ea. present participating in-the inter­ United Statee" brought a unanim­ the Austin Community Concert Instead of doing-Debussy's ity *0 not ieen AndflWen to national police action.' Commons since Association Thursday night, in . Attlee's announcement that he "Suite Bergamasque," the soloist the wartime coalition government. JODPHURS Hogg Auditorium! nm(j deaf. H you ere 'pfan^ had written a letter to Mr. Tru­ substituted five preludes,. "The, Before his statement in Com­ Brown or Black . An, artist of rare Insight, Mr. 13.95 pr. man proposing the visit came a Wine Gate," "The Courtyard in mons, Attlee had -et with Wins­< 4 ning fi party, then fust let Firkuiny proved himself a master few hours after the President said Moonlight," "Puck's Dance," "In-ton Churchill and Foreign Secre­ of many pianiatic styles in his terrupted Serenade," :and "Gen Ernest Be ' everything that) rroqft* worry was considering* use of the A erai' Levine, iicceritnc^W^ &my, pianist handled the beautiful Iega­ bomb. A short time after Attlee elusive quality ctf these Impression­ you go ^399Jw*­ AUSTIN to; melodic.line with taste and deli­ concluded a two-day Commons de­ istic works was admirably captured cacy. .His tone was most expres­ Tantalizing *Dishe$—>­ by Mr. Firkusny. don't worryi flnd !«* the Across from the Port Office Annex bate on foreign affairs be had sive.v The transparency and refine­ 201 Wert 6th i word frb& Washington that Mr. In the portion of the eoncert ment of the interpretation placed lam's swell catering service Truman would be happy to see preceding the Prokofieff "Tocca­ :{U it in the category of great art. r him. ta," it, was obvious that the artist plan, serve, and 'arrange possessed an admirable technique^ yasa masteiyieceof Romanticism. ConvSrtfehtiy Located But in this dynamic matte, Mr. .your party tadnnm The all-important melody, was ,, 2706 Guadalupe -; & played with tasteful rubato. » Firkusny displayed a facility of Mr. Firkuspy, while interpreting Jovian proportions. -His--auperh-\v W y to. end,f ! B this music Wth great emotional in­control, apd astounding agility Shrimp a spa&atty' sight, never allowed it to become made the. piece intensely exciting. pfr­ _ over-aentimental.. The "Nocturne," Good dynande variations also add­60VDEN BROWN .^1? if,j* .Jusf-talk to Mr. W«lt»r Eckwi ^ with its exquisite trills and ap-ed to its intareat. . Fried Chicken poggiaturas, evoked peaceful im­. The Chopin waits played as 1 ** th# and Jie will be glad to «rmn9* T ages. Spirited sind impassioned, the lint encore waa given a thor­ n -t> the "Tarantella" had decisive oughly artistic performance. Again thmg jurf, tite ^^ bf"§ i, •rhythmic drive' and verve. in the third and last encore de­ i« --/A champion of his Caech,nation­manded >hy the highly apprecia­OWtTAXI party should be served, a»d w?H do 4e trnf-i alist composers, Mr." Fitkusny tive listeners, the pianist gave con­'h "* can u$e th* rt fust sorry h« has to sit in proved himself an able performer clusive evidence of hi^jpapabilitie# job in Austjn. You even class whon ho could bo ovor at of Smetana's fihry^ dance4|sThe tho Toxas Book Storo browsing 2*497$ and *et your party afrari^ & J, In tho Man's Shop. MOO rami's­ Hum^Dor*j»£S IUOIO CONTROttEO CARS Walter Edtert Manegar vVftw,"W/i «». *?>/•1 Mw Dwm tUtmBmiP ^UCErO.EAT m m~ fOOO m smfSi Wash Co. M/t t**' m,AUTO J 5.lijner, ream* raW^A* #* ^Wm^W^W^MJi^lT' mtm flw m • CM* . . ¥5.'.VI lM*'% ,1*1, •. Vk* Diflr Tou, a sttodwt unwiw et tin Oalviwdty «i tun* la for Husban _ >1 Aasftt wy jaenias «xa«pt Hndw ««4 8*tnrL1W inrto« boHd*y and nankiaatioB wriodt. ud bl.WMklr nVVV^,-* ,feff Stodaat 'Pabltostkm*.. Ins. • -. . • " • %»-< -.B, lx or «t Mne*rn MPKUUIr. pMf.rn.dJnrt HSB5t«t5ga£SjSg vilBrewer said. "I want homni-experiences. He -.bettevas masterwrot«> them: ftinaa ® . •ahd eountey James Molt assistant professor of _ ' : ^ ^;^*ssoa*iEB *RiS§ Wfiut ^ It J. Mason Brewer, research di-own peopieto appreciate oar that tibe importance of Br'er Rab­the master'wrote tiiem, and those we. have ddhe ^1" • fTti* 1> to tfat a*«7ot repubUcttioa «f all; who are too saturated by jazs and I don't tiiink and is one of the larfest P**f ««HU(I to1 If « arti othtnilM or«dtt«d in thia^ oaw*pap«r> ui4-1 -tMfe* of SamuelH ttiuslc and subtlt. wit. (H Guitermtkn .ind;:LuiMiialj; •for]'>•£ University production. A8* -v' saying that we ahould forget the v »-Moliere's satb>>» too sis|»nt director is Walt Richard-ional Advartliinc by National Advertising Sarrica, Xn»^ importance. : social wjss tUprMmtad^for National Adv«rt! The University Drama Depart­ part and our clave status because 1 Mr. Brewer's interest in the n the pfwii ft IVOiiiortd by the Cultural Kegro folk tales was first stimu­emotion for this'day:.and -genera*, ces Roddy. . . o — BMtoa — ItfSocietywffl appear with the Symphony. In 1948 they presented Beethoven's "Ninth PHON1 Members of Wesley Foundation, Symphony" and in 1949 they were STATE Jinder the direction of Sue Box, 12-5291 heard ;in the Orchestra's Christ­will present "Aria da Capo" Sun­ mas program. * day in The Scout Room of theThe singers are dkected by Education Building of the Uni* m Charles Stone • andtiie' orchestra versity Methodist Church. b* Max Reiter. Beginning at '6:30 p.nu the * are production, is free to the publicavailable at the-box office of the and will follow the usual eventing Symphony's Auditorium. Mail ifa­ supper .at:5.:48.:,/ .. . " • ders are fllled In the orderr<£­ "Aria da Capo," one of the firstceived. • plays of Edna St Vincent Milllky, »MON« was written for the Provincetown QU££T/V 7-1527 Players as a satire on war and . 4;. , c J-i Heidi Orarl ' , was especially appropriate when [ P!>t IV T HFATRFS SANFORIZtD Gary Cflojw * , presented during World War L -RatfcRoman TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY The play is even -more, appro­ rer i® * Featare Starts at 7 p. m. priate today as it shows man's re* ' 4 " DALLAS" lation to man and emphasizing the "TRAILTOFTHE" la Taclialcalar a*-VIGIf ' ES" importance of seemingly meaning* less actions begun in thoughtless* C/IP/TOjL \&m Franchot Toaa ness. Brad CnwfGordsa Mao R*a 'BREWSTER'S MILLIONS' "RETURN OF THE 1 ' Paaals O'K—fa-Hak Wallc.r New York Art Exhibits FRONTIERSMAN?, la Taehaieolar :':, '. Shows UT Profs* Works "THE OUJLAW* -.i j • • Jant Rutsell Five Univewity art faculty H KIM.FI> GERON1MO" members will be represented at "CHECK YOUR GUNS" the Metropolitan Museum of Art IS/lrtS/ry — _ 17. "HARBOR when it opens its "American Paint­ "THE WINDOW ^ \.TnfOV-^S OF MISSING ing Today—1950" exhibitIn New^0MEN" Hala *ft&£ York City on December 8.,. Richard Dtnniaf Bobby Driacoll ',4 "JIGSAW* The five faculty members are v -1 •'' Fraachot Toaa'' ' Seymour Fogel, William' I* Les­ Tcrx/i ; 7: "THE BLACK ter, Everett Spruce, Charles Um­ '--Ar3<^5fC3,>, ROSE" latif, and Julian Edwin Woelts. w.c.Fi«u» TjnroBt'Power ' Fogel will be represented by his Tjwjnf" ^The Flagellants," Lester by "Old xivsr/Af "DIAMONDS AND CRIKS" 7-Z+OO Fort Davis," Spruce by "Goat," Daams O'Kaafa-Jnna •Havoc «$--"ABBOTT AND Umlaaf-by "Bird," and Woelte by SHACK 8_Basketbail between Texas Arrows to more men than any other kind of shirts. . ^ j V'1 R ^ H t i PhmS-MOl College, Gregory Gym, Here's WHY he likes Arrows best, He likes the quality freshmen and Wharton Junior culture of southeast Aaia by Dr. H. 0. Quariteh Walw, Geology Building 14. -j # Salads :j?r-Texa»-Sain Houaton State Co' l^^r»;;t«rice«>>in gamis, Gregory t' Gy», » 'V* • -% f Hat* m-^ p.iyr^-€tos»d Mjcmdoy gemmde Hall*. 8:15—J. Mason J|»awer Will lead mm OWN RESTAURANT % 0NCONGRESS NEXT TO AUSTIN HOTEL| lUUM of tit* .American N*gro> 242S ExpotMoii - Mvu&e .Re^lfUdL;»H(i'ehaqr«. "Music «t Dlsttnetins^ " iiiinuuin.. Ill 1 i * j msfU% m