(no audio) (murmuring) ♪ (music begins) ♪ ♪ (rhythmic percussion) ♪ (music fades) ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (percussion) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ ♪ (percussion continues) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing intensifies) ♪ (vocalizing stops) (percussion fades) (applause) ♪ (ominous tones) ♪ ♪ (muffled percussion) ♪ ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ (silence) ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music builds) ♪ (singular applause) ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ ♪ (music softens) ♪ ♪ (chimes, vocalizing begins) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing continues) ♪ (music fades) (silence) (applause) (applause fades) ♪ (music begins) ♪ ♪ (music continues) ♪ (music pauses briefly) ♪ (music continues) ♪ (music pauses briefly) ♪ (music continues) ♪ (music pauses briefly) ♪ (music continues) ♪ (music pauses briefly) ♪ (music continues) ♪ I believe that. Now I believe that saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit, right here in this room right now, right now! I believe that. And I believe that saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit, right here in this room, right now, right now! And he wants to meet every need. Now what's wrong with the withered hand? Why would Jesus been drawn to a withered hand healing all that were oppressed of the devil. I believe that! And I believe that saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit. Right here in this room, right now. And he wants to meet every need. Now what's wrong with the withered hand? Why would Jesus been drawn to a withered hand-- I believe that saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit. I believe that! I believe that saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit, right now! Now what's wrong with a withered hand? Why would Jesus been drawn to a withered hand of a man that was in the synagogue. Not what's wrong with a withered hand... Why would Jesus be right here in this room, right now! And he wants to meet every need. Drawn to a withered hand of a man that was in the synagogue. Jesus Christ not only healed this man and the synagogue that had the withered hand, but I leave this very same story as a message for you and me, even down here in this year in which we live. I believe the Jesus Christ not only healed this man and the synagogue that had the withered hand. I believe saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit. Now what's wrong with the withered hand? Why would Jesus been drawn to a withered hand of a man that was in the synagogue. I leave this very same story as a message for you and me, even down here in this year in which we live. >> Jesus was all about that. (inaudible) >> I believe that Jesus Christ not only healed this man and the synagogue that had the withered hand, but I leave this very same story as a message for you and me, even down here in this year in which we live. >> (inaudible) >> I believe in saying Jesus is present through the power of the Holy Spirit, right here in this room, right now! Right now! Right now! He wants to meet every need. Now what's wrong with the withered hand, Why would Jesus been drawn to a withered hand? Why would Jesus been drawn to a withered hand? Drawn to withered hand of a man that was in the synagogue. To a withered hand of a man that was in the synagogue. Well a withered hand can't hold on to anything. Jesus (inaudible) Jesus was here and this place is packed and people standing outside and Jesus walks in. Jesus always knew that the divine appointment, and he had an appointment. >> Someone that had a withered and they could hold. ♪ (music continues) ♪ (music pauses briefly) ♪ (music continues) ♪ (music fades) (applause) (cheering) ♪ (ominous music) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing intensifies) ♪ ♪ (multiple vocalists join) ♪ (rattling sounds) ♪ (vocalizing continues) ♪ ♪ (percussion) ♪ (bell) (rattling sounds) ♪ (vocalizing continues) ♪ (high pitched tone) (rainfall) ♪ (music intensifies) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing continues) ♪ (bell) (rattling sounds) (bell) (bell) 41:25 (music fades) (applause) ♪ (piano) ♪ ♪ (strings join) ♪ I people, I have people touch. I have become people touch and drift. I have become the dream. People touch and drift apart. My mind in their intricate cells has released me, floating from reality, locked in, I am touching, I am wind. Touching becomes, I am wind and fog and touching becomes memory floating. Yearning, floating in the dream, yearning for renewal which people, which I, people touch have become. People touch again in the center, drift apart. The center has shifted, drift apart, abandon to ambitions. Balance, touching and abstraction, touching becomes my mouth. Becomes an unanswered pain, my mouth is open. People touch but offers word upon word but offers no sound flesh. My tears flesh, my tears smell strangely flesh upon flesh. I am drift, I am the star and drift apart. In an absurd drama crying to be rescued. It is comedy as the ceremony, the laughter of touching is tearing of touching and drifting, is tearing and my heart repeats itself as I drift again. As I drift through the dream again which I again have become again. ♪ (music begins) ♪ (percussion sounds) (percussion sounds) (percussion sounds) (percussion sounds) ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ (high pitched tone) ♪ (ominous music continues) ♪ (music fades) ♪ (piano) ♪ ♪ (instruments join in) ♪ ♪ (singing in foreign language) ♪ ♪ (singing continues) ♪ (music fades) (clapping) ♪ (music begins) ♪ (echoing tones) (music builds) (percussion sounds) (muffled percussion) (applause) (cheering) (static)