(Eh* 13 a itll Ecxan First C ollege D aily in the S ou th _______________ VOL. XXIII. A U ST IN , TEXAS, TH U R SD A Y , OCTOBER 12, 1922 No. 17 PROTEST ENTERED Rally On Friday To Be Conducted By Varsity Girls K I Z H I OF BUSINESS Si HOFIUS M S PUCt ON I/II F FOH A S S E W M I L H O K U GNUS E ngineering Student Is C andi­ d a te for Re­ election Local Unit W ill Send A lice D o­ m ingo es to Convention as P age the this library evening year in University of Texas Unit No. 288 of the American Legion Auxiliary will hold their first meeting of the school at 7 o’clock room ol the Y. M. C. A. This unit was or­ ganized in the spring of 1921 by che University Post of the American juegion and consists of mothers, uaugnters, wives and s.sters of mem- oei's oi me American Legion and ox mothers, daughters, wives and sisters oi those Who died in service during me World War. The University Unit cen­ tered must oi its activity upon work es­ cor the disabled pecially those in tne American Legion ex-soldiers, has Hudson, blate presi- i dent oi the American Uegion Auxii- ; lary, has asKcd tne University Unit I to name a page lo represent Texas ai ihe American Legion National Convention to be held at New Or­ to 20. Alice Id leans, Oeiouer do ming ues, senior in the University ir o n Kerrville, bas been named for Lins honor. Lech stale in the Union vn iii send such a page and many courtesies will be snown the grou^ ol girls thus honored. All members are invited to come to me meeting Thursday night and ah ^.agible to mcmbersmp are given a most cordial invitation to attend this n rst meeting of the year. Girls wno are members a1 units in their home town are invited to meet with this unit wuile attending Lie University. - .... —---- o ......— ntbuiHt u s I B I . Vv • u . A . o i * ie Yvui Continue Campus A ctivities “The enrollment in the Business Administration for this long session said is larger than ever before,” Dean Bell. “With the transformation of the department into a school, I believe that more interest the class activities of the school will be manifested than ever before.” in J . H A R R IS O N P O L L A R D Announcement has tieen made by J. Harrison Pollard of his candidacy I J,AemolM4i bannanum at Kernville, for assemblyman from the Engineer- anu has aided in activities of the mg department. Pollard was youngest member of last year; and was president of the Treshman engineers, for the spring term. the otaie and National organization, the assembly, M rs. b . It is understood th at several prom­ inent members of the Business Ad­ ministration School will be nominat­ ed by their friends for the several Pollard has made a thorough stud> class offices; and, for this reason, i t j 0f student government, and desires, is believed the meeting will be j if elected, to any pecially interestiritr. j single group of students but the eol- ' lege as a whole. repfesent not •s- UNIVERSITY PflST TO HOLD FIRST MEETING AH E x-Service M en A re U rged to Be Present at M eeting at Y.M .C.A . Cowboys Elect Officers At First Meeting for wa* tended ~by aH members During a short meeting of The meeting, which was over by Shorty Nowotny, was the University Post of the American “ Cowboys” yesterday afternoon of­ the coning year were ficers for Legion will hold the first meeting of the year Thursday night a t the “ Y.” j elected and each of the forty mem- ex-service men are urged to be All on hand promptly at 7 p. rn. whether they want to join the Legion or not. I The primary purpose of meeting is to get all army veterans including .ogether in order that they may come j chaps, shirts and hats will be furn- ished to the members and issued as to know each other better. The athletic equipment, but such articles I “smokes” will be passed around, and us spurs and bandana handkerchiefsj Freshm an a jolly good time is assured to all. will be furnished by the wearing them. individual It was decided that rom last year. There were over IOO all the uniforms would be alike and that the University colors of orange members of the post last year; many and white would be in some way on every uniform. presided at- of the or- The old officers were held over Most of the uniform, first J ganization. the w . elected as honorary uept., it is of vital importance that j members, due to their untiring ef- U members and prospective members forts towards the organization. the coming of the University Post be present at year were: Bill McGill, Foreman; this first meeting. James Beverly Graham Hamilton, Straw Boss; A. B. and adjutant ira Alien will give re­ ports on the State Legion C o n v e n - j Smith, Horse W rangler; E. E. P o r ­ tion which met in Waco in Septem-; ford, Camp Cook. ber. Delegates will be elected to be i The next meeting will sent to the National Convention of I this afternoon at 5 o clock behind the American Legion, which m e e t s , the Law Building, next week in New Orleans. Plans; for the suitable observation of Ar- ; mistice Day will be discussed. en- exhibited Officers elected for By a unanimous vote of the At a gathering of freshmen wom­ en to be Held Las coming week eacn ireshman will nave an opportunity to sign up tor any campus activity -ire body, John Lomax and the cheer iaui mtt j* m0iit in te r e s ts in, to state leader were wnat previous ¥. VV. (J. A. experi­ ence sue has nad in high school, ana to r Xuvure to give her preference *ork. This information will be ex­ amined by a nominating Committee rnaue up of some of tne leading girls representative on the campus and each taculty members, and h eld ___ group who nave signed up the next commission will be cnosen. I The work of the Commission is to carry on social activities among freshmen and to get them to coop­ e r a te with their Junior advisors and j to train them to take part in social ■ service of the Y. W. C. A. Publi­ city and other lines of committee ; work are open, and it is also sug- ! gested that Freshman Commission j girls will be ex-officio members of | the Y. W. C. A. committees that I run parallel to the work they are do­ ing in the commission. The organization of Is M ember o f M iddle Law Class and F ifth-year Student in U niversity AS LAW ASSEMBLYMAN R U ! ANNOUNCES from be The Legion will meet a t the Y. M .; C. A. on the second Thursday night of each month throughout the y ear.; I .-------------o--------- Plans for Memorial to Heroes of South in Architect’s Hands Rumors C irculated T hat E d i­ tors H ad B een Sum m oned to Miss N ew ton ’s O ffice for . ■ Junior and Senior C lasses of Business A dm inistration P erfect Plans --------- A rally with the co-eds in the role of conductors of the affeir is the unique and novel promise the rally on Friday night. The Worn- an s Athletic Association will have charge of the stunts and Miss Hiss promises some features of rare in- the consent of Spurgeon Bell, terest. There will be songs from the co-eds, it is definitely known, but the methods of presenting them, and che songs themselves are being kept secret Plans have been completed, with for calling a meeting of the Junior and Senior classes of the school of Busi­ ness Administration for the purpose of organisation. O fficials of T exan M ake S ta te­ m ents C oncerning A ttitude T aken The meeting of the Junior Class “Shorty” Nowotny announces that been set for Tuesday, October 17, Orville Bullington, president of the at five o’clock in W Hall, Room 4. Alumni Association, will be the At this time, the usual class officers speaker for the evening. This can- will be elected for the fall term, not be definitely promised, however, Class organization for the Seniors A protest against The Daily Texan as Mr. Bullington has not yet been jn the School of Business Adminis- running advertisements carrying pic- tures of lingerie was made Wednes-j heard from. There will, therefore, j tration will take place Friday, Oc- day by Miss Lucy Newton, dean of I be a unique wrestling match (not by-tober 20, at 2 o’clock in R Hall, Room refuses to j 9. Class officers for the fall term women, to Tomas G. Pollard, super- vising business manager of The! Texas Students’ Publications, Inc. the 8^rls) but Miss Hia» divulge anything definite about thej will be selected at this time. match. The ad in question appeared Sun­ day in the columns of The Daily Texan, following which Miss Newton protested to Pollard against such ad­ vertisements as being improper for the columns of a college newspaper. Following Miss Newton’s conversa­ tion with Pollard Wednesday morn­ ing, various rumors to effect that ail editors and business man­ agers of The Texan had been sum­ N e w t o n ’ s monsed office were circulated the campus. As regards the rumors, in­ terviews with officials of The Texan Wednesday night revealed the fact that none of them were summoned to Miss Newton’s office, the only protest being made to Pollard. to Miss about the Asked Wednesday night for her objections to the lingerie Miss Newton had nothing about the m atter except in a written ; statement denying that any of the editors of The Texan had been sum-| moused to her office. Her ment follows: . ___ “ I have t u m m o m e d no m e m b e r of to mjr o f f i c e re- T h e T e x a n s t a f f g a rd tn g a d v e r tis e m e n t* in T h e T e x a n T h e policy o f th e s t a f f h a . been r e a so n to believe t h a t it will eo-oper-, a t e w ith U n iv ersity officer# . I . I. MUTES ISSUES STATEMENT IN REPLY IO SCRIBES’ PETITION Points Out Inability to K eep M achines in P erfect W ork­ ing C ondition “I regret that some students feel that their ‘work cannot go on any longer’ unless the University keeps them supplied with machines always in good ordef;” said W. H. Mayes yesterday when interviewed concern- picture, j jng the petition that the students of ^ y jth e Department of Journalism pre- to . . . I scnted to him Tuesday. “ One ° f ‘he most vexing problems state- that has confronted the Department j of Journalism for a long time has ^ keeping the typewriters in , ; proper condition. This is impossible . . . , a l w a y . ; of accomplishment under the pres- t r u s t w o r t h y a n d I h a v e e v e ry ent conditions.” “ When the Department of Jour- to pro- n a ^ gm w a s f j rgt organized and our MOt* Officials of The Texan interviewed; | classes all met in J Hall, I had a sec- *f T o m a s G. Pollard* “ In my opinion the advertisement was not of an im­ proper nature. the whole m atter as a joke.” Wednesday night made the following reU ry who had supervision of the typewriting room. Then the Texan statements: was published down town and in the afternoon. At that time we could lock up the typewriter room every. afternoon and keep the typewriters in fair condition. Since the Texan oi thes* are not here for lne Pre#ent is printed in the morning, thought advisable to leave the room v.ce men are here for the first time. to sei °P*n at ni* ht for tha UM of thf According to J. F. Dobie, of the Eng is long session, but many other ex-ser- I treat William H a r r y J a c k , editor: “This agitation about the advertisement has been unduly exaggerated. Miss New­ ton has not summoned me, or any member of Th7 Texan staff her about the matter. with Miss Newton have alweye b e e n !'" 1? much »bu»«d. cordial. tion in the ad, bein* a conventional ir> one, furnished th . b u tine., manager by the store, was perfectly proper. Similar illustrations appear daily in every newspaper.” In my opinion, th . Uhutra- Our relations I reporter*. No* th . tw0 « ty p e w r ite hav. bean etol.n » • " » *nd h .siU t. to try to d° them adjust take them apart and whenever they do not work satisfacto­ rily. . . . w e . , it JA .. . ^ . ----------------- o ..................— M A N A G E R S N A M E S S U B M I T T E D “The typewriters were overhauled at the beginning of the school year. Within five days someone had re­ moved and lost even the ball bear­ Names of prospective managers ings from at least one of the ma­ for m ost of the intramural athletic chines. Until such time as the Uni­ teams have been submitted to the versity can or will furnish a custo- Athletic Council, and in a few days, the Council will meet and officially; dia« of the typewriter room, I do appoint the managers from their re s -jnot see bow the evil can be adjusted pective departments, according to or the condition much improved. So ln tr a - lIon* «s the students do not care for Harold Broome, Director of mural athletics. A fter the m a n a g e r s ’*ie machines furnished them, I do have been appointed, a echedule of not feel much disposed recom- games will be drawn up and intra-1 n>«>d the purchase of more machines or even to make any extra effort at mural athletics will begin. keeping those we have in order.” ---------- o -........ -... --------- o--------- G A M M A E P S I L O N PI I N I T I A T E S Gamma Epsilon Pi, honorary busi­ ness women's sorority, held initation Sunday afternoon for Mattie Belle Crook, Sarah Harlan, Mary Cope- land and Vivienne Howell. --------- to A short business meeting was the held and it was decided that members will meet once a month, for lunch at the Cafeteria, a t which time speakers prominent in the busi­ ness world will discuss present day questions. .-------- o-..- ..— ALPHA KAPPA PSI MEETS A lp ha K a p p a Psi, honorary busi­ NUM BER OF ARTISTS Plans for the erection of a memo­ rial to the heroic dead of the South in both the Civil W ar and the World War are now in the hands of Pom- TO COME TO A U ST IN {peo Coppin!, the architect, according , to announcement made from the of- Through the efforts of the Texas fice of Dr. R. E. Vinson, president of the University. The proposed me­ morial will be placed at the south entrance to the campus of the Uni­ versity and will take the form of a central fountain flanked by figures of the heroes of the two wars to­ gether with notable Texans. A fig­ ure of General Robert E, Lee alii occupy the position of honor. Artists Series a number of artists are being brought to Austin this winter. One has already appeared, and the second, Mr. Roy David Brown, pian­ ist and director of the School of Music of Baylor University, is being presented by the Amateur Choral Club October 23 at 8:15 at the Uni­ versity Baptist Church. The third concert will be given November 18, when Mr. E. Clyde The memorial was made possible by a gift of $250,000 to the Univer­ sity by the late Major George W. Littlefield. ness administration fraternity met Whitlock, violinist of Fort Worth and last night at the S. A, E. house and Mr. Sam Loeb, baritone and also of plans for the coming year were dis- Fort Worth, will entertain, cussed. T h e organization considered Sunday afternoon, December 8, the choir of the Saint Mark’s Epis- the M a j o r m a t t e r s pertaining T re le v e n tablet which the fraternity copal Church of San Antonio will placed in the Business Admim stra-I give a sacred concert. The soloist tion Hall and also arranged for Al- is Miss Daisy Poke of Dallas. This pbx Kappa Psi badges for members concert is under the direction of Os- ‘ initiated last year. Fox, voeal teacher. to L A W T E A M M E E T S F R ID A Y McCalla's familiarity with student All candidates for the Law foot- affairs and his varied experience in ball team are to meet Friday of this different lines of endeavor here week at 2. Prospects are good, the J have made him well-fitted the lawyers say for a winning team in; office he now seeks, in the opinion intram ural football. I of his friends. for Alumni Will Meet For Discussion Of Memorial Project Between two and three hundred Varsity ulumui, ail prominent busi­ ness men from various sections of Ult state, win be in Austin Saturday lur the purpose of completing plans .or the 'I exas Memorial Union build­ ing. The*r plans include incorpora- vion of the project, election of a board of directors, and perfection of Lie plans for I xunds. The board of directors will | oe chosen from among these men and the members of the board will all be active workers m the finance cam­ paign that is being started. the campaign for Saturday a t noon they will be given a luncheon at the country club and wul attend the Texas-Oklahoma football game in the afternoon. In che evening a dinner will be served tor them at the University Cafeteria, alter which they will attend the re­ ception at the Women’s Gym. The reception at the Women’s Gymnasium is given by the entire university in honor of the visitors. All the alumni, friends of the Uni­ versity, faculty and students are in­ vited to attend the reception. There »viil be music by the University Glee Club and the Mandolin Club, with lancing. Bob Murphree and Hardy Adams res­ ire chairman and co-chairman pectively of the students committee which is arranging the reception. — o------- WILL ELECT CUSS OFFICERS T 0 011 Other Business, Such as Socials and Invitations W ill Be D iscussed in putting That the seniors will cooperate with the Kane Club and other cam­ pus organizations a t rong senior program across was the the itatem ent of the president of spring term last year of the junior class, in discussing the re-organiza- tion meeting. Collars and canes will be carried by the class in order l o co-operate with the Kane Klub, which will meet in the next few days. to Invitations of seniors friends will be taken up. Some difficulty aas been experienced by the class in recent years in getting satisfactory n v ita ls na, but the objections of past ess.ens wid be done away with this jeer, it has been declared. Social features of the year will probably be entrusted to a eommit- „ee appointed for the purpose. I t is ukely that the class will attem pt a tance in addition to barge rides anc .denies in the spring. Considerable „*ffort a t class spirit will be worked .t by the members of the class, se­ e d in g to information obtained by Me members of the class, according vO information obtained unofficially, -.nd the cooperation of University of­ ficials has been promised. --------- o--------- Bellmont in North I exas in Behalf of Vandy Ticket Sale HELD LAST NIGHT First G et-T ogether A ffair of Season U nder A uspices of Cap and G ow n PRESIDENT VINSON SPEIRS Girls Form Freshm an Class O rganization W ith Own OI ricers By M ildred J o n e s “ We have a notion, or rather a tradition, in this University taal our students, when they come here, are respon- classed as men and women, Clbie persons, who can be thrown up­ on tneu* own responsibilities,” said rresiuent Vinson rn ms address to tne Iresnman girls a t me convoca­ tion held in me woman’s Gymnasium last nignt. For mis the university has as lew rules and regu­ lations as possible. That men and women ox me mgnest type and wno will prove most vaiUaole to trie Si.a<,e as citizens can be developed in the the university of Texas mrough the is agency of self-government, oeiief of Presiaent Vinson. He ad­ ded that it is only wben a student uses m u freedom in the wrong di­ and rection that the iacuity have to step in. authorities reason, Miss N e w to n T alk s Miss Lucy J. Newton, Dean of Women, was the next speaker. She explained to the girls m at the main elf ort of the dean s office was to keep the gins in school. “ There is only one way that wjb can have you nere a lter Christmas, and that is to scholarship,” Help you with said Miss Newton. “ We can only advise you to regulate your work and your dates according to what you have to do.” Miss Newton then regulations spoke of the four big last made by the women year. She then introduced the ireshmen their own dean, Miss Edna McDaniel. students to your Miss McDaniel brought the mes­ sage that she is here to serve and nelp every individual. She extended an invitation to every freshmen girl to come to her office and get ac­ quainted. Withiin the next two weeks she expects to send to every freshman girl a card requesting her to come to the office. Songs After a song led by Beatrice Lytle, a stunt, a clever pantomime, caned “A Mellow Drama” was presented by members of Cap and Gown. Elizabeth Baker, chairman of the Woman's Council, spoke on the honor system, Lloyd Martin, president of W. A. A., explained the point sys­ tem of earning awards, and May Lea Guthrie, president of Y. W. C. A. told of the services rendered by that organization. Frances Little, a member of the Freshman Commis­ sion last year, gave some idea of the work which was accomplished. O f f ic e r s At the suggestion of Artis Dean Keeling, the girls decided to or­ elected were: Officers ganize. Rachel Sumners, president; Rtuh Ropes, vice-president; Margaret Schoch, secretary; and Helen Vinson, treasurer. Artis Dean Keeling, President of Cap and Gown, presided over the ; meeting, which vras under the aus­ pices of Cap and Gown. ---------- o--------- C A N D ID A T ES FOR PEN PUSHERS TEAM MEET With some twenty candidates for football and other fall and winter sports, the athletes of the department of journalism met for the first time yesterday afternoon a t the call of the intramural manager, H arry E. Moore. First practice for football will be held this afternoon at 5 on the field east of the P. T, shack. Kenneth McCalla of San Antonio bai authorized the announcement of his candidacy for the position of as­ semblyman from the Law Depart­ ment, subject to the student election of October 17. McCalla is a fifth-year student in the University, and is registered as a middle law, having spent three ses­ sions in the academic and one in the law departments. for served Since entering the University he has been active in extra-scholastic * affairs, having years on the editorial staff of the Cactus. He bas been selected to e d it! ** the athletic section of the 1928 book, j McCalla served three years on the Daily Texan in the capacity of sport writer and editor. For the past two years he has been a member of the Longhorn baseball team. the Sopho­ more Commission was voted on and L. Theo. Bellmont, left last night I authorized to be placed in the hands for Dallas and Fort Worth where he will complete arrangements for the of the Freshman Commission a t the sale of tickets for the Texaa-Vander- Ju st before convention last spring. bilt game at Dallas Stadium October the end of the term the Freshman 21. The sale in Dallas will be under Commission elected four girls, Kath­ the direction of Worth Wimberly, erine Drake, president of last announced Mr. Bellmont, while year’s commistion, Frances Little, George Hill will have charge of the Loraine Brougher and Bella Kroll to Fort Worth sale. form the nucleus of a committee to .____. . th r e e I * “rk out thespians for orgamzaLon. the N -~-0- B A N D P R A C T I C E The entire sale of seats for this game will be handled through the office of the Athletic Director and such agents as he may appoint in towns. Arrangements have Marching practice of the Longhorn j other field, according Band will be held every afternoon been made for the sale of tickets in roost of the larger towns this week at 5 o’clock on the regular of the state. A block has been sent drill to Harold for sale to Vanderbilt University Broome, Drum Major of the band. Most of the work will be done on the among the students and alumni of famous formation. Broome also stated that the members of the band who do not come out for these practices will not be allowed to make the trip to Dallas with the band for the Vanderbilt game. Mr. Bellmont reports that the tick­ ets are selling fast. Most of the boxes having already been sold and a good portion of the better seats In the grandstand. immWm , ■■ that institution. T ‘Jiga for Prospects are bright the scribes to make a strong fight for these I the intramural d p this year. Some promising gridiron material is show­ is ex­ ing up, and the department pecting to put out a team which will make a big fight for the champion­ ship. Other students of the department who did not attend the meeting yes­ terday and who wish to try out for the football team are asked to re­ port for practice this afternoon. ——— ; in H ouston, CATALOGUE COMPLETED The latent edition o f the U niver- San A n ton io, Port FOR EXTENSION COURSE W orth and A ustin, at regular teach- ing conter* which are being estab- dem and, ||gbed> according to sity correspondence catalogu e is o f f T he,^ courses carry fuU U niversity and from 2 is being mailed out. i credit, and are given m ostly a t night the press and for the bem ,fjt Gf those who must T hey may be had by U n iversity stu- dents by calling at I H all. work instead o f goin g to college, i W ith the exception few of I changes in courses the catalogue is nearly the same as the preceding one. , Annual Rexall one cent sale, Renfro Drug It contains inform ation about regu- Oct. 19, 20, 21. lar University courses being o ffered Company. the Q a ' Fria:#** br fWM, } MmO. " J S t S T “ rTAtwV March I. lit*. A*ct»«a^a np*ei*I rata af j W W | W * y * •«* UMI ll**, Act tj OlMW *. lfl7- *8t r it^ i 5*pterab«r 14. 1*1» aafoa4 --ta** ••it**’ at 42* '■-**■ “*'■*' *•* J ___ WM. BAERT JACE K^ltacin-Chiaf HEMET C- fULCBEB — •..... Met- *^*w r ***" TOMAS 0 POLLARD S u p e r v is e Baalnaaa M*»*«« ERLE M. RACHT mad E ELMA CUMM A4«arti*iAC Mmmmg*n T hursday, Octob«r 12, 1922 Editorials T H E O R G A N - G R I N D E R ’S MON KEY J) taken. The studio is 12 a. rn. to the the Main the teacher |<* in A ugust report today opinion whenever rives the signal. The average| studio on the stage o f Student is not concerned with Building Auditorium to have whether the conclusions are Cacti** picture* right or wrong; he does not test »P«n from 9 to the statement by his own m en-; to 4 p m. tai process; he learns his tric k j and is ready to perform as in -1 strutted, whenever mand is given. L E W IS N . w HITK, the com­ freshm an Bible class for both b oys and girls After all is said and done, the will m eet a t 7 p. m, at the "V.” All DR. K. W. C U R R IE ’S Managing Editor, their for themselves, purpose of education is to pro-: freshm en invited, duce men and women who can think rather than to train them to memorize 'TEMPORARY swimming Classes the thought* of others. The u l-i m eet at D eep Eddy this week and In ca** o f rain report to the In case o f cold w eather m eet som e to stimulate and cult!-1 other form of evercise w ill be g iv en , Rjm 0f education is not tf* next. student with a jum- gym . informa- at Deep Eddy as usual and w. A. SMITH. -------- ^ ham** Rtudent in doin* hig own BHO^N UNIVERSITY Math*mat,- ANNA HISS. -------- the organ-grinder. The | h^ kj, too much and their brains Iw A* A* Sport a j f t J A s a u a i - J S ’sS'* “ ~o~ the ___ _______ The University is an ^ c e m c t thinking by o u i- ^ |e o j. miscellaneous .r u m “» "■ * “ ** [of others as stepping stones to original thinking. the himself The inst mc- .ac'j toy^houTd only guide and assist . J A vagrant Italian, with ms creaking hand-organ and dane- m g monkey, invaded lured precincts of tho univer- ^ ity community the o t h e r , d a y . I The Italian was a very ordinary! T h e — organ-grinder, who had quired the t< Unique of turning the crank in the manner re- reg- quired to secure musical ponse from the one-cylinder music-box. The monkey was a very ordinary representative of ideal his tribe,—dirty and scraggly, place for the student to begin; as most organ-grinder’s monk­ for a, using his gray m atter eys are apt to be. In spite of more im portant purpose than as beini? a monkey, the little M u rnW storage vault for the in- low had sufficient intelligence „tructor's thoughts. The m ajor- to obey the command of his m a s - 1 f *hidefits use tor, Italian jerked the chain once and the monkey took off his hat and bowed to the bystand­ ers ; two jerks, and the monkey extended his hat to receive the pennies of the spectators; three little jerks, and he danced jig to the tune of the one-lunged organ. It was all very simple for the monkey: he had been taught his tricks by long prac­ tice and knew w hat was ex­ pected of him when the signals and commands were given t—no thinking was required of him The bystanders m ight have ll A _ of the instructor without first applying to them the test of his own individual and independent thought, the instructor himself will be inspired and stimulated to greater efforts, while the stu­ dent will have found the key to intellectual strength and prog­ ress,—the student will cease to be an organ-grinder’s monkey and become a thinker. u n l in e d _ Hurt the monkey was I] OFFICIAL NOTICES I cutting those cute caners on his I own initiative, but the organ- mMmm"mmmmnr g r a d e r and his monkey knew MEN ST U D E N T S who care to earn their way int0 the Thanksgiving different. u n T I P TC their note-! r i A. •tm**** < t r * h i * a : Far-fetched though the com- <>nc‘* to Mr in o f the least EDITOR. — ------ thoughts IN STRUCTO R, repeating the auditorium the groove seem, when th at con-i^ber 14. ordinary studio to spec ia l u sh er m anager. -------- pari son may it comes to original thinking, the is a monkev ALL S T U D E N T S who expect to g et average person whose mental actions are {nit- tiie5r degree* in August and who lated and dominated by some Wiih to havi W » a I Negligees, Silk Underwear, Lingeries, Pon­ gees, Fluffy Ruffles, Silks, Satins. The Most Elaborate Evening Gown* Our delicate Fabric Dry Cleaning Processes are Safe, Sanitary and insure against the injury of the choice, del­ icate pieces of your ward robe and at the same tim e guar­ antees th a t they will be rejuvinated and look as good as new. Co-ad*i Get th# Dry Cleaning Habit NICK LINZ 611 Congress Ave. Phone 2652 and 7936 n u O o - - o - - oh! MAGIC AND MYSTERY LURK IN a ie cute H A LLO WF ’EN DECORATIONS AND PARTY FAVORS P aper Napkins, Table Covers, Bon Bon Boxes, Serv­ ing Cups, Decorated Crepe Paper, Cut-outs, Place Cards, Invitations, Gummed Seals, Festoons, Etc. “ THE BOGIE BOOK’’ Is brim ful of suggestions for H allow e’en Decorations and games. We have it. UNIVERSITY CO-OP AIR TIGHT WOOD HEATERS $1.75 UP WE rewick and repair oil stoves. Get ready for cold weather. * KING STOVE REPAIR SHOP Lavaca Street at 15th Phone 4893 S O C I E T Y P i P hi In itia tio n Pi Beta Phi held initiation Tues­ for Nellie Claremore, day night Pinta H uff. Frances Little, and Pledge service was also held for Marion Ball, Loraine B ertrand, Mil­ dred Buford, Rosaline Blound, Anna Caswell, Harmo Taylor, Maria Tay­ lor, Jean ette Young, M artha Sulli­ van, Pauline Reeder, Helen Rulfs, Virginia H arris, Onah A spin, Esther W atkins, Mary Louise Robbinson^ Sue Lewis and Virginia Sledge. Members of journalistic de­ the partm ent will be„ entertained Thurs­ day night at 7 o'clock at the home of Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Mayes on 2610 Salado Street. The a ffa ir will be in the form of an inform al get- to-gether. Clyde W atkins and F air­ fax Nesbit are in charge of tho pro­ gram. Alpha D eus Pi held initiation Mon­ day night for Louise Stevens, Mary Frances McAskill, Mary Saxon, Edith Winslow, Reba W right, Minnie Bick- ett, Gladys P arker and Olive Lee Logan. Members of Gamma Phi Beta en­ tertained Tues­ day evening with a buffet supper a t the chapter house. pledges their Helen H arris returned from Dallas where she went to act as maid of honor in the Heillig-Tobin wedding which took place Tuesday night. John Weymouth is visiting John Winslow a t Buda. Judson Jam es has gone to Beau­ mont to be present at the wedding. of Fay Weiss and Joe Ellis. Robert Robinson of Cleveland the guest of the Sigma Nu house. is Claud Arnold has withdrawn from the University. f IRING UM F resh m a n M eetin g to the the campus One of the silliest meetings that this has occurred on year took place Tuesday night a t the so-called “ freshm an election.” For some reason Mr. Gray was absent, and his promise freshmen that the upperclassmen would not participate sadly the failed to be carried out. Out of the two hundred present, there were about fifty freshmen. The rest were upperclassmen who absolutely domi­ nated the election. They not only padded the ballot box, but hooted down all freshm an candidates who attem pted to speak. election in We do not blame the upperclass­ men so much, but the freshmen who did not attend should be ashamed to quit the fight and let one of their meetings, the only m eeting so far that was really their own be swamped by upperclassmen. B. Hall was th ere in all its glory. And the order th a t was preserved by the “-lites” is something new to the freshmen who were in a tte n ­ dance. and We do not doubt th a t the men elected are good men for the places. We signed no petitions are. therefore, free to express our opin­ ions upon the election unbound by prejudice. B ut we do say in all earnestness th at unless the freshmen stick together, they are very ap t to stick separately. We have the freshm an class ever on record in the U niver­ sity. We have the opportunity to be the g reatest freshm an class. We are p art of the g reatest in the state, and we should, every man of us, rise to his colors and do our the beat to uphold the honor of freshman class, of the University and of the state. institution largest RUSSELL ALLEN, T. L. FIELD. Annual Rexall one cent tale, Oct. 19, 20, 21. Renfro Drug Company. ;''»iininni>iiimnniimmmwwmi»mwwmwaniiumniiM>i»mininmimftMi' Sarah Gallager gave a picture show party Tuesday honoring her fresh­ man, F ay \jn d erw o o d . CLASSIFIEDS William Bell is in the hospital. Edward R. W aller ie in the hos­ pital with dengue fever. Mrs. R. Smith is visiting her daughter Edith at Grace Hall. Ruth Ropes has been elected president of the pledges of the Al­ pha Delta Phi sorority. Henry Smith went to Fort Worth Tuesday. ----------o---------- C A P T A IN S A N N O U N C E D Keen has been elected captain of intram ural basketball the engineer team , Eastm an is leader of the cross country team , Higgins will lead the baseball squad, and Morgan beads the swimming team fo r the engineers. Meeting of Masonic Study _ _ Club, Thursday, Oct. 12, * |[ \ ^ 1 9 2 2 , a t 7 p. rn., Ed. B. 312. All Masons from to requested AIS fA E. A. up attend. DRESSMAKING, alterations, coats and furs relined, pleating, bu t­ tons, hem stitching 9c. Vivian Kelso and Miss Lord. Over Bohn Bros, — 12 nhone 4062. LOST— At P.T. Hall, a high school ring with Elgin _H. S. on shjeld, and initials H. W. F. on maide. Ring — 12 4432 for rew ard. FOR RENT— Large, pleasant, fu r­ nished bedroom for one or two; students. Private entrance, couven-! n*nt to Capitol and University. 507 — 15 W. 13th. Phone 6924. LOST— Between the Law Building! and R Hall in the typew riting room in R Hall, a small black purse con­ taining a five-dollar athletic tickets signed by M ary M.cKay and Florence Davison, three tickets for bill. Annual R exall one cent tale, Oct. 19, 20, 21. Renfro Drug Company. J. S. KOENIG C h irop od ist and F o o t S p e c ia list 4 1 8 L ittle fie ld B ld g . P h o n e 4 8 5 5 I, T H E D A I L Y T E X A N the A. & M. game, a small white comb and a key. The finder will re­ ceive a rew ard if he takes this purse to the Lost and Found Office. — 12 i February. Runs like a top. New Kelly tires. Owner must have the money; will sacrifice for $750. P art — 13 Phone now 8028, term s. ladies— Well FOR RENT— To fu r­ nished housekeeping apartm ents. Approved house meals next door if desired. Phone 6546. Mrs. Val C. — 13 Giles, 710 W. 22nd S treet. cleaners SEWING MACHINES and Vacuum Hem stitching work, first class. “ Ask our pa­ trons.” Household Specialty Shop, — 3 1700 Lavaca, phone 7086. rented. VERNA WOODS, studio of dancing, K. of C. Hall. Class Tuesday at I 7 :30, phone 8480._____________ — 18 FOR SALE— One flat mandolin. Perfectly good condition. Phene — 13 I 17159. LOST— A blue and rose colored knit 2009 Finder scarf. leave a t W hitis for reward or phone 5124. — 18 TY PEW R ITER S— We rent, repair, buy and sell all makes. Dealers for Royal and Corona. Machines *old on easy paym ent plan. F. L. Patty, 702 Congress, phone 6060. EXCELLENT board and rooms for young men. An attractive place with every convenience. Very mod- 807 W. 22nd, phone i erate rates. j 7422.____________ — 12 OLIVER TYPEW RITER— Must sell at very low price. Phone 4996, — 12 a fte r 8 a. rn. A GOOD CAMP for sale, on^Lak.- Phone — 12 Austin. Fully equipped. 7366. FOR RENT— Room a t 2608 Speed- i way for B arber Shop o r Pressing Shop. Phone 7126. -12 reasonable. Terms STRAYED OR STOLEN— A yellow, tortoise-shell Persian kitten. Re­ turn to 2623 University Avenue or phone 4819. Five dollars rew ard. — 12 COACHING— Math I, Chem I, or Physics I. R. Glenn Davies, 2006 the cam ­ — 16 W ichita S treet—J u s t off pus. Phone No. 4789. For coaching in MATH and CHEMISTRY COACH— trigo­ nom etry, analytical geom etry, calcu­ lus or chemistry I, call Golden, phone — 13 >963. algebra, FOR RENT— To men students, nice quiet room in private home. Call at 2620 Wichita or Dial 4066. — 13 Last Time Today Constance Ta I mad ge In DRESSMAKING, sewing of all kinds. See Mrs. Ewing, 803 W est 21st — 13 stre e t. Phone 3804. “MRS. LEFFINGWELL^ BOOTS” WOOD, COAL— For your w inter sun- ply place your order with H. C. Greer. Phone 7593. 1701 E. 6th. the g r e a t comedy Fro m stag e play by Augustus Thom as STUDEBAKER LIGHT SIX— Best in model ever on m arket. New — tf BC Girls’ shoe approved by Uni­ versity P. T. Department and national Y. W. C. A. YOU CAN PLAY WITH PLEASURE IF YOUR ENERGY NEVER FLAGS Not just any shoe, but a shoe t h a t is scientifically sound will keep your fee t and spirits dancing all day long. I f s a secret of popu lar it y— this unflagging zest t h a t con­ tinually bubbles to the surface and infects all with whom it comes in contact. No tired, wear y person is a stimu­ lating companion. You must be a lert— physically, men- show you how to enjoy your work and play! tally! Keep th e spirits of your feet up and watch them Approved Shoes $8.00 to $10.50 Chiffon Silk Hose Avialable at $2.50 lisle tops above Full fashioned chiffon hose with the knee, in black only. SCARBROUGH’S HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE1 1 Thor*., Fri. and Sat. She packs a rib -crack ­ ing laugh- wallop, does J* * % R \> tC E 'Q y A U T Y " P R iC E THE XaoCO -gJL STORE PHONE VS ANO COUNT THE M I N U T E D ip iP p P W DRUGS, SUNDRIES, SANDWICHES FINE CANDIES, SODA Our Prescription Department Is Unexcelled “If it it in town— we have it” GREENWOOD DRUG CO. Phone 9191 FREE DELIVERY 922 Congress Ave. J. A. JACKSON Jeweler IN DEALER J e w e lr y , D ia m o n d s, W a tc h e s, S ilv e r w a r e , M u sical In str u m e n ts and S p o r tin g G oods W atches and Jew elry Repaired I 617 Congress Avenue Phone 6133 In which crooks f ra m e a par dn er . a couple 01 a THE QUEEN OF SHEBA” w as delayed but will be here next week. Watch for Announcement IU,m u u m u u ..... i i i i m n w u n n t n n i M n i i r r - r .................... .............................. . m m iH M iu u m n u m u n a — n u “Rag-Tim e,” Mavis and K ing’s Chocolates MATTHEWS DRUG CO. 1612 Lavaca Street ■lunuiiiimutmtnuiuiMiutijWiaHUHwmwttmiiuuutUJMitwmii ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN HYDE PARK FLORAL CO 917 Congreaa J^rammed Authorized lord & hudson Dealer T H R E E BLOCKS EAST ON FIFTH For Furniture Refinishing, Repairing and Uphoatering Call F. C. BURUM We Repair, Remodel, or Duplicate Any Piece of F urniture W e C all for and D o liv e r— Dial 55 4 1 FOOTWEAR FASHION DISPLAY You are cordially invited to atten d the display of the seaso n ’s new est m odels in footw ear for both men and w om en, products of the w orld s best shoe factories are show n for your approval—included are those of L aird Schober, I. Miller, N ettleton and Florsheim . The display will be held at McFADDEN’S UNIVERSITY DRUG STORE T W O D A Y S O N L Y Wednesday and Thursday October lith and 12th DILLINGHAM SHOE Austin’s Greatest Shoe Store , , ■ A • i&v v,.l T H E D A I L Y T E X A N Many Girl Hikers „ _ __ Are Out at First „ Meeting of Team nounceraents will be put a Texan. one ft fly-mile hike. The preraqmi- sites for all hiking will be posted on the ch art in the gym, and all an- the in in hiking. About y»ixty-six girls came out for the meeting held Thursday after-! noon in the Worrier*'* Gym for girls interested decided th at the girls going ou t for I the hiking team may not make point* | by mile hike* during the month, but any­ one may take the ten-mile hike for , point*. the five-mile and It has been j taking fo u r-1 There will be a twenty-mile hike in December, a twenty-five mile hike in in March. No girt can take more than fifty-m ile hike Kodaks Loaned and an 8x10 enlargem ent free with every dollar’s worth of Kodak Finishing We Employ Studen; Help Texas Candy and Gift Shop In F ron t of T ex a s T heatre The next meeting will be held Tuesday evening a t 7 in S Hall IO. --------o— ----- LAW C L A SSE S ELECT O FFICERS Member* of the junior, middle and this senior law classes will meet morning to elect their officer# for th. coming year. T h . c l . , * , m e t feb ru ary and in Cie I vr Building at I# a’elaek it is announaad. IM SQM OF MEN HEPQBT OIE FOO Ml IN WRESTLING Coach McLean S*’r».Th^ J*"' uary WU! Find Him W ith F o r m id a b le Team MANDOLIN ORCHESTRA and ▼artou* other rudim ent* o f the! gama will be taught the- men a* they advance in their work. ment for them will be conducted tome time during Jan u ary aa wa* | guitar, banjo or ukelele. the case last r>ar. Organisation of a mandolin or- A t o u m a * chestra has been berun by those atu- dents who play either the mandolin, A m e n ­ at which in* was held last night, j thirty-five of the sixty-one ad i play era on any of these instrument* | were president. The m eeting wa* FO R LEA TH ER PU SH E R S mainly devoted to perfecting organi there ROY W A D E ISSUES CALL ______ 0 — __ but ---------- cation of the orchestra, wa* some practicing also. a Coach Roy McLean of tha Var- th at h ■ rftv w r« tL n « team reports has a large squad of promising me working ou t daily and th at by time for th* season to open in J a n u a r y , e will be able to pot formidable team In the field. F i r e T .te re n . from ] „ t year's team are back and all look good this season rn far. Th* men are: C .p talo Gorman. W . IM . C rad d o ck , Scurlock, 145 end Neah. l l* . Nel­ son Scnrloek, 12* pounds, who la on- able U come not this season on ac­ count of forbiddance by the doctor and Basse, 145 pounds who la not in school are the only two men lost from last year** team. 1*5; Shropshire. 125 T urner. pound*, Eastman. 185 pound*; Hill, 135 pound* and tha championship Lloyd, who won of the freshmen at 145 pound* last •Mason are the most promising new men for places on the V a n ity team a t this date. Between 80 and 40 men are working out for places on the team and many more men of high calibre may be developed from the squad. A class of freshm en of about 20 members is being by Coach McLean on Tuesday, Thurs­ day Elementary# Saturday. training fa being givan tha man now instructed and Boxing calesthenk* instruction started yes­ terday afternoon under the direction of Coach Roy Wade. Wade ha* a large bunch of men out and is putr ting them through in preparation for the real ring work to follow in the w inter spring term*. The men who have had ac­ tual ring experience will be put to pushing leather a t one#, bu t the men without any experience will ba re ­ quired to go through a preliminary course which is dasigned to p u t them into shape for tbs rigors of ring work. and CAP AND GOWN IN ITIA TIO N in appointed Wade has been Initiation for all senior girl* who were not initiated in June will be held by Cap and Gown Thursday fif­ box- ing inatructor at the Wesleyan Col- the Girl’* ternoon a t 5 o'clock lege in E ast Austin and plan* to de- study Hall, Main Building. Those velop a team in that institution to who wish to be initiated will please j furnish competition for the Varsity bring their yearly due* of one dol- mitt-men. through there will be a real tourna­ ment held tome time during the late winter or early spring with team* entered from the Wesleyan College and the various intram ural depart­ ments of the University. If present plan# go l«r. PALACE BARBER SHOP “The Old Reliable” “ Hall of Fam e” BILLY W OLF, Prop. A Strictly Up-to-Date Shop “ Next Door to Kress” C leaning D yeing KELLY SMITH Phone 6598 THURLOW B. W EED Em balm er and Funeral D irector Alteration* Rug Cleaning Modern F uneral Homa Superior A m belanca S a rv k a Lavaca at 17th Phono BOSO W ELCOME TO [VARSITY FLOWER SHOP 2300 Guadalupe Flower Phone 8261 B askets, Flower*, F m itt Plumbing and Heating Contractors DONNELLY & WHITE Phone 6131 905 Congress Avenue W A N T E D Young man who ha* had experience repairing in Typewriters. Phone 4604 for appointment. TEX AS-V ANDERBILT FOOTBALL GAME, DALLAS OCTOBER 21, 1922 RO UN D TRIP— $ 1 0 .1 0 — R O U N D TRIP Tickets on sale, October 20th, limit return Oct. 22 UNIVERSITY FOOTBALL SPECIAL Leaves Austin Via M. K. & T. at 11:00 p. in. October 20th, 1922 TH E K ATY HAS BEEN D ESIG N A TED AS THE OFFICIAL ROUTE FOR THE TEAM , B A N D A N D CO-EDS Special sleepers for the young ladies, reservations to be made through the Dean of Women MISS LUCY NEW TON Room 111, M ain B uilding M ake Your Sleeper R eservation* N ow KATY CITY TICKET O FFICE 521 Congress A ve. T elep h on e 7202 U H M R eading Lamp*, Light Globe* Electrical Supplies of all kind* Repair W ork a Sp ecialty Austin Electric Supply Company 1808 Lavaca— W ilson T w ining DESIGNERS W ITH ORIGINALITY Tha grmc# of our garm ents give them *x**ptional merit Lat us design your frocks especially for you FRAVELL and SESSOM Hemstitching and H ooting— Fancy Buttons and Pinkmg rn. SKK* U ostairs 91? Congress Avenue SERVICE— SANITATIO N DRISKILL BARBERSHOP D risk ill H o tel PURE THREAD SILK SOX Lisle heel and toe in dark tan, green and lavender. 40c the Pair 2 P air 7 5 c The only fault these sox have is the colors— the colors are not fashion’s choice. Z9ted& FOR SALE O w ner L eaving T ow n PA Y YOUR W A Y TH RO UGH SCHOOL G oes to th e H igh est Bidder PARSON’S KODAK BUSINESS Phone 7366 EYES EXAMINED—GLASSES FITTED No drugs used in examination— no time lost from study WARD & TREADWRL OPTOMETRISTS 7th and Congress Avenue ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TEXAN F A I L O P E N I N G SAL E Women’* Coat Suit* In Tricotine, Poiret Twill or Velours, plain tailored or «»broi- dered. V a lu o up to $25.09. On s a l e ............. *........................ $lv.o» ONE LOT ONE LOT Shoe Specials ONE LOT Men’s Gun Metal Shoe Women’s and Misses’ Coats In all wool coat materials. The range of new Fall shades. Values up to $35.00. On sale ........................................................ **...J23*®5 English and round toes, with welt soles and rubber heels. $5.50 value ............................. ............ -............-.................... - ^ . 9 5 to $12.00. The famous Dunlap Shoe for Men. Values up In three groups Shirts for Men Dress Shirts, values to $1.50 ........... ....................................... Dress Shirts, values to $ 2 .7 6 ...................... .... f l . l » Silk Shirts Proportionately Reduced Man’s Valour Hats, Silk Lined .............. Hats for Men and Boys • $3.85 O ther Hat* Proportionately R educed Extra Special Men’s Brown Calf Work Shoes. G uaranteed *olid leather with heavy double sole. $3.00 value .............................. . $2.25 O ther Shoe* Proportionately R educed ONE LOT Hats for Women or Misses Suits for Men and Young Men Value* up to $20.00, on «ale Values up to $27.50, on s a le Values up to $35.00, on s a l e .................. ...... ...... $9.85 ....... $19.85 $2485 In Pattern Hats of all shades. Most of our hats are “Gold Medal.” Values up to $9.00. On sale .............. $5.95 O ther Hat* Proportionately R educed B etter Suit* Proportionately R educed ONE LOT Women’s Coat Suits These come in all the new shades. Plain tailored or embroidered ............$2 4.85 with fur collars. Valuta up to $85.00. On a a ls ONE LOT Women’s Silk or Woolen Dresses In all colors and nobby styles. Values up to $35.00. On sale $19.85 Sweaters, value to $3.00 .................................................................. S I.9 5 Better Sweaters, value to $5.00 ..................................................... $3.85 $7.45 Coat or Slip-over, values to $10 ...... O NE LOT Women’s Silk or Woolen Dresses They come in Crepe de Chine, Canton, Poiret, Twill or Tricotine. Values up to $25.00. On Mile ,....$13A5 ............... -........ Overcoats for Men and Young Men Values up to $20.00, on sale .........................................-............. Values up to $25.00, on sale Values up to $45.00, on sale ....................... ....... .................. - .*-—5*4.85 $ 28.85 B oys’ O vercoat* From 4 to 18 Year* P roportionately R educed $6.85, $5.45, $4.95 Sweaters for Men , 201-203 EAST SIXTH ST. K A N J 2 0 1 -2 0 3 EAST SIXTH ST .