V fl •..TTJC ,..nT"")T .... 8 IS AN O!\IGINAL ···•··· ,\ .:i ,_.J. l TH L v··r q•·:TOU'T lTQT n1;' r-1-..~.1.· IED I.L. J.ll IT MAY j\. .1.J:.:.1 '"'v THE AUTHOR'S PERMISSION ut~~r, 192s , ~~yr, ~~r0//?i _ Y.<.t:u ~2 f, 171-3 J·:J. ,gy, 1st Edition, 1882, p. 489; 1893, p:--12·t;~..~I3·~·-; 140-142, 156, 17?, 178; 3rd Edition, p. 66, 103, 510, 513, 1053. Geologist Association, Proceedings, v. 11, 1889-90, p. 424; v. 12, 1891-92, P• 225; v. 14, 1895-96, P• 210; v. 18, 1903-04, p. 137; v. 48, 1892, P• 43-115; v. 58, 1902, P• 46-58. Geological Magazine, N. s. Decade iv, v. 3, 18?6, p. 218,220; v. 7, 1890, P• 79, 117-127; v. 8, 1891; v. 14, 1867, p. 437, 481; v. 15, 1868, P• 12, 156, 208; v. 161 1869, P• 529; v. 17, 1870, P• 10; v. 8, 1891, P• 433­ 440. Geological Magazine, December, 1906, P• 553. Geological Proceedings, v. 4, 1843-45. Geological Survey Bulletin, v. 25, No. 1, 1914, p. 77. # Geological Survey of Louisiana, Bulletin No. 5, Notes on Geology of Winfield Sheet. Geological Survey of Michfgan, Annual Report, 1901. Geological society of America, Bulletin 9, 1898, p. 427-428; Bulletin 12, 1901, p. 1318; Bulletin 14, 1903, p. 353­368; Bulletin 18, 1907, p. l-28; Bulletin 24, No. 2, 1913, P• 253. 77 Geological Survey of Canada, Annual Report, "''• 2, 1886, pp. 18d, 59e, 68e, 73e, 8le, 90e, 9le, 95e, 98e, lOOe, 119e, 128e, l30e, 13le, 150e, 133p. Geology of Colorado Ore Deposits, v. 1-2, 1888, p. 107. Geology of Iowa, v. 1, pt. 1, 1855, pp. 190, 191, 201, 215, 216, 226, 2'ZT, 236, 242, 243, 254, 255, 275, 276. Geology of Pennsylvania, v. 1, 1858, p. 581. Georgia Geological Survey, Bulletin, No. 18, p. 97, 139, 435. #Grabau, A. w., Principles of Stratigraphy, 1913, pp. 718-721, '763-765. Green, A. H., Manual of Geology (3), 1880, p. 2'79-282. #Hunt, T. s., Chemical and Geological Essays, 1878, p. 89. Iowa Academy of Science, Proceedings, v. 1, pt. 4, 1893, p. 55; v. 4, 1895, p. 55; v. 10, 1902, P• 103. Iowa Geological Survey, Bulletin, v. 11, 1900, p. 16. Illinois State Geological Survey, Bulletin 13, p. 17, 71; Bulletin 26, PP• 102, 104, 151; Bulletin 27, pp. 33, 120 • . Indiana Geological Survey, Memoirs, v. 12. Journal American Chemic'J.l Society, v. 27, No. 9, 1905; v. 62, pt. 2, 1892,p. 1373; v. 15, 1862, p. 107. #Journal of Geology, v. 8, 1900, PP• 135-150; v. 14, 19061 p. 243; v. 20, No. 31 1912, PP• 259-269; v. 26, 1918, PP• 412-438. #Julien, A. A., On the Geological Action of Humus Acids. American Association for the Advancement of Science, v. 28, 1879, P• 311-409. Kansas University Geological Survey, v. 1, 1896, p. 88. Kansas Academy of Sciences, Transactions, v. 16, 1897, p. 43ff. Le ~onte, Joseph, Elements of Geology, 1886, pp. 188-190; 1892, PP• 189-190. 78 Linck, G., Oolitic Limestones of the Bahamas. Linnean Society of London, Transactions, v. 7,pt. 4, Sept.,1906, pp. 45-68. #Llano-Burnet Folio, u. s. G. s., No. 183. Lyell, Sir Charles, Manual of Elementary Geology. Lyell, Elements of Geology, 6th Edition, 1866, p. 37. Lyell, Students Elements C,f Geology, 1871, p. 63-64. Manchester Geological Society, Transactions, v. 1, 1841, p. 80-89; v. 13, 1874, p. 141-148; v. 21, 1892, p. 364-398, 401-422; v. 22, 1894, p. 632-652; v. 25, pt. 16, 1898; v. 28, pt. 14, 1904. Massachusetts Geological Survey, Report, 1833, p. 180. Memoirs of Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard College,Reefs, Agassiz, v. 28, 1903; v. 26, 1895. Merrill, G. P., Rocks, Rock-Weathering and Soils, P• 32, 232. Meunier, M. S., C·ontribution a l 'Estude des Concretions Silicenses, Societe Geologique de France, Bulletin 5, Serie r, 1910. Meunier, M. s., Sur des Concretions quartzenses Reufermees dans la Craile Blanche de Marguy (Oise), Societe Geologique de France, Bulletin 4, Serie 4, 1904. Michigan Geological Survey, Report, v. 2, 1873, p. 48, 56, 209; v. 3, 1873-76, P• 64-68; v. 5, 1881-93, pt. at, P• 21. Mississippi State Geological Survey Bulletin No. 16, p. 68. Murchison, R. I., Russia and Ural Mountain Geology, v. 1. Natural History of New York, Part 4, P• 82, 125, 409. Nature, July 18, 1918, p. 392; v. 94, P• 477; 1879, v. 18, P• 628. 79 Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, 1845, P• 816r; 1849, p. 757b; 1892, P• 266; 1899, P• 385; 1901, P• 351; 1902, P• 399; 1903, p. 374; 1868, p. 294-308; 1854, P• 367• New York Academy of Science, v. 2, P• 48. #New York G·eological Survey, Report, 1893, p. 292. North Dakota Geological Survey Report, Third Biennial Report, 1903-4, p. 65, 167, 168. Ohio Geological Survey Bulletin, 4th Ser. No. 17, p. 231. Ohio Geological Survey, 1870, p. 276, 290. Ohio Geological Survey, Economic Geology, v. 5, p. 268. Oklahoma Geological Survey, Bulletin 7, 1911, P• 26-34. Page, Textbook of Advanced Geology, 5th Edition, 1872, P• 454. ' Pennsylvania Second Geological Survey, Venango c·ounty District. PhilosophiC(Jl Transactions of the Geological Society of London, 1797, p. 386; 1798, p. 15; 1822, p. 24, 27. #Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society of London, v. 145, 1855, p. 149-156; Series B, 1909, p. 167. Prestwich, Joseph, Geology, 1886, v. 1, p.142. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London, v. 13, 1557, P• 363; v. 18, 1862, P• 106-112J v. 32, 18?0, P• 60; v. 36, 1880, P• 1-22, 80; v. 43, 1887, p. 599-604; v. 43, 1887, P• 734-735; v. 44, 1888, p. 371-374; v. 49, 1893, p. 124-128; v. 49, 1893, p. 236-240; v. 53, 1897, p. 479, 511, p. 297-304; v. 58, P• 1902, p. 46-58. Report of Superintendent of the Coast, Survey, Florida Reefs, 1851, p. 145-160. Report of British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1844, p. 155; 1879, p. 312; 1886, p. 670; 1889, P• 597; 1899, P• 741; 1900, p. 737; 1902, P• 342; 1908, p. 667. Rochester Academy of Science, Proceedings, v. 3, 1894­1902, P• 241; v. 13, 1906, p. 268. Report of British Association for the Advancement of Science, Section K, Belfast, 1902. Rosenbuch, R., Elemente der Gestemslehre, 1898. Royal Society of Canada, v. 1, Section 4, 1882-3, p. 285. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Transactions, v. 39, pt. 4, 1900, P• 907-931; v. 37, pt. 2, 1893; 17, 1889-90, p. 79-109; v. 20, 1912, P• 258. Safford, J. M., Geology of Tennessee, 1869, p. 458-459. Sandy Hook Sheet, United States Geological Survey. Science, New Series, v. 33, 1911, p. 550. Scott, M. B., Introduction to Geology, 1897, p. 227, 229, 230. Sheldon, J. M. A., c,oncretions of the Champlain Cl8_ys of the C:onnecticut Valley. Smith's Contributtons to Science, No. 248, p. 1872. Smithsonian Contributions, v. 23, article 3, p. 248; v. 23, 1881, pp. 11, 12. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, v. 64, 1914-16. South Dakota Geologic~l Survey, Bulletin, No. 2, 1909, p. 59, No. 4, 1908, P• 31; No. 5, 1912, P• 31. Societe Geolog1que de France, Bulletin 3, Serie 3, 1845-46, P• 510, 1844-45, p. 198, 2, Serie, No. 2. South Dakota School of Mines, Department of Geology, 1910; Bulletin No. 9, p. 40, 44, 60. 81 Technology Quarterly of Massachusetts and Proceedings of the Society of Arts, v. 1, May, 1888, p. 397. Tenny, Sanborn, Geology, 1865, p. 205, 206. Texas Geological Survey, First Annual Report, 1889, p. 355. Texas University, Bulletin No. 246, Ser. 23, 1912, pp. 20, 21, 30, 31; No. 102, Ser. 12, 1908, p. 18; No. 1869, December 10, 1918, pu. 35, 36, 41, 109, 113, 116, 122, 124, 131, 138, 146, 167, 178, 183, 221; No. 1895, p. 87, 88. Thompson. Voyage of the Challenger, The Atlantic, v. 1, u. s. National Museum, Proceedings, v. 17, No. 987, 1895, p. 87, 88. United States Geological Survey, Annual Report, 16th Annual 1894,pt. 4, p. 517; 17th Annual, 1895, pt. 1, P• 993; 17th Annual, 1895, pt. 2, p. 569. United States Geological Survey, Bulletin 4, p. 26; Bulletin 150, p. 108; Bulletin 148, P• 306; Bulletin 330, p. 82. United States Geological Survey, Monograph 13, p. 64; Mono­graph 29, p. 711-718, 720; Monograph 31, p. 206-242. United States National Academy of Science, Proceedings, 1919, p. 562. University of California Publications, v. 11, No. 3. University of Kansas Geological Survey, v • . 1. Williams, Manual of Lithology, p. 76. Zirkel, F., Lehrbuch der Petrographie, v. l. p. 505-514. The following references include those which were not available in the Library of the University of Texas: American Institute of Mining Engineers, Bulletin 24~ p. 1057, November, 1908. American Naturalist, v. 18, 1884, pp. 882-892. Anales Soc. Espanola fis. quin, v. 10, p. 18-20, J. Casares and s. Pena. Annual Report of Indiana, 1897, pp. 105-150. Annual Report of Vermont, 2nd, 1846, pp. 111-118, 140-142, 255. Beschof, Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology, v. 2, 1859, P• 130-139. Beschof, Lehrbuch, Band I, p. 134•428. Bourne, E. E., History of Wells and Kennebing, 1875, p. 119-122. Bulletin of Academy of Imperial Sciences, St. Petersburg, Ser. 6, 1840, p. 299-426; 1910, p. 447-80. Canadian Geological Survey, Memoirs 101 & 102. Canadian Record of Science, V. iv, January, 1891. Centralblatt, 1901, p. 698; 1903, v. 2, P• 361. Centralblatt Mimeralogie, 1912, p. 282-7; 1914, p. 641-53; 1915, p. 257-63. Chemische Centralblatt, 1912, v. 1, p. 1248; 1914, v. 2, P• 1468-9. Deut. Med. Wochschr., v. 36, p. 704-6, 1910, L. Lichtwitz. Experiment Station Record, v. 32, 1914, P• 215-216. Geological Magazine, v. 8, December 4, 1901, p. 35-36, pp. 149-154, 197-203, 1903; No. 3, December 5, 1906, P• 553; No. 4, 190'7, P• 106; pp.334-335. Geological Society of Glascow, Transactions, v. 11, P• 128-31. Iron Making in Alabama, Gaol. Survey of Alabama, Second Edition, P• 55. Jahresherte des vereins fur materlandische naturkunde in Wurtemburg, Stuttgart, v. 63, p. 355-66, 1917. Journal or Geology, v. XVL, P• 452-81 1908. King, c., u. s. G. s. of 40th Parallel, v. 2, 1877, P• 84. Koenen, Zeitschrift der Deutscher Geologischen Gesellshaft, Berlin, P• 381, 1905. Lehrbuch der Chem. Phys. Geologie, 2nd Edition, Band l, P• 140. Massachusetts Historical Collection, vol. 8, pt. 4, P• 138. Mittheilungen Landw. Inst., Breslau, v. 6, p. 325-44. M1tthe11ungen der grossverzoglich badischen geologischenLandes am Stalk, Heidelberg, 111, p. 497, 1897. Naturw~ z. Forst u. Landw., v. 12, P• 384-92, 1914. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, Geol. Beilage Band, v. 29, P• 359-405. Proceedings and Transactions of Nova Scotian Institute o:r Science, 1895, P• 761. Proceedings of Yorkshire Geological and PolytechnicalSociety, v. 12, pt. 3, 1893, P• 245, 246. :EToceedings.Royal Society of London, V• 24, 1876, pp. 33, '39, 464, 499, 507; 529. Reader, T. W., C·oncretions :rrom Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Report of Geology or Massachusetts, 1835, PP• 186-187. Report Qf Geology of New York, v. 1837, pp. 232-233. Report of Geology of Vermont, v. 1, 1861, PP• 240-245; v. 2, 1862, PP• 698-700. Scottish Geological Magazine, v. 6, 1890, p. 471, 472,481. 84 Schaffer, F. x., Mittheilungen der Geologischen Gesellshaft, Vienna, iii, p. 300-4, 1910. Transactions of American Institute of Mining Engineers, v. 34, 1906, p. 39. Transactions GeologicBl Society of London, v. 4, 2nd Series, pt. 2, 1836, p. 103. Transactions Manchester Geological Society, v. 22, 1892­1893, p. 436-439. Verslag. Konigliche Akademie Westenshappen, v. 23, 1915, pp. 1058-73. The following references are to be found in the main bibliogrnphy, but they contain much of the material that is useful in a study of such deposits as I have de­ scribed. They have been grouped together so that one inter­ ested in the subject may obtain the principal facts about concretionary growth and the discussion of problems and effects accompanying growth: American Journal of Science, 2nd Series, v. 4, 1847, p. 379. Bulletin of Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge College, v. 17, 1889, p. 121-170. Coral Reef of Hawaiian Islands, Bulletin of Museum of Comp. Zoology, Cambridge College, v. 26, 1893, PP• 1-203. C.oral Reef of the Tropical Pacific, Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative zoology. Harvard College, v. 28, 1903. Daly, R. A., The Calcareous Concretions of Kettle Mill Lambton County, Ontario, Journal of Geology, v. a, 1900. 85 Florida Elevated Reef, Bulletin of Museum of ComparativeZoology, v. 26, 1895, pp. 205-81. Florida Reefs, Annual Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey, 1851, pp. 145-160. Garwood, E. J., On the Origin and Mode of the Formation of the Concretions in the Magnesian Limestone of Durham, Geological Magazine, New Series, Dec. III, v. 81 1891, Piil• 433-440. Glance Bay, Cape Breton Geology, Acadian Geology, J. w. Dawson, p. 676. Grabau, A. W., The Transverse Group of Michigan, Annual Report of Geological Survey of Michigan, 1901. Julien, A. A. Humus Acids, Action. American Association for Advancement of Science, v. 28, 1879. Long, E. T., The Pormation of Salt Crystals from a Hot Saturated Solution, American Journal of Science, Series 4, v. 43, 1917, p. 289. Moore, E. s., Iron Formation on Belcher Islands, Hudson Bay with Special Reference to the Origin and Associated Limestones. Journal of Geology, v. 26, 1918. Maury, c. J., A Calcium Carbonate Concretionary Growth in Cape Province, American Journal of Science, v, 44, P• 369-70, 1917. Natural History of New York, Part 4, G~ology, pp. 82, 125, 409. Observations on Some of the Strata between the Chalk and the Oxford Oolite in the Southeast of England.Geological Transactions, v. 4. Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, v. 6, P• 132ff. . . Rhoddy, J. H., Concretions in Streams formed by the Agencyof Blue-Green Algae and Related Plants. American Philosophical Society, of Society Proceedings, v. 54, 1915. Sheldon, J. M. A., Concretions of the Champlain Claysof the Connecticut Valley. Stocks, H. B., On the Origin of Certain Concretions in the Lower Coal Measures. Geological Journal, v. 58, 1902, p. 46-58. Stopes, M. c., & Watson, D. w. s., On the Present Dis­tribition and Origin of Calcareous Concretions in Coal Seams Known as ''Coal Balls." Philos. Trans. of Royal Society, Ser. B. PP. 16'7-218, 1909. Taber, Stephen, The Growth of Crystals under External Pressure. American Journal of Science, Ser. 4, v. 41, 1916, p. 532. Todd, J. E., Concretions and their Geological Effects. Bulletin of Geology Society, v. 14, 1903. Tortugas and Florida Reefs, American Naturalist, v. 1'7, p. 126'7-68. Tortugas and Florida Reefs, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Memoirs, v. 11, p. 10'7-134. Twenhofel, w. H., Pre-Cambrian and Carboniferous AlgalDeposits. Americw Journal of Science, v. 58, November, 1919. Walcott, D., Pre-Cambrian Algonkian Algal Flora. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, v. 64, 1914-1916. Willcox, o. w., The Iron Concretions of the Red Bank Sands, Jou:mal of Geology, v. 14, 1906. Wollacott, David, Geology of Northeast Durham and Southeast Northumberland. Proc. of Geol~iats Association, v. 24, 1913.