E fti B a itu % tx ati Fir»t College Daily in th* South A U S T I N , T E X A S , T U E S D A Y , A P R IL 4 , 1 9 2 2 ILUME XXII [REE MEETS IM ENNIS ARE DUE l L L APPROVES OF l HAVING CO-ED MEMBER OF STUDENTS' COONCIl Drivers Warned Investigation of Against Leaving Cars On Campus Juniors Called To Discuss Plans For Festivities SPEECHES T0NIGH1 TD DECIDE WINNERS FOR L th e T e a m s W h ic h W ill Be Met A re in S o u th w e ste r n C o n fe r e n c e SQUAD LEMES T fyers to O p p o s e A . Sc M. H a v e N ot Y et B een C hosen « [ay, the Longhorns meet the Bay- Bears in W aco; Thursday, the jutty team will clash with the Rice Saturday, Is at H ouston; elasn [ch Penick’s racqueteers the Texas Aggies on the College and tion courts. F o u r M e n C o m p o s e T e a m Longhorn team , composed of [tain Lloyd Gregory, Lewis W hite, Iii Hilliard, and Ben Brown left m orning for Waco, where the se [ghorn-Bruin matches will red this afternoon. Coach Pen- who has been attending a con- -nee of religious workers In Dal- w iii meet his men in W aco, this •moon. B a y l o r B u n c h is S t r o n g real court bid honors lit C l e v e l a n d , Woodson, Rohnert, Caskey, the Bears have a strong [rtet of net stars. The Bay lot for rn is making a thwestern this [ion, and this afternoon's matck- should serve to dem onstrate ju st of [sting from the Varsity represen­ t s Southw estern net honors [ch have been held by Longhorn us for many years. chances their good are In take on the doubles, Gregory White, the first string Varsity will m eet Cleveland and Wood­ w ind Hilliard and Brown will Robnett and Caskey. Gregory a n d W h i l e t o H o u s t o n 'rom Waco, Gregory and White go to Houston, where the Rice Longhorns will clash The Longhorn*Ow! m en two man m eet, and in Coleman Morris the Owls have two court s who will make the Longhorn fern extend themselves, if they to win the m ajority of the four des and doubles to be played. lls anti irsday rursity ten n is players w ill e n g a g e three dual m e e ts with o p p o s i n g ; ^ * * Ithwestern Conference net t e a m s ! d^ d<“ u>,on ■ ‘ h<; >" order titot j autom obile. the g irl. of the U niversity may have with lh<“ — — of to the president A p p o in ts R e p r e s e n ta tiv e s By nom inating I .ii lie Runge C o n fer W ith O th er Co-ed O r g a n iz a tio n s P ursuant of the order issued by the University October 9, 1920, effort* art* being made by the men in charge of the cam pus to enforce the rule prohib- and it inic parking of autom obiles on tim Connie Garza as its two represen- University grounds. W henever an tatives, the Y. W. C. A., a t the vex- automobile is parkeu on the cam pus, card per service yesterday afternoon at «’ ’ a fter taking the num ber, the o'clock in the girls’ study hall, offl-i bearing machine. repeated Subsequent to d a lly concurred with the proposed violations of the rule, report Is made plan of electing a co-ed as a mem­ to the State Highway departm ent ber of the S tudents’ Council. R epre­ which gives the name and address . sentatives of the W. A. A., the of the offending party. W ith this W. C. A., the Representative _Board, data the business office gets in di­ and the Freshm an Commission will the owner of is placed rule the in a B lunderbustle to Be W ith C ouncil N< d e f i n i t e i n f o r m a t i o n h a s b e e n g i v e n o u t a t y e t t h e th e U n i v e r s i t y a c t i o n a u t h o r i t i e s in r e g a r d t o t h e p u b l i ­ th e c a t i o n o f t h e B l u n d e r b u s t l e , r e g a r d i n g t a k e n by u n o f f i c i a l p a p e r w h ic h w a s so ld on o f th e c a m p u s on t h e m o r n i n g A p r il I . A c c o r d i n g to a s t a t e m e n t f r o m D r. V i n s o n , p r e s i d e n t o f t h e U n i ­ th e m a t t e r Has in v e r s i t y , a c t i o n b e e n r e f e r r e d to t h e s t u d e n t c o u n ­ cil. M r. S a m B e n b o w o f t h e m e n ’s c o u n c i l , sa id t h a t t h e b o d y w a s as y e t u n a b l e to g i v e o u t a n y s t a t e ­ m e n t in r e g a r d t o t h e m a t t e r . = University. the Another feature of vesper services was a friendly inform al talk by B ernardine Appleby. She asked the question, “ Are you tria n g u la r or round in shape?” By developing her m eaning in this question she showed how much care girls m ust exercise in order to have a real, broad char­ acter. May Lea Guthrie, the recently elected president, presided at the meeting, the first since lation of served as leader Scriptures. by reading E n g lish and E d u ca tion Most P o p u la r C o rresp o n d e n c e C ourses Last M onth FEMI NI NE MEMBER TD FEATURE BIND CONCERT Miss D oroth y D u M a rs A ssisted B y C h arley Bob B a lle w on P rogram F eaturing Dorothy DuM ars, the sole fem inine member of th eir fifty member troupe, the Prem ier Enter- Y O U N G DALLASITES A R E OFFERED S C H O L A R S H IP Young men and women of Dallas are offered a scholarship next year, by virtue of an endowm ent of $5,000 left by the late Mrs. Rosa Silberstein, in memory of her husband, As* her Silberstein. The award is known as the Ascher Silberstein Scholarship. is In terest from the endowm ent awarded each year to the Dallas per- regarded hy the comm ittee as son ... instal- j with the Longhorn Band at the Jubi­ in the an entirely new offering. Miss P u- ! mars will be aided by Charley Bob this I tainers of the University will appear iaost, capable to receive the benefits o f the endowment. In making the award, the applicants are considered With r e g a r d to t h e i r financial needs, and t h e i r m o r a l a n d intellectual fit- E. J. Mathews, reg istra r of the nes who is chairm an of the University, c h a r g e of the award, committee in will receive applicants for nex t yeai a scholarship until the end of April For two years Miss DuMars has 1 s u p p o r t e d the Longhorn Band and I E ntertainers in the spring tours and i has each year Jreen one ut the tint* standing successes of the entire pro­ gram. The scholarship is held this year by , Dorothy Burr, who will not be a can Ballew. Dram atic critics of n e w sp a p e r d ila te for the award n ex t year. throughout the state gave unusually j favorable mention to Miss DuMars p i this year. One prom inent newspaper HI o-------------- . . A officers. Marion Hicks |io r High School Thursday night . Reports from the Extension Teach- declared th a t “ Miss DuM ars would be an addition to any program and her act proved one of the most h ig h -, ly entertaining featu res of many to; select from .” ing Division show a substantial In crease in the num ber of registrants for correspondence courses between March of 1921 and March o f 1922. This ie per cent shows th a t a g reater in A limited num ber o f tickets for the singles matches, W hite wilt it Cleveland; Gregory will play odson; Hilliard will be opposed by tereR(. Js keing taken in tfce c o rre s-1 are on sale at t ^ e jo rd a n Company, rnett; and Brown will fekey. increase of approxim ately and the U niversity Co-Op. pondence work. OI SENIOR WEEK TO DE REVIVED THIS SESSION _ P r e se n t C hain of F lo w e r s to J u n io rs the B and-Entertainers perform ance Q jr l 8 Gf G r a d u a tin g C lass to for 1 9 2 2 T urtle G irls A re C hosen E n g l i s h a n d E d u c a t i o n P o p u l a r The most popular correspondence courses during March were those rn English and Education, there being 21 registrations in each. Math fol-i lowed with 18 registrations, while I History and Business Administration courses totaled l l and IO re g is tr a r tions respectively. Registrations for ! the T urtle Club of the University the other courses offered by the d i- ' was held Saturday afternoon at Bar girls were vision were distributed fairly eq u al-! ton Springs. Tw enty the num ber of those iv Revival of an old tradition in con | nection with Senior Week has been planned as the resu lt of a meeting | of Senior Girls under the auspices i of the Cap and Gown, it was an- Final try-out fo r membership rn nounced Wednesday. The custom of presenting a chain woven of blue­ bonnets to the Ju n io r girls by the to lapse Seniors has been allowed bu t it is the of I chosen from ! who tried out, and these girls will during the last few years, G reat interest is now being shown j compose the membership of the 1922 I the intention of the gir C lub M em bership C l u b , F o r C r o u p S t u d y s in num ber. by the clubs over the state in group! club. The best co-ed swimmers o f , present class to rein state it study courses. The num ber of clubs the University are included M. O p p o n e n t * N o t Y e t S e l e c t e d already booked for courses for next It has not as yet been decided ^ their W’hite and Gregory will be [y ear total thirty. Inquiries concern- <1 against the Texas Aggies. U n-| tap group study are received dai y the Aggies appear to be unusual- by the Extension Teaching Division. In several instances all of the avail­ able libraries on courses have been booked for the ensuing year. When books cannot be furnished by the byl Vedder, E tta Gilbert, Elizabeth division, clubs often purchase the Fisl^ Frances Graham, Helena Buss, sets used with the courses selected. M argaret Myrick, Elizabeth Vinson, Group-study libraries are sent o u t I Marian Penn, Pattie Sue Davis, Mln- annually by the division upon a p p li-in a Edwards, Bess Nichols, and Th!>- cation of the clubs. O ther business connected with the two class week was discussed, and com m ittees were one appointed, headed by Elizabeth H arcourt for the initiation of the Ju n io r girls at the close of the week, and one with Kittie Neighbors as chairm an to a t­ blue­ tend to the making of bonnet chain. In the order in which they w ere chosen the girls follows: are Blossom W ooten, Lloyd M artin, E u­ genia Dilworth, Katherine Brougher, Josephine Bennett, Laura Thomson, Mary McAskill, Alice Domingues, Si Formidable, these two men will re­ ive their strength for the m atches [be played next week against the [ck Oklahoma University net team the home courts of the Sooners, [the event, W hite and Gregory are used in the Longhorn-Texas Ag­ in tournam ent, the four V arsity ircsentatives will be chosen from following players: H illiard, Tab- Brown, K latt, Willis, Alderson, ba W’orley. the the as Ivey, Bell and Dunlap. - .................. — o -------------- -— iURVEY COMMITTEE MEETS This afternoon held Monday m eeting of the survey committee at o’clock. comm ittee has rn organized for the purpose of [ding positions for the girls who the University. Those com- to e j ing the committee are as follows, l.zel Edwards, chairm an; Marcella liker, Olga Ligt^foot, Eleanor |ndm an, Burke Robbins, and Mar- McCoy. C O N V O C A T I O N is ca lled A m ass m ee tin g o f th # stu d en t fo r W e d n e sd a y , |y kpril 5, fro m 12 to I o’clo ck , at M en ’s G y m n a siu m , fo r th * p ur- o f c o n sid e r in g m a tte r s r e la t­ ing to th e U n iv e r sity c e n te r propo- il. A il c la sse s w ill he su sp en d ed lu rin g th e h our n am ed . ROBERT E. VINSON, P r e sid e n t. PR E M E D SOC IETY WILL E N T E R T A IN W IT H D A N C E The libraries loaned on last year’s bookings are now being returned to the Extension Teaching Division by the clubs. the end of the From now until term , the members of the T urtle Club will work on dives, stunts, and perfecting th eir strokes. For each of these they will receive a certain the W’a te r number of points. At ! Festival, which will be held In May, six the T urtles will compete places which will be given, each of Announcing th a t the Texas Pre- which will count a certain num ber its Medical Society will entertain of points individual's members and friends with a spring total. A Red Cross Life Saving test fornjgp- dance a t the Elk’s Club on will be given the members soon, and AprW 15, W. C. Hixon, J r., chair- receive 50 it will man of the dance comm ittee, states those passing th at all preparations have been com- points. The total number of points favors have will count toward a T which is the pleted, and award of the W oman’s Athletic As­ been ordered from Dallas. sociation. toward th at the the fo r It is desired th a t the week be cele­ immediately a fte r m id-term brated exam inations. All senior girls will w ear caps and gowns on the campus during the week, and a t its close, the ju n io r girls will be initiated into Cap and Gown. Some sort of so­ cial a ffa ir will be given during the week, but it has not been decided ju st what it will be. ------------- o------------- U N I V E R S I T Y A L U M N U S O F F E R S S C H O L A R S H IP Provision has been made by a prom inent alum nus of the University of Texas to finance any high school student of good scholastic record and other favorable attrib u tes who may be without funds in the U niversity. attending The ballroow will be decorated in flowers to represent a spring fiesta. Those in charge of the decorations are J. C. Peace, * Chas. Mares, and Chaa. Beavens; music will be fu r­ nished by Jim m ies Joys. On account of the entertainment to be given by the Longhorn Band on Thursday night, the president, W. M. Jeffers, has announced that the regular meeting will be on held of Thursday Wednesday night. All members are requested to be present as an important busi­ ness meeting will be held. instead ------------ o---------- LOMAX W I L L ‘L E C T U R E It is required, however, th at the student pay his own way during the Speaking on the subject of “ FoIk- first three months a fte r entrance, in lore and Balladry,” John A. Lomax, order th a t it may be seen w hether secretary of the E x-studehts' Asso­ he has the scholastic qualifications to ciation, will deliver a lecture to the rem ain I t w W ednesday Club at Midland, Texas, on April 6. The addre»s is to he stated th a t this same alu m in s, who given under th e auspices of the Pub- asks th a t his name not be made pu - lie Lecture Division o f the Extension: lie, is ready and willing to lend fln- left yes- a n d a ! support to any deserving stu- Department Mr. Lomax dent already in the U niversity who terday for Midland and intends lo may be short of funds. stay until Friday. the University. in .......... NO. 132 DANIEL BAKER IN FUSI S I T FEST V isitin g P itcher Perform s W e ll D e s p ite Several Hits By T exas G ille tt H o ld s Visitors H itless; L eissn er T w irls Last Four Fram es B y C a r l S w a r t z W hile the attendance a t the Dan­ iel Baker-Texas baseball game yes­ terday afternoon on Clark Field was light, on account of poor weather, the fans who did venture the stronghold of the Dischmen were re ­ w arded by a well-played exhibition of the national pastime, Texas win­ ning, 6 to 0. to V i s i t i n g P it c h e r * P e r f o r m W e ll Blair, Daniel Baker’s twirling ace who recently held Fort W orth to one hit in five innings, was on the mound and did much to make the game in­ the terestin g by his good work In box. While nicked for three home runs, a triple, a double and a couple of singles during the contest by the hard-hitting Longhorns, he whiffed nine V arsity players via the Three- Strike route and made the Texas b a tte rs at other times knock up woe- , fully weak bingies. The Daniel Bak- their pitcher in V i s i t o r s L a c k O f f e n s i v e It was in effective offensive pow­ e r th a t the visitors were found lack­ ing. “ B uster” Gillett, Longhorn captain, hurled the first five stan­ zas w ithout being nicked for a singLe “ Rube” Leissner, who finished hit. the contest, allowed three singles, b ut the Daniel Baker nine never threatened to score. The Long­ horns fielded well behind their pitch­ ers, George Johnson turn ing in the prize catch of the day— a wonderful a one-handed, jum ping snatch of of scream ing drive from the bat W itherspoon in the third. this afternoon a t The two teams m eet on Clark Field again 4 o’clock. Witherspoon, Daniel Bak­ e r’s other sta r hurler, will be on the mound for the visitors while Coach Disch will probably send Ponsford and MeCalla to the box the Orange and White, Ponsford start­ ing. for Nowbn Plays Bake Ruth Jim Nowlin, veteran Longhorn sec­ ond baseman, perform ed in dazzling fashion with the willow, collecting a walk and two home runs In four trips to the plate. Nowlin's second home run, which went the fence in le ft cen ter in the seventh fram e, was driven so hard th at when the mascot brought the ball ba£.k to over (Continued on page 4) o - — — C U N N I N G H A M TO S P E A K O N O R IE N T A L RELIGION the Buddhism will be subject Thursday a t 5 p. rn. at the k. Mf. C. A. of the second of the series of public lectures on non-Christtan re ­ ligions th a t are being given under the auspices of the Student Volun­ teer Association. Dr. G. W. Cun­ ningham, professor of philosophy rn the U niversity will be the speaker for the meeting, Zoroastrianism, which was not fully covered by Mr. Andre in the first lecture of the series, will also be touched upon. Dr. Cunningham will base the g reater p art of his lecture on Budd­ hism, a religion "which wields a pow­ erful influence in Oriental countries, The lecture is intended both for those who are interested in foreign mission wrork, and for those who are studying social problems of the far east. SOCIAL C A L E N D A R F o r W ook E n d in g A pril 8 Friday, April 7, A. T. O., Coun­ try Club, formal; Literary Socie­ ties, open house, Women’s Gym. Saturday, April 8, German, K. C. Hall; All-University dance, Men’s Gyro; Alpha Club, Elks Hall. SOCIAL CALENDAR COM. For the purpose of deciding the date for the Junior Prom, the Ju n ­ ior Ball and the general plan* for Ju n io r Week, of the Junior cia** a m eeting has been called by tile presi­ dent of the class for Wednesday night at 7 p. m. in the Law Audi­ torium . At this m eeting committee* will be appointed to take charge of the Ju n io r Prom and the decorations of the ball which will take place on in the Men’s Gymnasium, April 21 according to Bob M urphree of Well­ ington general chairm an the Junior Week committee. of DR. H. II. MILLIKAN WILL SPUR HERE THIS WELL C a lifo rn ia S cien tist W h o Iso­ la te d E lectron G iv es Series o f S c ie n tific Lectures Beginning Tuesday evening, Dr. R. Milliken, Professor of Science at C alifornia In stitute of Technology, will deliver a series of lectures here. Dr. Millikan is one of the forem ost American scientists; holding degrees from our leading colleges and from German Universities. He L the fit it scientist to succeed in isolating an electron. U ntil last year Dr. Milo kan was Professor of Physics at the University of Chicago. At that time he accepted a professorship at tne C alifornia Institute of Technology. Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 8 o’clock a t the UniversityM ethodist Church, Dr. Millikan will lecture on “ G ulliver's Travels in Science.” Mon­ day evening a t the same hour, the subject, “ Seeing the Invisible” will be discussed. These lectures will be of a popular nature and of interest to everyone. T hursday afternoon at 4 o’clock in K Hall, 5, Dr. Millikan will lec­ tu re on “The Theory of Quanta; and Monday afternoon he will lecture on “ C oefficient Slip and th** Re­ flection of Molecules." These lec­ tu res will be of particular interest to advanced students of Chemistry, Physics, and M athematics, hut will be open to the public. ---------------------o—---------- - D irector for G irls’ C am ps T a lk s to Co-ed* to A rouse Interest S u rv iv in g S p e a k e r s W ill V ie in T w e lv e -m in u te T a lk s a t Law A u d ito r iu m Finals for the annual IL A. W roe Oratorical Contest will be held to ­ night at 8 p. rn. in the Law Audi­ torium. The six men surviving the elimination contest of last week will participate. Each speaker will be limited to a time of 12 m inutes; a one-minute w arning bell will be sounded by the tim ekeeper. Six M e n P a r t i c i p a t e The six students engaging in this contest are: Frances G. Wilson, San Antonio; Meredith N. Posey, A ustin; Everett ll. Jones, San A ntonio; P. Eugene Foreman, Livingston; J u d ­ son C. Francis, A ustin; and Norm an Robert Crozier, Dallas. The speak­ ers in order of the evening and th eir subjects are: Wilson, “ Social In ju s­ tice;” Posey, “ Democracy in Educa­ tion in Texas;” Jones, “ Doctoring the Schools;” Forem an, “ The S pirit of Patriotism ;” Frances, “ W orld Peace, a Real N ecessity;” and Crozier, “The Patriot.” Three P r ix e * O f f e r e d At th** close of the contest, the j u d g e s will award the prizes to the three highest ranking speakers. T«e prizes are $50, $30 and $20 re s ­ pec t i ve l y. The highet ranking speak cr will represent the U niversity in the State oratorical Contest. Accord­ ing to the rules and regulations of the contest, a silver loving cup of- j ^ ^eam supported L-red by Hon. H. A. W roe, of Aus“| excellent style, tin, will be aw arded to the literary society represented by the highest ranking man. The winning society is allowed to keep this cup fo r the duration of one year. The contest is open to the public. -....................... — o ---------------- Fraternity M em ber* W ill B e E lected at S ch ool o f M edicine New elections to the Texas Alpha chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha, hon­ now orary medical fra tern ity , are pending according to word received from the University Medical Branch at Galveston. Alpha Omega Alpha is one of the most recent honorary fraternities to come to Texas, the Alpha chapter being granted In June, 1920. From the 1921 graduating class of the medical school, th irteen raem hers were chosen ch arter members of th** new chapter. Five faculty mem­ bers of the school are also s n the ( barter list. The class of last year has five members on the rolls of the fraternity. the i n t e r e s t e d Mrs. E. L. Gutick head of th** t h r e e largest girls’ camps in I nited States, gave a short talk Monday e v e ­ ning a t K Hall for the p u r p o s e of get ting University girls in sum m er camps. The talk was illus­ tra ted with a moving picfhre of camp t ta inej a high scholarship activities. Alpha Omega Alpha is not a se­ cret organization, and is for thirc and fourth year men who have main average The upper one-fifth of each senior Mrs. Gulick started the first camp class is eligible for membership, and in 1905 and this w*as gradually en­ of this num ber one-third may be larged until it and the other two with elected from the third year class which she is connected are the largest during the latte r half of the yeai. in the country. The camps last for Holding the same place in the medi­ time three months and during cal departm ent as Phi Beta Kappa every form of athletics is indulged in, holds in the academic departm ent, from swimming to riding and aesthet-j tke p Urp0se of the fra tern ity is to ic dancing. Girls from 8 years UP | encourage scholarship. are adm itted. this illustrated The moving pictures which were shown life which was emphasized by the speaker as being one of the chief purposes of these camps. the healthful The first chapter of Alpha Omega Alpha was organized a t the College of Physicians and Surgeons o f Chi­ cago on August 25, 1902. ------------o .............. - a r c h i t e c t s g e t m e n t i o n N E W M A N C L U B M E E T S “ W hat N ext” was the subject of an address given by Judge Wm, Blakeslee to the members of the New­ man Club a t the Sunday morning meeting. He discussed the general unrest over the country and pointed out the duty of every good American Catholic in making this country mor­ ally better. At this m eeting a breakfast was* decided upon to be held a t Newman Hall on E aster Sunday. A commit­ tee of three was appointed to see about and to plan the breakfast. - O " -------------- - SENIOR RECORDS C H E C K E D Scholastic records by seniors hi the U niversity beginning with their freshman year are now being care­ fully checked in the dean’s office, In order th at all requirem ents for de­ grees may be followed to the letter. Three embryo architects of the University whose work received men tion on work subm itted in the recent Beaux A rts competition. These men were Ed Sammons, R. H. H. Hug-! man and Kindred McLeary. Sam­ mons received his mention on the problem entitled “ A Town Hall, while Hugman ceived their m entions of the problem entitled “The Facade of a City Resi­ dence,” According Professor Gideon the students are a t present busily engaged on other Beaux A rts problems. and McLeary re ­ to ------------- o— ---------- FELLOWSHIP CLUB Dr. D. A. Penick will speak before the Fellowship Club on “Hebrew and Hellenic Conceptions of Religion” next Sunday morning at 9 o’clock. The Club will be entertained with a supper Sunday at 6:30 p. rn. in the Y. M. C. A. library. Saita Cexmt part in controlling their own a f­ fairs. There is open if students o advantage of it. SPRING EX AMI P i rut C*!!*** 0*1}y la th* Sooth Seniors have made their usu- I ,., , t o » . , ! r . , _ fT„ , ------------ S tator.to PaW ieatioa*. requi reorient of taking --- ---------------------- Printed uch equef r a r a n t v a n m s : “ Ie i t The i t ln - ■ompetent if, a fte r 'a man has a 'v jy tw jtti &*¥i i » w s P t t T Aid WM H A R B Y JACK II* W I I S . „ ftf*a*tfib« R.iiUrf if the JB W W IH # . " W U , < {.iiiJicTTng inU*n:$U ti M f m a^^eJSWywsrats fw|94i«*rr ! i .pfir p a r * # J O'. H E G L A D N E Y *ngNhM4T >8NKmOT Y 9n «ti9J - J t M « D .n r F airf*x N u b * D aily Dorothy Nail • ‘' ‘B T L Swarth Franc** W ip ff W *tf*r* 0 » * U Ruth Sm ith 'G ^rfrim bl* Mrrtl* M e L * « A t t l d U M i lr “runr IHT Ti M.WMVIA .ft! ‘ JBL u * u r n M e n rn ’ id t ai e n s i lo ta * T O M A K ^ P A F F N ttM b U fA T lO N t! tht? !«i/Ebfl*«flnre two alternatives. H*tfco*s: Longhorn Band. a fin e band, and I am proud of it. j I know that it is very capable too.j But why not make it better? Why not make it so fin e that no one will feel that its programs are not just what they should be? If I have unduly criticised you. pardon. What I want is a Longhorn Band that cannot deserve even the least bit o f criticism. EDW ARD HAMNER. apt. Give Jewelry This Easter Students Wanted For Summer Work One University of Texas student, who had worked for us three summers previously, made $700 above all expenses in seven weeks last summer. Does that prove to you that the intensive study of selling a high grade line pays? If You W an t a Job This Summer See B. W. Owens at Y. M. C. A. of It was the performance Arkansan comes to Austin to “ We were delighted with the aut- in Com­ morrow for a debate with the cess Varsity team, the first number j merce and appreciate, more than we on this season’s debating p ro -lcan sPirR of the entire ag*- gram . the Arkansas! irrigation of >oung men, as well as team th at last year adminis- the Quality of their music; It was tered to the University the first entirely worthy of our beloved! defeat its debating team had re-, University, ceived in several years. That f a c t alone should lead to an in- fe ru lin g , contest. * Dean of W om en.” W e have no apologies to o ffer for The direct value of debating the Longhorn Band’s program, par- let" (Signed) Ruby Terrill, Yours sincerely, * * * one person Students frequently WM. u McGi l l , Manager, The Longhorn Band. S T U D E N T G O V E R N M E N T — _ --------o— ---------- Lon gho rn B and in itself is, like that of inter- tubularly after receiving such collegiate athletics, on the w hole,ters as these, rather .small. Debaters them­ selves get a thorough drilling In a somewhat limited field. The University benefits by what unifying effect there is in in­ I have read your response to my tercollegiate competition. Neb criticism of the Longhorn Band, and th e r o f these is a particularly I Bee that you have not perfectly powerful influence. criticism. understood my point o f the Certainly I did not consider s u ffic ie n t; opinion of grounds for such a criticism as I made o f the Longhorn Band. B e­ fore publishing the article in the Texan on Friday I made it a point to I investigate more thoroughly. stu- approached thoo* state that there is no student govern­ ment on the campus, th at the than a term is nothing more term. As things stand now, those who say this are probably j dent* and citizen* of Austin correct. But with whom does whom I the fault lie? In p a rt it rests on, not know» and asked their opinions the faculty, who commit two Op-! °* the matter, in light o f the pre- posite types of sin in that they r**h§»« facts. Out of the first doz refuse to tru st student govern­ en approached one perron disagreed m ent at all and refuse to en­ with me, two declined to express courage students so to take hold their opinions, and the others hear­ of the problems th at they can tily agreed with me. be trusted. Those guilty of the Yes, I knew that you were hear- first could be won over in time. tilT applauded at c. I. A.; and I Those guilty of the second a1- wa» aware of the other facts which most automatically nullify at- >%u mention. I did ro t criticize you tem pts selections from the operas. group. lia s with students for they should not have to b e s pushed to win over first j for the In larger p art the fault VVhat I criticised you for was the themselves, I other part o f the program, for, as **• f«9y aware, a spoonful of into taking an active j ink will blac ken a whole bottle o f knew and those- whom I did indescriminantly the is Dainty, p r e t t y enduring, a n d al- jew elry w a y s a w i s e choice in a pres­ ent. A stylish Bar* Pin, Brace­ let, Bead neck­ lace or o th er or­ nam ent, is won­ derfully effect­ ive— a gift th at will be used and f o r a enjoyed very time. long Give jew elry this Easter. New spring de­ signs in all ar­ ticles of jew elry are here at pleas­ ingly m oderate p r i c e s— j u s t what you want to pay for East­ er presents. B racelet* $2 .5 0 to $150.00 Carl Mayer Company Jeweler*—Silversmith*— Diamond Merchants THE HALLMARK STORE §18 C ongress Are. Meeting Your Viewpoint! In Spring Suits In Style and Quality $25 $35 $45 T h e N ew S p o rt S ty le s you w a n t — T h e finest w o o le n s — g o o d w orkm anship)— a n d th e price p u t d o w n to th e lo w est possible level— Y o u ’ll find th e m a t S c a r b r o u g h ’s— MEN’S OXFORDS $6.50 to $9.00 Black and Brown O xfords and Broguer Values, Style and Service— th a t’s fundajj m entals of our business— and we have the assortm ent qfl models. The fine appearance and quality of ScarbroughW Shoes win you from the very beginning. A fter m onth’s cj hard w ear— then you can truly ju d g e how good th^j really are. the principal Edwin Clapp Oxfords $13.50 to $15.00 SCARBROUGH’S Chaa. H. Ravey J ew eler O ne-half Block From High Prices 106 W est 6th S treet -r- SAN ANTONIO & AUSTIN B H RED BULL LINE Car* Leave A ustin, A m erican C afe 300 C ongress A venue, Phone 3472 at 8 a. rn., IO a. rn., 11:45 a. rn., 12:45 p. rn. 2 p . r n . , 4 p . r n . , 5:45 p . rn . Courteous and Careful Drivers Buick Cars U sed in T his Service $5.00 Round Trip; $2.75 One W ay If we are not already laundering your shirts and collars would like an opportunity to dem­ onstrate to you a Real Live Example of Quality and Service. DRISKILL HOTEL LAUNDRY Telephone 64 44 R EAD THE A D S IN THE DAILY T E X A N. B.— “There will be opportunitie* in 1922 for those who seek them with lan­ terns.” —Roger Babson. THE W ALTER TIPS COM PANY HARDW ARE AND MACHINERY Sporting Goods, Guns and Ammunition Automobile Accessories are now served in addition to our reg u lar A m erican dishes. CHINESE DISHES W hen down town call around BON TON CAFE t h e b a m n _______________ subject if they would pay his ex­ penses. Things m ust be getting awful I blae., ribbon between Clarik field and 19th St. Phone M. Gustavus, 5124. Reward. -A t M e lle r ’s S h o e S tore r n as?* Carrie B el Thomas Editor r n Ti i 11! 1 1 S Bernard Laden and Travis Nours- and have returned from a short visit to San Antonio. Mrs. Armor of Eden, Texas, tai spending a few days with h er daugh-i ter Jewell. M argaret Kelly of Longview is tfie guest of Dorothy Walsh. Phi Mu announces the pledging of Ella Mae Brazel of Gonzales. William Boyce is ill at Seton In ­ firm ary with diptheria. Frankie Piper is visiting in Dallas. Smith W ooters has returned from a visit to south Texas. J . D. Harlin of Southw estern Uni­ versity spent the week-end in Austin. M arcella Lively of D urant, Okla­ homa is visiting H ester Brite. Morris Sw artzberg spent the week­ end in San Antonio* unmown mmif mi wintmrtnm FROM DULY TEKIN FILES Leo Fox, E ditor I University Activities T w e n ty and § Ten Years Ago as R eported in | the Columns of The T exan MmmmtnHiwMiiMiinHwmMnmnuimniiftH'witnmimuiMmiiiiinMttniiuiii T w enty Years Ago 31, Monday, March 1902, The first of the series of sum m er con­ certs by the University Band was given on the campus last Saturday night. This promises to br the most popular ever pro­ vided for Varsity people. entertainm ent Bids for the contract of the Wom­ a n 's Building will be opened on Ap­ ril 18. It is the desire o f the r e ­ gents to have th e building completed in time fo r occupancy at least by the second term of the next session. passing grade in the Law D epartm ent has been raised to 80, 75 having been the limit heretofore. This is a good rule, as it tends to raise the standard, and there will be either few er or b etter l a w y e r s turned out. Tuesday, April I. The The w ater system now being con­ structed on the campus is being p u t in by the city a t actual cost. The piping which is now being laid will be connected with an elevated tank near the power house. Wednesday, April 2. The track itself team m anagem ent considers secured very fo rtu n ate the services of Mr. Preston from the University o f Pennsylvania. Mr. Preston is an enthusiast in tra c k a th ­ letics, and while in school made both the track team and the varsity crew. At present he is located in the city as an architect, but kindly agreed to come out free of charge help afternoons during the make the track team a w inner. in having and has Thomas H. Stone, LL.B. '96, was of Houston elected city attorney last week on the reform ticket. Ten Years Ago Monday, April I, 1912. Captain S ta rr and his nine w ere completely overwhelmed by Dale Gear and his big leaguers from Topeka, Kansas, by the score of 14-5. The visitors wielded the stick with success and had the V arsity tw irlers then* mercy. a t The first intercollegiate track m eet of the season has been sche­ duled with Baylor for this week. Tuesday, A pril 2. M. H. G riffin was given first place in the annual gymnasium contest. He received a total of eighteen points. P. L* Cappy came second with twelve, and T. H. Bowler followed with six. There a re th irty -fo u r of th e pres­ ent senior class who are doing prac­ the city and pri­ tice teaching in vate schools of Austin. Each of these young men and women teach one hour daily, m eeting his classes would a reg u lar teacher. Wednesday, April 3. Som ething over a hundred students Joined in tl*e political fu ro r of last .Saturday, caught the "Campaign Special," a t 7 a. rn. and w ent with the crowd to Gonzales to h ear Judge W. F. Ram­ sey open his candidacy for governor. Alpha Phi Reunion The annual reunion of Alpha Phi fra te rn ity was held this past week in­ end. Many social events were cluded in the festivities. S atu rday afternoon initiation was held fo r Donna B a rre tt, Palestine; C atherine Luck, Dallas; Rose Burges, San A n­ tonio and M argaret Parsons, Dallas. A banquet for all Alpha Phis was held at the Driskill Saturday night. Miss Florence Malone of Dallas, acted as toast-m istress. The Madge Davis scholarship pen was awarded to Rose B arges, Place cards were the work and g ift of M in­ na Gill, an alum na of 1921. The alum nae present, w ere: Misses Mildred Paxton, Abilene; fioldfe H or­ ton, A ustin; Mab H arrison, D allas; Florence Malone, San Antonio; and Lola G reer, of Austin. Bridge P a r t y M attye Pearl H enry, the guest of Stella Brown, was entertain ed with an inform al bridge party, Saturday afternoon, by Judith P orter and Zel- da Ramsey a t the home of Mrs. A. P. Pierce. The prize for the fiign [Score was won by Hazel Cape, and the low score by M aynet Thomas. Besides the honor guest the follow­ ing were present: Louise Stevens, Stella Brown, Hazel Cape, Nelwyn Booth, E louiso Yett, Louise Delery, F airfax Nisbet, Louise W alker, S ar­ ah Holman, Dorothy Henderson, Gol­ die Maricle, Dorothy Youens, Mary- bel Lott. E sther Perry, M aynet Thomas, Judith Porter, and Zelda Ramsey. M re. Cult* k E ntertained M rs. E. L, Gulick was en tertained by the m em bers of the Gymnasium s ta ff with a luncheon at the Cactus Tea Room Monday. The following were pre sent . Mrs. E. U Gulick, Mias Anna Hiss, Miss Mary W. Ball, Mrss Helen Sautn, Miss Josephine Schmid, Miss Isabel Powell, Miss Lucy New­ ton, Miss Bertha W ilder and Miss Tantzell of San Marcos. Mrs. George Scott of A tlan ta, Georgia, is the guest of Mrs. R. H. Raker. Mrs. Scott was a form er resident of Austin, and her daughter, LLiire Louise Scott, was a form er U niversity student and a m em ber of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority. Mrs. Alvord o f San Antonio, who spent several days with her daugh­ ters, Ja n e t and Inez, a t the Alpha Delta Pi house, has retu rn ed to her home. Chi Omega held initiation S a tu r­ day night for Rosalie Jam eson of Ranger, Sella Wilcox of Austin, Eleanor Sm itherm an of Shreveport, La., and Mamie Sackett of Abilene. Enid Jones has retu rn ed to h er home in San Antonio a fte r spending the week-end a t the Chi Omega house. Alice Ballard, of Beeville has re ­ turned from Lockhart where she spent a few days with Alma Card- well, a form er University student. The Reed Music Society will e n ­ tertain W ednesday at four, a t the Women’s Building with a musicale. afternoon, Chi Phi announces the pledging of Charles Tadlock of Stam ford, and Clayton Tisdale of Hanley. Mrs. C. K. Holloway of Jackson­ of guest ville was the week-end Donna B arrett. Jack Lewis has retu rn ed San Antonio where he spent I week-end. from the W alter Gaines from San Antonio i was a gue. Miller, C. M. Nail* Lumber Co. Nitschke, Hilliare F. Petm ecky Co. Reed Music Co., J. R. Retail M erchants’ Association. Richardson, W. H. & Co. Rosner’s. Scarbrough, E. M. & Sons. Smith, Tom D. Snam an’s. Statesm an, The. Stebbins & James. Steck, E. L. Stelfox Co. Swann Furniture Co. Taylor, II. H. Thomson M otor C ar Co. Tips Co., W alter. Tobin’s Book Store. Wall & C a b in e t. Wilcox, W alter W. Williams, T. H. & Co, W ebb, Joe E. Don't Blame the Credit Man! When you overlook an account and you receive “D uns”~'don’t blame the credit man. When Y O U ’V E made a promise to pay, broken it and the creditor insists on HIS money—don’t blame the credit man. When you buy goods with the understand­ ing that you will pay for them at a certain time and you don’t do it and you are re­ minded of your negligence- don’t blame the credit man. When YOU habitually neglect your ac­ count and your word can’t be depended upon any longer and your account has to be closed— don’t blame the credit man. A nd when YOU go elsewhere to open an account and the accommodation is de­ clined—for your credit record follows you wherever you may go— don’t blame the credit man. Ruth Cox spent the week-end a t her home in Temple, and had sa her guest, Elizabeth Vinson. H illyer’s flow ers m ake old love new. Phone 6160. THE AUSTIN NATIONAL BANK THURLOW B . W EED Embalmer and Funeral D irecter) Modern Funeral He Superior A inherence Service. Leveee a t 17th Pkou Y ear Friends, V on Boeckmann- Jone* Co. Printers Resources $8,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 Faculty and Student Account Solicited I Associated Retail Credit Men of Austin I Membership of 75 Leading Merchants. ‘ B onu s Bill A rou ses R ailroads A g ree to A ctiv e Interest of 3 0 0 E x-service Men Cut R ates for State E ducational M eeting THEATERS P O R T C a rl S w a r t* , E d ito r V ic to r O . C ook, A w iiU B t the U n iversity was Interest, o f the 300 ex-service men in actively aroused when the H ouse o f R epre­ se n ta tiv e s recen tly passed the ad­ ju sted com pensation bill or the bon­ us bill according to Ira J, A llen , ad­ ju ta n t o f the U n iv ersity P ost o f the M U I RACE BEGUN Bf HIBB SCHOOL TEAMS B a r t l e t t , M c K i n n e y . A u s t in a n d M i ..ion A r e Showing u p Strong LONGHORNS BEAT DANIEL B A K E R IN FIRST S W A T FEST American Legion. - A p p lie s to E * * S erv ice M en (C ontinued from page I) ~ . . . , th - diamond the n o r - h i d e WM ><*- . -M«l intended to keep th - te ll aa a .o n - ^ ' =*'h l,* h de, ared hr ^ ^ , . w The bill applies to all men who served betw een the tim e o f April 5, f 1917 and N ovem ber 12, 1918, with D ue to the bad w eather prevailing vem r Now Un .Hoot MCtkHH o f the . U U n o . rn m any gam es have been reported i>* , . the U n iversity o f T e x a s Inter«cholan-j tic L eague B u |ta u o f H igh School d ean up man, B ase hall results. A few team s have away . . . su cceed ed in g e ttin g in som e gam es, *'* • * tit bis J10 ‘ In th e] ^ m4(1,. "fci, te r r ifflc u.jth no one on in the fifth . ^ seventh, when hi ; ^ Le burner was on ifecontl. Enoch Dunaway, the Longhorns* sent the Varsity team the lead by d eliverin g a _ clean double to center in the last o f . a t , . , . *u„ th e ‘ first with two “ babies on th., . . in h ow ever, and o f them B artlett, Mc- r o c k s» t0 UM his p et coaching ex- K in n ey, A ustin and M ission are show- in g up stron g. Each o f these team s, having been hit by Blair and p r e J on Nowlin w as on second, ad- A<. , demiCT (>f ^ Guard, m em bers o f the R. O. T. C. j and m em bers o f the S. A. T. C. will n o t receive paym ent under the pro-j visio n s o f this bill. H a t F i v e P r o v is io n * The bill has five provisions. In J gen era l, th ey are F irst, cash pay-' m ent to over $50, is n ot en titled if person Second, adjusted service categ w ii] be j]|gue4 to pergong en _, tit, ed> wjth 300 p ef cem face value c ertifi- e x c e p t M ission, has played and won vanced when Johnson rear bed fir st Qf th eir adjusted service credit. The tw o gam e*. on an * r r o r ' c e r tific a te will be dated O ctober I, M U n m H . . G o o d R e c o r d . . B o , d H i " H “ m * r * * * * In the fifth Nowlin hit his first than S ep tem b er 1942. The holder homer for the Ilonghorns* third run, m ight borrow up to 50 per t en t of 1 2 2 2 a n d w i " bp section y arsity collected th eir thee** closin g! his adjusted service credit, lesion aa com e high school gam es in w ith o u t a d e fe a t, w inning from San counter* in the seventh on a hom e B e n ito , W eslace and D onna. Milford run by Bill B o y d - form erly of T rm -i rough her rt has tw o victories to her credit also, but both are over th e sam e team , Mer tens. O ther W in ner* B a r tle tt won from B elton R ogers. M cK inney has had real co m p etition , taking Dallas, B ryan H igh, in to cam p as well as Third, vocational training at $1.75 j Sty U niversity, a m ighty clever ae- per day, to ex-: the paym ent not cond sacker and a neat h itter— a coed 140 per c e n t o f the am ount o f ■single by Leissner and N ow lin's horn- the adjusted service credit, rr over le ft center, scoring Leisaner; ahead o f the T exas hurler. Joe Ward appeared and om e ■ the Longhorns. He w en t to bat th ree P»»e o f b u ying hom es at 140 per for ceT1t o f the adjusted service credit, aid by tim e s'before he smashed o u t a d r fv - w hich the holder w ill be given ere- ing triple to right in the ninth. H e' dit for his adjusted service credit as was caught at the plate a few m fn -!^ 'rst paym ent. settlem en t in right F ifth , land F ou rth , a paym ent for the pur-j V ocation*! T raining Provision D enton. A u stin seem s to have one ufces later on an attem pted double o f the strongest teams in the history o f the school, w in n in g from Elgin and Dischtnen In Good Trim steal, G iddings by large S cotts. B eeville, C row ell and D iam ond Hill an also in the 1000 p er c e n t class, having w*»n one gam e eaak. DELTA TAU WINS FIRST INTER-FRATERNITY G A M E In the first in te r -fratern ity base ball gam e o f the season, the D elta score o f 8 to 7. The gam e w as a hard figh t from th e sta r t, w ith the D elta Chi# lead­ ing at fir st, but the D elta Tau# sta g e d a rally in the fourth inning, b rin g in g to 5. In the last h alf of the final fram e, the D elta Tau team scored three ru n s and won th e gam e. the score up to 7 the F ollow in g I n t e r - f r a t e r n i t y baseball schedule for the remainder o f the w eek: yesterday From the show ing of the L o n g ­ aftern oon , th e horns in excellen t form for Dischtnen ar** their tw o opening the Southw estern • onfererice season, to, be played against the Baylor U n lver-, sity Bears Friday and Saturday af-; ternooriH at W aco, gam es o f SWIMMING SUBSTITUTED FOR INDOOR EXERCISES in C lasses sw im m ing, canoeing, ! and row ing will be held for girls eacn and aftern o o n ex cep t W ednesday Saturday during the spring ternt a* a su b stitu te for indoor work such as w as given during the fall and w in­ In order to participate ter term s. in these sports, a girl must be able to sw im certain d ista n ces accord­ ing to the sport she w ishes to e n g a g e in. The box score lf ... . Daniel Baker W itherspoon, ss 4 Le May, c f 4 Ashburn, 3 Page * I I*ane, c , 3 lb Denny, 2 Bates, 3b 3 Blinn, 2b :i W hite, rf 3 Blair, p 2 Mitchell z I 0 I) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 I I 3 0 0 u 0 0 0 IO I 0 9 0 0 I 3 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 AB R II PO A E 0 0 Sw im m ing in the lake is conducted 0 from the house boat. This spring a 0 new d ivin g board has been added,: 0 O jand a raft is being built w hich is to I be anchored near the house boat. 0 T his r a ft w asabought from the p r o ­ I ceeds o f the Potpourri given during 0 the w in ter term . The T urtle Club 0 also and the T u rtlette Club w ill 0 th*' house th eir m eetin gs at have boat. in lab Sw im m ing at the charge o f Miss Anna H iss and Mlssj rn H elen Saum , and can oein g charge o f Miss Josephine Schm id. 3 24 12 Is is 2 Totals x batted for Ashburn in ninth. z- butted for Blair 29 0 O ff k e n , .b o v e ce r tifica te plan which m akes It n e­ It is announced by Dr. W. S, S u t­ ton, dean o f the School o f E ducation o f the U n iv ersity o f T exas that he has received in form ation that the railroads o f the sta te have g r a n te d a rate o f one and o n e-h a lf fare to all persons who m ay attend the State E ducational C on feren ce to be held here A pril 21 and 22. This reduced fare is to be on the cessary for p ersons a tten d in g the to obtain receip ts con feren ce for their tick ets when th ey buy them and if an m any as 2 5 0 attend the con ­ feren ce they will obtain the b en efit o f the reduced rate on their return is expected th a t the con ­ trip. It attended, ference will be and as u n u su ally in te r e stin g and in­ stru ctive program has been prepared} for the occasion , Dr. Sutton says. largely Y. M. C. A. DEVELOPS AMERICANIZING PLAN P roposing to A m ericanize the M exicans o f A u stin , the U n iversity Y. M. C, A, has established a read­ ing room and recreation c en ter for M exicans on San A n ton io str e e t b e­ tw een Fourth and F ifth streets. co n tain s E nglish new spapers. The The reading room is fitted up with and tables and second Spanish is fitted up for ath letic con ­ room te sts, c h ie fly boxing. On the outside, there is a trapeze which is very pop­ ular. A m ong the other sports given the boys are baseball, indoor b a se­ ball, and basketball. o ------- SWIMMING EXHIBITION FOR GIRLS IS PLANNED G irls taking sw im m ing in the phy­ sical train in g departm ent are look ­ ing forw ard to field day to be held at D eep Eddy one day during the m iddle o f May. T here will be e x ­ hibitions o f sw im m ing and diving, relays and tub races. H alf-m ile and m ile sw im s can be made an y S aturday during the spring term , according to l^iura T hom pson, who is m anager o f the sport. Girls intending them , how ever, m ust sign up b efore 12 o ’clock each Saturday. to m ake M a jestic Judging by the train o f even ts in “ E x ir the V am p,” playing at the Ma­ jestic tod ay, when a w ife thinks som e wicked vamp is tryin g her trick s on her own particular m an, the vamp might as well take her nickel out, be­ cause she is doomed to d e fe a t. W hen Ethel C layton decides th a t it is tim e for lier to beat the vam p at her own gam e, the thing is aa good as ove.-. The little boy that created such a sensation in “The Q ueen o f Sh eb a” and Theodore R oberts ju s tify their previous reputations by adding good characterization and a good running fund o f am usem ent to the main plot o f the play. Q u een is th a t fu lfills The story A photoplay that keeps you gu ess- I ing from the b egin n in g to the end is c ertain ly an unusual production, but “ N obody” now playin g a t the Queen certain ly description J N ot once does the action drag nor the .suspense lapse. Jew ell Carmen lead and plays her part takes the in Palm laid w ell. Beach and New York. %The truty rich and the n ew ly rich all look on and com m ent on the d o i n g s o f the “ L ittle Mrs. Sm ith and near rich. her husband arrive at Palm B each on their som ew hat belated h on ey­ moon and th ey are a v ery happy you n g couple w ith all the co n ceit and d eligh tfu l se lf im portance o f such people. The w ealth y Mr. R ossm ore, much talked o f m oney king, so ciety leader and divorce court exp erim en ­ ter tak es a fa n cy to the y ou n g w ife and causes u nexpected com plications. M iss Carmen is supported by a w ell selected cast and *he picture Is very in terestin g. Y e s - — B i g g a & Company d o e s m y cleaning and pressing, p h o n e 7601, 1007 Congress DONNELLY & WHITE P lum bing and H eatin g C ontractors 905 C ongress A ve. P hone 131 A u stin Elks Presents WHAT NEXT? T roupe of S even ty-five A rtists, Including FIFTEEN UNIVERSITY GIRLS Sparkling and S cintillating B eauties M H M ■ M usical Farce C om edy D ancing, M usic HANCOCK OPERA HOUSE1 1 Last T im e S h ow in g T od ay, 3 :1 5 p. rn. Special M atinee 25c and 50c N ight 8 :1 5 , 5 0 c, $ 1 .0 0 and $ 1 .5 0 Benefit Austin Children's Home THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT I AM A LIFE MEMBER OF TH E DON'T WORRY CLUB AN D T H A T I ALONE CAN FO R FE IT MY M E M B E R SH IP M. SILVER, Organizer H E A D Q U A R T E R S IN DRISK ILL B A R B E R SH O P E yes E xam ined G lasses Fitted N o D ru g * U s e d in E x a m i n a t i o n J. T hom as W ard 7 1 8 C o n g r ess A v e n u e H ie ILonghorn Bam d With Varsity’s Premier Entertainers 6$ ' I ast Time Today Present “THE JOYS OF 1922” a The Show Different ... . in ninth. \B R H PO A n IO 0 0 0 2 • t 0 I (I I 0 0 I I 4 2 *» 3 I 3 4 4 4 3 2 8 0 I 1 I ti I I 0 *>Aa 0 0 I 2 2 i 0 0 3 I 0 I) I) I 0 0 I 6 E 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ■> ll* — - o-------------- April 4, Alpha T au Omega and T exas Phi Kappa P si; April 5, D elta Theta u a m , Carson, Phi and Kappa S igm a; April 6, S ig ­ Miller, I t ma Nu and Chi Phi; April 7, Lambda Nowlin, 2b ( ’hi Alpha and Phi Sigm a Delta. Johnson, c f . Dunaway, lf Ward, rf , Odom, ms B oxd, 2b Allen, c G illett, p Lei -mer, p TWO TEAMS THIS TERM TEXAS WRESTLERS MEET T ex a s U n iversity probably will have tw o more w restling m eets this term , according to an announcem ent m ade y e ste r d a y by Roy J. McLean, V a rsity w restlin g coach. Although th e d a te s for these m eets have not been d e fin ite ly decided upon, it ts a lm o st certain th at they will be held T otals Score by innings; 30 7 27 12 (>00 200 The tw o team s which Texa.- will: Daniel Baker 0 OOO OOO Texas 010 SOO— fl; Th. I he nummary: Two base hits,] m e e t som e tim e in the near future Dunaway. Th- . bane hit. Ward, are the A ustin C ollege wr* siting Dome run*, N ow !in 2, Boyd. Stolen! (squad and the D allas Y, M. C. by team . Coach M cLean stated ye*. Sacrifice terd ay that the V a r sity m aim er w ill V|'t, Allen. First ha-c on ball*, o ff L o ff B lair I. Hits and runs, m eet both of th ese t e a m | on the sum* in trip. innings, o ff Leissner no runs innings. f J Struck out, by G illett, 5, by Le I ss - ner 3, by Blair 9. L eft on bases,! j D» ni‘ 1 Baker, 3, T exas 4. Tim e o f *• o f f G illett no runs and no hits P L A Y S.M.B.A. S A T U R D A Y FRESHMAN NINE WILL \ . base, Odum. H it by pitcher, (N ow lin, Odom.) and three h its , Z T Z o — j five — - four ; air - ■ in „ , , , C oach Carl M cN am aras freshman j gam *f j :30 Um pire, Froth. b aseb all nine w ill m eet the San Mar con B aptist A cadem y team Saturday! aftern o o n at 4 o ’clock on Clark Field. T h e L onghorns w ill be rn Waco, and th e F rosh -B ap tist A cadem y gam e will be the diam ond attraction for U n i­ versity baseball fans, The freshm en h ave been training on Brackenridge fa ith fu lly , b oth F ield and in p ractice the a g a in tt L onghorns on C lark F ield , and include som e prom ising m aterial for Coach Disch'* Longhorns o f n e x t season. J. S. KOENIG Chiropodial and Foot Specialist 418 L ittlefield B l d g .- Phone 4856 Exclusive Ladies' Tailor Joe Kasper 722 Congree* A venue Room 5 L et Us W atch Your Teeth DR. GUFFIN and associates Dentist* Phone 7839 —- 612 Vs Congress We do your work now Your Good A ppearance m eans that you are n ot only careful o f your dress, but o f your hair, nails and o f your skin. University Girls will find per­ fe c t satisfaction in our equip­ ment and service. MARINELLO Lad*#*’ E n tra n ce o f DrisluH P hon e 4 0 1 4 J 644$ t Luring presents Ethel i n CLAYTON u E X I T - t h e V A M P ; it w ife n a m Tl»e of l i m n v a m p i n g w i m p e d a g ( l u s t THI Jib.* iriek the -u tlie r w o m a n ” un from M a r t e d l l u b b * cou ld n't fh ii-li. lenrited a - o u i . t h i n g few Cast Includes Theodore Roberts SWANN FURNITURE AND CARPET COMPANY We Build More Homes 401 C ongress Ave. 5() — A R T I S T S — 50 Premier Vaudeville Presentation . And Novelty Band Entertainment Junior High School Thursday, April 6, 8:15 p. rn. ADMISSION-■Students 25c and Blanket Tax. General Public $1.00—Children 50c. - -X ' No War Tax : ' . ■■ ■ ■ *