•an > VOLUME 51 Price five C^n+s AUSTIN. TEXAS, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26. 1950 7 $2F I ^"4*^ * VI*?-'i * YR^f• $ * / t ^±4 £< f W/ 4f V«-~~ *•? TTTT^ Batfofs hWM^-, W ja? m Run-ott Friday i iy­ • By, . By. CLAUDE VILLARREAL . Thirteen fraternity Clique men,"seven independent men, and fivfe sorority girls ^ere ejected to the Student As­sembly and the Student Court Wednesday in an election that attracted a total of only 2,808 votes." ••'\i > < Seven candidates went in unopposed, three ill BBA'ancT four in associate justice races. The three BBA seats and two male associate justice seats were won by Clique men, while .sorority-girls took the two female associate justice V TWO OF THE FIFTY semi-finalists In the in Journalism Buildjng il 06 for selection of the ' "Ten Most Beautiful" contest stand' before; twenty-five finalists, left to right are W. D. . two of the..judges In the International Room Blunk, assistant dean of men, F. Loren Winship, The Clique, lost-only three-** ; of T&xas Union Tuesday.-The fifty girls will Associate' professor of; drama, Ndreen Kevan, " seats out of .the fourteen its Becker, independent; and Lee Al­ ^ appear in date dresses Thursday at 7 o'clock and Jeannette Wakely. . endorsed candidates sought derdice, Clique. Les Quinn, inde­ in the Assembly, although it pendent candidate up for re-elec­tion and spring candidate for vice- had been estimated that the president, was defeated. ' Clique could gain lixteen In Law School, assemblymeiv of the .22 Assembly seats elected were Charles Robinson 'through, a system of appor­ tioning vot& to all fraterni­and Doi* Guinn, Inith Clique can* ties. ' " •' '"" "t-. didates. Dick McDottbld and Don Those elected as Arta and Sci­Box, independent candidates, were: ences assemblymen were Leo Don­defeated. ovan, Clique; Sally See, Delta Del­ Fine Arts assemblymen elected ta Delta; Fred Kessler,-Clique;. were Pat Hinea, Clique; and Peg- Gordon Llewellyn, Clique ; and Da- V'<1 Pi< Un­ * Thursday night at 10 o'clock the he explained. vtdSennett, independentr r STUDENTS CAST THSIRI^s -Wedne^, , ^ to be held in 'Austin. Fridayxmid-practice," successful candidates were Bar­ Longhorn Band, Cowboys, and night, at a site yet to be. decided. Coach Blair Cherry and several Unsuccessful A&S candidate^ bara Osteri Delta Phi Epsilon, and ^day for Assemblymen in a race tliat attracted -on 'tHe polk „as el^tion effrcwls am were..Bud Baldwin, Clique; Cindy Silver Spurs -will shoot the works the Longhorn backers will as­football-players^ a# is the custom Ray Read, Clique. onfy^ 2,808 voters, smallest number in a fall , with a pep rally in semble in for , another Chamberlain, Alpha Gamma Del­Boards, and Al] " ' mammoth Houston 'at campus rallies,-will make short ta; and Mark Lewis, independent Three independents won in election since the end cf the war* * Twenty-five front of Hill Halt. yell session,t expected to rival the talks. ' . Graduate^ School:. Sam Brewer, ent ones in Dallas. New Engineering assemblymen Interest is running high on Buck Brad: are Gerald Branda, Clique; John Mac Bintliff, head yell leader, mias. A. C. Winkler Jr. and Don­ the campus for this game, Bint­ has often stressed the importance ald M. Anderson, independents, li£t beiieyes., gteer fans well re- of the Rice clash. "Too many lost their raceW Deadline at 5 nf^mber~ laif year's ding-dong people are looking past this game 17-15 battle: and* look for more Barbara Striegler, Alpha Delta to the one with SMU," Bintliff of the same Saturday afternoon in Pi, won the first Education 'seat, said. Rice's new stadium. The upset-with the second to be vied, for "We can't overlook Rice just minded Owls have lbiig been .a Friday bfc Ann-Rankin, Alnha Rice Tickets 8MU be«* 'em," he Ridded. thorp in the Longhorn side* . Gamma Delta; Ellen "Knightr Al­ "We?*« tot to t|ie them one at . Jffl5i|>erson8 have signed pha' Phij-awd Agnei Tipteni ;<5aiatii 4 Thursday at 5 o'clock is the a time tiie.rest of the season." and Austin people who attend the She scrolls circulated by the Uni-^ -s-By RUSS KERSTEN aence. of independent girls ©* the^igfy Yell leader Bill Bates said last time students will be; able tfe game will be treated -to a~ full vewity Crusade, for Freedom^Com­. Miss Rankin had won the second . Student government 1a gge d pick up tickets for the Rice>'Tex» some ^new yells will be practiced round of activity. Plans include mittee, -whieh has set a goal of Education seat after a neck-and-eifcdidate^ jeel<|n'jk &if ^ as game in Houston this Saturday. at-the Hill-Hall get-together. pep -rallies, a big Saturday night 12,000 signatures. neck race with Miss Knight in the Ballots were. tabhiated^ltt''rthe her good fortune. First ret Interest was at low ebb. Missing"They're the ones we started-us­ Blanket Tax holders may pick dance .at the Rice Hotel, and • The total is expected to swell in distribution of. Miss Strieker's Texas • Union's sftactonw Men's glteg.d Barhara .among .the up as many as six tickets, if they ing this fall but haVen't. quite other student-sponsored shin­the next three days, said Lloyd second place votes. Both had 39 were the eager crowds that in past Lounge, just a few steps from the ners by a bare one vote. She pleadk . have six Blanket Taxes. Price is mastered—we_ can _use a little digs," Bintliff said. -. Hand, committee chairman. -_ J'irstL. platf!e^otest with...a. quota, elections have kept tense watch blackboard in the lobby. Candi­«?r"Cheek it just one more^S^ $1.20 per ticket. : ™: — " The' scroll of the Crusade for of 9® votes necessary for electioni over the po&tlng-of results. Gone, dates waitedjust outside the door : The dutiful APO m By Wednesday afternoon, about Freedom reads: Miss Knight's sorority asked for were the back-slapping, the ex­in some instances, others Sweat­checked it five,, times with j 4,000 student tickets had been 1. I believe in the sacredness &nd a recount of votes after fnost bal­cited hand-pumping, and the riot­ed" the blackboard,, and still change, so she; was satisfied. purchased, said Alice Archer, tick­B-Taxes Nabbed in 'Big D' ; dignity of the individual, lot counting had been complettd. ous yelling that haye long been others were absent* -J' Except for a style show in et manager 'for inter-collegiate 2: I believe that all men derive The run-off Friday , will include characteristic of University elec­When Peggy Whitesides won,-Main Lounge, and group singing athletics. Because the University the. right to freedom equally Miss Tipton, who piaced .fourth tions. there were a couple-of screams, on the third floor, the Texas Ufe Returned to Original Owners has about 5,000 tickets left, sevr from God. . in first place place votes in the Working conditions: for ? the a bit of crying, and tjbe expected" ion "was a/dull place to «p)niar#ral thousand will be sent to Hous­3. I pledge, to; resist aggression first sample. • ..'.,."7 ! APO's, Orange Jackets, 'and Mor­exuberance, Peggy,-J/"unbeIiev- The fifty unaltered Blanket Taxes, confiscated at .the OU- ton. tomorrows Officials there An­ and tyranny wherever they ap­tar Boar^ members who counted Pharmacy assemblymen elected nounced they have be^n-sold: . .Texeigame in.Dallfts Q^tobgr.14., were retarned sfter ajneetinjEt. pear on earth. : were It^ett;-j'^»^|e'Hind-rJtrfk-votetfVwere good, "• because-there Fim out for some time. . .!• of the Dean-of .Student Life and Athletic Council. I am proud to enlist in the .Pippin, bot^vinjiipendents. Pe-was jfbtle noise. Only in isolated tore second Crusade for Freedom. ; * place votes were distribute^: Those tickets tfrat are not pur­ cases did the posting of winners •feated*.. were ^Tohnny F. -Collins, chased by 5 p.m. Thursday will icestaken5upatDallasis^|5i Clique, and Bonnie Lorene Evans; raw more than Ttri go on public sale. progre^ing very wetf, Kleber C. Miller, student attorney general, 'Freedom Bell possible, to be a independents.' ." ' ' theyiscattered few Vho drifted in JLeo DonovanJLk signer of this Declaration of reported Wednesday. . . and out of the .Texas Union lobby Freedom, to have my name in­Clique candidates-Tommy -Rod­ Sally Se« 1 to glance at the blackboard. Blanket Tax Petition cluded as a permanent part of man, Newton Schwartz, and Phil When*asked if a hearing date had been set, Miller said: - Fred Kessler the Freedom Shrine in Berlin? Ransopher took BBA posts with Reasons for the lack of inter­ Draws 700 Signatures "We are trying to avoid as much publicity as possible since only three write-in votes as oppo* est—not exactly reyeaied in vot­Gocdon LiewelljT! •» f-T ^ ^ 4 J # and to join with the millions About 700 signature have been we have a'very ticklish situation and don't want to hurt anyone of men,and women throughout sition. ing totals, because last year's fig­David Bennett ures are only slightly higher—aresecured on a petition ee? a stu-unnecessarily. When a date for the hearing is set, it will be the world who hold the cause Unopposed for associate justices r. dent-opinion poll tot explore stu-almounced.'f of freedom sacred. . of the Student Court wcm Jody not positive. * Enginoerr* „ " dent ideas on the Blanket Tax When complete, all scrolls will Edmondsofi, Zeta Tau AlpMa; Babs Several probable contributing Gerald Branda situation, Les Quinn said Wednea-The Student Court hns been authorized to try the owners of be sent to Gen. Lucius D. Clay, Haworth, Alpha Delta Pi; and factors: small number of veterans, I.'.i: • d national chairman of (Jrusade for Harry Webb and Morgan Cope-an expected Clique sweep which :• day night. ihe seven forged Taxes. Lee Aiderdice . Freedom in New York City. * land, Clique. didn't miss far;1and the near-ab- Quinn said that 7E& signatures . --ft , were needed but that he would try to get more than a thousand. C h ^ l M R o b i M . * " ; U t r Before the petition can be pre­mum Don Htinkit 41 i >9*i * I Si4" sented to the-Student Assembly -7 •"v r y i '-'••i-Sim Arta for action, 15 per cent of the num­ M Declares ber voting in the last general Padt Mines election must have signed it inMi wmm Pe««r Whiteside# ^,. Based on the spring election, in were ^ \jkrmdu*tft : which about 5,000 votes cast, this would be 750. • Sam Brewer Although the number of peti­Buck Bradley. tions started' at twenty, • Quinn AndreNahmi«t^^ ^ st said that :more copies have been made by interested individuals. It By ANNE CHAMBERS . , ­ The indiscriminate use'of termi­they are distinctly separate groups i the former jbSmeland has no rele-Until the people in Ameri<£a dis­ wasuwritten by Quinn and* Newton The so^alled problem of Ainfef-nology is responsible for ^uch of in highly varied circumstances. vancy—except as a peg upon card these unscientific biases, the Is-Baripisjii, Schwartz. . can minorities is,' in reality, .the the misunderstanding about Amer­"This illuvtratee how we have countty Witt be^^ jnt^ly :^d^^ 1 "s?j? ,­ ^ which to hang unscientific biases The petition asks: Should blan­problem-.of the'majotftyMt^^^ ican minorities, Dr. Sanchez ignored the essentials of inter- and generalizations. tellectually win^e<^ will ltf»e ket taxes: • . -x-s This is essentially the-'s&ina- pointed out * Robei cultural relations and have mag­"What scientific many cultural benefits, he said. point tit Dr. George Sanchez wko we need (ia a ' ,1. Remain non-transferable; Using' the term '.'Indian" as an nified the inconsequential." approach—instead of being'guided discussing A Jack Pippin In his third point^ *2. Be transferable,from one stu­presented the subject of American^ example, he showed how the "We have let teems.become de­by primitive rtabooa, by generali­ dent to another; or minorities to the second meeting; varied Indian peoples have been terminants in spheres where the Dr. Sanchez said that charactensi il''T'.jfr 1 .' zations, and by categorical charac­ 3. Be*transferable fronTone stu­of .t^ie Great Issu«^cou»e lumped..into one pas<£ although physical feature, the religion; or terixationi." tics attributed to American minor* dent to another person not neces­Wednesday evening. "fair ; ity are simply'the products of the sarily a student. . j.4? •/'§ In elaborating it, Dr. Sancl|ex iSf characteristics a circumstanee. 4^^^ 'if pointed out: "The Mexican migrant child mi­ All of us are immigrants and grates because he iii poor, and isneed to Tecognise that point | poor Iwcause he is -ignorant, trnd— The majority should ^reeogffite isimeducatedbecauMhedo^nbt that_such features as color, ttMh and-,natiQiii^«s®^R.j«eBy CHARLIE LEWIS tific criteria. "* ^rods, ,the "i education because he is a poor,'The.majority should understand officers will highlight the national wil start at So'dock in theignorant, migrant Mexican." ' thai; the attributes of poverty are 5 • r.. > After attending a psychology v The proposed old-quiz and fi­"Instead of recognising that the convention of I>hi Eta Sigme when ^tiwUnien­ not inherent characteristics of any Mica .committee working rin 'the Although complete j4ansjir the class just once lest spring, * stu­ nal examination file being spon-^e_U4*«i«lfcr dent whipped oat a 90 on the minority group. old-quijr file said the sucess of fiie are still tentative, Smarook •remedy m -Tha wjnvjfy *ored by Mica has btfCTt officia' y •diaciiQ^n for the minority,4we final. The prof called him in for »»eh aa undertaking depends upon said the .work overtime looking for legalAmerican,minorities possess quali aft interview. ex­9ixtf of the£ seVenty-three dde-doming! The student Arno' Nowotny. th* co-operation -of the students ap 1n the southeisoutheast corner of the floophol '1 tiee , and talues to ..enrich" , g*tes wUi be »pr«e^ited plained his grade this way: ^ Mi^a wants to set up this file and faculty in making old quizzes Reserve Reading ^Room. > PC, 3?, : ;,S vith faculty adviser* to bring 4 " "Well, I might have"made 160 "We immigrants in the. University library. It i?ould available for use in the file. He . -The exact date en which minority to*i abo^^ ,if I hadn't gotten jspnfused that are all anft of have ;' lnaketfaeinfluiiM.aveilafc Kenneth aatf Bill Texaa^Union 315. ta Ik* « VMwitlgr, " "' V* i ' .^V-r,'^Tr-Tr... / -ii W&x$£.^WS«Pt$ sbssIt JAMES RECH . r#MM $pm$ NMgr mwvrt -Frank 8tn»k>, TCU taekto; Tip* "* 1 Dillon Suffers North Carollnt|. Stati •, whipped Moore, ACC tackle; Hirschel For- While the football squad has been taking ijts daily Wants toWhip UT Maryland, 1643, in a major uptiet '•f^tiir,' SMU f^uard; Gale Gait nocks in preparation for the Rice Owl game Saturday, Minor L«g Injury last Saturday. ,0» the basis of his Way, baylor center; Pon Menasco» Hush Jack Gray has been diligently^oing about his btisi­ "the' offensive wasn't - contact work since Saturday, hut Llmar Costa, N. Q. state tackle, yfeady for thej coming campaign. juid Bill Howton; Rice end- as the Steers once again had, a Down in the *5outhwest Cda» fore, would put the Owls back on all are expected to be-in top was selected Wednesday as the p3 Most of hi* squad members began workouts on their ference standings hut hot down 225-pounder, Costa pounced hard head-knocking sesaion_with tfae road to a aaccawiful champ-shape for the Longhorn game, Associated Press' colleglata foot- fl #wti Vheia school started* the freshmen. in spirits alter last ^tk's e*« bal lineman of thte week. cm a f umble early in the tprihe to^ ionship defense. „ Left halfback Sonny Wyatt the whirlwind, w* hut it was just-light exercise a^H^er;"and far more iflteresting The Longhorn gridmen d i d« posure to SMU Pleased with his T-formation who was injured' in this Texas '' Other linemen mentioned as set up N. C.^ State's first topch­ the R|ote throat ,'-%<> h> a big boost to the,Longhorng* some pointers he's picked up in and cold. He "was confined to a champs, Neely has moulded a -MLifMjfcf •-• •" • • twnpwsw w^3Bf®frasmr^arw Iwspital as a preeaullunaiy move-'from ihbrf :-: ...... r"K Lota of help is expected from a 'efcuple of., the Longhorn play-ment . ^ teen seniors, eleven Juniors, and ftrfOVf twenty-six sophomores, sophotuores Gtorge Scaling, Cecil .. The defense got another teat, The Owl offensive backfield Morgan, and Leon Black. But thf v---'v-f"p ' -"v: from the second string. ' r|nk8~right along With the ' best IHtltt fellow who has already won last of th* Bearnappers There was also the possibili^r Shorts: in thb nation. himself a starting berth is speed­Wedhesday that the only serious It doesn't pay to kidnap bears • Vernon Glass, whose passing ster Jimmy Viramontes, a trans-casualty—Bill Georges, who is out —especially Baylor's two scratchy led -the Owls in their great rally few. ••$** from' New Mexico A4M. with a broken bone in his hand- l'Vtle mascots—Barney and Bailey. against the Longhorns last year, for rea/ below-deck comfort! will play Saturday. The sophomore ISpViramontes wa. la school last has finally stepped into the start­ If you don't believe me, just year hot couldn't come ->ut for defensive end may be fitted out ing quarterback spot after two atk ie Texas ACTi^ who will be with a special cast. -; $|j th*. team because he was classified years of subbing, for Tobin Rote walking of d^erib Saturday in* •iK a non-graduate junior college Coach Cherry commented that ai}d! Ike Eikeqberg. *fead of "watching the Aggies Con­ f'U'.. transfer. A fancy dribbler, as> his squad was certainly working The former Corpus Christi star tinue strutting -then , offensive ^-.Client ball-handler, and a ^good hard for Saturday's game. He was has passed for six touchdowns stuff in beating Baylor. }if': shot, Viramontes will bring back well satisfied With the results. in the* four Rice games to date. If you haven't heard about ii |P'< memories of Slater Martin. He.'has completed 28 of 46 alieady, Barney and Bailey were JQmQHPQWN COMBINE of fh© J?ic® Owls is* composed of aerials fby 453 yards. _ The big fellow who made Texas bearnapped last week from their Jeff to right} halfbacks Sonny Wyatt and Billy Burkhalter, Ipff go last year— ^nd on Several vc» Net Semifinals Left end Bill Howton and right comfortable bear pit on the Baylor quarterback Vernon Glass, and fullback .Georg© Glauser. Either half Billy Burkhalter have' been, 'it caslohs'they did—was out a cou­ campus. Bailey was found alfnost passes by Glass or runs by the other/three hftve accounted for all his favorite receivers. Howton, a pit of days helping Gray with the immediately and Bamey turned up 6-foot 2-inch junior, is second workouts. We're referring to Tom Rice touchdowns; this fall. • a couple of days later tied to a in Conference pass catching. He's «ip H«ailton, the-Lookshot expert, "Waco telephone pole. , ; taken ten aerials for 222 yards . who has turned his athletic for- Now the Waco News has re-Clinton Nettleton and Art Stiles and three touchdowns. tonea to professional baseball. p«rted the last act in thtt juMb' paught-'Even missing this^batding vet- down to earch drama that pitted King and Tom Nance,-€-2, 6-1; at scoring passes. He also has kept v'' ^wran, w# believe Teita^will havs. man against hear, and vice versa. Penick Courts Wednesday after­up his hard running. Wyatt gained a better team this year. Return­Sixteen Aggies it seemed were noon to move into the finals of the 704 yards rushing in 1949, ee* Frank Womack, Joe Ed Filkt All^elasftc watstbond or •lastic ± —saSSZ^... in on the heist. University Open tennis tourna­finishing third in. the .Conference. ~(r? « _ and Jim Bewiea, just to mention ment. '' • v-^ ' He's scored twice this year, and sid«» with Grippors. ,..,,.t1«25 Up • few, will have had :a. vital year This bearnappers were caught By BRUCE ROCHE has built up a 38.5-yard punting experience when iiat^othef were At o'clock drich for PiKA's third score, then '.jftmat 6S behind Aggies ar­2:30 Thursday, Texan Intramural Co-ortUnator average on 18 kicks. To be sure of complete comfort at all times, rested for pointing a Waco street­Charles Bludworth and Bill,. Bon-to Tom Woodword for the point Variety inarked Wednesday's in­Fullback George Glauser, who ' you're wise to buy ARROW shorts ... they're M: True, they'll face a tougher in-light" with "^h$e polish. They ham will play Rod Coffin and that won the game. tramural football activity. ^—, gained 163 yards on 17 carries .specially designed for comfort . . . with no /S tersectiosal schedule, including a squealed. What were they paint­Scott Irwin to-decide the ftrial For Theta Xi, it was George opponents for Wednesday's win* Victories ranged from Pi Kappa against SMU, has really blossomed irritating center seam. Sanforized-labeled, of rlSrip Bortb for games with Cani-ing «n the light? Sotiwthing like Stevens leading the way past Phi into a fine runner after being corrse. Sec our complete selection of Arrow -ghw and -Manhattanr but-we think ^JReat-., ners. It was erroneously reported Alpha's one-point, 19-18 triumph Sigma Kappa. . Stevens threw six over Sigma Na Theta XiV 46^0 in Bob. Lantrtp's shadow for two underwear. this year's players will be faster, Besides missing the Saturday inTiSe' Tex£n7"Chal~i£KeBndw^ touchdown passes and scored once Over Sigma years. leads Rice game, the 16 offenders itave been Bonham versur Coffin-Irwin match victory Phi Kappa. himself. He the team AthUtlc shim .15# T-lhlrti $1.00 in scoring with 30 points. placed on probation for the re­was to have been played .Wednes­Both games were Class B." In a Class B game, Gene Brad­ Safety Rex Proctor and half­ mainder of-the year and two of-day. But most winners carried away ley put Alpha Tau Omega ahead, backs Teddy Riggs and Gene Sil­ ••*»« 11imwUB _ s£n£. V*111111f/f to* bui Phi Gamma Deltfl^fought baci ver give Neely a capable and fast now budt privates. played Thursday, with the doubles The, Pi Kappa AJpha-Sigma Nu to win, 2,0-12. Ross Frick threw defensive. backfield.. Barney didn't take to the cap­finals being unreeled Friday. the passes that meant the touch- tussle rocked back and forth, the The Owl line, which has been tive Situation W#h glee. Reports lead hands„a>lua fouriUUi miHjo downs that beat ATO. impressive, is led changing times. by„g50_ pound i«« are he-didn't leave much uphold Sigma-Nu fcfi«irlie -paui Gij0ki( ^Allen; How-" TO* 1***0W UNTVIgirTY srVlll stery, in the get-away car. Also, Co-Rec Volleyball on a pass from Terrel Franklin to Club's B team coming from behind ton, Neumann, and center Lee to take a 21-13 victory from Lit­ acme of his rappers have lacera-Jai?)es Roe. Stonestreet. tle Campus Dorm. Little Campus tions and abrasions. THURSDAY SCHEDULE John Overall moved--Pi Kappa-Sonny McCurry, six-four jifnior, RADIO CONTROLLED fought to a 13-0 lead on Thomas We still t^lnk th j idea of plant­7:00—Delta Zeta •». W«riey II. Alpha into the lead with two handles right end chores. Glenn ing the. tfheat on Memorial Sta­Alpha Epsilon Phi v«. Tri Delta. touchdown passes! But Franklin York's passing before Randy Bie-Walls arid veteran £oh WinshipWi A Fraternity 'in a Class B game.-S o'clock Delta Kappa Epillon vi. Siana Nu, CU» A Club 7 o'clockSEVILCE SERVES RICE STEAMING HOT,... AND LONGHORN FANS GO VIA AIME •». Little Campus Dora. EAT QUITE A LOT. YOU'VE DE­ Cla»» B Fraternity VELOPED YOUR TASTE AND S o'clock SHARPENED YOUR BITE ... NOW Beta Thet* Pi vs. Siffflta Alpha Epsilon CHEWING RICE IS YOUR DE­ CIms B Club LIGHT. . * -S o.'clocks Air Iforce ROTC vs. Brackenridge HalL'BE SEVILLIZED Class rChurch OLD SEVILLE 1S01 Guadalupe St. S o'clock KERRVILLE BUS CO. University'Christian vs. Newman. 118 E. 10th. It' .Arrow Ph. 2-1135 1 •t • • Comfort! 'ly •j ) <. " ^ r' • i Buses leave Austin l;.? Buses Arrive Houston ; if you want your underwear remlly comfort­ *-S •-C: able you'll want Arrows. Arrow short* hav< . * 2 no^ binding center seam, and are generously 5:40 A.M. " cut. Form.fitting Arrow "Guards" and under­ 10:15 A.M. shirts are made of fine quaUty cotton yarn*. See your Arrow dealer! ?;30 A.M. 12:10 P.M. Arrow Shorts *1.25 up T-Shirts *1.00 . Athletic Shirts 85* Arrow "Guards'1 95* 9:30 A.M. ExprMi 1:30 P.M. ARROW snmts&TIES 11:10 A.M. UNDERWEAR * HANDKERCHIEFS • SPORTS SHIRTS ¥i 4:00 P.M. 12^0 P.M. * 5:25 P.M. , ~ ..-jr.-•••-,.•• \ ••' • -.u. 4:30 P.M. Express 8:30 P.M. •"* ^S:45. P.M. » '•. 10:30 P.M. K V :• •v • ARROW SHIRTS ii8:45 P.M. \ '<* w3 3^H ^ ' V] 1:25 A.M. r FOR ARROW 9if :tf 4iX% ^ V1 V- v, » • Y-'A . — _v f mm. *3J4i6 ^ -' fe.Sij-,. .....r {• V ' Vy-' ^ i ',A 'v 9MMMMt WMWvmT*M t <43 en the T?%j 1V > :4. ''1: tr­ tv a round trip ticket ond takeadvantage of a10% _• i U Vl ) HIMssM avili^fffou may choose any of nine daily sched­lesorfwhicht? return toAustin. .ssrtet-te, S»U CUA04LUPB &2S Ji rT£3 •-.. Then, turning to this country's '#»Aud one«vegain» Jassjdngw rnmtmt *.t icatis are "not too proud to Jtffht" feet until the situation eased.W pened to this country was to flJ*d readiness to take up" arms, Mr. dressed in a t>lain blue suit^ Mtftl Be> Mode "®^ was dreiBM idn a plain blue" suit, —reversing the famousworda ufct Now, with the wax virtually end that 34 per cent of the young & to Truman said: > ,, \ * ^ _ to gi a tallith shawl draped over Us tered by President Woodrow Wil­ed, Mr. Truman made it clear he were not physically and m«afaiJtty "I don't belieVe we would have son in the early days of World-Intends to press tor a UMT Bill fit to servjs the country*4|cP^V* had a Korean incident if some Moulders in memory of his fa­ tjlBti ™ ?Whu«doy|iQctober 26 HOUSTON War J—and he told National The program would provide "Now that Is it disgraceto t*he people had not thought that we Guard traders: ' military training for youth 18 richest nation in the world wijth were too proud to fight, We are Rabbi Max Nossbaum will offi­ ncs -''W«-wUlJight ior right «r*T through 20 „yeara oldr—six monthsr-all the medical knowledge that is not too jproud to fight. ciate. The long cortege will end down the Doulevaid toward yor­ an intensive basis, another six supposed ioeadst in tbe world. "We vgU fight for 4e.rijht„«y. ««t Lawn Memorial Park in near­The speech signaledd what ap-months in reserve status. ."Universal Training Progrejm ery time, and we have always done p^rad,to.be would eradicate. that situationi" it—and thank God we have always by Glendale, where the body will Addrsaainy^-jfoa. b> laid to rest tration drive for enactment of a Mr. woS, because-we bawbees on thf the National Guard Association, ' '•ri»')Wr».i1i'W lH)pl ?P- Universal Military Training Pro­Mr. Trimiin said In a chatty, off told the Guardsmen; ' j right side. I hope that wo 'w^ll gram when Congress returns No-the-cuff talk: "I hope that you will put every* "never be on the wrong side,'? FAST SERVICE thing you have behind the id<» Arriving unexpectedly, Mr. Tru- fee"piw for af «it tfme tfiey are ri««rve4 of a training program for tike rnfin received a warm welcome Vacvttwed tidd*,;'!IE* AFTEIRMI TUII FUN FOR SAIE South Koreans Within youth of this country, to ma'ke from the Guardsmen. '< Sidiwall|J^|i,,s'" , /Cinoesandrowboats^ them better citizens, to make thtim Mr. Truman had been, invited 32 Miles of Manchuria for rent able to defend their country when to attend the Conference, but WHITE." $1.50 per whole afternoon SEOUL, 6ct . 26—CSV-South it is necessary." < gave no indication he would ap­*1.00 SMCX-LOIME SERVICE 8-6238 Korean troops fought to within The President said he has bepn pear until he turned tip at the ^ r- Men. m 22 miles of the Manchorian bor­advocating UMT ever since he tye-Mayflower Hotel .where •<•••.. the Page with group pi«hire4fc00 ihm Thuri. came a member of Congress in Guardsmen were in session. ~der Wednesday in their drive to "J"''. -V'V ,rir;'n mit;i it;1 uIT;r*rT t''ii 'irr—~r<« fit FrL -then S«n.$14t8 end the war by occupying all""S'PSI Phone 6-0157 North Korea. , "Grime lb ^hl&e^ News Briefs The friendly fevtiwr^ Pocifk hAKE AUSTIN BLVD. at Republican forces were under "1 Auto Car Wash Co. INFIELD ROAD orders of General MacArthur to m 301 CONGRESS AVE, . 221 Lamar 2-S3M BENNETT BOAT move to the Manchurian-Siberian DOCKS boundary of Korea as fast as pos^ Acheson-Denounces sible. . r.:-^'.yi Cominforim Proposal "3 .if-? Sure! We sell '«m.;, " you buy'em. Your old one need repairing? Rent one from us while it's in the shop. BOOK STORE By tk* AatOciaUd Pwi Secretary of State Acheson rfte­nounced Wednesday tha -Comfctt­form proposal for a unified Gpr­many as a "preversion" of wotfd i?e Chinese Communists are bluf­hope for, peace. *in« m talking about invading Ti-He scored as "old and ible" the plan advanced Saturday at Prague by the Soviet blo'c. f. He called on Russia to live tipio its 1945 Potsdam pledges, wwh the suggestion that nothing else ^-s lacking to bring-about German disarmament and unity. It may b# a month "or mrire before reservists gain the full bcya­eflts of the "orderly" call-up puo­cedure laid down by Secretary |0fUelenae" Marshall." r-r Defense officials said Wedntfes­day that until the three services out the new system, reae moy be called to active duty 4m one nwrnth's notice. . -* Application* far 42 more vision stations to serve 21 . in Texas are pehding wife Federal Communications Com­mission, awaiting the lifting of the two-year government "freer*" •• t tele­Citil&S k tfce Mmz-Won new TV stations* ^"Amiincan authorltlu auiqpect -bet. ~ Without entirely ruling out the possibility of an invasion, ex­perts on the remote and lofty Mid-Asian land said Wednesdaythat high winter winds and icymountain passes make large-scale military operations unlikely for months to come. _ ^ c tej '9^end Sen Antonio CURB SERVICE 4to f2 The proposal was introduced byNetherlands delegate Drv G. J. Van Heuven Goedhart the « •< 'w' fit •' ' J & J * ~ as western answer : to -a Soviet (cowblhes botfi perfed mildness ncfi £|5|i "peacert.-plan asking for arma­ments reduction and the brand­ *a3s* plH' taste m one dgarette-lucty Strike! ing as a war criminal 'the first government to use the atom bomb.; ^ -Per/ecf mildness? You bet. Sdentifie testf» DoUjr, Sponsored by Britain, Franee, .<• ? confirmed 1>y three independeat coittisltins mM'i Lebanon, Mexico and the Nether­ laboratories, prove that %/ax9cy Strike'la milder Uxdrt lands -as well as the United Him ^ than way other principal brand. Rich taat& States, the resolution called tjpofrfthe ftdl, rldh taste of ^ruly finetobacco. -every nation to accept effective For Sde Oi^yfiiuitoibeooo^hresyoubodiredmildaeai international' control of atomfc proved by the U.N. to regulate end rich teste. And Lucky Strike mean* fine RAMMI energy on the basis already ap­ tobacco. Soenjoy the happy blending that com* :tw »100.0«. Call |.|(t7 Im: jatt arms And armies With jL*i«w biaee perfect mildness with a rich, true tobacco toward their gradual end.^:% " tTMlVBMU'gy taste.Bo Happy—Go LuciyI Ibtfto «tyi«. Mtna* w*& rati* s-»A»l«rD*k« J • T "twL'VWi'iiiii Ci rnsBf M0I4. J-•• n ' V '' Vv 4 ''y;'X r,^~Z ATTEimOK ww "fwraf •Nrmn Dahditg •*JbK£LK%d m it me (Vv VSVl H«tp Wenfed 90XJ* *~£MS» ForRon^tl Loit end Foimd « rvr V,%r-tJ M4'1 r; . SI h«0 HottM. sst® imai^esr^ gr$tWk nft^W!lWW» Hi"1" IS® mi aijjSili *-?r:rr' SPi SsiSr EC.:-: as o cans HF;iT^ E^S:fS5_BG fW ?«Ww-| r5!H!!S pi UMtyStrjke M&ns Fine ***** SKSiaSLJ **, ?'"»T 'Y4* C" ^i®" f*» fT* >-H Wviw4..J M. 'am Li iJj 11• • .inn.M iiin. •>. A,Hi.,-1-• 'i,.:..I .;,*r.m.. tin-.. ..i'..,-.e fair to each bdM4tial»|4f Orest Issues course. , But he "believed 'the course THE STUDENT -FACULTY A «^ hfo> <*.«»»«>« rf «»' /^ow th.t U»«« po'lflfai. o^r. ihould be continued as now set up Main responsibility for cheating Council at Depauw University ha*' and discipline will rest with the student curriculum sfcadfents -wteuj?-!1-^-^, :«£ -#»-electees probably think through next semester. established a students. The honor board will. committee to consider students' Wh«t was tii result! ^ Ijkhey have done their duty to the stu­a$» "Then, if interest is still high# be composed ; of three seniors, ' course-we'll accredit the suggestions on the Depauw eur» Thirteen of the sixteen can-dent &ody by getting elected. 11* -three juniors; and sopho-riculum qfuji course." < e *i two - mores; it will hear all cases and ' While didatea were elected; five sorority girte:v., But Lloyd Hand and Sterling Steve*, It was suggested that V terrri only advisory, the com­ paper^be.the reqairement iiistead - ^" r«on«ist -of nine ~stu­ ^were-electedi seven lndepe«td«*t^*h© «re-fired up, ready -to,-fight for ^ ~*P9«*Heleetedt--«a£-*c Of 5uiMes.j ' ,< u ^^?«h iiUmS,® ^«SSa« dents—foto seniors, thfee juniors, wik'« A FILE of old final exams will of^jaiSble to an students,in the on curriculum and acajnoilK rou­ ^o ^ne e^ent, St serves the **rUJU* Seserve Reading Room when the tine will act as liaison agent be­ pendente «nfte right They were—as aC "The Texan may have to cover a lot ninct dead week and finals period • UNION EXPANSION by the tween the students and the group, if not as ind^dual candldates—Assembly meetings at which the toll around. i end of 1951 is looking more like--faculty* : a certafaty everyday. Iwy and disorganized. Such indiffer-jl^Assemblymen sit on their hands-and let Some students having final : Painter » if enee does not merit much reward. , ^-'George do it, w exam copies from past years is Dr. said Wednesday- v,<&, unfair to others. The situation that he realises <4tfie need is Neither does the fact that the inde-: , W$Jbppe not,' c 1ms prevailed for many years. there'.'; that he has recommended ,**V V * . iv h "T pendents tridled condemn the Hare^fe^irJ' *** x Mica passed a resolution for'ihe to the Regents (who ineet in anaerincfd final exam file. Then Steve Sma-Houston Friday) that legislation, system, in itself; only 15 Independents,>/ , 'TKis +exf Js $6.85, but if you'll write ycwr name only once in rook wa* appointed chairman of a be prepared for the Legislature; wot,' whereas 24 Greeks were in con- " pencil—rdon't mark or ddg»ear the pages—^manage to keep from committee by Zeke Zbranek, and that (t wonld' provide that Til tha Dawn of the Mora yd MS * a foiling the binding*, we'll give you $1.35 for it next term." president, anid Smarook, along UT cqudd levy a^fee each semester Slowly the minute hand with Joe Bob Bettis, Dean W. D. to amortize the expansion. . Of the clock ticks & tke iwluaji mecf^ilcs of Ihe r A MOVEMENT has begun at Yale Blunk, Mid others,' asked Dean The students approved an ex­The twilight away system which Allow allocation of votes In the Mail panded a Leaving by my bedside . similar to the'one conducted by the ^Nowotny about it. union .2-1 in recent to be controlling. That is the. discredit-, "A fine idea/' he sild. referendum. UT Architect Ln the Oklahoma A&M come from the students. -possible alternative is converting morn.contact yoor favorite girl friend inf : S.Vf I'And because we feel that the fight campus. -i a present dorm. ^ -r-PIAO TSO one of UT's dorm?, you will yearn;:; The system paid off. Are the ­ f-! r for academic1 freedom at California is for tiie -telephone fcystem of th», > 9,4 ,;^io less contingent to Yale men because U. of Wiieoniio. One of the best in the cotratry, " e battleground is a continent's width the system inclndee ^OO linew into ^1 0 4away, we urge every member of the jCiine dormitories. One line serves an \nwari ; m V/'Yale family who believes in the dignity average of eight students.1^--WWz 'S. 'O-Hof the scholar and in the principles of UTV women's dorms are served rfThe'^estfor bwleig-e goes thought to implement his by only three lines apiece. With : _ .. .^ _ UH-HUH „ •titution—of belonging? OH, MY the undefinable feeling of discrim­ ^iSL Mil .•1il approximately. .125. girls in each " ' Perh&P* weU-p!a.nned a^d exe­_ V' -< eelings. 5 *. . To the Edit5ri7^ \ ;;,.r'tlT ^Td tETEditbr; ination until one has suffered the building, ever 40 girls mast -share I & at Harvard^Hte-imer^ sol ^IfsentWtfieNews, letters and con* one line. There is considerable talk'late­cuted general convocations could The "ducats" Srtfsh that has been experience. ­ draw from ttie general student not­ • 4 —* -ly' about ihe pursuit of truth, aca­Speaking for myself and other * long-standing problem for <11 nienr 'jtributions wHl be forwkrded r. . demic freedom, and other points only his opinions, but also a feel­raging in the Austin papers since Latin-American on students the who like to, have feminine companion ^Texan, whicli mailed 1,637 stu-When the Oklahoma Daily in* ing of belonging and a feeling of last summer has finally" broken "of ' threaten campUs, we can truly say that we" ahin thev're hittinv the booksi quired of the motives of OU stu-' view that our free ^responsibility towafrd this ip while they're dents as to wny tney were ventur-American institutions ... ~—r— sity and fellow students. " ave suffered the experience of , A stodgy regulation forbade Har-ing up the profs Saturday, hopes other ing to Dallas for the UT game, it I am it patriotic American and JAMES A. HUDSON, Tuesday's second headline. Ducats discriminffRb^^at one time or an­^Mfd students to allow girls in their universities than Yale will make simi-received answers sufch as this: native Ttexan and love our free coins ^ and never -have been other m our livesi periiaps Mr. ^r^knisK,-^Bstft«ticiSft»~end-*'iMm*-*e«4Eeep.- and never will be tickets. The Cantu has not been so unlucky. ^^"^GLlS^isMISSAL my lemonade supply." them, 1?his is where my point of current among How I would love to.see the shades tftccompanied by; aiio&er g^rl. * -* . To the Editor: ,,——— — pursued -the truth, we would find of the book is ; intelligent and * the "goings-on" in Austin ...Ac- naughty little criminals aren't fib-, /Convincing ... QUALMS OF PITY bing. that theafe -people-are dangerous, To the Editor: > , _ cordingly, I subscribed to the . ;v Many nations arestudying space who are hiding behind a so-called Texan for a year. It has been ar-r traveL During the war the Ger-Alas! Alas!: When &!rf mM:: moon-rocket have been worked one can only Heel qualws of pity.. initiate A1 Rogers, president of " NOSPIRIT T do;1-, n-­ i^^ABi^,::and-that^any-fenna^% But in allowing non-stu­ f out—all that's now needed is "VV •' STANLEY MOHLER . gelii^T will be dealt with sev? dents to use the blanket taxes the freshman class and a member , To the Bditor: • some new fuel powerful enough to fT?Pv'"'v.vt-u-s i . . Despite the presence of of the' varsity football team. ... what has-happened to the many New York papers, I almost V AND WHY NOT a erely.. you are throwing pway the surmount the obstacle of prohibi­UTTERLY ASHAMED :»Stable KUnVft tax? The Connecticut chapter has idea and plans for all-UT convo­tive weight. To the Editor:, • • 1 v always' have about thirty curious last advfjntage given to, the' a two-week to , ' given ultimatum cations?'... onlookers peering over my Bhoul- No one seems to be against decision: Should the blanket students in athletic activities. ... ttiere is Something wrong •t "Destination Moon," at a local Never have I been"so utterly the blanket * x the national Grand Council to TTT-jwmn.M'W » —-i-.theater last week, is evidence that ashamed o£jt member of my na-' der as I read ... Don't be overly x° . fcucauer iwei, WCKK. ig gviQencc Tfiat , tax be used by non-students? There is already enough withdraw a blackball^ surprised if you receive an abun­. As all students are now re- tlonality as when I read Mr. Ro­ ^pas^WMieps^"StopiL quired to pay the activity fee, griping' about students sitting A 30-year-old Latin .instructor -neasan(| wsponslbility to the Uni-^., Perhap8.tfae mofit naive bert Cantu's letter. I have always dance of applications .. mA At any rate, congratulations on So®*e people seem to' hsre<:^there would be little point in on 'the sunny west side tt felt that as humans we are n6t University Michigan,, that because transferable—^IF Memorial Stadium. Were it at the of ]^^tR^«r^^e^Larv^oiiy^ionles8 ^sumption currently able to truly sympathise with an­a great job and making me thor? theyif making it with prospects of an extended pri­" that earth—of other in the grief of death, the : oughly proud of my school paper. d for Hie ifietivligf card thej^y!yog hold that only students not -that it only costs the son sentence,, evidently prefers ^ ^ the planets in this solar system inferiority of a handicap, or in JACK ALTER QW have the full right tog;3c should have thededuced price n of death to disgrace and punishment. ^ fw *e w^ where and fto^privUege. student^ fraction &e -a l:or in th® thousands of other solar general admission price to *£• A disappointed l to non-students, you automa- ble for « fire which completely dew j and chelating. give the general public the >rWIFlalaM • **I'.' Astronomers-,' have ••^ ... It is NON-TRANSFER-tically force its convertibility. to gaftfes stroyed a 18,000,000 classroom "> 2.Family . ­ right see the at 19. Whcaten• atudent prices building. residence,; ffour Today's After the failure of two, suicide < Subside 21. Peruvian. Answer Is *r -Surely we haven't forgot­attempts, the Scholar admitted Iron Indian TEXAN Vr-"' ^ ten what happened during fhree other arson offenses. • 8dft the-part of students toward wa were saying that man could W$t S.Gum resia 24.Large ca»U in fhe -W-lw.r'sT • SMU ticket sales when mora * that thing called student governv|a,lirfr fly* cttAKMtfa it Mv m ^ to.Den, ffl} ' used in 25. Goddessof Classified • ' • student tkkete were solU than Toyohiko,. • Kagawa, Japanese °r adwiBf^ 11.Side of door iirugs j r*i v°"canoe»" , Si^^ VMALCOLM LAUDERDALE. Ads iZTheaumbet.t*,peoplee«* (Polyn.) «"* 1 M «».: In attendance. "v ihtirchmaii' Who is to he"a UT -0ft...,.-ilhi. .it.:.-. r UM duriap hotfate/ M»d —^j4i-The blanket tax wee de-Great Issues speaker on Dec. 11. •Could it be that there ,.i«.'.»«>& • _ _ -' t 37.Remove end fa i n aUy 14,ScrUtil^M—?.Strike . ftgSP MHkei wuicr the title of signed " for -students. Evan l*as bleated with unflattering ora-apWt-of being"part of this fa* ;To the Editor: Tpna..oa Friday bj T«xu Stadeat Fnblka-15.So.Am. H d.Citruefruit (Print) '^-'WltiNaii s'lti >i11II ii • uitl wm^g though you mat think it your To show my motivation for frX-Indian 11.Nozzles £& Loud % Wffi b* sacred right tc loan it to fafet thinking about this subject I men- w" *oa ifi'S?,..*f' whomever yoa please . tion that I served in ground com­Sf.OWIUP to ifctt antttw jHMi aa^etote e«te dBrfn« tue of ,having planted down bat for five months at Apzio and If.Toward 13. Movable toy* 36. Fold r over'* '•'J' |15 for itr—you're wrong, iaa in Prance . .. Now five years |0.Impertinent 15. Stringy * , ProviQidet. after the end of the war American t vessel .* As long as stipulations are (slang) 18.Shaped lik# S5. River • MA*'1department- made concerning use of 'men are tent into combat tp mur­ft2.Romi^nroad a spatula. " tA^!»fc»sssrsra,V'« >ve tetatwM W^e---below are the stodente for': (Russ.> (Oiin.) faijii.iiiti^i.' , , ,, ,, „ , such a ticket, the student, tot Februerjr and September M wa, have so e4dr«Bii. These ate* der and be murdered. And murder -S$.NegaUve &nt Aaaoc^tTO wtEas WBUE t should realize"Oat regardless •h»al4 attead the ngiit»tiw is the correct word. Webster de* ^ «>te ' Tlrortdey, October 26, at 4 "*®»SS 5 fines murde* as the intentional Archltectm* Bnildiiur lOfi. TW»".; i» e«U«d Ld^SS*K.*33^TKS killing of one human being by club -t »*«ggctfggSFe AlcMio, 8of«i« A»dw»oo, Itebert r±,J. And -there are atgsmeata -X maMggf ^ke biaaket'^' »-eonipleta Unhr«r.Jty..file £wob„ Hfctgm * ****** » - i include# latter* of *MHwmet>&ttpttr ^WrtbSS ^lonn®^ for the goyern&ent:,;. » tax transferase aa>ong ***** * % /v HOB Q£AV. Di»W<«f isifc to keep peace1» theworld? !•« V dentsevenwhenitiaoptionaL DofifttL Taaebar P)a«e»eat Service isiTfLJ.1 'Si lsS That couldn'teoftldn'tpossiblypimlblybehe«o.Whineo.When -„ caySa*!^ Olhie« orgiuiisa^ona and aitl­ , Omtfta* iMtaiitM jrredt ^-"meai are sent iato'^n^ai, peace -iff ifinirt,,. m >aii Ml-'-Vi _ , inteip-'-;.v tnu.) UlWLljl mdMtM.,tran tosjssmtzsm .siunber Mt J f*-\ a#na^a ^f commuiiisfn. I wlah ha ap&onal ,n^c fa*t» U» aleMe; tMtett' tndeftt rA ,11 Wfirtd aur.aa. -V.\ 1, 0LAN BREWER •tomxt' k not ev sueBmsu^HAgww ^The nkeat-8«M« M# Claude \nm*L Braee ^^a,-a«4: thatv4ec«oii:y;: sm •hiMroeeriiaa Mimn 6 P4M. Detest #0.Temple • an mteorWw ipfmttf Werd Javattee^ motlott 1 Wi»i Smith w -J * W "m awwB- a ' vM. *,??*»*• '* M~». T~kT ' ur'ijfeliS"spaJP%__, < » mi1 ^ " Alexander Moffit, University li­ »-%a*an literary ; Sbdety" till brarffn, iWUl talk on "Collegeand feave a meeting ffe all old a«# University Libraries in the 8t>uth-, ,,ew numbers Thursday at S west" at 10-jft.p. Thursday.jn Main I^ <.'clock at;the, Alpha Delta Pi Buud&it sffcfii I. .house, 2601 University,! ' "" ;^V' Mr. MoffitV'i&k ia^ftuteff in Ifri Campus Album Lockets the library school lecture series 1 1 "vr&fa Alpha Eptilon Fi fraternity in­NBncy . Soger*, scrapbook ehair-Mercedes,?.; . itiated tea Sunday. Following the man; Call McDonough/'iocial '1 '«»* initiation a 'banquet wis held at chairman; Barbara Beard, activi­Delta Gamma 'haa pledged Cynj the Austin Hotel.--ty charnnan j Patty Abernethy, thia Gardner of fbrt Hood, and New ^members are* Clarence"A7 public rielations chairman; and L>ui»e Gayer of San Angelo.Abramson, Barry L. Cott, Sylvan Margaret Page, •mraTn A. Daily, Ho^d g,"» Feffor, • Wany "n^'1'ISralrlllceffin­ 5&K*y,ss£ un Charles L Gerson, Jerome ,P. -3ill Meredith i» new president soon grace the SMU campus. Con­ •Granoif, Harold S. Kost, Charles of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. struction of new chapter houses Krovetz, Marvin M. Sigel, and Other • officers are aft follows: is rapidly underway sinte the re­Eugene £ale. Bob Pritchett, vice-presiflent; cent ruling. to permit, «or•. • -i *•' ' •' •• Jin.my Iftobinson, secretary;F|ank bouses on campus, "r Jv "5 * Phi Mu announces the plelging Brooner, treasurer; Jerry jfrafuia, Ground.br editing cere^of Margaret Paf«!, Cftror <5Ttavely7 WciaI~chjMr^n r~Al Moon, rfltua­ monies were held last Week for and Mary Kate Mix. hstj Glen Overton, rush chairman; the Tri-Delt house which will be Pledge class Officers are Nancy and Bob Johnson, corresponding completed in the spring. 1 Steves, president* Lois Nickerson, secretary. Lambda Chi will soon move into s *k®j?residentiJKaty, Boyd «ecre= • its new naodified Georgian dwebi *Uryi:--Yvo»n» -Rollins, treasurer; ^Alpha Chi Ome|a announces ' "Thomas, 'parliamentarian; Sie' pledging of Mar^n Archer of tioned Jbuildiag, equipped through* ment, has a floor space of 8,000 • Are you having as feet..-' • • " much fun as you rce Will -Jiw '4^4'r' tm v, -44 -it ' V? \ i'V. I1 \P y r 1'' tS' t/ ! i i* i A *i* V "" 11 f.M ; i x* t l i » ^ ^ fi ^p 1 sj, *„ • *\.r-p • . 1 M-, f-y cers have the most of Co-Ed Assembly Thursday at Palm School Playground and" thefun. Learning to 4:45 o'clock in Texas Union 309-Police Athletic League in Austin, , , .t Posture Is Topic dance the Arthur 311. The Assembly is'made up of and with The Madison Square 4PMurray Way is so presidents of all women's organi­Boys' Club and Sloan House in "t'i &\.+; easy, too, thanks to zations. New York City. -' . . Of Charm Lecture his tested methods. Mr*. Pearce, who became Union Ann Hill, president of the As­ JEWELRY • STREET FLOOR Myrtle Watkins, former model, director in September, was gradu­sembly, announced that constitu­ So come in or phone will lecture on posture and. grace ated from ?Jew York University tions, Activity Handbooks, and now before the win­ at the 'first Charm School to bW Use a Yaring's Charge Acc&untZ^ after attending TheiUniversity of; organisational cards will -.be dis­ ter season gets un­ held Thursday fiom 7 "•to 8:30 Texas one year. He received his tributed at the meeting. der way. p.m. in the Women's Lounge of 'VPS ^ degree in recreation and did grad- -{ •• Organizations wishing to pay the Texas Union. Registrationtheir dues, which ftiust " be in deadline for the six charm lectures November 1, may do so at the is Thursday and the $1 fee may 'Y' Plans Program meeting, Betty Ann' Allen, trea­be paid at ihe main desk of the surer, announced. Union.On .National Meet This is the "first of the' .four All members of the Charm Assembly meetings to be held dur­School are ariked to bring high A mock meeting of the national ing the 1950-51 school year. heels for the demonstration. DANCING assembly of Student YMCA's and YWCA's will be given by, the Upperclas* Fellowship at the Uni­Over the T-Cup versity Y Thursday at 7 p. m. Jody Edmondson and Franklin Spears will lead the program. The group will divide into "pafW Will Speak for glamour and glitter representing each of the nine' re­ gions of the national assembly, our perfect date dress end members will impersonate fi­ SOPHOMORES! To Education Fraf gures in the national program. —The national assembly, which "The Study of Higher Educa­for married couples anj a meet­ meets only once each four years, tion" , wiir be C. Ellis Nelson's ing"of the Music and Drama-group will meet at Miami University in" topic when he. speaks at a Phi are two activities planned by the Oxford, Ohio, December 27 to MONDAY Delta Kappa dinner Thursday at National Aitociatiori of Univer­ January 2. It is a legislative ga­6:15 p.m. in the Queen Anne Room sity Damei this week. ' " thering of delegates from 900 as­of the Texas Union. Mr. and Mrs. Robert, Pyatt, sociations throughout the nation. ' Mr. Nelson is co-ordinator.of re­1406 Oleander Street, will be hosts Light up the night in this swirlingThe University Y hopes to send OCTOBER 38 search on, higher,education, a pro­for the Halloween party Saturday^ ten students and two non-students skirt, wide and Wonderful and gram sponsored by the Texas Leg­at 8 p.m. All University married ta the national assembly meeting islative Council. * couples are, invited and reserva­hejaped with glitter on 'Hie side*­ in.' December. • tions may be made with Mrs. Py­ Is The Deadline for Making Your Bridge and canasta instruction att at 7-6852, slit pocltets. R&K's perfect date is offered on game night at the Record selections froni the mu­ Thereis noSubstitute dress of lustrous rayon ~ tissue* Class Pieture Appointment YWCA starting at 7:30 p,m. sical show "Oklahoma" will be for the Professional Thursday.^ The meeting is open to played af the Music and Drama faille. Black only. 10—16, 16.95. j ­ Service you get at both men and women. meeting Friday at 7:30 "p.m. in For The Game lessons will be taught for Texas Union 401. Hostesses for eight weeks. A registration fee of the meeting will be Mrs. William Sis-MWC-VVPrV $3 plus YWCA membership is re­O'Zee, and Mrs. James F. Smel­quired. For further information, ser. All students' wives are in­'W BEAUTY SHOP persons interested may call vited. ' .... 4834 GUADALUPE 0-0898 8-8741. ' L • 1951 CACTUS . HOURS: 8 a.m.—5 p. m. ^ -New members will-be flamed -> •& f T~T t -71. rf^> The John A; Payne Squadron and * sponsor selected when Aih- > t of the Arnold Air Society, honor-bel Literary Society holds its next Make your appointment and _ary ^military rservice organizationr -meetiaf -.-ea-.-Nevaniljiiit' 2 -•at.'Uh'e;­ will hold it8-aemi.wrsnth1y meeting (3£appa,tAlj»ha JEheta4i4u»e. pay fee in Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Air Officers of the 'society are Jane ROTC headquarters. ray, pr^ident; S New pledges of the squadron len, vice-president; • Sara Puigr, . JOURNALISM BUILDING 108 will be welcomed, Virgil C. Cas-corresponding secretary; Shirley !/ ' 4! f, ty"U\ sel, squadron commander, Mid Neely, recording secretary; and 1 tj . Wednesday. , , . • Emma Sue Cowden, reporter. ; i St , Hogg Debating Society will Brake Service. RESERVE YOUR COPY OF THE meet Thursday at 7 pVm. in TeSas »L'.. < '.. Geneva Corder has been elected FASHION SHOP • STREET FLOOR W Union 307. .* vice-president of Pi Lambda The-• Wheels Balanced Recently elected officers, lire • CACTUS NOW IF YOU Willjam "D. Perkins, president; ta, nation*-! honorary and profes­ sional association of women in Monte Lawrence, vice-president; Wheel Alignment education, -r and Bob Grainge, secretary. " "f?j' FAILED TO DO SO AT _ '• * ; '&•, * • The newly-organized square Rio Grande • Valley Club will REGISTRATION meet Thursday -at 7:30 p.m. in dance club, Tk« Triangle. Square, will meet regularly on Monday % * r > n Sutton Hall 210, Planr tgy a So­ flights at the YWCA ciubroont, -SPIRES TIRE CO. cial will be discussed. Mrs. Dorothy Lundell has an­ • • • • ':v •. Ph, S3-1221 3810 Guadalupe nounced. An informal Halloween party Mrs. Lundell, young adult direc­tor of the *'Y", frdviBed that be­C ' ' r ginners , in .square dancing join { & 1 % immediately. * Ji 1 A 1 i J-1, wi. {J(n^4a4 Alpha Delta, honorary law fraternity, will hold initiation tumors ceremonies for new membera No* i ml* •ember $ at 5 p.m/ A banquet in ^•r-y hs>-< honor of the new members wilt be held at 7 p.m., followed by a hall at the Stephen F. Austin Ho­ ANOTHER SHIPMENTI «-€v tel. 1 FOR A WIDE m out of this,world... 'iVft) ,|K5,S , -' , -S-f ' hf*~* J* v Vf \"A SELECTION skytint nylon sweater M ILOUS6; Cotton 'W, -•cwaf «nd -fnd, 3 ^wfted-»W4oft#^a ile^.^-; , W,M,» • •.* ,w/o *^«r»iii nywn . . * VMmrkLAMPL'S9 deftCMHt .with, -bleidi' i+y|ln9 • fy ' ^ • ^«y * royal, brown, black, white and pastels, CHRISTMAS Sixe* 34 to 40. ' A.^ ^ ' XARDS^ •mall 3.05 NOW 1 _ ^ ­ .m {{IPersoaaltxed & Aia*H4d|l *3 ••a Bo6bd«^ei ^ pfcarget PayablaDefclOlrti m. iQwlm— s? .4 .-.ml* c * K f* \ Ob*£*&' •' * >u' r(S?JI •wan una Sra^S"!n3 >h«ffir.*3 $0?ajftf-j, • -^t'i; x t\ f?C#w 4 .w5 ,"j*V1 #*4 • For Savory Tr#at* • In Mexitan Eah • BrinqYourSweetf S"! p . "Three things, they y, come what an integral part of the show|l>Wi,f ;»i, 'vJflsSlfc' not back to man nqr "«|omanv the the audience is." He thought one EL.MATAMOROS lii Program Seriet spoken word, the past experience, of the things which helped th« _ llmJL •! ; $ The newly formed Marketing and the neglected opportunity," play was that the idea' of. livingEach «fth« eighta«nmtna*lonB fat" «.. &*>&•* dBffaw 'wrote James Barriel ln' " 1918. one's li£e agfidn has occurred to 804 £ast Aveft«% ,jr^:} -iV 0,-t emphasis-period, "Focuson Faith,** w9I *****;pl**fteppcate program. Club, • branch of the American Forty-two yearis later,["Dear Bru-almost everyone, so the. audience ""* *J&tt J*®l l*&n October »£9'-,»Bd Getting underway October 29 are Marketing Association, win. meet |us" tfhdience^'iind Sir. Barrio's thoroughly enjoyed seeing what |&V;-jr' '%f 'j CrivmHy Community Chfaroh Wafegoner just as pertinents to Thursday at 1 p.m. fa philosophies are happened when ^Ktmeone actwdly and theLutherwi Student Aneocia- SMs 15-d*y period ^ &«»** 210, for »'debate on*"Adver-^entertaining «s tfhey were in go^ a second chance. mm.l ' $•11 tionprogIMB'r^l denominational activitiesisbeing tjajingt Is Socially Beneficial," jLf" '* ^ 4?he third act brings the action apoftsored fey the University Bel-A series fcf •*»*» Mblift This ^ fragile fantasy about a to a humorous and thought- Bruce Brown, , president, *n­ igkras Workers Association, with Dr. Reinhold Niebuhr, outstanding group of people'who wish for, and provoking climax when, the charac­ the eo-opeiration o£ the Peering American theologian, will be pre--get an opportunity jto re-live their ters'."'discover they have not edaaittee If theRfcligious Em-sented on wire recording* by flwt John' Tadlock, advertising mt-lives was well received by the first-changed their lives one bit. ^•'-f i r " *ji. ' ' " .."••Jl'gi"'^ Student Fellowship of the tJCG. night audience, said Frank Craw­ fpT, will take the affirmative, The 8w. Philip UWehlberg, ford, assistant Mirectori ' :* tfhile John Davis, member of Hogg I«*y pm» But Hvrmr D6mm Costs Less pastor of & IfarkV tfetteii t*th- The cast members |rere also >'SANS?" •:i Debate Society, wilJ speak for the «nra Churchin Corpus Christi, will aware of the audience! reaction. negative, u*y + n Than Yoa Think spealr to 15Aon JTJoots ntf lata Mouzon Law, who Rfayed the JACINTC® Don't Walk A corresponding secretary and a Reformation" Sunday part of Lob, said, "Thelthird act -t24NN^I5' Vice-president will be elected to With a spiritual ••Jtarep1* rally led brought me a full realisation of tetb ft San Jadato 1 -•-••• -- replace Allen Richardson . and CALL 7-6133 mm *Er tr ., -wiw starting things off Saturday night, ^ere c#lled to active duty. Ex-Ranger editor bid Pietzsch, Enjoy our Sinliag Steaksthe Baptist Student Onto^ ^will hold a tveeks revival: November The debate is the first in a now News Editor of Rsdio Station And Fried Jombo Shrimp HILLARDS series of meetings planned for the WfAA, told members of the News OWL TAXI 4-12. .The Best Fried Chicken to €^ub. On November 2, Joe Belden, Gathering and Reporting classes -Westminister $t»4W JfcMew­ , 504 Ikm»« Wliversity graduate in marketing Wednesday, that the step-child­ ship will have the Rev, Edward ^search and director of the Texas radio reporting-is teaching Mother , QUICK SfERVlCE RADIO CONTROLLED CARSPhone 7-3441 Brabacker, pastor of the Central Poll, will be the guest speaker. Journalism how to speak. Presbyterian Church at Fayette­ville, Ark., -as guest speaker Nov­ ember 94k ' 'y< "} ' • ' li "PAPA" The Rev. John_ Knowl«r, pastor of .Student Fellowship of the Uni­ versity Christian Church, on Nov­ ember 8 and 9" -•*"' " Hillel Foundation will have "two series of lectwfes'during ''Focus on Faith" period. Babbi Abraham ed 1> Herson of Houston will be guest speaker October 29—November 4. Music,' sweet and hot, will rock famous Tuxe&o Orchestras of the UPupf Rabbi Ltaris Feigon of Galveston Gregory Gym when Oscar "Papa" twenties, including those of Louis will address the group at a series Celestin's Original Tuxedo Orches­Armstrong, Kid Shots, and Henry of meetings November 6-10. tra sounds off on a ja2x program Zano. Wesley .Foundation of the Uni­covering everything from . "The A new type of spotlight will be fr s versity Methodist. Church will nold Saint Louis'Blues" to "Goodnight used for this performance. a threelectures.on "Contentof Irene," tonight at 8:15 p.m. Tickets for the performance are $1>20. Blanket tax holders will Onr Faith," with the Rev. Glenn While other band leaders have be admitted for 60 cents. Owdes of the Garrett Biblical Ins­deserted jazz for string, hillbilly* titute in Illinois as speaker. These or bebop. Papa and company have fe? meetings axe scheduled for Nov­remained true to that old Southern ember 5-7. rhythm out of New Orlean's fa­ FIRST ANNUAL mous.Basin Street,. The Episcopal Church , has-not yet announced plans. --Models for the band are the IS — JAYCEE f-m in ®f/'; H: TOBACCO p.; Thursday Oct. 16,1950 8-1 and- 2-6—Rice tickets, Gre­"The Study of Higher'Educa- Interstate The gory Gym. tion" at dinner meeting of Phi 10—-Alexander Moffit to speak • Delta Kappa, Queen Anne. ' on "College and University Room, Commoniu ,j 1 Libraries," Main Building 325. 7—Hill County-HillsborO College From 6:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PHOME /u-UUKmnt 1:16—Swing and Turn picture, Club, Texas Unibn"816. , > 2-5411 MLB step* 7—First Charm School-lecture, #V it®* lt45—Cx^ch .Club picture, MLB Texas Union women's lounge. t ^ '7—Ban Antonio' Club, Texas D »to,tv^ 2-6—Judging of Mica beauties, Union 309. ~ Texas Union S16. * ) 7-10—Rehearsal' for "Forty Acres 2:i0—Intermediate Club sewing Follies," Newman Club. ; . group, 8401 Clearview, 7—Hogg Debate Club, TeXas o.m. to 4:00 p.m.ddresT—Pinion 807. E Sigma Phi Sigmay Physics 7—Radio Guild, Texas Union Building. •••;. ^v ... 315. Hof Honift Mari«ht WELDING A R.CA. APPROVED , Washington Square. j.v<~r PINNER 4:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. "JOIN THE RADIATOR •7:30—phu rch Radio. Workshop,. WORKS - University Methodist Church." "Sea Food Gumbo vptfaw Travia T«L S-3733 ft PARADE 7:3S—-Co-»Wed. bridge group, Cam-: -K.fmMA Kelly •" SOO W. StbSt. Fried Cod Fish and Tartar Sauce ....... ..... -pus Co-Op. sM- ft COMEDY Breaded Pork Chop and Cream Gravy ....... ... i; >v* C/1F/TO£~ 7;30—Phi Eta ..Sigma; .smoker, Ars% • Texas Union. Roast Turkey and .Drafting 7:45—International Club' bridge Club Steak and-American Fried Potatoes .. "THEBLACK ROSE" " 1 'TICKETS \ group No.. 6, 611 East Forty- Tender Juicy T Bone Steak . •#••»•••» #55 Tjmm P«ww I;H t \ £ J N' TH t \T RI S 8.40 Bex Seats \ . Owob Well— seventh. i Roast Leg of Beef Au Jus .. TWO SHOWS NIGHTLY 8—«"Dear i&*utus," tiogg Audi­•L»')^«eiTedSe^;;';: French Fried Potatoes torium. Children — 14i H tfffffliSi 7-1766 Feature Start* at 7 p. m. it Fresh Frozen Corn Buttered 8:16—"Papa" Celestin's Dixie­OKX8KILL HOTKL sis m f|niE ASPHALT Piccadilly Egg Bowl -Salad land Jazz Band, Gregory Gym; UWBT "Command m JVHQLsr Fresh Frozen Cherry Pie 11:30-12—Broadcast of Celestin's Stevli^ffa^Up Peciakm'* . .w . .... .... .. .. . . band, KNOW. Bf&t£W TJ? ^1904 Word*" 1*7 fit * ** , how mmwS * ' IS* L -»l Fr«d Astail* % Red Sblton ­ r rOwfleriuvsfluutien Take Advanfagoof ourCONTINUOUS SERVICE t Rocky iMmm from 6:3Q a.m. to 9;3Qp.i|i. "On Aa Island With f 5rf®v x" •*" 1''' including Sunciays Y«mw E.tlier WUliaaif • 3r«t?&*•$•> PeterLawford Sytwes Start Ml 1M +M ,v i" ­ "Outrageaof /it/sr/Af mnm \ V {>1 lJPWJ* ~m. xi 7-Z900 The Orient" HEFO|g Pktrlda Whit* CBUhu ** c 4m Tt &r i IJUC "EL PESQtrrrE" ^ - -MHmfrr*.* Aatar pfilCj! UBlXtt St Dakota 81 Nlrirt" •v t, » J H! iV. f CONOR "tiffin 'fftlfI 10 CnadilliBft m Wftfirnii fr