Texas Student Publications, Inc. Presents the 1963 GEORGE PARDUE B NCH KAY LY MORROW A ociate Editor Editor-in-Chief Pace 2 B·CACTUS LESTER LOYD EDMONDS, JR. FRA KIE MAE LI DSEY MARGUERITE FREEMA General Manager Business Manager Production Manager Page 3 FOREWORD The University of Texas, 1962-63. As we glance through these pages we recall a few of the joys we shared, the disappointments we suffered, and the classes we endured. Who could forget the daily chimes from the Tower ever reminding us that time moves on, or the hours of study and endless hope that "if I could just make it through this semester, then . . . " With each passing day many saw their last year at the University fade into memories while others eagerly awaited each new day's exciting discoveries. The cam­pus scenes, fhe special events, the many organizations, are each pictured here as a lasting record of this col­lege year. For some, the years here have been a trial, a burden, as they anxiously await graduation and the opportunities ahead. But for most of us, these years have been an ad­venture, a challenge, an experience that we will carry with us forever. In the 1963 Cactus we have tried to capture for you a few of the pictures, words, ideas, that might remind you of the years spent at ole U.T. TABLE OF CONTENTS Administration . 25 CAMPUS LIFE Limelight . . . . . . . . . 41 Features . . . . . . . . . . 79 Student Government and Publications 145 Dorms and Co-ops . . . . . . 171 ORGANIZATIONS Sororities 197 Fraternities 239 Organizations 305 Military 341 ATHLETICS Varsity 361 Freshman 411 lntramurals 417 ACADEMIC Our Campus Looking· SOUTH As we view these expanded 40 acres, now covering more than 240 acres, we see the many buildings as they are here in 1963. With our ever enlarging campus these views will become memories as the University continues its progress onward to meet the needs of a growing state. Looking South we see downtown Austin, the Capitol, and the buildings that line the main mall leading to our christening pool, "Littlefield Fountain." Along the front porch of the Maio Buildin1r Oo to clua up the Main Mall Lookin1 acrot Littlefield Fountain 10 lhe Mu ic Buildina Page 6 The controversial and often criticized statue of the BEB Building represents the family, the basic business·economic unit. The wishing well and garden on the porch of the Rare Books Library on the fourth floor of the Main Building. Littlefield Hom~music cla11e1 and practice rooms Our Campus Looking WEST As we look west we see the drag, the university city within a city, and across from the drag is the Student Union, center of many stud~nt activities. Between the Union and the Tower is the new academic center with browsing library, study rooms, and a completely equipped auditorium. Pare 9 Littlefield Dormitory Short-cut to the campus through the Home Economics Patio P•c• 10 Our Campus Looking NORTH On to the orth and we find the major interest of the male students, the Women's Dorms. Also to the North is the short cut through the Home Economics Patio, the moss filled Biology Pond, the various science buildings, all bring memories of a stroll across campus. Science Row-Chemistry, Physics, Biology Buildings and Experimental Science Building as seen from the room of the Engineering Laboratories Building Paso 12 Our Campus Looking· EAST Turning to the East we find a large expansion pro· gram. A new East Mall is to be created leading up to the Computation Center. North of this new mall is the new Drama Building, across from Memorial Stadium is the new Art Building and Museum, behind the Engineering Laboratories Building is the new Engineering Building, and an addit.ion is being made to Gregory Gym. New addition to Gregory Gym for men'• P.E. and intramurals The south side (upper) and the north side (lower) of the new Art Building and Museum. Page 13 Singing "Ave Maria," the Tri-Dells woo first place in the sorority division of 1962 Sing Soog. Grand entry at Cowboy Minatrela Pace 14 TRADITIONAL U. T. EVENTS Here are only a few of the many traditional events that make the school year more enjoyable. That week­end break after a long week of hour quizzes is often quite refreshing, thus, these traditions will continue to be a vital part of the University. Round-Up, 40-Acres Showcase Varsity Carnival-contests, crowds, and concessions; skit and excitement fill 1emorial Stadium. SPIRIT '62-'63 The spmt and enthusiasm of the players and fans led the Longhorns to SWC Championships in football, basketball, and baseball this year as the Orange Tower continues to shine. That come from behind triumph, that disappointing tie, that tre­mendous year will all be memories of another great year at the University. The Longhorn Band and Flash Card Section combine for a.n excellent Thanbgiving Day halftime · show. Triumphant jubilation as the Longhorns beat A&M 70-59 at College Station to break the Aggies' 3-year home game winning streak. Longhorn Band and Flash Card Section at A&M Thanksgiving Day game A big crowd of ha eball fans turns out to cheer the Lonµ:horn at the SWC C'hampionship. Page 17 STUDENT INTEREST 21,390 tudent , the "student intere t" quite varied. but whether it be sports, politic , entertainment, ervice. religion. or parties. these activities are all an integral part of each student's life here at the Universitv. giH·n hr Cnin~,rsity tud<>nt~ children. Students iake a studr brenk lo see one of the 10 cent movie in the Union. :\la..... uf $-luilt'nls l'olitil·kin~ <'arried on outside-the B.E.B. Buildin~. l".T. adminisrration joins school spirit a! Ka\· Sealr pins bt'at O.l". ribbnn lHI Chancellor Ransom An evening of fun and relaxation in the library!! Humanities Reading Room Pa1e 20 STUDY HOURS Finally we come to the most important of student activities-study. The library, language labs, hooks. papers, all reminder of the many spent to try to further our under tanding and knowl­edge so that we ma\· be better equipped to toda,·'s challenges. Archilecture and Interior on steps of Architecture th e L"nion. _.\ brief re,·ie\\· before 1ha1 big t"~am. William Rust Neville Olive R. Scarborough Oscar Leonard Thompson Walter Prescott Webh STUDENTS Jameb Earl Duff Sandra Lee La\vrence Phillip Michael Gipson Howard Thomas Nerland Reginald Warren Grob Michael Francis Kothmann Winslow Shipman Pratt a F PLA. 2 /;.. Page 25 Pace 26 THE BOARD OF REGENTS W.W. HEATH . ...... . ... ... . . . .. ............ . .. . .. . ..................... . .. ... A. G. McNEESE, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BETTY ANNE THEDFORD BRENAN, San Antonio W. W. HEATH, Austin BRYAN, Lake Jackson WALES H. MADDE , JR., Amarillo Term Expired January, 1963 A. G. Mc EESE, JR., Houston F. CONNALLY, JR., Waco JOH S. REDDITT, Lu/kin TON HARDIE, El Paso FRE CH M. ROBERTSON, Abilene Term Expired January, 1963 Term Expired January, 1963 NEW BOARD MEMBERS APPOINTED IN 1963 MRS. J. LEE JOHNSON, III, Fort Worth RABBI LEVI OLAN, Dallas FRANK C. ERWIN, JR., Austin MRS. J. LEE JOHNSON, III FRANK C. ERWIN, JR. RABBI LEVI OLAN HARRY H OM han llor of Th m r ity of T a Po~e 28 JOSEPH ROYALL SMILEY President of The University of Texas Page 29 ADMINISTRATION OF THE MAIN UNIVERSITY GLE EDWARD BAR ETI JAM H. COL IN Dean of tudents Business Manager Pa1e 30 ALEXANDER MOFFIT DR. PAULL. WHITE CARL J. ECKHARDT University Librarian Director, Student Health Director, Physical Plant Center DEANS AND DIRECTORS AR o owom-Y Dean of Student Life MARGARET PECK Dean of Women JOH H. DOD 0 WILLI M J. HALL Director, Financial Aids Director, tudent Empfoyment to Students Bureau Page 32 -. ~ THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM JAMES Cl.AY DOLLEY LAURENCE D. HASKEW Vice-Chancellor Vice-Chancellor Page 35 THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM Assistant to the Chancellor Endowment Officer DEVELOPMENT BOARD DAN c. WILLIAMS Vice-Chairman ...................... ...... ... .. .. ............ EDWARD CLARK Executive Director ......... .. ........ . ... . .... ............... ]AMES S. TRIOLO Associate Director WILLIAM DAVID BLU K Assistant Director ... ... ......... . . ................ CALVIN CLEAVE NOLEN THE BOARD Hines H. Baker, Houston Charles S. Coates, Chappell Hill Ernest Cockrell, Houston L. L. Colbert, Windsor, Ontario, Canada Mrs. Charles Devall, Kilgore Wales H. Madden, Jr., Amarillo J. Francis Morgan, El Paso J.M. Odom, Austin Charles N. Prothro, Wichita Falls Harry Huntt Ransom, Austin Tom Sealy, Midland Preston Shirley, Galveston The University of Texas Development Board is the agency of The University of Texas responsible to the Chancellor and through him to the Board of Regents for all private fund development for the entire University System. The Board is composed of fifteen prominent citizens who voluntarily devote time and effort to the welfare of the University. Six are named by the Executive Counc!l of the Ex-Students' Association, and eight by the Board of Re­gents, including one who is a member of the Board of Regents. The Chancellor of the University is an ex-officio member. Page 37 --t . . DADS' ASSOCIATION The University of Texas Dads' Association is composed of all fathers of University students, present or past. The Association spon­sors Dads' Day each year during the fall-last fall on November 3. On that day, hundreds of parents visited the campus and were widely entertained and given an opportunity to participate in numerous campus activities and special events. The Dads' Association publishes the quarterly U.T. Dads' Digest, offers a number of Dads' Association scholarships and presents the Outstanding Boy and Outstanding Girl Awards each year. OFFICERS President E. G. MORRISO Vice-Presidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BISHOP BAILEY COL. D. H AROLD BYRD ROBERT B. SMITHER ALLE COWDEN J. CLYDE TOMLI so HOWARD T . Cox DR. COURTNEY M. Tow SEND DR. HAMILTON FORD GAIL WHITCOMB JACK . JOSEY ANGUS G. WYN E, JR. LIP NORVELL Past Presidents . ..... . ... ... ..... . ........... . . . .. . .... . . . . . .... . . . .. .. . . ............. . ... .. .... J. K .• BUTLER J. BROWN CUTBIRTH HARRY c. WEBB JoHN w. HAMPTO J. LEE DITTERT DR. J . B. HEATH MARIO A. OLSO DR. c. M. PHILLIPS HARRY w. FERG 0 TANLEY M. ERSKINE RICHARD w. BLALOCK Treasurer GEORGE H". MARSH Secretary w. D. BLU K EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Allen Bailey Lester Foran Jack G. Lawrence James A. Baker John D. Furrh, Jr. Hugh Munn Rex G. Baker Homer Garrison, Jr. Robert A. Iel on H. M. Boddy William A. Hudson J. L. Rehmet Dr. G. V. Brindley, Jr. David C. Hull R. E. Robertson Millard Cope Dr. E. K. Jones Davis Scarborough Joe J. Fisher Homer K. Key James C. Thomp on Robert D. Fletcher Joe E. Vincent l.&ru:i lffE.ITH 1~.n Pmum f!XG ~ ~· &uoct H. Yma D.Btm JACK RUSSELL MAGUIRE Executive Secretary President The Ex-Students' Association is only two years younger than The University of Texas itself, having been organized in 1885. To­day it is the vehicle through which more than 190,000 former students continue their interest in, and service to, the University. The Association does more than keep records on alumni, although that is one of its primary functions. It also sponsors more than 150 Texas Exes Clubs throughout the world; publishes a monthly magazine, The Alcalde; provides a number of services to mem­bers, such as the priority for the purchase of football tickets; and performs a number of functions in behalf of the University. Through the years, the Ex-Students' Association has created more than a quarter of a million dollars in endowed funds which an­nually provide scholarships for many students. It also maintains sizable student loan funds. The Association is not a part of the University and its program in behalf of the institution is supported through the annual dues of its members. Its affairs are governed by a forty-two member Executive Council elected from throughout the state. An eighteen member paid staff is maintained at the headquarters in the Home Economics Building. Fronl Row: Carole Jones, Cynthia Cooper, Janet Maclean, Harry Wise, Patricia Nulty, Gloria Allen. Second Row: Jack Maguire, Pat Maguire, Mary Reising, John Walton, Mary Welge, Loraine Jack.son. Third Row: Barbara Allen, Jane Ammann, Mary Campbell, Willie Mae Edwards, Jim Moncure, Roy Vaughan. Page 39 ' . . . DEAN OF WOMEN Pace 40 Seated: Margaret Berry, Margaret Peck, Helen :Margaret Flinn. Standing: Laurabeth Fallin, Dorothy Dean. DEAN OF MEN AND STUDENT LIFE Seated: Edwin Booth Price, Arno No· wotny, Donald Ray Mighell. Standing: Rollin Albert Sininger, David Hildreth Thomas. INTERNATIONAL OFFICE Seated: Patricia L. Roberti, Joe West Neal, Mollie Walter. Standin1: Gail A. Ratliff, Bert C. Engel· hardt, Dolores Silva, Edwin E. Hieb· tower. ·Pirl. "" f. ~f Tllff ..... NAL CAMPUS LIFE "He i an eloquent man who can treat humble subiects with delicacy, lofty things impressively, and moderated things temperately." -Cicero BJiubonn~t covcrt!d hrlri nt!nr Au5tin __.__________________________ - LIMELIGHT Beauty, Honors, and A wards Page 41 SWEETHEART . I I I I 1 I I ! FINALISTS I! II I I I I I I I I ~ I SWEETHEART NOMINEES Jeanne Richey Amacker Kathryn Ann Bailey Genie Brackenridge Ann Connor Brown *Barbara Burt Janet M. Dahl Judye Ann Galeener Della Henderson Helen Elizabeth Houston Barbara Katherine Hurt *Karen Lee Hyman Carol Glee Ingram Jan Jopling *Ann Kasman * Indicate Finalist . I Loyce Ann Katz *Jerry Ann Lee Sally Anne Lehr Eddie Rebecca . Maxey Mary Jane Maxfield Linda B. McDaniel Mary Evelyn Merritt Sharon Sue Rountree Susan Deranda Shaw Cynthia Lee Shoptaw I I Maida Singer Bea Ann Smith I Patricia Anne Stephens *Sue Alyce Stiles Jan Thomsen I I I I I Pace 46 I I I J BLUEBONNET BELLE NOMINEES Judith Ann Allred * Patricia Ruth Aston ** Cecile Curlin Autrey Sally Baggett * Kathryn Ann Bailey Carolie Ann Baity * Bunny Ball Janis Ann Berly Dorothy Eleanor Berry Jody Blazek ** Genie Brackenridge Zelna Virginia Broadus Alexis Joan Brown ** Barbara Burt Mary Kathryn Buss Carol Lou Carlson * Janice Mary Chadwell ** Hazel Jane Clements * Frankie Marie Collier * Sara Jo Curlee Carolyn Ethel Dahse * Rebecca Ruth Davis Cecilia Camille Dehlinger ** Lynn Denman * Carol Diane Douglass Suzanne Eleanore Earhart * Connie Joan Eaton Sharon Dianne Edmiston Elizabeth Ellen Elkins * Rita Jay Fagelman * Pearl Feingold * Carol Barbara Feld * Sandra Kay Fitzgerald Susan Chappell Ford * Susan Fowler ** Judye Ann Galeener Victoria Lee Gazzell Judy Gail Gillespie ** Mary Ella Graham Elizabeth Rose Greenfield ** Barbara Ann Gresham Barbara Elaine Grevsky Michelle Guillot Bobbie Ann Harper Janett Carol Hartin Mary Julette Haynes Sandra Hays * Della Mae Henderson Rae Theresa Herrera ** Priscilla Jane Hester * Marion Diane Holbrook * Helen Elizabeth Houston * Barbara Katherine Hurt Joan Phyllis Hyman ** Karen Lee Hyman Carol Glee Ingram * Paula Sue Ivey * Amelia Janssen Sandra Jean Jircik Jan Jopling Loyce Ann Katz * Elizabeth Ann Kendall * Ida Marie Klein * Elizabeth Anne Koch * Mabel Joy Kokernot Mary Kathryn Kulchak * Martha June Lanier Ann Mallett Lynda Schaffer Mann * Eddie Rebecca Maxey * Mary Jane Maxfield ** Linda Bragg McDaniel * Susan Virginia McGee * Mary Evelyn Merritt Sabra Ann Moore "* Zane Ann Morgan * Patricia Myers Lori Ann Nichols * Frances orthcutt ** Mary Jane Pratscher Elsie Grace Ramirez * Sarah Ann Redfield * Janet Louise Rink &.ther Mary Roberts Sharon Gaines Robins ** ancy Elizabeth Schlegel * Carolyn Schroeter * Martha Elizabeth Sealy * Mary Katherine Sealy Carol Ann Searight Karen Lee Shannon Carolyn Marie Shaw Susan Deranda Shaw Cynthia Lee Shoptaw Molly Shulman ** Kay Carlton Solomon Leah Sonja Stalarow Diana Lou Stenger Patricia Ann Stephens ** Sue Alyce Stiles Mary Sue Strube * Patricia Jeanne Swahn Nancy Lou Swift Barbara Ann Taylor ** Sandra Carol Thomas * Jan Thomsen * J<>Ann Marie Walter * Janet Louise Wark Judy Kathleen Wax * Betsy Kay Weiner * Judy Jean White Anna Leslie Wood * Esperanza Linda Ximenes * Semi-Finalist ** Finalist Page 47 BLUEBONNET BELLE FINALISTS BLUEBONNET BELLE FINALISTS BLUEBONNET BELLE FINALISTS • BLUEBONNET BELLE FINALISTS P11e 54 Pase 58 Page 60 TEN M OST BEAUTIFUL Front Row: Bunny B•ll, Susan Jane Hani1, ancy Elizabe1h chle1el, Ru th Ann Wallen. Second Row: Phyllis Vi1na, Jane Louite Rink, Penne Ann Percy, Dani Ellen Bailey. Baclt Row: Cecile Curlin Autrey, andra Kay Fitzcerald. P•1e 62 OUTSTANDING STUDENTS AND GOOD FELLOWS SELECTION OF OUTSTANDING STUDENTS AND GOODFELLOWS The Outstanding Students were chosen by a committee composed of the Dean of Student Life, Dean of Women, Assistant Dean of Student Life in charge of Campus Organizations, President of the Students' Association, Daily Texan Editor, Cactus Editor and Cactus Associate Editor. In choosing these twenty-seven students the committee considered all aspects of the student's campus life. Scholarship and academic achievement were important considerations. Other important factors considered were service to the campus and contributions to the University, as well as leadership shown in various campus or­ganizations and activities. The Goodfellow selection was based on unselfish and continual service to the University. Personality and an active interest in campus organizations and activi­ties. were also considered. The idea of a "Goodfellow" is used most accurately to describe the selection of these thirty-nine Goodfellows. Selection was made by the Cactus Editor and Associate Editor on the recommendation from the committee listed above. SELECTION OF THE BLUEBONNET BELLES The sixty Bluebonnet Belle Semi-Finalists were selected from one hundred and twenty nominations on the basis of their pictures and activities which were sub­mitted with their application. The semi-finalists were then interviewed and judged on the basis of poise, personality, beauty, campus orientation, and campus activ­ity. The committee felt that to be a Belle and representing The University of Texas, the nominee must not only be beautiful, but must also be interested and aware of the University and its activities. Seventeen finalists were chosen and pre­sented at Round-Up Revue. The finalists were again interviewed and the five Bluebonnet Belles were se­lected. This year's selection and interview committee was composed of Mrs. Laurabeth Fallin, Dean of Women's Office; Colonel David Thomas, Dean of Men's Office; Mr. Walter Barnes, an Austin Photographer; Helena Frenkil, Panhellenic President; Tony Joseph, lnterfraternity Council President; Kay Morrow, Cactus Associate Editor; and George Bunch, Cactus Editor. Page 63 WAYNE FREDRIC AGUREN ALAN PAUL BLOEBAUM Beta Gamma Sigma; Sigma Iota Epsilon; Honor Roll; Silver Spurs; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Eta Sigma; Kappa Kappa Psi; Alpha Epsilon University Club President; CBA Council Treasurer and Projects Delta Reporter; Honor Roll; Order of Aesculapuis; James Rockwell Chairman; Society for the Advancement of Management Vice-Presi­Scholarship; Texas Student Leaders Seminar to Chile; Longhorn dent; American Society of Mechanical Engineers Secretary; Fresh­Band. man Advisory Assembly; Student-Faculty Committee. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS A N CONNOR BROWN RUBENS. BROW Kappa Kappa Gamma Scholarship Chairman; Alpha Lambda Delta Tejas Club Social and House Committee; Alpha Phi Omega Presi­ President; Honor Roll; Phi Beta Kinsolving; Orange Jackets Vice· dent; YMCA Vice-President; Regional YMCA; National YMCA; President; YWCA President; Mortar Board Treasurer; Upperclass Co-Chairman of the Legislative Commission; Texas Union Advisory Advisor; Leadership Seminar; Union Student-Faculty Committee; Board; Election Commission Chairman; Investigating Committee; Freshman Council; Model United Nations; Sweetheart Nominee. Alpha Phi Omega Distinguished Service Award. Page 64 GEORGE PARDUE BUNCH Alpha Chi Omega Recording Secretary; Honor Roll; Pi Lambda Tejas Club Inter-Club Council Representative; Alpha Phi Omega Theta; Mortar Board; Orange Jackets; Upperclass Advisor; Texas Vice-President of Service Projects; Alpha Epsilon Delta Vice· tudent Education Association State President; Education Assem· President; 1963 Cactus Editor-in-Chief; Texas Student Publications blyman; Academic Affairs Committee Chairman; Student-Faculty Board of Directors; NSA Investigating Committee; Young Repub­Cabinet; Student Government Committees; tudent Education Asso· licans Executive Board; American Institute of Architects. ciation President; Bluebonnet Belle Finalist; 1963 Silver pur Award. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS JOH ROBERT COPE JOHN PAT CULPEPPER Kappa Alpha; Silver Spurs; YMCA Board of Directors; Texas Silver purs; Friar Society; Fellowship of Christian Athletes Presi· To-day and Tomorrow Steering Committee; Dr. Smiley's Committee dent; Varsity Football Co-Captain; T Association President; All of 33; CBA Council President ; Vice-President of the Students' Southwest Conference Selection; Earl Blaik Scholar-Athlete Award; Association; Texas Student Publications Board of Directors; Student Swede Nelson Sportsmanship Award; All-American and AU-South· Assembly; Freshman Council; Student Government Committees. west Conference cholastic Team8. Page 65 JESSICA ROYECE DARLING CAROLYN DRAEGER Zeta Tau Alpha Pledge Trainer ; Phi Beta Kinsolving; Honor Roll; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Delta Phi; Pi Lambda Theta Treasurer; Mortar Sweetheart of The University of Texas; Varsity Cheerleader; Board Vice-President; Cap and Gown President; Swing-Out Co­Upperclass Advisor; Royal Spirit Committee; Texas Student Leaders Chairman; Union Leadership Seminar; Union Advisory Board; Senior Seminar to Chile; Hospitality Committee; Ten Most Beautiful; Cabinet Secretary; Challenge Committee; Round-Up Review Stage Bluebonnet Belle Finalist; Longhorn Singers. Crew; Poona Club Secretary; Upperclass Advisor; Union Commit­tees; 1963 Marjorie Darelik Memorial Award. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS HELE A REBECCA FRENKIL JUDYE A N GALEE 1ER Alpha Epsilon Phi; Panhellenic President; Mortar Board ; Orange Chi Omega Treasurer; Phi Beta Kinsolving; Honor Roll; Mortar Jackets Contact Chairman; Spooks Secretary; Leadership Seminar; Board; Orange Jackets; Operation Brainpower Co-Chairman; Texas Student-Faculty Cabinet; Central Round-Up Committee; Orientation To-Day and Tomorrow Steering Committee; A&S Assemblyman; Leader; YWCA Committees; Goodfellow; Bluebonnet Belle Selec­Campus Chest Secretary; Leadership Seminar; Union Committees; tion Committee. Bluebonnet Belle Finalist; Sweetheart Nominee; Cordettes Publicity Officer. Pace 66 ;'Wu! &r.. &in!; 5'niw W.Suii -- · · W; l!Oltl! llimD; Till! Kappa Alpha Theta Activities and Standards Chairman; Pi Delta Pi Beta Phi; Alpha Lambda Delta; Honor Roll ; Mortar Board; Phi; Phi Beta Kinsolving; Honor Roll; Mortar Board Historian; Orange Jackets Secretary; Panhellenic Treasurer; University Y Oranr,e Jackets; University Y Treasurer; Leadership Seminar; Board of Directors; A&S Assemblyman; Leadership Seminar; Up­Upperclass Advisor; Challenge Committee; Model United Nations; perclass Advisor; Symphonic Band; Bluebonnet Belle Nominee; Bluebonnet Belle Nominee, weetheart Nominee. Sweetheart ominee. OUTSTANDING STU DENTS LAWRE CE ANTHO Y JO EPH, JR. SAM E. KI CH, JR. Delta Chi President; Interfraternity Council President; Phi Delta Phi Kappa Psi; Sigma Delta Chi; Daily Texan Editor-in-Chief; Silver Phi; Inns of Court; Co-Op Board of Directors Vice-Chairman; Spur~; Texas To-Day and Tomorrow Committee; Faculty-Student Cabi­ Faculty-Student Cabinet; Union Advisory Board; Central Round-Up net; President's Advisory Cabinet; Central Round-Up Committee; Committee; Goodfellow; Bluebonnet Belle election Committee. Texas Student Leaders Seminar to Chile; Hearst Foundation Jour­ nalism Award; Time, Inc., Special Journalism Project. Page 67 WILLIA I ELAM MABRY Theta Xi President ; Phi Eta Sigma; Sigma Delta Pi; Honor Roll; Student Assembly; International Commission ; Royal pirit Commit· tee; Baptist Student Union Vice-President; Young Republicans; Rockwell Scholarship ; Freshman Council Executive Board. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS SALLY AN LEHR PHILE A JA E MORTO Chi Omega Vice-President ; Honor Roll ; Mortar Board; Orange Delta Gamma Political Chairman; Alpha Lambda Delta Vice-Presi· Jackets President ; Leadership Seminar ; Texas Union Advisory dent; Phi Beta Kappa; Pi Delta Phi; Junior Fellow; Orange Board; Spooks Secretary; Newman Club ; Upperclass Advisor; Jacket Treasurer; Mortar Board President ; Texas Student Leaders Bluebonnet Belle ominee ; Sweetheart Nominee. Seminar to Chile; Upperclass Advisor; ChaJlenge Colloquim Co­Chairman; Wesley Foundation; Goodfellow. Page 68 GLENN BURKE MUSGROVE Tejas Oub Executive Council; Alpha Phi Omega President; Alpha Chi Sigma; Inter-Club Council President; American Institute of Chemical Engineers; AROTC, Cadet Major; Pershing Rifles; Society of American Military Engineers; Moore-Hill Hall Advisor; Intra­mural Manager ; Intramural Council; T Association; Berry M. Whitaker Leadership Award; Texas Union Advisory Board. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS JOH C. TREADWELL A FORD, JR. Phi Gamma Delta Corresponding Secretary; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Delta Tau Delta; Pi Delta Phi; President of the tudents' Associ­Epsilon Delta; Honor Roll; Silver Spurs Executive Council; T ation; Texa Cowboys; Interfraternity Code of Conduct Committee; Association; Varsity Football Team; All-American Football Teams; Assemblyman; Leadership Seminar; Challenge; Texas Student Pub­George (Hook) McCullough Award; All-Southwest Conference and lications Board of Directors; Social Calendar Committee Chairman; All-American Scholastic Football Teams. YMCA Committees; Speaker's Committee. Page 69 LEAH ANN WEAVER WILLIAM DARRELL WILLERSON, JR. Mortar Board ; Orange Jackets; Texas Union Executive Council; Phi Gamma Delta Pledge Trainer; Phi Eta Sigma; Alpha Epsilon Union Advisory Board; Union Leadership Award; Round-Up Com­Delta; Texas Cowboy Foreman; Varsity Tennis Team; T Association; mittee; Student Government Committees; Racket Club; Westminster Rally Advisory Committee ; Union Advisory Board. Student Fellowship; Upperclass Advisor; Social Welfare Club. OUTSTANDING STUDENTS JOH FRANKL! WEEKS FORMER OUTSTA DI G STUDE T Delta Chi Treasurer; Omicron Chi Epsilon; Honor Roll; Interfra­ ternity Council ; YMCA Cabinet; Young Democrats; A&S Assembly­ man; Challenge; President Smiley's Advisory Cabinet; Freshman Judy Schleyer Blanton Council Advisor ; Faculty-Student Discipline Committee ; NSA Dele­ Susan Lee Campbell gate; Goodfellow. Ronald Dennie Cohen Michal Barry Cotten Keith Kohn Cox Bert Carl Engelhardt William Cook Fielder Susan Chappell Ford Alejandro Garcia Julius Glickman Leon orrod Graham Dinah Kay Heiser Walter Tom Henson Lowell H. Leberman, Jr. Gregory Owen Lipscomb Jame Charles oe er Maurice amuel Olian James Irvine Perkins, Jr. Ellis Wynn Presson Patricia W. Ru ch Arthur Louis chechter JoAnn Pankratz tiles Avis Andrea Tieber Barbara Jean To ch Virginia Ann Walker usan Elizabeth Whit it Page 70 GOODFELLOWS MICHAEL SHA E BRENA!\ SUSAN LEE CAMPBELL JERRY CUTLER COFFEY GOODFELLOWS HELEN ELIZABETH HO USTON KAREN LEE HYMAN Page 72 GOOD FELLOWS ROBERT A. MARKOWITZ LINDA R TH LOVELESS Page 73 EDDIE REBECCA MAXEY GOODFELLOWS SHARO SUE ROU TREE DO . A FA YE OBERPRILLER GOODFELLOWS FORMER GOODFELLOWS Betty Ann Aue Victoria Bu h Caldwell athan Fred Cliett Ronald D. Cohen James Hudson Dudley Arthur Alexander Duggan Ronald David Eastman Helena Rebecca Frenkil Charles ed Goldberg Sylvia Ann Grider Michelle Guillot Edward Robertson Hewlett Lawrence Anthony Joseph, Jr. Loyce Ann Katz Richard Page Keeton Bert Gentry Lee Jay Mayne Lewallen Gail Helen McBride Oliver Barr McClellan Mildred Rose Meile Ferdinand Charles Meyer Phiiena Jane Morton James Elwyn Neyland '.\'.lonroe Ben owotny Maurice Samuel Olian George Albert Olson Sandra Lee Parker Edward Bradford Pickett Alfred Gerald Platt Ellis Wynne Presson Ramon Robert Rackley Esther May Roberts Dick Weldon Simpson Maida Singer Barbara Jean Tosch Dianne Treadaway Carolyn Anne Tull John Franklin Weeks Page 75 DADS' DAY AWARDS Each year on Dads' Day the Dads' Association of The l.Jniver ity of Texas present an award to the Most CAROLY DRAEGER Outstanding Girl and the Most Outstanding Boy of the niversity. election i ha ed on leader hip, cholar hip. and service to the l:niver itv. This year the awards went to Greg ory 0. L ips comb o f H ouston and usan Ford of Lubbock. SILVER SPUR AWARD The award for the Most Outstanding Senior Woman Student, was presented at Swing-Out to Hazel Jane Clements of Huntsville. Silver Spurs sponsor this award given for leadership, academic achievement, and service to the University. MARJORIE DARELIK MEMORIAL AW ARD The award for the Most Outstanding Inde­pendent Woman Student, the Marjorie Darelik Memorial Award, was presented to Carolyn Draeger of Houston. This award, presented at Swing-Out, is given for outstanding scholarship, service, and extra­curricular activities. HAZEL JANE CLEME TS Page 77 MIKE FLYNN AWARD The i\like Fh nn Citizenship Award is presented each y ar at Swing-Out to the male student who mo t nearly '"fills Mike Fh nn"s shoes." Selection is based on ervice and extra-cu~ricular activities. This ,·ear the award was presented to Gregory 0 . Lipscomb of Hou ton. The Mike Flynn Award is ponsored ll\· Tnterfraternit1· Council and Inter-Co-Operative Council. GREG LIP 01\IB P11c 78 Page 79 FALL Fall ... time for the yearly migration back to the old Forty Acres. The campus Greeks polish their trophies, tum on their brightest smiles, and open their doors to hundreds of nervous, hopeful rushees. With would-be schedules in hand, students bake in the sun before Gregory Gym, waiting to be admitted to UT's own version of the Wall Street Panic-Fall Registration. Clubs and organizations bom­bard all who walk the campus with a deluge of pleas to "join!," "vote!," "picket!," "revolt!," .. . or just contribute a few dollars. From the "Hook 'em Homs!" of football games to the "D-'s" of hour quizzes, Fall at UT is a mixture of hard work and countless good times. Rush Begins the New Year Kappa's entertain rushees with Showboat 1kit. Rush Week, the almual "snow-the-rushees" program as staged by the campus Greeks, is one of tlle highlights of Fall at UT. Sororities present clever skits and try, in general,, to out-smile, out-sing, and out-talk all competition. While drinking a lifetime supply of punch, each rushee is afforded countless opportuni­ties to relate her name, her major, her home town, her name, her major ... Fraternity rush, beginning during the summer months, is a continuous session of wine, women, and song, pecializing in "beer, beer, beer that makes you wanna cheer"-and pledge. Rush week comes to a clo e with a breathtaking whirl of parties, dates and fun. For some, however, the week's climax is that inevitable trip to Littlefield Fountain where they receive a damp, but exciting, introduction to life a a UT Greek. Pare 82 Men 1ather outside Gre1orr Gym before Rush Convocation. Left: Acacias dMplay their trophie1. Tri-Delt'1 chat with rUJhee1 in relaxed atmo1phere. Delts entertain ru1hee1 with combo; Tex Cross on the drums. Pled1<1 be1in /rotemitr Ii/• with o 1pltuh. ADPi'i welcome neao pledgei. Fraternity men con1raiulott: new Chi Omega'3. Page 85 The lon1 wait •.. I 1wear or al/irm that J believe in and approue o/ the Con1litutiion ... And th e line continues ... Up to th e balcony . .. Registration Fall Registration. UT's yearly endurance test, begins in mid-September and ends whenever the last student manages to get out of Gregory Gym. Having passed the "stand-in­the-sun-for-two-hours-without-fainting" test, one is admitted to the Gym where he is faced with the decision of signing a non-communist oath or going back out in the sun. Those who make the correct choice are permitted to lounge around on the concrete stands for another two hours be­fore facing the next obstacle. Rested and invigorated, stu­dents move on to the sectionizers who check over their desired schedule, laugh, and remark that "Saturday night lab is still open . . . " Class cards in hand, one travels to the stage, pays for the day's enjoyment, and descends to the basement. The finish line is near. Passing the final obstacle course formed by campus clubs, organizations and pamphlet distributors, registration's last victim dashes through the doorway never to return-until Spring Regis­tration. TTS at eight ! Busy week for ih e Co.Op. Between claues, o litlle 1copin1 on the Mall. campus. Whether one's interest lies in football, student government, folk s~nator John Torcrr sprak, to th<' }"oung Rl'puMirnns. music, politics, or, as m a few rare cases, culture, he can find others who share his enthusiasm. The March on Dallas . . . Hook 'em Horns! Typical Te:ca.J·OU 1piri.il As October rolls around, students evacuate the Forty Acres and prepare to invade Dallas for a rollicking weekend of football and general festivi­ties. Weeks of thought go into the selection of a date for OU weekend, and UT coeds spend hours cramming a week's supply of clothes into every available suitcase. Hour quizzes and homework are forgotten as carloads of football enthusiasts roll northward. Parties abound, and the streets of Big D echo with shouts of "Hook 'em Horns!". OU Weekend with its atmosphere of excitement is a never-to-be-forgotten experience in the life of a UT student. Texas /i1hc? Foll Eleclion1 Pogo 92 Annual Mum Salt& Coach Royal disembarks al Afunicipal Airport. Football King September 22 . . . The Texas Longhorns clashed with Oregon and began the long struggle toward the Southwest Conference Championship and the temporary position as the No. 1 team in the nation. Football season brought the usual round of torch· light parades, pep rallies, beer busts, and chants of "Beat the Hell outa whoever it is we're playing this week." Everyone went to the games early to "beat the crowd" and met everyone else who had the same idea in the seething mass of humanity which formed within a two mile radius of Memorial Stadium. Fans sang "Texas Fight," Texas fought, gung·ho spectators dribbled cokes down the backs of those in front of them, and Bevo watched the proceedings with his usual dignity. The Show Band of the Southwest, with several flags and even a few banners, p1 wided color and excitement for every game. Page 95 Texas prepares lo "Humiliate SMU." Fans greet Bevo at SMU game . Mis& A.u&lin. Finalist&: Jeanne A.maker (upper le/l), Mi.u A.u&tin.. Oron1e Joclce~ Judye Coleener, Jone Morton , Helena Frenkil, Stephanie B ucanan . and Sally Lthr tap Karen Hyman. John Connally awaits returns. Spooks Commie Harris and Beth Grun/ield entertain at Spooks' Foreign Student Party. Drama Department's presentation of "Fuente Ovejuna." Pledges of Pi Phi and Phi Delta build up bonfire. On Thanksgiving Day all work ceased on The Farm and the Aggies ventured to Austin to do battle with the Texas Longhorns. Long days of work preceded the annual invasion from Aggieland: Aggie signs were laboriously constructed, material for the bonfire was collected and piled high, and Texas fans gathered on the bank of the Colorado River to joke about farmers, cheer, and watch the "Aggie Funeral Pyre" glow against the November sky. As game time approached, football fans crowded into Memorial Stadium to watch Texas wallop A&M by a score of 13-3. Flam e1 leap high on. bonfire. Page 101 "'Most Unique" de1igned by SAE'1. S EPTEMBER SUNDAY, 9th-Rush week opens with Convocation for prospective rushees. Silence begins and girls are required to refrain from speaking to all sorority girls and to any boys. MO DAY, 10th-Friday, 14th-Rush parties begin an exciting but unpredictable week. Girls' rush is divided into three periods of formal rush with rushers and rushees showing preference by designating parties. Men's rush uses a new system; informal rush• is held during the second period while first and third periods are devoted to formal rush in order to give the rushees an opportunity to meet more fraternities. SATURDAY, 15th-Men accept their fraternity bids, and afterwards, the actives are traditionally thrown in Littlefield Fountain. U DAY 16th-Orientation Week officially opens with a Parent's Convocation. ew sorority pledges receive invitations and hurry to their re pective houses. An open­house with an informal pledge line follows at each sorority house. MO DAY, 17th-Five-day Fall -einester registration begin and it ets off a chain of events in preparation for the coming year-Placement examinations, distribution of the 1962 Cactus, selection of over 1,000 students for Freshman Council, and auditions for the University Band, Orchestra, Opera workshop, and Choral organiza­tions. TUESDAY, 18th-Orientation in full swing. An announcement is made concerning a change in the summer session from one 9 weeks session to a combination of two 6 weeks, one 12 weeks, or one 9 weeks session. The Longhorns are rated in pre­season forecast of football as second in the nation. The University, including Women's Residence Halls, introduces new Centrex Telephone System of direct dialing-a relief to all! WEDNESDAY, 19th-Alpha Phi Omega, national service fraternity, continues its work of guidance during Registration Week by conducting a tour of the campus for new students. A Shorthorn Party is also held for new students in the Texas Union main ballroom. THURSDAY, 20th-Union committees take active part in orientation-A campus fashion show is put on by the charm committee, and a "Forty Acres Talent Show" for new students is sponsored by the talent committee. FRIDAY, 21st-American Association of University Professors meets for discussion of the University's relation to the Forty Acres Club. (Chancellor Harry Ransom stated that the Club is a private club. ) A graduate reception is given by the Graduate Group. The Texas Union holds an open house with a movie and a dance. SATURDAY, 22nd-Texas downs Oregon 25-13 by coming from behind in the second half to score 22 points in 12 minutes. A new record is set at the close of Registration Week with 20,287 students enrolled. Gubernatorial candidate Jack Cox and John Connally both meet with student supporters in Austin. SUNDAY, 23rd-Longhorn Band Concert at Hogg Auditorium under the direction of Vincent R. Di ino. Journalism family picnic at Barton Springs. Last free day before classes! MO DAY, 24th-Fall Semester clas es begin. Delta Tau Delta ocial fraternity defeats '61 champions, Kappa Sigma, by a score of 26-6 in an exhibition game to open the 1962 Men' Intramural Football sea on. Pose 102 TUESDAY, 25th-Phi Beta Kinsolving begins its second annual "Academic Rush Week." Interviews begin for the 15 nion committees. Sonny Liston knocks out Floyd Patterson in 2 minutes and 6 seconds to capture the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship. WED ESDAY, 26th-Texas Student Publications Board elects Sandy Sanford as its chairman. Interviews are held for prospective pledges of the national social sorority Alpha Xi Delta which colonized on the campus this fall. Folk singers gather in Union for their regular Wednesday night singing. THURSDAY, 27th-A pep rally is held at Gregory Gym where seven new cheerleaders are selected-Jessica Darling, Wendy Kellogg, Becky Maxey, Jan Thomsen, Bob Lowe, David orthington, and Ben owotny. "Wild Strawberries," Swedish Film Classic by Ingmar Bergman, is presented in Batts Auditorium. John Cope is voted in by acclamation to the Vice-Presidency of the Student Assembly. The niversity Administration holds its fall reception. FRIDAY, 28th-Lloyd Harris, Bass-Baritone with Lyric Opera of Chicago, opens the Music Department's Guest Series at the Recital Hall. SATURDAY, 29th-The Texas Longhorns defeat the Texas Tech Raiders in a smash­ing 34-0 victory in Lubbock. SU DAY, 30th-Vice-President Lyndon Johnson addresses opening session of the Texas Association of School Boards. The University Tae Kwon Do (Karate ) Club gives exhibition. O CTOBER MO DAY, 1st-Special short cour e in FORTRA programming opens at computation center. Organizational meeting is held for varsity and freshman swimming teams. James Meredith enrolls at the University of Mississippi amid rebellion led by Governor Ross Barnett. TUESDAY, 2nd-A Royal Spirit Committee organizational meeting is held. Sixty-six new members are selected to A Cappella Choir. WEDNESDAY, 3rd-Exhibition opens of original letters of the famed Briton T. F. Lawrence accompanied by a lecture on "Lawrence of Arabia" by Bertram Rota, London author. Angel Flight holds coffee with Arnold Air Society to kick off United Fund Drive. Freshman Council mass meeting is held with address by Dr. Irwin Spear, Professor of Biology. The University Sports Association holds fall tryouts. Astronaut Walter M. Schirra, Jr. orbits the earth six times. THURSDAY, 4th-Dessert party is held to start the Texas Union's Fall Semester activity. Alex Duggan is elected CBA assemblyman to replace John Cope. Author J. Frank Dobie speaks at informal discussion at Delta Upsilon house. FRIDAY, 5th-Rousing Tulane pep rally is led by head cheerleader Bill Melton. SATURDAY, 6th-High school Band Day in Austin brings bands from all over the state to perform in a parade. Texas defeats Tulane by a smashing 35-8 score. Line forms for OU date tickets-anxious, but tired fans! SUNDAY, 7th-The Cactus announces its selection for the '62-'63 staff. The Student Organizations Concert Series presents the University Symphonic Band, J. Frank Elsass conducting. Page 103 MO DAY, 8th-PI football rating puts Texas o. 1 in the nation. Five freshman cheerleaders are selected to support freshman football and ha ketball-Pam Burnett, Cris Guess, Phillis Johnson, Sharon Ann Sibley, and uzy tein. Final tabulation records 21,390 students enrolled in the niversity. TUESDAY, 9th-Arnold Toynbee, world renowned historian vi it the niversity to film a series of lectures. WED ESDAY, 10th-Texas nion Speakers' Committee pre ents Dr. Albert Burke, the subj ect being "Education-For What?". Panel di cussion on uclear Disarma­ment sponsored by the Young Republicans. TH RSDAY, 11th-The Baylor Cubs clips the Texas Yearling 13-12 in the first freshman football game of the season. Film Classics series presents "Citizen Kane" in Batts Auditorium. The "Bored Martyrs" reorganize and select 32 new members. Pre-OU panty raid. FRIDAY, 12th-OU Weekend begins! Buses and cars stage mass exodus from Austin. A party is held at the Dallas Auditorium for both Texas and Oklahoma students. Also "Carnival" is playing at the State Fair. SAT RDAY, 13th-The Texas Longhorns defeat the Oklahoma Sooners 9-6. The University of Texas Cross Country Track Team wins a Quadrangular Meet in Dallas. The Texas State Fair is jammed with students. UNDAY, 14th-Miss Katherine Branfield, accomplished harpist, opens Faculty Concert Series. MO DAY, 15th-Power Distribution Conference opens at Union Auditorium. TUESDAY, 16th-Dean of Students Glenn Barnett speaks to the Texas Union Leader­ship eminar. Exhibit of prints from St. George's Gallery of London opens. The ew York Yankees win the World Series over the San Francisco Giants four games to three. WED ESDA Y, 17th-The Campus Chest Committee sets goal for annual Drive and removes Y from participation. THURSDAY, 18th-Hog-Calling contest begins in preparation of spmt for the Arkansas game. "Pajama Game" opens the Austin Civic Theater's season. Ernest Cabe, personnel director of Austin public schools, speaks to the Student Education Association. FRIDAY, 19th-The Distinguished Alumni Award Banquet present awards to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Tom C. Clark, former Governor Allan Shivers, Judge James A. Elkins, and Gus S. Wortham. The Cultural Entertainment Committee presents "Jazz '62" with the Billy Butterfield Sextet and the Charles Byrd Trio. "Orange and White" Day on the campus and 10,000 students gather for a spirited pep rally on the mall. SATURDAY, 20th-The Journalism Honors Day program announces 7,300 in scholarships. Homecoming festivities culminate in the game of the year with Texas coming from behind in the final exciting minutes to down Arkansas 7-3. SUNDAY, 21st-Three men are tapped for Friars, oldest men's honorary organization on campus-John Patrick Culpepper, Arthur Lewis checter, and Larry Lynn choenbrun. John Owings, pianist, plays with University Symphony Orchestra. MO DAY, 22nd-President Kennedy announced "quarantine" of Soviet offensive weapons to Cuba. The Austin ymphony opens its 25th Anniversary season. Pase 104 TUESDAY, 23rd-Clarence Manion, former Dean of otre Dame Law chool, peaks on Foreign Relations, a lecture sponsored by the Young Americans for Freedom. WED ESDAY, 24th-The ·niver ity of Texas Sports Association holds its semi­annual banquet with Arno owotny, Dean of Student Life, as principal speaker. Spooks, campus service organization for women, taps 23 new members. Film Classic Series presents "The World of Apu." THURSDAY, 25th-Conservative-Liberal debate sponsored by the nion Speakers Committee with debaters Dr. John Bagalay and Dr. C. E. Ayres. The Texas Cowboys and the Silver Spurs, men's campus service organizations, announce their new members. Alan Fitch, Labor Party member of British Parliament speaks on the Common Market at the International Hour. Dr. Bob Ledbetter, marriage counselor, speaks at the first meeting of Cap and Gown. FRIDAY, 26th-Texas football fans load up again to follow the longhorns to Houston. The Texas Yearlings claim victory over the Rice Owlets 21-14. SATURDAY, 27th-The Rice Owls extend their 10-year jinx over the longhorns in Rice Stadium by holding them to a 14-14 tie. The Shrine Circus opens in Austin. SUNDAY, 28th-Faculty Piano Recital by Emmett Vokes, guest Associate Professor of Music at the University. MO DAY, 29th-Annual meeting of the Associated Bureaus of Business and Economic Research. TUESDAY, 30th-Senator John G. Tower makes address under sponsorship of the Young Republicans. Angel Flight taps 15 co-eds as the new Air Force ROTC Sponsors. WEDNE DAY, 31st-Student Assembly elections result in sweeping Representative Party victory. Dr. Lillian Gilbreth, Engineering and Management Consultant, whose family was made famous by the book, Cheaper By The Dozen, gives lecture, "Everyone Has a Management Problem." N OVEMBER TH RSDAY, 1st-Dr. J. R. Roach of the University Government Department dis­cusses the works of William Lederer. The University hosts the Texas Personnel and Management Association Conference. FRIDAY, 2nd-The SMU Colts, freshman football team, nip the Texas Yearlings at Dallas by a score of 8-7. The University Vice-Chancellor Lanier Cox is guest speaker at the Dads' Association dinner. A party is held for the Longhorn and Freshman Bands. SATURDAY, 3rd-DADS' DAY! The Dads' Association presents the outstanding University students, Susan Fqrd and Greg Lipscomb. The SMU Mustangs meet defeat here in Austin as the Longhorns claim a 6-0 victory. Texas comes in fourth in the Eighth Annual Texas Invitational Cross-Country Meet. SUNDAY, 4th-The University Symphonic Band holds a concert. MO DAY, 5th-Aldous Huxley, British novelist and philosopher-scientist, author of Brave New World, speaks to a Batts Hall standing-room-only audience on "Man­kind," William J. Lederer, author of A Nation of Sheep, and co-author of The Ugly American, speaks under the sponsorship of the Union Speakers Committee. Page 105 II ' I Ii j ' )I 'I ,1 I I TUE DAY, 6th-Dr. Wilfred Watson di cusses "Organization and Delegation" at the Leadership Seminar in the Texas Union. WED ESDAY, 7th-The Drama Department's Silver Anniversary presentation "Fuente Ovejuna," which is directed by Dr. Francis Hodge, begins a three-day run. John Connally wins the Governorship of Texas over Republican Jack Cox. An exhibition of "A Portrait History of American Acting" opens in the Regents Room. Japanese Film Classic, "The Ricksha Man," is presented in Batts Auditorium. THURSDAY, 8th-The inth Annual Conference for the Advancement of Science and Mathematics Teaching opens with speaker Dr. D. S. Gorsline, Geology professor at the University of Southern California. Pete Seeger, controversial folksinger, presents his first program on campus amidst anti-Communist pickets. FRIDAY, 9th-Texas defeats TCU in freshman football by a score of 17-7. Edward Durell Stone, famed architect, addresses the School of Architecture. Howard Nemerov, combination poet, novelist, and critic, gives lecture on "Bottom's Dream." the Young Democrats hold a victory dance celebrating the gubernatorial election results. SATURDAY, 10th-The Texas Longhorns blast the Baylor Bears 27-12 in Waco. The NROTC holds its Sweetheart Ball and Linda Salm is chosen as sweetheart. The Texas Union Committees hold a retreat at 7-A Ranch. SU DAY, 11th-The Twenty-First Annual Fine Arts Festival opens with exhibitions of "Twentieth Century Drama in Manuscript." Formal dedication of the new Drama Building is given by President Joseph R. Smiley. TUESDAY, 13th-Dr. David De Laura of the English faculty, gives the first lecture of the English Department's Lecture Series. Maurice Eisenberg, internationally famous cellist, holds a concert and conducts a Cello Master Class. Orange Jackets, women's service organization, taps 28 new initiates. WEDNESDAY, 14th-Marilyn Horne, accomplished soprano, holds concert as part of the Fine Arts Festival. The Spanish Film Classic, "Albeniz," is presented in Batts Auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Cruse are judged as the Ideal Couple by the Married Students' Council. THURSDAY, 15th-The LaSalle String Quartet, Chamber ensemble from Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music holds a concert. The Cultural Entertainment Com­mittee presents Jose lturbi, distinguished pianist. The Campus United Fund ex­ceeds its goal of $32,500 by 900. Scabbard and Blade, honorary military fraternity, selects new pledges. Paae 106 I " ' I I l I : I! I r 11 I Ii I I ll ,' f ~ l: FRIDAY, 16th-The annual Cowboy Ministrels is presented, with Marty Robbins as featured singer, and Linda McDaniel is chosen as Cowboy Sweetheart. Paul Doktor and Yaltah Menuhin, the internationally famous viola-piano duo, present a concert. A University all-student dance is held with entertainment by the Gentlemen. SATURDAY, 17th-REVE GE! The Longhorns claim a 14-0 victory over TCU at Fort Worth. The La Salle String Quartet concludes the Fine Arts Festival week. SUNDAY, 18th-A concert is held by acclaimed pianist Leon Fleisher. MONDAY, 19th-The University of Texas places third in the Southwest Conference Cross-Country Track Meet. Dr. John Bagalay of the Philosophy Department speaks to the Technology and Mass Culture Group on the implications of the "Brave New World" society. WEDNESDAY, 21st-The Aggie Sign Contest announces winners-Phi Kappa Sigma, Best All Around; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Most Original; the Longhorn Band, Most Comical. Crowd of 25,000 gathers on the bank of the Colorado River for the annual Aggie Bonfire and Pep Rally. Phi Delta Theta and Pi Beta Phi win first place in the Woodgathering Contest. The Texas Yearlings defeat the Aggie Fresh­man Football team 22-8 at College Station. THURSDAY, 22nd-Thanksgiving Day! The Texas Longhorns defeat the Aggies by a score of 13-3 in Memorial Stadium. FRIDAY, 23rd-SUNDAY, 25th-Thanksgiving Holidays. TUESDAY, 27th-Six new Chancellors of the School of Law are named-Gerald W. Benson, Buford P. Berry, G. Gary Norton, G. R. Miller, Jr., S. Tevis Grinstead, and Tom A. Connally. Kappa Sigma captures both the Class A and Class B Touch Football lntramurals Championships. WEDNESDAY, 28th-Ken Jacob defeats David Cottle in contested CBA Assemblyman election. The Limelighters, a folk-singing group, perform in the Municipal Audi­torium. THURSDAY, 29th-The Young Republicans sponsor a panel discussion on the recent general election. Dr. Michael J. S. Dewar, professor of chemistry, is appointed to the Robert A. Welch Chair in Chemistry which was established to advance basic re­search in chemistry. FRIDAY, 30th-The Texas Academy of Science Conference opens. The American Studies Association of Texas Conference opens; the topic of the conference is "Individualism in Twentieth Century America." Page 107 WINTER Winter came to UT bringing with it ice, cold winds, the Cotton Bowl, final , and a never-ceasing whirl of campus activities. Plum­meting temperatures froze water pipe , car radiators, Littlefield Fountain, and the ears and noses of students hurrying across campus. The weather did not succeed, however, in chilling the spirit of the student body or in halting the myriad of academic, athletic, and social functions which are a vital part of life at the University. Page 109 Four Lads entertain at tht Texas Union Auditorium. The Comma Phi's rehearse for Sing Song. Pi. Koppa Alpha wi.ns first place with "The Cate of Heaven." Placing first in the Sorority division the Tri Dell's receive applause. 'Winning songleaders pose triumphantly with their trophies. Page Jll Usly Man lriabten• co·ed. Pase 112 Campus Chest, the annual drive to raise money for chari· ties, turned the Forty Acres into a carnival and made it un­wise to cross the campus without money to contribute to groups who danced, pulled rickshaws, sold kisses (candy variety), or just begged for dimes. Ugly men, ranging from homely to revolting, frightened or repulsed students into giving. Pledge classes were auctioned off to the highest bidders, and the week was climaxed by the announcement of Pat Aston as Miss Campus Chest. KA!s Miu Campus Chest contest draws crowd. Th eta's sell candy ki.sus lo raise money for Dimes' Day. Phillis John1on, Freshman Beauty, i1 preunttd with roses. Greek folk dancers add color to Panhellenion. Soldiers from opera cast !tand on guard. Walter Herbert, conductor, pO!e! with !tar of th e opera "II Trovatore." I I 'I Christmas on Campus Union tree i.s trimm ed . 'Twas the week before Christmas, and all across campus students were cramming for hour quizzes, ·Searching for mistletoe, packing suitcases, and spreading several different forms of Chri tmas cheer. Members of campu organizations baked cookies, wrapped gifts, donned anta suit , and delighted Austin children with Chri tma parties. Decorations for Yuletide appeared in dormitory windows, along the Drag, and wherever the Chri t­mas spirit managed to overcome niver ity decorum. Hundreds gathered on the Main Mall to ing carol in front of the decorated tree and tar which adorned the Tower. Clase were di mi ed, and UT wa de erted by homeward-bound tudent . Queen of the Collon Bowl, Jessica Darling. Pase ll8 Lon1horns corner L..U.'s numbtr 12. Tommy Wade, No. 17, /ooll the Ti1ers. Pot Culpepper receives the l eadership Award. Page 119 Johnny Treadwell accepts the Georg,. ( Hook} .llcCul/ou1h Most 1'oluable Player Award. D ECEMBER SATURDAY, 1st-Texas basketball season opens with victory over Howard Payne, 77-53. Social sororities and fraternities hold the 27th annual Sing Song. Delta Delta Delta and Pi Kappa Alpha win first place. Judge Thornton Hardie resigns the chairmanship of the Board of Regents, and W. W. Heath is chosen as his successor. SU. DAY, 2nd-The Reverend Francis Johnson, professor at the Episcopal Seminary, speaks to Canter­bury Club. MO DAY, 3rd-CAMPUS CHEST begins with Dimes Day. Alpha Phi and Tau Delta Phi are the winners in the collection contest. Dr. Leo Falicou of the University of Chicago physics department begin·s his series of five lectures on solid state physics. Dr. Edward R. Garrett of the University of Florida speaks to the College of Pharmacy. Dr. Wade L. Fite, scientist-in-charge of the General Atomic research laboratory in La Jolla, Calif., begins a series of lectures on "Atoms, Beams, and Collisions." TUESDAY, 4th-Sorority and fraternity pledge classes are auctioned off to raise money for Campus Chest. Professor C. A. Macartney of Oxford University gives address on "Hungary Nationalism nder the Hapsburgs." Dr. Herbert Dieckmann, chairman of the Department of Romance Languages at Harvard University gives lecture under the sponsorship of the University Sym­posium of the Eighteenth Century. Verdi's "11 Trovatore" is presented by the Houston Grand Opera Association as a Cultural Entertainment Committee program. WEDNESDAY, 5th-Freshman Council elects president, Sheriden Dillon; vice-president Len Vaughn; and secretary, Sharon Luck. The Longhorns defeat East Texas State 71-38. Dr. Werner Goldsmith, engineering mechanics professor at the University of California, Berkeley, speaks on "The Effects of Impact Loading" in the Engineering-Science Lecture Series. Dr. Senarat Paranavitana of the University of Ceylon gives address under the sponsorship of the University Archaeological Society. THURSDAY, 6th-Frank L. Barton of the Department of Commerce is a guest lecturer of the Business College. "Computers in the Study of Human Thinking" is the topic of a discussion by Dr. Herbert H. Simon of the Carnegie Institute of Technology. The Ernest Hemingway Manuscripts arrive. FRIDAY, 7th-Pat Aston named Miss Campus Chest. The Arnold Air Society and Angel Flight hold pledge initiation dinner, with Col. William C. Lindley, commandant of the Air Force ROTC, as principal speaker. SATURDAY, 8th-Texas claims basketball victory over Tulane 81-72. Campus Chest closes its drive after raising $7,100. Lonnie "The Hunch" Ferrell is named winner of the Ugly Man Contest. Anne Wal­ters is chosen Scheherazade Queen by the Organization of Arab Students. The annual Army-Air Force ROTC Military Ball is held in the Municipal Auditorium. SUNDAY, 9th-The University Symphonic Band holds a concert in the Union Main Ballroom. MO DAY, 10th-Sister Mary Corita, internationally known artist and teacher at Immaculate Heart College, Los Angeles, speaks on "Art and Related Things." The Texas Longhorns lose to L.S.U. in Baton Rouge by a score of 66-75. TliESDA Y, 11th-Professor J. H. Silverman of the University of California, Los Angeles, gives lecture in connection with The University of Texas' observance of the Lope de Vega quadicentennial. The Arts and Sciences Program in Criticism presents Dr. John Hollander, poet and critic, reading selections of his own verse. The Department of Physics presents Dr. Robert G. Sachs of the University of Wisconsin, the lecture being on high energy physics. WED IESDAY, 12th-The Department of Drama opens its presentation of "Separate Tables" by Terence Ratigan. AROTC Awards Day ceremonies are held on Whitaker Field. The Four Lads present a program in the Texas Union Auditorium. THURSDAY, 13th-Dr. S. Richard S. Varga, mathematics professor at the Case Institute of Technology in Cleveland, lectures under the auspices of the Mathematics Department and the Computation Center. The Student Education Association holds panel discussion on "What You Need to Know about Teaching." Kappa Kappa Gamma defeats Pi Beta Phi 12-0 in the annual Powder Bowl Football game. Macey Hodges is elected Portia of Law School. FRIDAY, 14th-"Panhellenion," Greek Folk Festival, is presented at the Municipal Auditorium by the Cultural Entertainment Committee. William M. Elmer, president of the Texas Gas Transmission Corporation, speaks to the Student Landman's Association. The Department of Economics presents Dr. Kurt Braun, chief of the Division of Foreign Labor Conditions, U.S. Bureau of Statistics in a lecture on "Centralism in the Soviet Bloc." SATURDAY, 15th-Oklahoma State drops Texas 69-65. The Texas Yearlings defeat Wharton Junior College 80-68. The Southwest Conference Swimming Relays in Dallas result in a Longhorn second place with 106 points to SMU's 128 points. SUNDAY, 16th-The 23rd annual Christmas Carol Program is presented by the University music or­ganizations on the south terrace of the Main Building. The pooks have a banquet and name Vicki Hunter as outstanding member. The winners of the Ten Most Beautiful contest are announced: Phyllis Vigna, Cecile Curlin Autrey, Janet Louise Rink, Bunny Ball, Sandra Kay Fitzgerald, Penne Ann Percy, Susan Jane Harris, Nancy Elizabeth Schlegel, Dani Ellen Bailey, and Ruth Anne Walters. MONDAY, 17th-Managing Editor of the Daily Texan re igns because of differences of opinion with the editor. TUESDAY, 18th-Dr. Leigh White, visiting lecturer in journalism, speaks on the Cuban cri i sponsored by the Union Speakers Committee. WEDNESDAY, 19th-Freshman Council banquet held with gue t speaker enator Ralph Yarborough and Phillis Johnson is named Freshman Beauty. French film clas ic "Le Vache et le Pri onier is shown at Batts Auditorium. The Engineering-Science Lecture erie pre ent Dr. John A. Clark professor at the niversity of Michigan. THURSDAY 20th-Pat Culpepper, Longhorn co-captain i named the winner of the wed Page 120 Award for outstanding sportsman hip during the 1962 college football eason. The Broadway Theater Alliance pre ents " Carnival" at the Municipal Auditorium. FRIDAY, 2ht-Texas meets defeat at the niversity of California, Berkeley, in varsity basketball by a core of 62-70. SAT RDAY. 22nd-CHRISTMAS V ACATIO begins. Stanford cru hes the Longhorns by a score of 72-46. FRIDAY, 28th-SATURDAY, 29th-The Sun Bowl Basketba11 Tournament is held in El Paso. Texas defeats Denver 63-52, but submits to Texas Western 40-45. J ANUARY TUESDAY, 1st-The University of Texas meets Louisiana State University in the annual Cotton Bowl game at Dallas. LSU is victorious, 13-0. THURSDAY, 3rd-Classes are resumed. The Longhorns again defeat the Rice Owls in varsity basket­ ball by a score of 54-49. Rice lost to Texas in freshman basketball by the score Texas 57-Rice 53. FRIDAY, 4th-An international dance is held in the Junior Ballroom of the Texas Union. SATURDAY, 5th-The Longhorns defeat Arkansas at Fayetteville, 69-63. The Golden Spread Forensic Debating Tournament is won by the University's senior women's debate team, Jane Harrison and Pat Reagan. SU DAY, 6th-Dr. Roger Abrahams, instructor in English at the University, presents "An Evening of Folk Singing." A veteran night club and concert singer, he has performed in both Europe and the United States. MO DAY, 7th-Dr. Ernest F. Haden, linguistic scientist and Romance Language professor, addresses the Linguistics Club. The Austin Symphony holds a concert at the Municipal Auditorium. TUESDAY, 8th-The Opera workshop presents Puccini's "Suor Angelica" and "Gianni Schicci" at Hogg Auditorium. Texas smashes Baylor by a score of 76-38. The Yearlings also met Baylor with the score-Cubs 58-Yearlings 54. Dr. Archibald A. Hill, professor of English, author, and secre­tary of the Linguistic Society of America, lectures on "Literature and Linguistics" in the English Department Lecture Series. WEDNESDAY, 9th-The Engineering-Service Lecture Series presents Dr. Joseph F. Shea, deputy di­rector of NASA manned space flight office in Washington, D. C., speaking on "Lunar Landing Problems." Dr. Lucian L'Abate, professor of psychology at Washington University School of Med­icine, speaks on "Sex, Anxiety, and Nonsense" under the sponsorship of the Department of Psy­chology. The Young Republicans sponsor a debate between Rev. Brandoch Lovely and State Repre­sentative 0. L. Harris of Dallas on the topic of the controversial House Un-American Activities Committee. Johnny Treadwell is honored by the Austin Exchange Club as the outstanding enior athlete from Austin. TH R DAY, 10th-Dr. Harvey B. Willard of the Oak Ridge ational Laboratory lectures at the Uni­versity under the sponsorship of the Physics Department on the topic "Polarization of Beta Rays." The English film classic, "Kind Hearts and Coronets," is shown in Batts Auditorium. FRIDAY, 11th-The Texas Ex-Students' Association sponsors the second annual Longhorn Football Banquet. Steve Guynes, pole-vault specialist, took the only Longhorn first place in the first annual Gulf Federation Indoor Track and Field Meet. The Central Texas Board and Travel Show opens at the Municipal Auditorium. SATURDAY, 12th-Texas wins the S. W. Conference Basketball Title by beating Texas Tech at Lub­bock, 78-58. SU DAY, 13th-The choral organization of the Department of Music present a mid-winter concert in Hogg Auditorium. The Texas Spokes Sports Car Club holds a new year gymkhana. Campus­wide distribution of the Sabin oral vaccine is held in the Texas Union. MO PAY, 14·th-Silffila Xi , graduate scientific research society holds its initiation banquet for 61 new initiates with J. H. Mackin, professor of geology as guest speaker. TUESDAY, 15th-Inauguration parade and ceremonies are held for the new governor of Texas, John B. Connally. The Rev. Eldon M. Buck, a missionary in the South Sea Islands lectures here on his missionary experiences. WED ESDAY, 16th-EXAMS BEGL ! (Need we say more? ) THURSDAY, 17th-Ruth Page's Chicago Opera Ballet is presented by the Austin Ballet Society at the Municipal Auditorium. SU DAY, 20th-An announcement is made that playwrights Tennessee Williams and Ernest Lehman will give their manuscripts to the University Humanities Research Center. MO DAY, 21st-Dr. Allan A. Goldstein, Massachusetts Institute of Technology mathematician, ad­dress the Computation Center seminar at the University. WED ESDAY, 23rd-The Rodgers and Hammerstein Broadway Musical Road Show "The Sound of Music" is presented at the Municipal Auditorium. SATURDAY, 26th-A swimming meet at the University of Oklahoma results in victory for OU over Texas by a score of 50-45. MONDAY, 28th--Registration begins for the spring semester, and the service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega, helps in the orientation of new students by conducting tours of the campus. TUESDAY, 29th-The Texas Longhorns claim another victory in San Antonio as they defeat Trinity by a score of 88-54. T. Earl Ferguson, noted mathematician, speaks on "Bugtran: A Source Lan­guage Debugging System" at the Computation Center. TH R DAY, 31st-The Texas Union holds an open house for new students. Historian and authority on the Monroe Doctrine, Dr. Dexter Perkins completes a three-day visit to the University where he has been taping lectures for a television course which is under the direction of Dr. Walter P. Webb, professor of history. Page 121 Pa ge 122 SPRING The warm days and abundant sunshine of Spring caused Spring Fever, in epidemic proportions, to dismpt the studious atmosphere created by campus grade point seekers. A week of campaigning was climaxed by the announcement of Julius Glickman, President; Greg Lipscomb, Vice-President, and Loyce Katz, Secretary; of the Students' Association. Daily trips to Ba1ton Springs and Lake Austin halted temporarily as Round-Up brought western attire, Round-Up Revue, and rain to the Forty Acres. Swarms of Greeks and Independents descended upon Memorial Stadium to take pa1t in the festivities of Varsity Carnival. Then, only two weeks of reckless abandon remained before the student body resigned itself to the inevitability of Spring finals. James Thurber's ..Thirteen Clocks" by the Drama Department. The San Francisco Ballei Company presented by the CEC. Culture on Campus The Opera Tosca. ..A Century of Masters" being explained to a 1roup of grade 1chool children. Pace 124 Contrary to popular opm10n, culture is available to those students who are interested in the intellectual and aesthetic aspects of University life. The San Franci6co Ballet Com­pany, the Opera "Tosca," Jose lturbi, and Panhellenion were sponsored by the Cultural Entertainment Committee. Pro­ductions of the Drama Department ranged from Shake­speare's Othello to James Thurber's "Thirteen Clocks." Culture was provided by the International Club in the form of an International folk dance festival featuring dances from most parts of the world. Challenge Chairman Jane Morton, Sandy Parker, and Arthur Schechter. Challenge participant interview. up a display Honorary Texas citizenship is iiven to visiting Chilean students. Chilean Students Oran•e Jackets. Chileon1 and the lan1ua1e barrier. Spooks ta11 Lyn Reeder in the Cactus of/ice. Peter, Paul and Mary entertain. The University's Model United Nation.1. Kappa Sigs and ROTC commemorate pendence with their traditional battle. Tradition. • • Senator Coldwater spealu under tla e 1po1uor· 1hip of the Youn1 Republic4111. X/4'1 dtUuer i.nPitation-1 to tlaeir annual Old • outh Boll. University students picket the Capitol in protest to the Senate's rejection of Judge W. St. John Garwood as a Regent of The University of Texa.3. t It • • . and Protest Students picket dou;ntou-n Austin. The brawl of the year followed the Texas-A&M basketball game played in Austin. Round-Up ... / e11ica Darlin1, Univeflity Sweetheart /or 1961-62, preienu Jerry Lee, the new Sioeetheart, with ro1e1. Pago 133 Round-Up, far superior to any rain dance for bringing showers to Austin, sent dudes scurrying through the downpour past the "No Tell Hotel" and "Fanny's Corset Shoppe" in an attempt to avoid the Silver Spurs' jail for city slickers on Western Day. The Cowboy's annual Barbecue went on as usual in spite of the dampening effects vf rain. Round-Up Revue, which satirized such aspects of campus life as apartment parties, panty raids, football games, and Student Assembly, was climaxed by the presentation of the Bluebonnet Belle finalists, visiting Sweethearts and Miss Jerry Lee, the new Sweetheart of The University of Texas . Varsity Carnival The week preceding Varsity Carnival saw the UT campus undergo miraculous change: a bewildering maze of signs sprang up, informing the student body of the joys of Varsity Carnival which could be experienced for the nominal sum of seventy-five cents. Hillbillies, flapper girls, and even a giant eye which walked the campus helped build up suspense for the night of the Carnival. As the seven o'clock hour approached on Saturday evening, Greeks frantically ham­mered a few final nails before most of the student body and a few professors invaded the area beneath the stands at Memorial Stadium to enjoy the fun and games of VC. After an evening of several skits, numerous hot dogs, countless cokes, and even a try or two at the Lambda Chi's Kissing Machine, everyone gathered outside for the presentation of trophies and the crowning of Miss Lynn Denman as Varsity Carnival Queen . Lambda Chi's Ki.ssing Machine. . D Phi E's first place winners in Publicity advertise their Popcorn conceuion. Zeta's begin buildin1 stage for "West Berlin Story." Chi Phi's first plttce skit, "OB Scenes." A Chi O's "Jane, What Ever Happened lo Bab)·." Lynn Denman, Kappa Alpha Theta, is presenlt!d as Yarsity Carnival Queen Page 135 for 1963. Phyllis Yigna, best dressed co·ed on the University campus. Bibb Falk's team . Pace 136 Mortar Board taps Sandy Hays. Reserve Officers Training Corps Commissioning Ceremony 1/ ARMY AVY MARI E AIR FORCE Nix O'Brien Bodden. Quarterma.1ter Corps, Robert Lee Co/Uer receiue1 hi.I fl;Ommi11ion Ceor1e Richard Bettis receiuei hi.t com· Jomes /ti, HU.Ide receive1 hi.$ comm1111on receive1 a Jrand1hake from Colonel lier· from Captain Dole C. Reed. minion from Captain Dole C. Reed. Jrom Lieutenont Coloftd Ceor1e P. Porttr. bert E . Brown. Pa1e 138 June 1, 1963 Dr. Leland J. Haworth, Director-Designate of the National Science Foundation, principal speaker for 1radualion exercius. Page 139 FEBRUARY FRIDAY, 1st-Helen Hayes and Maurice Evans present "A Program for Two Players" at the Munici­pal Auditorium. SATURDAY, 2nd-Registration week closes with 19,882 registered for Spring Semester. The Uni­versity hosts the eighth annual Invitational High School Swimming Championship Meet. The Year­lings were defeated by the T.C.U. Wags in basketball with a score of 74-55, but the Varsity Team claimed a 73-56 victory over the Horn-Frogs. Spring Semester Fraternity Formal Rush Week opens with a convocation. SUNDAY, 3rd-The Texas Chess Association holds the Alamo Open Tournament. MONDAY, 4th-The exhibition of "A Century of Masters, 1550-1650," paintings from the collection of Walter P. Crysler, Jr., opens in the Regents Room. Sorority Open Rush begins. Classes begin for the Spring Semester. TUESDAY, 5th-A concert of woodwind music is presented by the lnterlochen Arts Quintet in the Recital Hall as part of the guest artist series of the Music Department. The Austin Symphony presents a student concert at the Municipal Auditorium. The Longhorns meet Texas A&M at Col­lege Station; the varsity team of Texas won with a score of 70-59, and the Yearlings lost by 4 points with a score of 62-66. WEDNESDAY, 6th-The Department of Drama and Romance Languages sponsor a presentation by the Parisian Theteau de Paris of Jean Cocteau's "Orphee" and "L'Apollon de Bellac" by Jean Giraudoux. "The 'Three Penny Opera," film version of the German Brecht-Kirk Weill opera, is presented as a film classic at Batts Hall. Texas defeats Baylor at Austin in swimming with a score of 83-10. THURSDAY, 7th-Dr. Joseph J. Jones, specialist in literature of the British Commonwealth and South Africa, speaks on "English Literature and the Vanishing Frontiers." "After College, What," is the topic of a lecture by Dr. Bernice Moore, assistant director of the Hogg Foundation for Mental Health, the lecture being sponsored by Cap and Gown. FRIDAY, 8th-The Longhorn swimmers defeat Eastern New Mexico University at Portales, N. Mex., with a score of 63-32. J. Kearby Peery speaks in the first of a series of lectures by great trial lawyers. Closing sessions are held of the second annual Texas Industrial Pharmacy Seminar con­ducted by the University Pharmacy Extension Service. SATURDAY, 9th-S.M.U. meets defeat in Austin as the Texas varsity basketball team wins by a score of 77-62. A swimming meet at Lubbock results in Texas Tech defeat by the Longhorns by a score of 56-38. A Panhellenic Council Workshop is held at the Union, the theme being "The Group at Its Best," with Dr. Bernice Moore as principal speaker. SUNDAY, 10th-Fifteen Chilean students arrive for a few weeks visit under a student exchange pro­gram sponsored by the U.S. State Department. MONDAY, llth-Althenaeum Society sponsors a debate between the Young Republicans and th~ Young Democrats on "Kennedy's Domestic Policy." TUESDAY, 12th-The Cultural Entertainment Committee presents the San Francisco Ballet Com­pany at the Municipal Auditorium. A varsity basketball game results in victory for Texas over Texas Tech 90-76. The Texas Yearlings win over Victoria College 77-70. The Exhibits Committee of the Union sponsors a lecture on "Modem Painting" by Terence Grieder, assistant professor of art. WEDNESDAY, 13th-A dance and jazz band, a part of the Longhorn Band under the direction of Phil Manning, begins a series of weekly laboratories in the Union Junior Ballroom. Civil War photography goes on display in the Texas Union Gallery. THURSDAY, 14th-Valentine's Day! Thirty-two redcoats of the U.S. Army Air Defense Command Choral Group presents a concert under the sponsorship of the Union Music Committee. The Stu­dents' Co-operative association, serving 60 campus housing units, holds buffet display and open house. Mortar Board, two-time winner in Campus Bowl competition at the Y, loses to the Bronze Bullets, an "unofficial" honorary organization. FRIDAY, 15th-The Texas Longhorns defeat T.C.U. at Fort Worth 75-59. The Yearlings lose by a point against T.C.U. with the score 63-62. SATURDA_Y, 16th-Longhorn swimmers defeat Texas A&M 64-30. The University Debate Squad took the sweepstakes award at Stephen F. Austin College Debate Tournament. SUNDAY, 17th-A "pops" Concert is the special presentation of the University Symphonic Band under the direction of J. Frank Elsass. Phyllis Vigna is named the "best dressed co-ed of the University," and will go on to New York for the Glamour Magazine 10 Best-Dressed Contest. TUESDAY, 19th-Roger M. Blough, Chairman of the Board of U.S. Steel, speaks under the spon­sorship of the Union Speakers Committee on "Management: An Open Society." The Texas Long­horn swimmers again defeat Baylor at Waco with a score of 49-24. Hostilities· were great as Texas encountered Texas A&M with a basketball and a fist: Texas claims victory with a score of 83-73. The Texas Yearlings meet defeat by the A&M freshman team with a score of 61-59. WEDNESDAY, 20th-Peter, Paul, and Mary, the urbanized folksingers with two best-selling albums, perform at the Municipal Auditorium. The Department of Drama opens its production of Ketti Frings' "Look Homeward Angel" at Hogg Auditorium. THURSDAY, 21st-The 1963 Challenge Colloquium with the topic "Individualism in the 20th Cen­tury" opens at the Y with Dr. Paul Goodman, associated with Columbia University, as keynote speaker. Official registration begins for the annual beard-growing cont t for Round-Up Weekend. Five University students leave to attend the 1963 Mid-Atlantic Model U. . General Assembly. FRIDAY, 22nd-Houston Hootenanny, a presentation of folksongs in relation to living, i presented under the ponsorship of the Union Folk ong Group. Upton inclair, author, addr Peco 140 Challenge Colloquium. "Shakespeare in Contemporary Germany" is the topic of a lecture by Professor Gerhard Mueller-Schwefe of the University of Tuebingen. Annual spring retreat of the Texas Union Committees is held at the 7 Acres Ranch. SATURDAY, 23rd-Climax of the Southwestern AAU Meet at S.M.U. results in Texas swimmers capturing 6 'first places. Walter Cronkite, CBS newsman, is guest speaker at the IFC Banquet climaxing the lnterfraternity Council workshop. In Dallas the Texas basketball team defeats S.M.U. with a score of 92-76. MONDAY, 25th-International Week opens for a week with a series of exhibits, dances, and dis­cussions, all sponsored by the International Club. Marian Anderson, noted singer, presents a recital at the Municipal Auditorium. TUESDAY, 26th-Longhorns defeat Rice 77-59 in Houston, but the Owlets defeat the Yearlings 63­ 57. Dr. Joseph Smiley, president of the University, opens the Texas, Today, and Tomorrow lec­tures. WEDNESDAY, 27th-A panel investigates the advantages and disadvantages of N.S.A. and the Uni­versity as part of it in the Y. THURSDAY, 28th-Mexican film classic, "Marcario" is shown in Batts Auditorium. The Bronze Bullets defeat the Ranger Staffers in Campus Bowl competition. M ARCH FRIDAY, 1st-The fifth annual International Dance Festival is presented in Hogg Auditorium. The Longhorn basketball team defeats Arkansas, 99-86, to claim a 13-game winning streak. SATURDAY, 2nd-The Longhorns enter Track Meet in Houston, with the results Texas A&M 68, Texas 59, and Rice 43. Pan-American College whips Texas 6-0 in tennis. Kappa Sigma fraternity, acting as the Mexican Army, fires down University Avenue on ROTC cannons in celebration of Texas Independence Day. SUNDAY, 3rd-Four Russian clergymen arrive amid welcome and protestation, to visit Austin as part of an exchange of delegations between the National Council of Churches and the churches of the USSR. The San Antonio Youth Symphony holds concert in the Union Main Ballroom. MONDAY, 4th-State Bar Examinations begin. After 10 innings, Sam Houston State baseball team finally claims a 5-2 victory over Texas. TUESDAY, 5th-"The Next Necessary Thing in Literature" is the topic of National Book Award novelist Saul Bellow in a lecture sponsored by the University Program in Criticism. Baylor robs Texas of an undefeated SW Conference basketball season by a score of 55-48, and the Baylor Cubs defeat the Yearlings 50-48. WEDNESDAY, 6th-James Thurber's "The Thirteen Clocks" is presented by the Drama Department in the Laboratory Theater. Wilma Dell Council and Tom Lee Hutchinson are selected the out­standing co-op residents at the annual ICC banquet. The Folk Sing Group presents Mance Lips­comb, traditional blues singer, at the Union. THURSDAY, 7th-The annual University Interscholastic League Boys' State Basketball Tournament opens today at Gregory Gym. Dave McNeely is appointed 1963-64 editor of The Daily Texan. FRIDAY, 8th-Texas downs Oklahoma 4-0 in the first of a two-game baseball series. John L. Hill, winner of the Law Science Academy Gold Medal for achievement in scientific advocacy, and W. James Kronzer, both of Houston, give the third lecture in the "Great Trial Lawyers" Series. SATURDAY, 9th-Texas downs Okl~homa again by a score of 6-2. In basketball, Texas claims a 65­47 victory over Texas Western at Lubbock to give Texas a spot in the regional tournament. The Longhorn track team participates in the Border Olympics at Laredo. Los Charros hold a Quarter Horse Show at Sheriff's Posse Arena. MONDAY, 11th-Texas meets defeat in tennis as the Trinity Tigers win a 6-0 victory. The Texas Student Interest Party organizes in opposition to the Representative party. TUESDAY, 12th-Texas defeats Texas Lutheran 12-5 in varsity baseball. WEDNESDAY, 13th-"A Leonard Bernstein Gala" is presented · by Robert Rounseville and Claire Alexander with the American Ballet Theater under the sponsorship of the Cultural Entertainment Committee. University students vote 59% against membership in the National Students' Associ­ation in a referendum. In freshman baseball, McCallum High defeats the Yearlings 6-5. Texas de­feats St. Edward's 6-0 in tennis. THURSDAY, 14th-Interscholastic League Girls' Basketball Tournament begins. Drew Pearson, noted American journalist, gives lecture under the sponsorship of the Union Speakers Committee. Film classic, "The Young Have No Time," is shown in Batts Hall. The University Oratorical Association holds its annual debate between the candidates for President of the Students' Association~ Littlefield Dorm wins championship in girl's intramural basketball. FRIDAY, 15th-The Longhorns meet slim defeat, 68-73, in the basketball battle against Cincinnati, the No. 1 team in the nation, in the NCAA Mid-West Regional Playoffs at Lawrence, Kansas. SATURDAY, 16th-At the Odessa West Texas Track Relays, Abilene Christian College defeats Texas to win championship trophy. Texas finishes second to S.M.U. in the thirty-second annual South­west Conference Swimming meet here. After 11 innings, Texas and Texas A&M end in 5-5 tie, as the game is calle.d on account of darkness. Texas defeats Oklahoma City 90-83 to win third place in the NCAA Mid-West Regional Basketball Tournament. The University of Corpus Christi defeats Texas 6-0 in tennis. SUNDAY, 17th-St. Patrick's Day. The Houston All-City Youth Symphony Orchestra with Harry Lantz conducting, gives a special performance in the Union. TUE.SDAY, 19th-Dr. Lester Houck of the Central Intelligence Agency speaks on "The Intelligence Career" under the sponsorship of the International Studies Program. Texas defeats SMU 7-3 in varsity baseball. Page 141 WEDNE DAY, 20th-Students' Association elections result in Julius Glickman as President; Greg Lipscomb, Vice-President; and Loyce Katz, Secretary. THURSDAY, 21st-"Peter Pan," a water pageant, is presented by the Turtle Club. U.T. tennis play­ers attend Rice's fifth annual Invitational Tennis Tournament. FRIDAY, 22nd-George Pletcher, Joe Jamail, Tom Alexander, and Richard Miller, Houston trial attorneys, discuss pre-trial evidence in personal injury cases as part of the "Great Trial Lawyers" lecture series. Engineers hold their Sweetheart Ball and Jerry Lee is named sweetheart for 1963. Pharmacists and medical services representatives attend the fifteenth annual Hospital Pharmacy Seminar. Frank C. Erwin, Jr., an Austin attorney, is named to the Board of Regents. SATURDAY, 23rd-T.C.U. downs Texas 3-1 in varsity baseball. However, the Texas freshmen de­feat Wharton Junior College 6-0. Texas finishes third behind ACC and Baylor at the Quadrangu­lar Track Meet in Corpus Christi. Tommy Ford, David McWilliams, and Scott Appleton are se­lected tri-captains of the 1963 football team. MO DAY, 25th-Minnesota whips Texas 15-6 in baseball. Opera Workshop presents Puccini's "Tos­ca" at Hogg Auditorium, Won-Kyung Cho, Korean dancer, gives illustrated lecture at the labora­tory theater. TUESDAY, 26th-Texas comes back to claim victory, defeating Minnesota 6-5 in the second of the two-game series, Michael Schneider, recognized organ master of Germany, holds a concert in the recital hall. WEDNESDAY, 27th-Dr. C. P. Ulman, director of theater productions at Reed College, presents the Japanese play "Kyogen" in the Union. Stanley Brothers present "Blue Grass" country music at the Union under the sponsorship of the folk singing group. THURSDAY, 28th-Thirty universities having sent delegates, sessions of the Model United Nations open for a three-day run. Student Assembly votes 20-7 to withdraw from SA. FRIDAY, 29th-Senator Barry Goldwater, Republican from Arizona, speaks on Conservatism, under the sponsorship of the Union Speakers' Committee. Percy Foreman, Houston trial lawyer, discusses the defense of criminal cases in the School of Law's "Great Trial Lawyers" lecture series. Texas defeats LSU 6-0 in tennis. SATURDAY, 30th-The Longhorn swimmers participate in the NCAA meet at Raleigh, N. C. Bay­lor defeats Texas 3-2 in varsity baseball. Texas finishes third in the San Angelo Invitational Track meet behind ACC and A&M. Baylor downs Texas 7-5 in freshman baseball. The annual Orange and White spring football game is played, signifying the end of spring training. The Law Review Ban­quet is held and new editors are announced, Shannon H. Ratliff being named editor-in-chief. Dr. James R. Soukup, assistant professor of government, speaks on the danger of extremism in the 1 I United Nations to Model UN participants. Texas meets defeat in tennis as Tulane wins 6-0. SU DAY, 31st-Birgit ilsson, international opera star, presents a concert under the sponsorship of the Cultural Entertainment Committee. Ann C. Brown and Steve Neuse are announced as presi­dents of the University Y for 1963-64. A PRIL MO DAY, 1st-More than fifty books published by University faculty and staff members in the last twelve months go on display in the Main Building. TUESDAY, 2nd-The San Antonio Symphony Orchestra performs at Gregory Gym with Aaron Cop­land, acclaimed "Dean of American Composers" as guest conductor. The Longhorns down the Rice Owls 3-2 in varsity baseball at Houston. The Texas golf team opens Southwest Conference play with a defeat by Baylor 5-1 at Waco. WED ESDAY, 3rd-The fifth annual Forty Acres Showcase is opened by Mrs. John Connally, Texas' First Lady, with more than fifty displays exemplifying the theme "Today is the Future." The an­nual Spring Recital of Sigma Alpha Iota is presented under the sponsorship of the Music Depart­ment Recital Series. THURSDAY, 4th-"Draussen von der Tuer" (In Front of the Door), the annual German play, opens in Batts for two-day run. The Union Charm and Hospitality Committee holds reception for par­ticipants in the Texas Relays. The Student Assembly votes Athletic Council its Blanket Tax ap­propriation after extensive debate over the objection to supporting segregated athletics. Robert Lowell Pulitzer prize-winning poet and Boylston Professor at Harvard University, gives reading of his poetry. FRIDAY, 5th-ROUND-UP! The Law School excuses classes for Law Day. The Teaching Excellence Award goes to Edward Weldon Bailey. The Cowboy Barbecue is held in spite of rain, and Dave McNeely wins first place in the heard-growing contest. The Texas Relays open with 1,387 track and field athletes participating. SATURDAY, 6th-The Dads' Association Round-Up Breakfast is held at the Driskill Hotel. The annual Honors Day Convocation is held with Dr. Rosemary Park, President of Barnard College as speaker. Round-Up Revue presents a skit satirizing campus life, and names Jerry Lee a the new Sweetheart of the University. Ground-breaking ceremonies are held for the new 300,000 Alumni Center. Texas defeats T.C.U. 5-1 in tennis at Fort Worth. SU DAY. 7th-even new members, George Richard Beetle, John Robert Cope, Gregory Owen Lip ­comb, Fred Faylor Lyle, Jr., Shannon Harrison Ratliff, Dick Weldon Simpson, and Ronald Glen Steinhart, are named to the Friar Society. MO "DAY. 8th-The 1963 Follies Fantastique, the annual benefit extravaganza of the Mu ic De­partment, is presented to raise money for the department's scholar hip fund. TUE DAY, 9th-Vice-President Lyndon B. Johnson i guest speaker at the joint initiation banquet of Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma, fre hman honorary organization . Texa defeat Ba ­lor by a score of 6-0 in varsity tennis. The Longhorn ha eball team d feat vi itor from lllinoi 6-1. P11e 142 WEDNESDAY, 10th-The University golf team goes to Houston to play in the All-American Intercol­legiate Golf Tournament. Ray Charles, famed blues singer, performs at the Municipal Auditorium. Greek film classic, "Never on Sunday," is shown in Batts Hall. Robert W. Hanks, Edward Ban Roy, and Stephen Jones are announced winners of the student book collecting contest sponsored by the Humanities Research Center. THURSDAY, 11th-The Department of Geography hosts the conference for Texas and Southwestern Geographers. Texas defeats North Dakota 15-11 in non-conference baseball. FRIDAY, 12th-EASTER HOLIDAYS! The Longhorn tracksters go to Dallas for the annual Dallas Invitational Track and Field Meet. SATURDAY, 13th-The University freshman track and field team, composed of eighteen men, set three records in the Eighth International track and field meet in Mexico City. SUNDAY, 14th-The University A Cappella Choir is featured at the annual Easter Sunrise Service at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Denver, Colorado, climaxing a ten-concert tour during a period of eight Jays. TUESDAY, 16th-The wives of the ten American astronauts visit Austin and receive a warm UT welcome. Texas defeats Rice 6-0 in a Southwest Conference golf match at Houston. WEDNESDAY, 17th-The Cultural Entertainment Committee presents the George Shearing Quintet, internationally renowned jazz-classic concert group. Sixteen professors are presented Teaching Ex­cellence Awards at the Students' Association inaugural banquet. The College of Business Adminis­tration sponsors CBA Week with the highlight, the awards banquet in which Janita Frye was named sweetheart of the Business School. Dr. Eduardo Augusto Garcia, lawyer-diplomat from Ar­gentina, speaks on "The European Common Market and Latin America." THURSDAY, 18th-Russian film classic, "Ballad of a Soldier," is shown in Batts Hall. The 1963 College Loyalty Alumni Support Program (CLASP) holds kickoff dinner with Governor John Connally as keynote speaker. FRIDAY, 19th-The Austin Ballet Society hosts the first annual Southwestern Regional Ballet festival of six companies at the Municipal Auditorium. Texas defeats T.C.U. 5-4 in baseball game at Austin. SATURDAY, 20th-The Romance Languages Department presents the French contemporary comedy, "Chateau en Suede," staged in Batts Auditorium. Texas' tennis team defeats Texas A&M 6-0. The final score of the golf match between Texas and A&M is Texas lh, A&M 5Yz. SUNDAY, 21st-The annual Rush Rules Retreat, sponsored by Panhellenic Council, is held at the Fiji Lake House. MONDAY, 22nd-The Department of Drama opens its production of Shakespeare's "Othello." Texas defeats Arkansas 4-2 in Texas' fourth Southwest Conference golf match. TUESDAY, 23rd-Winning entries in the Campus Art Competition are displayed in the Union Art Gallery. The Naval ROTC Annual Awards Day Ceremony is held honoring outstanding mid­shipmen. WEDNESDAY, 24th-Chester Bowles, United States Ambassador to India, speaks on "U.S. Foreign Aid," as part of the Union Speakers Program. THURSDAY, 25th-Lambert, Hendricks, and Bavan, jazz trio, are presented as a bonus event by the Culture Entertainment Committee. The Orchesis Club presents the annual spring modern dance program. The Student Assembly rejects all amendments concerning re-allocation of Blanket Tax appropriations and passes the $17.82 Blanket Tax bill. Richard Cole is named the managing editor to The Daily Texan. FRIDAY, 26th-Thirty top representatives of the United Nations are guests of the University under the sponsorship of the President's Office, the International Office, and the International Hospitality Committee of Austin. The Art Department holds an auction of more than 400 works by students and faculty. Raymond Kerr is elected president of the Student Bar Association by the School of Law. Texas defeats Texas Tech at Lubbock in a golf match with a score of 5-1. Texas defeats S.M.U. 8-1 in varsity baseball. The University track team goes to Des Moines, Iowa, for the Drake Relays. SATURDAY, 27th-VARSITY CARNIVAL. The carnival is presented by the campus social sororities and fraternities and Lynn Denman, Kappa Alpha Theta, is chosen Varsity Carnival queen. Texas again defeats S.M.U. in baseball, this time by a score of 8-5. Mary Gray McGee is awarded first place in the spring Intramural Poetry Contest sponsored by the Oratorical Association. It is an­nounced that Dr. Joseph R. Smiley, University President, has accepted the presidency of the University of Colorado. SUNDAY, 28th-The University Symphony Orchestra, Alexander von Kreisler, conductor, appears in the final concert of the Symposium of Contemporary Music. MONDAY, 29th-Texas defeats Texas Tech 6-0 in the sixth Southwest Conference tennis match. Kappa Psi, pharmacy, sponsors the University and city-wide blood donation drive. TUESDAY, 30th-The Longhorn Singers Spring Concert is presented in the Texas Union Auditorium. James Dick, graduating concert pianist, appears in recital under the sponsorship 0£. the Music Department Student Recital Series. The University Law School Chancellors taps as new members Gaynell C. Methvin, John Curtis, Lynn Coleman, Bill Woodford, Bruce Knapp, and Fred Sanders. S.M.U. defeats Texas in golf match 3Yz-2Yz. M AY WEDNESDAY, 1st-Students' Association, with the help of Orange Jackets and Silver Spurs, begins the drive to collect $1,500 through rebate slips for the Chilean Literacy Program. An exhibition of American and foreign editions by John Steinbeck, 1962 Nobel Prize winner for literature, goes on display in the Humanities Research Center. Mortar Board taps 25 new members. Dr. A. G. Jacob­son, professor of zoology, is presented the Teacher of the Year Award by Alpha Epsilon Delta, pre­medical and pre-dental honorary fraternity. Page 143 'i I I I I I I I •' il Ii ': THURSDAY, 2nd-The University Interscholastic League meet opens for a three-day run. The Student Engineering Council presents the fifty-fourth annual Power Show, with this year's theme being "A Better Life Through Engineering." The annual ROTC spring Awards Day ceremony is held on Whitaker Field. The Triangular Track meet is held at Austin with Texas winning over Rice and Texas A&M. Longhorns edge Rice 5 to 4 in baseball. Tennis meet held at Houston ended with the score Texas 3, Rice 3. "My Fair Lady" musical comedy, opens at M11nicipal Auditorium for three­day run. FRIDAY, 3rd-The first of two special concerts honoring Paul A. Pisk, professor of music, is held. The University's chapter of the Student Peace Union sponsors a three-day statewide Peace Conference. Bob Wright and his experimental music group presents jazz concert at the Union. Texas downs Rice 9 to 5 in baseball. Golf team brings home win with score Texas 51;2, T.C.U. 1;2. SATURDAY, 4th-"A ight in Mexico" dance is given by the Laredo Club with music by the Embaja­dores of Mexico. SU DAY, 5th-The University Symphonic Band, J. Frank Elsass conducting, presents final concert of the season, featuring trumpet soloist Stephen Weger. MO DAY, 6th-Tennis meet held at Dallas with score Texas 6, S.M.U. 0. Texas wins tennis team championship of Southwest Conference by one point over second place Rice. TUESDAY, 7th-The staff of the women's residence halls holds honor banquet for graduating women, student counselors, and honor students. More than 60 cadets receive awards at the annual Air Force ROTC spring Awards Day ceremony at Whitaker Field. Texas 12, Texas A&M 2, in baseball game played today. WED ESDAY, 8th-Frances DeShong, violin graduate student, appears in recital as part of the program in observance of ational Music Week. Sphinx, professional architecture fraternity, sponsors the first of series of faculty exhibits, this exhibit consisting of the works of Carol 0 . Bergquist, assistant professor of architecture. T-Night, the final awards banquet for the University Sports Association, Intramural Sports for Women, and Co-Recreational Activities, is held with Dr. C. J. Alderson, associate professor emeritus of physical and health education as principal speaker. Film cla5sic, "Vittelloni" is shown in Batts Hall. Bill Moll is elected president of CBA Council for next year. THURSDAY, 9th-Two manuscript collections, the McKamey Collection, and the Sanders Diaries, relating to the history of the Coastal Bend Area, are presented to the University Archives. Dr. Harry C. Avery, University assistant professor of classical languages, lectures on "U.S. Greeks' Feelings to the Hellenic Circle," a club for students of Greek descent. FRIDAY, 10th-Annual Swing-Out is dedicated to the late Dr. Walter Prescott Webb. Jane Clements is recipient of the Silver Spur Award as outstanding co-ed; Greg Lipscomb, Mike Flynn Award as outstanding male student, and Carolyn Draeger, recipient of the Marjorie Darilek Award as the outstanding woman student not affiliated with a sorority. Texas A&M upsets Texas 10 to 5 in base­ball game played at College Station. SATURDAY, 11th-The Air Force Orange Wings win the annual lnterservice Drill Competition on the Main Mall. Southwest Conference Baseball score, Texas 4, Texas A&M, 2. Southwest Conference Track Meet at Fayetteville, Arkansas-Texas ranked fifth with Baylor taking the title. SU DAY, 12th-The University Symphonic Orchestra presents the final event in the program of the National Music Week. The John H. Payne Squadron of the Arnold Air Society of the University Air Force ROTC receives the Maryland Cup, an award by the University of Maryland to the most outstanding Arnold Air Society in the nation. MONDAY, 13th-Eudora Welty, author and critic, lectures on "Words Into Fiction." Student Recital Series presents Ann Wyss Hawker, flute, assisted by Helmut Bielfield, viola, Katherine Branfield, harp, and Mary Elizabeth Hardin, piano and harpsicord. Texas wins both games of a doubleheader with Baylor by scores of 5 to 1 and 8 to 2. TUESDAY, 14th-DEAD WEEK BEGINS. The three branches of the ROTC combine for the annual Presidental Review as a salute to President Joseph R. Smiley. Julius Glickman is chosen head of the newly organized University Party. WED ESDAY, 15th-The University's annual Spring Sports Banquet, honoring Longhorn coaches and athletes in all sports but football is held under the sponsorship of the Ex-Students' Association. THURSDAY, 16th-Astronaut Gordon Cooper returns from his 34-hour flight in orbit. Announcement is given of eleven University students who have been selected to participate in the traineeship pro­gram of the International Association of Students of Economics and Commerce in Europe. Men's lntramurals holds its 1963 awards banquet, the Intramural Pow Wow-Alpha Tau Omega takes the first place trophy. The Cactus staff holds awards banquet and the Bluebonnet Belles (Prissy Hester, Karen Hyman, Linda McDaniel, Zane Ann Morgan, and Mary Jane Pratscher) are an­nounced; editor and associate editor for 1964, Kay Morrow and Glenadine Russell, are presented. FRIDAY, 17th-John William Neill, tenor, makes his appearance in the Student Recital Series. SATURDAY, 18th-School of Architecture holds annual banquet with awards presented to outstanding students. SUNDAY, 19th-Five Longhorn baseballers, Butch Thompson, Bill Bethea, Chuck Knutson, Bob Myer, and Gary London make the All-Southwest Conference baseball team. TUESDAY, 21st-FINAL EXAMS BEGIN! J UNE SATURDAY, 1st--Commencement ceremonies held for graduating seniors of all colleges of the Uni­versity. Dr. Leland J. Haworth of the Atomic Energy Commission gives commencement addre s. Paco 144 . I ,, • I I I I l I I I Ii I I ' !' ,i I.' ~­ ' J STUDENT GOVERNMENT, UNION, PUBLICATIONS Edited by Sheila Ross Page J.15 STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION MARION SANFORD, JR. President Every student of The University of Texas is automatically a member of the Students' Association. Its function is to pro­vide a medium through which student opinion and concern can be interpreted to the faculty, staff, and administration. Most of this interpretation is done through student and faculty committees, the Student Assembly, Student Court, and personal con­tact by the executive officers of the Students' Association. The direction of the Students' Association is determined by the three executive officers (President, Vice-President, and Secre­tary), legislative branch (Student Assembly), and a judicial branch (Student Court). The campus-wide elected officers, the President in most cases, represent the student body on the Student Advisory Cabinet, Faculty-Student Cabinet, Union Board of Directors, Athletic Council, Board of Directors of Texas Student Publication, Inc., Social Calendar Committee, Central Round-Up Committee, Parking, Traffic, and Safety Policy Committee, and many other com­mittees related to student activities. The responsibility of administering the committee system and working for the student welfare is delegated to the President. P11e 146 STUDENT ASSEMBLY The Student Assembly, the legislative branch of the Students' Association, meets regularly on the second and fourth Thursday of each month, and is at all times subject to call by the President of the Students' Association. Among the functions of the Student Assembly are the appropriation of all monies of the Students' Association; the allocation of the Blanket Tax, the approval of all appointments of the Students' Association president; and the enactment of all bills and resolutions necessary and proper for the general welfare of the student body, including the recommending of action to the University administration, the Texas legislature, and the United States Congress. Through its legislative Commission, the Assembly acts as a pressure group putting the students' viewpoint before the public and governmental officials. Elected from the Assembly are students to serve on various important University governing boards and committees, including Texas Student Publications Board, Social Calendar Committee, Faculty-Student Relations Commission, and the Co-Op Board of Directors. Supervision of Opera­tion Brainpower, Summer and Fall Freshman Orientation, campus elections, and Challenge Colliquim is a function of the group. The Student Assembly during 1962-63 held an investigation of segregated ac­tivities supported by the Blanket Tax, voted to withdraw from the National Students' Association following a student referendum, approved an enlarged budget for and expanded Challenge Colliquim program, took action in the area of academic freedom in Mississippi, opposed a tuition increase by the Texas Legislature, and presented the students' opinion in matters affecting the University. ELECTED SPRING OF 1962 ELECTED FALL OF 1962 ARTS A D SCIE CES Tom Lee Hutchenson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Charles Finell Ronnie Cohe, Resigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . William Elam Mabry George Terry Timmons, Appointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Loyce Katz Jay Lawrence Westbrook, Resigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judye Galeener Jan Jopling, Appointed ...................................................... .. Oliver Heard Greg Lipscomb, Resigned Judy Jean White, Appointed Vicke Caldwell Timmons BUSINESS ADMINISTRA TIO John R. Cope, Resigned . . .................... . .......................... . .. William L. Moll Alex Duggan, Appointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Ray Jacob Bette Jane Azadian, Resigned Phillip Allen Leonard, Appointed EDUCATIO Lori Ann Nichols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Karen Hyman Hazel Jane Clements E GINEERI G Peter Christian Williams, Resigned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Randal Robert Craft, Jr. John Mack Orr, Appointed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . John Sinclair Hartman FI E ARTS Susan Frederica Amster, Resigned ................................... .. ..... . Pearl Feingold James Elwyn Neyland, Appointed and Resigned Nick M. Ingram, Appointed GRADUATE David Doan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Mayer Victor Doris Morton ....... ..................................................... John Terry Weeks ARCHITECTURE Douglas Cardinal, Resigned ......... .. . . ........ . .. .. . . ... . Benito Mayala, Appointed LAW Irwin Max Herz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe T. Hood, Resigned Robert Harry Akin, Appointed PHARMACY Roy Guerra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael William Simpson Top Row: Finnell, Cardinal, Clements. Second Row: Craft, Duggan, Feingold. Sixth Row: Lipscomb, Mabry, Morton. Third Row: Galeener, Hartman, Herz. Seventh Row: Neyland, Nichols, Orr. Fourth Row: Hutcbeaon, Hyman, Jacob. Eighth Row: Price, Simpson, V. Timmons. Fifth Row: Jopling, Katz, Leonard. Ninth Row: Victor, White. Page 147 l'P"I 11 I I STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMITTEES I ROUND-UP I Co· hairrnen ......... .. ................. .... .. .............. JAMES HOKE PEACOCK, II I PATRICIA JEAN McCLURE Secretary . .......... . .. . ...... . . . ...... . .... . ....... . .... . ..... PAT WALLACE WRIGHT DA CE COMMITTEE Jan Durant Costilow, Virginia Ann Pippen, Co-Chairman Co-Chairman WESTERN DA CE CHAIRME ROU D-UP BALL CHAIRME I Prudene Kay Ramsey Danny Herron I Harry Douglas Reese Sandra Ann McManners Marlene Adams Marilynn Sue Dean Mary Lark Kaskie Harriet Rebecca Rodier Betty Sue Appenbrink Susan Gayle DuBose Ann Hahn Livingston Claudia Scheske Mary Ann Bankston John Elton Dudley Carolyn Ann Luke Janet Slavens Patricia Sue Balkman Christi Lee Enderle Melba Joan McBrayer Dick Smith Gail Anne Beck Alice Meredith Farrar Marilyn Lucille McDonald Terenee Swift Barbara Ann Bender Catherine Regina Gordon Heide Roeslein Meister Dorothy Jean Weige Paula Irene Bohrer John Darby Grammling Francis Marian orthcutt Maxine Ann Weynard I Fredda Bonifield Robert James Greenwood ancy Lynn Parker Ann Louise Whiting Barbara Sue Brantley Lindsay Diane Grove Joseph Howard Parnell Kenneth Duane Williams Thomas Oswell Brightman Alice Darthula Hardie Jeanette Pittard Ron G. K. Wong Judy Burks Dan Harvin Kathleen Ruth Purcell Susan Kay Wright Freddie D. Capps Robert Ernest Henry Elsie Grace Ramirez Marianne Louise Zimmerman Ilameta Carr Nick M. Ingram Terry Jean Real Sarah Adele Zimmerman Faye Nell Chapman Janet Joyce Zrubeck HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Myra Elisa Stein, Kathryn Ann Bailey Susan Fowler Martha Minter Co-Chairman Genie Breckenridge Elizabeth Clay Johnron Jeff Jefferson Moorehead Mary Evelyn Merritt, Ann Francis Clark Carolyn Josey Gerard Herbert Neumann Co-Chairman Carol Ann Edmonson :Mary Ann Kerr Linda Lankford Robinson Karen Lee Hyman, Myra Helene Fisher ~fargaret Helen ~lcGowan :'.\1artha Elizabeth Sealy Co-Chairm an Rochelle Vee Steinberg PROGRAM COMMITTEE colt Charles Follett, Deberah Joan Druker Patricia Luella Peacock ' Co-Chairman John Randolph Heinen ancy Ann Rosenberg Loyce Ann Katz, John Marshall Jarratt Rose Diane Rosenberg Co-Chairman Lucina Kay Styron I I I PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Thomas Ludlow Hutcheson, Jr., Louellen Elizabeth Breuer Gwenna Sue Lowe Richard Henry Streder Co-Chairman Bonnie Crenshaw Sally Otis Lyman Jack Vernon Strickland, Jr. Lou Ann Walker, Lora Lynn Davis Wayne Earle Miers Ann Sutherland Co-Chairman Myra Helene Fisher George Mu ky Bryan David Truitt Jamie Ann Bavouset John Edward Kirchner Gerand Herbert eumann William F. Weissent 11 Bobby Joe Bowen I II SHOWCASE COMMITTEE Judith Jeannine Capps, Vivian Ann Bogart Wayne Earle Miers Co-Chairman James Edward Dobkins Clara Llewellyn Moore Don E kew Cowley, Stephen Bruce Hodges Roy Taylor Stockman I Co-Chairman Jack Vernon Strickland TALENT COMMITTEE Samuel Dave Brady, Karen Anne Byrd Kristine Clair Dykema Carolyn Joyce Morris Co-Chairman Carol Ann Campbell Lucie Renee Haney Jean Louise oble Carolyn Kay Walls, Charles Hinson Combs, III Carol Gene Knowles uzanne Allain tein Co-Chairman Patricia Ann tockert Cynthia Lee Lackey TICKET CONIMITfEE I " I David I. Kuperman, Martin William Cohen Michael Barry Karchmer Co-Chairman Max Samuel Friedman ina Lee chwartz Mary Manson Pulver, Sheldon Alan Wills :I Co-Chairman I WESTER SIGN COMMITTEE Michael J. Gray, Dana Wingfield Conolly Ben Michael Levy Jean Lorenz bireman Co-Chairman Barnett Alvin Greenberg Elizabeth Ann Moreland baron Ann ibley John Mack Orr, Nancy Hale Anne Wright Roger Bea Ann mith Co-Chairman Carol ue Hunter Barbara M. andy Erne t Pyle Werlin Jeanette . Baker I' Pase 148 I Co-Chairman, Fall Kathryn Ann Baily John Leslie Rounsaville, Jr. John M. Hughes. Ann Kasman Michael Carl Stoune Co-Chairman CAMPUS CHEST STEERI 1G COMMITTEE Allan Joseph Alpard James Simp on Dyer James Luther Mims, III Robert Arnold Spears Sue Braselton Judye Ann Galeener John Everett Musselman, Jr. Jim A. Tillinghast Joe Mack Bridges Judy Gail Gillespie Charles Thomas ewton Betty Walker Hubbard Scott Caven Maurice Marcus Linda Lankford Robinson Lou Ann Walker Linda Jo Dublin Angus Gilchrist Wynne, III CAMP S CHEST COMMITTEE John Everett Musselman, Alice Ann Driscoll Sandra Lee Johnson ancy Ann Ro enberg Co-Chairman Bonnie Ebest Carolyn Jo ey ~largie T. Sanford Lou Ann Walker, Samuel Hall Evans Phillip H. Mabry l\Iary Katherine Sealy Co-Chairman Martha Dalrymple Fisher Yvonne Charmayne Marsh Denni William Seibert Phyllis Alexander Ann Eldridge Hall Margaret Helen McGowan Suzanne Sorenson Carroll Ann Baker Diana Kay Goleman Zane Ann ~forgan ~lary Madeleine Starnes Barbara Broesche Diane Imogene Homiston Sharon Ann Myers David Randall Summerlin Richard Cole Sue Colgin Howell Linda Kay Oatman Janet Louise Wark John Lowell Conway Barry Jan Hruska Patricia Luella Peacock Theo Nancy Wilkes Carolyn Michael Devins Makkie Hruska Jacqueline Lee Prodoehl George Wesley Works, III ELECTION COMMISSIOl\ G. Burke Musgrove, Diane M. Dodson Lawrence Shannon Smith Chairman Helen Elizabeth Houston Rochelle Vee Steinberg James Luther Mims FLASH CARD COMMITTEE Jerry Cutler Coffey, Co-Chairman Linda Valois Crosby Patricia Kay Dolch Jo Karen Jurek Ina Rae Klein Nancy Lorine ickell Kit Arthur ienhueser Alan Wi1liam Dreeben, Henry Dove Murray Alvin Klein Sharon Marie Owens Co-Chairman E. Jane Eaton Julia Ann Kunze Donald M. Parrish Richard Douglas Perkins, Kearney E. Edmiston, Jr. Martha Loui e Lamm Walter Rast, Jr. Co-Ordinator andy Gwen Faircloth Fred Robert Lentz Nancy Camille Raycraft Bob Anderson Kay Fitzpatrick Karen E. Lovinggood Martha Ann Sanders Lillian Cecilia Anderson Wilda Lee Gentry Sharon Ann Luck Gary William Schoen Barry Alan Applewhite Leanne Rheiner Gilbert Lynda S. Mann Deanna Schroeter James Balser Edgar P. Glazbrook Linda Lee Mason Freda Janet Simmons Mary Alleen Boggs Barnett Alvin Greenberg Wil1iam Hawley McCown Dick Smith LouEllen Elizabeth Breuer John Allen Hall, Jr. Susan Kay McGinness Sue Smith Vernon Roger Bruce John Baskin Harper Heide Roselein Meister Jack Vernon Strickland, Jr. William B. Chenault, III Sue Harper David Lawrence Meredith F. Louise Tracy Carmon Luell Coffman Gerald Wayne Hayes Dwight Oliver Monteith Jo Ann Vincent Yvonne Coleman William M. Hearne Robert Cochran Morgan Charles Daniel West Paula Colletti Joan Hill Ann Elizabeth Moseley Sharon Lynn Wilson Clyde Carlton Copeland, Jr. June Hill Donald Martin Musick Judy G. Wynn Chad Freeman Creager ue Colgin Howell Rebecca Alice elson Arlen Ray Zander LEGISLATIVE COMMISSIO;\' Michael Ray Eledge, Co-Chairman C. Mike Brennan Robert Calvin Franks Richard Page Keeton Sam E. Kinch, Jr. Jeff Jefferson ~Ioorhead Keith Bernard Reed David Gray Hall, Co-Chairman Leon Norrod Graham Barry Jay Kathy Ledbetter Greg Lipscomb Arthur Louis Schechter Courtney ~1ack Townsend, Jr. Stephen William Blount William Carroll Keach Maurice Marcu Page 149 l STUDENT GOVERNMENT COMMITTEES I I ' INTER ATIO AL COMMISSION I Youssef Khatoun, Co-Chairman Lilas Janice Shelby, Co .Chairman Reagan F. Bradshaw Cindy Louise Brantley John Penney Cogan Charlotte :\1ontgomery Compton Peggie :\1arie Cooke Deni Lynn Daly Everard Correll Davenport Micheal Lynn Davis Robert Carl Demler, Jr. Brenda Joyce Devers Jean Ann Faulkner Hunter Dean Ellinger Joanne Geyne Susann Goodwin Mary Hardy Pamela Jane Heath Lester Brooks Hickerson Hugh Frank Hinton Sue Colgin Howell Reta Jane Ing Hariadene Johnson Martha Lynne Jones Nancy Barbara Kennedy Mahmoud El Lebabidi William Elam Mabry Lynda S. Mann William Houston McNary Linda Mae Millspaugh Sabra Ann Moore Robin avarro Montgomery James Gus Nixon Joycelyn Stevenson ixon Linda Mauri Putman Louise Claire Rubinstein Carol Jean Seaman Elaine Seewald Susan Deranda Shaw Roy McLean Skipper Carolyn Soffar Sue Alyce Stiles Evelyne A. Tanous Claire Janet Timmons Kamel I. Totah John William Turner, Jr. Gary Jay Vincent Jo Ann Vincent Linda Louise Walker Diane Frances Webster ' II FRESHMA COU CIL ADVISOR ASSEMBLY II Deanna Alleman Lynda ~1arie Alline Sharon Lee Anderson Edgar Daniel Bailey Charles Richard Barnhill Patricia Diann Benningfield Bette Maxine Boyd Genie Brackenridge James Benjamin Bynum Jerry Edmond Chiles William Cobb Cobb :ryra Ann Cox John Ali:non Craig Janet Dahl Ted Gaines Davis Davi Dubrot Alex Duggan Carol Ann Edmondson Gary Edwards Michael Ray Eledge Terry Feinstein ea! Finor Myra Helene Fisher William Fitch Jimmy Ray Fletcher John Garland Flowers, III Paul Gainer Rosalyn Claire Gold Barbara An!\ Gresham Frank Bosworth Hagler Susan Harkins Lee Edward Hartman Sandra Hays Pricilla Jane Hester Mary Kathleen Hudkins Eugene Lewis Hunt Joan Phyllis Hyman Karen Lee Hyman Ann S. Kasman Daniel Robert Kirshbaum Mary Karhryn Kulchak Mary Lee Lankford Carole Last Bert Gentry Lee Ed Lehr William Sterling Little orman Lowenstern Sandra Paul Love Maurice Marcus Betsy Mason Patricia Meyers Tom M. Michelsen Charles B. Middleton William Moll John Morehead John Marshall Mosely Denny ewberry Francis Marian orthcutt Lynda Painter Joh n Raymond Patrick Richard Raymond Peterson Karen Lynn Powell Frances Preston Lynne Marie Raschke Sissy Richards Sharon Sue Rountree James Owen Rush Karen Sue Scheider Kay Carlton Soloman Myra Elise Stein James Ronald Stovall ancy Kay Stroup Jan Thomsen Charles Trent Thurn Jim Tillinghast Vicke Caldwell Timmons James Donald Tortorice Bryant David Truitt Raymond E. Tyra Jay Lawerence Westbrook Judy Ann White Basil Glenn Wilkerson, Jr. Muriel Ruth Yaffe I CHALLENGE CO-ORDINATORS Philena Jane Morton Sandra Lee Parker Arthur Louis Schecter I I ! Michael Ray Eledge TREASURERS James Benjamin Bynum I I CO TACT COMMITTEE Raymond Lewis Johnson, Co-Chairman usan Deranda Shaw, Co·Chairman William B. Chenault, III Diane Lois Derouen Deborah Joan Drucker Clif W. Drummond Jane Maurine Duckett Mary Jane Gorham Ann Eldridge Hall Michele Kranz Kathy Ledbetter Judith Ann im Jack Vernon trickland, Jr. Diane France Web ter I ·' I II CORRE PO DI G SECRETARIAT Diane lmogene Homiston, Co·Chairman uzanne Jane Hughes, Co-Chairman Teddy Jean Logan ellie Jane 0 tler Elizabeth Allison Walsh Elaine Gail Peck Beth nne hocket I I Pa1e 150 I Steven Wood Moore, Co-Chairman Clyde David Pomeroy, Co-Chairman Deanna Alleman, Co-Chairman Karen Lee Hyman, Co-Chairman Jane Louise Aycock Michael J. Gray, Co-Chairman Joan Phyllis Hyman, Co-Chairman Carolyn Lee Coe, Chairman Catherine Winifred Clayton Barbara Ann Gresham, Co-Chairman Dennis Gene Kovar, Co-Chairman Josef John Barton Donald Paul Meador, Co-Chairman Dianne P. Ryan, Co-Chairman Carol Eugenia Earl, Co-Chairman Caroline Susan Hughes, Co-Chairman Howard Chalmers Susan Jane Rush Carolyn Draeger Robert Dwight Simpson Michael John Fourticq James Madison Williams, Jr. HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Kathryn Ann Bailey Kathleen Fenley Moore Betty Sue Bird Carolyn Joyce Morris Janet M. Dahl Frances Marian Northcutt Diana Dale Haskinson Diane Sue Shoss Pamela Jane Heath Kay Carlton Solomon HOUSI G COMMITTEE Charles Richard Barnhill Daniel Robert Kirshbaum Alan William Dreeben Maurice Marcus Elizabeth Rose Greenfield Laura Sue Parks EWS COORDINATIO COMMITTEE Diane Cohen Mary Ann Geisler Richard Ray Cole Harmon Howze Bernie Rodney Davis Yvonne Charrnayne Marsh Martye Voss ORIENTATIO J arnes Ray Bass Susan Lee Campbell Carolen Jeanne Draper Jill Annette Harris Joie Pierce Jones COMMITTEE Nancy Ruth Joor Ann Alpha McHale Melinda Claire Mayes Dorothy Caroline Remy Barbara M. Sand y PROGRAM COMMITTEE Jan Durant Costilow Chad Freeman Creager Diane Kathleen Fitts Sandra Kay Foster Donald Jones Laura Jeanne Kassos Loyce Ann Katz '.\fartha Louise Lamm Lucina Kay Styron PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Barbara Jean Vessels, Roberta Iris Billings Co-Chairman Donald Whitesell Hartman Harriet Ann Susser RECORDING SECRETARIAT Elizabeth Ann Wood, Kathy A. Dixon Co-Chairman Elizabeth Anne Files Kathy Jean Yousko REGISTRATION COMMITTEE Suzanne orenson Rochelle Vee teinberg Janet Louise Wark Judy Wish Rose Diane Rosenberg Courtney Mack Townsend, Jr. Tirnotuy Don Von Dohlen Donna Gail Weintraub Edward Godfrey Miller Forest William Reece, Jr. Sharon Elaine Shelton Barbara Jean Scharlack Patricia Jeanne Swaim Kay Clyde Webb Judith Isabel Wright Benny Oliver Lawrence Siri Madhayornchandra Emmett Kent Morgan Katherine Roberta Stewart John Robert Prince, Jr. Nina Lee Schwartz Arny Betsy Geppert Sara Elizabeth Rix Nell Kathleen Martin, Barry Alan Applewhite Phillip H. Mabry Donna Faye Oberpiller Co-Chairman Eleanor Bankston Beyea Alice Ann Marshall John Orr !Jack Robert Fleming See, Jr., Alexis Joan Brown Sue Ellen McClellan Patrick C. Oxford Co-Chairman Sandra Kay Burnett Carolyn Rosemary Moritz J ames Owen Rush Page 151 STUDENT COURT RICHARD PAGE KEETO Chief Justice The Chief Justice, elected at large by the student body in the spring, and eight Associate Justices selected by a Judicial Selection Commission composed of the Abbot of Friars, the Editor of the Texas Law Review, the President of the Students' As­sociation, the President of Mortar Board, and the Grand Chancellor, form the judicial branch of the Students' Association, the Student Court. After the commission makes its choices, the President of the Students' Association then designates four of the selections as regular Associate Justices, and usually, four as Alternate Justices to sit in the absence of one of the regulars. The Court operates under a Judicial Code, promulgated through the efforts of the Judicial Code Revision Commission, and enacted by the Student As embly in the fall of 1960. The Code provides procedure and other necessary rules of practice before the Student Court, and also provides for appeal to an Appellate Court, composed of three law professors, appointed by the Dean of Law School. Pursuant to the constitution of the Students' Association, the Court tries all cases arising under the constitution, and the laws made in pursuant thereof, decides election disputes, and can compel or restrain some officials of student government in the functions of their offices. The Student Court is represented on President Smiley's Advisory Cabinet, the Faculty-Student Cabinet, the Faculty-Student Discipline Committee, and the Parking, Traffic and Safety policy and Panel Committees. The Court is also available to students and student organizations for interpretation or advisory judgments concerning the consti­tution or legislation of the Assembly. Mem?ers of t~e Associate Justice contingent of the Court must be of at least junior standing, and the Chief Justice must be ? m1~ or senior law student. Associate Justices this year were Larry Kent Montgomery, Shannon Harrison Ratliff, Larry Blair Gibbs and Joseph Patrick Kelly. Alternates were Frank Tribble Crews, Harry Gee, Edward Bradford Pickett and Robert Allen Venable. Top Row: Frank Tribble Crews, Jr., Harry Gee, Joseph Patrick Kelly. Second Row: Larry Kent Montgomery, Edward Bradford Pickett , Shannon Har· rison RatliH, Robert Allen Venable. Pa1e 152 ial ls. lie of r;, od tt ~ be in Ill be ti- Vice-President . .. ,. .............. ...... ...... ARTHUR ALEXANDER DUGGAN Secretary, Fall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ScHERRIE LEE WATSON Secretary, Spring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EUGENIA SoLKA Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WAYNE FREDRIC AGURE Members-at-Large . .... . . . ..... . .... . . . ...... . .... GARRY STANLEY CREATH GEORGE JACK NACHMAN Sweetheart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY ELLA GRAHAM CLASS OFFICERS SENIOR SOPHOMORE HERSCHEL EUGENE BAIN, President MICHAEL GEORGE MITCHELL, President EARNEST LEON K NIGHT, JR., Vice-President JOHN ALLE CARMICHAEL, Vice-President BARBARA GRE SKY ZEIGLER, Secretary CAROL SuE WITT, Secretary JU IOR CAROL DIANE DOUGLASS, Secretary SAM LOVE, JR., President FRESHMA 1 DOUGLAS MACARTHUR SIMMO s, Vice-President ROBERT EARL L UNA, President EuGE IA SOLKA, Secretary JAY TELLINGHAST, Vice-President KAY CARLTO SOLOMON, Secretary SALLY ANN MATHIS, Secretary FACULTY MEMBERS R. Clifton Andersen Ben B. Barr James W. Giese Stanley A. Arbingast elia Fox Kornelis J. Walraven ASSEMBLYME Bette Jane Azadian Ken Ray Jacob William Leo Moll Arthur Alexander Duggan Phillip Allen Leonard Ned Price, Jr. ORGANIZATION REPRESENTATIVES ALPHA DELTA SIGMA BETA ALPHA PSI Barbara Grensky Zeigler PhiUip Valdor Putsche Charles Eckert SIGMA IOTA EPSILON AMERICA FINANCE ASSOCIATION DELTA NU ALPHA John Copley Donavan Joe Acker Laughlin John Thomas Dean James Ellis Stafford Turner 1ichols ewton DELTA SIGMA PI SOCIETY FOR THE ADVANCEMENT AMERICAN MARKETING ASSOCIATION Garry Stanley Creath OF MANAGEME T Pat Moseley William Harris Garner Dwight Oliver Monteith, Jr. William Edgar Young, Jr. INSURANCE SOCIETY STUDENT LA OSMAN'S ASSOCIATIO BBA WIVES Joe H. Bearden Charles Donald Chapman Mary Gibson PI OMEGA PI Terry Neal Stover Scherrie Lee Watson STUDENT-FACULTY COUNCIL COLLEGE OF EDUCATION OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Do NA FAYE OBERPRILLER Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Juoy ANN WHITE Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALICE A N MARSHALL ( 1) FA CUL TY MEMBERS William Andrew Bennie Clark Cyrus Gill Eugene Clifton Lee Kay Holm Petersen John Ormand Rodgers David Clarence Sanders I, II STUDE T MEMBERS 1! Nancy Etta Andrews Janice Mary Chadwell Hazel Jane Clements Karen Ann Cushman Roxanna Dutton Karen Sue Ellingson Priscilla Jane Hester Karen Lee Hyman Judy Ann White Kay Ann Johnson Jere Ann Kitzmiller Alice Ann Marshall ( 1) Patsy Martin Ann ichols Donna Faye Oberpriller Michelle Alice Puzin Linda Lankford Robinson Srcond Row: Ellinpon, Clementi, Hym10, Nichols, Dutton, Andrew1, Kitzmiller, Gill. Third Row : Bennie, Pelerten, Lee, anders, Rodeen. Pa1c 15-l STUDENT ENGINEERING COUNCIL OFFICERS Fall Spring GRAEME DOUGLAS WEAVER . . . . ... ... .. .. .. .. Chairman .. . . . .......... PETER CHRISTIAN WILLIAMS MAKE McDERMOTT, JR......... .. .... . .. Vice-Chairman . .. ......... .. .. JOHN SINCLAIR HARTMAN GERRY LEE Fox .. . . . ..... . .... . ..... Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RILEY MILES TOLER EDGAR V. LEYENDECKER .. . . . .. . .... .Corresponding Secretary . . ........ . .. . ... . . . . DON GRIFFITH ]OE MAYER VICTOR .. ... . ................ Treasurer . ............... EDWARD NORBERTO TINOCO BYRON DEAN TAPLEY .. .... . ... .. . . .. . . Faculty Advisors .. . .......... .... .. HARRY L. KENT, JR. Front Row: Orr, Tinoco, Wood, Thompson, Caddel, Toler, Schodek. Second Row: Lyda, Robert Raooos Blankert, Huff, Victor, Weaver, Roberts, Johnson, Bilger, Hughes. Third Row: McDermott, Halter, Fox, Craft, Williams, Meyer, Cruz, Ripple, Leyeodecker. Page 155 AAAE James Ray Cruz Daniel Lewis Schodek AIAA Albert Richardson, Spring Edward Norberto Tinoco, Fall Randolph Wood, Fall AIChE Stephen Parker Coburn, Spring Thomas Benton Lyda, Fall Ray McCune, Spring Riley Miles Toler, Fall AIME Marlan Romane Thompson Robert Lee Meyer Randal Robert Craft John Sinclair Hartman ORGA "IZATION REPRESENTATIVES ASCE Gerald Lynn Roberts James B. Itostetler, Fall Benjamin Morrison Naugler, Spring ASME Don Griffith, Fall Eddie A. Halter, Fall Gerardo James Hellmund, Spring James Patrick Moore, Spring CHI EPSILON Charles Dewey McMullen, Spring Peter Christian Williams, Fall IEEE Robert R. Caddel J. B. Johnson, Fall Samuel James Levine, Spring ETA KAPPA U Robert George Hajovsky, Spring John M. Hughes, Fall ASSEMBLYMEN John Mack Orr Peter Christian Williams, Fall BYRON DEAN TAPLEY OMEGA CHI EPSILON Dennis Fred Ripple, Fall Robert John Steppe, Spring PI TAU SIGMA Jimmy Mack Bilger, Fall athaniel Harris McClamroch, Spring SAME Fred Helms SIGMA GAMMA TAU Squire Lee Brown, Fall TAU BETA PI Charles F. Huff TSPE Joe Tom Bouchier, Spring Samuel David Ellison, Fall TEXAS UNION I II JACK G. STEELE, Director The Texas Union belongs to University students. Providing everything from a bowling alley to the 1963 Round-p Revue to promi­nent speakers such as Barry Goldwater, Chester Bowles, and Roger Blough, the huge stone building keys campus activity. :.vluch of what students learn they learn from each other and from the faculty in informal association outside the clas rooms-the l-nion is the epitome of that postulate. With student committees supervising leadership, hospitality, tournaments, mu ic, dance Jes ons, and countless extracurricular activities, the Union is a gathering place--the nutshell in which students, ex-students, faculty, and friends of the University get to know each other and feel a sense of unity. "The Texas Union was planned, built, and now stands dedicated to the purpose of coordinating existing beneficial extracurricular activities ... ; of furnishing a social, recreational, and cultural center . . . ; of promoting a program that will tend to develop the pirit of true democracy, encourage broader culture, cultivate a deeper sense of responsibilities of citizenship, create a more intelligent interest in and love for The niversity of Texas ... " BOARD OF DIRECTORS TEXAS UNION COMMITTEES CH RM COMMITTEE Stephanie Jane Buchanon, Chairman, Fall Carol Diane Douglass, Chairman, pring :Wary Elizabeth Bell '.Vlartha Marilla Black Susan Virginia Bleakney Loi Ann Blum hirley Joyce Bowen 31artha Love Brindley :Wadeline Mercy Carl John Edward Kirchner, Chairman Barbara Louise Bearden Stephen William Blount Eugene Frank Boemer Penny Brooks Donna Katherine Byrom David Charles Carlyle Carolyn ue Dunlap Lynne tuart Elmdahl Karl Hanner, Chairman Rebekah terling Alexander Bunny Ball Charles Richard Barnhill Vivian Ann Bogart Yvonne Joyce Bryson Judy Camp Sallie Sneed Carroll Sandra Kay Foster Mary Ester Carner Carolyn Lee Coe Debrah Ann Daniels Gigi Dian Daniels Martha Anne Dillard Judith Ann Dombrowski Terry Joan Feinstein Alatia Plowman Francis '.\'larilee A. Funda Mary Edna Caston Betty George Glynda !vl.arian Harrell usan Well Hartman Cherie andra Hesse Judith Ann Hitchcock Monte ue Kalmans Paky Kyner Donna Jean Marry Lynda S. Mann usan J. Mattiza Katherine Dorothy McGuire Harriet Elaine Oldham Lynne Marie Rashcke PUBLIC RELATIONS COMYIITTEE Thomas Samuel Caggan Mary Jane Gorham Mike J. Cray Joe Robert Greenhill Furman Haddix Cheryl Kay Hilbun Judi Kay Jackson Murry Alvin Klein Margie Jane Lifflander Sally Otis Lyman Pamela Amelia Majewski Pam Ann Martin Ronnie William Mas ey Jack Mayer Melinda Claire Mayes l eil Hugh Mclaurin Ann Morgan Laurie Jean !vl.orse SPEAKERS COMMITTEE Mary Ann Geisler ancy Barbara Kennedy Katherine 1ary Hall Marsha Ann Kimbro Sylvia Ann Haynes Mary Cray McGee Pamela Jane Heath Janet Lee Miller Timothy Drath Heins Sabra Ann Moore Stanley Charles Hutka Theresa Kaye orthcott Lynda Bird John on Linda Kay Precival Donald Lee Jones Mary Jane Pratscher Nona Katherine Kean Dianna Sue Rushing Carolyn Cage Kellam Sara Ann anborn ST DE T-FACULTY COMMITTEE Deanna Alleman, Chairman Lillian Cecilia Andersor Jane Louise Aycock elda Kay Becknell Lloyd Willis Birdwell William Leroy Blakey David Anthony Bomba Carol Elizabeth Borsch Janne Warren Bowen Barbara Erin Burnham Beverly Ann Byers Robert R. Caddel Vicki Sue Calhoun ona Jean Conroy Diane Louise Daily Clif W. Drummond Carol Jane Eads uzanne Eleanore Earhart Donna Lee Faust Mary Lee Freeman Patti Frick Georgia Ellen Cillis Diana Dale Ha kinson Dorothy Paisley Rath Rita usan Rische Georgia Anne Rose Joan Marie chilo Linda Schwartz Carole Elaine ing Suzanne Cory lade Carol Geraldine mith Barbara Ann Vernon Martye Voss Billy Marvin Pumphrey Marcia Jean Rajuns Sheila J. Ross Linda Jane ager Linda Ellen chnatterer Bernard Morri toiler Paul Van lyke Juan Manuel Va quez Basil Glenn Wilker on Sara Virginia ~earight Sharon Elizabeth immons Frank Lewis pring Suzanne Allain Lein Barbara Lynn tone ancy Kay troup Sarah Ann wanson Lucy Elaine Toland Judith Louise Taiber Mary Lovey Wood Pamela Wright Jan Durant Costilow, Chairman Leslie Oark Acker Betty ue Appenbrink Barbara Ann Bender Fredda Pauline Bonifield Thomas Oswell Brightman Michael Horace Casey Marilynn Sue Dean John Elto Dudley Alice Meredith Farrar Karen Lee Hyman, Chairman Judith Ann Allred Sharon Lucille Anderson Sally Baggett Kathryn Ann Bailey Dorothy Eleanor Berry Harriett Berstein Tyra Ann Cox Deborah Joan Druker Carol Eugania Earl Sally Ann Fetter Myra Helena Fisher Gwendolyn Jean Fletcher Frances Preston, Chairman Patricia Lorraine Beals Patricia Diann Benningfield Eleanor Bankston Beyea Jerry Edmond Chiles Mable Alicia Edwards Apple Polishing Party, sponsored by Student-Faculty Committee. DA CE COMMITTEE Catherine Regina Gordon Robert Samuel Greenwood Anne Margaret Hanzel Robert Ernest Henry Danny E. Herron Christina Anne Horner W. L. Janszen Cathy Jenkins Mary Lark Kaskie Mary Donna Kennemer Fred William Langner HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE Janita Pamela Frye Helen Stanley Grogan Patricia Gale Hackerman Della Henderson Sydelle Herman Pricilla Jane Hester baron Ann Hoffer Carol Linda Hozapfel Ginger de! Howell Sandra Jean Jircik Rosemary Jordan Margorie Ann Kay Elizabeth Anne Koch Ann Hahn Livingston Sandra Ann McManners Donald Edward Mason Frances Marian orthcutt Joseph Howard Parnell, Jr. Carl Perkins Virginia Ann Pippen Elsie Grace Ramirez Prudy Kay Ramsey Harry Douglas Reese Terry Jean Real Yvonne Joann Kunz Jerry Ann Lee Jerry Ellen Lieck Lula Bella Maddox Alicia McCullough Kathryn Erin McKenna Cynthia Ann Moss Laney Clare Mueller Helen Hardy Murchison Kay Darlene Pannell Alice Rainey Linda Lankford Robinson Jean Worth Rogers LEADERSHIP COMMITTEE Jimmy Rae Fletcher Ed Lehr Don Wendell Garrett Carol Joan Levitt Margaret Ruth Hagood Donald Lee Moore Richard Larry Jordon Robert B. Moses Michele Kranz Linda Mauri Putman Royce Charles Lambert Robert Aaron Rashti DECORATIONS COMMITTEE Jo Ann Serrano Beth Anne Shocket Janet Slavens Richard Smith Jeraldine Theresa Walker Dorthy Jean Weige Jane Durden Whitsit Kenneth Duane Williams Kenneth Lee Wise Ron Wong Susan Kay Wright Karen Judith Ruble Marcia Jean Simms Kay Carlton olornan Virginia Anna tewart Charlotte Delhaye Voorhies Helaine L. Wayne Bette Kay Weiner Donna Gail Weintraub Mirian Wilson Patricia Ann Wilson Judy Wi~h Linda Ellen Wright Kathey Jean Yousko Dennis Edgar Reaves Dianne Ryan Karen Sue Schneider Robert Bruce Stuart Bonnie Gay Uhr Judy Kathleen Wax Henrietta Catherine Weaver Beth Anne hocket, Wayne Allen Carmack Jo Ann Hendrick Louise Oaire Rubinstein Chairman Paul Timothy Elliot Judith Geraldine Jen kins Ellen Elizabeth Sikes Mildred Marie Apel Candy Green James Rose Keefe Kathleen Ames Tyler James Thomas Boone Patricia Anne Haesly Betty Ann Kestenbaum Gary Word Wilson Page 159 TEXAS UN ION COMMITTEES Samuel David Brady, Chairman Lynda . Iarie Alline Judith Rose Anderson Ann Beasley Lee Ann Blair Jackie ue Bohuslav Loyd George Brooks Carol Ann Campbell Patricia Jane Clements Siri Mahayomehandra, President Ken neth Larry Anderson Tulio Bo Lasca Butler Margaret Anne Christie ·I Carol Ann Edmondson, Chairman Cynthia Duval Baskette 1ichael C. Byrd Janice .M. Bzura Douglas E. Coursey William David Coursey Peggy Ann Griffis Richard Lawrence Howell Arthur Skibell Mary Julette Haynes, Chairman Jonnie Elinor Breaker Lewis Edward Cade Bill Chenault tephanie Chernikowski Freda Ruth Crawford Chad Freeman Creager James Benjamin Bynum, Chairman Jane Coates Anderson Sarah Ann Beinhom George :.\Iadison Berry Bonnie Dlanken hip Kri tin Bowen Jodi Boyle Alan Charles Chalfont Howard Chalmers TALE T COMMITTEE Charles Henson Combs, III Richard Felipe Cortez Lora Lynn Davis Kristine Clair Dykema Cathryn Lyndell Fenly Don Griffith Curtis Robert Hale, III Lucie Renee Haney Mildred elwyn Hart I TER ATIONAL CLUB OFFICERS A D COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Bernard Ortiz de Montellano Mary Ann Faickney Enrique Medellin Flores Beverly Gail Hill Julia Ann Hill Youssef Khatoun TOUR AMENTS COMMITTEE Leonard elson Jancker Phyllis Ann Kirtley William Lee Knighton John Lomax Rachel Cornelia Merriman Barbara Adelia elson Betsy Martha Schwarz Arthur York Sembera Sue Colgin Howell Cherry Antoninette Windrum Charles Joseph Zubarik TEXAS UNION AMATEUR RADIO SOCIETY William Mac Lingo, Presiden t Robert 1ichael Bartels Chester .Mark Cedars Eugene Paul Chapline Daniel Robert Cook Roy Harle Deen Diemer Lockart Fife, Jr. Thomas R. Fredericks Mary Ann Harris Kenneth Ray Hessel Peter Lee Maverick Roy Edward Pfiester, Jr. Charlie Roy Powell Mary Vance Powell Conrad Louis Romberg Roger Dewey White Evan Dedrick Yoes, Jr. Carl Krisch Zeuner Larry Lee Johnson Micky Kinney Carol Gene Knowles Marialice Martin Carolyn Joyce 1orris J ean Louise oble Martha Jane ugent Sharon Ann O'Crowley John Alan Parr Mary Lee Lankford Judith Ann fcArdle Hong Lan Oei Elisie Grace Ramirez Gail Ratliff Mary Ada Rosson Bill Manly Parrish Mary Purnell Vivian Rose Rosales Mary Helen Scoates Theresa Anne Smith Patricia Ann tockert Mary Alice Swift Kareen Anne Waddell Carolyn Kay Walls Belinda Marion Wilkinson aim agib Serban Arthur Thomas Spohn Van Collier Tipton, Jr. Gustavo Oscar Vergara Banda Susan Ward Carol Ann Wilson - MUSIC COMMITTEE Darrell Jeri Edwards Louise Elizabeth Erikson Vade Giles Forrester Gretchen Ann Green Barbara Elaine Grevsky Bertie 1ae Gullick John Randolph Heinen Francis Martha Hudson 1onroe Wayne Jones Jeanette Elizabeth Lesikar Eberett Alexander Luckenbach Robert Earl McCleary Julia Helen McCune Mary Maurine McElroy FILM COMMITTEE J ohn Drue Christner Frances Pauline Cohn Janet Dahl Margaret Jane Davis Yvonne D'Olive Oliver John Finney Lawrence Ray Geddie Caroline usan Hughes Lela Ann Jahns P•1e 160 Linda Lou Kellogg Terry Michele Klar Charles Leeper Gwenna ue Lowe Roger Glynn fcCary Judith Ellen fcCa kill Donald orton IcGiffin Carl Bame Iitchell Carol Ann Peter on Janice Marie :.\!organ Patricia Ann Munn James Glenn Reeves Barbara Gail tone Mary ue trube Jane 1arie Ti dale Judith Ann Wat on Ram ey Beulving Wiggins Karen Lynn Powell Beth Roden Douglas MacArthur immons Jim tein Lucina Kay tyron Patricia ue Thigpin Jan Thom en Robert . Tracy illiam Ro Trigg Patricia faureen Williams TEXAS UNION COMMITTEES MARRIED STUDE TS COU CIL Engineering Wives .... MRS. CARROLL W. CHAPMAN, President C.B.A. Wives . . . . . . . . . . . . . IRS. ORMA HERZFELD, Secretary .. Architecture Wives . ......... . .. . . . ... MR . FRED MATTHEWS Co-Weds . ........ .. ... ....... . .......... MRS. JAMES HALL Geology Wives ... ........ ............. MRS. GERALD WEBER Law Wives ....... ....... ............ MRS. WILLIAM MARTI Ph armacettes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MRS. DARRELL M. BALLARD The Arts and Crafts Center provides the equipment for student hobbies. EXHIBITS COMMITTEE C. 0 . Patterson, Marilyn Beverly Hilley James Collier Randolph Fern Laura Von Stein Chairman Rebecca Johnson Janice Schumann Sharon Gayle Wheeley Donald Earl Adams Carmen Lydia De Quevedo Carole Edyna Tomlinson Enoyse Verna Wimberh· Mary Carrington Gowen Eva Kay Worrel · ROUND-UP REVUE Stephanie. Jane Buchanan, Chairman COSTUME CO IMITTEE MAKE-UP COMMITTEE • Deanna Alleman, Chairman Kathleen Fenley Moore Sandra Kay Foster, Chairman Allison Harrison Currie Jamie Lee Andrews Zane Ann Morgan Helen Claire Anderson Amelia Mary Janssen Diane Louise Daily Toni Jo Powell Linda Diane Brown Linda Sue Schulze Mary Mi helle Fallon Kathleen Ruth Purcell Yvonne Joyce Bryson Kathie Jean Yousko Sandra Sue Hill Mary Katherine Sealy PRESE TATIO ' COMMITTEE PROPS COMMITTEE Martye Voss, Chairman Eleanor Bankston Beyea C. 0 . Patterson, Chairman :\fartha Louise Lamm haron Dee Brown Dorothy Paisley Rath Marilyn Beverly Hilley Clinton Lenoir Lois Ann Blum PUBLICITY COMMITTEE Sally Otis Lyman, Chairman STAGE CREW SET COMMITTEE Ron Cole Longwood, Chairman Benjamin :\forrison Naugler Lamar Tims, Jr., Chairman David Lynn Jones Carolyn Draeger Betty elle George Wentworth Eiband Dee Mimard Robert B. Moses .Ylichael Pattet Frank Cole Haffer Karen Kay Owens Jill Elaine James Enoyse Verna Wimberly Page 161 TEXAS STUDENT PUBLICATIONS, INC. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FACULTY MEMBERS STANLEY A. ARBI 1GAST, Professor of Resources EDWIN TUR ER BOWDE , Associate Professor of English OLI ETHMER HI KLE, Associate Professor of Journalism DeWITT CARTER REDDICK, Director, School of Journalism STUDENT MEMBERS JOH R. COPE, Assembly Representative KEITH KOH COX, Assembly Representative LEON 10RROD GRAHAM, Assembly Representative MARION SA FORD, JR., President of the Students' Association BARBARA JEA TOSCH, Assembly Representative EX-OFFICIO MEMBERS LESTER LOYD EDMO DS, JR., General Manager HARRELL ESTES LEE, Editorial Manager of The Daily Texan EDWIN BOOTH PRICE, Director of Student Activities GEORGE PARDUE BUNCH, Cactus Editor SAM KINCH, JR., Daily Texan Editor LAWRENCE R. LEE, Daily Texan Managing Editor, Fall DAVID KIRBY HELTON, Daily Texan Managing Editor, Spring GILBERT KEY SHELTON, Texas Ranger Editor Top Row : Arbingast, Bowdeo, Bunch, Cope, Cox, Edmonds, Graham. Second Row : Helton, Hinkle, Kinch, H. Lee, Price, Reddick, Sanford, Tosch. Pae• 162 General Manager Of/ice Manager 0 f /ice Assistant Frankie Mae Lindsey, Dorothy Ricks, Michael Harold Carney, Business Manager Bookkeeper Of/ice Assistant EDITORIAL Harrell Estes Lee, Marguerite Freeman, Carole Gustine, Editorial Manager of The Daily Texan Editorial Supervisor, The Cactus Proof reader William Irvin McReynolds, James Gordon Gibson, Bernie Rodney Davis, Assistant Editorial Manager of The Daily Texan Proofreader Fairchild Operator Emily-Mae Stafford, Proofreader PHOTOGRAPHY Richard Venne, Supervisor Robert John Draddy Dale Owens CIRCULATION Arthur Burt Rutledge, Omar J. Holguin, Malcolm J. Fox, Clerk Route Supervisor, Fall Route Supervisor, Spring Texan Carriers Marlon Eugene Bounds Malcolm J. Fox Beasley Taylor Livingston Clark A. Santos James Ervin Dunaway Daniel Edward Houston Charles Talmadge Phillips Curtis Bronson Schultz Miguel Espinosa William Taylor Lee, Jr. Pat Reed Herbert Armstrong Wells ADVERTISING Mary Glasscock Frazier, Ernest Oran Stark, Michael Phillip Teter, Manager Classified Clerk Clerk Texan Salesmen John Knox Bowling, Jr. William Jackson Douglas Clifford Avrom Katz William Lee Swail John Randal Brown Burtis Franklin Floyd Michael Vogtel Smith John Charles Wheeler Robert Carl Demler, Jr. Berry Jan Hruska Marion David Standridge Larry Martin Wood Ranger Salesmen Rodman Gorman John Burton Kendrick William J. Sowers, Jr. Cactus Salesman Bob R. White MECHA ICAL Shelby Sutherland White, Truman B. Guttery, Jr., Eulalio Sanchez, Malcolm J. Fox, Superintendent Printer Printer Flyboy, Fall James V. Bourland, Maybelle Knox, William Clyde Petri, Pat Reed, Printer Printer Stereotyper Flyboy, Spring Jesse Candelas, Arthur J. Rinn, Jr., John H. Moses, Apprentice Printer Printer Pressman Top Row: Edmonds, Lindsey, Rick.a, Freeman, Parr. Second Row: Cooper, Lee, White, Venne, Frazier. THE CACTUS Editor-in-Chief _. . . . . . . . . GEORGE PARDUE BUNCH Associate Editor .............. KAY LY MORROW STAFF ASSISTANTS Carol Diane Cooke Marilyn Sue Daugherty Gretta Ann Garrett Barbara Joan Gochman Diana Dale Haskinson Barbara Ann Jones Susan Kay McGinness Clair Lyn Reeder Judith Ann Rosten Ann Halbert Ruth Nancy C. Scott David Lee Shull Mary Lovey Wood Arlen Ray Zander Marianne Louise Zimmerman P11e 164 THE CACTUS SECTIO EDITORS Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WILLIAM EDWARD CROOK NAN STA DISH WER ER Chronology .. . ... .... . ....... .. ................ . .... . ....... .. ......... JA MARIE LAMASTER Dormitories and Co-Operatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHRISTI E AN HATCH Features . ... . ... ....... . ... . .. . ........... . ........ . .. . ................. GE IE BRACKE RIDGE Fraternity ....... . .. . ... .. .. .. . . ..... . .......... . . . ..... . .. . ..... . . CLARENCE WHARTON COLE Honorary .... . ... .... ...... . ... . ..... .... . . . ... ... . ...... ... .......... . ... ZA E A MORGA Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOH HE RY CISSIK Military ...... .. . ... . .. .... . . . ....... ... .... . ... . ........ .. .... . ... .. WAY E MAXWELL SHULL Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THOMAS BRADE DALY Sorority ... . .. .. ........ .. ........... . . . ............. ... .. . .. . .. . .. . ... KATHRY A BAILEY GLE ADI E RUSSELL Student Government . . . . . . . ... .................... .... . . .... .. . . .......... ... ... . SHEILA J. ROSS CHARLES JAMES McCAMERO , Art Work for Division Pages Left to Right: Bill Crook, Nan Werner and Zane Ann Morgan. Left to Right : Christine Hatch, Wayne Shull and Jan Lamaster. Page 165 THE DAILY TEXAN Editor-in-Chief _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SAMUEL E. KINCH, JR. Managing Editor .. . .... . . ....... .... LAWRENCE R. LEE (Fall) Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAVID KmBY HELTO (Spring) Paso 166 Cl!, !l R. Lu Hn.rox THE DAILY TEXAN STAFF Fall Spring DAVID KIRBY HELTON . . . . ... ....• •.. . . . Assistant Managing Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BARBARA JEAN TOSCH Lou ANN WALKER .. ... . ....... . ...... .. .. . News Editor . ........... .... ...... .... Lou ANN WALKER WILLIAM LYNN LITTLE . . . .... . ... . .. . .. . ... Sports Editor . ..... ..... ........... WILLIAM LYNN LITTLE MARTHA TIPPS ........... . . . .. . . . . ..... . . Feature Edito1 ......... .. . . .... YVONNE CHARMAYNE MARSH JOYCE JANE WEEDMAN .•........ ........ Editorial Page Editor . .. .... ...... ... THERESA KAYE NORTHCOTT HAYDEN FREEMA .... .............•..... Amusements Editor. . . . . . . .. ....... . . . .. . . HAYDEN FREEMA ROBERT LEE DuPo T ... ..... . . . . ... Intramural Sports Co-Ordinato: ........ ..... ... . BARRY }AN HRUSKA R ICHARD J OHN VANSTEENKISTE . ..... • •. . . . . Panorama Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LAURA ELIZABETH McNEIL CAROL JANE GUSTINE ... . . . .... .•... . • . . . . . Wire Editor . . .. ............... .... .... . HUEY MCNEALY DAVID MICHAEL McNEELY ....... . . . ..... . l egislative Reporter . . ... . . .. . . .. .... D AVID MICHAEL McNEELY Round-Up Editor . . ... .. ... .. ....... . . .. RICHARD R AY COLE IGHT EDITORS DESK EDITORS COPY DE K CHIEFS James Leslie Davis John Chelsea Allman Judith Jeannine Capps Charles Sanfo rd Eskridge Sharon Lee Ashton Robert Hinkle Thomas Edward Foster Everett Hullum Emily Ann Lamon Dorothy Louise Laves Marty Patricia Sharpe Kinchen Pier Laura Elizabeth McNeil Judith Ann Webb Robert Hurst Thaxton Jane Irene Paganini Joyce Jane Weedman George Terry Timmons Victoria Caldwell Timmons Juan Manuel Vasquez Barbara Jean Tosch James Edward Vowell ASSIST ANT EWS EDITORS ASSISTA T SPORTS EDITORS Richard Ray Cole Laura Elizabeth Mc eil Robert Lee DuPont Everett Hullum Bernie Rodney Davis Robert elson Rhodes Wesley H. Hocker Carlton Eugene Stowers Yvonne Charmayne Marsh George Terry Timmons ASSISTANT FEATURE EDITORS Juan Manual Vasquez Carolie Ann Baity Joan Elaine James Sandra Lee Lawrence ASSISTANT EDITORIAL PAGE EDITORS AS ISTA T AMUSEMENTS EDITORS Carolyn Lee Coe Mary Jane Gorham Sharon Lee Ashton Nancy Lynne McDonald Robert athan Fain Mary Cornelia Spinks James Edward Gray Jeffery Lynn Millar ASSISTANT PANORAMA EDITOR Joyce Jane Weedman ·I Left to Right : Tony Bell, Tami Dean, Tary Owens, unidentified sweet thing, Gilbert Shelton, another unidentified sweet thing, Hal Normand, Vin Scheihagen, Pat Brown, Lieuen Adkins. THE TEXAS RANGER This has indeed been an unusual year for the Ranger, we went the entire year with the same editors. This is not to say the staff and the censors worked to· gether in peace and harmony all year; it's just that they didn't catch us. Certainly, there were no scandals this year to match some of past years. A a {esult, we sold only 23 copies all year. A good time was had by all, how­ever, with such issues as the Fine Arts Issue, the How-to-Throw-a-Part I ue, and, in what may very well set a precedent for years to come, the Food I ue. The highlight of the year, of course, was the o-reatly acclaimed, never-to-be­equalled Playboy Parody Issue, which was acknowledged by many to be the be t Ranger in years. The year 1962-63 marked the rise of Wonder Wart Hog, which oon became probably the most popular regular feature in the magazine. The Hog of teel was also featured several times in Help! Magazine, a national publication. In addition to the regular staff, the mainstays of the mag were Joe Brown, Byron Black, Vin cheihagen, Jim ewton, and taffer emeritu Dave Cro le . With the help of the e people and a ho t of other the Ranger wa able to ri phoenix­like from the a hes of the Great Purge of 1961 to reaain it form r alory. It just goes to how you can t keep a good mag down. Pase 168 THE TEXAS RANG ER Editor-in-Chief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GILBERT SHELTO Associate Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TO Y BELL Art Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HAL NORMA D Circulation Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LIEUE ADKI S Byron Allen Black, Jr. Robert Earl Black Joe E. Brown Pat Brown Bob Burns John Withers Clay John Moore Cleveland David George Crossley Tami Dean Robert Dennis Dick Phyllis Robert Eckhardt STAFF Budock Charles Erickson James Frasier Jim Gibson Jack Jackson Joe Loren Jordan Lawrence R. Lee Huey Mc ealy Jeffery Lynn Millar Roy I. Mumme James Boswell Newton James Ralph Olson Gerald Wayne Peacock Dick Polk Rob Robertson Dan Rosenthal R. Powell St. John, Jr. Ernest Vinson Scheihagen Lynn Dale Seets Winston Smith Christopher Lane Teele Robert George Vasek GILBERT SHELTON Editor-in·Chief Page 169 RIATA STAFF J A UARY ISSUE MAY ISSUE DAVID ARMSTRO:\'G ...... . . ..... . Editor.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAVID HICKEY DAVID HICKEY . . ... ....... . . Associate Editor . .. ..... .. DAVID ARMSTRONG TONY P FAN KUCHE . . .. .. .... Associate Editor .. ...... . . .. . ]OH MATLOCK TONY BELL .. ................ . Art Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TONY BELL ADVISORY COMMITTEE THOMAS MABRY CRANFILL, Professor of English C. RICHARD Kr 'G, Assistant Professor of Journalism ]OH P. SuLLIVA ·, Associate Professor of Classical Languages LESTER LOYD EDMONDS, JR., Ex-Officio member without vote Riata, literary magazine published by Texas Student Publica­tions, Inc., is the newest of the publications. The first issue was published in April, 1962. This year an issue was published m January and the third issue of the magazine appeared in May. January Issue lay ls.•ue Pase 170 ~t /_ DORMS AND CO-OPS Edited by Christine Hatch Page 171 ALL CAMPUS ADVISORs OFFICERS Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BETH THOMAS Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . TYRA AN Cox Assistant Chairman Carolyn Ethel Dahse, Ch airman R. Kay Davis Margaret Ann Dean Connie Joan Eaton Carol Louise Adams, Chairman Helen Claire Anderson Blaire Busby Shirley Marian Clark Suzanne Eleanore Earhart Li nda Lee Bu rke Antoinette Cangelosi Jeanne Marie Golly Jane Louise Aycock Katherine Dexter Hackley, Co-Chairman Cheryl Reid Hilton Betty Sue Appenbrink Betty Lynn Archer Carolyn Jean Brady Ann Frances Clark Catherine Elizabeth Dove Judith Daon Floeter Marcia Ann Goren Elizabeth Rose Greenfield Janis Ann Berly Paula Craig Marilyn Cunningham Gwendolyn Jean Fletcher Amelia Floeter Bette Maxine Boyd Martha Love Brindley Alexis Joan Brown Tyra Ann Cox Carolen Jeanne Draper Marilyn June Adams, Chairman Judith Ann Lanier Arlin Ann Alexander Cynthia Louise Brantley, Chairman Karen Anne Byrd Alice Ann Eichenroht Margaret Beaulieu Carol Germaine Collins, Head Advisor Myrtis Anne Fraser Judith Ann Bowen Dorothy Elizabeth Carr Lois Diane Derouen ue Annette Douglas Tina Durrett Chri tie Lee Enderle Jean Melton Flint Carole Dee Foster Frances Marjory Gerlach Barbara Lynn Gibbs, Chairman CAROL LOUISE ADAMS Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BARBARA GRESHAM Advisor HELEN MARGARET Fu N A DREWS DORMITORY Mayling Gee Beverly Gail Hill Amy Lynn Mclnnis Karen Lee Moerls Sara Ann Ross Katherine Roberta Stewart Frances Ruth Miller Betty Jean Taub BLA TO DORMITORY Judy Jane Evetts Nancy Barbara Kennedy Kaybeth Fisher Mary Glen Maxwell Patti L. Frick Irene Louise Reeb Glynda Marian Harrell Sandra Ann Sanders Janet Hunt Sandra Jo Ward CAROTHERS DORMITORY Betty Ruth Hagemann, Mary Elizabeth orwood Chairman Katherine Jane Oliver Sandra B. Harper Rose Elizabeth Pharr Amelia Mary Janssen Kathleen Louise Quinn GRACE HALL Patricia Louise Jeffrey, Co-Chairman Martha Lynn Mitchell KI SOLVI G Karen Lucille Gustafson Nancy Kathleen Henkel Kathryn Alice Hugo Eliza beth Hunter Judy Latimer Jordan Mary Ann Matranga Penelope Elizabeth McNamara Kenny Sue Mills KI SOLVI Mabel Joy Kokernot Elizabeth Mason Margaret Carter Montgomery Dennise Newberry Martha Jo Phillips KI ISOLVI Sandra Hays Jane Gardner Howe Margaret Anne Jones Carolyn Josey Adrianne Ann Keifer Lynne Ave Pickering Margaret Elizabeth Pilgrim Ann Burnett colt ORTH Nell orwood Joleen Pearson Glenda Gay Phair Linda Carole Ridgway Jo Ann Serrano Patricia Anne tephens Carolyn Jay Stephenson, Chairman G SOUTHEAST ancy Sealy Mary Ellen Shields Janet Stradinger Bonnie Gay Uhr, Chairman G SOUTHWEST Janet Lee Miller, Chairman Karen Lynn Powell Helen Elizabeth Richards Claire Elizabeth Richmond KIRBY HALL Barbara Ann owlin Rosaura Arteaga Sanchez Linda Kay Percival Francis Eugenia Turbiville LITILEFIELD DORMITORY Mary Margaret Eike! Barbara Carolyn Ellis Margaret Ellen Foran Dixie Ann Gaddis Annette Hardin Mary Ann Havlak Valene Joy Koss Mary Ann O'Connell Jean Ivy Hollingsworth Gay Trabue agle Suzanne Sorenson Tacey Susa Tajan Janet Louise Wark EWMA HALL Elsie Raminez Ann Louise Spacek Diana Stenger SCOTIISH RITE DORMITORY Barbara Ann Gresham Sharon O' ita Herbert ancy Julia Hoffman Jane Johnson Sue Ann Lebel Elva Lynne Mann Marilyn Bess Mauldin andra Lee Meadows Sabra Ann Moore Cecil Ann Mullins Charlene Palmer Patricia Ann Parrish B. Carolyn Porter Carolyn Ann cogin Jayne Denise eale usan Deranda haw Bea Ann mith Pare 172 Penny Ann Terrell Mary Alice Toborg Mary Jane Davis, Resident Counselor Patsy Ruth Warfield Leah Ann Weaver Sue Ann Wheelis Dorothy Martin, Resident Counselor Mary Cornelia Varvel Jane R. Voight Bura Van Hoove, R esident Counselor Ellen Janice Webb Karin Harlin Wulf Martha Cavin, Director ancy Jean Sterner Sandra Marie von Werssowetz Lila Ruth Walters Katherine Kennedy Weston Anna Leslie Wood atalie Townes, Resident Counselor Esperanza Linda Ximenes Lueron Young Margaret Louise Brown, Resident Counselor Judy Kathleen Wax Judith Isabel Wright Helen Coffin, R esident Counselor Marilyn Lee Ward Irene Powers, Sponsor SuSu Wilson Elizabeth Ann Wood Jo Anne Boykin, Resident Counselor Mary Linda tiles, Assistant Head Advisor Oscarine Ayland, Sponsor Bettye Anna pringer ue Alyce tile Charlene Elizabeth trader Patricia Jeanne wahn Ellin Carol wanson Carol n Beth Thomas Harriett Kincaid Thompson Jean Loui e Wait Charlotte Ann Zimmerman Mary Leutwyler, Resident Couri.selor Resident Counselor MARY JANE D AV IS Student Counselor . . FAYE DELL F ARMER Student Counselor J A ETT C AROL H ARTI!\" ADVISORS Carolyn Ethel Dahse, Chairman R. Kay Davis Margaret Ann Dean Connie Joan Eaton Mayling Gee Beverly Gail Hill Amy Lynn Mcinnis Frances Ruth Miller Karen Lee Moerls Sara Ann Ross Katherine Roberta Stewart Betty Jean Taub Penny Ann Terrell Mary Alice Toborg Front Row: Sara Ann RoH, Maria Del Carmen Saenz, Carolyn Sue Manuel, Patricia Ano Keller, Merle LaDell Winkelmann, Mary Roseliod Johnston, France• Anoe Cleveland, Margaret Ann Dean, Roea Lee Cirilo, Carolyn Lee Coe, Sharon Dee Brown. S econd Row: Mary Morgan Baker, Sharon Anita Risinger, Mary Ann Geisler, Alice Ann Alsup, Marylea Cowan, Catherine Louise Woolsey, Marlena Kay Nelson, Mary Louiae DeWalt, Lynette Suzanne Wehmeyer, Alice Sue White, Arny Lynn Mcinnis, Penny Ann TerrelJ, Kathleen Eliz.abeth Emmer. Third Row: Marilyn Ann Hyatt, Mary Helen Henry, Mary Alice Toborg, Jaooe Warren Bowen, Betty Anne Brannon, Kay Davi1, Mary Kathryn Dodd, Martha Ann Sanden, Karen Kay Adami, Dorothy Jean Weige, Mayling Gee, Teri Lynn Lovell, Betty Elaine Rogen, Janett Carol Hartin, Carolyn Ethel Dah1e, Faye Dell Farmer, Katherine Sue Fredrick.a. Fourth Row: Dee Ano Dei1her, Elizabeth Ann Smallwood, Donna Jo McConnell, J ane Covington Neagle, Carolyn Eileen Rubin, Faye Maxine Canterbury, Margaret Ancela Wallace, Katherine Roberta Stewart, Eliubeth Chow, Connie Joan Eaton. Fi/th Row: Marilynn Sue Dean, Judy Dianne Gunn, Glyni1 Sue Land, Suaaona Currie, Jo Nell Luce, Martha Ellen Evan1, Virginia Lou Moyen, Catherine Deborah Shoemaker, Caroline Lee Edwards, Rosemary Jordan, Marlene Cay Meigs, Carolyn Aon Smith, Kathryn Sue Knudson, Karen Lee Moerls, Fraocet Ruth Millen, Catherine Louise Weaver, Mary Wayne Huston, Karen Sue Evans, Karen Kay Adams, Betty Jean Taub, Jsnet Joyce Zrubek, Rita Jean Ellis, Mary Jane Davis. Page 173 BLANTON DORMITORY-------­ STAFF Resident Counselor DOROTHY PRYOR MARTI Student Assistant CARLENE RAE BuRGHEIMER Student Assistant LINDA ELAI E KILGORE Student Assistant LINDA JAMENE R ENO Student Assistant . . • . . . . . • • • JULIA ANN STEED ADVISORS Carol Louise Adams, Janet Hunt Chairman ancy Barbara Kennedy Helen Claire Anderson Mary Glen Maxwell Blaire Busby Irene Louise Reeb Shirley Marian Clark Sandra Ann Sanders Suzanne Eleanore Earhart Sandra Jo Ward Judy Jane Evetts Patsy Ruth Warfield Kaybeth Fisher Leah Ann Weaver Patti L. Frick Sue Ann Wheelis Glynda Marian Harrell ·I J Front Row: Sandra Yvonne Fontenote, Sharon Naomi Muon, Carol Ann Preu11e, Judith Jeannine Cappa, Clara Llewellyn Moore, Ruth Lynne Youn1blood. Second Row: Carolyn Marie McDonald, Ro1ario Gomez, Diana Rotman, Patricia Anne Haesly, Sharon Ann Van Ambur1, Janice Ann Elllott. Third Row: Christina Ann Werner, Fredda Pauline Bonifield, Jo Antoinette Williamson, Jonnie Elinor Breaker, Melba Joan McBrayer. Charlotte Delhaye Voorhies. Fourth Row: Judith Eileen Bowers, Anne Woodward, Gay Callagher, Loia Ann Roberson, Vivian Ann Bogart, Cynthia Duval Baskette. Fi/th Row: Valerie Marguerite Coulter, Susan Blank, Edwina R. Ferguson. Jerry Dee Evans, Eli1a Savilla Davis, Mary Jo HendrU. Sixth Row: Famela Wright, Marl(aret Annell Todd. Eliubetb J1ne bard, Bunny Ball, Pamela Ann Meyers. Front Row: Sharon Gayle Wheeley, Patricia Murray Robertson, Susan Ruth Silvus, Nancy Carolyn Hanb, Sylvia Esther Laurel, Beth Anoe Shocket, Cetlada Rall, Helen S1anley Crocan. Second Row: Jan Ann Simpson, Juaneva Kay Farria, Marianne Louise Zimmerman, Gall Frances Strlater, Donna Fay Vance, Carol Rota Ha11ut, Edna Evans. Third RoVJ: Mary Eloweeo Riebe, Henriette Rose Macha, Marcelle R. Miller, Patricia Sue SuUivao, Terry Jean Real, Lillian Eliubeth Ku.h, Ceoraia Lee Monroe. Fourth RoVJ: Marilyn Schmerbeck, Sand.ra Lee Buro1, Yolanda Joan Cooule&, Jan Kathleen Adria,a, Rotalind A_no fcl\flllan. Fi/th Row: Suuone LaGrone, Mary Anne Ewinc, Elaine Gail Peck, Lynda Painter, Marilyn Lavon Grove, Loi1 Celctte Packwood. Si%th Row: Karen Lynne Kerr, Sharon Lee Kennedy, Donna Jeannine Kohnert, Carol Lynne Law, Diane lmo1eoe Homl1too, Judith Carol DeShong. Pase 174 26/l Wh iti.J ADVISORS Jane Louise Aycock Katherine Dexter Hackley, Co-Chairman Cheryl Reid Hilton Patricia Louise Jeffrey, Co-Chairman Martha Lynn Mitchell Lynne Ave Pickering Margaret Elizabeth Pilgrim Ann Burnett Scott Ellen Janice Webb Karin Harlan Wulf Front Row: Ann Burnett Scott, Susan l\far1uerito Bagby, Lou Ellen Elizabeth Breuer, Marlyne Peet. Cheryl Reid Hilton, Chrit ti.na Anno Bomer, Darry Eileen Walker, Janice Catherine Freeman. Second Row: Linda Joy Wuhburn, Linda Lou Crockett, Linnie Carol Evan1, Suaan Ruth Fc.rri1, Joyce Lynette Hermann, Mary Lynette Joaea, Patricia Loulto Jeffrey, Patricia Elaine Plowman, Katherine Outer Hackley, Carol Jean Scaman, Cynthia Jane Baird. Tlaird Row: Jane Loui1e Aycock, Rosemary Farquhar, Jerri LaVcrne Enderle, Lynne Ave Picke.rin&, Cheryl Afario Dunlap, Pauicla Jane McBride, Suta.n Cay Gcttier, Evelyn PhiUit Jobn100, Judith Ann Down1, Ruth Ann Pilllbury, Margaret Elb.abelh Pil1Tim, Sandra Wrenn :S:cConatby. Fourth R0111: Carol Kay Strader, Karen Janet Cook, Carol Jean Powen, Joyce Elline owotny, Mary Lou Hudler, Paulette Lillian Boedeker, Claudia Rae Fuquay, Linda Lucille Mcferran, Judith Gayle Parker, Sarah Lee William•on, Linda Loui1e Scott, OI1a Yvonne Arnold, Ina Jo Roberti, Belly Lou Butler, Maureen Virainia Mcintyre, Linda Lee Tally, Kay Ruth Lan11ton, Carol Antoinette We1tmoreland, Phylllt Roberta Eckhardt, Gall Kathleen Noonan, Mary Lyon Jack.ton, Kay Bred:enridce, Barbara Youns, Ellen Janice Webb, Carol Clyde. P11• 176 STAFF Resident Counselor . .. .............. Jo ANNE BOYKIN Student Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY ELLEN ANDERSON Student Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROSEMARY CORMAN Student Assistant ........... MARY MASON PULVER ADVISORS Arlin Ann Alexander Annette Hardin Cynthia Louise Brantley, Jean Ivy Hollingsworth Chairman Gay Trabue Nagle Karen Anne Byrd Suzanne Sorenson Alice Ann Eickenroht Tacey Susa Tajan Mary Margaret Eikel Janet Louise Wark Barbara Carolyn Ellis SuSu Wilson Fronl Row: Eikel, Hardin, Hollingsworth, Eiclcenroht.Margaret Ellen Foran Elizabeth Ann Wood Second Row: Sorenson, Wood, Alexander, Ellit, Brantley. Third Row : Gaddis, Boykin, Wagle, Byrd, · Tajan, Wilson, War~,Dixie Ann Gaddis Anderson. Front Row: April Beall, Sue Evelyn Blackburn, Kathryn Nan McLaughlin, J ean Louise Noble, Judy Ellen Crouch, Amy Lucia Goodenough, Sondra Elizabeth Daniel. Second Row: Martha Ann Young, M. Sue Smith, Ellen Marie Oertel, Cherry Antoinelte Wind rum, Linda Kaye Toles, Palmira Berta Rosales, SuHnn Goodwin, Linda Del Penman, Brenda Beverly Buie. Third Row: Dorothy Ano Slomchioski, Judy Diane Dorbandt, Mary Kathleen Walker, Orelia Ruth Garcia, Betty Catherine Cromim1key, Judy Bess Stewart, Judy Katherine Bell, Donna Mareen Landry, Shetry Lynn Bryan. Fourth Row: Melody Ann Brooks, Alice Ruth Moore, Anita Louise Prince, Diane Headrick, Louise Adelle Davia, Diana Hayes Reilly, Harriett Ann Durr, Nancy Ann Weaver, Suzanne Bartlett, Kay Allenby Duke, Phyllis Claire Russell, Eva Nita Moore, Marilyn Ann Berry. Fi/th Row: Nancy Elizabeth Becker, Susann Mayrene Newsom, Rose Kathryn Sims, Pamela F orbes Crain, Beverly Joyce Fortune, Susan Jane Hale, Janice Sherrer Lain, Kathryn Mary Austin, Nancy Josepine Dietrich, Laney Clare Mueller, ·Sharon Marie Owens, Suzanne Reinhart, Vernell Louise Pape. Front Row: Marcia Frances McKee, Kay Thompson, Judith Arlene Lewis, Kathryn Elouise Goyen, Judith Ellen McCaskill, Virginia Ann Teretsch, Patricia Ann Lusalle, Sandra Amelia Demel. Second Row: Carrell Hildabeth Metzk:e, Patti Ann Zimmermann, Paula Irene Bohrer, Jane Ann Real, Rita Susan Rische, Kay Jeannette Spring, Vicki Lu Metzler, Kay Clyde Webb, Barbara Kim Lyerly. Third Row: Sandra Joyce Alexander, Elizabeth Lynn Kuykendall, Linda Marie Daniel, Judy Lynn Goodman, Carolyn Rutland, Barbara Sue Brantley, Betty Harriett Whorton, E..-elyn Janet Feuge, Carolyn Nell Stewart, Sue Brazelton. Fourth Row: Louise Elizabeth Eriksen, Elizabeth Ann Egelbo££, Elizabeth Anne Williama, Priscilla Kay Finlay, Carolyn Ellison, Judy Darlene Haney, Carol Angela Colby, Judith Ann Meyer, Virginia Mae Gaston, Belinda Marion Wilkinson, Lynne Marie OUerman, Sandra Lynn Peele, Irene Claire Buske. Fi/th Row: Thelma Joyce Pohl, Marian Elizabeth Holden, Constance Dianne Howe, Macy Virginia Mason, Dorothy Jean Lillard, Julianna Macgriet Lang, Kathleen Happ, Percry Ano Ragan, Mary Janette Grabbe, Nancy Kay Lortz, Mary Lillian McNeely, Martha Grace Ball, Andrea Pritchard Hallberg, Sallie Vooolia Sheppard. Page 177 KINSOLVING Southeast Corner Janis Ann Berly Paula Craig Marilyn Cunningham Gwendolyn Jean Fletcher Amelia Floeter Resident Counselor Student Counselor Student Counselor Student Counselor Student Counselor ADVISORS Montgomery ewberry Nancy Sealy SOUTHEAST STAFF .... . .. ......... MARGARET LOUISE BROW CAROLY LOIS BURGESS SuzAN E K APP CAROLYN MARTHA SH ORT JA ICE UPCHURCH Mary Ellen Shields Janet Stradinger Bonnie Gay Uhr, Chairman Esperanza Linda Ximenes Lueron Young Franc Row: Suzanne Knapp, Carolyn Lois Burgeaa, Mary Ellen Shields, Marilyn Cunningham, Elizabeth Aon Muon, Jani1 Ann Berly, Janet Stradioaer, Mabel Joy Kokeroot, Bonnie Cay Uhr, Amelia Floeter, Gwendolyn Jean Fletcher, S. Janice Upchurch, Mary Mile Howard, Gretta Ann Garrett, Mary Gay CaTen. Second Row: Kathleen Darleen Daniel, Laurita Sue Sorenson, Margaret Ann Jan11eo, Penelope Anne Porter, Vlr1inia Ann Trier. Judjtb Kay Wucate, Martha Jean Jenning1, Pauline Lenette Lord, Penny Lee Mood, Jennifer Wynn, Judy Pfa.rdrescher, Jane Durden Whitait, Carol Ruth Henslee, Joan Hill, Juno Hill, Susan Davis, Doris Joan Miller. Third Row: Mary Andrea Ruhl, Karen Helene Jacobsohn, Janice Ann Dellar, Dorothy Jean Roit1ch, Sandra Cail Stoddard, Charlene Joy Smith, Jo Karen Jurek, Lee Ano Blair, Mary Alleen Bogg:1, Patricia Anoe falio, Carolyn Trail, Jill Annette Harris, Linda C1roett, aody Sue Shaw, Wanie Lynn Smith, Dana Cay Liodaay. Fourth Row: Elizabeth Carey Chenoweth, Barbara Elaine Macloerney, Kathryn Leo Brown, Robin Aon Austin, Lynn Carol Turcotte, Mary Jay Roberts, Andrea Rene DeStdano, Helen Sue Smith, Elizabeth Ano Druckhammer, Sue Ellen Creager, Janet Ward, Marian Suunoe Wall, Merilyn Kay Lani.ham, Judy Manhall Ticknor, Toni Francia Pyka, Jean Cay Rap1tine, Lynette Louise Martin, Moote Jo Gayle Thompaoo. Fi/th Row: Sydney Thompson, Jill Bill Hofmann, Carol Joan Richardson, Sa.ndra Leo He.odenoo, Judith Ano Basley, Charlotte Kroll, Jamie Leo Andrew., Nao Louiae Wallace, Aono Maraaret Hanzel, Jean Kay Singer, Edith Lynn Chilcote, Mary E·n.lyn Potter, Mollyo Aleda McDowell, Coralie £Jiu.beth Da•il, Ia.no Luclnda Stewart, Sharon Lee James, Carmin Ancela Shepherd. Sixth Row: Harriett Wier Van Cundy, Dorothy Caye Martin, SU&&Doe Seoevey, Alice Merlin Wicmen, Karen Elise Scbwaneclte, Dana Roao Wortham, Patricia Ruth Nelson, Leo Anno Sinaleton, Patricia Ellen Allred, Luraleo Hod1e, Pamela Vanette Calk, Su1anne Alicia Brinkman, Ano Enia Bohon, 1araaret Brown. Cynthia Ann Jaae Tbomu, Holland, Martha Del Pamela Melton Brooks, Webb, Barbara Hermine Beaty Lea, Sue Cowley, Diane P itkin. Sherry Viraiaia Francea Knolle, Suaan Jane Cayle McArdle, Oppeahelm. fary aocy Cray Sue McGee, Nel100, Mary Helen Patricia Elisabeth Bell. Ro.e, Linda Pa1e 178 KINSOLVING SOUTHWEST STAFF HORT CHLlCB Resident Counselor Student Assistant Student Assistant Student Assistant .. . .... . .. ..... . . . Student Assistant HELEN COFFI ' ABBI GLOSSERMAN DI AH KAY HEISER BILLIE GAYLE SCHUMAKER LAURA JANE WINFREY Southwest Corner ADVISORS Bette Maxine Boyd Martha Love Brindley Alexis Joan Brown Tyra Ann Cox Carolyn Jeanne Draper Sandra Hays Jane Gardner Howe Margaret Anne Jones Carolyn Josey Adrianne Ann Keifer Janet Lee Miller, Chairman Karen Lynn Powell Helen Elizabeth Richards Claire Elizabeth Richmond Judy Kathleen Wax Judith Isabel Wright Front Row: Schumacher, Powell, Brindley, Haya, Keifer, Brown, Draper, Wright, Richmond, Waz, Miller, Boyd, Richards, Josey, Cox, Howe, Winfrey. Second· RoUJ: Becky Deeley, Sally Pomerantz, Donna Gail Weintraub, Nancy Sue Pye, Anne Louise Melinger, Shirley Ano Smith, M,ry Alice Swift, Chris Lyon Lingle, Laurie L. Marks, Susan Pais, Barbara Ann Merrill, Babette Elaine Leonard, Patricia Kay Dolch, Rose Harriet Slipakoff, Sandra Sue Hill, Patricia Jo Caywood, Sara Elizabeth Crow, Jackie Sue Bohuslav, Rose Diane Rosenberg, Roberta Iris Billings. Third Row: Margaret Ann Wood, Ann Beasley, Frances Lucille Miller, Katherine Mary Hall, Mary Adele Hardie, Suzanne Davies, Sunny Gayle Langston, Hazie Chapman, Carol Ann Halamicek, Wanda Sue McDuream, Carol Marie R eeb, Shfrlee Suzanne McCulley, Joanne Sydney Rosenberg, Virginia Kay McAfee, Beverly Dale Davis, Diane Sue Sho11, Judy Wish, Patty Ann Cooper, Edythe Jan Musick, Patricia Suzanne Ellis. Fourt.h Row: Diane Susan Cray, Jean Royce Merrill, Bunnye Miller, Betty Cail Sparkman, Ca.rot Sue Cue, Jane Could Cornick, Laurie Davia, Edith Ann Simpson, Karen Ann Thompson, Kathleen June Mary Perrett, Linda Lou Ripple, Sherry Louise Graham, Susan Kay Cox, Pamela Knox Whitney, Rosemary Vina McBride, Daphne Aon Hart, Marsha Ree Wilson. Fi/t.h Row: Sara Sue Wilson, Donna Lee Faust, Margaret Lucile Koy, Carol Ann Singer, Patricia Ann Minfin, Lesley Hale, Barbara Loui1e Bearden, Sheryl Gayle Taylor, Connie Jean Alexander, Kathey Elizabeth Stack, Sharon Lee Planto, Carol Ann Bley, Rikka Ann Mayhall, Judith Ann Hunke, Claudia Kay Sche1ke, Cwcnna Sue Lowe, Vicki Vien Vandeveer, Wanda Jeanne Graham, Alicia Ann Gillen, Nancy Ann Neblett, Cynthia Dec Kinzbach, Mary Elizabeth Carr, Helen Coffin. Sixt.h Row: Sheron E.lizabcth Smith, Lucille Aline Elliott, Execn Marie Morgan, Pamela K. Bundick, Patsy Louise Wenkstern, Sandra Gayle Kre1dom, Kristin Helen Von Kreisler, Jeanme Barcus. Page 179 KINSOLVING STAFF Resident Counselor ..... . . NATALIE TOWNES Assistant Resident Counselor MARSHA AMA DA WILKINS Student Assistant DONNA SUE CHRISTOPHER Student Assistant CATHERINE LOUISE FI ERTY Student Assistant REBECCA A IE lIALLIBURTO Student Assistant R UTHIE ANNETTE HARTMAN Student Assistant MARILYN CAROLE JOHNSON Student Assistant •. • •. KAREN JANE LEWIS Student Assistant • • • J ANETTE 0VERTO Student Assistant J UDITH . PATTERSON Student Assistant ... .... . .... .... JA ET PHYLLIS SLOMCHINSKI • Fron: Row: Mary Jane Gorham, Glenda Gay Phair, Marilyn Anne Pre11cr, Marcia Ann Coren, Ann Frances Clark, Joleen Pearson, Patricia Diann Benniog£ield, Mary Katherine Sealy, Elizabeth Rose Greenfield, Joan Phyllis Hyman, Paula Sue Ivey, Sheila Jamee O'Neill, Penelope Elizabeth McNamar•. Second Row: Paula Kay May field, Patricia Ann Tharp, Sandra Kay Nichol, Mary Lee Jack.son, Muriel Ruth YaUe, Gerry Lynn Golden, Joaepbino Lillian Herrinc, Janet Phyllis Slomchinski, Diana Mary Dickinson, Shirley Jean Parkhurat, Mary Gail McDaniel, Lynda chaUer Mann, Patricia Ann Paul, Barbara Adelia Nelton, Linda Elise Sherrill, Mary Ann Matranga, Natalie Townes. Third Row: Bette Joy Walla, Georganne Elaine Hinds, Janell Mar1aret Ma1ee, Patricia Luella Peacock, Vir1inia Isabelle Haatc, fargaret Hele.n McGowan, Mable Ann Gunn, Margaret Ann Westergard, Catherine Ann Compton, Ano Elizabeth Woolsey, Cleo Rita Thomat, Muy Jan Manhall, Kathryn Alice Buco. Fourth Row: Alice Meredith Farrar, Martha Sue Kcrcheville, Nancy Kay Stroup, Alison Kaye Tartt, Lyn Lee Schmidt, LJnda Cail Lawruce, Glenda Stark, Barbara Ruth Brister, Nancy Jeanne Andcnon, Martha Sue Welch, Diane Fehrenkamp, Carolyn Elizabeth Giese, Jane Daren Lewi.I, Rebecca Annie Ha.lliburton, Katherine Kennedy Weston. Piao 180 NORTH WING 111.lru Dove TOX Goren ADVISORS Penelope Elizabeth Mc Kenny Sue Mills ell orwood Joleen Pearson Glenda Gay Phair Linda Carole Ridgway Jo Ann Serrano Patricia Anne Stephens amara Carolyn Jay Stephenson Nancy Jean Sterner Sandra Marie von Werssowetz Lila Ruth Walters Katherine Kennedy Weston Anna Leslie Wood Front Row : Janice Ann Balthrop, Cynthia Ann Keeney, Barbara Ruth Hamilton, Sara Kathryn Davis, Nita Lee Moore, Manha Marie White, Nell Norwood, Sandra Marie von Wensowetz, Olivia Logan Taylor, Kim Diane Bailey, Susan Elizabeth Ryan, Rita Kay Webb, Diantha Dee Dawkins, Ann Helen Becklund, Earnell Beckham, Carolyn Ann Cates. · Second Row: Gloria Elma Carcia, Sally Virginia Recd, Charlene Kay Cabert, Carolyn Ann Robison, Betty Sue Appenbrink, Karen Lucille Gustafson, Leslie Ann Oakley, Haroletta Kay Post, Carolyn Jay Stephenson, Jo Ann Serrano, Patricia Anne Huot, Marilyn Carole John100, B. Sue Castleberry, Claire Dene Dennis. Third Row: Janette Overton, Julia Ellen Edwards, Donna Sue Christopher, Kay Diane Clark, Kathleen Ruth Purcell, Janet Joan Scott, Susan Shirley, Sandra Jean Looney, Prudy Kay Ramsey. Linda Lou Waite, Sandra Lee Muer, Natalie Lee Nelson, Nancy Jean Sterner, Carolyn Washburn Mehr, Jamie Jean Harper, F. Louise Tracy, Sandra Lee Moran. Fourth Rot.a: Betty May Quantock, Sunell Rogers, Jo Sharon Roberts, Mary Helen Gilbreath, Patricia Sue Balkman, Barbara Ann Taylor, Susan Jane Harris, Nancy Jean Craddock, Janell Sue Williams. Page 181 STAFF Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HELE ORMAN DEATHE Assistant Manager ........ ..................... }AMES OLIVER BRAEUTIGAM BRACKE RIDGE HALL A JACI TO DORMITORIES F, G, H Supervisor GEORGE K. PAUL Supervisor .. . . . .. ........... .. ............. RAYMO D W. HILL Counselors Counselors Lewis Clifton Fontno Wiltz McPherson Ledbetter, Jr. Kenneth Charles Leach Albert Francisco Martins ed Kinkier Handley James Arthur Mabry John Charles Z~ller ROBERTS HALL Supervisor HOMER LEE MCGIN IS CoUJJselors MOORE-HILL HALL Jack Owen Herrington Ronald Edward Womack Dan B. Williams Alonzo Church Wood, Ill Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. PHILLIP HUBBARD Assistant Supervisor .. .. . . . .. ......... . . LARRY FARISH YORK PRATHER HALL Counselors Supervisor RONALD D. EARLE Ronald Fred Bond Scott Vance Matthews Johnny Walter Cotten, Fall Glenn Burke Musgrove, Fall Counselors William Henry Dunn, Spring Larry Ewing Phillips Douglas ea! Fullilove, Spring Allen Lee Pullen Richard P. Carr, Jr. William Alvis Kennedy, Fall Robert Austin Hatcher John Kenneth Scott, Jr. David Dunagan Grimland, Spring Daniel Ray Lazicki Charles Michael Hollon Harold S. Sparks, illClark Raymond Rutledge Travis Gordon White SAN JACI TO DORMITORY A Supervisor ......................... . ..... . ARTIE JOE SPITZER Counselor . . . . .... . ..... . .. . . . . . RICHARD DOUGLAS PERKINS SIMKI SHALL SAN JACINTO DORMITORIES B, C, D Supervisor .. . . ....... . ....•..• DA IEL GEORGE WEBSTER, III Supervisor EUGE E PAUL STURM Counselors Counselors Jeffrey Roland Blank John Frederick Gray John W. Nixon, Spring Steve B. Perkins, Fall Roger G. Darley James Irvine Perkins Charles Taylor Randolph Charles Crawford Foster Phil Jefferson Weaver ID PresiUs Christi Patricia Ann Lesik.ar, Bay City Carol Ann Massengale, Austin Barbara Ann Massey, Houston Lana Jo Massey, Teague Suzanne Mauk, Houston Nancy Ruth Maurer, Shreveport, La. Mildred Corine McDaniel, Houston Dolores Kay Monday, Kaufman 111111 Georgia Lee Monroe, Fort Worth Kay Lynn Morrow, Houston Sharon Jo)'Ce Muth, Houston Timothy Ann O'Sullivan, Pasadena Judith Lynn Perkins, Liberty Stephanie Lynne Price, Houston Nancy Carolyn Pugh, Austin Rosemary Ram ey, Temple Nancy Kate Renfro, Bay City Carolyn Patricia Riha, Austin :Martha Patricia Riggs, AmariJlo Sara Elizabeth Rix, Beaumont Sunell Rogers, u]phur Springs Sheila Jane Ross, Lake Jackson Judith Ann Sanner, Houston Carolyn Schroeter, Austin Sandra Louise immer, Houston Charlotte Ann Smith, Sulphur Springs Kay Carlton Solomon, Marshall Kenna JaneJle S1oweJI, Houston Carolyn Anne Tull, Houston Patricia Van Dorfy, Houston i\lary Virginia Van Fleet, Fort Worth Jo Ann l\'1arie Walter, Houston Scherrie Lee Watson, Dallas Mary Josephine Weber, Austin Marilyn Ann White, San Angelo Sandra Su~ Wilcox, LaMarque Kathey Jean Yousko, Houston GAMMA PHI BETA Gamma Phi Beta's crescent and pearls first were seen on the University campus in 1922. With many records of service to the University, Gamma Phi's holding campus offices are Barbara Tosch, Secretary of the Students' Association and assistant managing editor of the Daily Texan. Vicke Caldwell A&S assemblyman. Carol Earl, Jo Roberts, and Margie Carr are tapped for Spooks; Barbara Tosch and Vicke Caldwell for Orange Jackets. Scholastically outstanding are Barbara Tosch, Mortar Board; Jamie Bavouset, Susan Davis, and Veneta Turner, Alpha Lambda Delta. Martha Tipps, Candy Berry, Cornelia Spinks, Vicke Caldwell and Barbara Tosch, Theta Sigma Phi. Carolyn Coe was the recipient of the Jesse Jones Scholarship. Susan Campbell attended the Texas Student Leadership Seminar in Chile. Cordettes tapped Susan Murrell, Ann Morgan, Margie Carr and Julie Sorrell. Diane Douglass was a Bluebonnet Belle semi-finalist. OFFICERS Spring Fall CA DIDA KAY BERRY . . • •....... • President . .. . ... . CYNTHIA LEE HOPTAW MARY KATHLEE WEAVER . •• • First Vice-President .......... VALARIE COTT CAROLIE ANN BAITY . . . • . • . Second Vice-President . . . . . CAROLIE A BAITY MARTHA TIPPS . . . • . . . • • • • • • . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . CAROL DIANE DOUGLASS AoA Lou HARTMA ...•..•. • . ••. Treasurer .. .... .. .. MARY JOA BLAZEK FALL PLEDGES Jane Loui e Aycock, Texarkana Elizabeth Ann Moreland, Austin Jamie Ann Bavouset, Wichita Falls Patricia Ann Murfin, Houston Brenda Valintine Baxter, Houston Donna Kay Partridge, Munday Linda Diane Brown, Henrietta Lynda Lou Pettigrew, Jacksboro Sandra Lou Burnett, Abilene Jane Elizabeth Pfeiffer, Houston Margie Ann Carr, Dallas Mary Lillian Purnell, Richardson Carolyn Ann Caruth, Austin Judy Carolyn Rice, acogdoches Julia Ruth Clarke, Houston Mary Jay Roberts, Pear all Carolyn Lee Coe, Grand Prairie ina Jo Roberts, Wichita Falls Coralie Elizabeth Davis, San Antonio Carol Colgate Romano, ew Orleans, La. Susan Davis, Houston Pamela Schneider, Dallas Edna Carolyn Dillard, Borger Michael Shelton, Tulia Paulette Joann Dornak, Houston Carol Ann Stone, Dalla Patricia Suzanne Ellis, Midland Gloria Jane tory, Fort Worth Jane Elizabeth Frank, Austin Marilyn Janet Stracik, Angleton Mary Jane Gorham, Bloomington Sandra Lee wanland, Houston Jean Burwell Grebing, Dallas Emma Dean Thomas, Abilene Cynthia Dee Kinzhach, Houston Rosanna Routt Thomason, Brenham Martha Jane Klerekoper, Houston Veneta DuAnn Turner, Au tin ally Ann Mathis, Winnsboro Maureen Jean Walsh, Au tin Mary Gray McGee, Houston Laurie Alden Water , Houston Kathryn Nan McLaughlin, McAllen Cheryl Kay Whitaker, an Antonio Carrell Hildabeth Metzke, New Braunfels Kathryn Eileen White, Pasadena Mary Elizabeth Montgomery, West Pamela Knox Whitney, Hou ton Grace Elizabeth Zirjack , Victoria SPRI G PLEDGE Wilda Lou Campbell, Houston Top Row: Anderson, Aycock, Bavouset , Blazek. Second Row: Dogan, Bone, Bowers, L. Brown. Third Rotu: Durnell, Barbara. Campbell, Betty Campbell. Cnrl. Fourth Row: Carlson, Corr, Coe, Copeland. Fi/th Row: C. Davis, S. Davis, E. Dillard, M. A. Dillard. ixth Row: Oougla s, Duncan, Earl, Ellis. Seventh R ow: Freasier, Gorham, Hanis, D. Hartman. Ei1hth Row: . Hartman, Haynes, Hudkins, Kinzbach. Ninth Row: Klerekoper, Lawrence, Leach, McDaniel. T~nth Row: McGee, Mcinnis, McLaughlin, Metzke. Eleventh Row: Monkhouse, l\1. C. Mont1omery, M. E. Moot• gomery, Moreltrnd. iOP!!ll Scarr B.im X:Q£S Bum ia Sandra Gayle Anderson, Austin Carolic Ann Baity. Garland Mary Luada Barnhart, Corpus Christi Judith Ann Bennett, Dallas Candida Kay Berry, Tulsa, Ok.la. Gladys Joanne Blaketilee, Austin Mary Joann Blazek, Liberty Brenda Jo Bogan, Austin Carolyn Ruth Bone, Texarkana Beverly Anoe Bowers, Dallas Mary Brooks Brewton, Hunt Jeanne Wray Brown, San Antonio Carolyn Lois Burgess, Nacogdoches Carol Marie Cowan, Houston Victoria Bush Caldwell, Houston Barbara Lucile Campbell, Corpus Christi Betty Lillian Campbell, Corpus Christi Susan Lee Campbell, Houston ola Mai Carl, New Braunfels Carol Lou Carlson, Fort Worth Christina Ann Clendening, Corpus Christi Diane Cohen, Wichita Falls Annie Laurie Copeland, San Antonio Martha Ann Dillard, Dallas .Mary Susan Dilla.rd, Dallas Carol Diane DouglaH, Dallas Judith Kaye Duncan, Rusk Carol Eugenia Earl, El Campo Sandra Micheallc Evola, Houston Gwendolyn J enn Fletcher, Garland Karen Hill Frank, Austin Jan Carol Freasier, Sherman Frances Marjory Gerlach, Livingston Elizabeth Ann Hargrove, Dallas Barbara Dianne Harris, Pasadena Ada Lou Hartman, Corpus Christi Darla Jean Hartman, Corpus Christi ancy Ann Hart man, Victoria Sylvia Ann Haynes, Wichita Falls Patricia Ann Hewitt, Houston Betty Louise Hieatt, Dallas Alary Kathleen Hudkins, Dallas Top Roiu: Morgan, Murrell, Partridge, Pettigrew, PfeiUer, Preston, Riddle, M. Roberts, N. Roberts, Schilo, Schneider, J. Scott, V. Scott. Second Bow: S. Shelton, Sherrill, Sillin, Story, Straeik, Thomason, Tucker, Turner, Voight, Walsh, Waters, Watters, Whitney, Zirjacks. Page~225 MEMBERS Bonita !o Johnson, Austin Sandra Lee Lawrence, Houston Jane Ann Leach, Pasadena J udith Ann Line, El Campo Deirdre Ca1herinc Mallccmus, Austin l\'larion Martin, Dallas Ellen Jeanne McCaughan, Corpus Christi Mary Gail McDaniel, Harlingen Nancy Lynne McDonald, San Antonio Mary Barbara McFarland, Amarillo Amy Lyn .Mcinnis, Sweeny Michael Allison Mizell, Texarkana Laura Clegg l\lonkhouse, Houston Margaret Carter Monlgomery, Angleton Ann Morgan, Lake Jackson Susan Zemma Murrell, Houston Joan Parker, Houston Anita Louise Preston, San Antonio Merla Lew Riddle, Mt. Pleasant J udy Carolyn Roemer, Port Lavaca Joan Marie Schilo, San Antonio Janel Joan Scott, Houston Valarie Scott, Houston Sharon Elaine Shelton, Wichita Falls Linda Elise Sherrill, Dallas Cynthia Lee Shoptaw, Dallas Ruth Marie illin, Pas:ulena Julie Francine Sorrell, Austin Mary Cornelia pinks, Houston Julia Ann Steed, Dallas Sharon Stolz, Dallas Martha Tipps, Wichita Falls Barbara Jean Tosch, Bonham Elizabeth Evelyn Towles, Houston Jean Townsend, Dallas Judy Tucker, Austin Sarah Janice pchurch, Corpus Christi Jane Ramsey Voight, Houston Sharon Anne Waite, McAllen Penney Lee Watters, Houston Mary Kathleen Weaver, MObile, Ala. Elaine Lee Williams, Fort Campbell, Ky. 111111 111111 KAPPA ALPHA THETA Among Theta's active on campus this year is Susan Ford who received the Dads' Day Award as Most Outstanding Girl Student. Susan is president of YWCA, a member of Mortar Board and the Texas Union Board of Directors. Other prominent Theta's include Glee Ingram, treasurer of the YWCA and a member of Orange Jackets; Susan Shaw, president of Alpha Lambda Delta; and Ethel Wiley, treasurer of Spooks. Jane Cornick was chosen Most Outstanding Freshman Council member. Ellen Elkins and Linda Steinhauser represented the University in the Maid of Cotton contest and Tracy Lewis placed second in the Best Dressed cont t. OFFICERS Fall pring ANN BRYA T KNICKERBOCKER .. President ...... .. ... ETHEL LowDo WILEY ALICE OLIVIA FORD .•.... .. .Vice-President ..... ... ... . TRACY LYNN LEWIS DEANNA DORCHESTER .. . Corresponding Secretary .... . . PATRICIA AN E FORD LYDIA BLAIR ..... . •..... Recording Secretary . . ... . .. JUDITH ARVIN ADAMS A CY PORTWOOD Mo DAY . . . . Treasurer . . .. -. BARBARA EUGE IA WEDDINGTON FALL PLEDGES Elizabeth Allen, Galveston Louisa Perry Mahone, Austin Rebecca Beeley, Houston Coleene McCracken, Corpus Christi Mary Elizabeth Bell, Victoria Jean Royce Merritt, Houston Judy Gale Blackaller, Uvalde Virginia Harris Meyer , Houston Betty Adele Bordages, Houston Susan Elizabeth Morris, Dallas Gay Carroll Caldwell, Midland Anne Stout ewton, an Antonio Juliet Gorham Carnahan, San Antonio Heather tanchfield Peterson, Houston Richey Chri tian, San Antonio Susan Rowan Philbin, Fort Worth Louise Clarkson Connally, Houston June Pipkin, Amarillo Jane Gould Cornick, Austin Lurana Elizabeth Ritter, Galve ton Carolyn Jane De hon, Saratoga, Calif. Betsy Lucindy Robert , Henderson Carolyn Dudley, Houston Elaine Seewald, Amarillo Patricia Wright Engleman, Edinburg Nancy Ann Sharp, Houston Jacqueline Ann Ford, Alexandria, Va. Kathryn ell Shelton, Austin Alatia Plowman Francis, Dallas Carol Geraldine Smith, Dallas Byrd Fuertes, Dallas Gerri Clark Smyser, Dallas Gretchen Ann Green, Midland Bettye Ann Stewart, Lake Jackson Catherine Mary Hagert y, Austin Julie Ann Terry, Beaumont Suzanne Hender on, Victoria Diana Welder Thoma , inton Jill Elaine James, Dallas Mary VanDyne Thuss, Dallas Donna Ament Jessen, Austin Kristin Helen von Kreisler, Austin Susan Kenda!J, Fort Worth Pamela Wavell, Corpus Christi Jennie Gail Lafont, Plainview Barbara Eugenia Weddington, Dallas Anne Figgatt Lovell, Austin Daisy Clark Whitridge, Houston Mary Kathryn Lynch, Houston Alice Merlin Wiemer , Dalla SPRING PLEDGE Cherry Stayton, Austin Top Row: Adams, Allen, AnJcrson, Atkinson. Second Row: Bailey, Bceley, C. A. Baker, C. S. Baker. Third Row: Blackallcr, Blair, Bo nlagct11, E. Browning. Fourth Row: J. Browniflg, Caldwell, Carnahan, Carpenter. Fi/th Row: Christian, Clark, Cochran, Cole. Sixth Row: Connally, Cornick, Denman, Deshon. Seventh Row: Dorchester, Elkins, A. Flocter, A. Ford. Eiihth Row: J. Ford, P. Ford, S. Ford, Francis. Ni.nth Row: Fuertes, Fuller, Green, Hagerty. Tenth Row : Hansen, Harris, Hazlewood, Henderson. Eleventh Row: Ingram, Jame1, Jen en, Je &en . Twelfth Row: John1on, Jo cph, Kendall, Kern. Thirteenth Row: Kokcrnot , Lnfoot, Ln Hue, J. Lewis. P11c 226 Top Row: M. Lewis, Lovell, Maddox, Mahone, McCracken. Merritt, Meyers, Millspaugh, Monday, Morris, Muir, Nelson, A. Newton, C. Newton, Peay. Second ~ow: Peterson, Philbin, Pratschcr, Ritter, B. Roberts, J. Roberts, Scott, Sharp, Shaw, Shelton, Shigley, C. Small, S. Smith, P. Smith, Smyser. Third Row: Stanley, Stewart, Syef'8, Taylor, E. Terry, J. Terry, Thomas, Thuss, Vaughn, Vessels, von Kreisler, Wavell, Weddington, Wiley, Wiemen, Wommack. Page 227 WILEY I lnJs Judith Arvin Adams, Beaumont Judith Ann Anderson, Houston Efoan Susan Clare Atkinson, Houston An.oo Ethel Jane Austin, Frankston Martha Crace Bailey, San Antonio cro~ Carroll Ann Baker, Edinburg Caroline Susan Baker, Corpus Christi Evalyn Antoinette Bicknell, Dallas Betty Bivins, Longview Lydia Blair, Houston Ellen Marshall Boddy, Henrietta EJizabeth McCutcheon Breath, Corpus Christi Emily Bryant Browning, San Antonio Joan Whitelaw Browning, San Antonio Clara Lou Butcher, Midland• Emily Elizabeth Byars, Tyler Jud ith Camp, Pecos it Shawn Adele Carpenter, Corpus Christi H Mary Kay Carothers, Sulphur Springs Rosemary Cherry, Lubbock EJizabeth Sanford Clark, San Antonio• Nancy Carolyn Cochran, Lubboclc llll Nancy Kay Cole, Houston EHzabeth Lee Creveling, Corpus Christi Elisabeth Hayes Davol, Austin Lynn Denman, Houston Deanna Dorchester, Austin Barbara Edwards Durst, Fort Worth Emily Shannon Dyke, Marshall Elizabeth Ellen Elkins, Dallas Jane Flaitz, Houston Amelia Forman f]oeter, Houston Judith Daon Floeter, Houston MEMBERS Clare Elizabeth Foran, Corpus Christi Margaret Ellen Foran. Corpus Christi Alice Olivia Ford, San Antonio Patricia Anne Ford, San Antonio Susan Chappell Ford, Lubbock Frann Fuller, Beaumont Judy Gutches, Fort Worth Mary Allen Hansen, Navuota Cordelia Carol Harrington, Da1Jas Com1tance Ann Harris, Houston Orra Christine Hartfelder, Dallas Julianne Hazlewood , Fort Worth Billie Sue Henna, Round Rock Carol Glee Ingram, Midland Virginia Marie J enson, San Antonio Cynthia Louise Johnson, Fort Worth Anne Thornton Joseph, Austin Carolyn Alexandria Kern, McAllen Ann Bryant Knickerboclcer, Houston Mabel Joy Kokcrnot, Victoria Perry EJlen La Rue, Corpus Christi Linda Katheryn Lee, Dallas Jenny Lou Lewis, Longview Mary Linda Lewis, Dallu Tracy Lynn Lewis, AmariIJo Lynne Miilett Lowry, Austin Jean Bigham Lylces, Houston Lula BelJe Maddox, Palacios Patricia Ann Martin, Laredo Mary Dyanne McCurry, Austin Virginia Hull McKimmon, Dallas Linda Mae Millspaugh, Ozona Nancy Ponwood Monday, Houston Merrie Carol Muir, San Antonio Kate W>•att Myer, Houston Nancy Jane Nelson, Wichita Falls Cynthia Bear h Newton, San Antonio Dorothy A. Newton, Hbuston Branch Looi e 'orthrup, Austin Mary Taliaferro Paddock, Fort Worth Linda Ann Patterson, Houston Charlotte Jean Peay, Midland Mary Patricia Perry. Houston 1\'lary Jane Pratscher, Houston Judith Ann Rager, Dallas Judith Ann RobNts, Sherman Ann Robinson, Plainview Sara Ann Sanborn, McAllen Ceiia Ann Scott, Fort Worth Susan Dcran<.la Shaw, Amarillo Elizabeth Pringle higley, Lake Jackson Cecelia Ann Small, Austin Patricia Jane mith, Houston Linda Jane Snow, Laredo Myra Ann Stanley Amarillo Linda Wheat Steinhauser, Austin Lida Picton Suttles, Houston Susan Ri chardson Syers, Ingram Martha Ann Taylor, Fort Worth Edna Frances Terry, Dallas Mary Helen Thomas, Austin Bette Barton Vaughn, T)•Jer Mary Annelle VesseJs, Denver, Colo. Mary Ware, Corpus Christi AJice Rebekah Wilcox, Dallas Ethel Lowdon Wiley, Fort Worth Diane Ford Wommack, Austin 111111 111111 KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA The key of Kappa Kappa Gamma, first een at Monmouth College in Illinois in 1870, came to Texas in 1902. This year has seen many honors fall upon the Kappa's. Jane Allen was tapped for Spooks, Genie Brackenridge, Janet Miller, and Patty Stephens were tapped for Orange Jackets; Ann Brown was elected vice-presi­dent of Orange Jackets; Phillis Johnson was named the "Most Beautiful Freshman" and also elected as a freshman cheerleader; Pat Spence was tapped for Angel Flight, Genie Brackenridge was tapped for Cordette Among the members of Alpha Lambda Delta were Barry Beck and Libby Scott. OFFICERS Fall pring H ARRIET GARDNER WILLIAMS ...... President . ...... . SUSAN CLAIRE MOORE MOLLY SHULMAN .•...•...... First Vice-President . .. . MARY HELE STRAUSS SUSAN CLAIRE MOORE . . .•.... Second Vice-President . . ... JA ET LEE MILLER JOSEPHI E WELDER .... .. ... . Recording ecretary . . JAN MARIE LA MASTER ELLEN MARTHA CLARKE .•... Corresponding Secretary . }EA HOUSTON DANIEL KARE TELLEPSE .. . .•......... Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . THERESA Doss Jane Allen, Lufkin Kathryn Mary Austin, San Antonio Darcus Barry Beck, Amarillo Janice Sue Blank, Odessa Susan Kathleen Boyd, Jacksonville Edith Lynn Chilcote, Tyler Richard Charlene Cline, Amarillo Lynn Coffee, Houston Dana Wingfield Conolly, Corpus Christi Jean Holland Craver, Dallas Charlotte Ann.e Florence, Kilgore Linda Garnett, Houston Ann Gerrard, Victoria Susan Gay Gettier, Richardson Paula Mary Greenlee, Lubbock Ruth Elaine Hancock, El Campo Susan Wells Hartman, Victoria Evalie George Hawes, Fort Worth Cynthia Ann Higginbotham, Dallas Penelope Hight, an Antonio Marilyn Ruth Hill, Roswell, . Mex. Carol Linda Holzapfel, Dallas Martha Jean Jennings, Houston Evelyn Phillis Johnson, Galveston Prudence Drew Mahaffey, Texarkana FALL PLEDGES Patsy Lee McCafferty, Houston Malinda Dunlap McCall, Fort Worth Mollye Aleda McDowell, Dallas Bess McFadden, Dallas Kathleen ue Mc eil, Corpus Christi Patricia Ann Munn, Midland Mary Michael Ole , Amarillo Anne Orton, Dallas Margaret Elizabeth Paulson, Dallas Martha Van-Cott Price, an Antonio PauJa Rae Rattan, Dalla Ethel Ann Read, Longview Alice McDermott Red, Hou ton Mollie Lucinda Rehmet, herman Penelope Schwer, Au tin Elizabeth Ann coll, an Antonio ancy Coleman colt, Midland Suzanne Senevey, Fort Worth Patricia Gay myth, Cleburne Frances Spivy, Texarkana Barbara Lynn tone, Fort Worth Kathleen Ame Tyler, Au tin Helen Elizabeth Van Wagoner, El Paso Joan Margaret Williams, Richmond Jennifer Wynn, Houston Top Row: Allen, Austin, Bartholomew, Beck. Second Row: Blank, Brackenridge, Brindley, Buchek. Third Row: Bush, Butter, Cage, Callaway. Fourth Row: Chilcote, Cline, D. Collins, Conolly. Fifth Row: Curtis, Doney, Florence, Folbre. Sixth Row: Carnett, Gerrard, Cettier, Green. Seuenth Row: Greenlee, Hancock, Hargis, Harper. Eithth Row: Harrison, Hawes, Hight, Holzapfel. Ninth Row: F. Hudson, Jennioa;1, Joho100, J. Jones. Tenth Row: Jordan, La Master, Linn, Mahaffey. Eleuenth Row: McCaflerty, Mcilan, McDowell, McNeil. Twelfth Row: J. Miller, Moe, M. Moore, Morris. Thirteenth Row: Odom, Oltt, .Ortoo, Powell. Pase 22s llOORE .rur Yum :llii1!l Dmu DoS3 • tfllli Ii! • ,DP - Sara Bartholomew, Dallas Rilla June Boroughs, Dallas Mary Imogene Brackenridge, Taylor Martha Love Brindley, Temple Ann Connor Brown, Austin Nancy Louise Buchek, San Antonio Tennie Alarie Bush, Midland Bette Lee Butter, Longview Beverly Louise Ca£'C, Eagle Pass Helena Spencer Callaway, San Antonio Ellen Martha Clarke, Lufkin Tereu Blythe Clark, Austin Dorothy Lee Collins, San Antonio Margaret Eleanor Collins, San Antonio Patricia Compton, Corpus Christi Jane Carolyn Cowper, Big Spring Alice McKallip Crawford, Beaumont Carolyn Crooker, Houston Margaret Lynn Curtis, Amarillo Deanna Daniel, Austin Jean Houston Daniel, Austin Virginia Nelnu Dorsey, San Antonio Thereea DoH, San Angelo Bonnie Folbre, San Antonio Marian Carolyn Graham, Chicago, Ill. Patricia Ann Green, Beaumont Barbara Velma Haag, Midland Laurie Lee Hargis, San Antonio Bobbie Ann Harper, Sao Antonio Carol Harrison, Dallas Letitia Lewis Hartman, Victoria Mary Terry Haun, Fort Worth Louise Carr Houston, Austin Delmar Elizabeth Hudson, Fort Worth MEMBERS Francis Hill Hudson, Fort Worth Sharon Kimberley Hurst, Longview Sara Robbie Ivins, Houston Diana Day Jones, an Angelo Janet Ann Jones, Amarillo Sarah Anne Jones, Houston Judy Latimer Jordan, Palestine Katherine Elizabeth Kaderli, Austin Ellen Kroney, Dallas Jan Marie La Master, Houston Jessica Ann Ledbetter, Hondo Elizabeth Erin Linn, Port Arthur Elizabeth Swann :Marsh, Tyler Anne Dalton McClcndon, Tyler Anne Marie McCullough, Houston Katherine Heather Mcfarlin, San Antonio Virginia Kay McLaughlin, PJainview Mary Jane Max £ield, Wichita Falls Janet Lee Miller, Houston Martha Louise !\filler, Midland Arabella Jester Miner, Groves Elizabeth Victoria Mobley, Houston Helen Elizabeth Moe, El Paso Marta Elizabeth Moore, Tyler Susan Claire Moore, Dallas Linda Jan 1\· .. • "1 I I BETA THETA Pl FAC LTY CAR o ' McGUIRE, Professor of Educational Psychology THOMAS WHITEHEAD SHEFELMA , Assistant Professor of Architecture JOE PARKER WITHERSPOO JR., Professor of Law OFFICERS Fall pring ROBERT STILES PATTERSON .. . ... .. President .... ... ...... ... JOH CLARK HURST JoHN CLARK HURST ... ...... First Vice-President .... .. . . EDGAR COVEY ASH, JR. STONEWALL JACKSON FISHER . . Second Vice-Presiden.t . . RICHARD TAFFORD Do OGHUE JOEL STEPHEN BARBER .. . ... . .Third Vice -President ..... . WILLIAM PATRICK McLEA JOHN 0LDRAHM DAVIS . . .... . . . ... .Treasurer .. .. ... . .. . . JOH 0LDRAHM DAVIS ZULA LIGO , Housemother FALL PLEDGES Frederick Marcus Addington, Dallas James Walter Jackson, Wichita Falls Arthur Charles Ballard, Temple Milton Phillip Jenkins, Palestine Charles Henry Bintliff. Texarkana Alfred Jorse MacDaniel an Antonio William Jefferson Brock, Alice Edward Meador Montgomery, Pale tine William Edward Burndrett. Ill, Dickinson Charles Vaughn Patter on, Taylor Colin McCain Campbell, Dallas Hugh (.;:linton Pendery, Dallas Joseph Alden Clarke, Lufkin Robert Irving Pettis, Waco John Cochran Frampton. Houston Carl Ray Polk, Lufkin orton Basset Hargis Jr.. San Antonio Ronnie Stephen Smith, Tyler Barry Jan Hruska, Waco Robert Bruce Stuart, Dallas James Lawrence Hull Jr.. Wichita Falls Malcolm Evans Wilt e, Henderson Edwin Clark Inglish, Dallas Jim Price Wise, Houston SPRI G PLEDGES Stanley Francis Hupfeld, III, Dallas Jim Conrad Lederer, an Antonio Percy Lawayne Isgitt, Houston William Duncan Muir, Dickinson Top Row: Addington, Anderson, Atkinson. Second Row: Ballard, Barber, Daly. Th ird Row: BurndreU, C. Campbell, H. Campbell. Fourth Row: Clarkt', Davenport, Disch. Fifth Row: Engli.sh, S. Evans, Foster. Sixth Row: Hanovt'r, Hargis, Harri . Seventh Row: Hieronymus, D. Hruska, L. Hruska. Ei6h1h Row: Hull, Hunl, ln1li1h. Ninth Row: JacJuon, Jenkins, Jordan. Ten th Row: Kirkman, Lane, Leflore. P11e 246 Hasr i!JI. )L lfXBrE 4dr.t~ 1Dmi ooio ! Ill ·, Andrew George Anderson, Jr., Houston Lawrence Fred Atkinson, Fort Worth Charles Black Aycock, Fort Worth Joel tephen Barber, Houston Donald Eugene Baty, Houston Ronald Wayne Blake, Wichita, Kans. David Giller Cade, Jacksonville, Ind. Henry Villard Campbell, III, Lampasas Thomas Eugene Cook, III, Palestine James Ross Crawford, Austin David Thomas Davenport, Dallas John Oldrahm Davis, Lufkin Samuel Dotson Dibrell, Seguin William John Disch, III, Austin James William Dodson, Pittsburgh, Pa. Richard Stafford Donoghue, Houston James Simpson Dyer, Fort Worth Michael Thomas English, St. Louis, Mo. James Allen Evans, Fort Worth Samuel Hall Evans, Fort Worth Kenneth Wayne Ferguson, Waco Stonewall Jackson Fisher, San Antonio David Edwin Foster, Palestine John Funk, Houston MEMBERS Judson Curtis Gee, Houston William Gibson Hanover, Lufkin Joseph Wilmon Harris, San Antonio Hoppy Eric Heidelberg, Midland George James Hieronymus, Jr., Galveston Oiarles Antony Hotchkiss, Wichita Falls Leon Makkie Hruska, Waco John Clark Hurst, Lufkin Richard Larry Jordan, Austin John George Kirkman, Jr., Houston Marvin Thomas Kubin, Texas City Thomas Murray Kyger, Fort Worth Sam Houston Lane, III, Fort Worth John Frederick Leflore, San Antonio Robert Richard Lende, Summit, N.J. John Luther Lenker, Jr., New York, N.Y. Nathaniel Harris McClamrock, Shreveport, La. James Robert Mi:Kissick, Abilene Donald Harris McLaughlin, Houston William Patrick McLean, Ponce, PuertoJUco Benjamin Reagan McLemore, III, Longview Arthur Edwin Moers, Jr., Houston Joe Ed Morris, Jacksonville John Gordon Muir, Jr., Dickinson I II III Edgar Covey ash, Jr., Houston James William orman, III, Austin Othell Walker Ogden, Andrews Michael Robertson Parker, Livingston Robert Stiles Patterson, Taylor Michael Reynolds Pearson, Dallas Ralph Ray Petersen, Houston Alan Wade Pettis, Waco Edward Woolery Price, San Antonio Rufus Tate Ramsey, Houston Alvord Beretta Rutherford, San Antonio Richard Merle Scott, Wichita Falls John Kinsler Shaw, Austwell Lloyd Michael Shellhorn, San Antonio William Nick ikes, Jacksboro Michael William Simpson, Tyler William Thomas Speller, Tyler John Allen Treadwell, San Angelo Kenneth Deen Starnes, Jr., Dallas John Damian Walz, Houston Desmond Allen White, Houston Jack Howard Wiggington, Jr., Houston Charles Michael Zeeck, Wichita Falls CHI PHI FACULTY JAMES PERRY BRYAN, Board of Regents of The University of Texas OFFICERS Fall Spring WILLIAM CALVI ROYLE ... . ...... Alpha . .. . ..... JoHN LEO ARD CARLSON JosEPH MILLER KENWORTHY, III .... Beta . .. . .. . . CRESTO HENRY Fu K, JR. MICHAEL ADSIT SCOTT ...... ..... Gamma . . . . . . . . . WI STO KEITH SETZER JERRY MAC Du AGAN ............. Delta ... .. .. .. . . ]OHf"l MARKHAM GREEN STEPHEN LEE SCHEFFE ...... .. .. Epsilon . .. .. ...... ... .. }IM BOB HODGE PATSY AN GARD ER WELCH, Housemother CAROL Lou CARLSON, Gamma Phi Beta, Sweetheart PLEDGES Russell Lee Allen, Dallas Joseph Marco Lostracco, Angleton James Franklin Atteberry, Fort Worth William Terrell Love, Del Rio Richard Stuart Barr, Austin Vernon Marshall Mabry, Houston Ludy Thompson Benjamin, Jr., League City Paul Joseph Maddison, II, Houston Charles Oliver Buckner, Houston James Robert Martin, Dallas Robert Charles Cole, San Antonio Charles James Mo e , West Michael Kyle Fagin, Austin Richard James Perrone, Austin William Edwin Hall, Dallas Terry Walter Peterson, Houston Barry Lynn Harrell, Houston Samuel Potter, Jr., Dallas Kenneth Lynn Heider, Corpus Christi James Richard Reinauer, Hereford William Grant Hilburn, Jr., Austin James Reid Sharpie , Baytown Jim Bob Hodge, Amarillo Thomas Hall Thompson, Dallas William Thomas Hooper, Ill, Austin Edward Anthony Verner, Houston Richard Marvin Ivy, San Antonio Jimmy Rhea Walker, Austin Bureson Bink Williams, Jr., Smithville Top Row: A1er, Atteberry, Ball. Second Row : Bahhrop, Barr, Benjamin. Third Row: Bishop, Brecht, Buckner. Fourth Row: Butler, Campbell, C1rl1on. Fifth R ow: Coldwell, Cole, Dilworlh. Sixth Row: Duoacan, Facin, Ferrell. Seuenth Row: Funk, Cibbt, Green. Ei1hth Rooo: Hall, Harrell , Helder. Ninth Row: Hilburn, Hodee, Hooper. Tenth Row: hy, Kenworthy, Kosh. Eleuenth Row: Lo1tracco, Love, Mabry. Paco 248 111111 Ion on lord loo Roger Quentin Ager, Liberty Jack Johnson Ball, Fort Worth Granville Harold Balthrop, Dickenson Thomas Armistead Bishop, Uvalde Douglas Arrington Boyd, Panhandle Robert Hunt Bowman, Baytown Howard David Brecht, Fort Worth Russell Gladwin Burwell, Stephenville Lawrence Ford Butler, Fort Worth Darryl Glenn Campbell, Arlington John Leonard Carlson, Fort Worth Colbert Nathaniel Coldwell, El Paso Collett Broyles Dilworth, Jr., Austin Jerry Mac Dunagan, Midland James Ervin Dunaway, Houston Jack Earl Ferrell, Dallas Creston Henry Funk, Jr., San Antonio Eugene Austin Gibbs, Lufkin John Markham Green, Dallas Joseph Miller Kenworthy, III, Dallas John Brett Kieffer, Omaha, 'ebr. Joseph William Kosh, Hempstead William Worley Lace, Fort Worth Thomas Cope ewman, Fort Worth James Boswell ewton, Jr., Rockdale Hal Corbin ormand, Jr., Fort Worth Charles Edward Oltorf, Marlin John Thurmond Payne, Houston Lewis Forsythe Pennock, Austin Joseph Houston Rentz, Houston William Calvin Royle, Lufkin Stephen Lee Scheffe, Houston Michael Adsit Scott, Midland Winston Keith Setzer, Nederland Robert Clinton Siddons, Austin John Howard Sucke, III, Austin William Fredrick Wallace, Houston James Walter Ward, Dickenson Herbert Armstrong Wells, III, Dickenson Laban W. Wingert, Elmira, N. Y. DELTA CHI OFFI CERS Fall Spring R ICHARD LEO ARD CORSO . . .. .. ..... .A .. . . .. . . .. . . GARY HOWARD MAYER Do ALD C . AHNGER .... ... . .. .. ... . B ..... ....... . BRYAN IRVIN F UGATE w. ALLAN CRAIG ..... ............. c ...... ELVIN BURNETT PIPPERT, JR. J AMES HARRY Ross ....... . . .. ... .. D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALAN NEIL KIPNIS GARY HOWARD MAYER . . . . ...... ... . E . . .. ....... MICHAEL LUIS RACHLI Roxrn MooRE, Housemother SUZANNE SENEVEY, Kappa Kappa Gamma, Sweetheart PLEDGES James Roy Butler, Seymour Paul Joseph Giddens, Cleveland Heights, Olrio Johnny F. Harrell, Jr., Wichita, Kans. Wayne Wesley Hill, Fort Worth Warren Davis Jink:s, Dallas Augustus Chester Ludlam, III, Wichita Falls Carl Duffield Mciver, Austin Charles Morgan Pearre, III, Weslaco Elvin Burnett Pippert, Jr., Houston Michael Luis Rachlin, Austin George Buell Shepherd, Austin John L. Tolleson, Sisterdale James Arista Young, Houston Anwar George Zraikat, El Pa o Top Row: Ahnger, Baldwin. Second Row: Butler,. Corio. Third Row: Cr•ic, Fr1oci1. Fourth Ro&0: Giddens, Cu111(100. Fifth Row : Harrell, Hill. Si"th Row: Joteph Kipoi1. Seventh Row : Ludlam, Lyon. Eiiluh Ro&0: fay er, Mciver. Pase 250 MEMBERS 111111 Donald C. Ahnger, Spring Vailey, Ill. Frank L. Baldwin, Jr., Ingleside Richard Leonard Corso, Houston W. Allan Craig, Houston Herbert E. Evans, Fort Worth Walter Clyde Francis,. Paris Bryan Irvin Fugate, Kingsville Robert Gilmore Gaskins, Lakewood, Ohio Charles Richard Gustafson, Houston Lawrence Anthony Joseph, Jr., Burbank, Calif. Alan Neil Kipnis, El Paso Doyle Darwin Knight, Abilene Sherwood C. Lynn, West Columbia Gary Howard Mayer, Houston Otis L. Parchman, Luling James Harry Ross, Corpus Christi David St. Clair, Seymour John Franklin Weeks, Austin Michael A. Wiley, Dallas DELTA KAPPA EPSILON FACULTY WILMER LAWSON ALLISON, Tennis Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics DA A XENOPHO BIBLE, Athletic Director Emeritus, Intercollegiate Athletics THOMAS P. HARRISO , Professor of English JOH STEPHENSO LUDLAM, Lecturer in Marketing Administration OFFICER Fall Spring MARK EDWARD TREDENNICK .. . Housemanager ... MARK EDWARD TREDENNICK SAMMIE B. FARRIER, Housemother FALL PLEDGES James Stanley Ardrey, Dallas Jon Michael Millington, ixon William D. Bray, Austin William Bart Pate, Alpine David Carruth, Dallas Robert Michael Peoples, Au tin Raymond Holton Cook, Baytown James Anderson Ray, Houston David Kelley Coonrod, Austin Burtis Stephen Rice, Jasper Platt Walker Davis, III, Houston Dan Bernard Roach, Houston Carl Russell Faught, Houston Barry A. Rose, Houston Edward Scott Fehr, Austin Michael Siebenhuner, Wutzburg, West Germany Guy Cade Fisher, Jasper David Brian Stanley, McLean, Va. William Elton Fitch, Houston Ronald Edwin Tigner, San Antonio John Longan Hauer, Jr., Dallas John Underhill Tonetti, Fort Worth Charles M. Hibbetts, Austin James Daryl Verbois, Jr., Houston Edward Sherwood Johnson, Belton George Vernez, Yuerdon, Switzerland Robert Horace Kern, III, McAllen George M. Waggoner, Deer Park Charles Victor Manes, Washington, D. C. Lawrence Riley Williams, Graham Dan Leonard McClean, Houston Mark Crawford Wilson, Beaumont James McManus, Jr., San Angelo SPRI JG PLEDGE Joseph Martin Conely, Galveston Top Row: Arbaugh, Ardrey, Becker. Second Row: Bcrly, Boykin, Bryson. Third Row : Carruth, Casey, Cauthorn. Fourth Row: Cook, Cowan, Cox. Fifth Row: Daniel, Faught, Finley. Sixth Row: G. Fiaher, Fitch, Griggs. Seventh Row: Hancock, Haragan, Harriaoo. Ei1hth Row: Hibbetts, Howard, Hutchison. Ninth Row: Johnaon, C. Jones, C. Jones. Tenth Row: Kamrath, Kern, Knight. Eleventh Row: Koerner, Loaao, 1cCleao. Paro 252 George Edward Allison, Jasper Charles Houston Arbaugh, Sweetwater Richard Arthur Becker, Abilene Patrick C. Bellamy, Houston James Frank Berly, III, Houston Edward Marshall Boykin, Abilene Thomas Lee Boyle, Dallas Andrew Jackson Bratton, Barksdale A.F.B., La. Glen Vick Brown, Dallas Jeff Bell Bryson, Corpus Christi Shelby Tim Casey, San Antonio Wlf Tommy Drew Cauthorn, Del Rio Don Merle Cooper, Port Neches George Michael Cowan, Galveston John Y. Cox, Mexia Wynne L. Creekmore, Jr., Houston Britt Talley Daniel, Temple Mark Hanna Finley, Austin John Clark Fisher, Jasper Joseph Jefferson Fisher, Jasper Wade Garney Griggs, Jasper S. Tevis Grinstead, Houston Phillip Diggs Gully, Jr., Corpus Christi Lee Everette Hancock, ]asper Patrick William Haragan, Houston Charles Denson Harrison, Austin MEMBERS Byron Wilson Hodge, Del Rio James Fred Hofheinz, Houston Robert Morris Howard, Irving Thomas Raymond Hurst, Houston John A. Hutchison, III, Abilene William David Jenson, Austin Cary McCall Jones, Houston Dan Pearson Jones, Austin Gary Thornton Jones, Houston John Robert Kamrath, Houston Charles William Keller, Austin Carl Baker King, Houston Bruce Reed Knapp, Austin Frank Joseph Knapp, Jr., Houston Robert Edward Knight, Odessa Gustavus A. Koerner, Houston John Wiley Link, Houston Mickey Jim Logan, Austin Marion Embree McDaniel, Jr., Houston William Henry Moody, Del Rio Rodney Woods O'Rourke, Houston Dabney Glen Park, Jr., Houston John Woodrow Pate, Alpine John Brock Pevateaux, Houston Frank Marion Putman, Jr., Houston James Hogg Rogers, Austin Millard Gordon Rountree, Jr., Waco Dan William Ryan, Galveston James Henry Sayles, Abilene Charles Davis Scarborough, Abilene Thomas Perry Scott, Coleman Andrew J. K. Smith, Houston Albert Harrison Stafford, Ill, Edna Carl Joseph Stephanow, Houston Malcolm Boyd Street, Graham Dunklin A. Sullivan, Centerville Bruce Cameron Taylor, Dallas James Owen Taylor, III, Del Rio J. Robert Taylor, Houston John Thomas Thorngren, Austin John Garrett Treanor, Abilene Mark Edward Tredennick, Meriden, Conn. Philip Coy Walden, Long Beach, Calif. John Ernest Walker, Galveston Jim Albert Watson, Rotan Woodrow Wilson Weir, Moab, Utah Richard Samuel Williams, Pecos Joseph Bruce Willis, El Campo Henry K. Woodward, Del Rio James Michael Wooten, Houston Robert William Wuest, Seguin Ryan, Scarborough, Siebenhuner. Secon d Row: Stafford, Stanley, Street, Tigner, Tonetti, Tredennick, Vcrbois, Vernez, Waggoner, L. Williams, R. WiJliams, Wooten. Page 253 111111 111111 DELTA SIGMA PHI FACULTY }AMES OLIVER BRAEUTIGAM, Assistant Manager Men's Residence HaUs OFFICERS Fall Spring PATRICK WARD CAMPBELL ......... President ...... . ... PATRICK WARD CAMPBELL Ro ALD BUFORD PRUITT . .......... Vice-President . . . . . . . . . RONALD BUFORD PRUITT }AMES BYRON ROBB ....... . ......... Secretary .......... . . ... }AMES BYRON ROBB DENNIS PETER TisHLIAS . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . DEN IS PETER T!SHLIAS }AMES McCOLLEM BOLDING . ... . . Sergeant-at-Arms .. . . . . }AMES McCOLLEM BoLDI G VERA ALLEN, Housemother CHARMAYNE MARSH, Alpha Phi, Sweetheart FALL PLEDGES Earl Joseph Bergeron, Galveston William L. V. Hale, II, Austin Thurston Joseph Bland, III, Austin William Bentley Hitchcock, III, Washington, D. C. Michael C. Byrd, Seguin Lloyd Marshall ·Jard, Houston Donald Anthony Cole, Austin Terry J. Kivlin, Austin George Doyle Cole, Austin Richard Cullen oble, Houston Darrell Jeri Edwards, Marshall William Peter Oppel, Pasadena Charles Evan Gusto£, Floresville David Stewart Taylor, Houston Henry Larry Wernli, Austin SPRI 1G PLEDGES Terry Lynn Bond, Freeport George Gus Lowrance, San Antonio Thomas Everett Foyt, Mumford Jeffrey Neal McDonald, Austin Daniel Edward Herron, Houston John Albert McLean, Jr., Laredo Jerry Randell Hill, Austin Jerry Michael Patterson, Lamesa Top Row: Bell, Berccroo. Second Row: Blair, D. Bland. Third Row: T. Bland. Byrd. Fourth Roao: Da•i1, Edwards. Fi/th Row: Hau, Hale. Sixth. Row: Hitchcock, Jard. Seventh Row: McA£ee, fcElvoaue. Ei1hth Row: foore, Noble. Pase 254 IMPBELL l11JJTr ROBB li.IJll.I.!S ROI.DING m,D.~ ~ooio Henry ewton Bell, III, Bastrop Harold Roy Bentley, Austin Bobby J. Blair, Austin David George Bland, Jr., Austin James McCollem Bolding, Athens Bill W. Bownds, Lubbock Patrick Ward Campbell, Paducah Aubrey Ronald Cartlidge, Austin Bernie Rodney Davis, Paducah James Wesley Haas, Jr., Stamford Robert Lee Henderson, Mercedes Wesley Hardy Hocker, Portland George Lloyd Huffman, Marshall Frederic Lawrence Hurd, Spartanburg, N. C. James Guidry Jeter, Marshall Robert Wayne LaBounty, Austin Harvey Edward Little, Winters Paul Randell Maddock, Fort Worth William L. Mathes, Crane William Mellville Zehner, Fort Worth MEMBERS Jimmy Joseph McAfee, Houston Ronald Edward McElvogue, Marshall James Wilbern Moore, Alvin Edward Charles ytko, Chicago, Ill. Calvin Chapman Owens, Medford Lakes, N. J. John Wesley Paul, Dickinson Thomas Irving Pearl, Upper Saddle River, N. J. Ronald Buford Pruitt, Austin Harry Dan Reed, Austin Clrristopher Michael Rehder, Austin James Byron Robb, Dallas Ernest Vinson Scheihagen, EI Paso William Benton Sullivant, Gainesville Terry Ralph Tippit, Austin Dennis Peter Tishlias, Dallas Samuel Franklin Vale, Rio Grande City Clinton Ray Werner, San Antonio Robert James Whitmey, Austin Arlan Claude Woods, Gladewater 111111 DELTA TAU DELTA FACULTY KENT WHEELER KE A , Professor of Music OFFICERS Fall pring SAMUEL CHARLES GIESEY, JR. .. .President . . . . ... CHARLES STEVENSON LEEPER ORMAN ARTHUR BOYD .. .. .. Vice.President .. . . . . .... WILLIAM JAMES SMITH JOHN HARVEY HUDSPETH .••... Treamrer . . .. . .. . .. JoH HARVEY HUDSPETH PHILLIP ALLE LEO ARD Corresponding Secretary LLOYD WILLIS BIRDWELL, JR. PETER MICHAEL LOWRY . .. Recording Secretary .... KEITH BER ARD REED, JR. SOPHIA DNEPROFF, Housemother FALL PLEDGES Bud E. Alldredge, weetwater William Ward Herries, Dallas Howard Amason Allen, Roswell, N. Mex. Bernard Ray Hollenshead, Hillsboro Girvice Ward Archer, Jr., Kerrville Wmiam Bade Ingram, Midland Robert Clayton Baldwin, Austin Robert Charles Ittner, Midland Ronald Davis Bandy, Lubbock Daniel Ray Lazicki, Austin Carroll Stanley Barbour, Cotulla Walter Robert Leeper, Midland Edward Ralph Barron, Austin John Landrum Loftis, III, Houston Barney William Bray, III, Paris Fred Welch Lowe, Waco Richard ea! Buchanan, Paris Donald Porter Mayhorn, Dallas William Dan Burleson, Killeen Thomas Michael Mays, Grand Prairie Stephen Leroy Carter, Amarillo Michael George McCollum, Dallas John Robert Cone, Lubbock William Eugene Mitchell, Houston Thomas Trimble Currie, Jr., Houston Richard Raymond Peterson, Austin Don Clifford Davis, Amarillo Roy Edward Pfie ter, Jr., Fort Stockton John Jay Driscoll, Jr., Galveston John Quinn Rounsaville, Jr., Dallas Leon Elton Ferrell, Rankin Bruce Monarch mith, Jr., Harlingen George Cates Fowler, Jr., Bartlett David .Pauerson Smith, Amarillo Samuel Russell Graham, Austin Gerry Allan Solcher, an Antonio James Booker Graves, Austin George Myron Spear, Bakersfield, Calif. Rodney Meredith Green, Austin Edward Cramon Stanton, Houston Billy Roy Gulledge, an Marcos Diron Vester Talbert, Texas City Roy Maxwell Hall, Jr., 'ewark, Del. James Richard Watts, San Antonio Darrell Hughes Hamric, Dallas Ronald David Weaks, Stamford Allison Gale Hasselmeier, Galveston William Frederick Weis ert, Dallas John Alexander Willoughby, III, Abilene SPRI G PLEDGES George Madison Berry, Austin Michael John Fourticq, Houston John Conner Emerson, Austin Robert Stephen Hillis, Tyler Neil Hugh McLaurin, Port Arthur Top Row : H. Alleo, Aoder100, Archer, Barbour. Second Row: Birdwell, Bradley, Bradshaw, B. Bray. Third Row: Bryson, Buchanan, Burleson, Carter. Fourth Row: Cochran, Davia, Dietz, Evans. Fifth Row: Ferrell, Fowler, Gamblin, Cie1ey. Sixth Row: S. Graham, W. Cro11, Gulledce, Hamric. Seventh Row: Hardy, Ha11elmeier, Herd, Heniea. Ei1hth Row: Hi11in1, Hol1eo1bead, Hud1peth, Hushes. Ninth Row: Hunter, loaram, Ittner, A. Jones. Tenth Row: Keuler, Krieser, Lawson, Lee. Eleventh Ro111: W. Leeper, Leonard, Lohis, Lowe. Twelfth Row: Luc11, Mayborn, May1, Mims. Thirteenth Row: Moaeley, Nuooeley, Odam, Pflester. Paro 256 ll ll Richard Wayne Allen, Austin Thomas Richard Anderson, Port Lavaca Richard C. Barnes, Dublin Kindell Wayne Bates, Stamford Phillip Foster Benson, San Antonio Lloyd Willis Birdwell, Jr., Dallas orman Arthur Boyd, Houston James Howard Bradley, Jr., Hereford Reagan Franklin Bradshaw, Lufkin William Terry Bray, Austin Thomas Wilder Brown, Galveston Barry Lee Bryson, Houston Otis Fielding Cochran, Stamford Paul David Constantine, Waco Michal Barry Cotten, Austin Dan Murchison Craddock, Dallas Preston Gary Craig, Austin Charles W. Cromwell, Stamford John W. Dietz, Waco Robert W. Dowd, Austin Michael Ray Eledge, Austin Gerald Monty Evans, Houston Bobby Frank Gamblin, Stamford Samuel Charles Giesey, Jr., Midland Leon orrod Graham, Austin Teriy Duion Gross, Galveston William Dudley Gross, Austin James Virgil Hammett, Jr., Lampasas Judson James Hardy, Galena Park Edwin S. Harris, Waxahachie Harvey Tevi!I Herd, Midland Patrick 0. Higgins, Austin MEMBERS Jon Michael Hill, Houston Michael John Hinton, Amarillo John Harvey Hudspeth, Atlanta Richard Ellsworth Huffman, Austin John Desmond Hughes, Houston Robert C. Hunter, Abilene Richard Weakley Ince, Austin Ronald Gene Jackson, Austin John Holmes Jenkins, Beaumont Alfred Blakley Jones, Jr., Hallsville Herbert Ray Jones, Midland George Walter Jordan, Corpus Christi William Carroll Keach, Robstown Michael Edward Keasler, Grand Prairie Richard Page Keeton, Austin Byron David Kingrae, Springtown Ralph Edd Krieger, Abilene Lamar Eugene Lawson, Port Arthur William Ellisworth Lee, Houston Charles Stevenson Leeper, Midland Phillip Allen Leonard, San Antonio Peter Michael Lowry, Austin Charles Michael Lucas, Houston James Donald Mayo, Taft Melberne Dale McGill, Houston Robert Hicks Mcintyre, Austin James Luther Mims, San Antonio W,alter S. Moseley, Jr., Ralston, Nebr. John L. Murchison, Waco James Morris Muse, Paris James N. Newberry, Levelland David Dean Nunneley, Midland John William Odam, Abilene Robert Earl Penn, Midland Ned Price, Jr., Austin . Stephen Walker Radford, Texas City Keith Bernard Reed, Jr., Dallas Curtis Ray Rivers, Dallas Robert Alan Ross, Austin Jan S. Roush, Houston William Crocker St. Oair, Midland Marion Sanford, Jr., Lubbock Lawrence Shannon Smith, Dallas William James Smith, Sacramento David Michael South, Midland Joseph Campbell Sparks, Austin Samuel Sparks, Austin Stephen Maurice Stack, Midland Stephen H. Suttle, Uvalde Richard Hylton Sutton, Jr., Dallas Charles Dan Talbert, Texas City Clarence Albert Tatum, Dallas Michael Rayburn Thompson, Roswell, N. Mex. Courtney Mack Townsend, Paris Robert A. Venable, Amarillo Joe Bill Watkins, Llano Robert Graham Watts, San Antonio Leo Horace White, Jr., Austin David Neal Winkles, Abilene James Harbert Wooten, III, Columbus Robert Louthan Wynne, Houston Tommy E. York, Amarillo I I I I I I DELTA UPSILON FACULTY CHARLES T. CLARK, Associate Professor of Business Statistics KARL M. DALLENBACH, Professor of Psychology PARKER CLINTO FIELDER, Professor of Law BE JAMI HowARD RIGGI s, Professor of Economics R. GoMMEL ROESS ER, Professor of Architectnre DARRELL K.. ROYAL, Athletic Director and Head Football Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics KoR ELIUS J. WALRAVE , Assistant Professor of Finance OFFICERS Fall pring EDGAR DANIEL BAILEY . .... . . . President . . . . . . . . KING COLVILIE HOERMANN ROBERT DEA EARP ...... .. Vice-President ... ...... EDGAR ALLE MILLER JIMMY LAWSO STEVENS .. . .... Treasurer . ... . . . THOMAS \YESTBROOK GLASS JAMES QUAY SNELL ...... . . . . . Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . TIMOTHY DRATH HEI s JOHN MACK ORR . . . . . . . . . Chapter Relations . . . . . GLENN CURTISS McADAMS MRS. J. D. BELTON, Housemother FALL PLEDGES John Young Allen, Houston Homer Allen Hill, Jr., Amarillo Robert Middleton Askew, Amarillo Andy Jacobsen, Jr., Austin Sam Clyde Barnard, Dallas Albert Owen Killingsworth, Dallas Cheevers Moran Barry, III, Dallas Robert Earl Luna, Garland Ronald Lynn Burke, Amarillo Gary Lee Ratliff, El Paso Richard Nye Butler, Rusk Keith Edward Regnier, San Antonio Melvin Wayne Cooper, Lockney Philip Ray Ruzicka, Dallas James William Evans, III, Sherman Stanley Alton Shaw, Austin Joseph Edwin Grace, Brazoria Barry Snell, San Antonio William Webster Green, Amarillo Robert Alan Williams, Alva, Okla. SPRING PLEDGES John Richardson Allen, San ~tonio Lee Haynes Mathews, Lufkin William Clyde Groves, New Orleans, La. Forrest Calvib Roan, Jr., Au tin Randy Roy Shope, Waco Top Row: J. Y. Allen, Barnard, Bany. Second Row : Behren1 1 Burke, Butler. Third Row : C. Ca.rr, J. Can, Cbarleu. F ourlh Row: Cooper, Crah, Earp. Fifth Row : Glau, Harwell, Heflin. Sixth Ro111: Heio11 Hill, Hunt. Seutnlh Row: Jacob1ea, Lanoo, Lu.na. Ei1hth Row: Mano, McAdam1, McMahaa. Ninth Row: McNary, Miller, Mitchell. Paa• 258 ill\.\~ Mom .Guss Jim· Edgar Daniel Bailey, Ru k Charles Byron Behrens, Houston David Henry Bell, Houston Charles Dickey Carr, Dallas Julliard Vernet Carr, Jr., Dallas Philip Calvin Cezeaux, Humble William Addis Charless, Jr., Amarillo Robert Lee Collier, Driftwood David T. Connally, San Angelo James Albert Cox, Jr., Longview Randal Robert Craft, Jr., Garland Robert Dean Earp, El Paso Larry Jack Edgeman, Odessa Charles Marshall Finney, Dallas Donald Michael Gerrard, Cisco Henry Oren Getchell, Silsbee Thomas Westbrook Glass, Odessa John David Grissett, Midland Bruce Stone Haggerty, Warwickneck, R. I. Donald William Haley, Davenport, Iowa Joe David Haralson, Wichita Falls Anthony Lee Harwell, Houston James Alan Haynes, Tyler Dennis Garfield Heflin, III, Houston Timothy Drath Heins, Dallas King Colville Hoermann, Seguin Eugene Lewis Hunt, Dallas Top ROU1: On, Ratliff, Redman, Recoier, Ru.zicka, Shaw. Eldon Lewis Jones, Houston Harold Glenn Jones, Jr., Abilene Gerald Bevan Larson, Dallas Gary Leland Levering, Oceanside, N. Y. James David Mann, Amarillo Glenn Curtiss McAdams, Jr., Gordonville David Cecil McMahan Garland William Houston McNary, Midland Edgar Allen Miller, Dallas Michael George Mitchell, Austin John Mack Orr, Dallas Norman Dean Oswald, Dallas Thomas William Prescott, Jr., Anahuac Donald Ray Redman, Burkburnett Van Worth Robinson, Tyler Jack Lee Royal, San Antonio Robert Thomas Ryan, Seguin Charles Robert Seaver, III, Austin Vernon Lee Shelton, San Antonio Marshal McWilliams Smylie, Dallas James Quay Snell, Houston Sterling Norman Sorrell, Laredo Jimmy Lawson Stevens, Amarillo Walter Grenville Tibbitts, Dallas Lahroy Alward White, Jr., Amarillo Sidney Lynn Williams, Amarillo Randolph Clark Zuber, Amarillo Page 259 111111 KAPPA ALPHA FACULTY CLYDE LITTLEFIELD, Supervisor, Track Program DA IEL A. PE ICK, Professor Emeritus of Classical languages, Tennis Coach Emeritus JOSEPH ROYALL SMILEY, Presi,dent of the Main University OFFICERS Fall pnng FRA K AVERY MITCHELL, III .... .. . I . ........ J AMES L EEPER HAWLEY, J R. EDWARD BRADFORD PICKETT ...... . II ......... ... . . ] OE MURRAY BAILEY WILLIAM GEORGE WILSON .. .. . ..... Ill .... . .... J OHN WILLIAM HARRIS, J R. J OHN WILLIAM H ARRIS, JR. .. . .. . .. IV ..... .. .. ROBERT FLEM! G EE, JR. JoHN SINCLAIR HARTMAN .. . ....... V . . . . . . . . . . JAMES EDGAR GooD IGHT DOROTHY WORRELL COMP<:. Housemother BEVERLY ]EA CHILDRESS, Chi Omega, Sweetheart FALL PLEDGES Barry Alan Applewhite, Fort Worth Donald Whitesell Hartman, ilshee Richard Jewett Asel, Austin Richard Bailey Hearne, Dalla Douglas Burle on Basey, Austin Churchill Wiley Jones, Marlin Robert Lawrence Beckham, Robstown Guilford L. Jones, Big pring John David Bell, Dallas John Paul Jones, San Antonio Don Clayton Chapell, Dallas Robert Vance Lebkowsky, Big Spring Mark Wade Choate, II, Richard on Ronald 0. Luster, Harlingen Walter Loui Cook, Jr., Atlanta Phillip H. Mabry, Au tin Clyde Carlton Copeland, Jr., Mineral Wells John Mullis Mare h, Hou ton John Howard Dean, San Antonio Donald Leigh Markette, an Antonio Jay Howard Dinwiddie, Houston Thomas Alonzo Martin, III, Austin Durwood Keith Dodson, Honey Grove William Ernest McBroom, Jr., Vernon Rickey Don Eschman, San Angelo Karlan Michael McKay, Dallas Robert W. Fain, Dallas William W. Merrell, LaMarque David Cobble Francis, Austin Richard Glen Miller, Dalla Emmel Reid Galbreth, II, Sherman Denman Moody, Jr., Hou ton Don Michael Gamel, Fort Worth Kit Arthur ienhueser, an Antonio Don Wendel Garrell, Grand Prairie Joe Christopher Rude, III, Austin Charles Rea Gordon, Houston Todd Witherspoon laughter, Memphis, Tenn. Thoma tephen Graham, Au tin James Robert mith, Dallas Phillip Leon Harris, San Antonio Grady Kent towe, Vernon David Lewis Webb, Odessa SPRI G PLEDGES Jimmy Don Gerganess, Grand Prairie Maurice Leon Oliver, Vernon Top Row: Applewhite, Asel, Bailey, Ballew. Second Row: Barrier, Beckham, J. Be11, Brandcnbuq~ . Third Row: BridGC•, Bruns, Byrd, Campbell. Fourth Row: Carr, J. Case, Chapell, Choate. Fifth Row: A. Colley, J. Coffey , Cook, Copeland . Sixth Row: Cre we11, Dean, Oickin on, Dinwiddie. Seventh Row: Dodson, Eichman, Fain, fielder. Eithth Row: Francis, French, Galbreth , Camel. Ninth Row: Garrett, Cordon, Goodnight, Graham. Tenth Row: Gumm, Hall , Hanson, J. Harris. Eleventh Row: D. Hartm:m, J. Hartman, Harvey, Hearne. Twelfth Row: Herrin,, HiQhtower, Howie, C. Jonet. Pa1e 260 MEMBERS m.JB. Ralph Williamson Alspaugh, San Antonio Sidney Ashton Heatly, Jr., Austin Clifford Atkinson, III, Houston John Anthony Herring, Vernon Rum Joe Murray Bailey, Austin Thomas Buckner Hightower, Liberty 1115, la. Dawson Dwayne Ballew, Dallas Harmon Harold Howze, Grand Prairie )EE, IL Alvis Layton Barrier, Mineral Wells Hanson Kelly Ireland, HI, Midland Francis Folsom Bell, Dallas David Bascomb John on, Garland 111111 SIGHT Malcolm James Bell, Jr., Hou ton Norvel Killion, Jr., an Antonio Allen Eugene Brandenburg, Dallas Lowell Henry Lebermann, Jr., Commerce Joe Mack Bridges, Sundown Kemp Maer, Jr., Houston Joseph Henry Bruns, Austin Don Ross falone, Vernon Clifton Byrd, Jr., Houston William Keene Iarshall, Au tin Charles Harvey Campbell, Seguin William Thoma McDonald, Jr., Bryan Richard Pendletbn Carr, Jr., San Antonio John Dee 1c tay, Vernon George Dewar Case, San Antonio Paul Steele Merrill, Garland James Howard Ca e, Dallas Joseph 1ichael Met chan, Austin George Edward Clark, Breckenridge Albert Whitehead Meyer, Midland Alan Eugene Coffey, Dallas Frank Avery Mitchell, III, Wichita Falls Jerry Cutler Coffey, Dallas Wallace E. 1oore, Jr., an Antonio John Robert Cope, San Angelo Richard G. Munzinger, El Paso Frank Herlin Cox, Austin Monroe Ben Nowotny, an Antonio Ronald Roy Cresswell, Dallas William John Patton, Austin Wilson Gordon Dickinson, Amarillo Banyan Wyle Payne, Houston Ronald Siddall Driver, San Antonio Edward Bradford Pickett, Liberty David Warren Dusenberry, Dallas Richard Edmund Pickle, Garland Benny Eugene Edwards, Big Spring Jerry Robert Reed, Au tin James Edgar Fielder, Lockhart Joel Henry Robuck, Dallas Albert Henry Fink, Dallas Carl James Ryberg, LaMarquc Jon Grant Ford, San Antonio Michael A. Sanders, Center Walter Daniel Ford, Austin John Boaz artain, Dallas William Allen French, Big Spring Robert Fleming See, Jr., Dallas Max Gallimore, Crosbyton Philip Cruce Shadwick, an Antonio James Edgar Goodnight, an Antonio Covan Rodney hultz, Midland Russell Randall Grace, Fort Worth Alan L. leeper, Dallas Hix Green, III, San Antonio Frank M. meal, Dallas Charles Clayton Gumm, Fort Worth Robert Draper ohn, San Antonio John Allen Hall, Jr., Weatherford Peter Stultz, Longview Brian Peyton Hanson, Rantool, Ill. Gary Eugene Tedford, Garland John William Harris, Jr., an Antonio Barry Allen Thomp on, Fort Worth Joseph Hill Hart, Austin Herchel Marvin Timmons, Jr., Austin John Sinclair Hartman, ilsbee Robert Earl Walker, Breckenridge Ralph Christian Harvey, Wichita Falls Charles ewton Warren, San Antonio James Leeper Hawley, Dallas Raymond Mike Westwood, an Antonio James Stewart Hearne, Dallas Richard Crain Williamson, Hou ton William George Wilson, Wichita Falls Top Row: G. Jones, J. Jones, Killion, Lebkowsky, Luster, Mabry, Maer, Maresh, McBroom, McKay, McStay. Second Row: Merrell, Metschan, Meyer, Miller, Mitchell, Moore, M unzinger, Musick, Nienhueser, Payne, Pickett, Robuck, See. Third Row: Shadwick, Slaughter, Sleeper, Smeal, Sohn, Stowe, Tim mons, Walker, Warren, Webb, Westwood, Williamson, Wilson. Page 261 KAPPA SIGMA FAC LTY HE RY WILSO CHAPMA , Swimming Coach, Intercollegiate Athletics ERNEST R . HARDIN, Assistant Professor of Speech FRA K HALLAM LYELL, Associate Professor of English STUART A. MACCORKIE, Professor of Government EnwIN BOOTH PRICE, Assistant Dean of Student Life HARRY Hu T RA SOM, Chancellor, The University of Texas OFFICERS Fall Spring TIM ALLEN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Grand Master . . . . . . . . HE RY ADOLPH SAUER ROBERT DANIEL SPELLI GS . . Grand Procurator . . . . . . . . LEWIS LEE HE SLEY RALPH THOMAS CRAVE S .. . . . . Grand Scribe . . .. ..... MICHAEL RAY ROOKE ROBERT ALLE GARDNER Grand Master of Ceremonies . . MARK LAFAYETTE HART ROBERT MELBURN HOPSO . .. . Grand Treasurer . . . . ROBERT MELBURN HOPSON MRS. FRED M. VAUGHA , Housemother PLEDGES Jobn Franklin Austin, III, Houston R-0bert Andrew Ibsen, Arlington David Eugene Bell, Fort Worth Raymond Ernest Lee, III, HOllston George Mitchell Boyd, II, Corsicana John Carter Llewellyn, Fort Worth James Michael Bryant, Weimar Thomas Durwood Manford, III, Austin Richard Wofford· Chowning, Fort Worth Philip Cebern Musgrave, San Antonio Ralph Willis Clary, Cisco Joseph H. Parks, Houston Kenneth Ross Cropper, Fort Worth Richard Edward Rainwater, Fort Worth Robert Warren Crouch, Gladewater William David Ralston, Jr., Corsicana William Kenneth Davis, Jr., Houston John Gentry Stuart, Fort Worth George Arthur Donnelly, III, Midland David Charles Tabaracci, Jr., Galveston Pat Andrew Flynn, Houston Fred Purnell Thomas, Hoµston Anthony Gardner Harris, Fort Worth James Ivan Thornton, Jr., Fort Worth Timothy John Herman, Galveston George Milner Vetter, Houston Michael Anthony Hood, Fort Worth Harry Brown Watter, Houston Robert Boyd Hudspeth, Houston John Patrick Williamson, Sour Lake Charles William Winter, Cleburne Top Row: M. Allen, T. Allen, Austin, Bell. Second Row : Beery, Blair, Borgen, Boyd. Third Row: Brainard, Bryant, Butler, Clary. Fourlh Row : Cra•en1, K. Cropper, M. Cropper, D. Da•i1. Fifth.Row: W. Davi1, Denny, Donnelly, Farmer. Sixth Roao : flrnn, Gardner, Coldatei.n, Gunter. Seoenth Row: Harrell, Hanis, Hart, Heoaley. Ei1h1h Row: Hill, Hood, Hop100, Howell. Ninth RDW : lb1en, John100, KUoe, Kralj. Tenth Row : R. Lee, Llewellyn, Loncley, Manford. Eleoenth Row: Manley, McCarroll, Mu11n•e, Parb. Pase 262 MEMBERS Michael Herbert Allen, Houston William Gordon Knox, Austin Tim Allen, Oklahoma City icholas Kelsey Kralj, Galveston Malcolm G. Baker, Houston Robert Harper Kroney, Dallas Roger Baker, Houston Junius Maurice Kyle, III, Orange Charles Herbert Bankhead, Dallas James Grider Lee, Shreveport, La. Steven Lee Beery, Houston Gary Erroll London, Oklahoma City, Okla. William Shelton· Blair, Dallas Robert Bernard Borgers, Fort Worth Joseph Kenneth Longley, Austin Julian K. Lyle , Jr., Austin Robert Hall Brady, Houston James elson Manley, Houston Daniel Reed Brainard, Dallas James Molloy McCarroll, Fort Worth Kae Louis Brockermeyer, Fort Worth Fred Charles Meyer, Devine Duncan Telle£ Butler, Houston Alan Huntress Minter, an Antonio James Vincent Carroll, III, Houston Richard Wesley Moncrief, Fort Worth Thomas Dabney Chambers, Fort Worth Dan McMillan Moody, Houston Charles Robert Chaney, Cleburne John Robert Cochran, Jr., Fort Worth James West Patterson, Houston Robert Lee Pettit, Fort Worth Herschel Frank Connally, Waco Phillip Hamilton Pritchett, Dallas Ralph Thomas Cravens, Arlington Stephen Douglas Pritchett, Dallas Michael Dale Cropper, Fort Worth Jack Cecil Provine, Fort Worth Daniel Stone Davis, Midland Charles Edgar Putman, Cleburne Kleber Jennings Denny, Fort Worth Fred Buford Dickey; Jr., Fort Worth Philip Leonard Robbins, Jr., Natchez, Miss. Hamilton Paul Rogers, Jr., Fort Worth Herbert Eldridge Dickey, Fort Worth John Dickson Rogers, Fort Worth Robert Ballou Farmer, Austin Michael Ray Rooke, Fort Worth John Harrell Feldt, Houston Jerry Don Rucker, Dallas David Denoyelles Franklin, Dallas Robert Allen Gardner, Houston Walter Gayle Sands, Overton Henry Adolph Sauer, Jr., Houston Lon Michael Goldstein, Fort Worth James Frederi~ Scott, Austin Joseph Clifford Gunter, III, Fort Worth George Young Siddons, Jr., Fort Worth Robert L. Harrell, Fort Worth Stephen Royall Smiley, Austin Mark Lafayette Hart, Fort Worth Charles Oscar Hartenstein, Jr., Seguin Robert Daniel Spellings, Fort Worth Stephen Marshall Steen, El Paso Ludolph William Heiligbrodt, Bay City Steve Douglas Strickland, Abilene Lewis Lee Hensley, III, Henderson Jack Greer Taylor, Jr., Houston Daniel Harbert Hickey, Dallas John L. Toone, Dallas James Edwin Hill, Jr., Houston William Sidney Vaugh'n, Bay City Robert Melburn Hopson, Houston Robert S. Wade; EI Paso Joseph Sharber Howell, III, Grand Prairie Thomas Kyle Ward, Lake Charles, La. Thomas Paul Jacomini, Houston -Charles D. Warren, Pampa Jon Averill Johnson, Van Horn Wade Hoyt Whilden, Houston John Kinney Kane, Houston Robert Allen White, Fort Worth William Carroll Kelly, Jr., Freer Allen Tucker Willis, Austin Robert Carter Kline, Fort Worth William Dale Wittliff, Blanco Second Row: Steen, Tabaracci, Thomas, Thornton, Toone, Wade, Ward, Warren, Watters, Whilden, White, Winter. Page 263 ·1 LAMBDA CHI ALPHA FAC LTY CURTIS JACKSO ALDERSON, Associate Professor Emeritus of Physical and Health Education ROBBI COLYER A DERSO , Professor of Chemistry ROBERT GEORGE ROGERS, Teaching Assistant in Government RHEA HUGHSTON WILLIAMS, Assistant Professor of Physical and Health Education OFFICERS Fall pring RODMA EDWARD GORMAN . . . . . High Alpha ..... .. RODMAN EDWARD GORMAN JoH BINGHAM MARTIN ........ High Beta ... DOUGLAS MACARTHUR SIMMONS JAMES NOWDEN MADDUX, III . High Gamma . .. . . WARRE WILLIAM MARTI JOHN BURTON KENDRICK .. .... . High Tau ...... ... DAVID WALTER ECKMA JAMES BENJAMI BYNUM . . .... . High Delta ... .. ... JAMES BENJAMI BYNUM ELIZABETH MAY ARD, Housemother JUDITH AN ASEL, Alpha Phi, Sweetheart FALL PLEDGES Jack Belmon Bishop, Seymour Jerry Lynn Laws, Seymour Ben Rogers Blair, Jr., Lake Jackson Ralph Edward Lehr, Austin Howard Alan Borg, Fort Worth Jack Edward Love, Jr., Houston Marion Lee Brandes, South Houston James Patrick Malone, Houston Glean Carl Buchan, Austin Michael Taylor Matsler, Floydada Robert Ames Chisholm, Houston Richard Dixon Maxwell, Corpus Christi Harold Vaughan Coates, Houston William Sherry Thomas Mayhall, Austin George Mallory Collins, Jr., Dallas Robert Carl McDaniel, Amarillo John Walter Crain, Austin John Douglas McGalliard, pur Joe Richard Damron, Amarillo Carl Barne Mitchell, Bellaire Kenneth Winfred Dominy, Orange James Lee Moss, Columbus David James DuBois, Houston John Richard Porter, Houston Robert Burns Dunkin, Harlingen Laurance Lannen Priddy, Fort Worth Richard Gary Fratcher, Houston Loren Lee Purvines, Panhandle Bob Allen Fryhover, Sherman Norman Haden Ran lebea, Corpus Christi Frederick James Gaido, Houston Harold Knipp Reddick, Jr., Arlington Thomas Lloyd Gauldin, Honey Grove David Franklin Reichert, Austin Herbert Richard Gentry, Jr., Austin Joel Gartman, aegert, Austin Stephen Lee Goodnight, Dallas Robert Dwight Simpson, Amarillo Douglas Alexander Haldane, Pasadena Trenton William Wann, Bellaire Robert Mark Harris, Jr., Austin Edward Larry Wells, Longview Clarence Buford Harrison, Jr., Tyler Vernon Ray Womack, Waco Charles Marvin Kelso, Jr., Taft Ronald William Wright, Grover David Allen Young, Au ti.a SPRI1 G PLEDGES David Raymond Brown, Sidney, N. Y. Richard awn ea!, Houston Grafton Morton Cooper, Amarillo Claude Brockman Prestidge, Dallas Harvey Rad ner Eanes, III, Beaumont William Rennell Ru · , Austin Jimmy Floyd Weatherall, Amarillo Top Row: Bishop, Blair, Borg, Brandra. Second Row: Buchan, Bynum, Carr, Chalmers. Third Row: Chisholm, Coates, Collins, Cotham. Fourth Row: Crain, Damron, Davia, Dominy. Fifth Row : Dougl11, Dulio111 Du nkin, L..t:K111an. Sixth Row: Fermier, Fratcher, Fryhover, Caido. Seuenth Row: Gauldin, Gtntry. Goodnijithl. r.orman. Ei1hth Row : Haldane, Harris, Harrison, Hogge. Ninth Row: Johnson, Jones, Keener, Kcl o. Tenth Row : Kendrick, Kirkpatrick, Law1, Leavitt. Eleuenth Row: Lehr, Love, Maddux, Malone. Twd/th Row: J. Marlin, W. fart in, Malaler, Maxwell. Thirte•n Max Herz, Galveston Raymond Lyle Kalmans, Houston Jerry Paul K~tz, Fort Worth Stanley orton Kaufman, Houston Harvey Lynn Klein, Houston Steve Marvin Kline, Houston Frank Samuel Ladin, II, Houston larshall Allen Leaffer, Fort Worth Leonard J. Leff, Houston MEMBERS Melvin Lerman, Wharton Bruce Arlen Lipshy, Austin Lee Carl Maltzman, San Antonio Maurice Marcus, San Antonio Stanley Earl Marcus, San Antonio Barnett Gary Menscher, Shreveport, La. Mark Lester Paull, Houston Herman Walter Pye, Jr., Houston Steven Gerald Rapfogel, Fort Worth Robert Aaron Rashti, Fort Worth Richard Ellis Rosengarten, Los Angeles, Calif. Raymond eil Rosenthal, ewport Beach, Calif. Lawrence Spear Sartorius, Houston Arthur Louis Schechter, Houston Larry Lynn Schoenbrun, Tyler Steve F. Schwartz, Fort Worth Richard Brock Shamberg, Corpus Christi Barry Lee Silverman, Longview Irwin Stanley Silverman, Lubbock Richard Louis Simon, Houston Allan David Steckler, Dallas Larry Steve Steinberger, Fort Worth Robert Wainger, Temple Robert Henry Waldman, Dallas Fred Kahn Westheimer, Houston Michael Alan Zinberg, San Antonio PHI SIGMA KAPPA FACULTY FREDERICK JOSEPH ADAMS, Professor of Educational Psychology, Assistant Dean, College of Education HAROLD L. BRADLEY, Head Basketball Coach FRANKL! LANIER Cox, Vice-Chancellor of Adminis rative Services PHILIP DOUGLAS CREER, Director, chool of Architecture KARL K. KLEI , Associate Professor of Physical Training for Men OFFI CERS Fall Spring MURRAY RANDOLPH RAY . . ... . .. .PresUlent . . . ... . . MURRAY RANDOLPH RAY TIMOTHY CLARE CE JOH STO E . . Vice-Pres-ident . TIMOTHY CLARE CE JoHNSTO E OLA AUBREY MOORE, III . . ... . .Secretary . ..... NOLAN AUBREY MOORE, III JoE RILEY ALLEN ....... . .. .... .Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JoE RILEY ALLE JAMES FRA KLIN KINCL .... . ... . .Inductor . . . . .. .. ... EVERETT L. ANSCHUTZ MARY TI SLEY, Housemother LI DA XIMENES, Zeta Tau Alpha, Sweetheart FALL PLEDGES David Harlan Andrews, Houston John Moody lonroe, Houston George Bacarisse, Houston Kent Lowell 1oyes, San Antonio Robert Glenn Dawe, Irving Homer Wade Owens, Au tin John Daniel Gingrich, Galveston George Erik Peterson, Jr., Houston Richard Earl Green, Sweetwater Roy Keith Poth, an Antonio Gregory Louis Gregg, Wichita Falls Danny Lee Shobe, San ntonio Roy Hawes, Galveston William Harmon Simmon , Jr., Houston Carl Vonard Hill, Houston Clyde Elton Sloan Baytown Edward Llewellyn Hughes, Dallas Elmo Atlen Speckels, Corpu Christi Jerry Owen Jones, Dallas John Henry Sturgis, Au tin ]an Michael Klinck, McAllen Michael Thompson, Houston Michael Ross Lewis, Wichita Falls Don Clay Wilson, Brown ville Max Dean Marquis, Brownsville Richard elson Winter an Antonio PRI G PLEDGES James Daniel Ellis, Harlingen Robert t n n Dalla Top Row: AUeo, Aodrcw1, Ao1cbutz. Second Row: Arm1tron1, Bioaham, Cates. Third Row: Cox, Dawe, Do11ctt. Fourth Row: Drotla, Green, Hethcrlna:too. Fifth Row: Hill, Howell, Hucbeo. Sixth Row: Johnstone, Jonea, Klocl. Seueruh Row: Klinck, Lewia, Matlock. Ei1luh Row: Monroe, toorc, Monow. Ninth Row: Owens, Petcnoo, Phillips. P•1• 280 PB R.!y iii@: Ill .Um liCIITTZ H on oaio Joe Riley Allen. Houston Harry Llewellyn Kent, Ill, Au tin Everett Lerov Anschutz. Jr., Austin James Franklin Kincl, Au tin Thomas Alan Armstrong. Houston David Rennie Koepp, Waco James Thomas Bergen. Au5tin Robert Eugene Matlock, Jr., Dallas William Harrell Bingham. Jasper Gerald elson Matthews. Wichita Falls Steven Justin Bradley Dallas Nolan Aubrey Moore, III. Wichita Falls Jon Gerrv Cates. Austin Larry Conrad Morrow, Texarkana Terell ;\farion Cookston, Dallas Charles Sylvester Noak, Corpus Christi William Michael Cox, Dallas Delbert Claude Phillips, Abilene Phillip Douglas Creer, Austin William Burt Pittenger, Austin Paul Randolph Doggett, Houston Murray Randolph Ray, Dallas John Casper Drolla, Jr., Fort Worth Francis Douglass Shear, Fort Worth Kenneth Earl Gilbert, Waco Jack Wilson Smith, Marlin Jack Ronnie Grant, Houston Joseph Edwin Strawn, Jr., Dallas Lawrence L. Griffin, Austin Timothy Jan Stinson, Wichita Falls James Clifton Hay, III, Corpus Christi Guy Irving Wade, Houston James Melton Hetherington, Marlin James Vernon W.alden, Austin Billy Douglas Howell, Austin Neal Avery Watt, Austin Frank August Rueter, Jr., ew Braunfels Wayne Thomas Weber, Fredericksburg Harvey Herbert Rueter, ew Braunfels Thomas Franklin Witten, Dallas Timothy Clarence Johnstone, Elsa Thomas Russell Wood, Wichita Falls Charles William Yett, Austin Top Row: Poth, Ray, Simmons, Smith, Speckets. Second Row: Stinson, Thompson, Walden, Wall, Weber, Wilson, Winter. Page 281 111111 111111 Pl KAPPA ALPHA FAC LTY L. T. BELLMONT, Professor and Director Emeritus of Physical Training for Men LAURENCE D . HASKEW, Vice-Chancellor, The University of Texas System CAPTAIN ROBERT E. HAYS, Jn., Assistant Professor of Air Science HARVEY R. HERBST, Assistant Professor of Speech OFFICER Fall Spring RONALD GORDON RosEN . . . . .. .. . S. W. C . . RAYMOND LEWIS SCARBOROUGH, Jn. ]AMES RAY SHAFER . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. M. c. .. .... ... JAMES ALBERT CHA DLER CHARLES WILSON LINDSEY, III .... Th. C . . . .. . .. . ... ROBERT DAVID Nowu KARL A THO Y WRIGHT . . . . . Pledge Trainer . . . . . . DONALD ALLE GRAHAM TIMOTHY MICHAEL COFFEY . ... Rush Captain . . LLOYD HE RY BoUDLOCHE, Jn. OLIVE P. EADES, Housemother BARBARA TAYLOR, Delta Gamma, Sweetheart PLEDGES Robert Larry Adams, Houston Walter ea! Mullin , Jr., Tatum Ephraim Alfonse Arredondo, San Antonio Michael Kent ichol , El Paso Randal Allen Bailey, Huntsville Dex Eugene Ott, Amarillo Daniel Andrew Barkley, Gruver George Wright Parkhur t Fort Worth Fred Terry Barlow, Jr., Waco William Ernest Phillip Houston Michael Curtis Barrett, Sherman Lenard Earl Reeves, Pa adena Carroll Patrick Bartosh, Austin James Eldon Savage, Hou ton Stephen Scott Blair, Big Spring John Ernest chade, Edna Carl Henry Bohn, Houston Kenneth Douglas Scott, El Paso Ronald Bayne Ealy, White Oak Stephen Rayner Smith El Paso Edward Leon French, Sherman James Lee Stewart, Dallas Jim Tom Haynes, Lubbock Ralph Thomas Hou ton Frank Michael Jordan, Liberty Doug Howard Thomp on, Mar hall Michael Francis Kothmann, Castell Jerry Ray Tindel, Alvin John Howard McVaugh, El Paso Robert Eugene Tyler, Sabinal Troy Don Moore, Hereford John Dee Vaughn, Jr., Hou ton Allister Kelly Morris, Jr., Baytown Joseph Lee Warner, u tin Joe Pat Wicker, Roswell, . Mex. Top Row: Adams, Alvia, Arrendondo, Bailey. Second Row: Barkley, Barlow, Barrett, Bartosh. Third Row: Bohn, L. Boudloche, M. Boudloche, Brown . Fourth Row: Cadenhead, Coe"er, Corley, Dahse. Fifth Row: Dewey, Ealy, Forrester, Foster. Sixth Row : French, Hale, Haynes, Holman. Seventh Row: Hudson, Jeane, Jordan, Kothmaon. Eighth Row: Lake, Lindler, Maledon, McVaueb. Ninth Row: Meador, MitcbeU, Moore, iullina. Tenth Row: Nicbol11 Norman, Nowlin, Odom. Eleventh Ro11J: Ou, Parkhunt, Panooa, Pu1more. P110 282 [GR, )R. 1.1.\llUR Xowm Gl.U!!JI ll!E. )1 Ill rt Worth I'D !O IO • 111111 111111 MEMBERS James Eugene Alvis, Austin Lloyd Henry Boudloche, Jr., Baytown Michael Boudloche, Baytown Gary Dale Brown, Hillsboro Ben Chandler Cadenhead, Brownwood James Albert Chandler, Houston John Emmett Chandler, Houston Arthur John Coerver, Houston Timothy Michael Coffey, Fort Worth Thomas Nendall Crowell, San Antonio Byron Paul Dahse, Fort Worth James Clay Dewey, Amarillo Staley Faulkner, Denton Robert Donald Forrester, Amarillo Perry Tindall Foster. Calvert Michael Roy Gibson, El Paso Ray Sims Goodman, Jr., Denison Donald Allen Graham, Tulia Charles Richard Hale, Nacogdoches Paul Kenneth Herson, Jr., Dallas Frank Warren Hilliard, Arlington John Keith Holman, Houston Joe Travis Hudson, Madisonville Charles Donald Jeane, Houston Robert Stephen Lake, Fort Worth Charles Wilson Lindsey, Fort Worth Elick Neal Maledon, Jr., Longview Guy Edward Matthews, Mont Belvieu Donald Paul Meador, Amarillo Mike Addison Mitchell, Amarillo Ronald Walter Moore, Austin Emmett Kent Morgan, Big Spring Douglass Finley Norman, Houston Robert David Nowlin, Dallas Fred Anthony Odom, Gilmer Charles Clinton Parsons, Houston Walter Gerald Passero, El Paso Paul Rav Passmore, Dallas William .Hoyt Pilkilton, Dallas Donald Albert Porter, Corpus Christi Louis Frank Ridings, Jr., Amarillo Ronald Gordon Rosen, Fort Worth Raymond Lewis Scarborough, Jr., Houston James Ray Shafer, Austin Robert D. Simpson, Fort Worth Jerry Walter Stewart, Dallas Vaughan O'Neal Stewart, Kilgore Cecil Albert Thompson, Jr., Houston John Andrew Thompson, Fort Worth Ronald Jerome Waska, Houston Tom Lee Waterston, Dallas James Ray Williams, Austin James Michael Wilson, Fort Worth Rabun Thomas Wilson, III, Austin James Marvin Windham, Jr., Livingston William Gratz Woodford, Hereford Joseph Norman Workman, EI Paso David Michael Worley, Big Spring Karl Anthony Wright, Fort Worth Top Row : Phillipa, Pilkilton, Reeves, Rosen, Savage, Schade, Shafer, Simpson, Smith, J. L. Stewart, J. W Stewart, Thomas, C. Thompson. Second Row : D. Thompson, J. Thompson, Tindel, Tyler, Vaughn, Warn ('r, Waska, Watcnlon, Wicker, Williama, J. Wil1on, Work­man, Wright. Page 283 SIGMA ALPHA EPSILON FACULTY HARRELL ESTES LEE, Associate Professor of Journalism JERRE STOCKTO WILLIAMS, Professor of law OFFICER Fall pring MICHAEL HENRY ERSKINE . . Eminent Arclwn . . ....... LARRY JOE O'NEILL LARRY JOE O' EILL .... . Eminent Deputy Archon . .... SAM SKILLERN LEAKE GEORGE SEARCY WATSON . . Eminent Treasurer ... DON MAITLAND PATTERSON DoN MAITLAND PATTERSO .. Housemanager ...... VAL EARL McFARLAND, II ALNA GEOFFREY JACKSON . . Eminent Recorder .... ALAN GoEFFREY JACKSON BON IE MURPHY, Housemother SUSA JANE KAH , Pi Beta Phi, Sweetheart FALL PLEDGES Jame Chivers Barnes, Missouri City Alcide Frederico Longoria, Jr.. 1uevo Laredo, :\fexico John R. Cook, Breckenridge Kendrick Henry Minten, Falfurrias Daryl terling Crocker, Corpus Christi Hugh Fo ter Montgomery, Houston John Walter Daniel, El Paso John William O'Boyle, Jr., Dallas James Douglas Davis, Houston Gary Michael Pearce, Houston Lynn Rogers Ea on, Houston Virgil Albert Pate, Abilene Rodger Dorman Gaulding, Dallas James Beauford Reeder, Midland Hal Collins Graham, Wichita Falls Owen Roe Revell, Austin Frederick Parker Gregg, Houston Hugo William Schoellkopf, Dallas Ben Emmitt Hill, Jr., Dallas Walter Powers Scott, Port eches Donald Cene Johnson, Houston Dennis William eibert, Hou ton Samuel Leslie King, Alice Jay . Tillinghurst, Carland John Richard Kirby, Harlingen Marvin York Vick, Madi onville Edwin Howard Lanford, Jr., Fort Worth Bryan Richard Vifquain, Dalla Joe Edward Lea, Jr., El Paso George Wesley Works, III, Dallas David Leake, Dalla Angus Gilchrist Wynne, III, Dallas Eugene Owen Young, Borger SPRI G PLEDGES John Richard Rolater, Fort Worth Terry Austin Willi , Gilmer Top Row: Allen, Baldwin, Barnes, Brindley. Second Row: Brown, Carnahan, Cook, Crocker. Third Row: Daniel, Davit, Denman, Draper. Fourth Row: Euon, Ehlen, Erskine, Feuille. Fifth Row: Fontenot, Carrison, Gauldin&, Cowan. Sixth Row: Graham, Cranberry, F. Creu, Cre'fe. Seventh Row: Hendren, Jack.100 1 John100, Lanford. Ei1ltth Row: Lea, D. Luke, S. Leake, Lee. Ninth Row: Lonaorla, Mcfarland, Mclnto1b, Minter. Tenth Row: Montaomery, O'Boyle, O'Nellt, R. Parker. Eleuenth Row: W. Parker, Pate, Pattenon, Petenoo. P11e 28~ oiEJU. MEMBERS Lr.in Louis George Allen, Weatherford John Gregg Middleton, Liberty Robert Basil Baldwin, III, Houston Arnold Powell Milton, Longview rrnsox .i.\ll, II Hanes Hanby Brindley, Jr., Temple David Smith Minter, Sherman l!CXSOX John Timothy Brown, Corsicana John Everett Mus leman, Jr., Albany 111111 Thomas Allen Bunkley, Jr., tamford Daniel Duncan Neblett, Jr., Houston Dwight Eugene Burdick, Jr., tamford Lane Newbury, Dallas George Southgate Busiek, Dallas Larry Joe O' eill, Rapid City, . Dak. Gayle Bragdon Carnahan, Houston Patrick o·Rourke, El Paso Steve Thomson Cochr1V1, Hou ton Robert Foster Parker, Houston William Edwin Denman, Richmond, Va. Warren Denni Parker, Eagle Lake Patrick Shelton Dismukes, Houston Don Maitland Patterson, Tu! a, Okla. IL \lan Cecil Vanoy Draper, Austin John Jacob Patton, Tyler James McQueen Easterling, Corpus Christi Billy Mack Payne, Conroe Melville Virgil Ehlers, Travis A.F. Base, Calif. William Edmond Penland, Jr., Corsicana Max Emmert, III, Hou ton James Douglas Peterson, Corpus Christi Michael Henry Erskine, an Antonio William Edward Pickens, Skidmore Robert Alexander Fainter, Austin John Louis Pierce, Navasota Frank Feuille, IV, El Paso John Edward Schmid, Austin Murphy Louis Fontenot, Dallas Alan Clifton Schoellkopf, Dallas Joseph Hardie Freeman, Corpus Christi John R. Schuehle, Hondo William Micheal Furman, El Paso Charles Afton chulz, Jr., Temple Homer Garrison, III, Austin Joseph Louis egrato, Hou ton Bruce Garland Gaylor, Midway David Fuller Stevens, Dallas John Roland Gowan, Graham Bernard Oscar Stone, Jr., Beaumont William Robert Granberry, Corpus Christi George Lee treckmann, Dallas Dick Hoskins Gregg, Jr., Houston Jarrett Cooke Swanson, Jr., Navasota Robert Charles Greve, Houston Robert Peel Thomason, Houston William D. Grigsby, Amarillo Gordon Cole Thompson, Houston Fred Carl Groos, San Antonio James Arthur Tillinghast, Garland Philip Adrien Hendren, Albuquerque, N. Mex. Roger Lee Tolar, San Antonio Alan Geoffrey Jackson, Laredo Edwin Walters Torian, Houston Chesley Wiggins Johnston, San Antonio Bohby Shannon Tyler, Fort Worth Sam Skillern Leake, Dalla Alfred William hlig, El Paso Samuel James Lee, II, Angleton Jack Douglas Waller, unray William Dale Ledbetter, Houston Charles Wyatt Walters, Houston Van Earl McFarland, 11, Houston George Searcy Watson, Dallas Winston Wayne Mcintosh, Austin Hoy ewton Wells, Jr., San Antonio I van Bass Yerger, Jackson, Miss. Top Row: Picken1, Pierce, Reeder, Revell, H. St"hoellkopf, Schuchlc. Schulz, Scott, Seibert, Stevens. Second Row: J. A. Tillinghast, J. S. Tillinghast, hJig, Vick, Vifquain, Waller, Walters, Watson, Wells, Works, Wynne, Young. Page 285 11 I I SIGMA ALPHA MU FACULTY IRWIN SPEAR, Associate Professor of Botany OFFICERS Fall Spring JERRY DONALD SCHWARTZ .. . .. Prior .. .. .. .. ... . GARY ALLE HERMAN LAWRENCE NOLAN STERN . . .. .Vice-Prior...... ..... JEROLD YALE PRAGER JoE CHARTOFF ... . ... . ..... Exchequer ...... RONALD DAVID KARCHMER MARVIN STUART KOGUTT .. ... . Recorder . ... .. ....... JAY EDWARD COHEN EDITH GoMPERTZ, Housemother FALL PLEDGES Leonard Bruce Abrams, Corpus Christi Stephen Herman Mehl, Fort Worth David Eaker, Dallas Zaki Mizrahi, Dallas James Howard Fichtenbaum, Dallas Phillip Jay Paine, Bay City Michael Stephen Fogel, Dallas Steven Jacob Schwartz, Galveston Edward Englander Jacobs, Waco Steven Lee Segal, Dallas Michael Barry Karchmer, Corpus Christi Arthur Skibell, Lubbock • Richard Wayne Lambert, Dallas Steven Jon Sterling, San Antonio Sid Levine, Houston Jerry Lee Weinstein, Fort Worth Larry Jay Maltz, Corpus Christi Sheldon Alan Wills, Dallas SPRING PLEDGES James Steven Adler, Dallas Richard Prinz, Fort Worth James Louis Bock, Austin Robert Harold Shalette, Dallas Top Row: Alt1uler, Eatroff, Fichtenbaum. Second Row: Friedman, Giller, Gin1bur1. Third Row: Goldman, Heodelman, Jacobs. Fourth Row: M. Karchmer, Korun, Kuperman. Fifth Row: Lamberl, Le•ine, B. LeYy. Sixth Row: S. Levy, Maltz, Markowitz. Seventh Row: Mehl, Mizrahi, Nachman. Ei1hth Row: Neumann, Paine, Rubin. Ninth Row: Salk.in, J. Schwartz, S. Schwartz. P11e 286 rt forth onio orth MEMBERS Arnold Kent Altsuler, Omaha, ebr. David Edward Bird, Waco Joe Chartoff, Lubbock Jay Edward Cohen, Houston Martin William Cohen, San Angelo Henry Michael Davis, Corpus Christi Cal L. Donsky, Au tin Alan Lee Eisenberg, Dallas Arthur Joe Epstein, Dallas Harris I. Estroff. Lakeland, Fla. Linmer Benney Feiner, El Paso Gerald Arthur Freid, Dallas Max Samuel Friedman, Dallas Melvyn Eugene Giller, Dalla David Michael Ginsburg, Austin Ronald Jay Goldman, Fort Worth Allen Lee Hendelman, Fort Worth Gary Allen Herman, Austin Morton Lee Herman, Fort Worth Ronald David Karchmer, Corpus Christi Barry Marshall Kleinman, San Angelo William Morton Knobler, Austin Marvin Stuart Kogutt, Bay City David I. Kuperman, Breckenridge Ronald Errol Levinson, Houston Ben Michael Levy, Dallas Steven Arthur Levy, Dallas Robert A. Markowitz, Hou ton Richard I. Miller, San Antonio George Jack 1achman, Dallas Marvin Leon Nebrat, Corpu Christi Gerard Herbert eumann, El Paso Jerold Yale Prager, Wichita Falls Steven William Ritzwoller, F'ort Worth Jack David Rubin, Fort Worth Harvey Jay Saikin, Houston Allen Phillip Schuster, Fort Worth Jerry Donald Schwartz, Houston Robert Stuart Skibell, Lubbock Stephen William Smolkin, San Antonio Lawrence S. Sondock, Hou ton James D. Stein, Hempstead Lawrence olen Stern, Fort Worth Michael Stephen Wilk, Lubbock Shelby Allan Wyll, Dallas Charles L. Zelazny, Dallas 111111 111111 0 l eft lo Rig.fi t : t'gal, R. Skil>cll, Stt.·in, Stcrlini;, Stern, Weinstein, '""ilk, Wills, Wyll, Zclazny. Page 287 SIGMA CHI FAC LTY STANLEY PHISTER F INCH, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering HUGH LYON MCMATH, Professor of Architecture OFFICERS Fall DARIUS DUDLEY OLDHAM .......... . .Consul . . ........ . . . JOH FRANK KILE . . ...... . . . . . .. Pro·Consul . . . . . . . . . . . . DOYLE EDWI FLATT .. • .• •........ Quaestor .. ... .. .... MICHAEL LAWNER PATTON .... . .... Annotator .. ............. EDWARD DOUGLAS JOHNSON . .. . ..... Magister .. . . .... .... .... PERSIS HE DERSO , Housemother A 'CY JANE NELSO , Kappa Alpha Theta, Sweetheart FALL PLEDGES Billy Jack Brown, Corpus Christi Richard Allen Law1ey, Corpus Christi J ames Raymond Bryant, Deniso n Robert Michael Looney, Houston Damon Richard Capps, Mason James Monroe Loyd, Jr., Victoria Kenneth D. Carr, Corpus Christi Scott Vance Matthews, Midland Gregg Leonard Carter, Elsa Larry C. McWherter, Victoria James Winslow Coulter, an Antonio Jack Richard Mowrey, San Antonio William Lamar Fly, Victoria Jerry Wayne Oliver, Freeport Robert Calvin Franks, Baytown Robert Lindell Ramey, Kingsville Robert James Greenwood, Temple Walter Thomas Russell, Jr., Wills Point Wilso n outh well J aeggli, Corpus Christi Charles Rankin Steadman, Houston Patrick Donald Kelly, Dallas Joseph Alan Tennant, Houston Robert Edward Kelly, Houston Rufus Elbert Thomi5son, Morton William Lee Knigh ton, III, Dallas Kenneth Gregory Todar, Waco William Anthony Koby, Houston William Thomas Youens, Jr., Columbus SPRING PLEDGES Ephriam Alfonse Arredondo, San Antonio Wayne Michael Cook, Kingsville Michael Wallace Block, San Antonio Christopher Stephen Hart, Austin Richard Robert Burroughs, Corpus Christi Stephen John Radcli££e, Houston William Dandridge Clifford, Fort Worth Joseph Ashley Taylor, San Francisco, Calif. Top Row: W. Anderson, B. Brown, Bryant. Second Row: Burch, Bu11ey, Carr. Third Row: Carter, Coea.n, Coulter. Fourth Row : Crawford, Davia, Dickey. Fifth Row: Flatt, Fly, Fraokt. Sixth Row: Goldman, Greenwood, Hallman. Seventh Row: Hendenoa, Hlchtower, Jaeca;ll. Ei1hth Row: J elinek, J ohn1on , J on dahl. N:nth Row: Juncker, P. Kelly, R. Kelly. Tenth Row: Kile, Koby, Launey. Eleventh Row: Looney, Loyd, Manh. Pa;e 288 Oui~ Yurs Jruxrx Chester Lee Allen, Corpus Christi David George Allums, Houston 1Fun Benno deMenil Anderson, LaMarque iI Pou: William Lee Anderson, LaMarque Brook Alan Baker, Perryton William Stanley Barnes, Austin Henry Buford Barr, Beaumont James Arthur Besselman, Corpus Christi Armin Schlick Boettcher, East Bernard William Robert Bolger, Longview Robert Roy Brandes, Houston Charles Van Winkle Brooks, Dallas Floyd Wayne Brown, Corpus Christi Barton Woodward Bruce, Baytown Robert Paschal Buford, Tyler Paul James Burch, Harlingen William Edward Bussey, Longview John Penney Cogan, Jr., Houston ewton Mitchell Crain, III, Houston John Scott Crawford, Houston it Roel William Croom, Temple Robert Earl Davis, Harlingen Walter Johns Deney, Palestine Bobby L. Dickey, Palestine Robert Parton Dunn, Tyler Robert Marcus Dussler, Jr., Jiouston Dennis Ray Farley, Temple Leo Edward Faubion, Odessa Doyle Edwin Flatt, Longview Oscar Howard Frazier, Stephenville Timothy Ray Goldman, Temple Herbert Clyde Gormley, Killeen Preston Snyder Hallman, JJJ, Fort Worth William Albert Harrison, Houston Carl Marshall Hartt, Palestine Joe Douglas Hastedt, Columbus Frarik Fitch Henderson, San Antonio John Buckner Hightower, Au tin James Abraham Hill, Austin Robert Melvin Howe, Beaumont Patric Dean Hudgen , Houston Richard Eugene Hulbirt, Corpus Christi James Joseph Jaros, Toledo, Ohio Robert Michael Jelinek, Beaumont Edward Dougla Johnson, New Orleans, La. ME BER John P. Zogan, Houston James Holder Jondahl, Harlingen Leonard Nelson Juncker, Beaumont William Carey Kennedy, Jr., Austin John Frank Kile, Houston A. W. Knolle, Sandia Richard Lewis Logan, Big Lake James Scott Mann, Baytown George Howell 1arsh, Jr., Austin Robert John Mar hall, Jr., Temple John Hammack 1c.\1illan, Wichita Falls William George McMillian, Marble Falls. Bumon Bradley McWilliams, Bellaire Donald Roy Meredith, Houston Edward Joseph Mooney, Longview Harold Brett Morris, Waco Joe Allen Myers, Beaumont Hubert Turner Odom, Jr., Victoria Darius Dudley Oldham, Beaumont Michael Lawner Patton, Beaumont Billie Frank Polk, Austin William George Poole, Au tin John Alton Po ey, Jr., Freeport Charles A lien Pratt, Longview Wayne Joseph Prosperi, Houston John Carver Richards, II, Cuero Thomas Franklin Roberts, Jr., Killeen Don Jame Rooney, San Antonio Fredrick Albert Rose, San Antonio William Bonner Rubey, Houston Richard Howell Ru hing, Dallas George Henry Sauer, Waco John Howard Sharkey, Dallas Alan Moore Smith, Midland Everett Gregor Smith, Midland Horace David Smith, Palestine Joe Charles Smith, Corpus Christi John Lloyd Smith, Houston James William peights, Houston Lindsey Garland Spivey, Waco Robert ottingham Tracy, Jr., Encino, Calif. Ronald Lee Van Meter, Beaumont James David Warwick, LaMarque Don Dewey Westlace, Harlingen William Willerson White, Beaumont Ralph Michael Yates, Laredo 111111 Top Row : Marshall, McMillan, McMillian, McWherter, McWilliams, Mowrey, Myers, Odom, Oldham, Patton, Polk, Poole. Second Row : Posey, Ramey, Roberts, Rose, Ru11ell, A. Smith, J. L. Smith, Steadman, Thompson, Todar, Warwick, White, Youen1. Page 289 SIGMA NU FACULTY CLARENCE EDWI AYRES, Professor of Economics VERNO TRUETT Sett HARDT, Professor of Microbiology KEITH P . YOUNG, Professor of Geology OFFICERS Fall Spring CARL ALBERT ENTWICH . Eminent Commander . MARQ I EVERETT WHITTINGTO MARQUIS EVERETT WHITTI GTON Lieutenant Commander ARTHUR RHEW DOOLEY, JR. FRANK GREGORY WHITE, JR. ...... Recorder . ......... JERRY EDMOND CHILES MIGUEL ESPINOSA . . . ............ Trea urer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MIGUEL EsPI OSA ROBERT MERLEE DOBY, JR. . .. ... .. Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . BYRO FLANARY EGA MRS. FLEMING NEWTO , Housemother LI DA BRAGG McDA !EL, Pi Beta Phi, Sweetheart ! FALL PLEDGES James Whitney Aird, San Antonio Alexander James !Gs elburgh, III, El Paso Thomas Edward Allen, Temple Marvin Christopher Kristynik, Bay City Charles Russell Bradley, Jacksonville Ross Moore Lynch, Corpus Christi Walter Lee Bradley, Corpus Christi James Franci Marlin, Dallas Ronald Barry Brown, Waco James Lee Maxwell, III, Wichita Falis Benny Jack Chilcutl, McAllen Leo John Peterson, III, Austin Edward Carl Clancy, Galena Park James Gratham Roach, Corpus Christi William Calvin Clift, Kerrville Perry Vernon Ru hing, Rob town David Craig Durham, Sterling City Michael Thomas Scoll, Wichita Falls Eugene Holland Flewellen, Dallas Roland Lee parks, Anahuac Robert Lynn Hawkins, Corpus Chri ti Fred William Sultan, Houston Tommy Luftos Hu bands, III, Waco Kenneth James Tschoerner, Temple Phillip Gray John, Midland Ferdinand Vollmer, an Antonio Adolph Joe Junek, Jr., Temple Edward Tarry Watkins, Jr., Hou ton Tommy Dale Keene, Vernon Robert Steve Wilson, Overton Ted Evans Wimberly, Houston SPRI 'G PLEDGES Kenneth Edwin Brooks, Texas City Johnce Eugene Hall, Corpu Christi Jeffrey Alan Long, Houston Top Row: AbC'rnathy, Aird, Allen, Barnard. econd Row: Blackwood, C. Bradley, W. Bradley, R. Dr own . Third Row: Carlock, Ca tlernan, Chilcutt, Chil es. f ourth Row : Janey, C. Clih, W. Clift, Cooper. Fi/th Row : Dooley, Durham, Egan, Espinosa. ixth Row: Flewellen, Fo lcr, Fry, Givens. Sevtnth Row: Hart, Ha""·kin1, Hawn, Hurley. Ei1hth Row: Hu1band1, Jarrell, John, Junek. Ninth Row : KcrchcwiJle, Kristynilc, KuJinna, Lawhon. Tr nth Row: L)nf h, Lynge, Maxwell, Micheli. Etcvtnlh Row: Moore, t>I on, tcolwich, Oatc1. Pa;e 290 MEMBERS ~rox Louis Courtney Abernathy, Houston Joe Beaty Kercheville, San Antonio I.ET, IL James Lawrence Bernard, Jr., Corpus Christi C. Jay Kulinna, Houston Call.E Ken Bentley, Abilene William Griffith Lawhon, Houston Paul Michael Blackwood, Corpus Christi Oscar Eugene Lynge Jr., Plano ,PMS.I Frederick Samuel Brown, Austin Mart E. McMillan, Tyler 111111 IY f.ct~ George Lewis Brucks, Hondo James Thomas Mitchell, Houston George David Carlock, Honey Grove John Spiegel Michels, Winnetka, Ill. Michael Shea Castleman, Midland Robert Warren Miller Jr., San Antonio Vincent David Cater, San Antonio Steve L. foore, Corpus Christi James Thomas Chapman, Austin Wallace Harper ations, Austin Rankin H. Chapman, Austin R. orman elson, Jr., Dallas Jerry Edmond Chiles, Fort Worth Carl Albert entwich, Macdona Charles Wilson Clift, III, Kerrville Michael S. Oates, Fort Worth James Gary Cooper, Port eches Derrell Martin Oliver, Muleshoe Richard M. DeGuerin, Austin David Raymond Parker, Corpus Christi Robert Merlee Doby, Fort Worth James Hoke Peacock, II, Jacksonville Arthur Rhew Dooley, Beaumont Charles Talmadge Phillips, Lake Jackson William W. Dunlop, Austin Sam Madison Powell, Waco Byron Flanary Egan, Dallas Thomas David Reynolds, Wichita Falls Miguel Espinosa, Cuernavaca, Mexico Frank Richey, Houston William B. Finan, Beaumont Dick Roberts, San Antonio Douglas Earl Fo sler, Kerrville James W. Robertson, Houston John Ed Fry, Abilene Jed Rosenthal, San Antonio John Paul Gamel, Lampasas Robert Page Ross, II, Austin Frank Madison Gilstrap, Arlington Robert Allen Sewell, Fort Worth Robert Thomas Givens, Laredo George Owen Slaughter, Jr., Austin Deene Gott, Au Lin George Dave Talley, Jr., Tyler Roy Matthews Grassedonio, Houston William Joseph Teague, Odessa .. Don Brooks Greer, Longview Dan Travis, Denton William Nesbit Hall, Laredo Jerry Davis Voyles, Bay City Ollin B. Hamilton, Plano Robert William Wachsmuth, Port Neches Hal Lomax Hankinson, Houston Donald 0 . Walker, Whitewright Warren Bryan Hart, San Antonio Robert D. Walker, San Antonio William Hewit Hawn, Jr., Corpus Christi Robert Alexander Weatherford, Camden Jack Lewis Hearrell, II, Gladewater Alexander Weil, III, Corpus Christi Kimball T. Hillencarnp, Jacksonville Frank Gregory White, Jr., Houston David C. Holland, Beaumont William James White, Mission Charles Vaughn Huffstutler, Texarkana Marquis Everett Whittington, Sherman Lawrence Foster Hurley, Fort Worth John Michael Wight, Stamford, Conn. Michael Stephen Jarrell, Austin Will Wills, Encino, Calif. William A. Jordan, San Antonio Frank M. Wilson, III, San Antonio Charles Cowan Womack, Jr., Houston Top Row: Parker, Peterson, Powell, Reynolds, Roach, Robertson, Rosenthal, Ross, Scott, Slaug:hter, Sparks, Sultan. Second Row: Travis, Tschocrner, Vollmer, Wathsrnuth, D. Walker, Watkins, Weil, F. White, Whittington, Wight, R. Wilson, Womack. Page 291 SIGMA PHI EPSILON FACULTY CLYDE RICHARD K1 G, Assistant Professor of Journalism FILLMORE HARGRAVE SA FORD, Professor of Psychology BYRON DEA TAPLEY, Assistant Professor of Engineering Mechanics }AMES RAYMOND VIRAMONTES, Assistant Basketball Coach OFFICER Fall pring C URTIS ALFRED MCCLURG .• . .. President .. . ......... MICHAEL LEROY BOYD MATTHEW A DREW LANDRY •. Vice-President . ...... .. Do ALD LYNN WHATLEY DAVID ROMBS DIAL . .. •. . ....Comptroller. . . . . ROBERT LAFAYETTE ADAIR, Ill HARVARD KEITH 11x .. . . . . Recording Secretary . . .... .... HARVARD KEITH IX THOMAS TAYLOR WI N .. Corresponding ecrelary ...... THOMAS TAYLOR WI ADDIE Mo TGOMERY, Housemother RACHEL CoR ELIA MERRIMA , Pi Bela Phi, weetheart FALL PLEDGES .John Powell Ash, Bastrop John Thomas Meier, an Angelo Robert Lee Bell, Dallas Conrad John etting, San Antonio Richard Bolten Bender, Fort Worth Daniel Thomas ichol on, Lake Jackson John Findly Blocker, Dallas Jame Michael Owen, Longview Stephen William Blount, San Antonio William Bennett Palamountain, II, Dallas David Earl Bradley, San Antonio William Morgan Pruitt, Richard on Jack Thoma Cartwright, Jr., Del Rio Robert Eggle ton Ramee, Jr., Alice Jame William Cox, Dallas Daniel Alexander Roper, Dallas James Gifmer Dickson, Lake Jackson Bruce William chnitzer, Fort Worth Richard Edward Dullnig, San Antonio James Douglas Sharkey, II, Dallas Clarance Fielding Early, Brownwood Lewis Her he] heriff, Jr., Dallas Charles Roger Gipson, Lake Jackson William Albert hirley, Jr., an Angelo Jack Doncley Gray, Fort Worth Carl David Stautz, Austin Gary Permon Hammer, Dallas James Joseph Teeling, Dallas Kenneth Owen Hicks, Dallas Charles Sloan Teeple, Dallas Thonias William Landers, III, Longview Clinton William hr, Jr., an Antonio William Lane, Austin Wallace Barry Van Winkle, Orange William Thomas Loesch, Houston Jon Allen Vogler, Midland Jimmy Don Logan, Monohans Charles Richard WaJlace, Arlington John Marable Lomax, Houston Robert Kenneth Wamsley, Dallas William Ronald Mahoney, Dallas Richard Thorp Weber, Austin Clifford Warren Wood, Crockett PRJ 1G PLEDGES James Eddy Burk, San Antonio Richard King ordqui t, an Antonio Henry Joseph Koenig, Cuero Donald Ray 1orthcutt, Crockett Glenn Edwin taats, ew Braunfels Top Row: Adair, Anderson. Ash, E. Bell. Second Row: R. Bell, Bender, Blocker, Blount. Third Row: Boyd, Bradley, Cartwright, Chaddcrdon. Fourth Row: Cole, Dial, Dick on, Drumwright. Fifth Row: Dullnic, Dunning-, Early, Hammer. Sixt/a Row: Jl ick.t, Jacbon, Jone9, Landers. Seventh Row: Lane, Lay, Lehmann, Lindtey. Ei1h1h Row: Loe ch, Lomax, Mahoney, lcClurr. Ninth Row: Meier, Miller, euio;:. Nichol100. Tenth Row: "ix. Oliviu, Palamounlain. Paul. Eleventh Row: Pruitt, Ramce, Red, Roper. P110 292 :tor Boro is.1TLEY r\n.UR,Jll KEITH Jt1 LOI \fo~ ii Jd!m • ft 'lllli • Robert Lafayette Adair, III, Dallas Edwin M. Anderson, an Angelo Edwin Gilbert Bell, Longview Michael Leroy Boyd, Houston James Robert Chadderdon, Houston Edward Keith Chunn, Houston David Bras Cole, Stephenville David Weldon Cook. Austin Jerry Donald David, Dallas David Hombs Dial, Palestine H. Sterling Drumwright, Ci co Jack Raymond Dugan, Fort Worth Thomas M. Dunning, Dallas Samuel David Ellison, Austin Howard Jay Farr, Houston Joe Fisher, III, Beaumont Kenneth Carl Fletcher, Dallas Gordon Houser, Au tin James Horace Jackson, Dallas Philip James John, Jr., Florsville Jack B. Jones, Jr., Del Rio Terry David Kahn, San Antonio Charles Arthur Knutson, an Antonio Matthew Andrew Landry, Wichita Falls MEMBERS Russell F. Lay, Hou ton Jerry Spruce Lehmann, Eden ~arion Lindsey, Houston Curtis Alfred McClurg, Austin Robert Fry ~cCullough, Midland Gaines Gilmore liller, San Angelo David L. Nichols, Austin Harvard Keith 'ix, Richardson William Parr Olivier, Dallas olan Paul, Richardson Harry Douglas Pruett, Austin Charles Vincent Red, Angleton Paul Raymond Snow, Austin Ronald Kent Stobaugh, Hot prings, Ark. Al F. Tasch, Jr., Taft Joe Samuel Taylor, Jr., Austin James Rodney Thoma , Carthage Michael Emmett Thrash, Denver, Colo . Martin Vavra, Del Rio Robert Lee Waggoner, Longview James Robert Waite, San Antonio Stephen Alan Wakefield, Fort Worth Robert Elliott Watt , Jr., Austin Donald Lynn Whatley, Lewisville Thomas Taylor Winn, San Antonio Top Row: Schnitzer Sharkey, SheriH, Shirle)', Tasch, Ta)•lor, Teelinr;, Te<'ple, Thomas. Second Row: Uhr, Van Winkl e, Vaua, Vo~ler, Waggoner, Waite, Wamslq•, Watts, Weber, Whatlcr, Winn. Page 293 SIGMA Pl COLONY OFFICERS Fall Spring JAMES TURNER GARNER, JR. ... . Sage .... . ... JAMES TuR ER GAR ER, JR. ROBERT WAYNE Tonn ..... First Counselor. . . . CARL HOFMANN Mo EYHON LEOY ALBERT STOCK . .... Second Counselor . ... JAMES ALBERT MCKINNIS GARY ALLE ROBBINS . . . . Third Cozinselor . . . . RICHARD MICHAEL Co ER JAMES ALBERT MCKINNIS . Fourth Counselor . .... . . . . ROGERS E. GARRETI Top Row: Bellamy, Cooner. Second Row: Cos, Cudney. Third Row: Daniela, Dillard. Fourth. Row: Carner, Garrett. Fi./lh Row: hchery, McFarlant'. i:cth Row: McKlnnl1, Mlll~r. Pac• 294 lt!, )R. ~1YHO~ £Kn-XIB Coxxn ;.lUE!T PLEDGES Louis Robert Anderson, Denison Connie Lowell Humphus, Saginaw William Newton Bellamy, Lampasas Douglas Earl Macherey, Dallas John Wesley Bowers, Jr., Houston John Russell Mcfarlane, Brownwood Richard Michael Conner, Rosebud James Albert McKinnis, Corpus Christi George Wayne Cox, Andrews Robert Sterling Miller, Austin Joseph ReDon Cudney, Andrews Carl Hofmann Moneyhon, Mason Keith Wayne Daniels, Fort Worth Gayle Raymond ewcomb, Caldwell Richard Ray Dillard, Odessa William orvill Puckett, Odessa James Turner Garner, Jr., Brownwood Gary Allen Robbins, Corpus Christi Rogers E. Garrett, Waller Harry Howard Sockol, Brownwood Randolph Lee Hall, Jr., Montgomery, Ala. Leroy Albert Stock, Houston Robert Wayne Todd, Richardson 111111 I I I I 1·1 COLONY I 11 TAU DELTA PHI FAC "LTY HYMAN JOSEPH ETILINGER, Professor of Mathematics 0FF1CEHS Full /Hing LA E FRANK HARRIS ..... . . . .. Consul ..... ... . . MICHAEL MARC BLE D MICHAEL PHILLIP NussE BLATI' Vice-Consul. . . . . .... AR OLD MAYER RosE STEPHEN LAWRENCE LEVINE ... Quaestor . ...... STEPHEN MICHAEL HENRY ALLAN HIRSCH FRADKIN .. . ... . Scribe .... HOWARD LAwRE CE BER STEIN HAROLD MAX ROSENTHAL .. Members-at-Large .. . LEE EDWARD HARTMA , JR. MRS. MANN SILBERSTEIN, Housemother FALL PLEDGES athan Stephen Axelrod, Houston David Simon Horwitz, Houston Jack Bell, Dallas David Allen Kboudi, San Antonio Geoffrey Bergman, Houston Kenneth Michael Jacobs, Houston Stanley Jay Bernstein, San Antonio Barry Lionel Jagoda, Houston Elliott Morton Bossin, Houston Herbert Irwin Leiman, Hou ton Nathan Allen Chavin, El Paso Lee Michael Mendelovitz, Houston Herbert Kent Danziger, Helena, Ark. Martin Edward Morris, Houston Larry Alan Ellis, Dallas Joseph Bert Olian, Bryan Stephen Samuel Ezon, Houston Joel Robert Sachs, Houston Richard Samet Friedman, Austin Joef Michael Singec, Houston Steve ea! Haberman McAllen Harold Samuel Sul ky, Tyl~r Donald Loren Herzberg, Houston David Harris Swiff, Calve ton David Samuel Wolf, Houston SPRI G PLEDGE Shawn Siegel, Philadelphia, Pa. Top Row: Axelrod, Dell, Beri;mao, Dermano. Second Row: H. Bernstein, S. Bernstein, Birnbaum, Blend. Th ird Row: Bo11in, Brener, Cane, Danburc. Fourth Row: Daolicer, E. EHtmao, R. EHiman, Edelman. Fi/th Row: Ei1cn1tein, Ellie, J. Ezoo, S. Ezon. Sixth Row: Falick, Fei n, Fradkin, A. Friedman. Se11enth Row: R. Friedman, Gardner, Cio1ber11 Coldbcr1. Ei1h1h Row: Haberman, Hartman, Hcnbcrc, Horwill. Ninth Row : D. Kboudl, J. Kboudl, J. Klein, L. Klein. Tenth Row: Kur11, Laufmao, Lciman, Lerner. Eleventh Row: Leventhal, Levine, Lewi1, Lipkin. Paso 296 1111 Antonio e 1111 1111 1111 Hou.to~ox ATHLETICS • l • ·:, , • • ·"· .. ·:.···· · .· ·'· "It is circumstances and proper and make it either good or bad." measure that give an action its character -Plutarch Longhu rn t:icl ory .s ce ne Page 361 MRS. J. M. GRIFFITH Food Service Supervisor Left to Right: EDWIN WERNER OLLE, Assistant Athletic Director, DARRELL K. ROYAL, Athletic Director. ADMINISTRATION Team Physician LA LEM EL HEWLETT, Cow1 elor to Athletes, i proud of tl1e academic achievement of bi stu­d nts as he admir John . Tr adwell's II meri­can Acad mi ward. Page 363 First class instruction makes a good trainer. SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS TEXAS 25 -------------------------.. OREGON 13 __ __ TEXAS 34 __ -----------------------------­TEXAS TECH 0 TEXAS 35 _ -------------------------------­ __ _ TULANE 8 TEXAS 9 ______________ __ __ ______ ____ OKLAHOMA 6 TEXAS 7 __ .-------------------------__ ARKAN AS 3 TEXAS 14 ·-----------------------------------------· RICE 14 TEXAS 6 __ -------------------------------------------·_ SMU 0 TEXAS 27 ___ -----------------------------------BAYLOR 12 TEXAS 14 ____________________ .. ------------------. TCU 0 TEXAS 13 __________ ·-----·-______ _ ___ __ _ _ A &M 3 TEXAS 0 __ ---------------------------------------------LSU 13 . I --.•. .,._ . 1962 FOOTBALL The 1962 version of Darrell Royal's Texas Longhorn proved to be the most controversial and mo t suc· cessful team of his coaching career. Playing the defensive game Royal love , the '62 Horns came from behind week after week to compile an impressive 9-1-1 record, capture the outhwest Conference crown out· right, and end the season as the nation's number 4 team. In their opener against Oregon, the Longhorns gave Texas fans an early indication of things to come as they came roaring from behind to trounce the Ducks 25-13. Easily overpowering their next two opponents, the Steers journeyed to Dallas to post their fifth straight win over the Sooner and gain top rating in the nation. Then came Arkansas and once more the Horns came from behind to slap a shocking 7-3 defeat on the Razorbacks and maintain their number 1 rating. But the following week the Rice Owls used Texas' own strategy and pulled out a 14-14 tie to topple Texas from first to fifth in the nation. The next three Satur­days saw the Horns squeak past Southern Methodist to regain the conference lead unleash a fierce passing attack to crush Baylor, and grind Texas Christian in the mud. Then, one last time, the Horns surged from behinfl to defeat the Aggies 13-3 and post their first undefeated sea on in 39 years. The end was bitter, however. as the Longhorns fell to Louisiana State in the Cotton Bowl for their only loss of a great sea on for the Orange and White. Front Row: Duke Carli1Jc, Man"iD Kri1tynik, Johnny Genung, Tommy Wad e, Anthony Kins. Joe Dixon, Jim Hud on, Ernie Koy. St'cond Roto: John Phclp1, Tommy Ford, Brett forris, Cene Gifford, Pat Culpepper, Tim Doerr, Ray Poace. Harold Philipp, Bobby Nuni , Jerry Cook, Chari" Buckalew, Lanr Zunker. Third Row: Bi11 Ermel, Hix Green, David McWilJiamt, Clarence Bray, Marvin Kubin, Rodnry Kdlcy, Bo Price, Johnny Treadwell, Perry McWilliam , Jim Be clman, Clayton Lacy, Roy Jone1. Fourth Row: Frank Dedrick, Bobby Gamblin, Ceorae Brucki, Kenneth Halm. Ceor1e Bau, Olen ndcrwood, colt Appleton, Lee Hen Jer.. Cordon Robert , taley Faulkner. Back Row: K~n Fer1u1on. Tommy Phillipi. Tommy Luc11, Buddy Fuh1, Ben House, Ceorge auer, andy and • Pele Lammona. Charle Talbe.rt, Tony Cr by. Pa10 366 COACHES AND CO-CAPTAINS DARRELL ROYAL Head Coach and Athletic Director T r L<"/t to Ri~/11: Darrell Ro~al. Buh Schulzc>. Bill Ellin :;:ton. Ru•;o.clJ C off1'1'. Jim Pittman. \lik e:-Camph1•ll. .l:t m1•-T. J11 11 1·-. Ch:i.rl1· ~ Sliir.'.l . Page 367 I l Unanimous All-American honors belong to Johnny Treadwell, senior guard, who was also honored by selection to the All-American Academic, All-Southwest Conference, and All-Southwe t Conference Academic teams. Johnny's crushing block and brui ing tackle also earned him the Houston Post's distinction a the Mo t Out­standing Southwest Conference Lineman, and hi own teammate chose him as recipient of the Hook McCullough Mo t Out tanding Player award. His fierce line play on offen e brou0fa prai e from both coaches and spectators, and hi aggres ive defen e quite often put him in the opponents' backfield when they lea t wanted to ee him there. Johnny finished hi Longhorn football career in th style of the champion that he wa by gaining reco"'nition a Out­standing Lineman of the 1963 Cotton Bowl Cla ic and earning the right to play in the po t-ea on Hula Bowl. Johnny Treadwell iJ introduced to Pre,ident Kennedy while attending th e Army.Navy 1ame. Page 368 SCOTT APPLETON, Tackle All Conference, most selections Several second team and third team All-American honors lie often dto !It tin the ll Out· Ding ibt selections OUTSTANDING LONGHORNS < RAY POAGE, Fullback Hula Bowl Team's top rusher UPI third string All-American Time All-American fullback PAT CULPEPPER, Linebacking Fullback Co-Captain Swede Nelson Sportsmanship Award All-Conference Academic All-Conference "Wild Card" on some selections All-American Academic, the Earl Blaik Scholar­ship Award D. X. Bible Team Spirit Award (voted by team­mates) D. Harold Byrd Leadership Award (voted by teammates) Page 369 LETTERMEN RAYMOND COY POAGE Senior Back BUDDY FULTZ Senior End TOMMY CLINE FORD Junior Back Junior Tackle Junior Guard Junior End KENNETH W. FERGUSON GEORGE TUR ER BASS CHARLES B. HOUSE CLARE CE V. BRAY Junior Center TIMOTHY MICHAEL DOERR Sophomore Back RESERVE LETTERMEN Kenneth Edwin Halm Lewis Lee Hensley Charles Wesley Price ROY A. JO ES II Junior Managerial Award Cook (38), Koy (23), Nunnally (88), Talbert (89) , and Carlisle (ll) in hot pursuit of fleet· footed Mel Renfro (20). Sandy Sands (85) and Pat Culpepper ( 31} head off an Oregon back, Bob Berry (IS). HORNS DROWN DUCKS IN '62 DEBUT, 25-13 The first half was all Oregon as the Webfeet, led by sleek Mel Renfro, piled up 6 points and 236 yards while holding Texas to 71 yards and a first quarter field goal by Tony Crosby. Encouraged by their 6-3 halftime lead, the Ducks came back to capture a 'Horn fumble and turn it into a touchdown. Trail­ing 13-3 after the conversion, Texas finally came alive to score with a touchdown by Jerry Cook and a two point con­version on a pass from Johnny Genung to Charles Talbert. Texas' next scoring situation arose when tackle Jim Bessel­man pounced on a Duck fumble at the Oregon 5. Two plays later Ray Poage pushed across the goal line ; a Genung to Joe Dixon pass added the two points after touchdown. Forcing Oregon to punt after the kickoff, Texas went in three plays for six points on Genung's pass to Cook. Late in the fourth quarter, Texas Sophomore Ernie Koy dropped back to punt from the Texas 40. A high snap from center sent Koy racing back to his own 20 where he calmly picked up the ball and boomed it 70 yards to keep the Ducks at Bay. Texas held for the rest of the half, and the game ended 25-13 with the Duck dominated first half well remedied by a twelve minute, second half, Texas scoring spree. STATISTICS OREGON TEXAS First Downs 17 8 Yards Rushing 135 123 Passes 14-29 9-17 Yards Passing 174 114 Total Offense 309 237 Punts, Average 6-35.1 8-42.5 Fumbles Lost 2 2 Yards Penalized 70 64 Texas 3-0-16-6-25 Oregon 6-0-7-0--13 Scoring: TEXAS-Crosby, 38 yd. field goal; Cook, 5 yd. run; Poage, 5 yd. run; Cook, 7 yd. pass from Genung; OREGON-Hill, 38 yd. run; Renfro, 2 yd. run. Conversions: TEXAS, Genung pass to Talbert; Genung pass to Dixon ; OREGON, Corey, placement. Attendance: 50,000 Place : Memorial Stadium, Aus­tin, Texas Time: Saturday, Sept. 22, 1962­ 7:30 P.M. Ray Poage (33) and Ernie Koy (23) gel a Red Raider and Si% po in ts. Jerry Cook (38) follows blocking of Charles Talbert (89) and Ernie Koy (23) through a g"ping hole in the Tech line. STAMPEDING STEERS RIP RAIDERS 34-0 The Raiders started the game with one of the weirdest moves in recent football history by returning the ball from the 3 to the 15 on the opening kick-off and then punting 47 yards to the Texas 38. This strategy move, intended to keep the 'Horns' deep in their own territory, was almost fatal. From the 38, quarterback Johnny Genung engineered the team to the Tech 3, where a fumble stopped the Longhorn team. The stop wasn't for long as the Longhorns forced the Raiders to kick; four plays later Poage crossed the goal for a tally. Tony Crosby converted. Poage went over for another score in the second quarter, and magic-foot Crosby kicked again to bring a 14-0 lead at half­time. The third quarter was a punting demonstration by both teams, but then came the romping fourth quarter. Jerry Cook, Tommy Wade, and Hix Green were tally men for the Steers in the fourth. Crosby again supplied the extra points on two out of the three tries, making the final score, Texas 34-Texas Tech 0. STATISTICS TEXAS TECH TEXAS First Downs 7 24 Yards Rushing 71 323 Passes 11-18 5-6 Yards Passing 91 54 Total Offense 162 377 Punts, Average 11-36 6-47 Fumbles Lost 0 3 Yards Penalized 20 35 Texas 7-7-0-20-34 Texas Tech 0-0-0-0-0 Scoring: TEXA Poage, 10 yd. run; Poage, 1 yd. run; Cook, 1 yd. run; Wade, 3 yd. run; Green, 15 yd. pass from Wade. Conversions: TEXAS-Crosby, 4 placements. Attendance: 42,000 Place: Jones Stadium, Lubbock, Texas Time : Saturday, Sept. 29, 1962-7:30 P.M. Page 373 STEERS FLOOD GREEN WA VE, 35-8 Texas started the game by scoring the first time they got the ball; Jerry Cook rammed across from the five, and Tony Crosby kicked the conversion. Minutes later, Texas' Ernie Koy ran a Tulane punt back through 66 yards of downfield blocking for another touchdown. Tommy Ford's thrilling 94-yard punt return was brought back by a penalty to end the half, 13-0. Sophomore Charles Buckalew set up the third Texas tally on a dazzling 59-yard run, followed by Pat Culpepper's plunge for six points and Johnny Genung's keeper for two. In the same period Buckalew added a 6-pointer, and Crosby's kick made it 28-0. At this stage the Greenies oiled their "shotgun" offense, and passed their way 71 yards to their lone touchdown. The run for two points was good. The final 'Horn surge, led by quarterback Wade, covered 56 yards in nine plays with Wade keeping for the score from the six. Crosby's extra point ended the scoring as the Long­horns sent the Green Wave of Tulane out to sea, 35-8. STATISTIC TULA E TEXA First Downs 15 15 Yards Rushing 72 241 Passes 13-27 6-15 Yards Pas ing 173 74 Total Offense 245 315 Punts, Average 8-26.9 6-33.0 Fumbles Lost 0 1 Yards Penalized 34 55 Texas 13-0-15-7-35 Tulane 0-0-0-8-8 Scoring: TEXAS-Cook, 5 yd. run; Koy, 66 yd. punt return; Culpepper, 1 yd. run; Buckalew, 1 yd. run; Wade, 6 yd. run; TULANE-Davis, 20 yd. pass from Melton. Conversions: TEXA Crosby, 3 placements; Gunung, run; TULANE-Miller, run. Attendance: 50,000 Place: Memorial tedium, Aus­tin, Texas Time: aturday, Oct. 6, 1962-7:30 P.M. Ernie Ko7 (13) broo/<1 into th• op1n for o 66-7ord pun• rllum ond " Texu touclido•n. 1· -8 a>fered from Wn•· Jim Beudmara (62) and teammate play "Geta an Okie." HARD FOUGHT GAME BRINGS 9-6 VICTORY OVER O.U. "It was a hot sultry day in Dallas." Before a sell-out crowd of 75,500 in the Cotton Bowl, the Texas Longhorns downed Oklahoma in a tension filled game by a score of 9 to 6. All the scoring took place in the second quarter with the rest of the game turning into a punting tug-of-war led by Texas' Ernie Koy. Barefoot Tony Crosby kicked a field goal after the recovery of an Oklahoma fumble and the Horns went out in front 3 to 0. Another Oklahoma fumble in the Sooner end zone gave Perry McWilliams a chance to boost the score to 9 to 0. The try for a conversion was unsuccessful. Two passes from Oklahoma quarterback Ronald Fletcher to Lance Rentzel resulted in a touchdown for the Sooners with only 44 seconds left in the first half. Johnny Treadwell blocked the extra point try. The remainder of the game was a back and forth battle for possession of the ball with neither team scoring again. When the final whistle blew, the scoreboard showed the score: TEXAS 9-0KLAHOMA 6. The be1inning of the end of " Th e Bit Red !' STATISTICS o.u. TEXAS First Downs 6 12 Yards Rushing Passes 71 4-12 198 3-11 Yards Passing Total Offense 99 170 21 219 Punts, Average Fumbles Lost 11-38.9 2 10-44.0 2 Yards Penalized 50 70 Texas 0-9-0­0-9 O.U. 0-6-0-0-6 Scoring: TEXAS-Crosby, 26-yd. field ,goal; McWil­liams recovered fumble in end zone; O.U.-Rentzel, 34-yd. pass from Fletcher. Attendance: 75,504 Place: Cotton Bowl, Dallas, Texas Time: Oct. 13, 1963-2:00 P.M. Duke Carli.Ile ( 11) find.J himself all wrapped up. ,,.. STEERS TAKE PUNT DUEL FROM PONIES, 6-0 In a gallant effort to protect their half-game lead over second place Texas in the Southwest Conference race, the Southern Methodist Mustangs fell victim to fifth ranked Texas before 51,000 fans in Memorial Stadium. Following a continuous exchimge of punts between Texas' Ernie Koy and S.M.U.'s Danny Thomas in the first quarter, Steer back Duke Carlisle took a Mustang punt on his own one-yard line and raced it back 49 yards to ignite Texas' first scoring drive. Ten plays later saw Tommy Ford plunge into the end zone for the only score of the day. The only other Texas scoring threat was cut short by a Pony inter­ception just before the half. The second half was more of the same--Koy versus Thomas. A freak block put Koy out of action in the third quarter, but Senior Bobby Nunis, replacing Koy, ably carried on the punting duel, and the Horns held on for the 6-0 win to move up on top in S.W.C. standings. No match for Bevo! ., Tommy Lucas (BO) snares a pass in the midst of the Ponies. Tommy Wade (17) havin1 his problems with the Mustan1s. STATISTICS S.M.U. TEXA First Downs 8 13 Yards Rushing 86 176 Passes 7-21 8-10 Yards Passing Total Offense 65 151 73 249 Punts, Average 12-36.8 10-36.0 Fumbles Lot 0 1 Penalties (yards) 35 30 Texas 0·6·0·0-6 S.M.U. 0.0-0.0-0 Scoring: TEXA Ford, 4 yd. run. Attendance: 51,000 Place: Memorial tedium, Au ­tin, Texas Time: nturday, ov. 3, 1962-2:00 P.M. Paso 378 fC!!lJS I in the y. ably for the Tommy Wade (17) pitches back 10 Tommy Ford First Downs Yards Rushing Passes Yards Passing Total Offense Punts Fumbles Lost Yards Penalized Texas Baylor STATISTICS BAYLOR TEXAS 18 25 63 242 20-37 11-24 235 195 298 437 7-31-4 4-27.3 l l 10 37 0-14-7-6---27 6-0-6-0--12 Scoring: TEXAS-Lucas, 54 yd. pass from Wade and run; Sands, 14 yd. pass from Wade; Cook, 8 yd. run; Wade, l yd. run. BAYLOR-Trull, 1 yd. run; Ingram, 18 yd. pass from Trull. Conversions: TEXAS-Crosby, 3 placements. Attendance: 30,000 Place: Baylor Stadium, Waco, Texas Time: Saturday, November 10, 1962-2:00 P.M. Master of the Mustan1. (24) , who in tu.rn pitches back to Wade, who throws a 54·yard touchdown pass to Tommy Lucas (80). HORNS BOMB BEARS, 27-12 Baylor scored first on a one yard plunge by Don Trull, but Texas' All American guard Johnny Treadwell crashed through to block the conversion kick making it 6-0. Then Texas quarterback Tommy Wade took to the air, and before the half ended, he had thrown a 54-yard bomb to end Tommy Lucas and 'another 14­ yarder to end Sandy Sands to riddle the Bear defense with 159 yards passing and two Texas touchdowns. Tony Cro by's conversion made it 14-6 at half. 'Horn halfback Jerry Cook rumbled across from 8 yards out for the third Texas score, and Crosby's kick was good again. Baylor also scored in the third quarter on an 18-yard pass, but again failed on the extra points try with a running attempt. In the fourth quarter, it was Wade him elf who finished the day's scoring on a one-yard plunge as Texas caged the Bears 27-12. Johnny Cenun1 (14) is wrapped up by the Ponies as Ray Poa1e (33) looks on. 'HORNS SHUTOUT HORNED FROGS, 14 -0 It was sweet revenge for the Texas Longhorns as they avenged their only los of the 1961 sea on by trouncing the Texas Christian University Horned Frogs 14-0 on the muddy field in Fort Worth' Amon Carter Stadium. The Longhorns completely dominated the conte t a they held the Frogs to only 71 total yards and did not allow them outside their own 34. The scoreless first half was a series of frustration for the 'Horns as they drove three times inside the Froggie 25 yard line only to be stopped by a stubborn Frog de­fense. Early in 'the third quarter however, big Ray Poage bulled into the end zone to end 12 touchdownless quarter again t the Frogs. Tony Cro by's conversion made it 7-0. eern­ingly unmindful of the waterlogged turf, it was again Poage who drove 8 yards for the second Texas touchdown in the fourth quarter and shoeless Cro by who added the final point. STATISTICS T.C.U. TEXA. First Downs 7 16 Yards Rushing 42 216 Passes 5-12 3-12 Yards Passing 29 36 Total Offense 71 252 Punts 8-37.6 5-35.0 Fumbles Lost 2 2 Yards Penalized 38 48 Texas 0-0-7-7-14 T.C.U. 0·0-0-0-0 Scoring: TEXA Poage, 1 yd. run; Poage, 8 yd. run. Conversions: TEXAS-Crosby, 2 placements. Attendance: 42,393 Place: Amon Carter tadium, Fort Worth Time: Saturday, ov. 17, 1962­ Jerry Cook (38) movts in th t mud. 2:00 P.M. Ray Poaxc (33) 1ma.the1 ocro11 tlae Fro1 ioal line. IOGS, Sttm. Ip !e .. ~ Anthony King (20) di.splays fine Texas form. Poor Aggie.I 'HORNS HOLD FIGHT'N' AGGIES, 13-3 A fourth quarter spurt pushed the bowl-bound 'Horns to a hard won victory over Texas A&M. Leading for the first three quarters, A&M set the score at 3-0 with a field goal, and kept it there with a fighting defense. Late in the first half, Tommy Wade piloted Texas into scor­ing territory in 8 plays and 55 seconds, but the gun sounded as the Longhorns drove to the A & M 20. A fired-up Longhorn team came on in the second half, hut the third quarter effort was hampered by two fumbles. Finally, to the relief of 'Horn fans watching on national television and in sunny Memorial Stadium, Texas took the ball and moved. Climaxing a 60-yard drive with Johnny Genung quarterbacking, Cook ran 10 yards for the pay­off. Crosby kicked the extra point, and Texas led the ballgame. Texas scored again as Ford went off right tackle and over the goal line; Crosby's kick was wide. The victory over a fierce Aggie eleven gave the Longhorns their first undefeated season since 1923 and their first outright Southwest Conference championship since 1952. STATISTICS A&M TEXAS First Downs 9 19 Yards Ru hing 155 145 Passes 1-9 12-20 Yards Passing 15 147 Total Offense 170 292 Punts 7-31.7 5-30.8 Fumbles Lost 1 4 Yards Penalized 34 0 Texas 0-0-0-13-13 A&M 3-0-0-0-3 Scoring: TEXAS-Cook, 10 yd. run; Ford, 1 yd. run; A&M-Oark, 20 yd. field goal. Conversions: TEXAS-Crosby, placement. Attendance: 57,000 Place: Memorial Stadium, Aus­tin, Texas Time: Thursday, ov. 22, 1962-2:00 P.M. Page 381 STATISTICS L. .u. TEXAS First Downs 17 9 Yards Rushing 126 80 Passes 13­21 8-22 Yards Passing 133 92 Total Offense 259 172 Punts 9-44.0 8-47.0 Fumble Lost 0 2 Yards Penalized 15 44 Texas 0-0-0-0-0 L. .U. 0-3-7­3­ 13 Scoring: L. .U.-Field, 22 yd. run; Amedee, 23 and 34 yd. field goals. Conversion: L. .U.-Amedee, placement. Attendance : 75,500 Place: Cotton Bowl, Dallas, Texas Time: Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1963-2:00 P.M. rolls out against still Tiger de/enie as Ray Poage (33) and Jerry Cook (38) lead inter. TIGERS SLASH STEERS IN COTTON BOWL CLASSIC, 13-0 Sporting a flashy 9-0-1 record for their eighth appearance in the ew Year's Day Cotton Bowl, the Texa Longhorns fell victim to the rough Louisiana State niversity Tigers by a 13-0 score. The seemingly flawless Tigers corralled the Horns from the start and did not once allow the Steers inside the Tiger 25­yard line. The only Texas scoring threat came in the second quarter when Texas drove to the Tiger 30. At that point, how­ever, the Chinese Bandit defensive unit stopped the teers, and Tony Crosby's 32-yard field goal attempt on fourth down went wide. The low~ score in the first half came off the toe of Tiger Lynn Amedee with only 8 econds remaining in the half. His record 23-yard field goal made it 3-0 at intermi ion. Steer halfback Jerry Cook opened the second half by fum­bling the kickoff on the Texas 37, and only three plays later Tiger quarterback Jimmy Field scampered 22 yards for the only touchdown of the day. Amedee's conversion made it 10-0. The Horns still could not muster a prolonged offensive effort, and L.S.U. provided the final score with a 37-yard field goal, another Cotton Bowl record. The only bright spots of the day for the Orange were Ernie Koy's tremendous 48-yard punting average, and the election of Longhorn All-American guard Johnny Treadwell as out­standing lineman of the 1962 Cotton Bowl. Horns put the .stop to Jerry Amedee (21). • in • fdl a!3-0 [mie oul· SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS FERENCE GAMES Texas 77 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Howard Payne 53 Texas 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ea t Texas State 38 Texas 81 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tulane 72 Texas 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L.S.U. 75 Texas 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Oklahoma State 69 Texas 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California 70 Texas 46 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stanford 72 Texas 63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Denver 52 Texas 40 ...... .... ............. Texas Western 45 Texas 88 ....... . ...... . ........ Trinity (Tex.) 54 CONFERE CE GAMES Texas 54 H Rice 49 Texas 69 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arkansas 63 Texas 76 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baylor 38 Texas 78 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Tech 58 Texas 73 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T.C.U. 56 Texas 70 R . . ................. .. . . Texas A&M 59 Texas 77 H ........................... S.M.U. 62 Texas 90 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas Tech 76 Texas 75 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T.C.U. 59 Texas 83 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Texas A&M 73 Texas 92 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.M.U. 76 Texas 77 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice 59 Texas 99 H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arkansas 86 Texas 48 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baylor 55 N.C.A.A. Texas 65 ... . ................... Texas Western 47 Texas 68 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cincinnati 73 Texas 90 ........ .. ............ . Oklahoma City 83 Page 383 ' ..:'" I r ,_ ( *'··.A,.",·~:-·'--.'.·' • ·-~I~ .. •'. ' .~~1~~) ~•­ Assistant coach, Jimmy Yiramonu1 and Coach Bradley 1ive time-out advice. Top Row: A11i1tant Coach Jimmy Viramontct, Trainer Clinl Tbomp1on, Steve Carter, Tommy Nelm.s, Ron Weeki, Mutt Heller, Jimmy Puryear, Mauaau Ceorco Craddock, Coach Harold Bradley, Second Row: Larry Frank.a, Joe Filher, Jack Du1an, Mike Humphrey, John Paul Fults, HUYey Holllmao. Third Row: Jimmy Clark, Jimmy Gilbert, Dick McCarroll, Jim Bob Smith, Paco 384 JIMMY GILBERT MIKE HUMPHREY LETTERMEN JIMMY PURYEAR Guard, Junior RESERVE LETTERMEN Steve Carter Harvey Holliman Tommy Nelms MANAGERIAL A WARDS George Craddock, Senior Herbert Evans, Junior Steve Kline, Sophomore STUDE T TRAINER JOHN PAUL FULTZ Center, Sophomore Clint Thompson Page 385 NON-CONFERENCE GAMES A sophomore studded Hom team opened the season against Howard Payne with a 77-53 win. High scorers, Jimmy Clark, 16 points, and Mike Humphrey, 13 points, led the Longhorns before 4,500 fans. With contributions from all members of the Longhorn squad, Texas next downed East Texas State 71-38 at wegory Gym. GuardS' Gilbert, Clark, and Smith rotated. duties, and forward Joe Fisher led in scoring and rebounds. In the first of two Louisiana games, five Homs hit in the double figures to hold Tulane 81-72. Besides their scoreboard superiority, Texas cagers led in rebounds and field goal percentage. In the second game of the trip, hard knocks plagued hopeful Longhorn hardwooders. They fell to the LSU Tigers 75-66 after holding the lead for almost three-fourths of the game. Gilbert pumped in 9 field goals, but LSU's 31 completed free throws in 44 tries was the winning edge. Back in Gregory Gym, the Longhorns grabbed the lead in the first half of the game against Oklahoma State's Cowboys. But OSU's ball control and Texas fouls made the difference in a hard fought contest-Texas' second straight defeat, 69-05. A trip to the West Coast proved to be more disaster as California clipped the Homs 70-62 and Stanford won 72-46. Longhorn baskethallers celebrated the holidays by beating Denver 63-52 in the opening round of the Sun Bowl Tournament in El Paso. Texas Western, with other ideas about holiday cheer, handed the Orange and White a ~loss in the next night's championship game. An improved defense and a good field percentage kept Texas in the lead for much of the game, but too many fouls and too few rebounds were the undoing of the future SWC champs. December ended with a poor record of 4 wins and 5 losses. Sandwiched between finals and the resumption of Conference play, the Texas-Trinity game brought another win and the season total to 5 wins and 5 losses. Sophomore John Paul Fultz was high scorer with 19 points. Clark lays on e in Fulu hool terrorized Froggie pitchers with a single, a double, and a triple in five trips to the plate. TEXAS 8-SMU 1 TEXAS 8-SMU 5 With the aid of Bob Myer's six-hit pitching and four unearned runs, the stampeding Steers continued their surge toward the Conference title. Myer, in one of his best outings of the year, struck out ten Mustangs and was never in serious trouble. Kasper, Thompson, Bandy, and London all contributed to Texas' total of 10 hits with two apiece. A cloud­burst on Saturday turned SMU's Armstrong Field into a small gulf and forced the post­ponement of the second game until Monday. This left Texas, with four games to make up, in second place with a 5-2 Conference record, one full game behind A&M's 7-2 record. On Monday, heavy rains again forced postponement of the second game until Tuesday. The rains did little to dampen the spirit of the surging Orange however. as they moved into first place on the strength of their 8-5 win and the Aggies loss to TCU. Shortstop Bill Bethea pounded a two-run homer over the left field fence to stretch his official hitting streak to nine games, while Kasper, Bell, .and Thompson all chipped in two hits apiece. TEXAS 5-RICE 4 TEXAS 9-RICE 5 Not to be denied, the stampeding Longhorns nudged the Rice Owls 5-4 to move a half game ahead of secoml place TCU and A&M. Coach Bibb Falk's fourth candidate for second base, basketballer Jimmy Clark, provided most of the Texas offense in the first game as he slammed a homer over the left field fence for the go-ahead run in the second and singled in the winning run in the eighth. Catcher Gary London's three-run double ended a 4-3 Rice lead in the sixth inning of the second game, and boosted Texas to their tenth straight victory. Assisting in the 18 hit attack on Rice pitching were Kasper with four hits, and Bethea, Thompson, and London all with three. TEXAS 12-A&M 2 In a replay of their 5-5 tie earlier in the season, the Steers successfully defended their first place stature with a 12-2 thrashing of the Farmers. Bill Bethea went 3 for 4 as he hit safely in his nineteenth straight Conference game. In the contest, Texas batsmen banged out a record-tying nine doubles. TEXAS 5-A&M 10 TEXAS 4--A&M 2 Faced with four games in four days, and having to win three of them for at least a tie for the Conference crown, the Steers chose to do it the hard way by absorbing a 10-5 loss on Friday. The loss saw shortstop Bill Bethea go hitless for the first time in 20 Conference games. However, they returned on Saturday to plague the Cadets with three hits including a two-run homer. The split left Texas in need of both ends of a rained-out two game series against Baylor to be made up in Waco with a Monday double-header. TEXAS 5-BAYLOR 1 TEXAS 8-BAYLOR 2 Facing the highly respected Baylor Bears, and exhausted from the weekend series in College Station, the Longhorns climaxed their continued assault on the Conference crown by sweeping a double-header from the Bruins. In the first game, Charlie Hartenstein came through in the clutch to pitch fabulous two-hit ball only two days after his 10·5 loss to the Aggies. Meanwhile Ed Kasper paced Texas hitters with two singles and his first varsity home run-a well-timed 320 foot two-run clout that iced the game away in the ninth. In a race against the setting sun and fatigue, the Horns took the seven inning nightcap with a six-run seventh inning highlighted by Bill Bethea's grandslam home run. Bob Myer, with only a day's rest, came on in the fifth and gained the win. The two game sweep saw injured Gary London retaliate with five hits for eight tries, while shortstop Bill Bethea went 3 for 7 to finish the season with a .397 batting average and the Southwest Conference batting championship. And Bibb Falk, the "Great White Father" of Texas baseball, won his sixteenth Conference title in 21 years . . Tuesday saw TCU defeat Baylor and thereby claim half the Conference crown, but smce Texas had already taken two of three from the Froggies, the Horns owned the right to a berth in the NCAA playoffs for the fourth consecutive year. Page 399 CAA COLLEGE WORLD SERIES The Texas Longhorns, fighting like giants to the very end of the tournament, tied Missouri, the number one "ranked" team, for third place in the College World Series. The Horns axed the University of Southern California in the first game 8·3. Myer came on strong in the last five innings, striking out seven straight Trojans in the final three innings of the game for an CAA record. Texas had 8 runs on 11 hits and committed five errors. Confusion at first base allowed the run which gave Missouri a 3.2 victory in the second round of the series. Hartenstein had the crowd spellbound with his masterful chunking as he walked just one and struck out eight. Three of the four Texas errors made all the runs scored off Hartenstein unearned. Bouncing back in the do·Or·die game, the Horns, under the pitching of John Collier, advanced to the fourth round of play by defeating Penn State 64. Collier, pitching a near· shutout until the bottom of the ninth struck out 13 and walked 2. All runs off Collier's 10 inning performance were also unearned as Texas wound up with 6 runs off 7 hits and five errors. Arizona stopped Texas' comeback bid as the Longhorns fought with all their might to overcome a disastrous beginning. Texas threatened until the very end, but the once·seven.point-lead was simply too much to overcome as they narrowed it to an amazing 8-10 score. Myer, the starting pitcher, simply ran out of gas in the second as he was credited with giving up eight runs. Bethea came in for one man while Hartenstein, with only one day's rest, rapidly warmed up in the bullpen. Hartenstein pitched his heart out the rest of the game as he allowed only two runs and struck out 8. Texas had 8 runs on 5 hits and committed 4 errors. The game dropped them out of the '63 College World Series, but the consolation prize, a tie for third place in the Nation, was well earned and an accomplishment of which to be proud. CROSS COUNTRY · GOLF SWIMMING TENNIS Page 401 VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY T. J. FROGGY LOVVOR , Head Coach Coach Froggy Lovvorn's cross country team opened the season with a tie for second in the Jamboree Meet at Stillwater, Oklahoma. Steve Strickland, the senior standout for the 'Horns, took a third with teammate Larry Rhodes taking fourth. The biggest win of the season was at Dallas. Strickland, Rhodes, and Gary Chisholm took, I, 2, 3, to give Texas a 21 point lead over second place SMU. Traveling next to Houston and College talion for the triangular and dual meets respectively, the Longhorns lost two in a row. Powerful University of Houston beat Texas and the Houston Track Club as Chisholm moved up to second best of the Texas runners. In a SWC test, A& I beat the Longhorns 25·30. Forty·seven entries made up the field of the U.T. Invitational at Zilker Park. University of Houston again grabbed top place, and Texas co uld mana~e only a fourth. In drizzling rain at College Station, four teams battled for the Southwest Conference Champion­ship. Texas runners placed third with 54 points. Strickland took a fourth, Chisholm sixth, Loy Gunter barely edged Rhodes as they placed eleventh and twelfth, and Charles Rodgers took twenty·second to round out tlie five scorers. A& 1 came in first with 47 points, Arkansas was a close second with 49, SMU was fourth. LETTERME r Gary Thornton Chisholm Larry Gene Rhodes Stephen Douglas Strickland RESERVE LETTERME John Betin Harvey Tevis Herd Charles Henry Rodgers Loy Melton Gunter David Paul Wiegand HARVEY PENICK Coach CONFERE CE STA DI GS WI LOSS First Place . . . . . . . . . . TEXAS A&M . . ... ......311/2 10% Second Place . . . . . . . . BAYLOR .. ............. 25% 161/z Third Place .. . .. . .. . TEXAS ........ ...... .. 24% 17% Four th Place . . . . . . . . TEXAS TECH .. ....... .. 231h 18lh 1963 SWIMMING Starting the season at the Conference Relays at Dallas, the Texas Longhorns nosed out the Aggies for the runner-up spot behind SMU's defending champion Mustangs. The next two meets were dual meets against Oklahoma and Baylor in Austin. The Horns fell to Oklahoma 50-45, but not before Jay Smith had set school records in both the 200 and 500 yard freestyles. The Orange came back strong however, as they thoroughly trounced Baylor's Bears 83-10. Taking to the road, the Horn ' next two opponents fell in order as Texas outsplashed Ea tern ew Mexico 63-32 and Texas Tech 56-38. Returning to Austin, the Orange tankers humiliated their arch rivals from College Station with a 64-30 defeat. Spear again broke his own record in the 200 fly while Jim Graves broke the record in the 500 yard free­style. Gordon Beavers also took first spot on the boards to aid tl1e Texas cause. Then traveling to Waco, the Horns again dunked the Baylor Bears 49-24. At the AAU meet in Dallas, the Steer swimmers captured fifth first places. Beavers took first in both diving events, as Spear set a meet record in the 200 butterfly. Andy Smith contributed the fifth first as he won the 200 yard individual medley. Back in Austin for a dual meet, the SMU Ponies edged past the Horns by inches in several events and won the meet 57-38. Beavers and Spear again took blue ribbon places in their events, and Spear again broke the record in the 200 yard freestyle. Playing host for the Southwest Conference Championship meet, the Longhorns posted a strong second place finish behind powerful SMU as they totaled 155 points to the Mustangs' 174%. Spear and Graves led the Orange as they set conference records in the 100 and 200 yard butterfly, and the 200, 500, and 1650 yard freestyle events respectively. Beavers swept both diving events for the second year. Closing out the season in the CAA Championships at Raleigh, . C., Beavers took 4th in one meter and 6th in three meter diving while Spear took 5th in the 200 yard butterfly. RESERVE AW ARDS Russell Morris Barefield Anthony Post Eastmond Charles Earl Griffith Front Row: Phil Kline, Cordon Beaven . Second Row: Andy Smith, Richard Wor1hing1on, Bob HatcheT, Cail KJo~el, Ruuy Barefitld. . . MANAGERIAL AWARD Third Row : John Chumney, A11i.$tnnt Coach; Frank tok6 , Jim Holton, Chuck Cr1£hth, Tony E11tmood, Mike Byrd, Manu ger. Fourth Row: Carroll Henderton, Jim Craves, J1y mitb, Mike 1cKinley, Coach Chapman. Michael Byrd P•i• 40 J LETTERMEN ALL-AMERICANS ROBERT AUST! HATCHER RICHARD DA E WORTHINGTON JAY DICKEY SMITH JAMES BOOKER GRAVES JAMES BARRY HOLTON PHILIP SHERWOOD KLINE GALE EUGENE KLOESEL RALPH MICHAEL McKINLEY CARROLL FORREST HE DERSO 100 and 200-breastroke I~ PLI EY CLELAND SMITH FRA K THOMAS TOKES Page 405 1963 TENNIS SOUTHWEST CONFERENCE CHAMPIONS If the gloomy pre-outhwest Conference matche were to be any prediction of play to come, Longhorn netter might have packed their rackets for the season. Opening against the AIA team champions, Pan American, Texa fought hard only to be defeated 6-0. Sandwiched between two ties to cross-town St. Edwards ni­versity was a 6-0 los to star-laden Trinity University. Chuck McKinley, the nation's top ranked amateur, defeated Jack Kamrath as the other Longhorns met with a similar fate. Texas battled next against the powerful University of Corpu Chri ti at Penick Courts. But again the 'Horns came up with a loss, 4-2. Texas traveled to Louisiana to finally get in the win column by defeating LS 6-0. But the total for the trip ended in a draw as they lost to Tulane, 6-0. In their only other non-con­ference match later in the season, Texas bested the niversity of Houston 5-1 in Houston. Southwest Conference play began with a promi ing 5-1 win over TCU in Fort Worth. Against Baylor, Texas took a 6-0 sweep with Kamrath again playing the o. 1 singles. Hal Sparks, and Jerry Walters took the o. 1 doubles po ition. The Longhorns walloped A &M, 6-0 to take the mid-season conference lead. A 6-0 win over the scrappy Texas Tech Red Raider furthered the Texas cause. Then trouble hit in the form of SWC champion contenders, Rice University. Texas' Walters took the fir t singles match, but Kamrath, Sparks, and John Heath fell to the Rice netters. In the doubles matches, Texas took the first one to help even the play. The pressure was on for the second doubles match as Texas and Rice each took a set. But the third had to be postponed because of darkness and was won by Kamrath and Heath the next day. Texas thus kept its one set lead over Rice. To beat Rice for the title, Texas had to sweep MU in their postponed meet. They did and ended the eason 32-4 to take their thirteenth conference title. P•1e 106 JOHN BRUCE HEATH JOH KAMRATH HAROLD ST. CLAIR SPARKS, III Captain RESERVE LETIERME Peter John Hennessey Michael Rhodes Lawless Charles Arthur Lutz MANAGERIAL AWARD Frederick Albert Matson, III I JERRY LY WALTERS DARRELL WILLERSON, JR. T OFFICERS President ... . .... . .. . ........ JOHN PATRICK CULPEPPER Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . RAYMOND COY POAGE, JR. Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . CHARLES ARTHUR KNUTSON Sergeant-at-Arms ..... ............. JA.MES WAYNE GILBERT MEMBERS Tim Allen Gary Thornton Chisholm Staley Faulkner Jim Choyce Allison James Weldon Clark Kenneth Wayne Ferguson Ralph W. Alspaugh David Colley Joe Fisher, III Gordon Scott Appleton John C. Collier Kenneth Wayne Fisher Ronald Davis Bandy Jerry Carlton Cook Dan Adolph Fleckman Charles Richard Barnhill John Allen Cooke Tommy Cline Ford Charles H. Bankhead James Gary Cooper Lawrence Turner Franks George Turner Bass Johnny Walter Cotten James E. Fults Martin Earl Beaty Michal Barry Cotten John Paul Fultz Merwin Gordon Beavers Hugh Anthony Crosby Bobby Frank Gamblin Thomas F. Belcher John Patrick Culpepper Allen Randall Geiselman Francis Folsom Bell, Jr. Talmage Ray Cunningham John Allen Genung Baylus Earls Bennett Charles Randolph Curson Samuel Charles Giesey James A. Besselman Donald Michael Dalton Gene Estel Gifford William Lamar Bethea Jerry D. Davis James Wayne Gilbert Clarence Vaughn Bray Jerry M. Desmond Oscar Newell Goo-de, Jr. James Allan Brown Joe Marion Dixon Carroll Deene Gott George Louis Brucks Timothy Michael Doerr James Booker Graves Charles Otis Buckalew Jack Raymond Dugan Hix Green David W. Burleson William Carl Ehman Loy Melton Gunter Emmett A. Carlisle William Frank Ermel Steven Joe Guynes Johnny Phillip Eschle T ASSOCIATION Charles 0. Harten tein, Jr. Robert Austin Hatcher John Bruce Heath John Henry Heller Carroll Forrest Henderson James Barry Holton Charlie Benefield House James Thomas Houston James Clark Hudson William Michael Humphrey Herbert Ray Jones Charles Lee Jordan Terry David Kahn John Robert Kamrath Edward E. Kasper Richard Page Keeton Anthony King Philip Shenvood Kline Gale Eugene Kloesel Ralph Werner Knebel Charles Arthur Knutson Rodney C. Koenig Ernest Melvin Koy Marvin Thomas Kubin Clayton Lacy William Ross Laughlin Robert Allen Ledbetter Gary Erroll London Thomas Ray Lucas James Scott Mann Greg ewton Martin Robert L. Masson Ralph Michael McKinley Alonzo Perry McWilliams David Lee McWilliams Harold Brett Morris William Hugh Munn Glenn Burke Musgrove Robert Wills Myer, Jr. Walter L. ew Robert Patrick Nunis Knox Dillon Nunnally Derrell Martin Oliver H. Edward Padgett Harold Marvin Philipp Thomas E. Phillips John McPherson Pinckne~· Raymohd Coy Poage, Jr. James Kenneth Puryear Larry Gene Rhodes Gordon Leigh Roberts Larry Frank Roden Charles Henry Rodgers Robert Eugene Ross Walter Coyce Sands John Edward Schmid Robert Allen Sewell Vernon Lee Shelton Jack Davis Sides David Taylor Skinner James Robert Smith Jay Dickey Smith Jim Russell mith Pilney Cleland mith Thomas Theodore Smith Harold S. parks, III George Myron Spear Robert Daniel Spellings Frank Thomas Stokes Carlton Eugene Stowers Stephen Douglas Strickland Dunklin A. Sullivan Charles Dan Talbert Ronald Byron Thomas James Carlyle Thompson, Jr. Michael Butch Thompson Ronald E. Thompson Michael Emmett Thrash Terence Colquitt Todd John C. Treadwell John Turner eil Unterseher Olen Underwood Tommy Virgil Wade James C. Wallace Jerry L. Walters Ronald David Weaks William Darrell Willerson Rex Gerald Wilson Richard D. Worthington Robert Paul Wyatt Robert Darrel Yoder Tommy Escridge York Second Row: A. McWilliams, D. McWilliams, Morris, Musgrove, ew,-Tunis, I\unnally, Olh•er, Philipp, Phillips, Poage, Purrear. Third Roro: Rhodes, Roberts, Roden, Sands, Sewell, J. D. Smith, J. R. Smith, Stowers, Stricldand, Sullivan, Talbtrt, J. Thomp on. Fourth Row: Thrash, Todd, TreadweJl, nderwood, nltrnher, Wade, "'eah, W!Herson, Worthin:ton, Yoder, York. Page 409 Front: Thomsen, Kellogg, Darling, Maxey. Back: Nowotny, Lowe, Melton, orthington. , ROBERT JAMES LOWE WILLIAM ALLE MELTO Head Cheerleader BE :.\10 ROE 0 OT LI DA LO KELLOGG Poae 410 Freshman Cheerleader Freshman cheerleader not pictured: PAM BURNETT SHARRO A SIBLEY Freshman Cheerleader Page 411 FRESHMAN FOOTBALL FRESHM K AWARD Bud E. Alldredge Clyde John Bennett Johnson Richard Douglas Blakney Robert Wilson Johnston Michael Rodger Boxwell Michael King James Edward Brooks Ronald Paul Landry Robert Wayne Casseday Richard Allen Launey Joe Michael Chernosky Lloyd Arthur Lawrence, Jr. Johnny Lee Cook Thomas Austin Ledbetter Thomas Trimble Currie, Jr. Leon Allen Meek, II William Jake David Robert Eugene Myers Leslie Alfred Derrick Tommy H. obis Charles Morgan Echols Michael O'Brien Fred Allen Edwards Jerry Wayne Oliver Larry Gene Faulk Luther Daniel Prescott Joseph Tittle Galiga Richard Bartlett Putman Robert Kjmberly Gaynor James Graham Roach Barney Lewis Giles David Michael Roan Howard Lynn Goad Jackie Lloyd Roberson Joe Clarence Hague Ronald Stephen Smith Philip Leon Harris Thomas Allen Stockton Robert Dale Harris John G. Stuart Michael Eugene Holt Dudley A. Suggs Jack LeRoy Howe, Jr. Diron Vester Talbert Stanley Francis Hupfeld, III John Patrick Williamson Dwain A. James Ted E. Wimberly FRESHMAN MANAGERIAL AWARD Alfred Cantu Billy Vogt Closing their seventh consecutive season with a .500 average or better, the Texas Yearlings finished the '62 season with a 3-2 record. Texas still hasn't lost a freshman game by more than one point since 1957. The Shorthorns received their first taste of college football on October 11 in Memorial Stadium when they faced the powerful Baylor Cubs. With the help of Phil Harris and Leslie Derrick the Texas team overcame Baylor's 6-0 halftime lead by boosting the score to a Texas 12-6 lead in the third quarter. Baylor took little time getting back into the scoring column. The extra point on the scoreboard gave them the one point advantage (13-12) which proved to be enough. On October 26 the Shorthorns went to Houston to play ball and came back with their first victory of the year. The game was tied 14-14 in the fourth quarter when Jake David tossed a pass to Tom Stockton for nineteen yards and the winning touchdown. The Yearlings received their second one-point defeat of the year on November 2 in a rickety S.M.U. stadium. Fullback Tommy Stockton scored the Texas touchdown with a four yard drive three minutes deep in the fourth period. S.M.U. Colts took the limelight in the fourth quarter with their 80 yard touchdown driv~ assisted by two timely 15 yard penalties to score the winning touchdown. In an impressive battle here on November 9 the Texas Shorthorns spotted the T.C.U. Wogs 7 points and then came back to defeat them 17-7. End Bob Cassiday scored the first Yearling touchdown when he grabbed a 23 yard pass from Mike Boxwell. After a 42 yard field goal the Yearlings ~ade the final tally on the ground when Jack David plunged over from the one to make the score, 17-7. The Yearlings headed for College Station on November 21 for their season windup against the A.&M. Fish. Posing their rushing team against A.&M.'s passing team the Shorthorns came out with a distinctive 22-8 victory. This was the ·eighth game in a Texas' Freshmen victory string over the A. & M. Fish: Having concluded such a fine season, the Yearlings give every indication of being a big boost to the '63 Texas Longhorns. SCORES Texas 12 .. ......... ...... Baylor 13 Texas 21 Rice 14 Texas 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMU 8 Texas 17 TCU 7 Texas 22 A&M 8 ROBERT CLAYBUR 1 CH LZE, Coach FRESHMAN BASKETBALL FRESHMA AWARDS John Robbins Bush Platt Walker Davis David Craig Durham Daniel Henry Eikenberry Robert Charles Ittner William Daniel Nicholson iii! Paul Peter Olivier -~ tt Patman John Howard Robinson ROl!h Ellis Lee Smith Roe Jay Orville Wright, I Smi~ Freshman Managerial Award SIOClton RAYMO D VA CE MAYES, JR., Coach 'lli SCORES a. Texas 80 .... ..... Del Mar 89 Texas 57 ...... Lon lV!orris 88 !id ill Texas 80 .... Wharton J. C. 68 Texas 77 .. ·. . Victoria College 70 Texas 57 ............ Rice 53 Texas 62 ............. TCU 63 Texas 54 ........... Baylor 58 Texas 59 .. ......... A&M 61 Texas 55 ............ TCU 74 Texas 57 ........... . Rice 63 Texas 62 ........... A&M 66 Texas 48 .......... Baylor 50 FRESHMAN SWIMMING FRESHMAN A WARDS William Floyd Alsup Lee Richard Branum Richard W. Chowning Carl Henry Hickerson Sam G. Kidd Gary Allen Littlepage Vincent Moyer Ronnie Earl Rogers William Reginald Smyth James Christopher Spillane Michael C. Byrd, Freshman Managerial Award HE RY CHAP 1AN, Coach Front Row: Gary Littlepage, Vince Moyer, Sam Kidd, Bill Alsup, Reggie Smyth. Back Row: Coach Chapman, Dickie Chowning, Carl Hickerson, Jim Spillane, Lee Branum, Ronnie Rogen, Mike Byrd. Page 413 FRESHMAN TRACK The Texas Yearlings, led bv do it all sprinter Steve Sansom, won the frosh division of the SWC meet with 63 points, to second place SMU's 47. Sansom, a Greenville hurdler, took both barrier events and a second in the javelin to earn 14 points for his day's work. Richard Romo brought the 'Horns to the victory path by winning the mile handily in 4:20.7, Ken Sunderland of Texas added a third. Chuck Frawley, the Yearlings' top 880 man, rounded the two laps in 1 :54.9 for another first for Texas. Besides a fine showing of Yearling power at the SWC meet, they have broken 11 of the 26 university all time freshman records this year. The freshman four mile relay team of Frawley, Yates, Sunderland and Romo broke the National Collegiate Freshman record of 17 :19.0 with a 17 :11.0. The distance medley relay team of Bill Strong, Frawley, Romo and Sunderland likewise broke the National Collegiate Freshman record of 10:00.5 with a 9:57.0. Richard Romo, running in the meet of champions at Houston, June 8, clocked the fastest time ever recorded for an American, freshman division, in the mile. His time was 4 :05.6. This has been one of the most powerful teams Texas has coached in many years and the Longhorns can look forward to next year with great anticipation. FRESHMAN A WARD Michael H. Ardis Thomas D. Keene Phillip G. Baerreis Thomas Austin Ledbetter Craig E. Bartlett Michael G. McCollum Fred P. Clark John W. Perry, Jr. Claude R. Cloninger Richard Romo Thomas T. Currie Edward S. Sansom Charles Carey Frawley Larry L. Steele Billy S. Gilbreath William R. Strong Jack Donald Hart Kenneth Sunderland Michael Hall Hennen Ronnie V. Yates Alwin Charles Coward, Freshman Managerial Award T. J. LOVVORN, Coach Front Row: Coward, Hollis McMilan, Baerrei1, lcCollum, Strong, Coach Lovvorn, Ardis, Fra~ley, Harl, Yate , Cartrr Llewel n. s~cond Row: Romo, Gilbreath, Richard Law100, Clarie, 1n1om, Bartlett, Hennen, Keene, Ed Beck, underland. Page 411 Gordon Lee Lakey, Freshman Managerial Award I I ,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . McCALLUM HIGH SCHOOL 6 6 .. . . . . .. .. . . ..... . ... ...... WHARTO COUNTY JC 0 5 . . . . .... . ..... .... . . .. . .... .... ....... .. BAYLOR 7 0 ................................... .. ...... RICE 5 YEARLI GS 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AUSTIN HIGH SCHOOL 1 YEARLINGS 11 .... .......... .. ........ ............... BLINN JC 1 2 .... ....................................... RICE 0 YEARLI GS 10 ......................... ........... TEXAS A&M 8 YEARLI GS 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BAYLOR 1 YEARLINGS 3 . ... . .... .. . ..... .. ... . .. . ... ..... .. TEXAS A&M 5 Forrest P. Boyd William Jasper Carden John Robert Cope Raymond Robert Dulak George Stanley Gideon Melton Lee Good FRESHMAN AWARDS Joe Clarence Hague Ralph Douglas Johnson Robert C. Raley Letcher Ward Summers Robert Ellis Wells Reginald Gladish Young FRESHMAN AW ARDS Charles Carey Frawley Jack Donald Hart Michael Hall Hennen Richard Weldon Lawson Richard Romo John Wallace Sutherland Ronnie Vonkoy Yates T. J. LOWOR~. Coach Left to Right: Yates, Hart, Romo, Lawson, Hennen. FRESHMAN GOLF HARVEY PE 'ICK, Coach FRE HMA AW ARDS Darrell Lynn Davis William.Eugene Mitchell Charles Jefferson Eskridge Ra}ph Denn es Worsham FRESHMAN A WARDS Richard Edward Dullnig James Sterling Hawthorne Kenneth A. Wickett David Allen Young Frederick Albert Matsen, III, Freshman Managerial Award WILMER LAW Or ALLI O~. Coach INTRAMURALS Edited by Bill Crook and Nan Werner Pace 417 WOMEN'S INTRAMURALS PARTICIPATION TROPHY TRAVELING TROPHY FACULTY COMMITIEE Kay Holm Petersen, Chairman Mary Lou Anselin Shirley Ann Bird Karl K. Klein Rhea Hughston Williams SPORTSMANSHIP TROPHY and BEST MANAGER AWARD Left to Ri1ht: Kay Worrel, Delta Gamma, THIRD PLACE; Vir1ie Klein, Co-Op!, FIRST PLACE ; Jackie Raiooaek, Kappa Kappa Gamma, SECOND PLACE. Carolyn Hewatt Shiela O'Gara A. A. Rooker Rollin A. Sinninger INTRAMURAL STAFF Director ..... ...... , . . . . . . SHIELA O'GARA Associate Director . ....... CAROLYN HEWATT Assistant Director . . . . . . . . . . EVELYN P. LOW Secretary . . . . . . . . . . PEGGY JONES CARTER SPORT-MANAGERS Alpha Chi Omega ...... ... .. . .... SUSA PETET, BECKY ELSO Alpha Delta Pi .................... JAN CHINN, KATHY FRENCH Alpha Gamma Delta . . . . . . . . . . . . LINDA WELLS, PEGGY WINCKLER Alpha Kappa Alpha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ETIA JEAN MAYS Alpha Omicron Pi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY JO DELK, PEGGY LAY Alpha Phi ........ . . ... . .. KAY SORDEN, MARGARET McGOWAN Alpha Xi Delta ......... . . : . . .... KAREN FLY, LUCILLE MILLER Carothers Dormitory .. .. .......... . . . .. . .. RHODA McSPADDEN Chi Omega . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARTHA PHILLIPS, PEGGY HAGOOD Co-Ops ........ ........ .... VIRGIE KLEIN, DELORES ASHORN Delta Delta Delta .... .. .. ... . .. CORRINE COLLINS, NANCY NEBLETT Delta Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIA E EELY, KAY WORREL Delta Phi Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . . MICKI MASSIN, YNETTE SIEGELMAN Delta Zeta ..... . ..... . .......... JANET FRITZ, SUNELL ROGERS Gamma Phi Beta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VALORIA SCOTI, SANDY BURNETT Kappa Alpha Theta .............. CAROL MUIR, DAISY WHITRIDGE Kappa Kappa Gamma ..... . LINDA WYATT, JACKALYN RAINOSEK Littlefield Dormitory ................... . ...... .. DIXIE GADDIS Newman Club ................. . CALA SHIELDS, JOYCE MATTHEY Phi Mu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAROL SEARIGHT Pi Beta Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GAIL FORSYTHE, NANCY HOSKINS Scottish Rite Dormitory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY LOU FARRAR Sigma Delta Tau ................ SANDY GALOOB, DINY PLOTSKY Zeta Tau Alpha ........ . ....... BECKY DAVIS, CHINKY JOHNSON, ALANE HIGGINS, CAROL DAWSON TOUCH FOOTBALL ORANGE BRACKET MANAGERS-FALL Front Row: Peggy Winckler, Alpha Gamma Delta; Becky Davis, Zeta Tau Alpha; Valerie Scott, Cam'ma Phi Beta; Susan Petet, Alpha Chi Omeia; Jere Kitzmiller, Delta Gamma; Martha Phillips, Chi Omeia. Back Row: Carol Searight, Phi Mu; Mary Jo Delk, Alpha Omicron Pi; iltki Rylander, Kirby; Virgie Klein, Co-Ops; lanet Fritz, Delta Zeta. MANAGERS-SPRING Third Row: Peggy Hagood, Chi Ome10, Peggy Winckler, Alpha Gamma Delta; Nancy Neblett, Della Delta Della; Dai1y Whitridge, Kappa Alpha Theta. WHITE BRACKET Front R ow: WI 'NER-GAMMA PHI BETA, Kathy Hudkins, Stacie Front Row : WINNER-DELTA GAMMA, Lynne Ruchke, Pat Myers, Stone, Cynthja Shoptaw. Ann Wingo, Carolyn Benton, Pam Jamison, Vicki Broob. Second Row: Brenda Baxter, Merla Lew Riddle, Sally Mathia, Lou Second Row: Barbara Sandy, Diane Dunk, Betsy Bonin , Sunny Langatoa, Barnhart, .Suaan DiJJa.rd, Martha Dillard, Valorie Scott , Dianne Jill Harris, Betty Fry, Jere Kitzmiller. Douglus, Carol Romano, Jean Fletcher, Mary Cray McGee. Third Row: RUNNER-UP-DELTA DELTA DELTA, Nancy Neblett, Third Row: RUNNER-UP-KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA, Karen Tellep1en, Judy Meyer, Kathy Malick, Sue Herrington, Patsy Lyle, Diane Ja·ckie Rainoaek, Jan La Muter, Evalie Hawes, Mollie Rehmet, Erin Dodaon, Kay Bowers, Corinne Collins, Nancy Andrewa, Kay Olsen, Linn, Kay Peeblet, Liz Mobley, Suzanne Womack, Anne McCullough, Linda Wright, Jan Rozell. Page 419 Frannie Ronshausen, Harriet Williams, Jann Rowley. BADMINTON SINGLES DOUBLES Front Row: RUNNERS-UP-WHITEHALL CO-OP, Becky Ihrig, Julia Labay, Frances Gidd ens, JoAnn Stiles, Shirley Pankratz, Johnette Schelin, Mary Ann Kuykendall, Judy Cole. Back Row: WIN ERS-LITTLEFIELD, Joy Pohl, Jo Williamson, Sarah Williamsoo, Margaret Koy, Linda Daniel, Janice Lain, Dixie Gaddis, Mary Jane Williamson, Judy Bell, Judy Couch. WHITE BRACKET Mn pencer, Front. Row: R usan Davi , Jane Pfcifrer, targic Carr, Valarie Dillard. Pase 420 Back RolO: WI ER -ALPH K PPA ALPH • Thelma Miller, Charlie Delly Griggs, Gloria Grant, Bobbye 1even1, Beverly Hatcher, Ella tay1. Fenno, Janet Zrubek, Margie Kutac. Back Row: WINNERS-ALPHA GAMMA DELTA, Becky Becknell, Jerry Walker, Anne .... Adams, LouEllen Breuer, Dixie Gaddis, Martha Dunlap. Patricia Nance, Carole Burke, Independent, WI NERS. " Page 421 GOLF SWIMMING POSTURE Front Row: THIRD PLACE-Jane Pas• Lltte, Amy Geppert, u•io Hushes, Back Row: FIRST PLACE-Diane nyder, Marta David on, Vlrlie PLACE-Sue Cre11er, Carmen hepherd, Ronda John1on. Pas• 422 SOFTBALL ORANGE BRACKET Front Raw: WIN ERS-NEWMAN, Shirley Marge Pruatik. . Second Row: Cala Shields, Joyce Matthey, Marilyn Finger, Linda Styles, Martha Ren· dricb, TereA• Roberto. Back Row: RUNNERS-UP-LITTLEFIELD, Mary Jane William1on, Katie Aiton, Joy Pohl, Pam Crone, Dottie Lilliard, Dixie Gaddis, Linda Daniel, Janice Lain, Suzanne Bartlett, Jill Crabbe, Alice Eichenroht. WHITE BRACKET Front Row : WINNERS-Alpha Gamma Delta, Carolyn Aaron, Anne Adami, Lydia Ann Melcher, Lee Singleton, Melicent Tlucek, Peggy Winckler, Jerry Walker, Dinah Ford, Enayse Wimberly, Lee Ericsen, Linda Wells Corso. Back Row: RUNNERS-UP-PHI MU, Bennie Clinton, Rita Fenno, Margie Kutac, Patsy Marty;n, Kay Walton, Sue Wagnon, Janet Zrubeck, Jo Van Hurd, Carol Searight, Vicki Hunter, Rosemary White. UTSA Left to Right: Jan Chinn, Alpha Delta Pi, RUNNER-UP; Judy Jordan, Kappa Kappa Gamma, WINNER. PRESIDENT'S COUNCIL Left. to Ritht: Lillian Koth, Strike and. Spare; Lou Clark, Basketball Club ; Linda Lovele11, Turtle Club; Nancy Hoffman, Ricket Club; Anna. Brace, Canter Club; Jackie Baggett, Ponna Club; Denny Newber.ry, Orc/aeJi!. U.T.S.A. CANTER POONA Back Row: Janet· Fels, Peggy Foran, Pat Davidson, Linda Ruth Lovele11, Jane Voight, Jan Miller, Beverly Brand, Sylvia Raschke, Carol Halamicek, Janet Slavens, Bobbie Tate, Lou Cash. Members Not Pictured : Kay Worrell, Peggy Hagood, Fran Norris. ORCHESIS STRIKE &SPARE Front Row: Charlene Cooper, Barbara Joan Cocbman, Front Row: Ray Childen, Lillian Kosh, BiJJ Winkler, Carolyn Fisher, Carolyn Giese, Jan Bzura, Liz Dni1, Peony Acen, Denny e-wbeny. Nancy Hoskins, Janice CalJe, Linda Blackatooe, Virginia WelJ1, Pam Ru11ell, Cay Cunzel, Jan Middle Row: Carol Aon imt, Lorrie Beal, Judy Hinds, Linda Muon, Celene Lanham. • Ticknor, April Beall, Dolly Dippel. Back Row: John Krueger, Johnny Gabriel, S1anley Stumhoffer, Edward Tinoco, Ray Landen, Dolph Back Row: Janet Darrow, Rita Faaelman, Eileen tiJ1on, Diddy, John Guinn, Bill Cray, Ronny Malloch, Bill Coursey, Larry Big1en, Charles Woodt, Belly cbwartz, Je.nne Amacker. Terry Sledek, Dick O'Dell, Bu1h Starrett. Member1 Not Picturtd: Lynn Calla1her, Lolly Moralet, ltlember1 Not Pictured : Darrell Martin, Sandy Liles, William Harrison, Robert Bucalow, Carol Martha Reed, Sarah Mufield. Genier, Kathryn '\\' bite, Joyce Rudber1, Filli1 Framer, Kay Walton, RobeTt Ca.rlner. Pase 424 INTRAMURAL SPORTS FOR MEN STAFF Director Emeriw s . . ........ .. . .. . ...... .. BERRY McCLURE WHITAKER Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALBERT ALBIN ROOKER Assistant Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT N. HIGGINS Administrative Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EMILY S. DUNBAR Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANNE S. WINSTEAD FACULTY COMMITTEE Kay H. Petersen Shiela M. O'Gara Mary Lou Anselin Albert A. Rooker Shirley Ann Bird Rollin A. Sininger Carolyn Hewatt Rhea H. Williams SE IOR MA AGERS 1962-63 Front Row: Cleo Jenkins, Walter Earl McDonald, Freeman LaSalle Andrews, William Edward Morris, Claude EJredge Monroe. Back Row: Fred Lee Jefferson, Joe Henry Thorpe, Thomas Saines Cillis, Marcellus Young, James M. Kerl, Robert Alexander Booker, Howard Eugene Je£fenon, Percy Singleton, Jr. Front. Row: Lloyd Kenneth Perkins, Kenneth Charles Windham, Don A. Tortorice, Philip Wayne J ohnson, Jamea Steven Quinn. Bock Row: Roger Lee Wharton, Louie E. Spradlin, Rudolph Vince Krueger, Scott Charles Follett, Charles Thomas Key, Warren Neilson Lipscomb, Jr., Jon David Holzapfel, David Clarence Neubauer. SWIMMING ALPHA TAU OMEGA-CHAMPIONS DELTA TAU DELTA-RU ER· P Front Row: Emmett Leich MorrJaoo, Patrick Graham Cooper, Franklin H. Comiod:ey. Front Rot0: Richard Pa10 Keeton, Edward Ralph Barron, Herbert R. Joaet. Bock Row: William Arthur Te.cue, Warren Frank Tracy. Back Row: Joe Bill Watkins, Charlet fik:e Lucas, Roy fax.well Hall, Joteph Campbell Paco ~26 Sparkt. BASKETBALL CLASS A DELTA TAU DELTA-CHAMPIONS NAVY-RUN ER-UP Front Row: WilJiam Crocker St. Clair, Leon Elton Ferrell, Joe Bill Watkins. Front Row: Charles T homas Ke y, L. E. Spradlin, John Michael Beidel. Back Row : Joseph Campbell Sparks, Patrick 0 . Higgins, Michael R. Thompson, Charles Back Row: Harold C. Lutz, Scott Charles Follett, John Michael Mason, Thomu M. Michael Lucas. Broad. CLASS B PHI GAMMA DELTA-CHAMPIONS ARMY-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Donald Ashley Hillin, Roy Eugene Rushing, Thomas Henger Stewart, Front Row: Clifford L. Thompson, Herbert E. Evan1, David Dean Ling, John Allen Cook. John Hur1chel Young. Back Row: Jamea Franklin Gladson, Timothy Burton Eldred, Oscar Newell Goode, Back Row: Joseph Paul DeLorenzo, William Scott Adams, David Locke Stone, Robert Hermee Edward Payne, Douglas Read Connally. Monroe Speed. Front Row : Charles S. Leeper, Mpfon Sanford, Robert Louthan Wynne. Front Row : Don A. Tortorice, David Carner Wilbourne, John S. Ryder, Timothy Drake Second Row: John Walter Dietz, Joe Bill Watkins, David Dean Nunneley, Bruce Moore. Monarch Smith, Alliaoo Gayle Haaaelmeir. Back Row : Gerald C. Lund, Jon David Holz.apfel, Je11e Luke Thompson, Warren Back Row: John Ha"ey Hudspeth, Ralph Edd Krieger, Robert Graham Walla, Charles Neilson Lipscomb, Henry Amoa Harper, Harold C. Lutz, Charl88 Thomas Key, Jr.1 Page 427 Michael Lucas. IRANIAN STUDENTS-CHAMPIONS PHI GAMMA DELTA-RU ~R-UP Left to Right: Paegh Frank Chaveleh, A11ad Iranpanah, James Mark Pape, Henry G. Left to Right: Leo C. Roan, Dean Marshall Greenwood, Tom William Oliver, David L. Arevalos, Mansour Dulce Niklchah, Ata Ollah Safai, Hoasien Kazemi. Stone, Richard H. Carnahan, Leland M. Allred. CLASS B DELTA TAU DELTA-CHAMPIONS Left to Right: Leo Horace White, William James Smith, Sam Sparks, David Michael South, Patrick 0. Higgins, Joe Bill Watkins, Burch Cockran. BOWLING CLASS A PHI GAMMA DELTA-CHAMPIONS ARMY-RUNNER-UP Front. Row: Walter Scott Fortney, Tom Henger Stewart, John A. Genung, Jack A. Front. Row: David George Allums, Dean Marshall Greenwood, Dan Ray Lazicki, Dan Collini. Nobles Gardner, Thom11 Edward Lane. Second Row: Wayne E. Ray, M. Leland Allred, John Joseph Redfern, Ken B. Ford. S econd Row: Captain John E. Mcintosh, Anthony Charles Jung, Larly Calvin Nelson, Back Row: Ed N. Esquivel, Richard Charles Campbell, Ken Wayne Powell. John Allen Cook, Hermes Edward Payne. Back Row: Claude Edward Hempel, Gerald Anthony Semrod, Ronald Fred Bond, Jerry Morgan Hixson. CLASS B PHI GAMMA DELTA-CHAMPIONS PRATHER HALL-RUNNER-UP Front. Row: .Leo C. Roan, Tommy H. Nelms, Rodney Wayne Satterwhite, Herbert E. Front Row: Ernest William Cragg, Robert Doil BurgeH, Sam Lyon Ward, Tommy Eugene Graham. Lane, Tommy Ray Actkinson. Back Row: Ferrell Frank Davia, Frank Anthony Boni, Robert R. Lanier, Jackson Back Row: C. Edward Bradford, Richard Felipe Cortez, William W. Ni•er, Robert Thornton Fulgham, Knox T. Williama, Roy Eugene Rushing, Winfield Hugh Looney, Portner Kohler, James Weldon Pope, Monroe Wayne Jone1, Ron Steven Goldberg, H. Stryker Emmerton. Sam Walter Jetton, Thoma1 C. Cook, Jack Duff Lusk. SOFTBALL-FAST PITCH CLASS A PEM CLUB-CHAMPIONS PHI KAPPA SIGMA-RUNNER-UP Front Row: Tommy Cline Ford, Tommy Ray Lucas, Ronnie E. Marn, Auguatine Front Row: Randall Lee Hammon, Jr., Ralph Werner Knebel, William C. Spruell,Cutillo. Robert L. Harria. Second Row: Daniel Earl Schroeder, Armando Chapa, Richard Stark, Ned Cole. Second Row: Roland McKendree Chamberlin, James Richard Herbster, James Leon Back Row: Clinton Thompson, Edward DelaRoaa, Robert Lewis Smith. Farris, Ollie Albert Schwansch. Back Row: John R. Cro:uon, Thomas Lee White, Leelie Clark Acker, Michael Robert Dehard. -Page 429 INDIVIDUAL SPORTS HANDBALL SINGLES CLASS A CLASS B Left to Right: Robert Irvin Pettis, Alan Wade Pettis, Beta Th eta Pi, RUNNER -U P; Left to Right: John Harold Ayers, Raymund Arthur Paredes, Newmon, RU NER-UP; Walter L. New, Robert A. Roberts, Mi$fiu, CHAMPION. William Keith Kirkgard, Hal Francis Rachal, Beto Thhburne Joseph Kenneth Bailey, Jr. Perry 0 car Barber William Bernard Barrett Virginia L. Bean Winston C. Beard Peter Dunne Bennett John Strock Bickley Jack William Cashin Aaron Hamilton Chute Richard Bailey Counts Alonzo B. Cox Franklin Lanier Cox Edward William Cundiff Alfred George Dale Lester Lum Colvert Henry H. Dewar Dorothy Ayres Lester Loyd Edmonds, Jr. Wayne F. Aguren Edward J. Blakely Robert Loring Bracht Patricia Byars Manny Monroe Carter Carole E. Clemmon> Barbara Faye Cotham Richard Bailey Count5 Ben Russell Cox Rex Beach Cruse, Jr. Don T. Decoster Charles S. Dempsey Harry Dillashaw George M. Dolansky Maggie H. Fountain Herbert Lester Fowlt>. Jr. Billie M. Gannaway David D. Gibson Sandra Gayle Anderson Frederic Allen Bittner James Howard Bradley, Jr. Chama Etta Bulba Robert Charles Bush Van William Carson Judith Chapman John Wayne Davenport David Rombs Dial John Copley Donovan FA CUL TY MEMBERS James Wesley Deskins Jame Clay Dolley J. Anderson Fitzgerald James W. Giese Alvin Joseph Golden Charles Henry Griffin Gene Kerry Jones James Rudolph Kay Charles Richard Klasson Elizabeth Lanham Edmund Clayton Lynch Francis Barns May George Hillis ewlove William B. Phillips Charles Lee Prather Bruce W. Roberson Robert E. Seiler HONORARY MEMBERS S. Marcu Greer A. G. Mc eese, Jr. H.J. Stark ADMINISTRATIVE MEMBERS Arthur J. Edwards Maebess Edwy Matthews STUDE .T MEMBERS Alvin Joseph Golden ed Allen Green David Allen Kay Richard Glen King David I. Kuperman Douglas Bowman McCulley Bennie B. Mc ew Judy Erlich Margolis ancy Carole eumayer Carol Johnson Oswald William Dale Parsons William Burton Phillips David Guy Pope Roxana Proctor Joe elson Prothro Albert Johnny Reznicek David E. St. Clair SPRI G INITIATES Dan Adolph Fleckman Karen Fogg Linda Marie Gaede Judith Ellen Gallaher Ben L. Gebhardt, Jr. Bobby Allan Grigsby Charles William Grissett Dan Henry Hanke Gary amuel Hoffman David C. Holland JUNIOR MEMBER Joe Chartoff Irwin Allen hapiro C. Aubrey mith Everett Grant mith Burnard H. ord William Robert priegel William F. Staats Alfred F. Steiert Harry Walter Stephenson, Jr. John R. Stockton Charles Wallace Taylor Junius H. Terrell David Caldow Townsend Ernest W. Walker Glenn Albert Welsch John Arch White Charles Theodore Zlatkovich Carl J. Thomsen Gus Wortham Edwin Werner Olle Charles Herman parenberg Garland Ray Shelton Robert Elkins Sikes John Henderson mither Bruce Arnold Spacek William F. taats Roger Edmond Stephens Gene George Stoever Gary Lawrence Thurman Harvey Jordan Turner George Searcy Watson George Arthur Weber John D. Wells James Ewing Williams, Jr. Marilynn G. Winborne Terry Joe Witt Albert E. WoJH Austin Pretis Young, ill Robert Benny Zaboro ki Ann Elizabeth Jennings Matthew Andrew Landry John D. Menke Hal Francis Rachal, Jr. Edgar Wayne Ray, Jr. Judith Ann Robert Wilfrid Few Rylander James Eugene ander , Jr. tanley Livingston Vin on, Jr. John Bob Wilkinson To encourage and reward cholarship and to fo ter high ideals in busine s, are the purpo e of BETA G MMA IGMA the national honorary chola tic bu iness administration fraternity. Member of the enior cla who e cholar hip sufficiently high to rank them in the upper ten per cent of their clas are eligible for election and in addition, jun­iors in the upper four per cent of their cla may be cho en in the la t eme ter of their junior year. The activities of BET A GAMMA SIGMA include recognition of tudent who graduate with honor and 1 ting the out landing freshman and ophomore students for cholar hip award on the ha i of grade . Founded at th niver­ity of Wi consin in 1907, BETA G MMA IGMA came to the Univer ity campu a the Alpha chapt r in 1922. Paso 442 Fall Spring LARRY JESSE KILGORE ................ President ... ... ...... RICHARD STEVE WOLF RICHARD STEVE WOLF .............. Vice-President ................. KISHOR MEHTA EUGE E FRA KLIN SMITH ... .......... Secretary..... . ..... CHARLES THOMAS KOCH PETER CHRISTIAN WILLIAMS .......... Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . WAYNE BYRON I GRAM WILLIAM BURL LEDBETTER .... Associate Editor of the Transit JOHN LYNDON ROSENBLAD LYMO CLIFTON REESE ............ Faculty Advisor ... .. . ... LYMON CLIFTON REESE FACULTY MEMBERS Leland Barclay Ned Burns Raymond Fillmore Dawson Werner William Dornberger Phil Moss Ferguson Earnest Frederick Gloyna Leonardt Ferdinand Kriesle Frank D. Masch Hudson Matlock Walter L. Moore Carl William Morgan Lymon Clifton Reese Eugene Arman Ripperger J . Neils Thompson A. Anthony Toprac John Arnold Focht Robert Davis Turpin HONORARY MEMBERS Joseph P. Dannenbaum Howard T. Tellepsen J . C. Dingwall Nathaniel Parker Turner, Sr. GRADUATE MEMBERS William Emmett Bolch, Jr. Charles Albert Machemehl Stanley Paul Sauer Maurice Elroy Bronstad Charles Arthur Morgan James Albert Saylors Romert Isaac Carr, Jr. Thomas Oran Neely W. C. Schoeller Larry Earl Farmer Calvin Clyde Patterson Cecil H. Smith Richard W. Furlong Gerald B. Peck Eugene Franklin Smith Larry Jesse Kilgore Ervin Sewell Perry Robert E. Smith Joe Overton Ledbetter Tom Davidson Reynolds Clovis S. Vaughn William Burl Ledbetter Spruell Alton Russell, Jr. Yousef Aziz Yousef ALUMNUS MEMBER Clyde Edward Lee HONOR CHAPTER MEMBER Simon Freese U DERGRADUATE MEMBERS Tom M. Broad Youssef Khatoun Peter Christian William; Kleber Jennings Den ny Michael Wayne O'Neill Richard Steve Wolf E!mon Bill Stewart FALL PLEDGES William Dean Atkins Robert Henry Espey M. Salah E. Badawi Nossier Thomas Benjamin Bell Osman Ismail Ghazzalv John Lyndon Rosenblad George Max Carter Wayne Byron Ingram · Daniel Lewis Schodek Kynn Monroe Cole Charles Thomas Koch William Chris Shilling James Robert Darnell Charley Dewey McMullan William Lee Young Kishor Mehta SPRING PLEDGES Nasser Ibrahim Al-Rashid Howard Ernest Collier James Thomas Houston Maurice Irving Ashland Floyd Arthur Haskett, Jr. Georges Vernez Philip Herndon The purpose of CHI EPSILON is to place a mark of distinction on the Civil and Architectural Engineers who have distinguished themselves by high scholastic records and personal leadership. Character, scholarship, practicality, and sociability are the four principles which form the basis for the selection of members. Membership in the national honor society is limited to those senior and junior students who have maintained high scholastic averages. Page 443 ETA KAPPA NU OFFICERS Fall Spring THOMAS GRAY GODFREY .... . .. .. .... President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ORAN BRIGHAM ORAN BRIGHAM . .................. Vice-President ............ JIMMIE McRAE HORTON WILLIAM 'EDWARD TEASDALE . . . . Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JOHN M. HUGHES WILLIAM ERVEN SAYLE . . ...... Corresponding Secretary . . ...... .. . MICHAEL K. MASTEN JIMMIE McRAE HORTON ............ . . Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHARLES M. RICE EDWI CARL LOWE BERG . . . . . . . . . . Faculty Sponsor . . . . . . . . EDWIN CARL LOWENBERG FACULTY MEMBERS Michael E. Austin Burns ewman Gafford Edwin Carl Lowenberg Arwin Adelbert Dougal Robert Fonda Gribble Charles Harold Roth, Jr. William Charles Duesterhoeft, Jr. William H. Hartwig Harold Wood Smith Samuel J. Dwyer, III Elmer L. Hixson Archie Waugh Straiton Bob Meredith Fannin Roy Rankin Krezdorn Thomas Norman Whitaker Alfred Hall LaGrone MEMBERS Graduate Members Raymond B. Allen Charles Floyd George, Jr. Robert Maurice Riley Raymond William Bohls, Jr. David Grissom Arthur Edward Schulze George Lafayette Cardwell, III Carleton William Heller Ben Garland Streetman William Harold Carter Magne Kristiansen Roy L. Sullivan B. K. Cooper Parker Mixson Loeffler Joe Mayer Victor Edward Lee Cousins Gayle Patrick Martin Joe Tee Watt Otto M. Friedrich Robert Marshall McClure Alton Wayne Whitney Graham D. Galloway Frederick W. Patrick Darrell Roy Word Stevens David Ramsey Undergraduate Members John Wesley Bailey Charles A. Harlow Michael K. Masten Oran Brigham Jimmie McRae Horton Howard ixon Roberts Walter Ray Fuchs John M. Hughes William Erven Sayle Thomas Gray Godfrey Robert Leicht Lindner William Edward Teasdale Robert George Hajovsky Willis W. Luttrell Fred Walter Thies FALL PLEDGES Albert W. Baird Mario Jes us Gonzalez Marion Bruce Oneal David Anthony Biedermann Mohammed A. Gwaiz Charles M. Rice Leighton Baugh Brown Richard Ellsworth Huffman Jackie Lee Stone John Paul Craig Daniel G. Mackey James W. Whiteley James Morgan Mcintire, II SPRING PLEDGES Marvin Gaines Bloomquist Billy George Franklin James Howard ation John E. Boehl Mario Jes us Gonzalez William Eldon Sim Leighton Baugh Brown Robert W. Hanks Jess Leland Stanford Milton T. Buchanan Guy Walter Haynes Donald Ray Taylor Billy Dan Carroll James Jo eph Magee Earl W. Tiedt Joseph Thomas Cordaro David Temple Mayhall Robert Wallace Young Donald Eugene Miller The purposes of ETA KAPPA NU are to stimulate and reward high scholarship among electrical engineering tudent · to serve as an integrating and motivating force in electrical engineering department of college ; to serve the en"in~er­ing division and college at large; to aid members after graduation; to foster closer co-operation and bring mutual ben­efits to students, teacher , and others in the profession; and to advance the profession by contributing ervice of la t­ing value. ETA KAPPA NU elect it members from the male tudents of the junior and enior cla es pur uing cour e that lead to a bachelor's or equivalent degree in electrical engineering. Unimpeachable character and undoubted ability a evi­denced by scholarship i required. The Texas Chapter of ETA KAPPA wa founded in 1928. The Univer ity of Illinois was the site of the national founding in 1904. Pa10 41 1 OFFICERS Abbot . ... .... ....... . ......... . .. . ... . ..... WALTER TOM HENSO Schrivener . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEO NORROD GRAHAM Almoner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAMES HUDSON DUDLEY Charles T. Clark John Connally William A. Cunningham H. C. Englehardt Jack Bethel Brown Michal Barry Cotten James Hudson Dudley William Fielder John Patrick Culpepper George Richard Bettle John R. Cope FACULTY MEMBERS Gus M. Hodges Ettore H. F. Infante Albert P. Jones Wales H. Madden, Jr. Calvin Cleave Iolan MEMBERS Julius Glickman Leon orrod Graham Walter Tom Henson FALL I ITIATES Arthur Louis Schechter SPRI G INITIATES Gregory Owen Lipscomb Fred Faylor Lyle, Jr. Shannon Harrison Ratliff Arno owotny Edwin W. Olle John G. Steele Ben F. Wright Magne Kristiansen Lowell H. Leberman, Jr. Oliver Barr McClellan Maurice Samuel Olian Larry Lynn Schoenbrun Dick Weldon Simpson Ronald Glen Steinhart THE FRIAR SOCIETY confers the honor of membership upon the twelve or less most eligible men chosen from each senior class or higher. THE FRIAR SOCIETY was founded at the University in 1911. Page 445 OMICRON NU OFFICERS President ........ ........ .......................... .. D. KAY KING Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARE MAYNETI COX Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FLORA ANN NORRIS Treasurer ....................... . . . . ......... JANE DOUGLAS SMITH Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARY ALICE PAYNE Faculty Sponsor ....... ............ ... .... BILLIE BISHOP DAVENPORT FACULTY MEMBERS Dorothy Fehlis Aycock Paula Janet Chalupnik Billie Bishop Davenport Margaret Anne Eppright Ann Marie Erickson Florence Petzel Lucy Rathbone Elizabeth Tarpley Jennie S. Wilmot MEMBERS Caren Maynett Cox Patricia Diane Mayhall Betty Carolyn Porter Mary Katherine Huff Flora Ann orris Jane Douglas Smith D. Kay King Catherine Emelia Olsen Lynnda Landon Thompson Jane Ann Leach Mary Alice Payne Jeannine Wood FALL I ITIATES Rose Marie Balagis Patricia Ann Donaghe Lou Ellen Howard Ariane Barnes Alice Ann Driscoll Mattie Belle Medlin Sharon Jane Booth Carol Lavon Strom SPRING INITIATES Mildred Marie Apel Sandra Kay Ehlers Kathleen Diane Malick Virginia Lee Dietz Mary Evelyn Merritt Marilyn Rou e OMICRO NU is a national organization which ha for it purpo e the promotion of scholar hip leader hip and re­search in the field of home economics. Member hip is based on cholar hip character and the promi e of future achieve­ment and is limited to twenty per cent of the senior cla and ten per cent of th junior cla who have completed event ­ five hours of work. A 2.0 average is required a a minimum. Memb r hip i e tended in the form of invitation. The Texa Up ilon chapter of OMICRO wa founded in 1924. Michigan State Univer it wa ho t to the original chapter, founded in 1912. P11c 416 NU PHI BETA KAPPA OFFICERS President CAREY CARTER THOMPSON Vice-President . . .. . .... ....... ..... ... .. ...... MARJORIE B. REDDICK Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT E. GREE WOOD CLASSES OF 1962 Sonya Anne Arellano Joyce James Hinsley Joseph Emil Pulkrabek, Jr. Rambie Le Briggs William Blanton Howard, III Janice Ann Whitehead Randle Patricia Henneke Brown Judith James Carlos Eduardo Rodriguez James Wayne Christian Louise Butts Correll Jordan Harriet Schoch Mary Anne Massengale Culpepper Bobby Wayne LaBouve William Carl Shockley, Jr. Ella Kathleen Clements Davis ancy Baker Maxwell Anna Lee Scofield Smith James Vernon Grevelle Jerry Richard Meyers Linda Elizabeth Smith Sam Lerert Guyler Margaret Louise Rockwood Porter Leta Evelyn Taylor Billie Joyce Hale Joe Thomas Powell Kenneth Ray Van Doren William Russell Hardin ancy Duncan Powell Robert Beal Wilcox CLASSES OF 1963 Linda Ann White Allison Janice Carolyn Cowan Furman Marilyn Janelle Preusse Howard Michael Arno icholas John Giannukos Dorothy Jane Martin Purifoy Kenneth Wayne Behannon Billie Kathleen Goodwin Robert Henry Ray Alan Paul Bloebaum Marilyn Virginia Gump Gail Jacoby Reams Sally Belle Brockschmidt Katherine Augusta Haack James Fredrick Rounsaville William Eric Bucknall John Wells Holcombe Sara Ann Sanborn Foy Leon Campbell, Jr. Claude Wendell Horton, Jr. Sally Schnering Shelton Jack Loring Cargill, Jr. Maureen Jane Stedifor Linguist Ruth Ann Short Jay Clarence Davis Kenneth Lee Long Paul Stephen Simons Carolyn Draeger Robert Louis Lyle Aloysious Felix Tasch Ronald David Eastman Michael Mosesman Lawrence Hadley Thompson Elisabeth Wilbourn Eriksen Dan Leon icewander Delbert Ray Wagner Carolyn Farmer Gretchen Mae iebuhr Carol Jane Wilson Susan Chappell Ford William Thomas Wingo, Jr. ELECTED AS JUNIOR MEMBERS Martha Cathey Baker Owen Bryan Holland Janet Karline Shaw Rogers Susan Read Baker Raymond Lewis Johnson Barry Eugene Schwarz Elisabeth Alice Becker Dennis Gene Kovar Rex Gale Stanford William George Egelhoff Philena Jane Morton Allen Ottah Thiher, Jr. Elizabeth Ann Hargrove Mary Josephine Parker Teresa Ann Webb Ann Reed Heffington Jeffrey Warren Roberts Gary Lynn Wood Jack Wyndall Rogers, Jr. PHI BETA KAPPA is the leading honorary society of America in the field of arts and sciences. Members are taken from the highest ten per cent of the candidates for a Bachelor of Arts degree and the Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry, geology, and physics from any graduating class. PHI BETA KAPPA was founded at William and Mary College in 1776. The Alpha Chapter of Texas was founded in 1904. Page 447 PHI BETA KINSOLVING OFFICERS President ...................................... CAROLYN JAY STEPHENSO r Vice-President ... .... ................................ ... JANET LEE MILLER Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JO A N SERRANO Treasurer .... . .. .. ..... .. .. . . .. .... .. . ..... . .. . . .... . LILA RUTH WALTERS Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHARON LEE ASHTON Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . MARSHA WILKE S CHARTER MEMBERS Jane Karen Lewis Judith . Patterson MEMBERS Nancy Jeanne Anderson Louise Everett Linda Mauri Putnam Betty Lynn Archer Sharon Kaye George Sandra Ralston Sharon Lee Ashton Catherine Gessner Prudy Kay Ram ey Barbara Lou Babione Nancy Hale Linda Carole Ridgway Jan Anne Baethe Barbara Dianne Harris Francine Riemer Patricia Sue Balkman ancy Lynette Heater Jo Sharon Roberts Earnell Beckham Jane Gardner Howe Lyn Lee chmidt Barbara Ruth Brister Mary Hyder Jo Ann errano Mary Beth Burnside Jane Isenhower Linda Elise Sherrill Patsy Jeanne Byfield Judy Latimer Jordan Carolyn Jay Stephenson Carolyn Ann Cates Kay King Charlotte Louise tewart Ann Frances Clark Lana C. Lancaster ancy Kay Stroup Kay Diane Clark Jane Karen Lewis Becky Sue Sullender Peggy Marie Cooke Linda Ruth Loveless Allison Kaye Tartt Marianne Cooper Sandra Lee Maser Patricia Ann Tharp Carol Marie Cowan Mary Ann Matranga Claire Janet Timmons Deni Lynn Daly Janet Lee Miller Lila Ruth Walters Kathy Davis Kenny Sue Mills Marilyn Ann White Kathy A. Dixon Laura Clegg Monkhouse Patricia Ann Wiles Carolen Jeanne Draper Judith N. Patterson Ann Loui e Wilmer Margaret Anne Dunn Linda Rae Plambeck Judith I abel Wright Julia Ellen Edwards Pat Wallis Wright Janice Ann Balthrop Patricia Diann Benningfield Julia nn Brown Mary Mar ha Dingle Jane B. Allen Dani Ellen Bailey Barbara Louise Bearden Mary Alleen Boggs Bette Maxine Boyd Jacqueline Gay Cobb Louise Clarkson Connally Kathleen Darleen Daniel Margaret Ellen Deacon Carol Ann Edmondson Gloria Elma Garcia Diane Susan Gray FALL INITIATES Diane Virginia Grobe Dinah Kay Heiser Carol Jane LeCrone Mary Gail McDaniel SPRING INITIATES Sandra Hays Luralee Hodge Cynthia Ann Holland Lynda Bird Johnson Katherine Anne Kramer Pat Lawson Carolyn Ann Loocke Barbara E. Malick Susan J. Mattiza Shaaron Merie Melcher Helen H. Murchison ancy Ann eblett Leslie Ann Oakley Janet Renee Ort Joleen Pear on Rebecca Tyner Su an J. Oppenheim Jerilee H. Parker elda I. Pena Karen Lynn Powell Martha J. Purcell Elisa alina Elizabeth Ann cott Lee Ann Singleton Patricia Anne tephens Harriet Watt Donna G. Weintraub Janie Lucille Westbrook PHI BETA KI SOLVI G i an honorary organization who e regular member mu t be Kin olving re ident who are eligible for member hip in one or more of the scholastic honorarie recognized by the University at the Honor Day pro­gram or the Dean's Li t. PHI BET KI SOLVI G wa founded on the Univer ity campu in 1961. Pace 418 President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDGAR ALLEN MILLER Vice-President . . . . . ..... . ...... . . . .. . .......... FREDERICK ALBERT MATSE Secretary-Treasurer .. .. .. . .. .... . . .. . . . .. . . ..... ....... .... FREDERIC WEIGL Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHILLIP SIGMO BIALEY, JR. Junior Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STEPHEN LESTER JONES Senior Advisor .. . . .. ................. ... . .. .. ..... ... . ALFRED EARL WHITE Faculty Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARNO NOWOTNY Paul Gainer James Pinkney Hart George Lawrence Arnold Kermit Raymond Baese Stanley Charles Beyer Kenneth Logan Buis Thomas Reynolds Calhoun William Taylor Clark, III John Edwin Crosby, III Edwin Theodore Davis, Jr. Marion Lester Dodson, Jr. Johnny Banister Alexander Michael Wesley Andrews Barry Alan Applewhite Girvice Ward Archer, Jr. John Howard Bannister, II William Anthony Beavers John David Bell Eugene Austin Biegert Ronald Edwin Biendseil James Clinton Bones, Jr. Joe Tom Bouchier Michael Keith Brame Mark Jay Brookner Richard Turpin Brooks athaniel Austin Brookshire Billy Ben Butler Edward Carl Clancy Miles Gregory Clayton Claude Robert Cloninger Richard Lawrence Cohen Dean Frazier Damon Joseph Eugene Darveaux John Haven Davis Samuel Jerome Dealey Henry Drew DeBerry, Ill Leslie Robert Demetri Jerry Glynn Die Robert Joseph Dorotik Henry Glaeser Dove Harvey Radnor Eanes, Ill James Daniel Ellis Merlin Chapman Findlay, Ill Eugene Holland Flewellen, III David Robert Fransen Joseph Frederic Frisz Thomas Arthur Goltz Gary Wayne Goodrich David Lee Gregg Gary Neil Gross MEMBERS-AT-LARGE William Micheal Mebane HONORARY MEMBERS Arno owotny Theophilus Shickel Painter FALL INITIATES Gary Leonard Duke David Fulton Eanes John William Green Charles Lawrence Hollas William Benjamin LaLonde William Ross Lawler Larry Howard Long John Attrill Mackintosh James Robert McCombs Donald Norton McGiffin SPRING INITIATES Ralph Rudolph Haack Frank Patrick Hadlock John Baskin Harper Barry Lynn Harrell Donald Whitesell Hartman Allison Gale Hasselmeier, Jr. Kenneth Edward Hawker, Jr. John Clark Heideman Fred Adlam Helms Kenneth Ray Hessel Rupert Cox Holland John Robert Holmes Earl Winfield Howard Robert William Hughes Arthur Furman Isbell, II Robert Charles Ittner Donald Roy Johnson Harold Leonard J ohnson Patrick Ray Jones Charles Marvin Kelso, Jr. James Everett Key, II David Dilley Knowles Glenn Thomas Kubena Phillip Wayne Lacy Richard Weldon Lawson Richard Kent Lennington Thomas Walton Leonard John Caspar Leopold William McDuffie McAfee John Allen McMillen James Robert Martin Jerry Lynn Matlock Wallace Brand Mendelson John Willard Moore Paul Richmond Moore Virgil Wesley Moore Watson Lee Moore David Lawrence Murphy James Norris Neill John Mack Orr Robert Lee Sutherland Ralph Micheal McKinlay Sam Charles aifeh Donald Henry Owings John Brock Pevateaux, Jr. Jerry Wharton Rodgers Hayne J. Sheffield, Jr. Ivan Edward Taborsky James Willard Walker, Jr. Joe Bill Watkins Lynn Allen 'oack Samuel Potter, Jr. Jerome Lee Powell Richard Edward Rainwater Arthur Ramirez Charles Edward Riese John Howard Robinson, Jr. Richard Donald Ruggles James Benton Rylander, Jr. Charles Alan St. Clair Robert John Samuelson Richard William Scamell Albert Fred Schkade, Jr. Charles Lloyd Schmidt Bruce William Schnitzer Clinton Charles Schuhmacher Rick Steen Schwettmann William Henry Shields Leslie Harold Simons Charles Waller Smithers, Jr. James Arthur Spinks, III Benny Earl Springer Glenn Edwin Staats Philip Earl Stephenson James Cullen Stringer Kent Ray Stryker Collier Matlock Sublett Edwin Eugene Terry Robert Stahl Totz Robert Charles Tull Wilburn Crockett Underwood William Allan Ware Andrew Jess Watson Glenn Andrew Welsch Ernest Pyle Werlin Thomas Lee Wharton Kenneth Waldie Wunderlich Ronnie Vonhoy Yates W. B. Jerry Younger PHI ETA SIGMA is the national honorary scholastic fraternity for freshmen men who, in the first semester or the equivalent of that, maintain a scholastic average of at least 2.5 points per semester hour in at least twelve hours of work. Freshmen failing to qualify their first semester may become eligible at the completion of a minimum of 24 semester hours of work if they maintain a 2.4 average. PHI ETA SIGMA was founded at the University of Illinois in 1923 and at the University in 1931. Only fall 1962 and sprinK 1963 initiates are li..ttfd. 01/icers nre eluted from the 1961 and 1962 initiates. Page 449 PHI MU ALPHA OFFICERS Fall Spring CHARLES ORLA DO VEAZEY . . . . .... . . . President ..... ........ ...... KELLY MAC WARD GLE. DAL BERTO LAMI ACK ........ Vice-President ... . . . . ..... . EDWIN ALTON ECHEL JOHN COMA O' EILL . . .... .. .......... Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . EDWARD BAXTER HOWK JOH COMA O' EILL ....... ........ .. .Treasurer . ...... MICHAEL DAVID SA DGARTE JAMES THOMAS CAI . .. . ...... . .. . Alumni Secretary . .. ........ STEPHEN FLOYD WEGER Charles Edward Brookhart E. William Doty James Thomas Cain Charles Adrian Doiron Sterly Glen Dossmann John David Earnest Edwin Alton Echels Burton Reinhold Enquist Richard eil Funk Edward Baxter Howk Edward Cameron Garza John Read Heard Bruce Gerald Brewer, Jr. Samuel George Cross Joe Frank Dahlstrom Jerry Glynn Die Charles Lyman Ellis FACULTY MEMBERS J. Frank Elsass Kent Wheeler Kennan elson Gray Patrick MEMBERS Matt Cordell Hughes Glendal Berton Laminack Robert Vernon Lee Alfred Joseph Marsch Harry Alonzo McDonald Richard Edward McGinty John William eill John Coma O'Neill John Colwell Owings David Edgar Parker Gorver Allen Pitman SPRI G PLEDGES Eldon Dwane Faries Gordon Richard Goodwin Larry Jackson Leonard Alan McCormick George Stephen Mannix Paul Amadeus Pisk James Clifton Williams Thomas Barteldes Reynolds Michael David Sandgarten Allan Burnham Schmitt David Hill Stinson Robert John Summers Bruce A. Swihart Charles Orland Veazey Kelly Mac Ward Stephen Floyd Weger Leonard Adrian Woo ley Griffith Lea Miller James Bert eely David Jerry Taylor Robert Charle Tull orman . Wood PHI M ALPHA I FO I is an honorary mu ic group. Member hip i limitec1 to tho e ' ho have a 2.0 grad average or better in music course , and a 1.0 averaae in all other cour e . PHI M LPH I FO IA was founded nationally on O~tob r 6, 1898. The Texa Chapter ' a found d on May 11, 1924. Pqo 450 Spring WILLIAM EDWARD DIETZE ....... . ........ President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LARRY GENE DOSSEY BILLY WAYNE WOODWARD .............. Vice-President...... .. .. ...... GERALD ALLEN GARZA ALEX BERMAN .. . . .. . ...... .... . . .... Secretary-Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT GRAVES BROW 1 FRANK PETER COSGROVE ................. Historian ............. .. .... ...... ALEX BERMAN ALEX BERMA . ........ . .. . .. .. ....... .Faculty Sponsor ...... . .... .. ROBERT GRAVES BROW Carl Clarence Albers John Autian Alex Berman Robert Graves Brown Henry Mathew Burlage Frank Peter Cosgrove John Emerson Davis Elizabeth Ann Armstrong Brenda Nan Barth James Wayne Black Thomas Franklin Burks Noel Thomas Curb ....... ... . .... Fellows Sponsor FACULTY MEMBERS Jaime . Delgado Er Hung Djao Paul Frank Geiger William Francis Gidley Gunnar Gjerstad Wallace Lewis Guess Esther Jane Wood Hall Frederick Valentine Lofgren MEMBERS William Edward Dietze Gerald Allen Garza Carey Wayne Golaz A. J. Kapadia Man Mohan Kochhar ROBERT GRAVES BROW Donald B. Meyers Joseph Ruben Moreno William Rust evill, Jr. Herbert F. Schwartz, II William Johnson Sheffield Leon Otto Wilken, Jr. Lee Frank Worrell Wilbert Arvid Polson Kirair J aswantlal Randeri Micheal Byron Rodell Sidney Alan Rosenbluth Billy Wayne Woodward Earl Weldon Anderson Larry Gene Dossey Daniel Curtis Mario Alberto Gonzalez FALL INITIATES Julia Ellen Edwards Rebecca Jo Hash op SPRING INITIATES James Allen Ladner William Wayne Voeller Leighton Selman Whitsitt Joe Fred Whitfield John Thomas Willett RHO CHI is composed of undergraduate students of pharmacy who are in the upper twenty per cent of their class and have maintained an average of "B." Candidates must also have completed sixty per cent of the curricu­lum. Page 451 SIGMA DELTA CHI OFFICERS Fall Spring MAURICE RICHARD SAM JOH EL OLIA 1 VA STEE ............. KISTE President .... Vice-Presi .dent ..... RICHARD .......... JOH VA WILLIAM RE STEENKISNICK BAR TE ES BER IE ROD EY DA VIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BER IE ROD EY DA VIS 1 ROBERT ELSO RHODES . . . . . . . . . . . . Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT ELSO RHODE C. RICHARD KI G .... . . . .......... Faculty Sponsor ................. C. RICHARD KI G orris G. Davis Joe Bertram Frantz Olin Ethmer Hinkle Robert Thomas Armistead Eldon Ray Ball William Renick Barnes Richard Ray Cole Bernie Rodney Davis James Leslie Davis Fernando Dovalina, Jr. William Dudley Eason, Jr. Charles tanford Eskridge, Jr. Thomas Edward Foster Ben Hayden Freeman James Gordon Gibson, II Leon orrod Graham Thomas Patrick Barry. III Henry Lee Ezell FA CUL TY MEMBERS C. Richard King William Irvin McReynolds Harry E till Moore DeWitt Carter Reddick MEMBERS Claude Michael Gruener William W. Hamilton, Jr. David Kirby Helton Wesley H. Hocker Roy Alexander Jones, II Sam E. Kinch, Jr. Larry Lee Harvey Edward Little William Lynn Little Gerald Arthur Lowe Peter Micheal Lowry Gary Howard Mayer David Michael Mc eely James Boswell ewton SPRI G PLEDGES Clyde L. Hopkins L. Erick Kanter Alan Scott Paul Jennings Thompson Leigh White Maurice Samuel Olian James Frederick Paschal George Robert Phenix Billy Marvin Pumphrey John Criss Reagan Robert elson Rhodes Jesse Albert Root, Jr. Rogers James Seymour Roddy Frank Stinson Carlton Eugene Stowers Richard John V anSteenkiste Charles Richard West Bill Douglas White Huey Mc ealy Juan Manuel Vasquez IGMA DELTA CHI is the national men' profe ional journali m fraternity. Member mu t be at lea t a ond semester ophomore. intend to make the field of journali m their career have demon trated profici nt work in jour­ nalism cour es and have a "C" average in other cour e . proval of three quarter of the membership. The Texas Chapter of IGM DELT CHI wa foundchapter which wa initiated in 1909. ew ed member in 1913. are P voted auw into the ni er ity organization ' a the it of th ' ith th ria ap­inal Paae 452 :H1 TAU BETA Pl OFFICERS President ...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRED FAYLOR LYLE, JR. Vice-President ..................... ......... . . . ......... .... ........ ........ ROSCOE LEE Corresponding Secretary ...... ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOW ARD NIXON ROBERTS Recording Secretary ....... ................ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHARLES E. McQUEARY Treasurer ......... .... ...... .... ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HENRY ROBERT SEBESTA Cataloguer .... ... ................. .... ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ARTHUR EDWARD SCHULZE Leland Barclay Myron Louis. Begeman Leonard R. Benson James Pershing Billingsley Kenneth Bruce Bischoff Kermit Earl Brown William Junius Carter Clark M. Cleveland John P . Craig Roy Rochester Craig William A. Cunningham Arwin Adelbert Dougal Venton Levy Doughtie William Charles Doesterhoeft, Jr. Carl J. Eckhardt Phil Moss Ferguson John Arnold Focht Charles Allen Ford Robert Neil Austin John Wesley Bailey ix O'Brien Bodden Raymond William Bohls, Jr. Oran Brigham, Jr. orris Rood Burton George LaFayette Cardwell, III William Harold Carter Martin Emile Chenevert Edward Lee Cousins Ronald Vaughn Davidge Frederick Rogers Dent, III Robert Wesley Durie Larry E. Farmer Wallace Thomas Fowler Otto Martin Freidrich, Jr. Walter Ray Fuchs orman Earl Garner William Lash Garrard, Jr. William Dean Atkins Patrick Edward Baggett Albert Washington Baird David Anthony Biedermann Jimmy Mack Bilger Charles Etheridge Blum George Eugene Bones Jr. Tom McMurry Broad Leighton Baugh Brown Squire Lee Brown George Max Carter Howard Michael Arno Richard Harley Batchelder Marvin Gaines Bloomquist John Elmo Boehl Leighton Baugh Brown Milton Thomas Buchanan Harold Maynard Burton Billy Dan Carroll Ben H. Caudle Carroll Winston Chapman Harvey Louis Covington James Robert Darnell, Jr. Mark Hanna Finley TAU BETA PI is the national FACULTY Burns ewman Gafford J. H. Gaines Carl Ga tlin Ernest Frederick G!oyna Kenneth Eugene Gray Robert Fonda Gribble William T. Guy, Jr. William Walsh Hagerty Cyrus Oscar Harbourt William H. Hartwig David Mautner Himmelblau Ettore H. F. Infante Frank Weldon Jessen Franklin Beaumont Johnson Charle Henry Karnes Leonardi Ferdinand Kreisle Alfred Hall LaGrone MEMBERS Thoma Gray Godfrey Floyd Goodrich, Jr. David Grissom Alton Robert Hagedorn Robert Hajovsky William Henry Hale, Jr. Charles Alton Harlow Bobby Merle Hickman Larry Allen Holmes Charles F. Huff John Marw Hughes J ames Roe Joiner Larry Jesse Kilgore Selmer Standley King William Robert Klingman Magne Kristiansen Roscoe Lee Vernon A. Lee Joe Overton Ledbetter Jack Lenhart Edwin Carl Lowenburg Lawrence Riedling Mack L. Hudson Matlock James Dorr McFarland John J. McKetta, Jr. Percy Hugh• Miller W al!er L. Moore Sylvain J. Pirson Harold John Pia s, Jr. Harry Harrison Power Howard Frederick Rase Lymon Clifton Reese Eugene Arman Ripperger Charles Harold Roth Charles Elmer Rowe Robert Leicht Lindner Parker Mixson Loeffler Thomas Benton Lyda Fred Faylor Lyle, Jr. Gayle Patrick Martin Carl Gilbert Matthys Make McDermott, Jr. Roy Travis Mcl amore Charles E. McQueary James Thomas Mitchell Michael Wayne O'Neill Frederick William Patrick Ervin Sewell Perry Milton Beverly Porter, Jr. Robert Seeling Poston Carl Newton Rennert Dennis Fred Ripple Howard ixon Roberts FALL PLEDGES Richard Edwin Douglas Wayne Edison Eades Charles Lewis Grimes Edward Arnold Halter Jimmy Ray Hamilton Charles Ewing Hickox Jr. James Herbert Hinderer Jimmie McRae Horton Richard Ellsworth Huffman David Bascomb Johnson SPRI Edwin M. Flint Billy George Franklin Dennis Michael Giuffre Robert Warren Hanks Philip A. Hendren Robert Jack Herring Richard eill Hollenshead Larry Dean Kemp William John Macha James Joseph Magee athaniel Harris McClamroch William Alex McNeil Donald Eugene Miller Youssef Khatoun Charles Thomas Koch Willis Walter Luttrell Jr. Michael Masten James Morgan Mcintyre, II Richard Sidney McLaughlin Louis Elliot Pflughaupt James Barney Phillips Knut Oluf Reistad Charles Myron Rice G PLEDGES Charles Arthur Morgan James Howard ation Barry Kent Norling Raymond Wayne Persky James Barney Phillips Harry A. Richardson, Jr. James Edsel Risinger Edward W. Rose, III Daniel Lewis Schodek Ronald Franklin Scholl Ben Edward Spivey Jess Leland Stanford Y. S. Suryanarayana Jack A. Scanlan Robert Samuel Schechter Byron Elliot Short Harold Wood Smith Archie Waugh Straiton Jesse Neils Thompson Milton John Thompson A. A. Toprac Robert Davis Turpin Matthew Van Winkle E. Joseph Weiss John Conrad Westkaemper Douglass James Wilde Eugene H. Wissler Baxter Frank Womack Fowler Redford Yett Shao Wen Yuan Van Worth Robinson Spruell Alton Russell, Jr. Don Richard Sanders William Erven Sayle James Albert Saylors Arthur Edward Schulze Henry Robert Sebesta Ruell Floyd Solberg Eric Rufus Tanner William Edward Teasdale Ramesh Thadani Fred Walter Thies Anthony M. Truchard Joe Mayer Victor Harold Hewin Walling Ronald Edward Watson Olin Eric Weiss Darrell Roy Word William Joseph Y anta John Lyndon Rosenblad Allan Burnham Schmitt James Gerald Srygley Jackie Lee tone Marian Romane Thompson Robert Charles Welch Kenneth Earl Westmoreland Charles Alexander Wheeler, III James Whitely Peter Christian Williams Robert Morris Woodall Elmon .Bill Stewart Earl Westine Tiedt Edward . Tinoco Iverson Gayden Thompson Bernard F:rank Tupa Thomas Raymond Urbanek Geroge Henry Waterman David W. Wieting Robert Alan Williams St. Clair Peyton Yates, Jr. Frank L. Young William Lee Young honorary engineering society whose undergraduate members, representing all engineering branches in the College of Engineering, are selected from the upper twenty per cent of .the senior class. The seniors are chosen from the scholastically eligible men on the basis of all around activities, and interest, exclusive of engineering. Ac­tivities include teaching a slide rule course for beginning students, and maintaining the TAU BETA PI bookshelf in the Engineering library. The Texas Alpha chapter of TAU BETA PI was founded in 1916. Lehigh University was host to the original chapter which was founded in 1885. P age 453 TAU SIGMA DELTA OFFICERS Fall Spring LEXA MORRIS ACKER .. .... .. . . . Chapter Master .. .. ... . ... DANIEL JULE TALLEY MILTO F. BABBITT . . .... . ...... . Chapter Scribe . .......... .. . MILTON F. BABBITT MAX ALAN ROBINSON . . . . .. .. ... Chapter Recorder . . . . . . . . . . MAX ALAN ROBINSON DRURY B. ALEXANDER .... ....... Faculty Sponsor . ......... DRURY B. ALEXANDER FACULTY MEMBERS Drury B. Alexander Hugh Lyon McMath Martin S. Kermacy Thomas Whitehead Shefelman HONORARY MEMBER Alan Y. Taniguchi MEMBERS Lexa Morris Acker Larry Joe O'Neill Milton F. Babbitt John Clyde Robinson Douglas J. H. Cardinal Max Alan Robinson Isaac Martin Maxwell Daniel Jule Talley OUTSTANDING JUNIOR MEMBER Thomas Braden Daly SPRING INITIATES Ronald T. Cannamore James Davenport.Hall William A. Gerrard Cook Daniel Edwin Leary TAU SIGMA DELTA is the honorary Architecture fraternity for eniors and i open only to eniors who have main­tained an over-all cholastic average of 2.0 and have di tingui hed them elve in the field of de ign, planning and engineering. TAU SIGMA DELTA wa founded at the Univer ity of Michiaan in 1913 and the Mu Chapter wa tabli bed at the University in 1931. Po10 454 OFFICERS Fall Spring PATRICIA JEAN McCLURE .. . . . .. . .. . President ... .. . . .... PATRICIA JEA McCLURE A CY THRIFT ASTON ........ . .. Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . ELISA SA VILLA DAVIS NONA MARIE STRANGE . . ...... . .. Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . NONA MARIE STRANGE BARBARA JEAN TOSCH ... . ....... . . Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . BARBARA JEAN TOSCH DOROTHY LOUISE LAVES . . . . ....... Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . DOROTHY LOUISE LAVES SUE ELLEN COOPER ........ . ....... Archivist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUE ELLE COOPER Marye Durrum Benjamin Jessamon Dawe Marie M. Fuller Mary Adelaide Gardner Mary Margaret Frazier Judith Ann Asel Nancy Thrift Aston Candida Kay Berry Judith Jeannine Capps Carolyn Sue Coker Mary Patricia Barlow Jean Elizabeth Caffey Patricia Irene Eddishaw FACULTY MEMBERS Frankie Mae Welborn Lindsey Amy Jo Long Carolyn Jane Malone Jo Caldwell Meyer Marian Pendergrass Michael Leigh Peck MEMBERS Sue Ellen Cooper Elisa Savilla Davis Mary Jo Hendrix Cynthia Pendergrass Keever Dorothy Louise Laves Patricia Jean McClure PLEDGES Joan Elaine James Yvonne Charmayne Marsh Theresa Kaye Northcott Mary Cornelia Spinks Emily Mae Stafford Bert Kruger Smith Helen Tackett Wanda Sue Watkins Afton Taylor Winn Laura Elizabeth McNeil Jan Marilyn Schieffer Nona Marie Strange Margaret Annell Todd Barbara Jean Tosch Martha Tipps Victoria Caldwell Timmons Lou Ann Walker' THETA SIGMA PHI aims to unite in bonds of fellowship University women who are now studying journalism, to confer honor upon women who distinguish themselves in their profession, and to accomplish definite achievements as a group in the field of letters. Members are of junior standing and must have maintained at least a "B" average in journalism and a "B" aver­age in other courses. Leadership, high character, and such desirable traits as would indicate success in journalism are other factors that are considered before a candidate may become a member. The Xi chapter was established in 1919 at the University. The University of Washington was the site of national founding in 1909. Page 455 AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF INTERIOR DESIGNERS STUDENT CHAPTER OFFICERS Fall Spring ELLSWORTH PROUTY CO KLE, JR... . .... President . . . . . . . . . . . . . JEANNINE BAZER WOOD MARY JANE ASTON ..... ... ....... .... Vice-President. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ALICE ANN DRISCOLL JEANNINE BAZER WOOD .. . .. .. . .. Recording Secretary . . . ... . . MARCIA JANE HAMILTO ROSEMARY COCHRA r ...... . . . .. Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . ROSEMARY COCHRAN STANLEY J. SADLER . .... . .... . ....... Treasurer . ..... . . .. ........ STANLEY J. SADLER ANNA BRIGHTMAN ....... . ... .... ..... Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANNA BRIGHTMAN FACULTY MEMBERS Anna Brightman Robert Farmer Jones Charles Weldon York MEMBERS Martha Jean Alexander Maynelt Cox Karen Agopian John~ Stanley J. Sadler Deann a Alleman Doris Lynne Cramer Cynthia Ann Keeney William Dale chutze Barbara Ann Ambrose Alice Ann Driscoll Marte Kellogg Betty Charlene Sweet Mary Jane Aston Jane Flaitz Mary Faye McCall Martha Louise Tiemann Elizabeth F. Black Judith Adele Hagood Mary Evelyn Merritt Carolyn Joyce Huber Treat Betsy Ann Bonin Marcia Jane Hamilton Catherine Emelia Olsen Barbara J ean Vessels Robert P. Brochstein Sue Harper Barbara Rae Renfro Eloise Zane Walters Judy Burke Thetis Foust Hilliard Ann Robinson Sue Ann Wheelis Rosemary Cochran Ellsworth Prouty Conkle, Jr. Patricia Jackson Carla Katharine Ruff Jeannine Baze r Wood EW MEMBERS Juniors Sophomores P atricia Gale Hackerm an Marcia Jean Putegnat Barbara Burl Caroline Susan Baker Paula Sue Ivey Mildred Anne Redd Judye Anne Fernand ez Virginia Bail ey Schutze Gladys Joanne Blakeslee Alice Beryl Carss Warren Martin Bonnie Merle Messer Nan Standish Werner Mickey E. Witt Sandra Lois Davis Bonnie Jean Miller Kara] Kay Gray Timothy Ann O'Sullivan The AMERICAN I STITUTE OF I TERIOR DESIG ERS is an honorary fraternity for those students having a 1.75 average in designated courses and a professional interest in interior designing. Fron t Row: Ori1coll, Cos, Wood, Jacb on. Second Row: Tiemann, Ve 1el1, Merrill, Alleman, Aiton, Wallen, Hamilton. Third Raio: W. Schutze, Sadler, Ambrose, wect, Flailz, Burke, Alexander, Bonin, Treat, Conkle, Broch11cin, York. P1110 456 ALPHA PH I TAU OFFICERS ~ ~~ PATRICIA RUTH ASTO ............ .. .President . . .. .. ... . .. . .. PATRICIA RUTH ASTO HELEN BEA SWE SO ........ . ..... Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HELE BEA SWENSO JUDITH TUCKER . ........ .. ..... . .. .. Secretary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUDITH TUCKER JANELL A ETTE HOUCH! S . . ....... Treasurer . ...... . .. JA ELL ANNETTE HOUCHINS SARAH FRA CES FERGUSO . . . . . . . . . . Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . MARGARET CLAIRE BROMA ROYCE Z. LOCKART .. ............. Faculty Sponsor ...... .. . .... . .. ROYCE Z. LOCKART HONORARY MEMBER Charles E. Lankford MEMBERS Su an Ann Adams Lois Diane Derouen Fay Dean Jackson Rebecca Ortiz Robert Bruce Thomas Evalyn Anna Adamsen Evelyn Ann Dietert Shirely Ann Jasper Sandra Charlyne Pape Rosanna Routt Thomason Donna Ruth Algeo Karen Ann Dittmar Martha Jean Jennings Dianne Parker Elizabeth Ann Thompson Linda Darnell Allen Edward Thomas Doran Armead Howard Johnson Linda ue Payne Jimmie Kay Thompson Patricia Ruth Aston Jenny Kathleen Dove Glenn T. Johnson Pamela Ann Phillips Judy Tucker Stephen Fuller Austin Quirino Escamilla, Jr. Elgin Joe Keller Leora Lura Pomrenke Lynn Carol Trucotte Janet Louise Berg Judith Farrar Donna Day Kesling Patricia May Raesener Katherine Turman Mauretta Lucienne Bigley Sarah Frances Ferguson Stacy Chacl.otte Klutz Peggy Ann Ragan ancy Hsia Twiner Kathleen Bivings Adrian Rhae Fowler Patricia Ann Leasure Jo eph Chri topher Ransom Betty Jo Uhlig ue Evelyn Blackburn Frances Satyra Fulton Karen Jaynie Lewis Judy Carolyn Rice Wallace Garry Van Winkle Gail Ann Blissitte Marilee Funda Deanna Louise Longoria Helen Elizabeth Richards Maria Elizabeth Wagner Margaret Claire Broman Fredelia Anne Gibson John H. Luthrell Cheryl Darlene Roberts JoAnn Marie Walter Beverly Gay Brown Albert Glenn Gonzales Barbara Elaine Maclnerney Sheila Jane Ross Dori Marie Weise Betty Jo Brundrett Mary Janette Crabbe Katherine Cinderella Magee Diana Rotman Karolyn Kay Weiss Nancy Ruth Carlisle Sharon Frances Greenberg Michele Rae Massin Carlota alinas immy Tess Welch Ann Elizabeth Carson Leopoldo Facundo Guerra Maureen McBride Mary Ann eidensticker Carole Mae Welhausen Gilbert Vasquez Castillo Daniel Luna Guerrero Mary Gail McDaniel Barbara haron Smith Marsha Marie White Patricia Joyce Chelf Marilyn Ruth Hill Betty Janette Meyer Mary Louise Starkey Mary Jo White Benny Wayne Childers Janell Annette Houchins Donna Gale Mogle Janet Lee Stern Larry Jack Williams Janice Sue Christopher Judith Renee House Mar ha Jane Murray Nell Elizabeth Stevenson Mary Jane Williamson Barbara Anne Coates Thomas Wayne Huber Jo Lynne Mussleman Susan Marie Strickland Kathryn Anne Withers Elizabeth Davis Judith Ann Hunke Carol Ann Mussey Alice Kathleen Stuart Betty Jean Worrell Dee Ann Deisher Maryellen Hurd Jane Covington eagle Helen Bea wenson Louis Edward Young Jane Vivian lngardia Ruth Janet Nichols Linda Kay Teague SPRING PLEDGES Linda Marie Daniel Virginia Dell Giesecke Freddie Kathleen Graham Johana Huff ALPHA PHI TAU, a Pre-Medical Technology fraternity, was organized only three years ago in 1959 by Dr. Charles Lankford at The Uni­versity of Texas. Since that time, ALPHA PHI TAU has grown tremendously in enrollment and scope. The group provides information about technical training schools and stimulating programs concerning related fields. Excellent scholarship is encouraged by special awards to the outstanding member in each class. ALPHA PHI TAU has as its goal the establishing of better public relations to let it he known the service rendered by the Medical Technologist. Front Row: Ferau1on, Houchins, Tucker, Aiton. Second Row: Jeonio11, Klutz, wen1on. Third Row: Dittmar, Ne11le, Bigley, J. Thomp1on, Canon, Brown, McBdde, Crabbe. Fourth Row: Allen, Youo1, Payne, Chet£, Leuure, Carliale, Thom1100, Weiu, Maaee, Fanar, Me7er. Fifth R ow: Ke1linc, Bli11itte, Mu11elman, Cibton, Rotman, Hurd, Raa:an, Guerra, White, Alaeo, Walter. Sixth Ro&0: Richards, Bivioas, Adamsen, House, Uhlla, Stevenson, CutiJlo, Seidensticker, Dietert, Fulton, Ro11, Starkey, Raete.aer. Seventh Row: Gonzalet, Guerrero, Keller, Pomrenke, Roberti, Ma11in, Lonaoria, Fowler, Co1te1, John•on, Wi1Ua1111, Broman, Phillipa. Page 458 DELTA SIGMA Pl OFFICERS Fall Spring HERSCHEL EUGENE BAIN ....... .. ..... President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DON HILLIARD KELLY DON HILLIARD KELLY . . ......... .Senior Vice-President . .. ARTHUR ALEXANDER DUGGA J CHARLES A. ELLIOTT ....... ... .. . Junior Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . JERRY RANDALL SIMS JAMES PHILLIP DAVIS ...... ...... .... .Secretary . .. ...... JAMES ALBERT BOORMAN, III JOHN GRAHAM GARD ER, JR. . .... . . ... Treasurer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TROY MAX LEGG JOH STEPHENSON LUDLAM ........ Faculty Advisor. . . . . . . JOHN STEPHENSON LUDLAM MEMBERS Jerry Lynn Adams J ames Carroll Aston Herschel Eugene Bain Ernesto Contreras, Jr. Clarence Wharton Cole Carry S. Creath Durward Lee Curlee John Randolph Curry Jim B. Davis Cary Lloyd Dowis James Peden Dowis Arthur Alexander Duggan Lester Ernest Eisenbeck Charles A. Elliott Charles B. Foyt John Graham Gardner, Jr. orman Earnest George William Bennett Germain Thomas Patter on Hicks Robert C. Hugley Jurgen Allred Jack Larry Ray J ones Henry Murry Jones Cecil J . Kearney Don Hilliard Kelly Earnest Leon Knight, Jr. Paul . LaVerlu Samuel Winston Love, Jr. James A. Lynaugh Scott C. Moore Larry Wendell Murphree Robert Stewart Nelson Thomas Dan Osburn Anthony Thomas Petrick Benjamin A. Reid Thomas Ross Robertson John Kinsler Shaw Douglas MacArthur Simmons Jerry Randall Sims Fred Herold Smith Fred B. Steves Robert Clive Stokes William Ross Trigg Freddie Wayne Turner J ames Gary Veazey James Phillip Davis William Paul Davis Ben De La Rosa John T. Dorbandt David Madison Gilbreath John Y. Gober Coley Lee Hampton Edgar Gerald Harden Troy Max Legg J ack Webster Lester, Jr. Davy Dean Ling Walter C. Long William Robert Sandford Roger Allen Sater Verle Leslie Schultz Don Thomas Schwartz Howard Wayne Ward Richard Eilert Weitzel, II Donald Roy Wilson William Edga r Young, Jr. FALL PLEDGES Carl Irving Addison, Jr. Eddie M. Boykin John Newell Gilbreath Philip Valdor Putsche Benjamin Lyn Trotter Joe M. Bashara, Jr. George David Chandler Jack Ronald Grant Kenneth Lyndon Shiller Robert Wayne Turner James Michael Bettis Harold Ray Crutsinger Gene Lester Harbers Jerrell P. Squyres Sam Houston Tuttle Bennie Walter Bock, III Robert Carl Demler, Jr. John Paul Lawson William Virgil Stephenson Jim Aloysius Wade James Albert Boorman, III William Harris Garner Dan Fred McKenzie Ronald Gene Tharpe Frank Gordon Whitehead Thomas James Geren Patrick John Nowotny David Hunter Thomas SPRING INITIATES Joe Robbins Ayres Paul R. Doggett Ben L. Gebhardt, Jr. Anthony Scott Karsokas Charles David Saunders Joe H. Bearden Jon Forrest Dullnig Robert Eldon Harbers Robert William Kriet Francis Des Riviers Sorrel Charles H. Bones David Leon Dyer Vernon Albert Hargrave Albert Scott Morris, III Steve A. Tait E. Tim Casey Clifton L. Francis John Mack Harmon Jeffery Charles Nesrsta John Lewis Van Osdall Paul L. Cole Hugh G. Frith Samuel Inman Pittman Terry Weston Williams DELTA SIGMA PI is a professional fraternity organized to foster the study of business in universities; to encourage scholarship, social activity and the association of students for their mutual advancement by research and practice. Membership is by invitation only. Front Row: W. Davis, J. P. Davis, Elliott, Buin, Kelly, Curlee, Ludlam. Second Row: Lynaugh, Hug;ley, Crutsinger, Smith, Gober, Reid, Sater, Dorbandt, Stevc21, Lcttlcr, Uuoruum, !Sims, l:Juykin, 'l'hunu1.s, Garner, Grant, Gereu, Puttche. Third Row: Shiller, Gilbreath, L. Jones, Love, Petrick, Robertson, De La Rosa, J. Dowis, Squyres, Ling, Curry, Bock, McKenzie, Harden. Fourth Row: Bashara, Trotter, Schwartz, Ward, L11Verlu, C. Dowis, Osburn, Hampton, Knight, immons, R. Nelson, Long, Schultz, Nowotny, Whitehead, Legg. Fifth Row: Young, Demler, Hicks, Eisenbeck, Creath, Gilbreath, Duggan, Trigg, Sandford, Kearney, Stokes, Murphree, Moore, Tharpe, Adams. Sixth Row: Harben, Weitzel, Wade, Bettis, Wilson, Chandler, Lawson, Addison, Tuhle, Turner, Stephenson. Page 459 GAMMA ALPHA CHI OFFICERS Fall Spring 1A CY THRIFT ASTO .................. . President ... .... ...... ... . . . ELISA SAVILLA DAVIS SHARO LEE ASHTO . ... . .. ...... .. . .. Vice-President . ... . ....... . ..... SHARON LEE ASHTO ELISA SAVILLA DAVIS ............... . Secretary-Treasurer . .. ... .. ...... .. . . EMILY A N LAMON KAREN LEE SHA NON ...... . ... .... . .. Pledge Trainer .... ... . . .. . ..... KAREN LEE SHAN 0 EMILY A LAMON . . ......... .. .. . ....... Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DOROTHY LOUISE LAVES GRETCHE ANALETIA LEWIS ........... Assistant Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUDITlI A ASEL DIA E MILLER ........................... Publicity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SALLY BAGGETT ALA SCOTT ............ ....... . ...... Faculty Advisor . ..... . ..... .... ... . . . ... ALAN SCOTT GRADUATE AND ALUMNI MEMBERS H. Karen Kincheloe Janis Kneblik Joanne Williams Leali R. Mauke MEMBERS Deanna Alleman Karen Agopian Johns Janet Renee Orts Judith Ann Asel Carrie Patricia Joiner Joan Marie Schilo Sharon Lee Ashton Emily Ann Lamon Karen Lee Shannon ancy Thrift Aston Sandra Lee Lawrence Patsy B. Sherrill Elisa Savilla Davis Gretchen Analetia Lewis Vicke Caldwell Timmons Sondra Alma Halliday Dianne Miller Jeanne Alice White FALL INITIATES Mildred Marie Apel Sherrill Lou Goodwin Linda Lou Reneau Sally Baggett Dorothy Louise Laves Margaret Jan is Smith Judith Jeannine Capps Patsy Ann Martyn Susan Marie Solomon Bennie Jean Clinton Jane Irene Paganini Geraldine Joyce Stoller Ellen K. Feuer Alicia Antoinette Tieber SPRI G PLEDGES Virginia Beth Dagerath Mary Sue Lawson Linda Annette Skelton Nancy Linda Day Patricia Jean Lawson Connie J unell Trammell Glenda Margaret Hunt Patricia Lee Midyett Judith Ann Webb GAMMA ALPHA CHI is a national advertising fraternity for women with an active interest in advertising and a "C" scholastic average. GAMMA ALPHA CHI was founded at the University of Missouri in 1920. The Alpha Nu chapter was e tablished at the University on October 15, 1960. Fron t Row: Solomon, White, Davi1, A11ou, La,·c1, Limon, Goodwin, Reneau. Back Row : Alleman, Capp•, Shannon, Ha111dor, pel, tollcr, Feuer, hcnill, Smlth, Clinton, Miller, Lewis. Pace 460 Fro11t Rou:: Kara<'o tas, exton, Colaz:, Edwards, Grose, Beaulieu Second Row : \linyard, Thompson, 'owlin, Corman, Garcia, Baltzer, Seeker, Snow. Page 461 KAPPA PSI OFFICERS Fall Spring ARTURO ACUNA ....... . ....... . ...... Regent . . . . . . . . . . . RONALD CLINTON EDWARDS ROBERT LINDSEY TYSON .. .. ...... . . Vice-Regent . . . . .. . . ..... . JOH RUSSELL CARSON JAMES SHELDRID NIX .... . ..... ..... .Secretary . .... . ........ ROBERT LINDSEY TYSON BENJAMIN MARK HARRISON .... . ..... Treasurer ...... ... . BENJAMIN MARK HARRISON TEODULO CARLOS VILLARREAL, JR. . .. Historian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carl Clarence Albers Robert Graves Brown Henry Mathew Burlage Frank P. Cosgro.ve Arturo Acuna Earl Weldon Anderson John Charles Anderson Joe Gene Autry James Herbert Bates George Roger Bean P aul Don Borsellino William Clyde Brownlow John Russell Carson James Towson Coleman Adolph Ernest Crixell Otis Keith Dunavant Bernay Franklyn Dusek Darrell Monroe Ballard Sterlin Eoff Barton J ohn C. Collier James Wesley Easley, Jr. Don Hallmark Bobby Gene Crisp Clif W. Drummond FACULTY MEMBERS John E. Davis Paul Frank Geiger Jaime N. Delgado W all11ce L. Guess Er Hung Djao Frederick Valentine Lofgren Gunnar Gjerstad Luther Ray Parker HO ORARY MEMBER Henry Rudolf Henze Ronald Clinton Edwards Ronnie Joe Elliott Kenneth Duane Ellis Jose Galvan Jam es Beall Garner Darrell Alton Griffin J oseph Haley Hall Ronald Lee Hall Benjamin Mark Harrison Timothy Alden Hayes James Goffrey Hubble Enrique Jimenez Barry Andrew Henslee Terrell Wilson Jones Anthony Lanagan Roger Barry Lawhon MEMBERS Jerry Jere! Jones Michael Eugene Kennemer Ray Barton Lee Charles Harry Leinbach, Jr. Weldon Anton Neuendorf{ James Sheldrid Nix Darrell David Rayburn Jimmy Dave Riggins Robert Wayne Saunders Davis Lee Scoggins Michael William Simpson James Lee Smith FALL PLEDGES Charles David Lock Herbert E. McDougall, Jr; Dan Edward Miller John George Poutra, III SPRING PLEDGES Edwyn Irving Goldberg James W. Winkle William David Lackey Lee M. Wolehansky OTIS KEITH DU AVANT Herbert Frederick Schwart7. Leon Otto Wilken Billy B. Wiley Lee Frank Worrell Robert Arnold Smith Ernesto . Soto Robert Lee Soza Charles Tyree Stewart Joe Mack Tarpley Sam Joseph Trevino, III Robert Lindsey Tyson James Vera Teodulo Carlos Villarreal, Jr. Gary Mack Weaver James William White Leighton Selman Whitsitt Ivan Ernest Willard David Anderson Prewitt Joe Michael Turner George Ronald Williamson Rowland Lawrence Winn Ira Leland Young, Jr. KAPPA PSI PHARMACEUTICAL FRATERNITY membership is composed of men with active leadership, sterling charac­ter, and good scholarship. Top Row: Acuna, Autry, Bates, Bean, Boncllino, Carson, Coleman, Dunavant, Dueck, Edward.. Second Row: Elliott, Ellis, Calvan, R. Hall, Harrison, Jimenez, J. Jona, Kennemer, Lee, Nl:r. Third Row: Rin:in1, Saunders, Simpson, J. Smith, R. Smith, Soto, Stewart, Trnino, Tyson, VHJarrcal, White. Pago 462 Fronl Row: Foy, Kenady, Cray, Callaway, Cound, Pair, Hackbardt, Maass, Spain, Edmiston. Second Row: Dossey, Whitfield, Sander, Sweet, Yeates, West, Hensler, Anderson, Gunn, Tully, Simpson. Third Row: Daleo, Black, Berry, Novosad, Tilma, Voeher, Sheffield, Demler, Staha, Templin. Page 463 PRE-PHARMACY CLUB OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLIFFORD W ARRE WOOD Vice-President . . ... ..... ................. ... .. MICHAEL DUKE ELLIS Secretary-Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VESTA SUE DUDGEON Faculty Sponsor . ......... .. ....... .. .. . ...... WILLIAM J. SHEFFIELD Student Co-ordinator Bennie Marie Adkins Henry Orien Ager, III Bonnie Jane Arrington William Dwight Bartlett Eugene Austin Biegert Ellis Preston Carmichael Jimmy Rex Cotten Douglas Ernest Coursey Harry Bob Day Vesta Sue Dudgeon Michael Duke Ellis William John Fuhrman Ben Eugene Jacob John Herbert Kraft Carol Ann Halamicek . . .. ........ JAMES WILLIAM BLACK, JR., Phi Delta Chi FACULTY MEMBER William Johnson Sheffield MEMBERS Rosario Jose Lopez Fernando Martinez Larry Lee Mays Edward Victor Michna Nina Carol McConnell Calvin Wayne Oliver Henry Anthony Pavliska Linda Dell Penman Albert Perez William Henry Peterek Norma Linda Rodriguez Robert John Samuelson Aileen Short NEW MEMBERS Rene Solis Wallace Clark Spencer Robert Lee Staats Emily Jean Stanford Jerry Lee Symns Teodoro Trevino, Jr. Sandra Ann Tucker Margaret Suzanne Vera Ray Douglas Westerlage Wayne Myers Wiley Earl Williams Dan Richard Williams Clifford Wayne Wood Jay Orville Wright Marie Eugenia Rodriguez THE PRE-PHARMACY CLUB was established on the University campus on September 19, 1962. The re­quirement for membership is to be registered in the School of Pharmacy with less than 30 semester hours. Front Row: Fuhrman, Dud1eon, Stanford, Penman, Arrinaton, Short, McConnell, Tucker, N. Rodrf1ue1:, Vera. Second Row: Couraey, Sherfield, Samuelson, D. William.1, We1terl11e, Marti.oez, Trevino, Wood, Day. Third Row: Blegert, Aaer, Wri1bt, Pavli1k1, Oliver, Ellis, Staat.1, Kraft, Black. P11e 464 SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS ALPHA PHI OMEGA OFFICERS Fall Spring GLENN BURKE MUSGROVE .. .. .......... President ... .. ........... RUBE STA LEY BROW RUBEN STANLEY BROW ........ .. . First Vice-President .... ....... . . MICHAEL ALA WILEY DAI\ NOBLES GARDNER . . . ... . ..... Second Vice-President ............... CLIF W. DRUMMO D JAMES CROZIER BROW ...... . ....... . . Treasurer . ........ ....... . JAMES CROZIER BROW 1 GARY VERNO CAI ... . . ........ . . Recording Secretary . ... . .......... LARRY LEE JOH SO DAMEL LOUIS TREVI 0 .......... Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . ALAN YALE SCHAEVITZ ROYCE CHARLES LAMBERTH .. . . .. . .. .. . .Reporter . ..... . ...... ROYCE: CHARLES LAMBERTH PHILIP ABBOTT CHRISCO . .. . ........... Historian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CHAD FREEMA CREAGER ADVISORY COUNCIL Glenn Edward Barnett, Faculty Keith Kohn Cox, Alumni Bert Engelhardt, Alumni Daryl Ray Alford Lloyd Edward Allen, Jr. James Charles Barbour Russell Morris Barefield Lee Ray Basore Dan Edward Beckelman. William David Berry Michael Edward Bonine Joseph Lee Boring Michael Charles Bosler George !. Bournianoff Eddie Bradford J ames Howa~d Bradley John Brooks Bradley, Jr. Samuel David Brady Robert L. Breckenridge, Jr. Loyd Goerge Brooks James Crozier Brown Ruben Stanley Brown Pat Bryan, III George Pardue Bunch James Darwin Burney Howard Young Butler Gary Vernon Cain Jim Winston Carr Kenneth Randolph Castleman Frank Thomas Cervenka J ames D. Chrisco Philip Abbott Chrisco Robert G. Clarkson Clarence Wharton Cole Don Dwight Cox Gerhard J. Fonken, Facultr H. L. Gaskin, Scouting Frank Hilton, Scouting Chad Freeman Creager Robert Allen Crenshaw William Edward Crook Archie M. Croom Harold Ray Crutsinger Robert Hamilton Cuyler, Jr. Thomas Braden Daly Gerald W. Daniels, Jr. Gerald Lee Daugherty Donald Richard Deaver Daniel Baldwin Dodson Charles Clay Doyle Clif W. Drummond Marvin Weisse Ellis James Theron Fergus, Jr. Rowland Bruce Foster George Cates Fowler, Jr. Dan Nobles Gardner Wilton William Gainer John Newell Gilbreath Tom Cody Graves Donald Scott Griffith David Gray Hall Frank C. Harris John Lee Henry Robert L. Herndon William A. Hiers, Jr. Douglass Fielding Hoese Robert David Hoover Michael A. Hopper Larry Lee Johnson C. C. Nolen, Faculty Arno Nowotny, Faculty Colonel George William Porter, Faculty MEMBERS Bailey Rhea Jones Monroe Wayne Jones James Horace Justice James Robert Kamrath Larry Joe Kennedy Allison Clay Kistler, II Thomas Dale Knight Robert Portner Kohler, III Jerome Michael Kopel Royce Charles Lamberth Clinton A. Lenoir Paxton K. Littlepage Bobby Lee Lloyd Thomas Robert Long Milton Neil Martin, Jr. Richard Manuel Martinez George H. McCall Robert Patrick McGuffin James Luther Mims, III Leonard Edward Mohrmann, Jr. James Wynn Moyers Glenn Burke Musgrove Robert James aas Robert Stanley Neel Jack Childers Oates, Jr. John William Parker C. 0. Patterson Thomas Calvin Patton Larry Ewing Phillips William Lucas Pickles James Arlen Pyle The APO's present. the World's largest Texas Flag al the Aggie game on Thanksgiving Day. Elwood J. Preiss, Faculty John G. Steele, Alumni Baltazar Ramos, Jr. Thomas Frank Rhodes Robert Patrick Roy James Allen anders, Jr. Alan Yale Schaevitz Norman Jerry Scheel John Kenneth Scott, Jr. David William eals Charles Thomas Snowdon, Jr. John McGuffin Steele Roy Taylor Stockman John Henry Tomlinson Daniel Louis Trevino Jerry Lynn Turner Robert Lindsay Tyson Paul Van Slyke Kenneth Ray Vestal Gayle Charles Wald Samuel Lynn Ward James Thomas Watts Kenneth Allan Weda Larry James White Jerry Wayne Whitten Michael Alan Wiley Dan B. William James Ewing Williams, Jr. James Michael Williams Marion Glenn Williams, Jr. Olan Dale Williams Kenneth Lee Wise Richard Bennet Zey FALL I ITIATES Dennis Ellsworth Alvoid Fred Adlam Helms Cecil William Bain, Jr. Daniel Edward Herron James Henry Belt Harold Wayne Hill Paul Henry Bianchi Laurence Calvin Jackson Eugene Frank Boemer Donald Lee Jones Ronald Fred Bond Michael Joseph Jones Roy Durwin Brooks Lloyd Eugene Jordan Charles Earl Burney Curtis Lin Junge Chester Mark Cedar Robert Jerome Kern Jam es Roy Chaka Robert William Leveridge Paschel Lee Church Robert Frank L'Roy Ronald Carol Croom Lawrence Hamilton Manire Richard Steele Davenport William Wallace Manning Jerry Glynn Die Dan Howell Marshall, II Seg D. Elp Charles Michael McMinn William Edward Gaddy James David Mitchell John Armand Garcia Carl Hofmann Moneyhon Armin Gerhard Kenneth L. Porter James Franklin Gladson, Jr. Keith Oriel Reeves William Dennis Gray Donald Wayne Schuelke Walter John Gueldner, III David Lee Shull Raymond Henry Haggard, Jr. Aurel Emerson Smith James Richard Hardy Larry Michael peir Christopher Stephen Hart William Russell Surles Kenneth Howard Wanamaker SPRI G PLEDGES Registration is one of APO's biggest and most useful projects for the Unir:ersity. Tomme Ray Actkinson Ismat Fuad Masri Robert W. Burcalow James Gilbert Parish Paul Andrew Burkwall Mark Wayne Perrin Billy Errol Buxton Charles Prunny Phillip Mack Caldwell Sidney Clarence Ramsey, III Eugene Richard Crowell Michael Henry Roten Fred Edward Davis Raymond A. Ruutle, Jr. tephen Harold Davis Wayne Macwell Shull Jr. Samuel Pierce Doerr Fred Edward Sommers, III Fred W. Hester, Jr. James H. Stewart, Jr. James Everett Key, II Michael J. Thomas Jerry Allen Ziese ALPHA PHI OMEGA is a national service fraternity with membership open to ex-scouts registered in the University. To become members, the pledges of APO must pass through a period of pledgeship during which a certain measure of service must be rendered. The three phases of service rendered are service to the campus, the community, and service to the nation as participating citizens. The guiding principles of the fraternity are Friendship, Leadership, and Service. Alpha Rho chapter of APO was established on the niversity campus in 1933. The initial chapter was formed on the Lafayette College campus, Easton, Pennsylvania, in 1925. Front Row: Trevino, Breckenridge, J. Brown, Gardner, Weda, Justice, i\fosgrove, Dea,•cr, P. Chrisco, Lamberth, Cain, Drummond, Dodson. Second Row: Moyers, Brady, Bonine, Alford, Wiley, Gilbreath, Turner, Boring, B. Jones, Bradford, Cedars, Creager. Third Row: Allen, Daugherty, Clarkson, Pyle, D. Jones, Vestal, Seals, Church, Helms, H.ichard Nawn Neal, Bunch. Fourth Row: Kopel, Oates, Littlepage, M. Williams, R. Crooms, L'Roy, Gray, Gaddy, Stockman, Kohler, Hardy, Basore. Fifth Row: Steele, Fergus, Castleman, Griffith, Mims, Garcia, M. J. Jones, D. Shull, Cox, J. Chrisco, R. Brooks, Mitchell, Porter. Sixth Row: 0. Williams, Haggard, Gueldoer, Bain, Watu, Davenport, Belt, Manning, Moneyhon, Kamrath. Seventh Ro1u: Scott, Marshall, Speir, Chaka, Smith, Die, Leveridge, Mohrmann, Brian William Schenk, Jackson, J.E. Williams. Eighth Row: Herron, Barbour, Harold Lonnie Harper, II, Bianchi, Hill, Bond, Gladson, Kern, Boemer, Schuelke, Snowdon. ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY OFFICERS Commander .... . .... . .. .. .................... . .. . .. . . . . .. .. JAMES MICHAEL HINKLE Executive Officer . .. .......... ... .. ...... ......... . . . .. .. . . JAMES WARNER KELLOGG Operations Officer ...... ...... ....... . . ... .... ....... . . .... JAMES LEWIS GREEN, JR. Administrative Officer .... ... . . . .. ... . ..... ... ... . . ... ... .. CLARENCE WHARTON COLE Comptroller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FRANK MACKINDER SALLEE, II Information Officer . ............ .. ............................... BARY BE HUTSELL Faculty Advisor ... ....... ............... ........ CAPTAI ROBERT E. HAYS, JR., USAF HONORARY MEMBERS Lieutenant Colonel George W. Porter, USAF Captain Robert E. Hays, Jr., USAF MEMBERS Robert Dalton Bassetti Gene Gifford Max M. Marosko Robert E. Boswell Paul Faris Gilbert Mark Hayden ugent Randall Harold Boye tt James Lewis Green, Jr. Gerald Britton Parnell Robert Lee Clark J ames Michael Hinkle Kenner! Allen Pfeil Clarence Wharton Cole David Bras Cole Bary Ben Hutsell Walter L. Janszen Thomas 0 . Proffitt Charles Richard Reeder Larry J ack Edgeman Charles Marshall Finney J ames Warner Kellogg amuel Ernest Leifeste Frank Mackinder Sallee, II Herbert Weigl, Jr. Daniel Vincent Flatten George Burdette Wright, Jr. FALL PLEDGES Glen Porter Doss Thomas Reginald Heard James Larry Hollis Patrick Knight Eugene Paul Sturm Aaron Valenzuela SPRING PLEDGES Bobby Lynn Braun Felix Wayman Ferrell, Jr. William Wallace Morris, III William Glen Brown Carr Lynn Guess Richard Conrad Swanson John Henry Cissik Randolph Lee Hall, Jr. Hilmer W. . Swenson, Jr. Thomas Mike Cogburn Michael Boone Lovelace Gary Kieth Tannahill Robert Hamilton Cuyler, Jr. Brian Donald Moore Michael Frank Trahan ARNOLD AIR SOCIETY is open only to outstanding cadets of Air Force ROTC by invitation. Fron1 Row: Sallee, Kelton, Hinkle. Creer •• C. Cole. Hu11elt. Second Row: ValenJuela, Koicbt, Parnell, Gifford, Gilbert, Maroako, Reedu , Do11, Heard. Third Row : Nueent, Wrf1ht, Lclfe tc, h n zen, D. Cole, Flatten, Sturm. Pace 468 rv MORTAR BOARD OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JUDY SCHLEYER BLA TO ­Vice-President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAROLYN DRAEGER Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYLVIA GRIDER Historian ....... ... ................................... PARTICIA J. McCLURE Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SUSA C. FORD Reporter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BARBARA JEAN TOSCH Sponsors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. THELMA LOCKWOOD D. N. MORGA I NANCY RICHEY FACULTY MEMBERS Margaret Berry Thelma Lockwood ancy Richey Dorothy L. Gebauer Etelka S. Lynn Helen Tackett Helen Hargrave Margaret Peck JoAnn Thompson Sue Correll James Lucy Rathbone Joan Farquhar Warburton Joanne M. Ravel MEMBERS ancy Thrift Aston Susan Chappell Ford Gail Helen McBride Judy Schleyer Blanton Sylvia Ann Grider Patricia Jean McClure Hazel Jane Clements Michelle Guillot Laura Elizabeth McNeil Caren Maynett Cox Bobbie Ann Harper Kay Sutherland Carolyn Draeger Barbara Jean Tosch SPRING INITIATES Judith Gay Blanton Jan Jopling Sabra Ann Moore Ann Connor Brown Laura Jeanne Kassos Philena Jane Morton Carolyn Sue Coker Loyce Ann Katz Theresa Kaye Northcott Helena Rebecca Frenkil Ida Marie Klein Jo Ann Serrano Judye Ann Galeener Emily Ann Lamon Lilas Janice Shelby Pamela Jane Heath Sally Anne Lehr Ruth Ann Short Barbara Katherine Hurt Sandra Paul Love Maida Singer Carol Glee Ingram Yvonne Charmayne Marsh Leah Ann Weaver Mary Evelyn Merritt MORTAR BOARD is the national honorary society for senior women of American Universities. The Visor Chapter was formed on the University campus in 1923. The Cornell University hosted the initial chapter which was started in 1918. At the close of the spring semester not less than five nor more than twenty-five members are chosen for membership on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and service by the unanimous vote of members and advisors. A grade point average of 2.0 is also required. Fronc Row: Ford, Blanton, EgyptianelJa, McClure, Sutherland. Back Row: McBride, McNeil, Tosch, Grider, Dreager. Page 469 ORANGE JACKETS OFFICERS President ....... . ....... . .... . .. . .. . . . . ................... SALLY A E LEHR Vice-President .......................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A _ CO OR BROW Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . JAN JOPLI G Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PHILE A JA E MORTO Contact Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HELE A REBECCA FRE KIL Contact Chairman ............................................. SA DRA PAUL LOVE Sponsor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHIRLEY A BIRD MEMBERS Ann Connor Brown Margaret Sue Dutton ally Anne Lehr Stephanie Jane Buchanan Helena Rebecca Frenkil Sandra Paul Love Mary Kathryn Buss Judye Ann Galeener Philena Jane Morton Victoria Bush Caldwell Bobbie Ann Harper Lois ell elson Carolyn Sue Coker Helen Elizabeth Houston Lilas Janice Shelby Jane Carolyn Cowper Carol Glee Ingram Maida Singer Jessica Royece Darling Jan Jopling Carolyn Soffar Diane M. Dodson Loyce Ann Katz Leah Ann Weaver FALL INITIATES Helen Claire Anderson Laura Jeanne Kassos Lynda Painter Bette Maxine Boyd Mary Kathryn Kulchak Karen Lynn Powell Genie Brackenridge Emily Ann Lamon Michelle Alice Puzin Cynthia Louise Brantley Yvonne Charmayne Marsh Sharon Sue Rountree Sandra Hays Eddie Rebecca Maxey Jo Ann Serrano Beverly Gail Hill Mary Evelyn Merritt Bea Ann Smith Barbara Katherine Hurt Janet Lee Miller Patricia Anne tephens Karen Lee Hyman Anitha Theresa Mitchell Barbara Jean Vessels Amelia Mary Janssen abra Ann Moore Joyce Frances Zwager Zane Ann Morgan SPRI G INITIATES Julia Ann Brown Rita Jane Ing u an Key Pound Barbara Carolyn Elli Hariadene Johnson Dorothy Caroline Remy Elizabeth Anne Files ell Kathleen Martin Su an Deranda haw Mary Jane Gorham Matie Belle Medlin Tacey u a Tajan Elizabeth Rose Greenfield Kay Lynn Morrow Jane R. Voight Marion Diane Holbrook Mary Lovey Wood ORA GE JACKETS is composed of those girls of the sophomore and junior classes who are con idered mo t repre enta­tive. Eligibility is based on scholastic standing, qualities of leadership and all-round ability. The organization has no spe­cialized field of work and is active in many projects of the University. Members are especially prominent in helping with campus elections and other such activities. Members are chosen by invitation in the form of "tapping," which takes place in the fall and spring. ORA GE JACKETS was founded on the University campus in 1923. Front Row: Morton, Brown, Lehr, Jopling, frenkil, Lon!. Stcond Row: Morc;an, Hyman, Braclcenridc:c, Smith, S1cphcn1, ingcr, crrano, K11101, Coker. Third Row: Hou11on, Darling, Miller, Brantley, lhy1, Katz, Mitchell, Kulchak, Calcentr. Fourth Row: Mcnitt, Zwaacr, Bu , Hill, Weaver, Painter. Boyd, Hurt, Puzio, Ve tels. Fifth Row: Ingram, Cowper, Marth, Ander on, Powdl, Moore. Rountret. Jin tn, htlby, Limon. P•1• 470 PERSHING RIFLES OFFICERS Fall Spring DA -HEr RY HA KE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Commander . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HERBERT E. EVA S MICHAEL VA CE KILLOUGH MICHAEL VA CE KILLOUGH . . ... . Executive Officer ..... . . BERT ATHA IEL WISELEY DO ALD ROBERT ARTIS, JR. . . . . . . . . . . . . S-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . OSCAR EWELL GOODE, JR. ROBERT LOUIS HER 100 ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANTHO Y CHARLES JU G HERBERT E. EVA S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT LOUIS HER DON ROBERT LA 1E CARLETOl\ . . ........ .. .. S-4 ... .. ......... CLAUDE EDWARD HEMPEL PALMER THOMPSOSCHWEPPE ... Information Officer ... PALMER THOMPSO SCHWEPPE _ Colonel Herbert E. Brown, USA John Richardson Allen Leland Ammons Donald Robert Artis, Jr. St!=!phen F. Austin Carroll Stanley Barbour James Charles Barbour Craig Edsall Bartlett Randolph G. Berry Robert Thomas Binder, Jr. Victor Darrell Blakeway Ronald Fred Bond Robert Lee Boyer Thomas Oswell Brightman Michael Jan Brown Frederic Anthony Bruton William David Caldwell Robert Lane Carleton John H. Coats William Harold Cooper Jack Kenneth Dahlberg, Jr. James Joseph Alford Hayden Edward Boland John U. Miller HO ORARY MEMBERS ARMY ROTC CADETS Herbert E. Evans David Wesley Garner James Franklin Gladson, Jr. Oscar Newell Goode, Jr. John Frederick Gray Johnce Eugene Hall Dan Henry Hanke William Ray Harper Howard Hillman Hasting, Jr. Claude Edward Hempel Robert Louis Herndon Laree McElroy Holder, III Boyd Marcus Johnson Raymond Lee Johnson, Jr. Dick Thorp Jordan, Jr. Anthony Charles Jung Michael Vance Killough Stanley Allen Lack Daniel Ray Lazicki Richard Manuel Martinez AIR FORCE ROTC CADETS Richard Keck Cook SPRI G PLEDGES Paul W. Moore William Olan Stevenson Michael J. Thomas Captain John H. Mcintosh, USA Donald Hughes McElhone Phillip Lloyd Medellin Worth Robert Miller Conrad John Netting Cayetano Olivarez John Duncan Osburn Joseph Howard Parnell, Jr. Charles Morgan Pearre, III Bobby Joe Phillip William Wallace Rogers, Jr. James Harley Ruth Gerald Ed Schroeder Palmer Thompson Schweppe Michael Franklin Shands Stanley Claude Stone Jerry Ted Vavra Auberdeen Leroy Watts Thomas Richard Wheeler, Jr. Christopher Wayne Wiley Berl athaniel Wiseley Jarrell Dean Holloway, Jr. James Perry Weiler Philip Robb Winsborough Front Row: Hempel, Gray, Bruton, Herndon, Carleton, Evans, Hanke, Killough, Coats, Wisely. Sec_ond Row: Jung, Artis, Martinez, Pearre, M. Brown, Vavra, Watts, Phillip, Hastings, Ruth, Susan Cohen, Sponsor. Thud Row: W. Mmer, R. Johnson, Austin, B. Johnson, Holder, Bond, Cook, Netting, Jordan, Goode. Fourth Row: Binder, Olivarez, Shands, Brightman, HolJoway, Allen, Parnell, Wheeler, Lack, Gladson. Page 471 ROYAL SPIRIT COMMITTEE Chairman Elizabeth Anne Adams Daryl Ray Alford Kathryn Ann Bailey Cecil William Bain Robert Alan Bern· Bette Lois Boyd . Genie Brackenridge Robert L. Breckenridge James Darwin Burnev Donna Sue Campbeli Frank Thomas Cervenka Chad Freeman Creager ~Iarilew Cunningham John William Dalton .Iessica Royece Darling Bernie Rodney Davis Arlene Geneva Dietz ~artha Anne Dillard Elizabeth Lyons Doremus Carolen Jeanne Draper James George Drawer! Clif W. Drummond Carolyn Dudley Alan Lee Eisenberg Louise Elizabeth Eriksen Rita Jay Fagelman Sandra Gwen Faircloth Charles Adkins Finnell Charlotte Anne Florence ........... .... . . ............... .. WILLIAM ALLE MEMBERS Sandra Elizabeth Foster Maria Elda Garcia Mary Esther Garner Nikki ora Gober Doug Claud Graham, Jr. Cristia Fay Guess Patricia Gale Hackerman Priscilla Jane Hester Robert James Huston Evelyn Phillis Johnson Linda Lou Kellogg Virgie Ann Klein Mary Kathryn Kulchak Royce Charles Lamberth Sandra Helene Landau Artie Sue Lane Marshall Allin Leaffer J ames Gary Lempert William Lynn Little Karen E. Lovinggood Robert James Lowe Yvonne Charmayne Marsh Eddie Rebecca Maxey William Allen Melton Wayne Earle Miers James Luther Mims, III Mike A. Mitchell Mary Elizabeth Montgomery MELTON Glenn Burke Musgrove Patricia Louise Myers David Knight orthington, Ill Monroe Ben owotny Robert Earl Owens Phillip Jay Paine Sam Houston Pres !er Kenneth Alwyn Roberson, Jr. Sharon Gaines Robins Raymond eil Rosenthal WiJliam Calvin Royle James Allen Sanders, Jr. Margaret Taylor Sanford Larry Scott Sharron Ann Sibley Carol Geraldine Smith Warrie Lynn Smith Suzanne Sorenson uzanne Allain Stein Patricia Anne tephens Jack Vernon Strickland, Jr. Susan Szafir Jan Thomsen Richard Brown Waitt, Jr. Peggy Joan Walts Fred Kahn W estheimer Diann Williams Martha Ann Wingo Judy Wish The ROYAL SPIRIT COMMITTEE functions mainly to promote, build, and prompt school spirit through the joint work of the various campus organizations and groups. Representatives are chosen from fraternities, sororities, co-ops, service organizations, and other groups interested in increasing school spirit. Front Row: Lontlau, J.nn!' , Carner, Sorrn on, Cunninghnm, Oico·, Dro!ll'r, Watlll, fnircloth, f.oving:i:;ooJ, Suond Row : Darlinr;;, Fa1:clman, Lowe, Stein, C. Smilh, Dudley, Sibley, Brackcnrid;-c, Sanford, Fo11cr, W. Smith, BaiJey, Boyd, KelloaG· Third Row: tclton, Paine, Johnaoo, Mar1h, Williama, Dorcmua, Florence, Monlgomcry, Gober, He ttr, Carcia, Kulchalc, Rosenthal, orthinaton. Fourth Row: Mu1crove, Huston, Owens, Waltt, Alford, LeafCcr, Cervenka, Sandcu, Derry. Fifth Row: Mien, Stricklind, Royle, Mimi, Ei1cnberc, Dreckcnrldce, Lcmptrt, Drummond, Datn, Llule, Davis, Graham, Drawut, Robenon, Creaaer. P1;0 472 SCABBARD AND BLADE OFFICERS Fall Spring GARY LYNN WOOD .... ............. .. Captain .... . ......... ROGER ALBERT MARIEN ROBERT LAYTON COLLIER . . . . . . . . . First Lieutenant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROBERT LEE CLARK ROBERT LEE CLARK .............. Second Lieutenant . . . . . . . . FRANK FITCH HENDERSON MARIO JESUS GONZALEZ . . . . . . . . . . . First Sergeant . . . . . . . . . DAVID PETER COTELLESSE FA CUL TY MEMBERS Captain William T. Adams, USAF Colonel Herbert E. Brown, USA Lieutenant John Gregory McDermott, US A Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Huffacker, USA MEMBERS ARMY Edgar Daniel Bailey William George Egelhoff Eldon Lewis Jones Wayne Maxwell Shull Edwin Allan Cook Mario Jesus Gonzalez Steven Michael Neuse Gary Lynn Wood NAVY Robert Layton Collier James Earl Langley Roger Albert Marien Sam R. tanbery Rudolph Vince Krueger Harold Gilbert Lutz, Jr. Louis Edward Spradlin AIR FORCE Robert Lee Clark Larry J <\cl< Edgeman Paul Faris Gilbert Kennert Allen Pfeil Clarence Wharton Cole Charles Marshall Finney James Michael Hinkle Thomas 0. Proffitt FALL PLEDGES ARMY Robert Roy Baines, Jr. John Frederick Gray Victor A. Kormeier Alfred Joseph Marsch Marion Bernard Gardner, Jr. Frank Fitch Henderson Nickie Lee Laird David Arnold Pullen NAVY Charles Edward Bonney Hugh Len Gray John Hammack McMillan Charles Samuel Snell David Peter Cotellesse Kenneth James Moore William George McMillian Donald A. Tortorice AIR FORCE Robert Dalton Bassetti Daniel Vincent Flatten Bary Ben Hutsell Max M. Marosko David Bras Cole James Lewis Green, Jr. James W. Kellogg Mark Hayden ugent SPRI G PLEDGES Glen Porter Doss Thomas Reginald Heard Michael Lawner Patton Robert Michael Warner Felix Wayman Ferrell, Jr. John Michael Mason Gary William Schoen David Garner Wilbourne Daniel Vincent Flatten George Jack Nachman Michael Frank Trahan Mansel Monroe Wood Gene E. Gifford John Duncan Osburn Don Vaccaro SCABBARD AND BLADE is the national honor society for outstanding cadets and midshipmen from the Army, avy, and Air Force Reserve Officers Training Corps of junior or senior rank. Nominees are selected by the active members on the basis of their leadership potential, academic standing, and interest in their respective programs. The purpose of SCAB­BARD AND BLADE is to further the interest of the military service by promoting better understanding and co-operation be­tween the armed services. The National Society of SCABBARD AND BLADE was founded at the University of Wisconsin in 1904. The Texas Chapter, G Company, 8th Regiment, was founded in 1949. Front Row: J. Cray, Egelhoff, Wood, Collier, Clark, Gonzalez, Langley, Moore. Second Row : McMillian, fcMillan, Marsch, Krueger, Snell, Henderson, Bonney, H. Cray, Kormeier. Third Row : Cole, Cotellesse, Hutsell, Tortorice, Finney, Kellogg, Marien, Hinkle, Gilbert. Page 473 SILVER SPURS OFFICERS Fall Spring LARRY LYNN SCHOENBRUN .... . .. .. President . ... . ..... RAYMOND COY POAGE, JR. ARTHUR LOUIS SCHECHTER . . . . . . Vice-Preside~t . . . . . . . DAVID ISADORE KUPERMAN LEON NORROD GRAHAM . . . . . . . . . . . . Secretary . . . . ROBERT ALEXANDER MARKOWITZ EDWARD BRADFORD PICKETT ....... Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . TOMMY ESCDRIGE YORK GARY DE NIS AGUREN .. .. .. . . .. Executive Council . . . . . . . . . LEON NORROD GRAHAM RAYMO D COY POAGE, JR. . . . ... . Executive Council ARTHUR LOUIS SCHECHTER JOHN C. TREADWELL ...... . .. . .. Executive Council LARRY LYNN SCHOENBRUN HONORARY MEMBERS Jack Russell Maguire Calvin C. olen Richard S. Pryor MEMBERS William Lynn Aaron Julius Glickman Marshall Allin Leaffer Raymond Coy Poage, Jr. Gary Dennis Aguren Leon Norrod Graham Lowell Henry Leberman, Jr. Ellis Wynn Presson Wayne Fredric Aguren Dick Hoskins Gregg Bert Gentry Lee Arthur L)! HALLIBURTO , REBECCA AN IE, Moulton English HINTON, HUGH FRA K, Dallas Latin-American Studies, l:~II, Y, Union Committees, Student Party HOEPKE ,. MARVIN EDWIN, ew Braunfels Mathematics, Lutheran tudent Association HOR U G, WARRE GEORGE, Cost Anthropology, Longhorn Christian Fellowship, Wesley Foundation, Archaeological Society, Linguistic Society, International Club HYDE, C. BRODIE, Fort Worth Business Administration JIME EZ, JOSE GUADALUPE, San Antonio Architecture, Sphinx JOH SON, DALE P., Liberty Accounting JONES, LA WRE CE LAI , Seminole Business Administration JOUDAH, AHMAD H., Gaza, Palestine History, Organization of Arab Students KILGORE, LINDA ELAINE, Groesbeck Journalism, 0l:, rAX, All Campus Advisors, Spooks LAUGHLIN, JOE ACKER, Baytown Business Administration, American FinanHl: FFLER, PARKER MIXSON, Junction ical Engineering, JU:, TBII, HKN Pase 478 GRADUATES AE-HOSSAINY, EFFAT AE-MALLAH, Kirkuk, Iraq Education ARMISTEAD, ROBERT THOMAS, Corsicana Journalism A VILA, CARLOS, Dallas Physics, l:fil BARNES, JOHN EDWARD, Port Arthur Architectural Engineering BENNET, DAVID HUGHES, JR., Dallas Physics, l:Ill:, BK BOSTWICK, ROBERT ORVILLE, Austin Management BROWN, GEORGE STANLEY, Roanoke, Va. Astronomy, Graduate Club BRUTQ , FRED ELSO , Throckmorton History, Acacia COGSWELL, GEORGE RALSTON, Dallas Library Science DAFASHY, WAGIH GADALLA, Cairo, Egypt Accounting, BA'l' DEMLER, ROBERT CARL, JR., Port Arthur Pharmacy, Ki', ~X, Student Government Committees, Longhorn Singers, University Chorus DERRICK, DONALD HUGH, Burton Chemistry DROLLA, JOH CASPER DODT, JR., Fort Worth Law, l:K, Discipline Committee, Scabbard and Blade, Student Govern­ment Committee, AROTC, Track, T Association EMANUEL, VICTOR LLOYD, Houston Government, Young Democrats ESKRIDGE, CHARLES SANFORD, JR., Austin Journalism, l:~X, Daily Texan EUBANKS, ISAAC DWAINE, McCamey Chemistry, ~T, AT, All, American Chemical Society RAWLINS, JOHN ARCHER, Edinburg Physics, 2:II2:, BK, Honor Roll REDFERN, JOH JOSEPH, III, Midland Statistics, r A SCHLEICHER, DONALD W., Seguin Mathematics, An SCHULZE, ARTHUR EDWARD, Richmond Electrical Engineering, HK:\', TBII, AIEE SHELTON, GARY FRANK, Dallas Zoology SHIPPER, KENNETH E., Freeport Chemistry SMITH, MILTON LLOYD, Austin Education SO E, DAVID, Fort Worth Business Administration SUESSMUTH, ALBERT CHARLES, JR., Houston Library Science TAYLOR, LETA EVELYN, Garland Linguistics, cI>BK TERRELL, JUNIUS HEWITT, McCall Creek, Miss. Accounting THADANI, RAMESH, New Delhi, India Chemical Engineering, AX2:, TBII, !?XE, AT, IU:, An, AIChE TIBBITTS, WALTER GRENVILLE, III, Dallas Public Administration, AT TIY APOR , SU POTE, Chiengmai, Thailand Environmental Health Engineering WIETING, DAVID WARREN, Grapeland Mechanical Engineering, IlT2:, AIME WIETING, MOLLY STARK, Kilgore English WILEY, MICHAEL ALAN, Dallas Geology, AX, An, IU:, Young Republicans, Geological Soc"ety WILLIAMS, GWIL YM HOWARD, Bedford, England Physics YOO , JO G SIK, Suwon, Korea Genetics YOUSEF, YOUSEF AZIZ, Alexandria, Egypt Environmental Health Engineering, XE, 2:::;, <"c~~~zatlil!_I{ Arab Students Page 479 ANDERSO , JUDITH ANN, Houston Government, KA0 ANDERSO , MARY ELLE , Weslaco Elementary Education, ACE, SEA A DERSON, SANDRA GAYLE, Austin Personnel Management, r<1>B, AAA, ~IE, Br~, Freshman Council A DERSO , THOMAS RICHARD, Port Lavaca Electrical Engineering, ATA, AIEE, IRE, Y, Christian Faith and Life Community A DERSO , VELDA LORRAI E, Lyford Spanish, ~All, JIA ANDERSON, WILLIAM LEE, LaMarque Chemical Engineering, ~X, AU, AIChE, Freshman Track A DREASO , DORIS ELAINE, Galveston Elementary Education, IU:, IIA0, Canterbury Club A DREW , A CY ETTA, Graham Physical Education, AAA, SEA, Freshman Council Advisor, Upper· class Advisor, Union Committees, Assembly ANGLE, EDGAR WAY E, Sealy Finance ARELLANO, OSCAR SANCHEZ, El Paso Pharmacy ARMISTEAD, BETTY RAY, Beaumont Elementary Education, AAIT, Longhorn Singers, University Chorus, SEA, ACE, Varsity Carnival AR HOLD, LARRY GE E, Houston History AR OLD, RICHARD FRED, Gilmer Architectural Engineering ASHOR , DELORES A N, Houston Elementary Education, lntramurals, EA ASTO , ANCY THRIFT, Houston Journalism, rB, 0~<1>, KTA, AAA, rAX, Spooks, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, Upperclass Advisor, Junior Fellow A TKINSO , SALL YE LOU, Houston Elementary Education, Speech Therapy, ZTA, ~AH, NEA N ON, SUSAN CLARE, Houston , KA0, Newman Club, Young Democrats 1*'~"'""-u INA JA E, Austin aginaw Par• 480 AB EY, JOH BECK, Edinburg Accounting SENIORS ACKER, LEXA MORRIS, Post Architecture, T~A, Sphinx, AlA ACUNA, ARTURO, Corpus Christi Pharmacy, K'l', LPhA ADAM , JAMES EDGAR, JR., Uvalde Government ADAMS, MARILYN JUNE, Texarkana English, Upperclass Advisor, Cap and Gown, SEA ADKINS, LIEUEN ROGER, Austin English, Ranger Staff, Daily Texan AGUIRRE, JOSE ROLANDO, San Benito Accounting, Young Democrats AGUREN, WAYNE F., Austin Engineering Route to Business Administration, Br~. Silver Spurs, CBA Council, Round-Up, Society for Advancement of Management, Freshman Council Advisor, ASME, University Club, Outstanding tudent ALEXANDER, MARTHA JEAN, Austin Interior Design, AZ, Cactus Staff, American Institute of Interior Design, Newman Club, University Religious Council ALFORD, DARYL R., Corpus Christi Radio-TV, Music, Afl, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Theleme, Curtain Club, Young Democrats, Royal Spirit Committee CLASS OF 1963 AWBREY, STUART ALA , Austin Social Studies AZADIAN, BETTE JANE, Houston Retailing, A•I>, Assembly, All Campus Advisors, Upperclass Advisor, Freshman Council, Union and Student Government Committees, CBA Council BAETHE, JANE ANNE, Baytown Pre-Medical, A, AAA, AEA, Freshman Council, Cap and Gown, Young Republicans BAGGETT, JACKIE RAY, Eastland Physical Education, PEM Club, Poona, UTSA Council BAI , HERSCHEL EUGENE, San Antonio Business Administration, A~II, American Marketing Association BAIRD, ALBERT W., III, Austin Electrical Engineering, TBII, HKN BAIRD, GLORIA ELAI E TREAT, Austin Elementary Education BAKER, JAMES CORBIN, Amarillo AFB Chemistry, Student Government Committees, Society for Advance­ment of Management, Young Republicans BALTHROP, GRANVILLE HAROLD, Dickinson Chemical Engineering, X, All, AIChE BANN, USA FRANCES, Texarkana, Ark. French, xn, SEA, Cap and Gown BARBER, JOEL STEPHE , Houston Business Administration, B91I BARBORAK, JAMES CARL, foulton Chemistry BARCLAY, STERLING EDWARD, Corpus Christi Transportation, K9, A 1A, Newman Club BARKER, SAMUEL TIMOTHY, San Antonio Micro-Biology BARLOW, MARY PATRICIA, Wichita Falls Journalism, SEA, Cap and Gown, Daily Texan BARNARD, DAVID CHARLES, Austin Business Administration, Tejas Club BARNEBURG, JACK JARRETT, Austin Aero-Space Engineering, IAeS BARNES, WILLIAM RENICK, San Antonio Journalism, ~AX, Daily Texan BARRE TI E, PAUL STA LEY, Canton Pharmacy BARRIER, ALVIS LAYTO , Mineral Wells Pre-Medical, KA, H~, Y, Student Government Committees BARTOSH, GERALD! E VIRGI IA, Taft Spanish BASORE, LEE RAY, Austin Art, AU, Commercial Art Students Association BATES, MARY MARGARET, Lufkin Elementary Education, AAA, SEA, Bluebonnet Belle Finalist BAUCUM, JOE E., ew Boston Government BAUMAN , HAPPY EDWARD, Baytown Economics BEARDEN, JOE H., Austin Insurance, KK.Y, Insurance Society, Longhorn Band BEAULIEU, MARGARET A., Galveston Pharmacy, KE, All Campus Advisors, LPhA BECKER, ELISABETH ALICE, Austin Mathematics, AZ, AAA BEIDEL, JOH MICHAEL, Carlsbad, N. Mex. Mathematics, Intramurals, NROTC, Royal Spirit Committee BELL, DAVID BRUCE, Beaumont Psychology, ATA, Y, CBA Council BELL, EDWIN GILBERT, Longview Government, ~E BELL, HENRY NEWTON, III, Bastrop Industrial Relations, ~, A~, ANA, Society for Advancement of Management, American Finance Association, American Marketing Association, AROTC Rangers BELL, JAY STEPHEN, Odessa Accounting BELL, WILSON COLLOM, Big Spring Accounting, e;:: BENBOW, MARY SUZAN, Odessa 'Jr Pharmacy, A, KE, B Kinsolving, LPhA, Cap and G , :·~ BERGQUIST, KAREN ARLOA, Austin Micro-Biology, A, Freshman Council, Y, Cap ~ .,\ --.. Page481 ~ ~ BLOEBAUM, ALAN PAUL, Austin Zoology, AE.:l, lU:, KK.Y, BK, Longhorn Band, Texas Student Leaders Seminar to Chile, Oust:mding Student BLUDEAU, HERBERT LESLIE, San Antonio Economics, Young Democrats BLUME, MIRIAM BOLEY N ROBERTS, Dallas German BODDEN, IX O'BRIEN, Austin Chemical Engineering, AX~, TBIT, l1XE, AIChE BODE, DAYID F AI , Austin Pre-Medical, AE.:l, Longhorn Singer, Honor Roll BOEHL, JOH ELMO, Dallas Electrical Engineering, TBIT, AIEE, Engineering Fellow BOEHM, EMILY A N, San Antonio Accounting, B, BSU, SEA, Union Committees BO NEY, CHARLES EDWARD, Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME, NROTC, Scabbard and Blade BOOSE, CLYDE STANLEY, Sweetwater History BOUR E, ELWANDA SUE, Alvarado ociology, Whitehall Co-Op, Co-Ordinators' Council, Social Welfare Club, Union Committees BOWER , VER ER LA VALLE, JR., College Port Finance BOWL! , JAME HUGH, Port eches History, Freshman Council, Longhorn Singers, Men's Glee Club BOWLING, JOH KNOX, JR., Dallas Journalism, English, A.6I, Longhorn Singers, Freshman Council, Round-Up, University Chorus, American Marketing Association BOWMAN, WALTER CLARKSON, JR., Harlingen Architecture, l:K, AIA, AAAE, Honor Roll E,DWARD DONALD, Fort Worth t ical Engineering, Acacia, AIEE , PATRICK ELMER, Devers Ci · Engineering FORD, BROOKS GAYLE, Angleton , ATn, American Finance Association DFUTE, JAMES MAURICE, Austin ss Administration Page 482 SENIORS BERLY, JAME FRANK, Ill, Houston History, .:lKE, Freshman Basketball BERRY, PHILLIP PAUL, Gainesville Electrical Engineering, AIEE BERRY, RA DOLPH GATES, Amarillo Economics BERRY, WILLIAM LARK! , Gilmer Pre-Medical BETTS, GILBERT WAYNE, Daingerfield Accounting, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Royal Co-op BILGER, JIMMY MACK, Palo Pinto Mechanical Engineering, IITl:, TBII, ASME, Engineering Council BIRD, BETTY UE, West Columbia History, AZ, SEA, Cap and Gown BI HOP, THOMA ARMI TEAD, Uvalde Accounting, X, Royal Spirit Committee, Freshman Council Ad­visor, Student Government Committees BIZZELL, BOBBY GENE, Frankston Engineering Route to Business Administration, Union Committees, Intra­murals BLACK, BETJE, Corpus Christi French, A, ITA, Union Committees BLACK, JAMES WILLIAM, JR., Swansboro, N. C. Pharmacy, AX, PX, LPhA, Pre-Pharmacy Club BLACKARD, MORRIS, Austin History BLAIR, BOBBY J., Austin Marketing, .6I, Lutheran Student Association, American Marketing As­sociation BLAKE, KE ETH RA , Houston Physics, Hl:, :2:fil BLANK, JEFFREY ROLA D, Los Angeles, Calif. Aero-pace Engineering, Al1, ASME, IAeS, TSPE, Simkins Hall Counselor BLIZNAK, JOH Y, Victoria Zoology, Pre-Medical, AEA CLASS OF 1963 BRADLEY, JAMES HOWARD, JR., Hereford Finance, 6.T6., BI'1: BRANDES, D. DAVID, East Bernard Business Administration BRANDLE, CHARLES DAVID, JR., San Antonio Chemical Engineering, AJa, mrn, AIChE BRASHER, MOLLY FRANCES, Weimar Spanish, ~arr, BK, AA6., IJ6. BREIG, ER EST RICHARD, San Antonio Architecture, AIA BREWER, KAREN OEL, Pasadena English BREY IA , GUS H., Schulenburg Government, Young Republicans, Student Government Committees BRIDGES, WILLIAM CARLTON, Tyler Mathematics, Society for Advancement of Management BRIGGS, JAMES DAVID, JR., Nome Mechanical Engineering BRIGGS, THOMAS ALAN, San Antonio Aero-Space Engineering, IAeS BRISTER, BARBARA RUTH, Lampasas English, SEA, B, Kinsolving BRITTON, CHARLES MARK, Corpus Christi Advertising, Acacia BROADDUS, PATRICK FOLEY, Austin Marketing, American Marketing Association, Young Democrats BROADUS, ZELNA VIRGINIA, Victoria Speech Therapy, BSU, Panhellenic, International Club BROCKSCHMIDT, SALLY BELLE, Houston French, IJB, AA6., ll6., BK, Bored Martyr BROOKS, BARRY ARLICE, San Angelo Retailing, A~, American Marketing Association BROOKSALER, CAROL RUTH, Dallas Spanish, SEA, TSTA, German Oub, Hillel Foundation BROWN, BETTE JUNE, Krum English BROWN, JOHN HARTLEY, Austin Business Administration BROWN, JOHN TIMOTHY, Corsicana Industrial Management, ~AE BROWN, MABEL ANN, Gatesville History, A, Cap and Gown, Freshman Council BROWN, RUBEN STANLEY, South Houston History, An, Tejas Club, Y, Student Government Committees, Out­standing Student, NSA-TISA BROWN, SQUIRE LEE, San Angelo Aero-Space Engineering BROYLES, PAUL JAMES, Dell City History, XA, Union Committees BRUMLEY, ROGER ELLIS, Nacogdoches Psychology, German Language Association BRUMMETT, JOHN DAVIDSON, Austin Industrial Management, Society for Advancement of Management BRYAN, PAT, III, Graham Insurance, An, Insurance Society BUGG, BILLY RAY, Troup English, A~ BUNCH, MILDRED ELIZABETH, Artesia, N. Mex. English, A6.II, Daily Texan, Christian Faith and Life Community, Wesley Foundation, Union Committees BUNTING, HENRY ALBERT, III, Uvalde Electrical Engineering, e:a:, Interfraternity Council, AIEE BURGER, CATHERINE ELAINE, Seguin Elementary Education, SEA, NEA, ACE, Cap and Gown .BURGHEIMER, CARLENE RAE, Kansas City, Mo. Elementary Education, Freshman Council, Union Committees, Up­ perclass Advisor BURKE, JOHN PAUL, JR., Lubbock History, International Club, Newman Club, BURKE, LINDA LEE, Baytown English, AA6., SEA, Upperclass Advisor BURKHOLDER, JACK N., Fort Worth Mechanical Engineering, ASME ' BURLESON, DAVID WARFIELD, Austin Engineering Route to Business Administration, Baseb\11.1~~ Page 483 CAMPBELL, MORGAN S., Galveston Accounting CAMPBELL, PATRICIA, Marshall English, AXf!, Union Committees, SEA, A Cappella Choir CAMPBELL, SUSAN LEE, Houston Plan II, English, r<1>B, AAA, Spooks, Student Government Commit· tees, Outstanding Student, Cap and Gown, Wesley Foundation, Texas Student Leaders Seminar to Chile, Goodfellow CANALES, ALFRED G., Corpus Christi Pre-Law, Spanish, Rio Grande Valley Club, Newman Club, Young Democrats, Y, Model U.N., Student Party CA AMORE, RO ALD TRUETT, Austin Architecture, Sphinx, AIA CAPPS, JUDITH JEAN I E, Houston Journali m, 0~<1>, rAX, SEA, Cap and Gown, Kathleen Bland Scholar­ship, George Brackenridge Scholarship, Round-Up, Daily Texan, BSU, Y, Young Democrats CARDE AS, JOH LOUIE, San Antonio lndu trial Management CARDE AS, TERESA IMELDA, McAllen panish, Southern Singers, ewman Club CARDI AL, DOUGLAS J., Austin Architecture, T~A, l-U:, Sphinx, Assembly CARLTON, ROBERT LANE, Austin Business Administration, Freshman Council, Y, BSU, Society for Ad­vancement of Management, Union Committees, Pershing Rifles CARLSO , JOHN L., Fort Worth Architecture, X CAR AHAN, GAYLE BRAGDO , Houston Finance, ~AE CARPE TER, SHAU ADELE, Corpus Christi Commercial Art, KA0, Union Committees, Commercial Art Students As­sociation CARR, RICHARD P., JR., San Antonio Industrial Relations, KA, Af!, Longhorn Flying Club, Men's Glee Club, Prather Hall Counselor CARRIZALES, FAUSTO, Mission Pharmacy, LPhA CARROLL, BILLY DA , Gatesville Electrical Engineering, TBII Y MO ROE, Dallas Trade, Br~, International Association of Students in Eco­ 0 ALD REED, Dallas ent, Athenaeum, Young Republicans MES HOW ARD, JR., Dallas u_§ip ss Administration, KA Y, MICHAEL HORACE, an Antonio chology, Union Committee Piro 484 SENIORS BUR , RU SELL EUGENE, Leland, ill. Pre·Law, Business Administration, Tejas Club BURROUGH , JAMES WILLIAM, Shreveport, La. Chemical Engineering, Kir, AIChE BUSH, ROBERT CHARLES, Houston Finance, JU;, Br~, American Finance Association BUSS, MARY KATHRYN, Austin Elementary and Special Education, Orange Jackets, Freshman Coun­cil, Student Government Committees, Young Democrats, Y, SEA, T TA, Christian Faith and Life Community, Bluebonnet Belle Nomi­nee, Challenge BUTLER, GARY MURREL, Sulphur Springs English, Longhorn Flying Club, Symphonic Band BUTLER, HOWARD YOU G, Odessa Government, Act>f! BUTLER, LA CA, Kenedy History, AAil, Student Government and Union Committees BYRD, GARY JEFFER 0 , an Saba Pre-Medical BYR E, JAMIE KATE, Goliad Pre-Law, History, AOII, ewman Club, Los Charros, Laredo Club, Cap and Gown, Challenge, Young Democrats, Model UN CAIN, MARGARET MEADERS, Glen Rose Micro-Biology, KA0 CALHOUN, STA LEY RICHARD, Anson Industrial Management CLASS OF 1963 CA KEY, JAMES RAY, Winters Finance, American Finance Association CAUTHRO , JAMES LEE, Tyler Commercial Art, Commercial Art tudents Association, Art Students League CAVE ESS, ROBERT EDWARD, Palestine Finance, American Finance Association CHADWELL, JANICE MARY, San Antonio Elementary Education, A, Education Council, Assembly: Panbel­lenic, Cap and Gown, Sweetheart Nominee, Bluebonnet Belle Semi- Finalist, Upperclass Advisor CHANDLER, CAROLYN VIRGI IA, Jacksonville Elementary Education, SEA, NEA CHAPMAN, JUDITH, Shreveport, La. Accounting, i:l.E, BA'lr, AA.£1., Br~ CHAVELEH, FAEGH FRANK, Tehran, Iran Mechanical Engineering CHENAULT, WILLIAM B., III, Houston Psychology, Government, Af!, Union and Student Government Committees, Varsity Debate, Oratorical Association, Radio Club, Freshman Council, Athenaeum, Young Republicans CHOVANEC, CHARLES HENRY, Fayetteville History, Czech Club CHRISTENSE , FLEUR A ETTE, New Braunfels Latin, SEA CIS EROS, A TO IO, III, Fort Worth Architecture, AIA CLARK, ROBERT LEE (II), Danbury Mathematics, Longhorn Band, Longhorn Singers CLEMENTS, HAZEL JA E, Huntsville History, AXf!, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, Assembly, SEA, Student Government Committees, Education Council, Upperclass Advisor, Intra-murals, Outstanding Student, Silver Spurs Award CLEMENTS, PEGGY LY N, San Antonio Spanish, AXf!, Freshman Council, Y, SEA CLEVELAND, JOSEPH ROBERT, Dallas Physics, H~, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Campus Guild COATS, JOHN H., Austin Business Administration, Pershing Rifles, Longhorn Singers COCKRELL, JOAN, an Antonio Elementary Education, ZTA, ~AH, EA, ACE COERS, DO ALD VER ON, Dickinson English, KK'lr, Longhorn Band COFFEY, JERRY CUTLER, Dallas Mechanical Engineering, KA, Silver Spurs, Flash Card Committee, ASME, Discipline Committee, Southwest Conference Sportsmanship Committee, Goodfellow COFFMAN, CARMO LUELL, Texarkana Elementary Education, A, SEA, Student Government Committees COLBY, LY N LEE, Houston Accounting, ewman Club COLE, CLARE CE WHARTO , Houston Accounting, K~, BA'lr, AA, Arnold Air Society, Scabbard and Blade, Cactus Staff COLE, DAYID BRAS, tephenviUe Government, ~E COLE, NANCY KAY, Houston Elementary Education, KA0 COLE, PATRICIA RUTH, Stamford Speech Therapy, ~AH, Upperclass Advisor COLEMAN, JAMES TOWSON, Mabank Pharmacy, Ki' COLLEY, ROBIE GE E, Dallas Psychology COLLINS, ELAINE KA YE, Houston Physical Education, ~.£1.T, Orchesis CONNER, JIMMY LARUE, Austin Micro-Biology, Weightlifting Club CON OR, CAROLYN, Daingerfield English, .£1.i:l.i:I., SEA, Freshman Council CONTRERAS, ERNESTO, JR., McAllen Accounting, ~II, Newman Club COOPER, DON MERLE, Port Neches Chemical Engineering, f!XE, JU:, AIChE COOPER, I A LOUISE, Mexia Mathematics, TB~, Longhorn Band COOPER, SUE ELLE , Dallas Journalism, 0~<1> COPE, MARGARET PARKES, San Angelo Elementary Education, SEA, ACE CORTEZ, LIO EL MAURO, JR., San Antonio Government Page 485 SENIORS COTTI GHAM, JOH PHILIP, Mexia Mathematics COU CIL, WILMA DELL, Kerrville History, Cap and Gown, Freshman Council, Shangri-La Co-Op, Co. Ordinators' Council, peleological Society COWLEY, DO E KEW, Amarillo Mathematics, Theleme Co-Op, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Round-Up, Union Committees COX, BILL J., Denton Architecture, AIA COX, CAREN MAY ETT, Fredericksburg Interior Design, AXfl, O~, American Institute of Interior Design, Orange Jackets, Spooks, Mortar Board, Upperclass Advisor, Student Government Committee , Goodfellow COX, MYRLA A., Morton Commercial Art, Act>, Cap and Gown, Assembly, Commercial Art Stu· dents Association, Art Students Association, Upperclass Advisor CRAFT, DIA A GAYLE, EI Paso Home Economics, ZTA, Home Economics Club CRANDELL, BRUCE WILLIAM, Houston Psychology, Westminster Student Fellowship, International Club CRAVEN, EMILY ANN, Waco Sociology CRAVER, THOMAS HOW ARD, Midland Art, K'Y CRAWFORD, LUCY KATHLEEN, Houston Elementary Education, AOil, Freshman Council, Panhellenic CRAWFORD, WOODROW WAYNE, Corpus Oiristi Electrical Engineering, KT, IRE CREAGER, WILLIAM FERROL, Ranger Marketing, A~, American Marketing Association, AROTC CREATH, GARRY S., San Angelo Transportation, ~IT, ANA, CBA Council, Young Republican Oub CRE SHAW, ROBERT ALLEN, Raymondville Accounting, Afl, IU: CREWS, FRANK TRIBBLE, JR., Amarillo Law, A, Associate Justice of Student Court, Student Bar As­sociation, Honor Roll CREWS, PAUL C., JR., Houston Architecture CRIDER, ALLEN BILLY, Mexia English CROSBY, LINDA VALOIS, Houston Elementary Education, SEA, Southern Singers, Student Government Committees CROMACK, NANCY LIND, Brownsville Accounting, ZTA, BA'Y, Young Republicans, Honor Roll, Interna­tional Association of Students in Economics and Commerce CROUCH, EUGENE LOUIS, Lockhart Petroleum Land Management CRUTSI GER, HAROLD RAY, Wichita Falls Engineering Route to Business Administration, ~IT, Acl>Sl CRUZ, JAMES RAY, Corpus Christi Architectural Engineering, AAAE, Student Engineering Council, New· men Oub CUBLEY, HAROLD DEAN, Scurry Electrical Engineering CULPEPPER, JOHN CECIL, JR., College Station Law, K'Y, cl>AA, Assembly, Law Review, CBA Council CULPEPPER, JOHN PATRICK, Cleburne History, Friars, Silver Spurs, Football Captain, Football, T Association, Outstanding Student CUNNINGHAM, JOE HURLEY, III, Fort Worth Electrical Engineering, ASl, Tejas Club, Longhorn Band CURRIE, JACK BURTON, Paris Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, ASME CURRIE, JAMES DAVID, Amarillo Speech, I'A, AEP CURRIE, NANCY CAROLYN, Troup Home Economies CURRY, CHARLES NATHAN, Waxahachie Government and History, Il2:A, A0, Freshman Council CURRY, JOHN RANDOLPH, Houston Engineering Route to Business Administration CUSHMAN, KARE ANN, Seguin Ele e~ry Education, Acl>, SEA, Education Council, Cap and Gown, Union IA BETH, Coupland , JOH WILLIAM, Houston FORD, ROBERT MARVIN, Brazoria Management, Society for Advancement of Management Page 486 CLASS OF 1963 DANIELS, GIGI DIA , Seguin Retailing, AAIJ, Freshman Council, Union ·and Student Government Com­mittees DARRAH, ROY PAUL, Kansas City, Mo. Meteorology, American Meteorological Society DAUGHERTY, MYRA LYNN, Kilgore Elementary Education, NEA, TSTA, Disciples Student Fellowship DAVENPORT, EVERARD CORRELL, Del Rio History, Young Democrats, Student Government Committees, Inter­ Co-Operative Council, T.L.O.K. Co-Op DAVID, MAVIS LYLE, Waco Elementary Education, AZ, University Chorus, Curtain Club, Cap and Gown DAVIDSON, PATRICIA ITA, Houston Elementary Education, Newman Club, Turtle Club, Cap and Gown DAVIG, JAMES H., Victoria Accounting, ~II, Society for Advancement of Management, Intra­ murals, Young Republicans DAVIS, ELISA SAVILLA, Wichita Falls Journalism, e~, r AX, Daily Texan, Public Affairs Reporting Pro­ gram, Union Committees, Cap and Gown DAVIS, JAMES LAWRENCE, JR., Houston Petroleu.m Land Management, Ae, Petroleum Landman's Association DAVIS, JUDITH MARIE, Salt Lake City, Utah Mathematics, AZ DAVIS, MARGARET JA E, Houston Elementary Education, Newman Club, Union Committees, Cap and Gown DAVIS, ROBERT CECIL, Edna Pharmacy, T.L.O.K. Co-Op, APhA, LPhA DAVIS, SUSA HARRIET, San Antonio Sociology, AE DAVIS, WILLIAM PAUL, Alpine Marketing, ~IT, American Marketing Association DAVIS, WILLIAM PRATHER, JR., Waco Economics DAVLIN, WILLIAM EDWIN, Marlin Advertising, A~. American Marketing Association, Speleological Society DEAN, JOHN THOMAS, Tyler Transportation, ANA, CBA Council DEAN, MARGARET ANN, Brownwood Art, Upperclass Advisor DEAN, SANDRA LEE, Argyle Home Economics, Home Economics Club, Union Committees DEASON, SWITZER LEON, Aransas Pass International Trade, International Association of Students in Eco­nomics and Commerce DE BERRY, DIANE, San Antonio Chemistry, AAIJ DEFFEBACH, CAROLE JA ETTE, Houston Social Studies DEFFEBACH, DON MORRIS, Ranger Electrical Engineering, Af!, ROTC, AIEE, SAME DE FEE, DAYID LEE, Houston Psychology, KT, '1-X, American Finance Association, Freshman Council, Young Democrats, Representative Party, Honor Roll DENNY, KLEBER JE NINGS, Fort Worth Water Resources, JU:, XE, ASCE, Intramurals, Interfraternity Council DESCHNER, EUGENE EVERETT, Gonzales Petroleum Engineering, AIME DEWEY, JAMES CLAY, Amarillo Finance, ITKA, American Marketing Association DIAZ, ROBERT, JR., Miami, Fla. Aero-Space Engineering, IAeS DIBRELL, SAMUEL DOTSON, Seguin Speech, Bell, Silver Spurs, University Co-Operative Board of Directors, Varsity Debate, Operation Brainpower DICKEY, BOBBY LYN , Palestine Personnel Management, ~X DICKINSON, WILLIAM JOHN, Laredo Accounting, Laredo Club DIETZ, JOHN WALTER, Waco Industrial Management, ATA DILLON, NANCY N., Austin English, AAII, Reagan, Panhellenic, Discipline Committee, Varsity Car­nival DIMMITT, DEA NA MARYE, Uvalde Pharmacy, AAII, KE, X Sweetlieart, College LPhA DISCH, BILLY JOHN, III, Austin Mathematics, Ben DODRILL, WILLIAM LEE, Fort Worth Personnel Management, Acacia Page 487 DUGGAN, ARTHUR ALEXANDER, Littlefield Business Administration, AT!1, ~II, CBA Council, Goodfellow, Freshmllli Council, lntramurals, Y, Union and Student Government Committees DUNLAP, KENNETH RAY, Dallas Chemistry DUNNING, ANN ELIZABETH, San Antonio English, Union Committees, Young Republicans DU PRE, DANIEL FLINT, Dallas Finance DURAN, CAROL JEAN, Dallas Secondary Education, SEA, Union Committees DURA D, HERBERT KYLE, Buna International Trade, International Club, International Association of Students of Economics and Commerce DUSEK, DIANE AUDREY, Dallas English, Ar, Longhorn Singers, Upperclass Advisor, Freshman Coun· cil Advisor, Union Committees DUTTON, MARGARET SUE, Bishop History, AAII, Orange Jackets, Upperclass Advisor, Student Govern· ment and Union Committees DUTTON, TONY RANDOLPH, Brady Plan II, ~AII EAGLE, LINDA KAY, Dallas Home Economics, Cap and Gown, Home Economics Club EASTMAN, RONALD DAVID, San Antonio Plan II, 'l'A, fil, BK, Junior Fellow, Goodfellow, Challenge, President's Advisory Cabinet, lnterfraternity Council, Student Govern· ment Committees EBY, KAY READI G, Dallas Journalism EDELEN, DON A JEAN, Fort Worth History, English, ArA, Cap and Gown, SEA, Reagan, Student Government Committees, Young Republicans EDMO DS, ROGER COOPER, Dublin Psychology, Union Committees EDMUNDSON, JOANNE ARNOLD, Houston Plan II, IIB, Reagan, Freshman Council EDWARDS, ELIZABETH, Austin Elementary Education EDWARDS, JULIA ELLEN, Houston P armacy, KE, PX, LPhA, Pharmacy Fellow, University Symphony Or­ e a, Freshman Council , ROBERT BARNOLA, Dyess AFB mies, A Cappella Choir S, SANDRA KAY, ew Braunfels conomics, AAil, Angel Flight, Home Economics Club, Union tees I.MAN, DINA JOAN, Austin . • \ sh, xn, Bluebonnet Belle, Discipline Committee, A Cappella ; -"· r, F,i,:eshman Council ~~ P1se 488 History Journalism, English, Laredo Club, Young Democrats, Student Party, Daily Texan DRAEGER, CAROLY , Houston French, AAA, IIA9, IIA, BK, Mortar Board, Cap and Gown, Upper· class Advisor, SEA, Poona, Challenge, Union Committees, Outstand­ing Student, Marjorie Darelick Award DRAWERT, JAMES GEORGE, Fort Worth Accounting, Acacia, Royal Spirit Committee DU BOSE, GARY LY , Baytown Psychology DUDLEY, JULIA AURELIA, Comanche Government, IIB, Los Charros, Union Committees DUDLEY, VAL JEA , Austin Child Development, AX!1, Home Economics Club DUGAN, JACK RAYMOND, Fort Worth Accounting, ~E, BAi', Varsity Basketball, T Association EVANS, GERALD MONTY, Houston History, t.Tt. EVA S, RA D BOYD, Baytown Psychology EVERETT, OREL RUIZ, Corpus Christi Pharmacy EVETTS, JUDY JA E, Belton English, AAll, 11:::<1>, Upperclass Advisor, Cactus Staff, Student Re­lations Board FAGG, CHARLE FREDERICK, Dallas Zoology FALKE, GARY ALBERT, Austin Finance FARANISH, ZAHi HA A, Nazareth, Israel Civil Engineering, ASCE, TSPE, Newman Club, International Club, Union Commillee FARIES, ELDO DWA E, Brownwood Art, Education. XA, niversity Chorm•, A Cappella ChBK, AA.:i, li, nnn FEUERPFEIL, KARL FREDERICK, Austin Aero-Space Engineering FEUILLE, FRA K, IV, El Paso English, :::AR FIELDER, JAMES EDGAR, Lockhart Pre-Law, KA, Y, Freshman Council FIELDER, RICHARD AUBREY, Lockhart Accounting, •I•rt. FI LAY, THOMAS LARRY, Fife w Economics, Government FINLEY, JAMES DA !EL, III, Aransas Pass '-.~ V Physics, Mathematics, ex, BK, ~TI~, H~, Longhoref'fland; Junior Fellow >-, .-, FI LEY, MARK HA A, Austin ft-h... ·v ' Mechanical Engineering, t.KE, TBIJ, IIT:2:, ASM at "ty Council, Student Government Committees, Wrestli m · dent Co-Op Association _ Page 489 SENIORS FI LEY, A CY CARLI LE EWTO , Dallas Chemistry, AAA, Cactu taff FOX, GERRY LEE, Austin Architecture, AAAE, Engineering Council, T PE FO , JANELLE MAXI E, Dallas English, ~AT, Longhorn Singers, Fre_hman Council FOYT, CHARLES BER ARD, Au tin Accounting, ~K, A~fT FRANKLI , VIVIE LEIGH, Wimberly Political Science, Y, Young Democrats, Student Government Com­ mittees, Freshman Council Advisor, Christian Faith and Life Com­ munity FREDEMA 1, MARY CARMEN, Port Arthur Psychology FRE CH, WILLIAM ALLE , Big pring Engineering Route to Busine s Administration, KA, Y, ROTC, tudent Govetnment Committees FRIEDMA , HARRIET RAY, Houston Elementary Education, AE, ACE, Freshman Council FRIEDRICHS, ROGER WARRE ', Goliad Architectural Engineering, AAAE FRIEMEL, PA L DEAN, Roger Petroleum Engineering, AIME, TSPE FRUCHT, BRE DA LOU, Houston Elementary Education, AE, Fre hman Council, Union and tudent Government Committees, Royal pirit Committee F CH , WALTER RAY, Thrall Electrical Engineering, JI KX, TBfT, IRE F HRMA , JOH 1 TA LEY, Hereford Mathematic FU K, WALTER BURTO , Houston Engli h GABRIEL, GAIL, Tyler Secondary Education, ocial tudies, AI'A, Panhellenic, President miley"s Advi ory Cabinet, nion Committees, Freshman Council Ad- vi or GADDY, WILLIAM EDWARD, weeny English, Af!, Longhorn ingers GALBRAITH, H. DAVID, Au tin Architectural Engineering, AAAE nion Committees tar , Union Committees E MARIA, orpus hri ti Paae 490 GARDNER, THOMAS LLOYD, Living ton Pharmacy, LPhA GARVER, RICHARD LLOYD, Richardson Finance, Curtain Club, American Finance Association GARZA, ALVARO, Laredo Accounting, Laredo Club, Newman Club GARZA, MARTHA LAURA, Brownsville French, Spanish GARZA.GONGORA, CARLOS ALBERTO, JR., Laredo Mechanical Engineering, ASME, Laredo Club GATTIS, CAROLE JEAN, Amarillo English GAYLE, JA , Angleton Elementary Education, 6.Z, SEA, Freshman Council, Student Government Committees, Representative Party GENTOLIZO, CARME M. F., Austin Special Education, Southern Singers GE U G, JOHN ALLE , Wichita Fall Pre·Medical, BK GIBBONS, JOHN LEE, Edinburg Business Administration GIESEY, S. CHARLE , Midland Zoology, 6.T.i, Track, T Association, Texas Cowboys, Track Co.Captain GILL, BETTY JEAN, Beeville Ena)ish A

, Student Government Committees, Freshman Council, Interfraternity Council, Union Committees, Goodfellow GOLLY, JEA NE MARIE, San Antonio Home Economics, Fre hman Council, Union Committees, Upperclass Advisor, Home Economics Club GOMEZ, ROSARIO, Hebbronville Child Development GO ZALEZ, E RIQUE ., Harlingen Accounting, Young Democrats GO ZALEZ, RAUL, JR., Weslaco Government, Pre·Law, Newman Club, Team, Rio Grande Valley Club COODEY, MARY ELIZABETH, Weslaco Music Education, Cap and Gown, Southern Singers, GOODMA , JACOB Y., Oil City, La. 'Accounting, A EH GOODWI , CHARLE BE TO , Port eches Pharmacy Page 491 SENIORS GORMA , RODMA E., Houston Government, Pre-Law, AXA, Texas Ranger taff, ROTC, International Club GORMLEY, HERBERT CLYDE, Killeen Accounting, :::x, Honor Roll GOULD, KA THRY JEA , College Station Music Education, ymphonic Orchestra GOVA TO , LI IMAHO JOH , Corpus Christi Architecture, AlA, Hellenic Circle GRACY, DAVID BERGE , II, Au tin History GRACY, LA RA BAADE, Austin Elementary Education GRAHAM, DO G CLAUDE, JR., Plainview Busine Administration, Acacia GRAHAM, JO EPH MA ER, Kilgore Finance, American Finance Association, Insurance Society GRAHAM, ROBERT HARRISO , an Angelo Marketing GRAMMER, JOH Y RICHARD, Woodville Engineering Route to Bu iness Administration GRAVES, JACK THOMAS, Midland Transportation, axA GRAY, FRED JOE, Carthage English, Young Republican GREER, EDWI REGI ALD, JR., Dallas Economics, AXA GREGORY, CAROL JOA , San Antonio English GREMM, BARBARA A , Dallas utrition, Home Economics Club, ewman Club GREVE, ROBERT CHARLE , Houston Pre-Medical, Zoology, ~AF., Silver Spurs, Representation Party GREVSKY, BARBARA ELAI E, Houston Busine s Education, :::j,T, ll!"!fl, Reagan, Student Government and Union Committees, Freshman Council, Round-Up, Cap and Gown GRIDER, SYLVIA A , Pampa Latin, Ara, 1-1~<1>, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, All Campus Advisor, Union Committees, Goodfellow GRIFF! , MARY ELIZABETH, Dallas Elementary Education GRIFFITH, DO ALD COTT, Richmond, Va. Mechanical Engineering, A!1, A ME, Engineering Council, Union Committees, Freshman Council Orientation Advisor GRIGGS, BETTY JOA , Galena Park Music Education, AKA, Y, University Chorus, Young Democrats GRIGSBY, BOBBY ALLA , Houston Accounting, BA>¥, Br::: GRJMES, CHARLES LEWIS, San Antonio Engineering Science, TBil, Engineering Fellow GROSS, ROBERT OLVI , Bonham Geology, :::rE, <1> 11:::, Geological Society GROVE, MARILYN LAVO , Houston English GRUE ER, CLAUDE MICHAEL, Freeport Journalism, :::ax, Jesse Jones cholarship, Boyce House Memorial Scholarship, Daily Texan GUERRA, FRANCISCO JAVIER, an Juan Pharmacy G ERRERO, ANA CATALI A, Weslaco Accounting, BA>¥, Rio Grande Club, International Club C ERRERO, JO E MARTA, Rio Grande City Civil Engineering, ASCE GUILLOT, MICHELLE, Dalla Hi tory, JIB•I>, Mortar Board, Orange Jackets, Spooks, Goodfellow GUMP, MARILYN VIRGINIA, Dallas English, X!1, rra, BK, Reagan CU N, JAMES EDWARD, Corpus Christi Architectural Engineering Union Com­ CLASS OF 1963 HADAWAY, LY EWMA.. , Athens, Ga. Speech Therapy, ;\I, Panhellenic, Spook , tudent Government Commit­ tees, Bluebonnet Belle ominee HAGE 1ANN, BETTY RUTH, La Grange History, ~Z, AA!!i., Upperclass Advisor, AU Campus Advisor, Union Committees HAGMAN, GARY LEWI , Weatherford Bu iness Administration, Pre-Law HAIRELL, MELVI LLOYD, Yoakum History HALBOUTY, MICHEL ROBERT, Austin Electrical Engineering, AIEE HALEY, JUDY A N, Oakwood Elementary Educaticfn, Upperclass Advisor, Union Committees HALL, JOH ALLE , JR., Weatherford Engineering Route to Business Administration, KA, Student Govern­ment Committees HALL, ROBERT LORI G, JR., Anahuac Civil Engineering, ASCE HALL, RONALD LEE, Mansfield Pharmacy, K'l' HALLIDAY, SO DRA ALMA, Galena Park Radio-TV, AEP, l'AX, Cap an, Varsity Carnival HAMILTO , JIMMY RAY, Bridgeport Petroleum Engineering, TBII, IIET, AIME HAMILTO , MARCIA JA E, Dallas Interior Design, XA HAMMA N, WILLIAM ROBERT, JR., Houston Marketing, ::::x, American Marketing Association HA KE, DAN HENRY, an Antonio Accounting, Br::::, BA'1', H2:, American Finance Association, Pershing Rifles, Distinguished Military Student, Arthur Young Fellowship HAN ER, KARL MARION, an Antonio Personnel Management, Union Committees, ewman Club, Young Demo­crats, Challenge, Freshman Orientation Advisor HANOVER, WILLIAM GlBSO , Lufkin Business Administration, Bffll HA SEN, MARTHA AN , Houston Mathematics, !!i.l', Upperclass Advisor, Poona Club, Freshman Coun­cil, University Religious Council, UTSA HA SE , REX McKAY, Houston Finance HARAGA , PAT WILLIAM, Houston Mechanical Engineering, !!i.KE HARBERS, ROBERT ELDON, Yoakum Business Administration, In urance Society HARBISON, PATRICIA LOU, Wichita Falls Elementary Education, KA0, ACE, SEA, TSTA, Young Democrats HARDWICK, MARY ELLE , Odessa Elementary Education, xn HARGIS, LAURIE LEE, San Antonio Elementary Education, KKr , IIA9, AA!!i., ::::MI Ashbel, Cap and Gown, Freshman Council, Y HARGRAVE, ROBERT LARSON, Baytown Finance, A;:: HARMON, SUE, Corpus Christi Speech Education HARMOND, DOROTHY JO, Sweeny Micro-Biology HARMS, CHARLE£ THOMP ON, Austin Home Economics HARMS, DAVID HE RY, Austin Statistics, AROTC, Ranger Drill Team HARP, WILLIAM RU SELL, Baytown Accounting HARPER, BOBBIE A N, San Antonio Spanish, KKr, AA!!i., ::::!!i.n, Christian Science Organization, Orange Home Economics, All Campus Advisor, AHsosmoce•ub, ·a~s.\~· 1 Jackets, Mortar Board, Panhellenic HARPER, JOE WAY E, Austin Pharmacy HARPER WILLIAM GIBSO , Houston Zoology HARRELL, BILLY ARVIL, Austin \ ) /rf'<1' Music Education, KK.Y, Longhorn Band Symph~ Biiqd and OrchestraHARRELL, GLYNDA MARIA , Groom ' / >----''-~·,f-1 = -~~ ._Union Committees, American Marketing ~'~ Page 493 HEGER, JAME CARL, Weimar Finance, e::: HEIMAN , MARILYN JA E, Austin Zoology, Lutheran Student Association HEI E , MARTHA LEE, Houston Fashion Design, AXf!, Union Committees HEISER, D11 AH KAY, San Antonio Elementary Education, B Kin olving, Outstanding Student, Orange Jackets, All Campus Advisor, pperclass Advisor, Union Committees, EA, ACE, Freshman Council Advisor, Royal Spirit Committee, President Smiley's Advisory Cabinet, T.T.T. HEITKAMP, ALICE FAYE, an Antonio Mathematics HELTON, WILLIAM MELVI , JR., Houston Psychology HE DERSO , DELLA MAE, Refugio Latin-American History, Government, AXf!, Bluebonnet Belle Semi­finalist, Orientation Advisor, Union Committees, Cactus Staff, Ten Most Beautiful, UT weetheart Nominee, Varsity Carnival Queen ominee HE DERSO , JAME BE DER, JR., Houston ·Government HENDERSON, TH0'.11A lcDOWELL, Houston Government, r.:; HE OREN, PHILIP A., Albuquerque, . Mex. Architectural Engineering, ~AE, TBIT, AAAE HE DRICKS, JOH WAY E, Corpus Christi Electrical Engineering, AIEE HE ORIX, JA ET KAY, Dallas Sociology, Social Welfare Club ORIX, '.11ARY JO, Smithville i m, 8~<1', Daily Texan, Cap and Gown, Public Affair Reporting RY, BOYD WAY E, Elgin ical Education, Acacia, PEM Club, TAHPER Y, REMMEL WILLIAM, JR., ursery -~ta! ~RY, ROBERT ER E T, Dallas a?ce, Insurance ociety, American Finance Association, Union 1ttees .. ,.. ' ~ _..:-=---Page 494 SENIORS HARRIS, EDWARD MURRAY, JR., Houston Business Admini !ration, , AA6, Y, Los Charros HEDGE, GAYLE EA Y, Dallas Physical Education, Xf!, Upperclass Advisor, PEM Club, UTSA, AAHPER, TAHP R CLASS OF 1963 HEN 0 , WALTER TOM, Dalhart Law, Acacia, A.O., Silver Spurs, Friars Interfraternity Council, Round-Up, Student Government and Union Committees, President's Advisory Board, Varsity Carnival, Swing Out HERB TER, JAMES RICHARD, Seabrook Industrial Management, K~, Society for Advancement of Management, Intramurals HERGENS, SOPHIE RUTH, Houston English, Cap and Gown, Union Committees, Young Republicans HERING, JOH NIE JENE, McGregor Industrial Management, Acacia, Union Committees HERREN, THOMAS HOOD, Houston Government, Pre-Law, ATfl, Interfraternity Council, Varsity Carnival, Freshman Council Advisor, Operation Brainpower 11!11\ HERRI G, JOSEPHINE LILLIAN, San Antonio Spanish, SEA, Cap and Gown HERRING, SARAH, Cotulla Elementary Education, SEA, Cap and Gown HICKS, THOMAS PATTERSON, Muleshoe Business Administration, .O.~IT, CBA Council HIGGI BOTHAM, DONALD ., Waco Business Administration, Longhorn Singers HIGHTOWER, JOH BUCKNER, Austin Psychology, ~X HI KLE, JAMES MICHAEL, Venus Social Sciences, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society, Scabbard and Blade, Distinguished Military Student HITCHCOCK, NI A CATHERINE, Houston Business Administration, )f, Society for Advancement of Manage­ ment HOCKER, WESLEY H., Portland Journalism, .O.k, ~.O.X, Daily Texan, Young Democrats HODGES, CHARLES WAYNE, Wichita Falls Mechanical Engineering, ASME HOFFMAN, ADELE SHARO , Houston English, AE, Upperclass Advisor, Honor Roll HOLLAND, THOMAS COLE, Odessa History, SEA HOLMAN, DAVID CALVIN, Weslaco Radio-TV, Curtain Club, Young Republicans HOLMES, LARRY ALLAN, Pearland Chemical Engineering, TBll, flXE, AT, AXk, AIChE, Intramurals HOOVER, MARGARET SUSAN, Houston English, JlB, Orchesis, Discipline Committee, Canterbury Association HOPKI S, CLYDE LEO , IH, Austin Bacteriology, Journalism HOPKI S, JOH ALFRED, Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME, AFROTC, Twin Pines Co-Op HORTON, CLAUDE WENDELL, JR., Austin Physics, BK, J I~ HORTON, JON DALE, Dallas Electrical Engineering, IRE HOUDEK, PENELOPE, Houston Elementary Education, SEA, ACE HOWARD, LOU ELLEN, White Deer Home Economics, Home Economics Club HUBBARD, H. PHILLIP, Midland Business Administration HUGHES, WALLACE LEO , Austin Architecture HULTQUIST, LYNDALE, Ganado Secretarial Studies HU NICUTT, GARLAND GAIL, Crane Mathematics HU TER, RICHARD WRIGHT, Raymondville Chemical Engineering, AIChE HU TER, ROBERT COLEMAN, Abilene ' Plan II, .O.T.O., Hk HUNTER, THOMAS WAYNE, Texarkana Accounting Page 495 SENIORS HUR T, JOH CLARK, Lufkin Pre-Law, B0Il HUTCH! 0 , CAROLY JA E, Iraan English IBANEZ, JOE DAVID, JR., Rio Grande City Chemistry, SAME, AROTC, Symphonic Band INGRUM, ROBERT EUGENE, Angleton Economics, O~E IRO S, LILLIA ELISE, Austin Elementary Education, SEA, ACE, Luthern tudent Association IVY, MACKLY CLOIS, Fairfield Pharmacy JACKSO , PATRICIA, '.\1t. Pleasant Interior Design, A~, Home Economics Club, A.l.D. JACKSO , PATRICIA A , Lake Jackson Home Economics, Education, SEA, Union Committees, Home Eco­nomic Club JACKSO , ROGER SHELLEY, . 1acomb, 111. Government, I'~ JAGO, JIMMY FRA K, Austin Chemistry, tag Co-Op, Intramurals JAMES, JOA ELAINE, San Antonio Journalism, Daily Texan, Union Committees JAMES, ROYAL PARKS, San Antonio Personnel Management, IlKA JANOSKY, EDWARD JOSEPH, JR., Holland Accounting JANSZEN, WALTER LOUIS, JR., Corpus Christi Engineering Route to Business Administration, International Association of Students in Economics and Commerce, Young Republicans, AFROTC, Round-Up, Arnold Air Society, Lutheran Student Association, Union Committees JAR AGIN, ID EY S., Houston Accounting, Ben JASEK, LEO VACLAV, Austin Chemistry, Czech Club, German Club, ewman Club JE KINS, ROBERT FERRELL, Houston Real Estate, ::::x JERNIGA , C. DIA E, San Antonio Elementary Education, EA JIME EZ, E RIQUE, Eagle Pass Pharmacy, K.Y, LPhA, Laredo Club JOHLE, RICHAl{D JAMES, Houston Chemistry, AX:::, AT, Union Committees JOH SO , CARL TRAVIS, El Paso Business Administration, Af!, Tejas Club, American Marketing Association JOH SON, ELIZABETH RUTH, Newgulf Mathematics, AOTI, SEA, Cap and Gown, Symphonic Band, Freshman Council Advisor JOH SON, GARY EAL, Elgin Civil Engineering, ASCE JOHNSO , HEATHER BELLE, Houston Psychology JOH ON, KAY A , Houston Elementary Education JOH SO , LI DA LEE, Fort Worth Psychology JOHNSO , MARY HELE , San Antonio Accounting, '1.1', Freshman Council, Society for Advancement of ;\fanagement JOH SO , WILLARD EDWARD, College Station Aero-Space Engineering, J-J::::, IAeS, Arnold Air Society, Scabbard and Blade, Orange Wings CLASS OF I 963 JONE , ELDON LEWIS, Houston History JO E , FRA KLY DEAL, Fort Worth Insurance, Insurance Society JO E , JA E MARCELLE, Pecos Elementary Education, ZTA, A hbel, Union Committees JO ES, JANET A , Amarillo Elementary Education, KKr, Freshman Council, Union Commit· tees, Royal Spirit Committee JONE , JERRY JEREL, Crystal City Pharmacy, K.Y, LPhA JO ES, JOIE PIERCE, Abilene Mathematics, BK, ~, Junior Fellow, Freshman Council, Interna­tional Club, Derrick Club, Wesley Foundation, Young Democrats, Stu­dent Government and Union Committees JO ES, ROBERT STANLEY, Georgetown Biology JO E , USA ZABEL, Austin Art JORDAN, KE ETH WAY E, San Benito Pharmacy, LPhA, Wesley Foundation, Rio Grande Valley Club JUAREZ, DAVID VICTOR, San Antonio Accounting JU GMA ", HAL ICHOLAS, La Coste lndu trial Management, Society for Advancement of Management, ewman Club JU TICE, JAMES HORACE, Little Rock, Ark. Mathematics, fil, A<1>!1, Junior Fellow KARM, ANDRA JO, San Antonio Chemistry, AA!:!., ewman Club KEA LER, RAYMO D LAWRENCE, Jefferson Chemistry KELLER, PATRICIA A N, Baytown History KENADY, GEORGE C., JR., A permont Pharmacy, !:J.X KE DALL, RICHARD PARKER, Pasadena Mathematics KE ARD, BRITT ROD EY, Temple Marketing KENNON, ALFRED WARD, Cleburne Geography, Young Democrats, Newman Club, University Chorus KERLEE, DEA 1A DEEN, San Antonio English KIDD, BARBARA A , San Antonio Interior Design, Home Economics Club KIDWELL, KARE BETH, Tahoka Government, History KILGORE, GEORGE RICHARD, Kerrville Mechanical Engineering KINCANNO , CHARLES LOUIS, Corpus Christi Economics, Y, Young Democrats, Stag Co-Op KI G, D. KAY, Houston utrition, OX, Home Economics Club KING, JA ICE MARIE, Temple Micro-Biology, Speleological Society, Racket Club KI KADE, JOH DOUGLAS, Harlingen Mechanical Engineering, ASME KIRKSEY, BETTY PROVINCE, Harlingen Elementary Education, KA8, ACE, TSTA, SEA, Young Republicans KITZMILLER, MARTHA LEE, Deer Park Secretarial Studies, t:i.r, Upperclass Advisor, Freshman KLEMMED 0 , RICHARD GU AR, Fort Worth Electronics, Mathematics, IRE, ASME, Disciples Stu en F · .. ip ' KLI GMA , J ULIA RAE, Austin ~:• Home Economics, Education ,.._ • KLI GMA , LOUIS WILLIAM, Dallas · (j;x Electrical Engineering, SAME, IRE ~·':J Page 497 :-~ ~ KULICK GILBERT DAVID, San Antonio Plan If,' TAJ1:::::, Model , Young Democrats, Freshman Council, Y, Hillel Foundation, Honors Program KUPERMA , DAVID I., Breckenridge Accounting, :::::A:\I, Br:::::, BA-¥, Assembly, Distinguished Military Stu· dent, tudent Government Committees, Goodfellow K TACH, JEROME ~11CHAEL, Victoria Architecture, AJA KWA , KEN MELVI , an Antonio Pharmacy KYLE, CAROLY FRA CES, Ita ca Home Economics LABOU1 TY, MELI DA A SMITH, Austin Home Economics, AZ, Orchesis, Home Economics Club, Freshman Council, Union Committees LACY, JERRY ROBERT, Houston Mechanical Engineering, ASME, lntramurals LAMBERT, CAROLI E MAXINE, Corpus Christi Home Economics, AZ, Freshman Council, Round-Up, Union Com­mittees LA GLEY, JA~E E., Kinder, La. Ru sian, , rAX, Daily Texan, Cap and Gown, Hillel Foundation, Union Committees LAW, JAME RUS ELL, Collegeport Finance, American Finance Association RE CE, JORE E BUCKLEY, Lockhart tary Education RE CE, A ORA LEE, Houston o nali m, l'B, rAX, Union Committees, All Campus Advi or . 0 , ~ARY UE, Dallas 6_-'1a . ng -i , VER 0 I., JR., Au tin ·., I e eum Land Management, KNUT 0 , CHARLES ARTHUR, San Antonio Personnel Management, :::::E, Var ity Baseball, T Association. Texas Cowboys KOCH, CHARLE EDWARD, Galveston History ~OCH, CHARLE THOMAS, Floresville Civil Engineering, TBIT, XE KOEHLER, LENROY ANTHO Y, Cibolo Mechanical Engineering, ASME, IAeS, ewman Club KOEHLER, MARY M., Austin English, .!lo/!1, ewman Club KOEHN, JAMES HOWARD, Fort Sam Houston Economic , Per bing Rifles, Distinguished Military tudent KOE IG, BERT, Houston Accounting KOKEL, KE ETH AR OLD, Temple Accounting KORMEIER, VICTOR A GU T, JR., Au tin Accounting, AROTC, Scabbard and Blade LEYENDECKER, EDGAR VALNEY, San Antonio Civil Engineering, ASCE, Engineering Council LIGHTFOOT, MARGARET AN , Decatur Secondary Education, SEA, Southern Singers, Union Committees LINDELL, CAROLYN KAY, Taylor Elementary Education, A.0.IT, NEA, SEA, Reagan LINDNER, ROBERT LEICHT, Midland Electrical Engineering, TBIT, IIKX LIPSCOMB, LYN L., Garland Education, NEA, Freshman Council, Cap and Gown LITTLE, ROBERT WALDO, Dallas Accounting, l'.O. LITILEPAGE, PAXTON K., Mart Business Administration, A!1 LLOYD, BOBBY LEE, Pasadena Statistics, A!1, Union Committees LONG, KENNETH LEE, Roscoe English, AE.O., BK, <(>JI~, Junior Fellow LONG, THOMAS ROBERT, Houston English, AEP, A!1, Speleological Society LONG ECKER, CY THIA ANN, El Paso English LOOCKE, CAROLY AN , Wharton Secretarial Studies, nnrr, American Marketing Association LOUDERMILK, JAMES DON, Brownwood Accounting, BA'!' LOUSTAUNAU, A DREA J., Cos Cob, Conn. Russian, .o.r, Ru sian Club, Freshman Council, Scholarship to Russia LOVE, JUDITH CA ROLYN, Austin English LOVELESS, LINDA RUTH, Denton Psychology, Pre-Medical, AA.O., AE.O., B Council, Turtle Club, UTSA, Goodfellow LOYD, DAVID HERON, JR., San Angelo Physics LYDA, THOMAS BE TO , Austin Chemical Engineering, AX~, TBII, !"!XE, AIChE Page 499 SENIORS LYLE, ROBERT LOUI , Fort Worth Physics, H~, Junior Fellow LY GE, 0 CAR E GE E, JR., Plano Plan II, ~X MAA , JAME CHARLE , Malone Pharmacy, AX MABRY, WILLIAM ELAM, San Antonio Plan II, 0 ;:'., ~All, IU:, Royal pirit Committee, Freshman Coun· cil Advisor, Discipline Committee, BSU, tudent Government Com· mittee , A sembly, Outstanding tudent MACHA, HE RIETTE RO E, Rosenberg Elementary Education, ACE, Cap and Gown, ewman Club MACKEE , RALPH CLIVE, Texas City Mathematic , H~ MADRID, XAVIER HECTOR, Houston Chemical Engineering, AIChE, ewman Club MAER, KEMP, JR., Houston Phy ic, KA MAIER, LI DA JO, Hou ton English, EA, pook MALLETT, MO ELLE ARCHER, Houston Art, IIB MALO E, DO GLA ROD EY, Austin Electrical Engineering, IEEE, IRE, AIEE MA GUM, ROBERT ER E T, JR., Mt. Plea ant Architectural Engineering, ROTC, AAAE, AME MA UEL, CAROLYN UE, Baytown Elementary Education, EA, ACE MARKOWITZ, ROBERT A.; Hou ton Sociology, Pre-Law, :'!:A:'II, ilver purs, Disciplir;e Committee, Student Government Committees, Goodfellow MARQ ES , JA 1ES ROY, Temple Marketing, A~II. American Marketing Association MAR HALL, ALICE A (I) , Austin ocial tudie , IIA, AAA, EA, Freshman Council, Cap and Gown, Education Council, Out landing tudent MARTI , PATSY ANGA, ormangee Phy ical and Health Education, EA, PEM Club, Turtle Club, Education Council MARTI , WILLIAM ROGER, Dallas English MARTI EZ, GU TAVO HECTOR, Eagle Pass Accounting MARYE, CAROLE FE OGLIO, Houston Elementary Education, KKr, Upperclass Advisor, Longhorn Singers MA SEY, BARBARA A , Hou ton Secretarial Scudie , AZ, Y MASTE , MICHAEL K., Valley View Electrical Engineering, TBn, HKN, AIEE, Engineering Fellow MATLOCK, RO Y JAMES, Garland Physics, AIEE, IRE, Fre hman Council, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Ed Price Co-Op MATRANGA, MARY A N, Hitchcock Elementary Education, IIA0, B Kinsolving, Cap and Gown, Up· perclass Advisor, SEA, ewman Club MATTHEY, ARLENE JOYCE, an Antonio Music Education, ~AI, ewman Club, Symphonic Band, University Chorus MATTHYS, CARL GILBERT, Wharton Aero· pace Engineering, TBII, ::SrT, Men's Glee Club, ASME, T PE, IAe MATTINGLY, CHRISTI E MARGARET, Galveston English, SEA, ewman Club MAXWELL, ORRI K OX, El Paso ocial ciences McGUIRE, SHIRLEY A NE, Dallas Mathematics, BSU, Turtle Club, outhern Singers, Union Com­mittees Mel NIS, AMY LY , Sweeny English, l'l:l, SEA, Longhorn Singers, All Campus Advisor Mel NIS, DO BARRY, May Finance, Speleological Society McJOH SO , J DY A , San Antonio Secondary Education McKJ NEY, AMANDA AN , .McKinney Sociology, .:l.AA, nion Committees McMAHA , GEORGE O'QANlEL, Lockhart Psychology, Curtain Club McMILLA , JOHN HAMMACK, Wichita Falls Mechanical Engineering, :::::x, <1>11:::, Scabbard and Blade, ROTC, AS 1E ¥c AMEE, A ITA DARLE E, Higgins Business Education Mc EELY, DAVJD MICHAEL, Bryan Journalism, ::::ax, Daily Texan McNEIL, LAURA ELIZABETH, Houston Journalism, e:::::, Mortar Board, Daily Texan, Cap anr Jonl's Scholarship, Texa­ Women's Press As:'ociation Scholarship Mc ElLL, WILLIA 1 ALEX, San Antonio Mechanical Engineering, TBII, HT:::: Mc UTT, ER EST PAUL, Freeport Accounting McSPADDE , RHODA IRENE, Odessa History MEADOR, DO ALO PAUL, Amarillo Social Sciences, JIKA, <1>11:::::, Challenge MELTO , WJLLIAM ALLE , Dallas Radio-TV, Head Cheerleader, Texas Cowboys, Daily T. xaP', Royal Spirit Committee, lntramurals, Student Government mittees, Freshman Council, Goodfellow, Southwest manship Committee ME , BETTY JO, Austin • Interior Design, AXf!, Home Economics Club, Union Committees, Cap and Gown MERIA , FREDERICK LOUIS, Yoakum Zoology, Pre-Medical, AEA Page 501 MOORE, ICKY LYN -, Dale Geography MOORE, ROBERT EDWARD, Fort Worth Plan II MORELL, RICHARD LOUIS, McAllen Electrical Engineering, IRE, ewman Club MORE 0, DE I , an Antonio . fa thematics MORGAN, JA ICE MARIE, Hou ton English, ewman Club, T TA, Union Committees, Young Republicans, Cap and Gown MORRJS, GORDO ROBERT, Austin Petroleum Land Management, Society for Advancement of Management, Newman Club, Speleological ociety, Petroleum Land Management As­ sociation. MORRI , LARRY LO I , East Bernard Mathematics MORRIS, LI DA JA , Hillsboro Special Education, KK l' MUECKE, BILLYE MAY McADAM , Au tin English, A 61l , Y, Freshman Council, Union Committees MULLINS, CECIL AN , Brownwood English, ~611, ppercla s Advisor, outhern Singers, University Chorus M DE , GLE RICHARD, Mar hall Accounting MURCHI 0 , WlLLIAM POLK, JR., Corsicana Hi5tory, Yar>i ty Debate, Oratorical A ociation, Union Committee., Longhorn Band, Fre hman Council, Young Republicans, Athenaeum MURFJ , WILLIAM ROBEHT, Hou ton Chemistry, :.::;1 r, Longhorn inger5, oricty for the Advancement of Man­agement M RPHY, CHARLE RI HARD, heridan h nical Engineering, AX:::: I RRAY, ROBERT JAME , Dalla chitecture, AJA ROVE, GLE B RKE, Breckenridge L cal Engineering, Pre-Law, AX~, Acf>!1, AIChE, Teja Club,;...J • C, A 1E, Intramural , tudent Government and Union J tte 5, Ba5cball Manager, T A sociation, Per hing Rifles, Elk's /, r•hip, Outstanding , tudcnt -, --Puce 502 SENIORS MERREM, RE EE LYDIA, Weimar Mu ic Education, ::::AI AA6, Upperclass Advi or, Honor Roll MERRILL, PA L TEELE, Garland Mechanical Engineering, KA , A ME MEYER, IRE ' E FRA 1CES, San Antonio German, Hi tory, 6 A , International Club, Texas Association of German tudent MICHEL , JOHN PIEGEL, Winnetka, Ill Geology, l:K MILLER, BARBARA FO -TAI -, Dallas Spanish, rcJ>B, Bluebonnet Belle emi-Finalist, nion Committee MILLER, JAME ROYCE, Burkburnett Mathematic , KK>V, ct>ll~, Longhorn Band, Hogg Memorial and Dwight Book cholarship MILLIGER, LARRY EDWARD, Llano Botany, Biology Club, Intramurals, Spelunkers Club MI YARD, A I MARIE, Jasper Pharmacy, KE, Freshman Council, BSU, Pharmacy Fellow, Out­standing Junior Woman in Pharmacy, Cap and Gown MITCHELL, STEPHEI\ KEITH, Hou ton Physics, ct>JJ:::: MIZE, WILB R ALLEI\, Crosbyton Pharmacy MOELLER, MARYL 1 , an Antonio Elementary Education, EA MOHRMA , LEO ARD E., JR., Austin Chemi try, A!1, cf>Ir:::, Disciples tudent Fellowship, AIChE, American Chemical ociety MO ROE, WILLIAM ALLE ·, Houston Geology, Geological ociety MOORE, BARBARA WARE, Fort Worth Mathematics MOORE, KR! K., Frost Mathematics MOORE, MARJORIE D., an Antonio Art Hi tory, AA6, Art tudents' Association NEWTO , TUR ER ICHOLS, Cameron Finance, American Finance Association, Honor Roll, CBA Council G, TON QUO , San Antonio Electrical Engineering, AIEE NICEWA DER, DA LEO , Atlanta History, BK ICHOLS, LORI AN , Houston Elementary Education, ZTA, As embly, Union Committees, Education Council, SEA IETENHOEFER, KENNETH CLARENCE, Hondo Engineering Route to Business Administration, KK.Y, Tejas Club, Longhorn Band, Longhorn Singers, Cowboys, lntramurals IX, JAMES ., )Ang Branch Pharmacy, K.Y, LPhA, Pharmacy Fellows IXON, JAMES GU , Fort Worth Government, KK.Y, Afl, Tejas Club, Texas Student Leaders Seminar to Chile, Longhorn Band, Student Go,·ernment Committees NOLTE, LUCY KAY, our Lake Business Education, AtJ.TI, llflTI, Union Committees NORLI G, BARRY KE T, Randolph AFB Chemical Engineering, TBIJ, AT, !1XE, <1>m, AIChE, TSPE ORRIS, FLORA A N, Austin Home Economics, OX, ITA0, SEA, ewman Club, Home Economics Club, Honor Roll NORRIS, HUGHIE THOMA , JR., Baytown English NORROD, ERMI IA PI I A, Corpus Christi Micro-Biology, Angel Flight OVOSAD, CHARLIE THOMAS, Wallis Pharmacy, tJ.X, LPhA NOWELL, RENDA M., Arp Elementary Education, SEA OWOT Y, JEA I E, ew Braunfels Home Economics, Education, Home Economics Club, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Co-Ordinators Council UGENT, MARK HA YOE , Austin Business Administration, AFROTC, Arnold Air Society USSE BLATT, MICHAEL PHILLIP, Galveston • Accounting, TtJ. O'CON ELL, A NE, Dalla French, ZTA, IT!!i., Young Republicans Page 503 PA ZARELLA, JOHN EDWARD, Humble Chemistry, AX:::, H::::, Newman Club PARKER, DAYTO , E., Crosbyton Pharmacy, Pharmacy Fellow PARKER, ROBERT PHILLIP, Longview Plan II PARKS, FRA CES LOU, Houston Plan II, .lr, Freshman Council, tudent Government and Union Committees PARK , RICHARD BRIA , Houston Accounting, Society for Advancement of Management, American Finance Association PARRISH, )IARTHA JEAN, Bellaire Interior Design PARSO , CHARLES CLI TO , Houston )iechanical Engineering, TIKA, A ME PATRICK, JOH RAYMO D, Corpus Christi Pharmacy, K.Ai-', Freshman Council Advisor, SA PATTER 0 ', J DITH 1EAL, Amarillo Psychology PATTER ON, ROBERT L., hreveport, La. Petroleum Engineering, ct>Ki-' PATTER 0 , ROBERT TILE , Taylor Go,·ernment, Ben PATTO , EDWARD NA H, JR., Rotan Petroleum Engineering, AIME PAUL, GEORGE K., Houston Architectural Engineering, AAAE PEACOCK, JAME HOKE, II, Jack onville purs, Intramurals, Round-Up, Honor Roll, T.T.T. 0 1 , JOLEE , Dalla A.:\TI, :::AH, B Kinsolving, ppercla Advi or , .JOH ALTO , Van Land lanagement, A, Petroleum Landman's As- P•ac 50 1 SENIORS OEHLER, CARL BAILEY, an Antonio Mechanical Engineering, A ME OLDHAM, DARIU D OLEY, Beaumont Pre-Medical, 2:X, Interfraternity Council, Cowboys, Sing Song OLIVEIRA, CARLO , Laredo Pharmacy OLLI 0 , WILL MA , Au tin Chemistry OLSE , CATHER! E EMELIA, Houston Interior Design, .6..:\.:\, OX, Freshman Council, pooks, A Cappella Choir, AID, Cap and Gown OLSO , CAROLI E, an Antonio Plan II, Biology, A.6.TI, AA.6., Orange Jackets, Upperclass Advisor, tu­dent Government and nion Committees O' EILL, JOH COMA, Victoria Mu ic Education, )IA, Longhorn Band, ymphonic Band O' EILL, LARRY JOE, Rapid City, . Oak. Architecture, ::::AE, T::::.:\, phinx, AIA, Los Charros ORTIZ, RICHARD R., an Antonio Pharmacy OSBUR , JO A , ew London Business Education, AXf!, Tif!TI, ct>B Kinsolving OSB R , THOMAS DAW, ew London Engineering Route to Business Administration, ~II, American Mar­ keting A sociation, ociety for Advancement of Management, Intra­ murals OVERTO , JA ETTE, Palestine History, Cactu Staff, Upperclass Advisor CLASS OF 1963 PEEL, ROBERT STEPHE , Austin Government, Economics PERDICHI, JOH VIRGIL, Waco Studio Art, ewman Club PER KY, RAYMOND WAYNE, Bartlett Mechanical Engineering, TBII, ASME PETERSON, CAROL ANN, Austin English, Ar.:i, Student Government and Union Committees PETERSO , JAMES DOUGLAS, Corpus Christi Real Estate, :EAE PETTIT, ROBERT LEE, Fort Worth Transportation, K:E PFE NIG, LAURA JANE, Austin Sociology, Lutheran Student Association PFLUGHAUPT, LOUIS ELLIOTT, Austin Mechanical Engineering, TBIT, IlT:E, H:E PHELPS, DORWAY E, Houston History, University House Council PHILLIPS, DELBERT CLAUD, Austin Russian, ~K, Russian Club, Intramurals PHILLIPS, DIANE ELIZABETH, Ozona English, ZTA PICKLES, WILLIAM LUCAS, Houston Physics, Afl PING, ROBERT FRANKLIN, Dallas Chemical Engineering, AIChE PINKNEY, MARY ELIZABETH, Austin Music Education, Westminster Student Fellowship PIRSON, JACQUES EMILE, Austin Chemistry, All PITT, ST~PHE PATRICK, Cedar Hill Physics PLEMONS, TERRY D., Henderson Physics, ~II:E, Intramurals, Speleological Society PLETCHER, ROCKNEY DEE, Leakey Accounting, e;::, lntramurals POLK, BILLIE FRANK, Austin Plan II, :EX POLSO , WILBERT ARVID, San Antonio Pharmacy, PX, Pharmacy Fellow POMEROY, CLYDE DAVID, JR., Pasadena Engineering Science, Afl, ilver Spurs, Union Committees, Challenge, International Oub, Goodfellow, Young Republicans, Model UN POOL, PHILIP RAY, Carthage Finance POOLE, WILLIAM GEORGE, JR., Austin Mathematics, ~X POUNCEY, SARAH HELEN, Austin Physical Educa tion POWELL, LYNDA HORTENSE, Houston Spanish, Young Democrats, Union Committees POWELL, MARIAN RATHER, Houston Mathematics, KKr, Cap and Gown, Y, Atheneum, Reagan POWERS, RICHARD CURRIE, Dallas Philosophy, Westminster Student Fellowship PRATSCHER, MARY JANE, Houston English, KA0, Upperclass Advisor, Freshman Council Advisor, Dis­cipline Committee, Union Committees, Ten Most Beautiful Finalist, Sweetheart Nominee, Varsity Carnival PRATT, VIRGI IA C., Kaufman Elementary Education, NEA, Freshman Council PRENSNER, DOUGLAS STEVEN, Pearland Chemical Engineering, TBII, All, AT, flXE, PRICE, AUBREY LESLEY, Gladewater • Industrial Management, AROTC PRICE, EMORY JACKSON, San Angelo English, Honor Roll Page SOS REAGA , JOH CRISS, Quitaque J ournalism REAGAN, PATRICIA ANN, Temple Chemistry REAMS, GAIL JACOBY, Houston Physics, ~n~. H~. BK REDMAN, DONALD RAY, Burkburnett Accounting, AT, Af!, Union Committees REDMA , MARY KATHARINE, Saint Jo English, Union Committees, SEA, Los Charros REED, ELDO F., Cleburne Mathematics REED, ELIZABETH ANN, Houston Mathematics REEDER, EUGE E, Austin Industrial Management, Tejas Club, Freshman Orientation Advisor REESE, HARRY DOUGLAS, III, Orange Retailing, Union Committees, Round-Up, American Marketing Association, Westminster Student Fellowship, Young Republicans REMMER , ALFRED FREDERICK, JR., San Antonio Government REMMERT, BRUCE EDWARD, Bellville Personnel Management, Y, Society for Advancement of Management, Lutheran Student Association, Young Democrats REYMO D , CARL RAY, Stanton Mathematics Management Scholarship, Intra· Pace 506 SENIORS PRICE, RALPH THEODORE, Austin Mathematics PUGH, A CY CAROL Y , Austin Elementary Education, AZ, Freshman Council, Reagan PULVER, MARY MA SO , Harlingen Government, English, XP., Orange Jackets, Spooks, Panhellenic, Student Government Committees PUTMA , CHARLES EDGAR, Cleburne Government, Pre-Medical, Il, AEA PYE, H. WALTER, Houston Retailing, ~A QUEBE, RAYMO D JOSEPH, Calve ton Economics QUIRK, MARY BURNS, San Antonio Busines Admini !ration RABY, RICHARD RAY, Raymondville Psychology, Zoology, Inter-Co-Operative Council, AFROTC, Ed Price Co-Op RAMSEY, ROSEMARY, Temple Special Education, AZ, Union Committees, Round-Up RA GER, STEPHE HA YES, Fort Worth Economics RAPE, MARTHA GAIL, Hempstead Elementary Education, Speech Therapy, ~AH, SEA RASCHKE, LY E MARIE, Three Rivers German, A:t, B Kinsolving, Upperclass Advisor, Freshman Coun· cil, Student Government and Union Committees RASH, JAMES L., Sulphur Springs Physics, Union Committees RAST, ALLAN LA WRE CE, San Antonio Mathematics RAY, DE I , Victoria Zoology RAY, MURRAY RA DOLPH, Dallas Pre-Medical, ~K, AEA nomics and Commerce, Laredo Club, ewman Club ROCK, CONNIE JO, Texas City Advertising, AOII, TAX, Spooks, Orientation Leader RODECK, BILLIE CLAIRE, Houstan Elementary Education, Union Committees, Southern Singers RODGERS, GE EVIEVE W., Austin History, xn RODGERS, ROGER DA , Galena Park Electrical Engineering, ~E, NROTC RODRIGUEZ, CELSO C., Corpus Christi Mathematics, Rio Grande Valley Club, Chess Oub, Karate Oub ROGERS, LEAH FRA CES, Austin Costume Design ROHDE, IRIS JEA , Houston Home Economics, Home Economics Club, Inter-Co-Operative Council, Cap and Gown, Co-ordinators Council ROMBERG, PEGGY FREEMAN, Austin Elementary Education ROSAS, HOMER OSCAR, San Antonio Accounting ROSE, FRED A., San Antonio Accounting, l:X ROSE , ROBERT ALAN, Pine Bluff, Ark. Pharmacy, LPhA ROSE , RONALD GORDO , Fort Worth Accounting, JTKA, BA'I', IU:JT ROSE BLAD, JOHN LYNDO , Georgetown Civil Engineering, Hl:, TBJT, XE, ASCE ROSENTHAL, RAYMO D NEIL, Newport Beach, Calif. History, l:.:l, Cheerleader, Texas Cowboys ROSS, SARA ANN, Corsicana Elementary Education, A, SEA, Upperclass Advisor ROSSER, VIRGIL OLIVER, III, Graham International Trade, Latin-American Studies, .:lT.:l, ·ng • Club, Los Charros, International Trade Club, Youn ROSSMA , SUSA GAYLE, Texas City Spanish, JTA, l:.:lll, SEA, International Club, Freshman Council, Union Committees, University Page 507 SCHAPIRA, JANET RA YE, McAllen English, :EAT, Cap and Gown SCHILO, JOAN MARIE, San Antonio Sociology, TB, TAX, Union Committees SCHLEGEL, NANCY ELIZABETH, Austin . Special Education, SEA, Newman Club, Angel Flight, Cap and Gown, Freshman Council, Bluebonnet Belle Finalist SCHLEICHER, JOAN CONRAD, Seguin Elementary Education, TIA0, SEA SCHLEIDER, VICTOR HA K, Rockport Chemical Engineering, AIChE SCHMIDT, JIMMY DOUGLAS, Houston Pre-Medical, Zoology, AEA, Freshman Assembly SCHMITT, ALLAN BURNHAM, Dallas Engineering Science TETI, :IIA Sinfonia, AIEE, TLOK Co-Op, Long­horn Band SCHODEK, DA IEL LEWIS, Rosenberg Architectural Engineering, XE, AAAE, Engineering Council SCHOLL, RO ALD FRANKLIN, Dallas Engineering Science, TBII SCHULDT, ERBE JOSEPH, Galveston Industrial Management, Society for Advancement of Management SCHULTE, CAROL JEAN, Austin Home Economics, AZ, Young Democrats SCHULZ, WAYNE ELROY, San Antonio Mathematics SCHULZE, SHARO KAY, West Point entary Education, SEA CHUMA CHER, BILLIE GAYLE, Hunt ecretarial Studies, Freshman Council, Upperclass Advisor, American eting Association, Cap and Gown H MA N, JANICE, San Antonio entary Education, ATA, Freshman Council, Union Committees, heran Student As ociation HUTZ, BOB EWALD, San Antonio L...~/, • Aer~ace Engineering, IAe .. Paae 508 SENIORS RUBEY, WILLIAM BO ER, JR., Houston Government, :EX, Longhorn Flying Ouh RUDDER, MARGARET A NE, College Station Home Economics, AAA, SEA, Upperclass Advisor, President Smiley's Advisory Cabinet, Home Economics Club, Discipline Committee, Fresh­man Council RUGGLES, MORRIS SMITH, Longview Electrical Engineering, AIEE, lntramurals SACKS, JERRY DEN IS, Round Top Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Lutheran Student Association SAENZ, HULBERTO, San Antonio Government SAENZ, MARIA DEL CARME , Alice English ST. CLAIR, DAYID E., Seymour Accounting, AX, BA-¥, BT:E, Society for Advancement of Management SANCHEZ, ROSAURA ARTEAGA, San Angelo Spanish, :EATI, Upperclass Advisor SANDBERG, JOEL JER QUIST, Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME SA DERS, JAMES EUGE E, JR., Nacogdoches Advertising, A~, Honor Roll, Union Committees, Round-Up, Men's Glee Oub, Union Executive Council SA DLIN, THOMAS E., Wortham Physical Education SAPP, SAMMY D., Dallas Mathematics SATER, ROGER ALLEN, Manhattan Beach, Calif. Accounting, IU:II SAUNDERS, JERRY WAY E, San Angelo Government SAYLE, WILLIAM ERVE , San Antonio Electrical Engineering, TETI, HKN, IRE, Twin Pines Co-Op SCALLAN, CAROL AN , Austin Accounting CLASS OF 1963 SCHWARTZ, PHYLLIS RUTH, Galveston Elementary Education, AE, ACE, Royal Spirit Committee, Freshman Council SCHWARTZ, WILLIAM BLAND, Austin World Resources, International Business SCHWAUSCH, OLIVER ALBERT, Walburg Physics, <1>n SCHWEPPE, PALMER THO MPSO , Austin History, A0, Athenaeum, AROTC, Pershing Rifles, Young Re­ publicans SCOTT, ANN BURNETT, Dallas History, AZ, SEA, All Campus Advisor SCOTT, CHARLES EDSO , Brownsville Chemistry COTT, EDWIN GRANT, JR., Dallas Pharmacy, Acacia SCOTT, MICHAEL ADSIT, Midland History, X, Young Republicans SEAMAN, SUSA , San Antonio Elementary Education, SEA, ewman Club SEARS, ERNEST SIMON, JR., Houston Psychology 5EARS, JEAN E LOUISE, Dallas Home Economics, xn, Freshman Council Advisor, Student Govern­ ment and Round-Up Committees, Y, Ashbel, Home Economics Club, Upperclass Advisor, Challenge EBERA, CURTIS WAYNE, San Antonio Aero-pace Engineering, KK..Y, Longhorn Band, Cowboys, Tejas Club, IAeS SEIDERS, SALLY CHRISTINE, Austin English, A, Spooks, Freshman Council Advisor, Reagan, Cap and Gown SHAFER, CAROL JEAN, Harlingen English, Government, xn, Ashbel, Student Government and Union Com­mittees, Y, International Club, German Club SHAINOCK, LOIS PAULA, Houston English, AE, Discipline Committee SHARP, PHILIP MARION, Castroville Zoology, AEA, Newman Club, Young Republicans SHAW, CAROLY MARIE, Pettus Mathematics, ArA, TB~, Longhorn Band, Panhellenic, Lutheran Student Association, Cap and Gown, Orientation Advisor SHAW, ROBERT LOUIS, Overton Psychology SHEARON, KERVIN BENNETT, JR., Houston Accounting, BA..Y SHEFFIELD, BARBARA JO, Menard Elementary Education, ACE, SEA, Inter-Co-Operative Council SHERMAN, DWAYNE DARVALL, Yorba Linda, Calif. Mechanical Engineering SHILLER, KEN ETH LYNDON, Caldwell Marketing, ~n. American Marketing Association SHOCKLEY, ELLEN TAYLOR, Denton English, Y, Upperclas• Advisor, Student Party, Young Democrats, Union Committees SHORT, CAROLYN MARTHA, San Antonio Government, Newman Club SHRADER, VIRGI IA ANN, Austin Mathematics SHULLER, WALTER WARREN, Palestine Accounting SHULMAN, MOLLY, Austin German, KKr, Reagan SIMMONS, BOBBY DAN, Dallas Engineering Route to Business Administration, CBA Council, IAeS SIMONS, PAUL STEPHEN, Austin Pre-Medical, TA, HI, AEA, BK SIMPSO , TOMMIE ADRIA , Bay City Accounting SIPTAK, JOHN EDWARD, JR., Caldwell Zoology, Newman Club SIRCY, OTICE C., Wichita Falls Pre-Medical, Men's Glee Club Page 509 SMITH, WILLIAM JAMES, Sacramento, Calif. Accounting, .O.T.O., Southwest Conference portsmanship Committee, CLASP S OW, PEGGY JEA E, Austin Pharmacy, KE, LPhA OFFAR, ALLAN JARRELL, Houston English, Pre-Medical, Hl:, AE.O., Student Government Committees, Athenaeum, Hillel, Young Democrats SOFFAR, CAROL Y , Freeport Plan II, B Kinsolving, tudent Government and Union Committees, Y, Orange Jackets, International Club, Model UN SORREL, FRA 1CIS DES RIVIERS, JR., Wharton Marketing, .O.~Il, American Marketing As ociation SPEARMA , WILLIAM LE LIE, JR., Houston Physics SPE CE, MARY KATHLEE , San Angelo Elementary Education, A, ~AH, SEA, Cap and Gown SPENCER, ELGENE CAMPBELL, San Angelo Aero-pace Engineering . PE CER, JOH ORWOOD, Austin Architectural Engineering, AAAE, TSPE SPERRY, PAMELA JOAN, College Station Biology, Biology Club, Racket Club, EA PILLAR, BEYERL Y AN , Uvalde Elementary Education, TB~, Longhorn Band PITZENBERGER, MILDRED LA VERNE, Stephenville Elementary Education, EA, ACE PI EY, BEN EDWARD, Corpus Christi mica! Engineering, TBJl fVEY, WILLIAM. EARL, J-louston edical , MO TE JEROME, Hallett ville acy, '1>.0.X A DRIDGE, MARIO DAVID, Teague ertising, Acacia, A~, Silver Spurs, Student Government and nion Committee , Daily Texan, Round-Up, Representative Party -"'-=--~ Page 510 SENIORS SIRMO , CHARLE REAGA , Baytown Pre-Law, Economics, Ki', Pre-Law Association SITTER, LE TER DEWEY, McLean Pre-Law, ~X KELTO , LI DA AN ETTE, Houston Journalism, A.O.TT, I'AX SMALL, CECELIA A , Austin Plan II, KA 0 SMILEY, STEPHE ROYALL, Austin Pre-Medical, K~ SMITH, ALVA LY , Frost Aero-Space Engineering, IAeS MITH, AUGU T WILLIAM, JR., Austin Engineering Route to Busine s Administration, AROTC SMITH, FREDRICK HAROLD, Hawkins Engineering Route to Business Administration, ~IJ, Society for Advancement of Management, lntramurals SMITH, GE E M., Baytown Zoology SMITH, HUGH PETRI G, Brownsville Spanish, xrr SMITH, MARGARET JANIS, Grove Office Administration, r AX SMITH, MARY EVELYN, Falfurrias Art SMITH, MICHAEL LA E, Huntsville History, Pre-Law Association, Young Democrats SMITH, PATRICIA JANE, Houston English, KA0, Orange Jackets, Spooks, Ashbel, Upperclass Advisor, Union Co111mittees SMITH, ROGER WAY E, Fort Worth Pharmacy SMITH, SA DRA BRUCE, Cameron English, Government Mathematics, Acacia..z. _Lutheran Student Association, IAeS STERNER, NANt..Y JEAN, Garland Mathematics, Upperclass Advisor, Freshman Council, Strike and pare Club STEVE S, JIMMY LAW ON, Amarillo Mechanical Engineering, tlT, ASME, IAeS STEWART, BILLY WAY E, Austin English STEWART, CHARLOTTE LOUISE, Sweeny Music Education, B Kinsolving, Southern Singers STEWART, JERRY WALTER, Dallas Architecture, TIKA STEWART, KATHERI E ROBERTA, Tucson, Ariz. English, AAtl, Freshman Council, Cordettes, Upperclass Advisor, Student Government Committees STEWART, MARIO THOMPSON, Austin Physical and Health Education, rt., PEM Club STILWELL, RICHARD BURL, Houston Accounting, H~, BAi', Freshman Council Advisor STOCKERT, PATRICIA A N, San Antonio Office Administration, Cap and Gown, Union Committees STOCKI G, DON ALLE , Amarillo Economics, Young Republicans STOKES, ROBERT CLIVE, West Columbia Industrial Management, ~II, Society for Advancement of Management STOLIAR, JOHN BRUCE, Houston Pre-Medical, Philosophy, Ttl, AEtl, Freshman Council Advisor, Orientation Advisor, Student Government and Union Committees, Young Republicans STOLZ, SHARON, Dallas English, r<1>B, SEA, Freshman Council, Union Committees STONE, ARTHUR ELLIS, Richardson ~ Architecture, AIA STO E, DAVID LOCKE, Portales, N. Mex. Finance, <1>rt. ( STO E, JACKIE LEE, Taylor ~'t--'I~. • Electrical Engineering, IU:, HKX, TBII, IRE, Union ~iti _e STOUT, EUGE E CLYDE, Houston ,1. Personnel Management, Society for Advancement ~tM:iji'a Young Republicans, Intramural§ Page Sil TEAGUE, HENRY GALE, Baytown Accounting TEASDALE, WILLIAM EDWARD, Burnet Electrical Engineering, TBil, HKN, Hl:, AIEE, IRE TEED, JERE McDONALD, Pampa Pre-Medical, rt:.. TELLEPSEN, KARE , Houston Mathematics, KKr, ROTC Sponsor and Sweetheart, Angel Flight, Round-Up, CLASP TEMPLE, JOHN HURST, Houston Aero-Space Engineering TERRY, EDNA FRA CES, Dallas Mathematics, KA0, AA6., Union Committees TERRY, WILLIS PATRICK, JR., San Antonio Architectural Engineering, AAAE, TSPE TETER, MICHAEL PHILLIP, Austin Physics, <1>0K THAWLEY, STANLEY EARL, Austin Pre-Medical, AE6., Longhorn Singers, Honor Roll, Round-Up Committees THOMAS, BARBARA RUTH, Dallas English, EA, Disciples Student Fellowship THOMAS, CAROLYN BETH, Dallas Linguistics, Freshman Council, Upperclass Advisor, All Campus Ad­visor, Y, Cap and Gown, Union Committees THOMAS, JAMES ROD EY, Carthage Aero-Space Engineering, l:E, IAeS, Arnold Air Society THOMA , SA DRA CAROL, Eagle Lake sh, A, Los Charros, Royal Spirit Committee, Upperclass Advisor, A, Cap and Gown, Union Committees, Goodfellow OMPSON, CLINTO B., Austin s"cal Education, PEM Club, Student Trainer 0 PSON, JAMES ANDREW, Lancaster o mercial Art, Commercial Art Students Association OMPSO , JOAN ELISABETH, Nederland sical and Health Education, PEM Club, TAHPER, AAHPER, ,.._-""'l!'l,..~• ·_·~Gown P11e 512 SENIORS STRAYHOR , EDDIE JOE, Snyder Physical Education, Tennis, T Association, PEM Club STRIEBER, MAMIE HELE , Dayton, Ohio German, History SUCKE, JOH HOWARD, III, Austin History, X, Curtain Club, Young Americans for Freedom SULLIVA , LI DA AN , Bryan English, SEA, Student Government Committees, International Club, Reagan, Westminster Student Fellowship SWANSO , ELLIN CAROL, South Houston Elementary Education, Upperclass Advisor, Bluebonnet Belle ominee SWEE EY, JERRY WAY E, Dallas Business Administration SWETLA D, JUDITH, Marlin Special Education, A6.Il, Canterbury Club, Council for Exceptional Children SWIFT, SUSA ELIZABETH, Houston Speech Therapy, ZTA, l:AH CLASS OF I 963 THOMP 0 , LAWRE CE HADLEY, Tyler Physics, :~:ru:, H~. Bk THOMP 0 , MARLA ROMANE, Austin :Petroleum Engineering, TBII, AIME, Engineering Council THOMPSON, SARA JO, ew Braunfels English TIEMAN , MARTHA LOUISE, La Grange Home Economics, Interior Design TILLINGHAST, JOSH SCOTT, Houston Mathematics, Young Republicans TILMA, GEURT LEVI, JR., Lubbock Pharmacy, .!l.X, LPhA TIMMONS, CLAIRE JA ET, Houston History, AAt:., B Kinsolving, Upperclass Advisor, Model UN, A Cap­ pella Choir, Student Government Committees, Westminster Student Fellowship, Honor Roll .TI OCO, EDWARD NORBERTO, El Paso Aero-Space Engineering, ~rT, TBII, IAeS, TSPE, Engineering Council, Inttamurals, Newman Oub, Varsity Fencing TIPPS, MARTHA, Wichita Falls Journalism, rB, 0~<1>, Daily Texan, Freshman Advisor, Orientation Ad­visor TI HLIA , DE IS PETER, Dallas Accounting, t:.~<1>, Union Committees, Royal Spirit Committee, Freshman Council TODD, MARGARET A ELL, Kilgore Journalism, 0~<1>. Daily Texan TOLA D, LUCY ELAI E, Dallas English, TTB, Ashbel, Y, Student Government and Union Commit­ tees TOLA D, THOMAS TUCKER, Dallas Industrial Management, AT!?, Flying Club, Society for the Advancement of Management TOLER, RILEY MILES, Kilgore Chemical Engineering, AIChE, Engineering Council TOMLINSON, JOHN CLYDE, JR., Longview Petroleum Engineering TOSCH, BARBARA JEAN, Bonham Journalism, rB, AAt:., 0~<1>, Students' Association Secretary, As­ sembly, Outstanding Student, Goodfellow, TSP Board, Daily Texan, Student Government and Union Committees, Orange Jackets, Mortar Board, T.T.T. TOWNSEND, JEA , Dallas Elementary Education, r•l>B TRACY, FLORA LOUISE, Carlsbad, . Mex. Mathematics· TRAY OR, DAYID ALAN, Austin History, Government, K~, A0, AFROTC, Orange Wings TREADWELL, JOA LA ELL, Dallas Elementary Education, t:.Z TREADWELL, JOHN C., Austin Chemistry, Zoology, Pre-Medical, <1>rt:., AEt:., fil, Football, T Associa­ tion, Scholastic All-American Football, All SWC Guard, Silver Spurs, Honor Roll, Outstanding Student TREADWELL, LLOYD HUGHES, Garland Physical Education, PEM Club TROOP, EARLE CARY, JR., San Angelo Finance, American Finance Association, American Marketing Asso­ciation, Young Republicans TUGGLE, VANCENE ELLIOTT, Austin Advertising TURICCHI, RALPH WE DEL, Victoria Business Administration, Newman Club TURLINGTON, RUBY COYLENE, Austin Elementary Education, SEA TUR ER, DITZLER YVON E, Houston Secretarial Studies, Freshman Council, International Club, Cap and Gown TYSON, ROBERT LINDSEY, Coleman Pharmacy, Ki', LPhA, AROTC, Disciples Student Fellowship TYUS, BOBBY GE E, Mexia Mathematics UDSTUEN, THOMAS LOUI , Dallas Architecture VAN EMAN, LYNE MARIE, San Antonio Elementary Education, Cordettes ' VAN STEENKISTE RICHARD JOHN, La Feria Journalism, ~t:.X, Tejas Oub, Daily Texan, Y, Tex:a'ill~~~h ers Seminar to Chile, Young Republicans Page 513 WARD, HOW ARD WAY E, Kilgore Accounting, ~!lII WARFIELD, PATSY RUTH, Fort Worth Elementary Education, ACE, Upperclass Advisor, Cap and Gown WARFORD, TOMMY GENE, Ranger History WATKINS, VICKI JU E, Perryton English WATSON, JANET EILEE , Texarkana Mathematics, Union Committees WATSON, JENNIE LOU! E, Odessa Elementary Education, ACE W ATSO , PAT HEMBEG, Dallas Mathematics W ATSO , RAYMA JEA , Galveston Pharmacy, KE WATSO , SCHERRIE LEE, Dallas Business Education, AZ, IIOII, AT Sweetheart, ~II Rose Queen, Angel Flight, Bluebonnet Belle Finalist, Ten Most Finalist, CBA Council, Student Government and Union Committees WATT, EAL AVERY, Austin Finance, ~K, AROTC, American Finance Association WATTS, ROBERT ELLIOTT, JR., San Antonio Transportation, ~E, ANA, American Marketing Association WEAKS, RO ALD DAVID, Stamford Zoology, ATA, Basketball, T Association WEAVER, GRAEME DOUGLAS, Toronto, Canada Civil Engineering, ASCE, T PE, Assembly, Engineering Council, Union Committees WEAVER, PHIL JEFFERSO , Fort Worth Zoology WEAVER, SARAH PEYTON, Longview Psychology, Canterbury Club, University Religious Council WEBER, MARY GAYLE, Cuero History, xn, Head Cheerleader, Royal Spirit Committee WEBER, MARY JOSEPHINE, Austin Costume Design, AZ, Christian Science Organization, Home Economics L, HERBERT, JR., Austin Arnold Air Society, cabbard and Blade, American gical Society ROBERT CHARLES WILLIAM, Lake Charles, La. 1 Engineering, <1>1!1:, AT, f!XE, TBII, AIChE, Engineering Intramurals H, HARON FA YE, Austin ech Therapy, ~AH Pase 514 SENIORS VARVEL, MARY CORNELIA, College Station Elementary Education, IIA0, SEA, ACE, Upperclass Advisor VAUGHN, DIA E, Tyler Elementary Education, SEA, Young Republican VER 0 , JERRY LEROY, Red Oak Architecture VICK, ORMA ALFRED, Fort Worth Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, Student Government Committees VILLARREAL, TEODULO CARLOS, JR., Corpus Christi Pharmacy, K'l', ewman Club VI ER, MARY SUE, San Antonio Elementary Education, AE, Freshman Council, Union Committees, Uni­versity Choru VOELTER, WILLIAM WAYNE, Temple Pharmacy, AX, PX, LPhA, Pharmacy Fellow, Intramurals VOORHIE , CHARLOTTE DELHA YE, El Campo ociology, Newman Club, Social Welfare Club, Union Committees VOZELLA, MARY A N, San Antonio Marketing, Newman Club, Cap and Gown, American Marketing Association WALKER, LOU ANN, Dallas Journalism, xn, Daily Texan, Student Government, Union Committees, Round-Up, Freshman Council Advisor, Orientation Advisor, TISA, NSA Delegate, Goodfellow WALKER, ROGER SHERWOOD, Midland Electrical Engineering, AXA WALLACE, EDWARD LEE, Port Lavaca Secondary Education, Chemistry, Mathematics, An, Intramurals W ALLSMITH, RICHARD LYLE, Luling Pharmacy, AX, LPM, Orientation Leader, Professional Fraternities Council, UTSAM, Freshman Fooiball WALTO , MARY LU, Houston Zoology, AI'A WARD, DA SEWELL, Jacksboro Engineering Sciences, NROTC, Pershing Rifles, Longhorn Singers CLASS OF 1963 WE T, CHARLES DA IEL, Austin Mechanical Engineering, ASME, B U, Union Committees WEST, JOHN LYLE, Cleveland Pre-Medical, K'l', Discipline Committee, Student Government Com­mittees, Model UN WEST, PATRICIA RAYE, Jacksonville Elementary Education, KKr, Cap and Gown, Bored Martyrs WESTBROOK, JAMES W., Abilene Government, Pre-Law, Varsity Debate, Oratorical Association, AROTC, Rangers, Young Republicans WE TBROOK, JANE LUCILLE, an Angelo Elementary Education, SEA WESTERGARD, MARGARET A N, Washington, D.C. Elementary Education, r6., EA WHALEY, RA DELL KEITH, Adrian Mathematics, Karate Club WHARTO , CAROL LOUI E, El Paso Plan II, Ar6., AA6., Junior Fellow, Union Committees WHEELER, CHARLES ALEXA DER, III, Temple iatR Engineering Science, TBTI, Afl, IRE, Union Committees WHITCOMB, JERIANN, Houston II!!!!, Interior Design, KKr :·1 WHITE, BILL DOUGLAS, Dallas Journalism WHITE, JUDY ANN, South Houston Elementary Education, A, Acacia Sweetheart, Ten Most Beautiful, Bluebonnet Belle, Education Council, Freshman Council Advisor, Upperclass Advisor WHITE, JUDY JEA , Midland History, Government, 6.6.6., Upperclass Advisor, Orange Jackets, Round­Up, Angel Flight, Assembly, Discipline Committee, Goodfellow WHITE, MARSHA MARIE, Texas City Medical Technology, AT WHITE, STEPHEN TRAVIS, Houston Accounting, H~, Afl, lntramurals WHITE, WILLIAM WILLERSON, Beaumont Mathematics, ~X WHITEHEAD, FRANK GORDON, San Antonio Accounting, 6.~TI WHITLOW, SUA NE KAY, Edna Biology, SEA, Biology Club WHITSIT, SUSA ELIZABETH, San Antonio Mathematics, A6.TI, Orange Jackets, Outstanding Student, Round-Up, Union Committees, President Smiley's Advisory Cabinet, Freshman Council WHITTE BURG, JEWEL AN E, Amarillo Accounting, BA'I', Br~ WIEDERSTEIN, RONALD WAYNE, Schertz Physical Education, PEM Club WILLARS, DELIA, San Antonio Mathematics, Rio Grande Valley Club WILLETT, JOHN THOMAS, Alvin Pharmacy, Pharmacy Fellow WILLIAMS, HARRIET GARDNER, Dallas Mathematics, KKr WILLIAMS, KE NETH DUA E, Alice Aero-Space Engineering WILLIAMS, PETER CHRISTIAN, Houston Civil Engineering, XE, IU:, TBII, ASCE, Assembly, TSPE, En­ gineering Council, Engineering Fellow, University Club, Silver Spurs, Union Committees WILLIAMS, STEVE FRANK, JR., Winnsboro, La. Accounting, Afl, Society for Advancement of Management, Intra­ murals WILLIAMSON, MICHAEL MAURICE, Odessa History WILLIAMSO , RICHARD C., Houston Mechanical Engineering, KA WILLS, JERRY K., Beaumont English, e;::, BSU, Union Committees, lntramurals, German Students' Association WILSON, CAROL JANE, Fort Worth Zoology, AA6., AE6., BK WIL50N, ZOE MARIE, Corpus Christi Home Economics, A6.TI WINFORD, PHYLLIS JEAN, Houston Elementary Education, SEA, Freshman Council, WINFORD, REX BIDDY, Odessa Economics, Government WI FREY, LAURA JA E, Houston Sociology, Socia! Welfare Club Page 515 SENIORS WINGERT, LABA W., Elmira, . Y. Architecture, X WINKELMA , WAYNE, Schulenburg Mathematics, lntramurals, Union Committees WI KELMA , MERLE LADELL, Brenham Mathematics, Lutheran Student Association, National Council of Mathematics Teachers WINKLER, ERIC LEE, Giddings Biology WOER ER, CLIFFORD JOSEPH, Houston Russian, Russian Language Club, Varsity Rifle Team, AFROTC, Speleo­logical Society WOLF, RICHARD STEVE, Snyder Architectural Engineering, XE, AAAE, TSPE, Engineering Council, ASCE WOOD, GARY LYNN, Burkburnett Economics, BK, JU:, OXE, KKi', Scabbard and Blade, AROTC, Longhorn Band, lntramurals, Di Nino Achievement Award, Chicago Tribune Award, Honor Roll, Freshman Council, Jodie Thompson Memorial Scholarship, Goodfellow WOOD, JEANNINE BAZER, Mt. Pleasant Interior Design, O::-<, AID WOOD, STAYTON, A., Texarkana Psychology WOODLIEF, ELLAMAE SHELDO , Austin Home Economics Education WOODS, BRADLEY M., Midland Physics WOODWARD, BILLY WAYNE, Beaumont Pharmacy, IU:, PX, LPhA, Pharmacy Fellow WORTHINGTON, RICHARD DANE, Houston Zoology, Silver Spurs, Varsity Swimming WOYTEK, ARTHUR H., Seguin Architectural Engineering, AU, AAAE WREN, MARY HEATHER, Austin History, KK:r, Y, Ashbel, Union Committees WRIGHT, JAMES TURNER, Bastrop Accounting WRIGHT, PAMELA, Taft Spanish, NEA, Union Committees, Young Republicans WYATT, ROBERT PAUL, Dallas Business Administration, Track, T Association WYATT, RONALD LYNN, Placedo Finance, American Finance Association YAKER, MARSHALL I., EI Paso Psychology, Tll.<1>, Union Committees YEAKLEY, LESTER MARVIN, Austin P hysics YETT, CHARLES WILLIAM, Austin Finance, <1>:£K, lnterfratemity Council YORK, TOMMY ESCDRIGE, Amarillo Business Administration, ll.Tll., Football, T Association, Silver Spurs YOUNG, WILLIAM GLENN, Austin Civil Engineering 2'JACEK, GEORGE EDWARD, eedville Electrical Engineering, Newman Club, AIEE ZAMORA, ALO SO, J R., Brownsville Accounting, Newman Oub, American Marketing Association ZAMORA, SANTIAGO A., San Antonio Pharmacy ZANDER, ARLEN RAY, Shiner Physics, H.2:, Junior Fellow, Student Government Committee, In­tramurals, Cactus Staff , LOUISE MAUREEN, Houston ntary Education, :£1!.T, Freshman Council, University Chorus, Orchesis LER, DAVID ALAN, Houston , Pre-Medical, AEII , KENNETH LARRY, Houston Art, Art Students Association ER, RANDOLPH CLARK, Amarillo ry, Pre-Medical, AT, AE.:l., Young Republicans, Longhorn Pa10 516 I I I 1 I I I I JUNIORS Oass of '64 P•c• 517 Baldwin, Roland Chris, Odessa Ball, Eldon Ray, Odessa Ballard, Arthur Charles, Temple Barker, Barry H., Abilene Barnes, Michael Philip, Tyler Barnett, John Bryan, Jr., Marlin Barr, Curtis Allen, Houston Barrera, Martin, III, Laredo Barton, Carl Arthur, Carthage Batts, Martha Elizabeth, Abilene Baum, Stuart Frost, San Antonio Beard, Marvin F., Austin Beauchamp, William Bryan, Goose Bay, Labrador Beckham, Robert Sidney, Denison Beiber, Sharon F ranees, Crockett Bell, Anita Louise, San Antonio Berry, Dorothy Eleanor, College Station Beseler, Fred Charles, Temple Biedermann, Allen Joseph, Waco Birdwell, Lloyd Willis, Jr., Dallas Blair, William Shelton, Dallas Blake, Marilyn Elizabeth, Houston Blalock, Sammy Eston, Perryton Blanquart, Michelle Therese, Casablanca, Morocco Blazek, Mary Joann, Liberty Bodenhamer, John Daniel, Corsicana Bohls, Carl Emil, San Antonio Boice, Arthur Henry, Kilgore Bonine, Michael Edward, Abilene Bowen, Judith Ann, La Marque Bowers, Judith Eileen, Baytown Boykin, Marshall Edward, Abilene Boyle, John Patrick, Houston Bozarth, Martha Jean, Pasadena Branch, Douglas Eugene, Pampa Pa adena Larry Bateman, Houston ome kner, Barbara Claire, Wichita Falls andra Kay, Graham n, Beverly Gay, Dallas Page SIS Q ­ JUNIORS SECO D-YEAR LAW Joseph, Lawrence Anthony, Jr., Dallas FIRST-YEAR LAWS Cook, J. Rowland, Dallas Leinbach, Charles Harry, III, Austin Ormand, Jarrell Bankhead, Odessa Priddy, Laurance Lannen, Fort Worth carborough, Charles Davis, Abilene Wilson, William George, Wichita Falls JU IORS Abernathy, Louis Courtney, Houston Abraham, Edward, El Paso Adair, Darlene, Wichita Falls Adams, Elizabeth Anne, Galveston Adams, Judith Arvin, Beaumont Ager, Roger Quentin, Liberty Ahl rich, Carolyn Louise, Lake Jackson Albe, Frank, San Antonio Alder, Linda Sue, Marshall Al-Hossainy, Hidayat Ullah Hossain, Baghdad, Iraq Altsuler, Arnold Kent, Omaha, ebr. • Alvoid, Dennis Ellsworth, Dallas Amacker, Jeanne Richey, Beaumont Amaimo, Janice Ann, Beaumont Andersson, Monica Anita, Anidaberg, Sweden Andres, Joe Francis,-DaJlas Ansley, William Fred, Fort Worth Anz, Reginald Dean, Fort Worth Appenbrink, Belly Sue, Galveston Arnold, Sara Mae, Tyler Arzaga, Eulalio, Jr., Killeen Aston, Patricia Ruth, Houston Allaway, Kathryn Janelle, San Angelo Aven, Travis Ray, Tyler Baade, Henry Howard, Boling Baggett, Sally, Ozona Bailey, Larry Lynn, Houston Bailey, Shirley Mae, Baytown Baines, Marsha Lee, Austin Baines, Robert Roy, Jr., San Antonio Baird, Bonnie Elizabeth, Dallas Baker, Mary Martha, Madisonville Baker, Revenor Cornelius, Tyler Baldwin, Frank L., Jr., Ingleside Baldwin, Robert Basil, III, Houston Bryan, Judith Lynn, Austin Bryant, Gaylia Jean, Plainview Bryson, Barry Lee, Houston Buchek, Nancy Louise, San Antonio Buchanan, ara Jo, Georgetown Buckellew, Bonnie Ruth, Temple Bunch, George Pardue, Artesia, N. Mex. Burch, Paul James, Harlingen Burks, Judith Anita, Dallas Burn , Carla A., Sherman Burns, Frederick Grant, Austin Bushell, Gary Everrett, Austin Butler, Lawrence Ford, Fort Worth Bybee, Corinne Ellen, Houston Byrd, Clifton, Jr., Houston Byrd, Weldon Chapman, Austin Caddel, Robert R., Austin Caffey, Jean Elizabeth, Abilene Cage, Beverly Louise, Eagle Pass Cain, Gary Vernon, Fort Worth Caldwell, William David, San Antonio Calnan, eil, Houston Calvert, Charlene Kay, San Antonio Campbell, Jimmie Clarence, Italy Canfield, Thomas Hale, George West Cangelosi, Antoinette, Stafford Canterbury, Faye Maxine, Waco Cantu, Robert Pete, an Antonio Carlock, Carl Thomas, Henderson Carlyle, David Charles, San Antonio Carrera, Ana Maria, Rio Grande Carson, Ann Elizabeth, Houston Carson, John Russell, Cuero Casey, Shelby Tim, San Antonio Castleman, Kenneth Randolph, Bogata Castor, Ralph Johnson, Houston Cauthorn, Alice, Juno Cauthorn, Tommy Drew, Del Rio Cavanaugh, Rachel Ann, Lufkin Cerwinske, Marine!, Houston Cezeaux, Marie Louise, Houston Chaka, James Roy, Newgulf Chernosky, Lillian Carol, Dallas Chovanec, Judith larie; Fayetteville Chovanec, Thomas Edward, Fayette,·ille Christie, Margaret Anne, Austin Cirilo, Rosa Lee, Houston Clark, Euge nia Sue, Chandler Clarkson, Robert Gillespie, Austin Clayton, Catherine Winifred, Arlington Cloud, Ronald Leith, Houston Cockrell, Laura Lee, Austin Coe, Jimmy Earl, Conroe Coe, Patsy Ann, Houston Coers, Marilyn Janette, Dickinson Coffey, Alan Eugene, Dallas Coker, Carolyn Sue, Austin Cole, Richard Ray, Forney Collier, Howard Ernest, Georgetown Collins, Carol Germaine, Houston Collins, George Mallory, Dallas Combest, Alice Margaret, Fort Worth Comeaux, Roy Valery, Jr., Baytown Compton, Catherine Ann, Houston Cone, Douglas L., Lovington, lex. Conroy, ona Jean, Dallas Cook, William Richard, Van Horn Cooper, Earl Fae, San Antonio Cooper, James Ga.ry, Port Neches Cooper, Marianne, Beaumont Cope, Jo Ann, Dallas Corbett, James Jay, Alvin Cory, Carol Ann, San Antonio Costilow, Jan Durant, Alice Coulter, Valerie Marguerite, Houston c,~~w~o%'.'~;~~;;,:AM~:~:· Fl'""m'~ Cresswell, Ronald Roy, Dallas Crist, Nancy Lou, Dallas Criswell, Victor Ira, Eastlan Crofts, Corrie Ann, Johnson Crosby, Hugh Anthony, Ko Page 519 a ·, JUNIORS Cro by, andra Jean, Houston Cudd, Carolyn Lou, Houston Curington, Wayne Clyde, Houston Cuthrell, Jack Dies, Leander Dah e, Carolyn Ethel, Weimer Dalton, Donald Michael, Houston Danburg, David Stuart, Houston Darling, Je sica Royece, Houston Darling, William Duane, Dallas Davenport, Charles Pettit, Jacksonville Davenport, David Thomas, Dallas Davidson, Carolyn Lee, Port Lavaca Davies, Will ullivan, Jr., Dallas Davis, Bernie Rodney, Paducah Davis, Chester M., Jr., Houston Davis, Linda Belle, Raymondville Davis, Lora Lynn, Dallas Davis, Phillip Walter, Dallas Dea on, Ruth Marie, Baytown Deaver, Donald Richard, Memphis DeHart, Michael Robert, San Antonio Deis, Paul Rucker, Dallas DeLaRosa, Ben, Vernon de la Rosa, Robert, Jr., Weslaco Dennis, Jan, Tyler Derbes, Harold Joseph, Corpus Christi De hong, Judith Carol, San Antonio Dial, Barbara Jane, Houston Dial, David Hombs, Palestine Dickerson, James Robert, Mineola Dickinson, Carol Olivia, El Paso Dickinson, Wilson Gordon, Amarillo Dierschke, Eugene Gus, Rowena Dietz, Sandra Marie, Fredericksburg Dietz, Virginia Lee, Fort Worth Dildy, Kathleen Bethea, Austin Dillard, Edna Carolyn, Borger Dilworth, Collett B., Jr., Austin Dodd, Mary Kathryn, Uvalde Dodson, Daniel Baldwin, an Antonio Dominguez, Yolanda, Mission Donovan, Catherine Jean, Fort Worth Dooley, Arthur Rhew, Jr., Beaumont Dornak, Georgia Ann, El Campo Dorsey, Gena N., San Antonio Douglas, Sue Annette, Dallas Dowis, James Peden, Childress Doyle, Mary Elizabeth, Weimar Driscoll, Alice Ann, Austin Drumwright, H. Sterling, Cisco Duddlesten, Jerry Michael, Jackson, Miss. Dueger, Mary tuart, Baytown Dugan, Richard W., Edinburg Duke, James Henry, Jr., McAllen Dunagan, Jerry Mac, Midland Dunavant, Otis Keith, Portland Dunn, David Aden, Orange Dunne, Phillip Kevin, an Antonio Durbin, Carolyn Kay, Houston Dyer, Donald Dexter, Grand Prairie Earle, Ronald Dale, Fort Worth Earls, Delores, Austin Early, C. Fielding, Brownwood Earnest, Thomas Michael, Austin Eason, William Dudley, Jr., Greenville Easterwood, Charles Deward, Snyder Edington, Rita Haas, Kerrville Elliott, Mertie Ruth, Odessa Ellis, Rita Jean, San Antonio Emerson, Robert Ragsdale, Tyler Emmer, Kathleen Elizabeth, Wink Emmert, David Devon, Ennis Emmett, Joseph Charles, Dallas Engelke, Bennie Lee, Austin Essex, Lynn Roszell, San Antonio Estes, James Robert, Amarillo Etheredge, Carl Eugene, Houston Eubank, Maria Elana, Sherman Evans, Edna, Carlsbad, N. Mex. Evans, Karen Sue, Lane City Evans, Melba Louise, Houston Everts, andee Gail, an Antonio Ewing, Mary Anne, Phillips Ezon, Joel Jo eph, Houston Paco 520 Fitzpatrick, John Burnett, Marshall Flatt, Doyle Edwin, Longview Flatten, Daniel Vincent, an Antonio Fletcher, Jim Ray, Garland Follett, Scott Charles, Tombstone, Ariz. Fontenote, Sandra Yvonne, Port Neches Foster, Betty Jo, Dallas Foster, LeRoy Flynn, Dallas Foster, Rowland Bruce, Anson Francis, Walter Clyde, Paris Freeman, Barbara Ann, Corpus Christi Freeman, Charles Harold, Grand Prairie Frith, Hugh Gayle, Childress Fry, John Edwin, Abilene Fulwiler, James Lewis, Mexia Galbreath, William Jame , Houston Galeener, Judye Ann, Houston Gallagher, Susan Ann, San Antonio Galvan, Jose, Mercedes Gambrell, Judy Gayle, Greenville Garcia, Gloria Elma, Kingsville Garcia, Maria Elda, Yoakum Garrison, Homer, III, Austin Gartner, Robert Louis, Corpus Christi Garza, Mary Alice, San Antonio Geren, William Preston, Groesbeck Gibson, James William, Dallas Gifford, Troy Amos, Abilene Gilchrist, James Lee, Houston Ginsberg, Sidney Sol, Tyler Glass, Laura Ellen, Austin Glass, Thomas W., Odessa Godfrey, Gary Crawford, Jacksonville Goerner, arah Ursula, Houston Golly, Katherine, San Antonio Gorham, Mary Jane, Bloomington Gowan, John Roland, Graham Graeber, Harvey Allen, Houston Graham, Charles Spencer, Laredo Granberry, William Robert, Corpus Christi Grant, U. S., Jr., San Antonio Grass, Dennis L., Houston Graves, Thomas Cody, Goldthwaite Gray, Bennie Ruth, Baytown Gray, John Frederick, Dallas Green, John Roy, Uvalde Greenberg, Michael Ellis, Texarkana Greenlee, Mary Paula, Lubbock Greenwood, Robert James, Temple Gresham, Dennis Everd, Comanche Grier, Ina Florence, Lockney Griffin, Sherryl Onzell, Houston Gross, Beckie Lou, Galena Park Grove, Lindsay Diane, Keller Gsell, James elson, Houston Guardiola, Gloria, Yoakum Guenzel, Stephanie Gay, Houston Guerra, Alicia, Mission Guetersloh, Ronnie M., Levelland Gunn, Mable Ann, Corpus Christi Gustafson, Karen Lucille, Galveston Guynes, Steven Joe, Grand Prairie Haesly, Patricia Anne, Tyler Hajovsky, Adolph George, Caldwell Hale, Charles Richard, Nacogdoches Hall, Edgar Lamar, Corpus Christi Hall, Jennifer, Waco Hallmark, Don, Breckenridge Hamilton, Henry Kendall, Roust Hamilton, Moody Skipper, Hammons, Randall Lee, Jr., Page 521 Horadam, James Fred, Victoria Horn, John Thomas, an Antonio Horton, Caroly Kelly, Baytown House, Warthen Royce, Longview Houston, James Dunn, Goliad Howard, Glenn Thompson, Jr., Alice Howard, Rita Valjean, Uvalde Howard, Walter Lee, III, San Antonio Huckabay, Linda Kay, Eastland Hudspeth, John Harvey, Atlanta Hughes, Betty Karon, Houston Hughes, Herbert coll, Brenham Hughes, Suzanne Jane, Brownsville Hulsey, ylvia, Abilene Hunt, Glenda Margaret, Austin Hurt, Barbara Katherine, Seguin Hutchison, John A., Abilene Hutsell, Bary Ben, Corpus Christi Hyman, Linda ell, San Antonio Imparato, Edward Thomas, Jr., Denison Ing, Reta Jane, Waco Inman, Wilford Lee, Amarillo Isenhower, Sue Jane, San Marcos Jacob, Ken Ray, Austin Jacobsen, Andy, Jr., Austin Jacobsen, Linda Lu, Austin James, Carlton Thomas, Houston .Janecek, Dorothy Jane, San Antonio Janek, Doris Anne, West Janik, orbert Louis, Rosenberg Janke, Josephine Elizabeth, Houston J anssen, Amelia Mary, La Grange Jarrett, Linda Jean, Waco Jea ne, Charles Donald, Houston Jenkins, Judith Geraldine, Tyler andra Jean, Alvin Johnson, Cynthia Louise, Fort Worth Johnson, Hariadene, Waco Johnson, Helen Jane, Victoria Johnson, John Paul, Garland Johnson, Larry Lee, Dallas r.,. s22 . JUNIORS Haney, Janis Lee, Corpus Christi Haney, Lucie Renee, Dallas Hanks, ancy Carolyn, Houston Hargrove, Burnell, Rotan Harp, Alan Bennett, Houston Harper, Sandra, Munday Harrell, Robert Lee, Fort Worth Harris, John William, Jr., San Antonio Harris, Joseph Wilmon, San Antonio Harris, Rufus Fred, Pettus Harrison, Bennett Horace, McGregor Harri on, Mary Kay, McGregor Harrison, William Clyde, Dallas Harry, Barbara Sue, Freeport Hart, Bobby Don, Leander Hartman, Marian Evis, Kilgore Hartsell, Mary Elaine, Cotulla Haught, Kenneth Leroy, Jr., Midland Hawes, Evalie George, Fort Worth Hayden, Charles Edward, Corsicana Hedrick, Jo Ann, Houston Heider, Kenneth Lynn, Corpus Christi Henderson, Frank Fitch, San Antonio Henkel, ancy Kathleen, Victoria Herbert, baron 0' ita, La Marque Herrington, Jack Owen, Clarksville Hickox, William Horace, III, Phillips Hightower, Thomas Buckner, Liberty Hill, Allen H., Amarillo Hill, James Michael, Mineola Hinds, Georganne Elaine, Houston Hitchcock, Judith Ann, Sweeny Hixson, Jerry Morgan, Austin Hodge, Jim Bob, Amarillo Hogan, Anne, Lubbock Holland, Owen, Bryan, Jacksonville Holley, Ronald Reed, Longview Hollingsworth, Mary Louise, Austin Holsomback, Thomas ewton, Baytown Holt, Anita Louise, Spearman Homiston, Diane Imogene, San Diego, Calif. Hopwood, Nancy Joyce, Giddings CLASS OF 1964 Johnson, William Randolph, Dallas Jones, Barbara Flick, Austin Jones, Bartow Lee, Houston Jones, Carlton Roy, Houston Jones, Coye Mac, Wichita Falls Jones, Donald, Marshall Jones, Donald Lee, Fort Worth Jones, Eva Michele, Houston Jones, Gary Dwyane, Wichita Falls Jones, Jack B., Jr., Del Rio Jones, Roy Alexander, II, Paducah Jopling, Jan, Paris Josephson, Barbara Ilene, Snyder Kamrath, John Robert, Houston Kane, Jerrilynn June, Munday Kasman, Annette Sharon, Bay City Katz, Clifford A., San Antonio Katz, Loyce Ann, Amarillo Kaufman, Karen Sue, Beaumont Keeney, Cynthia Ann, San Angelo Kendall, Alger Hugh, Jr., Karnes City Kendrick, John Burton, Denton Kendrick, Robert Murray, Gatesville Kenmotsu, Dorene Miyo, Rio Grande City Kennedy, John Randall, Blum Kennedy, Maurice Graves, Freeport Kennedy, Nancy Barbara, Coleman Kercheville, Martha Sue, Del Rio Kern, Margaret Faye, Houston Kerns, Bobbie Estelle, Grapevine Kerr, Mary Ann, Fort Worth Kimbrow, Johnny Mack, Midland Kinard, James Cearley, Abilene Kincl, James Franklin, Austin King, Thomas Wayne, Gonzales Kinney, Mary Claire, Big Spring Kirchner, John Edward, Pasadena Kirk, M. Joanna, Odessa Kirtley, Phyllis Ann, Union, Ky. Kisselhurgh, Alexander James, III, El Paso Kitzmiller, Jere Ann, Deer Park Klein, Ida Marie, Tomball Klier, Werner William, San Antonio Kline, Robert Carter, Fort Worth Kloster, William Edward, Dublin Klutts, Bettye Jeanelle, Rockwall Knebel, Ralph Werner, Austin Knudson, Kathryn Sue, Hamilton Koehne, Philip Martin, San Antonio Korn, Natalie B., Corpus Christi Kosh, Joseph William, Hempstead Kosh, Lillian Elizabeth, Hempstead Kovar, Dennis Gene, Taylor Kowert, Bruce Arthur, Fredericksberg Kramer, John Heinrich, Austin Kramer, Matthias F., Austin Kuhn, Woodrow Robert, Jr., Houston Kunz, Joann Yvonne, Galveston Kurtz, Ronnie, San Angelo Lammert, Lois Nell, Meridian Lamon, Emily Ann, San Antonio Lampkin, Roger Neal, Austin Lancaster, Lana C., Hamlin Landers, James Rayburn, Longview Langner, Fred William, Seguin Lanier, Martha June, Houston LaNier, Royce Eugene, Dallas Lansford, Bennie Dale, Houston Last, Carole Jean, Beaumont Lawhon, William Griffith, Houston Lawrence, Judith Faye, Dallas Lawrence, Linda Gail, Dallas Leatherbury, John Raymond, Jr., Fort Worth Leavitt, Keith Arnold, Sweetwater Lebel, Sue Ann, Dallas Lee, James Travis, Munday Lemon, Jane Honey, Fort Wo Lerman, Melvyn, Wharton Levin, Susan Ellen, Gary, Ind. Levine, Beverly Pearl, Clute Levine, Samuel James, Houston Levine, Stephen Lawrence, Lewis, Raymond Arless, D Lichenstein, Linda Gay, Page 523 McCabe, Patricia, San Antonio McClelland, Mary Vance, San Antonio McClurg, Curtis Alfred, Austin McCollough, Randa ell, Panhandle McConachie, Charles R., Austin McConnell, Janette Sue, Italy McCune, Julia Helen, Bryan McDermott, Rita Murie"!, Winnie McDougal, Fain, Jr., Cuero McElhone, Donald Hughes, Las Vegas, Nev. McFadden, Fred Lee, III, Dallas McGee, Judy Kay, Hereford McGee, Kathryn, Mineola McLean, Danny Ray, Waskom McLemore, Ethelyn Jonelle, Valley Mill McMillian, William George, Marble Falls McNamara, Penelope Elizabeth, Houston McPherson, Travis Dean, Dublin McRae, John Malcolm, Vicksburg, Miss. Meadows, Thomas Oliver, Midland Medellin, Phillip Lloyd, Laredo Meehleib, Willard Henry, Corpus Christi Meigs, Marlene Gay, Baytown Melcher, Mary Belle, Port Lavaca Melton, Jerry King, Henderson Melton, Lynda Gayle, Austin Melton, William Edward, Austin Meredith, David Lawrence, Kerrville Merriman, Rachel Cornelia, Houston Merritt, Mary Evelyn, Dallas Meyer, Betty Janette, Katy Meyers, Pamela Ann, McAllen Middleton, Marvin Jim, Amarillo Midyett, Patricia Lee, San Antonio Christi iller, Eugene Pierce, Ozona Miller, Michael Ermon, Temple Mills, Don Marshal, Pampa Mills, Linda Kathryn, Rockport Milne, Terry Dale, Warner Robins, Ga. Mings, Laura Jayne, Austin Pase 524 JUNIORS Liss, Victoria ., Houston Liston, Philip Wolz, Houston Little, William Lynn, Winters Livingston, Ann Hahn, Clarinda, Iowa Logan, Heather, Austin Logan, Mickey Jim, Tucson, Ariz. Long, Walter Clave!, Houston Looney, William Franklin, ew Braunfels Lowe, David Charles, an Antonio Lowe, Robert James, Houston Low, Fredric Burgess, Houston Luce, Jo ell, Rock Springs Luckenbach, Everett Alexander, Killeen Lunde, Alfred ., Galveston Lynch, Vincent Michael, Dallas Mabry, Jame Arthur, Fort Worth Mabry, Robert Smith, San Antonio MacKie, Frederick James, III, Houston Maedgen, Bryan James, Midland Magee, Conway Stone, Jr., Claremont, Calif. Maledon, Elick ea!, Jr., Longview Malone, Jame Patrick, Houston Maltz, Larry Jay, Corpus Chri ti Mane s, Dale Dwayne, San Antonio Marlow, harron Elizabeth, an Antonio Marsh, Yvonne Charmayne, Dallas Mar hall, Linda Ann, an Antonio Martin, Gordon David, Beaumont Marlin, John Bingham, Pampa Martin, Marian Sue, Tyler Martinak, Jeanne, Dallas Mason, Donald Edward, Odessa Mason, Keith Garnett, Midland Mason, Sharon Naomi, Paris Ma ey, Richard Leon, Houston Matlock, John Robert, Houston Mauk, uzanne, Hou ton Maxey, Eddie Rebecca, Austin May, Mary Martha, Longview Mazzare, Carol Ann, Fort Worth McAfee, Jimmy Joe, Houston McBride, Fredricka Dee, Houston Northcott, Theresa Kaye, Houston onvood, fary Elizabeth, Waco Novosad, Adeline A., Richmond Nowlin, Robert David, Dallas owotny, Patrick John, New Braunfels Oberst, Velda Jean, Canyon Oden, Rebecca Ann. Amarillo Ort>, Janel Renee. Hearne Owen>, Karen Kay. Auotin Pa!!anini. Jane Irene. Austin Pa!!c. Patricia Jean. Dallas Painter, Lynda Flo. Fo1t Worth Palasky, Addie Kay. San Antonio Paree, Frederick Donald. Harlingen Parish, Charles Randall, \\'cslaco Park, Terry Jon, Houston Parker, Charles Allan, Gainesville Parker, Kenneth Wayne, Belton Parker, ancy Lynn, Center Parks, Joseph Henry, Houoton Parnell, Gerald Brillon, Richardson Patterson, Elena Helen, Big Spring Patton. l\Iichacl Lawner, Beaumont Paul, Nolan C., Richardson Peacock, .lames Richard, Houston Pear, Rosina Rae, Pasadena Pierce, George Boyd, San Antonio Pirtle, Caleb Jackson, Kilgore Pillman, Samuel Inman, Corpus Christi Pitts, Rosemary Eileen, Dallas t Pledger, Cynthia Ann, Beaumont Plummer, Robert Patrick, Beaumont Poer, Stanley Monroe, Monahans Polk, Maq~aret Eleanor, Bay Ci~ ·Posey, John Alton, Jr., f'i\ Poth, Roy Keith, San An,om Pngc 525 0 -­ Rogers, Betti Ernestine, Vernon Roman, Gunvor Elizabeth, Helsingfors, Finland Roper, Mary Donelle, St. Louis, Mo. Roscher, Barbara Ann, Austin Rosenbaum, Donald Gene, Rosenberg Rosengarten, Richard Ellis, Los Angeles, Calif. Rosenthal, Harry Max, Houston Ross, Charles David, Port Arthur Ross, Daniel Lloyd, Carthage Rothbauer, Edwin Louis, Austin Rowland, John Dennis, III, Uvalde Rowley, Jann Elizabeth, Dallas Royle, William Calvin, Lufkin Ruth, Ann Halbert, Corsicana Ryan, Dianne P., Pasadena Ryder, Emrys Ann, Austin Sallee, Frank Mackinder, II, Houston Sample, Helen L., Beaumont Samuels, Mary Sheila, Houston Sanders, Martha Ann, Harlingen Sanders, Sandra Ann, Pasadena Sandlin, Suzanne Sparger, Houston Schaefer, Henry Philip, Schulenburg chenck, Dale Henry, Longview Schnatterer, Linda Ellen, Bellaire ·Schulz, Charles Afton, Jr., Temple Schwartz, Don Thomas, Houston Scogin, Carolyn Ann, Alleyton Scott, Jack Moore, Jr., Frisco Seffel, Joel Stanley, ew Braunfels Serrano, Jo Ann, Galveston Setzer, Winston Keith, ederland eymour, Rogers James, Galveston hannon, Gerald L., McAllen ~Sh~n, Karen Lee, La Feria /f' vor, Kenneth, Paducah helby, David Martin, Gonzales llhorn, Lloyd Michael, San Antonio erman, Carroll Lee Roy, Atlanta rrer, Henry Joseph, Jr., Bay City ,errer, John Herman, Bay City Pase 526 . JUNIORS Powell, Phyllis Dianne, ew Boston Preston, Anita Louise, San Antonio Prichard, orman Ray, Houston Priddy, James Ronald, Fort Worth Pruett, Elaine Rae, Houston Pumphrey, Billy Marvin, Winters Purnell, Mary, Richardson Purvines, Loren Lee, Panhandle Pyle, James Arlen, Pasadena Quinn, Kathleen Louise, Houston Raffaelli, Mary Idalee, Texarkana Ragain, Tolbert Hugh, Houston Ragan, Gary Dennis, Dallas Ransleben, orman Haden, Corpus Christi Rath, Dorothy Paisley, an Antonio Reader, Margaret Elizabeth, Jackson, Miss. Real, Terry Jean, Kerrville Redfield, arah Ann, Austin Reeb, Irene Louise, Corpus Christi Reed, Arthur Allen, an Antonio Rehler, Kenneth James, San Antonio Rentz, Joe H., Houston Rexroad, Terry Dean, Pampa Richard , Floyd Wesley, Jr., Amarillo Riebe, Mary Eloween, San Antonio Rinard, Steve Meade, Breckenridge Rink, Janet Louise, San Antonio Risinger, Sharon Anita, Dallas Rix, Sara Elizabeth, Beaumont Robbins, Philip Leonard, Jr., atchez, Miss. Roberts, Pamela, San Antonio Robertson, James W., Houston Robertson, Patricia Murray, an Angelo Robertson, Virginia Kay, Vernon Robinson, Don Roger, Jasper Robinson, Harriette Ann, Gladewater Robinson, Linda Lankford, McKinney Robinson, Robert Jack, Red Oak Rockwell, Richard C., Tyler Rodnite, Vincent Joseph, San Antonio Roe, Donna Jo, Rock prings Rogers, Alfred Ellis, Ranger CLASS OF 1964 Shocket, Beth Anne, San Antonio Shockley, George Everett, Jr., Tyler Siddons, Robert Clinton, Austin Sikes, Ellen Elizabeth, San Angelo Simmons, Douglas MacArthur, Austin Simpson, Jan Ann, San Angelo Simpson, Marcia Ann, Irving Simpson, Michael William, Tyler Skelton, John Frederick, III, Irving Skiles, Donnie G., Richardson Slavens, Janet Hana, San Antonio Sleeper, Alan L., Dallas Smith, Carolyn Ann, Houston Smith, Cecil idney, San Antonio Smith, Frank Forsythe, Jr., Crystal City Smith, Jay Dickey, Baytown Smith, Jimmy Ray, El Paso Smith, John Lloyd, Houston Smith, Mary Kay, Houston Smith, ancy Jane, Austin Smith, Roy Bascom, McAllen Smith, Sandra Sue, Godley Smith, Terry Lynne, Austin Smylie, Marshall M., Dallas Sneed, Susan Joan, Houston Solbrig, Meridel, New Braunfels Solomon, Kay Carlton, Marshall Sparks, James Elliott, Victoria Spear, George Myron, Bakersfield, Calif. Spencer, Patricia Ann, Houston Springs, Francine Marie, Seguin Sprowl, Myrna Kay, San Antonio Spuhler, Michael Wayne, Baytown Stampley, Patty Lou, Austin Stanley, Jay Richard, Dallas Stark, Glenda, Garland Starrett, Hugh Johnathan, Irving Steele, John McGuffin, Port Arthur Stein, Myra Elise, Birmingham, Ala. Stephenson, Carolyn Jay, Galveston Stern, Barbara Sue, San Antonio Stewts, Kathleen Rae, Pasadena Stevens, Jane Ellis, Lake Jackson Stills, Mary Dale, Uvalde Stobie, Jeanie Ruth, Fort Worth Stone, Sally Kyle, Houston Stowers, Carlton Eugene, Abilene traube, Joseph William, San Antonio Strickland, Phil Dowell, Abilene Stropeni, Linda Lou, Texarkana Stubblefield, Barbara Georgene, Palacios Sturdivant, Virginia Jo, DeKalb Sullivan, Patricia Sue, Fort Worth Summers, Judith Rae, Dallas upulver, Sidney Richard, Fort Worth Sutherland, Robert Warren, Houston Sutton, William Ralph, San Antonio Swearingen, William Richard, Houston Tant, Robert Lee, Cranfills Gap Tatham, Ronald Lee, Levelland Taylor, Joe Samuel, Jr., Buda Taylor, Margaret Frances, Corpus Christi Tedford, Charles Jeffrey, San Antonio Thames, Chester Allen, Jr., Kenedy Thomas, Bruce Carl, Corpus Christi Thomas, Marye Lizabeth, Dallas Thompson, Dorothy, Amarillo Thomson, Tommy Louis, Muleshoe Thomson, William John, Tyler Thorn, Gordon Lee, Jr., Dallas Tillery, William Virgil, Ill, Carthage Tindall, Harry L., Corpus Christi Tindel, Jerry Ray, Alvin Todd, Josephine, Houston Tomlinson, Carole Edyna, Houston Toole, Sheila Ava, Hemphill Torres Palacios, Julio Ivan, Guayaquil, Townsend, Craig Arnold, Baytown Trahan, Michael Frank, Orange Trevino, Samuel J., Ill, Mission Trimble, Susan Carter, 0 ge Trousdale, Lana Rose, San AnrnJ'l'l'llllt'I..• Truchard, James Joseph, at Page 527 Welsh, Clarence Aubrey, Houston Westergren, Phil Marvin, Corpus Christi Weston, Katherine Kennedy, Beaumont Weynand, Maxine Ann, San Antonio Wheeler, Rebecca Ann, Winnsboro White, James Harrison, San Antonio White, ThomaS' Marion, Houston Whitten, James Michael, Odom Whitten, Jerry Wayne, Dallas Whitten, Perry Dwayne, Dallas Whittenburg, Mary Frances, Amarillo Whorton, Mary Katharine, Rule Wigington, Guy Leroy, Wichita Falls Wilborn, Berta Nell, Anahuac Wiley, Ethel Lowdon, Fort Worth Williams, Dan Batchelor, Fort Worth Williams, Francis Lynn, ederland Williams, Janell Sue, Beaumont Williams, Jeanne Keith, Dallas Williams, Jo Carole, Corpus Christi Williams, Marion Glenn, Jr., La Marque Williams, Paul Irvin, Edinburg Williams, Robert Alan, Alva, Okla. Williams, Robert Kincaid, Dallas Willingham, Myrle Yvonne, Abilene Willis, Charles Richard, Angleton Willis, Pegi Ann, Tomball Wilson, Arthur E., Jr., San Antonio Wilson, James Michael, Fort Worth Wilson, Nancy L., Houston Wofford, Carolyn Ann, Temple Wogstad, Robert Victor, an Antonio Wohlner, Judy Lee, Omaha, ebr. Womack, Martha Jean, Denison Wommack, J ames Leslie, Douglassville ary Lovey, Mis ion arbara Ann, Temple Z zvorka, Betty Lou, Corpus Christi erman, Charlotte Ann, Cuero erman, Marianne Louise, Greensboro, N. C. ~. Virgil LeRoy, Houston Pase 528 Tubbs, Charles Gordon, Post Tucker, Judy, Austin Turbiville, Frances Eugenia, Llano Valle, Calixto Cedric, III, Rio Grande City Vance, Lyle Reed, Corpus Christi Van lyke, Paul, Dallas Vasquez, Leonte Vigna, Phyllis, Amarillo Villarreal, Jose Angel, Laredo Villarreal, Victor Xavier, Eagle Pass Vincent, Jo Ann, Bryan Voight, Jane R., Houston Voigt, Robert Thomas, South Houston von W erssowetz, Sandra Marie, Gonzales Wages, Wilma Jean, Austin Wagner, Shelby Loren, Victoria Wald, Gayle Charles, Brenham Walden, James Vernon, Austin Waldrop, Joe Pat, Pasadena Walker, Darral Gene, La Pryor Walker, Donald 0. Whitewright Walker, Donald Roy, Orange Walker, Jeraldine Theresa, Denison Walker, Robert Earl, Breckenridge Wallace, Mary Corene, Kingsville Ward, Sandra Jean, Dallas Warren, Charles Dean, Pampa Weathers, Cassandra Louise, Houston Webb, Rita Kay, Gatesville Weddington, Barbara Eugenia, Dallas Weiner, Bette Kay, Omaha, ebr. Weiss, Garry Gene, Houston Weiss, Mary Ann, San Antonio Wells, James Lynn, Au tin Wells, Walter Clark, Bellaire SOPHOMORES Class of '65 SOPHOMORES Acers, Penny Elizabeth, Austin Adams, John Alva, Houston Adams, Zilla K, Austin Adrian, Jan Kathleen, Houston Aguillard, Margaret Murray, Houston Alber , heryl R., Houston Aldredge, ue Ann, La Marque Alexander, Phylli , Waco Algeo, Donna Ruth, Premont Allen, George Louis, Weatherford Anderson, Ralph Hulen, Houston Ander on, baron Lee, Dallas Anderson, Thomas Axel, La Marque Angell, David Michael, Austin Anthony, Donald Roy, La Marque Arbaugh, Charles Houston, weetwater Archer, Carolyn Marie, Austin Archer, ancy Ruth, Brady Armstrong, Linda ue, Dallas Armstrong, Thomas Alan, Houston Arti , Donald Robert, Jr., Abilene Askew, Benna Layne, O'Donnell Autrey, Judy haron, Yoakum Ayres, John Richard, Houston Bailey, Barbara ue, Austin Bailey, Michael Howard, Killeen Bain, Cecil William, Jr., San Antonio Baker, Jeannette, Houston Balkman, Patricia Sue, Carlisle Barracks, Pa. Ball, Bunny, Jacksonville Ballard, Darrell Monroe, Perryton Ballard, Jo ita, Penyton Bane, Marilyn Annette, Dallas Barbour, James Charles, Cotulla Barkley, Daniel Andrew, Gruver Barnes, James Chivers, Missouri City Barnhill, Charles Richard, Highlands Barton, terlin Eoff, Jr., Longview Baskette, Cynthia Duval, Dallas Bass, Willard Randolph, Hunt Bast, Ann, Sweetwater Bauer, William Henry, Port Lavaca Bauerkemper, Gary Ray, Houston Baumann, Judy Lynn, San Antonio Bayless, Jackson Thomas, Jr., Austin Beadle, Sheila LaVerne, an Antonio Beckham, Earnell, Wink Becklund, Ann Helen, Dallas Becknell, elda Kay, Ida Lou Beesley, Sandra Ann, an Angelo Beinhorn, Sarah Ann, El Paso Bell, Donald Barton, Odessa Bell, Lois Ilene, Waco Benningfield, Patricia Diann, McKinney Berly, Janis Ann, Houston Bernhardt, Anne Currie, San Antonio Bernstein, Howard Lawrence, San Antonio Berry, Marilynn Kay, Littlefield Bertschler, Grace Frances, Galveston Beseda, Rose Ann, Wharton Bethard, Uhlus Wayne, Daingerfield Beyea, Eleanor Bankston, Dallas Billa, Larry Joe, San Antonio Billings, Warren ea!, Del Rio Bivings, Kathleen Isabel, Dallas Bixler, Martha Elizabeth, Dallas Blackwell, James Lee, Overton Blackwell, William Albert, Cuero Blakes, Madelaine Helen, Dallas Blank, Janice ue, Odessa Blank, Susan, Houston Bock, Betsy Ann, Dallas Bock, James Louis, Austin Bohanon, Janene Charlyn, Cisco Bond, Ronald Fred, Texas City Boner, Charles R., Austin Bonifield, Fredda Pauline, Big Spring Boothe, andra ell, an Antonio Borsch, Carol Elizabeth, Dallas Bourianoff, George Ivan, Corpus Christi Bowen, Bobby Joe, Jacksboro Bowers, John Wesley, Houston Bowman, Gary Wayne, Houston Boyce, Shelton Wyle, Houston r.,. 530 CLASS OF 1965 Boyd, Bette Maxine, Corsicana Boyd, Gary Wilson, Austin Boydstun, Barbara Kaye, Houston Brackenridge, Genie, Taylor Bradford, Eddie, Sweetwater Bradley, Judith Carol, Waco Bradshaw, Gary Leo, Ranger Brannan, Patricia Moore, Crystal City Brantley, James William, Fort Worth Breckenridge, Robert L., Jr., Austin Brehm, Joan Ann, Cibolo Brewton, James Robert, Mineral Wells Brindley, Martha Love, Temple Brinkman, Lynda Lee, Schertz Brooks, Dona Virginia, Austin Brooks, Loyd George, Houston Brooks, Penelope, Hillsboro Brooksaler, Doris Marian, Dallas Brown, Alexis Joan, San Antonio Brown, Barbara Ann, Dallas Brown, Garry Dale, Mertens Brown, Julia Ann, Fort Worth Brown, Monetta Mabeth, Austin Brown, Priscilla Ann, San Antonio Brown, Sharon Dee, Houston Bryant, Louis Edward, Iraan Buchanan, John Wayland, San Antonio Buck, ancy Ruth, San Antonio Buckley, James T., Beaumont Burg, Carolyn Ann Darlene, Austin Burke, Ronald Lynn, Amarillo Burkwall, Paul Andrew, Beaumont Burton, Joan Frances, Katy Burton, John Kenneth, Sinton Busby, Blaire, an Antonio Bush, James Earl, Waco Bussey, William Edward, Longview Butler, P. Linda, Odessa Byers, Gertrude Elizabeth, McLean, Va. Bynum, James Ben, Amarillo Byrd, Karen Anne, Port Arthur Cain, Nancy Jane, Dallas Calhoun, Thomas Reynolds, Midland Canzoneri, Sam Anthony, Houston Capps, Damon Richard, Mason Cardenas, Blandina, Del Rio Carlisle, Nancy Ruth, Baytown Carmichael, Ruth Carol, Kerrville Carpenter, Sarajane, San Antonio Carr, Charles Dickey, Dallas Carr, Ilameta, Coahoma Cash, Beverly Jane, Tyler Casson, Wayne Arthur, Houston Cate, Reynolds 1ewman, San Antonio Cates, Carolyn Ann, Monahans Cates, Jon Gerry, Austin Chadwick, Emory Lynn, Houston Chalfont, Alan Charles, San Antonio Chalmers, Presley Howard, Jr., Houston Chapa, Pedro, Jr., Hebbronville Cherry, Thomas Davies, College Station Chiles, Jerry Edmond, Fort Worth Christner, John Drue, Oklahoma City, Okla. Chunn, Patricia Lee, Houston Cissik, John Henry, McGregor Clark, Ann Frances, Sweetwater Clark, Donna Love, Spearman Clark, James Weldon, Dallas Clark, Kay Diane, Dallas Clements, Judy, Alvin Cleveland, Frances Anne, San Antonio Coates, Barbara Anne, San Antonio Coats, Patricia Lee, Harlingen Cobb, William C., Austin Cocke, William Gary, San Antonio Cody, Danna Carlene, Premont Coe, Carolyn Lee, Grand Prairie Coil, Vernon Lee, Dallas Cole, Byron Eugene, Dallas Coleman, Robert Edwin, San Antonio Cone, John Robert, Lubbock Connally, Sara Ellen, Baytown Conrad, Verne Louis, III, Austin Cook, Gary Bryant, Austin Page 531 SOPHOMORES Cook, Charles DeVere, Waco Cook, Robert Royston, Friendswood Cooke, George Edwin, Corpu Chri ti Cooper, Melvin Wayne, Lockney Copeland, Clyde Carlton, Mineral Wells ossey, Thomas William, Wharton Cotera, Rita Ann, Alta Loana Cotham, Christian Malford, San Antonio Cothran, 1artin David, Georgetown Cowan, Phil Ray, Houston Coward, Alwin Charles, an Antonio Cowden, James Coley, Midland Cox, John Yeldell, ~Iexia Cox, Tyra Ann, Fredericksburg Craddock, George Lee, Austin Craddock, ancy Jean, Baytown Crawford, Ann Creviston, Kingsville Crawford, Frances Elizabeth, Perryton Crawford, Kenneth Clarence, Cleburne Creager, Chad Freeman, Huntsville Creager, Don Whiteman, Fort Worth Crenshaw, Raymond Don, San Antonio Crider, Francelle, Mexia Crook, William Edward, Houston Crow, orma J ane, ln·ing Crutchfield, teve Gott, McAllen Cummings, Janice Carol, Austin Cunningham, Carolyn Frances, Sa{I Antonio Cunningham, Johnnye Earlene, Goliad Dahl, Janet M., Austin Damron, Joe Richard, Amarillo Daniel, Britt Talley, Temple Darrah, Mary Alice, San Antonio Darrow, Janet Marjorie, College Station Darsey, David Michael, Midland Darst, James Albert, Clarkwood Davis, Fred Edward (II), Center Davis, lnis Inez, Grand Saline Davis, Janice Lynn, Port Arthur Davis, Linda Jane, Houston Davis, Michael Lynn, Hawkins Dawkins, Diantha Dee, McCamey Deen, Donna Claire, umter, . C. Delk, Mary Jo, Hou ton Denman, Lynn, Houston Denman, William Edwin, Richmond, Va. Dennis, andra Jean, Dallas Derouen, Lois Diane, Galena Park Dewees, Ronald Hood, Austin Dickerson, Patrick Lee, Houston Dietz, Louis Edwin, Fort Worth DiRienzo, Janet Louise, Dallas Dittmar, Karen Ann, Harper Dixon, andra Lee, Austin Doerr, amuel Pierce, Alvin Dogge tt, Paul R., Houston Donnelly, George Arthur, III, Midland Dougall, Janice, Houston Dougherty, Barbara Louise, Groves Draper, Carolen Jeanne, Tyler Drummond, Clif W., Hamlin Dublin, Linda Jo, Brownwood Duke, Gary Leonard, Cypress Duncan, Charles Arthur, San An gelo Dykema, Kri tine Clair, Dallas Eakins, John Charles, Dyess AFB Eaton, Connie Joan, Dallas Edelman, Ivan Maurice, Baytown Edmiston, Sharon Dianne, Floydada Egan, Byron Flanary, Dallas Eike!, Mary Margaret, ew Braun fels Elliott, Jan ice Ann, Breckenridge Elliott, J ustin McCord, Jr., Bellaire Elliott, Lois Ann, Houston Elliott, Paul Timothy, Burleson Ellis, haron Lee, Fort Worth Embesi, Sandy, Houston Enderle, Chri tie Lee, Houston Entzminger, Lindell Baker, Houston Epstein, David ., Temple Evans, Jerry Pee, Victoria Ewing, William Elijah, Houston Fallin, Peggy Wynell, Austin Farrar, Judy, Irving Pace 532 CLASS OF 1965 Faulkner, Virginia Kay, Denton Faykus, Preston Thomas, Garwoo~ Felder, Fred Eugene, Jr., Palestme Fenly, Cathryn Lyndell, George West Fenton, l\Iary Virginia, Midland Ferguson, Edwina Roudillon, Nacogdoches Fetter, Sally Ann, La l\Iarque Finnell, Charles Adkins, Holliday Fisch, Carole ue, Crowell Fischer, Barbara Bea, Houston Fisher, :\lyra Helene, Rosenberg Fisher, Radney Lee, Sudan Fitch, William Elton, Houston Fitts, Diane Kathleen, Midland Fitzpatrick, j\fary Kathryn, Au tin Flowers, John Garland, III, Austin Floyd, Marilyn Jo, San Pedro, Calif. Flynn, Pat Andrew, Houston Ford, Patricia Anne, an Antonio Foreman, Judy Hall, Houston Forister, John Gene, Austin Forster, Robert Arthur, III, Beaumont Foster, Barbara Louise, Austin Fourroux, Charlotte :\Iarie, Texas City Fowler, Nancy Richter, Austin Fowler, usan, Houston Fox, :\Iary Sharon, Corpus Christi Framer, Fillis Carol, Galveston Francis, Joe Dale, ih-erton Freeman, Frederick Dudley, Lufkin Frenzel, Edward Louis, Elgin Friedman, William Lewis, Dallas F ruechtenicht, tephen Gary, Dallas Fry, :\!orris Aaron, San :\Iarcos Fulton, Frances Satyra, Dayton Funk, Creston Henry, Jr., an Antonio Gaddi;, Dixie Ann, Cotulla Gallagher, Gay, Fort Worth Galle, Gail Harriet, Corpus Christi Gannaway, Virginia Ann, San Antonio Garcia, Eloy Pilar, Port Lavaca Gaston, :\Iary Edna, Dallas Gentry, Wilda Lee, Killeen Gessner, Catherine B., Waco Gibbs, Eugene Au;tin, Lufkin Gibbs, John Garland, Marlin 'Gib on, George DaYid, Grand Prairie Giese, Carolyn Elizabeth, Winnie Giesecke, Virginia Dell, Angleton Gilbert, Leanne Rheiner, .-\.ustin Gill, Peachie Virginia, Beaumont Gillan, Greta, Houston Gillaspy, Jame; Lawrence, Temple Gillis, Georgia Ellen, Junction Gochman, Barbara Joan, Austin Gold, Bary Allan, Houston Golden, Gerry Lynn, Dallas Gonzales, Lazaru>, Jr., San Antonio Goodman, Shelby Da,·id, Houston Goodnight, James Edgar, San Antonio Goodwin, Sharon Lee, Corpus Christi Goodwin, herrill Lou, El Paso Grace, :\Iarilu, Wichita Falls Grace, Virginia ::\"ancy, Phillips Graham, Helen :\Iarie, Houston Grant, Gloria Judene, Houston Grayes, l\Iichael Clark, Dallas Gray, Benjamin H., Houston Gray, :\Iichael J., Orange Green, John :\Iarkham, Dallas Greene, Gary Loren, Houston Greenfield, DaYid, Temple Greenwade, Bryan Palmer, Brenham Greer, Jerry Lynn, Harlingen Gresham, Barbara Ann, Baytown Griffin, John Wade, Pasadena Griggs, Wade Garney, Jasper Grimes, Howard Hill, :\Iidland Grobe, Diane \'irginia, Houston Groves, Thelma Carol, Spearman Gross, William Dudley, Austin Guinn, John Pollard, Austin Guynes, Twila Elizabeth, Borger Guyton, Berl Paul, l\Iidland SOPHOMORES Haas, James We ley, Jr., Stanford Haase, Virginia Isabelle, Nixon Hackebeil, Elmer Lee, Jr., Rutersville Haines, William Lyman, Killeen Haish, Marilyn Bennett, Lake Jackson Hall, Janette, Kaufman Hall, Randolph Lee, Maxwell AFB, Ala. Hamilton, Charles Dossie, Lake Jackson Hancock, Lee Everette, Jasper Hankamer, Ray E., Houston Hanley, Joseph David, Dallas Hanna, Daryl Kirk, Houston Hansen, Kristinn Ingi, Austin Harmon, Winona Frances, Hawkins Harper, Jamie Jean, Longview Harris, Barbara Dianne, Pasadena Harris, David Andrews, Sweetwater Hart, Christopher Stephen, Austin Hart, Rose Ann, Gilmer Hartley, Suzanne, Pharr Hartman, Darla Jean, Corpus Christi Hartman, ancy Ann, Victoria Hatch, Christine Ann, Austin Hatfield, orman Perry, Jr., San Antonio Hawkins, Otto L., Jr., Livingston Hawn, William Hewit, Jr., Corpus Christi Hays, andra, Dallas Hazer, Kaleem, Jr., San Antonio Hearne, Richard Bailey, Dallas Helgeson, William Theodore, Clute Hermann, Joyce Lynette, Brenham Hermann, ancy Jean, Taylor Hernandez, Gloria Stella, Austin Herndon, Robert Louis, Fort Worth Herries, William Ward, Dallas Herron, Dan Edward, Houston Hester, Priscilla Jane, Houston Hicks, Kenneth Owen, Dallas Hieronymus, George James, Jr., Galveston Higgins, Alane, Austin Hill, Jimmye Lee, San Antonio Hines, Earl Stephen, Burkeville Hitchcock, John William, Houston Hitt, Elizabeth Ann, Midland Hocker, Edwin James, Jr., Pflugerville Hogge, James Hubert, Amarillo Hoke, Walter Ford, Bryan Holcombe, Herbert Dowe, San Marcos Hollingsworth, Jean Ivy, Port Arthur Holman, Susan Jane, Houston Ho!zapfel, Carol Linda, Dallas Hopkins, Jo Lynne, Fort Worth Hoskins, ancy Ann, Houston Howard, Rebecca, Uvalde Howell, Gary Frank, Houston Howell, Sue Colgin, Bryan Howell, Virginia de!, Richmond Howze, Harmon H., Grand Prairie Hudkins, Mary Kathleen, Dallas Hudson, Francis Hill, Fort Worth Hudson, Martha Ann, Mexia Hughes, Caroline Susan, Dl\llas Hulme, Patricia Ruth, Houston Hunt, Eugene Lewi , Dallas Hurst, John Dale, Yorktown Huston, Robert Jame , Richardson Ivey, Paula ue, Elgin Izard, Elizabeth Jane, Dallas Jackson, Alan Geoffrey, Laredo Jackson, Fay Dean, La Marque Jackson, Mary Lee, Raymondville James, Anne Marie, Houston Jamison, Judith Anne, Houston Jamison, Pamela, Hou ton Jamison, Richard Lloyd, San Antonio Jenkins, Catherine V., Houston Jenkins, Sandra Lee, Killeen Jensen, Edgar Verner, J r., an Antonio Jerkofsky, Mary Ann, Corpus Christi Jessup, Margaret Ann, Dallas Johnson, Carol Ann, Abilene Johnson, Cassia ell, Austin Johnson, Evelyn Fay, Dallas Johnson, Glenn, Port Arthur P110 534 CLASS OF 1965 Johnson, Rebecca J., Austin Jones, Bailey Rhea, Sweeny Jones, James William, Diana Jones, Katherine Ann, Irving Jones, Lynn Randall, Hughes Springs Jones, Margaret Ann, Dallas Jones, Michal Frances, Hamilton Jones, Mona Lisa, Corpus Christi Jones, Sammy Ronald, Austin Jopling, Betty Ann, Paris Jordan, Frank Michael, Liberty Jordan, Rosemary, Gladewater Juncker, Leonard Nelson, Beaumont Junek, Adolph Joe, Jr., Temple Jurek, Patricia Ann, Pasadena Justiss, Larry Glen, Mount Pleasant Kahn, Pat-Lorraine, EI Paso Kalmans, Monte Sue, Houston Kamrath, James Robert, Houston Kaufhold, Rodney Patterson, Dickinson Keese, Paul Garland, Houston Keifer, Adrianne Ann, San Antonio Kelly, Karen Ann, Midland Kelly, William Glenn, McKinney Kennedy, Larry Joe, Austin Kennedy, Sharon Lee, Galveston Kerr, James H., III, Houston Key, Karen Suzanne, Dallas Kilgore, John Michael, Baytown Kilpatrick, Dean Gaines, Houston Kincaid, Jerry Ronald, Big Spring Kincaid, Kitty, Abilene King, Samuel Leslie, Alice Kinman, Monard Lamar, Jr., San Antonio Kiper, Bette Jean, Old Ocean Kipnis, Alan Neil, EI Paso Kirkham, Rodney Thomas, Dallas Kirshbaum, Daniel Robert, Tyler Kitchen, Kenneth Wayne, Bellaire Klein, Joel Harvey, San Antonio Klerekoper, Martha Jane, Houston Knerr, Donna Lynn, Houston Knight, Thomas Dale, Gruver Knolle, Mary Katherine, Sandia Knostman, Gary James, Bellaire Kohnert, Donna Jeannine, Houston Kolius, Catherine Anne, Houston Korthauer, Kenneth Royce, Burton Kovac, Karl Bernard, Kyle Kraege, Hilma Jean, Yorktown Kralj, Nicholas Kelsey, Galveston Kristynik, Marvin Christopher, Bay City Krzywonski, Geraldine Elaine, Austin Kulchak, Mary Kathryn, Alice Kunze, Julia Ann, Corpus Christi LaGrone, Suzanne, Dallas Lambert, Joseph Donald, Galveston Lamberth, Royce Charles, San Antonio Lamm, Martha Louise, Krum Land, Glynis Sue, Beaumont Landig, Patricia A., Houston Langham, Robert Stephen, Jacksonville Lanham, Dora Celene, Silverton Lauzon, Ruth Ann, Angleton Law, Carol Lynne, Belton Lawler, William Ross, Austin Laws, Jerry Lynn, Seymour Lay, Margaret Jean, Fort Worth Leal, George Hinojosa, Jr., Concepcion Lebkowsky, Robert Vance, Big Spring Lee, James Griden, Shreveport, La. Le Flore, John Frederick, San Antonio Lehr, Ralph Edward, Arrstin Le May, Linda Markeen, Irving Leslie, Robert Victor, Dallas Levene, Michael Robert, El Paso Leventhal, Victor, Dallas Levitt, Carol Joan, Midland Levy, Ben Michael, Dallas Levy, Steven Arthur, DaJlas Lewis, Jenny Lou, Longview Lewis, Karen Jaynie, Fort Worth Lieck, Jerry Ellen, San Antonio Life, James Laurence, Fort Worth Liggett, William Richard, Irving Lindgren, Pentti Kay, Austin Little, Linda Ruth, Gatesville Loftis, John Landrum, Ill, Houston Logan, Teddy Jean, San Angelo Long, Norman Lynn, Houston Page 535 SOPHOMORES Long, Ru sell Charles, Van Horn Longoria, Alcide Federico, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico Longwood, berry Ann, San Antonio Looney, Sandra Jean, Houston Lostracco, Joseph Marco, Angleton Lovinggood, Karen E., Houston Lowery, Cheryl, Corpus Christi Lozo, Carolyn Maurine, Nixon Luster, Ronald Ogilvie, Harlingen Lyons, Karen Irene, Mercedes MacQuigg, Robert Abbott, Dallas Maddox, Lula Belle, Palacios Magee, Katherine Cinderella, Dilley Magee, Richard Eldridge, Jr., Pasadena Majewski, George Frederick, Tenafly, N. J. Manford, Elliott, Houston Mann, Dennis Arthur, Dover, Mass. Mann, Elva Lynne, Baytown Mann, Howell Wesley, Pasadena Mann, James Truman, Edgewood Mann, Terri Beth, EI Paso Mannas, Gail Ann, Houston Marchant, Ernestine Ellen, Mercedes Marek, Sandra Ann, Waco Marks, ancy Ann, Wichita Falls Marsh, George Howell, Jr., Austin Marshall, Alice Ann, Austin Marshall, Dan Howell, II, Holliday Martin, James Clyde, Baytown Martin, Marianne, Dallas Martin, Pamela Ann, Houston Martinez, Catharine Margaret, Rotan Martinez, Richard Manuel, Del Rio Martyn, Patsy Ann, San Antonio Maser, Sandra Lee, Galveston Massengill, Karen Louise, Fort Worth Mather, Joan Ellen, San Antonio Mauthe, William Louis, Uncertain Maxwell, Philip Kent, Dallas May, Joseph Alfred, Kerrville Mayer, Don Ferdinand, Grand Prairie Mayes, Melinda Claire, Denison McAdoo, James Douglas, Texarkana McBrayer, Melba Joan, Pasadena McCafferty, Patsy Lee, Houston McCall, George Hulet, Jr., Harlingen McClintock, Martha Zoe, Austin McClure, Sherry Lynn, Anahuac McCorkle, Tom Scott, Jr., Dallas McCormick, Sam Terry, Kingsville McCrone, Susan Jean, ArlingLOr!, Va. McCullough, Georganne Wendell, Pharr McDonnell, Michael Lynn, Lewisville McDowell, James Melville, Dallas Mcfarlane, John Russell, Brownwood McGinnes, Merle Harrison, Jr., Moody McGinness, Susan Kay, Alvin McHale, Ann Aloha, Dallas Mcllheran, Meli a, Weslaco McLaurin, Dwight Oliver, Austin McLean, John Albert, Jr., Laredo AFB McLemore, 1ancy Lou, Alvin McMakin, Richard A., Arlington, Va. McManus, Jimmie, Jr., an Angelo McMillan, Judith Edna, Houston McMillan, Rosalind Ann, Yorktown McMillan, William, III, Houston McMillin, Barbara Louise, San Antonio Mc eil, Donna Jean, Corpus Christi McPherson, Allen Keith, Midland Meadows, Sandra Lee, Waco Mebane, William Michael, San Antonio Mehr, Carolyn Washburn, Houston Melcher, Shaaron Merie, Bryan Metschan, Joseph Michael, Austin Miers, Wayne Earle, an Antonio Miller, Cazzie Madelyne, Dallas Miller, Dan Edward, Fort Worth Miller, Edgar Allen, Dallas Miller, J anet Lee, Houston Mills, Jan Elizabeth, Mineral Wells Mitchell, Martha Evelyn, Mount Pleasant Monkhou e, Laura Clegg, Houston Montgomery, Frederick Elmer, Jr., Austin Moore, John Bell, Austin Moore, Merrily Huey, Irving Moreland, Maxine ylvia, Dayton Morgan, Joyce Louise, an Antonio Morgan, Robert Cochran, Longview Morgenstern, Carol Jean, Houston Morris, John Howard, Houston Paae 536 CLASS OF I 965 Mosteller, Jimmy Harold, Austin Moughon, Carol Sue, Houston Mowrey, Jack Richard, San Antonio Mullins, Walter ea!, Tatum Musick, Donald Martin, Houston Myers, Susan Jane, Amarillo age!, LuEllen, Fredericksburg Nagle, Gay Trabue, Houston Nichols, Benjamin H., Atlanta Nichols, Paul ullivan, Dallas ichols, William Terry, Dallas icholson, Doyle Allen, Dickenson ixon, Charles William, Houston ixon, Dennis Edward, Corpus Christi ixon, Joycelyn Stevenson, Fort Worth Noonan, Gail Kathleen, San Antonio Nordquist, Richard King, San Antonio Norman, Douglass Finley, Houston Northcutt, Frances Marian, Dayton Norwood, Robert Turner, Mineral Wells Nunnally, Knox Dillon, Midland Oakley, Leslie Ann, Texas City Oatis, Lloyd B., Dallas O'Connor, Michol Mary, Houston Odom, Donald P., Jr., Houston O'Keeie, Judy Ann, Houston Olive, Bonnie Sue, Baytown Olson, Richard Myers, Dallas Ormand, Terry Lynn, Odessa Orr, John Mack, Dallas Ortman, Dennis Edward, Houston Ostler, Nellie Jane, Dallas O'Sullivan, Timothy Ann, Pasadena Ott, Dex Eugene, Amarillo Owen, Jacquelynn Doris, Alvin Owings, Donald Henry, Houston Packwood, Lois Celeste, Richardson Page, Paul, Carthage Palmer, Kermit Lloyd, Houston Pape, James Mark, Caldwell Pardue, Kathy Diane, Dallas Parker, Robert Foster, Houston Parker, Sam David, Orange Parkhurst, Shirley Jean, Orange Parr, John Alan, Houston Parrish, Patricia Ann, Goliad Parsley, Damd Leslie, Georgetown Partridge, Donna Kay, Munday Passmore, Paul Ray, Dallas Patten, Olivia Anne Austin Patterson, Jerry Nlichael, Lamesa Patterson, Wendell Allen, Sweetwater Patton, James Wayne, Tyler Patton, Matthew Robert, Killeen Payne, Jack Riley, Tyler Payne, John Thurman, Houston Payne, Judie Ann, Dallas Peacock, Priscilla Jean, Austin Pearson, Wesley Hollis, Jr., Austin Peck, Robert Glen, Dallas Pederson, Thomas Bradbury, McAllen Peel, Barbara A., Corpus Christi Penick, Charles Daniel, Austin Peoples, Robert Michael, Austin Perez, Marie de! Rosario, Laredo Perez, Maria Josefa, San Diego Perez, Susan Mary, an Antonio Peschka, Lana JoAnn, Austin Peterson, Erik Georg, Jr., Houston Peterson, Heather Stanchfield, Houston Phair, Glenda Gay, Houston Phillips, Larry Ewing, Harlingen Phillips, ancy Arlene, Tyler Philp, Cathetine Kay, Beaumont Pickering, Lynne Ave, San Antonio Pillsbury, Ruth Ann, Fort Worth Pippert, Elvin Burnett, Jr., Houston Pitzer, ancy Susan, Breckenridge Plambeck, Linda Rae, Houston Polasek, Edward Joe, Jr., St. Louis, l\fo. Polozeck, Jimmy Dale, Beeville Polser, Aubrey Henry, Jr., Lewisville Pope, Walter Allen, San Antonio Porter, Priscille Jane, Bryan Porterfield, William Reeder, Fort Worth Post, Haro Jetta Kay, Dallas Powell, Karen Lynn, Lake Jackson Preston, Frances, ewgu!f Preusse, Carol Ann, Rosebud Prewitt, Edwin Ward, Jr., Temple Price, Patricia Lynn, Palestine Page 537 SOPHOMORES Provine, Jack Cecil, Fort Worth Puckett, William orvill, Jr., Odessa Pugh, Judith Elizabeth, Seagoville Quantock, Betty May, Houston Rabensburg, Barbara Gayle, Houston Raesener, Patricia May, Llano Raines, Mara Jo, Palestine Ransom, Joseph Christopher, San Antonio Rea, Judith Ellen, Lake Jackson Reagan, William Ronoy, Jacksboro Reams, Gerry William, San Antonio Reddick, Harold Knipp, Jr., Arlington Redman, Gerald Dee, Odessa Reese, Morris Marcus, Cotulla Reeves, Delma Doyle, Littlefield Reneau, Linda Lou, Springfield, Va. Riha, Carolyn P., Austin Rice, Burtis Stephen, Jasper Richardson, Susan Ann, Houston Richardson, Thomas William, Houston Rigsbee, Herbert Kenneth, Jr., Austin Ripley, Sherri Louise, Del Rio Ritter, Jerry Lynn, Wichita Falls Roberson, Lois Ann, J acksonville Roberto, Teresa Mae, Austin Roberts, Cheryl Darlene, San Antonio Roberts, Jo baron, Lyford Robinson, John Thomas, Ranger Rogers, Anne Wright, Dallas Rogers, Gary Lee, Austin Rogers, Irma Jean, Giddings Rogers, Sunell, Sulphur Springs Rogers, William Wallace, Breckenridge Rogge, William Edward, Austin Rohde, Dorothy Dianne, Hitchcock Rompel, Lois, New Braunfels Roos, Marcia Allen, San Antonio Roosth, Thomas Malcolm, Tyler Rosales, Vivian Rose, San Antonio Rose, Georgia Anne, San Antonio Roshton, Mary Lou, Bellaire Ross, Sheila Jane, Lake Jackson Rountree, Sharon Sue, San Angelo Rowland, ancy Kay, DeLeon Rubey, Marian Seward, Houston Runnels, Pollard Rhode, III, Terrell Rusche, Sylvia Lorraine, Fredericksburg Rushing, Roy Eugene, Alice Russell, Robert Traylor, Mt. Pleasant Ryan, Patricia Irene, Houston Ryan, Susan Elizabeth, Talco Sample, Donna Sue, Lewisville Sandgarten, Michael David, Austin Saunders, John Monroe, Baytown Savage, Jim E., Houston Scheffe, Stephen Lee, Houston Schmidt, Charles Chester, Fredericksburg Schmidt, James Chester, Boerne Schmidt, Lyn Lee, Harlingen Schoellkopf, Hugo William, III, Dallas Schorp, Cheryl Faye, San Antonio Schuehle, John R., Hondo Schwartz, Susan Harriet, Austin Schwippel, Paula Nelle, Houston Scoats, Mary Helen, Bryan Scott, Linda Louise, Dallas Scott, ancy C., Midland Sealy, Nancy, Midland Seaman, George Cook, Midland Seets, Lynn Dale, Haskell Segal, Steven Lee, Dallas Sekaly, Becky Elizabeth, Galveston Sellars, Ronald Kay, Houston Sellers, Diane Eden, Orange Serold, Arno Clarence, San Antonio Sewell, John Caleb, Dallas Shannon, James Edward, Houston Sharpe, Mary Patricia, Austin Shaw, Robert Evan, Jr., Wichita Falls Sheffield, Hayne J., Jr., Humble Shepard, Sarah Ann, Hale Center Sherrill, Linda Elise, Dallas Shields, Mercedes Emma, Laredo Shirley, Susan, Houston Short, Carrie Lynn, Wichita Falls Shults, Gail Clare, Arlington, Va. Shupee, Adrienne Elizabeth, Austin Silvus, Susan Ruth, Houston Sing, Carole Elaine, Pharr Singleton, Don James, Pasadena Skipper, Roy McLean, Crockett P•ce 538 CLASS OF 1965 Slaughter, George Owen, Jr., Austin Smart, James Dock, Florence Smith, Bea Ann, Midland Smith, Edgar ewman, Carrollton Smith, Geraldine Coleta, Marshall Smith, Glen Hilton, McAllen Smith, Jack Wilson, Marlin Smith, James Henry, Houston Smith, James Robert, Houston Smith, Theresa Anne, Houston Smith, Timothy Hayes, Amarillo Smyth, Patricia Gay, Cleburne Sneed, Mary Jane, Dallas Snell, Helen Marie, Lampasas Sohn, Robert Draper, San Antonio Sohrt, Edith Marie, Glen Flora Sorenson, Suzanne, College Station Spacek, Ann Louise, Granger Speir, Larry Michael, Austin Spence, James William, Houston Spencer, David James, Dallas Spencer, Helen Mae, Edinburg Spratt, David Byron, Pilot Point Stansbury, Thomas O'Dell, Houston Starr, Duane Martin, Wake Village Stein, James D., Hempstead Stewart, Jesse Murel, Rising Star Stewart, Jimmie Leon, San Angelo Stigall, Zane Arnold, San Gabriel Stilson, Eileen Claire, Houston Stischer, Libby Ann, an Antonio Stockman, Roy Taylor, Sweeny Stokes, Nanette, Sonora Strader, Charlene Elizabeth, Bellaire Stradinger, Janet Elizabeth, Bellaire Streater, Gail Frances, Beaumont Street, Malcolm Boyd, Graham Strickland, Jack Vernon, Jr., Frankfurt, Germany Stripling, Arnell Elaine, Houston Stroup, Nancy Kay, Irving Stumhoffer, Stanley Robert, Brenham Stuyck, Gerald Paul, Houston ~---~ Styron, Lucina Kay, Stamford, Conn. Sullivan, Patricia Ann, Wellington Sullivan, Patrick Timothy, Dallas Summers, Kenneth Travis, Denison Suttles, James Charles, Jr., Houston Swank, Jo Anna, Victoria Swenson, Charles Clayton, Kenedy Swenson, Hilmer W. S., Abilene Swerk, Carolyn Jane, San Antonio Tackett, James Polk, Merryville, Tenn. Tartaglia, Antoinette, Houston Taylor, Sally Ann, Austin Taylor, William Peyton, Fort Worth Terraso, Michael Finn, Houston Thaxton, Leta Ann, Austin Thomas, Howard Michael, Bellaire Thompson, Cecil Albert, Jr:, Houston Thompson, Michael Rayburn, Roswell, N. Mex. Thompson, Oland Dale, Houston Thurman, Velna Rae, San Antonio Thurmond, Sharon Marie, Austin Tice, Carole Frances, Dallas Tieber, Alicia Antoinette, Dallas Tindall, Cecile Elizabeth, San Antonio Tisdale, Jane Marie, Austin Tomlinson, John Henry, Dallas Townsend, Joan, Woodville Travis, Dan Francis, Denton Trimble, Thomas eal, Port Lavaca Truitt, Bryant David, Houston Tschoerner, Kenneth James, Temple Tubb, Gary Wayne, Bellaire Tunstill, Jeanie, Fort Worth Turner, John William, Jr., Dallas Tyra, Raymond E., Midland Tyson, Elizabeth, Alvin Uecker, Jerald Howard, San Antonio Uhr, Bonnie Gay, New Braunfels Uhr, Clinton William, Jr., San Antonio Ullrich, Julie Margaret, Dallas Underbrink, Mary Ruth, Goliad Vance, Donna Fay, Alexandria, Va. Van Dorfy, Patricia, Houston Vargas, Martha Elizabeth, Eagle Pass Vavra, Jerry Ted, Schulenburg Vera, Margaret Suzanne, San Antonio Vivian, Lynn Neil, Edcouch Voss, Martye, Waco Waddell, Kareen Anne, Baytown Page 539 SOPHOMORES Waggoner, Clinton orman, Houston Wait, Jean Louise, Houston W aitt, Richard Brown, Jr., Middleton, Mass. Walker, Jimmy Rhea, Austin Walker, Judith Carol, Kerrville Wallace, Margaret Angela, Columbus Wallace, Roy Dale, Houston Wallace, William Fredrick, Houston Walls, Bobby Jack, Orange Walter, JoAnn Marie, Bellaire Walters, Ruth Anne, Dallas Walters, Sandra Louise, Dallas Walther, Wayne Douglas, Rowena Ward, Betty Carol, Devine Ward, George Haskell, Jr., Plainview Wark, Janet Louise, Houston Waterston, Tom Lee, Dallas Watkins, James Robert, Jr., Fort Worth Watkins, Walter David, Amarillo Watson, Bonnie Lee, Houston Watson, Robert Norman, Jr., Midland Watts, James Thomas, Fort Worth Wax, Judy Kathleen, Houston Weaks, Thomas William, Dallas Weatherall, Jimmy Floyd, Amarillo Weaver, John Amon, Snyder Weber, Wayne Thomas, Fredericksburg Webster, Diane Frances, Houston Weige, Dorothy Jean, Holland Weiss, Larry Kent, Killeen Welch, Martha Sue, Jasper Welch, Simmy Tess, San Antonio Wenck, Charles Christian, Houston Werner, Clinton Ray, San Antonio Werner, Nan Standish, Aiken, . C. West, Miami Kay, Gatesville Westelage, Ray Douglas, La Marque Westheimer, Paulette Mae, Houston White, Agnes Sue, Longview White, Jana Bette, Galena Park White, John Riley, Temple White, Larry James, Baytown White, Marilyn Ann, San Angelo White, Robert Miles, Fort Worth White, Rosemary, Austin Whitesides, John Lindsey, Jr., San Antonio Whitman, Charles Joseph, Lake Worth, Fla. Whitman, Kathleen Frances, Needville Wiest, Ethel Edna, Houston Wigginton, Jack Howard, Jr., Houston Wight, John Michael, Stamford, Conn. Wilkerson, James Neill, Tyler Williams, Harold Floyd, Hamilton Williams, Olan Dale, Gilmer Williams, SuAlice, Austin Williamson, Jo Antoinette, Menard Wills, Sheldon Alan, Dallas Wilson, Glynda Sue, Coleman Wilson, Lee Eugene, San Antonio Wiltse, Malcolm Evans, Henderson Winchester, Karen Elaine, Galveston Windham, Kenneth Charles, Corpus Christi Witt, Carol Sue, Beaumont Wofford, Alice Dorothy, Alice Wolbe, Ellis Gilbert, Atlanta, Ga. Wolfe, John Colwell, Groves Wolfram, Marilyn Sue, Houston Wolk, Marsha Carol, Navasota Womack, Charles Cowan, Jr., Houston Womack, Oovis Maurice, Borger Womack, Ronald Edward, Texarkana Wood, Elizabeth Ann, Dallas Wood, Mary Carolyn, Harlingen Woodward, Susan Helen, Dallas Wright, Jamie Ann, Houston Wright, Larry Swan, Memphis, Tenn. Wright, Ronald William, Gruver Wright, Susan Kay, Fort Worth Wrobleski, Regis Jerome, Texas City Wynn, Judy Gay, Austin Yarborough, Helen Lee, Corpus Christi Young, James Arista, Jr., Houston Yowell, Howard Reed, Dallas Zacour, Dennis, El Paso Zamora, Oscar, Brownsville Ziebell, John Michael, Austin Ziegler, Barbara Jean, Weatherford Zinberg, Michael Allan, an Antonio Zirjacks, Grace Elizabeth, Victoria Zrubek, Janet Joyce, Granger Zunker, Lane Arvid, eguin Pace 540 r}~\~·~ I ·-,--. y .. ·-­ (' £.-'. -, _. ~.7-. l--~ ,. FRESHMEN Class of '66 Barbles, Gary Eugene, Hou ton Barbour, Carroll tanley, Cotulla Barcus, Jeannie, Austin Bardin, Kenneth, Jr., Dallas Bargainer, Michael Andy, Baytown Barnard, Sam Clyde, Dallas Barnett, Linda Dell, Premont Barnett, Robbie Raggio, LaMarque Barney, Ronald Edward, Fort Worth Barr, Richard Dennis, Bay City Barry, Cheevers Moran, III, Dallas Bartels, Robert Michael, Temple Bartels, Wilbert Walter, Arlington Bartlett, Craig Edsall, Dallas Bass, Mary Deborah, San Antonio Baxter, Janell, Weslaco Beaird, uzanne, Longview Beall, April, Austin Bean, Richard Ellis, Houston Beard, Linda Kay, Rosenberg Bearden, Barbara Louise, Dallas Beare, James Douglas, Longview Beasley, Ann, Hou ton Beasley, John Wilson, Dallas Beck, Darcus Barry, Amarillo Beck, Jerry Arthur, Houston Beckham, Robert Lawrence, Robstown Beeley, Becky, Houston Behrens, Kenneth H., Converse Belisle, Mavis Velta, Dallas Bell, Jack, Dallas Bell, Mary Elizabeth, Victoria Bellamy, Janee Brown, an Antonio Belt, James Henry, Weimar Bender, Barbara Ann, Houston Benedict, Helen Virginia, Leander Benjamin, Ludy Thomp on, Jr., League City Bennett, Pamela, Waco Ben on, Eleanor ky, Au tin Benson, Paula Diane, an Benito Bentley, David Dow, III, Peekskill, N. Y. Bergen, Wanda Elaine, Houston Paso 542 FRESHMEN Acker, Leslie Clark, Post Adair, Diane, Austin Adams, Anna Marlene, Fort Worth Adams, Karen Kay, Buckholts Addington, Fred M., Jr., Dallas Adkins, Bennie Marie, Terrell Ager, Henry Orien, III, Dayton Ahlschlager, Dachiell Harding, Dallas Alexander, Rebekah Sterling, Fort Worth Alford, James Joseph, Caldwell Allen, Clay Willis, Houston Allen, James M., Bay City Allen, John Young, Houston Allen, Reuben Michael, Fort Stockton Allison, Robert Elton, Jr., Woodville Alsup, William Floyd, Odessa Amado, Julio Ernesto, Panama City, Panama Anawaty, Peggy Bahia, Bellaire Anderson, Angus Lane, Gainesville Anderson, Richard Leslie, Baytown Anderson, Robert Edwin, Bryan Andrews, Davis Harlan, Houston Andrews, Jamie Lee, Freeport Andrews, Michael Allen, Fort Worth Appledorf, Margie Ann, Houston Ardi , Michael Howard, Ode sa Arnold, Vance Michael, Gilmer Arrington, Bonnie Jane, Galveston Arthur, John Joe, Pampa Aston, Kathryn Louise, Houston Athey, Patricia Ann, Austin Atkin , Patricia Ann, Los Alamos, N. Mex. Austin, John Franklin, III, Houston Austin, Kathryn Mary, San Antonio Au tin, Vicki Lou, Abilene Axelrod, athan tephen, Houston Ayer, uzanne Elaine, Houston Baerreis, Philip George, III, Dallas Bailey, Randal Allen, Huntsville Baker, Glenn Barclay, Waco Ballard, Mark Evan, Hearne Bannister, John Howard, II, Midland CLASS OF 1966 Bergeron, Earl Jo eph, Galveston Bernstein, tanley Jay, San Antonio Berry, Marilyn Ann, Corrigan Berry, Robert Alan, Dallas Betancourt, Winnie Loraine, Dallas Bethea, Lona Katherine, Houston Bexley, Bill Jack, Jr., Temple Bickel, David Robert, Houston Biegert, Eugene Austin, an Antonio Billings, Roberta Iris, Houston Billingsley, Olen Clifton, Austin Billion, Vickie Jo, Dallas Binder, Robert Thomas, Paris Bishop, Jame Edwin, Houston Blackaller, Judy Gale, val de Blair, Lee Ann, Lake Jackson Bland, Thurston Joseph, III, Austin Blandy, Deborah Anne, Austin Blount, Charles Eugene, III, Midland Blount, Martha Anne, Dallas Bfount, Lephen William, San Antonio Blurton, Jerry Halbert, 1cKinney Bode, Mary Loui e, Austin Boehm, Carl Ferdinand, Jr., Goliad Bogart, Vivian Ann, Midlothian Boggus, Dennis Lynn, Houston Bohn, Carl Henry, Jr., Houston Bohrer, Paula Irene, San Antonio Bohuslav, Jackie ue, Austin Boland, Hayden Edward, San Antonio Bolton, Ann Ervin, Jacksonville Boone, Frederick Jo eph, Houston Borg, Howard Alan, Fort Worth Bos in, Elliott forton, Houston Botts, Gerald Monroe, San Antonio Bouchier, Joe Tom, Post Bowden, Harry Jame , Brady Bowen, Janne Warren, Alexander, Va. Bowman, John Denton, Houston Boyd, George Mitchell, II, Corsicana Braden, Robert Jo eph, Waco Bradley, Charles Russell, Jacksonville Bradley, James Dunbar, Jr., Austin Brad haw, Patsy 1ell, Weslaco Brady, Patrick Bernard, Jr., Houston Brand, Donald Dwight, Garland Brannon, Betty Anne, Fort Worth Brantley, Barbara Sue Elizabeth, Dallas Braselton, Carolyn Clifton, Fort Worth Braselton, Sue, Nacogdoches Braswell, Don Merton, ew Boston Breazeale, John Richard, Lincoln AFB, ebr. Brightman, Thomas Oswell, Comanche Brinkley, Charles Richard, Kermit 13roline, Eric ., San Antonio Brookner, Mark Jay, Beaumont Brooks, George Everett, Jr., Houston Brooks, Melody Ann, La Feria Brooks, Pamela :\leton, Houston Brooks, Roy Durwin, Houston Brown, Billy Jack, Corpus Christi Brown, Brenda Ann, .T asper Brown, John Stanley, Rotan Brown, Kathryn Lee, Galveston Brown, Linda Diane, Henrielta Bryan, Sherry Lynn, Graham Bryant, James Raymond, Denison Bryarly, Robert Pressly, Tulsa, Okla. Bryson, Yvonne Joyce, Richardson Buchan, Glenn Ciµ], Austin Buckner, Charles Oliver, Houston Bundick, Pamela K., Bloomington Burford, Raymond Wallace, Jr., Dallas Burnham, Barbara Erin, Houston Burns, 1ary Joan, Amarillo Burn , Peggy Ann, Houston Busby, Daine Kay, l\lidland Bush, Eddie George, Fort Worth Bush, John Robbins, Lampasas Butler, Betty Lou, Wharton Byrd, Michael Clark, Biloxi, Miss. Bzura, J an ice 1arlene, Fargo, N. Dak. Cade, Lewis Edward, La Port Caffey, Troy Ray, La Mesa, Calif. Pa:;;c 5 l3 Christian, Richey, San Antonio Church, Paschel Lee, Houston Clancy, Edward Carl, Houston Clark, Connie Emilie, Freeport Clark, Fred Paul, Baytown Clark, Martin Winston, II, Marshall Clark, Robert Edward, Crystal City Clayton, Miles Gregory, Corpus Christi Clements, Patricia Jane, Brownwood Clift, William Calvin, Kerrville Cline, R. Charlene, Amarillo Coats, Mary Elizabeth, Harlingen Cobb, Charles Franklin, Longview Cobb, Jacqueline Gay, Dallas Colby, Carol Angela, Austin Coleman, Bonnie Jean, Austin Colletti, Paula, Port Arthur Combs, Joan Beverly, Marshall Cone, Fred Lee, III, Wichita Falls Coneway, Pete Richard, Harlingen Connally, Louise Clarkson, Houston Conner, Richard Michael, Rosebud Cook, Forest Dale, Austin Cook, Ray Holton, Baytown Cook, Walter Louis, Atlanta Cooke, Carol Diane, Dallas Cooke, Charles Edwin, Fort Worth Cooney, Toni Lynn, San Antonio Cooper, Herbert Braxton, Baytown Cooper, Patrick Graham, Dallas Cornick, Jane Gould, Austin Cotropia, Joseph Paul, Hearne Couch, Karen Kay, Houston Courteau, Adrienne Lynn, Galveston Covey, Carol, Austin Covey, James, Jr., Plainview Cowan, James Edward, Jr., Mineral Wells Cowan, Marylea, Dallas Cowart, John Lawhon, Dallas Cox, Jack Martin, Breckenridge Cox, u an Kay, Hedley Crabb, Ben Harvey, Crosby Pa1c 544 FRESHMEN Cagley, Jon Michael, Terrell Caldwell, Gay Carroll, Midland Calhoun, Vicki Sue, Wichita Falls Callahan, Michael James, Jr., Orange Campbell, Carol Ann, Dallas Campbell, Colin McCain, Dallas Campbell, Linda Gail, Houston Candelaria, John Arthur, El Paso Cantrell, John Victor, Dallas Cantrell, William Herold, Dalhart Carden, William Jasper, La Marque Carl, Madeline Mercy, Austin Carlson, Peggy Louise, Houston Carnahan, Juliet Gorham, San Antonio Carr, Ronnie Guy, Crystal City Carris, Thomas Jefferson, Dallas Carruth, David, Dallas Carter, Frances Seaman, Houston Carter, Gregg Leonard, Elsa Carter, J uddi Allen, Harlingen Case, Carol Sue, Houston Case, Nancy Elaine, Dallas Castleberry, Betty Sue, Dallas Caudill, Ann Marie, Port Isabel Caywood, Patricia Jo, Houston Cedars, Chester Mark, Stephenville Cernosek, Valerian Albert, Schulenburg Cervenka, Frank Thomas, Granger Chadwick, Theresa Irene, Beaumont Chambers, L. Rupert, Atlanta, Ga. Champion, Stanton P., Houston Chankin, James Roland, San Antonio Chapell, Don Clayton, Dallas Chapman, Hazann, Austin Chapman, Mary Jill, Greenville Chappell, Virginia Bevin, Dallas Charba, Jerome Paul, Flatonia Chenoweth, Elizabeth Carey, Houston Childers, Benny Wayne, Sugarland Chipley, Jane Lucile, San Antonio Choate, Mark Wade, II, Richardson Christensen, Aneda Elizabeth, Austin CLASS OF 1966 Craigen, Clyde Melvin, Austin Crawford, Jean Anne, Austin Crawford, Jean Vicki, Houston Crawford, Robert Marvin, Scottsdale, Ariz. Crawford, Shirley J uanell, Sonora Creager, Sue Ellen, Tyler Criner, James Philip, Houston Crow, Sandra Kay, San Antonio Crow, Sara Elizabeth, Dallas Crowder, Harry Sheil!, Jr., Houston Cruse, Cheryl Darlene, Houston Cudney, Joseph Re Don, Andrews Culbertson, Clare Frances, San Antonio Cupaioli, Ian Laurence, Dallas Currie, Susanna, Mart Curry, William Lee, La Paz, Mexico Curtin, Penelope Jane, Baytown Dailey, George Denton, Alice Da Metz, Russell Lynn, Alice Dana, Gracey, Dallas D'Andriole, Theodore John, Fort Worth Daniel, Kathleen Darleen, Kountze Daniel, Linda Marie, Abilene Daniel, Sondra Elizabeth, Gladewater Danziger, Herbert Kent, Helena, Ark. Dathe, Richard Arthur, Jr., Dallas Davenport, Richard Steele, San Antonio Davidson, Marta Lee, Winters Davies, Suzanne, Dallas Davis, Beverly Dale, San Antonio Davis, Diantha, Baytown Davis, James Douglas, Houston Davis, John Haven, Killeen Davis, Laurie, Houston Davis, Loui e Adelle, Bryan Davis, Nancy Darlane, Austin Davis, Susan, Houston Davis, William Franklin, Itasca Dawe, Robert Glenn, Irving Day, Harry Bob, Harlingen Dean, Lois Ellen, Dallas Dean, Michael William, Argyle De Berry, Henry Drew, Austin Dellar, Janice Ann, Tyler Demel, Sandra Amelia, Needville De tefano, Andrea Renee, Hearne DeWalt, Mary Louise, Pasadena Diamond, Roger Allen, Pasadena Diaz, Victor Alberto, Jr., San Antonio Dickey, Frank Angelo, Mesquite Dickson, James Gilmer, Freeport Dietz, Arlene Geneva, Dallas Dietz, William Michael, Cibolo Dillard, Richard Ray, Odessa Dillon, William Shcriden, III, Kilgore Dinwiddie, Jay Howard, Houston Dirks, Malley Myrthe, Paris Dodson, Durwood Keith, Honey Grove Doggett, Sara Lee, Dallas Dolch, Patricia Kay, San Antonio Dolezal, Donald Creech, Graham D'Olive, Yvonne, Baytown Dombrowski, Judith Ann, Denver, Colo. Doner, Lynda P., Galveston Donnell, Leslie Bruce, Graham Dorotik, Mary Ann, Rowena Doss, Carol L:>nn, Belton Dove, Jenny Kathleen, Panhandle Downs, Judith Ann, Dallas Doyle, Charles Edgar, III, San Antonio Driscoll, Stephen Edward, Midland Druckhammer, Ann, Houston Drum, Raymond Phillip, Dallas Du Bois, David James, Houston Dudgeon, Vesta Sue, Tahoka Dudley, Carolyn, Houston Dudley, John Eltos, Comanche Dulak, Raymond Robert, Jr., Corpus Christi Dullnig, Richard Edward, San Antonio Duncan, Rhodney Hays, Mount Vernon Dunlap, Martha Jane, Azle Dunn, Sharon Ann, Bellaire Durham, David Craig, Sterling City Dwyer, William Henry, III, Houston Page 545 Ferguson, Jean Ellen, Fort Worth Ferguson, Kathy Jean, an Antonio Ferrell, Leo n Elton, Rankin Fichtenbaum, James Howard, Dallas Finlay, Priscilla Kay, Austin Finley, Virgil E., Aran as Pass Finney, Oliver John, Dallas Fisher, Gloria Evelyn, Bay City Fisher, Guy Cade, Jasper Fisher, Margaret, Dallas Fisher, Michael Bernard, Midland Flake, Martha Helen, Houston Flewellen, Eugene Holland, III, Dallas Floore, tephen Lawrence, Fort Worth Florence, Charlotte Anne, Kilgore Fly, Karen Marie, Hou ton Forrest, Janet, \Vaxahachie Fortune, Beverly Joyce, an Antonio Foster, Deanna Louise, Houston Fox, Leslie Starr, Houston Francis, Alatia Plowman, Dallas Franke, Richard Earl, Houston Franklin, Jo Mertred, Dallas Franklin, John Mosley, Rockdale Fratcher, Richard Gary, Houston Frawley, Charles Carey, Amarillo Frederick, Robert Lynn, Richardson Friedman, George Robert, Houston Frumkin, Barbara Helen, Houston Fryhover, Bob Allen, Sherman Fuhrmann, Glenda France , Hereford Furstenwerth, John Louis, an Antonio Futrell, Troy Edward, Florence Gaddis, Rhea J canoe, Hou ton Gaertner, Earl leveland, Jr., San Antonio Galbreth, Emmel Reid, II, • hcrman Galloway, orice Anne, Au tin Gann, lifford Park , Trinity Garcia, Orelia Ruth, Houston Garner, Lucy ay, an Antonio Garnett, Linda, llou ton Garrett, Oon ~ 'ndcll, Grand Prairie Pnae 516 FRESHMEN Ealy, Ronald Bayne, Longview Eanes, Harvey Radnor, III, Beaumont Eaton, Emily Ann, Houston Eaves, Donald Buford, Austin Eckhardt, Phyllis Roberta, Houston Eden, Donald tewart, Houston Edson, Daryl Ann, Phoenix, Ariz. Edwards, Alfred Cornelius, Austin Edward , Darrell Jeri, Marshall Edwards, William Michael, Austin Eiband, George Wentworth, Crystal City Eiche, Barbara Allen, Tyler Eikenberry, Daniel Henry, Chariton, Iowa Elick, ancy Eleanor, Bellville Ellet, Charles Robert, Fort Worth Elliott, Lucille Aline, Baytown Ellis, Joseph Scott, Laredo Ellis, Larry Alan, Dallas Ellis, Patricia Suzanne, Midland Enck, Sandra Kay, Austin Engstrom, John Timothy, Garwood Ennis, Jason Robert, Houston Erpillo, Umberto, Dallas Evans, David Joseph, Texas City Evans, Linnie arol, Dallas Ezon, teven Samuel, Houston Fagin, Michael Kyle, Austin Faircloth, Sandy Gwen, Dallas Falcon, Vidal, III, Corpus Christi Falk, Jeffrey Alan, Dallas Fallon, Mary Michelle, Austin Fargason, Corwin Ray, Plainview Farquhar, Rosemary, Burnet Farrar, Mary Lou, Dallas Farris, Juaneva Kay, Austin Faust, Donna Lee, La Marque Fee , Francis Warren, San Antonio Fehrenkamp, Diane, Houston Feinberg, Lewis Alan, Texarkana Feldt, Mary Nell, Houston Fenstermaker, Anne Leslie, San Antonio Ferguson, Geoffrey Russell, Austin Goodman, Judy Lynn, Dallas Goodnight, Stephen Lee, Dallas Goodrich, Gary Wayne, Shreveport, La. Goodwin, Susann, Nederland Goodwin, William Joseph, Longview Gordon, Catherine Regina, Richardson Gotsch, Wayne Edward, Edinburg Goyen, Kathryn Elouise, Houston Gracey, Leslie Lynn, Dalhart Graham, Hal Collins, Wichita Falls Graham, Samuel Russell, Austin Graham, Thomas Stephen, Austin Graham, Wanda Jeanne, Texas City Cray, Georgia Gail, Bellaire Green, Gretchen Ann, Midland Green, Richard Earl, Sweetwater Greenberg, Barnett Alvin, Beaumont Greenberg, Mary Esther, Texarkana Gregg, Gregory Louis, Wichita Falls Griffith, Mary Tedford, Austin Grimland, Joseph Rush, Grand Prairie Grisham, Michael Ann, Irving Groba, Donald David, Galena Park Grogan, Helen Stanley, Houston Grubb, Jerry Carl, Mesquite Gueldner, Walter John, Ill, eosho, Mo. Guest, Henry Grady, Houston Gulledge, Billy Roy, San Marcos Gullick, Bertie Mae, Tomball Guzman, Diana 1arie, Corpus Christi Hadden, George Stuart, Port Arthur Hagerty, Catherine Mary, Austin Haggart, Carol Ross, Houston Hahn, Buddie Joe, Sanderson Halamicek, Carol Ann, El Campo Haldane, Douglas Alexander, Pasadena Hale, Curtis Robert, III, Austin Hale, Susan Jane, Harlingen Hall, Ann Eldridge, Abilene Half, Celinda, Brownwood Hall, Walter Martin, Fort Worth Hall, William Edwin, Dallas Hallberg, Andrea Pritchard, Orange Hamilton, Larry Dean, Bay City Hammer, Gary Permon, Dallas Hammer, John Charles, Edinburg Hammond, Geoffrey Bryant, Houston Hammer, Matthew Morgan, III, Monroe, La. Hancock, Rut11 Elaine, El Campo Page 547 Hirsch, John Max, Channelview Hitchcock, William Bentley, III, Washington, D. C. Hodgkiss, Jimmy Donald, Sherman Hoffer, F rank Cole, Dallas Hofmann, Jill Bill, Streeter Hogan, Linda Lyle, San Benito Holcomb, Nancy Lou, Austin Holden, Marian Elizabeth, Brownsville Holden, Mary Kathleen, Dallas Holecek, James Raymond, Austin Holland, Cynthia Ann, Jacksonville Hollis, Jimmy Lee, Galena Park Holloway, Connie Merl, Talco Holman, Garvin Dwayne, Bonham Holman, Lyn Clark, Del Rio Holman, Nancy Carol, Houston Holmes, Parris Homer, Rosenberg Homer, Christina Anne, Monahans Hood, Phoebe Charline, Florence Hooper, John Michael, San Antonio Rosen, Peggy Suzanne, Port Arthur Hoskins, Laura Lee, Midland Houle, Jeffrey Rolland, orth Las Vegas, Nev. Houston, Samuel Sykes, Austin Howe, Constance Dia nne, Dallas Howell, Helen Patricia, San Antonio Howell, Robert Benton, Midland Hubbell, James Thomas, San Antonio Hudgens, Sherri Anne, Corsicana Hudson, David Carroll, Cameron Huff, Louis Elmer, Salt Lake City, Utah Hughes, Robert William (II), Silverton Hugos, Carolyn Marie, El Paso Hull, David Carlock, Longview Hull, James Lawrence, Jr., Wichita Falls HunlCe, Judith Ann, Waco Hurt, Jeff W., Montgomery, Ala. Husband, Martha Helen, Henderson Hutchison, Robert William, Austin Hutchison, Thomas Ludlow, Jr., Austin Hyde, Thomas George, West Columbia Inglish, Edwin Clark, Jr., Dallas Paso 548 FRESHMEN Harbison, James Matthew, Houston Hardie, Mary Adele, Midland Hardy, James Richard, Seminole Harelik, Louis Max, Comanche Hargis, Norton Bassett, Jr., San Antonio Harper, Jack M., San Antonio Harrell, Johnny Frank, Jr., Wichita, Kans. Harrell, Peggy Sue, Luling Harris, Jill Annette, Amarillo Harris, Ray Wayne, Fort Worth Hart, Daphne Ann, Fort Worth Hart, Patricia Ann, Rockdale Haskinson, Diana Dale, Houston Hatcher, Beverly Ann, Dallas Heald, Judy Beth, Weslaco Hearne, William Milbre, Jr., Dallas Heller, Lois Roberta, Houston Helms, Fred Adlam, Bergstrom AFB Hembree, Lou.is Arthur, Killeen Henderson, Sandra Lee, San Antonio Hendrix, Carol Key, Dallas Henrichson, Preston Edward, Edinburg Henry, Allan Ann, Waco Henslee, Carol Ruth, Houston Hernandez, Ernest Richard, Wharton Herring, Julie Luella, Abilene Herrington, Sharon Louise, Palestine Herrington, Sheridan Lynn, Clarksville Herrmann, Michael Clay, Gilmer Herron, Phillip Byron, Dallas Hester, Thomas Riley, Haskell Hesterly, Frances Margaret, Corpus Christi Hickey, Sharron Louise, Dallas Hicks, Raleigh Robert, Houston Hight, Penelope, San Antonio Hilburn, William Grant, Jr., Austin Hill, Carl Vonard, Houston Hill, Harold Wayne, Houston Hill, Phyllis Ann, Austin Hill, Sandra Sue, Houston Hill, Wayne Wesley, Fort Worth Hillier, John Edward, Jr., Pleasanton Lomax, John Marable, Houston London, Harold Michelson, Houston Long, Gary Thomas, Cleburne Long, Larry Howard, Lockhart Longacre, Janice Kaye, San Antonio Looney, Robert Michael, Houston Lord, Pauline Lenette, Houston Lortz, ancy Kay, Sweeny Love, Jack Edward, Hou ton Love, William Terrell, Del Rio Lovell, Anne F., Austin Lowden, Wilda Rae, Austin Lowe, Fred Welch, Waco Lowery, Roy Paxton, San Angelo Luck, Sharon Ann, Hou ton Ludlam, Augustus Chester, III, Wichita Falls Lunsford, Thomas Ma on, Lake Jackson Lutz, William Lan, ew Boston Lyerly, Barbara 1Gm, Dallas Ly le, usan Jane, Dallas Lynch, Ross Moore, Corpus Christi Lynge, Stephany, Plano Mabry, Donna Jean, Austin Mabry, Phillip H., Austin Maclnerney, Barbara Elaine, Galveston facrini, Thomas Gene, Galveston Madi on, Lorinda Beth, Silsbee Magedson, Helen, DaJJas Mahaffey, Prudence Drew, Texarkana Mahaney, ancy Karen, Graham Mahone, Louisa Perry, Austin Mahoney, William Ronald, Dallas Malick, Barbara Elaine, Houston Malone, Dudley Wayne, Muleshoe Manford, Thomas Durwood, III, Austin Manning, Eugene Robert, Kermit Manning, William Wallace, Houston Markette, Donald Leigh, San Antonio Markewich, Gary teven, Houston Marks, Laurie L, San Antonio Marney, Pamela, an Marcos Marquis, Max Dean, Brownsville P110 550 FRESHMEN Kuykendall, Elizabeth Lynn, Grand Saline Kyle, James orman, Orange Kyser, Vermell, Austin Lacy, Phillip Wayne, MarshaJJ Lafont, Jennie Gail, Plainview LaLonde, Paul Rene, Buda Lambert, Richard Wayne, Dallas Landau, Sandra Helene, Colorado City Landers, Eldon Ray, Jr., Abilene Landers, Jimmy Addison, Abilene Landers, Thomas William, III, Longview Lane, Artie Sue, San Antonio Lanford, Edwin Howard, Fort Worth Langeloh, Larry colt, Richardson Langston, Sunny Gayle, Dallas Larson, Cherry Eileen, Austin Launey, Richard Allen, Corpus Christi Lawler, Tracy Diane, Austin Lawyer, Sherry Jean, Austin Lea, Joe Edward, Jr., El Paso Leach, Ronald Doyle, Pasadena Leasure, Patricia Ann, Houston Lebo, Susan Marsha, Austin Lederer, Jim Conrad, San Antonio Lege, Jacqueline Elaine, Austin Lehman, beryl Kay, Corpus Christi Lennington, Richard Kent, Arlington Leonard, Babette Elaine, San Antonio Leonard, Thomas Walton, Sweetwater Lesikar, Jeanette Elizabeth, Austin Letts, Lynn Teresa, Victoria Levin, Stanley Marvin, Texas City Levine, Beverly Julia, DalJas Lew, Thomas Kent, San Antonio Lewellen, Beverly Earle, Plainview Lewis, Michael Ross, Wichita Falls Lindsay, Dana Gay, Houston Lissauer, Joel Simon, Dallas Little, Jane Page, Longview Little, Robert Warren, Jr., Waco Llewellyn, John Carter, Fort Worth Lloyd, James Barker, Garland CLASS OF 1966 Marsh, John Weldin, Richard on Marsh, Ronald Alton, Charlotte Mar hall, Lu-ita Jane, ederland Martin, Dorothy Gaye, Sweetwater Martin, Jame Robert, Dallas Martin, haron Kay, El Paso Martin, Sherry Nona, Hillsboro Martinez, Fernando, Harlingen Mason, Linda Lee, Austin Math, Theodore Albert, San A~tonio Mathews, Lee Haynes, Lufkin Mathews, Stephen Lee, Austin Mattingly, Joe Patrick, Dallas Mattiza, Susan, Corpus Christi Matz, Eleanor Joyce, Harlingen Mauldin, Jackie Elaine, Austin Maxfield, Loyd Dale, Dallas Mayhorn, Don Porter, Dallas Mayes, Kenneth Wayne, San Antonio Mayfield, Paula Kay, El Paso Mayhall, Ricki Ann, Houston Mays, Marilyn, Austin Mazow, Miriam Beatrice, Houston . McAfee, Virginia Kay, College Stallon McAfee, William McDuffie, Oakmont, Pa. McArthur, Harvey King, Jr., Houston McBride, Patricia Jane, Del Rio McBride, Rosemary Vina, Houston McBroom, William Ernest, Jr., Vernon McCaskill, Judith Ellen, Hou ton McCasland, Kenneth George, Rotan McCaslin, Carl George, Hereford McCollom, Donnette Kay, Corpus Christi McConnell, ina Carol, Denver City McCord, Judith Ann, Dallas McCullen, Gloria Catalina, Lubbock McCulley, Shirlee Suzanne, Houston McCullough, Alicia, Hou ton McDaniel, Gordon Keith, Mont Belvieu McDaniel, Robert Carl, Amarillo McDonald, Jere Hugh, Jr., Rosebud McDonald, Marilyn Lucille, San Antonio McDonald, Robert Lester, Neches McDowell, follye Aleda, Dallas McDuream, Wanda Sue, Galveston McEntee, Judith Ann, Bellaire McGalliard, John Douglas, Spur McGee, ~fary Gray, Houston 1cGraw, Larry Mitchell, McKinney Mciver, Carl Duffield, Austin McKemie, William Moores, Au tin McKenney, James Hawley, Dallas McLain, Florence Pauline, Spearman McLaughlin, Frances Charlene, Del Rio McMahon, Mary Margaret, Dallas McMahon, Robert David, Cleveland McMaster, Harry Thomas, San Antonio McMilan, Hollis Keith, Eugene, Ore. McMillen, John Allen, Dallas Mc eely, Mary Li!Jian, Bryan Mc eil, Kay Sue, Corpus Christi McRee, Marcia Frances, Port Arthur McShane, Michael Bran ford, San Antonio McWhorter, Margaret Chalmers, Waco Meacham, Sharon Lorraine, San Antonio Means, Janet Marie, Austin Megason, Travis Lynn, Texarkana Mehl, Stephen Herman, Fort Worth Meier, John Thomas, San Angelo Melcher, Lydia Ann, Port Lavaca Melinger, Anne Louise, Baytown Mendelovitz, Lee Michael, Houston Merrill, Barbara Ann, Houston Merritt, Jean Royce, Houston Merschbrock, Roger Edward, Austin Meska, James Emory, Dallas Metzke, Carrell Hildabeth, Houston Metzler, Vicki Lu, Houston Middleton, Mary Ann, Denison Milam, William Steven, Houston Miles, Robert Witherspoon, Austin Miller, Anita Carol, San Antonio Miller, Charles Edward, Dallas Miller, Ida Bernice, Graham Page 551 Moyer, Vincent, Austin Mueller, Mark Alan, an Antonio Mueller, Peggy Nell, Flatonia Muir, William Duncan, Dickinson Mullen, Marilyn Jean, Austin Mullican, Hollie Raye, Gilmer Munson, Gary Wayne, San Antonio Murray, David Michael, Temple Murrell, Toni Gayle, Dallas Musick, Edythe Jan, Baytown Myers, Michael Lynn, Fort Worth all, John Hill, Jr., Tyler eagle, Jane Covington, Houston ea!, Richard awn, Houston Neblett, ancy Ann, Houston Neill, James orris, Everman elson, Caryl Denise, Dallas elson, Joe Allen, 11, Longview Nelson, ancy Susan, Ector Nelson, Ronnie Dubert, Dallas elson, Su anne, Houston Netting, Conrad John, San Antonio Neuman, Marilynn, San Antonio ewman, Gary Wayne, Poteet ewsom, Susann Mayrene, Denton icewander, Janie Elaine, Atlanta 'ichols, David Frank, Atlanta icholson, William Daniel, III, Lake Jackson Nickell, ancy Lorine, Seguin Nienhueser, Kit Arthur, an Antonio igliazzo, Marc Anthony, Hearne oack, Kathryn Marie, Austin Noble, Jean Louise, Brownsville Noble, Richard Cullen, Houston obles, Rudy Jack, Diana Nodler, Lee Aaron, Hou ton orwood, Annetta coll, Hou ton owotny, Joyce Elaine, eedville Oaks, Elizabeth Anne, Hou ton Oberwetter, J ames Curtis, Pampa O'Bryant, ancy Helen, Galena Park Oertel, Ellen Marie, Houston r.,. ss2 FRESHMEN Miller, Judy Carol, Hou ton Miller, William Wade, Cooper Mill , ancy Marie, Hou ton Minor, Mary Camille, Overton Minten, Kendrick Henry, Falfurrias Mir ky, George Joseph, Dallas Mitchell, Cheryl Edna, Houston Mitchell, Helen Marie, Houston Mitchell, James David, Dallas Mitchon, Carol Elizabeth, Austin Mollere, Alan Leonard, San Antonio Moneyhon, Carl Hofmann, Mason Monk, Elizabeth Kaye, Dallas Montalbano, Anthony Michael, Houston Montemayor, Maria Elena, Galveston Montgomery, Edward Meador, Palestine Montgomery, Mary Elizabeth, West Mood, Penny Lee, Cuero Moody, William Berton, Austin Moore, Clara Llewellyn, Lake Jackson Moore, Donald Wayne, Dallas Moore, Eva ita, Dallas Moore, John Willard, Austin Moore, Marion, Dallas Moore, I arcie Lee, Marshall Moore, arci sa Lee, Marshall Moore, Patrick F., El Paso Moore, Paul Richmond, Baytown Moore, Troy Don, Hereford Moore, Watson Lee, San Antonio Moorhead, Jeff J., Randolph AFB Morgan, David Carroll, San Angelo Morgan, Exeen Marie, Victoria Morin, Raymond, San Antonio Morrill, George Poe, Beeville Morris, Carolyn Joyce, Dallas Morris, Martin Edward, Houston Morris, usan Elizabeth, Dallas Morrison, Ronald Gene, Garland Morton, Donna Raye, Dallas Moseley, Ann Elizabeth, Dallas Moses, Charles James, West CLASS OF I 966 Odom, David William, San Antonio Offerman, Lynne '.\1arie, 1ew Braunfels Oldfield, Douglas Alan, Houston Olian, Jo eph Bert, Bryan Oliver, Floyd Louis, Jr., an Antonio Olli on, '.\lary Patricia, Austin Oltorf, '.\fary, '.\1arlin Ormand, Jackson Edward, Jr., George West Owens, Homer Wade, Austin Owens, Lex Dale, Austin Paden, Suzanne, Pampa Paine, Phillip Jay, Bay City Panowich, Faithann, Odessa Pape, Vernell Loui e, San Antonio Parker, Charlotte Kay, Houston Parker, '.\largaret Ann, Pasadena Parkhurst, George Wrigh t, Fort Worth Parma, William John, Jr., Belton Parrish, Donald '.\1altby, Jr., Dallas Parrish, William '.\1anly, Marlin Parsons, Gary Frank, Bonham Pate, Virgil Albert. Abilene Patterson, BeYerJ,· Wayne, Dallas Patterson, '.\Iary Helen, Fort Worth Patteson, Pamela Elizabeth, San Antonio Patton, Jan Elizabeth, Dallas Patton, Thomas David, Rotan Pearre, Charles :\!organ, III, \Veslaco Peel, Harry Herbert, Pleasanton Pena, '.\lanuel, '.\1ission Penman, Linda Dell, Rochester Perkins, Susan '.\Iae, Plano Peters, Robert Charles, Dallas Peterson, Terry Walter, Houston Pfardrescher, Judy, El Campo Pfeiffer, Jane Elizabeth, Houston Pfiester, Roy Edward, Jr., Fort Stockton Phelps, John Wayne, Houston Phillips, Judy Ann, Poteet Phillips, Pamela Ann, Houston Pickens, John Ziek, San Antonio Pierce, Cynthia Jean, Midland Pitt, Samuel John Gary, Sweetwater Pittard, Wilma Jeanette, Dallas Pitts, James Charles, Austtin Pitts, Teresa Eileen, San Antonio Planto, Sharon Lee, San Antonio Porter, Penelope Anne, Atlanta Poston, Lrene Marie, Austin Potter, Samuel, Dallas Presser, Roberta Gay, Houston Prince, Anita Louise, Bellaire Pryor, Frank Edwin, Lubbock Purcell, '.\Iartha Jeanne, Houston Pye, Nancy ue, Houston Pyle, Billy Loyd, Houston Quin, Russell Kennon, Edinburg Quinn, James tephen, San Antonio Ragle, George Alfred, Plainview Ramee, Robert Eggleston, Jr., Alice Ramey, Robert Lindell, Kingsville Ramsey, idney Clarence, III, Houston Randolph, James Collier, Abilene Rath, Vicki Sheryl, Edna Rauhut, Stanley Eugene, Comanche Reat, Jane Ann, San Antonio Reaves, Gloria Jean, Dallas Record, Harry Doyle, Dumas Reeb, Carol '.\Iarie, Corpus Christi Reeder, Clair Lyn_, Austin Reeder, Jame Beauford, '.\lidland Reese, '.\1arta Rosalia, Austin Reese, William Belew, Waco Reeves, Keith Oriel, Pasadena Reeves. heila Rae, Houston Reichert. David F., Austin Reinauer, James Richard, Hereford Reinhart, Suzanne, Carrizo Springs Renick, Bonnie Lee, Killeen Renker, Pam, Austin Reno, Dana Sue, Pasadena Rhodes, Frances Gates, Eagle Pass Rhodes, Susie Gates, Eagle Pass Rich, Connie Sue, San Angelo Page 553 Russell, Walter Thomas, Jr., Wills Point Rutland, Carolyn, Hou ton Ryan, Mike Algennon, Gonzales Sablatura, Patricia Ann, East Bernard Sachs, Joel Robert, Houston Saegert, Joel Gartman, Austin Sager, Linda Jane, Cuero Sally, Sandra Lee, Childress Sampson, Michael J., Lake Jackson Samuelson, Robert John, Mineral Wells Sansing, Sue Grace, Athens Sansom, Edward tephenson, Greenville Sansom, andra Lynn, Austin Sauer, Betsy Anne, Houston Savage, Margaret Ann, Austin Sayers, Virlie Kay, Austin Scaief, Charle Clemon, III, Crystal City Scallorn, Sally Jane, Au tin Scamell, Richard William, Houston Schade, John Ernest, Edna Scheel, Charles Frederick, Garland Scheffler, Mary Linda, Dallas Scheske, Claudia, Gonazle Schiller, Wayne Fuller, Hou ton Schkade, Albert Fred, Jr., Giddings Schmidt, David Lawrence, Fredericksburg Schmidt, Donna Carolene, San Antonio Schneider, Cheryl Ann, Falls Church, Va. Schneider, Pamela, Dallas Schnitzer, Bruce William, Fort Worth Schoenbrun, Greta M., Tyler Schroeter, Deanna, Austin Schuerenberg, Charle Elbert, Mesquite Schulz, Dwight Winston, Austin Schulze, David Paul, Wells Schur, Gary Wade, Odessa Schwartz, Linda, Galveston Schwartz, ina Lee, Dallas Schwartz, uzanne Carol, Fort Worth Schwer, Penelope, Austin chwellmann, Rick teen, Dallas Scott, Betty Ruth, Temple Pase 554 FRESHMEN Richardson, Carol Joan, San Angelo Richardson, Rita Jean, Dallas Rigsby, Mary Charles, Sherman Ring, Glenn Harnlink, Houston Ripple, Linda Lou, El Campo Rische, Rita Susan, Houston Ri sher, David ·Marion, Freeport Roach, Georgina Lela, Austin Roan, Forrest Calvin, Austin Robberts, Ted Alan, Houston Roberson, Kenneth Alwyn, Petersburg Roberts, Betsy Lucindy, Henderson Roberts, Mary Jay, Pearsall Roberts, ina Jo, Wichita Falls Roberts, William Judson, Gilmer Robinson, John Howard, Grafton, W. Va. Robinson, Judy, Houston Roden, Pamela Sue, Friona Rodgers, Larry Edward, Abilene Rodriquez, Marie Eugenia, Austin Rogers, Robert Reid, Burleson Rogers, Ronnie Earl, Houston Rohrer, David Barbee, Austin Rohrer, John Patterson, Austin Roitsch, Dorothy Jean, La Grange Romo, Richard, San Antonio Rosales, Palmira Berta, San Antonio Rose, Helen Patricia, Baytown Rosenberg, Joanne Sydney, Dallas Rosenberg, Rose Diane, El Campo Ros , Adreain Ann, San Antonio Rosten, Judith Ann, El Paso Rounsaville, John Quinn, Jr., Dallas Rubin, Carolyn Eileen, Houston Ruble, Karen Judith, Fort Worth Rudberg, Joyce Ann, Dallas Ruggles, Richard Donald, Longview Rule, Robert athan, Jr., League City Rummel, Joan Ann, Austin Rush, David Lee, Fort Worth Russ, William Bennett, Austin Russell, Terrell Elizabeth, Houston CLASS OF 1966 Scott, Elizabeth Ann, San Antonio Scott, Gayle Ann, Weimar Seale, James Mattison, Beaumont Seale, Jimmy Ray, Olney Seale, Kathy, Centerville Searcy, Claire Morey, San Antonio Searight, Sarah Virginia, Austin Seifert, Frances Helen, Weimar Sembera, Arthur York, Houston Senevey, Suzanne, Fort Worth Servello, John Phillip, Puerto La Cruz, Venezuela Shaffer, James Frederick, Baltimore, Md. Shakno, Evelyn Diane, Dallas Shands, Michael Franklin, Killeen Sharpless, James Reid, Baytown Shaw, Martha eil, Brownwood Shearer, James Pate, Booker Shelton, Kay ell, Austin Sheppard, Sallie Vonolia, College Station Shipley, James Weir, Waxahachie Shope, Randy Roy, Waco Shoss, Roger Lee, Houston Shrader, Diane Sue, Austin Shull, David Lee, Houston Sibley, Sharron Austin, Abilene Siegel, Shawn, Philadelphia, Pa. Sierra, Roland Joe, San Antonio Sikes, teven Lina!, Austin Simpson, Edith Ann, Dallas Simpson, Patricia Persch, San Antonio Singer, Carol Ann, Austin Singer, Joel Michael, Houston Slaughter, Phyllis Jeanne, Houston Slipakoff, Rose Harriet, Houston Sloboda, Steve Kenneth, Phoenix, Ariz. Slocomb, Will Sam, Odessa Smith, Aurel Emerson, Dallas Smith, Charlene Ruth, La Marque Smith, Ellis Lee, Baytown Smith, James Raymond, Austin Smith, Marilyn Sue, Bellaire mith, Richard Penland, Houston Smith, Robert Clinton, Dallas Smith, Ronnie Stephen, Tyler Smith, Sheron Elizabeth, Lufkin Smith, Trudie Kaye, Dallas Smith, William Bryan, Lake Jackson Smither, Charles Waller, Jr., Huntsville Sneed, Joseph Goodloe, Dumas Snodgrass, James Don, Idalou Snyder, Beverly Diane, La Feria Sockol, Harry Howard, Brownwood Solganick, Harvey, Dallas Solomon, Vernard Grimes, Marshall Sorenson, Laurits Sue, Bellaire Souder, Ronald Eugene, Fort Worth Speed, Mary Sue, Temple Spence, Margaret Suzanne, Brenham Spillane, James Christopher, Houston Spinks, Horace Lee, Houston Spivy, Frances, Texarkana Spring, Kay Jeannette, Longview Stack, Kathryn Elizabeth, Dallas Stanfield, Nancy Lynne, Big Wells Stanford, Emily Jean, Galveston Stanford, George Henry, Houston Stanley, David Brian, McLean, Va. Starkey, Mary Louise, College Station Starnes, Mary Madeleine, Austin Starrett, Raymond Arthur, Irving Statman, Benjamin, Dallas Steadman, Charles Rankin, Houston Steele, Larry Leon, Fredericksberg Sterling, Steven Jon, San Antonio Steubing, Charles August, Jr., Houston Steward, Donna Eileen, Houston Stewart, Alford Marshall, Travis AFB, Calif. Stewart, James Lee, Dallas Stewart, Jane Lucinda, Houston Stewart, Judy Bess, Houston Stoddard, Sandra Gail, Midland Stone, Barbara Lynn, Fort Worth Stone, Martha Dee, Linden Storms, John Webb, Houston Page 555 FRESHMEN Story, Gloria Jayne, Fort Worth Stowe, Grady Kent, Vernon Strader, Carol Kay, Greenville Stripling, Mary Elizabeth, acogdoches Stromberg, Malinda Ann, Austin Stromberg, Marvin Leif, Dallas Strong, Stuart Kendall, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Strong, William Reese, Henderson Strozeski, Michael Wayne, McKinney Stuard, Tommye Earle, Austin Stuart, Robert Bruce, Dallas Stubbs, Jo Fi:ances, Gonzales Sturkie, John David, Houston Sullivant, Sally Kay, Gainesville Sulsky, Harold Samuel, Tyler Summerlin, David Randall, San Angelo Sundbeck, Joan Marlene, San Antonio Sutherlin, Michael Keaney, Indianapolis, Ina Sutton, Della Jane, Pasadena Swaim, Phyllis Sue, Austin Swanson, Sarah Ann, Fort Worth Swift, Edward Reagan, Bellaire Swift, Mary Alice, Houston Tannahill, Richard Craig, Friona Taylor, Sandra Fay, Freeport Taylor, Sheryl Gayle, Sinton Taylor, Vicki Jo, Coleman Templeton, Betty Carolyn, Cooper Terrell, Ann Carlotta, Eagle Lake Terrell, John Larry, Austin Terry, Julie Ann, Beaumont Teutsch, Virginia Ann, Dumas Thaxton, Robert Hurst, Falfurrias Thomas, Fred Purnell, Houston Thomas, Ralph, Houston Thomason, Rosanna Routt, Brenham Thompson, Carl Wayne, Irving Thompson, Charles Andrew, Houston Thompson, Charlotte Ann, Austin Thompson, Jerry Wayne, Carrolton Thompson, Jimmie Kay, Port Arthur Thompson, Karen Ann, Houston Thompson, Maidee Laura, Dallas Thompson, Thomas Hall, Dallas Ticknor, Judy Marshall, Fort Worth Tigner; Ronald Edwin, San Antonio Tims, James Irving, Oeveland, Miss. Titerle, Robert Charles, San Antonio Tittle, Jo Lynn, Duncanville Tlucek, Melicent Marie, Houston Tomson, Tommy Joe, Corpus Christi Trail, Carolyn, Kaufman Travis, Pauline Jane, Beaumont Trigg, Virginia Ann, Corpus Christi Troell, Jay Henry, Pleasanton Troell, Leolo Patricia, Pleasanton Truitt, Roy Lee, Houston Tucker, Richard Stephen, Beaumont Tuggle, Terry P., Austin Turlington, David Truett, Austin Turner, Katherine Louise, Groves Turner, Veneta DuAnn, Austin Twidwell, Judythe Loraine, Austin Van Gundy, Harriett Wier, San Marcus Van Hoozer, James Charles, Houston Van Wagoner, Helen Elizabeth, EI Paso Van Winkle, Wallace Barry, Orange Vaughan, Flo Ann, Galveston Vaughn, John Dee, Houston Veltman, Minnette Verne, Dallas Vernor, A. C., Bellaire Vick, Marvin York, Madisonville Vickers, Sandra Jean, Jacksonville Vifquain, Bryan Richard, Dallas Vincent, Christine Gay, Bryan Vineyard, Mary Blanche, Galveston Vogler, Jon Allen, Midland Vogt, William Harold, eguin Volkmann, Anease Elain, Menard Volz, Carol Ann, Waco Von Kreisler, Kristin Helen, Austin Voorhees, Charles Gene, Dallas Waddle, David Eugene, Jefferson Waid, John McClelland, Midland Page 556 CLASS OF 1966 Waldron, Michael Lewis, San Antonio Walker, Brenda Fay, Sugarland Walker, Darry Eileen, Houston Walker, Mary Kathleen, Bryan Wall, Judy Ann, Austin Wall, Larry Dwaine, Houston Wall, Marian Suzanne, Fort Worth Walls, Carolyn Kay, Brownwood Walsh, Elizabeth Allison, Baytown Walsh, Michael Gordon, Bergstrom AFB Wangard, Judy Ann, Harlingen Ward, Janet, Del Rio Ware, William Allan, Baytown Warren, uzanne, Austin Watkins, Edward Tarry, Houston Watkins, Lana Mae, Denison Watson, Andrew Jess, Austin Watson, Camille Leal, Houston Watson, Judith Ann, Bay City Watts, James Richard, San Antonio Watts, Peggy Joan, San Antonio W atzlavick, Thomas Raymond, Schulenburg Wauson, Richard Earl, Jr., San Antonio W avell, Pam, Corpus Christi Webb, Kay Clyde, Houston Webb, Thomas Warren, Dallas Webber, Karen Dodd, Odessa Wecker, Paula Michele, Midland Weems, Kenneth Edwin, Amarillo Weinsten, Jerry Lee, Fort Worth Weintraub, Donna Gail, Sherman Weiss, Wayne Louis, Sugarland Wells, Edward Larry, Longview Welsh, Janet Kaye, Midland Werlin, Ernest Pyle, Houston Wharton, Thomas Lee, San Antonio Wheeler, Thomas Richard, Marshall Wheeley, Sharon Gayle, White Deer White, Anna Frances, Houston White, Charles Clifford, Jr., Waco White, Dean A., Houston White, Kathryn Eileen, Pasadena White, Mike Harry, Houston White, Thomas Lee, Jr., Monahans Whiteman, Resanne Mollie, Beaumont Whitney, Pamela Knox, Houston Whitsit, Jane Durden, San Antonio Whitten, Ralph Ukler, Tyler Wiemers, Alice Merlin, Dallas Wilbur, Petrena Adella, Austin Wilburn, Carolyn Jean, Big Lake Wilkerson, James Claude, Comanche Wilkinson, Belinda Marion, Dallas Willbern, Betsy Ann, Houston Williams, Betsy Browning, Austin Williams, Burleson, Jr., Smithville Williams, Charles Louis, Menard Williams, Elizabeth Anne, La Marque Williams, Gwen, Dallas Williams, Laura Lee, Freeport Williams, Lawrence Riley, Graham Williams, Shelton Lee, Odessa Williamson, Mary Jane, Poteet Willingham, James Edwin, Jr., Houston Willis, Karen Elaine, Dallas Willis, Terry Austin, Gilmer Willoughby, John Alexander, Ill, Abilene Wills, Sue Ellen, Fort Worth Wilson, James Harrell, Dallas Wilson, James Milton, Brownwood Wilson, Jimmy Doyle, McGregor Wilson, Judy Elaine, La Marque Wilson, Marsha, Fort Stockton Wilson, Patricia Ann, Austin Wilson, Sara Sue, Hearne Wimberley, Enoyse Verna, Amarillo Wimberly, Gail Irene, Austin Wingo, Martha Ann, Silverton Wise, Jim Price, Houston Wish, Judy, San Antonio Withrow, Betty Elaine, Mexia Wittig, Sandy June, Austin Wixx, Charlotte Patricia, Longview Wizig, .Gwenda Faye, McAllen Page 557 FRESHMEN Wizig, Martha Jane, Waco Wolf, David amuel, Houston Wolfe, tephen James, Groves Womack, Jack Henry, Waco Womack, Vernon Kay, Waco Wood, Andrea Patton, San Antonio Wood, Clifford Warren, Crockett Wood, Margaret Ann, Midland Wood, Naomi Ruth, Houston Woodard, Shari Lynn, Pasadena Woodruff, Paul Frank, Corpus Christi Woolrich, Willis Raymond, III, Houston Works, George Wesley, III, Dallas Worley, Sandra Faith, Taylor Worsham, Ralph Dennes, Richardson Wortham, Dana Rose, Bryan Worthen, Virginia Ann, Midland Wren, Bobby Lewis, Stanton Wren, Lanny Dennis, Longview Wright, Donna Gail, Woodville Wright, James Morgan, Odessa Wright, Jay Orville, Arlington Wright, Sandra Lea, Bastrop Wyatt, Linda Ruth, Dallas Wynn, Jennifer, Houston Wynne, Angus Gilchrist, III, Dallas Yandell, Linda Darlene, Austin Yates, Ronny Vonhoy, Austin York, Sherry Lynne, Dallas Youens, William Thomas, II, Columbus Young, David Allen, Austin Young, Eugene Owen, Borger Young, Louis Edward, Fort Worth Young, Reginald Gladish, Jr., Houston Young, Sandra Leigh, Freeport Younger, W. B. Jerry, Big Spring Zayic, Geraldine Lee, Killeen Zemer, Harold Andrew, Texas City Zepeda, Henry, Houston Zepeda, Rudolph Felix, Jr., Houston Zimmerman, Sarah Adele, Houston Zraikat, Anwar George, El Paso FRESHMAN BEAUTIES Ac Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al Al M Al Al .I.I Le/I 10 Rl1h1: Ann Hall, Ann Oab, Gloria McCullea, Ann Hansel, E•elya PhllJJa Johnooa, Beth Boehmer. Pa1e 558 INDEX A Name Name Name Pages Name Pa1e1 Aaron, Carolyn Ann . . . . . . . . . 204, 423 Aaron, William Lynn 474 Abbott, Albert Donald . . . . . . . . . 245 Abbott, Mary Elizabeth . . . . . . . . . . 215 Abernathy, Louis Courtney . . 291, 518 Abney, John Beck .. .. .. .. .. .. 480 Abnor, Marilyn Cay . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Abraham, Edward . . . . . . . . . . 306, 518 Abrams, Carol Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Abrams, Leonard Bruce . . . . 286 Abramson, Beverly Ann . . . . . . . . 220 Abu Kish, Saud K. . . . . 334 Abu Nian, Mohamed 334 A Cappel/a Choir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Albers, Ken neth 0 . 333, 439 Alder, Linda Sue .. . . . .. .. .. . .. 518 Alderson, Curtis Jacbon 264 Aldredge, Sue Aon . . . . . . . . 212, 530 Aleff, Kendra Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Aleman, Raymond William . . . . . . 348 Alexander, Arlin Ann .... 47, 172, 177, 219, 360 Alexander, Con nie J ean 179 Alexander, Drury B. . . . . . . . . . . . . 454 Alexander, Jobnny Banister . . . . . . 449 Alexander, Martha Jean 194, 314, 456, 480 Alexander, Martha Sue 198 Al exander, Nancy Lila 232 Alexander, Phyllis ...... 149, 203, 337, 530 Alpha Delta Pi . . . 200, 201 Alpha Delta Sigma 438 Alpha Epsilon Delta . . . . . . . 439 Alpha Epsilon Phi 202, 203 Alpha Epsilon Pi . . . 242, 243 Alpha Gamma Delio 204, 205 Alpha Kappa Alpha 206, 207 Alpha Lambda Delta .... , . . . . . . 440 Alpha Om icron Pi 208, 209 Alpha Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210, 211 Alpha Phi Omega .... , . . . . . 466, 467 Alpha Phi Tau . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . 458 Alpha Tau Omega . . . . . . . . . . 244, 245 Alpha Xi Delta .. .. .. .. .. .. 21 2, 21 3 Al ·Raahid, NaHer Ibrahi m 310, 443 Al.Rawi , Othman . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Andrews Dormitory . . . 173 Andrew1, Forrest Alex 326 Andrews, Freeman LaSalle . . . 426 Andrew&, Jamie Lee .... 161, 178, 475, 542 Andrews, Kay Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 Andrews, Michael Allen . . . . . . . . . . 268 Andrews, Michael Wesley . . . . 192, 449 Andrews, Nancy Etta .... 154, 217, 337, 480 Andron, Leo Alexander, II . . . . . . 359 Angel Flight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Angell, David Michael 530 Angell, Kim May . 208 Angle, Edgar Wayne . ....... 307, 480 Ankenman, Fred Norman 245 Acacia Acer&, . . . . .. . . . . . . . Penelope Elizabeth 240, 241 237, Alexander, Rebekah Sterling 158, 214, 542 Alspaugh, Ralph Williamoon .. 261, Alsup, Alice An o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 173 Anschultz, Everett Leroy, Jr. . . 280, 281 424, 530 Alexander, Sandra Joyce . . . . 177, 315 Alou p, William Floyd 413, 542 Anselin, Mary Lou 418, 425 Acker, Leslie Clark Acker, Lexa Morris 272, 429, 542 308, 454, 480 Aco1ta1 Jorge F 309 Atkinson, Arland Lee . . . 326, 331 Actkinaon, Tomme Ray . . . . . . 429, 467 Acuna, Arturo 462, 480 Adair, Darlene 319, 518 Adair, Diane . . 208, 440, 542 Adair, Joseph Bryan . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Adair, 111, Robert LaFayette . . 292, 293 Adame, Homero . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Adams, Anna Marlene . . . . . . 148, 421. Adams, Adams, Adame, Adams, Carol Louise . Donald Earl ... Dorothy Lee Elizabeth Anne . 423, 540 172, 174, 223 161 336 205, 472 , 518 280 298 480 459 Adams, Frederick J osepb Adams, Mrs. Hattie .... Adams, ]a mes Edgar Adams, Jerry Lynn Adams, John Alva· "". 315, 530 " " " " 226, 518 . . . 173, 542 172, 314, 337' 480 Adams, Judith Arvin Adams, Karen Kay Adams, MarHyn J une Adama, Marion Corry, Jr. 269, 476 Adanu, Norma Ruth . . . . . . . . 319, 206 Alford, Daniel Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 Alford, Da:ryl Ray . . . . 189, 466, 472, 480 Alford, Jam.. Jooeph .... 358, 471, 542 Alford, Thomas Lewis 310 Algeo, Donna Ruth . . . . 458, 530 Al ·Hamoud, Bader Ali . . . . . . . . . . 334 Al·Heeb, Mikdam Mohammad . . . . 334 Al·Hossai ny, Hidayat Ullah HoHain 518 Alkadi, Seleman Al . . . .. .. . . . . . . . 480 .4ll Campus Advisors . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Alldredge, Bud E. . . . . . . . . 256, 412 Alleman, Deanna . . . . 47, 150, 151, 158, !61, 223, 456, 460, 480 Allen, Barbara Jean . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Allen, Carol Anoe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Allen, Chester Lee 289 Allen, Clay Willis, Ill 325, 344, 542 Allen, Elizabeth 226 Allen, George Louis 530 Allen, Howard Amason 256 Allen, James Moyes . . . . . . . . 240, 542 All en, Jamea Orval .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 325 Allen, Jane B. . . . . . . . . 228, 448, 475 Allen, Janette Erwin . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Allen, Joan . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Allen, Joe Riley . . . . . . . . 280, 281 Allen, John Edwin . . . ........ 323 Allen, John Richardson . . . . 258, 344, 471 Altgelt, Ernest J., Ill . . . . . . . 307 Altsuler, Arnold Kent .. .. 287, 325, 518 Alvarado, Josephine . . . . . . . . 183 Alvis, James Eugene 283 AJvoid, Dennis Ellsworth 467, 518 Amacker, J eanne Richey 46, 233, 424, 518 Amado, Julio Erne1to Amador, Adela 542 194 Amaimo, Janice Ano 518 Ambrose, Barbara Ann . . . . . . . . . 456 American .4u ociation of .4rchitectural Engi.neers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306 American Finance Association 307 American Institute of Architecu 308 .4merican In stitute of Chemical Engi.neers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 .4merican Institute of Interior Designers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456 American S ociety of Civil Engi.neers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 American S ociety of Mechanical Engineers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Americus, Jorge . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Ammons, Leland . . . . . . . . . 353, 471 Amster, Susan Frederica 147 Ana, Raul Santa . . . . . . . . . . . . 348 Anan, Fayez . . . . . . . 334 Anawaty, Peggy Bahia .... ... ..... 542 Andersen, R. Clifton . . . . . . 153, 442 Anderson, Andrea Lynn . . . . . . . . . . 216 Ansley, William Fred Anthony, Donald Roy . . . .. Anton, Bennett Stanley Antonelli, Amy Solit 518 240, 530 279, 428 319 Anz, Reginald Dean ............. . 518 Anze]mo, Sam S. Apel, Mildred Marie 345 159, 446, 460 Appenbrink, Betty Sue 148, 159, 172, 181, 424, 518 Apple, Thomas Michael 359 Appledorf, Margie Ann 220, 542 Appleton, Gordon Scott 366, 369, Applewhite, Barry Alan Applewhite, Patricia Jo Appling, Robert Leslie, Jr. Appling, Tommy R . ... Th e Organization of Arab Students ...... . ..... . Arbaugh, Charles Houston Arbingast, Stanley A. 370, 408, 4 76 149. ! SI, 260, 449 193 346 315 Archer, Betty Lynn 172, 334 253. 358, 530 153, !62, 272, 459 181 , 316, Archer, Carolyn Marie Archer, Girvice Ward, Jr. . Archer, Nancy Ruth Archer, William Thomas 448 237, 530 256, 449 217, 530 245 Adams, Robert Larry 282 Adams, Suaan Ann . ·. . . . . . . . . 199, 458 Adam•, Willi1m Scott . . . . . 269, 427 Adams, Captain William T. 356, 473 Adams, Zilla Katherine 205, 530 Adamsen, Evalyn Anna . . . . . . . . 458 Adcock, Jam.. Luther . . . . . . . . 326, 331 Adcock, Willis Sherman . . . . . . . . . . 245 Addington, Frederick Mucus, Jr. . .... . 246, 542 Addison, Carl Irving, Jr. 459 Adelman, Cathy Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Adkins, Bennie Marie . . . . . . 464, 542 Adkins, Lieueo Roger . . . . . . . . 169, 480 Adkisson, Elizabeth A. . . . . . . . . . . 440 Adler, James Ste'Veo . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Adleta, Thomae Lafferty . ... .. 267, 325 .4dministration 25-40 Adrian, Jan Kathleen . . . . ' 174, 223, 530 Adsani, Ahmed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334 Ae· Ho1&ainey, Effat Ae-Mallah .... 478 Ah ergut, Frances Ellen . . . . 202, 203 Agan, Larry Edward 438 Ager, Henry Orien, III . . . ... 464, 542 Ager, Roger Quentin .. .. .. . . 249, 518 Agnew, Margaret Ellen . . . . . . 198, 337 Agu illard, Margaret Murray ... . .... 530 Aguirre, Jose Rolando . . . . . . . . . . 480 Aguren, Gary Dennis . . . . . . . . . . . . 474 Aguren, Wayne Fredric ....64, 153, 442, 474, 480 Ahlers, Susan Marie . . . . . 461 Ahlrich, Carolyn Louise . . . . . . . . 518 Ahllchlager, DacbielJ Harding 232, 542 Ahmed, Othman . . . . . 334 Ahnger, Donald C. . . . • . . . . . . . 251 Aikman, W. M. . . . .. . . • . . . . . 441 Air Force ROTC .. .. .. .. .. .. 356·359 Aird, James Whitney . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 Ajrouah, Abdullah Ali . . . . . . . . . . 334 Aki!, Solaiman .... .. ........ , . 334 Ak.in, Jim H. . . . . . .. .. .. . ... . .. , . 311 Akin, Robert Harry . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Albe, Frank ......... . ....... . . , 518 Alben, Carl Clarence . . . . . . 451, 462 Allen, J oho Young 258, 542 Allen, Judy Beth . 201 AlJen , Leila Louise . . . . . . . . 233, 335 Allen, Linda Darnell . . . . . . . . . . . . 458 Allen, Lloyd Edward, Jr. . . . . 359, 466 Allen, Louis George . . . . . . . . . . . . 285 Allen, Mark Woods . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Allen, Michael Herbert 263 Allen, Nancy H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Allen, Raymond B. . ............ 444 Allen, Reu ben Michael ............ 542 Allen, Richard Wayne . . . . 257, 431 Allen, Roger William . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Allen, Rolland Craton, 111 . . . . . . 266 Allen, Ronald Gene . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Allen, RuBBell Lee . . . . . 248 Allen, Thomas Edward . . .. . ....... 290 Allen, Tim .... 262, 263, 408, 415, 426, 431 Allen, Mrs. Vera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 254 Allen, Virg"in ia . . . 216, 217 Alline, Lynda Marie . . . 150, 160, 199 Allison, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Allison, George Edward . . . . . . . . . . 253 All ison, Jim Choyce . . . . . . . . 309, 408 Allison, Linda White . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 Allison, Robert Elton, Jr. . . . . . . 358, 432, 542 Allison, William Thomas, JI . . . . 271 Allison, Wilmer Lawson . . . , 252, 406, 416 Allman, John Chellman . . . . . . . . . . 268 Allman, John Ch elsea: . . . . . . . . . . 167 Allred, John B. .. . .. .. . • . . . . . 441 Allred, Judith Ann . ..... 47, 159, 211 Allred, Leland M. . . . . . . 428, 429, 431 Allred, Patricia' Ellen . . . . . . . . . . 178 Allred, TeH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Allsup, Harvey C., Jr. 311 Allums, David George . . . . 289, 343, 429, 480 All wright, Berry Jane . . . . . 319 Allwright, Judith Elaine . .. , 326, 332 Almetris Co.Op . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 Alpard, Allan Joaeph . . . . 149, 278, 279, 439 Alpha Ch i Om ega ..• , , . . . . . 198, 199 Anderson, Andrew George, Jr. 247, 354, 355, 476 Anderson, Angus Lane ...... . . 309, 542 Anderson, Sharon Lu cille . . . . . . . . 159 Anderson, Benno du Menil .. . . 289, 457 Anderson, Carolyn Dena 319 An derson, Donald Gene .... .. ...... 311 Anderson, Earl Weldon . . . . 451, 462 Anderson, Edwin McCullough . . . . 293, 439 Anderson, Helen Claire . . . . 161, 172, 174, 313, 337, 470 Anderson, James Lofton 309, 480 Anderson, Jane Coates . . . . 160, 319 Andenon, Jimmy Arden . . . 463 Anderson, John Charles . . . . . . . . 462 Anderson, J udith Aon .. .. .... 227, 480 Anderson, Judith Rose . . . . . . . 160 Anderson, Kenneth Larry . . . . . . . . 160 Anderson, Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Anderson, Lillian Cec ilia 149, 158, Anderson, Louis Robert Anderson, Marshall Lee Anderson, Mary Ellen . . Anderson, MeriJ ee Joan Anderson, Nancy Jeanne Anderson, Ralph Hulen . Anderson, Richard Leslie Anderson, Robbin Colyer Anderson, Robert Edwin Anderson, Ronald Glenn Anderson, Sandra Gayle 200 295, 309 345 . . 177, 337 219 180, 337, 448 530 542 .... 264, 457 .. .. 318, 322, 542 192 225, 442, 480 Anderson, Sharon Lee .... 150, 215, 530 Anderson, Sharon Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Andenon, Thomas Axel . . . . 317, 530 Anderson, Thomas Richard . . . . 257, 336, 480 Anden on, Velda Lorraine . . . . . . . . 480 Anderson, William Lee . . . . 289, 309, 480 Andersson, Monica Anit• . . . . 210, 518 Andrea.son, Doris Elaine . . . . 337, 480 Andres, David Hardy . . . . . . 179, 428 Andres, Joe Francis . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Ardis, Michael Howard Ardrey, James Stanley Arellano, Oscar Sanchez Arellano, Sonya Ann Arevalos, Henry G. Armistead, Betty Ray Armistead, Robert Thomas Armstrong, Elizabeth Ann Armstrong, Fred Robert Armstron~. Linda Sue . Armstron~. Robert David Armstrong, Robert Larry Armst rong, Thomas Alan Armstrong, Walter Nohe 414, 542 252 480 447 428, 436 201, 337, 480 452, 478 451 266 219, 530 149, 170 190 Army ROTC .... . . .... .. . 281. 530 357 342.353 271 186, 480 Arnett, Jerry Dale Arnhold, Larry Gene .... . Arno, Howard Michael .... . Arnold Air Society Arnold, George Lawrence Arnold, I asper Henry Arnold, John Robert, Ill Arnold, Olga Yvonne Arnold, Richard Fred Arnold, Sara Mae Arnold, Vance Michael Arnott, Marilyn Sue . . . Arredondo, Ephraim Alfonse Arrell, Ralph Lavon Arrington, Bonnie Jane Art, Maxine Arteberry, Michael David Arthur, Donald Elliott Arthur, John Joe ... Arthur, M. Brent Artis, Donald Robert, Jr. 453 468 449 244 272 176, 212 480 217, 518 542 440 282. 288 269, 349 464, 542 203, 238 317 310 542 325 347, 471. 530 Arzaga, Eulalio, Jr. 185. 186, 518 Aschbacher, Fredrich Edward 185 Asel, Judith Ano . . . . 210, 264, 455, 460 Asel, Richard Jewitt Ash, John Powell Ashbel Literary Society Ashburn, Delores 260 292 312 337 Alben, Cheryl Ruth . . . . . . . . 223, 530 Alpha Chi Si1ma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Andrews, David Harlan . . . . . . 280, 542 Ashbume, Jim G. 442, 459 Page 559 Pase 560 Name Pa1e1 Ashcroft, Enos L., III . . . 271 Ashgar, Saud A. R. . . . . 309 Ashland, Maurice Irvin . . . . 306, 443 Ashorn, Delores Ann . ... 195, 419, 421, 480 Ashton, Sharon Lee 167. 212, 213, 448, 460 Askew, Benna Layne 175, 530 Askew, Robert Middleton 258 A11ir, Youuef Nairn . . . . . . 334 A.ton, Jame1 Carroll . . . . . . . . . 459 Aston, Kathryn Louise . . . . . . 200, 326, 423, 542 Aston, Mary Jane ..... . ... 456 Aston, Nancy Thrift . . . 314, 455, 460, 469, 480 Aston, Patricia Ruth 47. 200, 326, 329, 332, 468, 518 Athel, Saleh Abdulrahma.n . . . . . 334 Athens, Vivian . . . . . . . . . . . . 119, 337 Athey, Patricia Aon . . . . . . . . 440, 542 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361·416 Athletic Administration . . . . 362, 363 Atkins, Patricia Ann . . . . . ... .... . . 542 Atkins, William Dean 310, 443, 453 Atkinson, Clifford, III . 261 Atkinson, Lawrence Fred 247 Atkinson, Sallye Lou . . . . . . 337, 480 Atkinson, Su an Clare . . . . 227, 480 Attaway, Kathryn Janelle 518 Atteberry, James Franklin . . . . . . . 248 Aue, Betty Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Auken, T. Van . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457 Ault, Stanley Arch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Au tin, Barbara Elaine 211 Austin, Ethel Jane 227, 238 Austin, John Franklin, lll . . . . 262, 348, 425, 451, 542 Austin, Kathryn Mary . . . . 177, 228, 542 Name Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Bailey, Pait, Barbara Sue .•• , • , , • 215, 530 Carolyn Jean . . . . . . 219, 331 Dani Ellen . . . . 62, 215, 44R Edgar Daniel 150, 258, 259, 311, 344, 473 James Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Joe Allen ...... .. . . . 272 Joe Murray . . . . 260, 261 John Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 John Wesley . . . . . . . . 444, 453 Joseph Kenneth 363, 442, 459 Bailey, Kathryn Ann . . . . 46, 47, 148, 149, 151, 159, 165, 197, 233 350, 351, 352, 472 Bailey, Kim Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Bailey, Larry Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Bailey; Martha G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Bailey, Michael Howard . . . . 359, 530 Bailey, Philip Sigmon, Jr. . . . . 449, 457 Bailey, Ralph Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Bailey, Randal Allen . . . . . . . . 282, 542 Bailey, Robert Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 Bailey, Shirley Mae 518 Bain, Cecil William, Jr.. ... 185, 191, 467, 472, 530 Bain, Herschel Eugene 153, 459, Baines, Marsha Lee Baines, Robert Roy, Jr. . 481 210, 518 353, 473, 518 Baird, Alan Bruce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241 Baird, Albert W. 444, 453, 481 Baird, Bonnie Elizabeth . . . . 198, 518 Baird, Cynthia Jane 176, 440 Baird, Gloria Elaine Treat . 481 Baird, J ohn Wayne . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Baity, Carolie Ann . . .. 47, 167, 224, 225 Baiz, Mohammed Ibrahim 334 Baker, Brook Alan . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Baker, Caroline Susan . ..... 227, 456 Namt Pa1u Banta, Diana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Baptist Student Union. . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Barber, Jame1 C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436 Barber, Joel Stephen .. . . 246, 247, 481 Barber, Perry Oscar . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Barbisch , Joseph William, Jr. . . . . 322 Barbles, Cary Eugene . . . . . . 270, 542 Barborak, James Carl . . . . . . . . . . 481 Barborak, Vivian Arlene . . . . . . . . 183 Barbour, Carroll Stanley .... 258, 346, 471, 542 Barbour, James Chules . . . . 346, 466, 471, 530 Barclay, Leland 443, 4S3 Ba.relay, Sterling Edward ... . .. 277, 481 Barcus, Jeannie 179, 216, 542 Bardin, Kenneth, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Barefi eld, Russell Morris .. . . 325, 4-04, 466 Barenblat, Irving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297 Bargainer, Michael Andy .... . . 270, 542 Barger, John Wheeler . ........... 265 Barker, Barrett Harrison . . . . 241, 518 Barker, Samuel Timothy . . . . . . . . 481 Barkley, Daniel Andrew . . . . 282, 530 Barkley, R. Walter . . ...... 309, 319 Barlow, Dick . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 186 Barlow, Fred Terry, Jr• .... 282, 357 Barlow, Mary Patricia . . . . 194, 314, 337, 455, 481 Barlow, Sherry Arlene . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Barnard, David Charles ... . . .. . 339, 481 Barnard, James LaWTence, Jr. 439 Barnard, Lana Gail . . . . . . . . 204, 205 Barnard, Sam Clyde 258, 542 Barneburg, Jack Jarrett . . . . 323, 481 Barnes, Ariane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Barnes, Graham Kerr .... . .... . 309, 457 Barns, Hershell Louis . . . . . . . . . . 359 Barnes, James Chivers . . . . . . 284, 530 Name Pages Basey, Douglas Burleson 260 Bashara, Joe M., Jr. . ........ ... 459 Baskette, Cynthia Duval .. , . 160, 174, 218, 530 Basore, Lee Ray . . . . . . . . . . 466, 481 Bass, George Turner . . . . 366, 371, 408 Bass, James Roy . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Bass, Mary Deborah . . . . . . 200, 542 Ba s, Milton James . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Bas , Robert Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Bass, Willard Randolph . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 Bassetti, Robert Dalton . . . . 357, 468, BaHist, Phylli1 Ann .. ... . ... .. . But, Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214, Batchelder, Richard Harley . . . . . . Bates, James Herbert . . 473 203 530 453 462 257Bate1, Kindell Wayne Bate1, Mary Margaret . . . . 216, 337, Batey, John L . . . .. . . ......... . . . Batres, Roberto Edmundo . . . . 188, Battaglia, Mary Jo ..... . . .. .. . Batts, Martha Elizabeth ...... . Baty, Donald Eugene .... , . .• •... Baucum, Joe E. . . . . .. .... . .. . . . Bauer, WiHiam Henry .... . .. .... . Bauerkemper, Cary Ray . . . . 348, Baum, Alan Carl 267, Baum, tuart Frost . . . . 242, 243, Bauman, Happy Edward ..... . . . Baumann, Alta Lee . . . . . . . . 193, Baumann, Judy Lynn . . . . . . 326, Bavouset, J amie Ann .... 148, 224, Bu:ter, Brenda V . ... ...... . . .. . Baxter, Catherine Dallu . . . . 236, Baxter. Janell . . . . . . . . . . . . 200, Bayless, Jackson Thomu, Jr. . . . . Beachy, Morris Jay .... ... . . . . . Beadle, Sheila LaVerne ... ... . .. . 481 463 441 195 518 247 481 530 530 439 518 481 195 530 440 224 237 542 !'30 316 530 Austin, Michaele E. 444 Baker, Carroll Ann . . . . . . . . 149, 227 Barnes, Jane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Beaird, Suzanne 200, 542 Austin, Nina Jean 480 Baker, Dianne Colgrave 211 Barnes, John Edward ...... , . . . . . 478 Beall, April . . . . 177, 200, 424, 440, Austin, Robert Neil 453 Balcer, George Franklin . . . . . 3ll Barnes, Lyngle Dudley, Ill . . . . 463 542 Austin, Rob in Ann . . . . . . . . 178, 200 Baker, Glenn Barclay . . . . . . . 542 Barnes, Michael Philip ........ 313, 518 Beall, Edith Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 Austin, Stephen Fuller . . . . 346, 458, 471 Baker, Baker, James James Corbin Hall . . . . . . . . 273, 481 304 Barnes, Barnes, Richard William C. . . . . . . . . . . . . Renick . . . . 452, 257 481 Beals, Patricia Lorraine . . . . 159, 213, 424 Austin, Vicki Lou . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Baker, J eanette S.. . . . 148, 233, 530 Barnes, William Stanley . . . . . . . . . . 289 Bean, George Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 Austin, Walter George, Jr. 441 Baker, John Keith . . . . . . . . . . . . 346 Barnett, Barbara J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Bea.n, Priscilla Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . 317 Autrey, Cecile Curlin .... 47, 48, 62, Baker, Malcolm G. . . . . . . . . 263, 426 Barnett, Glenn Edward . . . . . . 30, 466 Bean , Richard Ellis . . . . . . . . 315, 542 232, 233, 312 Balcer, Mary Martha . ... 201, 335, 518 Barnett, John Bryan, Jr.... . .. 245, 518 Bean, Virginia L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Autrey, J udy Sharon . . . . . . . . . . . . 530 Balcer, Mary Morgan . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Barnett, Linda Dell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Beard, Linda Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Autry, Arville Thomas . . . . . . . . . . 480 Baker, Revenor Cornelius . . . . . . . . 518 Barnett, Robbie Raggio . . . . 274, 347, Beard, Marvin F. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Autry, Joe Gene . . . . . . . . 326, 329, 331 , 462 Aven, Travis Ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Avery, Roy Daniel . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 480 Avila, Carlos 436, 478 Awards .. . . .. . . . . . . . .. . 76-78 Awbrey, Stuart Allen . . . . . . . 481 Alexrod, Nathan Stephen . . . . 296, 353, 542 Aycock, Charles Black . . . . . . . . 247 Aycock, Dorothy Feblis 446 Aycock, Jane Louise . ... 151, 158, 172, 176, 224 Ayer, Suzanne Elaine . . . . . . . . . . 542 Ayers, Harvard Glenn . . . . . . . . . 432 Ayers, Joho Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 Ayers, Louis McClelland, Jr. . . . . 359 Ayland, Mr1. Oscarine . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Ayres, Clarence Edwin . . . . . . . . . . 290 Ayres, Dorothy .... , . . . . . . 442 Ayres, Gilbert Haven . . . . . • . . . . . . 457 Ayre1, Joe Robbins . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Ayres, John Richard 530 Azadian, Bette Jane . . . . 147, 153, 211 B Baade, Henry Howard Babbitt, 1ilton F. 311, 339, 518 308, 454 Babione, Barbara Lou 448 Bacarisse, George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 Backus, George Henry . . . . • . . . . . 309 Bacon, Linda Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Bacon, Rinaldo A . ....... ........ . 298 Baerreis, Phillip George, tit . . . . 414, 542 Baese, Kermit Raymond . ....... .. .. 449 Baeten, Rene J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344 Baethe, Jan Anne ..... . 211, 439, 4-18, 481 Bagby, Susan Marguerite 176 Baggett, Jackie Ray . . . . 423, 424, 481 Ba11ett, Patrick Edward 453 Baggett, Patrick Henry . . . . . . . . . . 309 Ba11ett , Sally . . . . 47, 159, 460, 518 Ban:ett, uun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 Bailey, J udi th Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Baker, Roger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263 Baker, Sara Florence . . . . . . . • . . . . 200 Baker, Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Bakhraibah, Saleh .. ... .. , . . . 334 Bakr, Bakr Abdullah .......• , . . . 334 BaJagis, Rose Marie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 Baldauf, James Frederick . . . . . . . . 315 Balderston, Robert Frederick 337 Baldwin, Frank L., Jr. 251, 304, 518 Baldwin, Robert BHil, lll 285, 304, 518 Baldwin, Robert Clayton . . . . . . . . 256 Baldwin, Roland Chris . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Balk.man, Patricia Sue . . . . 148, 181, 448, 530 Ball, Bunny . . .. 47, 62, 158, 174, 210, 360, 530 Ball, Eldon Ray 452, 518 Ball, J. T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 Ball, Jack Johnson . . . . . . . . . . . 249 BalJ, Martha Grace .. . .. ... 177, 210 Ballard, Arthur Charles . . . . . . 246, 518 BalJard, Darren Monroe . . . . 358, 462, 530 Ballard, Jo Nita 161, 530 Ballard, Mark Evan . . . . . . . 542 Ballew, Dawson Dwayne . . . . . . . . 261 Balsley, Ronald Dean 317, 318 Balthrop, Granville Harold 249, 309, 457, 481 Balth rop, Janice Ann . . . . . . 181, 448 Baltzer, Dorothy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Baltzer, Glenda Noah . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Bamber, Martha Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . 316 Bamberger, William Joho . . . . . . . . 191 Banda, Gustavo Oscar Vergara .. .. 160, Bandy, Ronald Davis . . . . 256, 3~°?, 400, 408 Bane, Marilyn Annette . . . . . . 210, 530 Bankhead, Charles H. . . . . 263, 408, 426, 430 Banko, Elizabeth Gertrude . . . . . . . . 337 Bank.ton, Mary Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 Bankston, Thomas A. . . . . . . . . . . 309 Bann, Susan Francis 215, 314, 337, 481 Banni1ter, John Howard, II 449, 542 542 Barnett, Sheila Ann . . .... 175, 219, 422 Barney, Ronald Edward . . . . 192, 542 Barnhart, Mary Luada ....... . , . . . 225 Barnhill, Charles Richard . . . . 150, 151, 158, 267, 351, 390, 391, 392, 408, 476, 530 Baron, Judith Rosialynd . . . . . . . . 23~ Barr, A. Michael . . . . . . . . . . 309, 457 Barr, Ben B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 Barr, Mrs. Ben . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . 274 Barr, Curtis Allen . . . . . . . . 245, 518 Barr, Henry Buford . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Barr, Richard Denoia ..... . ... .. . 542 Barr, Richard Stuart . . . . . . . . . . 248 Barrentine, Paul Stanley . . . . . . . . 481 Barrera, Martin, Ill . . . . 318, 324, 518 Barrett, Dennis David . . . . . . 191, 325 Barrett, Michael Curtis 282 Barrett, Suzanne Calvert 217 Barrett, William Bernard 442 Barrick.Jo, Kenneth Hewet . . . . . . . . 299 Barrier, Alvis Layton . . . . . . 261, 481 Barron, Edward Ralph . . . . 256, 426 Barry, Cheevers Moran, III .... 258, 542 Barry, Thomas Patrick, III ........ 452 Ba.rsallo, Antonio Eugenio . . . . . . . . 190 Banne1s, Annette Phyllis . . . . . . . . 159 Bartels, Robert fichael . . . . . . 160, 542 Bartels, Wilbert Walter . . . . . . 542 Ba..rth, Brenda Na.n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 Bartholomew, Sara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Bartlett, Craig Edaall . . . . 351, 414, 471, 542 Bartlett, Jamet Andrews . . . . . . . . 271 Bartlett, J ohn Edmond 325 Ba..rtlett, Suzanne 177, 423 Bartlett, William Dwia:ht ......... . 464 Barton, Ca.rl Arthur . . . . . . . . . . . . 518 Barton, Henry David .......... , . 353 Barton, J oeef Joho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Barton, Judyth Faye . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 Barton, Rebecca Bob . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Barton, Sterlin Eoff, Jr. . . • . 462, 530 Bartosh, Carroll Patrick • . . . . . . . 282 Bartosh, Daniel VaJentlne . . . . . . . . 311 Bartosh, Geraldine Virclnla: . . . . 175. 337, 481 Bartz, William Ceor1e, Jr• .. .. 276, 277 Beard, Winston C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Bearden, Barbara Louise . . . . 158, 179, 236, 440, 448, 542 Bearden, Joe H. . . . . 153, 331, 326, 459, 481 Beardmore, Barbara Ann ... . .. . ... 233 Beare, Jame1 Douglas . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 Beasley, Ann 160, 179, 236, 542 Beasley, Joho Wilson 318, 542 Bea>ley, Robert McNeil 343, 348 Beatty, Dennis Wayne . . . . . . . . . . 350 Beaty, Martin Ea.rl . . . . . • . . . . . . 408 Beaty, William Wilford, Jr• . . .. , . 192 Beauchamp, William Bryan .... 241, 358, 518 Beaulieu, Ma.rcaret A. . . . . 172, 183, 461, 481 Beauregard, Larry James . . . . . . . . 309 Beaven, Carol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Beaven, ferwin Cordon, ·Jr. . . . . 244, 404, 405, 408 Beavers, William Anthony .. . . 347, 449 Bechtol, Jay Currie . . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Bechtold, Suzanne M. . . . . . . • . . . . . 236 Beck, Darcus Barry . . . . 228, 440, 542 Beck, Ed ... ... .. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414 Beck, Gail Anne . . . . . . . . . . . . 148, 212 Beck, Jerry Arthur . . . . . . . . 240, 542 Beckelman, Dan Edward . . . . . . . . 466 Becker, EHaabeth Allee . . . . . . 223, 481 Becker, Katherine Louise . . . . . . 175 Becker, Laurence Albert . . . . • . . . 406 Becker, aocy Elisabeth . . . . . • . . 177 Becku, Richard Ar1bur . .. . ...... 253 Becku, Ronald Ceoe . . . . . • . . . . . • 333 Beckham, Eamell 181, 326, 332, 448, 530 Beckham, Rob•rt Lawunco . . . . . 260, 542 Beckham, Robert Sidney . . • • • . . . 518 Beckley, Sharon . . .. .. • . .. . . . . . . 223 Becklund, Ann Helen . . . . 181, 333. 530 Beckman, Sanden Guest • . . . . . . . 243 Becltn•U, Becky . . . . . . . • . . . . . . .. 21 Becltnell, elda Koy , , 158, 205, 475 530 Beckwortb, Lindley Gary, Jr. 269 Bedolla, Joao Rdael • , . • . . . . . . . . 191 Sl II:. I II 141 II ill I ii ii II ill • Iii ii .. l:I n; a ll m ill 141 ill ii ll I s ill II, Sil Sil ll Ji • Ill Iii. lll .. 111 • 141 Ill Iii Sil at Cl •Sil • • I~ i;: 151 II .. i1I .. iG Ill Ill It. i1I Ill •ii • serving the University and its community for over eighty years Page 561 Name Pain Nome Pages Name Pages Name Pagu Bedrick. Frank .. .. . 366 Bergman, Goeffrey . . . . . . • . • . . • . . . 296 Bird, Shirley Ann ........ .. .. 418, 425 Blo:it1om, Walter Eden 267 Beeley, Rebecca .. ... 179, 226, 475, Bergman, Nancy .......... , . , . , . 314 Birdwell, Al Evant . . . . . . . . 272, 273 Bludeau, Adrian L. . . . . . . . . . . . . 435 Beer, MichelJe Robin . . . . . . . . . . . . 542 175 Bergquist, Karen Arloa . . . . 211, 314, 481 Birdwell, Lloyd Willis, Jr•.... 158, 256, 257, 518 Bludeau, Herbert Bluebonnet Bellbert Jr. . U7. 155. Crouch. Eugene Louis .. .......... 486 Dale, Alfred George . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Craft, Diana Gayle 486 Crouley, E. Lynn .. , . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11 Da,•is, Henrietta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Da,•is. Henry )!ichael . . . . . • . . • . . . 287 Daleo, Frank A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 Davia, Jni Inez . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 259. 323 Crouch, Judith Ellen . . 177, 420, 440 Dallenbach, Karl M. . . . . . . 2~0. 258 Crai~. John ISO Norma . , 327, 332, Dalton, Dewey )forri100 . • . . . . . . 245 Crail?. Homer \'inceot 270 Crouch, Robert Warren .. 262, 390, 391 Davia, Jame Douclas . . . . . . . . . . . . SasAlmon Crow, Jeane 322, Davis, Jame La"•rence, Jr. . . . • 487Crai~. John Paul .. . . . .. . . . 4 U, 453 439, 440, S32 Dalton. Donald )liehael • . 269. 390. 391, 408, 4H, S20 Davi , Jamo1 Le lie . . . . . . . . 167, 452Craig, John Raymond Thomat, Ill ... . Cro"', Sandra Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Dalton, John William .... 241, 472, 486 Davis, James Phillip . . . . • . . . . . . . . 4S9 271. 304 Crow, Sara Elizabeth . . 179, 210, 47S, Craig. Paula ..... 172, 178. 217 545 Dalton, Tolbert )larioo, 111 . . . . . . 2-14 Davit, Janice Lyon . . . . . . . . . . 203, 532 Craiir. Pre•ton Gary . . . . . . . . . . 257, 476 Cro~·der, Harry Shelli, Jr, . . 302, 515 Daly, Deni Lyon . . lSO, 219, 418, 475 Davia, Jellenon Jackson ....... , .. 186 Pa~e 568 Page 569 Pace 570 Name Page& Name Page• Name Page1 Name Pa1e1 Davis, Jerry D. .. . . . . . . • . . • . 408 Delorenzo, Kenneth Samuel 268 Dillard, Mary Susan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Doney, Gerald . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 Davis, Jim B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Delph, Claire Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Dillard, Richard Ray . . . . . . . 295, 545 Doney, Virginia Nelms . . . . . . . . . 229 DaviJ, John Edwin ..... . ......... . 323 Delta Chi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250, 251 Dillaahaw, Harry, Jr. . . 436, 441, 442 Dosher, Dorothy Joan . . . . . . . 210, 211 Davis, John Emerson . . . . . . . . 451, 462 Delta Delta Delta . . . . . . . . . . 216, 217 Dillon, DiaDne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 DoH, Carol Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Davis, John Haven . . 298, 345, 449, 545 Davis, John Lindsey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Davis, John Marvin . . • . . . . . . . . . . . 308 Davis, John Oldrahm . . . . . . 246, 247 Davis, Jonathan Walter . . . . . . . . . . 244 Davis, Judith Marie . . . . . . . . 222, 487 Davis, Kathy . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448 Davis, Kay . . . . . . . . . . . . 173, 327, 332 Davis, Laurie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179, 545 Davis, LeAnne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Davis, Linda Belle . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . 520 Davis, Linda Jane . . . . . . . . . . 201, 532 Davis, Lois Darlene Davis, Lora Lynn .. Davis, Louise Adelle Davis, Margaret Jane 327 148, 160, 210, 520 177, 545 . . 160, 314, 421, 487 Davis, Mary Ann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322 Davis, Mary Jane . . . . . . . . . . . 172, 173 Davis, Mavis Lyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Davis, Michael Lynn . . 150, 303, 532 Davis, Nancy Darlane . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Davis, Norris G. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 452 Davis, Pat Ward . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265 Davis, Phillip Walter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520 Delta Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . 218, 219 Delta Kappa Epsilon 252, 253 Delta Phi Epsilon . . . . . . . . . . . 220, 221 Delta Sigma Phi . . . . . . . . . . . . 254, 255 Delta Sigma Pi ......• , . . . . . . . . 459 Delta Tau Delta . . . . . • . . . . . . . 256, 257 Delta U psi/on . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258, 259 Delta Zeta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222, 223 Demel, Sandra Amelia ... .. . 177, 545 Dement, Harold Bat . . . . . . • . . . . . . 317 Demetri, .Leslie Robert . . . . . . . . . . 449 Demler, Robert Cad, Jr. . . 150, 163, 271, 438, 459, 463, 478 de Monteflano, Bernard Ortiz . . . . 160 Dempsey, Charles S. . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Deney, Walter Johns . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Denison, James Wright . . . . . . . . . 245 Denman, Lynn . . 47, 49, 227, 440, 532 Denman, William Edwin . . 285, 397, 400, 474, 532 Denney, Georgeann . . . . . . . . . . 3151 337 Dennis, Claire Dene . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18'1 Dennis, Jan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214, 520 Dennis, Jerry Terrell, III 346 Dennis, Sandra Jean . . . 532 Denny, Kleber Jennings . . 263, 304, Dillon, Nancy N. . . . . . . . 201, 238, 487 Dillon, William Sherideo, III . . . . 545 Dilworth, Collett Broyles, Jr. . . . . 249, 347, 520 Dimmitt, Deanna Marye .. 201, 461, 487 Dingle, Mary Marsha . . 237, 421, 440, 448 Dingwall, J. C. . ..... . .......... . Dinhobl, Shirley Ann . . . 315, 421, Dinino, Vincent Rairdeo . .... •.... Dinwiddie, Jay Howard . . . . . . 260, Dipple, Dolly ......... .. ........ . DiRieozo, Janet Louise . . 185, 194, Dirks, Malley Myrthe . . . . . . . 236, Disch, William John, DI .. .. 247, Disciples Student Fellowship ..... Dismukes,~­Patrick Shelton Dittfurth, David Allan .......... . Dittman, Clarence William ..... . Dittmar, Karen Ann 213, 333, Dixon, Joe Marion 244, 366, 443 423 326 545· 424 532 545 487 322 285 272 327 453, 532 an, 408 Dixon, Kathryn Ano . . 151, 219, 422, 448 Dixon, Sandra Lee . . . . . . . . . 223, 532 Doss, Glen Porter . . . . 358, 468, 473 Doss, Theresa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228, 229 Dossey, Garry Dean . . . . 188, 463, 488 Dossey, Larry Gene . . . . 188, 451, 488 Dossman, Sterly Glen . . . . . . . 319, 450 Doty, E. William ............ 33, 450 Douds, Robert F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245 Dougal, Arwin Adelbert . . . . . . 444, 453 Dougall, Janice . ..... .. 217, 337, 532 Dougherty, Barbara Louiae . . . . 175, 532 Doughtie, Eugene Britt . . . . . . . . . . . 337 Doughtie, Venton Levy . . . . . . . . . . 453 Doughty, Samuel Preston, Jr. ...... 311 Douglas, Aon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Douglas, Daniel Edward . . . . . . . . . 323 Douglaa, Ronald Erwin . • . . . 265, 488 Douglas, Sara Katheryn . . . . . . . . . . 232 Douglas, Sue Annette .... 184, 337, 520 Douglas, Thomas Boyd . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 Douglas, WHHam Jackson . . . . 163, 438 Dougla88, Carol Diane . . 47, 153, 158, 224, 225 Douglass, Richard Edwin . . . . . . . . . . 453 Douglass, Robert Raymond . . . . . . . . 33 Dovalina, Fernando, Jr. . . 192, 324, 452, 488 Davis, Platt Walker, III . . . . 252, 413 310, 443, 476, 487 Djao, Er Hung . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451, 462 Dove, Catherine Elizabeth 172, 181 Davis, Preston Clark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Dent, Frederick Rodgers, III . 323, 453 Doan, David . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 Dove, Henry Glaeser . . . . . . . . 353, 449 Davis, R. Kay ............ . .. 172, 173 Denton, James Olen . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Dobbs, Curtis Edward . . . . . . 303, 436 Dove, Jenoy Kathleen . . . . . . . 458, 545 Davis, Rebecca Ruth . . 47, 237, 352, 419 Davis, Robert Cecil . .. . ...... . 190, 487 Davis, Robert Earl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 Davis, Ronald David . . . . . . 278, 279 Davis, Sandra Lois . . . . 199, 302, 456 Davis, Sara Kathryn 181, 440 Davis, Steven Har?ld . . 323, 3~,. 467 Davis, Susan Harriet . . 178, 20.:. 224, 420' 440' 487' 545 Davis, Ted Gaines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Davis, William Franklin 545 De Quevedo, Carmen Lydia• . . . . . . 161 Derbes, Harold Joseph . . . . . . . . . 520 Derde.n, Albert Lelond . . . . . . . . . . . 269 Derouen, Diane Lois . . 150, 184, 458, 475, 532 Derrick, Donald Hugh . . . . . . . . . . . . 478 Derrick, Leslie Alfred . . . . . . . . . . 412 Deschner, Eugene Everett . . . . . . . . 487 Deshon, Carolyn Jane . . . . . . . . . . . 226 DeShong, Judith Carol .. 174, 200, 520 Deskins, James Wesley .... .. . . 441, 442 Desmond, Jerry M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Dobbs, Davia Suzanne . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Dobkins, James Edward . . . . 148, 318 Doby, Robert Merley, Jr. . . . 290, 291 Docekal, William Lynn . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Dochen, Betty Sue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 Dodd, James David . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Dodd, Mary Kathryn . . 173, 520 Dod.rill, William Lee . . . . . . . 241, 487 Dodson, Daniel Baldwin . . . . . 466, 520 Dodson, Diane M. 149, 217, 470 Dodson, Durwood Keith 260, 351, 545 Dow, Dorothy Deann . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Dowd, Robtrt W. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 Dowis, Gary Lloyd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459 Dowis, James Peden . . . . . . . . 459, 520 Dowling, Diane Elizabeth 218 Downs, Judith Ann . . . 176, 236, 545 Doyle, Charlea Clay .... 327, 331, 466 Doyle, Charles Edgar, 111 . . 310, 364, 545 Doyle, Mary Elizabeth . . 175, 314, 319, 520 Dozier, Eugene Joseph ............ 269 Davis, Davis, William WiJliam Kenneth, Paul Jr. . . . . 459, 262 487 DeStelano, Andrea Renne . . . . 178, Detjen, Albert Wayne . . . . . . . . . 545 359 Dodson, James William 247, 304, 355, 474 Draddy, Draeger, Robert John . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 Carolyn . . 66, 77, 151, 159, Davis, William Prather, Jr. . . . . . . 487 Dettman, Curtis Henry . . . . . . . . . . 325 Dodson, John H. . ...... .. .... .. . . . 32 161, 314, 337, 469, 488 Davlin, Davol, William Edwin . . . . . 438, Elizabeth H. . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 227 Deutsch, Melvin C. 309 Development Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Dodson, Marion Lester, Jr.. . 185, 188, 449 Draper, Carolen Jeanne . . 151, 172, 179, 209, 448, 472, 532 Dawe, Jessamon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455 Devers, Brenda Joyce . . . 150, 337 Doerr, Samuel Pierce . . . . . . . 467, 532 Draper, Cecil Vanoy . . ......... .. 285 Dawe, Robert Glenn . . . . . . . . Dawkins, Diantha Dee . . . . . . 280, 181, 545 532 Devins, Carolyn Michael . . 149, 211, 337 Doerr, Timothy Michael . . 366, 371, 408 Drawert, James George .. 240, 241, 472, 488 Dawson, Carol Ann . . . . . . . . . . 237, 419 Dawson, George Warner . . . . . . . . . . 334 Dawson, Raymond Fillmore . . . . . . . 443 Day, Harry Bob . . . . . 327, 464, 545 Day, Nancy Linda ... ... . ........ 460 Deacon, Margaret Ellen . . . . . 440, 448 DeAlba, Guillermo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310 Dealey, Samuel Jerome ...... 353, 449 DeWalt, Gary Wayman . . . . . 359, 545 DeWalt, Mary Louise . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Dewar, Henry H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Dewees, Ronald Hood . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Dewey, James Clay . . . . . . . . . . 283,. 487 Dial, Barbara Jane . . . . . . . . 211, 520 Dial, Carl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Dial, David Homhs . . 292, 293, 442, Doesterhoeft, William Charles, Jr. 453 Doggett, Paul Randolph . . 281, 459, 532 Doggett, Sara Lee . . . . . . 200, 475, 545 Dogbaither, Abdulaziz Reshaid . . 334 Doherty, Kathleen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 Doherty, Marilyn ........... • ..... 232 Doig, Brenda Jo Meisner . . . . . . . . . 337 Doiron, Charles Adrian ............ 450 Dreeben, Alan William 149, 151, 279, 474 Dreyer, Howard Paul . . 243, 304, 476 Drinkard, Donna Suzanne . . . . . . . . 201 Driscoll, Alice Ann . . 149, 233, 335, 446, 456, 520 Driscoll, John Jay, Jr. . . . . . . . . . 256 Driscoll, Stephen Edward . . 302, 353,• 545 Dean, James Harold . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325 Dean, John Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260 Dean, J oho Thomas . . . . . . . . 153, 487 Dean, Lois Ellen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 Dean, Margaret Ano 172, 173, 314, 487 Dean, Marilynn Sue . . 148, 159, 173, 319 Dean, Michael William 545 Dean, Sandra Lee . . . . . 487 Dean, WiJfred ]times . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 Deason, Ruth Marie . . . . . • . . • . . . . 520 Deason, Switzer Leon . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Deatbe, Helen M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 Deaver, Donald Richard 275, 466, 520 Deisher, Dee Ann 173, 458 DeBerry, Diane . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201, 487 DeBerry, Henry Drew, III . . 449, 545 Decker. Linda Diane ... . .... 217, 319 Decoster, Don T. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 Deen, Donna Clair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Deen, Jimmy Robert . . . . . . . . . . . 327 Deen, Roy Harle . . . . . . . . . . 160, 186 DeFee, David Lee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 Deffebach, Carole Janette . . . . . . . . 487 Deflebach, Don Morris . . . . . 344, 487 DeGuerin, Richard M. . . . . . . . 291, 325 DeHart, Michael Robert . . 273, 429, 436, 520 520 Diamond, Roger Allen 545 Diaz, Robert, Jr. . . . . . . . . . . 323, 487 Diaz, Victor Alberto, Jr. . . . . . . . . 545 Dibrell, France Moore . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Dibrell, Samuel Dotson 247, 474, Dick, Robert Dennis ........... . Dickerson, M. Sgt. Jack Bryan .. . Dickerson, James Robert ....... . Dickerson, Patrick Lee ......... . Dickey, Bobby Lyon . . . . . . 289, Dickey, Frank