(the ©atta First College D aily in t h e South VOLUME XXI. AUSTIN, TEXAS. FRID A Y M ORNING, OCTOBER 15, 1920 L L TEAM FOR GAME a F rid a y ’* Scrim m age Finished. F in al W orkout Is Signal Running M U N C E DOPE IS DOUBTFUL T exas W ill H ave Speed A d v an ­ ta g e W hile O k lah o m a T eam Is H eavy Coach W hitaker will p u t the fin ish ­ ing touches on his fig h tin g w arrio rs today in o rder to p re p a re them for the gam e tom orrow w ith Oklahoma Aggies, which is to be played on the F a ir P a rk gridiron a t D allas tom or­ row. The work out this afternoon will probably consist in a little skull practice, ru n n in g signals, and gym ­ nastic. team went through th eir final scrim m age with the fresh m an team , and so as fig h tin g is concerned, they a re in p er­ fect condition. Y esterday th e f a r A g g i e T e a m H e a v ie r F ig u rin g out the rela tiv e stren g th of the A ggies is ra th e r a h ard task. One fa cto r is evident, how ever, and th a t is they have the ad v a n ta g e in w eight. T h eir line will av erag e eas­ ily fifteen pounds to th e m an more th an o u rs will, and th e ir backfield will average about th e sam e as ours. L on gh or n s H a v e S p e e d a t hand The question now is whether speed will be victorious over , weight. L ast S a tu rd a y s’ gam e found "%Jiat H ow ard Payne w as much heav­ ier in th e line than we w ere, but our backs had no trouble in p en e tratin g it for sm all distances. However, this does not prove th a t we will have the same luck ag ain st th e big line of the In th e event the Oklahoma Aggies. F a ir P a rk gridiron will be slow as a result of rain , then th e A ggies will have the field is fa s t and in p erfec t condition, Dur chances are much b etter. Coach W hitaker has not the present tim e decided who will make In view of th e fa c t he the trip . announces there will be a la rg e squad who will go up, perh aps tw o fa st fighting m achines in all. th e advantage. B ut a t if ENROLLMENT LARGE FOR ARCHITECTURE ncrease of 35 P er C ent Show n O ver Last Y e a r’s R egistration F ig u res Is T hese students. E nrollm ent in the D ep artm en t of A rch itectu re of the U n iv ersity this year shows an increase of 35 p er cent over th a t of last year. The total en­ rollm ent last year w as 55; this year it is 74. Of the total enrollm ent last year 14 were women; th is y e a r there are 19 women in the d ep a rtm en t as reg u lar figures show th a t 25 p er cent of th e students who stud y arch itectu re a re women. Speccial students from the College of A rts who are tak in g a r t courses are not in these records. The total num ber of special stu d en ts is 29, and 85 per cent of are women. The fav o rite courses among the special students a re a r t courses, including charcoal d raw in g , w ater color p ain tin g , history of p ain tin g and arch itec­ sculpture, and history of tu re. included these Among the womet who have g ra d ­ uated from the d ep artm en t a re Miss Stella E lm endorf, of S an Antonio, “ ho is doing some arc h ite c tu re w ork; Miss N ellie Jefferso n , who is teaching in the M assachusetts In s titu te of Technology in B oston; and Miss Alma a rch itectu ra l is doing Jacobs, who work in D allas. Mrs. A lm a Giesecke Hodges is living in W ichita F a lls and Miss H azel Hornsby is a t h e r home in A u stin ; a t present th ey a re not engaged in any professional work. ----------------- o — J l o n g h o r n b a n d w i l l . GIVE SPECIAL PARADE Before the d e p a rtu re of the tra in lig h t the Longhorn B and will pa- de Congress Avenue, giving some th e ir latest m arching form ations, Auding the fam ous “ T H. All mem- rs of the Band who are to m ake the dias trip have been ordered to To­ r t to the band ca r of th e sepeial »in a t the aK ty Depot to n ig h t a t JO sharp. VINSON TO SPEAK IN MICHIGAN SOON P re sid en t To H ave Im p o rtan t P a r t In U niversity Of M ichigan C erem ony EASILY OBTAINED BY SALE OF TAGS ——— - The cerem onies P resid en t R. E. Vinson le ft Mon- day for Ann H arbor, M ichigan, w here he is scheduled to deliver an Sum Now T otals $2,691.69. address on “ Academic Freedom and! Social R esponsibility” d u rin g the in- j a u g u ral ceremonies of the uew pres- ident of the U niversity of M ichigan. U niform s E xpected For A. Sc. M. G am e ------- -- C ontributions to talin g $809.69 were the students and facu lty , beginning on T h u rsd a y of this week. T h u rsd ay tow ard m atching R egent P resid en t Vinson will deliver , , address d u rin g the f ir s t day s pro­ gram , re tu rn in g to A ustin th e firs t M iss M ary Maud C astle, as cap­ tain of th e team selling the larg est o t n ex t week. T he new P resident of Michigan is num ber of tags, won the box of candy Dr. M. L. B urton, form erly Presi- o ffered as a prize by the chairm an of dent of the U n iv ersity of M innesota. L utcher S ta rk s thousand dollars, th ree d a y s ,; made by his r ... , la s t , „ 0 . , , „ ., , , . . . J M L R .! MOORE ENTERS FACULTY O ne of th e P ro m in en t M ath e­ m atician s of th e C ountry Is Secured ,. ... team ., the com m ittee on collections, C harles sold H a rritt. T he w inning ta g s to the am ount of $115.82. A close second was the team of Miss Keith Coppage, which sold $113.60 w orth of the tags. Miss P o rte r Lou Calhoun captained team the which collected $84.07. third G reat in tere st was m anifested by D epartm ent In securing the services of Dr. R. j t>very one concerned and the stu d en t L. Moore, a form er g ra d u a te of the body as a u n it went in to the move- of the U n iv ersity , merit whole h e a te d ly , determ ined to M athem atics is very fotunate. Dr. uniform the band. Moore, who enters the U niversity in the cap acity of A ssociate Professor native of P u re M athem atics, is T exan, haying been born in Dallas. He received th e B achelor of A rts de­ gree from th is in stitu tio n in 1901. W hile here he was a T eaching F el­ low fo r one year. W ith the donations of the stud en ts increased to $1,809.69 by M r / S ta rk ’s g ift and the $882.00 pledged by *he business men of A ustin, the band fund now totals $2,691.69. T he band uniform s will lie ordered a t once in o rd er to have them here for the game with A. & M. T hanksgiving. T he co-operation of a Since receiving his Ph. D. degree at C hicago U niversity, Dr. Moore has ta u g h t a t N orthw estern U niversity and a t th e state universities of T en­ nessee, Chicago, and Pennsylvania. of He w as A ssociate M athem atics a t of P ennsylvania when he consented to come back to Texas. P rofessor the U niversity foundation Dr. Moore is one of the forem ost! th is country on in m athem aticians o f ' the the su b ject of M athem atics. a ssista n t-e d i-, He is tor of th e T ran sactio n s of A m erican! M athem atical Society, leading! M athem atical jo u rn al in this country, and he edits all p ap e rs along his’ p a r­ ticu lar line of work th a t a re pub­ lished in the jo u rn al. th e He h as also published num erous the T ransactions original papers in of th e A m erican M athem atical So­ ciety, th e A nnals of M athem atics, the A m erican Jo u rn al o f M athem atics, the B ulletin of the A m erican M athe­ m atical Society, and th e Proceedings of N a tio n al Academ y of Sciences. T here a re now 16 in stru cto rs in the D ep artm en t of M athem atics; ten in P ure M athem atics, and six in A p­ plied M athem atics. Shorthorns Meet -o ---------------- St. Edward’s Squad For First Contest play been a r ­ O nly th ree gam es have ranged on schedule, the S horthorn but M anager Joe Thom as is expect­ ing to com plete the program w ithin a sh o rt time. The gam es scheduled a re : O ctober 28, w ith th e St. E dw ards team of A u stin ; November 6, the team goes to S an A ntonio to the K nights o f Columbus of th a t city; and on th e l i t h o f Novem ber, the S horthorns meet the stro n g F reshm an team . The game* on November 20 ie still pending, but in all probability the team will go to N o rth Texas to play one of the num erous schools of th a t section. M anager Thom as is try in g to a rra n g e several other games, and th e re su lt of his e ffo rts will be anonunced a t a la te r date. T he la s t few days have seen several new m en in uniform . O f these men who reported late, F ra n k Lacy, a ca­ pable half-back from la st year, and T innin, a halfback from San Anto­ nio, a re showing up well. C hris E l­ liott, an o th er ta rd y candidate, who is a tr a n s f e r from T. C. U., is playing a good gam e a t end. the business men of A ustin is to be g re atly ap p re­ students. the U niversity ciated by W ith the in tere sts of the U niversity a t h e a rt they pledged liberally in this drive as in all previous movements fo r stu d en t activities support. RAINBOW DIVISION TO HOLD REUNION U niversity Men U rged To M ake T rip To D allas On, S atu rd a y S atu rd ay is “ Rainbow D ay” a t the D allas F a ir and the fa ir m anage­ m ent has prom ised th a t everything will be “ wide-open” to the members of th e fam ous Rainbow division. T his will be the f irs t real reunion of th e Texas Rainbow Division since “ finis la g u e rre ” and it is expected th at a larg e num ber of the m em bers of the organization will be present for the occasion. is expected th a t a num ber of { U niversity men who were the ! Division will go to D allas S atu rd ay en ­ and a special pullm an will be caged fo r them . R eservations on this c a r can be secured by calling E. W. Jackson a t phone num ber 743. in I t TALKS FEA TU RE M EET O F SPEA K ERS’ CLUB im prom ptu E n th u siastic re g u la r m eeting. speeches were heard from tem p o rary m em bers of the S peaker’s Club la s t evening at ^ts second B en­ n e tt Sm ith spoke on the “ The Young Men’s C hristian Association D rive in the U n iv ersity ”. B ert Ashby, of D allas, described “ The A llurem ents of My Home City, D allas.” Alfonso Regiand discussed “ The F o u r Y ear L im it in A thletics.” H enry Donohue talked on* “ The A dvantages of a Business A dm inistration C ourse.” “ The C. E. B lo o d w o rt Texas S p irit.” B eaum ont S tin n e tt spoke on “ The G uiding P rinciples of In stin c t.” The next th ree p rogram s of th e club will be filled by th irty men who a re try in g out fo r m em ber­ ship. New m em bers will be chosen on a com parative basis from this lot. described S T U D E N T S E N T E R T A I N E D --------- As yet, the S h o rth o rn s have the elected a man to c a p ta in this y ea r, but they will n e called to-* U niversity g eth er a t an early d ate to select t h e i r , Babcock, 2009 G uadalupe leader. W alth er League of the St. P auls not j L u th era n Church of A ustin en ter- team tam ed the L u th eran students o f the a t the home of Mrs. R. P. line to In fallen] Tex,' !' UniVer,H» wiU ^ ! In the game last S atu rday S. M U.j M o r e U p p e r C las»men U rged ______ Mustangs Question Decision In The Game With A. & M. Saturday It will be decided whether or not! S. M. U. beat A. & M. last S atu rday 5 at a meeting of the Southwestern In­ tercollegiate Conference called by J. S. McIntosh for th a t purpose. punted and the A. & M. safety man signaled for a fair catch. However, he missed the ball and it rolled be hind the A. & l l on by an S. M. U. man. The referee i ruled t h a t it did not count as a touch­ down because the A. & M. safety did not touch the ball, but J. Burton Rix, con­ coacch o fthe S. M. U. team, tends th a t it should count as a touch­ down, and he is going to be given a chance to present his arg u m e n t be­ fore the meeting of the oB ard S a t u r ­ day morning a t Dallas. It is be­ lieved th a t the officials of the game will also appear before he Conference to present their side of the case. Dave Pena Former Varsity Star To Coach Sophomores in th eir class All sophomores desirous of repre in tram u ra l ren tin g football should be p resen t tomorrow evening a t 5 o’clock in room 157 of the M ain Building, when a team will be organized and a cap tain probably elected. Those who try out fo r the squad will have an opp ortu nity of be­ ing coached by Dave P ena, all South­ w estern g u ard fo r V arsity two y ears ago and s ta r linesm an on this year’s S horthorns. E quipm ent will be f u r ­ nished by the A thletic Council and the team will have the privilege of p racticin g on the upper end of Dunn No other in tra m u ra l team s Field. present have been organized, to freshm an squad boing An in compete abundance of prom ising m aterial should be out, and lots of class sp irit m anifested. the ineligible contests. these Class of 1924 to Be Governed With Iron Bound Rules the records of M any im p o rtan t rules were ado pt­ ed a t f ir s t m eeting of th e F reshm an Class fo r the w in ter session. Al­ though but a few days have passed, business complete tran sacted a re to be found on 'file in the D epartm ent of Archives, F re sh ­ man L ib rary , U niversity of Texas. Owing to the am ount of work handled by th is departm ent, such docum ents are only to be seen by the inquistive public ju s t one day out of th irty . It is understood th a t the second Mon- lay in the firs t week of every month has been set aside for this purpose. IO COMPETE IN I E I To T ry O ut For Long DU- tance R unning T eam the f irs t an n u al rePrc ' in cross country scnted by a team ru n n in g a t trac k m eet to be held under the auspices of the on S outhw estern Conference C lark Field T h anksgiving m orning, according to Roy J. M cLean, secre­ ta ry to the D irector of Physical T rain in g . of men a re urged to try out fo r the long distance ru n n in g team , and especially more upperclassm en are desired. A g re a te r num ber M any F r e sh m e n C o m p e t e the team Mr. McLean calls a tten tio n to the fa c t th a t the g re a te r per cent of those now com peting are fo r freshm en and are therefo re ineligible to rep resen t the U n iv ersity u nder U nless Southern Conference rules. the upperclassm en tak e a m ore pro­ found in tere st in th i s 's p o rt and m ake expression of th a t in tere st by e n te r­ ing the try -o u t fo r the team the sit­ uation will become a serious one for the U niversity. Only a co m p ara­ tively sh o rt tim e rem ains in which to tra in the cross co un try team fo r the meet, and Mr. McLean th a upperclassm en respond to the appeal in a patriotic? m ann er im m ediately. A d v a n t a g e s O f f e r e d The cross co un try sp o rts offers several ad v an tag es which should be inducing to those whowould try out. Members of teh team will receive the T he class tra in s three coveted “ T .” times a week. T ra in in g days are Tuesday, T hu rsday and S atu rd ay at 4:30 p. rn. urges Mr. McLean appeared much con­ cerned about the team in this sport. “ Unless more upperclassm en come out the situation is going to become alarm in g ,” he said T hursday. -------- i—o ....... ........ JO R D A N FIELD TO BE NAME OF P. T. GROUND Jo rdan Field has been suggested s trip of as the nam e for a new ground, recently the University fo r physical tra in in g p u r­ This land is located directly poses. t» In th* Sooth Published on th« cu n jrat of tho Unlv*r»tty of T n i t by tho itodent bodty term * rnornln* ___ rnc*fpt Mood**. O ffk o : Boom 15*. Tefcpboo* SII*. E n te re d m •#e«nou can find them elsewhere. We are now going to give the public this flight lass stock of Ready-to-Wear at a radical reduction in price. ready cash, The OFFICIAL NOTICES 9 AMICAL C L U B : in itial sting o f the T exas Chem ical Club will be held in K Hall 5. Dr. J. R. B aily w ill speak on The O pportunities o f a C hem ist.'’ A ll members are urged to be p r e se n t {Students tak in g C hem istry and visi- tors are invited to come and hear Dr. jBaily discuss th is im portant topic. tonight a t 7 :1 5 I : [SO PH O M O RES ^NOTICE: A ll men i who can play football report on the t Shorthorn field in fro n t o f th e gym * this afternoon. e x ­ pects all men who can play to come Reporter. Coach Pena this afternoon. M anager. C LA SS M A N A G E R S: A ll m ana- ^ gars o f cla ss or departm ent football J^teams for Intram ural a th letics are fjrequested to turn in their nam es at 'the a th letic o ffice a t once. rn i R. L. F ow ler. S U N D A Y SCHOOL C L A S S : , M EM BERS OF M ISS D E C H A R D 'S The f books have now come and m ay be ob­ tained from M iss D echard or Eva for 4W oqdy. Study the fir s t lesson "next Sunday. Beulah Liles, president. ALL W. A. A. members m ay pay their dues Saturday to eleven and tw elve to one, in the W. A. A. o ffice in the basem ent o f the W oman’s Building. from ten Treasurer. P U B L IC IT Y C O M M ITTEE o f the Young W om ens’ C hristian A sso cia ­ tion will m eet today a t 5 o ’clock in the A ssociation room. A ll g irls who are interested in publicity work are invited to attend. Chairm an. A R R A N G E M E N T S H A V E B E E N M ADE for chaperonage and sleeper reservations via the Southern P acific for the accommodation o f the women fcil / 'HE Y. W. C. A. Social Service Committee w ill meet in room 105 M. at 5 o ’clock. Lucy F oster, Chairm an. students who wish to attend the gam e a t D allas on October 16. A ll women istu d en ts who intend to go are asked •to make their reservations a t room 111 Main b u ild in g , o ffic e hours, as soon as possible. The dia­ in th a t office. gram s are during Llia M. C asis, Dean o f Women. -J w ill be a very L A T IN -A M E R IC A N students, there im portant m eeting ^ xt Saturday, Occtober 16, 3 o’clock p. rn., a t 104 W. 24th and U n iv ersity Ave., alm ost opposite the C afeteria. is The purpose o f the m eeting to g et together in order to organize a Club o f L atin-A m erican students. E very Latin-A m erican student o f the U n iv ersity of T exas is cordially in­ vited to attend this m eeting. Do not fail to come out and have a good tim e. There w ill be lots of music and refreshm ents. A Latin-A m erican Student. FORT W ORTH C E N T R A L HIGH Club will m eet today a t 5 o’clock p. rn., in room 158 M ain B uilding. All graduates o f the C entral H igh School and students from the South Side are esp ecially urged to attend. D E B A T E CO U N C IL: There w ill be a m eeting of the D ebate Council held the th is afternoon a t 5 o ’clock o ffice of Dr. E. D. Shurter, in room 7 I Hall of the D epartm ent o f E x ­ tension. A ll members are urged to attend. in President. M ETH O D IST L E A G U E R S and Sun­ day School students be a t the church on Saturday afternoon a t 3 o ’clock for a picnic. P A N H E L L E N IC w ill m eet October 15 at 5 o’clock, M. B. 157. President P an-H ellenic. today, E D U C A T IO N D E P A R T M E N T m eet­ ing to elect o fficers fo r the year, to ­ day, October 15, a t 5 p. rn. in room 312 o f the Education B uilding. Richard Jonas, vice-president. H IG H L A N D E N D E A V O R S : There w ill be a m eeting o f th e E xecutive Com m ittee in the church 4 p. rn. A ll o ffic e r s and com m ittee chairm en please be present. today U. U. S ta llin g s, president. A t lea st 1,400 form er soldiers, sa il­ ors, and m arines and nurses are e x ­ pected to take a d v an tage o f W iscon­ sin's soldier educational bonus law to attend the U n iv ersity o f W iscon­ inform a­ sin th is fa ll, according to tion o fficer who advises soldier bonus stu dents. in the o ffice o f the university I Im portant m eet­ 4 o ’clock J U N IO R LA W S: in g F rid a y afternoon a t room 105, Law B uilding. A ll mem­ bers o f the class are urged to be present. President* U N IV E R S IT Y P H Y S IC IA N 'S hours and w ill be changed on S a tu rd ays, th e o ffices on those d ays w ill be open from l l to I. U n iv e r sity P hysician. s*r W oodie Gilbert Drug Co. REXALL STORE A ustin’s Busiest Corner Phon- 1 1 Phone 271 2ta&(Oi CARL H. MUELLER 608 Congress Ave. Home of “ W alk-Over" Shoes In Austin Official Route TEAM, BAND AND STUDENTS TEXASOKLAHOMA FOOTBALL GAME DALLAS, TEXAS, OCTOBER 16TH Round trip $10.20 (In d u e s T ax). Tickets on sale October 7th to 24th. Limited return October 26th. Students special train will leave Austin via “ Katy” J 1:00 p. rn. October 15th. SIEVERS’ VIOLIN SCHOOL G. A. SIEVERS Concert Violinist and Teacher The course of study extends from the first elementary instruction to the attainm ent of virtuosity. I have thoroughly studied the method of all the great schools and am prepared to suit the method to the pupil ra th e r than vice versa. TEACHERS A SPECIALTY PERSONAL INTERVIEW INVITED Dresses Up to $27.50 On Sale For $14.95 One hundred and fifty handsome Serge Silk and Tri- I his is just one of the many wonder­ cotine Dresses. ful Bargains offered in our Big Ready to W ear De­ partm ent for f r id a y and Saturday. There are values in this lot of Dresses th at sold before this Sale for $27.50. On sale N o w ............................................. $ 14.95 Dresses Up to $39.50 On Sale For $15.75 One hundred and sixty-five new Fall Dresses of Satin This big value Charmeuse Tricotine and Serges. Dresses in this should appeal to the College Girls. $15.75 lot th a i sold for $39.50, on Sale now f o r Dresses Up to $45.00 On Sale For $19.75 One hundred and thirty-five fine Silk Serge Tricotine and Tricolette Dresses. Th style of these Dresses are the very latest, each worth easily twice the price asked. .....................$ 19.75 Value up to $45.00 on Sale for Secure your pullman tickets now at City Ticket Office, Austin, Texas 521 Congress Avenue, Telephone 1202. Studio 108 E. 14th Street Phone 4288 Residence Phone 3664 ROSNER ONLY ENROLLED GIRLS MAY COUNT T POINTS AUSTIN MEN MAKE LARGE DONATIONS DR. J. W. BEEDE MAKES REPORT interesting Research Work Be* mg Done By Noted Geologist Valuable and interesting1 research a wark being done by J . W. Beede, noted geologist, Is related in a let­ ter from Dr. fW de to J. A. Udden, director of the B ureau of Economic Geology' and Technology'. ical fe atu res of the form ations Geolog­ in to geologists, C anada are unknow n it is said, and Dr. Beede's investiga­ tions will prove of considerable value the Young science. to stream s, which are changing the relief of the country by d ra in in g the num erous sm all lakes th a t dot the landscape in the forests of C anada, will furnish much new inform ation, it is thought, j Geologically speaking, the N orth the Province west T errito ries, of Quebec, A lberta and B ritish Col urn bia are as yet little known and the Interiors rem ain to be explored, ac ceording to Dr. Boede. that, he the work Concerning no m aps of is doing1. Dr, Beede said th a t it was d if­ calculation ficult to m ake a h asty since th ere a re the stream s, and only tra p p e rs who re m ain the topography of w inter know of V ast areas of this land the region. to which geological signs point as sources of abounding m ineral w ealth a re as large a* the sta te of Texas, these regions durin g the in too Young and curious are the physio­ graphic fe atu res o f 't h e region, ac cording to Dr. B«*ede's le tte r: “ Lake deposits, m oraines, young m eander ing rivers, g re a t elevated shore lines, lakes and m uskegs thoroughly and effectively conceal the bed rock below, which can be seen only along fiv ers occasionally/’ The most suc­ cessful method of studying these geological form ations is to go along th e riv ers in low “aq u a ” and along the young stream s th a t are rapidly th eir hr*!* down, according cu ttin g to the opinion of Dr. Beede. The stream s, however, are so rapid, he says, th a t the use of canoes is im ­ possible*, and th e inter-stream spaces a re practically im passable because of im penetrable white willow alder th e spruce, thickets, lakes and m uskegs. in ­ sects, including mosquitos, according re­ to Dr. Beede’s acco u rt of the gion, are found here. interspersed with N um erous G irl's A thletic Council m et in call session last night. The following de­ cisions weer made affec tin g the op­ eration of the P oint System : O ffice hours of d iffe re n t sp o rt m anagers will be placed on the bill­ board outside the Council room door for the benefit of those w ishing in­ terview s on th eir accredited aum ber of points. expecting All senior and ju n io r girls taking | gym for cred it and the j work to count for points on a “T ” or a sw eater, m ust have th e ir nam es en- roll »rolled upon book, according to the decision reached by the Women’s A thletic Council In a se­ Hygiene month cards m ay la* in stru cto r's th eir cured in Miss Hiss* office, called session T uesday night. T ransference of points from other colleges in o rd er to count in this in ­ stitution m ust I** passed upon by Miss A t­ Aden, and by Ruby K, Daniel. tention is also called to the bulletin board, ju s t outside the door of the council room in the basem ent of the W oman's Building, where are posted the nam es of th e various sports man agers and office hours. The sp o rts m anagers will be glad to fu rn ish any desired inform s tion a t the designated hours. — Mg respective ----------- > th eir COFER ELEC TS O FFIC ER S Gofer I4Pw Society has elected o f­ ficers fo r the fall term as follows: John R edditt, president; C harles Veam ans, vi m< -a* ysmmm m ow The Quality of O ur University Seal Stationery Deserves Your Attention MATTHEWS DRUG STORE 1612 Lavaca BAKER AND PETERSON T A IL O R S , C L E A N E R S A N D H A T T E R S rn We Have The Most Up-to-date Cleaning Plant In The University Neighborhood Phone 1640 1516 Lavaca Street