COACH S T E W A R T C A S T S WA T CHF U L EYE A T R A L L I E S ATTEND RALLY WEDNESDAY No. 53 ATTEND RALLY WEDNESDAY VOL. XXIV. I B h t 1 3 a I h i Fir»l College Daily in the South AUSTIN, TEXAS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1923 REGENTS AUTHORIZE NEW MEDICAL BUILDINGS T Enthusiastic Rooters Anticipate A. &M. Battle In Peppy Rally JO SELECTION OF SPIRIT DF TEXAS FIGHT T B L Texas Supporters Evidence School Spirit at Monday Night Rally [OS CAN'T SIT WITH Gillis Supported by Crowd Excited Rooters Drag Men From Co-ed Section at Gym CO ED TICKET SALE HEAVY Of the th ree hundred and sixty tickets for the reserve co-ed section a t the A&M Thanksgiving game only about tw enty-five remain unsold, ac­ cording to Miss Olga Anderson, who I hese has charge of the ticket sales. were put on sale S atu rday morning at 7:30 and within two hours three h u n ­ dred of them had been sold. Tickets on the special train which is to ca rry the co-eds to College S ta ­ tion are also being sold rapidly. These tickets may be obtained a t the I ni versify Drug Store. Orange Jackets are to sell food on the tra in v.hich will take the girls to the game, in order to make money for startin g a scholarship fund and to finish pay­ ing for their uniforms. VARSITY TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES I F T TO COLLEGE Penick and Bellmont Will Represent Varsity at Conference C A L E N D A R T u e s d a y 5 : 0 0 p. m., C o w b o y * , M. B. 6 : 4 5 p. rn.. T h e t a S i g m a P h i banquet* 7 p. rn., S o p h o m o r e ba » ket ba l l p r a c t i c e , W o m a n ! G y m . 7 p. rn., H o g g L i t e r a r y S o c i e t y , L a w A u d i t o r i u m . 7 p. rn., C h r i s t i a n S c i e n c e S o ­ c i e t y, 5 0 7 W e s t 3 5 t h S tr e e t . 7 : 1 5 p. rn., S p e a k e r * ’, Ed. B. J 2 0 8 . W e d n e s d a y 5 p. rn., R e e d M u s i c S o c i e t y , S. Hal l IO. ML B. 10 4 . 5 p. rn., A s h b e l L i t e r a r y S o c i e t y , DANCE INO BARGE BT To Be Held December 5, W ith Mandolin Club Furnish­ ing Music TG BE HELO NEXT MONTH 5 p. rn., S i d n e y L a n i e r L i t e r a r y S o c i e t y , M. B . 2 0 4 . OTHER JUNIORS INVITED No Changes in Present Rules Are Expected for the Coming Year HEIO OF VARSITY Engineering, Business Adm in­ istration, Education, and Journalists May Go Senior Pictures D ue for Cactus In o r d e r f o r t h e C a c t u * t o k e e p up w i t h it* » c he du l e e n d b e e d i t e d on t i m e , it is n e c e s s a r y t h a t t he t a ki ng o f p i c t u r e r f o r t he S e n i o r F u e i d a y S e c t i o n h e c o m p l e t e d to ar W e d n e s d a y , a c c o r d i n g L e w i s N . W h i t e , e d i t o r . N o p i c t u r e s o f s e n i o r s a nd grad. g r a d u a t e s will b e t a o i ta o t a o a i o uat e s wli l be a c c e p t e d a f t e r W e d ­ n e sd a y . S e n i o r s w h o h a v e n o t ap- prov c d t h e i r p r o o f s at t h e E x ­ t e n s i o n s t u d i o , m u s t d o so b e f o r e T u e s d a y n i g h t f o r t h e s t a f f will be c o m p e l l e d t o d o it f o r t h e m , i t a t e d W h i t e . Monday n igh t’s thirty minute rally proved V a rsity ’s spirit has not n e a r­ ly degenerated, bu t is still resting at a high pitch. F o r the first time this season young men rooters who p er­ sist in siting in he co-ed rooting sec­ tion were denied th a t privilege. The new pep which was instilled into the students last Thursday night, the and which was manifested by the game Texas rooting section a t S atu rd ay is still in the air I his fact was proved by the rally last night which is the first of a series of three coming this week in p reparation for the big game on Thanksgiving The other two will be held Wednesday and Friday night Open House to Be Held Dec. 8, Perkins Will Give Address “ Where is the bunch,” Shorty May­ er said in s ta rtin g the rally, for the attendance was not as good as it could have been as compared with the rallies on last T hursday and Friday night But those there were run ning over with pep, and they proceeded to pour it into the air with everything they had behind it. “ We don’t w ant any of this over- confiednet stuff,” Shorty said, “ for we ju st have a fifty-fifty break with A&M Thanksgiving, and its going to take everything th a t we have, and everything th a t the team has to win th a t game.” “ We cannot stand on the side lines G. D. Minick, chairm an of the pro­ gram committee of the B* Hall Asso­ ciation announced the program Mon­ day which will be presented a t the annual open house social a t the hall on the evening of December 8, be­ ginning a t 8:30 o’clock. The p ro ­ gram consists of selections by the Mandolin Club; address of welcome by C. VV. Perkins, president of the B. Hall Association; selections by B. Hall q u a rte tte , William G. Camp, di­ re cto r; m arch; solo by Miss Kathleen C hrism an; the universal octagon, by m embers of the B, Hall Association, aesthetic dancing by La Ree P fe i f f e r ; selections by the Mandolin Club. wishing to win,” Shorty declared. rooters, who have quite made. The custom of giving open house Before and during the course of!.socials each y e a r was d roped rn few last th e rally' a self-appointed committee ! years ago, and was aided bv the sentiment of the crowd,! year- O th er features wi, an- ™ , l e things interesting by tak ing the n o t i c e d as soon as arran g e m e n ts are gentlemen another name with Coach S tew art and Dean Taylor, from co ed the committee, rooting section. As walked across the floor to the other side of the gym, and returned w , t h | th eir prey, they were loudly applaud-, ed by both the eds and co-eds. resumed »** the DIES IT EL I Dr. D. A . Penick and L. Theo Bell m ont will rep resent the University c f Texas a t the m eeting of the N a­ tional Intercollegiate Athletic Con ference which will be held in A tlanta, Georgia, December 27-28, according to an announcem ent given out by L. Theo Bellmont Monday. The activities of the Association are national in their scope, and in elude the standardization of college athletics throughout the Country. The association has power change rules or to make new ones and uses this power to stimulate the interest in b e tte r sportsmanship in all line of athletics. The organization con­ committees, sists of a nu m b er of in a certain each one specialising aport. to ‘Students* World** Is Subject of Lecture by President of University W om en IO ADDRESS LOCAL C L I Thursday at l l a. rn. in Girls1 Study Hall, Varsity Girls Will Hear Talk While the barge on Lake Austin sails up the river on Devember 5, tile members of the junior academie class dance with will have an inform al music furnished by the Mandolin Club, according to plans made a t a meeting of the juniors Monday. Her ache! Murphy, class president, and William Pierson, chairm an of com­ mittee appointed to decide the date of the barge ride, announced that tickets for the lake a ffa ir would go on sale immediately a f te r Thanks­ giving. to Leaving the dock at the boathouse near the dam, the barge will begin its journey up the lake at 7:30 and will retu rn the dock in time for the dancers to catch the last street car back to the University neighbor­ hood. A rrangem ents m ay be made street cars a t the boat landing and enable the juniors Lo remain on the with the stree t car company to have barge and dance until midnight. of the assigned includes Oklahoma, Dr. Penick is chairm an t e r r i - 1 portunity the public will Dr Aurelia H enry Reinhardt, presi­ the d ent of the National Associat ion of I association, seventh district of lecture on University Women, will I exas, which ‘S tu d e n ts’ W orld” a t the University Arkansas and Louisiana. I he cha ir­ Methodist C hurch Wednesday eve­ man of each district re p o rts on the ning at 8:15. This is the only op- general conditions of athletics in g en­ of eral throughout his tory. Littlefield is a m em ber of the I hearing Doctor R einhardt du ring her committee the , brief stay in Austin. Noted as an track activities throughout .he noun- editor and tran slato r, em inent as a try. The delegates from V arsity do leader ann ng college women, Doctor I not look for any im p o rtan t change* R einhardt is nationally famous as a; in rules of any sport fo r the coming | lecturer. Her visit to Austin is an Vt' j ” d'or, ' ‘1)I the engineering, busi year, and have expressed themselves opportunity for all interested in high-, as not contem plating any move receive news of much value, according to the th a t respect. I president of the local organization. Junior , A committee in charge cf William to complete Pierson was appointed plans for the junior ride and will make a re p o rt of the details at the „ f thc t , class sche.duled for Tuesday> No d(.,m rt,m,„ts> and also the ■ p artie d * i„ lhe Kirls. study; pate in the barge ride u h u h in j cr edu cato r fo r women t h a t has charge of ------ --------------- Thursday llt J , adm inistration have to ” . , f" ' I U S k i r l * Co-ed Council H olds a C r . F i r s t M e e t i n g o f Y e a r T h „ t Y * » « r * Auitin hranch mm .♦ hall F o e to r Reinhardt will meet the a f la ,r I Austin branch of the ,if association I the th ird yea r class of the academie department but includes the juniors that 111 c h a p t e r o f th. a s o c a t m n ‘ ' “ S t i l t s ............ .. . r ht.r e r e c e n t l y . A lu n c h e o n in h o n o r o f t h e n a t i o n 7 7 7 7 C o-ed c o u n c il h eld its f irs t m e e t i n g o f t h e y e a r M o n d a y n i g h t. Miss Lucy Newton addressed t&e girls on ai p r u d e n t will be given by the local j the subject o f developing their out- brancb at I o’clock. All women! look, especially urging them to see who have beer, affiliated with a uni- \ V A A t o G i v e P a r t y that the girls whom they represented v e r g ^ y are invited to the attend the talks to be made Tuesday iuncbeon> Reservations may be made and W ednesday ngiht by Mrs. Carrie with Mis* Lucy J. Newton or Mias Chapman C at and Mrs. Orelia H enry Go)die p Horton. Reinhardt. _________Q______ - ^ I A. - .1 4 L 4» I I/- t i 4' /I Va m atin T u e s d a y . . The Faculty Women’s Club will Several talks were made by pres-! e n tertain with a tea in honor of Doc- attend j u n i o r s “ _ “ » I “ j in H onor of P ledges Plans have been made by the WA A Council to en te rta in all m em ­ bers of WA A and all pledges who aftern oon are to get their membership points the d uring November, in the c< uncil room in the W oman’* Gym Thursday from 3 to 5. W " m c n W* S ° rK* m " ' - a c c o r d i n g t o t h . p r e s i d e n t o f t h e . c a - S t e e r s o n T h a n k , g i v i n g Way. C o a c h ; p a r t m e n t . - junior The Steers will be put through a , Acting President Dr. WU S. S u t­ ton read his first report to the Uni­ versity Board of Regents, meeting for Stiff daily practice f e m now u n til! ‘he first time this fall, a t IO o clock the dav before the Thanksgiving Monday m rn the o , of the game unless present p lan , of Coach president. Routine m a tte r o c c u p ie d Stew art go awry. Thc T exas m e n -, th'- g re a te r p a r t of the mormng, and. journalism , a n d ! to r realize, that the Long horn, must th keeping with their form er resolu- he a t th eir hest to trim the A g g i e ,'l i o n to investigate some d epartm ent on Kyle Field despite the laten t F a r - 1 of the University at every meeting, mer low to Rice, l f S a tu rd a y ', loss the board went through the photo­ e d , a trick, th e wily Aggie coach graphic laboratory of the University a fte r ad journm ent at 12 o’clock. A gained nothing for all Texas knows committee was appointed to consider it will be a different Farmer future plans for the photography de­ ’ ....... t h a t w ill g iv e battle t o the ........... is an ’ ! I , " # . . P r e s i d e n t H. J . L u t c h e r S t e w a r t w ill b e s a t i s f i e d w ith a n y S t a r k o f O r a n g e p r e s id e d a t t h e m o r n ­ members all m e m b e r s < f v i c t o ,.y t h o u g h r be b y t h e b ig se ssio n , a t w h ic h ‘ were present. in N o D e c i t i o n o n President hlightset of margins. I Captain Tynes was out grid I togs yesterday, b u t Bobby Robertson As yet no notice has been given who was h u r t in S a t u r d a y s c o n n s , action has been taken on the se- ^ & permanent president of was not in uniform . Texas co a c h e s^ are beginning to fear that the star ^ University, however, it is possible q u a rte r will not be able to e n ter the ^ ^ decision wiU be reached before Thanksgiving melee. loi ns Robertson the Lo from the Sooner com bat The fact that Tucker Royal!, newly member of the b oara to fill Outside ™ : adjournm ent 0f the meeting. em eiged gooi , rn shape. Another heavy th* freshmen or the - horftorn^. w i ll probably be on program for today a , ^ ^ atone unturned Varsity e)evl.n jn the pink thc rem. l Bing ten ^ djUon in ' - h Ki(d Couk of San Antonio. t he vacancy caused by the death of I, not situation „ the pr„ ide„r , f ^ c>ndidatea ^ q r w o O L SECTION Tuesday evening. l.s< Kd: the Hei,he>, acting heaa ■ R utrition and health education the ^ ^ ^ may cause the regents to postpone action on this m atter. The meeting adjourned a t 6 o’clock I Monday evening to m eet again a t 9 o’clock Tuesday morning, and again _____ It was decided by the board t h a t the affairs of the Urn- ^ 1 board veraity dem anded th at moot every third Tuesday each month instead of q uarterly as has been the custom. the in ^ * , THETA SIGMA PHI The membership drive* which be­ f i s t of October is nearing a gan the first of October is nearing a j clo?.-, ami this tea is principally hon* ming the prospective member, who are now working for points. For tho; benefit, of pledges there will be al ays* fureau cf information in the council! room where any girl may obtain “ Hi u i t # u 4 | | , inform ation regardin g the point 8ys CHAIRM ____ ^ pointsi allow ed tem. points ai towed lion in the various , p o r t , and how, o M many points may he counted rn each divu*. ^ for participa- lur n ^ n . ' spo!? 0_________ of Mothers Association in Tyler, November 21. and P aront-T eacher’s J have I elude problem , in photography parties! Assignments given to the class in- rn- volving lighting, time and the vari- the L u . other c e n , 'ai, o f picture mak- S tudents do th e ir own devel- . nH ih»v a h o do The morning madres will be held^w iU be a feature of the education held » e . « , ^ at 6 and 8 o’clock at which H i e aud 8 e'clock at which chort m oral in stru c tio n w.l b* g i v e n ., TIbu,i * » ^ Evening will be held at n .tO .jl n h v r s .ty La, Hi* s u h ie e t f o r th e e v e n in g mission cal n u m b e r will also be times week program which will rime, week program w»,r« w m ^ h l r c h r e n u e r e o . . , t e h u r a m e r i c a n e d u c a t i o n w e e k in American Education Week, chosen by initiated the Women’s be ,.e ‘ ^ V . t i o n . 1 o b « 'r v .» c e o f ; K a r i a * Club. A b . u , u e t wit! be A m ^ i - i th e week dedioarid to a renewal o f ‘ held later at the U n iv e r r i.y Com- ‘ i n te r e s t in our educational life, h a s’ m o n ,. A newspaper motif and fr«- I which the people of Texas are urged j Tuesday a t 5 : 3 0 at T h eta Sigma Phi will ba , ____ a __ anfi Neophytes recently „ . , U ^ d eternal ^ ^ BATTS TO SPEAK Judge R. L. B a tt’* speech, “ The University Makes for Democracy, m o m to start DUTIES HEDE SOON Instructor Attains Prominence for Literary Work in Magazines William B. Mowery, who was an instructor in English at t h . L m v er. ^ fity tart year an w ' Philadelphia and other e r ic a durn* d j literary work for turned to Austin and duties as an Christmas. in structo r here News of the Death of Byron J. Snyder Received Here aw t h e News has j u s t been received at the idents of various organizations on the U niversity of the death of Byron J- campus, and it was decided to meet Snyder, recently appointed professor two weeks from Monday for the put of 'm etallurgy in the School of Mines pose 0f organization and election of and M etallurgy in El Paso, succeed- officers. Jmg S. H. Worrell, resigned. Snyder j . took his degree from the University 0f Missouri School of Mines and Mot p k 0 , 0 j j r a D h v W o r k f<_w ^ . T n o i O g r a p i i y y r u . n . _Q______ __ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Professor Mowery has a r ra g have two of h i, r e te n t s t o n e , p u d - ■ Ii.heil in Youth's Companion and h a , j h a , no t yet. nee had a number of article, publi»hed in adventure stan ar pu several y e a r . in the F a r N w rit*, mostly of th a t p art H e a v e d f<* ---------- D o n e b y S t u d e n t s h'is has been giving courses in similar in-1 ; , M u tto n s over the country. He came fail and had (to Texas early in the fall and had t e r m s j a to not completed his first ____ ______ i.» Practical photography is one of tho course* offered by Dr. J. M. Kuehm*, t — in- v ; ^ r u c tio n in El Paso. The vacancy 0f the d ep a rtm en t of physics a n n..,u . W i n n i e * and p r in t in g arc printing Both developing and taught. The prerequisites for this course are two courses in chemistry. Two lectures are given each week, and individual lab ora to ry work is done. Every student has his own dark room, fully equipped, and his own camera. GOV ERN M ENT SEMINAR North and! Government student! attending the sem,nar last night heard ^ „ Th(, Karn,er o------ P u u , C° Another form er p r o f e s s in the in T e a s , Polities Since I87S.” Mar- with the , University who h a , received reeog- >» d^*H with t h . nition for his literary work is Dr. th at nave come in . various g p „ . . y H. Ha m - h o h a , - C; na' ^ ^ X artE in su 'u U r ' W right, subject which Marlin ifniversity Press. Dr. Johnson was (subject which Martin ing is one th a t has been little touched joptng and printing, and th y and the promise for productive w ork ,w ork in enlarging, re . is very good. with the University for a num ber of years and the University of California. im i»*»* la i n v e s t i g a t i n g . Itensifym g. teaching is now in . . . . Members Thursday . to r Reinhardt from 4 to 6. Georgetown branch of the National Association of University Women will be the guests of the Austin chapter during the visit of the national lead- of e r - ______ CATHOLICS HOLD WEEK’S MISSION Rev. Richard S. C artw right, Paul- ist will conduct a mission a t St. A us- j tin ’s chapel during the week of Nov- j em ber 18 to 25. Both Catholic and non-Catholic students of the Univer- j L i l y are invited to attend the sermons; by fa th e r C artw right, who is a mis- sionary of wide experience, according to F ath er Latchford. Election to Fill Vacancy Per­ manently May Be Post­ poned Indefinitely Board Decides That Affairs Require More Frequent Sessions STEERS PRAGT1GE T U R K E Y Final appropriations were author- ' ‘.zed at the afternoon session of the meeting of the University Board of Regents, for the construction of an adm inistration and museum building costing more than $300,000, and a heating plant in connection, estim ated at $8,000, at the Medical Branch of the University, located a t Galveston, according to a member of the board. Plans have been given to H erb ert the University, * ' ---- — Classic Only Ten Days A w ay; I With the statem ent th at the building vvKi/-n committee is open for bids, which should be turn ed in before J a n u a ry 14. Stewart Realizes Bat­ tle Ahead Green, architect of VJI VV II J Mi Villi', wv w* - _111. .. I- Inn kisla J _ M a- Authorize Re*erxe* Authorization was also granted the game, fUh, and oyster committee to have pl i s approved by the attorney- ting aside a large trac t of general S' land local . in the Breckenridge ad­ dition for the purpose of establishing a fish and game preserve. This land will be for the express purpose of fu rtherin g the interests of the zoo­ logical d epartm ent of the University. More than $100,000 were approp ri­ ated im this use, according to the chairman. i S u t t o n Gi v e * R e p o r t Longhorns Go Through Hard Scrimmage W ith Little­ field’s Frosh Practice behind barred gates will be the schedule for the Longhorn ^ridders fo r the rest of the year, a n ­ nounced Coach “ Doc” S tew art yes­ terday. Varsity was pu t through a strenuous practice consisting of a heavy scrimmage with the freshmen to iron out the kinks resulting from the Oklahoma game. fiailu (Texan . I* * t h e y h a v e n e v e r w o r k e d b e ­ f o r e daring t h e c o m i n g w e e k . T h e L o n g h o r n s will a l s o f i g h t w i t h a Tho p e r c e n t f i g h t on I t is up to V a r - T h a n k s g i v fug. gity students to g o out and h e l p I ho p e r cent, t h e m fight not b u t 2 0 0 p e r cent, th** 2 0 0 p e r c e n t f i g h t t h a t will h e neces­ sary if the Longhorns boat t h e A g g i e s on K y l e f i e l d . ion* of Other* SCHOOL S P IR IT H E N R Y C. f i j i ,c h m Hilw-iti'CfctK F rattft**4 E- W ip ff Mioriu* C*rp*«t*r John M. I >ttl B*9»y (im,til* I . M ir k * '* .. .. It Kl I * Dr! ' I? hi ne* E v e re tt th)t>uy john Durham I* .ro th r r«>u*na Mast*<« M s ' Karl Fam H Mary KdUh liven* I •- rn M R s h ) f t Chart*# Banni MHF K o ** H arow tt* Alton t u r k r t t rnw ik . _____ Assistant A•««(>'» a n t WHIT s porta Editor Not.In ‘ 7.7«. - - R T K R S KH** beth P**k Mar*ha Pnrtrr frothy W h iteh u rst Tho wan Hon*-* T h o r n * ! Y a r r H l Hiam-h-' I lo rn (•brl'* (it via Un* l*?t* nod Monroe M r C o n n n ll Jakr M«i.*x V i t t o t U m a r sc! EDITORIALS T H E D A I L Y T E X A N _ _ BILLY TAKES HEAVY STEPS TO MAKE LOVE By Osborne Alexander BILLY STIFF Yt*fCE VERY LONEIY, BETTY URHAVR t6 UKE THE SHK eft N TREBES CT A GODDESS ~ V O iR E V E S -U K E TWINKLING 5A ?PH sPE5 o r v e l v e t j e t * / IN A c a s e / 5^ YOU KNOW S I LOVE y o u .b e t t y P R E S ID E N T LM PU E T A NT M E E TIN G of W om­ en’s Representative Board Tuesday November 2 0 , at 7 :1 5 p. rn. in the G irls’ Study Hall. E ach house be sure and nave a representative pres- en t. BUCHANAN, President. Present Day Club will hold the regular luncheon a t the C a feteria | B anquet Room Tuesday, Nov. 20, a tj I President. I r.’clock. ••TtimuimimrmmtmHwmMuirmr'mimnmiifumtuntnfHMi'i.iii-!.*"! EDISON MAZDA LAMPS Study Portables, Shades, Extension Cords and Electrical Supplies Radio Sets and Parts Plum bing and E le ctric W ork E. HANCOCK COMPANY 9 0 8 Congress Ave Phone 6 1 9 3 HMMMNNNNMMMMM BON TON CAFE 609 Congress Fine Stationery Crane’s, Whiting & Cook, Montag Writing Paper Co. and Elliott Papetries. S E E OUR DISPLAY B E A T A. & M LET’S GO CAR WASHING STORAGE TEXA S GARAGE I 11O E . 8th St., C a l l 3005 | iiitnm: .ii;; wnitiBM’nuBiiitatiiHiiwtiiBHHniiHimimtSHBiwaauwiiHHi I rENUS PENCILS 3# Utfat ../Cay Qf^Hhf ftvt/mu* ■ /kl F M R the student or prof., tho * »uj*crb V EIS US out-rivala all for perfc< I pencil work. *3 * pyiug. 17 black d gn A m erica n i ul Pencil Co. Filth l*e, * * * 0 .IHT _ r Sew York / Write for booklet em Vt*:rs PeiKitst nn.\ V CM IHI tSvsnroiwrrD U,->ehank*iil iVaeitu a good thing to remember Sealed in its Purity Package s ff f u g w \ FLAVOR LASTS A n d e r a e n At GAM M ELL BOOK STORE Does Expert Fountain Fen Repairing Radio Supplies A universal custom that benefits every-1 body. A i d s d i g e s t i o n , ! cleanses the teeth, soothes the throat. back home CITY TICKET O FFIC E 107 East Sixth L . E . N itsch k e , C P & T A P h o n e 7 1 0 6 W . K . S m ith , D F & P A It T ake* the Place of a Letter Send The Daily Texan Home SCARBROUGH’S MAN’S SHOR LITERARY A THENAEUM clothes closet. No dinner suit. Movie of a Man Lookiny Forward to Thanksgiving Ah-h-h. T hanksgiving! Registering extrem e bliss. Vision of turkey din­ ners, pretty girls an d peppy dances. Fadeout. Stern Reality enters Points to Third reel. Real thrilling looking I uxedo Suit at the M an s Shop. Insert price tag. thriller. Discovers $40.00. k Registering extrem e bliss. V HOGG Vests $7.50 to $15.00 Shirts $3.00 and $3.30 Ie Ties Collars A LADY OF QUALITY A U n i v e r s a l S u p e r - J e w e l p r o ­ d u c t i o n o f th e * to ry by F r a n c e * H o d g s o n B u r n e t t f e a t u r i n g V ir g in ia V a lii a n d M ilto n Sills C o m in g G lo r ia S w a n s o n in h e r s c r e e n t r i u m p h A P a r a m o u n t P i c t u r e THE MODERN LIBRARY 95c Each A M o d e r n B o o k o f C ritic ism * . A n d e r s o n ' s W i n e s b u r g , O h io . A n d r e y e v , S e v e n T h a t W e r e H a n g e d a n d th e R ed L a u g h . A t h e r t o n , R e z a n o v . B a lz a c , S h o r t S t o r i e s . B a u d e l a i r e , P r o s e an d P o e t r y . B e a r d s l e y , 6 4 » 0 1 a c k a n d W h it e . R e p r o d u c t i o n s B e s t G h o s t S t o r i e s . B e s t A m e r i c a n H u m o r o u s S h o r t S t o r i e s . B e s t R u s s ia n S h o r t S t o r i e s . B l a k e ’s P o e m s . B u t l e r ’s W a y o f AH F l e s h . GAMMEL’S BOOK STORE OU Congress H A N C O C K n Opera House I V T o m o r r o w T hrough T h u r sd a y “The Dancer of the Nile” S p e c a i l A t t r a c t i o n M r. S o u t h a l l W ill P l a y F e a t u r i n g “ M y H eart at T hy S w eet V o ic e ” and “ T w e lfth S treet R a g .” N o v . 2 3 r d a n d 2 4 t h B ig T im e V a u d e v ille F eatu rin g B lossom S eely S ea ts N ow on S a le GOOD WORK OUR HOBBY Call 3702 HOME STEAM LAUNDRY 211 East 5th Street f J h i t l i n e n y * 1-3 OFF H AT SALE ALWAYS I^^BETTER r p r c u CADDIES FRESH MATTHEWS DRUG STORE I Dial 6645 a t t e n t io n s t u d e n t s DRISKILL LAUNDRY STH AND CONGRESS Send The Sunday Texan Home Chi O m ega Sorority Pledges G ive l ea Friday afternoon from four to six, sorority the pledges of Chi Omega entertained the pledges of all tho other sororities with a tea. B arbara Mounts, Jewell Terrell and Miss Ger­ trude Wroe stood in receiving line. Helen H arris and Martha Price poured tea and coffee. The house was charmingly decorated with yel­ low chrysanthemums. tho Methodist Stewards Enjoy Sunrise Breakfast Thirty-four members of the stu ­ dent board of stewards of the Uni­ versity Methodist church enjoyed a sunrise breakfast and prayer m eet­ ing a t East Woods Sunday morning. Accompanying the young people on the outing was Rev. Burear, the new pastor of the church. Dr. “ Sky” Pascal, a form er stu ­ dent of the University and a mem­ ber of Kappa Alpha fra tern ity , was a visitor on the campus over the week-end. He was accompanied by form erly Mary his wife, who was Louise Steele of San Antonio. AMUSEMENT CALENDAR H a n c o c k : “The D ancer of the N ile /' M ajestic; Virginia Val Ii in “ A Lady of Q uality.'’ Q ueen: “ Mothers-in-law,” with all-star cast. T e x as: M ary Miles Minter in “ Drums of F a te .” MAJESTIC radio Very modern apparatus j mingled with very ancient costumes, during the filming of “ A Lady of Q uality,'' H obart Henley’a Universal super Jewel feature starrin g Virginia Valli, at the Majestic Theatre. The massive interior scenes, such as the home of the Countess of Dustonwolde T H U R L O W B. W E E D AMBULANCE SERVICE Funeral Home Phones 6080 and 6317 M A R IN ELLO B E A U T Y SH O P Driskill Hotel Building H air Bobbed, All Marinello Treatm ents Artesian W ater Phone 4014 F L O R S H E I M O X F O R D S T H E D A I L Y T E X A N Three Elevens Tied For Conference Leadership SMU ll N 0 STEERS SHORTHORNS WILL INVADERS BUTTLE FRESHMEN REPEL ^ H FROM I Engineers and Laws Clash for Intram ural Championship Friday H I Rice Upset* Dope Dish W ith Sensational Victory O ver Texa* Aggies ut Cham pionship for Southwest C onference May Re De­ cided Thanksgiving ........ 5. ML U .................. T e x a s ........ .......... . Baylor T. C. U ................. Arkansas Okla. A g g ie s Rice Texas A g g ie s W. L. 4 ... I ....... I ....... I ....... I ___ I I ..... 0 0 0 0 I 2 2 3 2 P ct. I OOO 1.000 I OOO .500 .333 .333 .250 .OOO t Saturday's results leave the con­ ference title more clouded than ever. Three teams are still tied for first place and unless all signs fail two will be undefeated after Thanksgiv­ leaders, S. M. U. ing Two o f the and Texas l l . repelled invaders from the Sooner State while Baylor was idle. Although the longhorns are idle this week awaiting the Turkey-day clash with fKe Farmers at College Station, Varsity fans will not be football. without choice morsels of Two clashes of be staged, the freshmen tangling with the Shorthorns Wednesday in their annual combat; engineers and laws battle Friday intramural for championship. Both games will be interest will the played on Clark Field. As matter'' now stand the year­ lings stack up favorites to trim the shorthorns by a margin of two touch­ downs. Coach Moore’s men made a poor showing against the Dummies last week, while the frosh are show­ ing improvement under the tutelage of Littlefield in every test. Several of the Shorthorns, including Captain Mickey Hart, are on the injured roll. Last year the Shorthorns emerged from the rear and nosed out the men of ’26. This season many o f the same men, now on the Shorthorn .quad will fight as never before to make ’2? bite the dust. Coach S te­ wart will watch the game with in­ terest as it will be from these squads that many of the 1924 Longhorns must come. Girl Reserve* Is V esper T opic “ Girl re se rv e work is the n a tio n . al and in te r n a tio n a l m ov em en t for the t e e n - a g e girls which is part of the Y o u n g W o m e n ’s Christian M o v e m e n t,” said Miss Esther D ay- mon, n a tio n a l s e c r e ta r y of the YW CA girl r e se rv e work, who spoke at V esp er s M onday on “ T rain ing of the L e a d e r .” through f o llo w in g M ist D a y m o n told that the girl l e s e r v e work was part o f the YW CA with a lead er an ideal. S he said that a leader was fo llo w in g , can o n e who, lead the w ay. It is the leadersh ip o f the h eart and head o f train in g and u n d er sta n d in g and directing of e n e r g y . R e fe r r in g to leaders who f o llo w e d an ideal, she told of the sp eak er w ho is to here W e d n e s d a y , Dr. A urelia H en ry R ein h ard t, p resid en t of the N a ­ tional A sso c ia tio n o f U n iv ersity W om en . be Miss D a y m o n is a gra d u a te of Dr. Mills C o lle g e , C a liforn ia . R ein h ard t w as p resident of Mills C olle ge w hen Miss D a y m o n w as in school. Rachel S u m n e rs led the d e v o ­ t i o n a l and Inez Mills p la yed a violin solo, “ R o m a n ce in A , ’’ (an Indian L ove S o n g ) . “ L e r o y ” and “ S tu b b y ,” the L o n g ­ horn A ll-S o u th w e ste r n m ascots, in T e z a s w er e the happiest kids they said S a tu r d a y night. T h ey had an off-day up at W aco, but th e y w ere “ righ t” S atu rd ay. “ If Captain Tyne*, Sprague, and Newell are able to play against A&M Thanksgiving, the longhorns will have a 50-50 chance of winning,” stated Coach Stewart Monday. D ick B u rn s, playing on the end p o sitio n S a tu rd ay, made th in g s hot H e for the O klahom a p layed a star gam e t h r o u g h o u t the c o n t e st . Indians, said Before Someone has that “ music soothe* the savage breast.’’ The Ok­ lahoma team Saturday &as composed Indians are sav­ largely of Indian-. the game, Dorothy ager. Fisher’s Orange J ac huts sang oae of their favorite songs. The music was too much for the Oklahomans. It took some of the fight out of them, and the Longhorns trampled over the Sooners at will. Therefore the girls deserve much of the credit for the victory. Library Inspected by O klahom a Professor Oscar Eckhardt played the game of his career Saturday. best The Indian* threw their tommyhawks and arrow* at him but to no avail. Saturday was the first time the! Orange Jackets and the Greenhorns: have appeared at a game this year. |j They made a m od favorable imprts-j sion. J u d g in g from the sp lendid w s y Oscar sig n a ls S a tu r d a y , w e b elie v e th a t h e has b een tak in g P ublic S p e a k in g 105. Eckhardt called There will be a special section at the A&M game of 360 girls, led by Miss Anna Hiss. Her section prac­ ticed on the Indians Saturday. What they will do to the Farmers will be a plenty. The result o f the Owl-Aggie game does not fool the Longhorns. As Coach Stewart said, the one ambition in life of the Farmers is to beat Tex­ as. The Aggies will be harder than ever to win from. Bully Gilstrap played a good game is in the backfield Saturday. He strong on both the offense and de­ fense. A m o n g the visitors at the gam e S a tu r d a y w a s Jin x T u ck er of W aco, star sports w rite r for the W aco N e w s-T r ib u n e . Jin x sa y s that the F a rm er s h a v e the b e tte r team and will w in the L o n ghorns Th an ksg faring. from MttiiiwfHinfmitiiwifliiniiiiHWHiituiiitmuMHtiiHtwwtiHHmittiMittWfitiWRHidwwHhiWBHiHBiinuiiwmitRaaimmittiunHiitHBtii RENFRO DRUG CO. “T H E R E X A L L S T O R E ” Blending refined style with com fort is an art in which Florsheim excels— Shoes of such attrac­ tive appearance are a pleasure to wear, a satis­ faction to own. Dillingham is showing all the new Florsheim W inter O xfords in Black and I a n leathers, priced a t— $10 and $11 W e invite you to visit our Shoe Fitting Lobby C. LE G A R E A T M A R , in charge DILLINGHAM’S O u r H o t L u n c h e o n e tte a n d H o t D rin k s go in T he C am pus Shop w ell w ith th e cool w e a th e r. W h itm a n s a n d L ig g e tt’s C andies. K o d a k s a n d K o d a k Furnishing. 6 0 0 C o ngress P h o n e 5345 illllllllMliniH]llJlHllltlRltttt!UHll!llttni«tWWJhHUIHHitt*lliHMlM!U«HUlHHllltUI!U»H»HttlHllttlllHHHlllUUIUillttlHlilHttlHIHUHMlitlllt!4UlHIMHIUU»MUll Miss Margaret J. Mitchell, asso­ ciate professor of History in the Ok­ lahoma University, who was down with the Sooner team, visited the archives and investigated the Garcia colection. She believes the opportu­ nity offered by this collection for re­ search work so valuable that she ad­ vocates Oklahoma graduates attend­ ing Texas University advance work" rather than some eastern cul- It is her desire that the south­ letge. in greater western universities work for the schedule co-ordination. A grudge battle between two an­ cient rivals is Friday’s program. The intramural championship is at stake and Perigrinus so that both Alec have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Both squads are known to be hard, clean fighters and a real battle is a certainty. The engineers isjhave defeated the Pre-Meds and the jaWH havt, bin one earned victory to their credit, their win in the sem i-finals coming through a for­ feit by the Journalists. From a conference viewpoint the Texas season may end in a tragedy. Faring the hardest ever tackled by a conference team, they have so far, except the tie with Bay­ lor, come o ff unscarred. However, any way in which the Ixmghorns can establish an unchallenged claim to the conference title is inconceivable. Should the Steers bowl over their traditional Farmer rivals, which more or less an uncertainty, would be1 forced to divide the South­ western honors with the winner of the the tilt at Dalian. Admittedly greatest eleven in Southwest, Texas, by a cruel trick of fate can­ not win the undisputed honor in its own state. b*M U b f in * decided ^ “\Uhoma haB playe(, tW „ J ea r L ° n , h . , n . O v .r c o m , S o o n . , A .U c k ■ The Longhorn* once more demons- j p0jnt margin. Breaks may d ecid e!___________________________ traded their greatness Saturday by I the game but handing the Oklahoma Sooners th ejjeag^ small end of a 26-14 score. Not u n til. breaks. substitute* entered the fray did th©! toters score. Tb s result is another D tribute to “ Doc” Stewart’s coachin g;D a n d £ the Longhorns; ability for most of who started the game were in poor; condition and Captain Tjnwi re­ mained on the sidelines. The offen ­ sive play of Eckhardt and Marley was chiefly responsible for the vic­ tory. There will be no favorite in F ri­ day's game as there to choose. The last games won by the law- , finalists were close ones; the - for Turkey D ay Clash Member* of the Longhorn Band are working hard preparing for the to manager A&M game, according Erwin F. Smith. The band will ap­ pear at all the rallies, sixty strong, and assist the yell leader in instilling proper spirit into the Texas root in most poor playing makes J p r a r Hr*» J D a ilv instances at bad .......... .—.p , little imKm. f is - CAMPUS SHOP Expert Cleaning and Presaing for Men and Women Phone 4998 ifintiHiHirniiii!ii(nHi!WHiiiiuuiifUiiHiiiiii!iii!tuiiiuiuiHiuaitiiii!iiiiiiiiHiu D O N N E L L Y & W H IT E Miss Mitchell is a football enthu­ siast and has kept up with all south­ western football. She praised Eck- jardt as the best punter in the South­ west and declared the Longhorns a hard-fighting team, the hardest Ok- Phone 6131 Plumbing and H eating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Morrison** Mustangs playing foot- ball a la Bible were held to n in ej points chiefly because they did not particularly desire more. After scoring a touchdown they were sat-j i>fi*-d to play defensive whi«h they did to perfection, the Oklahoma Ag­ gies failing to register a first down. Rice Springs Big Surprise! All the fireworks o f the day ex plod cd at Houston when Rice aecom pUshed the impossible by winning their biggest game, that with the Farmers. Breaks were responsible for the victory but Rice exhibited and its best work of the showed in Hale, a star wing man. season As a result Rice's -eason ie a suc­ cess and Arbuckle** job is 1000 per cent safer than IT wan on the night o f October 27 when the San Marcos Norm alites outscored the feathered bird*. On the other hand, Bible has a herculean tasE in preparing the Aggies for the Thanksgiving game. The Farmer line seems satisfactory, but in Knickerbocker the Aggie men­ tor has the worst quarter In the con­ ference. His other backs are not ex­ ceptional but will do considering the greatness of his line. Baylor and Arkansas were idle Saturday. The Bears’ game with School o f Mines was cancelled by the latter and Bridges was unable to fill in a TJ A A. team. Arkan­ sas is preparing for their annual bat­ tle with Phillips which takes place Friday at Muskogee. T. C. U. suc­ cumbed to Howard Payne, a T I A.A. cloven. It .eem s that a non-confeicnee team will also have a claim to the all Southwest laurels. Centenary Collage has piled up 342 points to their opponents’ 36, and has only been defeated by Boston College in rn gam e where the Gentlemen regis­ tered more first downs. Saturday, B o’* team scored an imprest i t* 34-0 victory over Southwestern University Two ga rn ce remain on their program, O glethorpe and Louisiana Poly and if com parative scores mean anything the Gentlem en Should register com­ fortable victories in both clashes. e r 4 “very man who expects to make the A&M trip and march across Kyle Field with the Longhorn Band must attend these rallies,” said Smith, “ in order for the band to appear and play its best before the many thou- ~I sands of spectators w*ho will view the Thanksgiving gam e.” innitMHnamtmwwwnwHmiHMtnwntHHMtminnMHMmmniirwtwMntmiMH | PALACE BARBER SHOP “The Old Reliable** “ Hall of Fame” BILLY WOLF, Prop. Ladies Haircutting a S p ecials “ Next Door to Kress" ■miwnMiwmwnmniiwiimiMMiwMMWMwiwwwMWMMtwwHwnwmtMiiwMmwi CLASSIFIEDS LOST AND FOUND LOFT— Diamond and platinum bar pin, probably at Nono’s or on Arch­ evening. Reward. way Thursday L. A. Hillie, City National Bank, -—21 San Antonio, Texas. THE MEN who got the key* from the Woman’s Gym Saturday night aer known, and unless they are re­ turned to Miss Hiss at the Gym im­ mediately, proper action will be — 20 taken. WILL the gentleman who took dark gray Michael-Stern overcoat from the Pre-Med dance Friday night kind­ ly return same to Marion Fowler at YMCA. _____________ — 20 FOUND— Silver fountain pen with initials M. C» G. L. Loser call at tf Texan office and pay for this ad. FOUND— One Conklin fountain pen. Loser call at Texan o f f i c e and pay lf for this ad. M ISC EL LA N EO U S OLD FASHION BARBECUE at 104 E. Fifth. Phone 5676, Free De­ —-tf livery. DANCING— Private S t u d i o , 500 W . 31 st. Phone 7812. DES. BRAY and DAVISS— Use Ab­ ram’* Electronic treatment. Pyo­ rrhea, Cancer, Bright’s Disease, Tu­ berculosis and Scorfuia. 229 Little- — ti fiel Building, Austin. Novelty Jewelry For Gifts Never has jewelry pre­ sented such variety in de­ sign and color effects as this Holiday season s stocks display. Fascinat­ ing hardly tells the story, the Earrings, Bracelets, Bar Pins, Rings, and so on are so alluring. Come see these w onder­ ful displays. Reserve your Christmas gifts now by m aking a deposit. Pay the balance as conve­ nient. T hat is the easy w ay to get your presents. It makes your allowance do. Stone Bracelets, all col­ ors— $ 3 . 0 0 »o $ 1 5 . 0 0 —— JfiEU Diam ond Merchants T h e Hallm ark Store 618 Congress Ave. And Now Comes Christmas W ith th e fellow ship, good feeling a n d u n selfish n ess c h a r­ acteristic of th a t seaso n of th e y ear. It is a cu sto m d e m a n d e d b y th e sp irit of C h ristm a s, th a t It is a gifts shall b e e x c h a n g e d on th is occasion. b e a u tifu l cu sto m a n d a g ro w in g one. M uch of th e satisfac tio n of giving is lost w h e n on e m u st jo in th e m a d th ro n g of L a te -B u y e rs d u rin g th e few w e e k s b e fo re D e c e m b e r 25th. M uch of th e satisfac tio n of giving is g ain ed w h e n one p u r ­ chases gifts e a rly — even now . T h e m e rc h a n ts of A u s tin h a v e m u ch of th e ir C h ris tm a s goo ds in sto ck now . T h e y invite y o u to co m e a n d , insp ect th e ir offerings. v The Daily Texan T he P aper W hich 1 2 ,0 0 0 P eop le R ead Each M orning