Da ily Te x a n Vol. 85, No. 13j — SP ------------------------------------- ------ The student newspaper of The University of Texas at Austin - ............. - ......... : Monday, April 28,1986 25c Rally held without arrests By MARTHA ASHE, PAULA BLESENER and BRIAN EDWARDS Daify Texan Staff About 1,000 people crow ded together on the West Mall shortly after 1 p.m . Friday in the fourth unauthorized rally this m onth, but — un­ like previous protests — police m ade no arrests. Instead, UT officials said they are relying on videotapes of the rally and previous rallies to identify leaders of the protests. UT police arrested 228 people during three previous rallies, but police m ade no arrests Fri­ day, even after the dem onstration m oved to the south steps of the Main Building. The rally — ■ See related story, page 6 protesting UT free speech regulations and in­ vestm ents in com panies with assets in South Af- nca — broke up about 2:30 p.m . Ronald Brown, vice president for student af­ fairs, and Glenn Maloney, assistant dean of stu­ dents, said arresting the protesters was not nec­ essary to identify them "We identified people that we know are out th ere," M aloney said "W e don't have to arrest them to know them and discipline th e m ." Maloney said UT adm inistrators are interested mainly in punishing the "le a d e rs" of the rallies, and have videotaped several of the rallies. We will look for people we know or peo­ ple we don't know that seem to be speaking" or "I'm sure leading the protests, Maloney said someone is organizing the dem onstrations " Maloney said he did not know how' the ad ­ ministration would identify dem onstrators thev have not arrested or did not know, but he said he could help identify many of them because he has worked with them through the C am pus Ac­ tivities Office Bnan East, attorney for many of the protesters and coordinator of UT Free Speech Legal De­ fense Team, said the legal defense team has been observ ing the adm inistration's videotaping tech­ niques and said the administration mav be sin­ gling out some dem onstrators "W e sort of have to see w hat they are going to use it (the videotapes) fo r," East said. "I have mv own id e a s on w hv they're videotaping them 1 think they think there are individual ringlead­ it's too ers which is a deluded point of view big a m ovem ent " rhere are legal problems with basing punitive action on videotaped evidence if thev (the ad ­ ministration) are singling out students for partic­ ular disciplinary actio n s," East said Both East and the protesters claim that the lack of arrests at Friday's rally is a positive step for the tree speech movem ent 1 think it's sort ot a victory for stu d en ts," E ast said T h ev have established then right to as See RaBy. paga 3 Workers allege poor treatment Editor's note: This is the first o f a tw o-part s e n e s exam in in g the UT Physical Plant a n d allegation s by UT e m p lo y ees o f unfair, discrim inatory tre a tm en t o f plan t w o rk ers. By BRIAN EDWARDS Daily Texan Staff University Physical Plant em ploy­ ees build, rem ove, clean, rem odel, paint, repair and haul. I he plant's function is vital to dai­ ly life at the U niversity, with its 1,200 em ployees for bu id in g upkeep, grounds m ainte­ nance and a wide variety of other chores responsible But current and form er plant em ­ ployees and a University Em ployees Union m em ber say many plant workers are badly treated by superi­ ors, discrim inated against and dis­ satisfied with their jobs. W hile charges o f discrim ination and unfair em ployee treatm ent are difficult to docum ent because the I niversity is its own record-keeper, many people unhappy with the plant tell alm ost identical stories. A ntonio Lopez, a stores clerk cur­ rently receiving w orker's com p en sa­ tion after an injury', said plant su­ pervisors "trea t the w orkers like sh it." Travis D onoho, a UT general li­ brary assistant and UEU m em ber, said higher-level UT adm inistrators think Physical Plant em ployees are there to be a b u sed ." They treat em ployees like chil­ dren (and) custodians like a n im a ls," Donoho said. W alter M artin, a 30-year plant em ployee who supervised the paint shop for 10 years before retiring in 1985, also said som e em ployees were not well treated. " I do think maybe som e of them were picked o n ," M artin said. "I thought there was som e disagree­ ment there that should have been taken care of — I think there could have been a lot better und erstand ­ ing on both sid e s." G Charles Franklin, vice presi­ dent for business affairs, acknowl­ edged there has been friction be- tween em ployees and supervisors, i was "m u ch more the case but sai», previously than it is n o w ." DISSENT in the Physical Plant Martin said it also was "common knowledge" that employees are not to talk to Daily Texan or any other reporters, but said he was unaware of what Donoho termed a specific ban. "I believe at one time I heard something that they (administra­ tors) would prefer they didn't talk," he said. Donoho said an order was issued to keep unfavorable reports out of the media. "They're very secretive and employees are routinely told not to talk to the Texan.” Jerry DeCamp, plant director, said employees have been directed not to talk to the press "to some ex­ ten t," but said it was for reasons of issuing accurate information and because "som e of them (employees) just don't want their names in the papier." Martin said the years 1980-85 "were the worst in discipline and misunderstanding there ever had the carpentry, mainte­ been” nance and construction divisions. sides drawn" between employees and su­ pervisors, he said. There w ere definitely in DeCamp would not discuss Mar­ tin or any of his comments. John Monahan, a former carpen­ try shop employee, said his own ex­ perience with the plant is typical of a rift that exists between supervi­ sors and employees. Monahan was fired after superi­ ors accused him of drinking on the job and having an unexcused ab­ sence from a work site. But his lawyer, Nell Hahn, said Texas Employment Commission and UT Grievance Review Board hearings cleared Monahan of the drinking charge, while disagreeing on the charge of absenteeism. that The TEC also dismissed the charge, but a minority of grievance board found he had been go® ria n t, pcfpa 3 Ket’y P a c e Daily Texan Staff Alex Vazquez, computer science junior, pays more attention to the Hackysack than the rt#y. today WEATHER Dr. S w u W e a th e r— You re a M ea r On® V - Weatner vVnov ¡e * be cursed by rex v> nds at tne r worst trumpeting *rom crest o ' Mount Crump;: (at 10 mpff) M e a n ** *» ?ne Grm chs dog Max ne s*op obedience c ass *n.;« me temp c imps mto the h*gn 80s m :r>e nea; o? 'r e p a - , cloudy day *re pr ce Max a pay wnen re goes to t“e .e* and gets 'ab»es Cindy LOu Who wh cry boo roc poor Max m dog .ears was a mere 62 ( A r c r com o dent any a be ttie io« Tuesday morning) W t' trie Gr>ncn save Max s rfe7 W gree^ eggs bo 'w e e 7 is roast beast tre co*or o? its gravy7 For the answer to this a rd more tum to page '6 plus tour than as* * those who worK rere a'e crazy INDEX Around CanipuS C -ass^ed Comic b Editor tas Entertainment m Depth Sooffs State A'Locai University Wor'd & N aion Haiti’s rulers explain killings as defensive 1986 The N ew Y o u T r ie s PO RT-A U -PRIN CE, Haiti — H aiti's ruling militar\ -em itan council said Sun- dav that the police, m shooting into a crowd of thou sand s of m archers Satu r­ day, displayed "a normal reaction' in guarding a military post’ against "a n a t­ Seven people w ere tem pted invasion killed m the incident. The governm ent, in a pair of com m u ­ niques, expressed its "strongest reg rets" families. But it said that to the victims the incident had been provoked bv "a g i­ tators and that an investigation w as un­ der wav to find "th e bad-m tentioned in ­ dividuals w ho are at the origin of the incident " The League of Form er Political Prison­ ers, which organized the d em onstration with governm ent approval, said in a statem ent that it also believed the d iso r­ der had been started by unidentified But the league criticized the secunty forces for their "v io len t and bru­ tal reactio n ." agitators O n e of the organizers, Francois Be­ noit said in a television interview that he had seen people trying to incite the crowd during the dem onstration, which began as a peaceful march in m emory ot victims of torture and murder under the Duvalier regim e, vvhich was deposed in February. N either Benoit nor the gov em m ent com m uniques suggested a m o­ tive for w'hat thev referred to as provoca­ tions. Earlier, in reaction to the violence, manv political and civic leaders indicat­ ed thev believed tnat the widely criti­ cized ruling council had lost its ability to govern. Initial reports said eight people had been killed in the incident. W itnesses said Benoit had urged the crowd to ctav ord erk and calm as it ap­ proached Fort D im anche a military headquarters in the capital that was a notorious pnson and torture cen ter u n ­ der the D uvaliers Som e of the m archers earned w reaths to be placed near the front of the small, m ustard-colored fort. the that despite W itnesses said appeal - for restraint, some people in the crowd tried to get past a group of about 30 police officers 70 vards from the gate of the fort, and the police opened fire. The governm ent said the police had reacted to "an attem pted invasion by in­ lead ers" d o ¡duals overtly pushed by other than the march organizers, "n o t­ w ithstanding repeated w arnings and all efforts at d issu asio n ." Foreign diplom ats said it was unclear w hether the three-m em ber ruling cou n ­ led by Lt. G en. Henri N am phy, c il, would step down. But they said that tension was high and that the general was under greater pressure than at anv other time since he rose to pow er on Feb. 7 as President Jean-C laude Duvalier tied to exile in France. N am phy, w ho rarely m akes him self available to reporters, m ade no public statem ents Sunday. In one com m unique, the M inistry of Interior and National Defense, which oversees the police and all arm ed forces, it was "u tterly astonished" that said some "politicians" had "immediately tried to capitalize on the deaths of these v ictims" to "launch appeals for a general strike and to sedition and revolt" and to make declarations that "constitute a real invitation to chaos and anarchy." In a radio interview that was broad­ cast several times, Gerard Gourgue, a human rights activist who resigned from the ruling council in protest a month ago, charged that the government had "lost all its credibility." In another radio interview, also broad­ cast several times, Hubert de Ronceray, a sociologist who was jailed several times by the Duvaliers and who has said he aspires to the presidency, said the government "has proven that it cannot govern." Rockefeller Guerre, a former member of Parliament who was a critic of the Du­ valier regime, called for a general strike on Monday. But de Ronceray and some of the others said they were against the strike. 20 15 20 4 13 10 11 8 6 2 Terrorism aiding East Bloc tourism Associated Press NEW YORK — The communist countries of eastern Europe will benefit this summer, travel experts predict, as American tourists seek safe places to visit after the U.S. bombing raid on Libya and a spate of European terrorist attacks. Advance bookings to Mediter­ ranean countries are down, while reservations to the Soviet Union and eastern Europe are strong, trav­ el agents say. "Russia is considered to be very safe," said Suzanne DeCellis, a trav­ el agent in Indianapolis. Americans are also turning to South America and the Orient, the Caribbean and Canada. But the vast majority will be vacationing at home, and tourist sites in the Unit­ ed States are expecting a boom. This month, the United States bombed M oam m ar K hadafy's strongholds in Libya, and Ameri­ cans have been targets in terrorist attacks in West Berlin and else­ where. Summer travel to some trad­ itional destinations in Europe will suffer. The signs are everywhere: • Americans who travel to Italy and want a taste of home will get a stark reminder of their vulnerabili­ ty. At the McDonald's restaurant in Rome, a pair of armed military po­ lice stand guard. • Pan American Airways had planned to begin new service be­ tween Chicago and Frankfurt and between Los Angeles and Paris on April 26, but the plans were can­ celed because bookings were light. Instead, the airline is adding flights between New York and California. Bookings on Pan Am flights to Rome, Athens and Tel Aviv were weak, while bookings to eastern Eu­ to Scandinavia were rope and strong, said spokesman Merle Rich- man. Flights on Pan Am and Aero­ flot, the huge Soviet airline, begin Monday between the United States and Moscow or Leningrad, and bookings are reported heavy. Ad­ vance reservations to South Ameri­ ca were up 50 percent over last year, Richman added. • Cancellations of school trips to foreign lands are widespread, said Colleen Zarich, deputy executive di­ rector of the Council on Internation­ al Educational Exchange. "W e're all frightened that it could be changing the nature of American travel in the global sense, which we think is un­ fortunate," she said. • An American gymnastics dele- Sition canceled a trip to Algeria, the nited States Tennis Association will not be sending junior playera to the Italian Open, and the DePauw University football team and the North Carolina women's basketball team canceled their tours erf Europe. When the American men's na­ tional basketball team participates in in the world championships Spain, their uniforms will be rede­ signed to make the "U .S .A ." less conspicuous. "W hen I was growing up, I was taught that being from America was the best thing in the world," said Anastasia Kostoff-Mann, a Los An­ geles travel agent and president of the Travel Research Association. "N ow people are calling me and asking, 'How do I get a phony for­ eign passport?"' A 20 percent to 30 percent decline in American travel to Europe is the rough estimate of the North Ameri­ can Committee of the European Travel Commission, which repre­ sents 23 European national tourist offices. The U.S. Travel Data Center, a figures private research group, about 35 percent of foreign travelers have changed their plans. Still, even with the downturn, millions of Americans are expected in Europe this summer. There were 6.4 million American said Donald visitors McSullivan, chairman of the tour­ ism committee. last year, "Knock 20 percent off that, and you still have the better part of 5 million Americans coming to Eu­ rope," he said. - Asp me if she bites Csrtos MomwOaHy Tsxan 8>a> Marion Matula^an Austin cwpert», pausasduring a off hispa) Bunmsaa python to Chris SIvtoarry. Ths 4- atro# through ZUkar Pari) Sunday aMamoon to show yaar o tamataanahalana— dtBonlyffyffwn.- world & nation Page 2/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28, 1986 C hileans plan non-violent protests Associated Press SANTIAGO, Chile — In a new defiance of President Augusto Pinochet, civic leaders representing nearly 3 million Chileans have orchestrated a broad campaign of non-violent disobedience aimed at paralyzing Chile and ending military rule. The campaign ranges from blocking streets with protest marches to non-paym ent of mil­ lions of dollars in debts to government banks. It was announced late Saturday at a National Assembly of Civilian Society. The assembly of 278 delegates represented nearly all middle-class and white collar organ­ izations in this South American nation of 11.6 million people. Delegates came as elected leaders of union­ ized workers, white-collar professionals, uni­ versity students, truckers, shopkeepers and slum residents. "We favor peace, not war, but we know that neither the country nor the peace can be won without a struggle," the assembly presi­ dent, Juan Luis Gonzalez, told them. The delegates signed a 50-point petition focusing on grievances and voted to apply "generalized and peaceful pressure” if their demands are not met by May 31, saving the aim was to restore democracy. The five-hour meeting was the most repre­ sentative of its kind since Pinochet, the army commander, seized the presidency in a 1973 military coup from Salvador Allende, an elect­ ed Marxist. Modeled on 19th-century town meetings that rallied secessionists to cut Latin Ameri­ ca's colonial ties with Spain, the gathering signaled renewed activism by Chile's demo­ cratic movement after m onths of discord and inaction. Army Gen. Carlos Ojeda, commander of the Santiago military zone, issued orders barring the assembly from a downtown the­ ater. The meeting site was moved to a Jesuit religious retreat in a suburb of the capital Their petition urged Pinochet to remove military rectors from universities, permit in­ dustry-wide collective bargaining and boost public spending to end unemployment, a de­ terioration of hospitals and a housing short­ age. While conceding that no Chilean govern­ ment could satisfy all these dem ands, the pe­ tition declared "In a democracy that assures participation for all. the citizens will be will­ ing to make great sacrifices” to overcome the nation's economic slump Unions have vowed to mark international labor day Thursday with an illegal rally. L e a d e rs of 28,lXX) truck owners have d e c id e d to halt payments on $200 million in debts next month, while 150,(.XXI homeowners voted Sundav on whether to s u s p e n d payments on government-financed mortgages. news From Texan news services Marcos encourages Philippine protests MANILA, Philippines — Ousted President Ferdinand Marcos told 12,000 followers Sunday that he was the legitimate president of the Phil­ ippines and urged them to keep demonstrating against the govern­ ment of Corazon Aquino. But he said they should keep their protests peaceful and avoid vio­ lence. "I am healthy I am ready to fight," Marcos, speaking by tele­ phone from his Hawaiian exiíe, told a cheering crowd at Manila's Rizal Park. His wife, Imelda, referred to her­ self as "your first lady" and sound­ ed like she was in tears as she told the crowd she and her husband "will do everything" to return to their homeland. Marcos talked by phone Saturday with President Reagan who stopped in Honolulu on his way to Bali, In­ donesia, where he will meet leaders of the Association of Southeast Asi­ an Nations this week. Rea ja n rests, prepares fo r tw o Asian m eetings H O N O L U L U — P r e s id e n t Reagan was taking a full day of rest In­ Sunday before heading donesia to meet with U.S. non-com­ m unist allies in Southeast Asia. for Reagan travels next to Bali, In­ donesia, where he will meet with leaders of the six-nation Association of S o u th e a s t A sian N a tio n s (ASEAN), including a representa­ tive of the Philippines. On Saturday, Reagan stressed the U.S. determination to be regarded still as a "Pacific power" and he told an Air Force base audience that "cowardly acts" by terrorists and dictators could prom pt further use of U.S. military force. M ethodists denounce U.S. d eterren ce policy MORRISTOWN, N.J. — United Methodist bishops gather here this week to act on a proposed sweeping denunciation of nuclear weapons and the long-time U.S. policy of nu­ clear deterrence. "It is a crisis that threatens to as­ sault not only the whole hum an family, but planet Earth itself, even while the arms race cruellv destroys millions of lives in conventional wars, repressive violence and mas­ sive poverty,” the working draft says. Two years in the making, the revised document would constitute the strongest condemnation yet of nuclear arms by a major body of church overseers. The Methodist bishops' proposed conclusion is that any "moral case for deterrence, even as an interim ethic, has been underm ined by un­ relenting arms escalation.” Walker to be star witness in spy trial of Whitworth SAN FRANCISCO — John Walk­ er takes the witness stand in federal court Monday to publicly describe for the first time his 17 vears as a Soviet spymaster, and to accuse ex- Navy buddy Jerry Whitworth of espionage. The government, admitting Walk­ er is a traitor, will ask jurors to be­ lieve his testimony and convict Whitworth as a spy. The defense will argue that Walker's accusations are self-serving lies. For Whitworth, a retired Navy ra­ dioman who faces the prospect of life in prison if convicted, this is the first confrontation with Walker since both men were arrested nearly a year ago. Whitworth, 46, who had a spot­ less service record, is accused of being the chief supplier of classified codes and communications data Walker sold to the Soviets. Debate on stress disorder renewed by set execution LAKE WORTH, Fla. — David Funchess was a victim of Vietnam, just as surely as if he had died in a jungle firefight instead of Florida's electric chair, say fellow veterans and those who study the war's lingering psychic wounds. Tuesday's execution of Funchess, 39, was the first of a veteran diag­ nosed as suffering from post-trau­ matic stress disorder. It rekindled deep emotions among Vietnam vet­ erans and debate about use of the stress-disorder defense by veterans accused of crimes. "They could have helped him; at least let him live in prison," said Ron Hanna, a 34-year-old Army vet­ eran still trying to deal with the emotional damage from two years of combat 15 years ago. "Thev taught him to kill indis­ criminately. It's not fair tfiat they kill him now," he said. Spread of missiles grows in 3rd World Associated Press WASHINGTON — Proliferation of ballistic missiles is a growing threat as more Third W'orld nations develop the capability to build the weapons, according to a congres­ sional study. The report by the Congressional Research Service predicted that "substantial num bers (of the mis­ siles) could be deployed in most re­ gions of the world in the not-too- distant future." Many of the nations with a poten­ tial to the build the weapons are doing so as an offshoot of space programs and often the technology has been provided either by the United States or the Soviet Union. Many of the countries also have nuclear research programs, raising the specter of Third World nations armed with nuclear-tipped missiles. The nations involved include Isra­ el, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, India, Pakistan, Taiwan, South Korea, North Korea, Brazil and Argentina, the study said. For purposes of the study, ballis­ tic missiles are defined as self-pro­ pelled, guided weapons that have a range "of many kilometers.” That separates them from shorter-range missiles such as shoulder-fired anti­ aircraft weapons or plane-launched air-to-air missiles, which are widely available on the global arms market. The study predicted that "U.S. armed forces and those of our allies will, in the future, be confronted bv hostile military forces increasingly armed with ballistic missiles.” The study was prepared for the Senate Armed Services strategic and theater nuclear forces subcommit­ tee, which has been studying U.S. efforts to develop defenses against non-nuclear ballistic missiles. The study noted that "some countries are on the verge of achiev­ ing high accuracy and large war­ heads with great destructive force, which would afford an ability to eliminate pre-emptively kev military forces of an opponent. This new­ found capability can alter a regional balance of power." While many of the weapons "will be crude by U.S. standards,” the CRS report said, "the inexorable ad­ vance of technology in the world argues that it will be impossible to prevent more countries from devel­ oping a ballistic missile delivery ca­ pability.” LaRouche claims FEC harassment Associated Press W A SH IN G TO N — L yndon LaRouche and the Federal Election Commission are engaged in a war in which lawsuits are the ammunition. His organizations have sued the agency 10 times and the FEC has gone to court against his groups eight times. Lawyers for LaRouche, a political extremist who has run for president three times and is expected to try again in 1988, claim the FEC has an ulterior motive: to harass his cam­ paigns. In a New York federal court case, the LaRouche briefs accuse the FEC of conducting a "bad faith investiga­ tion" and "selectively and discrimi- natorilv enforcing the federal elec­ tion campaign laws." The FEC denies the charges, say­ ing that in court docum ents LaRouche representatives "rely on inferences of conspiracy or other improper motive which they appar­ ently believe must be drawn from the bare allegations contained in their complaint." In cases involving LaRouche pres­ idential campaigns, his organiza­ tions have sued the FEC eight times, while the commission initiat­ ed four, FEC records show. Other campaign^ LaRouche-af filia ted the presidential bids, aside from have tangled with the FEC in six more court cases — two initiated bv the LaRouche people and four bv the FEC. Because of ongoing cases, FEC of­ ficials will not discuss anv matters regarding LaRouche. But in a sepa­ rate Boston grand jury case involv­ ing alleged fund-raising irregulan- lawyers accuse ties, government LaRouche groups of using the courts to clog the system. The LaRouche forces "have flood­ ed the court with pleadings and have done evervthing possible to frustrate the grand jury investiga­ tion and avoid compliance,” gov­ ernm ent attorneys wrote. As a presidential candidate, he got $470,501 in federal matching funds for his 1980 campaign, and $494,145 for his 1984 race. In 1976 he failed to meet election law quali­ fications for matching funds. In asserting bad faith dealings, LaRouche attorneys claim "several FEC employees . . are openly in dis­ agreement with the political and so­ cial ideas” of LaRouche. C ar bomb British army bomb disposal men shovel explosives from a car bomb near the center of Belfast, Northern Ireland, soon before a Loyalist parade was due to pass nearby. Police said the 300 pounds of homemade explosives was found Sunday and rendered harmless. Associated Press Return for burial British airmen carry the lily-decked coffin of the Duch­ ess of Windsor from a Royal Air Force plane at Ben- A ssooated Press son west of London. Sunday after it arrived from Pans The duchess died in Pans at age 89 Hacker interrupts HBO signal Associated Press NEW YORK — A video hacker calling himself Captain Midnight television viewers startled cable from Maine to the Plains late Satur­ day when he interrupted a movie on Home Box Office with a printed message protesting HBO's scram­ bling of its satellite-to-earth TV sig­ nals. "It's a cnminal, willful interfer­ ence of a government-licensed satel­ lite broadcast," fumed David Pritc­ hard, an HBO vice president, who said the cable system had received sabotage threats in recent months. Pritchard said HBO planned to re­ the port incident Communications C ommission to the Federal 'It's kind of like terrorism of the airwaves,' said Greg Mahany who was watching in Middletown Ohio when the message interrupted The Falcon and the Snowman The message, printed in white let­ ters on a color-bar test pattern back­ ground, read "Goodevemng HBO trom Captain Midnight $12 a m onth1 No wav' (Showtime-Movie Channel Beware.)” Mahany said that at first the pic­ ture flipped back and forth between the message and the movie, making it seem like HBO was trxing to get its signal tvuk It liH>ked like a tight tor control ot the microwave beam I he message appeared at 11 30 p m Austin time and remained on It was the air about five minutes st>en in the eastern twi>-thirds of the nation, w hkh accounts for more than half of HBO s 14 n million s u b ­ s c r ib in g households Pritchard s.nd the hacker appar entl\ w ith the use of a satellite dish and a powerful transmitter, effec­ tively replaced HBO's signal with his own Soviets fight alcoholism But some citizens find new methods extreme Associated Press MOSCOW — Pravda said Sunday that So­ viets certainly need to curb their drinking habits, but that authorities are going too far when they halt city buses to check passen­ gers' breath and force drinkers to join sobrie­ ty clubs. The Communist Party daily published ex­ cerpts from readers' letters complaining that some militiamen and industry officials have gone to extremes in the year-old, nationwide campaign to wean workers from their vodka bottles. One letter-writer, Vitaly Volkov of the Donetsk region in the Ukraine, said he was appalled when militiamen stopped a city bus in which he was riding and administered breath-analysis tests to all passengers. He said that when he complained, the mili­ tiamen threatened to give a bad report on him to his local party committee. Volkov said he was not a drinker and supported the crack­ down on heavy drinking. A woman from the city of Maikop, Galina Samoilova, wrote that when she tried to buy wine to make a special Georgian chicken dish, a militiaman Mocked the purchase. He said she had to have her internal passport with her — a document all Soviets over the age of 16 are required to carry — so a record could be made of the sale. If I prepare chakhokhbih twice in one month, I nsk being sent to a narcotics treat­ ment center,” she wrote Pravda criticized a s absurd the incidents described by readers and declared that in these cases, "adm inistrative overzealousness is overcoming good sense.” A series of strict anti-alcoholism measures took effect in May 1985, including raising the drinking age from 18 to 21 and reducing the amount of \ odka on the market and the num ­ ber of liquor stores. Numerous articles have been published about moonshiners and black-market liquor salesmen being caught and severely repri­ manded in apparent efforts to get people to heed the campaign. interviews on Statistics on alcoholism and liquor con­ sumption are not made public here, and re­ the subject are quests for routinely denied. But ram pant alcoholism is considered a major deterrent to improving in­ dustrial output and worker productivity. The state-run news media has described excessive drinking as a health problem of epidemic pro­ portion. The Pravda article was the first to criticize officials for carrying the party's anti-drunken­ ness mandate to extremes. The report made clear, however, that the anti-drink campaign is still in force. Continued from page 1 sem b le ." S a,T on ' governm ent said, e ve won the battle, but the w ar isn 't won yet — apartheid being the war. Free speech w as the battle. junior, r Brown said he did not know if the adm inistra­ tion w ould resum e arrests at any future rallies. G rek hen Vaden, Young Dem ocrats president, said protesters continue to claim studen t organ ­ izations are not organizing the rallies, but said last week several grou p s were considering overt sp on so rsh ip of Friday's rally The \o u n g Dem ocrats held what Vaden called a "get-out-the-vote rally" on the West Mall that began about 12 15 p.m . and ended about 25 m in­ utes later A few University Police Departm ent officers were in the area, but there were more politicians than police A num ber of Democratic officeholders and can didates spoke at the rally, including Travis County Ju d ge Mike Renfro and state Sen. G on ­ zalo Barrientos, D-Austin. Each sp eak er stated su p p ort for the First A m endm ent and d e ­ nounced apartheid. Vaden said the group decided to end the rally before the 1 p.m . deadline because "w e w ant to work within the system to change it." O rganizations, including the Young D em o­ crats, Students for a Unified Left (AXLE), C en ­ tral America Peace Initiative and the Steve Biko Com m ittee decided at the last m inute not to sp on so r the unauthorized rally because of p o ssi­ ble adm inistration punishm ent. Student grou p s determ ined to be in violation of UT regulations can face penalties including cancellation of their statu s as student g ro u p s, up to a year of probation or su sp en sion — during which som e pn vileges such as dissem in ating lit­ erature, holding rallies or sp on so rin g on-cam pus functions could be revoked. Carla Feldpausch , CAPI m em ber, said Fri­ d a y 's rally w as not organized by any student group. "I think the organizations m ight stand up and sup p ort this (dem onstration), but no one is organizing it." In resp on se to an increased show of su p p ort for divestiture at the University, the Steve Biko Com m ittee M onday will present a request to UT President William C unningham that includes re­ m oving restrictions on free speech areas and tim es and barring com pan ies with a sse ts in South Africa from recruiting on cam pus. The letter also calls for the UT adm inistration to cease disciplinary action being taken again st studen ts arrested in this m onth's dem on stra­ tions and to declare M ay 12 N elson M andela Lib­ eration Day Plant Continued from page 1 absent, Hahn said. the ¡u d g e though M onahan said blem ishes on his previous perform ance record also had been considered in the d ism iss­ al decision, even Joseph D odge, the UT law professor who w as at p r e s id in g M onah an's grievance hearing, said he instructed the board not to con ­ sider previous perform ance That s what I told them (the board), D odge said The question w as whether the discharge w a s ju s­ tified and the discharge w a s sup- p osed h based on the two gro u n d s alleged drinking and being ab ­ sent But a source familiar with the d e ­ cision, who ask ed not to be identi­ fied, said one board m em ber ad m it­ te d M o n a h a n 's r e c o r d w a s considered. Lopez w as involved in a 1983 d is­ crimination case again st the U niver­ sity that the U .S. Equal Em ploy­ m ent O p p o rtu n ity C o m m issio n referred to the Justice D epartm ent for action Lopez claim ed he w as not allow ed to ap p ly for a higher position and claim ed an ineligible white w as prom oted instead An investigation by the UT Equal Em ploym ent O pportunity Office found no evidence of discrim inatory action, but a su bsequ en t EEO C in­ vestigation concluded there w as "reasonable c a u se " to believe the U n iv e rsity d is c r im in a te d against Lopez. h ad Lopez also spoke out w hen plant supervisors were accused of not posting job op en in gs, a UT regu la­ tion. Kenneth C askev, associate vice president for bu sin ess affairs, said the job — "p roject co ordin ator" — w as only a w ork assign m en t, not a prom otion, and therefore not p o st­ ing it w as not a violation. But D onoho d isagreed , and said the actual reason for not advertisin g the job w as so su p erv isors could prom ote w hoever they chose and lock out m inorities. He said the job did carry a pay increase and defi­ nitely w as a prom otion. A lthough the UT Equal Em ploy­ ment O pportunity Office found no irregularities, D onoho said the Uni­ versity later m ade the position of "project coordin ator" subject to the posting regulation. The second part of this series will focus on possible causes of the fric­ tion between plant employees and administrators. FREE MEXICAN FOOD H i i \ 1 I ■ n i t e r a n d r e t a m.m >i u 1 H e q u a l o r i c s H ' i \ a l u c h e r S u i k L in I h r ii I h iir s (.la \ ! 1 (Hi \ \1 K ) I l MNl |> \ l < •«»< m I w 11 h i i • 111 > < > M i > 111 \ th in > I ''i > \<>l \uihi mth iin\ other offer A R A FA T T E R R O R IST OR PEA C E M AKER? LEC T U R E BY ALAN HART The D aily T e x a n /M o n d a y , April 2 8 ,1986/Page 3 T h e Da ily T e x a n QiAaaaateasAaii rffn u n tn t sun EdMor Managmg Editor AM oaato Managing Editors New» Editor Aaeociale N ew t Editor Nawa Assignments Editor Associate Editors Graphics EdMor Associate Sports Editor Sportswntars Entertanmern Editor Entertainment Associate Editor Entertainment Images Reporter Special Pages Editor Associate Special Pages Editor images Editor Associate Images Editor Photo Editors General Reporters Martha Ashe Around Campus Editor Rusas* Scon Tan Agar Barry C ine. Tim McOougaK Michaal Sudar ToddPra» Mafthaw Geiger, Joe Yonan Matthew Matofowaky Jeff Crosby. Dan Jester Brian Z abc* Marti Greene WWI Hunpton Howard Decker Ed Shugert Rwtc Dyer Kathleen Me Tee Sean S Pnce Tnsh Berrong Debra Mufter Michael G Smith Lorraine Cademerton Moms Goen Cartoe Moreno Lisa Baker Robert Bruce Brian Edwards Donny Jackson David Nather Lisa Brown News Assistants Editorial Assistant Editorial Columnist Entertainment Assistants Entertainment Writers Sports Reporters Sports Makeup Editor Sports Assistant Makeup Editor Copy Editors Wire Editor Comic Strip Cartoonist Volunteers Photographer Issue Staff Paula Blesener Wendy Dowkings Lisa Gaummtz Judy Jones Thanhha Lai, RudySustaita Suzanne Taylor Steve PoweS John Russell Bntt Buchanan R L Williams Deborah Kelt Sid Moody Schuyler Dixon Mike Hamilton Peter Black stock Gary Sitcott Micky Inoue Dimitry Chamy Jane Eudy Laura Gadbois Lauren Goodwyn Chnsty Moore Sequoyah Perry Miles Mathis Van Garrett Patncia Donaldson Anna Maria Martinez Kelly Pace Rachel Wax man Lon Ruszkowski Chns Bake Leanne Ney Sharry Braaiau Marc Muchruck Display Advertising Tammy Hajovsky Leslie Waltons Karen Krail Kay Carpenter Edy Finfer Jeff Wallace Kim Goynes Shem White Lynn Cdgtn Marty Schack Knsten Gilbert Bndgett Reed Denise Johnson Sara Shaw Ken Butts Leta Dor sett Jeanne Hill Ben Regalado atA^sbn TX 78710 r? S!2 °*n1 '1* w9paDe' 31 The University o* Texas ai Austin IS published by ut* ^ >oos Oswer D University Station Austin TX 78713 7209 The Daily Texan is pubitsned Thursday and Fnday except holiday and exam periods Second class postage pato Bukdmg 2 1 2 2 ) or at the news laboratory Communication Building A4 13 6 1 , tied word advertising questions should be directed to 512 471-5244 concerning local national and classified display advertising should be directed to 512 471 i 865 Class, (A71-4591) at the editorial ofhee (Texas Student Pubfccakons Entire contents copyright 1986 Texas Studeoi P u b licatio n s The M y Texan Subscription Raisa One Semester (Fa* or Spring) Two Semesters (Fa* and Spnng) Summer Session One Year (Fa*. Spnng and Summer) „ ~r ™ 75 00 .2'2®fL a™ '10C!r,WS ch* n8es 10 Texas Student Publications P O Box D Austin TX 78713-7209 or to TSP Budding C3 200, or call 471-5063 To charge by VISA or MasterCard cat! 471 -5083 LIVE ENTERTAINM ENT Corrine Cruz And the Cruzers Thursday, May 1 Friday, April 25 & May 2 Saturday, April 26 & May 3 ¡0 (Ml p m t<> I U) ii m \t>( <>\ / R CHAC A / * \ J I I 1 A N T I N A L egeiuLurs M e x i c a n houd. PLACE: BATTS AUDITORIUM (U.T.) DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 29,1986 TIME: 7:00 P.M. ON TOUR OF TWENTY AMERICAN CITIES . p u n t u t i n m m i l l i n i u m 11 m m i i i i i i i t i i i i i i i H i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i t ; SPEEDO’S ONE HOUR PHOTO 2420 Guadalupe 9 a.m .-6 p.m. M-Sat 473-2811 ¡ ¡ Fun Bunch — $1.95 Flowers Say I t 1 | ■ ¡ ■ ! Casa Verde Florist I Ji I 451-0691 | FTO facing 4 1 s t S t Daily Specials § h l l l l l l l l l l l l l | | | | | | | H I I I I I I I M M I I I H I I I I M I H 1I I I H I I I ,I H H I I M H l é I I Li EVERY WOMAN S CONCERN ALAN HART. AUTHOR OF THE BIOGRAPHY OF YASSER ARAFAT, WAS SENIOR FOREIGN CORRE­ SPONDENT FOR THE BBC AND ITN DURING THE 60’S AND 70’S. HE PRODUCED THE FILM “FIVE MINUTES TO MIDNIGHT” ON GLOBAL POVERTY WHICH IN­ SPIRED THE WILLY BRANDT REPORT. SPONSORED B Y THE AM ERICAN ARAB UNDER­ STANDING COMMITTEE AND THE TEXAS UNION PROGRAM COUNCIL C o n f i d e n t i a l . P r o f e s s i o n a l R e p r o d u c t i v e C a r e • F re e P re g n a n cy T estin g • P ro b le m P re g n a n cy C o u n se lin g • A b o r t i o n S e r v i c e s • B irth C o n tro l • P a p T est S I H REPRODUCTIVE SE R V IC E S • B o a r d ( r r t i f t e d O b G y n e c o t o g i s t * • I i c r n t a d N ur«»n<§ S t a f f • U p t n r n c f d C o u n t f i o r t • O n C R « h u r t l e 4 5 8 -8 2 7 4 1009 I 40th TWO FER TUESDAY 9025 R esea rch B h d . i 1X3 at H um et K o ad i 339-8224 ADMISSION IS FREE PRINTS I N I HOUR FREE-EVERY TUESDAY HOLLEMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC LABORATORIES, INC 2002 Guadalupe Store Only 469-0949 O ^ F F I C I A L • S P O N S O R s SoM AND * matneln SPECIAL Values to $25.25 Matnelli above: in red, pink, yellow, white, and natural Bass: in turquoise, white and brick. Matnelli below: in red, pink, white, and blue. Page 4/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28,1986 editorials Opinions expressed p D m D a ly Texan are 'hose of *^e editor or :*>e writer of t^e artic-e and are not necessarily tnose of the University administration the Board of Regents or jn® Te*as Student PubMcattons Board of Operat ng T-uStees viewpoint NASA's need for reform F olks at NASA probably thought the worst press thev could ever receive w as to have images of the Challenger consumed in a h o m h c fireball instantaneously broadcast across the country'. Well, som ething worse has come out: last w eek's .Yew York Times' series on m ism anagem ent within the agency And w hereas the explo­ sion suggested that problems were limited to the shuttle, the Times’ articles imply that NASA's entire managem ent needs repair. The tales of m ism anagem ent were so surprising for two reasons. O ne, the space agency knew about the problems all along. The Times compiled its reports from a review’ ot over 500 audits of the agency, made by N ASA's own inspector general, the General Ac­ counting Office and the Departm ent of Defense's in-house auditing office. Two, the reports completely contradicted N ASA's long reputa­ tion as one of the best-run departm ents in the federal bureaucracy. That reputation now seem s to be a remnant of the Apollo glory days. O nce NASA achieved its original goal, it settled for the com ­ paratively unglam orous shuttle as a follow-up. And even though C ongress approved the shuttle, the program was consistently under­ funded. Those budgetary constraints were a ma|or — probably the main — reason w hy the shuttle's developm ent was so plagued with prob­ lems. By m aking the vehicle only partially reuseable, NASA engi­ neers reduced developm ent costs in the late '70s, but guaranteed that operating costs in the '80s would be much higher than initially pro­ jected. And though delaying and cutting tests of each individual com ponent also saved money in the short run, subsequent problems, since they occurred at a more advanced stage of design, cost more to correct. Though most of these problems can be blamed on short-sighted elected officials, many of the abuses described in the Times articles can be attributed only to NASA itself. H undreds of millions ot dol­ lars vanished because NASA couldn't keep track of its materials or its contractors. The m ism anagem ent stories can yield two reactions. Longhme crit­ ics of space exploration can use the reports as a chance to sav "I told you s o ." NASA supporters, on the other hand, are saying, "Y eah , but . .. " as they point out the agency's accom plishm ents. Both reachons are short-sighted. Years of m ism anagem ent can 't in­ validate the agency's spectacular track record, but neither should these abuses be ignored. Though NASA desperately needs reform, the country has an equal need for the space program . — Brian Zabcik Start education earlier M y friend, a phvsician, told me a storv recent­ ly with a sad punch line. He had discovered, he said, ROBERT C. MAYNARD TH E O A K L A N D TRIBUNE that if he w’ants his 6-year-old daughter to go to Harvard so m e­ day, she has to be in the "great'' kindergarten. It seem s competition for the class of 2002 is heating up fast. Indeed, kindergarten is no longer w’here educational competition begins. M ore and more parents are looking for ways to give their youngsters a winning edge at 3 and 4 vears old. And if you believe Glenn Dor­ man of Philadelphia's Better Babv Institute ("Y o u provide the babv, we provide the better"), a 4-yea r- old is alm ost over the academic hill. Dorman thinks children should be doing math and speaking Jap­ anese by then. He preaches that infancy from earliest children have huge and untapped intellec­ tual capacities. Waiting until 4, 5, and 6 is a waste as tar as Dorman is concerned. Dorman's approach is vigor­ ously disputed bv some establish­ ed authorities in earlv childhood development. Thev contend all a 3-year-old can do is memorize or mimic, but not reallv process math. This "o verstim ulation" can confuse a child, and not help in­ tellectual development. They might be correct, but thev are bucking a powerful trend. It is fueled by a num ber of factors, but its impetus is decidedly in favor of earlier training for children. Gordan Ambach, New York state com missioner of education, is am ong those who think 4-vear- olds should be in school. "You have to recognize," he told The N ew York Times, "that what children do in kindergarten now is to a large extent what thev used to do in first grade, and what they do in prekindergarten is what they used to do in kinder­ g arte n ." Ambach has yet to persuade New York's legislature to adopt his approach to 4-vear-olds, but the trend is clearly headed in that direction. Kindergarten is now universal­ ly supported by the states, and three — Delaware, Kentucky and Florida — require 5-vear-olds to be in a licensed school setting. For those who maintain that this trend puts too much pressure on a 5-year-old, it may or m ay not be com forting to hear two other stu d en ts of the subject. Benjamin Bloom of the Univer­ sity of C hicago and Burton W hite for of M assachusetts's C enter P aren t Education believe the fun­ dam ental patterns of learning are fixed by age 3. W hite says we should be train­ ing p aren ts to assist child devel­ o p m en t in infancy by having pro­ gram s for each stage of their ch ildren's developm ent. O n e sta te, M isso u ri, ha> bought into the concept of ed u ­ cating parents to be at-home ed u ­ cators. Missouri provides parent ed u ­ cators to v isit the homes of chil­ dren from newborn through 3- vears-old and begin schooling parents the developmental processes of infants and toddlers in Even though such d evelop­ in the United ments are novel States, they are com mon in Japan and China and much ot Europe. Americans are schooled later and spend less time in school than children in much of the rest of the industrialized world The competition in the world is heating up. What we are seeing the advancem ents of earlv in childhood developm ent merely reflects the flickering recognition of w hat lies ahead If we hope to maintain our the head of the class place at among developed societies, we must do a better job of preparing our children. One reason for beginning the education ot our children sooner is that thev are entering a world in which there is so much more to know. We have passed relatively quickly from an industrial to an information society. The funda­ mental implication of that change is that the new unit of labor is the human brain. Brawn has no great future in the modern w'orld. Assimilating information, and the implications of information, is the main task of the future. Pro­ grams designed in recognition of that fact are a wise investment in our future. That is why jokes about prepar­ ing for Harvard at 6 are only part­ ly funny. O ur current notions about school and child develop­ ment were formed in a different era. Todav, two things are differ­ ent. First, the information age re­ quires more intellectual versatility from all of us. Second, we know from various studies that children can indeed handle more intellectual stim ula­ tion than we custom arily pro­ vide. Com petition might not be the best reason for early child devel­ opm ent. The best reason may be for the benefit of the child, w ho will have a greater opportunity to develop the m arvelous gifts of in­ tellect. 1986 Universal Press Syndi­ cate a f r ' S ' í TH£ S jmMESOF *86 *. PEPflv£D OF AMERICAN t>UfW ,THE FRENCH TÜRN1Ó INSULTAS EíCHOtáR. SbO£T/B#iNSTt> UNRAVEL.., M Pondering life, oh life, on Eeyore's birthday W hether mv eyes he w a s perfect w ith no problems. W h v 1 Fndav he R o m a n C a t h o l i c s in Bel f a s t c e n t c i v i l i a ns b l a c k s m S o u t h A f r i c a ’ i n n o ­ in N i c a r a g u a a n d it was real or drug induced is mute. turned The earth has once since that moment. I'm sift­ ing and reflecting: crustv lashes and knotted locks tumble about my couch, nothing. Countless cool gravel and glass scathe mv heels nothing. G lancing into the fright­ ful am azement of an acquaintance while sharing a beer with an acid dealer on 23rd Street, nothing Happy Birthday, Levore restless Taming seventh and eighth graders as a substitute teacher, 1 began Friday normal enough. The chalkv saliva slipping down mv throat at ti\e knew that would change M ushrooms fell through so 1 settled for M DM A b e ­ cause Levore " |ust isn't Levore s without psvchotropics Under the influence, my reeling head settled my bodv beneath a sinew s of my back tree. The meshed into bark and 1 was stuck According to Buddhists, being stuck is the best place to be so I tried to rein in the horses tromp- ing through mv cerebellum. I hen that moment flashed. If it was real, whv am I telling vou’ It began so exhilarating the drums pounded into m\ head an unutterable sensation ot being one with thousands at Pease Park M\ soaring soul then nosedived like a 747 without engines Mv ventri­ cles squished ooze and I felt sin­ gle-tiled red corpuscles num b all mv capillaries As 1 checked out, the terror etched on everv pore ot mv face so horrified those with me that they thought I would never return. M\ marrow still aches JOHN RUSSELL TEXAS COLUM NIST 1 re-entered muttering, Pain So much pain. W hen w ill we all be as o n e ’ Stumbling back hom e 1 couldn't even attempt to explain w here I had gone. Everyone was sicklv just malevolent expression had van­ ished. that my relieved \ ou see normal people s u p p o s - edl\ don t converse with spirits on the other side It thev do, they don t w rite a column about the e x ­ perience 1 m opening a scarred chasm and I s o i l don t know why Seven y ears ago mv brother called it q u i t s at the same age 1 am now That emotional destruction h a s been hard overcoming and I m st i l l co p ­ ing with it W a t c h i n g v o u r fa mil v crumble awav t o d u s t over seven vears often makes getting up in the morning a Herculean t a s k So lovable, It's so difficult to stop a s k i n g whv a n all-district football player a state champion wrestler, a h a r d worker a success Why? Fingering through the index of Psychological Abstracts no one else seems t o know w hv tor sure O h psychologists and psvehia- t r w t s offer a gamut of reasons as to whv people commit suicide N oth­ In ing seemed t o tit mv brother told me. Ihe har­ rowed disfigure I greet in the mir­ ror tells me that moment was as real as the terminal 1 m sitting in front ot I didn't talk to him 1 tust knew it w a s him and understock instantaneouslv like the wav a pre cipitate crystali/es in a chemical reaction S n a p 1 Under the tree I began feeling an incredible oneness with and love tor thousands ot s u p p o s e d strangers, but that MX»n melted awav . The pain of realitv that ev ­ eryone at l evore s was ^scaping quickly consumed everv brain cell in mv head I wanted desperatelv to throw up and make the feeling go awav Snap! Mv brother experienced that pain and was too overwhelmed at its enormity to put up a tight That realization made perfect sens*.* to me and mv ensuing look of terror literallv scared the shit out of the people with me 1 never heard futile attempts at bringing me back to their realitv As >v\ittlv a s the heat bad :ven turned up the steam was released from mv pressure cooker I have not been the same since their Y o u 're probablv w on dering what the hell I'm trvmg to sav Well after wandering around this I cam pus aimlesslv tor tour vears this finally know why earth I m on What about the den»tried and op­ pressed ’ What about 'h e rights , mistake I he b a ses w ere a sitting target and a direct lu lu -n g e that S>v let co m m a n d ers . ou ld nc‘t ignore thc-v said " S o v iet and \tg h a n forces hold the to w n s and tr\ to control thc‘ high- e. iv - But their n um bers arc* to o few the cou n trysid e and that > wb.ort the guerrillas d o m in a te I he guerrillas iightlv arm ed and ;*< * • . trained have m anaged to w ith-: ind so v le t ton.es w ith trad- I he reb­ tion.c Jut and run tactics els trc cjuentlv attack co n v o v s or gc o m n a nt-held to w n s and fade aw av ,a n d efen d ers befc*rc the ft» stn k e back. "The S o v iets can go a n y w h ere they w ant in A fgh anistan at any tim e. But th ey can never stay for lon g," said M assoud Khalili, a se n ­ ior official of Jam iat-i-Islam i, o n e of the se v en m ain guerrilla grou p s. The guerrillas put a sid e their trad­ itional tactics in Paktia, h o w ev er, and w en t o ver to traditional warfare w ith static p o sitio n s. Thev did not have the w ea p o n s or strength to d e ­ fend th e se p o sitio n s in the face o f a d e te r m in e d a ssa u lt by h ea v ily arm ed S oviet forces Z haw ar, a m ile-lon g co m p lex of u n d ergrou n d w o rk sh o p s, barracks and storage cham bers, w as stron gly d efen d e d by artillery, anti-aircraft batteries and ev e n a sm all force of captured S o v iet-m a d e T54 tanks. But its old anti-aircraft ca n n o n s w ere n o m atch for sw arm s o f S oviet and A fgh an air jet bom bers and MiG-21 and MiG-23 fighter-bom bers it around the clock. that bom b ed force SU-22 Rahim W ardak, a senior guerrilla co m m a n d er o f the N ational Islamic Front o f A fgh an istan , w itn e ssed the fightin g and said he had n ev er seen such h ea v y b om b ing in the sev en - year war. L p to 20 jets attacked at a tim e and the in su rg en ts few a n ti­ aircraft w e a p o n s w ere q u ick ly k nocked o u t, he said I his is the w orst fightin g w e 'v e ever seen . The air attacks are terri­ ble, ' he said The in su rg en ts appear to have put up a fierce d efen se, but w ere o v er w h e lm ed bv m a ssiv e firep o w ­ er. H u n d r e d s ot rebel- w ere killed or w o u n d e d in t he l i ght ing a n d large a m o u n t s of w eaponrv a n d s up p l i es d e s t r o y e d or ca p t u r e d Thev h a v e suf fered verv heavv lo sses a n d verv heavv d a m a g e said P rofessor S aved Majrooh d i ­ rector of inform ation C e n t e r w h i c h m o n i t o r s e v e n t s m the* A fg h a n A fgh an istan from the Pakistani bor­ der city o f P eshaw ar. S o m e guerrilla co m m a n d ers sav privately that they w arn ed against b u ild in g b a ses su ch as Z haw ar b e­ cau se th ey in vited great S oviet at­ tacks that cou ld not be rep u lsed . But oth er co m m a n d ers saw b ases as a sh o w o f strength and their control o ver m uch o f the coun try. Soviet troops p ulled back from Z haw ar after d estro y in g the base and w ith in d a y s guerrillas w ere re­ turning to the area. S o m e co m m a n d ers thev said w o u ld rebuild the p o sitio n s and h ave them back in op eration O th ­ ers said th ev h o p ed a lesso n had b een learned THE ONE HOW T W o i Two-cfa The Cadeau pre­ sents an open house for our second store, Cadeau Bon- Chic. Come in May 1 and 2 for some food and fun See new fashions, fresh-cut flowers and more No matter which day you come, it will be 2 cool 2 3 1 6 and 2 3 2 2 Guadalupe Park free behind The Cadeau (May 1 and 2, with this ad) * * * * * ' < I TII X I D BLACK O e sig n e d e x c lu s iv e ly for A l's Form al W ea r , this c la s s ic tu x e d o fea tu res tr o p ic a l w o rsted w o o l, g le a m in g satin la p e ls a n d c o v e r e d satin b u tton s A v a ila b le in 36-54 reg u la r, 3 8 -4 6 short, 3 6 -5 2 lo n g , 38 48 extra lo n g C h o o s e from eith er n o tch or p ea k la p e ls R eg $ 2 6 0 To c o m p le m e n t this tu x e d o , w e h a v e s e le c te d a p o ly -c o tto n k n ife p lea ted tu x e d o shirt. A v a ila b le m lay d o w n or w in g co lla r . S iz e s from 14 32 to 1 8 12-36 R eg $ 3 0 REGULARLY $290 H Q H C O M PU TI M O C A M $199. A\hFOR/VML tVE4R 29th 6t Guadalupe South 1818 W. Ben White free parking . . 472-1697 .. . 443-6980 l - ( T tm A « 1 F: 1 30-6C1 -V i < i Northcross M all.................. 451-0281 Highland M all...................... 458-1249 REGISTRATION FOR FALL AND SUMMER (formerly, PREREGISTRATION) APRIL 28-MAY 2,1986 1 Pick up your registration Course Request form(s) at your major departmental office. 2. See your adviser for course selection approval. 3. Submit your completed Course Request form(s) at the Flawn Academic Center between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m . 4. Registration fee bills for the fall semester will be mailed to your PERMA­ NENT address in late July (unless you mark local address on the Request form). 5. PAYMENT DEADLINE FOR FALL IS AUG UST 13, 1986. 6. Registration fee bills for the summer session will be available for pick up (not mailed) on May 13-14, at the Flawn Academic Center between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m . 7 PAYMENT DEADLINE FOR SUMMER IS M AY 23, 1986. N O TE: A late fee of $ 25.00 will be charged if you wait until August to register for the Fall semester. office o f the registrar The Daily Texan/M onday, April 28, 1986/P ag e 5 e s /in n s 24th & San Antonio OptnEvwy light UnHI 1:30 O p e n 1 1 :0 0 a m M o n -S a t O p e n Sun 3 :0 0 p m H a p p y H o u r M o n -F ri 5 -7 Total H air R estoration V As Seen '>n “20 20” And Replacements Park St. D avid Prof. Bldg. 800 E. 30th at Red R iver Suite 210 472-6777 H e care - H e can help V THE CURRENT STATE OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE USA 91 PA 9 Presented by Dr. Nikolai Smirnoff* F irs t S e cre ta ry of the Embassy of the USSR in W ashington, D C. TUES., APRIL 29, NOON Eastwoods Room, Texas Union Sponsored by: United Cam pus M in istry of Austin *Due to scheduling conflict. Dr Nickolai S m irnoff will be speaking in place of D r Sergei Rogov as previously announced o o o o o o o The Tenuous Teachings Of Lyndon LaRouche L00N*0«GRAM #4 ☆☆☆ URGENT Mosquitoes transm it AIDS!! AIDS is a plot by U.S. bankers!! o o o o o o o Our M ars P atrol h as absolute proof th a t in te rn a tio n a l b a n k ers concocted th e AIDS virus in th e ir Secret U nderground L aboratories to u n le a sh on poor n atio n s to m ake th em borrow m ore m oney to m ake th e b a n k ers richer.... Are you following th is ? Shouldn’t you be tak in g n o te s ? ... o Lyndon LaRouche wants you to sit out the MAY 3 PRIMARY so he can be Lord of the Loonies. Let’s disappoint him — u for q change For more than a decade, Austin Progressive Coalition has worked for equality and fairness, efficient and responsive government, environmental quality, and the interests o f students, con sum éis, workers tor all of us. And we ve worked tor scores o f candidates, including these five, who support these important issues. They are all guaranteed to be: ★★★ 100% LaRouche-Pruf ★★★ JIM HIGHTOWER Agriculture Commissioner Since 19K2. Hightower ha^ rejuvenated the Agriculture Department He implemented the state s tirst pesticide health standards and established an Office of Natural Resources to work on environmental and water issues He has tackled grassrixits economic development work b> helping develop 34 farmers' markets and 10 wholesale marketing cooperatives; a pro­ gram to promote development of new. high-value alternative crops; and producer-owned processing and marketing facilities He organized Project Tejas, an African famine relief and t arm restoration project JOHN POULAND Railroad Commissioner Because he refuses contributions from industries the Railroad Commission regulates. Pou land will be truly independent. He will put consumers first in utilitv rate cases and will not compromise on environmental damage caused bv stripmining and toxic waste. Through h work in the Texas Legislature and in both houses of Congress, he sees a strong need foi a national plan to end I S. dependence on foreign oil. JAKE PICKLE U.S. Congressman For 22 years. Pickle has built a remarkable record in dealing with his constitutcnts problems and concerns He was named “ National Legislator of the Year" by the National Mental Health Association and “ Solar Congressman of the Year” by the Solar Energy Industries Association He has secured major research and development grants for the University of Texas His seniority on the House tax-writing committee and a major attack by the National Republican Party in November make it important to support him. OSCAR MAUZY Supreme Court Place 1 A 19-year veteran and Dean of the the Texas Senate, Mauzy has fought hard for us all. Relying on expertise gamed from an extensive legal background, he has strongly advocated and passed laws tor better education, environmental quality, workers' compensation, iudicial reform and consumer protection. He currently serves on a Supreme Court task force to improve caseload efficiency and eliminate court delays. RAUL GONZALEZ Supreme Court Place 4 As State District Judge. Appeals Court Associate Justice and Assistant U .S. Attorney, Gonzalez earned the respect o f judges and attorneys around the state. Since beginning his service on the Supreme Court in 1984, he has shown himself to be independent, competent, compassionate and fair. Judge Gonzalez, graduated from ihe University o f Texas. ★ ★ VOTE ABSENTEE ★ ★ Deadline is TUESDAY UT Faculty Center, 25th & Guadalupe Lost your card? You may still vote if you bring a picture ID with you Questions? Need more information? Coil 477-4901 Want to help? Come by 600 W. 28th Suite 202B m oustin progressive for a ch a n g e ■ coalition Rd. Ad. Pd. Austin Progressive Coalition, 5III-A Avenue G, Austin, TX 78751, Mike Hemer, Treasurer Group helps local tenants with cleanup By ANNA MARIA MARTINEZ Special to the Texan C alvin B o n n e r said that b efo re S a tu rd a y , g o in g into his h o m e in the B lackland n e ig h b o r h o o d was " lik e w alk ing into a d u n g e o n . " B o n n e r, 58, is in p o o r h e a lth , and his vard had d e te rio r a te d o v e r the y ears until it b e c a m e o v e r g ro w n with w e e d s and tilled w ith trash. 1 hat ch a n g e d S a tu rd a y w h e n a g ro u p , c o m p risin g m o stly U n iv ersi­ ty s tu d e n ts , cleared o u t the vard as part o f the citvw'ide C le a n S w e e p program . Fifteen w o rk e rs w e r e from G a m ­ ma Delta E psilon, a s e r v ice o r g a n i­ zation, and fo ur w e re fro m the S o ­ cial W ork Council. Laura T h o m a s , G D E p re sid e n t, said the g ro u p did th e w o r k for the Austin T e n a n ts ' C o u n c i l , a m e m b e r ot the H o u s in g R e s o u r c e s A s s o cia­ tion R ob erto O rtiz, r e s o u r c e d e v e lo p ­ m ent c o o rd in a to r for the T e n a n ts ' C ouncil, said the a s s o c ia tio n puts v o lu n te ers in to u ch writh p eople of low to m o d e ra te i n c o m e s to re habil­ itate their h o m e s . Ortiz said a lm o s t all of the resi­ d en ts w h o s e h o m e s a re rehabilitat­ ed are eld erly or d is a b le d an d m any have no relativ es w h o can help with repairs or u p k ee p . T h e a s s o ciatio n re ce iv e s referrals from a g e n c ie s , c h u r c h e s and g ro u p s the B la ck la n d N e ig h b o r­ s u c h as h oo d A s s o ciatio n , w h ic h told the a g e n c y of B o n n e r 's n e e d s , Ortiz said. T o n y a E d m o n d , a social w ork in the g ra d u a te s tu d e n t in te rn in g n e ig h b o r h o o d , said area re sid e n ts the recently w'ere n e i g h b o r h o o d and cle a n -u p w a s cited m o s t frequently as a wav to im p ro v e th e n e ig h b o r ­ hoo d . s u r v e y e d by a s s o c i a t i o n , "C a lv in > h o u s e w a s o n e o f the areas that really n e e d e d h e l p , " Ed­ m o n d said. said Jo h n Sutter, a G D E m e m b e r and e c o n o m ic s the s o p h o m o r e , w o r k e r s fo u n d a varie ty of item s as thev cle a n e d up. “ W e fo u n d all sorts of thing s like g la s s w a re and real old bottles, he said . You d is­ co v er a little bit of h isto ry The pile of trash, w h ic h w as to be hauled awrav bv the n e ig h b o r h o o d inclu ded c u ttin g s, an a s s o c ia tio n , old chair, a b rok e n tele v isio n set university P a g e 6/The D aily T exan /M o nd ay, April 2 8 , 1 9 8 6 Baker stresses entrepreneurs By THANHHA LAI Daily Texan Staff L . S . S e c r e t a n of the Treasury l a m e s B a k er told b u s in e s s s tu d e n ts the R e a g a n a d m in is tra tio n Friday h a s w o rked to w ard policies that will e n s u re a new w a v e o f e n t r e p r e n e u r ­ ship. C u ttm g taxes, d e r e g u la tin g b u s i ­ ne s s e s and lo w e rin g inflation have set e n ­ tre p re n e u rs w h o are part of the A m erica n g ro w th B ak er said. for b u d d in g the pace interest Baker said the policies are ot s p e ­ cial to e n t r e p r e n e u r s b e ­ ca u se " e n t e r p r is e is r e w a rd e d , in ­ n o v a t i o n a n d prosperity is sp re ad in America and all ov er t he world e n c o u r a g e d is the S c h o o l Baker, w h o a tte n d e d I I Schoo l of l a w in the eariv 1970s, s p o k e to 400 p e op le at the L niver^i- tv T e a c h in g C e n te r . H e w as the last s p e ak er t h i s s e m e s te r in the G r a d u ­ ate o f B u s in e s s D is tin ­ g uished S p e a k e r s S e rie s Baker practiced law in H o u s to n befo re g o in g to th e W h ite H o u s e in 1975 as secreta ry of c o m m e r c e H e w as V\ hite 1 lo u s e * hiet of staff from 1981 to 1985. I he federal g o v e r n m e n t help ed the e n tre p re n e u ria l spirit bv re d u c ­ ing the index tax rate in 1981, and P re s id e n t Reagan believes m ore can be d o n e , Baker said. the reduce R ea ga n to reduce is pro p osing marginal tax rates for individuals in b u s in e s s , tax base to e lim in a te loop h oles and tax d iffer­ e n t activities co n s is te n tly so fin an ­ cial help from the g o v e r n m e n t can be allocated on the basis of e c o n o m ­ ic merit, not con sid era tio n , tax B aker said. " T h e s e are special b en e fits to e n ­ tre p re n e u rs b ecau se we are testing brain p o w e r rather than h o r s e p o w ­ e r , " Baker said. A sid e from tax reform the a d ­ m inistration also w orks to re m o v e re g u lation s that interfere with tree e n te rp ris e , inhibit com p etition or im p o s e un necessary ’ costs on b u si­ n e s se s and high prices upon cus to m ers. he said. Baker said s o m e bureaucracies w ould be b etter m a n ag e d in the pri­ vate m arket rail­ roads an d water treatm ent O th e r in a p ­ p ro g ram s in propriate area for g o v e r n m e n t that rep re sen t an such as airports v o lv e m e n t w o u ld be elim inated sue h as the* Small Bu s i n e s s A d m i n ­ istration, A m tra k , U rb a n D e v e l o p m e n t A ctio n G r a n t s and I n te rn a ­ tional C o m m e r c e A d m in istra tion he said The R ea ga n a d m in is tra tio n is en co u r g a g m g e n tr e p r e n e u r s h i p but is cu ttin g the Small B u s in e s s Adminis tration b e ca u se the a d m in istra tio n ha s b e c o m e a big bureaucracv that g i v e s g o v e r n m e n t su b s id ie s to onlv a b o u t b u s in e s s e s while th o u s a n d s o f small b u s in e s s e s are created ev e ry vear. Baker said 2 0 ,(XX) Robert VNitt. d e a n of the C o lle g e of B u sin ess A d m in is tra tio n and the G ra d u a te Schoo l of B u s in es s said he w orked th ro u g h a m u tual friend to inv ite B ak er to speak Baker began his s p e e c h bv saving the m o st freq u en t q u e s tio n he is asked is w h at is the b iggest differ e n c e b e tw e e n b eing chief of staff and secretary of the trea*-urv He and Donald R e g a n , the c ,¡rrt nt chief of staff lanuarv 1 c^Ss s w itch e d |obs in Bak» r said I h e b igg est difference is the w v 1 I make mv monev used to m ak e it bv p u ttin c m U hou r-d a v s at th e W h ite Ho i 1 m ak e it the old fash io n e d wa . print it Ban upheld for non-students By MATTHEW GEIGER and DONNY JA C K S O N Daily Texan Staff Carlos Moreno Daily Texan Staff Jennifer Goad, left and Suzanne Barrington clean up a back yard. and o t h e r rubbish. B o n n e r said he w as su rp rised at it had been w h a t he s a w a fte r cleare d . " T h e r e 's s o m e s p a ce back here I'd n e v e r s e e n / ' B o n n e r said. “ 1 w as s care d to walk th ro u g h that. 1 was g o in g to take a s n a k e w hip with m e . " G D E c h o s e this p ro je c t afte r c o m ­ pleting a n o t h e r p r o je c t the te n a n ts cou ncil last s e m e s te r . C lub m e m b e r s had p a in te d a low cost h o m e, a n d T h o m a s said thev e n j o y ­ e d the w o rk . from s o m e t h i n g " W e had fun and w e w a n te d to d o that a g a i n , " like Thomas said. " W e ' v e w o rk e d with the eld e rly and w ith kids b e fo re and w e w a n te d to d o s o m e t h i n g new W e 'd n e v e r d ea lt w ith l o w - in c o m e h o u s in g b e f o r e . " I h o m a s w as p lea s e d e n o u g h with the p ro je ct Ja n in e Valles, in c o m in g Social W ork C o u n ­ th at s h e and to cil p re s id e n t, d rafted a o t h e r c a m p u s o r g a n iz a tio n s in vit­ ing th e m to offer m a n p o w e r to the te n a n ts ' council letter It s a good w av for th o s e g ro u p s to get involved with the c o m m u n i ­ ty, V alles said " There are so man\ p e o p le at U I an d surely lb or 12 p e o p le ca n give up a Saturdav Ortiz a g reed This is a real good outlet tor o n - c a m p u s in v o lv e m e n t he said. w a y s of he lp in g o u t w ith o u t p h v - cal l a b o r ." T h e re 's a lot ot different I he H o u s i n g R e so u rce s \ssocia- tion m u st c o n s ta n tly raise fu n d s iust to pav rent on the s p a c e tor tools and o t h e r s u p p lies , O rtiz said It a n org a n iz atio n c o u ld n t put in a S a tu rd a y , thev m ig h t w is h to o n e v e a r s raise monev for " W e n e ed p e o p le rent. O rtiz said with d iffe re n t skills, a n d the re tu rn s are self-satisfv ing. sav In the tir-t a p p e al g ra n ted to a n ti­ apartheid p ro te sters , a h e a rin g e x ­ am ine! Fridav u p h e ld the I niversi tv s d ecisio n to e x clu d e tw o n o n ­ s tu d ents tw o w e eks c a m p u s from for But Travis Countv Attomev Ken O d e n e x p r e s s e d c o n c e r n the protes ter a rrests mav not be lustified Retired U 1 l e a c h and law p ro fe ss o r 1 an ier C o x up held the- ban ot fo rm e r I I stud ents David lam es (. on a tz er, the University com plied with state lave w h e n U l tw o n o n - s t u ­ t h e pol i ce d en ts \prii Is a n d told th e m not to retu rn to the c a m p u s t o r 14 dav " a rre ste d ruling is a u th o riz e d u n d e r a 1 he ban p ro vision of the Texas E d u ca tio n C ode that allow s u n iv ersities to re g ­ ulate d e m o n s tr a tio n s i ox ruled \tto rnevs fot the p ro te ste rs said ! thev w ould ap peal the ru ling to I P resid en t W illiam (. u n n in g h a m I e a ch and i o n a tz e r w e re a m o n g lo s s tu d e n ts s e co n d 17 n o n -s tu d e n ts and the ral 1 v arrested at the form ed to d e m a n d the I mversitv divest from S o u th African co m pa m es and to protest the n o o n to 1 p m W est Mall d e m o n s tr a ti o n lim its Virginia S c h r a m m an atto m ev for Teach and (. o n a tzer said the ar terriblv rests and the b a n s have a chillin g effect on p e o p l e ’s f ir*d A m e n d m e n t rights Brian Fast , a n o th er p ro te ster at tornev argu ed b efo re C ox that the d e m o n s tra tio n s were not in v io la­ tion ot the e d u ca tio n vodt because thev did not th r e a te n njurv dam age or d isru p t th e orderly opera tion of the institu tion He al s t said the arrests w ere illegal The arrests w e r e done s o ie h to identitv the sub jects w h ich could h av e been d o n e bv o t h e r m e th o d s 1 ist said I I officials did not sub stantiate the c h a rg e that the protc st d isru pted b u s i n e s s , he -aid But Ronald B row n v ice preside nt t r s tu d e n t affairs and G len Malon e \ a s s ista n t d ean of s tu d e n ts t> st; that staff and stu d e n ts c o m lied p la in e d 1 t H H * p ro te sters disrupt» J I 1 opt rations the n e arly that Then w a s loud h.inru repeatedly so w h ich b r o u g h 1 pie in the Main Butldim t B ro w n said dow s r wc I h < im p e d e d trattic a n u i r , ? the Mall testify ac tiv ities The I mversi t v brought no o the rai !\ intc rt er ed n C o n a t / e r w h o w. ¡ - a I 1 sti last s e m e s t e r said fu r equi s;«- h e a rin g on principle He said se v e n d a v 1- ot the bai n "name i o r rea! reas» 1 think it s ruin ulc us Thev had n- said a r r e s t us i Me n said he ha d sp,>k« > I I pc'lu t ot fic ¡ a i s s, \ e r a ! t t m g th e ¡.1st tvs i w et ks to disc, u o p tio n of crim in al c h a rg e s w p ro te ste rs arrest* d List w* e k ! pt But ht s a i d h* tend I c ou nt y w ould not harvc a r t s t u d e n t s in uu< C Me n - ai d the t Tni ' w h e t h e r th* t ho r i t v t o d e t a i n e d u c a t i o n Ci sj i ! a c ' t h > n - d w m g th> I I I 1 I I I I I I I I r e x p ir e s e x p ir e s 5/ 11/86 « H irgers t 5/ 11/86S u p e r-B e rt 2 Q U A R TE R P O U N D E R " O n W hole W h e a t" COUPON REDEEMED IN STORE ONLY ^ 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Daily *3303 N. Lamar *452-2317 FINDING AN APARTMENT N MANHATTAN TAKES THE RIGHT EDUCATION Get a free copy of “ Manhattan Moves* — the insider s guide to finding an apartment in Manhattan Tl í 0me Improvement Joans lo an s i m p r o v e m e n t D ream s c o m e tru e at U n iversity F e d e ra l C red it U n io n with a to h o m e help you build y o u r d r e a m h om e, w h e th e r it is re m o d e lin g y o u r k itch en , l a n d s c a p i n g y o u r front y a r d o r b uilding a s w i m ­ ming pool. C o m e by o r c all us for m o re in f o rm a tio n on 1 3 .5 % interest ra t e lo a n s w ith te r m s up to 15 y e a rs. To w el c ome potential new residents to the city, and dispel s o m e myths about housing in New York we have published a book called Manhattan M ov e s' It's the ultimate insider s guide to apartment hunting in the Big Apple Manhattan M o v e s helps you set your sights on the right type ot apartment and location It takes you on a tour of the city's ne i g hb or hoo ds introduces you to the available housing, gives you vital facts about transportation, housing laws, renting, sharing, and much more The book gives you inside advice on actually finding the apartment you ve targeted. It helps you find the hottest listings, tells you how to canvas, and how to select a broker Send for a free c opy of Manhattan M o ve s ' today It won t guarantee you a Manhattan ap a r t ­ ment. but it will definitely get you moving in the right direction U niversity Federal Credit Union M am O ffii e ■ 4tith and G u a d a lu p e * 467-8080 S e rv il e Center • I n iv e rs ity C o -O p on the “ Oran" I TO: MANHATTAN MOVES MILFORD MANAGEMENT, I 1271 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N Y. 10020 J Send me a copy of M an hattan M o v e s , The In sider's G uide to finding an j A partm ent in M a n h a tta n - fre e w ithout co st or oblig ation Your Nam e I I S ch o o l A d d re ss C ity — Hom e A d d re ss C i t y ----------------- Phone No ___ State State Zip Zip Or Call Toll Free 1 (800) 247-4041 Professor emeritus dies at 85 Texan honored for fall sem ester The Daily Texan/Mondav. April 28. 1986/Paoe By JOE YONAN Daily Texan Staff A retired University professor of hom e econom ics — called a "p io­ neer” and "innovator” in childhood developm ent — died Friday in a lo­ cal nursing home. Sallie Beth M oore, 85, professor emeritus of hom e econom ics, re­ tired from the University in 1970. She came to the University in 1944 as director of the University N ur­ sery School, and rem ained director for 26 years. Phyllis Richards, professor of faculty hom e econom ics, was a m em ber w hen M oore was director of the nurserv school — now called the University Child and Familv Lab. "S h e was a dynam ic, energetic, person who worked for the better­ m ent of life for voung children and their fam ilies,” Richards said. "S h e was well liked bv her students and assum ed major reponsibilities in or­ ganizations in the field of childhood developm ent She was a very active person professionally.” Johanna Huggans, in hom e econom ics who became direc­ tor of the lab w hen Moore retired, said Moore was ahead ot her time in lecturer her ideas about child developm ent. "O n e of the things that has im ­ pressed me over the years about her has been she was a very caring per­ son for children and fam ilies," Hug­ gans said. "N o t only that, but she was very progressive in her ideas about working with children and families. "It's am azing to look in the files from when she was director and see the things that are now thought of as new and innovative — and know that she was doing those things with children and parents 20 vears a g o ." Richards said the D epartm ent of Home Econom ics set up a scholar­ ship fund in 1970 in M oore's nam e and now is accepting memorials for the fund. "T h o se of us w ho worked w'ith her, worked hard to get that estab­ lished to honor and recognize h e r," Richards said. Richards said M oore was presi­ dent of the Southern Association on Children Under Six and was named bv them as an outstanding educa­ tor Moore also was recognized bv the National Association on the Ed­ ucation of Young Children as a pio­ neer in the field of child develop- m ent, she said. M oore received a bachelor's d e­ gree from the U niversity o f Chicago and a m aster's d egree from the U ni­ versity of M innesota. Sh e also Institute of the Drexel taught at Technology. M oore at W estm in ster M anor, a local nursing hom e, until her death. She is survived by her sister, Margaret M oore Pettey of Dallas; 10 nieces and nephew s; 24 great-nieces and nephew's and 1$ great-great nieces and nephew's. lived Services will be held at 10 a.m . in W eed-C orlev Funeral M onday Home. Graveside services will be at 2 p.m . Tuesday at Forest Park West Cemetery' in Sh reveport, La. r---------------------1 Best on the Beach? police report Between 3 p.m . Friday and 3 p.m . Sunday, the University Police Departm ent inci­ reported dents: these Burglary: Four UI students were arrested at 1 20 a m Saturday at Robert A W elch Hall after the\ were seen clim bing in a window They were iharged with burglar\ and txxiked into the Travis Countv Jail Theft:A U I statt member w a s ar­ rested at 1 51 a m S a t ur d a v in the 2 0 0 0 b k xk of East C am pus Dr i ve a f ­ ter he w a s found t o be in possession of Universitv-ow ned cleaning s u p ­ plies re leased until the filing ot i b a r g e s The staff m em ber w a s A UT student reported at 2 01 p m Sunday the theft of a show er head and handles from Bratken- ndge Hal! The Islands Swimwear Highland Mall 453-0216 The Cadeaus second store, Cadeau Bon-Chtc, presents an open house on May 1 and 2 Come by for some foo d and fun Browse through the latest fashions and accessories And see why Cadeau Bon-Chic is the place 2 shop 2316 and 2322 Guadalupe Park free behind The Cadeau (May 1 and 2, w ith this ad) • • m Wk S p e c ía I of The 1 1 / I P'ease vend n-e fo r $8 99 ea cr p-us $2 '00 postage and handling No proble-n t v re3 * co c ' jU ^BO WATCH(ES) M am # A ev \ z * . * r \ * * * * * t o m y * SA I I S t a te * * :■C W D rtl, . . B i i « ®e<2 6 -u c O d e * * m f E i p m i By BRIAN EDWARDS Daily Texan Staff The D a ily Texan and several of its staff m em bers recently received top honors for fall sem ester ed i­ tions from a num ber of regional and national press groups The aw ards include: a first-place regional award for Best All-Around Student N ew spaper from Sigma Delta Chi, a nationw ide professional journalists' so­ ciety; Best All-Around N ew spaper, Division 1, from the Texas Intercollegiate Press A ssociation; and the Associated C ollegiate Press All-Am erican Rating in the National Critical Service of the University of M innesota's National Scholastic Press Association. Russell Scott, Texan editor, said the last award, given for the 1985 fall sem ester, included five m arks of distinction: coverage and content; writing and editing; design, opinion content; and photo, art and graphics. Tela G oodw in, w ho served as m anaging editor erf the Texan during the fall, attibuted the aw ard to the staff's team effort. "W ith the staff we had assem bled I felt confident that we had d on e a pretty good jo b ," she said. A Texan staff m em ber and a former staffer received aw ards from the national William Ran­ dolph H earst Foundation. M atthew Geiger, Texan associate new s editor and form er general reporter, took fourth place in the m vestigative-reporting cate­ gory. Form er general reporter Libby A veryt won sixth place in the feature-w riting category. Sigma Delta Chi also recognized former Texan managing editor G oodw in for feature writing in its annual regional aw ards, w hile o th er Texan staffers won 12 individual aw ards from the Texas Intercolle­ giate Press A ssociation. NURSING BOARDS REVIEW NCLEX PREPARATION FOR PEOPLE WHO CARE! 16 OAYLME COURSE TetfM tTAPE PRACTICE 4664AGE STUDY OUtOC MONKIMMCK GUARANTEE ‘On Call' Days. Evenings and Weekends 472-8085 BICYCLES A u s tin > L a r g e s t S electio n o f Q uality B ic y c le s ’ M1YATA CENTWON SPECIALIZED tre e carmondale *1986 C en tu rion Iron m an a n d N ish ik i In tern atio n a l now in sto ck ! 2404 San Gabriel 477-6846 B U Y , SELL, RENT, TRADE...W ANT A D S...471 -5 2 4 4 25% Off v HARDBACK & P A P E R B A C K BESTSELLERS* PAPERBACK PAPERBACK f R h h N e u Y o r k I i m e s B o o k R e \ iew t o f i r s t 2 0 B e s t S e l l e r p u r c h a s e r s , e v e r v w e e k ! F IC T IO N 1. Hold the Dream. Barbara Taylor 2. StiUwateh, Mary Higgins Clark N O N -FICTIO N 1. Out Of Africa and Shadows on COOP $3.37. the Grass, Isak Dinesen. Reg $4.95 COOP $3 71 2. Sm art Women Foolish Choices, Dr. Connell Cowan and COOP $3.37. Dr. Melvyn Kinder Reg $4.50.................................... COOP $3 37 3. A Creed for the Third Millennium, Colleen McCullough 3. The Road Less Traveled, M Scott Peck M D 4. The Color Purple, Alice Walker 4 . Loving E ach Other, Leo F Buscagha COOP $3.71. Reg $8 95 COOP $2.96. Reg $7 95 COOP $6.71. COOP $&£6. 5. Queenie, Michael Korda 5. The Bridge A cross Forever, Richard Bach 6. Family Album, Danielle Steele 6. Isak Dinesen: U fe of a Story Teller, Judith Thurman COOP $3.71. Reg. $3.95 COOP $2.96. 7 I),ck * rancis 8. T en nessee!, Dana Fuller Ross 9. If Tomorrow Comes, Sidney Sheldon COOP $3.37. Reg $4 95 COOP $3.71. COOP $3.37. COOP $3.37 7- Surely You’re Jokin g Mr. Feynm an, Richard P Feynman. ...................................... COOP *3.37. Reg $4.50 — : --------------------Advice, How-To and Miscellaneous_____________ L ^ ^ D J e r 's Immune Pow er Diet, Stuart M Berger. * , • , . . . 77 ~ ~ 10 The Glory Game. Ja n e t Dailey 2‘ (¿ "fie ld Out to Lunch, Jim Davis. COOP $3.71. Reg $4 50 COOP $3.37 ^ $5 95 11. Glitz, Elmore Leonard 3' J K* L a s e r s Your Income T ax Guide 1986, COOP $2.96. Reg. $7.95 . ................... COOP $5.96. 12. 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Reg $5.95 COOP $4.46. a Valley of the F a r Side, Gary Larson • r UNIVERSITY CO-OP Free Parking 23rd & San Anfonio w $3 P urchase 2246 Guadalupe Phone 476-7211 S fe c U l E fó/ectt Summer Sale A p ril 2 8 -M a y 3 B each Towels:reg. * 1 1 ............ 7 " B each C hair: reg. *25...............1 9 " B each U m b rella: reg. *2 5 . .......... 1 9 " C anvas B each Bags: re* *22*»...............1 6 " t r < v n n i T m ^ . . . •‘ V Y . v , » i » \ ~ 7 > 25% Educational Discount Now that the AMIGA is here, the question isn't whether you can afford a compoter, it s whether you can afford to wait Waiting |ust got harder! For a limited time only, BYTE BY BYTE and Commodore-Amiga are offering college students and faculty a 25% discount on the purchase of the AMIGA computer system. At a savings of over $500, can you really afford to wait any longer? See the AMIGA professionals at Austin's first authorized AMIGA dealer e B each Club: glassw/umbrella reg. *12 . . . . . . 99 8 B each Club: party wagon 4 jl. sses w/tray reg.*35 . . . . . . JS 9 i 199 In fla ta b le Pool F lo a ts : reg. *io 7 " BYTE by BYTE. i («m«ukix ear UmiO— •*jf— AMIGA FINASCING! 3736 Bee Cave Rd Mon-Sat: 1 0 -6 p.m. 328-2983 Thurs 1 0-8 p.m. r atax X 801 Pnndnhipo PImmm 471-7111 Free Pi rfchu 23r4/San A t enlo w/$3 Perchono state & local Page 8/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28, 1986 Nicaraguan officials discuss constitution Aid to contras called inappropriate By SUZANNE TAYLOR Daily Texan Staff Two Nicaraguan government offi­ cials discussed the drafting of that country's constitution Friday, disa­ greeing on the history of the San­ dinista government, but agreeing that U.S. aid to contra rebels is inap­ propriate. Edw in Yllescas, attorney and member of the Nicaraguan National Assembly — similar to the U.S. Congress — said, "The internation­ al community can do something for Nicaragua by galvanizing their forces to support civil opposition against the Sandinistas." But aid to the contras would only increase "the bloodletting," Yllescas said. Yllescas is a member of the Demo­ cratic Conservative Party, the larg­ est opposition party to the Sandinis- ta government. Mariano Barahona, Sandinista and Nicaraguan Supreme Court jus­ tice, said the 1979 revolution was a "democratic revolution attempting to incorporate those civil rights" that did not exist under "Som oza's dictatorship." "The social reforms (of the San­ dinista movement) were well under way until 1982, when a program de­ veloped by Reagan was undertaken to support the contras," Barahona said. "N o w all those reforms have been badly affected." The Nicaraguan National Assem­ bly has been working on a new con­ stitution and has completed a first draft which w ill be "submitted for domestic approval" in M ay, Ylles­ cas said. Both officials said the constitution is based on three branches, execu­ tive, • legislative and judicial, with the addition of an electoral division. Yllescas said after the 1979 revolu­ tion, the Sandinista partv began to deviate from the revolution's origi­ nal goals, w hen certain Sandinista factions grew closer to "Marxist- Leninist theories." "B u t we (the Democratic Con­ servative Party) believe that the Sandinistas, perhaps not exactly Voluntarily, are returning to some­ thing that approximates the original scheme of things," Yllescas said. "W e 'll need more concrete proofs. They have given specific, but not sufficient proof." Barahona said he disagreed that the Sandinistas had deviated from the revolution's original goals and said those goals had always been a part of the Sandinista commitment: political pluralism, a mixed econo­ my and non-alignment in interna­ tional affairs. Yllescas said the only w ay to pre­ serve the goals of the 1979 revolu­ tion was to "de-Sandinize" the rev­ olution, but said the Democratic Conservative Party does not sup­ port U .S. backing of the contras "because we don't believe that's the appropriate solution." " W e (Democratic Conservative Party) are not using arms because we do not believe in arm s," Yllescas said. Money being used for contra mili­ tary assistance should be "chan­ neled to civil opposition to the San­ dinistas in Nicaragua, not just to one party, but to all parties who are in opposition,” Yllescas said. Yllescas said the American public does not have enough good infor­ mation about the situation in Nicar­ agua. " If they believe the Sandinis­ tas are com m un ists, is primarily due to their lack of politi­ cal education," he said. that Jim Harrington, attorney for the Texas Civil Liberties Union, said the most interesting thing he heard at the forum "w a s the division of thought and the division of politics that clearly exists in Nicaragua.” "It's not what we're led to believe by the media or by the administra­ tion." C a rlo s M oreno Daily Texan Staff A to s s for tots Ja co b Shulberg. 5. kindergartener at M athews Elem entary School tosses a jar lid at C o k e bottles in the ring toss booth at the Extend-A-Care picnic in W aterloo Park The end-of-school-year celebration Sunday brought to gether the parents, children and staff involved in Extend-A-Care UT STUDENTS HAVE CREDIT. 36,676 UT students have a major credit card. 25,244 h ave cards for automated teller machines. S O U R CE: U N IV E R S IT Y O f T E X A S C O L LE G E N EW SPA PER STU D Y, RELD EN A SSO CIAT ES, D A LLA S . A PR IL 1»»4 ITS THE COOLEST HEAT yOU'LL EVER FEEL. GO AHEAD BURST OUR BUBBLE Utility commission rules rate structure unfair By DONNY JACKSON Daily Texan Staff The Public Utility Commission ruled Friday that Austin's electric rate structure is unfair — four d a y s after a state district judge said the case is not within the commission's jurisdiction. The commission called for a r e d i s ­ tribution within city rate classes, in­ cluding a 40 percent increase in the electric rates of residential user*' The rate case w'as brought before the commission bv businesses and large homeowners outside the citv — led bv the Federation of Austin Industrial Ratepayers who object to last year's 14.3 percent rate in­ crease for large electricity users while some small homeowners had their rates increased 2 2 percent Bob Kahn, assistant city attorney said industrial users gained relief from the decision, but large residen­ tial users could have their rates in­ creased substantially bv the ruling T could never figure out w hy the large residential signed the petition (to bring the case before the PU C ),' Kahn said. The city's advisory Electric Utility Commission believes the 14.3 per­ cent rate hike was appropnate be­ cause the larger users received an 11 h percent decrease the year b e ­ fore as part of a settlement on an other rate case Therefore t h e net increase tor these users has been 2 percent since 1984 Although I AIK and others ob|ect ed to the rate increase their main goal was to alter Austin s electru rate system Instead of applying the theory of cheaper r a t e s for large-volume cus toméis, Austin s rate structure wills fur higher electric r a t e s tor con sumers who use mor» elevtncih The rate structure is designed to en courage conservation l i e s a v s t h e But FA IR attorney \ce Pickens said larger users are forced to bear a financial burden that should be shared bv all ratepayers In essence we were subsidizing ev eryone else* Pickens said PUC' Hearings Examiner Howard Fisher upheld the city's rate struc­ ture, but agreed that the large dif­ ferentiation between rate classes is unfair. "N o t only is the rate increase put forward by the City unreasonable, but the rates in effect prior to the ... (rate increase) were too high as of September 25, 1985," Fisher wrote in his report to the commission Kahn said he was not surprised by the commission's decision, but said recent favorable court rulings tor the citv kept him from being dis­ couraged btate District judge joe Dibrell de­ cided April 21 that the P U C has rate-reviewing jurisdiction only for investor-owned utilities, not city- owned utilities such as Austin's The PUC Thursday appealed the judgment to a state court of a p p e a ls Kahn s a id Bob Mossman F A IR chairman said the rate case will be important even if the P U C ruling does not stand W e feel like a lot of giH>d infor­ mation tinallv surfaced Mossman said C ertainly the citv s ratemak- ing procedure should benefit from it I think it would be hard for the vltv to ignore what the commission h a s said Man Holman F A IR attorney These people (the PUC agreed commissioners! know more about rates than anybody in the state of T e x a s much more than the Electru I till tv C ommission and the Citv C ouncil hi* said EUC chairman Merle Moden said X u s t i n 's rate structure was done w ith a wing and a prayer 1 here was no iost ot service s t u d v done to objectively s u p p o r t hi* said The EUC is conducting it a iost of service s t u d v to be tom pieted m Julv to evaluate thi ra ti sv stem he s a id Holman said at least two compa nu*s representing about 1 Mk) |0©s have cited high elevtrk r a t e s as a major reason tor not locating in Austin s e c u r it y NO s ,l,c i0 p « » « » 'FeeS 01 ubieties 02 Locker. basket 03 cECOiktounl M 0.an>»0«(>«M i s 06 C »C 'US Y **rt0 07 UW0«< <10 C parking I * Parking e r a s e c l e a n l y 20 20 rro. p rot liability urc Ti $52 00 $ 2 .00 $25 00 $12 00 v J y , / ®o © O © O » $26.00 $ 6 60 $ 160 $13 80 $12 00 $ 8 .00 © O®o ®o ®o ©o ©o ©o ®o @o @o ©o ®o ©o @o ©o @o A 2 7 0 4 © 0 ® S I © ® ® ! i e s a w UNlOOf N° JUDD NELSON ALLySHEEDy ITS BELCW MIAMI, AND ABOVE THE LAW FARAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS A HA/WARD/HILL PRODUCTION BLUE CITY JUDD NELSON ALLY SHEED/ EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS ROBERT KENNER AND ANTFHONY JONES SCREENPLAY BY UJKAS HELLER & WALTER HILL BASED ON THE NOVEL BY ROSS MACDONALD PRODUCED BY WILLIAM HAYWARD AND WALTER HILL ._ DIRECTED BY MICHELLE MANNING A FARAMOUNT PICTURE ~CJ*. R mmmwmmwwm j l j m m » i? u n e n l a i — i n m ¡ I mmc iTmm> mmh I ,----------- f OPENS FRIDAY, MAY 2ND AT A THEATER NEAR YOU 0 © © > - , © © © ' fry»© ® ® - i© ® ® K B i S !© @ ® l v — pa*-" > s , * »\u 0 g g ^ m UNlOUt NO u Niq ul n° u Mark the Publications Package During Registration YOU’LL SAVE $12.95 Construction delayed on research center The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28, 1966/Page 9 Hance television ads protested Hispanic group decries political commercial on illegal aliens as racist in In addition to the changes space allocation, there were delays in November and December when rain interfered with the roof's com ­ pletion, Meyer said. Knstoferson said the four-story building is about 95 percent com ­ plete. M eyer said, "T h e research areas in the building are being finished and are basically em pty ro o m s." MCC will provide the equipm ent and furniture for those areas, he said. "All w e're providing them with is sufficien t u tilitie s," sp ac e an d Meyer sa id . M eyer said the building's fourth floor is being readied and will be substantially com plete in about 30 days. M eyer said w orkers also are test­ ing the air conditioning, plum bing and utility system s. Associated Press H O U STO N — A bout 150 people held a protest rally Sun d ay against GO P gubernatorial hopeful Kent H ance's com m ercials show ing H ispanic schoolchildren in the background while he talks about illegal aliens television "W e are here to specifically re­ spon d to the racist a d s gubernato­ rial candidate Kent Hance h a s been sp outin g on T V ," said C arlos Spector-C alderon, spokesm an for the League of United Latin-Ameri- can C itizens. "H e specifically has som e ads equating M exican-A m ericans as illegal aliens by having pictures of Mexican-American children and in this saying that the problem illegal state aliens, C alderon said. the presence of is Calderon said the ad s inflame a prejudice that already exists in the the Hispanic state and com m unity as the scapegoat for state problem s. targets Som e of the protesters carried signs saying "Deport Kent Hance" and chanted "G iv e us a chance, deport Kent H an ce." Calderon said he has challenged Hance to a public debate prior to the May 3 primary because "th e tacts that he relies on are drawn from the twilight z o n e ." He also w ants Hance to with­ draw the comm ercial as well as his nam e from the ballot, w here he faces former Gov. Bill Clem ents and U.S. Rep. Tom Loeffler for the Republican gubernatorial nom ina­ tion. "K en t Hance is fighting som e­ thing that is illegal. We are trying the United to protect ¡obs in States," a prepared statement by H ance's campaign said. "Studies show that illegal aliens take more jobs from minorities than from any other group. "I.t addition, many Hispanics are embracing the Republican phi­ losophy and show movement toward conservative views. He staunchly opposes amnesty' for illegal aliens and understands the illegal alien problems as well as anyone in the country," the state­ ment said. Tom Lotz, Hance's campaign coordinator in Houston, said Sun­ day he was not aware of the de­ bate challenge and that his office had only received a couple of calls in protest of the commercial. "They seemed to be upset over the illegal alien issu e s," Lotz said of the callers. "But Kent is fighting som eth ing sta te ." th at's illegal in this Byron N elson, a spokesm an for H an ce's campaign in Austin, said there are no plans to pull the com­ mercial, which started airing Tues­ day. The com m ercial sa y s the ille­ gal alien problem is drivin g taxes up, contributing to crim e, crow d­ ing schools and hurting the econo­ my. N elson pointed out that arrests of illegal aliens cro ssin g the M exi­ can border are up 41 percent from last year. "H an ce is desp erately looking for an issue and he's definitely not goin g to find it in the H ispanic sa id . c o m m u n ity ," C a ld e ro n "K en t Hance has a history of in­ flam ing prejudices and m isconcep­ tio n s." DON'T Vcrnefa- P la n ts, p o tte r y , decorative acce sso ­ ries and fresh flo­ wers. We offer lo­ cal and worldwide d e l i v e r y . S P E ­ C IA L : 12 roses for $ 1 2 00 (limited o f­ fer). S o ffit J * 2 *L a te show s every night o f the week ‘ All seats only $2.50 ‘ Unique m ovies and Austin premiers Marco’s Coffee & Teas Gourm et coffee and teas from around the world. Fresh p as­ tries Periect beginning o f a perfect da v ! Travis Jelecom We c a m a full line o f tele­ phones, answ ering m achines and accessories. We are also Aus t i ns exclu sive long-dis­ tance se n ice. Nuts, flavored popcorn, gour­ met jellybeans, carob and yo gurt covered treats are only a few of the delicious goodies available. The tanning salon that offers you a choice of tanning equip­ ment. The Chippery Stop by for free samples of our fresh baked cookies and Co- lumbo Frozen Yogurt. fiOCK cnSrtAM — — m nunc Come by and browse through our selection of bibles, music, books and cards. Monday-Fri- day 10 a.m .-7 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m .-6 p.m. Sales and Service o f Quality HiFi and V ideo Equipment. We understand student tastes and student budgets. Student Travel Experts Club Europa Student Tours and Instant Eurailpasses. The Unicorn A gift store as unique as its name! Jewelry, cards, station­ ery, prints and mugs. Truly delicious hamburgers, chicken, fajitas . . . and more! (Truly delicious Corona Beer, too!) Cone Appetit Waffle cones, 16 flavors of Blue Bell Ice Cream, 14 top­ pings, shortcake, sundaes, ba­ nana splits, floats, cake & brownies. The SamWitch Shop We serve old fa­ vorites and new fa­ vorites. Korean food our specialty! pinball, Power Play Gameroom Pool, and video games. Open 7 days a week. A great place for cheap entertain­ ment. NICKI’S AUTHENTIC PIZZAS EVERYDAY SPECIALS Calzone, Manicotti, Lasagn a, S a la d s, Pizza by the slice. to Open 10 a.m. midnight everyday. King David’s Restaurant Come try something different and delicious: in Middle Eastern foods. the finest Sutton’s Top Dog Grand opening. Com Dogs — Hot Dogs — Coney Island. First floor. Dobie Mall — fac­ ing the Drag (next to Audio Concepts) Sunglasses,ETC • • • » * ■ • This week only! Receive a free T- shirt ($14.00 value) with purchase o f any Serengeti Drivers Sunglasses. tin in your PC station ■nng m your typing and word processing for fast accurate service. Computer facilities for rent — including printers, softJ I ware and instruction. DOBIE MALL By JUDY JONES Daily Texan Staff Completion of a major research facility at the University's Balcones Research Center will be delayed about a month due to design changes in the project, UT officials said Friday. The 200,000-square-foot building will serve as h eadquarters for the M icroelectronics and C o m p u ter lech n ology C o rp ., a consortium of high-technology that will share the results of research don e at the facility. com panies UT regents in January 1985 a p ­ proved a 10-year lease of 20 acres at the Balcones center to M CC and a u ­ thorized the construction of a build­ ing to be leased to the consortium for nom inal rent. Frank M eyer, project coordinator in the L T System Facilities Planning and Construction office, said con­ struction w as to have been com plet­ in M av, but said the System ed granted th e J.C . Evans Construction Co a 32-day contract extension. "W e anticipate completion in late Ju ly ," he said Me ver said the changes in the building s design involve the reallo­ cation of space and placem ent of a d ­ ditional interior partitions so the building will accom m odate more staff. The reallocation of space w as on all floors and w as of a substantial nature he sa id R S k n sto ferso n , Facilities Plan­ ning and Construction director, said the ch an ges were m ade at M C C 's request K n stoferson sa id that because of the extension the construction con­ tract's cost increased from $19.39 million to $19.41 milium But the ex­ tension vs ill not c a u s e the project to go over budget, he said M eyer also said the additional ex­ pense w as not a problem >tili We re com fortable financial!) with the p roject," M ever sa id verv Trie store that always has what s new has a new store Come to the grand opening of Cadeau Bon-Chic for food fun and a preview of the latest in fashions and accessories Shopping Cadeau Bon-Chic ts the new thing 2 do 2316 and 2322 Guadalupe Park free behind The Cadeau May 1 and 2, w ith this ad) The most demanding, challenging, enlightening, rigorous, satisfying, difficult, rewarding, motivating and exciting course you can take in college. Army Reserve Officers Training Corps For more information, call Mqjor Mingus or Captain Hauck, 471-5919 or stop by RAS 110 in depth Page 10/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28, 1986 Midwifery The second oldest profession Story by Patricia Donaldson Illustration by Mark Greene Midwifery, the practice of provid­ ing assistance to a woman during the birthing process, could very well be considered the world's sec­ ond oldest profession. It is also a profession that is only now gaining strength after a period of recession In this country’, midwifery was prominent until the beginning of the 19th century and was complete­ ly controlled by women. During the colonial period childbirth was the central focus of a woman's life, and before the field of modern medicine was established, it often was a haz­ ardous and painful ordeal. In the 17th century, one out of five women died dunng childbirth. Since women generally were made responsible for care of the family, they turned to members of their own sex for emotional support and advice in matters concerning child­ birth. Religious leaders of the day taught that childbearing pain was the appropriate lot of women. Women accepted this suffering as inevitable and felt the need to unite. The birthing process became a communal experience in which the woman giving birth was surround­ ed by female friends and relatives: women were present to offer en­ couragement, to distract the woman from her labor pains and to assist in attending to visitors. The midwife, usually the most skilled person present, supervised the entire pro­ cess and took full control as the de­ livery approached. Midwives used their experience and expertise to guide the mother- to-be through her labor and to advise her of possible difficulties. As much as possible, midwives allowed nature to do the work. If complications arose, the midwife would attempt to resolve the prob­ lem or would decide to destroy the child if the mother's life was in dan­ ger. In the mid-18th century, many of society's attitudes concerning w om ­ en began to change — including at­ titudes concerning childbirth. It was no longer considered necessary for a woman to suffer during child­ birth. This change in attitude coin­ cide J medicine, and physicians began to be trained in midwife practices. ith the advent of modern The foremost advantage to mid­ wife training for physicians was the assurance of new' patients. W ith time, physicians became more in­ volved with most normal births, eventually overtaking the entire field of midw'iferv. Since the medical field was domi­ nated by men, women often lost their roíe as assistants in the birth­ ing process. Obstetricians replaced midw’ives, and many elements asso­ ciated with m idwifery disappeared. M any women were affected bv the loss of the communal and emo­ tionally supportive atmosphere. Childbirth became a private affair between a woman and her obstetri­ cian. The obstetncian was usually a stranger, rather than a friend. In the days of midwifery, women could confide deep fears and secrets to their midwives and were able to establish an intimate relationship of mutual respect. In the obstetrician- patient relationship, conservative sexual attitudes sometimes in­ terfered, making for a distant ac­ quaintance. Eventually the field of midwifery disappeared. The early 1970s brought both a resurgence of interest in the field of m idwifery and an increased aware­ ness of issues in female medicine. Groups of women read literature on childbirth and began performing home births: these groups initiated the present-dav profession of midwifery. According to Hollv Scholles, founder and chairperson of the As­ sociation of Texas Lay Midwives, about 350 certified lay midwives currently practice in Texas. Lav (eyecare) OPTICAL CENTER at MLK & Guadalupe in United Bank Mall FRAMES 33% OFF Selected Styles W e carry all types of lenses, including: Bausch & Lomb Daily Bausch & Lomb Extended W ear " O " Series Tinted " O " Series $49.00 $69.00 per pair per pair $89.00 Doctor's prescription required. Prices subject to change. Exam and care kit not included in above price, but are available at Evecare. Replacement lenses available at above prices. O ffer ends M ay 12, 1986. CALL TO DAY 476-1000 University of Texas Press /ryi m idwives are trained in an appren­ ticeship plan — an apprentice as­ sists an established midwife for one year. M idw ives stav informed about current childbirth issues, both bv reading manuals and books on ob­ stetrics and bv consulting phvsi- cians. made, making birth a self-em­ powering experience tor the mother. M idw ives currently deal only with normal deliveries and do not administer medicine It a delivery a p p e a r s difficult or unusual it is handed over to a doctor A notable difference between this Among women who give birth in training and that of an obstetrician is that a midwife specializes in childbirth, while an obstetrician is trained foremost a s a surgeon. M idw ives see childbirth as a nor­ mal function of womanhood and enforce this attitude during the birthing process. In a hospital, a woman otten r e l i n q u i s h e s control ot the childbirth W ith a midwife, the woman is in charge of a ll decisions hospitals, the rate of episiotomies (birth requiring surgical incision ot the vulvar orifice) is 90 percent, and the I aesarean rate varies from 25 to 40 percent For midw ife 1 lolls Scholles, only tour out ot her 140 c li e n t s ha\e needed episiotomies while 4 percent have needed C. aesarean sections Mans patients feel that a using a midwife presents the family s home lite from being disrupted In a h i - pital birth a mother fir s t leaves h e r home and then after reaching tin hospital, moves as mans as five times before finally reaching the room she will occupy during her visit Home birth remos e s much o ! the mysterv and fear often jsmhi.i! ed ssith c hildbirth and allows partu ipation of the woman - farmls Modern midyviferv brings to childbirth a c ommunal and emo tionallv supportis e atmosphere Rather than being relatively alone m the hospital, the woman is s u r rounded bs fnends and r e l a t i v e s I he husband is able to w l t n e s s ,.n d participate in the birth and then is immediate bonding between t h e parents and the infant The inherent pnvaev of the home birth can be vers important in the case ot the birth ot a deformed in­ I he mother is not forced to fant cep* with strangers seeing her in­ fant is able to privately bond w ith it and ai c ept it as her ow n and is not torn d to see scores ot perfectly healthy babies gt- home with their m o t h e r s An important consequence of the family s presence is that after hac­ ine. watched his w ife go through la- hot a n d gi\t birth the husband usually te e ls a renewed respec t for his wile 1 his coupled w ith the self empowering feeling the woman C» ts tn>m ,i home birth gives the bab\ a positive settings tor entering the w orld THIS . . . In an envelope to your parents, to show them the life you could be living at Monaco! Show your parents what your rent money can buy at Monaco Condominium Homes' A roomy one- or two-bedroom home with the privacy and security no apartment can offer . . plus a private pool, 2 hot tubs, and a nature park—all just minutes from campus on the shuttle route1 W ho says your college home has to be boring? Just look at the comfort and convenience you can enjoy at Monaco • Lighted ceiling fan • Woodburnmg fireplace • Frost-free refrigerator • Continuous-cleaning oven • Microwave oven • Dishwasher • Washer & dryer W hy pay rent on a second-hand apartm ent when you can own a brand-new Monaco Condom inium Hom e? Come ' 0 Monaco torta, 'or a complete infor­ mation package vou can send to your parents We'll ever pay postage So take this ad and stuff it and see how much home your rent money can buy at Monac o t ’s so easy t o make i t Monaco! Man Description Priced F ro m Est Mo. 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DISCOUNTS TO 95% IN A GIANT INVENTORY REDUCTION Plus these extras lost boo ks d iscou n ted at least 30% lo 93% ug e selection of b oo ks never before offered at warehouse sale price s o oks offered in a w ide variety of fields Texana social scien ces, hum anities s c ie n c e s nature, you name it arge selection of slightly d a m a g e d books at foolishly low price s any boo ks perfect as s p e c ia l o c ca sio n gifts at bargain price s ee parking A Friday, May 2 10 A.M . to 7 P.M. Saturday, May 3 to 4 P.M ./ 10 Rain or thin» on tha patio at tha antranca to UT Preas, 2100 Comai d y h U i d V M it y M T l M t P N M Boa T i l * A u ckn ln m W 3 ” 7 *r M m and MartatC artf accepted Builders Trust Warranty K» y e o i in su red hom e v u ir u n t y jpnig Texas sweeps series away from Aggies The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28. 1986/Page 11 By HOWARD DECKER Daily Texan Staff Betw een them , the Texas football and basketball team s lost three out of four gam es to Texas A&M this school year. team cast the Aggies This w eekend the Longhorn b ase­ the past aside, ball hooked three gam es of their sen es at D isch-Falk Field and all but reeled in their eighth consecutive Sou thw est C on ­ ference cham pionship by scores of 3-1, 5-4 and 16-11. in all Texas (48-9, 15-3), w hich entered the series one gam e behind Texas A&M (36-21, 13-5), opened a two- gam e lead with both team s having just three gam es rem aining. A ssu m ­ ing the Aggies sw eep TCU next w eekend the Longhorns need one victory against H ouston to clinch at least a tie for the cham pionship and need tw o to win it outright. O n e Aggie loss and one le x a s win would also give the L onghorns the outright title. in C ollege Station, Both team s, along with A rkansas, are assured spots in the four-team SW C tournam ent May 16-18 in C ol­ lege Station Baylor needs one win to capture the final berth In all three gam es, Texas A&M lumped out to eariv leads, oni\ to struggle the Longhorns cam e back to win. innings as later in At no time was this m ore evident than in the final gam e of the series. After w inning Friday's gam e and the first gam e of Satu rd ay 's double- header, Texas spotted th e Aggies an 11-4 lead after 3'/2 innings only to storm back with 12 unansw ered runs and ruin Texas A & M 's hopes of a cham pionship. Starter C urt K rippner, w ho is­ sued six w alks in 23^ innings, and Mark Petkovsek, w ho won the first gam e of the d ouble-h ead er in relief, gave up nine of the 11 runs before getting out of the third inning. In the fourth, Texas A&M chased Petkovsek before he could even get an out. W ade Phillips cam e on and gave up two unearned runs before slam m ing the door. Phillips, w ho increased his record to 3-1, retired 12 of the last 13 batters he faced and his last 11 in a row before giving way to Greg Swindell, w ho struck out three in the final inning to ice the win Phil­ lips struck out four and let just two balls out of the infield after his rocky start. "It's the best feeling I've ever had h e r e ," said Phillips, a senior and one of only two remaining members of the 1983 national champions. "B ein g mv fourth vear here, it really means something to beat the Ag­ g ie s / ' V\ hile Phillips v\as cutting down Aggies like the barber at the Corps iexa^ mounted its a s­ barbershop, sault In the fourth inning, with two outs and men on hrst and second, jav Searcv Mmt a third baseman change-up over the scoreboard in left field to bring the L onghorns to the four at 11-7 and within school record for hom e runs in a season with 13. tie Texas continued to chip aw ay at w hat seem ed an insurm ountable lead. The Longhorns scored one in the fifth and tw o in the sixth to make it 11-10 going to the bottom of the eighth. With one out in the inning, Bobby Behnsch walked and Scott Cool- baugh was hit by a pitch. Todd Ha­ ney then belted a 1-0 pitch 360 feet over the left-field wall to put Texas later, ahead, 13-11. Tw o batters Elanis W estbrooks nailed a tw o-run shot over the scoreboard that put the gam e aw ay. Texas scored one more to m ake it six for the inning and 16-11 for the final. The L onghorns scored in every' inning except the seventh w hile they handed reliever Barrv Sm ith (1- 2) the loss. "W e knew we had the g a m e ," W estbrooks said. ju st kept fighting and scratching back, and in the last inning, Todd H aney cam e through w'ith the hom e ru n ." "W e "I think they w ere really pum ped up to beat the A g g ies," Texas C oach Cliff G ustafson said. "W h en they were down 11-4, it would have been easy for them to fold up their tent and go home, but they w eren't sat­ isfied with th a t.” S ee Sw eep, page 19 Doug Layton Daily Texan Staff Bobby Behnsch sco re s the winning run in front of dejected Aggie catch er Maury Martin during UT s 5-4 victory in Saturday’s first gam e. Texas A&M, SMU win tennis championships By JE F F BECKHAM Daily Texan Staff SWC Tennis C O R PU S CHR1ST1 — For the first time since women s conference plav began in 1983 Texav is not Southw est C onference ch am p i­ on. Injuries to top players torced a rearranged lineup and kept the Longhorns from captur­ ing their fourth consecutive title as the\ fin­ ished in third place behind champion Texas A&M and second-place ^ M l 5unda\ at the H 1 Butt Tennis C enter in Corpus C hnsti I he le x as m e n s tennis team, going into the tournament in a solid second place be­ hind the No 1 team in the countrv SMU held on then* to finish second to the M us­ tangs vs ho won their second consecutiv e conference title lh e women s race was the closest in histt> rv as six points separated the top five teams after Fndav s first-round matches T e x a s held a one-point lead over Texas A&M with SMU two points back It was in Saturday s semifi­ nals that S M I and the Aggies gained their adv antage The Longhorns lost all five head-to-head matches with either SM U or Texas A&M, knocking le x a s back to third At the end of Saturday s matches the Aggies led SM U by two points and won bv the same margin Sundav I thought we had a chance to do better, ' l e x a s Coach Jeff Moore said W e were counting on doing better at certain posi­ tions l e x a s w a s playing without its top plaver, Beverlv Bowes who sat out with a shoulder in)ur\ Another top Longhorn Anne Grous- beck plaved for the first time in two months, but was limited in her plaving time Bowes injury moved freshman Eileen Tell up to the No 1 singles flight and put the new doubles team of Michelle G a m e r and Jennifer McGee in at No V Both new entries lost in the tirst round 1 think when w e're fully healthv, we are the best te a m ," Moore said. "B u t w e just didn't get a chance to prove that this w eek­ e n d ." The only Texas plaver to advance to the finals was Robyn Field at No. 5 singles. She won that flight Sundav bv defeating Helen C hnstiaanse of Texas Á&M t>-4, 3-6, 7-5 on a dav that saw the wind gust up to 30 miles per hour. Field was down 2-5 in the third set be­ fore winning five games in a row to gam the victory. The story of the men s side of the tourna­ ment was the domination of SM U. The top- ranked M ustangs held a six-point lead going into the tournament and expanded that to finish 1 ' points ahead ot second-place Texas The Longhorns did place one finalist in sin­ gles and one in doubles, and then made the most ot that opportunity. Charles Beckman won the No. 3 singles flight 6-3, 6-1 over G er­ ald Marzanell of Houston John Bov tim and Chip Leighton won the No. 3 doubles flight over Dean Johnson and Dean Goldfine of Texas A&M 6-3, 6-4. A ma|or disappointm ent, how ever, was Saturday s elimination of 1985 SW C doubles champions Beckman and Rovce D eppe. Beck­ man and Deppe lost 6-7, 6-3, 6-4 to Scott Mel- ville and Andrew Tavlor of Rice. In individual competition, it was Rice w ho finished with the most impressive honors. The Owls had representatives in all of the four top events, and cam e awav with co n fer­ ence titles in three of those. singles Rice senior V\endv Wood won her second cham pionship, consecutive SW'C defeating Rene Simpson of Texas A&M 7-5, 2- 6, b-3. \\ ix>d also teamed up w'ith partner Lori Cronk the w om en's doubles crown 7-5, 3-6 , 6-2 over Stina Almgren and Kathv Fox worth of Houston. Wood has now won four SYVC championships in four years. to win Rice also won the m en's doubles title w hen Melville and Taylor, the team that elim inated Texas, beat SMU s Stefan Kruger and Den Bishop r>-4. 3-6, 7-6. January, Littler win Legends By MIKE HAMILTON Daity Texan Staft Atter Saturd ay's third round of the Liberty M utual Legends of Golf, Jim Ferree and C harlie Sifford touldn t agree on what final-round score they would need to catch lead ­ ers Don January and G en e Littler. Ferree offered A 62 No w a y ," Sifford countered "It'll take a 6 0 ." Unfortuatelv was nght for them , Sifford Ferree and Sifford fired a 62, but January and Littler's 64 was enough to com plete a tournam ent-record 25-under-par 255 and a tw o-stroke victory over Ferree-Sifford Sunday in tournam ent at O nion Creek C ountry Club the $500,000 January and Littler w on for the second consecutive vear and split the $100,000 first prize. They also becam e the first three-tim e w inners of the tournam ent. Littler won with Bob Rosburg in 1981 and January won with Sam Snead in 1982. The defending cham pions went the fourth-round holding a into four-stroke lead over four teams. Two of them , Ferree-Sifford and Chi Chi Rodriguez-Lee Elder, chal­ lenged January-Littler until fading at the end. "W e didn't even know we had a fight on our hands until the back n in e," said January, the leading ca­ reer money w inner on the Senior Tour. "W e didn't see m any leader boards, but we looked up after the ninth and saw Elder and Rodriguez and decided w e'd have to make som e more birdies." Littler cam e through with birdies on 9, 12 and 15 to stave off the chal­ lengers. "Gene got hot on the back nine," January said of his partner, who had to leave immediately after the tournament to catch a flight. "All I did was stand on the fringe and clap a lot. Gene made an outstanding 20- foot putt on 15. I would have been happy with a four (par) there and I think he would have, too." Rodriguez and Elder mounted an early charge, birdying the seventh through the 10th to briefly tie Janu­ ary-Littler for the lead at 21-under. But Rodriguez and Elder could manage only one more birdie the rest of the round and their 63 left them in third place at 22-under. Kelly Pace/Daily Texan Staff Co-champion G w t UBtof cetobrato» making « 20-*oo> putt on Mr isth hoto In Sunday's final round of the Legends o< Golf at Onion Crook. "W e thought we'd need about a 60 to have a chance," Rodriguez said. "January and Littler are too great of players to make up four shots in one day. I finally started to make some putts today. If I could have putted like that the first three days, it would have been a different story." "W e got up near the lead and we started trying too hard to make bir­ dies," Elder said. "W e tried to force the putts in instead of rolling them. times I did There were several that." Sifford and Ferree made five con­ secutive birdies, on 10 through 14, to go to 22-under, one behind the leaders. "W e saw that we were within one, but we knew we'd have to keep making birdies," Ferree said. "Gene Littler and Don January can golf up a storm, and we knew they weren't going to par ou t." Ferree-Sifford couldn't birdie 16 or 17, two of the easier holes on the par-70 course. "W e just don't do good on 16, 17 and 18," Ferree said. "W e didn't do S ll I «pendí, ptrjg 12 Sorenson propels Frogs to SWC title By SCHUYLER DIXON Daily Texan Staff SWC Golf LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Some people say putting is the kev to golf. Those people will get no ar­ gument Jim Sorenson of TCU. from Sorenson went through the first two days of the 1986 Southwest C onference golf tournament with what he called "horrible" putting. His scores for those days were re­ spectable one-over-par 73s, but they paled in comparison to his third-dav score. Sorenson tough tore up Pleasant Valley Countrv Club final-day, course- course record five-under-par 67 to cap ­ ture the individual title and lead TCU to the team title over slightly favored H ouston. for a the The victory' w as part of a tw o- day com eback by the H orned Frogs as they trailed the C ougars by five shots after the first round, cut the lead to tw o on the second day and com pleted the rally S u n ­ day. TCU finished at 876, followed by H ouston and A rkansas at 884 and Texas A&M at 890. Things did not go quite so well for the Texas L onghorns. Thev got out of the gate slowly and never w ere in the picture, finishing in fifth at 900. Bob Estes once again led the Longhorns, but he w as not im­ mune to the slow-start svndrom e. On Friday, Estes struggled to a four-over 76 on the w indsw ept course that claimed m any victims. Kyle Coody w as Texas' pacesetter on day one, carding a tw o-over 74. Estes had trouble during the first two days on the 543-yard 10th. O n Friday, his triple bogey stron g crippled an otherw ise round. On Saturday, Estes fin­ ished the front nine with a one- under 35. As he headed for the 10th tee he m ust have been think­ ing about the day before. After a good drive his second shot found a bunker on the left side, short of the green. His third shot w as not well hit and fell into another bunker. He proceded to score his second consecutive eight and fell to tw o over par. He fin­ ished the round at 75. Estes finally put it all together Sunday, playing well on both the front and back nine to score a 71 and finish at 222. He placed 12th along w ith Joe Beck of TCU. His 71 w as the only sub-par round of the tournam ent for the Longhorns. After his first-day 74, Coody continued to play solidly, firing a pair of 75s and totaling 224. Brian N elson fired rounds o f 76, 74 and 75, good en ou gh for a tie for 16th. O ther L onghorn scores w ere Marty Board at 229, Todd Franks at 232 and Blair M anasse at 235. In all, there were only 13 below- par rounds for the entire tourna­ m ent as the w ind proved relent­ less. The third day brought an excit­ ing race for the title am ong the Horned Frogs, C ougars and Ra- zorbacks. Going into Su n d ay's action, Houston stood at 585, TCU at 587 and Arkansas at 596. After nine, H ouston still held a two-shot lead over TCU but A r­ kansas had cut its gap from 11 to six. That was about as d ose as the Razorbacks could get, how ever, as Sorenson led his team 's charge past the C ougars, firing a four-un­ der 32 on the back nine. TCU C oach Bill W oodley was the than h ap p y about m ore Horned Frogs' first-ever SWC golf championship in just his second year. in "Houston is the number two the nation," Woodley team said. "T o win against them means that much more to me and all the players. We could not have had a better scenario. This should pre­ pare us well for the N CAAs." Sorenson was happy to achieve medalist honors but he stressed the importance of the team title. "It was much more fulfilling to win the team title than the individ­ cham pionship," Sorenson ual said. "W e knocked on the door all this week we year knocked it in ." long and Haney becomes Aggie nightmare with two big hits By JOHN BRIDGES Daily Texan Staff All week the Longhorns w ere talking about sw eeping the Aggies, but when the series was on the line, Todd H aney rem em bered to bring the broom. After a lackluster 0-for-4 perform ­ the junior ance in Friday's win, transfer from W aco drove hom e the gam e-winning runs in both gam es of Saturday's double-header to give Texas the three-gam e sw eep. "I wanted to be there because I knew I could get the job d o n e ," H a­ ney said. "Everything I w anted to do against A&M h ap p en ed ." 1 wanted to be there be­ cause I knew I could get the job done. Everything I wanted to do against A&M happened.’ ________ — Todd Haney "H e struggled for m ost of the se­ ries, but he w as the man on the spot in both g a m e s," Texas Coach Cliff Gustafson said. "I think he w as pressing throughout the series, but it was fitting that he got the tw o hits." Haney was pressing and the hits were so fitting because his older brother, Buddy, had been an all- Southwest Conference first base­ man at Texas A&M until he gradu ­ ated last year. But the younger H aney did not follow in his brother's footsteps to Aggieland after hitting .470 his sen­ ior year at W aco Richfield. Instead, he w ent to Panola Junior College. "Panola m ade me the best offer, and I got good experience th e re ," he said. W hen it cam e time to leave Panola, w here he hit .446 his sopho­ more year, H aney w as courted by A rkansas, TCU, Texas A&M and Texas. "Once I talked to Texas, my mind w as m ade u p ," he said. "He didn't get aw ay from u s ," Aggie Coach Mark Johnson said af­ ter w atching Buddy's brother beat his Aggies twice. "If we had needed a second basem an, we definitely would have gone after him. " B u d d y e x c e l l e n t ballplayer," Johnson said, confus­ ing the two H aneys. a n is Saturday, Todd H aney was prob­ too excellent for Johnson's ably tastes as he w ent four for nine and drove in four runs. The afternoon started slowly for the soon-to-be hero. He grounded into fielder's choice plays his first two at-bats and then popped up to left field in his third. In the seventh inning, he stepped up to bat for the eighth time in the series with no hits to show for it. The score w as tied at 4-4, there w as one out with runners at first and third and a 1-1 count. flashed suicide sign. Longhorn Kevin squeeze G am er raced from third to hom e. Texas A&M spotted the play and pitched outside. H aney lunged to bunt. He missed, and G am er w as tagged out at the plate. G ustafson the "Y o u 're supposed to get the bat on the ball so m eh o w ," H aney said. "It's the batter's responsibility. "I needed to make up for it." He got his chance for redem ption four pitches later with the count full and two out. He m ade the m ost of it with a dy­ ing line drive to shallow left field. Aggie Jeff Schow m ade a diving stab, but w hen he hit the artificial turf, the ball w as rolling aw ay and H aney w as celebrating at first base as the winning run touched the plate. "I w as just w atching it the w hole w ay and hoping it would fall in — running and w atch in g ," he said. "I saw him dive and saw it roll out and I w as real excited at that p o in t." But that w as only half a d ay's work. The hit took the pressure off Ha­ ney, and he came out smoking in the second gam e. "I was thinking too m uch," he said. "W hen I got that hit, 1 really needed it bad. It helped me relax, and 1 started swinging the bat. In the second game, I got my pitch probably three out of five times, and it show ed." Haney drilled a single and a dou­ ble in his first four at-bats and then stepped up to bat in the eighth with two men on base and Texas traihnc 11- 10. With a little help from a stiff wind blowing out, Haney took an inside fastball for a 360-foot ride over die left field fence. "It was a little up and in ," Haney said. "I got under it and die wind caught it and it went o u t." » -jjp í Kareem leads L.A. past Mavs Legends ■ f rmtinii*» from navp ' Continued from page 11 Associated Press INGLEWOOD, Calif. — Kareem Abdul-Jabbar scored 28 points S un­ day and the Los Angeles Lakers continued their NBA plavoff roll with a 130-116 victory over the Dal­ las Mavericks in the opening game of their Western Division semifinal series. The second game of the best-of-7 series will be plaved in Inglewood Wednesday night. The Lakers, who ousted the San Antonio Spurs with three similar one-sided victories, scored at will in the opening 6 ‘ 2 minutes, opening a 22-6 advantage. Dallas, playing less than 48 hours after eliminating the Utah Jazz, connected on just two of its first 10 shots. After the Mavencks briefly inter­ rupted the Lakers' burst with 10 unanswered points, Los Angeles re­ established command and took a 30- 17 lead by quarter's end. Dallas got within 39-34 with 17 points in the first four minutes of the second quarter, but the rest of the half was all Lakers. Byron Scott scored 24 points and James Worthy added 23 for Los An­ geles. Earv in "Magic" Johnson add­ ed 16 points and 14 assists for the Lakers. Reserve Jay Vincent scored 18 points to lead Dallas, white James D onaldson added 17 points. 76ers 134, Bullets 109 PHILADELPHIA — Rookie Terry' Catledge scored 27 points and veter­ an point guard Maurice Cheeks added 24 points and 11 assists as Philadephia routed Washington to win its first-round plavoff series 3-2 g o e s Philadelphia, runner-up in the At lan ti c D i v i s i o n , to Milwaukee Tuesday to open a best- of-seven senes with the Bucks, the c h a m p i o n s . Central Di v is i on Milwaukee advanced with a three- game sweep of the N ew Jersey Nets. Charles Barktev added 19 points, 15 rebounds and 12 assists for Phila­ delphia white the Bullets got 30 points from Cliff Robinson and 19 from Jeff Malone. Celtics 103, Hawks 91 BOSTON — Kevin McHale and Larry Bird sparked a 14-point run to help Boston pull awav in the third in the quarter and beat Atlanta opener of their Eastern Conference semifinal playoff senes. The Celtics set a single-season league record of 34 consecutive including hom e victories, the playoffs. They broke the Minneapo­ lis Lakers' mark that had stood since 1949-50 The Celtics, who are 4-0 in the playoffs and 21-2 in their last 23 games, were ted by McHale with 24 points, Danny Ainge with 17 and Bird, Robert Parish and Dennis Johnson with 16 each. The Hawks were paced bv Kevin Willis with 18 points Dommque Wilkins, who led the NBA in scor­ ing with a 30 3 average and had 34.7 points per regular-season game against Boston managed just four field goals and 13 points Boston came into the game rest­ ed, having been idle tor tour dav- after sweeping a tir-t-round -eru*- in Chicago Tuesda\ night Atlanta won its opening -e ne- 3-1 with a 114-113 double ov ertime vrctor\ m Detroit Fndav night The Celtics led 30-23 after one quarter and charged in front 5s-2~ with 6:35 left in the second quarter bv scoring eight consecutive points But the Hawks whittled away at the lead and a dunk b\ Wilkins 11 sec­ onds before intermission o n h h¡- second basket of the first halt drev\ the Hawks to within six points at halftime. CHECK OUT THE REC W P ric e B o w l i n g [« n - nnnn dally M i d n i g h t M a d n e s s la d hsadpin howling Satwdaya l i p * * d o * T E X A S U N IO N REC CENTER d o w n s t a i r s in t h e ti n a s u n i o n 171 1911 IMMIGRATION Permanent \'vm Relative Pk¡docs Labor Certificatn.-ns Adjustment J Stat u? C onsuiar Process. n* Asylum H Work V ¡s&» Natural l u u on¿ PAUL PARSONS pi Attornr) at L a s ■ o m p c n t t g r n p • iM— na i n n a a X ATkJNMJTY LAW • TEXAS BOARD O f USUAL s m i A U t A T » S 704 Rio Grande 477-7887 anything on them in any of the rounds." the Ferree-Sifford played three holes at only 1-under for the four rounds. Rodriguez m ade a 20-foot birdie putt on 16, but he and Elder cou ld n 't deliver on 17 or 18. "We had five putts today that looked like they were in and n oth ­ ing h app ened," Rodriguez said "W e knew we had to birdie the last two holes but we couldn't get the putts to go dow n We must have wasted 16 strokes on the greens in the tournam ent." But January-Littler made the n e c ­ e s s a ry putts and became the first re­ peat winners in the history of the 9- vear-old T h ey 'v e to u rn a m e n t become abv'ut as close to a dynasty as golf can offer If the\ want to break us up, thev re going to have a hell of a January said fight on their hands There were some new teams this year like Elder-Rodnguez and Ar­ nold Palmer and Gary Plaver, who tned to knock u s off and I'm sure there'll be some more next year But I ve got mv partner Let them get theirs The team of Plaver and Palmer one o f the pre-tournament favor­ ite- overcame a first-round 70 to 'inish in a tie tor fourth at 19-under- par Thev shot rounds of M 64, and 63 the final three rounds But Januarv-l ittler had tour or less and led from round- of the second round until the end ot the tournament Gene and 1 seem to mesh togeth­ January -aid W e both er well had times where we played awful but we didn't both plav awful at the -time time One ot u- was always there to pick up the other THEBE IS MONEY IN s a t .i b s Are you willing to work for your money? We offer ÜT students the HZONBST VAT P A R T T I M E I N O J O B ON CAMPUS You QMÚ a CAT SLT.il A lot of unbtuous en ergy Applications available m TSP 3.210. Our part-tim e salespeople make $750- $1000 per m onth and more!! 471-1865 CLASSES BEGINNING NOW DAY OR NIGHT SESSIONS AVAILABLE INTENSIVE ENGLISH Sk t t - JL 4 ANGLAIS INTENSIF INGLES INTENSIVO N IN E LEVEL CO M PREH ENSIVE COURSE SMALL CLASSES, IN D IV ID U A L ATTENTION NEW LEVEL EVERY 4 WEEKS AU T H O RIZED UNDER FEDERAL LAW TO ENROLL N O N -IM M IG R A N T ALIEN STUDENTS (I-20 FORM) D U R H A M -N IX O N -C L A Y COLLEGE 119 W. 8th at Colorado 478-1602 es /im s 24th 6 Son Antonio O pm foryM phrtM M JO O p e n 1 T :0 0 a m M o n - S a t O p e n S u n 3:OOpm H a p p y H o u r M o n - F n 5-7 WISDOM TEETH Ma>e,> - Do yco< study 1c evaluate the effec 'tveness of a new nvest>gat»oAoi med«cot>on FINANCIAL INCENTIVE For more «nfo p*eose coii 45! 04*1 M F 8 30 4 3C WOMIDKAl ILSiAKH GROUP, INC THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO BECOMING A NURSE IN THE ARMY. Page 12/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28.1986 ELECTRONIC WATCH SERVICE M N * m y u a Y H mow save o v e r 40% ^ ^ ^ ^ ■ W A T O « B R N . m i l O V t 1 i MM SERVICE INCLUDES: | WATCH ? 4 — 1T I I U H W *« > COUTACTf IHi- PLCASt ALLOW 4 NO U M TO M N O U M SON RNONW SW V IC f 11 t h e S h e f t a l l c q JEW ELERS GEM OLOCISTS m h ig h la n d m a ll NEXT TO Carter 2236 GUADALUPE ON THE DRAG m f f i T R E A T Í OF THE WEEK h t f i t ' o o c f i # r H — I I N * f l m o t e t i package of three Reg. $1.50 per package m NOW 99* per package U N IV ER SITY CO-OP E T C E T E R A • M A I M . E V E I t r r r P . r k l n i H r K . n d l o <.p !» I* ( . u ^ ^ l u p * IT*» T i l l RE-ELECT JUSTICE ROBERT M. CAMPBELL SUPREME COURT B.A. DEGREE JURIS DOCTOR DEGREE 7 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS SUPREME COURT JUSTICE BUT YOUNG ENOUGH TO UNDERSTAND TODAY’S PROBLEMS F O R M E R S C H O O L T E A C H E R 2 TIME VETERAN U.S. ARMY TEXA S NATIONAL G U A R D -10 YEARS A U T H O R O F 126 S U P R E M E C O U R T D E C IS IO N S PROVEN ABILITY & INTEGRITY Paid tor by the Roben M Campbell Campaign P O Box 8418 Waco Texas 76714 Tom Rogiond-CHarmon Great Entertainment at Discount Prices! A nd they're both repre­ sented by the insignia you wear as a m em ber of the Army Nurse Corps. The caduceus on the left means you’re part of a health care system in which educational and career advancement are the rule, not the exception. The gold bar on the right means you command respect as an Army officer earning a BSN, write: Army Nurse Opportunities, P O Box Clifton, NJ 07015. ARMY NURSE CORPS. BE ALLVOU CAN BE. REGISTER NOW FOR FALL AND SUMMER CLASSES REGISTRATION CALENDAR APRIL 28-MAY 2 REGISTRATION FOR THE 1986 FALL AND SUMMER SESSIONS FOR CONTINUING AND READMITTED STUDENTS MAY 23 PAYMENT DEADLINE FOR SUMMER PREREG. JUNE 2 & 3 SUMMER REGISTRATION—ERWIN CENTER JUNE 25 FALL REGISTRATION FOR CONTINUING AND READMITTED STUDENTS JULY 16 SAME AS ABOVE AUGUST 13 PAYMENT DEADLINE FOR FALL—ALL CONTINUING AUGUST 26 NEW AND READMITTED STUDENT REGISTRATION A T THE ERWIN CENTER AUGUST 27 LATE REGISTRATION A T ERWIN CENTER—$25 STUDENTS LATE FEE AUGUST28 CENTRALIZED DROP/ADD A T ERWIN CENTER mm Marcel Marceau Royal Winnipeg Ballet Chicago Symphony Orchestra Festival of India Orford String Quartet Warsaw Philharmonic The Great Waltz Emanuel Ax & Y o-Y o Ma A ll in f o r m a tio n s u b j e c t to c h a n c e El Check CEC at Registration and SAVE! $25 optional fee benefits: • Purchase two tickets at CEC prices • Discounts of 25 percent or more • Early ticket purchase on Performing Arts Center events • Erwin Center Discounts on Selected Shows (To be announced) • Also available at the Bursar’s Office after registration Sponsored by the Texas Union Cultural Entertainment Committee and the Performing Arts Center, The University of Texas at Austin arts & entertainment Room m aintains Forster’s fiction James Ivory avoids cinematic cliches; attacks Victorian middle class By PARRY GETTELMAN Daily Texan Staff The next time Steven Spielberg tries to adapt an important novel for the screen, he should call Ismail Merchant, James Ivory and Ruth I rawer Jhabvala for a few pointers. Their latest movie, A Room With a View, is everything The Color Pur­ ple is not. Where Purple translates powerful words into cinematic cliches, Room captures the charac­ ter and spirit ot the original novel. Where Purple softens edges and makes poverty kxik pretty, Room retains all E M. Forster's wry, insid­ ious humor at the expense of the Victorian middle class. Admittedly Ivorv has more expe­ rience in bnnging literature to the wreen than most Hollywood direc­ tors He first teamed with writer Jhabvala and producer Merchant in 1963 to film Jhabvala s novel The Householder Since then the three have collaborated on a wide-rang- including Quar­ mg bodv of work tet from the Jean Rh\s novel, Heat and D u s t from Jhabvala’s Ek>oker Award-winning novel and The Eu- ropoan.s and Iht Bi'stomans from the Henry James novels On tht- surtan Room might ap- pear to be a variation on the Romeo- and Juliet theme When George I merson (Julian Sands | and 1 uc\ Honevchurch Helena bonham Carter) meet in a stuti\ hotel in Florence Lucy s^haperon her prim cousin C harlotte (Maggie smith) F IL M A Room With a View, is everything The Color Purple is not. Where Purple translates power­ ful words into cinematic clichés, Room captures the character and spirit of the original novel. takes exception to both quiet, plain- spoken George and his outrageous, outspoken father (Denholm Elliot) However, Charlotte Bartlett is not the real impediment to love Like Forster's novel, the Mer­ chant Ivory film is more than a store of thwarted romance. It is also an expose of relentless pretensions, es­ pecially those of the English tourists w ho shut out the dangerous beauty around them bv judging even thing according to the standards ot the drawing room The onlv operative and "not adjectives are nice The conversation in the Pen- sion Bertolim i" an endless effort to rule on who i" not nice' and, if n e c essa n , to pa^s an appropriate nice sentence (generally being deemed "not nice" is considered punish­ ment enough). Lucy plays Beethoven with more feeling than is suitable in a nice voung lady, but away from the key­ board her passion manifests itself only as occasional "peevishness." When she and George are brought together by a tragic incident in a lovely piazza (a startling scene that conveys both the reality and absurd unreality of death), everything changes between them Afterward, however, she is more concerned with what she should feel than what she does feel. As in other Merchant Ivorv pro­ ductions, the cinematography (here by Tony Pierce-Roberts) is striking, but never overly pretty. The atten­ tion to period detail allows no hint of modem manners and morality to intrude on the Italy of the Victorian tounst, or on the peaceful country­ side of the English gentry. Jhabva- la's well-paced script incorporates much of Forster's telling dialogue, and the remarkable cast does the rest. In manv adaptations, the au­ thor s voice is lost, but here subtle performances implv all the back­ ground details and ironic commen­ tary of Forster's narrative. Maggie Smith, always outstand­ ing, perfectly embodies Forster's description of self-martvred the spinster: "unselfishness with Miss Bartlett had entirely usurped the functions of enthusiasm .” Denholm Elliot, who also appeared with Smith in A Private Function, seems the only possible choice for the im­ possible Mr. Emerson, who ex­ claims in a church "Built by faith in­ deed! That simply means that the workmen weren't paid properly." Julian Sands (The Killing Fields) is forceful as the reserved but highly emotional George. Simon Callow is superb as a sympathetic clergyman, and makes the most of a hilarious nude scene. Particularly notable are two per­ formances by newcomers. Daniel Day Lewis is tremendously funny as Cecil Vyse, Lucy's priggish ña ncé. Although Lady Jane is Hele­ na Bonham-Carter's only previous him role, she shows extraordinary talent in suggesting the inner confu­ sion behind Lucy's outward show of respect for convention. Room is as well written, well di­ rected and well acted as Heat and Dust and The Bostonians, and much funnier and more engaging. The Merchant/Ivory team has al­ ready earned the respect of the in­ ternational him community; A Room With a View should help them attract much-deserved atten­ tion from audiences who want pop­ ular cinema to be more than popu­ larized cinema. Room With A View, directed by James Ivory, starring Julian Sands and Helena Bonham Carter, now showing at the Village 4, 2700 An­ derson Lane. Erlewine: Austin’s main guitar man Love Story is the nauseating story of two icky, gross heterosexuals. ‘Love Story’ drowns in sea of perversity By LORRAINE CADEMARTORI Daily Texan Staff "The sale of a book ... at least in this country, is no guarantee of its good quality, but rather the oppo­ site," wrote Albert Jay Nock in On Doing the Right Thing and Other Essays. In the case of Love Story, written by Erich Segal, its sale is more an indication of the general cultural perverseness permeating American society. Love Story is a story about a man and a woman. The plot is boring and irrelevant to this re­ view, so it would be tiresome to recount it. However, the thrust and direction of Love Story is summed up by Oliver, the book's central character, who says, "Love means never having to say you're sorry." Love Story' serves as a sounding board for the heterosexual agenda. It is a diatribe against pagan teach­ ing and sexual normality — a tasteless display of mental mastur­ bation and a sordid tale of pitiless souls drowning in a sea of retard­ ed heterosexuality. In addition to its deep and degrading message, Love Story is a poorly written, poorly edited and poorly con­ structed manuscript. Recurrent throughout Love Sto­ ry are the themes of guilt, fear, si­ lence, ridicule, hatred — a con­ stant barrage of pseudoanalytical B O O K S catch words portraying the "op­ pressed” collegians as victims of a backward society. And there are repeated attempts to justify het­ re­ erosexuality by continually minding the reader that the char­ a c te rs are th is heterosexual and human — a sub­ tle indication of the outrageous premise that if a human being can be a heterosexual then heterosex­ uality' must be OK. b o o k of Straights like to point to the fact that Franklin Roosevelt was a het­ erosexual, but that doesn't make it right! Something deeper is at issue here, and that is the issue of het­ erosexual rights. This rambling pro-heterosexual polemic begs the question "should heterosexuals be afforded full civil rights?’ Yes, of course. But should heterosexuals foist upon decent peoples a de­ mand that we sanction a sick and deviant lifestyle and pay the price of such acceptance? Hell no. Finally, we should pity these heterosexuals, as we should pity all those different from us. In the words of essayist John Colyandro, "They have lost all concept of love — real love." laid on the fretboard in pearl. Re­ cently, Erlewine worked with Billv Squier on a new design called the Lltra-Mafic. Erlewine also designed the M-16 with Ronnie Montrose about five vears ago. The M-16 looks just like the real thing, only it has a 22-fret neck, two Humbucker pickups and a pickup selector right where the trigger would be. More of his interesting designs include the Lazer Bass (a guitar with a glass eve inlaid with graffiti and Tarot cards finished over), an eight-string bass, two Chiquita six-stnng basses and a fretless electnc bass shaped like a Stradivanus. He blew up the head- stock scroll design on a Stradivarius and made a fretless electnc bass to scale with an ebony fingerboard. Paul McCartney and Dusty Hill each own a six-stnng Chiquita Bass, and Erlewine also designed a guitar for Jerry Garcia of the Grateful Dead. The double-necked guitar Don Felder played on the Hotel Cal­ ifornia tour was an Erlewine, where he played the majontv of the song on the 12-stnng and the lead on the six-stnng without having to switch guitars. In 1972 Mark and his brother Dan designed a V-shaped guitar for Albert King out of respect for his playing. He made a repro­ duction of a '59 Gibson Les Paul for Joe Walsh. Billy Gibbons is pictured playing an Erlewine double-neck on the cover of February 198l's Guitar Player. Mark Knopfler of Dire Stra­ its recorded M oney for Nothing with an Erlewine. When asked why Mark Knopfler calls it "The Pig" he replied, "I'm not sure why, probably because of its fat tone." Whatever the reason, the quality craftsmanship is obvi­ ous. By ENNIS HOWARD, JR. Daily Texan Staff Austin has a hidden cvm for its guitarists and bassists Mark 1 r lewine Owner ot Erlewine Guitars I riewine de- at kll)4 Guadalupe st and repairs s i g i w g u i t a r ^ hassev He also repairs mandolins banjos cellos and double basses and dtx“> minor \ íolin work and Mark ha" been a luthier tor 16 years His brother Dan apprenticed under him in Ann Arbor Mich Readers ot Cuitar ¡'¡aver may recog - ni/e tht name 1 >an I riewine from his monthly repairs and modifica tions column Mark and Dan were until Mark eventually p a r t n e r s bought him out after which Mark moved to his present location in late W73 N>me of the most common repairs done m tht shop are changing peg" ret retting remaking and regluing bridges fixing «.racks. lowering the action of s t r i n g s changing pickups adjusting truss ri»ds to straighten the neck and installing tremolos On the in\entor-designer s i d e of things Mark has also been busv The guitar that blows Michael J f ox across the rtxtm in ftnk to the f u ­ ture is the C hiquita Designed bv the guitar­ Mark and Bills G i b b o n s ist for Z7 Top the guitar meets FAA s t a n d a r d s and can be played I he Chiquita is 27 on an airplane inches long has a scale length of 1^ inches and weighs about three Ihe Kniv i s made ot Hon­ p o u n d s duras mahogany, and has one Humbucker pickup with a rose­ wood fingerboard Another of Mark s designs, the I a/er. is the h e a d l e s s guitar pictured on the cov­ er of Johnny Winter s last two al­ imitar Slinger and Serious b u m s An Eriewine employee cerefuly harxftes an unloaded, gun-ehaped guitar. M U S IC Business The Lazer, also a small guitar, is onlv 31 inches long but has the scale length of a normai-size guitar and weighs 5 pounds. The Automatic is another Er- lewine design. The body is beauti­ fully designed with shell maple, and looks like molten lava. On a custom model, "Have Mercy" is in­ AN D Y NARELL ALEX DE GRASS l BARBEQUE CATERING for all occasions REESE'S BAR»B»Q Reasonable prices 444-9994 2815 Guadalupe 478-3560 BONANZA B o n an za’s Fresh tastik s Above and beyond the ordinary salad bar. F r e s lita s - t t k s includes: Hot soups, nachos, a variety of deli sal- ads. A mountain of cheddar cheese. And lots of delicious fresh fruits, gelatin desserts, puddings, and more! b Oy o n e T g e t o n e " - FREE fOABmpsdniAimcn ALuniun $2.79 Buy one at and Get One •MpirmS-lS-at 2815 G uadalupe limnI lor n il iiH'intn'rs o lI Ih' p u r lv THE MONTREUX BAND A L L Y O U C A N E A T I L H WINDHAM HILL RECORDING ARTISTS This Friday Night, May 2nd, 1986 8:00 p.m. at the Austin Opera House Tickets on Sale Now at alt Hosting's Records. Waterloo Records. The Opera House. Hamburger Hill in Oak Hill. Sundance in San Marcos A DJ Records in Round Rock. Or Charge your Tickets at 443-2722 Page 14/The Daily Texan/Monday April 28, 1986 SORE MNBW fM ] pewwmwv Graham’s diverse anthology shatters old Texas myths ‘South by Southwest’: Lone Star composite By SAAM HADOAD Daify Texan Staff South by Southwest: 24 Stories from M odern Texas By Don Graham University of Texas Press. $22.50 Diverse stvles and subjects are the ingredients of South by S o u t h w e s t 24 S t o n e s from M o dem Texas Edited bv Don Graham, the new book stnves to remove the damaging stereotypes Texas ventera have been pla­ gued with in the past From the rustic writing of Dave Hickev s I'm fkm n d to Follow the Longhorn C ow s to the futuristic p r o s e of William Harrison's Roller Ball Murder. Sc>uth bv S o u th ­ w est covers a range of wnters as wide as the open trail Hickey describes his bed tarp that covers halt of Tex­ as while Harnean creates a vision of Texas after the Great Asian war of the 1 ^0* To say the least. South b\ Southwest is diverge I n c l u d e d a m o n g t h e 2 4 a u t h o r s a r e s t o n e s bv w e ll- k n o w n a u t h o r s s u c h a s L a m M c M u r t r v A C G r e e n e , P a u l H o r g a n , a n d W il l ia m G o v e n a s w e ll a s u n p u b ­ l is h e d w o r k s o f v o u n g e r a u t h o r s s u c h a s \ a o m s N h ih a b \ y e , H a m e t t e M u l l e n P a t E llis T av lo r a n d l o r n Z ig a i In t h e a n t h o l c g v . o n e f i n d s m a m d i f f e r e n t a s p e c t s o f In a n i n t e r v i e w G r a h a m d e s e n b e d t h e T e x a s c u l t u r e t h e i r c o m m o n t h r e a d \ L s J e m in m v title s o m e w h a t c o n t e m p o r a r y s e t t i n g s t h e e a r l i e s t d a f t o f p u b l i c a t i o n m e a n s s i n c e 19 4 0 , a m o n g t h e 2 4 s t o n e s It a l s o m e a n s t h is c e n t u r v n o n e o f t h e s e s t o r i e s is s e t in t h e l ^ h - c e n t u r v f r o n t i e r p a s t T ex a s m e a n s t h a t t h e s t o r v is > et in T e x a s o r in s o m e w a v d r a w s f r o m a T e x a s b a c k ­ t h e s e stones cover t h e span ot g r o u n d G r a h a m s life t h a t t ie s t h e s e s t o n e s t o g e t h e r its e s s e n t i a l s p i n t In s h o r t G r a h a m s a i d t h a t h e w a s i n t e r e s t e d in presenting a c o m p o s i t e p i c t u r e o t t h e d i v e r s i t y o f Texas — to d e m ­ o n s t r a t e t o T e x a n s a n d o t h e r s t h e qualify ot w nting m Bv s i m p l y i n c l u d i n g s t o n e s b \ Texans Graham T e x a s a v o i d e d h a v i n g o n lv keeping a Lone S t a r f l a v o r in t h e wnting Russel Mar t h e editor o f another r e c e n t an the *>g\ c o m m t n t t d tin o n the diversity o f T e x a s a n d its authors t o r a l tor a ll that it s tu b h m . its r* shares o f the West s enduring a m K i v cuiturt Cion unti> itstIf internal diversitx s t o n e s s e t m T e x a s T e x a s vvhiU a n d - VNith a w e a l t h o f c u l t u r e in e v e r ) s to rv G r a h a m s i n c r e a s e r e s p e c t t o r T e x a s a u t h o r s a n t h o l o g ) s h o u l d G r a h a m a p r o f e s s o r o f E n g l i s h a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y h a s to m a k e s t e r o t ) p e s a b o u t t h r e e g o a l s t o r t h e a n t h o l o g ) T e x a s s e e m i n a c c u r a t e , to s u g g e s t t h a t t h e s t a t e c a n n o t b e e x p l a i n e d b v l o o k i n g a t it f r o m o n e p e r s p e c t i v e a n d to h a v e t h i s a n t h o l o g y r e a d a n d r e v i e w e d o u t s i d e t in s t a t e X I 1 I « Jb mm*****”»* South by Southwest indudes many visions of Tosas. From th e rustic writing of Dave Hic­ k ey ’s lfm Bound to FoMow the Longhorn Cows to th e futuristic p ro se of Wiliam H arrison’s Rotter BaK Murder; South by Southwest c o v e rs a ran g e of w riters a s w ide a s th e o p en trail. * r< f r v s h i n g tv s e e a n a n t h o l o g y f o c u s e d o n w ritin g a t e r a w h e n m a g a z i n e s a n d o t h e r p u b l i < x stone** n \ i \ n g ' re n i t - h o r t *»♦, r i e s a r t t r e e f r o m t h e s t e r e o t y p e s u p m o v i e s a b o u t T ev a » r a n e e n * a n d A c c o r d i n g ' h o r t tv ’‘ v.:* v - n a n o t c a t t k d n v e s a n d v d **n x ' t - u r b a n c o w b o y s • r :< - ; s* u t h b\ S o u t h w e s t d e p i c t t h e i n d e -i ! h t . f p a s t p r e s e n t a n d I d n e s s . a n d c o u r a g t p e n d e t u *. r a c i s m t u t u r t T e x a n s w i t h o u t o m i t t i n g t h e v i o l e n c e a n d a n v t h i n g - t o r a b u c k m e n t a h t v th i> **tate h a s al**o k n o w n 1 h t r e a d e r is t a m e d i n t o t h e in d iv i d u a l s t o n e s t h a n k ' to ta e n t e d vs n t e r s b e tt > m i n g a p a r t o f t h e t a l e ' it o n ly tvir a m o m e n t BAHAMAS CR U ISE 65 Yacht — 1 Fu!! W eek $ 4 9 5 FíSh SWlM 4 5 1 - 5 8 9 9 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E CiNfAiA ‘WTsT I t l ’ arVOm • :>p«r ■ - • « r |ji|S |H || * M l C o m to g T o p o Hm c W i l l i C on tenlo ni of lin d o Lo m Ioco »v o lo co a n B OPEN ■ O il iAMH aue TU**» AUSTIN 6 « 1 TMOWMOM OAV t i t 1 Max *o wt MOtrroeocM Ptvorv* 3 8 5 -5 3 2 8 2 4 B O O T S I E ( X X X } ---------- ANGELS OF MERCY 1 / 2 PRICE SPEC IA L S! T U E SD A Y S AND SU N D A Y S A D U L T V ID E O S A L E S & R E N T A L S L O W E S T P R 1C E S - M A G A Z IN E S V IO C O P E E P S IN A 6 C H A N N E L W M J ' V m 1 ■ prettyiR dnk 4:50-7:05-9:40 I . ' A .1 ~ L J f J B 4 :30 -7 :00 -9 :2 0 L & M o n t y P y t h o n s LIFE OF BRIAN 11:45 hk* mmkmg If\c>A12:00 m ann ■ dots f B A R G A I N P R I C E u 477-1324 x. sue’ -A LOST SO$l WAMPERS * ■ « COWP w I u rw s y . YOU B E A U T IF U L / ^ • T H T H r W W E R O F Affovc /I H t í w r « w / */ 'sow,J Coming Soon: Holy Crucifixion! Saviorman joins the Citizens against Porno S a v io rm a n In the beginning, there was nothing And then God said let there be light and there was still nothing. except you could see it — The book of Saviorman Saviorman. the superhero savior, is the product of a diseased mind. Created by 21-year-old Richard Mather. Saviorman chronicles the existentialist story of a Christian hero in 20th-century urban America Like Mather s previous stnps — The Kromde and Wooden Head and Spinner — Saviorman is about life on the edge of reality. A member of Austin s nch underground comic movement. Mather has gamed semicult status with hundreds of his adoring, fawning, hairless admirers Working with local artist Whitney Ayer he publishes the infamous Butthker Comix and has done illustra­ tions for such diverse publications as Images maga­ the Austin Post-Literate and Steve Jackson s zine Space Gamer. You can also find his work in the upcoming S tream ­ ing Disaster Comics and Frank Kozik s Turkey Pas­ trami Man comics Mather s other credits nciude two album covers — one for the Alaska-baseo band Skate Death, and one for Austin s Criminal Crew as we as publication in innumerable loca fanzines In an attempt to provide a fo r u m fo r io c a a n , s t s t h e entertainment department proudly presents Savior­ man. R E S T A U R A N T • B A R FREE FOOD! Buy any new Mexican Entree and get one of the same value or less fre e with this coupon. Redeemable at Lunch or Dinner. UT STUDENTS HAVE CREDIT 36 ,676 UT stv- dents B o v * a m ajor credit cord. 2S,244 Hove cards fo r au to m a te d te lle r m ochines. souect UNivitsmr or tixas co u ig i niws»a h « STUOT IHMN ASSOCIATES DALLAS AMU ’*M POSITIONS AVAILABLE THE OFFICE OF THE OMBUDSMAN HAS THE FOLLOW ING STUDENT POS'TIONS AVAILABLE FOR THE 1986-87 SCHOOL YEAR ASSISTANTS TO THE O M B UD SM A N 2 0 H o u r s \ \ e e k 1 0 Hours W e e k INTERNS i1 p o s itio n , 3 hours credit) OUTREACH CHAIR PERSON A p p lic a tio n s available in S.S B. 1.104 1986. D u e n o later than M o n d a y Mav 5, m g th e w e e k ot May 5 - 9 . o n M ondas A p r il 28 Intervievss d u r- 1986 Good only April 28 thru May 2,1986! 24th and Rio Grande • 477*5001 C all 471-1825 fu r m o r t* n fo r m a tio n An Equal O p p o r t u n i t s E m ployer. PRESIDIO THEATRES LIIMCOLJM 3 5 4 0 6 ►" J5 • 454 6A*» A R BO R 4 10000 R ESEARCH • 349 4937 LEGEND 1 2 : 4 5 - 3 0 0 - 5 : 1 5 - 7 3 0 - 9 : 4 5 P G 1 3 0 -3 3 0 -5 :3 0 -7 4 5- 10 30 9 1 / 2 U J € € K S P C 12 0 0 - 2 3 0 - 4 4 5 - 7 1 5 - 9 30 g g j H X J H X 1 5 -2 4 0 - 5 0 0 - 7 4 5 - 1 0 15 H A N N A H A N D H ER s i s t e r s ' | ü y i A C A D E M Y W A R D IN N E R 1 2 : 3 0 - 3 : 4 0 - 7 : 0 0 - 1 0 10 I R A N 1* I ^ THE TRIP TO BOUNTIRJI ¿ ^ BOUNTIFUL ^ 2 : 4 5 - 7 1 5 - 9 :3 0 ^ P G i SLEEPLNG ? V 1 2 : 4 5 - 5 : 3 0 BEAUTY O é TURTLE DIARY 5 - 5 : 3 0 - 7 : 4 5 - 1 0 15 LEGEND P t i 1 3 0 -3 3 0 -5 2 0 -7 1 5 -9 30 Í Best Picture — O l t Q ^ A f m t a P t> 12 3 0 - 3 :4 0 - 7 0 0 - 1 0 :1 5 «*0 I I W M I I W D I IKK S IS ID IS 12 3 0 - 3 0 0 -5 :1 5 - 7 :3 0 - 9 :5 5 L A K E H I L L B 4 • 4440552 242$ SEN #WfTE C R IT T E R S " ! ^ 4 5 - 2 : 3 0 - 4 : 2 0 - 0 : 1 5 - 1 : 0 5 - 1 0 : 0 5 ^ M O N E g j T l 1 : 4 5 - 3 : 4 5 - 5 : 4 5 - 7 : 4 5 - 1 : 4 5 GUNGHO □D ! BAND OF THE HAND §§I i l U f D r l m E s c A P E - 4 - •:0 0 -« :0 0 -10:00 • * * •A L L FEATURES $ 2 .5 0 — • * • m: i»-945 ry y y'$ $ R ed uced pnces ‘c 'eatu^es start.rg a* ^ before 6 0 0 p ^ ^eeKdays and t - e ‘ 's: only on w eekends at aU P -e sid c S S r r m e s u c r o e to o » » o m .t|^ H h m m m ám rn m ADVANCE ' CAETS M‘ - BE PU*CHA ÍÍZ a* an» - me C'..°!nc> 7 he busine ss oat AT THE ARBOA CINEMA EOU« AND l'NCC. *» T-f *'»? 3 SEC m V I I W O t AD FOB SPECIAL PRICES 1 3 G eneral Cinem a I BARGAIN MATINEES-EVflTYDAY [ A U SHOWS BEFORE 6 PM < 2 7 5 z £ ¡ ¡ a u m i Fajita Flats ¡CELEBRATES! 512 W. 29th 4 4 9 tAf 9 0 8 « ^ 5 GREAT YEARS COME HELP US CELEBRATE! —FRI: STREET DANCE THE JAGUARS 5.55-9:55 P M 5C BEER. 5C SANGRIA. 55C FAJITAS — SAT A SUN: in s to re sp ecials. v2 price burgers, HOURLY SPECIALS, BALLOONS — MON. UVE MUSIC ON THE OUTBACK 3:55-8 55 P.M., 50 BEER, 50 SANGRIA 550 FAJITAS, CAKE, CANDY, BALLOON RIDE DRAWINGS The 1 U - X 4 J V * * X < X # x M o n ey Pit . v • » J K W , 9 Va Weeks h 100 J 1553C74S *000 Legend * 06 315 S 25 7 i Plil 35 <745 Register for Balloon Flights Fri thru Mon, May 5 M flfA M c a tu j N c e A c o d e p l M * 0 0 4 0 0 7 X WOCartV STRANGER THAN PARADISE AMWANKMCANF&M l‘A GREAT MOVIE r a m i m r i y iU T g jfti F i t r i n i ting Visionary.' UQLL&RSQLL Today a t 9:00 p.m. 2 3 0 N on -U .T . v Fassbinder's AH: Fear Eats the Soul O^nmart w ith iu W M m Today at 5 S 7 00 pan. Hopg Awd. 200 U.T. 2-50 Non-U.T. lexdS'Urxor yj C o lo r P u rp le (N >•> AM 0 Ü V ió le le A re B la e pg-13 1 5:06, 7 ^ 0 . 9HM V /t W eeks $ 7 0 0 P o lic e Acm étm y i n 5 0 0 , 9 : 1 5 r m u n SNOWSIMTWS EVCPYDAV AU. 1N O V 1 MEOOC • M A M E R I C A N A in t «Awe o t » o« f VKMiTS AM BUM (RO-13) y g a i * ] J N O R T H C R O S S B w * * « O il H». . »H^4 «> K ' HANNAH AND HU SKTttS M -U) I X J « t t J 9 ? 1 5 - 9 . M KNIGHTS Of THIOTT (I) ¡1)41-115 - « J 9 - 7 A 4 - 9 4 Í uNoneotui s s K s m m CRfTTItS(9G-13) m-sas m tsJm-ris&os MARK TWAIN (G) LUCAS íFG-13) I MURPHY'S LAW (t) dal.») is • m n - 7 .41 e m A Q U A R I U S 4 B A c x T O T H i n m f f i ( p e ) | KNIGHTS Of THI C iniM (S<41 . CtlTTIRSiPG-13) ti*ii« ssJm -rm UNOdWOtLOfR) ( • i l l .• t t l t ) - 7 : N S O U TM W O O D 2 A D U LT S - 55 00 C H IL D R E N $2 75 R E D U C ED PRICE S2 75 Today a t 9:15 p.m . U tdati Thaatra "■ • V •• 2 3 0 U.T. 2 3 0 N on -U .T . . ■ -......... ■>■— ■"»■ .» P I I . H I ,» - • . • - • < A "■ •’/ * *•* • • : ' i- * ’: . (MwTliBiai LMU.I. m o m U.T. Yi f . . . . . -K , e.v. / / A i ; * z -: L 'r-* - \ o m o r r o w : Tfce M aaa n T T classified I The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28, 1986/Page 15 Visa/M astercard Accepted For Word ads call 471-5244/F o r Display ads call 4 7 1 -1 8 6 5 /8 a.m .-4:30 p.m. M onday-Friday/TS P Building 3.200/2500 Whitis Ave. V isa/M astercord Accepted REAL ESTATE SALES REAL ESTATE SALES MERCHANDISE RENTAL RENTAL 120 — Houses 140 — M obile Homes- 250 Musical 350 — Rental Services 360 — Fum . Apts. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Consacuftvq Day Rates ^5 w o rd mm#mom Each w o rd 1 t#m« Eoch w o rd 3 timos Eoch w o rd 5 timos Eoch w o rd 10 timos Eoch w o rd 15 twnos Eoch w o rd 7 0 timos 1 cot « 1 mch 1 hmo | | 28 774 $ 1 1 7 $ 1 9 0 $2 2 95 $ 2 4 8 $ 6 85 $1 0 0 cKoryo to chongo copy Firsi tw o words moy bo aM caprtol Wtors For ooct# odditiona) w o rd in eaprtol lortors M ostorcard and Viso accepted DEADLINE SCHEDULE M ondo» '« « a n Endoy Ham M o n d a y llo m ruosdo> « « o r Tuevday Horn W odnosdoy T««on Ham Thursday Horn h u rtd o y Tenon W ednesday Endoy Texon In rise e v e n t a t o r r o r s m o d o in o n a d v e r t is e m e n t . n o tic e m u s t b o g iv e n |»y 1 1 a .m . Ih o f ir s t d a y , a t fh o p u b t i s h w i o r a r e • p o o s t b lo t o r o n ly O M I in c o r - ra c i in t o m o n AD c la im s t o r a d lu t t m o n f t it t o u ld b o m o d o n o t ta ta r t h a n 3 0 d a y s a tt a r p u b li­ cat i o n . fir e p o t d h ills re c a te e c ro d tt s lip it r e q u e s te d a t t tm o o4 ca n c o lia - h o n , a n d It an t a u n t e x c e e d s $2 0 0 . S lip m u s t b o p r e s e n t e d t o r a r o o r d o r w it h in 9 0 d a y s to b o v a lid C ro d tt s lip s a ro n o n r r o n s t o r o b to CLASSIFICATIONS TRANSPORTATION 1 0 — M ite . A u to s 20 — S p orts- Fo ra tg n A u to * 30 — T ru ck s-V a n s 00 — V a h tetas to Trad# 30 — R prvtcp-tp p o tr *0 — O orts- A c c p m o H m 70 — M otorcycles* 0 0 — I k y d o s *0 — V o h td o L o a sln o 1 0 0 — V a h í d o s W o n t o d REAL ESTATE SALES 110 — S o rv k o s 120 — H o u so s 130 — C o n d o s-T o w n h o u sa s 140 — M o k lta M om as -Lots 130 ~ A c re o g o -lo t* 1*0 — D u p le a es- A p o rtm o n ts 1 7 0 - W on tad 100 — L o o n s MERCHANDISE 140 — AppHancos 2 0 0 — F w m ltv ro -M o u so h o M 210 — S toro o -T V 220 — C o m pu to rs- iq u tp m a rrt 230 — P h o to -C o mor o s 240 — B o o ts 250 — M u sic at Instrum ents 2 6 0 - H o b b ie s 2 7 0 — M o th io o cy - Iq u tp nsant 200 — S p o rtin g -C o m p in g E qu ipm an t 240 — Eum itturp- A p ptto n ca R en tal 300 — O ero ge -O u m m e ee Satas 310 — Trod# 320 — W anted to b u y o r Rant MERCHANDISE 3 3 0 -R o ts 3*0— Misc. RENTAL 350 — Rental Services 3*0 — Turn. Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 300 — Turn. Duplexes 3*0— Unf. Duplexes *00 — Condos-Townhouses *10— Turn. Housos 420 - Unf. Houses 425 — Rooms 430 — Room -Board *35-C o -o p s 450— M obile Hom es-Lots 4*0 — Business Rentals 4 7 0 - Resorts 400 — Storage Space 440 — Wanted to Rant-Lease 500 — Misc. ANNOUNCEMENTS 510— E nte rtolnm ei it - Tick ets 520 — Personals 530 — Travel- Transportation 540- L o s t A fo u n d 550 — Licensed ChMd Caro 5*0 — Rubik Notice 570 — M usk-M usicians EDUCATIONAL 500 — M usical Instruction 540 — TutoHnp *00 — Instruction Wanted *10 — Misc. Instruction SERVICES *20 — Lapel Services *30 — Comp uter Services *40— Extermina tor s 650 — M ovinp-H ouling 6*0— Storope *70— Rotntinp SERVICES 6*0- O ffic e 640 — Rontoi Equip mant 700 — Furniture Repair 710 — Appttonca Repair 720 — Storoo-TV Repair 730 — Homo Repair 740 — B k yd e Repair 750 — Typing 7*0 — Misc. Sondees EMPLOYMENT 770 — Emplo y ment Apancle s 700 — Employm ent Services 740 — fie ri time • 10 — Offlce-Ctertcoi 820 — Accounting - Bookkeepinp 030 — A dmln lstrotlvo - 840- S a le s 050- R e ta il 8*0— Ertpineerinp- Technkai 870 — M edical 880 — Professional 840 — Clubs-Restaurants 400 — Domes tk-H ou sehold 410 — Positions Wanted 420 — Work Wanted BUSINESS 930 — Rusiness O pportunities 940 — O pportunities Wanted TSP Building, Room 3 2 0 0 2 5 0 0 M ^vtn M o n d a y through Endoy 8 om -4 30pm 4 7 1 -5 2 4 4 TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION TRANSPORTATION 10 — Misc. Autos 20 — Sports-Foreign ompmt . o r Autos i H her VMMRpi * s * QpCK tTV Soody tg 44 £ 98» - 0 *9 * **G TD ookofcfce ftranboo ’óOOcl VW #w cpftw ó p rr 892 5 6 3 6 4 29 c*rhing AM, 9 34 ^ 6 8 . !FV { ? r f v o riu e ^ b íe ’-wrv* pow>* * - *35 *Ow miáet «xcottartt COodtteo^ 4 ^ *>prf. 8 9 ; S636 4 ?9 g " O f D A Ctvk 4 • ; m & g $ >0 00 6 5 00C ’ 4 3 0 4 59 70 — Motorcycles 70 — Motorcycles CLEAN USED MOTORCYCLES 40 IN STOCK FROM $ 49 5 BUY-SELL TRADE FOR CARS WHITESIDE MOTORS 5715 BURNET RD. 458-5631 \y** * jos vr «► #vn od * Ben s Custom MOTORCYCLE PAINTING .Ctque» • E0m*j a Enome • la v o n a M u ra o • • Ccr>dv C o 'o o • E b e r g io ij R *p o . 2 8 2 -9 9 4 5 5-5J 98 5 S U Z l* C S 5 5 0 ES S c -w J» 8i 4 1 » a»#* i and M ea» o o n * ofc $ " 0 0 0 8 0 4 5 1 3 6 9 ’ 4 ’ 00C 30 85 H O N D A 250X1 Like n« 452 7417 5 2 $1450 9 8 5 NTERCEPTOR 5 0 0 M OP«4 $ 2 5 0 0 4 5 8 5061 M ike 4 30 FI 9 8 0 4 0 0 SpaciO' I a m o he ’ 3 0 0 m#*«, ■fce w > $ 8 2 5 3 4 6 6 5 2 6 ooyhme 4 28___________________________________ FOR SALE v e ip e 0 o g g c gr«a* *rom portatvon iu ii Ae «* ol1 mo»« Eu»oo«o» Nrro $ 5 0 0 *i*g CcF 4 7 8 8 5 0 o h * 4 30 ’ 9 8 0 KAW ASAX, 1000 lT D QOOC c o rd i to *' 4 5 ' 2177 4 5 2 4 3 0 0 6 IQ **»ar ’ 5 0 0 0 m ,l«i $ 9 9 5 FOR SA lE Hon $ 7 0 0 4 4 0 ’ 9 6 0 A ik Xor»*- 5-2 ‘ o* 80 — Bicycles ■ 2 SPEED p« ug o' *o<»* 23 o ra ng e o r V«r> K^h* « « ce te -* ;o n d r# o - $ 2 0 0 4 '4 6 4 5 aft»* 4 pm 4 29 LOTUS UNIQUE 9 8 4 m co^dftKX' $ 50 «y best oFW 26 e *ce 469 8..* HONDA V45 Sab»« ». . «««-• ;ond 5S63 5 2 $ ’ 85C 8C Tomoho 65C Ma«>m $ ’ 5C C a t 8 3 6 T ,5 6 5-1 6 . O t O i l A n>evv po»^ Am. ecu gt-eo* $ 9 ’’ 5 4 8 2 8 4 0 tv B h ifig i 4 ***** 5 tfM B d A 4 29 K- * V 9 > VCteNBO A -TA Cq'O&Q S t 5 A M * V , >. OSldRf^e o o o d *cw -n^poQt 8 3 7 90*9' rcv# ______ 'skS «eottvo# 983 S fiT Q N f- A19 HXl -OMRf»* AO 2 5 0 0 0 wvü* astro -4K; $ 5 4 9 5 C o l 4 4 .' 6 4 ^ 4 4 30C '* ' 4 .«p. Sdwr^e rani o r A M c V t.jp ^ Neta* M,. kppur- h ,* , tw *a -> 4 . *, 9>«a( S ‘ 50 Co* 46 ’ 6 4.; .V 495 4 4 ’ 9 6pr- 4 JC ’ 2 28 T \* n ytfv*. 9 8 3 gr*» « y •#>. cxxSad 4 0 0 0 0 m# 5 to m e * » » M.n* c o n d e p r. $ 7 5 0 0 0 0 s 4 d 3 o * 1 2 75 6 84 ’ 5 > T M A 2 -M 6 - 4 A.-# 5 h w I Ajp-n« 5 »cw*w^* ndeor $3 ’0C . ‘ ScwM* o n . wVbm **AP**( T t cw» vck . -• «o* :4 3 n c d r - $ 4 5 0 0 *w c « " - « . ' 3 4 65 0 8 ’ C 4 .8 4 . w : $ 2 5 0 0 ockA ‘ v*OiV< 9 **r «6 #4- s4t w»oc< #eupN> now M» N»Ant AME M r-M p * $ .9 6 5 782 6 6 *■ :»#■ • * 1 vA* 30 — Trucks-Vans HOMES 8 DUPLEXES 3IM M /2ITM N e a r UT $129 500 2 BDRM CHARM !R $114500 2 BDRM 2 UV. ARCA $108 500 2 BDRM N e a r L a w S c h o o l $ 11 0 0 00 UT AREA SPECIALIST John 8. Sanford 454-6633, 458-9000 130 — Condos - Townhouses West Campus— Graham Place Condom iniums now has to offer a 2-1 (former model homes). Located on a very quiet street, this home has many extras to offer. In­ financing! Call credible Sheri, 482-0698; Scott, 474-5111. BELOW MARKET Only $ 9 0 per square foot for iarge award winning 1-1 campus condo 5 levels with study, a t­ tached 2 car garage attic, fire­ place other amen.t es $ 9 8 8 0 0 Pat Brown Company 4 4 4 - 6 9 6 5 _________________________5-2 THE BEST DEAL FOR SALE IN WEST CAMPUS 8 y Fq* *h« o w e s ’ o c c e d *o r c ia rg e n th e C ro ** CALL Q U IC K ! FH A f n o n c in g Te rry Bar* ck 451 5 2 0 0 The E . o t Sysle*»’ 4 5 ! 8 ’ " 8 4 28A c T C O N D O 7BR 28A THree b»ocis foom compus ai> amer ne$ ve»> ^*ce to $<*« guKkty !Wi 4 ^ 8 ^310 4 28 four blocks v*esf of LUXURY C O N D O cornpus Twc "^chowove wosher d rye r p o o covered park*rv£ 2 55 ‘ 9 5 6 4 30 tXBdroorr w ** *^eofo< e UT C O N D C pus $ 3 5 0 0 and *ake aver FHA >oar 4 50 3 9 2 7 8 3 ' (>6 7 4 28 r Four b k x k s fro m cam K>R SALE 3 2 t--2 James»ow^ NorH- ...enrro¡ ocahon F rep*o< e *ans $ 68 0 0 0 3 3 5 - 0 4 ’ 5 5 ■ 2 -2 co nd o C ThF P O N TE He 0 9 10 $ 7 5 9 0 0 Evetyn 2 5 0 -0 0 7 6 S-l se cu n ry P o o Lots Instruments 1979 LANCER mobite home, !4 'X 8 4 2 b ed ro om 2 fult txjths « «tenor .s m a io n .te siding CACH, all appliances 1(7X25 cedar deck. 10'XIO' shed S25 0 0 0 n e g M a rk Durso 8 36 -5 2 5 1 5 2C storage FENDER TW IN $ 3 5 0 Tube Screamer $ 3 5 Chorus p edal $ 4 0 Peovey am p 120 w orn B W 4 6 7 7315 4 -3 0 ___________ KRAMER ELECTRIC bass, 6 months old $ 2 0 0 G o n llo ompkher never used same condition, $100 4 7 9 -8 5 1 6 5 1 LEASE-EZE N O W LEASING CAMPUS AREA FOR FALL A N D SUAAMER Hyde Park - French Place - West Campus Houses, Apartments, Duplexes 4 4 0 -7 7 4 9 4 2 9 0 TAKE YOUR PICK APARTMENTS, DUPLEXES, HOUSES Many available, all price ranges, most neighborhoods SPECIAL INCENTIVES AVAILABLE GAWLIK LEASING 892-6622 6-17D 360 — Furn. Apts. $150 OFF to class!! Large Effs. W alk view of Pease Park, pool, sun­ laundry, 2518 Leon deck, V IE W P O IN T $ 2 9 5 . 4 5 8 -4 1 5 5 or mg. 4 7 6 -8 5 9 0 , PMP Inc. 5-6B Temporary Housing Corporate Apartments 1 a n d 2 b e d ro o m a p a rtm e n ts fin e ly fu rn is h e d a n d fa irly p n e e d Surtes re n t o n m o n fh -to -m o n th basis a n d in clu d e fu rn itu re a ll h o u se w a re s, linens, c o lo r TV m o id se rvice o n d te le p h o n e C a ll E xe cu tive L ifestyle 3 4 6 -2 1 2 6 4 -2 9 302 W. 38th Summer/Fall Leasing. Efficien­ cies, 1 BR, 2BR, Conveniently lo­ Furmshed/Unfumished. cated. All appliances, pool, 7 block to shuttle. Gas and water paid. 290 — F u m iture- Appliance Rental FOR SALE couch a nd w aterbed, g o o d condition $ 7 5 eoch CaR 3 4 6 -0 4 6 7 after 6 Dave 5-1 310 — Trade HYDE PARK 2-1, excellent condition M id -M a y to mid-August Care fo r y a rd garden H a rd w o o d floors ceiling Ions. AC appliances G ra d student p refered $ 4 0 0 /m o - bills 4 5 9 -0 7 9 4 4 -2 8 320 — W anted to Buy or Rent NEED CASH? M o n ey fo r M oc s ¡ w ill buy yo ur used Macintosh Russell 3 4 6 -1 73 5 4 28 USED M A C IN TO S H o r oth e r g o o d P C and p rin ter needed 1708 4 28 try w nter 4 4 3 340 — Misc. MUST SELL - 4 corat diam ond solitaire sell pendont appraised at $ 5 5 0 - will for $ 7 9 9 Call Elizabeth 3 4 3 -0 7 6 5 4 3 0 ___________________________________ CO NTACT LENS WEARERS save 70% on name b ra nd solutions and accesiones For free pricelist Eye solutions Box 2 62 Dept T-l G alion, O h io 4 4 8 3 3 5 -2 R O U N D TRIP a irfa re fro m Austin $180 anytim e to Son Fronsisco Los Angeles, Chicago Las Vegas San Diego o r Den ver Coll 4 5 8 -5 5 3 9 leave messoge 5-1 VIDEO G AM ES fo r sale Birdie King II, Tnvia Easy m oney! Best o ffe r coll Scott 4 5 0 -1 5 9 9 5 -6 W E D D IN G G O W N with veil about size 7 8 9 o rig in a l cost $17 $ 4 5 0 o r best o ffe r 454-1162 5-1 RENTAL 350 — Rental Services ENCORE APARTMENT LOCATORS CALL NOW! 837-5211 343-1147 j i i t m i m t i M i i i t i i i i t i i i m t H t i H i i i t i m t L | Home Quest I lo ca to r service FREE 480-9443 C arole D avila Im m e d ia te O ccu p a n cy A Pre-Leasing fo r S u m m e r I : Z Z I i Z Z S lI llim t l l H I I I H t l l M I I I I I I I I I I I H I I M I I I I i r 5-5J 453-4002 5-12 CAMBRIDGE T O W E R S -fully furnished e fficiency in prestigious highnse Excel lent security inside parking Convenient Unrversrty/Capitoi A ll utilities/fees paid $ 4 5 0 1801 lo v a c a 2 8 2 -6 2 7 5 5 -9 A 912 W 22 ”2 Si move-m tod a y excellent efhciency oil electnc H ow ell Properties 4 7 7 -9 9 2 5 5-1 MERCHANDISE 200 — Furniture- Household WHITE SEC TIO NAL H a itia n cotto n ouch 5-piece $ 4 5 0 L shaped metal o ffice desk $ 7 5 451 0 0 6 ’ 6 8pm 4 29 ___________________________________ B RAND N E W art deco couch and coffe« table and watecbed $ 4 7 5 Colt at 4 58 3 7 5 7 5-6____________________________ Q UEEN SIZE Simmons Beautyr#,» mat tress and b o * sp an g nearly new $100 4 5 8 9331 5-1________________________ M O V IN G SALE Single mattress box spr.ng and H ollyw ood $ 5 0 dou ble mattress and b o * spang $ 75 small desk $ '0 occassional fable $10 moodea storage cabinet (35 x 21 x 42. $ 25 freezer $ 2 5 3 4 6 2 6 0 7 5-1 fram e WATER BED queen size beautiful 0 0 k with h eo db o ord w ater h eater $145 3 8 9 1778 5-2 210 — Stereo-TV PIONEER STEREO system com plete with everything $ 5 0 0 or best o ffe r 4 6 7 - 9118 4 28A 19 CO LOR TV $100 M o ra n tz stereo 7 0 matt channel $150 4 5 2 - 0 5 7 2 4 78 lo u ts B RAND N E W JVC R x3 70 receiver 50 watts nckides rem ote contro l fo r entire stereo s ester- $ 2 6 0 o r best offe r Call Brandy 4 4 3 ’ 9 4 8 4 -3 0 220 — Computers- Equipment tERm .N A . A N D cable Access ad UT sys- *ems Full screen editing G re e n screen witt- detochotue ke ybo ard $ 2 2 5 441- 5 6 9 7 lose 5 -5 _______________________ PARAD'SE COLOR m ono graphics cord to r BM or com patible com puter never * reta,, pnce 4 4 5 -2 1 2 * 4 used $ 2 0 0 28 __________ RB5X R O B O ' talks and wattes on-board sonor microprocessor -octiie sensors $ 7 0 0 0 new ' 5 % o ff C raig 4 7 3 -8 6 0 2 4 -2 9 se't .earning 230 — Photo- Cameras - 3 lenses 2 4 50 80- vfVlTAR 35m m 2 05 zoom $ 2 5 0 must sell1 Jeff 4 99 85 34 o’ 4 7 * ’ 0 9 3 leave message 5-2 250 — Musical Instruments 7 D'ETZ monitors with 15 and h om G re at Fende* Twin Reverb «.itt# jB ls $ 4 0 0 150 w att Troy- ocss amp $ ’ 4 0 Cai! M c m r 476 - fo r PA $ 6 0 0 B A C - TRO MBO NE 4 2 8 «nth F attach­ ment $.' 5 CoS Steve 4 ’ 7 -7 ’ 56 pher 8pm m or-.ngs or even.ngs 4 -3 0 6C mPG G*ea* *» K*giwo# Swx»a 45c Consumer G#wd« 6« u t>vv E« ito í 3 43 - j c 3C «»•■- » $ 9*»5 5 - REAL ESTATE SALES 2BR C O N D C ~ 4 ~ bfo t>o m< pus Buy w*fh porer- 3 4 5 -9 4 2 5 5-2 west or com Co* owne» af 6 8 8 0 4 -3 0 * 0 4 0 * P a S S ^ O *’ *0* koie sxe^ec* '0 Cl $ ’ OC *7H7St JftXJu 120 —* Houses j*. »xq w.»iarbc 4 ' « ' ' ' 4 5 . CALL 471 -5244 TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD _-jNC>a St. *0 0 m«íer$ good $ : V. - v ; - - 4 3 4 ; 8 ’ « ’ 4 H O N O * C R id c "vrn p e^e c* kjg g a f a d $3 '5 4 3 . 4 8 3 ah«< 5 j w * 0 AAOrrw 4 ; 9 ._A' M . y o ^ e w»n6 ow$ Lon A hQ uS E *o k>ve 3 ? ’ *1* kíttNüEn txr*^s .>* skxotje Bw»* ^ t)OoAvh-^H c^«n»o cot> choc It Se**e- ■-e* oeiA UT ihyttie iX3m p o ^ 4 59 v : 4 4 3’. RENTAL 360 — Furn. Apts. T H E 20 — Sports- Foreign Autos A M * V V • A*«« A 130 — C ondos-Tow nhouses •»' P tAa v 0 *e* -xj ■Adeo* $4 7C«; 4 ’ ; X «-Miortvied Ay er^r-x# jjreo f ;» 4 0 4 ? ’ 8 ILAWASAX 65C W4t *o>r*ng ■.onámor $ 8 9 ' *vn» g-«a* C nxjd Pw> 4 '4 6 9 - ' - 130 — Condos - Townhouses 50 — Service-Repair **» h ' l t "w N j < * r # d c NXWupl .'m3 gww»x> odcmj*»» trokm « > VAASA* X 35G T7 83 O ougN r 85 a n ta fiw v ,'W*d4«cv 790C' 44 ' 6 ’ 5 - Of 385 ’ 5 '8 4 28 * 9 " M O TO G U ZZ! ■ w i Gn«o* .x M íe w C a t 4 * 5 4 25 ' 12 0 0 0 o r y n a i 4 X 55Ú v #.•> y c9 . y i * / r y , y . s , a y . o ' / . - ' V 9 a •*-' j t V t f MOVE IN TODAY Luxury 1BR Furnished 2222 Rio Grande 476-4992 2 2 C7 L e e n A p t $ . PBE-LEASING FOR SUMMERAFALL V6 • 1BR Furn. $320 • 2 BR Furn. $450 • Walk to Campus • Nice Pool & Patio 2207 Leon 478-1781 FAR FROM ORDINARY, CLOSE TO UT Located jusi 2 blocks from UT Law Schoo; this 1 1 at the DOMINION stands a pan from all others Owner wtL enjoy a private pool, spa sundeck all hitcher, appuances security covered parking and more $59,000 For your pnvafe showing cdM C h « rrl H ffl 474-5111 288-5434 360 — Fum. Apts. ACT VII 4JB3 DuaoI • V twn f V n x te te c i • Fvjr'-*teh*a • PotKkB or Bafconaoft • C+rttrm AC 6 P m r d f r o m $380 451-7132 %é> m m m m m 3J01 Bed River • fummrtatí • Omr^rm AC & *-9», vAdXSrv Noan* • Ekhbrx. Kegm B c s rc m g m t >330 474-S1S4 Affordable— From $ 6 9 ,5 0 0 • Great Location—Walk to Campus • Convenient Features: • Furnished • Ail Kitchen Appliances • Microwave • Built-In Desks • Washer & Dryer • Covered Parking • Security System • Excellent Owner Financing I xl Paiigrtt, Realtors 454-4621 RENTAL 360 — Fum. Apts. Cornerstone Place @ 24th & Rio Grande Available Spring ’86 can help you cut thru the hunting jungle! Monday-Saturday, 10-6 Sunday, 14 H IL J L S APAR TM EN TS FOR RENT. 2 2 0 0 Nueces 2 blocks from UT. One bedrooms $315, $ 3 2 5 * E 2 bedroom $ 3 9 0 , $ 4 0 0 * E Discounts for April and M ay for contracts through summer Coll 4 7 4 -0 8 6 0 or 476-19 57. _______________________ 4 28 Sandpiper Apts. 2810 Rio Grande 2 b e d ro o m 2 b a th fuHy fu rn is h e d a p a rtm e n ts C o m e w ith m ic ro w a v e s , in te rc o m system, p o o l c e ilin g fans, a n d sundeck S um m e r $ 5 2 5 , Fall $ 6 2 5 C a ll 4 7 7 4 6 7 2 4 7 4 6 6 8 3 o r 4 4 4 - 2 7 5 0 f o r a p p o in tm e n t P re lea s m g f o r Foil a v o tla b le 4 28 Salado Apts 2 7 0 4 Salado A few bedroom and 2 bedroom 2 bath stiR avoilobte Come with microwaves ceikng fans mtercome Ali are M ty furnished Sum me» Rates ’ $310 o rge 2/2 $ 485 yxtro iarge 2 /2 $525 'o il $410 $585 $625 Cali 477 4622 or 444 2750 We prelease also 4 78 ONE BLOCK FROM UT 2 2 n ic e ly fu rn is h e d A ll Bills P aid 476-5631 469-9342 Stan N O W L E A S IN G SUMMER, FALL, SPRING RESERVE N0W AND SECURE SUPER RATES W a lk Ut, 2-1, 2 -2 ,1 -1 C A /C H p o o l, la u n d ry fa c ilitie s c a b le c o n n e ctio n s, d is h w a s h e r d isp o sa l g as stove fu rn a c e , w a te r h e a te r a ssign e d p a rk in g p le a s a n t a tm o s p h e re a v a ila b le w e e k o f M a y 2 0 a n d A u g u s t 2 0 4 7 4 - 5 9 2 9 5 9 ALL BILLS pa*d N e a r campus, on shuttle in small Furnished efficiencies ond IBR's quiet com plex $ 2 9 5 - $ 4 3 0 4 5 1 -8 5 3 ? 4 4 2 -4 0 7 6 4-28J GREAT O A K -one block la w school large clean 2 -2 Ceiling ions. C A /C H , p oo l Laundry 2 9 0 0 Swisher 4 7 7 -3 3 8 8 4 7 2 -2 0 9 7 4 -2 9 M O V E IN tod o y 2BR ’ BA new co rp e i n ew p a id covered parking, p oo l LaCasita Apts 2 9 0 0 Cole 4 82 9154 5 12 appliances, w a te r gas HYDE PARK, one bed ro om g a s w a ter paid near IF shuttle p oo l $ 3 3 5 'mo 4412 A ve A 451-3180 4 -2 9 fum isheo SUMMER RATE now W est compus 1 BR S 285 - b ilk 2 5 0 8 Son G a b rie l C oll S d 4 7 8 -3 5 1 8 5 -8 CHUCNET SWEEP 109 W Street Efficiencies one and two beckooms nevrfv remoaeiea • Fumtsned • Fooi • Neor Shume • Fveckoces • Covered f'arwvtg Starting at S2B5 489-1711 9 * ^ + + ¥ + ¥ ¥ ■ + ■ ¥ ■ + ■ ¥ J X Pre-Leasing N o w J J 4- For Summar JL For Summer & Fall 1986 One Bedroom Apartments 1 Bedroom From $300 2 Bedroom From $370 5 3815 Guadalupe * 1459-1664 » ‘ Sum m ar Rotas jL a T H E 3 0 5 A P T S . Pre-Leasing For Sum m er & Fa ll 86 • Large” E fficiencies • $295 + E • Small Friendlx C o m ple x • Near S huttle C o rn e r Move In Today! 459-4977 Davis & Associates MARK EMBERS APTS. One Bedroom Furnished From $310* •Sam m r Rates • 2 pools • On IF Shuttle • Qtltt, Trees 1 re- «sla g 'or a u H B V s wk r w I M S 31st ft S p e e d w a y 477-2004 1911 Willow Cr*ak Driva 444-0010 FEATUBES: • Large 1 A 2 Bedrooms • Adult A Family Living • Sundeck w/skyiine view • Furnished A Unfurnished • Ceiling Fans • 2 Swimming Pools • Microwave • Patios A Balconies Monday-Saturday, 9-6 Sunday, 1-5 Family & Adult Living 2124 Burton Drive • 4 4 4 - 7 8 8 0 Call About Specials Today Features: Large 1 & 2 Bedrooms Adult & Family Living Ceiling Fans Swimming Pool Fum. & Unfum. Patios & Balconies Pftge 16/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28, 1986 RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL RENTAL 340— fu m . Apts. 340 — fum . Apts. 340— fu m . Af»ts. 340— fum . Apts. 340— fu m . Apts. 370 — Unf. Apts. 370- U n f. Apts. 370— Unf. Apts. 3 7 0 - Unf. Apts. 4 - 3 0 S U M M E R RATES w a lk to c o m p u s s huttle o n d city bus E 5 3 4 9 A B P 4 ’ 2 - 2 l 4 - 5 y la rg e ethc e n c y $ 2 2 5 SUMMER SPECIAL ALL BILLS PAID $295 Large efficiency, fully carpeted & draped. Watk-in closet, pool, laundry, no pets. 4 2 0 6 Avenue A, 45 1-69 66, 45 1-6 5 3 3 Cen­ tral Properties Incorporated 5-12 SUMMER SPECIAL ALL BILLS PAID $285 for students, Efficiency, great to city & shuttle convenient buses, carpeted, draped, buiH-m appliances, 4 0 0 0 Avenue A 458-4511, 4 5 1-65 33 Central Properties Incorporated 5 12 SUMMER SPECIAL Large 1 BR $ 2 7 5 in Hyde Park laundry, no on shuttle Pool, pets 4 2 0 9 Speedway, 45 2 0 4 7 5 , 451 6 5 3 3 Central Prop­ erties Incorporated ____________________ 5_12 O N E BEDROOM $ 2 8 0 Secluded, small, quiet complex surrounded by trees near park W ater & Gas paid 6 0 9 East 45th 4 5 1 -6 5 3 3 Central Properties Incorporated 5 12 453-1418 SUMMER SPECIAL Large 1 BR $ 2 6 0 Great for students, laundry, gas cook­ ing and water paid, no pets 4 3 0 7 Avenue A 459-1571 451-6533. Central Proper­ ties Incorporated. $295 SPECIAL Nice, quiet location across street from park and near Lake Austin. 7 0 0 Heam 4 7 6 -4 3 7 0 , 451-6533 Cen­ tral Properties Incorporated W A L K T O LJT c em ngs 4 7 2 5 2 5 8 2 1 0 0 N u e c e s # 2 0 ' 5 !b a n d 2 b o p n V a n n e d lo t’ s c e u n g fa n s C o 1 S h c w r . 2 2 ' h jity 5 ," » ‘ih e c d e 5,g-»f* N E W a p o rtm e -» ' s p a c e *C' 4o u ' M ic r o w o v e c e ilin g fa n s e c u n ty g a te p o o - a n d c ose to UT A c ro s s fr o m s h o p p n g c e n te r g o *4 c o u rs e 4 5 2 -6 5 1 8 . 5 8 S U M M E R LEASE w a lk G r a n d e G a r d e n G a te A pts ra te 4 ^ 2 s u m m e r t o c a m p u s R I BR w ’ 9 4 2 . 4 6 9 - 0 4 3 9 5 N U E C E S A N D 2 5 S>~ 2BR o n s e c o n d B o o r o f h o u s e w o o d Boors, m a n y w in d o w s Reat y a rd N o p a r i n g $ 4 5 0 5 0 0 Jock J e n n in g s 4 7 4 6 8 9 7 C o n s o d o te d R ealty 5-1 S U M M E R RATES O n e b e d ro o m s $ 3 . t w o A p a rtm e n ts 8 4 7 4 6-11 3 3 0 4 Red R ve- b e d r o o m s S h o r n 4 7 c $ 4 2 5 U N !VERSYY A R E A ABP C A . O - p o o la u n d ry 1 BRs $ 3 8 5 2 BRs $ 4 9 5 pets 3 0 r W hit-s 4 ” 7 3 4 . 4 3 0 UT SHUTTLE $ 4 5 M o v e n o w 5 -1 A 2 6 1 8 g o r o g e o p a rtm e -1' o n . eos. .j ig e - • 4 - l a r g e o n e a n d two b e d r o o m s w i t h la r o v u a l k - i n c lo s e t s 4 1 5 PLA C E Nt'rV shuttle • poi'i • lUftPTPtl [hrtiWinq • turnnkh**i1 ^ttrtfRf at $341 41S W. 3 9th 4 5 8 -2 9 9 0 ¡ ♦ CLOSEST TO CAMPUS « ♦ : rio nueces: 4 ▲ ^ ♦ • T-rea of Ohvng to ciass7 4 f walk Á • One tx x * Tom campus 4 * ^ f • Free Partong wflfi R*rmf? ♦ • 2 Shufie S!oos ^ • Aji units cumisnec ^ • Secunty Setv*ce 4 • Balcony mth Storage J • Spec a' Gfoup Rotes -Bedroom 4 1 4 ♦ Summer Rates J { $ 3 1 5 ♦ * 4 7 4 - 0 9 7 1 4 7 4 -1 0 0 4 1 MESQUITE TREE APARTMENTS O n * b e d r o o m o p o r t m e n t s dose t o campus. Frost'free refrigerators, self- d e a m n a ovens, dishwashers, study desks, not tub resident manager #301.2410 Longview 478 2357, 476-4812. ______________________________________ÍÍ2 $100 Move in Hyde Pork. Large, clean one bedroom. Pool, ceiling fans, S225 * E beginning May 1. Near shuttle, no pets. 301 West 39th, 452-7454 5-5 HYDE PARK Quiet efficiency. $255 month Laundn. Water gas paid Good neighborhood Con­ for UT-shuttle-shop- venient ping. Call John, 454-3907. 4 - 3 0 4 BLOCKS WEST OF UT Attractive 1 Bedroom Efficiency Panelled Living room, walk-in closet kitchen with refrigerate laundry no and stove (gas), pets $250-$2?0 Inquire Red Oak Apartments— 2104 San G o b re 1 496-7916 E 5-12 SUMMER SPECIAL Efficiency $270. Great central location close to Hemphill Pork, walk to UT, no pets water paid. 202 East 32nd 478-6509 451- 6533. Centra Properties Incor­ porated. 5-12 SUMMER SPECIAL Efficiency and 1BR $260-5280 large clean apartment in Hyde Park. laundry, gas & water paid Pool 4200 Avenue A 451-6966, 451- 6533 Centra! Properties Incorporat­ ed. 5-7 CASA DE SALADO APTS 1 BR turniskec gas & w o te f po*o no peri swim m ing p o o l west o f com pos neor shuttle $ 3 7 5 Sommer rotes also a v a ila b le Lease re­ quires! appts n person 2610 and 2612 Solo do Si 4 7 7 2 5 3 4 5 -1 2 IM M E D IA T E L Y A V A IL A B L E 4 0 0 7 A v e o u e C - 1 b e d r o o m $ 3 6 0 4 5 1 - 5 0 9 6 o r 4 5 3 - 8 5 3 8 5 - 8 A ST M O R IT Z A p a rtm e n ts 8 0 0 W 2 5 th P re le a s in g t o r June 1. F u rn is h e d 1 & 2 b e d r o o m s tr o m $ 3 5 5 m o P o o l - la u n d r y c o v e re d p a r k in g 6 b lo c k s f o r a p p o in t ­ s e c u n ty tr o m UT C a ll 4 7 6 - 4 0 6 0 m e n t 5 -1 2 O N E B E D R O O M T h e G a z e b o A v a ila b le J u n e 1. 4 7 4 -5 1 6 1 4 - 2 9 tu m is h e d liv in g ro o m 2 8 1 5 R io G r a n d e E N F iE lD R O A D 2BR 1BA $ 4 3 0 - E R o o t la u n d r y n ic e c o u r ty a r d q u ie ' UT ih u ttle T o see a p a r t m e n t C o ll 4 7 7 - 1 3 0 3 # 5 8 - 5 0 6 5 4 - 3 0 _________________________ TÉLLURIDE APTS 4 1 0 0 A v e C, H y d e P ark, n ic e 1 BR units 3 B o o r p la n s w ith p a tio s a n d b a lc o n ie s S u m m e r ro te s C o ll C a rt 4 5 9 - 9 5 9 2 4 - 2 8 -360 — Furn. Apts. 1 0 8 P la c e Furnished Efficiencies and 1 Bdr. Apartments • dishwashers/disposals • swimming pool • patio/lounge/BBQ gnil • individual storage • bookshelves • to block to IF shuttle • laundry facilities • resident manager Fum. Eff $ 2 8 5 - E. 1 Bdr $ 3 4 5 - E 452-1419 it r*o answer 453 2771 108 W 45th St SUMMER RATES N O W AVAILABLE $275 + E Furnished 1-1 Near UT shuttle Clean, quiet, convenient CALL 459-1597 5-12 FALL PRE-LEASING •t y o u w o r n t o m o v e n t o y o u r o n n furnished 2BR with MAID SERVICE SECURITY MICROWAVE WASHER, DRYER lease with us at Lontem Lane— 2008 San Antonio Tontost c location 2BR/1BA — $900 2BR.2BA — $1100 : pnce dunng the summer Call 474-5891 today! ON SHUTTLE 4 5 0 3 SPEEDWAY. PLEAS ANT, FURNISHED EFFI­ IN 8-PLEX. CEIL­ CIENCY $2 95 . 32 7 - IN G FAN. 5020. NOW LEASING FOR SUMMER AND FALL Condo living ot apt pnces luxury space convenience walk o r shuttle) Spacious 2-2 with ceiling tans, microwove inter­ com BBQ pits and 2 separate entnes CASBAH APARTMENTS 2200 SAN GABRIEL 473-8553 444-2750 6 -9 J Summer Rates ALL BILLS PAID Efficiency $270 1 Bedroom $360 Sm. 2 bedroom $380 Walk or shuttle to campus, CA/ CH, furnished or unfurnished. 2212 San Gabriel Mon-Sat 12-5 30 pm Now Pre-leasing for Fall B A C K T O THE B A S IC e th c ie n c y a p a r t ­ m e n t t a ll $ 3 2 5 s u m m e r A p a r tm e n t F inders, 4 5 8 -1 2 1 3 . 5 -1 A $ 2 2 5 LAR G E E F F IC IE N C Y 3 8 th a n d A v e B 5 2 9 0 9 9 2 5 E H o w e ll P ro p e rtie s 47’ - 5-12 ENFIELD AREA 1515 Potmo Plaza, 24 Bats. Large 2-1 $475/m o ond efficiencies $285/m o on UT SHUTTLE, CA/CH laundry fa­ cilities, pool, ample -parking, no pats. 397-2576 6 -1 2 A Warwick Apartments* 2907 West Ave. 2 bedrooms-2 baths, 1 bedrooms, ond efficiency apartments for rent Ceiling fans in bedrooms & living room, dishwashers, gorboge dis­ posals pool with a waterfall Pn- vate laundry mat bar-b-q pits, sun- decks garden landscape walking distance from U T. (Just off 29th Street) 474-7426 or 444-2750 5 - 9 A $270-5290 + E. Summer Rate a re lo o k in g fo r Q utet c o nsoenttov/s, n o n s m o k in g students in te re s te d n a ia r g e e ffk te fic y V o lo c a tio n s H y d e P ark or n e a r c a m p u s C A .-C H o o n d ry d e o d b o ft n o pets 458-2488 4-30 Summer School? G ood rental rotes at ¡ocahon excellent woik-to-compus O ne ond two bedrooms Nueces Place Stone's Throw Parapet Lantern Lane Call 474-5891. 5 - 8 W HY? N o t spend the best summer this year a t Lon to D on * settle to r es i Best no Apartm ents rotes gre a t m onoger three blocks h a m cot* pus ktrge tanning a re a aro u n d p o o l w itr lountam *-ve e n ­ hances M y e a u ip o e c kitchens 1BR-S335 26k $ 4 5 5 3BR $ 6 5 5 ABP exceot etecmcitv 1802 W est A venue 4 ’ 8 ?519 t-ee p a rk in g ia jn d r v HYDE PARK- FREE RENT : month free on this efficiency small complex quiet atmos phere pool, laundry 4400 Ave nue B $295 458-4155 or 452 3590, PMP Inc ______________________________________5 6E C o v e r e d LARG E 2BR. IB A o rto BR /1BA w e s t cam pus p a r k in g M ic r o w a v e tons. D is h w a s h e r D is p o s a l Sou C e ilin g n a P o o l C lo s e to sh u ttle 4 7 2 8 o 8 9 a t t e m o o n o r le a v e m e s s a g e Rent re d u c e d 5 -1 2 L A R G E 2 c a r p o r t S hu ttle 2 b lo c k s 6-2 S m all w e ll k e p t c o m p le x M o s fty students Just re n o v a te d ¡ike n e w • utilitie s o n o y e a r 3 4 5 - 4 8 0 4 5 ?C g r o o $ 4 5 0 e ase 1212 E 51 N O R T H O F UT o n s h u H e O' . a k ng d s fe n c e $ 2 9 5 5 3 2 0 4 ' 7 22U 457.4516 453 8 8 1 2 5-12 E ttic ie n c es b d rm s $ 2 9 5 , 1 360 — Fum. Apts. (.lose to Campus’ Starting al $175 \BP NORTH CAMPUS ARMS 306 E. 30th Furnished rooms, ciU, 477-4554 V IL L A SO LAN O APTS. P re-L easin g For S u m n e r & Fall 8 6 • 1 BR Furn. $330 • 2 BR Furn $425 • Shuttle at Corner • Intram ural Fields across Street ' S a a a c r R a ta s 600 W .5 Is t 451-6682 d o n t i n e n t J Pre-Leasing For Summer A Fall ’86 FANTASTIC STUDENT SPECIAL " L a r g e ” 2 B e d r o o m F u r n i s h e d F r o m $ 4 2 5 • Water It Gas Paid • • Shuttle at Comer • Nice Pool t MOVE IN TODAY 910 E. 40th 452-4639 J u m m t t R q t — GREAT SUMMER RATES El Campo 30" W 39th ’ >tree? LaPaz 4 0 1 A • t o El Dorado 3501 Speedway Furnished Unfurnished 1 B drm . 1 Ba — U n f $ 2 7 5 -$ 2 8 5 - E F u m $ 2 9 5 -$ 3 0 5 + E 2 B d rm . 1 Ba Unf. $ 3 7 0 -f E 3 B drm . 2 Ba $ 4 2 5 + E Also assy accost to abattía. 1 BR Furn. $370 ABP (C H E Z L A S U ) Chez Jacque, SuRoca, La Canada Apartments 2 BR Furn. 1 BR Furn. $440 ABP From $330 t PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER & FALL '8 6 MOVE IN TODAY • Nice Pools • Walk to C am p us • A cross the Street from Tennis Courts Office Open Daily M on.-Sat. 8 a.m .-5:30 p.m. 4 77 -36 1 9 ‘ S u a c r R a te * 1302 W. 24th St. m i r T a n g le w o o d N o r t h A p a r tm e n ts PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER & FALL ’86 MOVE IN TODAY We Pay All Your A/C and Heating 1 B edroom Furn. $310-$340 2 B edroom Furn. $430-$470 1020 E. 45th 452-0060 P r o fe s s io n a lly M a n a g e d b y D a v is & A s s o c . TfltMoui Creek AftevUmetUe PRE-LEASING FOR SUMMER & FALL 1986 Unfurnished and Furnished Large Apartments 1 Bedroom Furnished $295-$335 2 Bedroom 1 Bath Fum. $350-$400 2 Bedroom 2 Bath Fum. $370-$435 * 3 w a r l a t a * • 2 P o o ls • B alc o n ie s • View Apts. • Shuttle Sto p MOVE IN TODAY 1911 W illowcreek D a v is & A s s o c . M a n a g e m e n t C o . 444-0010 444-0014 # 2 5 0 GRADUATE mol» Convenient UT shopping shuttle Quret fee study No dnnkvn 345-0036 Abo house 4-30 370 — Unf. Apts. SPECIALS! Move in— $50 deposit 1st months rent free New residents only On shuttle Neor Copttal Plaza We pay gas, cooking, heating 1-1 s 2- 1,2 2to's, 2-2 s 452-3202 6 llA ONE BEDROOM $315 Great for students Wes* cf Campus. W ater Paid 1008A W . 25th St. 45 1-6 533 Cen tral Properties Incorporated $99 MOVE IN NO RENT TIL JUNE A : . - Close to IH 35 o t 3 8 gas paid large a p a - —e -s .seo e- & secure Cose ta U T y y ih —e B d rs $ 1 4 9 M o v e - - Will not los1 long - 1 rs t • - Hurry H 454-0202 R#Ht now *o guo'o '«w c em* s# -v $550 2-1 1000 W 25»h $275 Effrctency Iba 621 W 31st 2 1 304 W 41st.............. $650 Efficiency Ibo 617B W 24' 3 St $250 1-1 and efficiency 300 E 30fh$295< $195 Col! FSA—Hamvon Pearson 472 6201 M l 300 E 30th SUMMER SPECIALS! All 1 Bdr s $ 2 9 5 — All effr- ctenctes $ ^ 5 2 blocks from cam pus Call M g r a t 4 78- 78o3 o r 4^2 6201 5 8 $ 2 0 0 C o m p le te M ove> ln S pecial 4 4 4 1 4 5 8 e-e». it -v ope- 4200 Sp«edway 2 bedroom-2 both cetkng fom, mtcrowavei washetvdryen, covered parking $7 50/m o . Pre-leasing for fall Karen: 4 5 3 -2 5 0 0 , 4 5 9 -4 9 9 2 __________________6-3C APRIL FREE Spend April snug in your new 1- 1. Includes ceiling fan, fireplace, walk in closets, private patio. On UT shuttle Come pick your ac­ cent colors — Let us paint for you Coll 3 4 5 -8 8 4 8 4-28B O N T O W N LAKE S*g#> a $ever* mon#» ond g#t one month byae on any of ouf 1, 2, or 3 bedroom opH P»x#$ from $310 to pay 90s and water Re $ 4 9 5 and kxn by the k»ke or walk in tHe park. to everything! W # 9 vonventeni South^hore A pH 3 0 0 E Riverwde 4 4 4 - 3 3 3 7 6-3J s p r in g t im e s p e c ia l ¡2) courtyards Family environment poofvde with heated spa ft recreation room quiet stde with pteme oreo btk# parking ond voHeyboll Entire com­ plex secunty ond clothing optional Aportment size ond housebroken pets allowed with $150 pet deposit 2 Bdrms $ 3 5 0 1 Bdrms from $ 2 9 5 N o gimmicks (ust reasonable rent 4 7 6 5 8 7 5 $ 2 2 5 OFF Quiet Hyde Park 2-1, freshly laundry, painted, pool, $450. 303 W. 40th 485- 4155, 458-1634, PMP Inc 5 6 8 $150 OFF Ffyde Park efficiency, all appli­ ances, pool, laundry small c o m plex, ga s and water paid $296 4310 Ave B 458 4 1 5 5 or m gr 458 8893 PMP Inc 5 6 8 5 0 ° o O FF FIRST M O N T H 'S RENT G o ve ta UT shuttle Skykghted 1-1 wib» a l: appliances Small m o d em com plex Laundry on site Cen- ta-e a betw een IH 3 5 Ben W hite a n a South Congress $ 3 0 5 month Cot im 4 4 3 9 6 '4 5-12 Steck/MoPac 4 p e« ' .’ 1 ? iarge master W D fenced yard covered connechon perno $ 4 8 5 2) handym an s spe o a t -y o u r labor our paint 2 - 1 “ "na s4er W D connechon iarge • k í f first month no deposit $ 4 1 0 T''o m o s 3 4 6 0 3 3 6 8 3 7 8451 4 29 5 2a 1-1 APARTMENT in sXjdv small < ompiex Gos. Meijl W.ndov. C o * 4 4 6330 M ,;,,nday K r 3 u g h f 'l d u y 9am 5pr» $ ’C j r n $34$ m THE RETREAT $ 2 9 8 .0 0 Per M onth Efficiencies available offenng e la rg e roomy floorplan e Lots of storoge e Heat ft hot water poid by ow n*/ e Close to UT shuttle bus routes e Quiet smail community e FROM $ 2 9 8 PER M O N T H UNFURNISHED BfO#OC)M ki’ther eh lenr y, UT or#u ABP $2 ’ $ 836 180L 453 0638 345 6 'O ’ 5 ’ A WTST Sixth Carpeteit 2 with poot o-v’ ¡autsdry, on UT sh u t"- $ 32 5 4 6 7 2382 5 5 $ 450 TARRYTQVMy lARGf cteon quiet shut *9 pool awndry '©ovo^cibi# i 1 o#vd 7 7 2 6 0 6 t n t w i d R ii 4 6 *3 -9 4 ’ 8 4 4 HOO 5 6 Colt 8 3 5 4130 for appt 4 4 0 0 Ave A THE RETREAT 2 2 ARCHITECTURAL 17 ptoi e . teck 5 5 9 0 [» / , « . 4 - i 8 b . - h , -.«j # ■ • . 4 ev e 4 300 CAMERON GREENS , bear oon-- trom $ from $ 4 ’ 5 Cor’»er-,|.-,r *, At jt.i.hes paid bedroom shopping 2 -ound- ns ft p o o Beoutrh Ü i groom ed landscaping ft q» -e’ oduh a* m o s p h e '» Directty or shuHe 5 700 C A M ERO N ROAD 4 5 4 7 0 0 ’ O p e n oil w e e k e n d )8R $275 ptus E 304 E 33 (near' SfseeT wa-y cmd 33? S«ns * v « co¡* 4 "9 6 3 j ! Í» 9a A il BUIS Pohí SbuW« bu* c o F ttp k ii Cf *reAk* ,U> O p # ^ 8 $399 A$k ot>- j* dtv m f -0 . S on S A A N S fN APARt m £ N ‘ S 4 ; 1 %!•♦#*-.- «voy 8A t*i#« >#» 4 v; $a, Qu.e' 7 1 4 * : 8 38" ENCHANTED WOODLANDS Let uy put you unde* our SPEs. w *- es-rct your new apartment home omong the trees the c-ee» or near 4,- e poo¡ BEW ITCHING 1 & 2 bedrooms available Ask obou* our USAG'CA, SPECIAL' Call 3 4 "- 4 4 4 4 tyet sre the» DISAPPEAR' V\ a k to UT Soa» cus e-hc ev qy e* com ''es7 pomt -«fv. drapes gas p o o : $ 2 5 0 m o - s u m m e r « o V ' p a d 4 7 7 a rx t O NE M O N TH FREE Three Oaks Apartments h.r-'tshec! o r u n fu rn is h e d C . t e smoi qu'** complex near shuffle F ro n t d o o r po-’V ■■•g, c o n v e f.e n t lo u r 4 8 5 4 o r 4 5 2 4 3 0 0 J dhnson d ry $ 3 2 5 $ ’ 7 5 sum m er 4 0 9 W a n d C o R e c 'ons j g m p .-m e P -Q pen,es 4 5 4 ’ 6 19 5 ’ A SPECIAL! $ 9 9 M ove in KING SG ATE APARTMENTS THE F U N PLACE T O UVE 4 4 7 -6 6 9 6 6 1A 4 4 W A i ENFIELD/WINDSOR I. LARGE REMODELED l - i APT 6 5 0 sq ft — $ 4 2 5 m o c e d i n g fans n e w appliQ ^c es sw/mrrvng p o d UT shump 4 7 8 - 7 9 6 3 1 M O N T H FREE » . : - q « a n d 2 b e d r o o m $ 5 0 C $ 4 15 m o p r'vo cy g o ’es swim m ''. 0 pc>o UT v h uttte o tpp- a n e e s 4 5 2 0 B e n n e » * A p o t - m e n H T S p u r s- 4 7 8 - 7 9 6 3 PLAN N O W FALL LEASES N O W ACCEPTED TWO WEEKS FREE RENT COURTLAND I & II 4 5 4 - 2 5 3 7 RENTAL 370 — U nf. Apts. NOW Nf-IXAHNO FOR FALL e S — - - . e w 44 S ufntT M P '' R o tf- * ' • f - 1 : Be • r o o m A p t \ • FREE Gas ond W ater • ' S 4 . . m p R i v 1500 loyal Cre*» 4 4 4 - 7 5 1 6 THE ARBOR F A IL P R E L E A S IN . S U M M E » . .L A . i - A i c x £ P O O L S U N D E C K W A 1 E T O C C S H U TTL E • B B S S T A i T 5 3 * 5 SAGEBRUSH U T * 1 6 0 4 M A N O R R D 478-0992 Do you need an apartm ent ONUS HOUSTON BRAND YWM RUHR A partm ntt CALL NOW FOR LOWER RATES 2 bit - n, i th 01 I 1 Apts Ready : >r mm vd-.y . fer St • ■ 5 » p rr r- i- ; ,¡u ■ t ■ Call Phil, 4 8 0 -93 5 8 / s100 S1 0 0 N P L ! ! HRAL 1 F t T O Y O U (>f f 1st M O N T H S FO R A N Y f H iF N l T H A T RÍ ..NT W IT H A I ’ " LI A M s A N AF A R T T lltN T A F T E R Y O U H A V T PAil A I'EPO SIT • R E D U C E L j s u m m e r r a t e s • EVERY A P T CO M PLETELY R EM O D ELED IN THE LAST Y E A H • PCX)I S A U N A A N D E X E R C L i PCX >M • R R 1 F SHUTTLES • B E A U T I F U L L A N D S C A P i N u • EFE 1. 2 B E D R O O M S A N D TOWNH< >LK I 1 N ITS J tll A M IG 0 w N O W P R E - L E A S IN G P O R ^ S U M M E R A N D F A L L 4 5 0 5 D U V A L 4 5 4 - 4 7 9 9 PrufessiocAOy Managed By Cambio Property Management JUST C O M PLETED !! CLOSE TO CAMPUS/SHUTTLE BUS M O V E - I N S P E C I A L S F R E E R E N T ' T I L E N D O f F I R S T M O N T O 3 6 0 — F u r n . A p ts . H yde P a rk 4 5 5 8 Ave. A 454 D M ) 4 I M 7 M i-Lh l i l i I a 1 1 1 i I j 1 TWO MILES FROM CAMPUS 1 bus direct tnto campus 25c Now pre-'easing for fall Special student summer rates EFFICIENCIES FROM $300 2-2, FROM $425 RIVERWOODS APARTMENTS 441-8314 COMANCHE APTS PRE-LEASING FOR THE FALL SEMESTER O N E B ED R O O M S FOR S 3 0 0 -S 3 1 0 CALL FRANK AT 479-0928 360 — Furn. Apts. SUMMER/FALL {SPECIAL DEALS $ FIRST M O NTH-$l - CHRISTMAS BONUS S150/S200 C o u rtla n d I a n d II 1 2 0 0 B ro o d m o o r in st»»,»v bus W c’k to C a p ’ oi P la z a 4 5 4 - 2 5 3 7 SUMMER SPECIAL $99 MOVE-IN E f F I G E M O 1 S . B E D R O O M F R O M $ 2 9 9 m o V A N T A G E P O IN T ’ 835 Bun, 2- 4 4 . -6 ’ 89 4 30A & : B E D R O O M $ 3 4 $ 3 ’ » o c a te d n ce n tro Aust n C ose to C ity a n d sh» the bus nes a n d p o o l G o s s h o p p in g century coo k ■ g h e o h n g p u ta N r pe»s ’ 5 0 1 W e s t N o rth L o o p 4 5 2 0 9 3 / 4 5 ’ 6 5 3 3 C e n tra P ro p erhes 'rx 5 1 2 * ? BFDROCm - $385 c o u n te r space a n u c r g e p a n W a t e - qas p a id m g la n f* 4 5 9 8 0 ^ ’ 4 5 1 6 5 ' ' 5 W e s t K, N O W Coll To Find Out How 452-3314 Villa Orleans 2 0 6 W. 3 8th EJ Cid Apts. 3 7 0 4 S p e e d w a y ! V i l l a : ! N o r t h • i A p a r t m e n t s * ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * Pre-Leasing For* 4 Summer A Fall 4 * 1986 * Eff Fum $2 75 1BR Fum $ 3 2 0 -$ 3 6 0 J * ?BR Fum $ 3 6 0 -5 3 8 0 * ^ ♦ Small\ Friendly C om plex f ' S v m m p r R a te s ♦ 4 5 2 0 D u v al ♦ 459-9131 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ I A p t s . P re-Leasing For Sum m er & Fall ’86 • h!l Furn $2 7 ( i - $ 2 s O • 1 BH f ;rn > * l * * $ 2 'V • 2 BR Furn i f - ' ! ' ' " • ( . : » F «■r i n ; - C. irth & Pot‘I • S h u tt c >t Front Door 4 4 1 3 S p e e d vs a y MOVE IN TODAY 458-2096 'S u m m e r RaU*% Long H aven A p ts. D iplom at A pts Pre-Leasing For Sommer A Fall 86 * IBS Fora from $300 • WmU to Campas * IBB Fora, from $330 • 3BB Fan $400 1 9 1 1 San Gabriel * Summer Kates 916 W. 23rd 476-7399 Tanglewood Westside Apartments Pre-Leasing For Summer & Fall 1986 1 B d rm . F urn. $ 2 9 5 -$ 3 4 0 2 B d rm . F u rn . $ 4 3 0 -$ 4 8 0 Gas & W a te r PAID S h u ttle Bus A t F ront D o o r NOW LEASING SUMMER FALL, SPRING RESERVE N O W AND SECURE SUPER RATES • W a ’k , • C A C m • c t b e < dnposo> 2 7. M ‘Oundry tC $ 4 f 4 4 .* ' 4 4 4 . 4 360 — Fu m . Apts. r T T T T T T T "T T I T T T f *' Alpine Forest § u m r l # i t S u m F ^rr' i ' h b d n- • $275 M A R K V Pre-Leasing For Summer & Fall '86 • I BR Fum $ 3 3 0 • Nice Pool-Palio • s h u t l L \ ! ( o m r 3914 Ave. I) 452-5244 \ / állilllllllllllltH llItlIlllltiU lttlilllW I Villa I ] Arcos ! I P r e - L e a s i n g i F o r S u m m e r A I i F a l l 1 9 8 6 I ¡ ¡ t 1 BR Fum $330 f ¡ • Shuttle Front Door ¡ I ¡ • Nice Patío-Pool S 4 S u m m e r B a t# * ¡ 3301 Speedway ¡ j 476-1619 j w M IIIIIIIIH IIIIH IIIIIIIIIIM IIIIIIIIII? V in a Apts. Pre-Leasing For Summer & Fall 86 MOVE IN TODAY! 2 Bdrm/2 BA $366 1 Bdrm l BA $ 3 6 6 $ 3 3 6 FURNISHED! 2323 TowaLak* C irc le 442-1991 F u m $ 3 9 0 - E ’ S um m er Rates 472-4893 ft 452-8537 Professionally managed by Johnston Properties. Inc F j P r o f . M a n a g e d B y D a v is & 4 sm > c. 1403 Norwalk Ln. 472-9614 SANDSTONE APTS. 2 4 0 8 M a n o r R d . 4 7 8 - 0 9 5 5 L M NTAL KINTAL KINTAL KINTAL 3 70 — Unt.A pt». 3 00 — Tun». Duplexei 3 9 0 -U n t. Dup4«x«« 390- U n f . Duplexes KINTAL KINTAL KINTAL M NTAL M NTAL The Daily Texan/Monday, April 2 8 ,1986/Page 17 400 — Condos- 400 — Condos- 400 — Condos- 420 — Unf. Houses TownhousM Townhousos Townhousos NCW 1 W apaibttowii - $315/rnomh I X » dapool Mon#» to monto ' m u gvoiobto 1202 t Slot St 453 378 4 5-6 W A U TO UT-«fhcienoe» and Ü fe Aioiofal» 6-1-S6 Noar low Schooi Eatowooto Pork m an a l qwat apartment tom, ho w Stomod woodwork, coding atouci»o daeor/vary chomwig $295 400-8273 350 C a l Doug Ro o m *. 439-9095 5-12____________________ HVOf PARK -1 bodroom apt Coding font, frapfoco, torgo porch, carport m roca houoo on W 33, $ 5 5 0 /mo 459 7068. 5 -6 0 to _______________________ (fl^ST AUSTIN, long* doon efficiency now pamt, corpa» and coding tom $295 aai/wator pato, noor shuttle no pets. 1115 W 7145 6-10 (Oto 480 9546 476 4510 DUVAL St Thunderfeird Apon monto Qwot complex Efficiency $235 1-1 - $275, 451-1244 5-2___________ 301 W 38to efficiency Sma* complot CA/CH, bokonwt laundry $235 458 4519 5-2 SUMMER LEASE SPECIAL 3 monto l e a * $275 monthly On shuttle Morgor - , 445-0592 6-10 FAIL PRE-loasot now available Duplo» and qportmerOs storting at $275 On shutoo Mangan Properties, 445 05 9 2 6 W________________________________ 2505 Enfcoto 1 and 2 bodroom m qwer complex turroundod by troos Conven «nt UT Mopoc Downtown 478 88'9 day 478-2775 mghr 5-12 TARRYTOWN LARGE > i T t o t o ^ d T ^ pionco», tour dotett surrounded by •roa» Convenient UT Mopoc Down town $375 478 2 7 ’ 5 453 6673 5 !2 LARGE 1 bodroom apartments avodobl* to UT Rocondy redecorated Go»e Storong <* $325 Please col M*»tv al 478-1634 or Tam or 345 >302 to» or appomOnam or coma by 406 ta p 30to __________ #20 6 6-10 toncod rd 1 brm apt !»vtn Crop cu S» Johns $250dopo»n $280 mnt mo Ro b n o r N t o 4 54 7711 ^ • IRETTY 2 i dupla» dot# to low Schoo largo Widow» hordwood floor» cwung ‘ 404 A.ih tom $495 A*adctdo iune ' wood 4 72-8603 5 O N E H O C K Vom UT $ 3 5 0 '• bun IBR 1 8 A 1 totoy Summo» sublet or onae- Cai 472 8533 pm 5 8 HYDE PARK gorag* aponmon? 44 30 Ave A u p » o r \ 'BR. ’ flA. w o od floors Lechen apphancot 1 t * x i hxw Ps.m* covered porfa n g no pen p e n o - cx cupono $370 • bdh 459 0 0 " 5 ’ 2 SALAOO AND 26 S< Nko otocmnc . M taschor 50» U*no*pher. wW Ourtvonj and pool $255 and $ 2 * ‘ Rom j* . *» • i t m n g , 4 '4 od tx n o o d p o rtin g Jack 689 7 Consofcdoked Reo*> 5 PtE LEASE now» M 4 Sw im » iU ahto brand now apo NEAR . ompui to» e A n e d P-waw o i _ u 2 2 Rom fleubre La* mar agw 482 02 ’ 8 5 9 N C M tlA S M G 288 6A 950 an,.- square »oor j p o m w n Tw« r o n « i . * D o to r, Dow n*. W- icxa»Ky ' 00 4 ’ 6 3 9 0 5 5 ’ 2 2 1 $360 G ate *c bm- n c u W D c onnecwv's Al ,spp*o-x es 1367 5 7 4 4 6 UT AREA « o l sixmt* uc e CH h>» e«»a» $ ? 9 ‘ - E Rood 49L 83 '8 3Jv 15, -v - - NEAR L A W school 2-1, corpotod, coding 5 X ’ ” 4 S M S - 390 — U ní. D u p ltx tt 2-1. AC, refrigerator. oovorod parking, ctoso to campM, ovad now $475/mo Ctoor Rock Propinas 335 1151 4 29A WEST AUSTIN 3 2 duplo» tor too da cnmmatmg Evorytotng now Fxeploce <*nmo room and gorogo 3006 Moy wood Ordo 477 8811 or 472 6206 $900 5 8 ~ A L i B ILLS P A ID O n e b e d ro o m w /b o n u s ro o m a n d larg e p o rc h on 3 7 th Street C all 4 7 2 - 7 3 6 2 4 5 2 -3 0 3 1 5-2A Fire Locating Service < litvdo* • Apartrrwru Hountoto • { hipltoKr»» It « « ¿ungí* «Hit th*nr AN«vr the hunting U> out 4 8 2 - 8 6 5 1 M 3W 30th h a b it a t b a n te n s C L A R K S V IL L E N e w d u p lex, 2 - 1 4 , ced ing fan h re p la c e o n e c a r g a r o g e p n v a cy te n c e d $ 7 5 0 m onth 4 7 9 6 2 2 6 M ic h e le WEST AUSTIN FOUR-PLEX C o n v e n ie n t to d o w n to w n a n d 2-1 lo v e ly n e ig h b o rh o o d UT Recently re n o v o te d R e fn g e ro t w C A /C H . rru cro w o ve c o v ­ e re d p ark in g $ 6 9 5 4 7 6 4 4 7 7 ASK ABOUT SUMMER RATES 1 BLOCK F R O M LA W LIBRARY No'tfwood ^ o c a '< *00* . $ >8 ‘ « ncxammaiNt hp*i tot 1 MILE FROM CAMPUS Vcw - tone we »ara i -6- BRAITHW AITE PROPERTIES 4 4 1 -8 3 7 9 Nf AS >'tyto wt Stiopcxn^ Avcwot»* --w chaseri ptoc» $500 -v - e „ »g fa - 4(1 9 • » ;a . .enrw s ,e 4 NEAR D O W N T O W N avodobl. now 3 1. kdchon appfconcos. now corpot, fireplace, num-blmds. pnvocy touto» bus. tog trees $ 5 3 5/mo Co* tonco. Stovo 244-3891. 288-0432. ovonmgs 5-2C v EXTRA LARGE Juno 1, 2-2 professionally docoratod Dishwoshor, W /D, across pool tanms, $750, 479 6301 5-9 UT HYDE Park Largo remodeled 2 2, two blocks shuttle CA/CH. appliances, hordwood tloors, $595, 479-6153 5-12 UT HYDE Pork. Unique, large remod- «tod 1-1, appliances, hordwood Boors forage. mm.-bknds $495 479-6153 5 CENTRAL LOCATION * uniquely remod etod 2-1, balcony garage, appliances hordwood $495 479-6153 5 12 tom. choortol floors, AC LUXURY NORTHWEST Mils noor Mopoc. quiet cui de vac 2BR/26A, all oppii ancos, W /D connections, corpeted mmi- fenced btmds ceding tons hroploce yard dosed garage $750 472 2696 4-30 ___________ 2-1 9 LUXURY studio Courtyard Spanish appliances W /D connections tde (Jose-in oft South lamor $495 441 6509, 442-2272 4-30__________ NORTHWEST HILLS mce 3-2-1 h»e 3802 A ploce ceiling KnoBwood Evergreen Properties 331 1122 6-9_________________________ fan $675 ONE BLOCK hom UT eos' of 30*t Re modetea 1 I K itc h e n new corpe' a p p L anees Call evenings 482 9445 5-6 TWO BEDROOM $499 TotaitTmtom shea New appliances pomt bimds ceding ton 31st and Speedway 472 2337 4 29 HYDE PARK area near ntronuoi Fields available 6-1-86 Remodeled 2 1 CA CH 3 ceding fans mm-bkndi compieN Lite hen free ksundry corpor- very at trodtve decor $550 Co* Doug Rostech 480 8273 459 9095 5 12 r»Y[)E P A R K very la r g e BR ovodabJe 6 86 «vito V ceding, 3 COiFng fans wood Boors porno#» furnished w it or *ques attractive decor 'bA off Speed way $395 Cali Doug 480 8273 459 9095 5-12 2 ’ tn N t RAMURA, ^ElDS nearby C4e« with o* appkonces . arpe» drapes - A ( r -ice ground $395 water paid 454 9423 O» 454 5454 6 9 ClOSE t o Ut 1006 Speedway New*, emodetod 2 1 m 4 pie» Centipi aw cenoai neo» apphances A»onab»e June i' $520 me Co# Linda 4 , 6-5394 5 7j WALK u ' avatapie 6 2 ' hordwood Boon t-ench doors ceit-ng tons appi* ornes decs ng $4 95 4 / 4 5 9 2 9 5 7 LARGE LUXURIOUS DUPLEXES famed yards trepxxes gorages catong tons one near stume 39 7-8 ’ 99 Ryan n V fS ’ M fN ’ S 5 8C jnd U 7 CEN7RAl $425 $ ’ 200 arge teec tv j oadrooms Dupie»es bouses and condos seo» campus Hard wood Boors a* apphonces tons vaes “ •vate F- >pen»es 4 6 7 " 8 2 5 7A A Í 5 7 u A M FU S 2 ' d o w n p o rs dupte» am -.V- Rem $ 4 5 0 i v w w o 6 *C p u s - A n e as 4 ' 6 4 4 0 6 5 . 6 9A avo-iotx June Ip 5 block LARGE 2 from campus on W 2's! Summer $550 t o * $ 7'X 4 '8 -0 8 8 5 4 '8 2 726 Tm 5 KINTAL 360 — Fum. Apts. k t > ' ■ , V i . N L W ALK TO UT N tca o ld dupla» U p tto in 2 badroom s Summer terms $ 5 5 0 / mo Call 4 7 4 -7 8 5 9 5-12 SPACIOUS 3 2 dupla» 10 mtnutas fro m campus, fenced yard, gorage. ftraploca. $ 5 3 0 /m o n to 1 m onth’s fre e rant a va il­ able 9 5 0 9 A be rd ee n W a y 4 7 4 -2 3 6 3 2 5 9 -0 5 6 8 , 3 2 7 3 5 0 2 5 -9 __________ 400 — Condos- T o w n h o u s a s W. Campus Luxury 2 2 co n d o s , m o v e in June 1 y r tease O ra n g e Tree, P reserv Sq., Tree H o use W e d g e w o o d A p p ro x 1 0 0 0 ft A l a m e nitie s, p o o l, f p , m i­ ♦ sq c ro security B e a u tifu l c h o ic e C O N D O C O N N E C T IO N 4 7 9 -6 6 1 8 4 -3 0 PRICE IS RIGHT Lg. 2 - 2 c o n d o s a v l J u n e . 1 y r Ise P o o l, s e c u rity , lg c lo s e ts , fu r n is h e d , P O IN T E $ 9 0 0 H Y D E P A R K O A K S lg b d r m s & c lo s e ts — $ 9 0 0 PEARL ST FP W / D , r e a lly n ic e — $ 8 5 0 31st S tr e e t C o n d o s o il a m e n itie s — 1 BDRM CONDOS W es* ca m p u s c h o ic e M o v e -m June 1 yr le ase S h a d o w HiM $ 3 5 0 0 0 , 3 0 0 0 G u o d o lo p e — $ 3 7 5 0 0 Sha d o w tr e e — $ 4 0 0 G R N W D TV/VS— $ 5 5 0 A ll Bills P oid, O ra n g e Tree— lg fu m e ffn e y — $ 5 8 5 C O N D O C O N N E C T I O N $ 8 5 0 B est lo c a t io n A ir y b a lc o ­ nies, W / D & FP, P A R A P E T W Y N - 4 7 9 - 6 6 1 8 _________________________________ 4 3 0 W O O D — $ 1 0 0 0 CO NDO CONNECTION 4 7 9 - 6 6 1 8 N O W PRELEASING THE HERITAGE 3111 Tom G re e n S tre e t HYDE PARK AREA 1 B D M S n o rth ca m p u s o n shuttle H y d e Pork O a k s b ig closers W / D FP— $ 5 2 5 P otnte w p o o se cu rity— $ 5 2 5 A v e A has FP W / D to cu zzi— $ 4 5 0 1YR le a s e s in June C o ll C O N D O C O N N E C T IO N 4 7 9 6 6 1 8 L u xu ry 1 a n d 2 b e d ro o m s W a s h e r d ry e r Io n security system rm c ro w o v e . J e n n -o ire ce ilm g io c u z z i 1-1 — $ 4 0 0 sum m er 2 2 — $ 6 0 0 Summer $ 9 0 0 fa il 4 79 8 1 8 4 o r 451 8 9 6 4 $ 6 5 0 fa ll CONDO BARGAINS W e s t c a m p u s 1 y r J u n e le a s e s L g 2 -1 w / f p L o n g v i e w , $ 7 5 0 1- 1 w / l o f t S a n G a b n e l W e s t $ 6 5 0 E lm s $ 7 7 5 S e le c t a n d 5 12 e c o n o m iz e o n 2 - 2 — S a n P e d r o O a k s p o o i, g a s r a n g e a n d C H p d — $ 6 0 0 C o n d o C o n n e c t i o n P r e - le a s e f o r f a l l L u x u r io u s 2 b e d r o o m , 2 b a t h E n f ie ld R o o d 4 7 9 - 6 6 1 8 c o n d o w it h w e t b a r w a s h e r d r y e r c e ilin g f a n s m i c r o w a v e 2 p a t io s C o m p le x o m e n it ie s n e lu d e h o t h jb . s a u n a p o o ' w e i g h t r o o m s e c u r e d u n d e r g r o u n d p a r k in g a n d t e ie v > d e c e n t r y O n s h u t t le $ 9 8 0 0 0 m o n t h O t h e r s a v a i l a b l e f r o m $ 6 9 0 I n v e s t o r s R e a lty 4 7 2 3 6 8 6 , 4 5 0 - 1 0 1 4 4 30 N o w P re-Leasing The Pailadian Condominiums 712 W 21st ’hese 2-2 units have W 0 rm crowove nOrviduoi vecuntv svsiems m w -bkn d s ceit-ng tons and m ore Pool ood iccuzzi on i-*e and eve «vitom w alking distance to compus Must see to appre cia te how large toese units ore C o* 4 8 0 -0 0 9 7 o r 27fc 3 8 8 7 _______________________________ 4 -3 0 A 4-3C C o n d o 2 - 2 G r e a t l o c a t io n E r f e l d a r e a n e a r 1 2 th & W e s t L y n n 9* c e lin g s c e ilin g f a n s m c r o w a v e t r a s h c o m p a c t o ' W D c o n n e c t io n s e x t r a s t o r a g e p a ­ t io s m a ll q u ie t c o m m u n i t y a v a i a b * e n M a y S 5 7 5 6 4 5 3 2 8 5 4 5 2 o r 4 7 4 - 5 4 3 0 Foil P retoasm g a t w a lk -to -c o m p u s o c a tio n s One o n d t w o b e d ro o m s Nueces Place $ 3 7 5 -4 0 0 Parapet $ 8 0 0 -9 0 0 Lantem Lane $900-$1100 Stone s Throw $ 6 0 0 $ 6 7 5 Co' Proven Properties 4 74 -5891 5-7 WEST CAMPUS FOR LEASE— 2BR. 2B A co n d o s — W e st cam pus ail am enities, unhjrn,shec¡ 9 o r 12 ” 'c ease 2 3 0 0 Leon C ai Renee 3 2 8 - 1 5 5 0 o r 4 '4 ■ 1*092 Iw knds ‘ 8A THE MEWS CONDOMINIUMS 9 0 5 W EST 2 2 2 2 2 Wam to UT p o o anc spc W D .» Qu-u*. "vm g to r compe»’''» * akes «os.ng •mmeeSvAeh to r Sov-n«< o ne * 3» C aí C-cxg COtto* 4 7 ' 4 . c o r i ‘ t 6 Three W o n 1» i Free * . ' ■ --—ir b u m m ^ f W r ild T o w n h o m e s 76 3 5 G u o d o iu p e O p er np^se OOi . - * IX> lO v r N J ilw A rvker tp n ,o n » H j ; . 9 V * r < « • ; . . .¡amo- jo p , » g o 'o g e poo- q _ . " $4500 «-eek do vs 5 -; 2 bedroom LUXURY C O N D O 4 d ocks -vest o* com fireplace pul . a in o r orye< poo- cov nvcrow ave e re d p a rt.n e j ( 5 5 ’ 9 5 6 4 -3 0 «. to N f W 3-2, A ve 8 Shuttie ceikng/aMtc tons--energy efficient C A /C H -coble / te le p h o n e - o p p iio n ce s w o s h e r/d ry e r gorog e $ 7 9 5 3 4 5 -9 4 4 2 5 -2 FREE RENT Luxury condom inium s near Hancock C antar Efficiencies, o ne o nd tw o bedroom s Appliances hnepface, ceding fan, fro m $ 3 2 5 ARCH Proper nos. 4 6 7 2 3 9 0 5 -2____________________ SUMMER STUDENTS, lo vely fam ished 2- 1 condo, west compus, shuttie at doo r, security, reasonable rate, 4 7 2 -7 5 5 6 5 -7 BEAUTIFUL ST TH O M A S C O N D O 2-1 S e c u rity ! W /D fu rn is h e d parking Summer discount. rm crowove W alt, 4 7 7 7151 4 -2 8 f o r 3 SUMMER LEASES a vailable West cam ­ pus 2-2 lu xury units «vito fa* omemhes $ 4 9 5 3 2 8 1990 S 12_________________ CROtX C O N D O fo r rent, 1 b ed ro om C o m e r iocahon g round Boor faffy far toll rushed $ 6 0 0 . mo summer $ 7 0 0 713-2 41 -6 6 96 day 713 4 6 ! 2197 after 5pm 4 -2 9 UNIVERSITY AREA 4 4 0 5 A ve A ond 2813 2 Rio G ro nd e i Condos fo r rent Summer ond toll washer dryer ceiling tons ond ftreploces Summer leases end 14 Fa* leases start Aug 15 N o Aug re n t 4 9 9 8 8 4 4 in A u g u s t C o ll weekdays 5-12 HUGE C O N D O 2-2, WTO, nucrowove ceding ton», security, p o o l hot tub, cov •re d pofkm g summer subiente, 4 7 8 7160 5-1 luxurious 1-1-2 WEST CAMPUS- huge with toft, hreploce. cetfcng ton. voubed ceAng, rmcrowove W /D Summer lease wonted 4 7 2 9951 5 8C_______________ 2 2 A N D large 11 luxury condos falty famished, 2 blocJis to UT $ 7 5 0 - 9 5 0 permonth 4 7 7 -4 0 7 4 5-1 WEST CAAAPUS-Large luxury 2-2-1 con­ dominiums, hreploc. ceiling tons, vault ed ceiling with skylight microwave. W /D from UT shuttle great mew, one block 4 7 2 9951 5 8C LUXURY C O N D O 2-2. W /D locuxx, ceiling tons covered pork mg. hreploce rmcrowove. security 5 minu*e walk to Low School Available June 1 $ 7 0 0 / mo 4 8 0 8 0 4 0 5-2_____________ __________ ENFIELD FURNISHED efficiency condo M shuttle redecorated ceilmg tor. very mce $310 W e 33! 0 9 0 8 4 4 5 4971 512_________________ REDUCED RATES great west campus condo Lease or sale Large 2-2 with loft, hreploce ceilmg tons pool ho» tub foil oil amenities Available summer spring Nog Co* soon Morey 9148 4 -2 8 4 7 4 sauna -ARGE M O D E R N tow nhom e Fireploc# neor 1-35 ond W m p oo l Connon 2 l '2 $ 4 4 5 2-1 $ 4 2 5 3 46 4 3 9 2 5-12 C O N D O 2 2 rmcrowove mimbhnds if shuttle W /D , fireplace far luxuriously rushed $ 5 0 0 summer $ 8 0 0 to* Bt*y 4 5 1 -0 7 2 2 5 -2________________________ EXCEPTIONAL 2 2 7 b. level Ceiling tons appliances Com m on omenities p oo l hot tub souna tole vid eo entry cov ered parking ER shuttle $ 9 0 0 mo 454-1091 5-12________________________ FOR LEASE neor campus 1-1 fam ished rondo $ 6 0 0 1908 Son A nto nio For app» coll 4 7 3 -2 6 3 3 d ay 4 4 4 9171 eve­ ning. 5 -2 D S A V A N N A H UNFURNISHED 2 BR/2 BA 915 W 22 '7 washers and dryers H ow ell Properties 4 7 7 9 9 2 5 5-12 EXCEPTIONALLY NICE large 2 BR/2 BA, fam ished 3 blocks from compus A * amenities H o w e * Properties 4 7 7 9 9 2 5 5-12__________________________________ TW O STORY -one bed ro om Enfield c o n ­ do Ceilmg fans shuttle Avaitable now $ 3 7 5 4 45 2 5 3 0 4 6 3 -1 0 6 9 5-5 A sRESERVAT.ON SQUARE 2BR 2 BA far mshec W /D m icro hreploce W C at d oo r4 Poo< pqcuzzi coil Arme 4 7 8 - 9 5 0 5 4 -2 9 FOR »EAS£ 3 -2 7 -2 convenient north entra, location Ceiling fans, hreploce $ 6 5 0 / mo 3 3 5 -0 4 7 5 5-1______________ ■VES’ CAMPUS spacious living Perfect to r 3 people Including ceiling fans, sky .qhh w m dow seats and b rand new a p ­ pliances Summer only 4 7 4 -8 0 6 0 4 7 4 - 5152 4 7 7 7 5 4 5 4 -3 0 ________________ O RANG E 7REE C ondo summer a nd tol one a rge bedroom, «vtto study park ng spaces 3 4 5 -3 5 9 9 4 -3 0 tw o WEST CAMPUS .a rg e 2-2 fire p lace m i­ cro to D $ 8 0 0 per monte summer dts count o w ner agent 3 28 -0 3 1 7 3 28 - 5 3 0 0 6-10 fa*v fam ished west S j MMER .EASE campus condo 26to and Son G abnel 2-2 W D a# amenities $ 5 5 0 n e g o ti­ able 4 77 -6 4 2 3 4 -3 0 R O O m r 28R conde M o r o p o s a A v a il O verlooks route 4 47 -2 1 0 9 5-5 9 0 0 s q ft 1304 f o r s u m m e r swim ming p oo l an UT bus $ 4 5 0 mo plus electricity Co# BR C O N D O Rfverwoft: 7own cake p o d s covered p a rkin g shuttle Single S3S0 d ouble $ 4 0 0 713 -3 63 -1 8 55 6- 10pm, 4 30 LUXURY 2BR, 2BA fam ished co nd o tor 'em $ 1000, mo pniy nc pets 1 block from compus A l amenities 4 ’ 8 8 34 4-3C * btos non-smoking, O N ’ HE shume 1 b ed ro om fo r -ess toon $ 3 0 0 Just painted Ready s o * 1 Gas. w ater paid 2 poors «aundry Cali Brey 2 5 8 -0 5 3 3 3 2 7 -8 8 9 4 5 -5 ____________ ^RE.EASING fo r to# la rg e uxurv 2BR 2BA condos 3 blocks From compus °cxx security W /D m icrow ave decoro •or «oucnes and m ore C o l 4 5 9 -0 2 7 4 5 J _________________ “•RELEASE N O W 1 Lovely one ond tw o oedroom s Every convenience WALK TO CAAAPUS washer and drye r m unit cemakers and much much m ore A p o n m e n c naers 458-1213 5 8 A WEST CAMPUS condo summer only 2 2 one block from compus. famished W /D . security, rmcrowove. ceilmg tons, covered parking 4 7 6 -5 9 3 1 5-2 SUBLEASING 2-2 west compus famished condo for summer W 'D 3 balconies $ 6 6 7 - bite 4 7 8 5 0 7 9 4-3___________ LUXURY C O N D O 2BR 2 BA cetbng tons hreploce microwave, seff cleaning oven security entronee covered parking, w aking distance to compus $ 6 0 0 mo summer rate Avatlobie June 1 4 76 - 1861 5-12____________________________ CRCMX, FURNISHED, 2 blocks west of campus. 2-2, all amenities and covered parking, security Avail summer $ 9 5 0 mo and/or 8 6 8 7 school yeor $ 1250 mo Co* collect evemngs/weekends 214 2 31-6138 5-2 410 — Fum. Houses O N E BLOCK from compus in Hyde Pork directly across from Eastwoods Pork Very mce large 2-1 9 Available June : Martin 4 7 6 -6 8 8 0 4 3 0 FACULTY SUBLET Hyde Park 2 2 week m M a y through August Foculty or graduate student preferred 4 6 7 -0 7 8 8 ____________________________ 4 -2 8 last NEED TO sublet for summer 4 2 house fenced yard $ 5 9 5 / mo «deal tor 3 or 4 students or torwty Call after 5 30pm 8 3 4 -8 2 0 0 5-1________________________ dose m, $350. LAKE TRAVIS cottage mo Yeor ease 4 5 2 -0 0 8 6 7 0 5 7 Com manche Trad. 4 -2 9 TARRYTOWN lUXURY remodeled l o n e Qm et street 4 -2 CA, CH. tons, sundeck June 25-August 25 $ 7 5 0 / month 472 - 0741 5-2_____________________________ 4 2 0 - U n f . Houses UT-Hancock 3 BR, 1 BA, Austin $tone, CA/CH, $775/m o. avail­ able June 1, references. Don, agent, 467-7212. 4 -2 8 Clarksville A re a 1915 house fo r rent, 2-1 with huge screen porch Com pletely renovated, a vailable M a y 1, no pets, $ 7 0 0 Call D avid 4 7 7 - 4 6 6 4 ,4 7 7 - 3 6 5 1 4 -2 8 = U N c^vE A W A RD iv nrnng condom 2-2 H o»one s'.s.ng spocous, iu*urious mem» . « - o s tv id e Part O ne avanabie « $ 6 5 ! Pre •a se S85C 4 5 8 HUGE C O N D O 2-2 on shuttle The pc -CT ^ - V / / H , / * i A4 c *5? > ’ > / / / / / 6 / / / / / / § GREAT FOR ROOMMATES MOVE IN TODAY P R E - L E A S IN G F O R S U M M E R & F A L L 1 9 8 6 * J a S c e e e a s B e r ' , , , f S r V f A . * ^ . ' / i 4 i t ! i ' v ' ■ ! , « , .» i ' * l d / KINTAL 370 — Unf. Apts. C A L I F O R N I A D R E A M I N ’ . . . A U S T I N T A T I O U S L I V I N ’ ■ Southern Colifomia-style clubhouse with trellised patio ■ Crystal-blue pool and spa ■ Tile-hearthed fireplaces ■ W et bars ■ Ceiling Fans ■ Washer/dryer connections ■ On Shuttle ■ 1 & 2 Bdmns. ■ If s all here at Montecito Apartments. Where the West Coast meets the Third Coast ■ 447-3806 A Lifestyle You’ll Love To Call Home. Security Guards and Covered Parking G arage Pool, Sundeck and Tanning Salon Available Weight Room and E xercise Classes Available Furnished and Unfurnished Apartm ents Only Three Blocks From Campus Six Floorplans to Choose From Full Laundry Facilities TfBTDWEUP ■ 801 West 24th ® Austin, Texas 78705 476-7636 Call or Come By for Your Tour Today Eff., 1-2-3-4 Bedroom APARTMENTS ELEVEN FLOORPLANS FURNISHED-UNFURNISHED STARTING AT $310.00 Pre-Leasing Now! • Special Rates • Riverside Area • 2 Laundry Rooms 0 2 Pools 0 Fireplace Option 0 Spacious Floorplans 0 Choice of Balcony 0 Lofts 0 Ceiling Fans 0 Trees A Gardens 0 Responsive On-Site Staff & Maintenance 0 Volleyball and Water Volleyball "HYDE PARK" Secluded creek setting CA/ CH, W /D connections, decks, 2-1. 4404 Borrow. Coll 472-7362 or 452- 3031 5-1 LAKE A U S TIN 2 M /2 0 A , p m i 0 6 0 ramp, near M e iir fe M Dea» 2 6 6 -J S 2 1 or 3 0 9 -0 7 2 5 S-12_________________ _ 2BR/TIA « 0 letnperalor, 1401 t A a - derson Ln $ 4 0 0 ran* a» e, $ 4 0 0 4epae- * C o l 477-6131 5 -9 NEAR S H 0 9 6 IN G , 4 w 0 a 3-2, central beat, awbm t A C 5 , afltc klKL fenced yard Reference» $ 4 0 0 . 3 7 7 - 0 6 5 7 6 -U 0 UT-DOWNTOWN 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 kitchens, 3 story, references. HPO Real Estate 4 6 7 -7 2 1 2 4 -30A UT HOUSE -a# buh-m s Remodele d 2-1 $ 6 5 0 3 04 W 41 Harrison Peorson 4 7 2 -6 2 0 1 6 -4 A PR El EASING NEXT to UT, 22 properties To preieose fo r June ’ o od Sept 1 Hous­ es, duplexes condos B elow market rent 3 2 7 -5 7 6 7 3 2 9 4 2 0 3 4 25___________ REDUCED SUMMER rote Hyde Pork IBR house 4414A S peedw ay w o od floors on shuttie ¡me no pets ovo# 3-1 loose through 8 /8 6 $ 3 7 5 5-2_____ t*Hs 4 59 -0 01 7 - OLDER 3BR/1BA 2 9 ond G uadalupe oreo $ 7 5 0 » E H o w e * Properties 4 7 7 9 9 2 5 5-1 AVAILABLE now 12 3 BR houses rent 4 52 5 9 7 9 ¡24 hours/ 5 -8 for ENFIELD AREA 3-!. hreploce w /d con ■sections, a va. a b te m m ediatety, block to shuttie $ 6 5 0 Shamrock Properties 3 43 0881 4 30 CENTRAL L O C ATIO N on west 36th Smoif 28R 1BA boy w indow h o rdw o o d floors mce n eig h bo rh oo d older home $ 4 9 5 'm o • deposit C o* Jt* H olford- C row 3 45 -1 3 0 4 4 25 AVAILABLE N O W 5 7 0 3 Ave C. 2-1 pets OK stove -e f-ig e ro to ' hordw o o d floors shody fenced yord 4 5 4 -2 M 9 4 3 0 4 9 0 2 CASWELL appliances, yard Con­ venient to UT ond tow n $ 5 2 5 monthly 2 5 5 -7 3 0 3 4 -2 8 D _____________________ 3 2 0 2 DANCY n ee ' Lf7 4 2 Stove and e to g e ra to r H a rd w o o d tons $ 8 0 0 mo 472 4814 4 -2 9 floors ceiling TARRYTOWN 4-2 house Decks, close to lake 3 89 0 7 2 5 5 -6______________________ $ 1 5 0 0 /month 4 7 8 -1 7 8 7 PRE-LEASE to r Sept 1, restored older 3-2 house 6 ceiling tons 0 ceilings front ond rear covered porches Free «sundry 2 -car ca rp ort Fenced yord Very attroc tive d eco r W a lk to UT $ 10 50 Co* Doug Rostedt 4 8 0 8 2 7 3 4 5 9 9 0 9 5 5-12 'e m o d e ie d 3-2 with HYDE PARK o reo 9 ceilings w o o d floors mim-bknds, 5 ceiling tons la undry hoo k-u p fresh point mside and out attractive d ecor Large ■oorns with tots o f ciosets new metoi roo< well londscapeo o t $ 8 9 5 Call Doug Rostedt 4 8 0 -8 2 7 3 4 5 9 -9 0 9 5 5-12 CENTRA. HYDE Park iorge 3-1 house h a rd w o o d floors, fenced yord, e»ce*ent condition available June no pets $680, m o 4 7 6 -6 0 6 8 5-2 HYDE PARK UT Cute rock, 2-1, a pp * anees fenced yord n ard w o o d floors A C s tons $ 5 9 5 4 7 9 -6 1 5 3 5 12 4 0 0 3 Ave D 4 8R 2 BA avoiiobie M oy 15 $ 7 0 0 mo 4 5 4 -6 6 3 3 4 5 8 -9 0 0 0 5 2_____________________________________ 3-2 BRICK, near University Large, tiled innng, dim ng, kitchen C arpeted bed freshly -edone Fenced, shoded 'o om s b ockyord many extras $ 8 0 0 Senous inquines only Co* collec* 1-496-0181 5- 2 LARGE 3BR. 2 BA bnck house 6 btodcs west o f UT - C opitoi In historic residen- **a n eig h bo rh oo d Fenced yard, bnck patio appliances Deposit, lease re fer­ ences required $ 8 5 0 summer $ 9 7 5 fall 4 7 7 -4 3 4 8 o r 4 7 4 9 5 9 5 5-2 370 — Unf. Apts. \e w ty R em odeled! i I PENTHOUSE | • Ac/0045 from E 5 ABP 1001 Hie Creed» 'o cx^e S iantog at S33C a rc coven*c oatkjoq 1 2 ana 3 Dea * E s o m e • 2 ! s • I 4 8 0 - 0 2 0 1 § ñ i n i i i i t i i i t i M i i i u i u i i t u i i i H i i i i H i u M i l ; Q ose to Campus N e w t y R e m o d e le d CHATEAU DUVAL Lm ®. ! A 2 Behooms with a pool and gas cooking Starting at S36C ABP 3 1 0 6 Davmi 4 7 2 -6 5 1 6 f R em odeled 4 ! BUCKINGHAM j • SOUABE I T i l W 32nd ♦ ♦ 4 C>ne Ik two bedrocsm» located 10 minutee 6 from campu> F.njc>v a pool beamed ceti % f ^ ing*. and ceilm g fan» a \ Suurttng mi $335 4 I M H 1 ^ ▲ | u m m h i i m h i i n m n i i i i h i m i h m h h m u m n : I PETERSON PLACE ¡ s ElUoencw ana t oearooms located in S : a quwl secxxseo area on Stioaí Cree» S ile emc • Oath- S S Laundry S waafiat • Onpaaai S I 1 3603 Rekereea I m M 462-6064 ------- ' — g room • Al | S ; Z itH H M H IU H U IIIU IH IM IIIIIH H IM ItlllllR HYDE P A R K -2 wood floors, only $ 3 5 0 4 7 6 -2 6 1 8 5-1A 4BR 2BA house W e d campm, 912 W . $120Q /m on#v--SpnnQ /ral. $ 9 0 0 / 23 -Summer C o* O m g 01474-0111 Of mo 4 7 7 7 4 2 4 5-2_______ ________________ WALK TO UT 2 h M 10A duplex. $ 7 9 0 . Bottom floor of older hom e C A /C H Dmrng room stove, lefn y orotor Recendy corpeted and pointed 801 A. W 204» Ratpn Lows Property Meniegement. 4 5 0 - 6 7 5 7 5-12____________________________ IBR !BA $ 3 9 0 Stove, le fngerator, A C N e w pamt, storage 7 04 E. 454» $4^*0 Lows Property Monogem ent 4 5 0 -4 7 5 7 5-12________________________________ __ 1 BEDROOM. ’ bath. $ 3 9 0 Sterne, ta tty - •rotor AC, new pamt, storage 7 0 4 E 4 5 Sr Ralph Lewis Property ment 4 5 8 -6 7 5 7 5 -9 C _________________ C H O C E 2-1 1V5 block t o e UT Low School $ 5 5 0 summer m ordí» $ 7 0 0 - fati Wonderful yard A variable end M oy 477-1513 5 -9 _________________ _ 425 — Rooms RO O M S FOR boys with odtommg b a il, 3 blocks campus $ 2 3 0 /mo A BP H o w e l Properties 4 7 7 -9 9 2 5 5-12_____________ GRAD N O N S M O K E R . Apr*. M a y . Sum­ mer O w n room m comfortable nam e. Unbelievably dose 9 people 4 7 2 -5 6 4 4 , 4 7 4 20Q2 5-6 ________________________ LARGE CLEAN private room. Refrigera­ tor . no kitchen M en shore bath Quiet, mature individual Two blocks to d tu lia N o pets 474-1212 5 -9 fu r n is h e d BEAUTIFUL LARGE b a th , ro o m h a u te , renovated kitchen, screened porch, w a it to UT sum m er--$300, f a * - $ 3 5 0 . Steve 4 5 0 -1 7 3 3 ,4 7 7 -4 0 4 8 5-2 6 RO O M S FOR RENT 2 5 0 2 Nueces. 2 blocks from UT Summer $ 2 5 0 /m o n 4 i A BP Discounts for A p r* and M a y for contracts through summer C o l 4 7 4 - 2 3 6 5 or 4 7 6 -1 9 5 7 4 -2 8 PRIVATE FURNISHED Summer SPECIAl-sm aie occupancy-- atr close U T-bA s p o d - - $ 2 0 0 -2 3 0 4 7 2 - 4 9 2 4 4 7 7 -1 5 2 9 5 -5 _________________ conditioned--tatcnen pnvfleget- 430 — Room-Board R O O M A N D board co-ed. lees than 6 blocks from UT m west campus. $ 2 6 3 through $ 3 8 0 , utilities and local phone imm ediate openings for now, included summer, fa*. Co* 4 7 6 -1 9 5 7 . 4 -2 8 435 — Co-ops 2 1 s t S t . C o - o p s a g re a t o o c e to Uve the Scm m ar if yc-j w a n t b o th in d e p e n d e n c e Torn orvdtoras & a sense of c o m ­ 19 munity Our rates "ieae/wsc A8P 6 AC Stop by 707 61 21st St for a tour or c a * 4 82 3482 or 4 76-5678 include S tm ner Srtgte $342fno. Jo u trn S262*no fa t Sngm S397/mo Double $311*no 370— Unf. A pt*. BESTRATES WALK TOUT Efficiency, one bedroom , & two bedroom $ 2 0 5 - $ 2 9 5 J e r r ic k A p t s . 1 0 4 1 .3 2 n d 4 7 6 -5 9 4 0 CNSTUMMS • 3121 Speetheey One éi Two bedrooms on IF Shuftfe w»fh taundrv room gas ranges gas neal, central AC and covered part mg S ta rtim g o t $ 3 4 9 B B S H I T S KTOT Avenue B located m the Large etticiencies Hvde Park area Ert|Ov walk-tn clo­ sets laundry room, and a garden setting S t a r t i n g a t $ 3 0 0 4 5 2 - 3 5 8 3 N o w P f ■ v W i f ■ ■ - I C l i l 9 n i Summer SpKctol d f i é M H H W A t A l l M l N t 1919 Burton Drivv Fum. & Unium. Effs 14 2 Bdms., 2 Bdrm Townhouses Available 4 4 4 - 1 8 1 6 Mon-ftt 830-Ma Sat 9 4 0 A 1-5 L O R R A IN y-Arg# * ? ano 3 BAoroor-Ys • Nmbm» Y-itno*» • O r SHutti# • i_af3« f*OOt • faALXXJT> R oo rt- S t s r t m § a t $ 3 6 0 1 4 0 1 E n f i o i d R d 4 7 2 - 8 1 9 9 ilillIM tlItlIlU IN IIH H IIIH IIIU IIIH I Voyageurs 3 1 1 W . 3 1 s t Short w alk to campus! Effiaeaoei. ! *nd 2 beetmoem ^ xli io fkcaktfiftti garden A poc* Fur ciosets ■tifaerf 4 7 8 - 8 7 7 8 k t i i i i t i i i i i i t i i i i i i i i i i i i i H i i i i i i i i i i i r i WE’LL MOVE YOU IN! % Off 2nd Month’s Rent with 6 Month Lease 1 2 . 3 i 4 B e o r o o m w ith F t r e p f a c a P o o l, H o t Tub, W a t e r a n d G a s P a id O n C f i S h u ttle l e e e M d M N k M I . ISONGATE APTS. 4 5 4 -2 6 3 6 Racquet Club/Creekhaus Apartments on Town Lake Lakefront Apts 2 Pools Sundeck Tennis Court • Volleyball Court • Boat Dock • Clubroom w/Fireplace & Bar • Shuttle Route Mo h te o to 3111 Parker Lone • 447-3806 OMm Hours • am-4 pm M-F Sat. 18 am-4 pan Sun. 1 pm-S pm POINT-SOUTH 4 Bdrms. To Eff. 444-7536 BRIDGEH0LL0W 1 & 2 Bdrms. 444-6757 Rental Office: 1910 Willow Creek, Austin, TX. 1 7 2 0 S. L tk tth o r c Bhrd. A u stin , Texas 7 8 7 4 1 (5 1 2 ) 4 4 4 -2 8 8 2 SUMMER RATES FREE RENT SPECIALS Page 18/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28,1986 M H T A l RENTAL RENTAL tIN T A L EDUCATIONAL S IK V K M SIRVICtS S8RVIC8S SERVICES 4 3 5 — C o - o p # # • 0 — Wonted to Rout 5 9 0 — Tutoring 7 50 — Typing 7 50 — Typing 7 6 0 — RUsc. Senrkee • aw aad mxfc « « •* T an < 0 l m a M l l C « M i f i 0 0 Sk«9 a S34* taurr>) j a M á $4J9fto* S30* ban 4 M 0 0 « 0 M m (»>- 0 0 0 9 # 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 MMMNNNMNMNMNMNtnMNHMH: ta i a t m» o n lonaow» An way § y y w m d h i »ul rae-gorawlne com 5 " W * blocta kom compu* *oo» nn S dec*. #M FC ooot •abaa 24 h, n a c irg S » VC AV Com. Oy to» o four S S J M m o M i S S20Smo Doubt* S M M S U i m o M « . I m o Douba M ti im ttH lltltlttH N m H f ■ M A M I IM tllltltlllilt lM lllllillllllllt lltltt l, ¡ I OPSIS CO-OP ¡ I APABTM ENTS I 2 6d rm . 2 Ram V#m A C H # Krtctv S 1 on. FumtMwd. 4 Mocks to u T fios- r I O ont O wnoa A Opo»o*aa A | • s CommunRy Not A M A Com ptax § i ; I 1 9 0 4 R o a ii 4744474 «r 474-4499 S ltlH H II It lt lllt llllM I II IN tt lllllH H I IM ir GRAD NONSMOKER Apnl. May Sum mar Own room m comfortable House Unbahavably ctosa 9 paopl* 472-5646 474-2002 5-7 ______________ ROOM A N 0 board co-ad, lass fhqn 6 blocks from UT m was* campus $263 through $380, idifikas and local phone included Immodiat* openings Tor now summer, foil Co« 476-1957 4-22 GERMAN HOUSE Has openings in sum mar Wa ora on inexpensive coop wrth 25 paopla (including Germans) Í217 double, $297 - ungle Only one block from compus. If interested, come by for dinner or coll 477-8865 5-12_________ NEW GUILD Co-Op. co-ed ABP washer dryer, two pools, meals included near compus, singles, cfcls mmediate Mcanoes, more info 472-0352 5-12 ROOM AND board co-ed less tfson 6 blocks from UT in west compus $263 Btrough $380 utilities and iocol phone included Immediate openings for now tummer, foli Coll 476-1957 4-28 MOUSE OF Commons Has male and fomole voconcies for foil, female vacan cess for summer We ore a Health con­ scious vegeto non co-op, close to compus with pod. sundeck, singles, doubles, fnendsi 476-7905 5 - 9 _____ BUY, SELL,~ RENT, TRADE... W ANTAPS..^ 370 — Unf. Apts. LET ROOMMATE M m find compok bta i— — i for you 910 W MLK #201 KSoto* ietai e w ii 470-5096. 5 12 GRADUATE N 0 N S A 40K R , 4 M 2 BA houM, C t # m 4*. 46th and Red River $250/m o - ’ « bAs Gary 474 -45 44 4 2 8 ____________________ WfST CAMPUS 2-2 condo, fomahad. servor needs 1-2 9 ds tor W 8 7 . $250 300/monlh, 472-7554 5-7___________ RO O M M mce house m Hyde Park for lubfd. M e Aun Ave GrS?00/Bofe 453-4509, 459 7049 wfi 15pm 4-28 FEMALE N O NS M O KING student room­ mate -orttad Fumehed 28R ER rout. $23Qrmo * ’ 2 UN Avad 15-20 May 0 6 Jufie, 474-1568 5-2_____________ 2 ROOAMAATES needed now for sum­ mer aofy W ad - h irtfihes W 'D ond yard 834 3340 or 478 -23 80 S-l______________________ to UT $200 FEAAALE NONSMOKEH neat 3 1 2 House SR shuttle Prefer grad worker $225 Leavemesiage. 441-7650 5-2 FEMALE WANTED to shore 3-2 motrte Home W 'D yard, pets okay $150/mo 1 ' l b * . 385-0106 5-2_____________ TWO NO N-SM O KING girts neededto share cu t. 2-2 condo at Preservation Square m west compus $300 summer fd t Cctf Mon, Beth at 474 8258 $350 ,_________________ 4-28 and ROOMMATES needed to split M 200- mo luxury condo waA to UT summer etc CoK 474-5067 4-29____________________ lAkhes Furrvshed M /F ROOMAAATE needed M ay 1 or be­ fore Bryfierwoods, A C washer mmt- bfinds. Mormng 31 non-smoker active 'ookmg for stable person Sorry no pets 2 b is $250 - deposit 453-2077, Kathleen. 5-1 SUBLET SUMMER/fok unfurnished 3-1'2 house near CR W 'D $225 * ’ 2 bids Cenda 451 6362 4-28 FEMAlE GRAD Stoden* non-smoking, shore House ZA m Areo on bus rout* $250 mo 2 Jtihhes Evemngs 4 4 ' 5685 5-1__________________________ HOUSEMATE NEEDED 2-1 great house, Hordwood Boors, ceiling forts, close to UT avertable May $150 summer $250 ________ - ‘2 trtts 479-8482 5-2 EEMAiE ROOMMATE needed tor 2-1 condo Rnrerstoe orec $232 50 !2 bdfs C oi Brando 447-6325 4-30 - ZtLKER AREA Quiet non-smoking semi- vegetonon to snare 4BR house $155 441 2844 4-29 non-smoker SEE SING HOUSEMATE wei-monnered $175 mo Hyde Park orec 2 blocks shuttle Avertable 4/22 454-9243 4-30____________________ FEAAALE N O N smoker needed June lit to shore 2-1 Hyde Pork duplex IF shuttle one block $275 mo * 2 bills Jennifer 453 -36 87 5 1______________________ LIBERAL NON-smoking grod View iPOoL'nver: Super manogemenr Great neighbors* Peocefui Riverside Con grass. $265 ♦ 2 ,447-5857 5-2 GAY AAALE roommate to shore two bed­ room house, $200 mo * 2 biis. Lamar 6 IF hnes. Move m June 1 Rondy 458- 3678 (kite pm weekends) 4-25 2-2 ROOMMATE NEEDED June 1 for year furnished apartment SR leose shuttle $137 - summer $222 rest of year * 2 bids Dave 445-2082 mom mgs/ weekends. 5-12 SEEKING LIBERAL male roommate to share furnished 2-1 House m west Austin Available m May $275- mo 452-6302 4 28 M F SHARE beautiful 2-1 h SR PV shut hes tenms, rocketball. available April, free evemngs 445-6225 4-28 MALE OR femóle Housemate wanted Se- nous or graduate student $137'month - bills 451 7847, Jim 5-5 CENTENNIAL CO ND O looking for out-going girl for 1st session summer school Please call 469-0772 4 29 TWO FEMALES for summer, mce fur­ nished 2-1 condo on W C Coll 474 9541 4-29 SUMMER ROOMMATE female needed 2-2 condo, W/D. $250/m onth negoti oble, '2 bills West compus, 476-0590 4-29 O W N ROOM m house $ 2 0 0 /mo sum­ mer, $225/m o foil CR shuttle, W /D mi crowave, etc 453-8548, 451-2373 4 29 SUMMER ROOMAAATE Male/female, sharp 3-2 house Own furnished room, cable, W /D microwave, etc SW Austin $32 5/mo all bills poid Avail May 18 Aug 30 462-1447 4-29 AAALE CHRISTIAN preferred 3-2 pnvacy fence, remodeled, AC 7 blks LBJ, Trees $285 + deposit, Jerry, 444-9190 4 30 1 block Low School 2 responsible fe males desired, share lovely pnvote home Den, ceiling fons, W/D, CA/Ch parking. N o smoking $210/mo An drea. 474 -96 04 4-30 SUAAMER VACANCY available mid may thru Aug 31 for non-smoking femóle Furnished Spacious condo, more mfor motion, call 467-1393, Lindo 4-30 FEMALE/AAAIE to share Huge 3-2 2 Riv erside condo Large bedroom, own bathroom $235/m o * 2 E Convenient campus, shuttle Mark, Roseana 443- 044 0 4-28 HYDE PARK--dependable M/F--targe 2 bedroom, microwave, cable $250 ABP Wayne 459-3153 5-2D M/E HOUSE, secluded neighborhood, close downtown, shuttle convenient 3-1 $235 • ' 3 bills, Potnck 445-4133 4 30 NEED TWO roommates for summer Hove condo on 30 and Sotado $300 - 3 utilities Beautiful place! If interested co i 477-3308 any time 5 2 VICTORIAN ARTS House wonts creative Housemates for to sublease summer Yooll love it $ l8 5 -$ 2 2 5 479 ____________________ 8417 5-2 rooms 1 NEED female roommates to help rent great west compus condo summer only 2-2 furnished W /D, ceiling fans, micro, security Call after 6 , 476-5931 5-2 FEAAALE ROOMAAATE for summer nonsmoker, one bedroom apt west com pus $157 per month • ’ 2 E One block from campus Chnsty 495-5416 4-29 N O NS M O KING ROOMMATES needed for 3-2 in Riverside area $150/mo * 3 utilities 443-2265 leave messoge 5 NEAT FEAAALE nonsmoker needed to share furnished west campus 2 2 condo W D pool security all amenities $350' mo Coll Carol 476 -72 56 leave mes sage 4-29 TWO ROOMAAATES needed for June 1 M/F liberal minded non-smokers, for wonderful 3/2 house in Hyde Pork $320 '3 utilities Coll Loura 345-4742 5-2 • 2 N O NS M O KING females needed to shore 2-2 condo Summer W /D microwave ceiling fan IF route Cyndie 459 -39 20 5-2_____________________ 450 — Mobile Homes- Lots BUYING A new mobile home* Move it into Our p a ri tor first month s rent only 926-9148 6-3 __________ 460 — Business Rentals EXCELLENT FRONT office tor profession al tenant West UT campus, S380 ABP Howell Properties 477-9925 or 452* 4212 5 12 C A L L 4 7 1 - 5 2 4 4 TO PLACE A CLA SSIFIED A D 400 — Condos- Townhouses W O O D L A N D S II 2500 Burleson Bd. Luxury 1 & 2 Bdrm. Condominiums Starting At $350 O n SR & RC Shuttles EASY MOVE IN! ( -1 /s ' , ,/ r ,/(/> (Ottorf B u rleson l?d A rea) / v , ,, . 443-5451 447-8303 WOODLANDS CONDOMINIUMS ,V 0 H PRE-LEASISG FOR FALL & ACCEPTING SHORT TERM SI MMER LEASES Special Rate On Leases Installment Plan On Deposit S tartin g at $350 • O n R ( ' & S R S h u t ! l e • F i r e p l a c e s • R a t i o - w i t h S t o r a g e e K i t c h e n - A l l K l e c t n c • P o o l • - J a c u z z i / \ { < i c t / \ r r ? / C i / a / r f O l t o r f B u r l e s o n R d A r e a i LAW STUDENT working m Austin for summer seeks s p e k n s n i Conftoct John Cossmghom, 333 Common wealth Ave. #17. Boston, Massachusetts 07115 617- 236-1719 5-2 A N N O U N C IM IN TS 520 — P#rsonals BIRDS DO it Bees do 4 Let the Matcher help you do it Send S A S E to The Matcher, P O Box 16-1085. Austin. Tx 78716-1085 4 29 530— Travel- Transportation YEAR END BEACH BREAK only $99 for a week at Fort W alton Beach, South litand and Doytono Beochi Hur­ Padre ry, coll Sunchase Tours for more free 1-800-321-5911 information toll TO D A Y 1 W hen is last over Break for THE BEACH with Sun­ chase! 5-3 that test RIDE WANTED from IH-35 and William Cannon IH 35 ond 32 St Share expenses 441-9145 5-1 to 2 AIRLINE tickets Austin to Washington DC AAay 3 onfy $50 each 467 0555 458-1951 5-1 540 — Lost & Found LOST DOG Golden retreiver AAorty in 1st ond Guodaiupe areo 4-21 evening Slipped co ia r headed north on Gua dalupe Reword 458 -53 00 4-29 LOST YORKSHIRE Temer small block brown "Nichotaus N o togs Reword offered 478-8219 469-0831 5-2 560 — Public Notice BIBLE CALL The Btbie has the answers to your questions Cott 331-9863 5-12 CHRIS BRADLEY -What do streetlights. Eh/is Costello Traitways, Steve s, and Georgetown basements hove in com mon2 4-28 EDUCATIONAL 580 — Musical Instruction PIANO LESSONS Beginner through od vanced Experienced qualified teacher Classical and 9696 5-1 improvised styles 453- 590 — Tutoring STANFORD GRADUATE w^ll M o r SAT GRE preparation, or elementary secondary subjects reodmg 472 -06 53 5-9 including remedial MATH TUTOR BS math UTA Three years experience $8 00/hr Coll T,m 451-7174 4-28 tutoring and grading SPANISH ESL tutor Reasonable rates 452-4288 after 6 BA UT 5yrs expen- ence attended University m Spam 4 29 USE TEXAN CLASS­ IFIEDS DIAL 471-5244 400 — Condos- Townhouses F a ll & S u m m e r Leases WEST UNIVERSITY PL. • 2 /2 , Lg Bdrms • Spacious Closets • Full Size Pools • Excellent Security 4 7 9 - 6 6 1 8 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ #> N o w L o m m i n g l 4 - 1 Stoneleiih Condos 5 2 4 6 9 L e o n 1 1 .2 2 3-3 - T ^ Available now tor occupant v ^ ^ Open 11 -4 Dm daiiv o» c all ^ Leasing office unit 110 '*^'7 a a fln ,■%» a i a J W ^ ^ O il US HIST! W e h a v e o v e r 8 0 lu xu rio u s W e st C o m pu s c o n d o s a v a il fo r a b le n o w sum m er a n d fa ll o f 1 9 8 6 For in fo rm a tio n ca ll to p re -le a s e MATH TUTOR 5 0 4 W . 2 4 t h S t . O ffice 477-7003 Over 19 year» of pro oervirr feoutonal hr I ping «luden t« mmkr T H t U R f l ll Struggling** Frue traird on tente** ( «U or ro a r by for ap potnuneni lAATN M301 302 M903F M4Q3K L ST4309 I M30SG M4C-T M0O6AB M60e*4B M3*84 _ M311 nnrsics . _ t w o t ÍM 3-' 'M U * EM314 ewtj’ v t f j ‘ « e r« -i ÉE31Í . S304P > CSJ06 CS315 CS* 10 CSxto c s s n e s a » CS34H CS3S7 CSJ.*? c t a K t m tMoeo/i MCM30’ X), f V j * ' jMf M6 ‘ . * a í V , JO* .« { BUSMESS ACC3" J'. PMV JO ^ L PWV103KI “ H t i j ’ i d DAT* m o o r *310 * * 3 3 ) > eco EC030/ EC0303 ECO320K 1 EC 037* Owi i pm ma o r snm ttw mgM twtor. >1 .x a n H t loo M . t w tNO,*' *ST*0N *S T 30’ *ST30J *.STJ0J AS1J0 7 T«ENOt OEfMAM SPAMS* SCC Met * 1M3S4 f*O s r Frm Pwhr *her$ Analoct documentation and froinjng 343 6433 5 5C Lo»u$ W 'ds*a s ta t is t ic a l r o N T u I ^ T ^ pTo'- vide Ketp witB SPSS EDIT quontitahve methods statishcai analysis and evea'ch methodology Tobey Kaop Ph D 451 8152 5-12 500 — Misc. WE DO IT BETTER! Property Management of Texas NOW LEASING for Summer and Fall 704 W. 24th 476-2673 * 3 0 — M oving- HouHog ASlE BO O ff D M o w n caraiui, courfo- oua ond « U fo tmnmm. Bwnfontio l com- m«rcioL ankquM. paanot. Irnurad Ftm 441-2625 5-7 ABC Apt. Moving Moving Students os Low as $39.95 10% DISCOUNT 339-6663 660 — Storage A l l AMERICAN Self Storage 10% off first momh no (topoait, 5 ' x 5 through 1C x 30" fo n e d . fighled cortad g o l. «n- try on ute monogwnent boot ond R,V parking outtsonzed U-Haul itaotar 8008 South Congf«s. rwar Steughtof Lon. 282 8224 5 6 _______ STUDENT SUMMER sp^:>ol 2nd month on 5x5 ond 5x10 ot Public Storog. 8128 N lam o, 835 6810 8525 N lorno, 837 0551 2301 Btan While 441 7269 5016 Ben W W 444 4252 7200 South 1st 447 5174 5-12 Student & Faculty Special Four different individual units to choose from A round the clock security, m an ag e r on site Show I D & no deposit required 4 4 7 - 2112, Top H at Seff-Storage, 4 6 0 0 S Congress. 700 — Furniture Repair Furniture Refinishing Repairing, Caning and Painting by Reliable, Estabfished Austin Craftsman. Boone's Refinishing 442-2535 4-30D 740 — Bicycle Repair f*EDAL PUSHERS Btcyoe R®pa>' Hor*«ii p n t . i C o n v.n i.n i locotton Ai rrsaka\ 1800 Justin Io n . 451 2048 5 2 750 — Typing ZIVLEY’S THE COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL FULLTIME TYPING SERVICE PRINTING, BINDING / I \ i i > ita lic s ifx u M u o hi perweaitzcil icrv w e wec4 p v e ra d e r «urn in $1 Kkpg • iHtir 0 0 y p i M * trom vour disk IBM axnpNibk sum ¡o $ fOrpp e t k r « . r a m draft to tin*/ cups • ii irrugfil n rrkrul irn iri C A L L 459-1120 47 2 2b(M 2 4 0 4 R io G r * n d r T Y P I N G W ORD PROCESSING SoutfiwMt Services 453-0323 4311 A venue F WW Pickup/Delivery JOB WINNING RESUMES w m D on a« ’ Expen S#rvic#s Inchjctoa la y o u t • lyp tn g Pnnting M rte vckj Watt • JOC #.turn^\,»lt^vAi>C> 4 5 4 - 1 5 3 2 • ' a*> * * week FAST, ACCURATE t y p ^ w o r d proceed « 0 RMeonabta rata*. Quofity work Oeys tarwwtga, wMktatds. Contact Eta bm, 328 -58 16 5-7__________________ lETTER PERFECT Paswrs, ratumm, taw brwfs, rush w rv ic . THm m , dm . r to lions, tacftmcol pr. n >ntoeont 2111 Rio Grand*. 474 274 9 4-28_____________ TYPING DONE m my horn. Co* 465- 5138 -doyt or 836-3421 -wranmgs and ask for Joyce 5-6 1?\a\£Áa M BA 0 * RESUMES 2707 Hemphill Pork 472-3210 472-7677 THREADGlll S TYPING PratasMono' i n m c i Bmt rotat Pickup ctatnmry Rush lo tn occta>Nd 459 -03 78 5 6 MELINDA S S t n x t North tocohon 339 8t32 5-6 f^O fE S S lO N A l Typing RROEESSONAl TYPIST TK.«S d n t^ x T Aons protassronol raports t ^ o i Grodu ata tchooi quofity From $1 75 Bofoora Tuflot 453 5124 5 9 PROEESSIONAl LEGAl th * t« o a p tn oN ttvtat Ruth iol» com ta Cynttvo 445 693 7 w e d tn d i 5 9 *yp*ti Bn#H *v*n,ngv Sure, we type FRESHMAN THEMES Why Not Start Out With Good Grades? 472-3210 472-7677 PROEESStONA. !>P'N G South ott wasigcn. CaS Or 1#NOV0 'n#l»agt 512 from S 25 if*w ’ TOpm 8*^ 4 ‘ r ’ . t o s Ta » ' r v p fs .. v r v x e M Th. pros evs-rYSjj Soh/0OY\ 9 3 guoifh pvst *0 yBC' N lom o, Sv-f*» T 7 2 § 4 £ ' 0 8 3 9 4 30 0 SSCABCH FaPERS irwthman d*5»4K9cr^,:-rY8 'W tvtrm f os' ratp #ow>xib*0 On# Oa> mkvh • 2*,>. abim 44" 18^3 5 ^2 WORD W OCESVNC v>rx3b*e -ot#» and KM V ^ 'o u r v .: Non* > 7 V 2 T9 3 -:*+C N< «♦* A^*«* x 0* 8E SUM m Spring, lo ta up lo 10-29 b e you v mgnm Met lie « if nmnuon ppr month Gat a l #w nutrition you ad C o n f lorn awytN n g but 0 a waráta need ConYioea i Vs 100% auoranta .d C a t Su.an. 331 55 5 2C 8165 THE W AÍTISO VER TRADE UP NOW ! Rant Spactoh f urrushad a n d Unfum ishad Houeat, Dupiaxas, Aportm onts CALI 452-9316 ACTION APARTMENT LCXATORS 5 9A NEED lO N G dntoncai MCI o#tao dis­ counts ov*k AT & T nottonoi and mtar- nohonoi Mtrvtc. CaR almo# anywhar* m th . world To connect c o l 479-0629 4 28_____________________ _______ STUDIO SPACE ovoJabta etas, to cam- put cheap $60 mo phn brfh ca# Ray 476 5807 4 30____________________ 1MFLOYM1NT 780 — Employment Services CRUISE SHIPS AlRUNES hmngi Sumnwr Cor.#r ovarSMS Coll for G uta. Cot Mttta Naws t*rv > c 916 944 4444 £«» CW189 4 28 790 — Part Time Port tim e tra in e e p ro g ra m m e r re q u tre d b y A u s tra lia n ba se d soh w a re c o m p a n y A p e rso n must a n d C Possible fu ll hm e p o sitio n at e n d o f d e g re e H o u rs to surf In ­ te re s te d * Cat! B ' o n C o o p e r W ,l son C o m p u te , Services 37 7 9 1 4 6 4 30 Looking for aggre ssive fash ­ ion mirsded college students *o fill port hme sales positions at 2 specialty clothing stores in Austin H ours must be flexible Call A p m 2 9 or 3 0 9 0 0 a m 6 0 0 p m 4 5 1 -9 2 8 6 3 2 7 - 8112 RASE $$ -ROUND f t O O t OPPORTUNITY^ Vv . .vnp*y»* « SmOtmc !>m ..#ra «a . *#'V*.sp0K! th wrihC k*c*0^s *9cr*orC S’-^Ép»0G# DtCMití AJb*X » x0H#mi ChC KVaOMi 44S#8At; t>* kffie**- Mpr#Qr$* V a; ' X i a t t Nr*:. SotMN A ’•-tato» Wowlgi $ MBA * h o v e som e k n o w le d g e o f U N IX 760 — Misc. Services S T U D E N T L O A N S S 2 5 0 0 0 m a x im u m 8 ° . sim p le D a t a f NTj|V C iE tK Far* «VN# *■ ‘ ijvqmjt** *>!> Cwfo • - *v * t Iqynina»wif at c i*. phx> yoKXMG** arn! 9WWV9 e* ara «eeo •«HwrwK.e #• n te re s t 10 y e a r r e p a y N o ta>rvhi«k c r e d it c h e c k n o o g e itm if Bene*,» o f m suronc# pion N o nc* me •m,t 2 1 M , H a y e s Vtaxx 9«m Hon Xqf . V ' M#lt A*» '1*3" j* Eg*at * *iCA ¥■ 4 6 5 8 1 5 0 t o r PHOTOS PASSPORTS APPLICATIONS RESUMES 3 a e ie e w t* l e n r k * S A T 1 0 - 2 4 7 7 - 5 5 5 5 THIRD EYE 2 3 3 2 G v o d a t u o e I 750 — Typing 450-0151 Publtc R elations P o rtio n s for Ltons P h o n e S a le s C lu b E ve n in g shifts for students $5 0 0 hr M r Davts 4 28 N t A l AM/ M * f ► >« «Mee»0 A* a W » A v PM ararwrtg harm. Q* var* ta^xT ‘ tp * hot W A^app, v *"&* Re *«Nt b m ngbv» 4 .ft 4 '4 2002 4 . 8 .A f POS NO N At A ;A 6 i t r>- pan*tx*. * ««A 5 M O N - F R I 9 - 6 6 ' —k-” end of semester STRESS BUSTERS • a f t o r d a b l e w o r d p r o c e s s i n g • t h e s i s d i s s e r t a t i o n e x p e r t s • fr e e p i c k - u p a n d d e l i v e r y • c o m p u t e r i z e d e d i t i n g c a / / S u s a n o r T o n i NEED Y O U R RESUME FAST? C a l l us t o r a n a p p o i n t m e n t a n d vse t y p e it w h i l e v o u w a i t ji ... 5 4 1 7 N o r t h L a m a r qinnys / INFO-PROS Term Papers $) 0 0 p g Theses €tc SlOO SlSOpg Q u a lit y G u o ro n te e d Coll 288-1930 TYRING W O f E SSKDNAl I y d o n . cm Ap pta He N o 10b too ta rg . o, too tmofi CoS Undo 83 7 055 7 oft*. 5 835 9641 4 30 t . , m PROfESStONAl Q U A l TY word p-o i h . t . j c a ttin g . ditM rtohont tattai it iu m t i quolity pnnrtr Siaroi (am p ul 4 '8 5485 5-12 IBM PC p o p . n THESES, DISSERTATIONS & P.R. S V \ e g u a r a n t e e o u r t y p i n g w i l l m e e t g r a d u a t e si h o o l r e i j u i r e m e n t s 4 .,-iiKtii 5 4 1 7 N o r th L am ar c i i n n v s a J / RENTAL 5 0 0 -M is c . POOL e SIDE 4 4 3 -5 4 5 1 4 4 7 -8 3 0 3 332-4980 er « 7-8171 N V I T A T N L i O I O N FREE IMITATIONS AVAILABLE AT FRONT DESK Of 1RI-T0WERS FREE G I V E A W A Y S SPONSORED BY PROPERTY MANAGEMENT OF TEXAS RICH FINNEY COMPANY TRI-TOWERS 400 — Condos- Townhouses D o s R i o s W a lk T o C a m p u s • Fully Furnished • Individual Washer Dryer • Microwave • Ceiling Fans • Built in desk • Private Balcony • Covered Parking • Decorative Wallpaper 478-4271 474-0971 2818 G u a d a lu p e Special Rates fo r Su m m e r— f releas n g fo r F a ll Take your pick from one of these fine condominiums. Salado 3000 Guadalupe Place • ceiling fans 20 0 Whids Place Condominiums • V2 block from campus • microwave • individual washer/dryer • ceiling fans • private balcony • covered parking • fully furnished 454-4621 • microwave • individual washer/dryer ’ • private balcony • ceiling fans • private balcony • fully furnished • private parking • near shuttle e near campus • fully furnished e laundry room • private parking 4 5 4 - 4 6 2 1 4 5 4 - 4 6 2 1 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ * * ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ t » FREE GREATER AUSTIN i lRARTMEÑtI GUIDE ■ ■ |A DIRECTORY K)R THI APARTMENT SHOPPER ALSO f fu * n RISC. W Il.U A M S O S < O C S T Y AN D IH H SO ROCK S E » ( O HPO R A I» H O I SING S K T IO S p a ; Let Us Be Your GUIDE To Great Apartment Living! The Greater AUSTIN APARTMENT GUIDE Offering pictures, prices, features, directions and phone numbers. For your FR E E copy write or call: HAAS PUBLISHING CO., INC. Greater Austin APARTMENT GUIDE 8701 N. Mopac, Suite 420 Austin, Texas 78759 512/345-6464 Alto Available At: 7-Eleven, Stop-N-Go, Circle K. Other Major Convenience jStores, Hotels and Motels. Major Employers, Chamber of Commerce, Colleges and Business Schools. Banks and Savings and Loans, Major Book Stores. All Car Rental Agencies, Gulf Convenience Stores, The University of Tex-, as Co-Op, and Furniture Rental Stores. S w e e p Continued from page 11 Ironically, it w as H aney w ho had the gam e-w inning hit in Saturday's seven-inning gam e as well. Texas fell behind 3-1 after four innings and w oke up to tie it with single runs in the fifth and sixth. AfcM w ent up 4-3 in the seventh only to watch the Longhorns bounce back. Texas first batter in th e seventh, freshm an Brian Joh n so n , rocketed a 3-2 pitch over the left-center field wall to tie the gam e at 4-4. Five of Jo h n so n 's 15 hits this season have been ho m e runs. W ith one out, the L onghorns loaded the bases for H aney, w ho, after m issing a suicide squeeze that p ro d u c e d the second o u t, lined a single to the gap in left field that sk ip p e d off diving left-fielder Jeff S chow 's glove an d sent Behnsch racing hom e w ith the w inning run. P etkovsek ( 1 1 - 1 ), the L onghorns' w in n in g e st pitcher, relieved starter Daniel Pena in the fourth inning and picked up the victory. A ggie re­ liever Pat W em ig fell to 5-2. Verse one of the Longhorns' w eekend victory march saw the A g­ gies vault to a 1-0 lead off starter Swindell. But as it w ould do in all three gam es, Texas rebounded. This time, the Longhorns scored single runs in the third, fourth a n d fifth to win it, 3-1. Sw indell, w h o u p p e d his record to 9-1 on the year, allow ed just four hits and struck o ut 11 w hile w alking only one. Dale Barry (8 - 1 ) suffered th e lo ss. F o u r of S w in d e ll's strik eo u ts cam e from A ggie c en ter fielder M ike Scanlin, w h o cam e into the series as the SW C 's se c o n d -le a d ­ ing h itter at .418. Scanlin w en t tw o for 11 in the series. C om bined w ith his o ne in n in g of relief S aturday, S w in d ell's e a rn e d run average fell to 1 26. He now has 150 strikeouts an d just 23 w alks in 114’A innings. It was a series where individual like Sw indell's accom plishm ents brilliant pitching, Searcy's record- tying hom er and H aney's gam e- w inning hits were overshadow ed by the dramatic 16-11 com e-from- behind victory. "It w as a total team effo rt," W est­ brooks said. "It sh o w s you th at no m atter how far d o w n you are, you can alw ays com e back. We w ere just lucky to w in it. But w e're a good team , so I have to give ourselv es cre d it." Texas A&M d eserv es som e credit, too. W ithout its four erro rs in the final gam e an d its o n e in the sec­ o n d , tw o of Texas' com ebacks m ight never have h a p p e n e d . "They're still A ggies," left fielder D oug H odo said. "T hey looked on their shirts an d saw w hat th ev really a re ." * For this w e e k e n d , at least, they w ere losing Aggies. EM PLOYM ENT EM PLOYM ENT EM PLOYM ENT EM PLOYM ENT 790— Part Tima 800 — G an aral Help W anted 800 G e n e ra l H elp W anted 890 — Clubs- Restaurants VILLAGE CINEM A FOUR N ow hiring g o o d reliable peo pie for summer help W e offer flexible hour* an d free movie benefits S3 3 5 /h o u r Apply m person at 2700 W Anderson Ln after 6 pm on M onday through Thursdays time positions Pedunkels is now hm ng full and part Starting w ages at S4 0 0 /h o u r Seeking individuals w h o will work through summer months Com e by & apply a t 1003 Bar ton Springs Rood M onday Sat urday, 2 0 0- 5 0 0 p m the 5-2 Students/Housewives Port-hme help wanted tak­ ing orders on phone AM and PM shifts available Ap­ ply in person 22 0 0 Gua­ dalupe St 218 J O B S $ 1 6 0 4 0 G O V E R N M E N T $ 5 9 23Q /y» N o w N n n g C a * > 8 0 5 6 0 0 C a»* R 9 4 1 3 to * currant fad 6 8 oral kit 5 9 440 8 7 7 7 ERE SH Bowar taftars -wadad tor W oUsari Doy H a u b to Soar->tow< ñ * o i a » a * 4 4 0 - 8 7 7 7 5 9C ich ad u la LOSE WEIGHT 10 to 29 lbs/month Goer Í lo o t and feet v>waP W f ANC fAS> X X t X tAonev be*, ft OpAana» to ear- •tona» p o r* V e U é 8 0 4 4 3 0 G O V E R N M E N T $ 5 9 2 3 0 r 6 8 6 0 0 0 axl oral be 7 -18 J O B S $ 1 6 0 4 0 N o w Nmna Cok 1 8 0 5 í 9 4 1 3 x y currant fad * U U A N D p o d w na tata» p a n o rv ta i for I , wrw Tw , c o l S«l a* Rad Cotamo*» i rt v o n .2 h 6 3 5 < 3 4 3 0 C 5 12 NffD A . * > tjo o * N i í O f 0 (Jt «turta-v to* po>- » a e o ^ o ís W o o w h A atto w S x*r» to m a *n » n ^ V . - iv u t e * * » * *> 0 4 a > Sai a n d S m a C a t 9 . 6 ,;* w >«w j »» to* t o r » ’. 4 ; 8 ¿Sote »«ñ¡üaois~n¡¿d¿d V » ♦ maW f r t - — »ae>r e 811 Watc D* f npwwx. • .ar’n*» >4 xm "2 3 4 5 t t O L 4 2 9 A” {NL>AN' Ax x»o( uiMd’t and Meaba not 13' Í 4 Ü mv oSwOÑrfv v .MX- # mxm c 8 3 6 .«01 t o u 6 » N e p iin g a O v a n 6 6 . ’ * bigaiii a a r p a t m j - tM- 4 2 8 TMO NffOS w 5!i kpt » tw c i»w p r o g r a m - L a i i r RAf' 'n*< set t h h l i k • a» 4 ' 6 6 ‘ . 3 4 3C ad do> tn d N^jn- 4 2 8 4* $ 6 V w r NO«M vNAWl wanted DHtNGAiif w— Nouaa. .aorxng Wi M W t 9 >~ 4 ' 8 .' -TOOT- 670 6 7 NEED 100 p a v a to iota -*ewgfw rjand *ivxe ** u^per, prs.A»*t H- c•se-s*. a*$ "'C • * e* x v m O o o r o ^ m m C ' ' * £ 4 K ^ f Df C ** Aj ’ •nato# ** ^ eot»* *Q0 -JppE if 4 ’ * ¿ e w*>L S‘-T8R loi fet * ’ * ,oro> AcurtJ 5 1 4 ’5 -G y •own Vifc C cy^oáotMe k)# S , f A S ^ A .r Aw*»-' C w0 pro*e«**.y*> .jippeo*' OfHM 39? B T99 VI A” {N TfQlSi SVJ Í X N TS »A3#t •ven.r^j OTr «Mfü ..cenpu* I t ’ to I ‘i t o r. h o u 5 2 rHwr s Vpee Ae-y .. o i M ik e 4 ' 4 G 0 8 ' w i t h or 3 ’ 2 5 > . j K> 5 3Ck>m N k u p *»« roar old o r an d ta r n a end boy at UT m e t c h o o Sr. p a n e a <# w a # A a r Noma $ 3 ' O N Aon. >oma m » e botoyt#l«ng 4 ’ 8 5 4 3 3 or 4 * ' 6 * 6 6 5 1 T S . f M A Í K f T t N C $ 5 i h o w O apand ng or attpananca NVvrOrN bonuw V uto 5 2 R a R t 'i M i g ra p h n a m am p to yea - t e d a d #aw<3*a M » x » N 8 tawa « n p o m w i naaikad TohP h - * / i M t e t n p c ? want E ■ftt ngrv t o- otn ifi n> o r r x l •>> a d t c a ta ia g i A t o ond FvA hrrt* luftme heip for freshmer and lopKomorei must »k e working (Xrtdoor* Good dnvtng record We offer good pov fnawvng pro gram ond re*ponirbuf»v for nd-vxJ vat* who wodt Sord ond ítke *o t i ce- Ct'njhon rnonpgemeid Cof 4 58 88 3 vteon-cut Low Core 5 2 Roncfc C o m p hey g .f’S k x o t ^ d ■eor Sorrto ^e M * * < o r$o*» r , f ^9 fetm oi# c o v ,r$ e *o n tinxt o«r*a o f G ro m o m v i * O K c rfv ♦ o io w *r> 9 d o rtc e t a o n ii £ ^ < $ 9 IC-Ao^usi 9 C o A io c t J o m e * 4 p r « pH * 7 5 7 S 0 t C o n -p O o r EV-uU- Ronct- C o m p M a « < o 8 ’5’3 r o r » r r u N o w B ru ih R an c h C a m p t e r b o y i t o c a ie d n a a r S a n ta f t N o w M a « < o n o w N r n g w a ia c o u n ia f a n w h o akto «u trv,cl o n a o f te fk o w m g a r t ie n rrn -o p e s tw rrne y n g W S c o w o a Ju n a 1 0 Augud 9 C o e io c l jomai Cangdor S 0 5 7 5 ’ e ! ’-4 o r w n *o B rv th Rone*- C a m p 'a r a r » c N o w M u c o 0 7 5 ’ 3 5 2 SUMMER WORK w ar No» a ik m e d aarrh »o work r» i rr*ar-«»hp p r o g r a m $ 3 9 5 Mk c n e ro g a S A x ta n h th c w M b a ’- o o fb n g K > t\«4 a m a 5Ul A w »x* ond ba *»»a to w o rt or^xeja AjMm- Sand n o w p h o n a w a io r tc S m t - nrork. r4 7 9 CJ»avy CSoaa # 2 0 ’ A n x TX 71752 DAY CAMP POSITIONS Coumetor— fuR Tune. June 4- Jufy 18 Comp experience nec eMory Drama art* and craft* ikJh preferred Arto need pon time W S I CoB Jewish Comma nrfy Center of Aulhn 331 1144 4 JO S8-S20/HR Telephone Sales 3 thrfh 9-1, 1 5 5 9 htow Opar- tc IO# O unxjua a tcib n g ten protac* 0*1» -n k S o o x o ; op«Murta w rü in x *. R U N N E R —»V»1 Xova or» consaderod ond volor* N P o ry K 4 Raquu»» A i*o AI». Mr Fronfc Esporxo 111 Ron» bkt Ln #11 6 * « * - » T« 7 8 7 4 5 4 7 9 W O R D P f t f E C T W c x tlu o - anpa-'-ancod Np«»» te» rtcuS- -.9 0 p o p a r O io n c a to • o r «age» »a*-"w»o»og> $ 5 5 G S » n o n 4 4 C' Muuco»»» » « o n t 4 4 3 3 9 8 3 1 6 5 7 4 2 9 _____________________________ S ’ U 0 E N T W A N T E D te» o teca «»ork. a- - a t p a n i b e r o n d » t o r w o * «***► A v a r C o r a e p a n a n ra d n a ra ta o r. 4 ' ’ 5 C 2 2 5 ' M , i i b a 4-29 820 — Accounting- B ookkeeping PART \ m £ A C C C X J N T r N G CLER K **«*» PC or ’ lOptfT», r» -jpprodM«naHaei & 2 V ajt» p*> : '4*4 v-O-aTT I f »Jtafe orad £KEN-oi A. 6#S. N or .one Ik . far a w 8»v« si w>j4»a. Aw taaai '8 840 ales V2 C ’ 2 1 N-; .M A u ie a a o C an o O c UnOtcJ n o u " to n e r « g o * . K »-gOom U S wthorM nataccang O A-oPr- 45-t ’ ‘ 4 6 4 3 . DAILY TEXAN A D V E R T IN G SALES Thu » The highest pov ng part-time ob o r compon Be/ you rant! work for The monev ir- tvxrte brotntng for o n e monte Appfy o pemor- of TSR 3 210 -n tee TSP Bu rdtr.g For rrformotkoft coR Livef»e of 4 7T 8 6 5 8 - 2 9 8 8 0 — Professional 6-JC asV5ta n t Sw*mm,n - tor H Martov w o n x n g p ro c *c a t. S o A rrto . woo*» v e ond ‘ 5 5 8 tA:üar 0 < t it# » 3 3 ’ 6 79 '—m achote oporwxj» o v o .-wamoiNxvoi to n g u o g a tOOtU " O A t EngitrV- E d oetohad corporohon ipaoton g ES*, «aocharj ‘o- cna»g n m a nr m ja p o r atxa ter Moy wdh otear povteni o v o a o tx e through August D agra# -e quaad and 2 yaor* t i p a w x t rte arad Sand m»nt to ESa. * Q Sot 6 0 2 0 0 H o udon TX " ’205 6 78 890 — Clubs- ~ ~ Restaurants C H iU S RESTAURAN’ nQ« N,r,ng .urvtf or 3uw#r k-Gt» Apprv »> partor ’ 3X3 Buma* Rood 5 2 Aa.i A R O U N D oat pan o r w at» vxxj k t c h a r pfap w cha» - a g »-a- -wipA* 7 am-2pm «6 Sc* atpananca Jncotwean Murta* -te» 1 C o n g ra *» Soa Du«Say or Shaao 4 30 h;RinG K3# t m e iockto» wattoar »oni and CrtlhMry Apply m partor 41ft £ 6te St Saa Stgphonag N* V» 3 3C 5 3 0 N o phona cote 4-79 HEAOtlNERS EAST -» o ccap an g a p p a to - teod bon» tor cocktok tarvart mtkad tarv»ca aapantnca -aqumod Apply b a •waan 6-Spm of 4 0 6 E 6 S* 4 3 0 M « I AN0 ChortM » Rattounon* now Nr n g port tmm teo d tarvan Apply 3 0 0 - 5 00pm '2 0 6 W 34te 5 2 E a i p l o y o i o a t ‘TODAYS TEMPORARY has som ething for everyone. Tm going bock to finish school, my room­ mate is getting her Masters. We plan on arranging our schedules so we can work and attend dosses. My mother works with TODAYS just to get "funny money." Her friend, Janet, is working temporary a few days a week while she interviews for a per­ manent position. Many people work tem­ porary to develop or improve their skills. The best part about working with TODAYS is being able to set our own schedules, work when and where we want to, and still hove all the benefits of M l time employment. Call TODAYS and you II find out that they do have something for everyone." T O D A Y S cifenti call •v ary d ay fon Secretory, Transcription Typist, W ord Processing, Typist, Recept/PfiX, CRT/Dota Entry, 10 Key, Acct O ffice Clerks. M o f e w t r f f . North 346-1440 South 448-2223 MR. GATTIS now hmng delivery drivers, full time positions Can ond port moke up - to $8-510 hour other benefits Must hove own car be 18 yrs. old o r older & carry liability in­ surance Apply in person 3 7 0 6 Jefferson 5 2 5 2 Mr. Gatti's N o w b rin g fo r full an d p a rt p o s itio n s — c o u n te r tim e help M a n y benefits includ­ ing h a lf pn ce meals. A p p ly ir» person at 3 7 0 6 Jefferson A pc>, 3pp»w occap> fo o d Ip * CK»»»ate k u l O ' por" U n a Doy» or -xrve O w r 2 ^ ' 6 7 Gwo- 6ol*vo*> -x q M i * ro ry u > o ^ a * K > r 3ofc-oi ■ X ) o ^ 5 O O prr S 2 CX$jk-wovx#<-5 No exptreoce npcetiory Re<* ?orx3»o &o- Apcyv Ir pe^or 4 30 wo* 60 Gteock3k>pe 39VS 5 3 0 5 -6 ^ULi T‘M£ oay P#r,K>te -vorr^n* App#> ^ 5 OGjpfte M o d D o ^ Qf*d 5■ 2 ’a 249*- 5 -2 900 — Domestic- H ousehold »*Ote4tí cJNád on pc^ babvm vote* ^OMAN bos#* *» 3r«r- 452 4 26 ' S-' w-ANTÉD CHíiDCAÍf ■ • ¿~ip-:-«GiK-w- o -v rtf 6 5 C o * 3 2 ' -6 4 9 3 : 2 home . ‘-.aovan» pue» 9 Room ond b o a r d in e x ­ c h an g e fo r c a re o f giH 12 years ond b o y 6 years jp p e r div $ion N o n sm o xe r o r g ro d u a te student p r e ­ fe rred re ­ qu ired Call M a r y at 4 5 2 - 9 4 8 7 for in fo rm a tio n 8 -5 M -F T ran spo rtatio n 4 7 9 USE TEXAN CLASS­ IFIEDS DIAL 471-5244 800 - G en e ra l H elp W anted INSTANT CASH ANDBONUS i t Y a v can i M a In a 7 ém y parta# — i 81*. « a # l raíate » ( 1 1 Mua < 4 6 teta a # r a r l la tataa a S3 kawm an « W 1C a n# o o a a grog* a* Awitan raaMoaaa. teaataap h a U anca a o a r t lor n a 8JS baaaaao. C r t «76-7*61. ■ a i . - M . 6 S im H n H o w o C* nC*r ¿HONEYS Remtmurmnt Now Hiring From 8&jn.*£ pan. For. Dish wasters Cooks Food Prep Salad Bar Attendants Hostesses Waitpersons Full and Part Time Po­ sitions Available. Our reputation demands the Highest Quality Employees and we romprinsatr according­ ly A p p l y i n p a w n j U 807 Cam ino La Costa (IH35 it HWY 290 exit! (Next to Holiday Inn) B O S U S E T E X A N C L A S S I F I E D S T E X A N C L A S S F I I E D S W O 4 7 5 2 4 4 The Daily Texan/Monday, April 2 8 ,196(VPage 19 me 1 * 0 0 SPECIAL 15 UI0RDS 5 d0 « 3 DOUARS The Da ily Texan UIANT ADS Here i on exciting dossified selling pockoge for rcoders of The Doily Teiott mho mould like to turn unwanted items into cosh! for only $3 - perhaps the most profitoble $3 you ever spent - the Texon will run your 15- word od for five doys. VISA MasterCard T h e Da il y T e xa n 1. *t>itaarttaaa»anta m ■teanMv ■ a * * • « a r ta ta caob (la paraaa). teote. M M (Cartata rtoa*M catta« oMmam A t o n f a t a ara oal araMotali ta k a V o a n r t« a l O a a 1*0-560; and S10 art». Vatoa aT t o a a tea rtta i# «art a rt oacaart SM 0 oart * R U a a art ta 19 aarte. MirtMngl aonta 44 per eerrt per de». WteeeS» erti « e v b« c e a ■ • M tear* ai M n * m ratead or crartlt coa SUMMER SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE DAILY TEXAN Keep up with current University of Texas news and events during the Summer months with a subscription to The Daily Texan. ONLY $ 1 9 .5 0 MasterCard and Visa accepted for the entire summer Student Publicaitons for $19.50 □ P lease bill my MasterCard or V isa (circle one) □ Enclosed please find a check or money order made out to Texas I II l I I I NAME acct.# exp. to ADDRESS C IT Y ____ STATE ZIP M all to : Texas Student Publications P.O. Box D Austin, TX 78713 or bring to TSP B usiness O ffice, Rm 3.200,25th A W hitis Page 20/The Daily Texan/Monday, April 28,1986 Knepper’s four-hit shutout leads Astros by Reds Associated Proas National League H O U ST O N — Bob K nepper pitched a four-hitter and becam e the NL's first four-gam e w inner Su n ­ day, leading H ouston to a 6-0 victo­ ry over Cincinnati. Knepper, 4-0, stru ck o u t fo u r and walked tw o. The A stros h av e w o n 10 of th eir last 12 gam es. John D enny, 1-2, took th e loss. He pitched four innings and gave up six hits and five runs, three of w hich w ere unearned. Cincinnati m ade four errors in losing its third straight gam e and for the seventh time in its last eight gam es. Pirates 13, Phillies 5 PITTSBURGH — Bill A lm o n ho m ered a n d d o u b le d tw ice, d riv ­ ing in four ru n s, a n d P ittsb u rg h en d e d a five-gam e losing streak by routing error-plagued Philadelphia. The Pirates, w h o finished w ith 15 hits, struck for seven runs in the second inning against Steve Carl­ ton, 1-3. The uprising included only tw o hits but three errors by Phila­ delphia, w hich com m itted five in the gam e. 1-0, w e a th e re d M ike Bielecki, tw o -ru n Phillies' the in n in g s fourth a n d sixth for his first victory since b eatin g th e Phillies last O ct. 5. in WHATAWONPERr FUL SURPRJSB! BOY, ARB YOU A SIGHT FOR SORB BYES' YOU, 700, BLONPfS / Mets 5, Cardinals 3 ST. LOUIS — K evin M itchell a n d Tim Teufel hit h o m e ru n s, p o w e rin g N ew York p a st John T u d o r a n d St. Louis for its n in th stra ig h t victory. T he C ard in als lost th e ir se v e n th co nsecutive g am e a n d g o t sw e p t in the four-gam e series by N ew York. W in n er Bob O jeda, 3-0, scattered n in e hits in his seco n d sta rt in th e N ational L eague. T udor, 3-1, lost for only th e seco n d tim e in his last 25 re g u la r-seaso n decisions. Dodgers 7, Braves 4 LOS ANGELES — Jerry R euss pitched seven in n in g s for his first victory of the seaso n a n d Bill R ussell a n d D ave A n d e rso n d ro v e in tw o ru n s apiece, pacing Los A ngeles over A tlanta. R euss, 1-0, m ak in g his second sta rt after a brief stin t th e bu llp en , gave u p th re e ru n s on nine hits. in T he D o d g ers ra p p e d a season- high 13 hits a g a in st A tlanta sta rte r Z an e S m ith a n d tw o relievers. singled in the first inning as San Di­ ego took a 1-0 lead. G w ynn hit a two-run hom er in the third inning and added a solo shot, his third of the season, in the seventh for a 6-0 lead. D ave D ravecky, 2-1, p itch ed sev ­ e n s h u to u t in n in g s before th e Gi­ a n ts rallied for four ru n s in the eig h th . M ike K rukow , 3-1, took the loss. American League Tigers 4, White Sox 1 DETROIT — A tw o -ru n triple in th e sixth in n in g by D etro it's Lou W h itaker broke u p a tig h t p itch in g d u e l b etw een Jack M orris a n d C hi­ cag o 's Joel D avis as th e T igers beat th e W hite Sox to av ert a sw e e p in th e ir th ree-g am e series. M orris, 3-2, allow ed six hits, w alking o n e a n d striking o u t six as he tu rn e d in his first co m p lete gam e of th e season. D avis, 1-1, h ad a o n e -h itte r before the th ro u g h in th e T igers broke sixth. Angels 8, Twins 7 M IN N EA PO LIS - R u p p e rt Jones h o m e re d , singled tw ice a n d scored th re e ru n s a n d Reggie Jackson d o u ­ bled, singled tw ice an d dro v e in tw o ru n s, carry in g California to a victory o v er M innesota. T he A ngels, w ho also got a h om e ru n from Bob Boone, p o u n d e d o ut 14 hits ag ain st four M innesota pitchers. B utler's d o u b le off reliever Dave R ighetti, 2-1, cam e on a 3-2 c o u n t tw o o u ts after B utler had w ith fo u le d o ff c o n s e c u tiv e pitches. s e v e n T he w in n e r w as reliever Scott Bailes, 3-1. Blue Jays 8, Orioles 0 BALTIMORE — G eorge Bell, C e­ cil Fielder a n d Ranee M ulliniks hit hom e ru n s, p o w e n n g Jim C lancy and T o ro n to to a victory o v er Balti­ m ore. Bell a n d Jesse Barfield, w h o each had th re e hits, led a 13-hit assault on four Baltim ore pitchers struck o u t C lancy, 2-1, four, w alked o n e a n d allow ed nin e hits in recording his first sh u to u t a n d first com plete gam e of th e season. Rangers 6, Brewers 2 A R LIN G TO N — Bobby W itt struck o u t 11 batters, a R angers record for rookies, an d Don S laught h ita tw 'o ru n hom er, carrying Texas to a victory o v er M ilw aukee W itt, 2-0, w alked six a n d scat­ tered th re e hits in seven in n in g s Reliever G reg H arris cam e on in the eighth in n in g to finish A s 1, Mariners 0 O A K L A N D , Calif in Rick I ang- ford tu rn e d in his best p itch in g p e r­ form ance tour vears, allow ing just a single a n d tw o w alks in seven innings a n d Jav H ow ell co m p leted .is the co m b in ed O ak lan d beat p u n c h le ss Seattle tw o-hit sh u to u t L angford h ad a no -h itter until the s ix th f o r m e r L onghorn Spike O w e n lined a one- o u t single to right field i n n i n g , w h e n Padres 6, Giants 4 SA N DIEG O — T ony G w v n n hit tw o h o m e rs a n d d ro v e in th re e ru n s to lead San D iego p ast San Francis­ co. G w v n n , w h o w e n t th ree for four, Indians 9, Yankees7 NEW YORK — Brett Butler d ro v e in tw o ru n s w ith a double, cap p in g C le v e la n d 's fo u r-run e ig h th in n in g as the In d ian s rallied for a second tim e to beat N ew \ ork by Charles M. Schulz HI, CLYDE1 BBFOREHBAN- houj've you ageN 9 GONE THROUGH A sw e r s, is h o u u > WARN YOU. CLYP^S FEW CHANGES. / C M tX K * GANGES? I BY GOLLY, IT'S JU SEE YOU AGAIN, MRS. REPFERN! \ D < ID O D CL h - >- CC CL < 0 > CD Peanuts HEY LUCY.. I HEAR YOU VE BEEN ELECTEP ‘‘QUEEN OF THE M AY" rHAT‘5 RIGHT X B.C. ■j- 1986 United F eature Syndicate,Inc BY JOHNNY HART £ N T 6 £ A SO & N a Y T H £ S & Q J ^ i T / C G o A ^ MAG (S ^ A F F iri O fi MiG F A C S 1 8 9 H igh Tem peratures BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed f e a r Associated Press NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST UNTIL .’ A M TUESDAY Expect a partly cloudy M onday with highs in the upper 80s and a Tuesday morning low in the mtd-60s Northeast winds will approach 10 mph The National W eather Service forecasts showers for M onday in parts of Wash mgton. Oregon. Idaho. M ontana Wyoming Utah and Nevada Showers are also expected in a band from Minnesota W isconsin and Michigan south to Louisiana. M ississippi and Alabama YOU CANO COME IN. OR. LBbRUNT IS PE3RIEFIN0 ThE PATIENT \ 15 MR. VALLAS HNAPB YET f 5UR66RY ctC Reco very I ROOM Eyebeam HFY, RfiTLIFF1 HOU'S UNEMPLOYMENT TREATING V YOU'? « u * 4;1 w DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT \T, H U H ? POOR G U V- LAST W E E K YOU WERE A WORKING MAN BASKING IN THE GLORY Of INTERNATIONAL FAME THIS W EEK YOU’RE JUST ANOTHER JOBLESS, LUCKLESS NOBODY Burnt Orange Blues by Van Garrett , '/L A M , V J c i t , ' o Wa*g> CoO\t < -> F o t : U K ' S i F I Mi t * 'IV . ' V 'f F\ L I ' J M k O o J ■ • a P ^jn n Y e ^ M / i KkTCXo.,, I Kj KaLoA V ÍHc H y H I I t lC x d o lT t,,. n /¡j CT T' ^ Skai/ ' iSiL-UV FOCJAV- M T T m s ' ) ro o ^ T A J u s t t O G i M o m t k o L ' O h n il's O l ' S i u l n J S o b R & A l? GSA.LL- / S o e - e v 7HAR- , VA U ( ' C X -/ p : 1 ) n t v t r B c i ie v/€ Aki 'o w e . u o h c T e .u L S >fcx > F bH o uLV B r? T1ET I S A Q-TZ. S f t T p t A C L T o faK ¿ T L/XC t ñ t P ii e .. o O ° -r nr V 'T^ > 7 0 0 . J ■ ^ . x CY&fi, Squib by Miles Mathis by Sam Hurt T O D A Y 'S C R O S S W O R D PUZZLE ACROSS PREVIOUS PUZZLE SOLVED 1 Iowa city 5 Lopsided 9 Protection 14 Make wine 15 Likewise 16 L of AWOL 17 Put in chips 18 Short drive 19 Renown 20 Ibsen heroine 21 Eye 23 Sicknesses 24 Earthquakes 26 Ambush 28 Gorge on 29 Irenic 33 Wading bird 36 Adagio 37 Age 38 Truncates 39 Adobe 40 Disturb 41 Unit 42 Harridan 43 Awareness 44 Cottons 46 Down-under animal 47 Analogous to 48 Whiskey 52 — Andrews 55 — Allan Poe 57 Lounge 58 Redolence 60 Additionally 61 Adequate of old 62 Presenter 63 Devastate 64 — souci 65 Promised 66 Desires 67 Weaver’s 10 , N R A > ■ O P i V E R S E D m dM[L 1 Ms O L ■ V 1 O L E N T R K sfe( G Sitfs\ S E , Ms T A 1 c A ! L | Ic 0 v e | | E W E ; R | reed DOWN 1 — garde 2 Trivial 3 — nous 4 Liners 5 Classify 6 Some Finns 7 Fail to mention 8 Regret 9 Pub product 10 Prescription 11 Pall — 12 Race track 13 Soaks 22 Witticism 25 Wood 27 Honor card 29 Discomforts 30 Wild plant 31 Scotch mists 32 Modern 33 Walk heavily 34 Singer — Tenmlle 35 Accessible 36 Humped animal 39 Auto part 40 Bold 42 Windy City 43 Old French coin 45 Allure 46 Dullheads 48 Depression 49 Pedestrian 50 Oxygen form 51 Informative 52 Parents 53 Kick up — — 54 Taboo joke 56 Paste 59 Subsist around campus Around Campus is a daily col­ umn listing University-related ac­ tivities sponsored by academic de­ partments, student services and registered student organizations. To appear in the Around Campus column, organizations must be reg­ istered with the Office of Student A ctivities. Announcements must be subm itted on the correct form by 11 a.m . the day before publication to T he D a ily Texan office. No excep­ tions w ill be made. S tu d e n t V o lu n te e r S e r v ic e s n eeds v o lu n teers to w ork w ith ab u sed or neglected ch ild ren . Tim e training b egins in is flexible and inform ation, call M ay For m ore 471-3065. The Student Health Center is re­ cruiting p e e r instructors to discuss m e th o d s of contraception. T raining begins the second su m m e r session. C ourse credit h r HED 278 will be given for each sem ester of p a rtic ip a ­ tion C all W anda at 471-4955, Ext. 212, for details. T he Students' A ssociation M i­ nority A ffairs C om m ittee a n d the D ean of S tu d e n ts Office will s p o n ­ 'M o n d ay N ig h t S tu d v " from 7 sor in the E ducation Building to 9 p m 330-A. S tu d e n ts w ith hem ophilia should contact the S tu d en t H ealth C en ter for possible inform ation a n d a ssist­ a n t C all Sheri Allen at 471-4955, Ext 142. I he Student Health Center is o f­ fering C PR classes Call 471-4955, Ext 231, tor m ore inform ation The Student Health Center needs stu d e n ts w h o have TYpe 1 diabetes to assist m the V o lu n teer S u p p o rt Program For m ore inform ation, call Sheri Mien a t 471-4955, Ext 142 1 he S tu d e n t Health Center w ill p re se n t a M ethods of C o n tra c e p ­ c l a s s tor m a l e s an d fem ales at tion the S tu d e n t n p m M onday in c a l l 4M -495s H ealth C e n te r 44s 1 \t 242 to register C ircle K w ill hold a going-aw ay partv tor Mu key a n d D odie Streiber at p in M onday in the Pharm acy Building 2 1 It) 1 he B aptist S tu d e n t U nion w ill sp o n so r a free aerobics class at 3:30 p m M onday at the Baptist s t u d e n t c e n te r 22()4 San A ntonio St I he B aptist S tu d e n t U nion w ill hold a d in n e r for in tern atio n al stu ­ d e n ts at t p m M onday at th e Bap­ tist S tu d en t C en ter 22(14 San A n to ­ nio St C ost s,] I he B aptist S tu d en t U nion w ill i fter a low er level conversational E n g l i s h . i.i-s at ; p m M ondav at tin Baptist S tu d e n t C en ter 22U4 San A ntonio St 1 he Elect W ard W hite C om m ittee will rally at ~ L p m M onday in t h e levas U nion B uilding E astw oods Room C.uests N ina B utts Max N ofzigt r Beer and m u n ch tes I he R ussian C lub w ill m eet at 3 p m 1 uesday in C a lh o u n Hall 422 P o r t u g u e s e will hold Bate Papo P ortu g u ese co n v ersation h o u r I he D ep a rtm e n t of S p a n ish and a at '■ p m M onday on the patio ol the lev as I nion Building ( i n s i d e it it r a i n s ) U niversity A l-A non w ill m eet at in noon M ondays and T h u r s d a y s fiii S tu d e n t H ealth C e n te r 4(H Al- \n o n is a su p p o rt g r o u p tor a d u l t c hildren, relatives a n d f r i e n d s of al- I o h o l k S T he D e p a rtm e n t of Petroleum 1 n g in e e n n g will sp o n so r a s e m i n a r on log d a ta tran sm issio n an d p n v cessing at 3 p m M onday in the C hem ical P etroleum E ngineering B uilding 2 20>v Phi l l i p I reem an of V h lum berger S peaker The G A P w ill interview for m an­ ag em en t trainees W ednesday The G A P is in te re ste d in liberal a r t s s tu ­ d e n t s w ho are g ra d u a tin g in M ay or D ecem ber Sign u p in B eauford H Jester C e n te r A 115 The Jo u rn al C lu b and the D epart­ m ent of G erm anic L anguages will sp o n so r a lecture, "W irkliches. fic- tiv e s L e b e n 'N e u e Sa- u n d chlichkeit E rnst I nch N o th " at 4 m M o nday in the Batts H all To- sm Room Speaker: Ingo S to e h r, a s­ s i s t a n t in stru c to r in G erm an T he C atholic Student A ssociation will sp o n so r a p re se n ta tio n by the g ro u p B eyond W ar at 7:30 p .m . M onday at the U niversity C atholic C enter. T he Institute of Latin Am erican S tudies will sp o n so r a w o rk sh o p on Industrial R econversion a n d Eco­ nomic A p e rtu ra The Role of H igh Technology in M exico" from 9 a.m . to 5 p.m . M onday a n d from 9 a .m . to 1 p .m . T u esd ay m th e O ld M usic B uilding 3.102. The w o rk sh o p is p ri­ marily in S panish. The RTF Club w ill meet at 7 p.m. W ed n esd ay in the Jesse H. Jones C o m m u n icatio n C e n te r a u d ito riu m . A genda, elections, club charter. The Students' Association re­ m inds all stu d e n ts that M o n d av an d I uesd ay are th e final d a y s to a b se n ­ tee vote for th e May 3rd prim aries. S tu d e n ts can vote from 8 a .m . to 5 p.m . at th e W alter W ebb Faculty C enter, The Japanese Conversation Club a n n o u n c e s th a t T u e sd a y 's m eeting has b een cancelled. The Department of Linguistics will sp o n so r a colloquium on "On the P h on ology of C onsonants: Som e C onsequences of Phonetic Uni versáis" at 3 p.m . M onday in Parlin Hall 201. Speaker: Biom Lindblom of the Departm ent of Lin­ guistics at Stockholm U niversity. The Department of M usic w ill present the UT Sym phony Band at 8 p .m . M onday at Bates Recital Hall. CACTUS UTMOST UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY $22.24 $30.01 After publication 5.98 10.00 New stand Price .99 1.4 1 29.21 41.42 1 .7 9 2.53 GO AHEAD I BURSTGbfLBOB _ S e le c t Optional Hnim nal fe e s $52.00 0^ Atbletics 02 Locker, basket 03 CEC Discount 04 Dram a Dept lee (ic publications pkg 07 utmost Magazine 08 student Directon/ 09 p e r e g n nu sVe a rb oo 10 C Parking 14 N1 Parking SOCIAL SECURITY NO. i® li^ © M © p |4H a t Mm £ P A S E c l e a n l v ..- N u r s i n g S t u 0 n W “ $12 20 P.ol 1iab'"'V $ 2.00 $25.00 $12.00 $ 3 10 0 $26.00 $ 8.50 $ 1.50 $13.80 $12.00 $ 8 .00 © o 130 © O © O © O ®o ©o ©o ®o ®o ©o @o ®o ©o ©o © O @ 0®o ®o .50 © O A2704 UTMOST 3 uv i takes | a d o n k e y to I the Races UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY uaining the upper hand ■Squat! ot underclassmen M E N S T EN N IS V A R S IT Y A T H L E T IC S ln itÍQ te 1 Horn# ITSTAXni.XGSTrPEXTS ® PASS/FAIL ONLY © Y E S UNIQUE NO. !© © © © © Oldest student publication at the University Preserves the events of the academic year Coverage of student experiences in academ­ ics, athletics and student organizations Contains class pictures: freshmen through graduate students Limelight section highlights the Outstanding students, Goodfellows and Honoraries HAVE YOUR NEXT FOOD ORDER READY AND WAITING! To save time and energy, McDonald’s® has created a special telephone takeout order service called Dial ‘M .’ Perfect for parties and late night study breaks, Dial ‘M’ makes it possible for one person to collect everybody’s food order (minimum total $10.00) and then phone in to have it all ready for super-quick pick-up. So collect a $10.00 order and McDonald’s®will give you a FREE sand­ wich of your choice when you pick it up. With Dial ‘M’ everybody gets a a quick, great tasting meal! Minimum Order $10.00 Limit one FREE sandwich per order FOR INFORMATION CONTACT MCDONALD’S® 2021 Guadalupe (Dobie Mall) 476-7259 IT'S A GOOD TIME FOR THE GREAT TASTE mJ M c D o n a u Complete TV Listings Advertising Supplement to The Daily Texan April 28-May 4,1986 Landon shines in NBC’s ‘Highway to Heaven Associated Press - L O S AN G EL E S There was plenty of w eepin g during N BC's decade as the third-place network, but it was Michael Landon, playing an angel on highway to heaven, who taught NBC how to milk big ratings from tears. Brandon Tartikoff, president of NBC Entertainment, recalled Lan­ don s pitch on highway to heaven. Michael told us that producers come in with show s that make peo­ ple laugh. ' There's a need for co m e ­ dy, but I don't profess to be able to do that,' he said. 'But ... I can make people cry, and it people cry they're going to com e back the following week " I andon, who had created Little house on the Praine told NBC that this time he wanted to play an angel who helps people help themselves rartikoff rem em bers thinking that NBC owed I a n d o n something for h i s previous good work, s o the net­ work would let him get this angel show out of his system But when h ighw ay to h eav en be- came the highest testing dramatu pilot NBC s ever had, network exec uti\i s recognized I a n d o n knew his constituency better than thev did I he previous highest testing drama pilot was I ittlt' h iiu se on th e Prai ríe W hen highwa\ in Se p te m be r 1984, to heaven was introduced it filled .1 void At the time television offered no hom espu n, family d ra ­ mas is / nough or I ittle house like 1 he Waltons ligh t Landon was right. Viewers came back every week, and highway to heaven was an immediate success. It is invariably in or near the Top 10. Not only was it a hit, but it also gave NBC' a toehold against A BC 's po w ­ erful lineup, led by Dynasty, and drew additional viewers to St. Else­ where, a show with a smaller, but dem ographically audi­ ence. valuable, " O u r posture on W ednesday night has always been to do a very competitive second-place rating to ABC during the season and win the night during the 22 weeks when 'Dynasty' is not o n , " Tartikoff said. St. Elsewhere has never been a Top 10 series but, because part of its loyal audience is in the same tax bracket a s many doctors, it got a higher advertising rate than another medical show, CBS' Trapper John, M.D., w h ic h had m o re total viewers Unlike Trapper John, St. Else­ where doesn't provide 60-m inute tu re s each week. Its doctors aren't gods, either They commit a wide from ordering need­ range of sins less operations to raping nurses, in the case of one crazy who was later shot bv a nurse They're not always warm and lovable, but they are very human and never dull "B ru ce Paltrow and Steven Bo- chco cam e to us with a pilot called O p e r a ti n g R o o m ," ' Tartikoff s a i d . It was a funny look at doctors and hospitals, but NBC turned it down That pilot contained the seeds for both St Elsewhere and hill Associated Press I O S A N G l I I S British director kc\ m C on nor s.ivs he didn t have an) tiMrs tai kling the American Civ il V\,ir in \B( s \ o rth a n d S o u th Bi h >k II It was the fourth miniseries tor ( < nnor who started to attract n o ­ tice as a dire* tor 11 vears ag o with a series of adventure films based on Ismks bv I il^iii K k e B u rro u g h s It wasn't daunting to me, in fact " I h e il V\ar is almost a part it vs,is groat \m t n in L <>t the I nglish st hool curriculum said C o n n o r Connor directed all 12 hours of the minisenes tor David I Wolper Productions and W arner Bros lele It s based on l o v e a n d IVar vision tin* second volume in |ohn lakes tnlogv about a Northern family and a ‘southern family in the middle of the last i enturv I he storv takes up where the first minisenes left oft in N ovem ber The first show which got big ratings, took the Hazards of Pennsylvania and the Mains of South Carolina to Ihe new series the brink of war plunges into the historic battles and the this country apart issues tore that The new series features a large cast of returning stars plus 12 spe­ cial guest stars including Olivia de Havilland and I ee Horsley It takes longer when you direct it all, but it's more than satisfying," C o nnor said "I'v e d one tw o m in ­ isenes w here we split them betw een direc tors For M istra l’s Daughter I direc ted the second half in Provence and Pans h>r M a ster (it th e Game, I directed in Kenva three hours first the "I t's not very satisfying to do half British director brings life to new ABC movie Michael Landon, star of NBC’a Highway to Heaven, dWogueswith Ed Asner in one of the show’s episodes. Street Blues," Tartikoff said. "A fter we tested it, we said we didn't think the American public was ready to make their doctors mortal. They still wanted them godlike. That's how we got to hill Street Blues, because Bochco joined up with Michael Ko- zoll after our suggestion that the formula was right but the profes­ sion should be cops instead of doc­ tors. "A fter the ground w as broken we went back to Bruce Paltrow and asked him if he was still in terested ." St. Elsewhere joined the Tuesday it schedule moved to W ednesday. The show went now here in the ratings, but NBC kept the faith. in 1982. N ext year "W e didn't have any pilots that we thought were b ette r," Tartikoff said. "Secondly, we thought the program had made enormous cre­ ative progress. It was better at the end of the season than it was at the start." Actually, St. Elsewhere's cancella­ tion was a virtual certainty in the spring of 1983, as NBC was prepar­ ing to announce its 1983-84 sched­ ule. "It was gone," Tartikoff re­ called, noting that Paltrow had been told not to order new scripts. to St. FranrisviUe, La., to N atchez, M iss., to C harleston, to S .C ., C am den, Ark. The budget was $25 million. "O u r greatest savings was in the re-enactm ent of the b attles," he said. "W e had five great battles to fortunately, we had shoot. But, there who re-enact 1,500 people Civil W ar battles as a hobby. We couldn't have done it without them. "W e staged five great battles in three days. We did the first battle of Bull Run, Antietam , Little Round Top at Gettysburg, Lynchburg and Petersburg. W e also did the surren­ der at Appom attox. We did all the battles on a big ranch outside of Natchez We picked five sites that looked as near as w e could find to the real battle sites." The battle scenes were filmed with five cam eras. Then the cam er­ as were moved to new positions and the battles were re-enacted again. That gave the film editors 10 views of each battle to use. "The re-enactment companies brought their own horses, bullets and rifles," Connor said. "They camped out and ate the same kind of food they ate in the Civil War." Connor was bom in Hart- fordshire, England, and made his first foray into directing by making films of his school's sporting events. At 16 he contacted every film com­ pany in the phone book and got his first job as an assistant editor train­ ee. After service in the Royal Air Force, he went back to work as an editor trainee. He rose to editor on Oh, What a Lovely War and Young Winston, both for director Richard Attenborough. Horsley co-stars in dvff war saga. of a television s h o w ," he said "It's either your baby or it's n o t." Connor spent 114 days directing the show , from August to January. Filming took him from Los Angeles Smart Styling For Students. Sure, you’re learning a lot. Important things about the past and the future. And lessons for today, like style—who has it, and who doesn't. Command Performance In a class by ourselves Free personal consultation with every visit. No appoint­ ment necessary. $3°° OFF OFFER ® 1986 COMMPERF INC Shampoo, Scalp Monago, Cut ft Stylo; Reg. *16 '13 with ID STYLING SALONS Sow *3” on Ful Jondeo Cuh WHhfludmtlD North H # H M o l 451-8912 2438 W. Andonon Ln. 453-5743 Wm. Connor al I-35 443-4659 S. Lamar at Bon Mule 447-2776 South TV Watch Weekly O ’Neil D. Hamilton Editor Display Advertising Rachel Wax man Lon Ruszkowski C hm Bake Susan Flood L eu Dorsett Jeff Wallace Lynn C dgin Maity Sc hac k Denise Johnson Sara Shaw Kay Carpenter Leanne Ney Call 471-1865 T V W a t d l W e e k l y is pub­ lished by Texas Student Publica­ tions as an advertising supple­ ment to The D aily Texan and appears Mondays with regular publication of The D aily Texan. Stations reserve the right to make changes from material stated in the TV listings. PREG-6/W / PREG 'Jane PREG&m- PREGLrnn PREGMa/y PREGVarta* Nancy is..., And you might be. If there* a chance, Cal us...Wé care about you. • Free Testing • Results While Ybu Wbit •Confidentiality 24 HOUR HOTUNE 454-2622 A I S I I \ / C R I S I S I 1 R E C N A N C Y ^ — -E N T E R 3810 Medical Parkway, Suite 255 Av Westin runs tight operation on ‘20-20’ Associated Press NEW YORK — In 1976, Av W es­ tin worked as a documentary pri>- ducer for a little-known com m uni­ cations company named Capital Cities. Ten vears later. C ap C ities owns ABC, W estin ru n s ABC News' 20-20 and hi-, former and current bosses still are putting a microscope to the bottom line "Their philosophy is decentral­ ized management ln the news divi­ sion, you're responsible tor your own operation," Westin said But it programs go over budget unneces­ sarily, he said, "You'll be invited to seek employment elsew here." In the wake of major econom izing at ABC, including 75 staff cuts at ABC News recently, the Cap Cities mind-set his been closely analyzed inside and outside the network Be­ cause of his previous Cap Cities connection, W estin's insights are worth noting. Westin was executive producer of ABC's evening newscast until he criticized the new division's opera­ tions and was fired in 1976 He formed his own production com pa­ ny and was asked by Cap Cities to do a documentary on the energy cri­ sis. At the time, Cap Cities was one of the few syndicators of public affairs programs. "The way they operate is that they ask what you need to do a jo b ," Westin "Then they ask ques­ tions about the num ber of days of filming and other co sts." A budget is established. "If I went over, that would be my problem ," Westin said. "If I went under, they didn't expect any money back. What we're now seeing here at ABC is essentially the same policy." Editorially, Thomas Murphy and Daniel Burke, Cap Cities' chief exec­ utives, gave Westin freedom on the energy project. "T h ey never got in the w ay," he said. Their no-frills corporate offices also left an impression. Burke and Murphy shared one secretary and a coffee pot, Westin remembered. Murphy, Burke and a Cap Cities lawyer screened the documentary, asked some pertinent questions and let it run unchanged. They later another program commissioned from Westin, and he was research­ ing the documentary on privacy in 1977, when Roone Arledge, the in­ coming president of ABC News, in­ vited Westin back. Westin eventually became execu­ tive producer of ABC's news maga­ zine, 20-20. Forced to compete against strong entertainm ent shows in CBS' Knot's Landing and NBC's Hill Street Blues, 20-20 survived by doing a broader mix of stories, with more music, lifestyle and consumer reports than 60 Minutes. Unlike 60 Minutes, which runs repeats in the summer, 20-20 does all original broadcasts, requiring some 170 seg­ ments a year. Last year, Westin also supervised 45-85, an ambitious three-hour pro­ gram analyzing the post-World War II era ITie broadia'.t won critical ai claim and also impressed L ap I ities as a model of efficiency Westin con strutted the shtm with staffers from 20-20 and some underutilized elet tion-umt workers v\ ho were expon­ ent ed in editing tape "Everybody h a s spare capacity Westin said I sing the same spare-capacity philosophy, Westin currently is su p e rn sing a project that will Kx>k at 50 years of Life magazine. I he pro­ ducers have reunited the principals from some of I ife s tlassu pictures such as the 19=>v photo ot 25 kids stuffed into a phone txxith The two-hour broadcast will be on in November, a sweeps month not normally reserved for lower­ rated news broadcasts is "Ih a t's prixif of management s different vision," Westm said The usual network mentality that pnme time belongs to the entertain­ ment side. But they don't have that mental set They com e from a local news (Cap Cities owned local stations) where new s is revenue." environment Further proof next season will be Thursday at 8 p. m. — Bill Cosby's time. ABC has failed with entertain­ ment shows against NBC's Cosby Show, so Cap Cities asked the new s division to develop a program for that time slot. It would be cheaper than an entertainm ent series and have greater prestige potential One certainty: It w on't be a maga­ zine show, which would detract from 20-20 later Thursday night. Westin, who also is vice president for program developm ent at ABC News, the new' project. is developing Developing new programs is a high-risk business. In 1983, Westin failed with The Last Word, an hour- long program that followed Night- line. So he has some sympathy for the producers of the new est genera­ tion of news magazines: CBS' West 57th, which returns next W ednes­ day, and NBC's American Almanac, which is being revamped for June and, if successful enough and good enough over the summer, would gain a spot in next season's fall line­ up. It's very difficult finding a distinct niche after 60 Minutes and 20-20.’ American Almanac, which started out as a casual slice of Americana, has been instructed by NBC News brass to toughen its stories. NBC had initially envisioned staging the program as a 'lite news' the descriptive is feature which term often used for news program with a discussionary format. How­ ever, the growing com petitiveness in the arena of TV news has all but taken 'pure reporting' out of focus. "T he first executive producer of any magazine project has the hard­ est jo b ," Westin said. "In the start­ up period, you spend all day devel­ oping a format and talking about sets, desks and carpets, not the news product." H i n ifciV t Sim rt% To Be AnnouncedI ® SPORTSCENTER 10 30 EVENING 000 © SIDELINE SPORTS ® SPORTSCENTER ® INSIDE BASEBALL 0 30 7 0 0 1100 ® NFL SUPERSTARS Profiled Randy White 11 30 ® WORLD OF SPORTS ® TENNIS MAGAZINE REPORTS CD WRESTLING ® BASEBALL S GREATEST HITS Highlights ol the 71 An Star Game (Ri 7 30 ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Oiviskhi f nal il ne ie ssary (NOTF S tarting time is tentative Game .s subjr* t to blackout ) i ® NBA TODAY ® SPORTSLOOK 1200 12 30 100 1 30 ® CD ACCION © MOTOWORLD ® SPORTSCENTER 0 30 9 0 0 10 30 11 00 ® NFL SUPERSTARS P rofiled Eddie l e Baron and Doug Atkins 11 30 ® SON OF FOOTBALL FOLLIES Players re fe ra s and half tim e entertainers become slapstick com edians caught by the cameras in a number >f unpredu table often embar rassmg situations ® INSIDE BASEBALL 1200 12 30 ® MARK SOSIN S SALT WATER JOURNAL 1 00 ® SPORTSLOOK 1 30 © WRESTLING ® SPORTSCENTER 2 0 0 ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Diviston Final if necessary (R) \ | M it S EVENING 6 0 0 ® SPORTSCENTER 6 3o ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Division Final, (Live) (NOTE Starting time is if necessary tentative Game is subject to blackout ) © GREAT AMERICAN OUTDOORS 7:20 ® NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams To Be Announced) © OUTDOORS WITH BILL HARPER ® NFL DRAFT 86 PICKS OF THE PROS ® SPORTSCENTER 2 00 ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS D.vis.on Final if necessary (R > I h u i M l a V * Si m r t \ AFTERNOON 1200 ® TENNIS Volvo M onte C arlo Open, final matches from M onaco (R) ® ROLLER DERBY 3 0 0 4 00 ® AUTO RACING Am erican Racing Series from Phoenix (R) 4 35 ® BASEBALL New York Mets at A tlanta Braves (Live) ® SPORTSLOOK ® TENNIS MAGAZINE REPORTS 5:00 5:30 EVENING 6:00 ® SPORTSCENTER 6:30 ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Wales Confer­ ence Championship Game One (Live) (NOTE Starting time is tentative Game is subject to blackout ) 7:20 ® NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams To Be Announced) © OUTDOOR NEWS NETWORK ® SPEEDWEEK ® INSIDE THE PGA TOUR ® SPORTSCENTER 11:00 ® NFL SUPERSTARS Profiled Deacon Jones ® FISHIN’ HOLE ® HORSE RACING WEEKLY ® SPORTSCENTER 11:00 ® TOP RANK BOXING Henry Tillman vs Bash Alii for the NABF cruiserweight title, scheduled for 12 rounds, from Las Vegas. Nev (R) (B MOTOWORLD ® SPORTSLOOK ® SPORTSCENTER 12:00 CD MOTORCYCLE RACING Daytona 200 Classic (R) ® HIG H SCH O O L BASKETBALL McDonald's All-American Classic from De­ troit (R) ® SPORTSLOOK ® SPORTSCENTER (D WRESTLING (B WRESTLING © MOTOWORLD ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Division Final, if necessary (R) W e d n e s d a y ’ s S i m i t s EVENING 6:00 6:30 7:00 ® SPORTSCENTER ® NBA TODAY 6:35 ® BASEBALL New York Mets at Atlanta Braves (Live) © WRESTLING ® BASEBALL'S GREATEST HITS Advent of the Game 7:30 ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Division Final, if necessary (Live) (NOTE Starting time is tentative Game is subject to blackout ) 8:00 © BOXING Rocky Lockridge (38-2, 32 KOs) vs Pedro Montero (22-6, 15 KOs) in a junior lightweight bout scheduled for 10 rounds, live from Atlantic City, N.J. 9:20 Q ) NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams ® NFL DRAFT 86: PICKS OF THE PROS f r i d a y ’ s S m i t s EVENING 6:00 ® SPORTSCENTER 6:30 O ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WOM­ EN ® KENTUCKY DERBY PREVIEW 6:35 ® BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Philadel­ phia Phillies (Live) © NAME OF THE GAME IS GOLF ® TOP RANK BOXING John Meekins (11-0- 1) vs David Taylor (10-4-2) in a junior wel­ terweight bout scheduled for 10 rounds, live from Atlantic City, N J 7:00 7:30 © JIMMY HOUSTON OUTDOORS 9:00 ® STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS (Joined In Progress) Campbell Conference Champion­ ship Game One (Live) (Subject to blackout) 9:20 3 ) NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams To Be Announced) ® SPORTSCENTER 11:30 12:00 © DAY AT THE RACES ® AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL ® SPORTSLOOK ® SPORTSCENTER 1:00 1:30 7:00 7:30 9:30 10:30 1.00 1:30 2:00 3:00 4:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:30 12:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 4:00 4:05 4:35 5:00 5:06 5:30 6:30 7:00 10:30 1140 1240 12:30 1:30 2 4 0 ® AUTO RACING IMS A Grand Pnx from Gainesville Ga (R) 3:30 ® AUTO RACING Formula One Grand Prix of San Marino from Imola Italy (R) and individual competitions, from Gainesville Fla (Taped) I FUN OF FISHING ga. Ala (Taped) AUTO RACING ARCA 500k from Tallade­ © FISHING WITH ROLAND MARTIN S a t u r d a y ' s S i m i t s © MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED AFTERNOON 12-00 © T H IS OLD YACHT © WRESTLING 34 O BASEBALL Regional coverage of At­ lanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies or Cali­ fornia Angels at Milwaukee Brewers (Live) ® KENTUCKY DERBY PREVIEW 12:30 D CBS SPORTS SPECIAL; NCAA MEN'S GYMNASTICS The best male collegi­ ate gymnasts compele in team, all-around individual competitions, from Lincoln. and Neb (Taped) ® SPEEDWEEK I t » 50 D e l m u n do d e l b ox ® TENNIS U S Clay Court Championships, women s final and men s semifinal, from Indi­ anapolis (Live) 1:30 f) © NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game Teams To Be Announced) 2 4 0 a © WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Sched jled Mike Tyson (19-0, 19 KOs) vs James Quick Tittis (31-8. 24 KOs) m a heavyweight live from oout scheduled for 10 rounds, Glens Falls. N Y , Kentucky Derby pre-race live from Louisville, Ky., Kentucky eport Daks horse race, for three-year-old fillies, in Louisville. Ky 'rom Churchill Downs Taped 5/2) 3.-00 © TOM MANN OUTDOORS 50 O PGA GOLF Panasonic Las Vegas Invi­ tational. third round (Live) 3 30 ® O KENTUCKY DERBY The 112th edition for three-year-old of the Run for the Roses, live from thoroughbreds at 1 1/4 miles, Churchill Downs in Louisville. Ky © RAYO BRECKENRIDGE OUTDOORS © FISHIN' WITH ORLANDO WILSON 3:35 4:00 I CBS SPORTS SPECIAL NCAA WOM­ ( D I EN’S GYMNASTICS The top female collegi­ ate gymnasts compete in team, all-around © BABE W1NKELMANS GOOO FISHING EVENING © COLLEGE SPORTS REVIEW © SPORTSCENTER © COLLEGE SPORTS ©SPORTS SPECIAL © STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Wales Confer­ ence Championship Game Two (Live) (NOTE: Starting time is tentative.) 1040 ©SPORTSCENTER © © BOXEO DESOE MEXICO ©WRESTLING © fl RUMBO AL MUNOiAL 54 O WRESTLING © ROLLER DER8Y © SPORTSCENTER 2:30 © TENNIS U.S. Clay Court Championships, women's final and men's semifinal, from Indi­ anapolis (R) Sunday's Sports AFTERNOON 2:30 CD © NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams To Be Announced) © © ESTA SEMANA EN BEISBOL 340 54 O PGA GOLF Panasonic Las Vegas Invi­ tational, final round (Live) 4:30 © HIDOEN HEROS rv watch Weekly/Monday. April 2 8 .1986/Page 15 0 TENNIS U.S. Clay Court Championships, men’s final, from Indianapolis. (Taped) ROOEO Mesquite Championship Rodeo from Mesquite. Texas. In stereo 540 5:90 640 645 © OUTDOOR ENCOUNTER EVENING ©BASSMASTERS I WRESTLING 6:30 © ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS FOR WOM­ EN © SPORTSCENTER 740 © AMERICAN SPORTS CAVALCADE Fea­ tured American Speed Association Stock Car Races from Cincinnati. Ohio. In stereo © STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Campbell Conference Championship Game Two. (Live) (NOTE: Starting time is tentative. Game is subject to blackout.) ¡2!} HIOOEN HEROS ©SPORTS PAGE 940 945 9:30 B ROOEO Mesquite Championship Rodeo from Mesquite, Texas. In stereo. ©SPORTSCENTER 1040 10:30 © COUNTRY SPORTSMAN Bobby Lord goes fishing for grouper in the Gulf Of Mexico out of Destín, Fla. In stereo. 1140 ©BAS8MASTERS S I ACCION of the '71 All-Star Game. (R) BASEBALL'S GREATEST HITS Highlights 11:30 © TOP RANK BOXING John Meekins vs. David Taylor in a junior welterweight bout scheduled for 10 rounds, from Atlantic City, N.J. (R) ©HIOO EN HEROS ©SPORTSCENTER 2:30 © STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Campbell Conference Championship Game Two. (R) ©WRESTLING 1240 1:30 440 ~ SUMMER SHORTS 11 9 MEN'S*LADIES’ TWILL BLEND Academy Everyday Low Price...2.99 9 9 a O T W P W c A n p m . 2 MAN VINYL BOAT Style «6478 Academy Everyday Low Pr1co...14.99 q r a b o f c S S FREESTYLE LADIES’ LEATHER COURT SHOE Academy Everyday LowPrice...39.99 A Q Q 9 ^ E A C H ¿ 9 3 PACK CREW OR SPORT CUFF v S . i f - * / • 1 $7 VALUES,. 4103 N. Interregional, 603 E. Ben White, 8103 Research Blvd.. 6601 Burnet Roatf ACADEMY S T 0 K H O U R S M O N .-F H .8 :3 0 A .M .-9 P .M ., S A T . 4 S U N . 5 :3 0 A N - 7 I N . Page 14/TV Watch Weekly/Monday April 28 1986 ................. — ........... McndaV** Hcvies EVENING M O 0 A A A "The Badtanders (1958) Alan Ladd, Ernest Borgntne Two men scheming to steal a goid shipment wind up at a M exi­ can fiesta 7:00 (No Date) Joanna © A A Mi "C loak And Dagger (1984) Henry Thomas. Dabney Coleman An 11 year old with an overzealous im agination becomes entangled in a real-tife spy adventure when he witnesses a m urder and the theft of top- secret military docum ents PG : ) 0 ( B Alicia Y Alicia Fomm, Lucelia Santos (1984) David 0 A A "H o t Dog The Movie Naughton Patrick Houser An Idaho farm boy, participating in a freestyle skiing com pe­ tition, finds romance and fun. as well as a rivalry with the reigning Austrian cham pion R 'g 0 A A A G reystoke The Legend Of Tar- zan, Lord Of The Apes (1984) Ralph R ich­ ardson, Christopher Lam bert A frican apes raise an orphaned boy from a helpless to d ­ dler to an intelligent and experienced hunter PG 7 05 © A A A A "Z u lu " (1964) Stanley Baker, Jack Hawkins A small British patrol tries to hold off an onslaught of thousands of Zulu warriors 8:00 13$ O * A * An Early F ro st" (1985) Aidan Quinn, Gena Rowlands A fam ily's peaceful existence is shattered by their son's revela­ tion that he is a homosexual — and that he s contracted AIDS In stereo ( R )g 0 A A Lady C hatterley's Lover (1981) Syl­ via Knstel, Nicholas Clay Based on D H Lawrence's story about the wife of a para­ plegic English aristocrat who takes her hus­ band s gam ekeeper as her lover R © A A A A Father Of The B ride" (1950) Spencer Tracy, Elizabeth Taylor A father ex­ periences all of the joys and headaches in ­ volved with the preparations for his daugh­ ter s upcom ing w edding 9 0 0 CD A A 1 > S tarm an" (1984) Jefl Bridges, Karen Allen An alien comes to Earth and dis­ covers a hostile environm ent in which he along with a widow he encounters, is re le nt­ lessly pursued by scientists who want the creature tor a lab experim ent PG g 0 0 "Las Muieres De Mi General Date) Pedro Infante Lilia Prado (No i A A "T he Hills Have Eyes II” (1985) M i­ chael Berryman, Kevin Blair En route to a desert m otorcycle race, a busload of teen­ agers encounters a tribe a m urderous sa­ vages R 1 uwday S Hi vies EVENING 6 0 0 0 A A '-y The Boy From Dead Man s Bay ou (197 II Mitch Vogel John M clntire Two young boys search tor the silver bell of their church which was destroyed by a hurricane 7 00 The Last Dragon (No Date) Federico © A A (1985) Taimak Vanity An aspiring m artial arts master s ro manee with a video disc jockey is threatened by a neighborhood hooligan PG 13 g 0 A ’ j G od s Gun (1976) I ee Van Cleef Jack Palance A gunfighter comes out of re tirem ent to avenge the cold blooded murder of a preacher 0 0 El Testamento Luppi, Julia Von Grolm an © (1984) Clint Fast wood, Genevieve Bujold While investigating a series of grisly sex murders, a tough New Orleans cop discovers that he has much in com m on with the killer he is pursuing R g Qi) A A '? Sixteen Candles (1984) Molly Ringwald, Anthony Michael Hall An insecure Midwestern teen-ager s 16th birthday goes unremembered, just another sym ptom of the pain of adolescence and grow ing up in a mid dle-class family PG A A ’ r Tightrope 8:00 0 a a Mountain Family Robinson (1979) Robert Logan Susan Damante Shaw A city family runs into trouble with the forestry ser vice when they seek a simpler lifestyle in the wilderness G 9:00 © A A C H U D (1984) John Heard Dan­ iel Stern Radioactive wastes illegally stored in the subterranean tunnels of New York City give rise to a race of m urderous m utants R 0 0 El Extraño Caso De Lou Jacobi Date) Wink Roberts, Rita Wilson (No 9:35 10:00 © A A '? The Big Land (1957) Alan Ladd Virginia Mayo Texas cattlem en attem pt to reroute a railroad for their own benefit Act Of Vengeance 0 (1986) Charles Bronson. Ellen Burstyn Based on the true story of Joseph "J o c k " Yablonski. whose crusade to rid the United Mine W orkers u n ­ ion of corruption led to violence and ultim ate ly to m urder in December 1969 g © A A A A Night To R em em ber" (1958) Kenneth More, Ronald Allen The "unsink- able Titanic goes down on its maiden voy­ age as a nearby freighter stands by, unaware of its crisis 10:30 (1940) © A A A 1? Night Tram To Munich M argaret Lockwood. Rex Harrison A scien tist s daughter outw its the Nazis with the help of a British agent © A (1984) Colleen Bren nen John Leslie With her trusty sidekick, a sleuth is hot on the trail of a gangster s killer 1 unity Brown H j >94. ■ H u mp h r e y In g rid B e rg m a n An e x p a tria te Am er © A A A A Casablanca B o g a rt K an ca s in o o w n e r m Fren» h M o ro c c o h old s the key to the e sca p e o t a f u ro p e a n re sist ance tro m the Nazis leader a n d his w ife wt» are flee ing 9 0 0 9 35 10 00 A • C an She B ake A C he rry Pie S ) (1983) K a ren B lack M ic h a e l F m il A neurotic d ivo rce e still e m o tio n a lly attac hed to her e« h usb a n d b e g in s an un< e rta m rom ane e w ith a self c e n te re d ( o n firm e d bar fieior 10:05 0 A A A "The Great C aruso" (1950) M ario lanza , Ann Blyth Enrico Caruso rises from obscurity as a cafe entertainer to becom e a lead tenor at the M etropolitan Opera G ' lii Tomlin C h a rle s G rudin A h o u s e wife su d d e n ly b e g in s to sh nn k in size d u e t nem i( als m her h o u se h o ld p ro d lK ts F>G 12 00 © 0 N o v i . i F sp osa T A m a n te N< D ate Darueia Romo Pedro A rm enderu 11 40 1? 10 Aye O f C o n s e n t © A A la m e s M a son H elen M irre n D a 7 to -d a y p re ssu re s to rce ar a rtist to flee to th e s e re n ity o f Aus tra lia s t ire a t B a rrie r H eel H (1969) A A 12 30 0 ,1 9 8 4 , Jot N o S m a lt A ffa ir C r (er D em i M o o re O bse sse d w ith ar aspe m g smger in tier tw e n tie s an in c o rrig ib le 16 year raid trie s to tie ip g ive her sa gg ing ca re e r a boost Ft , 42 O A New re a r . F v k ip N iven ’ 3 8 0 Roz Kelly Every successful drink has its ups... TV Watch WMkly/Monday, April 2 8 .198^Psge 3 FRESH FISH A’ LA M&C. THEY GOT THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY and downs. ^ § 5 ’ 1.99 Enjoy a thick, frozen strawberry margarita or our special Swirl, a combination of a regular and strawberry margarita, at this hot, melted down price. Offer good all day long through month of April. ^Antonio’s MEXICAN RESTAURANT A CANTINA Bratton Square at W ell* Branch 2519612 Sun Thurs 11-9 30 Fri Sat 11 10 00 Happy Hour 117 Mon -Fri Major credit cards welcome ( omplete catering available TOES Apr 29-SUN Apr 4 "Going For Laughs” BARRY SOBEL with JACK GRAMAN and MARK WILKS S p ec ia l s tv d c n t/fa c id ty adaiissioM w U .T . L D . $ 3 .0 0 w ee k n ig kts, $ 4 .0 0 w eekends Call for reservations 81 20 R e s e a r c h B ! v d I don’t have to buy the bait, tackle or get up at 5 A.M. to see if they’re biting. Mike & Charlie's lands a perfect fresh fish on my dinner plate every time Don’t tell anybody but Dad still keeps a fishing pole in the backseat of our car. It kinda keeps us in a sports- menlike spirit. OTHER DINNER DISHES WORTH CATCHING: CEVICHE PUERTO VALLARTA rAn appetizing concoction that’s drawn many outdoorsmen back for more. $5.50 TACOS AL CARBON Flour tortillas and charbroiled bits of choice beef, served with a casueia of queso fundido (melted cheese and mush­ rooms), mantequilla de pobre, and picante sauce. $8.95 M i t t * * / Ob, wbotanigbt it ’ll be to remember. Dinner served til 10 PM. (11 RM.Fri-Sat) 1206 West 34th. Phone: 451-5550 ‘W est 57th,’ again The C B S news-magazme show, West 57th, returns Wednesday in a new bid to appeal to its intended audience of young, upscale viewers. The producers of the program have hinted at a more in-depth 60 Minutes type of approach to reporting style. The four correspondents the show will feature during this res- tagmg are (clockwise from center) John Ferrugia, Meredith Vieira, Jane Wallace and Bob Sirott. ‘Voltron’ TV series pays dividends Associated Press S I I.O L IS I o evil tories in outer space, Voltron is a mythical super robot th.it toils their schemes to control the universe lo led Ko- plar, president of the company that produces the animated television show, Voltron is money lots of it I he halt hour Voltron program is broadcast by more than HO stations across the country and in a do/cn foreign countries It h a s generated millions of dollars in sales ot VoT tron videotapes and toys If that s not enough, C ommander Keith and the Voltron crew have been designated by the Korean Olympic C ommittee to defend the 1MHH Sum mer in Seoul, S o u t h Korea from outer space at tai k (.arries lo r Koplar and Peter Keefe the exei utiv e p ro d tk er of the sh ow the rneteoru rise in V\>ltron s popuiarit\ e x ie e d e d all expci tations \\ e never considered that \’ol Iron would b c u iin e a household word I t s become a phenom K e e te said Koplar president ot Koplar I n terp rises said the show s profits are bcvond what we expec ted I he cost of producing 125 half h o u r episodes of Voltron approach e s $2(> million, including the mar keting and distribution World i vents Productions I td the Koplar su b sid iare that produces Voltron is paid by the television stations that broadcast the show, and the compa­ ny receives royalties from sales of toys, flashlights and pens lunchboxes, l ast tall, one toy industry analyst predicted the Voltron line would produce sales of about $50 million in 14H5 World I vents gets 5 percent to H percent of every sale, depending on the manufacturer. Now, more revenue is rolling in from distribution of the shows to foreign markets and contracts to produce the episodes on videocas- settes Not bad for a speculative venture by a small iom m unuations compa­ ny in St L o u is looking for fresh ap- proaches to independent television programming It all started when Koplar was m ( annes, France, m N82 at a conven­ tion that featured examples of ani­ mated programs He was particular­ ly impressed bv a Japanese show with a name that translated into I n g lis h as ( >o Lions I don't speak Japanese, Koplar said W hat made this stand out tor me was that visually and the wav the story was shot, that even with­ I could tell what out the language the storv was spying It was tar s u ­ perior to other products at the con­ vention I he decision was made to use the Japanese animation as a vehicle for an animated children's television show Koplar said, describing the project as "a massive, massive un­ dertaking." "O b viously there was a tremen­ dous risk," Koplar said, explaining that the cost of producing each show can reach $250,000. "O n the other hand, we had bailout points. If we were unable to sell the show, we didn't have to commit to the full production of 125 half hours." Keefe oversees almost every as­ pect of Voltron, from the scripts for each show to the various toys and other spinoffs bearing the Voltron name The idea was to mesh the popular outer space and robot themes with strong characters and scripts laced with humor and experiences from everyday life. The concept of Voltron — five small airships resembling lions that have the ability to join together and form Voltron, a super robot and de­ fender of the universe contains themes such as teamwork, Keefe sa id "It's camaraderie," he said "In this case they play together and they taint together and they live to­ gether Lhey don't just fight togeth­ er." Keefe and Koplar said the robot cra/e has probahlv reached its peak. "It g e t s boring," Keefe said. 1 ven to a kid, all those dimensions start to look the same after a w hile." Adams returns in ‘Check it Out’ I SINK YOUR TEETH INTO A REAL DEAL For Only $2.95 Get a One-Meat Sandwich and a Soda Roast Reef, Ham, t urkey or Cheese a n s ft/ z Z i Chicago S t y le \ Deep Pa a ¡I | Offer (i(X)d at all Conans locations. With coupon only Expires May 30,1986 I MMX J9th 191,4 E RntTNttk* 201S U Su.ssw\ h MW \ndersou Ln ■ 2(> («uadalupe UNITED M EDIA EN T ERP R ISES HOLLYWOOD, Calif — Get Smart has been a staple of off-net- work TV stations continuously since NBC canned it m ore than IS vears ago - but star Don A dam s savs he's only just become a fan. Madcap w nting by the likes of Mel Brooks and Buck H enry, and the deadpan delivery perfected by Adams and the rest of the cast kept Get Smart on the air for five sea­ sons, or more than 160 episodes. Each of those segm ents has been aired so m any times that Adam s d e­ votees m ight feel that Check It O ut, a new series with him playing a superm arket m anager instead of an all-thum bs secret agent, long overdue. is Meanwhile, taken Adams it's himself this long to catch up with his old show. He says he watched the first couple of episodes back in 1965 - and hated them. "They were doing something ter­ rible with the laugh track and it drove me crazy," Adams said. "When they refused to change it, I decided the best way to keep my sanity was not watch they show on the air. "What I didn't know was that the producers and the network listened to me and, without telling me, cor­ rected the peoblem," he says. "I happened to catch one Get Smart episode on TV a few weeks back, laughed out loud at it, and asked NBC to send me the best of the old shows on videotape so I could keep them for my grandchildren. "They Don Adams returns to sanity in new TV seríes caled Check It Out. sent me all was nice." 160-whatever, which in TV's Hall of Fame It's too soon to tell if Check It Out, A dam s' new syndicated series (which originally aired on the USA Cable N etwork), will join Get Sm art O ne thing that m akes it stand ou t is that all 22 episodes of the show were taped in Toronto, about as far from the m adness of H ollyw ood as it is possible to get. 2915 GUADALUPE 474-5314 Students $1.00 Mon-Thors. w/I.D. Show s at 10PM Apr. 28 A I f mmiaf i b PvUféUvu MARCIA TuM.Apr.29 AIANHAYNSS AflktHipMMras Each WadnMday M M A t n a m u m Re^ JLeI Cwup Thurs. May 1 W.C. CUUIK R Fri. May 2 4A —S --------------* «S---- WEH a n W H ^ W m il ScP. May 3 Mg Band BIum CeerinfPenMey 5— lav Asm Boston Sri Moy 9—Al TNT Breaos I fat O a rlS Tertiary jlrfierri I M Pay 11 BoomKd of Blues Jftsd5_murs,Poy 1 4 5 1 5 -1 MMgMhewks m | WOODS HONDA FUN CENTER 'Vtoic&t 0%o*tcUi ^ ^ ^ ^ THESE AND OTHER MODELS prices good till 4-30 1986 SPREE SALE $498 85 ELITE 250 ’85 SALE PRICE $1798 '86 PRICE $2000 ELITE 80 '86 Reg. Price $1100 '85 SALE PRICE $998 MWF9?6 HONDA. T-Th 9-7 S9-5 WOODS HONDA FUN CENTER '86 CMX 250 REBEL Reg. Price $1500 SALE PRICE $1398 Price does not include T.T.L. 459-3311 Sales 459-8944 6509 N. LAMAR (Between Airport and Koenig) LIFE © - 7 0 0 John Osteen / 30 N ^ f l X ) Q 0 0 O 30 AÉÉWfy Investment Q 0 0 < j 30 Advisory investment SPN 0 Orvine Plan John Osteen Bible Answers Hyde Part Govt Loans TLC 0 ARTS O Write Course Congress Movie 9ec*v Sharp Wobd Of Work Move Sherry Nelson Outdoors Thu Happy Breed 4 r \ 0 0 P*ty»ci*r s I U 30 JOurnai 0< Discover» Prophecy Enterprise For Success ESPN 0 Auto Racing ARCA 500k Com d Dance r eam Fishm Hole 4 4 00 Update I I 30 Obstetric* jimmy Swaggart Cancer Today Am interests Greet Expectations Sport sCenter Baseball s 4 O 0 0 AMA VMM I C . 30 Cbntc Money Money Game is Goff Enterprise Your Business Stage Absurd Per von Greatest Hits Auto Racing 4 0 0 Cardiology I 30 Updrt'** Ed Young Buy A C a- Success Singular Auto Racing NASCAR McNichoi Financial Rock N Rod Winston 500 Grand Movie Son Of Fury Misión Smcida MAX 0 Movie Finan s Rainbow Comedy Movie Kaleido­ scope M o w Micki & Maude Movie The Last Dragon Charlie Chapim Movie Fmtan s Rainbow Movie Micki & Maude "French GALA 0 0 PLAY 0 H B O 0 Movie BMX Bandits Fraggte Rock Movie Blame It On Again Movie Greystoke The Legend Of Tarzan Lord Of The Apes Movie El Tesoro Buck Rogers The Night Movie Video Exitos Blue Skies Movie As Es La Vida Santo En Luis Miguel En it aka Midnight Madness Le Agarro La Mano El Fraggte Rock Movie "The ice Pirates Chango Espectáculo Movie "Los Tres Garcia SHOW 0 Fire m the Stone " Movie Gotcha!" Paper Chase Movie “The Westerner" Movie "Conan The Destroyer Bam Burning Movie Ladyhawke DISNEY 0 Dumbo Good Morning Pooh Comer Donald Duck In The Widows Movie: “The Secret Of The Pond Disney's Legends & Heroes Treasure Mend Preview Movie: "The Water Babies The Pooh 'Island At The Top Of The World" Danger Bay Movie: "The Great Caruso" Movie: "Bedknobs And Broomsticks "Father Of The Bride" Marlowe Private Eye Comedy Theatre Movie: Gotcha'" Anarquistas. Gracias A Dios Movie Ghost- Movie Fuego En El bust ers Mar Movie Blame It On Focus On Glamour" Great Am Strip-Off Uncovered Movie Brothers Bizarre Honeymooners Movie: Acción "Al Dr Jekill The Night" Movie "When She Was Bad Movie "Conan The Lieutenant s Woman Le Gustan Callentes Comedy Theatre Destroyer" Movie g z > o Z t <02 «0 — 0 — C4 Gtyndeoourne National Madngai Auto Racing Tennis London Prom Concerts Clay Court Champs Great Detective Sport sCenter Buftaio Bat Rising Damp Stanley Cup Playoffs Ellon John In Centra) Park Campbell Conference M Pendleton Evening At The improv Buffalo Bill Rising Damp Elton John In Central Park Championship Game Two Sport sCenter Baseball Top Rank Boxing TV Watch Weekly/Monday, April 2 8 ,1 986/Page 13 Sunday's Hcvles EVENM G M O 0 o “Los Tres Garcia" (No Date) Pedro Infante, Abel Salazar. © A A A "The Great Caruso" (1950) Mario Lanza. Ann Blyth. Enrico Caruso rises from obscurity as a cafe entertainer to become a lead tenor at the Metropolitan Opera. G 7 4 » 0 A A A "Finian's Rainbow” (1968) Fred Astaire, Petula Clark. An Irishman and his daughter travel from their native land to the United States with a leprechaun on their trail ‘G ’ 0 A A “Gotcha!" (1985) Anthony Edwards, Linda Florentino. During spring break, a UCLA student meets a mysterious woman in France and soon finds himself in the middle of an international spy caper ’PG-13' g M O © 0 “Vanishing Act" (Premiere) Mike Far­ rell, Elliott Gould. A newlywed's relief at being reunited with his missing bride dis­ solves when he discovers that, despite her convincing arguments, she is not his wife g 0 A A A “Ghostbusters" (1984) BHI Mur­ ray. Dan Aykroyd. Free-lance ghostfighters spring to action when a Manhattan high rise becomes the gateway for Earth-invading ghouls. PG' g A A A “ 10" (1979) Dudley Moore, Be Derek. A successful songwriter, disturbed about reaching middle age. decides to chase after a beautiful girl on her way to her wed­ ding. 0 A “ Focus On Glamour" (1984) John Kel­ ly Top photographer John Kelly gives his for­ mula for successful glamour photography. © A A A "Bedknobs And Broomsticks” (1971) Angela Lansbury, David Tomlinson. During Work) War II, a novice sorceress, her mentor and her three young friends set off for a magic island to learn enough about witch­ craft for use against the Nazis. ‘G ’ 0 0 “ Fuego En El M ar" (No Date) Manuel Ojeda. Norma Herrera. M O 0 A A A "Micki & Maude" (1984) Dudley Moore, Amy Irving. Despite the fact that he's already married to a career-minded attorney, a television personality fails in love with a concert musician and decides that two wives are better than one. ‘P G -13’ g W oman (1981) Meryl Streep Jeremy Irons Based on the novel by John Fowles An affair between tw o actors is paralleled in the ro­ m antic period film in which the tw o are p e r­ form ing R' © WISH YOU WERE HERE ©CD RISING DAMP Fawcett s F»ython' A bombshefl named M arilyn roam s the b o a rd ­ ing house nude while Rigsby takes to w ash­ ing the windows © JOHN OSTEEN © © MOVIE Al Dr Jekill Le Gustan C al­ ientes (No Date) Paolo Villalogio, Edwige Fenech © MOVIE A A A G reystoke The Legend Of Tarzan. Lord Of The Apes (1984) Ralph Richardson, C hristopher Lam bert A frican apes raise an orphaned boy from a helpless toddler intelligent and experienced hunter PG Q f f i TOP RANK BOXING John M eekins vs David Taylor in a junior w elterw eight bout scheduled for 10 rounds from A tlantic City, N J (R) to an L a te N ig h t 12:00 © © N E W S © CASH FLOW © HIDDEN HEROS © KEYS TO SUCCESS © CD ELTON JOHN IN CENTRAL PARK The rock n' roll star featured in a concert pe r­ form ance taped live © TAKE TIME © HOW TO / SUCCESS ® © SIEMPRE EN DOMINGO CD PLAYBOY COMEDY THEATRE: PHYLLIS DILLER 124)5 © W ORLD TOMORROW 12:15 © O AUSTIN PUEBLO QUERIDO 12:30 Danger Ahead (1940) © MOVIE A A James Newill, Dorothea Kent A gang of killers is brought to justice through the ef­ forts of the m ounted police and a particularly stubborn girl © NEW GENERATION HAIR CARE © PHYSICIAN’S JOURNAL UPDATE £D MOVIE A A 17 "La dyha w ke" (1985) the Matthew B roderick. Rutger Hauer In 13th century, a young pickpo cket narrowly ¿•scapes execution and falls in with tw o lovers cursed by an evil bishop P G -13' LJ © LARRY JONES 12:35 1:00 © O AUSTIN ANSWERS © REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT SEM I- NARS © BEST OF MONEY. MONEY. MONEY THIS TUESDAY mum Buy any item on our menu & get the identical item free. Not valid with any other coupons. E x p . 5 -8 -8 6 BUY ONE PIZZA... GET ONE FREE! Buy any size O sin a ! Round pizza at resular price, get identic al pizza FREE! Pnce vanes depending on sue ond number of loppings ordered Void witk coupon al participating little Coesary Carry ou! only Expires 5 8-86 © 0 MOSES PENDLETON PRESENTS MOSES PENDLETON The acrobatic dance troupe Pilobolus and its co-founder are fea­ tured © 7 0 0 CLUB © © MOVIE "La Querida" (No Date) Rocio Jurado, Fernando Fernan-Gomez 24 Q ABC NEWS g 0 O N E W 8 © MOVIE A "Focus On Glamour” (1984) John Kelly. Top photographer John Kelly gives his formula for successful glamour pho­ tography CAMPUS LOCATION Now the system you’ve heard so much about, the Amiga, is in your back yard. Computer Magic, Aus­ tin’s fastest growing Amiga dealer, comes to the campus area to provide not only a convenient lo­ cation, but expert advice, prompt service by quali­ fied technicians and a broad array of peripherals. Come see our IBM compatibility which includes the 5.25” drive and software for $188.00 with student discount. Expandable (up to 8.5 meg RAM) Speed (faster than PC/AT) Open System Architecture Disk Capacity (880k) • IBM Compatibility 318 Oltorf at Congress (across from McDonalds) 4 4 7 -0 3 0 3 When you moke pizza this good, one just isn't enough!1 Now Serving 2 Locations 2512 Guadalupe (on the Drag) 482-8664 9037 Research (By the Black-eyed Pea) 339-7134 Mon-Sat 10-6 * r - f - r r ¿ ■ r r r r a x - n r r zc m m m o u s m t rmamm Q 0 0 Phyvctan s ¿L 30 Journal Q 0 0 Update O 30 Surgery A 0 0 Obstetrics t 30 Pediatrics C 0 0 Cardiology O 30 update O 0 0 Medicine O 30 Obstetrics - 7 0 0 PbyVCiar S / 3 0 Journal Q 0 0 update O 30 Medicine Q 00 AMA Video O 30 Clinic 4 r \ 0 0 Cardiology I U 30 update 4 4 0 0 Physician s I i 30 Journal 4 O 0 0 Update I L 3 0 Journal Morey s Chad s Fund One tn Spirit TBA Serendipity To Be Announced Outdoor Talk Line Te*evts*on Stocks In vest men! Telephone Auction Travel Videos Internationa! Hour Looking East Media Arts How To Success ; being prom oted to manager of the bus com pany CE) MOVIE * * * * Father Of The Bride (19501 Spencer Tracy Elizabeth Taylor A fa ther experiences all of the joys and he ad­ aches involved with the preparations for his daughter s upcom ing wedding f ) 0 CBS NEWS 10 15 10:30 7 O SOLID GOLD Scheduled Ronnie Mil- sap Culture Club Miami Sound Machine, the Bangles Robert Palmer. Teddy Pendergrass. Smokey R obinson (interview ) C o-host G o r­ don Thomson I Dynasty ) © COUNTRY SPORTSMAN Bobby Lord goes lishmg for grouper in the Gulf Of M exico out of Destín, Fla In stereo © ED YOUNG 24 O LONE STAR © LOOKING EAST 16. O A W OMAN CALLED GOLDA Golda Meir s involvem ent w ith Israel s political a f­ fairs leads h e r to the office of prim e minister and her trium phant m eeting with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat Stars Ingrid Berg man, Leonard Nimoy and Ned Beatty (Part 2 of 2) ünt o MOVIE it*'/, Czech Mate (1985) Susan George Patrick Mower A British woman is convinced by her estranged hus­ band to accom pany him to Prague, only to learn she's becom e a pawn in an in te rn a tio n ­ al espionage plot CD MOVIE * When She Was Bad (1984) Georgina Spelvin, John Leslie A young w om ­ an disapproves of her parents' extram arital affairs © JOHN ANKERBERG 10:35 * * 10:45 Conan The Destroyer Qj) MOVIE (1984) A rnold Schwarzenegger, Grace Jones Barbarian Conan is recruited by a sensuous, deceitful queen to protect a teen-age p rin ­ cess on her odyssey to a magical castle PG Q 11:00 © REAL ESTATE AND INVESTMENT SEM I­ NARS © BASSMASTERS © GO FOR YOUR DREAMS: CASH FLO EXPO © © BUFFALO BILL Bill encounters tro u ­ ble when his new love interest turns out to be Jo Jo's sister 0 LARRY JONES © CD ACCION © PHYSICIAN’S JOURNAL UPDATE Fea­ tured Screening children for visual p ro b ­ lems; debate on AM A unification with state m ental societies © O MOVIE + * ’/? “ O klahom a C rude” (1973) G eorge C S cott, Faye Dunaway A young woman attem pts to regain possession of her oil-field interests © MEDIA ARTS CD BASEBALL'S GREATEST HITS Highlights of the '71 A ll-S tar Game (R) 11:05 © JIM MY SWAGGART 11:30 ® o DANCE FEVER Judges Phil Morris, Kari Michaelsen, C hristopher Hewett Per­ form ance by Pamala Stanley In stereo (R) © MOVIE A A A "T he French Lieutenant's Page 12/TV Watch Weekly/Monday, Apn! 28 1986 InterVue Movie ' Juba!' Movie Eagles Over Pulse Baseball London Baseball Love Boat KTW « O Jimmy Swaggart Discovery Hyde Park Oral Roberts Ebony Jet Meet Press PGA Golf Panasonic Las Vegas Invitational KTBC GD • *7 :0 0 Mother BasDea f 30 Austin Q 00 Sunday 0 : 3 0 Morning q :00 s7 30 Movie KVUE ® O News World Tom J Robison R Schuller Interact Baptist 4 / V 0 0 1 U 30 Seduction Of "The Church David Brinkley Fishing Texas Wild Kingdom A A 00 Miss Leona 1 1 30 Face Nation A O 00 NBA 1 ¿ : 3 0 Basketball a 00 Playoff I 30 Game o 00 C. 30 NBA Q 00 Basketball 0 : 3 0 Playoff A 00 Game H 30 C 00 Texas Closeup 0 : 3 0 News £2 00 60 Minutes 0 : 3 0 ~7 00 Murder. She / :30 Wrote r y 0 0 Act" y 30 A n 0 0 News 1 U : 3 0 Solid Gold 1 1 00 I 1 :30 Dance Fever ■j r \ 00 News 1 ¿ 30 Austin 00 Movie. 0 : 3 0 "Vanishing North And South Book II Deliberate Stranger » •• News Lone Star Movie "Oklahoma Crude •• " Jimmy Swaggart "Tarzan s Secret Treasure" Kids Inc Methodist Church Texas Rangers at New York Yankees News Movie "Firecreek Movie "10" •• Muppets ABC News Newsmakers NBC News Disney Sunday Movie Silver Spoons Fathers Star Games Amaz Stories A Hitchcock Lifestyles TV Auction News A Woman Twilight Zone Movie Auction Continues Called Golda "Czech Mate" KBVO & O Dick Van Dyke Phil Arms KLRU (9) O SIN <3 © Jimmy Swaggart AISD O BET © Frederick K Price U SA N ET © Cartoons Cont'd NICK © CBN © Out Of Control Belle James Kennedy NASH © Instant Cash Systems Sportsman Bassmasters Sesame Street Santa Misa De Belleza Bobby Jones Chalkboard Mister Rogers 3-2-1 Contact De Casados Y Debates Jimmy Swaggart Your Future El Grupo American Sports Cathedral Wild America Tony Brown Wash Week Wall St Wk Firing Line Round Cero Para Gente Real Estate & Investment Decisions 86 Dale Kranque Cavalcade Wish You Here Grande Punto De Encuentro Credit Card Millionaire Be Thinner Generations Animals Chalkboard Performance Hidden Heros Wrestling •• Rodeo Chiquilladas Del Lenguardo Spirit Breath Of Life Spanish Learning .i i. Movie "‘3 Evil Masters" Little Prince Mr Wizard Lassie Turkey T V You Can't NICK Rocks Video To Go Lassie Today's Special Danger Mouse Star Trek Superbook Club "The Heroes Of Telemark ” WTBS © Bugs Bunny Bugs Bunny And Friends Andy Griffith Kenneth Copeland Lloyd Ogilvie Davey Good News Movie Shari Lewis Flipper Gentle Ben Kids Inc. Movie: "The Gallant Legion" M Baseball Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies Cimarron Strip Movie "Hunters Of Ugly Duckling School Daze Standby Wagon Train Movie "Say Amen. Mexico Béisbol Millionaire Maker Somebody" Stone Carvers Movie "El Verano De Real Estate & Investment TV Auction Los Campanelli" Cash Flow Real Estate & « •• •• * Noche de Gala Cristal Siempre En Domingo •• " Siempre En Domingo Investment Credit Card Millionaire Breath Of Life Frederick K Price Bobby Jones Jimmy Swaggart Everybody's Money Matters Real Estate & Investment Cash Flow Sportsman Bassmasters American Sports Cavalcade Wish You Here The Golden Cobra" Performance Hidden Heros Rodeo Alfred Hitchcock Monroes Bassmasters Wish You Here The Virginian American Sports Lancer Cavalcade Performance Wanted Homework Hotline Homework Hotline Ways Of The Law Black Forum Animals Scholarships Your Future El Grupo Hispanic Heritage Dale Kranque Teaching Hidden Heros Rodeo Cover Story Hollywood Chalkboard Herbalite Sportsman » Bassmasters Wish You Here Go For Your Dreams Hidden Heros Movie Success Hair Care Route 66 1 Spy„ Bros Donna Reed Buffalo Bill Rising Damp Elton John In Central Park M Pendleton Evening At The Improv Buffalo Bill Rising Damp Elton John In Central Park "Hands Across The Border" M Alias Smith And Jones Doris Day Flipper Coral Jungle Portrait Of America Wrestling National Geographic In Touch Explorer Ben Haden Rock Alive Sports Page Jerry Falwell Ed Young J Ankerberg Larry Jones John Osteen Jimmy Swaggart Take Time World Tom Larry Jones f l l c ■V 3 W j Prime Time 7:00 CD © MUROER. SHE WROTE Jessica inves­ tigates when her niece is implicated in a mur­ der that took place on the set of a soap op­ era (R )g S IT'S YOUR FUTURE FREDERICK K. PRICE © MOVIE A A A "Finían s Rainbow ' (1968) Fred Astaire, Petula Clark An Irishman and his daughter travel from their native land to trail G" © AMERICAN SPORTS CAVALCADE Fea tured American Speed A ssociation Stock Car Races from C incinnati Ohio in stereo © f f l BUFFALO BILL Bill encounters trou ble when his new love interest turns out to be Jo Jo s sister ® O TV AUCTION A bid-by-phone extrava­ ganza where anything and everything will be auctioned to the highest bidder © CORAL JUNGLE © PHYSICIAN S JOURNAL UPDATE © STOCKS. OPTIONS AND FUTURES © SIEMPRE EN DOMINGO 3 8 © AMAZING STORIES A lonely bachelor purchases a specially crafted doll from a Ger man toym aker In stereo CJ f f i PHILIP MARLOWE. PRIVATE EYE M a r­ lowe investigates his best friend s murder, becomes involved with the w idow — and winds up im plicated in the crim e Guests John Vernon, Helen Shaver 4 2 O LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH AND FA­ MOUS Featured Simon & Simon co-stars Jameson Parkei and Gerald McRaney, Chef Tell. Andie MacDowell on the Fi|i islands, ac­ tress Virginia Mayo “We’ll clean your teeth come hide or h o o f’ Les Crane DDS Kelly Keith DDS 3800 Speedway 452-6405 EVENING HOURS AVAILABLE General Dentistry • ayment by Parents accepted • Insurance assignments after first visit Special Dental Health Offer: Free Cleaning with exam with this ad. Offer expiree M ay 30,1986 CD STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS Cam pbell Conference C ham pionship Game Two (Live) (NOTE Starting tim e is tentative Game is subject to blackout ) © PLAYBOY COMEDY THEATRE PHYLLIS DILLER © MOVIE A * G otcha' (1985) Anthony Edwards. Linda F.orentino During spring break, a UCLA student meets a mysterious woman in France and soon finds himself in the m iddle of an international spy caper PG 13’ Q 7:05 © NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER Featured Haitian pilgrim s, exploring a sunk en vessel, protecting virgin forests from de struction scaling a wall of rock 7 30 O EL GRUPO FOLKLORICO (Q LANCER © © RISING DAMP Fawcett s Python A bom bshell named Marilyn roam s the board ing house nude while Rigsby takes to w ash­ ing the windows © INVESTMENT WORLD 38 © ALFRED HITCHCOCK PRESENTS A jealous husband tries to sabotage a planned meeting between his wife and her suspected lover In stereo 8 0 0 ) 7 © MOVIE Vanishing Act (Premiere) Mike Farrell E lliott Gould A newlywed s re ­ lief at being reunited w ith his missing bride dissolves when he discovers that despite her convincing arguments, she is not his wife © HISPANIC HERITAGE CELEBRATION © BOBBY JONES © © ELTON JOHN IN CENTRAL PARK The rock n roll star featured in a concert per lorm ance taped live © IN TOUCH © © ANARQUISTAS. GRACIAS A DIOS 38 © NORTH AND SOUTH BOOK II 1h. saga of the Mam and Hazard fam ilies contln ues as the nation finds itself torn apart by civil war In 1861 Orry (Patrick Swayze) meets with Jefferson Davis and Robert F Lee Ashton (Terri G arber) and Bent iP hillip Casnoff) establish a tw isted relationship, and Justin (David Carradine) kidnaps M adeline 11 esley Anne Down) (Part t of 6): J © TELEPHONE AUCTION 38 © DELIBERATE STRANGER Mark Mar mon stars as Theodore Ted Bundy a char ismatic law student convicted of three counts of m urder in Florida Tonight In 1974 a Col orado investigator links Bundy to the disap pearances ol women in three W estern slates Also stars Ben Masters and George Gnzzard (Part 1 of 2) Who ya gonna watch GHOST BUSTERS Tonight on HBOf © MOVIE * * * Ghostbusters 1 1984) Bill Murray Dan Aykroyd Free lance ghost fighters spring to action when a Manhattan high rise becomes the gateway lor Farth in vadino ghouls PG : j 4 $ O MOVIE * * * (1979) Dudley Moore Bo Derek A successful songwriter disturbed about reaching m iddle age de cides to chase after a beautiful girl on her way to her wedding © MOVIE * Focus On Glamour (1984) 10 John Kelly Top photographer John Kelly gives his form ula for successful glam our ph o­ tography © MOVIE A A A "B edkn obs And Broom (1971) Angela Lansbury. David Tom sticks Itnson During W orld War II. a novice sor ceress, her m entor and her three young friends set off for a magic island to learn enough about w itchcraft for use against the Nazis G © PERFORMANCE PLUS © WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE f f i INTERNAL MEDICINE UPDATE 8 30 900 O DALE KRANQUE © JIMMY SWAGGART © HIDDEN HEROS © COVER STORY f f l MOSES PENDLETON PRESENTS © MOSES PENDLETON The acrobatic dance troupe Pilobolus and its co tounder are lea tured © BEN HADEN © © MOVIE Manuel Ojeda Norma Herrera © AMA VIDEO CLINIC © TRAVEL VIDEOS GREAT BRITAIN © GREAT AMERICAN STRIP-OFF to realize a © BROTHERS C liff begins dream when he s offered a chance to play professional baseball Guest L A Dodgers infielder Steve Sax J fu e g o En FI Mar (No Date) star © SPORTS PAGE 9 0 5 9 3 0 O HEART OF TEACHING © MOVIE A A A Mtcki & Maude (1984) Dudley Moore A m y Irving Despite the fa< t that he s already m arried to a career m inded attorney a television personality tails In love with a concert musician and d»i ides that tw o wives are better than one PG-13 © RODEO Mesquite Cham pionship Rodeo from M esquite Texas In stereo © HOLLYWOOO INSIDER fe a tu re d Arnold Schwarzenegger and James Read © ROCK ALIVE © INTERNATIONAL HOUR © BIZARRE Sketches medicine and bizarre laughter as the best lives of the rich instant va< ations j © JERRY EALWELL 9 35 TOC» 7 © 34 Q 34 © NEWS o CHALKBOARD © EVERYBODY'S MONEY MATTERS © HERBALIFE © © EVENING AT THE IMPROV Host Andy Kaufman Featured com ics Glenn Super Michael P ritchard Shwley Hemphill Musical guesl John Sebastian l i © AUCTION CONTINUES © CARDIOLOGY UPDATE © MOVIE A A Blame It On The Night (1984) Nick Mant uso Byron Thames After his m other dies a 1.1 year old is fori ed in to a painfully awkward reunion with his rock star lather a man he never knew PG 13 At © TWILIGHT ZONE © SPORTSCENTER © AMERICA UNCOVERED © HONEYMOONERS THE LOST EPF SOOES Ralph gets a neighbor s help in choosing a gift for Alice. Ralph s mistaken lor a bookie at the racetrack. Ralph thinks he s KTBC f f i O KVUE KTW « O KBVO KLRU ds e SIN BET AISD CBS Morning Nows Good Morning Today America Transformers Flintstones Ed. Proaram Mister Rogers Mundo latino Cont'd Video Vibrations Beaver Hillbillies I Love Lucy Bewitched Sesame Street Educational Programming Real Estate A Investment Educational Programming q °0 y :30 Pyramid Card Sharks Good Morning Donahue Family Ties Sale Of Cent. 10:18 Price Is Right 1 1 :0° I 30 I Young And The Restless New Love Wheel Fortune Scrabble Dick Van Dyke Andy Griffith Ryan's Hope Loving Password News Perry Mason News As The World All My Children Days Of Our Lives Rockford Files Educational Programming Mis Huespedes Hoy Mismo Tu Eres Mi Destino La Rival Querer Volar Video Vibrations Together Outcasts Video Soul Dr Flowers On One Life To Live General Hospital Another World Movie: “For Pete's Santa Barbara Sake” Hart To Hart Dallas Scooby Doo ThunderCats Culpable El Amor Call Video $1 Mil. Chance Happy Days Newlyweds Price Is Right He-Man She-Ra Mister Rogers Sesame Street Principessa Vivir Un Poco Vibrations News ABC News News M*A*S'H Hardcastle Jeopardy NBC News News Dlff. Strokes You Again? Valerie W. Happening GoodTimes Sanford Too Close Matt Houston 3-2-1 Contact Follow Me Noticiero SIN Wild Side Cristal Real Estate A Investment Together Juana Iris Outcasts Texas 150: A Celebration Special Movie: "An Early Frost” Scruples Pride Of Place Bodas De Odio Video Soul Chespirito MacNeil/ Lehrer Candidate Forum Loco Amor 24 Horas Forever Wild La Casa Nightline Tonight Benson HawaN Five-0 Monty Python Doctor Who Video Vibrations Chalkboard Remington Steele WKRP Movie: "The Virgin Queen" David Letter man Love Boat Carson Archie Bunker -7 :0 0 ( :30 8:00 :30 1 2 $ 00 30 :30 2:00 3:00 :30 a 0 0 4 : 3 0 :30 5:00 6W O O Turns Capitol Guiding Light All Family Bob Newhart Jeff er sons Alice iw W 3 CBS News H : 3 0 Wheel Fortune 7 : 0 0 / 3 0 Scarecrow And Mrs. King 8 00 3 0 q :00 y : 3 0 KateAAIlie Newhart Cagney A Lacey Taxi 10$ rwws 1 A 00 I 1:30 12$ Movie TV Welch WeeMy/Mondey. Apr* 26.1966/Page 5 U 8AN CT NICK cm wraa Spttiaj Lao Tbs Uon Genis Ban 39' 700 Club Amer Boby B i Cosby Doris Day F. Daughter Patty Duke Father Knows Eddws Father 700 Club FaceMueic Name Tuna Tic Tac Dough Go! Green Aerea I Lous Lucy “Casanova's Big Night'' Parry Maaon “Baal Of The B u s Bunny AndFriende Safe At Home Down To Earth Gunamoke Bela Black Beauty Danger Mouse You Can't Dennis Turkey T.V. ard Hr. NICK Rocks NASH e instant Cash Systems TBA Videocountry Cartoons Cont'd CaMope Can Be A Star Fandango Me Laugh Gong Show NashviNeNow That Girt Mr. Merlin New Country Movie “ Arizona Movie: "Bloodhounds Of Broadway” Alive A Well ountry Can Be A Star Fandango Liar’s Club Joker's Wild NashviNeNow Buliseye Jackpot New Country TBA Videocountry Reaction AH-Star Blitz Cartoons Can Be A Star Fandango Radio 1990 Animals Nashville Now Wrestling Chalkboard Tell A Vision Spaces Equal Justice Chalkboard Educational Programming Withit Ed Program Powerhouse Ed Progr n In Science Equal Justice Carrasco. Withit In Science Zavala Trail To Texas Board Of Trustees Meeting You Can't Pangar Mouse Alas Smith And Jones Sanford American Dream Father Murphy Movie: “Zulu" BlottOnTho 700 Club New Country TBA Videocountry CanBeAStar Fandango Nashville Now Motowortd One By One Cancer Today Alfred Hitchcock Missing From Home Mon From U.M.C.L.E. Edge Of Night Americwi That Girl Dream Groucho BMC f_ Qeog g M c Explorer Real Estate A Investment New Country Hollywood Millionaire BtottOnThe Landscape DobieGMo Father Knows “FaN-Sale” Prime Time (N o D a le ) 7:00 7 0 SC A R E C R O W AND M R S KING Politi­ cian s who are m e m b e rs of a secret wine s o c i­ ety are the targets of killers who have laced vintage wine with a deadly d o se of heroin (R) O G O NE TO T EXA S ® O U T C A ST S ® MO VIE C lo a k A nd D a gg e r 1 (1984) Henry Thom as. D a b n e y C o le m a n A n 11- year o ld with an o ve r/e a lo o s im agination b e ­ co m e s e ntangled in a real life spy adventure when he w itnesses .1 murder and the theft of top secret military d o cu m e n ts P G ’ g © NA SH VILLE NOW ( B W RESTLIN G CD CD A M E R IC A N D R E A M W inners W hen Jennifer b e gin s m a k in g new friends D o n n a (eels a s it she s running a nursery 18 O M A C N EIL / LE H R E R N EW SH O U R CD FATHER M U R PH Y CB CD MO VIE Alicia V Alicia J o a n n a Fom m 1 ucelia S a n to s CD C O V E R UP M O H A R D C A ST LE A N D M C C O R M IC K Convinced that he s going to die. the normal­ ly gruff Hardcastle undergoes a personality transformation (R ):j CD S E C R E T S OF S U C C E S S ¿ 9 ers of the syndicate CD B A S E B A L L 'S G R E A T EST HITS H ighlights ol ihe T1 All Star Gam e (R) CD M A Y PLAYBO Y VIOEO M AG AZIN E CD MO VIE * * * (ireystoke The le ge n d Of Tarzan (1984) Ralph I ambert Afrtcen Richardson Christopher ap*-s raise an orphaned boy from a helpless toddler to an intelligent and experienced hunler P G lo rd Of The A p e s The M o vie Hot D o g 7 05 7 30 O ) M OVtE * e * * ( t964) Stanley Zulu jack H aw kins A sm all British patrol B a k e r t r ie s to hold off a rt on slau gh t of th o u sa n d s of Zulu warriors O BO ARO OF T R U ST EE S M EETING 34 O VALERIE Despite w arn in gs from his mother D avid d a t e s an older w om an In ster eo (R» CD ST A N L E Y C U P P L A Y O F F S Dtvisron Final, f fi« e ssa ry (tivet (N O TF Starting time is tentative G a m e is subject to blackout ) f f l MOU8ETERPfECE THEATER 8 0 0 y Q KATE A ALLIE Kate s p u rch ase of a m»nk coat radically c h a n g e s her outlook on life (R) S VIOEO SOUL Q BLOTT ON THE LANO6C A PE Mr Bk>tt barracades himself inside the estate to force a showdown with DurxtncJge (Part 6 of 6 ) t| O PR ID E OF P L A C E B U IL D IN G THE A M E R IC A N D R E A M Washington D C s C ap itol building New York City s Grand Central Station Houston s Galleria and Frank Lloyd Wright s Mann County (Calif ) Civic Center il­ lustrate how architects use interior space Guests Paul Goldberger Cesar Pelli g Q 700 C L U B G R E G IS PH ILBiN S L IF E ST Y L E S H O T EX A S 150 A C E L E B R A T IO N S P E ­ C IA L Gene Autry Johnny Cash Van Ciiburn Steve Martin Phylicia Rashad and the Texas University Marching Band are among the guests scheduled to perform during the Tex­ as sesquicentenmal celebration at the Frank Erwin Center in Austin :) 8 ) LO O K IN G E A S T 39 o p B O O A S OE OCHO 34 o M O V IE * A A An Early Frost ( 1985) Aidan Quinn Gena Rowlands A family s peaceful existence is shattered by their son s revelation that he is a homosexual - and that he s contracted A ID S In stereo (R> CJ 42 O S C R U P L E S Bitty (Lindsay Wagner) turns Scruples into a successful high fashion boutique and tails in love with Italian Him pro­ ducer Vito Orsim (Nick Mancuso) Co-stars Barry Bostwick and Marte-France Pisier (Part 2 of 3) G MOVIE A A Lady Chettertey s Lover (1981) Sylvia Kristei. Nicholas Clay Baaed on D H Lawrence s story about the wife of a paraplegic English aristocrat who takes her husband's gamekeeper as her lover R' £D MO VIE a a a a Father Of The Bride" (1950) Spencer Tracy Elizabeth Taylor A fa­ ther experiences all of the )oys and head­ aches involved with the preparations for his daughter s upcoming wedding 8:30 7 D NEW HART Dick and two of his college buddies try to re-create some of the adven­ tures they enjoyed as youths (R) g 0 NEW COUNTRY G CD ACCION G INTERNATIONAL 3 9 G CH ESPIRITO * * ' i Starman 9:00 ? O CAGNEY 8 LACEY Lacey attempts to help an illegal alien, recently honored for an act of bravery, avoid deportation ( R ) g G MO VIE (1984) Jeff Bridges. Karen A Men An alien comea to Earth and discovers a hostile environment in which he. along with a widow he encounters, is relentlessly pursued by scientists who want the creature for a lab experiment PG ’ g 0 TO BE ANNOUNCED m MOTOWORLO G G ONE BY ONE Donald interviews for another job. but is surprised when the new zoo director asks N m to reconsider (Part 5 of 22) ü O CANOfOATE FORUM G G MOVIE "L a s Mujeres Oe Mi General" (No Date) Pedro Infante. Lilia Prado G DR- RUTH SHOW Featured: entertainer Pearl Bailey, Bunny Levine Topic: widows and sex G COOKING WITH GREAT CHEFS O F FRANCE G MO VIE A A "The Hills Have Eyes M” (1985) Michael Berryman. Kevin Blair. En route to a desert motorcycle race, a busload of teen-agers encounters a tribe a murderous savages R' 9:15 G M O VIE A "Friday The 13th - A New Be­ (1985) John Shepard. Melanie Kin- ginning naman A masked kiMer brutally slays a group of unsuspecting teen-agers. 'R' g 9:30 G VIOEOCOUNTfVY G CANCER TOOAY A group of senior citi­ zens who have survived cancer are featured along with nutrition tips to reduce the risk of cancer and an anti-smoking campaign. “ NORWAY TOOAY G LOCO AMOR G 0 M N E Y CHANNEL PREVIEW 8 * 6 10*0 G D G 18 G O O new s Q CH A LKBO A RD m VIDEO VIBRATIONS Urban contempo­ rary music video programming featuring a mix of rhythm and blues, pop, soul, gospel, jazz, reggae and country videos. G YOU CAN BE A STAR 0 ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR G O M ISSING FROM HOME Allison must ten her eldest son the news of his father’s disappearance. (Part 4 of 6) O O MONTY PYTHON'S FLYMG CIRCUS G MAN FROM U.N.C.LE. Htya poses as an aide to a Nazi war criminal who has joined forces with THRUSH in a plot against the president of the United States. Guest star: Judy Came. G NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC EXPLORER Featured the complex ecosystem of New York City; Hailey’s comet as seen in Mauna Kea. Hawaii; a look at firefighters who battta forest Mazes. G MOVIE AAV* An UnsuitaMs Job For A Woman’’ (1982) Pippa Guard. Billie Whfistew After the death of her prívale eye boas, a young woman takes over the agency and is hired to investigáis a bizarre suicide. ~ EVERYBODY'S MONEY MATTERS G SENBON Benson is hnspHaMad ter a mysterious Mneas. KTBC d) a KVUE * 7 :0 0 CBS Morning / 3 0 Naas Good Morning Americs KTW0 a Today « KBVO& a Transformers FHntstones Beaver HitlbAties KLRU ■ O Ed Program Mister Rogers Sesame Street I SIN I a a Mundo Latmo Cont'd BET l a i Video Vibrations Hoy Mismo AISO NASH U S A N E T NICK CBN WTBS Chalkboard Success For Women ’ BA Videocountry Cartoons Cont d Calhope Bela Special Pinwhew Good Morning Donahue Family Ties Sale Of Cent I Love Lucy Bewitched Educational Programming Real Estate 4 Investment Carrasco Ed Program Can Be A Star Fandango Me laugh Gong Snow New Love Wheel Fortune Scrabble Dick Van Dyke Andy Griffith Tu Eres Mi Destino Video Vibrations TNI A Vision Why’ Nashville Now That Girl Young And The Restless Ryan's Hope Loving Password H9W5 Perry Mason Rockford Files :30 As The World Children Lives Programming Huespedes Entertainment Neighbor Move Atone Chalkboard Mis Rivai t in a Mill Video Soul 2nd Hundred Movie Mary White New Country Movie Trouble in One Life To Live General Hospital Another World Movie This Savage Santa Barbara Land Hart To Hart Dallas Ed Program To BASIC Texas Videocountry Alive S Well Special Belle Querer Volar Dr Flowers On Legacy Educational Can Be A Star Fandango Liar S Club Joker s W'td Black Beauty Danger Mouse 700 Club Scooby Doo ThunderCats Culpable El Amor Can Video Programming Nashville Now $1 Mil. Chance Happy Days Mam Street He-Man She-Ra Mister Rogers Sesame Street Pnnapessa Vivir Un Poco Vibrations Learning News ABC News AIa u i *nHJWS M 'A 'S 'H Jeopardy NBC News W Happening Good Times News Diff Strokes Sanford Too Close Follow Me Noticiero SIN Cristal Real Estate 4 Homework Hotline 3-2-1 Contact Wild Side Business Rpt MacNeil / Lehrer :30 Wheel Fortune - 7 .0 0 / 3 0 Momingstar / Evemngstar Who's Boss’ P. Strangers A-Team Matt Houston Juana Ins AlSD Dialogue Nashville Now Movie God s Gun Anna Of The Five Towns Da* tar Mike Hammer Moonlighting Hunter Scruples Great Performances Bodas De Odio Que Pasa’ Up 4 Coming New Country * Stage infidelities 700 Club Investment Entertainment Why’ Tony Brown Can Be A Star Fandango Radio 199C Animals You Can t Danger Mouse Alias Smith And Jones Atlanta Braves Builseye Jackpot Reaction All-Star Blitz Cartoons You Can't Lassie Denms Turkey T V F ace Musk Name Tune Tic Tac Dough Go' Beaver Baseball Mr Wizard NICK Rocks Green Acres Rifleman New York Me! s at New Country TBA Videocountry Ptfiwheer Perry Mason Leo The . ion Gentle Bar Ftytnc Nun Mazw 700 Club Success Bill Cosbv Dons Day F Daughter Patty Duke Father Knows Eddie s Father jeamie Bewitched Hazei l covetucy Movie Getting Married M o vie The High Commiss­ ioner Bugs Bunn, And Fnends Flint stones Munsters Stingray News Tonight Spenser For Hire News Ntghtline WKRP Movie David Carson "Curse Of The Letterman Love Boat Fty" Archie Bunker Benson Hawaii Five-0 Language Doctor Who Trade War Mujer Loco Amor 24 Horas Movie "El Profesor Tirambombas Black Forum Wild America Chalkboard TBA Videocountry Dick Cavett Can Be A Star AMred Fandango Hitchcock Nashville Now Edge Of Night That Girt Motorcycle Racing New Country Chefs Prodigy Man From UNC.L E __ The Big Land Anna Of The Five Towns Groucho Bill Cosby Movie Stage Infidelities Dobie Gitiis Father Knows Walk East On Beacon q o o 0 : 3 0 •• O C sPyramid s Card Sharks Pnce Is Right 1018 1 1 8 4 . 0 0 1 : 3 0 Turns Capitol :30 2:00 Guiding Light 3:00 All Family Bob Newhart :30 A oo 4 :3 0 Jeffersons Alice 1 : 3 0 CBS News 5x 0 0 6:00 Equalizer :30 y :3 0 8:00 Q00 108 W JW 5 118 Simon 4 123 Movie: Simon Taxi "Thin Ice" Neighbor 11n a Mill Video Soul Video Vibrations Real Estate 4 Investment NBA Basketball Playoff Game Movie GALA 0 0 PLAY CD LIFE 0 0 0 A Better Way :30 Family Guide SPN 0 "Dr. Syn" Cont'd TLC Time Man McNichoi ARTS 0 Spyship 8 0 0 AM About Us :30 A Great Life i:0 0 Taurus Rising ':3 0 108 4 A :00 Mother's Day I 1 :3 0 Baby Knows "Renfrew Of The Royal Ask Washington Nanny Mounted" Marie Vega Amer Baby J.C Miller Sew Smart J. Swaggart Listening Business Microwaves Play Bridge A Better Way Cookin Cajun American Dream BiottOnThe Landscape One By One 1 2 : 3 0 A Better Way Fashion Child’s Fund Morey's Satellite Programs Missing From Home ESPN 0 1986 NFL Draft Live Irom New York NFL Draft Continues MAX 0 Movie Cont 'd Movie "Meatballs Part II" Movie "City Heat" Movie “The Last Dragon" 4 : 0 0 1 :3 0 Regis Philbin's Lifestyles Be Thinner Success Sew Why? Sounds Magnificent NFL Draft Continues Movie: “Young Bess Nurse Food, Wine Anger Within Math Review HBO 0 Movie "Cat's Eye Marlowe. Private Eye Movie Talk To Me Movie “ The Competition Movie "Comfort And Joy" Oliver And The Artful Dodger Movie "House Of The Long Shadows Movie "Tightrope" SHOW© Movie Terms 01 Endearment Cont'd D IS N E Y 0 Donald Duck Dumbo You 4 Me Animals Movie Big Parade 01 Movie Wuthenng House Of The Comedy Movie Long Shadows Movie Limelight Hetghls Water Birds Scheme Stories From A Flying Trunk Edison Twins Dumbo Pooh Corner Mickey Donald Duck Valley Forge Ounce Of Cure Animals Disney Movie "House Of The Oz 4 Harriet Minors Long Shadows Movie "Sixteen Candles Boy From Dead Man's Bayou Theater "Mountain Family Robinson DTV Movie "A Night To Remember" >* aj •£ £ £ f C m 1* 3 ¥ Y o £ § o 5 O ••— O’* c j o r* v c $ o £ Z .. < Cm z Q- 2 C/5 I s o o Uh ÍÜ f-~ o ?\l CM CM O £ m 1 Z S 9 *s X w 5 b Sz>U z H < U 2 (£> *- O r- _ "V>*f;r 10 40 © MOVIE * * Revenge Of The Nerds (1984) Robert C arradine Anthony Fdwards f ed jp with suffering interm inable humilla tions m asterm inded by an upperclass frater rnty of m acfio athletes a group of freshman book w orm -outcasts der ides to set the c o l­ lege s values str aight R 11 00 ; 7 O MOVIE * * That LuC-ky Touch 11975) Roger M oore Susannah York During NATO war games an arm am ents dealer and a liberal W ashington Post reporter begin a rocky romance CD MIDNIGHT LOVE © g r a n d o l e o p r y l iv e CD ID MOVIE Becky Sharp 11935) Miriam Hopkins Frances Dee A vain young lady overcom es her wicked nature to perform one good deed I D CHILDREN OF THE BROKENHEARTED f f i INVESTMENT ADVISORY 3 4 Q MOVIE * * * M ajor Dundee (1965) Charlton Heston Richard Harris A Union m ajor leads 100 volunteer prisoners on a dangerous mission against the Apaches © SUCCESS £ 9 CD SABADOS LOCOS ® WRESTLING © MOVIE * A Chained Heat (1983) Linda Blair John Vernon W hile serving a sentence in a C alifornia penitentiary, a young woman is exposed to violence and harassment from both inm ates and jailers R f f l MOVIE ★ '/, ’ Angel (1984) C liff Gorman Susan Tyrrell A student turns to prostitutio n so that she can pay the tuition at an exclusive high school R' f f l NIGHT TRACKS: CHARTBUSTERS stereo In 11:10 11:20 11:30 (D WRAP AROUND NASHVILLE f f i INVESTMENT ADVISORY Late Night 12:00 © VIDEO VIBRATIONS Urban contempo­ rary music video programming featuring a mix of rhythm and blues, pop, soul, gospel, jazz, reggae and country videos CD MOVIE * ' ? "Lights Of Old Santa Fe" (1947) Roy Rogers, Dale Evans. A lovely ro­ deo owner on the brink of bankruptcy is res­ cued by a cowboy CD JIMMY SWAGGART Q } SIXTY MINUTES TO SUCCESS < 9 CD RUMBO AL MUNDIAL 9 4 O WRESTLING © W OMEN ON SEX: SELF LOVE 12:15 CD MOVIE * * ' ' ) “ Heartbreakers” (1984) Pe­ In Los Angeles, ter Coyote, Nick Mancuso friends experience dramatic two changes in their careers, romances and their own relationship R' g © D T V lifelong CD NIGHT TRACKS In stereo 12:20 12:30 CD NIGHT FLIGHT "Bob Marley Live At The Santa Barbara Bowl" Bob Marley's last con­ cert before his death in May 1981 includes ^/Monday, April 28. 19É6 Prime lim e 7:00 ® 0 CRAZY LIKE A FOX Harry and Harri­ son investigate a murder at the racetrack Tom Poston and Della Reese guest star O Also DIALOGUE 0 CO LLEGE SPO R TS 0 MOVIE * * * "The Enforcer" ( 1976) Clint Eastwood. Tyne Daly "Dirty Harry" Callahan is joined by a female partner in his pursuit of a group of California revolutionaries terroriz­ ing San Francisco R 0 GRANO OLE OPRY LIVE 0 MOVIE "Devil's Gift" (1984) B o b Mendel­ sohn, Vicki Saputo After purchasing an an­ tique toy monkey, a family is plagued by de­ monic forces 0 0 MOVIE A A ’y "Becky Sharp" (1935) Miriam Hopkins, Frances Dee A vain young lady overcomes her wicked nature to perform one good deed. H O TV AUCTION A bid-by-phone extrava­ ganza where anything and everything will be auctioned to the highest bidder 0 MOVIE A * * "Santa Fe Passage" (1954) John Payne, Faith Domergue A frontier scout guides a wagon train with a cargo of guns and ammunition through hostile Indian territory. 0 0 MOVIE "Hasta El Viento Tiene Miedo" (No Date) Marga Lopez. Maricruz Oliver. 0 WORKING MOTHER Featured a lumber company with Ml female employees "Barbara (No Date) H 3$ O MR. SUNSH INE Janice and Carol vie for P a ul's affections g D SPO R TS SPECIAL H i 0 MOVIE Aguirre. M Landa 3$ 0 G IM M E A BREAK! Nell’s inheritance check bounces at the bank In stereo 0 MOVIE A A ' j (1985) "la d y h a w k e " Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer In the 13th century, a young pickpocket narrowly e scap e s execution and falls in with two lovers cursed by an evil bishop P G - 13' g ® O PRIVATE BENJAMIN Nothing is going to stop Benjamin from throwing a party — not even Lewis or Arm y regulations 0 STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS W ales Confer­ ence Cham pionship G am e Two (Live) (NO TE Starting time is tentative ) 0 W OMEN ON SEX: SELF LOVE 0 PAPER C H A SE The law students prepare for their time in the spotlight as the annual Law S cho ol Follies draw near 7:05 ® MOVIE * * * * "Law rence Of Arabia (1962) Peter O Toole. Alec G uinness A m em ­ ber of the British general staff leads the A r­ ab s in a revolt against the Turks, resulting in the birth of the Arabian kingdom 7:30 I JOE BASH Joe's girlfriend Lo m a is ® CHURCH STREET STATION 0 A WHOLE NEW YOU ® arrested by the vice squad (R) g ® O FACTS OF LIFE Tootle's relatives pre­ pare for her graduation, but she's more inter­ ested in auditioning for a local musical pro­ duction In stereo g 42 O IT'S A LIVING 0 PLAYBOY S CANDID CAM ERA 7:35 0 CALL IT COU RAGE Haunted by dream s of his father's death in shark-infested waters a young boy leaves his native island to face his worst fears and becom e a man 8:00 (D G AIRWOLF W hen Archangel d isa p ­ pears. Hawke and Santm i turn to a psychic to help them find their m issing mentor (R) © TOMMY HUNTER G uests Roy Rogers. Dale Evans, Roy R oge rs Jr . Ian Tyson. Pat Buttram and the Happy H oppers In stereo © JOURNEY TO ADVENTURE ® O LOVE BOAT G uests on a Love Boat cruise to Spain and Portugal include S a d a Thom pson Cesar Romero, Lorenzo Lamas. M ary Crosby, Olivia Brown and Adrian Zm ed Q ® O GOLDEN GIRLS Blan che 's father a s ­ pires to be a country music star In stereo (42 O MOVIE A A ’ 7 The Sheepm an (1958) Glenn Ford, Shirley M acLaine A sheep owner attempts to outwit his enem ies while herding his anim als through cattle country © EVERYTHING G O E S THE ANCHO R­ W OMAN AND THE SPO R TSC A STER 0 MOVIE A A B rew ster's M illio n s" (1985) Richard Pryor. John C and y A m m or-league baseball player go e s on a 30-day, $30-million spending spree, a prerequisite tor collecting a $300 million inheritance P G 'g 8:30 © 0 MOVIE A A W > "T h is Happy B re e d " (1944) Robert Newton, Celia Jo hnso n From the play by Noel C ow ard Traces the lives of m em bers of a m iddle-class family in su b u r­ ban London from 1919 to 1939 0 0 MOVIE "U n a Leyenda De A m o r" (No Date) Rogelio Guerra, Fanny C ano 0 FAMILY GUIDE PRESENTS ® O 227 M ary persuades Lester to give Calvin a job at the construction com pany In stereo © ELECTRIC BLUE W ORLD NUDES TO­ NIGHT 0 INTERNATIONAL CIRC U S STA RS O F TOMORROW Ben Vereen takes viewers to Paris for the 1986 Festival Mondial du Cirque de Demain. an annual competition for circus performers under the age of 25 9:00 (7) O MAGNUM, P I A client supposedly searching for his father turns out to be a mur derer (R) o W INDOW TO THE W ORLD 0 VIDEO SOUL Cash In on Laughs with John Candy and Richard Pryor in Brawsfar's MMHons © MOVIE A A Brewster s Millions ' (1985) Richard Pryor. John C and y A minor league baseball player go e s on a 30-day, $30-million spending spree, a prerequisite for collecting Ralph J. Branch D.D.S. Mondays M A L SADO Tuosday: Wednesday: SWEET REVENGE SWEET REVENGE SWEET REVENGE Thursday: Friday: plastic b a g filled with k p i or cold c o m p re sse s ap p lie d externally will help fo reduce any sw elling or pain. There are m edication s to con trol pain and reduce infection if n ee d ed D rin k s lots of liquids, foods, and eat soft, nutritious liq u ids and alcoholic avoid hot beverages. For 24 hours, d o not bru sh your teeth near the healing so cke l Also, d o not sm oke, rinse your m ou th vigorou sly, or drink th ro u gh a straw, sine e any of these create suction and c o u ld d islo d ge norm al b lo o d d o ttin g n eeded for healing. A day after extraction, begin rms in g gently w ith w arm salt water af ter m eals to keep the tender area free of fo o d particles s h o u ld vou have any persistent negative reac lio n s— pain, sw e llin g b le ed in g fe­ ver, nausea or vom itin g call vour dentist im m ediately for mstruc tions POST-EXTRACTION CARE Q. W h at sort of special care is re c o m ­ m en d ed after tooth extraction? A. M o s t probably, your dentist will gu id e you on p ost-operative p ro ­ cedures, but here are so m e a d ­ ice b ag (or vance pointers: An S O IS E. R IV E R S I D E R ^ A ) • (VERY NIGHT— 25* DM FTBEER7-10p.m . • VIDEO O N 2 I O'SCREENS • 14 ROOt TABLES • OVER 12,000 SQ. FT. 2907 Duval 472-5633 Fmergemy # 443-1861 a $300 million inheritance PG g © COUNTRY NOTES 0 ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR 0 TO BE ANNOUNCED 0 INVESTMENT ADVISORY 30 © JOVENES HEROES <39 O REMINGTON STEELE A m an believed to be fatally ill frames himself for murder so his wife can collect the reward money In stereo 0 NOT NECESSARILY THE NEW S Com edy sketches com bine with classic film and news footage in an offbeat satiric fake-off 930 O WHY IN THE W ORLD © COUNTRY KITCHEN © INVESTMENT ADVISORY © M O REY'S MARKDOW N MARKET 0 MOVIE (1986) Charles Bronson. Ellen Burstyn B ase d on the true story of Joseph Vablonski. whose crusade to rid the United Mine W o rk ­ ers union of corruption led to violence and ultimately to murder in Decem ber 1969 g © RIBALD C L A S S IC S THEATRE THE TALES CONTINUE Act Of Vengeance Jock 0 SHOW TIME C OM EDY C lO S E U P 9:50 10 00 Countryman X ) O ® O ® O NEW S O CHALKBO ARD © COU NTRYCtlPS 0 MOVIE A A S (1982) Countryman Hiram Keller A couple crash land on a Caribbean island and are rescued from paranoid politicians by a mystical fisher man / philosopher 1® O AUCTION CONTINUES f f i S U C C E S S N’ LIFE 0 INVESTMENT ADVISORY 0 SEC RE T S OF S U C C E S S 42 0 TWILIGHT ZONE 8SPORTSCEN TER RICH HALL S VANISHING AM ERICA As he travels down a few highways former Sat­ urday Night I ive cast member Rich Hall fo cuses his attention on the pieces of America na that are quickly becoming prized artifacts 0 MOVIE A A * Ada (1961) Susan Hay­ ward Dean Martin A sheriff finds his political career threatened by his involvement with a young girl 10 30 7 , 0 TAXI Alex crashes his daughter s eie yant wedding reception and drunkenly con fronts his e x -wife O JOHN ANKER8ERG 0 0 BOXEO DESOE MEXICO ® | ) TEXAS VOTE '86 % O SATUROAY NIGHT’S MAIN EVENT Pro wrestling exhibitions Hutk Hogan and the Junkyard D og vs the Funk Brothers U n ­ cle Flmer vs King K o ng Bundy Adorable Adrian Adonis vs Paul Mr W onderful Orn dorff the British Bulldogs vs Nikolai Volkoff and the Sieam boat vs Jake (he Snake 42 O MOVIE s e e , The Sling 11973) Paul Newman Robert Redford In 1930s Chi cago a veteran con artist and an amateur crook who stoie the m ob s bankroll plot an elaborate hoax to swindle another hail mil lion from the bad guys 0 MOVIE A A C om ing Of Angels The Sequel ( t985) Ginger Lynn Annette Haven A trio of undercover investigators tries to res cue a kidnapped senator iron Shtek Ricky the Dragon KTBC CD B KVUE m m KTW f l O KBVO KLRU SIN *7 :0 0 CBS Morning / 3 New* Qood Morning Today America Transformers FHntttone* er * Mister Rogtrs Mundo Latino Cont’d BET CP Video Vibrations AISD NASH UftAMFT NICK J L SpacK Secret To TBA Vidaocountry Cartoon* Cont’d CaHop* Seaama Street Hey Mismo Chalkboard Good Morning Donahue Family Ties Sale Of Cent. I Love Lucy Bewitched Educational Programming Wheel Fortune Dick Van Dyke Scrabble Andy Griffith Password Perry Mason Raat Estate I Investment ducational Programming Can Be A Star Fandj go___ Ms Laugh Gongi ■ n o Snow Tu Eras Mi Destino Video Vibrations Space Nashville Now In The Kitchen Black Equal Justice Chalkboard 8:00 :30 | 0 0 Pyramid ':3 0 Card Sharks 10*0 Price Is Right ■i -4 0 0 Young And I 1 :3 0 The Restless 1 2 : 3 0 As The World a :00 1 :3 0 Turns Capitol :30 2:00 Guiding Light 3:00 AH Family Bob Nevrtiart :30 A 0 0 Jefferson* H :3 0 Alice 00 News r 0 :3 0 CBS News 0 . 0 0 News 0 :3 0 Wheel Fortune “ 7 :0 0 Wast57lh / 30 Q :0 0 Movie: 0 :3 0 "Thursday's New Love Ryan's Hope Loving AM My Children One Life To Live General Hospital Days Of Our Lives Rockford Files Educational Programming Huespedes Mis Showcase Video Soul Another World Movie: "Send Me No Santa Barbara Flowers" La Rival Querer Volar Dr. Flowers On Afterschoot Dallas ScoobyDoo Culpable El Cat $1 Mil Chance Happy Days Newlyweds Price Is Right He-Man She-Ra Mister Rogers Sesame Street Principesas Vivir Un Poco Vibrations News ADTRDL/ nvws News M*A*S*H MacGyver Dynasty Jeopardy no\j niws News Diff Strokes Highway To Heaven Biacke's Magic Cl CluuJu.. W. Happening Good Timas Sanford Too Close 3-2-1 Contact WHdSid* Business Rpt. FoüowMe Noticiero SIN Cristal Matt Houston Mac Neil/ Juana Iris Lehrer Cathedral Movie: "Never Give Bodas Da Odio Mida Real Estate A Investment In The Kitchen Black Showcase Video Soul Educational Programming m m Ed. Program Powerhouse In Science Equal Justice To Texas Living Animáis Zavala Tran Your Future Homework Hotline Of Teaching Spanish Chalkboard r v 0 0 Child” Mntal ':3 0 10:30 News Taxi NewsH Nightline Tonight Benson Hawaii Five-0 “ Damien'' Doctor Who 24 Horas Video Vibrations Playhouse Loco Amor That Girl Tamp. Rising Movie: "French Postcards” New Country “Gunsmoke Ranch" Videocountry AMvetWcM Special Can Bs A Star Fandango Liar’s Club Joker s Wild Nashville Now But ly* jecxpot New Country TBA Vidaocountry Reaction All-Star BHtz Cartoons MrWtxard Uses Beauty Danger Mouse You Can’t La— ____ Dennis Turkey T V. Can Be A Star Fandango Radio 1990 Animals NashvMeNow Wrestling New Country Videocountry Boxing Lockridge vs. Montero You Can’t Danger Mouse Alas Smith And Jonas 20th Century Air Power Bom Fra* New York Mats at Africa 700 Oub A to m Icebound In The Antarctic Snapshots NBA Can Be A Star Fandango W i Alfred Hitchcock Great Detective Man From U.N.C.L.E. mvPia»7 JL I Low Lucy UN” RwryMaaan ’’U tie C ie v " !3 m!S Munstor* Ñ SSsa f€ Hi CBN -JSLm LaoTkaUan G anttaS* 3 3 ' 700 Club Success BR Cosby Doris Day F. Daughter Pattyouks Faliar Knows Eddtos Father 700 Club Facs Music Name Tuna Tic Tac Dough Oof Green Acres — p p fft Prime Time 7:00 ® O WEST 57TH O IT'S YOUR FUTURE C BLACK SHOWCASE Featured Ramsey Lewis © MOVIE * * * Mass Appeal (1984) Jack Lemmon. Zr»l|ko Ivanek C onfrontations be­ tween a com placent priest and an idealistic seminary student lead both to a greater un­ derstanding ot the human spirit PG' g © NASHVILLE NOW B WRESTLING © © TWENTIETH CENTURY The Strange Case Of Rudolph Hess W alter C ronkite nar­ rates the story of how Hitler s No 3 man flew to Scotland in a misguided effort to end the war O MACNEIL / LEHRER NEWSHOUR CD BORN FREE When a notorious poacher is released from prison, a form er game warden (Dan O Herlihy) com es out of retirem ent to trap him CD MOVIE El Mundo Loco De Los Jovenes (No Date) Cesar Costa Julissa © AMERICAN GIRLS 3 4 O MACGYVER MacGyver tries to rescue a political prisoner from a Soviet institution © AMERICAN BABY Featured sensory d e ­ velopment in the three-m onth-old how to create bibs and baby items from piacemats tips on buying shoes for infants and toddlers 3B B JUANA IRI8 3 4 O HIGHWAY TO HEAVEN An investiga live TV reporter makes im proper charges re­ garding the operation of a home for unwed mothers In stereo g O MOVIE * A The W ild Life (1984) Chria- topher Penn. Eric S lo ti W ith the start of school jus! around the corner, a group of teen-agers spends the last week of summer in all out hedonistic revelry R g 4 2 O MATT HOUSTON M att s uncle (Buddy Ebsen) helps to cleer M att of a m urder charge (Part 2 of 2) CD BASEBALL'S GREATEST NÍT8 Advent of the Gam# © HUGH M HEFNER • A CONVERSATION In an interview conducted by CBS co rre ­ spondent C harles Rose Hugh Hefner discusses his views on freedom of expresaron and governm ent involvement in defining and controlling pornography CD BROTHERS Cltff begins to realue a dream when he i offered a chance to play L A professional baseball Guest Dodgers infietder Steve Sax CD EDISON TW1N8 One Good Con Tom and Annie become concerned when their his tory teacher quits his job and puts his life s savings into the purchase of a piece of real estate m order to locate a legendary pirate treasure buried there star ; 7:30 O HOMEWORK HOTLINE © © AIR POWER LUFTWAFFE The role of Nazi bom bers in thee quest of W estern Eu­ rope Walter C ronkite hosts CD TRAVELVI8ION INTERNATIONAL CD STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS O»vts*on Final It necessary (Ltvei (NOTE S tarting time is tentative Game is subject to blackout ) CD BIZARRE Sketches laughter as the beat lives of the rich medicine instant vacations and bizarra g CD DANGER BAY Timber A decrease in the area s salmon spawning activity prompts an investigation by Grant. Nicola and Jonah M O 7 B MOVIE Thursday's Child' (1982) Gena Rowlands, Don Murray A bright, athletic 17-year-old member of an extremely close-kmt family is faced with open-heart Surgery ( R ) g S VIDEO SOUL BOXING Rocky Lock ridge <38-2 32 KOs) vs Pedro M ontero (22 6 15 KOs) in a junior lightweight bout scheduled for 10 rounds, live from A tlantic City, N J This Magnificent African © © AFRICA Cake Historian Basil Davidson describes how com petition for Africa am ong the west­ ern nations dram atically and perm anently al­ tered African life (Part 6 of 8) I t O CATHEDRAL The Gothic cathedral s cultural im portance in medieval France is il­ lustrated through step by-step construction of the imaginary Notre-Dam e de Beaulieu and visits to Notre-Dam e da Pans, Chartres and Armens Host author David Macaulay Anim ation sequences narrated by ador Derek Jacobi g B 700 CLUB B REGIS PHIL BIN S LIFESTYLES B O DYNASTY Alexis finds her uncon­ scious daughter in a La Mirage hotel room; Ben learns a secret from Carets' past that wiM ensure her silence g B SECRETS OF SUCCESS ® B BOOAS DE OOtO « B BLACKE'S MAGIC After seeing strange lights in the shy, the Biackee have reason to suspect that aliens might have ab­ ducted a woman (R) 42 B MOVIE "Never Give An Inch" (1971) Henry Fonda. Paul Newman. An Ore­ gon logging family devisa a way to dakvar a large order on schedule when strikers sabo­ tage their equipment © MOVIE * “ I Want To Be Bad" (1984) Tara Aire. Jon Martin A businessman's over­ booked schedule sends his wife and mistress searching for a lover B GALLAGHER: OVER YOUR HEAD Gal­ lagher brings his zany inventions and lively observations to an audience in Beaumont, Texas B MOVIE * * # A d s ' (1961) Susan Hay­ ward. Dean Martin A sheriff finds his politicai career threatened by his involvement with a young girt O HEART OF TEACHB4G 8:30 8 NEW COUNTRY (B E L MUNOODEL ESPECTACULO 3# B MUY ESPECIAL. MIRLA CASTEL­ LANO M 0 S GREAT DECISIONS ‘OS CRAZY ABOUT THE MOVIES: MARILYN MONROE - BEHMO THE LEGEND The pri­ vate sida of Marilyn Monroe is seen through film clips, television footage and interviews with director Joshua Logan, actors Don Mur­ ray. Robert Mrtchum. Cafaste Holm and Su­ san Strasberg. B TO BE ANNOUNCED B ICEBOUND m THE ANTARCTIC: 8HACKLETON Our Dead Bodies Must Tell The Tale" A solid cliff of ice forces Ernest Shack let on to return to a mixed reception in London (Part 2 of 4) ( 9 B AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Damien" Terence Knapp portrays Father Damien, the Roman CathoMc priest who worked with lepers confined on Molokai island until he. himself, died a tapar. (R) g B B M OVE "Asi Es Mi Tierra" (No Date) Mario Moreno, Margarita Cortes. B OR RUTH SHOW Featured: Rona Jaffee author of “After The Reunion:" actress Ear­ ths Km. 3 9 B HOTEL An actress's daughter writes a scathing novel about life with her famous mother; Christine's engaged to a prominent professional man. Guest stars include Debbie , , , Reynolds and Eden Bry. g 8 HELLO JERUSALEM B ST. ELSEWHERE Ehrfch and Chan­ dler attend an anti-apartheid demonstrado*; Rosenthal’s first husband wants a rsronriia tion. B M OVE "The Falcon And The Snowman" (1984) Timothy Hutton. Sean Penn. Baaad on the true story of Christopher Boyce and DauMon Lae who were triad in 1977 for sa«ng top-secret U S documento to the Soviets. R’ g © PLAYBOY COMEDY THEATRE: 8HECKY GREENE B GALLAGHER THE BOOKKBP1R In this San Jose, CaNf. performance. 0 —aghsr twists toe serious world of finance into a spoof with his latest props and offbeat hu­ mor. M 0 B NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Gama (Teams To Be Announced) M 0 B CONVERSATIONAL SPANMH BVIOEOCOUNTRY B AMEPOCAN SNAPSHOTS ® B LOCO AMOR 1000 ®B®B 9 BNEWS CHALKBOARD VOBO VH A T IO N S KVUE 0 O Good Morning America K TW KBVO KLRU 0 O @0 (9 0 SIN S B BET AISD O NASH O USANET o Today Transformers Ed Proaram FMntstone» Mqfor Rogers Mundo latino Contd Video Vibrations Beaver HiMtxtbes Seaame Street Hoy Mtsmo Chalkboard 60 Minutes To Success Cartoons Contd TBA Videocountry Caihope NICK Q-m-Ov*Wf Special Ptnwheel Good Morning Oonahue I Love Lucy Bewitched Educational Programming Family Ties Sale 6f Cent Wheel Fortune Scrabble Dick Van Dyke Andy Griffith Password Perry Mason Real Estate & Investment Carrasco Educational Can Be A Star Fandango Me Laugh Gong Snow Tu Eres Mi Destino Video Vibrations Programming Del Norte Nashville Now That Girl With Extra Days Of Our Lives Rockford Files Educational ’*________ Programming Another World Movie "A Girt Named Mis Huespedes La Rival Video Sout Santa Barbara Sooner Querer Volar Black Forum On The Line Move Along Chalk board Mow The inspeclor Pmwfteei New Country Movie The Rangers General Ed Program To BASIC Take Over Videocountry Alive 4 Weti Special Belle Dr Flowers On Legacy Educational Can Be A Star Fandango Liar s Club Joker 5 Wild Black Beauty Danger Mouse ' Love Ryan's Hope Loving All My Children One Life To Live General Hospital Hart To Hart Scooby Doo ThunderCats Culpable El Amor Ca# Video Programming Nashvitie Now |1 Mk. Chance Happy Days Newlyweds Price Is Right He-Man She-Ra Mister Rogers Sesame Street VMr Un Poco Prmcipessa Vibrations Learning Buftseye jackpot Reaction AM-Star Blitz Cartoons You Can I Lassie Dennis Turkey T V Mr Wizard NICK Rocks New Country TBA Videocountry CBN WTBS Lao The Lion Gertie Ben Flying Nun Hazel TOO Club Success Bill Cosby Dorrs Day F Daughter Patty £XAe Father Knows Eddie i Father TOO Club ~~ Face Musk Name Tune Tic Tac Dough Go' Green Acres Rifleman jeanm* Bewitched Haze I Love Lucy Mow That Funny F*emg Pwy Masor Mov* Foii'fe Bugs B unny And Friends F lintstone* Munster s Bea*e BasebaM New York Mets at ABC News a M*A*S*H Drff Strokes Cosby Show Family Ties Cheers Night Court H i Street Bjues News Tonight Ripley's The Colbys 20/20 news Nightlme WKRP Movie irdy News W Happening Good Times 3-2-1 Contact Noticiero SIN Follow Me Cristal Wild Side Business Rpt Mac Neil / Lehrer Sanford Too Close Matt Houston Movie: Bandolero Real Estate 4 Investment Black Forum Homework Hothne Wry’’ Black Forum Juana Ins On The Line AISD Dialogue Nashville Sow Austin On Line Bodas De Odio Video Soul SIN Presenta Up 4 Coming New Country Mystery' Loco Amor 24 Horas Benson Hawaii Five-0 When I Laugh Neon Wild America Tony Brown TBA Videocountry Petrocetif Video Vibrations Chalkboard Can Be A Star Allred Fandango Hitchcock David Carson S Previews Amer Jazz Mow "La “Bigger Than Life Letterman Love Boat Archie Bunker Vacaciones Del Amor Real Estate 4 Investment Can Be A Star Fandango Radio 1990 Animals You Can t Danger Mouse Alias Smith And Jones Atlanta B'aves Movie Ash Wednesday Intermezzo Wackiest Ship In The Army JtBA Madrigal Intermezzo Nashville Now Edge Of Night Edge 01 Night New Country That Girl Room 222 PLAY CD SPN 0 “AtoM K" Contd TLC 0 Listening Financial ARTS CD ESPN 0 Business MAX 0 C Chaplin Great Detective_____ Sport sCenter Movie GALA 0 0 LIFE -7 . OO A Better Way / :30 Family Guide ;30 :30 A Great Life 8:00 All About Us 9:00 Taurus Rising 1 0 $ A A 0 0 Mother’s Day I 1:30 Baby Knows " A Q : 0 0 A Better Way I ¿1:30 Fashion Movie Queen Of The Washington Ask Icebound In The Antarctic Amazons” . . . . . . Marie Vega J.C. Miller Soup To Nuts Sewing J. Swaggart TO. (glehart Morey's Time Man Mircowaves Watercotor Banjo For Success Cook in Cajun Satellite Programs Maxim Shostakovich Conducts Homage To Chagall Leroy In L.A. Horse Wk NBA Today Auto Racing IMSA Grand Prix Sportslook Aerobics Fashion Tennis Volvo Monte Carlo Open ■4 :00 Regis Philbm s Amer Baby 1:3 0 Lifestyles______Germany Sew Aznavour Cancer Today Breaking Decorative Art Am Interests Food, Wine Cities America HBO 0 Movie The ice Pirates Movie Door To Door Movie Rhinestone Mar (owe Private Eye Movie "Greystoke Money On The Side Movie "Victor / Victoria Movie Interrupted Melody' Movie The Caine Mutiny" Movie "Streets Of Fire" :30 :30 :30 "September 2:00 Nurse 3:00 Movie. 4 :00 Storm" 5:00 R. Simmons 6 3 0 *7:00 CassieiCo / 3 0 :30 It Figures HowTo Cooking Morey’s J.C Miller Video Vacations Lifestyle Int’l Tours Lifestyle 8:00 Regis PhHbin's 30 Lifestyles International --------- Cooking g OO Dr Ruth Show Looking East a A :0 0 Movie. I U:30 "CanShe -| -| -00 Bake A Cherry 1:30 Pie?" Everybody’s Money Matters HowTo/ 4 A :0 0 Everybody's I ¿ 30 Money Matters Success 20th Century United States Roller Derby Auto Racing Movie: "I Was Monty's Double" Shortstories Intermezzo SportsLook Tennis Mag Charlie Chaplin SportsCenter Movie Stanley Cup "Victor / Playoffs Wain Victoria" Conference Championship Movie Santo En Misión Suicida Lucia Bonelli The Legend 01 Tarzan, Lord Of The Apes Puff XETU La Trampa "Caballo Alazan Survival Movie “ The Ice Pirates Lucero" T Fernandez Movie "Brewster's Playmates Comedy Theatre Movie: Millions "Sex Waves Madrigal Intermezzo Game One SpeedWeek "The French Lieutenant's In The PGA SportsCenter Movie: Woman" Movie “Dos Mejor Que Uno" Movie: Superstars Fishin’ Hole "Terror In The Aisles" "Los Albañiles" Marlowe. Private Eye Movie: "Creature" 1985 Playmate Review Honeymooners Movie Electric Blue Presents Movie: "All Of Me” Horse Wk. Movie: "Losin’ It" Movie Movie Playmates Theatre Basketban Ptayoff Game Movie Casabianca TOO Club Enterprise Man From U N C L E __ Grouchc Bill Cosby Dobie G iili 5 Father Knows Movie Man Hunte* SHOW CD Movie Conan The Destroyer DISNEY 0 Donald Duck Dumbo You 4 Me Animals Movie For The First Movie The Bemker Time Gang Island Movie Ladyhawke Nature s Half Acre Rubber Tarzan — ^ Movie All Of Me Birdwatcher's Bay Monkey s Paw Movie "Conan The Destroyer Movie Beau Brummel Dumbo Pooh Corner Mickey Donald Duck Animals Disney Oz 4 Harriet Disney s Return To Treasure Island And I" Bear Country "The Great Caruso" 41 S S S £ Z Z v, 4/ o £ z ^ l ! 00 $ (3 (P «0 o Oj Cj CU O S z > o z I - < 0 5 CD O CJ Movie "Ladyhawke" Movie “ The Bears 0 MOVIE AAVi "Ladyhawke" (1985) In the Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer 13th century, a young pickpocket narrowly escapes execution and falls In with two lovers cursed by an evil bishop PG-13’ g 0 MOVIE ★ A "The Bears And I" (1974) Pa­ trick Wayne, Chief Dan George. A Vietnam veteran adopts three bear cubs and helps an Indian tribe fight to prevent their land from being turned into a national park 'G' 8 3o § UP AND COMING MOVIE A A A "The French Lieutenant's Woman" (1981) Meryl Streep. Jeremy Irons Based on the novel by John Fowles. An affair between two actors is paralleled in the ro­ mantic period film in which the two are per­ forming. ‘R’ ® NEW COUNTRY Featured: Dobie Gray. In stereo 0 0 NUEVAS NOCHES CON TALINA FER­ NANDEZ 0 COOKING WITH GREAT CHEFS OF FRANCE 9 ( SIN PRESENTA "Estamos Unidos" 0 O NIGHT COURT The courtroom is con­ verted into a maternity ward after a hurricane strikes the city. (Part 1 of 2) In stereo 0 MOVIE A "Sex Waves" (1984) Tracy Lords, Eric Edwards. After a tragic accident, a comatose woman undergoes experimental brainwave surgery and awakens with a new personality 9:00 (D B KNOTS LANDING Greg legally claims Peter as his brother; Cathy and Ben meet at the beach house; Abby learns about Jill’s past g O WILD AMERICA 0 TO BE AN! OUNCED PETROCELJ ® O MYSTERYI “Agatha Christie's Part­ ners in Crime”America’s ambassador to Brit­ ain asks the husband-and-wife detective team of Tommy and Tuppence Beresford to investigate a curious shipboard incident g MOVIE “Dos Mejor Que Uno” (No Date) Antonio Resines, Jose Sacristan 0 DR. RUTH SHOW Featured Daniel J. Dolesh and Sherlyn Lehman, authors of “How To Survive Infidelity;" actress Valerie Harper @ cholesterol levels in American children g 0 LOOKING EAST ® O HILL STREET BLUES As determined by an April 24th viewer telephone poll, one of three episodes from the 1983-84 season will air this evening (R) 20 / 20 Scheduled report on high 9:30 Q TONY BROWN S JOURNAL ® VIDEOCOUNTRY ® ENTERPRISE U S A. 0 OUTDOOR NEWS NETWORK 9 0 LOCO AMOR 0 SPEEDWEEK 0 BEAR COUNTRY An Academy Award- winning featurette on the family life of the American Black Bear 9:35 0 MOVIE A A A A “Casablanca" (1942) Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman An expa­ in French triate American casino owner Morocco holds the key to the escape of a European resistance leader and his wife, who are fleeing from the Nazis 10:00 ( D O i O i O NEWS O CHALKBOARD ® VIDEO VIBRATIONS Urban contempo­ rary music video programming featuring a mix of rhythm and blues, pop, soul, gospel, jazz, reggae and country videos 0 YOU CAN BE A STAR 0 ALFRED HITCHCOCK HOUR ( 9 O ONLY WHEN I LAUGH 0 MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. Agent Napoleon to stop a Solo THRUSH plot to assassinate a visiting African premier at an American industrialist's plant. Guest star Patricia Crowley 0 MOVIE A Vi "Can She Bake A Cherry Pie?" (1983) Karen Black, Michael Emil A (Robert Vaughn) races neurotic divorcee still emotionally attached to her ex-husband begins an uncertain ro­ mance with a self-centered, confirmed bach­ elor. 0 EVERYBODY'S MONEY MATTERS 9 0 24 HORAS 0 PHILIP MARLOWE, PRIVATE EYE Mar­ lowe (Powers Boothe) tracks down black­ mailers who are threatening a movie star. © O BENSON A reception for an important industrialist and Katie's jealousy of her fa­ ther s hostess create problems for Benson 0 INSIDE THE PGA TOUR © MORE OF THE 1985 PLAYMATE REVIEW ® HONEYMOONERS: THE LOST EPI­ in SODES Ralph gets a neighbor’s help choosing a gift for Alice, Ralph's mistaken for a bookie at the racetrack; Ralph thinks he's being promoted to manager of the bus com­ pany. g 10:05 0 MOVIE A A A “The Great Caruso" (1950; Mario Lanza, Ann Blyth. Enrico Caruso rises from obscurity as a cafe entertainer to be­ come a lead tenor at the Metropolitan Opera •G’ 10:30 CD O TAXI The cabbies conjure up their own outrageous fantasies when Herve Vil- lechaize of "Fantasy Island" leaves an enve­ lope in Tony’s cab. (Part 1 of 2) Prime Time 7:00 CD 0 SIMON A SIMON The Simons help their cousin (Caren Kaye) search for a valu­ able family treasure. 0 AMO DIALOGUE ION THE UNE 1 NASHVILLE NOW 0 MOVIE * * ♦ “Ash Wednesday’’ (1973) Elizabeth Taylor. Henry Fonda A middle- aged housewife attempts to recapture her youthful appearance by undergoing facial surgery at an Italian clinic O 0 INTERMEZZO Richard Strauss’ comic opera from the stage of England's Glynde- bourne Opera starring John Pringle as a composer and Felicity Lott as his flighty wife (9 0 MACNEIL / LEHRER NEWSHOUR 0 WACKIEST SHIP IN THE ARMY 0 0 MOVIE “Caballo Alazan Lucero" (No Date) Lorenzo Oe Monteclaro, Rosenda Ber­ nal. 8CASSIEACO. 0 RIPLEY’S BELIEVE IT OR NOT! A hel­ met designad to protect hay fever sufferers from pollen; a new treatment for the removal of kidney stones; what becomes of unclaimed waNets and letters. (R) g 0 INTERNATIONAL TOURS 9 0 JUANA MI8 9 0 COSBY SHOW Denise s friend turns 10 Cliff for some medical advice. In stereo (R) Í2) 0 MATT HOUSTON Suffering from head injuries sustained in a car accident, a diso­ riented C.J. faces trumped up prostitution charges in a small desert town Guest star Jamie Rose. O PLAYMATE8: THEN A NOW 7:20 0 NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams To Be Announced) 7:30 8 LIFESTYLE 0 FAMILY TIES A co-worker (Peter Sco- lari) fads in love with Elyse. In stereo, g 1 PLAYBOY COMEDY THEATRE: REDO FOXX 0 MOU8ETERPIECE THEATER 7:45 8.-00 (D 0B R P am TO CROSS Tracy and Peter investigate We death of the publisher of a pornographic magazine 0 VDEOSOUL ) 0 AUSTIN ON UNE 0 7 0 0 CLUB 0 REIMS PMLBNTS LIFESTYLES 0 0 THE COLBYS Jeff’s cleared of the murder charge; Miles may have jumped bail. ® INTERNATIONAL ■ BC A8 EOOIO I 0 CHEERS Sam’s involvement with an aspiring politician could lead to a long-term romance. (Part 1 of 3) In stereo. 0 MOVC # ♦ “Brewster's Millions " (1985) Richard Pryor. John Candy. A minor-league baseball player goes on a 30-day, $30-mi«ion spending spree, a prerequisite for collecting a $300 mIMion inheritance. 'PG' g 0 0 MOVE * * * “Bandolero” (1968) Dean Martin, James Stewart. A men plots to help his convict brother and his gang escape by denuding himself as a hangman. * <6l « I .................................................... .............. ......................................................... TV W aich Weetov/Mondav Ann! 2 fi i9R6/Pan«Q KTBC CD © KVUE « O America KTW « e Today / 30 News Q 00 O 30 Q 00 Pyramid v7 30 Card Sharks Good Morning Donahue f amity Tie* Sale Of Cent 1 0 30 Pr,Ci 5 4 4 00 1 1 30 The Restless ’ Xing * ad 4 o 00 hews 1 ¿L 30 As Tn* Wbrtd t -jms ^ 00 1 30 Capitol 2 00 Guiding light hew Love Ryan» Hope . LOV,n2 AM My Children One UN To Live General Hospital Wheel Fortune Scrabble Dick Van Dyke Andy Griffith Perry Mason Password hews Days Of Our Lives Another World Movie ftoikes Santa Barbara KBVO © • Fkn tit ones Beaver Hdibtkies i Love Lucy Bwntched KLRU (SI © Ed Program Mister Rogers Sesame Street Educational Programming SIN © © BET 0 AISD O Mundo Latino Contó Video Vibrations Hoy Mismo Chalkboard NASH a Get Rich With Real Estate TIA Videocountry U S A N ET • Cartoone Corn'd CaMope NICK • Bala Special Pmxrfieel Real Estate & Investment Educational Programming Can Be A Star Fandango Me Laugh Gong Snow Tu Eres Mi Destino Video Vibrations Space Nashville Now Thai Girl Rockford Files Educational Programming Video Soul Mis Huespedes Corazones Sin Rumbo Querer Votar Entertainment •Spy Equal Justice Chalkboard Ho And She Movie: Kashmm Run" New Country Movie: "The 8 * Educational Programming Show’ Videocountry Alive 4 Well Special Dr Flowers On CanBeAStar Fandango Liar s Club Joker s Wild Biack Beauty Danger Mouse " » » rnlwnBB o 00 hews O 30 A hew f on une hews M’ A'S'H g 00 A» Fam.t> O 30 Boe hewhar* A 00 -letter sons H 30 Aice r 00 hews O 30 CBS hewn -j 00 Charlie 4 Co / 30 ie o 4 l¡z O 00 Dalias O 30 Q 00 Falcon Crest C7 30 1 A 00 hews 1 U 30 raxi 4 4 00 Magnum P 1 1 30 t Q 00 McGarrett 1 C. 30 Hart To Hart DaMas Scooby Doo ThundérCats Culpable 8 Amor CM Video $ 1 Mil Chance Happy Days Newtyweds Pnce Is Right He-Man She-Ra Mister Rogers Sesame Street Prmcipessa Vtvtr Un Poco Vibrations hews ABC hews Webster Mr Belvedere Mr Sunshine Joe Bash Jeopardy NBC hews hews D»ft Strokes Knight Rider W Happening Good Times hoah Too Close 3-2-1 Contact Wiid Side Business Rpt Follow Me Noticiero StN Cristal Real Estate 4 Man Houston TV Auction Juana Iris 1 Spy Last Precmct Movie Tobruk Bodas De Odio De Ambrosio Video Soul Fail Guy Miami Vice News Ntghtlme WKRP Movie hews Tonight Benson Movie Ffdav Night River” Bend Of The Auction Continues Austin Cfly Limits The Blob Videos No Empujen Loco Amor 24 Horas Alberto Y Susana Video Vibrations in Science Ed Program Powerhouse Ed Program In Science Space Carrasco Living Your Future Homework HotNne Teaching investment Entertainment Animáis Scholarships Can Be A Star Fandango Radio 1990 Animáis You Can t Danger Mouse Alias Smith And Jones Nashville Now 3'sACrowd Associates Oxbridge Blues New Country Decisions 86 Spanish TBA Videocountry Chase Toma Oxbridge Shortstories Midnight Love Chalkboard Can Be A Star Fandango Movie: "Kiders From Johnny Griffin Man From U.N.C.LE Nashville Now Space' New Country Night Flight Oxbridge Blues Oxbridge NashvAehow Now Country TBA Videocountry BuNseye Jackpot Reaction Ad-Star Bbtz Cartoons You Can't Lassie Dennis Turkey T.V Tic Tac Dough Go! Beaver Hibidies Mr Wizard NICK Rocks Green Acres Rifleman Andy Griffith Gunsmoke CBN • Leo The Lion Ganda Ban Flying Nun Haul 700 Chib Succass B * Cosby Doris Day F. Daughter PWtyouke Father Knows Eddie’s Father 700 Oub FaceMueic Name Tuna WTBS © Jnnni6 Haul l Love Lucy Movie. "Run For The Roees" Perry Mason Movie: Symbol'' nWatch Bugs Bunny And Friends FSntstones Munsters Baaebad Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phüiies NBA Basket bail Playoff Game Doris Day Flipper 700 Oub TBA Groucho BiH Cosby DobteGMis Father Knows Night Tracks- Power Plav ESPN © MAX © GALA © © HBO © PLAY © SHOW © CMSNEY © LIFE © *7 00 A Better Way f 30 Family Guide Q 00 A il About Us O 30 A Great Life Q 00 Taurus Rising O 30 1 0 §8 : 1 1 * 0 4 Q 00 Mother s Day I ¿_:30 Fashion SPN © Detour Cont'd Movie Reefer Madness Mane Vega J C M ilier Fresh ideas Crafts J Swaggart R M Taytor Morey's Jerusalem Food Wine Morey's Amer Baby Morey s Instant Cash 4 00 Regis Philbin s I 30 Lifestyles O 00 Nurse Jewish Heilo 430 Q 00 Movie O 30 Bonnie A 00 Prince ^ 3 0 Charlie r 00 R Simmons 0 :30 0 00 Family it Figures Systems Lifestyle Success “7 :0 0 From Here To / :30 Eternity Game Is Golf J Houston Q 00 Regis Philbin’s 0 : 3 0 Lifestyles Germany Success (V 0 0 Dr Ruth Show y 30 Especatular De! Mes 4 T V 00 Movie I U :3 0 "Legend Of Everybody's Money Matters 4 4 00 Frenchie I I :30 King" 4 Q :0 0 Everybody's I ¿ - 30 Money Matters Day At The Races Movie TLC © Computer Ask Washington ARTS © Fame is The Spur Shortstories AH About TV What s inside 20th Century United States Play Bridge A Better Way Microwaves Cookin' Cajun Aznavour Breaking America Business SportsCenter Movie The Slugger s SpeedWeek Women NFL Draft 86 in The PGA SportsLook Aerobics Fashion Wife" Movie Torch Song Movie Cannonball Run” Sherry Nelson Gardener Blott On The Landscape Stanley Cup Playoffs Sew Decisions Missing From Home Wales Conference independents Dis Patches One By One Championship Game One Comedy Movie "Back To Bataan Movie Home From The Hill” Movie Baby Blue Marine Movie Testament Movie Cat s Eye Minors Movie "Adventures Of Huckleberry Finn" Movie. Oh God! You Movie: "The Ratings Donald Duck Dumbo Game" You 4 Me Animals Movie: "It All Came Movie: "Herbie Goes True” To Monte Carlo" It's Showtime Movie: Danger Bay Scheme Mass Appeal” "Incredible Shrinking Woman Peggv s Cove Jo's Song Movie "The 39 Steps" Edison Twins Dumbo Pooh Corner Mickey Donald Duck The incredible Book Escape Animals Disney Barry Manilow Oz. 4 Harriet American Dream Movie "lucky Jim” Australian Football Movie "The Dance Team Beastmaster” Movie Susana” Lucia Bonelli SportsLook Salt Water SportsCenter Preview Top Rank Boxing Meekins vs Taylor Stanley Cup Playoffs Campbell Conf Champ Game 1 SportsCenter Australian Football Fame Is The Spur Oxbridge Blues Oxbridge Shortstories Johnny Griffin Oxbridge Blues Oxbridge Movie The Slugger s XETU Wife" La Trampa Devil" It's Showtime Movie: "The Ratings Movie "Blazing Saddles” Comedy Movie: "Cannonball Run" Movie: Movie Un Dolar De Movie "Bachelor Electric Blue Recompensa” Video Éxitos Movie "Que Te Vaya Bonito" Movie: Party" Movie: "Pleasures Of Game” The Hitchhiker Movie: Innocence” Playboy Video Jay Leno "Cats Eye" Mag Movie Classics Movie: "Hot Dog.. “ Cops And Other Lovers" “ Trampa Para Un Cadaver" "Richard Pryor - Live In Sexcetera “Age Of Consent" Movie Concert" Movie Electric Blue The Movie” "Incredible Shrinking Woman The Electric Grandmother Treasure Island "Computer Wore Tennis Shoes" Preview Movie: "Wuthering Heights" £ u VI 3 2 >» Q; •5 cn m O U $ O — r-- n o n Z J k c \ < £ -^ i&JI U Ü 5 Ü in id o o Z i - < 0 2 <0 8:00 ® © DALLAS Clayton and Ray hire an o ld ­ er cow boy to take over the horse-breeding chores, Angelica rigs the interior of a b rie f­ case g © VIDEO SOUL © CHASE © 700 CLUB © REGIS PHILBIN'S LIFESTYLES © O MR. SUNSHINE Grace and Leon offer culinary tips to Paul g © HELLO, THIS IS GERMANY (H © BODAS DE ODIO ® © LAST PRECINCT The crazy cops are in hot pursuit of a m odern-day Count Dracu- la @2) G MOVIE A A A "T obruk” (1967) Rock Hudson, George Peppard B ritish and G er­ man anti-Nazis blow up German fuel supplies in Tobruk CD MOVIE AVfc “ The Pleasures Of Inno­ cence (1985) Brandee, Robin Everett After losing their jobs to a stripper, three Iowa go- go dancers decide to head for M anhattan © MOVIE A A ? “ The C om puter W ore Ten­ nis Shoes (1969) Kurt Russell, Cesar Rom ­ ero After accidentally gaining access to a college s com puter system, a student reveals joints facts concerning gam bling some owned by a local businessman G' 8:15 © © OXBRIDGE BLUES S im ilar Trian­ gles,” a story of tw o adulterous lovers told by a narrator, w ithout dialogue, against a c o l­ lage of still images and mimed action M al­ colm S toddard and Kate Fahy star 8*30 O HEART OF TEACHING © CINEMAX COMEDY EXPERIMENT Three determ ined women (Carrie Fisher, Lauren H utton, Arlene S orkin) unite in their com m on desire to have a baby Richard Simmons plays a birthing instructor © NEW COUNTRY Featured Freddy Weller In stereo © © VIDEO EXITOS 0 ) O JOE BASH Joe s first partner drops dead at a banquet honoring his prom otion © SUCCESS ® © CARABINA DE AMBROSIO 9:00 GD © FALCON CREST A court order is is­ sued to prevent Jeff from seeing Maggie: Angela orders Eric out of the house g O GREAT DECISIONS '86 © MOVIE A A Cannonball Run” (1981) Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuise Various o d d ­ ball characters com pete in a coast-to-coast auto race PG © TO BE ANNOUNCED © T O M A © © SHORTS TORIES “ Parting Shot” Son of a movie mogul is constrained by feelings of jealousy, guilt and dependency. © © MOVIE “ Que Te Vaya Bonito” (No Date) David Reynoso. Rosenda Bernal. © DR. RUTH SHOW Featured: Kaylan Pick- ford, author of “ Beauty Secrets For Older W om en;" comedian George Burns. @ O FALL GUY Colt goes after drug ped­ dlers who are preying upon unsuspecting teen-agers g © ESPECATULAR DEL MES S © NO EMPUJEN © O MIAMI VICE M odern-day buccaneers are pillaging the cargoes of independent drug dealers on the high seas In stereo © THE HITCHHIKER A singer (Lisa Blount) discovers that the fame resulting from a sexy new image has a price. © STANLEY CUP PLAYOFFS (Joined In Progress) Campbell Conference Champion­ ship Game One (Live) (Subject to blackout) © JAY LENO AND THE AMERICAN DREAM The comedian examines attitudes, leisure time and culinary tastes in this hour that in­ tersperses both stand-up material with Chi­ cago on-location footage. 9:20 © NBA BASKETBALL Playoff Game (Teams To Be Announced) 9:30 8 CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH VIOEOCOUNTRY © TO BE ANNOUNCED © © LOCO AMOR © MOVIE A A “ Cat’s Eye” (1985) Drew Bar­ rymore, James Woods. A mysterious stray feline links three macabre stories by Stephen King, PG-13'g © MAY PLAYBOY VIDEO MAGAZINE © DISNEY CHANNEL PREVIEW 9:35 10:00 ® © ® O ® o NEWS O CHALKBOARD © MIDNIGHT LOVE I YOU CAN BE A STAR © MOVIE A A "Killers From Space" (1954) Peter Graves, Barbara Bestar An atomic sci­ entist is kidnapped by extraterrestrial crea­ tures whose aim it is to destroy Earth © © JOHNNY GRIFFIN AT THE VILLAGE VANGUARD In his triumphant return to the States, sax-man Johnny Griffin performs “ Blues For Gonzi,” "5 6 ” and more. SO AUCTION CONTINUES MAN FROM U.N.C.LE. Solo, Ulya and Waverty jet off to England when THRUSH steals the plans for a secret submarina and U.N.C.L.E.’s top British agent talks of resign­ ing. I lim e Time in the 7 00 ^ T J CHARLIE 4 COMPANY Charlie and the Kids begin to wonder why Diana s acting so strange O IT'S YOUR FUTURE © I SPY (1974) © MOVIE * * * Bl i/ i 1 g Saddles Cleavon Little Gene Wilder In Mel Brooks western parody a railroad worker in the Old West is appointed sher ft ol a town m arked lor destruction by a governor and a business tycoon R © NASHVILLE NOW © THREE S A CROWD © €D OXBRIDGE BLUES A series ol 1984 hlms based on the short stories o( Frederic Ian Charleson and M alcolm Stod Raphael dard star title story as com peting brothers, one a civil servant the other a b e st­ selling sex novelist 18 TV AUCTION A bid- by-phone extrava­ ganza where anything and everything will be auctioned to the highest bidder ® DORIS DAY'S BEST FRIENDS Guest Howard Keel f f i CD MOVIE Un Dolar De Recompensa (No Date) Peter Lee Lawrence, Francisco Brana © FROM HERE TO ETERNITY ® Q WEBSTER Katherine and W ebster cheat on their school assignm ents □ © NAME OF THE GAME IS GOLF 3$ © JUANA IRIS @ O KNIGHT RIDER The FLAG team uses bizarre disguises to prevent the sm uggling of a lethal bacteria strain In stereo (R) CD MOVIE A * Bachelor P arty” (1984) Tom Hanks, Tawny Kitaen A carefree school bus driver s pals decide to throw a pre-w edding party for him, com plicating m atters is the fact that father disapproves of her choice R’ qj © O MATT HOUSTON M att regards C J.'s newsman fiance's involvem ent with a kid n a p ­ ping with suspicion Sim on MacCorkm dale guest stars CD TOP RANK BOXING John Meekins (11-0- 1) vs David Taylor (10-4-2) in a junior w el­ terweight bout scheduled for 10 rounds, live from A tlantic City, N J CD ELECTRIC BLUE PRESENTS THE LOVE BUS CD MOVIE "T he Ratings G am e” (1984) Danny De Vito, Rhea Perlman A street-sm art New Jersey trucking m agnate and his g irl­ friend, a television ratings service employee, use TV executives' own rules in their plan to become Hollywood producers g CD RETURN TO TREASURE ISLAND "Island Of The Damned Spanish soldiers capture Jim, Long John Silver, Ben Gunn, Van Der Brecken, Rev M organ and Isabella after they put ashore on the Island Of The Damned the girl s 7:30 © © LEO A LIZ IN BEVERLY HILLS Every­ one except Leo wants to celebrate his b irth ­ day O HOMEWORK HOTLINE © ASSOCIATES © FLIPPER © O MR. BELVEDERE While preparing for his parents' anniversary party. Kevin finds an error in their m arriage certificate ( R )g © JIMMY HOUSTON OUTDOORS