Y o u r D aily Texan: A Student Voice A Com m unity Force THE DM T exan Editorial Reading: Page 4 Texan News Panorama Six P a g e s T o d a y NO. IOO V O L 55 Price Five C ents 'Thank You, Mr. M c C u r d y ' ‘First Co liege Daily in the South' AUSTIN, TEXAS, SUNDAY, J A N U A R Y 15, 1956 R O T C to Conduct Flag-raising Ritual Flag-raising cerem onies will be be carried out with proper respect -ta rte d at the University F eb ru ary on the cam pus. 6 by Army, Navy, and Air Force j All three of the ROTC com m and- j ROTC units. ing officers assured an Assembly This service function grew out ; com m ittee of their com plete sup- of the Student Assembly from a port of the proposal, proposal th at flag-raising procedure ! The cerem onies will be handled) ----------------- -------------------------------- by services Monday three the Wire N e w s in Brief Jones Offers SI Million to UH Financier to Give Classroom Grant through F riday during the fall and spring sem esters. The regular Uni­ versity staff will he experted to handle the lowering and raising of the Colors on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and during the sum m er. Colors will he raised a t 7 :30 a.m . and lowered at 4:30 p.m . each day. The duties will he rotated on a monthly basis. When possible a form al exchange of guard will take place when one branch of cadets turns the Colors over to the suc­ ceeding group. HOUSTON—Lt. Gen. A. D. Bruce, the University ot First Texas School The ROTC com m anders express- president of Houston, said Saturday night Hens- eel the hope th at students will learn ton Endowm ent Inc., founded by about the cerem ony and regard the color guards with the respect Mr. and M is, Jesse H, Jones, is it es flag and its giving the university one million due the United dollars for a "desperately needed’’ | m aintenance, classroom building. It was pointed out that the Uni­ versity is the only school in Texas to present a cerem ony of this type, using all three ROTC branches. The building will he nam ed in ■ honor of F re d J. Heyne, Jones's : business associate of 47 years. Jones, form er financier and publisher: and secretary of com- j m erce, w rote Bruce that without I the association of Heyne it would to have been impossible for him have spent thirteen y ears in gov­ ernm ent service in Washington. A. B. S hoe ma ke Still In Critical Condition Portia Election Will Be Monday Rebate ^ C h a n g e Asked Monday, l o o Students have until 5 p.m. Mon- I I D I % %mM i I I S i n i v t a t u r n day to turn in their University t h p i r U n i v e r s i t y Co-Op rebate slips for cash divi­ dends tins sem ester, E . C. Rath­ er, m anager, said Saturday. in the Saturday had previously been announced as the final day to turn rebate slips. Mr. R ather said the re tu rn s a t the ra te of fourteen per cent on total purchases will be available be­ ginning Friday, Co-Op hours are from 8 30 a m. to 5 p m. A w a r d s to H igh lig h t A Round-Up subcom m ittee sug-l The change w as recom m ended by a student subcom m ittee of leaders with Dr. A. L Seelye a* chairm an. gested F riday that the date of the a n n u a l University homecoming week ort i he changed to April 6-7 to coincide with the annual running of the T exas Relays, track and field event, as in the past. Tho existing $300 cost limit on parade floats drew p a rtic u la r com­ ment. and general plans for Round- Up week end were discussed. The M arch 23-24, the original Round- Up d ate, w as set last year. Final ac*inn on tho proposed change will be taken bv the Central Round-Up I Pn c e ceding will be discussed I further by the C entral Comm ittee. Com m ittee. F rid a y ’s m eeting w as Ute first : organizational step since the Uni- ! versity agreed to assum e overall sponsorship of Round-Up from the I Ex-Students* Association. TOU Coach to Talk At Athletes' Dinner It w as attended by Roland Dah- lin, Students’ Association presi­ dent; Ja n e t Holder, Students’ As­ sociation secretary; Ja n e H ard­ wick, Panhellenic president; Dan | Smith, I n t e r - F ra te rn ity Council president; Arturo B ates, Inter* Co - operative Council president; Tita Gillette and Jack Steele. Stu­ dents’ Association appointees, and Willie M orris, Daily Texan editor. Under University planning will come the Round-Up P a r a d e . Round-Up Revue and Ball. Student Sw eetheart Selection, Round - Up Barbecue, and western dances. Awards will highlight the annual be introduced and then will in tro " T " Association banquet Tuesday duce the letterm en in his sport. F acu lty m em bers and students I a t 6:30 p.m . in the M ain Ballroom of the University are invited. Tiek- I of the Union Building. The principal speaker will bo cts a re $2 and m ay be obtained Otho! "A be" M artin, head coach at the office of the Ex-Students’ at Texas C hristian University. I Association in the Union Building j Tile le a d e rs h ip Award, present- or a t the University Co-Op. Jim m y I ed by the Longhorn Band, will be Clark, president of the Lx-Stu- j given to Bob T ucker. The Long-1 dents* Association, is in charge of Shorn Club will p resen t the S p o rts-j ticket sales. I m anship Award to Delano Worn- ed-; The Team Spirit Award, from by sub- i the " T ” Association will go to Bo Texas Union under the direction com m ittee m em bers mentioned above include Jack Holland, dean I Sexton. The Scholarship Award 10f D ean Cobb. ' <* “ J ; ™ * 5 ° ™ ^ Gebauer. dean of w om en, C. C. Nolen, direo. tor of Texas Union; Jack M aguire, secretary of the Ex-Students’ As­ sociation; George J. Stephens, superintendent of buildings and grounds: W. E. Keys, director of the UT News and Inform ation Service; Dr. F. L. Winship, chair­ m an of the D epartm ent of D ram a; and Dr. Howard Townsend, a sso ­ ciate professor of speech. E ntertainm ent is being planned M em bers of the C entral Round­ the N q W L HQ 11 Sn i i QI I * . C l o n n i i n J o h standing Linem an of the Southwest the winner^ of P ( ''rem ittee other than the --------------------------------- / } $ U p e i l i n g talent com m ittee of k l / V e O r S U U U ; the * f t a ~ • held Travis County Ex-Students’ Asso- J O H N A M c C U R D Y , ret ring secretary o f the Ex-Students' Asso ciatio n, receives a p ack ag e containing a silver tray from Em ily Beall, ch air­ m an ct tho Texas U nion Activities Council, the o ft, A . M c C u r d y , in ac- pre rat) lated service to The Johf cled U niversity o f Texas and the Texas U n io n ," was g ;ven b y the. Texas Union A ctivitie s Council, the Texas Union Board, and Ti© staff of Texas U n ­ ion, M r. M c C u r d y served with the fexas Union B oard fo r 22 vears. Steer Tankers Edged By /Aggies in Relays By EDDIE HFGIIES Texaa Sports staff when he took his leg on the dis- J tams* medley and just m issed clos- HOU3TON, Jan . 14 fSpl.)—Fay- j ing the gap. to overtake ored Texas AK-M. trailing s u rp ri- e , T exas’ two first place finishes Texas by two [joints entering die cam e in the 400-yard freestyle re­ final event of the evening, gave all j |a y , and the 400-yard aro ast'stro k e ti icy had horn sw im m ers here Saturday and c a p -; tu re sw im m ing relays packed-crow d of ’*00. JerreU Holder, the Southwest Conference j Tommy Smith, and Joe Lee Neal title before a j paced the Longhorns to their free- I ------------ —--------'---------- ------------------- a n d Southern M ethodist: sotR‘ p at Patterson, the Iw>ng- j j-^iay—both regarded a s light up-1 4:20. I in the was favored win, but fin to SMU, victory with a style 3 38 2 of C y Bf in tim ing of ane The Longhorn's fours* Charley Le Bourgeois, Gilbert edenilla, Jeff Wilson, and Robert lay ell took the breast stroke r of tim e record-breaking the T h e final cou nt h a d me A g gies! with 66 points, T exas 64, defend­ ing champion SMU With 62. and Rice with 30. S s e # S w im m in g S u m m a r ie s, p a g e 2 3 Awarded Keys At A P O Banquet d P The fateful event tor Texas was Charles M errill and Phil Paul the exciting distance medley, as uo Okam ato o u t-lw ere awarded APO distinguished the A Galvao of dist an jng a t the finish in a desperati cd the sam e line Both fit a new record for tim ing of 7:21 the m eet, but the ra c e was decided by the judges. in the organization tips sem ester a t the c h ap ter’s installation banquet F ri­ day night at Hill s Cafe SMU service keys for their work in Paul was chairm an of the APO regional convention here this fall. M errill, a graduating senior, h ts j headed m any APO projects finishes broke as and Texas ich, while SMU his m em bership. the other. SMU also won t Also receiving a distinguished service key w as Lee Gilman, Aus- O kam ato is form erly from Brazil j j ln businessm an who ha-- resigned ch ap ter’s alum ni adv isor, foi a form er APO m em ber, he had held the advisor’s position for the last several y ears. and placed third in the 1,500-meter as event of B ra/al. G alvao w from Peru and A rgentina, and finished fifth in the 100-metei s a t the 1952 Olympics, j when he w as com peting for A rgen-; tm a. the 1952 Olmpics AU first place records, with Te A&M setting two < broke a diving contest. The annual Portia contest at the I will be given to Pat Tolar by the j U niversity Law School will be Monday with only women law stu- elation. WACO — A. B. Shoemake, who hot himself in the brain one w eek , in atrn Saturday night, rem ained a critical condition. He w as presi­ dent of the seven-million-dollar US as candidates for the honor. I Two aw ards will be special b„ opc„ in given. H erb Gray will he Honored ^ ^ the main fever of Townes Hall by the Houston Post as the Out- w C / 5 from 8 a.m . to 2 p.m . s - \ The w inner of the election and Conference. Also, ne event which Texas * i^ u s t and G uaranty Company. -diving, they failed to died a strong second " ' However, physician* said the in-. two runner-up* wail ne Presen su n ,nee e/eeutive'a rendition w as V alentine's Day d u n e s an au d ‘- 1 b riq u e t , he im p ro v e d . He still is unconsrious, i tor mm assem bly. but groans at tim es, and can m ove! The contest w as begun rn J™*- u n i v e r s i t y a re the honored guests P eregrines, Law School yearbook, his hands and feet. of the banquet. As p a rt of the pro­ I is the sponsor. gram , the coach of each sport will U t t e r m e n s t m altendln(, • I UP Correspondent Held for Espionage Jo Ann Starkey is tho reigning P ortia. She carries the Hilo taken : from the nam e of the Shakespeare .heroine of “ M erchant of Venice’’ VIENNA. A ustria — Radio B uda-J wj1(> veiled h e r brains and beauty of a doctor of law Eugene W, Nelson, associate pro- E ndre M arion, a correspondent oft ancj defended her husband’s friend, pest announced Saturday night that | unrj or guise lessor of business law , spoke on The Associated Press in Commu- saving his life. “ Service" as a concept peculiar nist-ruled H ungary, has to W estern civilization. tented to six years in prison l>een se n -’ R Unner-ups Spring officers installed w ere Jim ; charge of espionage. His wife j Gillett on a wpre r.eovganne Allen and Nancy in the 1955 contest during sentenced there, w as tre a su re r; Mike- The M arrons are H ungarian na- T errell, president; Loyd Guidry, I Ilona, who worked for the United first vice-president; Danny M c -j P ress to L arry, second vice-president; Law-! three years, the radio said, re n te B rae ©nee, recording Wiley. se c re ta ry ; M arion dropped out of sight ole-; corresponding T arte. Jim Stokes, rep o rter: Pete Oliver, j ven m onths ago. An announcement historian; F ra n k McLain, cam pus by Hungary’ s Rec! government projects director; Bill M artin, c o m -j July 9 said the two had been ar- J rn unity projects director: H unter rested on suspicion of "having c a r­ ceag it t, fellowship director; Brent Hemp!: ms. scouting director. .secretary; Rd t Iona Is. ...................__...... .............. Bridge Contract Let for Waller iPollTax Deadline Is Last of Month .Students eligible their poll j pay ; in order | presidential election. to vole taxes to vote must in January in Novem ber’s University students who wish to : establish voting residence in Aus- j iin m ay pay their taxes here at substations 27 over the city. All of the fourteen fire stations a re included in this j group. collector s office ried out espionage for the Amer-I Contracts have been signed for I iran Intelligence service." .Students eligible to vote far the tim e m ay receiv e poll tax j I the construction of a new concrete I first I bridge a c r o s s W ailer Creek and exem ptions by applying for them j the e x p a n s i o n and : Penick Courts, G raves W. Lam j resi- j drum , U niversity business m an- dence outside of Austin m ust pay 1 ager, said Saturday. retopping of before the end of January. students who have legal Among the 92 guests and m em ­ bers attending the banquet were Dean Jack Holland, Elwood Preiss, assistant the dean of men. form er chapter L a r r y Crooke, president, and Udsell F. Bittick. a ssis c mt registrar. to Receiving aw ard certificates for outstanding service to the chapter w ere F51 T arte. Bob Newm an, J . C. F rance, and E arl W arren. Bill S t e r n w as nam ed outstanding pledge of the group of 51 initiated in cerem onies at the Scout Hall Radio Station KVET will broad of the University Methodist Church ast the Texas vs. Rice basketball current budget to be in balance by I pletion of the bridge in 60 days, before the banquet, Danny Mc- c r ime L arry received a .special aw ard as g chairm an of the Ugly Man Contest. 8 p.rn WASH INC LTON -President Eisen­ hower is sending his annual budget to Congress Monday and he has j to the Tea House w ent to M aufrais J said s’ will he a balanced one. from Houston Monday at I the end of the fiscal year, next I Landrum said. KVET Will B roadcast G am e June 30. „ . I r j Ike to Send Budget To Congress M o n d a y B rothers, Inc., who m ade the low He a l s o has said he expects the bid of $2,750. Plans call for com- Faculty Council to M eet Galvao, in just missing the vic­ tory of the pulsating event, had to overcom e a three-yard deficit W&tche* for Lost Tim epiece R alph Atwell would like for any j lay p erso n who finds a watch in the f minions, or between the Com- j I m ons and Ute Biology Budding, to let him know in Biology Building j 319. The w atch w as lost between i 12:30 and I p.m . Saturday. What Coes SI KOAY IO — Newm an Club Honors Day breakfast and election of officers, St Austin's Auditorium. Appropriations for the jobs will the U niversity s be draw n from "im provem ents, rem odeling, and m ajor repairs allotm ent account." ----------- ---------------------- , t o S H O W In Townes Hall Thursday The free weekly movies spon­ sored by the Townes Hall Film Forum will be shown on Thursday nights next sem ester, announced Millard Ruud, professor of law. The first showing is a triple fea­ ture T hursday, F ebruary 9. at 7 p.m. in Townes Hail auditorium . The features will be “ U ranium , a New F ro n tie r,” "T he Story of Stainless Steel," and "M etallurgyj P lu s " Th*1 running tim e is 55 minutes. The showing is open to the public combined A World in Revolution . . . All Youth Seeks Understanding B v (T R E N A JO NORM AN W ee, sleek it, cow Y in ’, thuron*-* Onikre b e a stie , - I O w hat a p a n ic’s in thy b rea stie Thou need na sta rt a w a sac hasty . . . Open-mouthed and astounded, in , C hristian Church the modern and other African countries cam e i world of revolution and conflict , decked out in long flowing capes. I among peoples which is shaking splashed wittl wide brilliant stripes Triple F e a t u r e the ! thought. in intricately draped sa ris sang plain- Speeches and program s w ere led live songs of ancient E astern hap- traditional in blue or red. Indian girls foundations of ^ i by some of the m ost outstanding penings. 10 Loren E. Tendril to speak on j intently a t the grinning boy quoting | men of cluster of college students gazed I religious and international spokes- far more the day. But talking was than the the doing. With grim earnestness As he finished he said with in- and light-hearted gaiety, youth ex- 5:30 —- D r. Harold Stevenson to tense, quiet pride and a b r o a d 1 perienced tru e international shar- "Politics and Economic Develop- these lines with perfect pronuncia- im pressive m en! in the A rab W orld," a t Uni- tion and abvious relish. ta rta n Forum . TFWC. speak on "W hat Is M an." Wesley Scottish accent, “ Surely, you’ve Foundation. hear-r-r-d "T ae a Mouse” by our 30—Miss Audrey Elsw orth to lead ; national bard, R-r-obert Bur-r-ns supper program . U niversity Pres- The group w aiting in line for lunch I a t the Student Volunteer Movement byterian Church. 6—Dr. Cliff P rice and Dr. W alter Conference in Athens, Ohio, agreed th at they had— but never quite so realistically. Moore will discuss psychological aspects of marring©. B aptist Stu dent Center. ing m any for the first time. “ Of course, I knew people from other co u n trie s read lh© B ible," com m ented one T e x a s boy, “ but it didn’t se e m real until I saw a conference friend using h is B ib le —and it w a s print- from m a n y E ach afternoon internation al delegati** conducted a two-hour v a r iety p rogram — F e s tiv a l of N ation s— for th© sharing of e n ­ tertain m en t lands. T here all d e le g a te s could en joy the p a n to m im e of C h in ese d ra ­ m a, laugh w ith the lead er of a c o m ic a l B ritish G uianan "kid so n g ," and g a sp at the startlin g a g ility of a d ancer from C eylon. I Hym nals printed the group were in G erm an, French, and for 6— DSF to install officers, U niver­ sity Christian Church, 6—C anterbury Association evening p ra y e r service. All Saints’ Cha- j pel; 'dinner and film s to follow) a t G regg House. 8 - C anterbury Association c o n -1 f irma lion class, Gregg House. 10:30—"O pera House,” KTEC. l l —•" W hat’s the Score," KTBC. M ONDAY 2— F aculty Council, Benedict Hall 111. 4 Typing tests W aggoner Hall 216 , translations j Chinese. ’problems'wM cii’ a re all-im portant | £"*»;*■ and included additional into “ Never befur© so realistic ally** into Spanish, Greek, to A m ericans slipped back proved to be a constantly re c u r­ Japanese, Korean, and perspective as students began to j ring p hrase in the experience of ie. Lunch I >i Portuguese. Lunch breaks with six . n . _ ,. grasp the i n port of the crises and t SVM delegate* — 26 from The diners at a table carrying on ani disasters which face other nations | „ .. U n iv e rsity of Texas. They w ere and peoples in the b attle to,' liter- m ated ™ nverSat,on in three lan g a th ered —3,500 stro n g —to str u g ­ acy, equality, recognition, and food. g le with the problem * of a w orld Working side by side with a jour­ in revolution, a w orld c r y in g to nalism m ajor from W est Africa, a their youth and vitality for f r e e ­ home economies student from In- d om , p e a c e , and lo v e. F»om 400 colleges and univer- dia, and an electrical engineer sities, practically every m ajor de- from Peru, US m em bers of dis- religion, and 80 cussion groups could not escape nomination or countries the realization th at these capable I Decem ber 27 to Ja n u a ry I n a tiv e - friends were representing cultures adults The Hum anities Reading Room and the Business and Social Sci- guages w ere not a t all unusual, i ence Reading Room will be open Denom inational, cultural, and na- from 2-5 p.m. Sunday and Jan- tional differences w ere only for­ uary 22. Both reading room s a re technicalities as vibrant, gotten located on the second floor of the idealistic youth together shared Main Building. the world they are trying to build. With g re a te r understanding and m ore m ature insight 3,500 young 2 M a i n Building Libraries To O pen Jan. 15 a n d 22 left the Ecum enical Student j Reading Room they cam e; and ii p.m . Sat from .___ _ . . Since books will not be circulated the Main Loan Desk, they from m ay be checked from the R eserve I aftei W r « u rd a y , for weekend use *■ of I born US c li,.e n s a n i 1,275 Inter- ton Iona ignored; .ha, the ultim ate ^ m n r e on the A rchitectural Engineers, Archi- i national students s e a r c h e d togeth- s u c c e s s or failure of W estern civ i- ■ lecture!*..,tw ins 105 50 — "U niversity News B eat," KVET. ie , for an understanding of "Revo- lution and Reconciliation." l o t i o n depends upon the success * 0 m am speaker, the Rev. Rich- •l.l.tenm g » la s. O pen, or failure of all people in search place in The Student Volunteer Movement for life m eaning and a ssion wi i r , e n , ard Shaull, ringing in their e a rs: “ We w ho h;t\ e been reconciled into the to God a re thrust out is p a rt of the m issionary phase of society, w orld with this c o n s u m i n g Folk traditions from m any na- the World Student C hristian Fed- instru- thought: B e m ust tions m ade the conference as color- eration. And the quadreriniel con- ------------------------------------------------- , ! ference m eeting in Athens worked fui as it w as inspiring. Tribal lead- ment* of God’* reco n cilia tio n in the , ors from the Gold Coast, N igeria,) I to evaluate the m ission of th# w orld. ta* .1 in . 24 | A class entitled “ E ight M usical; N otes" for those who would like to get m ore enjoym ent out of lis­ tening to music of all kinds, will begin Ja n u a ry 24 at 7 30 p. rn. in . f the A udiovisual Room of the Ai j ibe Audio-\ isual Room he Au* ! Un Public L ibrary, 401 W. 9th. 8:30 Austin Symphony O rchestra in feature Claudio A rrau, pianist. Austin City Coliseum. 8—Texas vs. Rice basketball game. KY KT. Tile new English Building, latest addition to the University skyline, is getting its final clean­ up before being opened for spring classes. The floors and corridors Com m ittee is Dr. A. L. Seelye of this 125-room budding are be­ ing polished to a m irro r gloss aw aiting the tram p and shuffling feet of English students. The chairm an of the C entral Tri-Dorm Co-eds' Food Improves The most, prom inent noise in this building, the air conditioner, will be drowned out by English lectures, beginning in F ebruary. that of Probe hic no one will be struck "M eals a re definitely better in by the revolutionary features of m -dorm s. Coffee is good, food is this budding. The dull green tile j ho*, and everything is well pre- These words of one tri- end tan woodwork a re much the pated. in B atts and Me/es Idorm resident Were echoed and sam e as Halls An IBM clock in every | reech o ed S a t u r d a y as co-eds corridor m akes one hallway look j agreed that definite im provem ent very' much like the next one. i ^ias ^e© were H onored at an i-* the w om ­ f o rma! tea F rid a y afternoon given b y feculty m embers en i physical edu cation departm ent. Show n above with M r . D o b ie is M iss Arm a H iss, departm ental chairm an. W e are continuing our p ro g -am o f h on orin g well-known A u sU n and Texas people which fac­ ulty m em bers in our departm ent would like to meet, ^ M iss H iss e x p la in e d . M r. D o b ie spoke to the g ro u p and show ed several o f hts c o c a . YEARLINGS WIN SIXTH IN ROW Behind their fabulous shooting Middleton Tied P E B B L E BEA C H , Calif., Jan, l l , eighteen holes to go in Sunday*# til — Dr. Cary Middlecoff and windup at Pebble Beach in the first half-a rousing 81,8 (chunky Bob Rosburg slashed over per cent of their shots going good, Texas’ undefeated Short­ horn cagers whipped the Texas A&M Fish, 86-59, at College Sta­ tion Friday night for their sixth straight victory of the year. Souchak, the first-day leader with the soggy Monterey Peninsula an eight-under-par 64 at Monterey, course m sub-par figures Saturday ; had Tour under figures Saturday to tie for the lead in the National J until he reached the exposed holes Pro-Amateur Golf Tournament at: vvhich wind up tho cypress course the 36-hole mark. Paced by the sensational floor shooting of Amarillo s Bub F a r ­ rell and Herbie Dodson, the Yearlings meshed IS of a record­ ed 22 shots taken from the field in the first twenty minutes, and held a comfortable 44-24 half­ time lead. Dodson, who has sud­ denly come into his own of late, hit seven of nine shots while Farrell hit six baskets in as many shots to pace the Year­ lings with 16 and 14 points, re­ spectively. The final percentage of field goals for Texas came to 59.2 per cent -32 of 54 attempts. Dodson finished with 25 points and Farrell hit for 20 to pace the Yearlings to their sixth tri­ umph. Brenton Hughes with eleven and Jargo Johnson with ten gave Texas a well-balanced ball club. Neil Swisher paced the Fish with 17 points. The pair, riding 134 scores, held a one-stroke margin over hulky Mike Souchak who fought the brisk Pacific Ocean breezes on the sea­ side Cypress Point course for a 71 which dropped him to 135 with A H an d W a sh ed , Vacuum C leaned C a r W ith Tires Ste C lean ad A L L IN 7 M IN U T E S AT JOE’S QUICK CAR WASH 12th A San Ja c in to Texaco C ourte*y C ard s Honored Vision LOVELY FRAME D E S I G N S DALLAS HOLFORD OPTICIAN T W O C O N V E N IE N T L O C A T IO N S IOO E a it 19th at W ic h ita ; G R 7-1885 303 C a p tai N atl Bk Bldg; G R 7-7942 TYPEWRITER SPECIALISTS C a n Do the Jo b Better Free Delivery and Pick Up GR 8-4360 University Typewriter Exchange T E L E P H O N E 2542 Guadalupe spatter, skip! • Visible Ink Supply • W rites lo n g e r • Slim Styling • Solid and Goy Two Tone Colors • A u tom atic Reflection • floating Point Cf IO O O at all 4 C o m p !* !* with ti# stud i •birt* cuff link* »u*pandar* cummerbund i d RENT TUXEDOS $6 ° ° CROWN TAILORS SUM 34-50 ihortl, regular* HEMPHILL’S Sunday, 'January 15, 1956 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 2 ■JUST OVER- Texas But Fourth Verse Same B y D O X C L A R K Texan Sports Staff Texas Meets Rice Monday Bv E D D IE H U G H E S Texan sport* staff 'one another as Pdre’s Temple Tucker and Texas’ R a y m o n d Disappointing Texas and stir- Downs aim to set Rice’s Gym a prised Rice, possessing two of the scene of scoring bedlam. . . . ® Snake-bit T e x a s h ad a n o th e r one of ■ th o se " n ig h ts F r id a y .finest scorers Tucker, a sophomore who stands against the Texas Aggies in College Station. Fo r the thir- J ha* scored 363 points in fif- huge Rice Gymnasium Monday teen games—a 24.2 average while do tatU( for the ,fcond „ owns ranJted ,hirrt> ha‘ tal|‘“ d leenth time in fourteen ball games this season, the Steers nig,lt fe ll behind a t th e h alf, and then, fo r the fo u rth s tra ig h t time this season—but their first 345 points— an average of 25.4 gam e, ra n out o f gas before a second-half r a lly could pay off. n’eetins in Southwest Conference points per outing. Tucker had one of his finer nights against Texas Texas has lost four straight con- in the SWC tourney in Houston in tallied 30 in the Southwest f° th® floor at w m m m m * T im * waaem* & n w m ....... ' play u n . ■ h tho “ F T v 131 h’’ _________________ ‘ jinx or some other form of witch­ craft is not known, but ore thing F for sure there was no fluke to the Aggie win. The Longhorns, in at fourth Southwest Cen in as many stars, a anced Aggie offense bucket almost at will gie could be poir’f deciding factor in the although George Mel’ an outstanding ball game. Balance was the key word, though, with four of Coach Ken Loeffler’s Aga breaking into double figures in the scoring column. Frizzle Conally got 20. B ill Brophy IT, Mahaffey 15, and Ken Hutto J I . The Longhorns, using a switch* ing-msn-to-man defense l o o k e d like they were standing still n the first half. The rolling Aggies piled up a 41-30 half-time lead, doing most of their scoring off short drives. ference games—only by a margin December when he of thirteen points, while the once points, as Rice won 80-72. high-flying Owls own a 2-2 record Texas will face a well-balanced in SWC action. Their two losses Rice offense, which has rolled up have come, however, from two of a season mark of 12-3. The return the loop's finest clubs—and on the of forward Fred Woods and guard road. too. SMU, the club destined Da’e Ball have added encourage- to win the crown for the second ment to the Owls, and will be year in a row, lashed the Owls expected to play a big part in help- 187-65 Joe Durrcn- gave the Feathered Flock an 81-70 berger, Gerry Thomas, and Tucker. . trouncing Friday night in Fayette- Texas can also counter with a balanced attack Kermit Decker I vide. In between, however, Rice has and Norman Hooten have supplied j found little trouble—whipping TOU, the Longhorns with plenty of out- side shooting, while B ill Groogan 80-60, and Texas A&M, 89-77. Same Four Opponents in Dallas, while Arkansas ing fellow starters j has played like a demon on de- IronicaSly, Texas has played the tense as well as hit. well in the Battle of Unbeaten* very same four clubs as ha\r the scoring column. jowls. Texas’ only mishap, how- ever, has been that they always ! trailed in the first half. Another f e a t u r e — which may pack the gym early—will be the Against T C I’, the longhorns once prelim game between two undefeat- trailed by 17, but only lost 73-67. cd freshman clubs—the Owlets and j SM U once held a 14-point lead, the Yearlings. Both are 6-0 for the then watched Texas tie it up be- season, as was last year when fore bowing, 66-63. Arkansas ai- they met rn Austin, most had the same nightmare and I The Owlets, rated as the best last saw a 15-point lead vanish to one will go with two Pampa all-staters, Gary Griffin and E. And Friday night in College Sta- Ja y M rllvain Rice has also play­ pen, Texas wiped out a 13-point ed the Fish. whalloping them 92-76 in Rice’s history—including G E O R G E M E H A FFEY . . . paced Aggie victory Texas staged their usual uphill battle the second period, but again as in all their SWC games to date, ran out of gas right at victory’s point, then managed to hold on for year’s doorstep. Coach Slue Hull s crew hammered away at the Aggie lead until they tied it up at 52-52 with about 11:40 left and within one point twice, the last time at 70-69 with 2 20 left But the Aggies managed to stay one jump ahead. The Steer seven seconds, after trailing 75-71 rn pull within one point, and had the ba11 when the buzzer went off. scored three points in % ' % deticit Aggies, then lose it, 75-.4. ' A " 1" Ka™ e. . wi,h the a 70-67 victory Two of the conference’s top three scorers will pit their talent against The Aggie defense was interesting to note, also, mainly because they didn’t stick to any one pattern. Loeffler's charges used a zone defense, changing from a 2-3 to a 3-2 from time to time. ARKANSAS SURPRISES CONFERENCE Bears Smash Frogs, 83-75 While the Aggies were spilling Texas, Arkansas had themselves VO RT vm p T U , „ ;n « " ' r ">**«»*• j — ~ ------------ ------------- Sport Briefs TEM PLE TU C KER . tall man paces Owls Committee Asked To Probe N C A A Texas another good night in chitling the highly touted Rice Owls, *4-70. up ]or-s caRrrs ^ i n ’gt i % Y e n , rf at Fayetteville tie with SMU for the Conference lead with identical 3-0 marks. The w n moved the surprising Razorback^ into a classic next December 29 and „ , TCU’s Abe Martin will be one of The remained ahead throughout here asked the House Judiciary' Com-1 the assistant coaches for the clash undefeated Texas Yearlings of Coach Marshall Hughes will tackle Saturday night in posting an 83-75 mittee to investigate whether Na- Dallas Ward of Colorado is aho an also unbeaten Rice Owlet team in a preliminary game at Rice Field House. the Southwest Conference triumph over lienal Collegiate Athletic Associa- on the staff. (NCAA) controls o\ or the! • y aie*« swimming team extend Houston Monday night to tackle Rice. Rep. Hillings (R-Califl Saturday their shots from the floor, leaped into a 14-0 lead at the outset and -- ---- — . Based on the Associated Press Texas Christian. journeys to bon w- . , Rice managed to beat out a close v in over the Longhorns-in semi-finals of the SWC Tournament in Houston earlier this year the rivalry of these two clubs ought to furnish fans with another thriller Monday nigh?. the and * trTf mendou-\a!l roundT handJ ° , r * 5 games violate anti trust laws, LittJe ^ ’ayne CpnnallY- who was televising of inter-collegiate foot- ^ its string of dual meet victories to 131 with a 64-20 win over Cornell, *1? had received I The Elis captured first place in ail fans I ten events in posting their fourth the Rears with 20 points mam complaints from football mpmR . paced ngS . ? }' I apiece final clearance S A L E 2270 G U A D A L U P E Did Santa fail to bring you enough clothing? You can buy at Jorace with savings of 40 to 50% tMITTtnWlHU S U IT S 40T< Off Reg. $75 value— now t^ i jjjj Reg. $65 value— now who said they could not see best games. “ They complain the NCAA wasn’t considering the foet­ ball fans,’’ h e said. • Henry “ Red” Sanders of UCLA will be the West’s head coach in the 32nd Shrine East-West grid the triumph of the season • Robin Rot>ert«, star pitcher for the Philadelphia Phillies, Saturday I was named the nation’s outstand mg athlete by the Philadelphia Sports Writers Association while other baseball players flocked to sign contracts for the 1956 season. " -xr-' TUTT*m SWIMMING SUMMARIES 1 1 ' ~ 1 - .... — j lf I.: 400-yard fre e s ty le re la y (fo u r men sv .rn IOO ya rd s each >— I, Tpxas < Pat- •arson, H d d r r , S m ith . N e a l?. 3 38.2; 2. Texas A & M ; 3 S M U : 4. R ic e 400-yard breast stro ke re la y ft "•en sw im IOO yard s ea ch ?—-I. Texas £4 I • L e Bergen )*. M d en ;1.,a. W ils o n . B e l li , ! I 4, R ice •I 2d: 2. Texas A & M ' 3. S M I 400-yard b ackstroke re la v (fo u r m en a swim 300 '.'anis ca cb * I. SM U (H u ll?. * Sn ellin g , Scofield . G alvaos, 4 17.6; 2. j Si Texas A A M ; 3. T e x a s; 4. Rice. (fo u r three-men teams) — Thompson 'one required dive, two od- I I. SM U j |t 356 OO 3. Texas A&M. (Rice I DK mg tlona (Sm ith, Groves p o in ts 2 T e x a s did not compete) edlf (three men swim In order IOO 200 and 400 yard s!- I. Texas A&M (Woodward, Merino, Okamato), 7 21 5 2. S M U ; 3. Texas: V Rice. Double medley (six men, each swim free, back IOO yards hack, breast, breav and I Texas AAM ' Snoots. Klippie, Mount H unkier Ufer, VV Ok). 3:05.5; 2. Texas; 3. S M U ; 4 Rice fr e e — SPEEDWAY RADIO & TELEVISION S A L E S & S E R V I C E GR 7-3846 2010 S p e e d w a y Ju s t South o! G re g o ry G ym m m m m m m sm m ? Reg. $50 value— now ^ 30 OO WW# iii® JACKETS Pay the regular price -for one . . G e t a second jacket for only * n o3 SPORT CO ATS Reg. % !/ value — now only Reg, %}%) value — now only 3 9 s ° 3500 l r 2500 SPORT SHIRTS Pay the regular price for one . G e t a second shirt for only S - j O O SLACKS Pay the regular price for one p a i r . . . G e t a second pair for only $ 3 ° ° MODERN EQUIPMENT Expert Shoe Repair • • Keys M ad # • 10% O ff Goodyear Shoe Shop O ff The Drag on 23rd Street TUXEDOS F O R R E N T A ll S ite s Longhorn Cleaners 2538 G u a d a lu p e P h o n e G B 6-3847 F O R R E N T 2-M A N S U IT E S 33.00 Aero** Street from Cam pti* ROBT. E. LEE 21st and W ich ita Ph. G R 7-0233 A U T O M O B I L E T R A I L E R S * * * * Rent them Economically GENE JOHNSON SER V IC E 1511 Lavaca G R 8-2417 SECRET of good grades Hutchins Bros. Semi-Annual Sale offers you BIG REDUCTIONS on Fall and Winter M e n s Clothing and Furnishings T r a n s - T e x a s A i r w a y s Special Group cf F A U JACKETS I V, Selection of KNIT SPORT SHIRTS 2 PRICE ★ V / 2 PRICE ★ m m r m w i wm mumm i m rn mmmmm h a 1 a sr M M M M M M M M H N M H M H N N M M a M M M Rant a tap# racordar from larkman*, 2234 G uad alup e. Rh. G R 6-3525. Th# cost ii only $4 weekly or SS monthly thSmM. 616 Congress ALSO GENEROUS REDUCTIONS ON OTHER CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS IS Activities for New Students Scheduled to Start Jan. 31 Ja n u ary 31. From New Student Week will begin I freshman tests and registration to j be held at the week’s end. then until Feb ruary 4. members of the Faculty-Student Orientation Committee will ac­ quaint new students with the U ni­ versity, Tours, movies, and dances for “ prepare’' newcomers will After unpacking and getting ac­ quainted in their residences, fresh­ men and transfers m ay see the free Monday night movie in Texas I Union at 7 o’clock Ja n u a ry 30. At 1:30 p.m. Ja n u a ry 31. Alpha Phi Omega members will conduct campus tours. Another free movie and a series of selected short sub­ jects will be shown at 7:30 p.m. at the Union, Group and wing meetings w ill be held at l l p.m. in the residence halls. Wilson to Welcome On February I a 9:30 a rn. con­ vocation is scheduled for the Main Lounge of Texas Union. Amo Nowotny, dean of student life, will preside, and President Logan W il­ son will greet the newcomers. At IO a.rn a movie, “ Your U ni­ versity,” w ill be shown. Group meetings will be held at l l a m. During the convocation, room as­ signments w ill be made and _a group of upperclassmen w ill be on hand Special groups w ill be set up for transfer students. to give advice. 114, All others w ill be tested Freshman tests, part I. w ill begin I at 1:30 p.m. with engineering students going to Geology Building in Batts Auditorium. At 7 :30 that eve­ ning a square drill' e w ill be held in Texas Union. B u ffe t S u p p e r S c h e d u le d At 8:30 a m. on Feb ruary 2, P a rt l l of the freshman tests w ill be administered A registrars’ convo­ cation will begin at 1:30 p.m. in the M ain Lounge of Texas Union. At 6 p m,, buffet suppers will be ! served by various religious founda- tions. Freshm an registration on Febru­ ary 3 will climax New Student i Week. That night newcomers will i he special guests at a Howdy Hop And on February 4, freshmen and I transfers m ay see the Longhorns I tackle Baylo r's basketball team at 8 p.m. in Gregory Gym , I Bransby to Talk To Newman Club Brother Elm o Bransby, CSC, president of St. Edw ard s U niver­ sity, w ill be main speaker at the annual Newman Club honors day communion breakfast Sunday at St. Austin s Auditorium after the 9 o'clock mass at St. Austin's Church. The breakfast is sponsored by the John Henry Newman Honea ary Society: a charge of 60 cents will be made. The event w ill be high­ lighted by the presentation of awards, election of officers, and tapping of new members. Outstanding old and new students w ill be presented. Awards to be given will include several chap­ lain's keys and honor certificates. New members will be tapped for I the honor society, which is a na­ tional honorary group composed of Newman Club members who have done outstanding work at the local and national levels. Membership cards w ill be re­ quired for voting in the elections. W arm -up Bridge Games To Be Held in Union A bridge tournament warming up for the national tournament in the spring is to be held February IO at 7:30 p.m. in the Union Budd­ ing. Last year the University won the challenge trophy at the na- tional tournament. Sponsored by the Union Games Committee, tournament will be headed by Je r r y Nathan and Livingston Kosborg. the The function “ is being sponsored because of the interest in bridge, tournament J and particularly, in play.” Interested persons can con- j tact Nathan at G R 7-4912, Kosberg j g) vyill direct the games. The tournament winner will re- f eeive a trophy. Save on Art Grumbachers — Oil and Casein Colors, Brushes Linen Canvas 54 inch Less 10% $3.75 Country Store 1304 Lavaca • • • • • • • • • • • • Dual Exhaust • (Stock or H ollyw ood ) for all V-8 autos Modernize your car and get ^ 16.4 morn horsepower and up to 1 5% more ga* mileage. FREE INSTALLATION Central Auto Parts # PH. G R 2 3303 3212 E. l i t r n r n NEED CASH? Sell Your R O O K S tarty and Sell Them A ll To HEMPHILL'S L O N G DISTANCE A N D LOCAL \ ✓ GR8-5681 FO R Rhoades ARTHUR R. (Art) TIEM AN— Owner TRANSFER A N D STORAGE CO. 813 Airport Blvd. Agents For National V an Lines "Pioneers in Nation-wide Moving Service" Crating • Shipping • Packing • Storage Our drivers, Packers and handlers are specially trained in the safe, scientific moving of household goods— / \ru a er J on t / , , 2 ) raa I jaw *1"Iiirough S )a tu r d a i V2 o o n f f ‘ • Speidel W atch Bands • Parker Pen & Pencil Sets' • Women's Cuff Links • Men’s C uff Link Sets • Neck Chains & Discs • Earrings • Stud Sets • Charms F is ta* Other Men & Ladies Jew elry Sunday, 'January 15. 1956 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 3 , Stockton Predicts Mild Readjustment Folklore Entries Close February I Feb ruary I is the deadline for , . . . , I papers for the Texas Folklore S o After establishing a new high in non will increase the demand for < it, 1y cont(fSt ^ ^uh]ect for non­ living rest papers may be any phase of Texas Texas folklore, such as folk tales, in fie n d s , ballads, superstitions', and fall food, clothing, and other essentials; the prolonged drouth plus a continued farm prices will dampen the econ- { Sayings. ornv 1955, Texas economy will show a mild readjustment during 1956, Slated Dr. John It. Stockton, direc­ tor of tile Bureau of Business R e­ search. in a recent address to members of the Sales Executives du b . Contest papers should not exceed or nin* Dr. Stockton expressed the opin­ ion that the lust quarter of 1956 w ill be a projection cif the final quarter of 1955, and then a slow readjustment will set in as con­ sumers try to recover from a 1955 condition of consumer spending which exceeded consumer income. Economy lilt** New High Tile state's e. onomy surged to a new high level b< eau-e of auto­ mobile sales and industrial expan­ sion, During the fall months, signs pointed to soft spots in residential construction and sales with a S i m ­ ilar trend in the automobile indus­ try, Tins downward trend, although projected into 1936, he said, will lie offset by the rapid expansion in Texas which will of in Im!ding industry favorable far t economy. Stockton predicted ‘hat in­ i', ill continue to run at full tv because of shortages in - nf such items as cement, ! up t Dr dust! U P P eel, and newsprint. C onsum er Spending to Drop Consumer spending w ill slow •mewhat as < onsumers face re­ v e r y from installment debts that ow n to a new peak during 1955. The continued growth in popula- STUDENT W A N T E D - W h o is finishing first Semes­ ter who would like to drive car on motor tour of Europe March, April, M ay at a substantial re­ duction in tour price? Write University Journeys U n i v e r s i t y Box 7 5 4 6 A u stin , Texas L A D Y L A W E N F O R C E M E N T on tho commu being performed in Austin by Mrs. M ary Leu th:s year. M s. Franker! fi/e other p a le tte s G a y William s across a downtown iniersectio: fold job o ‘ giving a d to Ansi n shoppers a- tickets fo r overparked motorists. C ity Cow parkettes program *o save po" emen * ir Spit-Splutter Aids Speech Problems Tho Spit and Splutter Lite rary ■ tier ii psycholog Society has been reactivated this loving Students year by the stutterers of the Uni- taught by Dr. versitv. special guest-. i Cl SCU - Si I f speech ti V illarreal crap wet* llied They on< o had a prog “ You Think You Hava Problem !” Speak* i s w ■ A dozen or so stutterers bu­ discovered self-ridicule is a foil of treatment so they revived th! rn a t u a I - a i d society. Various S'LV students with speech « the methods are used to keep stutterer from feeling sorry for himself. Practicing sp< • h in the presence of the group is helpful Tile society has no regular officers, hut members take turns serving as chairman. resulting from cerebri palate, and other eau- Engineers Meet Monday The Society other soc tis Hie pal The Am erican Association < Architectural Engineers w ill race Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Archite* tore Building 305, Speaker will b a representative of the Clay Pix duct - Association. a m The Spit and Splutter Literary Society supplements activities of the University’s Speech and Hear­ ing Clinic in rehabilitating stutter­ ers through individual treatment. J . Villarreal, Speech Dr, and Hearing Clinic director, is the Society, faculty advisor Charles D. Laufer. a doctoral can­ didate in educational psychology, I also woi ks w itll tim group. Jesse to Meetir gs are he! I regularly, on* e a week during the long session and twice weekly in the summer. At the last meeting, a psychiatrist, ta child psychologist, and an educa- Friends Surprise Click With Birthday Party A rose-decorated cake and “ Happy Birthday a to chorus of k, You” greeted Dr, L dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, student division, when he entered his Main Building office F rid a y morning. L. Cli- Throughout the* day administra­ tive staff and faculty members dropped by to wish him a happy birthday and to enjoy cake and coffee served by his assistants. Not on'' of Dean C lick ’s friends invited by his secretaries let news of the party svaeh him. Tile party was a complete surprise. K X C i l N T C T C R I N C i M A T H E M A T I C S p h y s i c s 13. S . ( i i i A l > I A V T J C S are invited to sec their Placement Officer today regarding I ' M K H K K D M. I N S 11, K M * I I n i m D I V I H I U N 9 A D V A N C E D S T J ' D Y 1 » R < X i U A M The program enables you to obtain practical industrial experience in a complex, d> namic field while studying for a Master s Degree. m m warn Dr. Stockton fed s that IS M w ill just about equal the last year, with indications cif another upward spurt in the economy of Texas after 1956. Physicians to Lecture On Marriage Aspects D r. Cliff Price and Dr. Waite* type- written pages which m ay be read orally in fifteen minutes. Any regularly enrolled student in a senior college in Texas m ay enter the contest. Papers m ay be submitted to Hermes Ny p. Program Chairman, Texas Folklore Society. 3309 Hood Street, Dallas. Papers will he judged by an officer of the Texas Folklore S o Moore, local physicians, w ill speak piety. A prize of $25 w ill be award- on the physiological aspects of ed to the winner, who will be m arriage at the third of a series asked to read his paper at the of m arital lectures Sunday at 6 fortieth annual meeting of the So- the University Baptist ciety at Texas A&M , April 20-21. p.m. at Transportation, food, and lodging Center. To promote free discussion, the; will be provided, talks will be given to divided midi- onces. The topic Looks at M arriage. An announcement of the contest “ A Doctor w ill be posted on the bulletin board in M ain Building, eighteenth floor. is H U R R Y A N D RA I S E C A I N AT T H E HURRICANE SALE BROKEN SIZES — PRICED TO SELL OUT IN 3 HO URS OR 3 DAYS — WEDNESDAY, JA N U A R Y 18th — AT 9 A.M. No Exchanges — No Refunds — No Phone Orders DKA! I US VV III.CO MF VIJ. SALES FIX VI. A N V O S H ( VV H I V HABERDASHERY MU Sp ort Sh irt* S al. to 5 95 UMI pr. St (Mil Ans* a r r * S o * F u r r S ilk ................. K I7 T i * * —In c ! 2 re* val ti«< HI O re ** s h ir t * J H S a m i 4.59 ta ttle . l l %11-AVonl S w e a te r* rf**;. 11.95 Htitl 12 95 . 27 l> lt Ii it* 7.5# an d 12.59 value 116 B o w T ie s re g 1.09 ...................... 21 B e r m u d a s h o r t * I ’f, value I I ( tiff L in k * re*. 2 .5 9 .................... 9 « o rd u ro v tV p » C » S h ir t * ............... 2.87 88c 88c 1.28 5.88 3.88 .. 54c 2 . 6 6 54c 4.44 94c 1.28 ........ ........... 127 S t a n d a r d B r a n d B H I * 2.09 A 2.59 \alin** ............ 9 p a ir G lim -* r.*u 5 . 9 5 ............................... 4 A II W o n t S n r n t f r i ........... . reg. 2.95 JIO M en "* G a * S h o rt* IG S. LOO 17 Hobe* M on** ( o tto n * It I im- I in cd R o b e * T*K. 19.59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ! IS e*tem Shirt* 4,95 A 5.95 * alo*-!. . . . . . 21 R a y on H obe* IO 95 v a lu e .................. Hi T u r t le n e c k S w e a te r* re 2 . 2 . 3 0 .......................... I I P a i r P a ja m a s reg, L U S .......................... . . . . . . . . . . 1 . 0 0 66c 2.77 10.88 . 2.78 . 6 . 8 8 . 1 . 0 0 2.47 JACKETS 3.44 : t 50 .......... .. 9 “ I - tro n ” XX md b re a k e r* 12.95 v a l u e .......................... 7 S u e d e Ja c k * I * IG-k I I G a b a rd in e Ja c k e t * 9.95 v a lu e .............. 8 G a b a rd in e S u rc o a t* 11.95 va lu e ........ .. 143 P a ir T r o t t e r * reg, 9.95 v a l u e .......... 11 8 8 .. 5.44 .. 4.44 . 4.44 MEN'S SUITS & SPORT COATS I R u e *. .shard I Re su it s ir e * ■y q Q t i . O O I B la c k G ab ardin e S u it 14.44 VU B o o t , each S it e SH— ra y o n , e ar ti H Xii W o o l M IU * >i/. .bi— $50.Ii# I title* . a q I . O O ■ M e n '* S u it * *7 i- IIT— AH W ool. each t .M en'* S u it * S ir e 38-— R a y o n , each 7 M e n '* A ll XX not S u it s S iz e ;I8, e a c h ........... I G r a y F la n n e l A U XX o ol. S ir e 49 . . . . . 8 Corduroy S p o rt F o a ls . . . . . . . 2 S p o rt F o o ts . I t S p u r t & * . - i S T f « i i i I Wkm ? J- Mm H fp s ‘ MEN'S CO-OP J I V a c a n c i e s f or S p r i n g S e m e s t e r • AVERAGE room and board H5 per month. • AIR CONDITIONED Study Hall No Extra Charge for Fast Service at Us • ONLY Three Blocks from the Campus ✓ I •’Y ou r A r "Y o u r A rtcsrvsd & O ran gs / Blossom Diamond Dealer Blossom ( tau GIUS varsity store m i flW RTm m t h m ost rn DRY Cl EAN WG O p en 7:00 a.m. to fc:00 p.m. M o n day through Saturday SIO W e s t 19th St. Corner Nueces I; ■ WM Call or come by and see us now! 2804 Whitis la s s GR 8 4673 Ss 4 .4 • A S t rn ... .. V * . n CAMPUS STATE TH E 2nd W E E K OF 1956 N A T IO N GLOBE "'V!: • ’ ■ % & i i i H ; ;*gg Brinks Case I ook 6 Years But FBI Did It six y e a r s the FBI After t ti sleuthing, tu rn ed indictm ents, ju before the sta tu te o r a n out, against cleve w ho r o b b e d Bi in! $2,700,000. Jo sep h (Specs) O K the eleven de* ided to he dido ! get his s h a r e T h e Eort\ N Eight its ex b< hire em plove w rebb e I the lock in the joint.” he said. Goony* f l u n k s Billies S EN ATOR (; EC )R( IE (I u la.» r e ­ i gainst P re sid e n t m a in e d firmly long- for E ise n h o w e r’s proposal r a n g e foreign aid. After a confer­ ence with S e c re ta ry of S tate Dulles, < .corge tot i new sm en he dido 1 w a n t this governm ent to he obli­ to any a m o u n t of foreign g ated as s is ta n c e “ for a n y n u ;n lier of y e a r s in a d v a n c e ." As an M-G-M publicity m a n dis­ m issed a s a “ p r a n k ” the m y s te r i­ ous kiss bestowed on P rin c e R a in ­ ier of Mona* > by a L atin-A meric-*n s o sety w om an, the P r in c e ’ • c h a ;>- lain s a i d his highness* hoped in m a r r y A r t e ’, can a eire s G ra e Kelly in the US, “ in defe re n ce to the his bride A m eric an people." family and h e r received On his 43rd birthday Vi< e-presi­ dent NIXON senatorial tribute and w as rep o rted ly p la n ­ ’h hi wife to Brazil ning a min \ late this m onth for the p reside ntia l in a ugu ra tion of Jusceiino Kuhit- sehek Ike vs. Atli;ti in Illinois In I limo us, the n a m e s of I >\\ K ii IT EIS E N H O W ER and ADLAI S T E ­ VENSON w ere en tered in Republi- < in and Dem< ratio p rim a rie s. Estes !<*■• fauve* had n- * said at the tim e if he would file. A R o s e In A hi N a m e . . . L ast w eek IVA IKUKO TQGURI D AQUINO b e tte r known to World W ar ii G I's as TOKYO ROSE, w as rele ase d from the F e d e r a l R e fo rm ­ a t Alderson, atory* — ph W. Va. for Women O P m m m ex p re sse d rn T h e D eal) T a r e th o se o f th e e d ito r th e o r o f th e article a n d n o t necessarily o f th e w rite r o f U n i t e r s t'y aa m in is tr a tio n , \ \ ell*Preserved Victorianism In Defense of Elhi tis BULL ELKINS, one of the University’s most favored sons, has kicked up a somewhat heated controversy at the University of Maryland, where he is president. Reporters say Elkins has been pushing for more the expense of athletic academic scholarships at scholarships. Coach Jim Tatum, supposed wizard of the Split-T, resigned his M aryland tutorship last week and departed for N orth Carolina.’ reportedly at a smaller salary. Elkins, who came to Maryland when the school was at the nadir of scholastic deterioration, has drawn scornful criticism from Maryland partisans. At The University of Texas he was captain of the 1929 football squad. He was a-Phi Beta Kappa, Rhodes Scholar, and president of the student body. If the reports are trite, and if Elkins is sponsoring the rather heretical movement for more scholarships for non-athletes, he deserves the moral backing of every university and college president and every reasonablv rational college student in the nation. We of the college journalistic craft, along with our elders in the more sanctimoniously bedecked halls of ivy, have fa r foo lone taken for granted the great preponderance of athletic scholarships. Today, indeed, athletic departm ents seem to be altogether immune to criticism of any sort; a bombast again t the intrinsic evils of a bloated program of college athletics is lift I r more than well preserved Victorianism operating in a world of outmoded Sherman tanks and 220-pound half­ backs. If this has failed as a dissertation against the ram ­ pant (but conforming) professionalism in University sports, we trust it has succeeded in defense of Dr Elkins, who could fairly well antagonize a forward wall in his day, and who now seems to be involved in an enterprise much nobler, rougher, harder, and quite misunderstood. The Tenuous MATURE ACTION keynoted the Student Assembly meeting Thursday night. Approval of a resolution which would strengthen underclass scholarship requirem ents reiterates — we hope to the entire University populace—that the tenu­ ous move tow ard higher academic standards is well underway. A resolution that would support; Congressional action in passage of the Korean (ii Bill also passed. It would seem that the Assembly, encouragingly so, has recog­ nized its responsibility to consider and act upon state, national, and international issues bearing upon the lives of University students. On Grace ACKNOWLEDGING the frosty truth that we all ear.not own kingdoms, several thousand University males this week turned to Emily Dickinson^ The gentlemen in BBA, who can laugh and leisure with such accomplished suavity, ran at least take faith in the hope th a t money begets more than evil — wni Dead W eek Seems Mighty Lively Here . last m inute quizzes F O R A W E E K of supposedly d o r m a n t J a n u a r y ’s activity, second se m a me saw the rush . of . p tom a ine trouble . . . F rid a y the thirteenth . . . a hurst of action from the Student As- se m bly . . . a n d th e beginning of D ead Week. Behind it all wav the r a th e r gi im student realization that tim e w as slow­ ly running out. The Student Assembly' ter- ruinated t h e s e rn e s t e r C a m p u s ' h resolution to support C a v a l c a d e f ; n d finish a s it p as sed with h ea te d debate a the N ational Students Association stand f a v o r i n g increased K ore an v e te r a n benefits. An am en d m e n t to Public Law' 550 the V eteran s Affairs before C o m m ittee ct ’he US House of R e p re s e n ta tiv e s would (Vt ra is e the subsi.stance of single m e n enrolled in college m a r ­ ried men, and m a r r ie d men with c h ild r e n : *2) extend the tim e lor a v e te r a n ’n begin college training, a n d ; (3) set for up ed u c atio nal benefits in­ ch ild ren of d ec e a se d and jured v e te ra n s. T h e A ssem bly also p a s s e d a resolution after h e a r in g a re­ port from M a ry Miller, c h a ir ­ m a n o f the A ca d em ie Policy C o m m itte e of the S tu d e n ts ’ Assot ia atm. M iss Miller ex- plained proposed plans now b e­ ing considered by a special G e n e ra l F a c u lty sub-com m it­ tee raising U niv ersity for g ra d e sta n d ard s. The resolution r e c o m m e n d s that g r a d e r e q u i r e m e n t be raised by req uiring first y e a r studen ts to pass nine hours with a m in im u m of nine g r a d e points, and second y e a r stu­ dents p ass twelve hours with tw elve g rad e points. a* least L eftovers to Im* L eft Out to fired le tte rs for food be used DI STI R B E D R I SIDEN TS of G a m b le rs, Blanton, and An­ drew v the T exa n this week a f te r an out­ b re a k of sickness in the d o rm i­ tories. T he le tte rs p rotested ag ainst the serving of leftovers an d a s k ed that “ m oney col­ for lected food ’ F. C. McConnell, d ire c ­ tor of housing and food service, e x p la in e d that profit from food w as used to cove r d e p r e c ia ­ tion and d o rm ito ry expenses. “ No m o re leftovers will he served, ’ stated Miss J o (L a n­ der. food supervisor, a f te r the ca u se of the illness w a s a t t r i ­ buted to l e f t o v e r chicken se rv e d at the S a tu rd a y night meal. S h a d e s o f ’5 5 . , . Slue Hull s L onghorns have now lost four straig h t by a total of th ir te e n points. SEN. SEARCY BRACEWELL . . . lost his t e m p e r SECRETARY DULLES . . . lost f a c e SLUE HULL lost four straight BASCO M GILES , , . lost nine counts B r . K e w v . i l Quits Investigations Close Doors secret R E T R E A T IN G TO the safety of locked and sessions the I nve negating doors, the S enate C om m ittee, minus its C h a ir m a n SEARCY BR A CE W E L L of Hous­ ton. h e a r d and r e a d die State A uditor c H. Gayness* rep o rt on th e LS T n t - ’ and G u a r a n te e Com­ pany . to review The Com m ittee met T uesda y hight w ith die Auditor and two of his assista n ts th e re- P >rt. But, as it ss reported uh* n C o m m itte e m a n WARDLOW LANE of C en ter suggested they* go into form al executive session C ha ir­ m a n Bracewell picked up his hat a n d the com ­ m itte e did reviewf Mr. G ayness' r e p o r t . left. N evertheless, that the W ednesday, s heduled in hea rin g of th e com m ittee, ■* reso­ lution to m a k e the h earing s e e m P issed with but one dissenter, again C h a ir m a n B racew ell For tim e S enator Brace- the second the hearing to well chose leave la ter resigned his c h a ir m a n ­ and ship Lane Assumes Control SENATOR LANE, who took o ver chairm anship . Bract well's Mr, the two rt tsons for closing gave innocent t i ) To protect hearings person s from to p ro ­ (2) inju ry ; tect the investigation, if the wrong witness w ere called ii'- public the whole investiga’ r*n m ight be lost A nother theory behind the four the p r o ­ reasoning was senators' tection '! colleagues who might be involved in investigations la te r on. The com m ittee did m a k e public a resolution passed in closed ses­ sion. and A traitor G ay n e ss’ report The resolution said th.* inform ation uncovered, by the co m m ittee would be turned o v e r to law enfo rce m en t agencies m d gi md ju rie s con­ nec te d with the < ase, • Giles Guilty on Nine ( punts BASCOM GILES. ex-Land Com- m issioner, received his thirteenth prison te rm T uesday after ple ad­ ing guilty to nine counts against him rn connection with the v eteran land deals fraud. The rn >st recent sentences a s­ sessed against him were m a d e by "District J u d g e Charles O. Betts in \u s tin With all thirteen sentences ru n ­ ning concurrently. Mr. Giles will he eligible for parole after one y e a r , tw > months, and twelve days. • . . . US T ru st and G u a ra n te e president. A B Shoemake, began c> im prove after shooting himself J a n u a r y 6. . . . The bo ard of d irec to rs of the T exas Southern U niversity voied to integrate with only one m e m b e r voting ag d o st the pro pus ii. He said the school w as cre a te d specifically for N egro use , . . T hree million dollars d a m ­ age w as done to a pier and d ry dock at Port Houston. Preview: 3rd W eek of 1956 CAMPUS . . , Exams begin T h u rs d ay , . . . T l w Austin S ym phony Or­ c h e s tr a p rese nts Claudio A rra u - pc Hot ming pianist, w orld-fam ed in F F la t and Mozart Concerto Liszt Concerto in A M ajor at the City Coliseum Monday at S:30 p.m. . . , L istening Horn presents P a ­ tric ia McCord. violinist, rn a r e ­ cital a* Recital Hall Wednesday a t I p m , . . The Dublin P lay e rs will p re ­ sent O s c a r Wilde’s com edy "An Ideal H u sb a n d ’’ in Hogg Auditor­ ium Wednesday. 8 p m , . . . Football Banquet Tuesday at the Main Lounge of 6:30 p m . in Union Building. . . . d i a r i e s Hunter, organist, will give a recital T uesday ar 4 p.m. a t R ecital Hall. . . , Mi ss F a n n i e R a t c h f o r d will discuss Emily Bronte's works at N e w c o m m g G r o u p m e e t i n g at R a r e B o o k s Collection, Wednesday a t 3 p.m. STATE tax pay ment deadline . . , Poll J a n u a r y 31 . . . Texas Cotton men will m e et af College Station Monday to h e a r r e p o rts on cotton prices, investigation of T exas . . , Resum ption of Senate C o m ­ m itte e in­ su ra n c e s c an d a l will lie Tuesday*. the The press. investigation is open tit . . . Pc nu- NATION AL to suppoi E isenhow er' Republican fund r a i s ­ ing rally will be held at M id ;son Squ are G ard en J a n u a r y 2(1. I N T E R N t ( I O N X L Ute . . . Queen E lizabeth IT and the Duke of E d in b u rg h will visit a le p er colony on the first royal tour of N igeria s ta rtin g J a n u a r y 27 . . . Sn- Anthony Eden will visit Washington the end of this month to hold confer onces w ith Dulles arid Eisenhower. . . . The UN Security Council will probably vote on censure of Isra el —rw T uesday. Americans Seek Safety in |orc!an Tiouhle rn tho Middle E a s t is a continued story of tension in three te n ses: past, present, and future. This w e e k ’* news contained a story from each category', Israel PAST V IO L E N CE : All eleven m e m b e r s of the UN S ecurity Coun­ individually advo- cil have now cated cen sure of for her raid on a S yrian c a m p in D e c e m ­ ber An upcom ing vote will decide how h a r d the of­ ficial slap vv.if be. Bath Ru>Ma and the US hav e offer­ ed resolutions, but only the fo rm e r d e m a n d s p a y m e n t of c o m p en sa­ tion. Globus- Focus P R E S E N T V IO L E N C E ; Mob a c ­ tion, including the burning of two Southern B a ptist hospital buildings, has forced alm ost ai! A m eric an s the rn Jo r d a n capital, A m m an. Anti-Western feel­ ing r e n te r s ag ainst r u m o rs of J o r ­ tile B a g h ­ danian alignm ent with dad p a r t, a move which the latest governm ent th e re disapproves'. lo seek safety rn F U T U R E V IO L E N C E : Keeping this at a m in im u m i« the business of several thousand additional B rit­ ish troops sent to Cyprus this week Called they the “ F ire Brigade ’’ will try to prevent or put oui little- w a r "fires w hen e ver necessary in that part of the world. To the Brink and Back SHARP WORDS for a d ip lo m a t’s ta ctlessness carne from the foreign press as well as dom estic r e p o r t­ ers and politicians this week S e c ­ r e t a r y of State D U L L E S fold l i f e Magazine “ h o w ” he thrice “ avert- This Week In Hea lies # Sunday : SUICID E T R I E D BY SHOEMAKE - C o r p u s Christi Caller-Time* * M on day : SOIL BANK FARM AID PLAN IS U R G E D BY P R E S I D E N T - F t. Worth S tar-T e leg ra m # T uesday: V IRGINIA VOTES 2-1 TO K E I P PUBLIC SCHOOL SEG REG A TIO N S herm an D e m o c ra t % Wednesdav ; COLD KILLS FLO R ID A CROPS - San Antonio Expres* • T h u r s d a y : WHITE-COLORED SIGNS COME DOWN IN TEXAS a n ES - Texarkana Gazette p Frida v: • S aturdav SI ,218,211 B R IN K S H O LD U P SOLVED - New Orleans Tim es-Pir avunfl 28 F IR M S O F F E R PROTECTION AGAINST L I F E POLICY LOSSES — D allas Morning New* —a r * ed w a r ’ since 1953, and a l/>ndoh n ew sp a p er charged that his m e th ­ od w as a " d a n c e with d e a t h . ” Korea, Indochina, and the F o r ­ m osa Straits w e i r n a m e d as site* of the w a r s that Cl most happened. Dulles credited their prevention to his policy of d e terre n ce “ at die v e r g e , ” a delicate fo rm of d a r e which m a y or m a y not h a v e ca u se d the Red Chinese to hack down in the first two ca se s an*! h esita te in the third Not all of his com m ents alxuit allies w ere a p p re c ia te d either. V i o l e n c e , V i o l e n c e . . . Russia returned 430 m or# w a r p risoners to West G e r m a n y (hi1' week. These m e n called to “ m a jo r ' ex-Nazis, a re subject investigation a n d possible re - a r re s t by the Bonn gov ernm ont. of the Auca Indians of . . . M urder in the jungle w as the fate five A m eric an m ission­ a r ie s who sough? to evangelize one of tile vv01 Id'* most sa v a g e tribe* ea ste rn (They shrink h e a d s and E q u a d o r " h a t e evary body.” * the CS' own like w inter playlands, had w e a th e r woe* this week, An e a r th q u a k e killed se v e ra l and than IOO in Acapulco, and som e o th e r a r e a s shivered in lh*-' coldest sn a p since 1906. injured m ore . . . Mexico, rebel violence . . . Seven m e m b e r s of two Hun­ g a ria n families esc q>ed ac ross the B a r bed-w ire and Land-m ine C u r­ lh*' largest such tain into Austria group to flee without a casualty, . . F ata lities by the score wee# added in the A lgerian t e r r o r toll, rn Morocco Also, next door h a s spread a c r o s s the border In into the Spanish sector. the recent F re n c h elections the C om m unists won 53 new seats and c a m p a ig n in g on a platform of “ no ta x e s .” pick­ third of ed up 52 seats putting a the h an d s of the P a r lia m e n t sn m e n publicly' opposed to p a r lia ­ m e n ta r y dem ocrac y. tile Poujadists —Jm News You 0 Don / Need # The current Hit Parade favorite “ Love and M a rria g e " w as re c e n tly the C hristopher Medal a w a rd e d for the song in 1955 which did m ore for the institution of m arriage than it should have an.v other Maybe re eel vet! the award for tin* sung with the m ost senseless banalities. • The A P rep orts th a t farm ing it going to the new look. New Hol­ land Farm Machine Company an­ nounced Monday that stream lined hay bailers, r ea p ers, and o th e r equipm ent in two-tone colors, with red and yellow predom inating, ara being placed on the m arket. If the research agriculture workers can only keep pace and perfect hay that is alternately red and yellow , just think what pretty slack* of hay can be displayed. The DAUT texan T h e D a l l y T e x a n , s t u d e n t n e w s p a p e r o f T h e U n i v e r s i t y o f T e x a s , is p u b l i s h e d S e p t e m b e r e x c e p t S a t u r d a y M o n d a y , In A u s t i n d a il y t h r o u g h M a c bv T e x a s S t u d e n t P u b l i c a t i o n s . In<- find h o l i d a y p e r io d s N e w s c o n t r i b u t i o n s w i l l b e a c c e p t e d bv t e l e p h o n e I MUI Ll. Hep# aanisU n t ................................................... a rnold rosenzw eig Precocious Kids KeepVractice Teachers Cramming Stiea hi ii g o f C ii ar cli e!> B y M A R Y J A N E R A W L IN S “ Miss Guinn, I know there isn't a Santy Claus, ’cause you just tell your m other an’ she gets things for you. Miss Guinn, do you be­ in Santy Claus?’’ piped a liev e high voice from a little second grader. And for the first tim e, B everly Guinn, senior elem entary educa­ tion major, w as at a com plete loss for words. F inally, she m anaged a weak, “ Yes, Bob, I believe in Santa Claus.’’ is teacher practice Beverly, or “Bevo,” is an en­ at thusiastic Maplewood Elem entary School who thinks that teaching takes a lot of tim e, but isn t hard if you like it. She tall, with greenish blue ry es and short brown hair. She in sists that her nicknam e isn't de- rived from the famous longhorn steer, but w as brought about by an “ excess of B everly's’’ at the U niversity. “ BEVO" a pupil's eye-view Bevo's day begins with the Winnie Murphy, are tho alarm clock at clanging of 6:15 every morning. By 8 a.m ., second grade there, she 'show w here she and the teacher, Mrs. > 1 ell’ tim e when the students is out at Maplewood school, rat the 30 “wild Indians’’ “C lasses begin with and tell ready to cor in the h tir iid iq fy OR QUALITY MEXICAN FOOD e s T T Ai a UA ti I 1 — irs .V H o n t i < i l l I I' "OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK" 'T H n fta o ti , I * , r . \ . ' - "=•* — 5 0 0 j 1 A M A V fiN U I \ T i €8* tv**®* M74# ? • m b MEXICAN FOOD TO MKF t i ^ W a m r t o d . 5 0 4 EAST A V tN U f Hut* fiRsnMwnf U823 c clo st o rn ©Mb* vt)m m the class everything they’ve done the night before. That kind of drains them of talk for awhile, ’ Bevo explains. Then i f s tim e for subject m at­ ter, when a typical lesson m ay go like this: “ Now boys and girls, when you w rite a story you have to use your head and organize what you w ant to say. You just have to think,' says teacher Guinn. The schedule “ Miss Guinn,’’ asks a w ee voice from the rear, “ are you trying to say ‘concentrate'? ’ for is lessons flexible, and m ay include read ­ ing, spelling, a rith m etic or sci­ ence. B evo’s cla ss has just com ­ pleted a unit on the grocery story. The children divided into com m it­ tees and built a grocery store and a delivery truck out of wood. | Still another com m ittee m ade a ; mural of “ food on the farm. ’ and S “ food in the city .’’ The entire chi ts took a field trip to a grocery sto le and bakery. The final day of the lessons w as the production of .an original play which second graders wrote. the “ I found out in a hurry that, second grade students understand lot m ore than I thought Hic: a would," that says Bevo. adding she spent m any hours cram m ing to teach a lesson on electricity. The first week she w as pract.o< teaching, Bevo found out just h vv much 7 and 8-year-olds could un­ derstand. She asked them to w rite] a story on their favorite anim als. One little boy nonchalantly w alk­ ed up to the desk and asked. “ M iss Guinn, how do you spell Tyran­ nosaurus R ex 1’ “ I thought they would write about dogs and ca ts,” says Bevo, who still has a puzzled look on her face. them , but I would get “ They just grit their teeth and go after it,” she says, describing the next period of the day—gym . “ I started out playing the gam es with so worn out I could hardly finish the rest of the d ay,’’ says Bevo. She now confines her activities to su­ pervising gam es in the gym at Maplewood. J At l l a.m ., after the gym period ] Bevo accom panies her charges to | the lunchroom. There they tell her “ little m oron” jokes as she busily Sunday, January IS, 1956 THE DAILY TEXAN P«ga S Tw o m ov “ Mai *7 f'W nvd Within** U I. V. \«»so<*ia Sundry morning serm on “The Loathing of Love” w ill ba the topic of Dr Lewis P. Speaker's th® ie 1- in m d Un ow n < mterhur* tim, Sunday ut B p m . at O r egg „ House, E , lkh Ll„ h r r s n d B .V ‘br r e g ’.Ila- Sunday m orning The Rev. Scott F -hip service of the I niveraity iqui conduct a series of i he < an terburv Presbyterian Church William M. t es sponsored by !/• a m int’-ter wall deliver a \s*oclation and All serm on titled “ The Sons of God.** Sunday at 8 p rn a ley w ii lass- inis* chape! Ste’ D r, Harold tart professor U niversity, wi M an* ’ Sundry Et How ,h P H Building of th ist ( b irch. I nix ervit \ M ethod D iscip les Student Fellowship in ’all officers Sunday evening U ‘he I n h e n tity C hris­ • c p tian C haleh. The Rev George W. M arshfield of the Unitarian Church will speak on “Tittie Servant or Tyrant?” in the Texas of Women'3 Clubs D r E d m u n d Heir U niversity Methods1 cpo k on rn ’he ! n e s s” a t 8:30 a n d I inn. p tor of Sunday at l l a.m . .t Church, will F ed era tio n beauty of Hod- Building. ' ;i rn Sunday. * ' ' i* vin S i n “ Wi at V. ak Science e F irst Method irg ’ M an's right to health and heal- I be en nhasized at Christian services Sunday the b” on-sei non on “ Life.” a t l l a.Ut. and 5 p rn in We are Flappy fo announce— THE ALL-UNIVERSITY STUDENT TOUR w hich we p l * - - c d k c fc • C l' v m a* w ;i be c o rd .c t* d in p riv a l* A m *rie*n c a f* w hich v II a cco m pan y u t a b o a rd ship. Th,nit c ‘ c Y cj w bn a b a H dei va V- through E.vopa in th!* all thuds-’ *- g r - P . . . The c h i r r * of a ! '>* -na to ta * and know Europa in tim a ta ly ! j J v s Ita ly 5 t i } *te r’ r - d. G e rm a n y Belgium 1. S alting on SS A M E R IC A A N O SS U N IT E D STATES 2. 62 Days N e w Y o r k t o N e w Yor k. i S - A u g u t t 3. Franc M o n a c a 4. First- G a t * ocean passage. First class h o te ;s. 5. S tu d e n t c o n ta cts in p rin c ip a l citie s and t n iv e r iit y tow n *. 6. Full tightic (ting program *. 7. M a n y evening p ro g ra m s— plays, operas, and n ig h t clubs. 8. O p p o rtu n ity fo r young men fo d riv e car a t re d u ce d ra ta . 9. P e rs o n a l d ire c tio n o f M rs . H ig h to w e r a n d M r . T a y lo r H o lla n d , E ng'and Phone or write for itinerary— M r s . Roy H i g h t o w e r U n i v e r s i t y J o u r n e y s Pi B e ta PU H o u s e 2300 San Antonio Street Telephone G R 8*2123) J ; ? • U n -ve rstty S ta te n (Telephone G R 2-6616 | if no answer G R 2-7911) Don't m ale any Summer plans until you have seen our iti nerary ! W a n t HI6H GRADES Insurance? Drop into our store today . . . thumb through a Barnes 4 N o b 1® zen- i Kl T C ollege O u tlin e covering any o f your courses . . . note its m eaty compactness . . . ifs i Sling paragraphs . . . its newspaperlike efficiency in high girting essentials and putting the story over. You ll b e amazed that so much can b e g o t into so little space. College O utlie s are the best h gh-marks insurance obtainable. Prepare with them fo r exams now! a f a ll f o u r LLS BOOK STORES Further Reductions in our I 0 Women's FALL and WHITER SHOES FLATS and C A S U A L S Values to 7.95, now . . . H I G H HEEL DRESS SHOES Values to 14.95, now s497 S T 9 7 V A R Y IN G DEGREES OF C O N C E N T R A T IO N FACE A TEACHER . , . Beverly explains the chart on hearing up spilled milk and dropped i rax s. “ If I w as only fourteen I ’d m a r r y you. Miss G uinn," a bt!Ie boy at the lunch table inform ed h e r one liked his m a scu lin e a p ­ day. “ I p ro a c h .” eyes twinkling, “ but I just didn t have th e h e a r t I w a s n ’t to fourteen cr'"c r. says Bevo, tell hint h er Bevo’s d ay a t Maplewood ends with r e d period, when she reads the children stones. The school d a y ends, hut the w ork of a p rac tice te a c h e r doesn’t. She m ust attend U niversity c la s ­ ses on Monday, W ednesday, and T Ii u r s d a v atte! n oons Teat bing problem s re q u ire Bevo lo confer a h e r supervisor, Dr. Y ore . often ■ i DeVamt. At night, th e re a r e posters and lesson to to devise, and p a p e r s to m a k e , bulletin boards plans grade. : iion honorary. She F or outside activities, B everly is a M o rtar Board an d vice-pres­ ident of Pi L a m b d a T heta, educa- is also presi­ dent of h er sorority, Dr’I ta Delta D elta, w here she xviii alw ays he fondly calling m e etin gs to o rd e r xx-uh ‘ Now', boys and g ir ls ! ” r e m e m b e r e d for She h as signed with the T ea ch­ e r P lac em e nt B u re a u so that she can begin to teach rig h t aw ay. All she can think of right now is “ I rn sure going to m iss those kids out at Maplewood next se m es­ te r . ’’ And why not when on C hristm as c a r d s they w rite h e r such things as “ I think y o u 're beautiful,” and ' I love vc’ I Miss Guinn ” 956 Formals Glimmer, Flow R e turning som ething old si ison o n e which anc bringing som ething new, the for­ includes m ’d gala d a n c e s and g iim m erin r dresses- h as m a d e a devastating ball gown of p rim e im portan ce. I Bor the formal season is that I m agic, pulse-quickening tim e that I d e m a n d s putting aw a y skirts and sw ea te rs and p u tting on fashions; iestix hies. The 1956 evening for tho ex'ening glory lies “ in s ta te ” until the fo r­ ! ires* does no double d Tty tim e d es ignated on . t h e m a l invitation. I narrow d r a m a tic gown w ith It is nec essarily so of the t r a d ! - ’ trinal evening silhouette with bares ] shoulders, tig h t bod mo, and sweep- J a s well ass lin g , swooshing skirt of the “ som ething n e w ” - tho long tho cam isole, cover-up neckline and j the sheath ankle-length skirt which ; is generally sculp toned all die w ay the effect of a clown a n d gives | continued extension of the bodice,j is alw ays flashed with elegance and occasion­ ally with contrast, serving color j is j la ca rte. A s e p a r a te d r a p e a so m e tim es the sp iraled close-fitting sheath, winding with the m a rv e lo u s m o m e n tu m . Or a] sash paste! multicolored chiffon m a y bow and s tr e a m the w aist. Thus new P a r i s around from look it is gown Although is a colorful year for fashion even the long and lean importantly pillar-look pale a pale glim m ering color that ! is pale with excitem ent. Sophis­ ticated m aterials, brocades, dam ­ lam es give an asks. satins, and enchantingly oriental im pression. iridescent paillettes, the ex- The ] quisite flow’, the luxurious touch, and the utmost play of lights and shadows on these heavier drapes highlight a sophisticated effect. Barbara Payne. Opens Studio Mrs. Barbara Payne, w ife of the U niversity's guest professor of dram a and Shakespearean author­ ity, B. Ideo Payne, is now instruc- | tor of I he Barbara Payne Studio of Austin. Mrs. P ayne w as a baile4 dancer of the United States and twenty for m ore titan s Europe years. Have a Date? . . . Rent a Car . . . A sk A b o u t O ur “D ate Rate ’ HILLARD NATIONAL RENT-A-CAR 816 8r«tos Phon* GR 7-3441 ” BEVO" BUILDS UP TO THE P U N C H LINE . . . of a little moron joke Winter ADP! Formal Given M ph ri D elta Pi sorority bv•Id it ; the d a te s atli sri d form al J a n u a ry 7 si t the xx inter A ustin C ountry Club. M embetrs and their ex a n t h a p en n o d by Mrs. XX : lu ll w a s K >thr>t i Nerd, A D P i housem I OUT! Cl • D oce>rat ions o f aqua and silv e r from w hich b alls d m ulti-colored p la stic iuspended. the ceilin g , w ere s T he d a te s w ere giv en m u g s with dis idi (I s rn md ii fix >n Scholarship t o Be (dx « n Gillespie House w ill pr< annual scholarship award evening ta the ou'-vandin man living at the house, dent is chosen <. n his good sc hol ts ship, v .-operation itv. and contribution to th i- , MR ; „ • p k Pi I I Open I 1:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Prime Steaks C harcoaled to your taste also serving Austin's finest seafood, an epicure's delight and only one of our many delicious treats! Harris' W a yside Inn Two blocks west o f Lamar on Barton Springs Road M ON PArn rn # January 16th Is the Last Day to TURN IN REBATE SLIPS ors/ti/ co-op S T U D E N T ’ J O W N S T O R I Patronize Texan Advertisers READ THE CLASSIFIEDS S H O E | S T O R E 2348 Guadalupe — On the Drag Sunday, January 15, 1956 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 6 Second Greatest'. . . Good! HS G R E G O LD S Tm *« Editor “ The Second Greatest Sex ’* which opened Saturday a i the P a ra ­ mount, is an entertaining preset!- tit Jon done up in the “Seven Brides ; for Seven Brothers’ style. The show m irk * the arrival of a new st aer rn Hollywood as George N ader establishes himself among the gentry of filmland. Nader, who broke in several years ago in “ The Carnival Story,” not only is charro* lug. but handles himself well be- t fore the cameras and sings a love too. b a i-ad '■et. And most niceh Another new add ii Bovd, of “ All I W ai s Jim sr Chr ( mas Is M y Two Front Teeth” fame, who with Bert Lahr, han­ dles a great deal of the comedy bite. 'Lahr is the sheriff of this town in Kansas and is quite a sight on horseback He mugs his way throuch the show in line old style. The m u sic and dancing in the show are quite enjoyable. The gen­ is a eral story' of “ Second Sex” great deal like “ Seven Brides.” However instead of seven girls go­ ing on strike from the menfolks, a whole townful of git s w itbdraw I heir charms from circulation in protest to the menfolks gallivant­ ing around the countryside in pur- TO D AYS Interstate Theatres Paramount Firs4 Show 2:00 p.m. suit of a safe containing the county records. The safe is important to the men, as possession of it insures that towns being the county seat. Os a wk ie is the town of cair heroes, the other two intra-county rivals are the dirty dogs in Jones C ity and Mandaroon. Naturally, ev ery thing turns out J the end, a s it d oes in in well m u sica ls. K itty K a lion and Keith Andes j in the film w h o\ are two others turn in g-.xxl singing jobs. Jean n e; Crain is pretty much her usual j -elf as the leader of the town’s women. H er husband. Nuder, com­ mands the men. If you want to relax befor* fi­ nals, this show should serve t h e 1 purpose well. This and thats the Varsity is I holding “ The render T rap ” over I for two more days, through Mon- I day . . . “ Flesh M erchant.” which j was the midnight show at the Capitol Saturday night, w ill start; a regular run at that theater Wed­ nesday . , , also, Wednesday will j be the world premiere of “ 'Hie Lone Ranger.’ Our hero will be I here in person. We suppose he will I throw silver bullets to those in the { audience, but are not sure . . . the | Texas has some fine shows ’oro- I ing up , “ Red Shoes ” ' M o n i k a” — a i Swedish film, and “ Tile Prisoner.” Included are “ F risk y ,” starring Alec Guinness. TV sitter, taut .ii saga af th*** Kansas Cake days! t & "r- ' M U H - i m U B I * Extra! "O ne Frogs© N ight" Merrie Melody Cartoon FIRST SH O W 2:00 P.M. © ( 3 i ■'*%#r: J H W h P I;/- i feat - is.* F J i .jj&wk'. * I I P 11 - ■ M n * While the headlines screamed ‘Most Wanted Desperado' he took me with him all the way ...Through the bullets the roadblocks... Through til darkest nights of all... And w hen he said 'come here * • t did! "y * 'J W ~1 m 'M " V ‘ii*- * —-jjr W a r n e r b r o s PPCSEMT J O H N KELLY and JE N N Y M UN D Y-C ASTLE appear here in the portrayal of Mr. Mont ford and Lady Basildon in An Ideal Hus­ band,’ to be presented by the Dublin Player! in Hogg Auditorium Wednesday. There w :!i be no reserved seats for the one night stand. S A Combine for Concert Symphony, Ju lian Olevsky, Am erican violin- “ B arb er of Seville” Overture and Shostakovich's Symphony No. I ” ist who has won top honors in three continents, w ill be guest artist of the San Antonio Symphony at inc- ninth subscription concert Saturday, Ja n u a ry 21, at the Muni­ cipal Auditorium in San Antonio. M r. Olevsky will perform La lo ’s “ Symphonic Espagnole. Opus 21,” He has also programed Rossini's SCHOLZ GIRTEN 1607 SAN JA C IN TO Su nday, Jan uary 15 Served from 11:30 A .M . until 9:30 P.M. 1/2 BAR B O CHICKEN From 2 Pound Chicken served with Our Famous Tennessee Bar-B-Q Sauce English Peas and Potato Salad Garlic Bread Boston Creme Pie Coffee or Iced Tea FILET STEAK Wrapped in Bacon Served with Cream of Tomatoe Soup Combination Salad Baked or French Fried Potatoes Boston Creme Pie Garlic Bread Iced Tea or Coffee 1 . 0 0 1 . 0 0 TH E I EXAS THEATRE PRO U D LY A N N O U N C E S THE Texas Premiere O F TH IS N E W SC R EEN C O M E D Y THURSDAY, JA N U A R Y 19th Dublinifes Show 'Ideal Husband' In H o g g Wednesday D ram a season ticket holders m ay present their season tickets, while all other remaining seats the public will be sold Wednesday at 7:45 p.m. when the world-toured Dublin Players present "A n Ideal Husband” at Hogg Auditorium. to Single admission tickets for the public w ill be 80 cents for adults, and 40 cents for Blanket- Tax holders and children. There I w ill be no reserve seats for the o n e night stand. The colorful production, in period costume, prov ides gay entertainment plus an inside I view of modern politics in high; places. “ An Ideal Husband” is sk ill­ fully done W ilde m a n n er of amusing situ a tio n s. in the b est Oscar j tradition, w ith e v e r y co m p lic a tio n and I The Dublin Players, returning from a recent tour of Ireland, j are now making fifth! eoast-to-coast tour of the United States. their Arrau to Play Monday Reservations for the concert of phone. GReenwood 6-6749. ✓ Claudio Arrau, world-famed con-1 cert pianist appearing with the Austin Symphony Orchestra Mon­ day at the City Coliseum, m ay be made at the Austin Symphony Reserved seats are $3.60, $2.40, Orchestra Business Office, 412 Perry-Brooks Building or hy tele- $1.80; general admission is $1.20, Chilean born, Arrau w ill play Beethoven’s “ Concerto No. I in C M ajor,” and the popular Liszt “ Concerto No. 2 in A M ajor.” o AUSTIN SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA EZRA R A C H L IN , Conductor CLAUDIO ARRAU W O R L D FA M ED PIA N IST G U EST SO LO IST TOMORROW NIGHT— CITY COLISEUM— 8:30 . . . . m o o n AM . . . . MOX ART: “ Haffner” Symphony BKF THOI T V Piano Concerto No. I 'I I, N"IIF LSSOH N : “ A 'I (drummer Night's Dream" L IS Z T : Piano Concerto No. f in A Major Reserved Seat*: JCT.SO, $2.40. IPSO; Unreserved: $1.20 (Students: 60c) Available at; Austin '■‘vmphonv Rosiness Office—412 Perry-Brook* Bidar. Telephone t»R 6-6740 J. R. Reed Music Po., I niversity C o-Op, Music Bldg. Boa Office Special Sunday Dinner A f The Newly Modernized TO W ER RESTAURANT SPECIAL SUNDAY DINNER MENU s N baked yo u n g turkey dressing & giblet g r a v y tiny tot peas supreme baked potatoes w aldorf salad pie ho m em ade hot rolls tea or coffee 95* Plus many other choice items, a la carte Start Serving I I A .M . TOWER Just Across Congress Avenue Bridge THE LO N E R A N G E R {anas Clayton Moore) faces new dan­ gers The in the new movie Lone Ringer," opening at the Store Wednesday. For added cfd, the law and ’son with * ° y°.u| ked protei order will appear in ce the feature. a n d ,T - Give Joy a jingle . . . . at G R 2-2473 FO R Q U IC K A C T IO N O N DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS CLASSIFIED DEADLINES CLASSIFIED KATES s 20 words o r less Additional words I d a y .....................................S .95......................S .02 E ach additional d a y $ .85................... $ .01 Classified Display ...........$1.35 per column int Ii In the event of errors made in an advertise­ ment, immediate notice must be given, as the publishers are responsible for only one incor­ rect insertion. Tuesday T e x a n .................. Monday, 4 p.m. Wednesday Texan ................. Tuesday, 4 p.m. Thursday Texan ............... Wednesday, 4 p m. F rid a y Texan ............. Thursday, 4 p.m. Sunday Texan ......... Frid ay. 4 p.m. Rooms for Rent Rooms for Rent For Sale S I N G L E P R I V A T E paneled rooms w ith !908 S p «• e -I w a y. $3u tile shower. month. G R 8-2314 or G R 2-2674. : M EN S T I D E N TS Vacancies for sprint: I semester. < >n»- block campus 0>m- j fortable. Reasonably priced G R 8-2691 i or apply at 2214 San Antonio I G E N T !.E M F N — New furniture Carpet- ed. V en tra l heat. D o u b les $25. Also j attractive refurnished garage rooms. Single $3>> or doubles $20. Mrs Mary ; Madele> . H id W est to".. G R 7-3623 i campus Neat iv A T T R A C T IV E ROO M S for men Near furnished Always clean quiet. Ideal study condition*. A ir­ conditioned, central heating. Maid serv­ ice and Mike. G R 7-2386 V A C A N C IE S F O R rn* n students tor Spring semester. Comfortable. Rea­ sonably priced One block campus 2204 San Antonio. G R 8-1588. RIC ,H T A C R O SS street from campus. Rooms for bovs 301 W est 21st Street. G R 7-0729. B O Y S Comfortable rooms two blocks from campus. Maid service. V ery rea­ sonable Private kite lien for boys Ap­ proved house, 1942 Nueces. H O 5-74.36. T H E N U E C E S tra l heating. - Air-conditioned, cen- M aid service. Lin en s furnished W all-to-w all carpetin g. $32 m onthly. 2700 Nuec ?es. G R 2-0454 V A C A N C Y F O R one or two male stu­ room. Especially nice front dent.- <“• rn rn g a tin g and a i r -conditioning !!>)6 Rio Grande. GR 8-3963. M T W — Attractive, modern air-condi­ tioned rooms for men students In the Texan. Maid service See W arner A. Hancock manager. 1905 Nueces Street. GR 8-3619. M KN S T U D E N T S — Rooms for Spring sternest' r. Block from campus. 1930 San Antonio. GF. 7-0671. MKN S T U D E N T S nice clean approved house. Study hours observed. $13 month and up. 1905 Rio Grande. four Lim it - teacher, FO R D IS C R IM IN A T IN G upperclassmen Spacious rooms. Every convenience. Maid service. Quiet at all times W alk in g distance. Reasonable. G R 2-5548. , M E N S T U D E N T S , % block University Drag Attractive garage room. Quiet. Every day maid service. Telephone. $22.50. Garage available Call G R 8-7277, For Rent B L O C K B E H I N D Co-Op. A ttra c tiv e effi clency for <.»n< or tu n ladies. M ust I share bath. 2206 San A ntonio. G R 6-'“ '72. I H O T W I N T E R idea for a cool Hummer R eserve air-conditioned rooms at N C. Arm s for Men. 306 E a s t 30th. G R 7*0501. B L O C K B E H I N D Co-Op. La rg e f u r ­ nished apartm ent $55 W a t e r paid 2206 S a n Antonio, G R 6-0072. I U B L O C K S campus D oub le room w ith p riva te Orch. $22 50 ©net H a lf space 1907 W h it is, in double room $15,00. G R 6-3344 M C A D A M S H O U S E 2411 N U E C E S for spring sem ester I G Rooms blocks fro m cam pus Com fortable, quiet. D a ily p o rter service. $20 G R 6-8476 S A N G A B R I E L A R M S L a rg e modern rooms for men, Corn­ in.-:. air-conditioned. Quiet atm os­ phere. F iv e day m aid service. N ea r campus G R 8-1558 2500 San G a b rie l T H E M O R G A N H O U S E 1908 SAN AN TO N IO F o r m e n ; rooms for sp rin g semes­ ter I G blocks from campus. D a ily p o rte r service. Quiet, clean, a ttra c ­ tive. E v a p o ra tiv e a ir- c o n d itio n in g . $20 to $27. So G R 7-7342 T U R E E F U R N I S H E D cottages 3412 South Congress $60 month w ith u tili­ ties Also sis p riva te units w ith bed­ bath and carport $45 month. room S e r D u d le y H a fn e r, student m anager, G R 2 ot26 A T T E N T IO N •— U n iv e rs ity boys or couples New paneled air-conditioned apartm ent*. 1908 S p e e d w a y. Phone G R 8-2314 or G R 2-2674. T H R E E R O O M ap artm en t fo r m ature I students or student and em ployed w ife. C o m m u n ity center. One block bus ; line. G arage No inserts. U tilitie s paid. No d rin k in g , c h i l d r e n or p e t s ! G R 2-7951. F U R N I S H E D a p artm en t suitab le fo r fo u r boys. E x c e lle n t rates. Telephone G R 2-4729 fo r inform ation. R O O M Y , W E L L - F U R N I S H E D for fo ur 1 gentlem en. W a lk-in closets Sh o w er I In bath. See to appreciate. 911 W e s t 22Vj Stree t. G R 2-2297. B L O C K F R O M cam pus apartm ent for two. Study-bedroom . w e ll equipped kitchen. Quiet. U tilitie s . L a r g e south room. hath. 2618 Sp eed w ay. G R 8-5588. U T M E N - to four graduates L a w . See -Modern ap artm en ts for one for under- men. Approved A d jo ln ing En g in e e rin g and M a n a g e r—603 E a st 2 3 G st. B L O C K U N I V E R S I T Y . B o y s b rick apartm ents. S in g le - double. $30 - $75. T ile baths. T w in beds R ills paid. Also garage apartm ent. 1910 S p e e d w a y . G R 6-9444 T H E C A C T U S T E R R A C E Y e a r round air-conditioned rooms fo r men. D a lly m aid service, W all-to-w all carpetin g. A ll linens furnished. 2212 S a n G a b rie l G R 8-0475 T O W N A N D C O U N T R Y A u s tin ’s nicest ap artm en ts for U n i­ ve rsity men. One and tw o bedroom. L a u n d r y facilitie s. G arage, Accom ­ modates 2-3-4 men. T a k in g reserva­ tions I . C a ll M rs. P ic k e tt. G R 8-1181. for F e b ru a ry B L A C K AN! ; f s Rotisserie kin* si/e. Also leather brief case, almost now. Reasonably orb ed. Phone G R 8-5202. F O R SALK Rem ington portable tvpe- If fir r y ing ease. $38' w r ter with Interest* cl t oll < ; r 3-1576 Typing R E P O R T S. T H E S E S , dissertations. Electric typewriter. Reasonable. Two blocks from fountain. G R 8-8113. PYPINjQ >' 1 IB A C H E S " 1 ■ relief Reasonable. G R 2-9465. . - nu tor T H E M E S T H E S E S , Dissertations — Spelling and grammar correction*. G R 2-6569. E X P E R I E N C E D typist. Ph. G L 3-4023. E X P E R I E N C E D T Y P I N G — (E le c t r ic ) Mesdam es H unter. G L 3-3516; B ra d ­ ley, G R 6-1297. T Y P I N G A n y kind reasonable rate*. M a ry V ick. H O 5-4343. T Y P I N G — A n y kind N eat work. Call G R 2-9606 o r G R 2-4353. D I S S E R T A T IO N S , theses. E le c tro mat ie (sym b o ls). M rs Ritch ie. U T N eig h ­ borhood. G R 2-4945. Room and Board V A C A N C IE S F O R hoes' rooms w ith o r w ith o u t meals. M aid service P r iv a te bath. Special rates. 704 W e s t 21st S t. G R 6-4162. R O O M A N D board fo r m en students fo r g block north of sp rin g sem ester cam pus 2612 W ic h ita . G R 2-809 a l s o ; — — j “ T O P B A N A N \ ” M a r / ( r - \ > * * jLmmmmmtmllmmmmmmM sa ssm si ~ mm J I TONIGHTS THE NIGHT I t o H N H ( H O R David M V I S I vim it* DK CA RLO Barr* I I I/.(. I KAI D A L S O ! “ IMH T O K IN T H E H O I S E ” Dirk Bogarde I