MEMORANDUM • THE \\TRITE HOUSE WASHINGTON Wednesday, September 4, MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT SUBJECT: Czechoslovak Refugees Secretary Rusk plans to talk with you at lunch about the Czechoslovak refugee problem. In the attached memorandum (Tab A), he recommends that you direct him and the Attorney General to make arrangements to admit refugees under the Parole Authority of the Immigration and Nationality Act. A proposed public statement is at Tab B. The Secretary also recommends that you authorize the Department of State to seek a $20 million increase in the Refugee Assistance appropriation request to the Congress. The Hungarian experience cost over $3 5 million and there were almost 100, 000 Czechs outside Czechoslovakia when the crisis broke. The only other available source of funds for this would be AID contingency funds which are limited to $10 million under the current authorization. The draft public statement limits itself to announcing the Presidential decision on parole authority. The request for funds would be made public in due course when the State Department requests the increase. W. W. Rostow Attachments As stated. Parole Authority approved Disapproved State authorized to request funds Disapproved Public statement approved Disapproved If package approved, MEMO AT TAB C SHOULD BE SIGNED