1£\X£ Dailu l&txnn First C o lleg e D ally in th e South A U ST IN , TEXAS, FR ID A Y , APR IL 7, 1922 NO. 135 SflPACITY HOUSE L rn mrnm GIRLS HIE GUESTS IT Y J . C 1 B AN Q U ET T oast Schem e of A nnual Af-j fair Is That o f G arden of the Future w ill sell TUGS TO SWELL F FORSCHOL ‘rograin of Popular and C las­ sical Num bers Entertains E nthusiastic A udience IEGEIVES CURTAIN CALLS difficult O peratic Selections A re E specially W ell R endered U niversity Girls to H elp W om ­ an's Press A ssociation in Saturday Sate I Decorated to represent the garden | of the future, the auditorium of the | Y. M. C. A. was the scene of one I of the most interesting events on the senior social calendar, when the Y. W. C. A. entertained 2 0 0 senior girls at scholar­ ship fund of the Texas W oman’s Press Association, through the o"o- annual b a n q u e t . T h e ; servance of a tag day on Saturday, will be made by the members of the press association in Austin and the joui- i tables were decorated with Spanish moss and sweet peas, and the places were marked by tiny diplomas con-| gjrjg Qf ^ University of Texas Efforts to increase the the to . . . turn, piano school herald she, in T o a s t S c h e m e department. The proceeds f as ju n io r ; Springtime, auditorium Thursday j w‘ho acted as toastmistress of . to* collected will go into a sinking fund j which a t present yields the holder $ 1 6 0 a year. Musical novelties, sparkling, pep- taining a list 0f the toasts. Small children dressed as butterflies Hit- ted here and there adding charm of the occasion. »y, and humorous vaudeville skits, m idental comedy p atter and repar- |ee, together with instrum ental, vo- solos of musical il and Farieties by Dorothy DuMars, sole A fter a delicious repast, Jennie feminine performer^ entertained an Laceyt a introduced judience which packed the Catherine Carothers, the igh vening when the Longhorn Band I evenjng. introduced nd Varsity’s Premier E n tertain ers ^ fiower8 jn the garden of the fu- ppeared in the annual home con- j ture> wj10 gave the various toasts, as Biuebonnet, ert. Enthusiasm ran high the e n - 1 May j ^ a Qu thrie, and Blossom ire evening and there were several toa‘sted the Seniors, jurtain calls. Wooten responded with a toast to the Y. W. C, A. Hazel Edwards, as Pansy, gave a toast to Miss Budd, the Y. W. C. A. secretary, and Jes­ sie Belle Cummings, as the violet, to the shy retiring maid, tae violet of girl who all- holds the scholarship are of a hlgu around girl were toasted by Gladys standard, and is* the desire ot Rountree as the Sunflower, and Mar- the Committee to make the amount garetta Graham, as the rose. 1 he of the scholarship large enough that college grind received her due share j ^ ho!tlei. wilj hav,, no Meet] 0 f (ju. ing other work to make her college expenses. At present the holder re­ ceives only $160 a year, the total the sinking interest of amount of fund. This is the fourth award of the scholarship since its foundation. Tfle sinking fund was started before the war, but no donations were asked during the war period. Keith Cop- page of the department of journal­ ism has held the scholarship this year and last. The year before last, Miss Afton Wynn, who has since dona San excellent journalistic work In Antonio, Houston and F oit Worth held the scholarship. con­ cert, and during intermission, orchestral selections were given by [he orchestra, B urnett Pharr conduc­ ting. “ Sousa’s “ El Capitan M arch,” [he initial number was played in a Spirited fashion by the band. In the |j‘Opt-ra Mirror” (Tobani) Pharr dl- considerable ected his men with -ase and sympathy in a varied Band P e r fo r in s C a p a b ly Pieoeeding the short band mble of operatic selections, among vhich were the fam iliar airs, rL f o m i l l f l t * A 1 P S . rere ” (II Trovatore) (V erdi), the ‘Sextette from Lucia” (D onizetti), nd the “Toreador Song” (Carm en) (Bizet). Requirements for the The athletic girl and A w a rd s Each S pring R e q u ir e m e n t* High the the u r o i * o it f k o 1~ . . * * a tte n tion in a toast by the four Marian Hicks. The toast to \ M I «•* n w s ____ the faculty was given by Miriam Brown as the Spirit of the W aters, who said th a t the faculty are to us “ as w ater to the thirsting flow ers.” Keith Coppage gave a toast to the Spirit of Texas. Frances Cocke, as the social b u tterfly, gave a very charm ing dance. The banquet closed with the Eyes of Texas. in C o m m itte e * scholarship Awards of the Carlyle Canady and Stella An- are the spring a t the annual made state convention of the Texas Wom­ a n ’s Press Association. Mrs. J. A. Jackson, former president of the as­ sociation and 9 citizen of Austin, is* committee on the a member of derson had charge of the banquet as j awards, and receives all applications for the scholarship. Mrs. H. II. Se­ a whole; F ritz C hildren in vier is chairman general of the tag charge of preparation of the food; day arrangements, but donations for M argaret W est, of the decorations, the fund will also be received by Helen Rimes of serving, M argaret Mrs. Jackson at the American N at­ Bassett of place cards, and Katherine ional Bank, and Mrs. J. L. Hunter, Cochran of the stage. 908 San Antonio St. T D IPH TH ERIA MENACE SH O W IN G DECREASE F o llo w in g the d isc o v e r y of t h e so u r c e o f in fe c t io n re sp onsible fo r the d ip h th eria ep id em ic which h as a ssu m e d alm ost a lar m in g p r o p o r ­ tions, th e m edical s t a f f o f the U n i ­ ve r sity and city and sta te o f f ic ia ls in feel hand, acco rd in g to Dr. C. W. G o d ­ dard, ch ie f o f the m edical s t a f f o f the U n iv e r s ity . O nly a f e w c a s e s w ere reported y es te rd a y . that th e situation is well Dr. Goddard w arn s ag a in st o v e r ­ op tim ism , h o w e v er , and d e c la r e s that n o p rec a u tio n s should be i g ­ nored , and that th e r e should be no let-up on the part o f the p h y sic ia n s, and t h e city and s t a te h ealth o f f i ­ cers, fo r the situ ation is still v e r y seriou s. M any Inquiries Indicate S ta te­ w id e Interest in W ireless Service Installation of the new radio tele­ phone which has been added to the e q u ip m e n t o f the University Radio station was completed this week, and it is expected that by next week it will be in regular use for the broad- Ucasting of crop, market, road and thgr lvports B r in g s Many Inquiries adjoining on wireless That this service has borne fruit in the advertisement of the Univer­ sity alone worth more tha*i the sum invested is evidenced by the fac t that dozens of letters are received every week by Univrsity radio operators from amateurs over the entire state and even from states, mostly boys and prospective fu tu re in­ ' University students asking fo r subjects. formation come Other inquiries have from j farmers, seeking inform ation with ; regard to the cost of installing sets with which University crop, w eather I and market reports may be received. In addition to these inquiries by ! private persons, letters have been ft* | eeived from the National Magazine and Doubleday Page & Co., and the station has received mention in varr- ous magazines, including the Review of Review. , the L iterary Digest, Pop­ ular Science Monthly and the Pacific Magazine. N ew L i c e n s e O b ta in e d Special guests fo r the occasion were Dr. and Mrs. Robert \ inson, Miss L u c y Newton, Mrs. Frank Jew ­ ett, Miss Anna Hiss, Miss Isabel Pow­ ell, Mrs. Pierce, Mrs. Neil Carothers, Miss Edna Gearing, Miss Mary W ash­ ington Ball, Miss Annie Hill, Dr. W. T. M ather, Mrs. Florence Bell, Miss Anna Hendricks, Miss Roberta Lav­ ender, Miss Mary Bewley and Mrs. Long. W om en’s P, T. Staff A sks for Instructor for Corrective Work Low and Gordon o------------------‘ in vocational Bruce A. Low, of Brownwood, Confer on Work of Vocational Students For the operation of the new tele­ phone set what is known as a lim­ ited commercial license, with the call WCM has been obtained, classing It as a broadcasting station and giving training j it the ri^ ht to broadcast by both supervisor of students the University, began j gpark and continuous wave on 485 his work in th a t capacity Friday, foi-i m etera only> For other experim ent lowing the resignation of John Keen tal work t be 0id license and call of who resigned because of ill health, i 5XU a nd wave length qt 360 m eters is re tained. At present this broad- Mr. Low is a form er student of the University, a member of law castinj? jg being done by the spark class of 1914, and is a member of get a t 3 p> m< every afternoon, and j the Sigma Chi fra tern ity . Mr. Low’s with the opening of the new Instal­ lation the same schedule will be ru tained, b u t telephone will he used j n addition, between the hours of 7 and 1 0 p. m. entertainm ent inctud- the to sent 0------------- The present work and speeches will be this work, ;jn g music entire In connection with J nivGTSitV Union training for women for a out- take At the next m eeting of the Board; work as coordinator consists of aid- of Regents, a recom mendation is t o ; ‘n£ vocational men in chosing cour- be presented by the departm ent of *es and getting credits straightened physical special in structor charge of a corrective training class. Charles F. Gordan, sub-district man- o u t Out of a to tal of 1050 women s t u - j a ^ r of the United States V eterans dents who registered in the physical! Bureau, San Antonio, Texas, and Inspector Sweet of the C entral of- training classes 130 are unable to fice in W ashington, D. C., are a t the take the regular gym work suited to conference University of Texas in any normal girl in good health. with the the local coordinator o f bureau and University officials re­ garding the work of the student ex­ Dr. Paul van Dyke, professor of soldiers. The bureau is endeavov- ing to aid the ex-soldier in every, Modern History at Princeton Unfven- possible way in order th a t his work »*ty, and now on a leave of absence as D irector of the C ontinental Divi sion of the American University Union a t Rue de Fleurus, Paris, has accepted the invitation of the T rus­ tees of the union to retain m e direc­ torship for 1922-1923, with the ap- | Due to the d rift which has cof-! proval of the Princeton authorities ; lected in Lake Austin from the rise who have extended his leave of ab- l a k e ! sen ee for another year. Dr. H ora- H A V E A N N U A L BA N Q U ET; sports for women are being held! Go S. Krans, secretary and assistant this week. Oak Lodge will be the director of the Continental Division, for abnormal girls in P. T. is preventive of fu rth er injury rath er than corrective. Girls suffering from fallen arches entered classes in natural dancing, but girls suffering curvatures, heart trouble, and other defects requiring individual attention are receiving n o ; bis retu rn to business, treatm ent. passed, the corrective departm ent w ill; BLUE FLAG IS SIGNAL be based on those in such colleges as B arnard, Smith, Wisconsin a n d ; Wellesley. \ 7 K e t a i n S V a n D y K C In Directorship BUSINESS ST U D E N T S WILL in FOR CO-ED LAKE SPORTS be as profitable aam lookers on the morning of April 14, j Thursday night, April 13, the H. O. if plans made a t a meeting of the! A. Country F air will present the corapletet, and best University Shrine Club held yester- line of day at 2 p. m. materialize. Under amusements and refreshm ents the direction of Clyde Littlefield, ever offered in the University. Huge humorous stunts for the initiates will piece* of apparatus will arrive Wed- nesday, and reports are th a t there be devised and exhibited will be a skating rink, dancing, and campus on th at day. a race track for horses. on the BEARS TODAY IN E B attle Extraordinary Expected W hen Lyons and G illett T ake Mound S w eep of Series By Either Team W ould Endanger Confer­ ence Hopes B y L loyd J. Gregory Opening its Southwestern Confer­ ence baseball schedule, the Longhorn baseball team will go up against de­ this afternoon term ined opposition in Waco, when the Varsity nine m eets the Baylor Bear crack com­ bination of diamond stars. Today's game is the first of a vital two game series which the Bear and Varsity team s will fight out desperately, fo r should either of the team s manage to win both games, the Southwestern Conference hopes of the losing nlna would be m aterially impaired. Popular supersititoua fancies evi­ dently play no part in Coach Disch'a psychological makeup— the veteran Longhorn mentor is taking thirteen ball tossers along with him on the Bear expedition. The thirteen play­ left this morning on the ers who Texas -Special for Waco are: Cap­ tain Gillett, Leissner, Ponsford, Mc- Calla, Allen, Ward, Carson, Auler, Boyd, Nowlin, Odom, Dunnaway, and Johnson. Coach William Disch and M anager Cobb complete the person­ nel of the Varsity team. There L y o n s Will Pitch is not a baseball fan In school who would not give much to be able to occupy a place in the Carroll Field grandstand this a fte r­ the Bear noon, when Ted Lyons, pitching phenom faces the Varsity all probability, In lead-off man. Coach Disch will elece to pitch Cap­ tain Buss Gillett against the best bet of Coach Bridges. These two stars should put on a mound duel th a t will keep th e heavy hitters of both clubs in a state of disguest throughout the afternoon. speed Although Lyons has failed to ahow- in practice games hia and cunning of other seasons, there is no doubt but th a t this tw irler will have his wing g reat condition when he works against the Longhorns swat- smiths. Lyons has yet to win a game over a Varsity, nine. Captain G illett, of the Varsity crew, like Lyons has thus fa r had but little on the ball. Last year, however, it was being whispered about th a t “ G illett is about all in.” Still, when the big games came around, Gillett was to be found on the rubber, al­ ways turning back the opposition successfully. And should he work tomorrow, there is little doubt but th at the Bruin hitters will have a ra th e r unpleasant afternoon. B ears A re S lu g g e r s Even with Gillett a t top speed, tha V arsity nine will have to play the best baseball it knows, if the Long­ horns are to put over a win. Coach Bridges has a baseball team of great possibilities; practically, every first string player is a veteran; his infield is a crack defensive combination; the defenders of the outer gardens pos­ sess the first essential of a crack out­ field— they can slug the ball fo r safe hits; and the pitchers and catchers of the Bear squad rank with the very best the conference. T hat the Baylor team is a hitting crew Is evi­ denced by the fact that about nine of th e squad have been hitting past the coveted .300 mark in practice sessions—-Strickland, Pittm ann, Wil­ liamson, and the versatile ath litic star, Bradshaw furnish much of the offensive punch of the Bruins, in Coach Diach was not “putting out” any batting order yesterday; but ft is thought th at the Varsity hitters will face Lyons in about this fash­ ion: Carson, first base; Nowlin, third base; Johnson, center field; Dunna­ way, left field, Auler, right Held; Boyd, second base; Odom, short stop; Allen, catcher; Gillett, pitcher. today adm inistration students, a t 5 a r e ' Will be taken to Oak Lodge. p. I According to Miss Anna Hiss, if j A t the suggestion of the officers; Although immediately directed by ttieie j of the Union, the Rector of the U n i-; the Shrine Club of the University, and Engineering departm ents, busi- and night. The r e g u l a r t e n - m ile h i k e ; the ness called to meet m. to lay plans for an annual depart- the blue Dag is out to-day, m ental banquet to be held sometime will be no classes at the lake, and all versity of Paris has appointed adv*- the event ia under the (renersl su p er-' within the present session. pected pected precedent for fu tu re classes, and th at the event will become an annual oe- curance, a t ha* been the case with its predecessors. Gaugler, president, was empowered The University of Texas Is a sub-1 to appoint a committee to arrange scribing member of the A m erican; some sort of social event for Uni*< University Union. o’clock. the swimming and canoeing classes will m eet at the regular hour a t Deep Eddy. It is e*- classes will answer to roll call In tn e 'o r s for the American students in the vision of the town body. I f the blue flag is not out, pecially fitted for this service ‘ versity Masons this term . for another year. prison ment. th at this action will set a Woman’s Gym this afternoon a t 4 University. These advisors a re es-: At yesterday’s meeting, K urts R tomo is tonducting•a w n e t The fair is a production mainly for farm ers, their wives and child­ ren. Amusements will be offered to suit every taste, and m any valuable prizes will be given. V IS I T O R C O N D U C T S M E E T I N G w .. . „ . conducting a series of meet ings a t the University Church of Christ, com er U niversity Avenua and N ineteenth Street. U niversity stu­ dents are particularly invited. Nobles of the University will wear their fezzes all day, and its violat- ers of the order are threatened by the invitation o t jt h e vigilance committee uith fine, trustees to retain his position and in default of payment, with im- S a to e m i t n m Collet* DmilT la th* Soot* campus, have offices of the many points in common with i the young S. A. T. C. jjeuten- 1 ants of hateful memory Who I graced these parts in years gone by. Nor can it be denied that freshmen have most of their dealings with these lower offt- “ . . TTi Z cers. Nor can it be denied fur- stideota Pubdalu^w. ther that first impressions have! a lasting effect. The three com­ bined tend to diminish marked­ ly faculty members can have. the effect higher vt Tex** hi Th* Ti Iiml. rwvrr nwrBfn* exempt Monday O ftr«: anorn I U . Main Sto&tin* Tftaphoxt* SUH Printed by University of Texan Praai. J . Bali botvrad a* «*r m atter at th* poet- * * * * It being generally assumed _ THIS WEEK T oday P a n h a n d l e C lu b , M B. ISS. 2 p . rn. S t u d e n t A s s e m b l y , 5 p. rn. B u s i n e s s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n D e p a r t ­ m e n t , 5 p. rn., L a w A u d i t o r i u m . L e a d e r s B i b l e C la s s , 7 p. rn., G i r l s ’ S t u d y H a ll. S u n d a y M e n o r a H S o c i e t y , 3 : 3 0 p. rn., T e m p l e B e t k l s r a e l . wm.tiiwiniii—immiMBOnwijiu THE DAILY TEXAN M a j e s ti c Wm. S. H art in “ T hree W ord Brand," the sort o f m ovie in which he fir st made h im se lf popular from coast to coast, p lays at the M ajestic today and tom orrow . T he story is laid out w est, and BHI is once again Jane N o­ a fig h tin g tw o-gun man. vak in the su p p ortin g role. ** T* * ' — t , * by Htudenta then, that the Un)- March WU. H ARK? JACK | * ? » . _____________ RBA VIS COX Editor it* Cbivr •pedal rata o f po«ta«« provided for la Sap* j V 'C rS fty i s W W f o r SOHM! O b SCU TC ua nos, Aet of October s, iti7. authoriaad reason of which they have no as she is played by C onstance T a l­ I .j trull tt t«. m a ________ knowledge and that they have lmadge at th e Q ueen the rem ainder officially few, if any, officially recog­ o f this w eek is one o f the m ost de* nized right#! on t h e campus, th€: CHEM 411: On accou n t o f con voca-j ligh tfu l characters th at has been prc- official duties and machinery becomes nothing more than something to be outwitted. The test of right is “getting by.” Faith in such visible things as student government remains weak. And the University suf- f g y g t h e r e b y . OFFICIAL NOTICES TO M A S O. POLLARD SupervMin* Buat m m Manager d KEITH COPPAGE Mans* era quiz scheduled for W ednes­ Bunted un the screen. day w ill bt* given Friday. ST A FF FOR TODAY A . L. F O ST E R , . . . M aoaeli* KdiU* LOUISE GLADNEY Irrepressible “ P olly o f the F o llie s’* 11 Tutor. Adv erst Mi lf IJ tion Q u e e n H IST O R Y 3, i : Lennon for Friday is review o f R ushan expansion and of revolu tion ary m ovem ent tak in g up France*. the 1(105 b efore T. W. RIKER. REPORTERS [OATH URI,PS THE OTHER Manito D rum m ond Kenneth Geo. H Mach tor. Coff n it............ — .Issue Editor A*«tot*at A«il«Uot | Fairfax N u b v t W. JD Kendall Jinn# W o rthington Stole Brown Anne Denote Viola Cerlejr M argaret B lack b u rn W allace Davie W innie D Jackson M yrtle M eLenore N. K Crozier A. H auser Horace W alker Irw in T briton I m D. C artw right Friday, April 7, 11422 A nameless little fish and a for plant called Elodea lived JU D G E T O W N E S Sunday School m o n t h s sealed in a ja r m the party Friday Botany and Zoology Building, n ig h t a t 8 o ’clock at the hom e of The fish furnished carbon d io x - i Judge O. S. L attim ore, 3118 W heci- ide to the plant and t h e plant! cr St. near 81 and G uadalupe. furnished oxygen for the fis h . B oth lived u n d er this Arrange- 1 merit for months. d a n a w in have a PRESIDENT. I , n t h e treat state should fo r p icture. Students «» Saturday BROWBEATING STUDENTS Editorials A. L. A H R E N S, S tu d en t D irector o f Intramural!}. ______ Jtl a r e " '* ToR' 21: Wll> as usual. _____ A L L W IN N E R S in intram ural crow country, w r e stlin g and b oxing re- University as these two lowly j p ort to Mr. Saturday, B ellm on t forms of life treated each other.) April 8, at S:80 o’clock. Be deemed fhey should learn to give a s well as to receive, that both may prosper more. We receive im­ measurable Iwmefits from our Since the faculty control the Alma Mater. Millions of pen-• ( University, it is not strange pie throuxhout the that shortcomings of the insti­ paying by their toil th at we mavj tution are blamed upon every- have the best advantages in edu­ c in g except the faculty itself, or cation. Get behind the Stadium, at least th at criticism s of the the Prague campaign, and the faculty are not quite as loudly no cheating movement, and the striving for spoken as criticism s of others. 8trivin* ,o r lion. I onaider the lack among stu- , Remember the fish and . . . dents of interest in student gov-) eminent. Student indifference to serious things is given as the explanation, without regard fo r 1 the fact th a t student indiffer­ ence is itself a strange phenom­ enon lie explained very largely in term s OI detects in the scnool system itself; for training will determine a large degree Whether there us to independent, self-asser­ be an tive attitude among students oz! not. an­ nounces the suspension o f all so- fra tern ity relation!* with displayed in d iffe r e n c e of most glarin gly the th e s tu d e n t-b o d y toward m atters of general interest in the U n iversity, SE C O N D R E A D IN G from Germ an authors w ill he F riday at 5 p. rn. rial and Donald H olliday H arpham . F R E SH M E N in terested in intram ural I baseball m eet in the M en’* G ym ­ rn. B e! nasium Saturday a t 3 ready to report fo r special position, i t h e Each helped the other. The convocation held during the Ohio S t a t e L antern,1 RHO C H A PTE R o f T heta XI 7601 GETS W H A T ? F R E SH M A N M ANAGER --------------- o--------------- hour W ednesday that must J. L. BO Y SE N . F. B. M ARSH. in Ed. B. 203. GUY BU RK S, T h e C on v o ca lic * P resident. I » « to e . . ^ noon to . p. . . Now it is a d e a r fact that the T he fart that there w ere num erous unoccupied se a ts .hiring this mas*, good service. Se« Co-op Barber Shop for , , . . A f a c t I the u n d e r g r a d u a te body. T h e that the m atter under consideration was considered of su ffic ie n t I rn poi - only about one-half o f the resident; .m e e tin g in a building which can ae- students is certainly a reflection on I I c o m mo d a t e a t its m a x i m u m c a pa c it y J school system in general is gov erned on autocratic lines, thai i n c BludtJit 18 not infrequently browbeaten by his teachers, mid that he lias no adequate re­ course, laboring as he does un d e r the handicap of position, ft is a fu rth er fact that the same system prevails in the main even J a lte r preparatory* school days I “ ,m t0 8USP*nd «ii classes during th e * are over, bo th at coming i n t o noon hour should h ave b een su f f i- coilege trained to submit, and c ie n t to in su re the a t t e n d a n c e of at meeting the same sentiment in le a s t a m a jo iity o f student*. those with whom he first comes wv_, .. .... « in contact, the average student nts turn out for a meetlnsr-| la hardly in a position to taKo what chances fo r self-assertion which 1A vitally im p o r ta n t a n d in- are given him. And at that the valves th e best in te re s ts o f the U m - for versify, ou t of u s t u d e n t body of v hAHCeS are woefully few, the id ,a of moat instructors four th(,U3.„ d, it „ plamly evidem| their official dealings with stu- .. dents seems to be a VV hen sca rc e ly more th a n a t h o u s a n d ’ I lance by P resident Vinson to cause sort of that ther* 13 ^ m e th m wrong som ewhere. radically! the . , . * . what right have you to be t v . - J l i A around here in the way all the . time anyway.” To which the student m ight reply with more “J if tru th haven t any rig h t to be on campus, w hat on earth is faculty here for? the the that the Btudena ^ '* beans and descend " It m ight be said th a t all this vwation is due to m isunderstanding a n d ! that the remedy for the situa­ tion is closer association be­ tween faculty aud students. The faculty in their office and the faculty out of their office are different beings. Lei the stu- dents get acquainted with the rn faculty in an unofficial capa­ city. But of the tw ains whlcn never shall meet faculty and students seem to be one, and it m ight be well if the official fac­ ulty would let a little more of their other self be seen in their! Office, " _ _____________ One m ight think that the je lly ­ cam p us co o ties might con- fe* ramat''* ot “ f* * o f student interest when Dr. Vinson,* the busiest man in the U n iversity, gives his tim e to it. T he students who could have attended that con- Impi. failed to do so ‘ wo : m erely for selfish reasons are no credit to the U niversity or to the l f they are representatives state, o f the fu tu re citizenship this country, God help th e U. S. A. 1« y great o f Mr. M cGehee and his associates! if thcir J " * T °Ut forl the spirit o f the them spirit o f the student) body can be judged by the atter*-' dance at the convocation. L HAM ILTON LOW E. I R ELI GI OU 5 BOOK W EEK * • * The second annual religious book w eek, April 2 to A pril 8, is now be- Again, it m ight be said thai ing observed throughout the couii- the higher officers in the facul- try, The University library Is doing ty, particularly the higher Of- its part in the work by having a Leer% o n the teaching staff, are special shelf of religious books oui not given to these refined forms reserve. of browbeating. But it cannot I The purpose of the m ovem ent is to lie denied th at a great many of encourage the buying and reading of t h e petty officer*, particularly more books dealing With the suto- among the office help in various j lect o f religion. Special Showing of Men’i Neweat Spring P A D C v n i o Ju st received an exten­ sive assortm ent of all the newest p attern s and de­ signs featu rin g th e “ De Luxe” line of caps. The selection is large any satisfy enough to m an's taste. Styles th a t have the snap and distinctiveness w h i c h appeal to young men. These caps sell reg u lar­ ly at $2.50 to $3.00. We want to introduce this line and are offering the most unusual values shown this season specially priced at $2.00 Choose Your New Cap Now The Popular 723 Congress C orner 8th .She works* un the b e lie f th at | everyone did ju st w hat th ey could do best, the world w ould be a m uch hap­ pier and m uch b e tte r p lace to live in. She com p letes the reform ation o f the Jon es fa m ily who have been spoiling their liv es by tr y in g to apejj other people and rn m aking them human she fin d s her own happiness. ! ! I C onstance T alm adge p lays her usual I incom parable part and is w ell su p ­ ported by a c a r e fu lly se le c te d and truly supporting cast. J. S. KOENIG C hiropodist and Foot S p ecialist 418 L ittlefield B ldg.— P hone 4855 -At M ueller’s Shoe Store Strengthens c F le x ib le A A r c h N T Supports The F oot I ILr Ir V Ir- J N a tu r a lly Comfortable Good Looking P opular IR SHOES Here E xclusively CARL H. MUELLER 608 C ongress A venue Just Opened, Ready for Today’s Shoppers The Season’s Smartest Sport and Walking Oxfords $8.50 $7.00 $9.00 For those who answ er the insistent call of the outdoors, w hether it be for street or sport, these new styles and prices solve th e problem . So many sm art styles— all late — and two-tone effects and p aten t or brown calf or kid skin of fancy or flat heel suede and patent com bination strap m ade—W h ite Buck Oxfords, Strap Sport Models, Patent Kid Lace O xfords, Strapped Oxfords, Saddle Two-tone Oxfords. S C A R B R O U G H ’ S ■s s - - 1. - G ainsborough H air N ets— cap and frin ge. S in gle m esh 10c; d ou ble m esh I Sc. T exas Candy and G ift Shop. --------------- o--------------- E xclusive Ladies* T ailor Joe Kasper 722 C ongress A venue R oom 5 M’KEAN-EILERS E X C L U SIV E W H O L E SA L E DRY GOODS F U R N ISH IN G GOODS A N D N O T IO N S AUSTIN, TEXAS — r f Everything for - ....................................... = QUALITY wing hr she noti T H A T ’S OUR ID E A Quality Cigarette. iu making CAMELS — th* Why, just buy Camels and look at the package! I f s the best packing science has devised to keep cigarettes fresh and full flavored for your taste. Heavy paper out­ side— secure foil wrapping inside and the revenue stamp over the end to seal the package and keep it air-tight. And note this! There’s nothing flashy about the Camel package. No extra wrappings that do not improve the smoke. Not a cent of needless expense that must come out of the quality of the tobacco. Camels wonderful and exclusive Quality wins on merit alone. Because, men smoke Camels who want the taste and fragrance of the finest tobaccos, expertly blended. Men Smoke Camels for Camels smooth, refreshing mildness and their freedom from cigaretty aftertaste. Camels are made for men who think for themselves. Camel ft . J . R E Y N O L D S T O B A C C O C O M P A N Y , W i . i t o n - S a U a , N. C . =: mg IMW I O T kl » U i . . . I , . I , I , u - i , m u m , I IH,HIH Societies Draw ElMinor H indm an Editor H olt-Stayon liss Annie Louise Stayon of Cor- < Christi and Mr. Bridge Holt of rm an were m arried April the h at the home of the bride. The 'Ie and graduated n the University. bridegroom the Carlyle Canaday will spend week-end a t her home in San An­ tonio. Thelnqa Linnartz of San Antonio is a guest a t the Alpha Delta Pi house. Irs. J. W. Collins of Austin has that her son Bailey ived word lins has baen fleeted to Alpha -ga Alpha, Phi Reta Kappa medt- fraterm ty . Mr. Collins received B, A. fronr. the University of Tejc- in 1920, and while here was a rber of lam bda Chi Alpha fra- ity. I to C. R. Hoot en has returned Austin a fte r a visit to his home in Mineral Weils." A, C. Neal has returned from a visit to Crockett. Ruth Hamilton Sn .th is ill at Physician's and Surgeon’s hospital. ames Persons, an E. E. praduav 912 and a form er V arsity foot- player visited in Austin for a days. Mr. Persons represented Texas Power and Light Company paling, and was sent to valu e the in City Electric System. |gm a Chi announces the initla- of Oscar Eckhardt and H a m s la m s of Austin, Lea Allen, Mar- [Donley Broughton, Tyler, John ’ancoast, San Antonio, Jam es lg, Kaufman, Lee Hume, E a g le and Mrs. A. L. Aulick will en- Idn all members of the E. E. B. Y. P. U. at their home Frl- levening at 7:30. D. L. Barnes, [•man of the social committee, Mi rarge of the entertainm ent. All Ibers are urged to come. LITERARY CLUBS the Open house of literary s o ­ cieties of the U niversity to be held Friday a t the W oman’s Gym at 8 o’clock under the auspices of Alpha Phi Epsilon will fe a tu re a program repre­ consisting of speeches from sentatives of clubs. several the Among the speakers for the occasion are Sept!ma Smith o f Sidney Lanier, George Dancy of Pennybacker, Min­ nie Helen Bickner of Reagen, M ar­ jorie Gatlin of Perian, Norm an Croz­ ier of Speakers, J. H. Schleyer of Athenaeum . Following the program there will be a short entertainm ent and dan­ cing. The faculty m em bers of the their patron­ various societies and esses will chaperon. ------------- o------------- VISITS WRENNN LIBRARY ly Belle Taylor is at Physician-s | Surgeon’s hospital where she i operated on for appendicitis. Taylor of Como, Mississippi, lo be with her daughter, May during the latter'.* illness. lice Ballard, who has been visit- b t the Phi Mu house, will re- to her home in Beeville, where nil resume her duties as asstsu- Mitor of the Beeville Bee. Dr. John W. P errin, librarian of the Case Library of Cleveland Ohio, Iuds been in Texas recently visiting his son, a m ajor in the arm y who is stationed at F ort Sam Houston m San Antonio. Dr. Perrin came lo Austin especially to visit the W renn Library during his stay in Texas. He was very enthusiastic and declared the bindings of this collection of books to be the most beautiful he had ever seen. I LITERARY ifMmiuKiiniHUfttmMtiiMmMtiiimmitmiiiMiuuuniMHMifumitfiitiimtimiit H ogg At the m eeting of the Hogg De­ bating Club Tuesday night, J . O. Nash gave a short talk on the Ku Klux Klan, and Gordon Nowlin spoke on the baseball prospects for Im prom ptu discussions were 1922. given by Teddy W roe and Tom Reese, and Y. L. Hinson rendered the Weekly G runt. The m eeting was cut short because of the Wroe O ra­ torical Contest. The program for the next m eeting is as follows: Family Inheritance, by J. W. Mas­ on; D ebate: Resolved, T hat the curve system as used in the University of Texas should be abolished, a ffirm a ­ tive, J. M. Wilson and W alter Run- dell, and negative, W. S. Leslie and Y. L. Hinson; The Value of the In ­ terscholastic League, by C. B. M ar­ tin ; Mixing Politics with the Univer­ sity, by G. L. Newsome; W eekly G runt, by Sterling C. Holloway, Rusk Members of the Rusk L iterary So­ ciety will convene Saturday, April 8 for the regular meeting. The follow­ ing program will be rendered: “ Is Texas Dry.” J. H. Tips; “ Some P a r­ ticular W eaknesses of the Four Pow­ er T reaty Recently Ratified by the Senate,” R. J. Joplin; debate: Ke-j solved, That the U niversity long ses­ sion should be divided into two se­ three m esters ra th e r term s. On are Smiley and Groce; on the negative are Brady Cole and H. L. Brewster. affirm ative than into the P ennybacker Pennybacker Debating Club will meet Friday, April 7 a t 5 p. rn. in M. B. 144. Members are urged to bring dues to pay for the Cactus pic­ ture. P ie r ia n Pierian will meet fo r a called ses­ sion Friday, April 7 at 5 p. rn. rn M. B 205. Hillyer'a flow ers p ersu ad e where argum ents fail. Phone 6160. NEW S E IM E R STYLES [arles L. Barrow, a grad uate cf ?exas Law School in 1921, has to Galveston where he will De jcted with the firm of Terry, and Mills. lie D. Agnew, student of Bay- elton who will represen t th et be in the Baylor-Belton-C. I. A. Ie was in Austin the to hear -Arkansas debate, Tuesday, re K irkpatrick of Waco, and a sr University student, is a guest Ie Chi Omega house, and will In for the Founders' Day ban- ISaturday n ig h t F. A. C. Perrin will enter [it, her home Saturday afternoon An inform al bridge party , hon her sister, Jane Burgess. ta Delta Delta announces the ion of Eileen H e ffn e r of tierford and Burke Robbins of eville. x ey H art, a form er U niversity it who has been practising law n Antonio, is ill a t his home in n. ce B urg is now able to attend I a fte r an illness o f several at Physician's and Surgeon’s ial. g a re t Hobbs of Southwestern rsity wa* a guest a t the Phi ouse Tuesday. Ham ilton who has been a at the Zeta Tau Alpha house, ^turned to her home in Cuero. ■ J TH URLO W B. W E E D p a lm e r and Fun or ai D irector! J M odern F uneral H o n e . uporior A m bulance S erv ice. rn a t 17th P h on e 6080 r Rheumatism and Soreness of the Limbs Genuine Turkish Bath By an Expert A ttendant {Austin Turkish Bath Littlefield Bldg, .............. W •et Us W atch Tour Teeth DR. GUFFIN and associates Dentist* ne 7839 — 61214 Congress We do your work b o w Charming Linen Frocks in Spring shades— he­ liotrope, pink, flame or white priced $11.50— $16.50 Gingham Dresses for hot days th a t have real style and individ­ uality. Many colors — no two alike, priced $5.50 to $12.50 An unusual offering of all-wool jersey. Sport Suits w e l l -tailored a n d sm art. A chance you can ’t miss, at $15.00 M. ESTES & CO. W e P ay— 4 Per Cent on Time Deposit*. 6 Per Cent on Guaranteed Land Notes (no d ela y ). TEXAS BANK & TROST CO Coraor o f E ast 6th sad! Bra so s (D rU k ill H ot*. Please sccept this as s personal invitation to visit on, Sincerely, GEO. W. WALLING, Jr., V. P. H. A . TURNER, C a h ie r. For Places In Coming Debates the Rusk, and Y esterday afternoon at 2 o’clock, the presidents of the four m en's lit­ erary societies met at the Y. M. C. A., and drew fo r sides in the com­ ing inter-society debates. As a re ­ sult of the draw ing, the Hogg will meet the Speakers will m eet the Athenaeum In the pre­ lim inaries to be held May 2. The Hogg and the Speakers drew the af­ firm ative side of the question: Re­ solved, That all political prisoners in the United S tates should be released immediately. The winners of the prelim inary debates will meet in the final de­ bate to be held May IO. Lots for sides on the final will be drawn soon a fte r the prelim inary debates. The is team representing each society chosen by competition within the society. H i! I y e r 's flow ers m ake old love new. Phone 6160. CLASSIFIEDS STUDENTS— Good, first class bar- ber service a t the Hall of Fame, Palace B arber Shop, next door to tre e s . — . * DR. WILLIAM E. BERGMAN, suite 905 L ittlefield Building, dental surgeon and pyorrhea specialist, of­ fice phone 2538. Austin, T e x a s.- - t f — - | MORRIS MANSION In the shadow of the capitol. Room for several boys. Rooms and board o r either. Phone 7700. — 2d ; | FOR RENT— To gentlemen or bus.- — . ness woman furnished room In pn- | vate family. Apply 2610 Guadalupe St. — 7 DANCING —Private studio new class begins week of April IO. Phone 7812 before 9:30 a. in. or between H 2 and 6 p. rn. - o f th . U sm , Lewis White, jog th . meet tonight, with six men the departm ents of the University Cecil Hilliard and Aaron Taber. J r.pr.aenting the Kngineer Depart- ■ and findin(f „ ut wh, t po8it)ona , re Against the Oklahoma U niversity! ment in six out o f the seven weights ; (>p|?n ^ University students so th a tip a r^ team, only the players will compete. first named I in which the championships will b e ; d(lfinite jn f orniation may be “given. „ f Morning o f Sunshine, ’ senora went A. from people who wish to enter (P re-Med) at 158 pounds, w| | i e .■ ^ ! r ,l° ^ench* Fl*tro went awny to find the *enora h*'! baggage thinking she the window, a good deed. A fter awhile returned from th<‘ 8"1° A Morning o f Sunshine . . _ n <*xP'anat,ons Wf>re m or~ the se- .0ry ® ’ ey (>° U “ p ^ . P 1 L ' three !f ° into der. *" , . , , . . Should Swamp A tt'* * Against the Texas A. & hi. play race | decided on, the general opinion I* Question®!!-*# are being sent out to | ® P .C* , Ir j that there will be an extrem el y clo<* ;|jj departlMnttA asking il, in the final outcome information j * e *. ,an . Ra a , ^ ar f J , y , in poin* co n ce rn in g the nature o f the position !l'fn and j requirem ents for applicants, hours, now and! later, p o -’ last week, w inning; suits will in all probability he very uturns that can be filled by firs* should difficulty, the Longhorns coma standing. Both the Pre-Meds th® six L o n g - --------------o......—...* ers, through without great th* Pre-Laws hav. strong men up- and pay> positions open The Aggies lost a dual meet to th** holding their integrity, and the re- those that will be open Baylor Bears only one of the six matches played, doubtful. A d ean sweep of horn-Aggie matches by the Varsity T E X A S H A S T W O M O RE D E B A T E S T H IS M O N T H surprising. players would not be However, the manner in which the j Texas Aggies upset the “dope” is tqo j well known to permit o f over-confl- v e r it y o f Oklahoma on April 19 rn! ae- dence on the part o f the Varsity Norman, Oklahoma players who will compete In thi.s debate the Varsity debaters will have the cadet racqueteers. the negative of the question: Re­ against J cond debate of the season. Varsity debaters will meet the Unt- Sooner* Have Formidable Array in m eeting the Oklahoma Unfver-1 solved, That immigration the * into the in - W IS C O N S IN S H O W S : year students. : __________________________________ _ ‘ ° n n “'s ' m ha From ung’ y the conversation gone by. i hey had it seems that they had known each other in childhood days. Each wondered if the other rem em ­ bered. Pietro returns bringing with him a bouquet. As the Senora takes ii, she lets fall a few of the flow ­ ers, and when the man stoops over LA R G E E N R O L L M E N T Figure* just given out by the U niversity of Wisconsin show that during the lait year a grand total of 11,367 students enrolled for res­ ident work in the institution. This is approxim ately 1,000 more stu ­ dents than were enrolled in the In addition to the preceding year. resident there w e r e students en ­ 2 1 ,2 5 2 non-resident rolled in the extension division of the university. students, F e llo w s : P A M P A S P O N G E E Shirts, with and w ithout col­ lars in the new Ecru color are the best for Spring Wear. SE E J J. “The Man Who A dvertises’ A t S c a r b r o u g h ’s Today 2 to 6 p. rn. In 22. this debate, for two years. The third debate of the season will be held at Boulder, Colorado against the University o f Colorado team on April also, Varsity will uphold the negative. tuty tennis cracks, the Longhorns are i United States should be prohibited taking on a trio of men who will compare very favorably with the best players of the country. Ben Parks, captain of the Sooner team, O’Don­ nell, and Harrington, are the three men who will play against the Texas team. Each of these net stars hun had wide experience in play; Parks is at present the open j singles and doubles champion of the Missouri Valley. A victory for the W. A. Smith, secretary of the Um - today stated; leonghoma over the Oklahoma play- varsity Y. M. ers would be a decided accomplish-j that th* University i i represented rn merit. Following their meet with nine different !n- the Varsity team, the Sooner net eluding Japan, ( luna, Kl ret, Africa, take an extended tour, Cuba, India, Mexico, Brazil and othei team will playing the court schools a« Illinois, Chicago, St. leouts, Mr. Smith keeps and Northwestern Universities. tournam ent| N IN E O F T E X A S A L U M N I A R E IN F O R E IG N F IE L D S these missionaries and the work that such muntries of South America, teams o f touch w ith, foreign fields, ('. A. in The Varsity players for the Ok- they are doing. Mr. Jess R. W ilson! lahoma matches will likely be ranker! of China recently wrote regard in g: as follows: White as the number one the value o f the training that cam* player; Gregory as the number two; to him during the four years o f his; man; and Hilliard, the third ranking attendance at the University. player. -. doubles matches w ill be played. G re-, _ gory and White will oppose Parks and Harrington in the double* en­ counter. In all «:x singles and one -.....^ CA # Am* THEATRE -o GIRLS G L EE CLUB Glee club girls will meet for re­ gular practice this afternoon at S Hall at 5 o'clock. Miss Elfleda Lit­ tlejohn, director o f the club, has jn«t returned to the University, and will take charge of the singing. Work is being done for the spring recital, but as Miss Littlejohn has been away for several weeks, no de­ fin ite plans have been made. How­ ever, only one practice was missed during her absence, as Professor P. L. Reed directed the work. QUEEN TODAY— TOMORROW C o n s t a n c e ' Extras Two-act Northwest Mounted Po­ lice story with Irving Cummings Sgr, Paul Gaiazzi will sing in the afternoon and night. Feature Song Will Be “ Dear OW Pal O’ Mine” Today— Saturday Rudolph Valentino and Alice Terry in “THE CONQUER- ING POWER’i av A d apted by Ju n e Mathis “ Eugene from B alzac’s G ra n d e t” Produced By R ex Ingram Same director and stars th a t m ade “ The Four H orsem en” famous A story filled with a won­ derful love and a pow er­ ful d ram a of life. Extra C om edy P rices 10c Kids A d u lts 25 c T O D A Y T O D A Y W ith a gu n in e a c h h a n d an d a ch ip on h is s h o u ld e r — HERE H E C O M ES! A rousing tale of th e Golden W est with W in. S. Hart in tw o sm ash ing roles. C A S T IN C L U D E S J A N E N O V A K Students Wanted For Summer Work 743 men averaged profits of $1 1.31 a day last week. All men who have signed up are re­ quested to meet promptly at 7 :00 p. rn. at the Chapel Room, Y. M. C. A. for a thirty- minute conference. All others needing work this summer see B. W. Owens At Y. M. C. A. Today 40 to pick them up, she recognizes him as the boy of other days. He, too, recognizes her. She wonders if he knows that she has married a man o f no note, and he wonders if. she h ts found out that he ran away ’with a chorus girl later. They bow to each cither and part. -.................o................... three months , PR O M ISIN G M A T E R IA L R E V E A L E D IN M EETS District meets betw een the differ- I Interscholastic ent schools of the LeagHf are now being held, and ac­ cording to Roy Bedichek, vice-chair­ man of the league, much prom ising material is showing up, especially m tennis and debating. The winners o f the thirty-two dis­ tricts will meet in Austin, and be­ ginning on Thursday, May 4, and con- tinahng through Saturday, May 6, the -tate winners will be determined. fa ste n e d in a basket, and it m eow s DATE OF L E A G U E M EET State Interscholastic League teams will meet in Austin May 5 and 6, according to the new 1922 programs, which are still being printed. On j completion these programs will be ent to all high schools o f the state. visitors will be entertained this year with the Texas-A. & M. track m eet on Clark Fie*d May 5 and the Texas-Vander- bilt debate May 4. Interscholastic League $1.00 Scoc/ it tojhe gunJiy Austin Laundry & Dry Cleaning Co. (W * Wash in So ft W ater) K N O X H A T S K N O X H A T S MISTER CLOTHES BUYER You have probably received a b eautifully illustrated style book an d you’ve prob ab ly noticed in passing the big, expensive bill b o ard s— t h a t adorn our city at intervals on th e most travelled streets. A good illustration o f a m achine m ade O rd in ary Suit of Clothes looks ju st as good on p a p e r as th e best tailored H iekey-Fr*em an or Society B ran d — The tru e test of values is in seeing th e suits— ex­ am ine them with y our eyes— fo rg ettin g th e artistic booklets an d the big circus looking posters. E aster is d raw in g n e a r and we have a suit for every good d resser in A ustin— come in as early as you con­ v en ien cy can and let us try on some of th e classiest clothing ever shown in Austin. Spring Suits $20.00 to $55.00 Summer Suits $12.00 to $50.00 vhere Ifcsmd Ctoth?* an It’s aCase of Mutual Attraction You have heard of mnay such cases in ac­ tual life, have you not? And later there is al­ ways a “remembering’’ back to see just what the one thing was that attracted one person to the other. The merchant has a new spring suit that attracts and makes attractive a young man. He sells it to this man. If an analysis of this ‘attraction’ should be made, it would be found that the merchant placd an advertisement where the buying $ young man read it. In fact, the cause of this mutual attraction and satisfaction, was THE DAILY TEXAN