.. DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF LANGUAGE SERVICES {TAUSLATIOll) LS •O. 45290 T-97/R-XXXII to Spanish J Washington, D.C. June 27, 1966 Excellency: His Excellency Dr. Joaqu!n Balaguer, President-elect of the Dominican Republic, has requested that I transmit the following message in his name: "I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's courteous message sent to me on the occasion of my election as President of the DJminican Republic. "I thank you personally and in behalf of the Dominican people for your assurance that the GJvernment of the United States is prepared to cooperate with the government freely elected by the Dominican people in our m~tual efforts to achieve economic and social well-being within the spirit of the Alliance for Progress as well as for your interest in our country, dem~nstrated by the appointment of Vice President Hum?hrey as Representative of the United States at the ceremJnies during which I will be inaugurated as Constitutional President of the Dominican Republic. "I avail myself of this opportunity to transmit to Your Excellency the assurances of friendship of the government that I am to head, as well as those of the Dominican people, for the people and Government His Excellency Lyndon B. Johnson, President of the United States, Washington, D.C. -2­ of the United States, which so nobly demonstrated an interest in the resurgence of the dem~cratic institutions in our country and in the prosperity and welfare of the D~minican Republic." Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest and most distinguished consideration. [signature] Marco Ao de Pena Charg~ d'Affaires ad interim Washington, D.Co, June 27, 1966 MAdeP/nort.