Thrice Defeated W A R RETURNS HOME .. Threefold Feared and have m anagd to score only twice, once being against N avy and twice being against Texas Tech. By BILL HAMPTON' T h e lately con qu ered Texas Longhorns re­ turn hom e w ith som ew hat less p o m p than Brutus, N a p o le o n , or even Chris Columbus Saturday w h e n they take the field for their seventh skirmish of the ’60 cam paign against SM U ’s winless M ustangs. C om ing h om e w ith the Longhorns will be num erous o th e r outfits from past wars, ex­ students, w h o will p o u r in for sundry reasons, and several dads, w h o will be present for m ore specific motives. A lthough the healthy gentlem en in charge o f the books have allotted the Ponies a 20 p oint deficit, such a figure should only be considered in terms o f w ager. T h e odds-m akers’ lack of respect for SM U’s merits is due to the unavoidable fact that the M ustangs have yet to w in a game in five starts But also under the general heading of u n ­ avoidable facts is the memo on Coach Bill M eek’s desk: T o — SM U; From : T rad itio n — Texas is T H E gam e on SM U ’s schedule. N o t to mention that the Steers are T H E game on the schedules of Rice, Baylor, T C U , A rkans­ as, and A&M. And in a gam e w here success depends so greatly on mental attitude, and in a con fer­ ence where the price of a bow l of cotton is a gallon of blood, a black eye, and $L w orth of luck, one should only expect fish to bark, dogs to fly, rabbits to climb t r e e s , and a g ro u n d h o g to sing a duet w ith a rattlesnake. So at 2 p.m. Saturday a gallery of 10,000 will witness w a r betw een SM U and Texas complete w ith screaming, hand-to-hand com ­ bat, and even an occasional cannon shot w ith the w inner tak ing n o th in g b u t satisfaction and a little tarnished pride. Both clubs are virtually out o f the S W C race, as both have tw o conference losses. T he Ponies have provided afternoons of victory and nights of celebration for Mis­ souri, O hio State, N avy, Rice, and Texas Tech on five September and O ctober Saturdays. Texas, on the other hand, met a Pearl H a r­ b or against N ebraska; s c o r e d G ettysburg against M aryland and Tech; an I w o Jima against O klahom a; but met a Little Big H o rn and an Alamo in fight to the finish battles against Arkansas and Rice. T h e Mustangs will have their outstanding man of war, G lynn G regory nursing injuries (See ’HORNS, P-2) T he d a w T exan "First Co liege Daily in the South” Vol. 60 Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, SATURDAY, O CTO BER 29, I960 Eight Pages Today No. 55 Homecoming Schedule ^—B reakfast for lifetime mem- of the Ex-Students’ Association at the longhorn Room of the Com­ mons. 8:30 - 10-30 — Registration for D ad’s Day at the Texas Union. 9 — Business meeting of the Dads’ Association with presenta­ tion of Most Outstanding Boy and Girl Awards, report from Dads’ Executive Committee, and election of new officers. 9 :30-ll—Mothers* Coffee on the fourth floor, Main Building. 9:30-11 — Guided tours of the Union leaving from the M a i n Ia b b y of the Union every fifteen minutes. 9 :30—Ribbon Cutting Ceremony In Dedication of tile new Union in the north lobby of the Union. 11:30-1 — Homecoming B arbe­ cue sponsored by the Alumni at G a rk Field (See story Page 8). 2- Kickoff Texas-SMU football game. Halftime — Texas Exes Homecoming. The Band salutes the returning for Baum, Philipp Lead Frosh to 18-8 Win By BOB BOYD DALLAS, (Spl) - On a bleak day 29 years ago, Texas AAM, led by the almost m ythical John Kimbrough, smashed SMU’s line to such an extent that the tem ­ porary bleachers came tumbling down at Ownby Stadium, injuring several spectators. The Texas Yearling# played at the name field Friday after­ noon, and while the stand.# didn’t collapse, Harold Philipp and Alan Baum created a definite nimble In the antiquated struc­ ture with vicious line smashes that led the Texas freshmen to an 18-8 victory over the SMU Colts. The final statistics show the fury of the Yearlings’ ground gam e as Texas picked up 319 yards via the infantry route com­ pared to just 102 for SMU. Baum, who made the gam e’s most spectacular run with a 50- yard touchdown jaunt inside the Colt left end in the fourth quar­ ter, picked up 99 yards in 9 car­ ries. Philipp, the form er workhorse from Olney, gained 48 yards in 12 The Came A t a Glance SMI IS F irst Down* 102 B u s h in * Y a r d s * # 169 Pass In* Yardage Passes 9 -«2o Passes Intercepted by 0 3 34 3 P unts 2 Fumbles Lost t —38 P en a lties TE X A S IT 819 is 3—I 5 4—3! O 7—110 attem pts, most of them power plunges through the middle of the Colt line. Tommy Ford, the d art­ ing halfback from the West Texas plains of San Angelo, was next with 41 yards in 8 carries. received the opening kickoff as Duke Carlisle downed it in the end zone. Texas On the first play from scrim ­ mage Ford sm ashed through the center for 35 yards. Philipp then carried three straight times to move the ball to midfield. The drive w*as mom entarily halted when the Colt line-backers began “ red-dogging,” or crashing into the Yearling secondary', to the wide plays by Tony stop King, Shorthorn halfback from Thomas Jefferson of San Antonio, and Ford, Carlisle, who played his high school football at Athens, took advantage of the weakened sec­ ondary to hit Philipp on a 10-yard pass for a first down. stiffened The Colts as the Yearlings crossed the 20-yard- line and held the Longhorns-to- be to just five yards in three plays from scrim m age. On fourth down, Carlisle passed to Benny House, form er all-state end from Corpus Christi Ray, who was open on the two-yard line. House w'as unable to hold on to the pass, however, and the Colts took over. Three plays later, Tom Hillary', SMU quarterback, had his pass in the flat intercepted by House who dashed 25 yards for a touch­ down. Ivee Hensley, the Yearlings’ WHAT'S INSIDE High School Scores, P-2. Je rry Mays, P-2. Other SWC Games. P-2. Campus Choices, F-8. B aylor-Te\as Game near sell­ out, P-8. left-footed point after man from Henderson, missed, and Texas held a 6-0 lead. The Colts abandoned their reg­ ular “ split T” form ation a n d cam e out in the spread on the next series of plays, but wrere stopped when Hillary was thrown for a three-yard loss by the hard- charging Yearling line. Scott Appleton. Bobby Gamblin, George Brucks, Bo Price, Charles T albert, and Robert Young kept the Colts tied down all afternoon on the ground and also harassed the SMU quarterbacks when they attem pted to pass. SMU had somewhat better luck when Je rry Rhome, form er all- America quarterback from Sun­ set High School in Dallas, took over, and moved quickly to mid­ field. After Doug Christian, another Ray product, pulled in a pass for 12 yards, h o w e v e r , Talbert reached to move again. Philipp hit the middle, his fa­ vorite spot, for seven yards, and the speedy Ford skirted right end for five and a first down. Then Carlisle, unable to pass a few play's later, tucked the ball under his arm , and raced for IO yards the Colt 25-yard-line. Two plays l a t e r , HIX Green, dimunitive scatback f r o m Jef­ ferson of San Antonio, ran in­ side left end 13 yards to the IO. to The Colt forward wall, which was largely responsible for the (See FROSH, P-3j Everytime it Rains ... It Rains Drops of Rain By MINETTE NAQUIN 'T he pep rally is at the band now. After five weeks of school. After Friday night’s deluge. e rs.” “ Everybody back to Caroth­ hall!” Ha, Hah, yeah, atomp, whistle. (Apologies to Hairy.) It’s six (or more) blocks from Carothers Dorm to the band hall. In the rain. Wet rain. Into each life a little rain must fall. purses. It did. On raincoats; Into shoes and What happens if the printing on one’s blanket tax runs? The spooks were out Friday. the Only three more days G reat Pumpkin comes. till Real spooks. In white and black sheets. To all the dedicated souls who gave up studying to go, the pep rally was not dedicated. But rather the Freshm an to band m em bers. Longhorn Band. They’re full - fledged m em bers It rained. Lipstick and tow - sacks are THE thing for wet weather. P aris h asn’t discovered it yet. Only for­ m er freshm an band members. Signs are in style too: “ Menu for tom orrow: Stewed SMU." In the Ritual Room, behind in a Rite alm ost closed doors, like a Greek candlelight cere­ mony, removed their orange and white beanies and becam e “ old m en." freshm en the Rousing cheers were heard. Lipstick sm eared. Really. The freshm en were full of it. But they w eren’t playing post office. They had it all over their faces. P a rt legs. of Only one to each person. the ritual. And green And it rained. And the w ate r poured down. In rivers. G roan! Not really. It would have been one unattended pep rally. Some people do like to have their little jokes. P ractical ones. (See RAIN, P-2) New officers of the Dads’ Asso­ ciation will be presented at the game. Texas Union Council Banquet for form er mem bers of I ’nion Committee Saturday evening. 12 14 19 24 25 31 33 34 38 40 43 47 49 55 60 61 62 61 66 68 TEXAS No, Player TO ♦James Saxton ♦Mike Cotten Pos. Wk RH 160 QB 190 QB 175 QB 175 RI! 160 RH 190 FE 180 FB 205 KB 185 LH 200 LH 175 FB 195 QB 170 LH 190 RG 200 Johnny Genung John Ed Smith Bobby Gunvitz George Lewis P at Culpepper ♦Ray Poage John Allen Cook Jerry Cook David Russell Ray Barton ♦Bobby Oliver ♦Jack Collins ♦Marvin Kubin Johnny Treadwell LG 195 Perry McWilliams C 205 John Seals David Kristynik Emery Martindale II. G. Anderson TO ♦Dick Jones 72 74 75 76 78 80 SI 81 85 86 87 88 Don Talbert Ed Padgett Dan Petty ♦Jim Bob Moffett Scott Mann ♦Tommy Lucas Buddy Fults Tommy York ♦Larry Coopt*r ♦Monte Lee Deene Got I Bob Moses LG 190 C 200 RC, RC, 220 195 RT 215 FT 220 RT 205 FT 210 FT 215 RT 215 FE 200 RE 190 LE 180 RE 195 LG 215 RE 185 LE 205 SMU No. Player Jerry Sebek Arlan Flake Glynn Gregory ♦Billy Polk Tommy Brennan Pos. Wt. QB 180 QB 185 LH 195 RH 170 RH 150 Norman Marshall RH 175 la r r y Westbrook LH 170 14 19 21 24 25 26 28 35 37 38 42 41 47 50 51 61 62 63 65 67 69 70 71 75 77 81 82 85 86 88 89 Ray Schoenke John Ed Clarke ♦Newell McCallum Doyce Walker ♦Bill Murff 45 Mike Hackney ♦Frank Jackson Joe Boudreaux ♦Joe Miller 60 ♦Karl Bolz ♦Mike Rice Gene Sherman John Rumley Jim Crowe Jack Rhoads Alex Todd Guy Rees*1 Jim Hunt ♦Jerry Mays ♦Bobby Hunt John Guising Happy Nelson ♦Pat Neill Buddy Nichols Ray Green ♦Reno Medellin ♦ Probable Starter C 212 ER 190 VB 192 LH 195 LH 185 FB 201 QB 178 C 205 C 210 RO 195 RT 215 IX! RC, 210 190 LT 215 LG 195 RT 210 RT 238 FT 220 FT 225 RC, 235 LE 185 RE 190 RE 205 FE 185 RE 185 FE 180 Southern M ethodist General . . . Bill M eek y\.is C om m ander-in-chief and his captains . , . Darrell Ro\ a1, Dick Jones, Monte Lee Saturday, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page J J I M BO B M O FFET T — a newcomer to r e00 and a passing total of 369- T h eir longest play from scrimmage went for 2-4 yards and was on a pass from jerry Sebek to Larry Westbrook. John Ed Clarke scampered for 21 yards against Rice to ac­ count for their longest rushing play from scrimmage. After the Methodist skirmish Saturday, the Longhorns march their army to W aco for the battle of Bull R u n ” in an effort to be­ come the S W C chief sniper unit. Although the ’Horns have t a k e n their lumps, it must be remembered that the final victors don't always win their opening skir­ mishes. 7he I S & A had similar situations in the Civil W a r, and both One and I wo W o rld affairs. Confirmations of this fact can be ob­ tained from A. Lincoln, Cen. W ainw right, and H arry S. Truman. Eat Mexican Food Once A Day! EL MAT 504 East Ave. GR 7-7023 EL TORO 1601 Guadalupe GR 8-4321 EL CHARRO 'Mexican Food to Take Home” GR 7-8744 MONROE'S 912 Red River G R 8-7735 Delivery Service 7 Days B ig G am es Seen in S W C B y T h e Associated P re * s ( Southwest Conference football hits its high note Saturday with everybody in championship action and the race likely to drop into a two-team affair. B a ylo r and Rice, unbeaten and untied at the head of the pack, battle TO U and Texas Tech in the top games. B a ylo r tries to knock over dog­ ged T C L' at Fort Worth and thus win its sixth straight game and rem ain the only undefeated, un­ tied team left in the league. R ic e w a n ly meets Texas 'e ( h at Houston determined to win its third straight conference test. That would keep the Owls in pace with B aylor. Arkansas, the only other team with a better than outside chance, clashes with Texas AAM at Col­ lege Station. Arkansas can s t a y hotly in the title chase if it up­ ends A I M The R a z o r b a c k s are solid favorites. The fourth conference g a m e matches two virtu ally eliminated at Aus­ Texas and SM I I teams tin The winner could clim b back into the race only if B a y lo r Rnd Rice should lose E v e n then the chance would be remote. Ba ylo r has the toughest row to hue The B e a r s seldom have much success against T C L . a team that m ay not have realized its Hue potential. If the Frogs do it Saturday, they could w reck B a y ­ lor s greatest hope of winning a championship in 36 years. Rice is go en a 13-point bulge rho R a id e rs are capa­ over Tech, ble of giving the host a tough fight, as witness the B a ylo r game. Texts favorite 20 points over S M U ’* of them all winless and disheartened forces. the heaviest is Arkansas is a touchdown p i c k over AAM but doesn t expect an easy time realizing it. Sports Notice Nil intram ural football games ached tiled to be played Frida-, n i*ht were called off because of rain. T h e ' w ill be r (--scheduled Teem managers should cai', the Intram ural office to find out the new d-OA nod time. Dn * m A Rally... j m J iC O tO P 8 C O tO N C O *O P 4 C 0 4 0 P » C O *O P « C O «O P tC 0 4 Homecoming f S Make this U U U | (Continued Fro m Page I ) • • \A Happy Comfortable D a y ? o Show that YOU Back the 'Horns their dry little ca is world know you are backing Stand tall, with your Orange and W hite tie — Let th# the longhorn!. And se# the beanie cap*, wind-iockees, pennants, and other UT items near the front of the store. Be sure your are sitting on a soft, dry seat at the SM U game this year, and for years to come, with a fold­ ing stadium seat or cushion from the Co-Op. Com fort­ able, easy to carry, and they re Orange and W hite. That aren't very practical. R ath er im practical. Six blocks worth. But it was a joke. I t s up, hill all the w ay from the Band Hall to the corner of WH I tis and 24th But it was uphill from Whitis to Die Band Hall. W et hills. All the conforming people in In their d ry little (or bigi shoes. And socks. M o r a l: he who goes to pep ra lly in rain without raincoat is a con­ formist. Ev e ryb o d y else did. Tow-saeks are better. They absorb more w ater than plastic. And are much more be­ coming. R eally. Esp e cia lly when it’s raining. Commission Recognizes Moore as Champion its continue N E W Y O R K LB- The New York Athletic Commission voted F rid a y to recognition of Archie Moore of San Diego as world light - heavyweight boxing champion. It also suggested that Alphon se Ha lim i of France meet the winner of the E d e r Jofre-Elov Sanchez, bout for Ute bantamweight crown WEST AUSTIN P H A R M A C Y 1 0 1 2 W . 6 t h 10r r? Discount on Rx to Students for 24 hr. Prescription Service CALL GR 2-5477 O o o T• o o • o “0• o o • o •o• o o• o ■u• f> o• o ■o• o o • c T• a c• o -o ft o o •n• o o• oa• J Come Visit the Co-Op, the Student's Store o O You probably remember the U H I E R old Co-Op, or you may have been here since the New Co-Op was built. But im­ m n THI S. u U M S -VTO*! provements are made every Open today till I p.m. day. Come in and see. 2246 Guadalupe Street P © •O PeCO eO PeCO eO PeCO eO PeCO eO PeCO eO PeCO eO Pe And Be Comfortable at the Game | re High School Scores Port A rthur Bishop K>me 18, Houston St. Pius 12 Port A rth u r 14, Beaum ont • San Augustine 36, Joaquin 14 L ib e rty 26, P o rt Acres 0. Silsbee 21, Ja s p e r 0 M cA llen 13, A lice I Sherm an 21 Highland P a rk 20 Stinnett 42. Strafford 6 D ille y 16, Southwest 6 U vald e 16, Sam Houston 13 Johnson C ity 12, Blan co 0 San Benito 30, Weslaco 0 P o rt Neches 21, Beaumont F ren ch 6 V icto ria 14, Corpus Christi R a y 0 Nacogdoches 40, Center 0 fuifkm 7, Texarkana 0 Ja ck so n ville 39, Carthage 6 Garwood 34. Crescent 0 Bayto w n 28. Houston Sm iley 0 Channelview 12, Angleton 0 A h in 9, Im port* 0 Bro w n sville 18 Fdinburg 7 R io (Ira rvle City 16, Fa lfu rria s 8 Mission 20, Mercedes 13 In s Fresnos 34, l a Fe ria 0 Hebbronville 47, Laredo St. i Joseph s 0 Gonzales 32, Yoakum 8 Nederland 0, Huntsville 0, tie Vidor 38, Conroe 12 Orange 14, Beaumont South P a rk 14 tie Sour L a k e 44. W a rren 7 M a rt 20, Groesbeck 0 W a co 12 A latin Trav is 2 L a Vega 23. B e lt >n 0 Brownwood 16 V ernon o G raham 22 NI nora! W ells 8, Olney 49, E le c tra 0 Arlington 24 B in h tile 6 > W ichita Fa lls 27, Irving 0. W hite Deer 20, Sunray I I Lubbock M onterrey 28 Borger 14 A m arillo P a lo D u o 40, Pam pa 16 H app y 14, H a rt 8, Hereford 25, Phillips 14 Odessa P e rm ia n 19 Abilene 13. Houston Jones 13, Houston Austin IO Ja c in to 0 Spring B ran ch 33. Houston San Columbus 15, Humble 7. Austin Maroons 28, B ry a n A Crockett 27, Cleveland 6. Saratoga 8, Fannett 6. Peacock M ilita ry Academ y 28, C astroville St. i/>uis 20. F a lls C ity 50, Runge 0 Iola 14, C enterville 8 Itasca 36, W aco M id w ay 0 Frost 51, Fu staco 0 Hubbard 34, Lorena 0 Fairfield 12. Fra n klin 6 C a lvert 8, Lo vela d y 6 Me rd la n 20, E v a n t 0 Corrigan 12, T rin ity 0 Industrial 26, Louise 8 Spur 22, Haskell 11 Bow ie 8, Richardson 0. Crowell 42. Chillicothe 6 C m ham 22, .Mineral W ells 8. Archer C ity 26, Henrietta 0 Seym our 26, Rule 8, Knox C ity 0. Munday 6 Paducah 6, tie Nocona 32, Burkburnett 6. Perryton 22, Quanah 8 Sham rock 27, Wellington 0 N ewcastle 7. Throelmorton 0. I-ocketr 60, V a lle y View 20 W ichita F a lls Washington 14, Iowa P a rk 21. view Worn ach 14, tie. Spearm an 26, Childress 6. Arlington 24, L u d v ille 6. W ich ita F a lls 27, Irvin g 0. ! Claude 49. Vega 8 Memphis 34, Clarendon 0. M ia m i 28, Morse 8, W hite D e er 20, Sunray 8. W heeler 22, Texline 6. Stinnett 42. Stanford 6 Bo y's Ranch 24. Fstelline 0 A m arillo P a lo I>uro 40, Pam pa 16, Hereford 25, Phillip s 14 Odessa Perm ian 19, Abilene 13. Houston Jones 13, Houston Austin IO. Ja c in to 0. Spring Bran ch 33, Houston San Bastrop 12. Shiner 6 Columbus 15, Humble 7. Austin St Stephens 19, Houston St. John s 6. ton Kirvvin 7 13. B tu C ity 38, I .amar Consolidated Muleshoe 56, Monon 8 D rn eve r 26. Panhandle 12 Dim m itt 44. Tulia 0, Port B a b el 42, Sharyland 42, tie, Mathis 12, Aransas County 8. Y O ! N G M E N w ith the " B R IT IS H L O O K ” SPORT COATS by C R IC K F T E E R $39*75 • h"' Green • Adobe Clay • Stone Gre\ Seen rn P L A 'i B O Y Coarb B I M eek’* S M U M us­ tangs ha\e had m any disappoint­ ments thi- sear, hut .ferry M ays has not been one of them. Co-captain along with halfback Glynn Greg >ry of the 1960 edition of the Ponies who have lost five and won none M ays has been a const.! nt standout perform er in the line. A 225 pound, 6-3 tackle, M ays is a 2-letterman senior and has s e e n action aga inst the ‘Horns in 1958 and 1959 M ays, an all-city lineman while at Sunset High School in Dallas, is m arried and the father of two children. Polo Due In Austin The Texas All-Star* and the Mexico C ity Charro* will m e e t on the polo field here Novem ber 6 to vie for the Good Neighbor Commission Cup.” This is the firrt inter-American polo tournament Texas in 20 years. to he held in The 20-goal handicap match will be played on the Cam p M a b r y Polo Field at 2 30 p rn. The game is being jointly sponsored by the the Good Neighbor Commission, Adjutant General's office, and the "Friends of Polo .” Tickets, which are on sale at C A S Sporting Goods and the U n i­ versity C oO p. are $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. Students can buy tickets for 50 rents until November 5. Pre-school children w ill be admitted free. 'Mural Scores >1 ii I let t I iv** , Bt* Red 21 Gees? 0 (la**. \ Rat Digger* TI. Cheer** 6 Green Pastures "gracious southern atmosphere u ith a Luncheon Every Day I 1:30-2:00 Dinner 5.30-10 00 SATURDAY AND SUNDAY only for reservations, call: HI 2-2343 81 I W . Live Oak I block* wait of tho Auttin Theater Watches Need th# tops in repairs W o rk Don* bl O u r O w n S hopl FREE ESTIMATES Houston St Thomas 14 G alves­ continental flat or" Austin s “Big Four ' in Authentic Mexican Food I?*#*!MEN'S WEAR 2 *24 G L A D A L U P E sfiicfm jntbi On The Drag 2268 Guadalupe do girls go to your head? Or do they just go? If so try 'Vaseline’ Hair Tonic-made specially for men who use water with their hair tonic (and who doesn't!) .'Vaseline’ Hair Tonic’* 100% pure, light grooming oil replace* oil that water remove*. It will not evaporate — will stay clear and clean. Your hair looks great, stays neater longer. J ust a little doe* a lot! lf* cuap rr* VASELINE h a i r T O N IC •rn*tutu ■ m * •M IH M * n *N M « rn * * . Frosh Pound Ponies Saturday, October 29, 1966 THE DAILY TEXAN Pag# I (Continued from Page I) 16-12 opening gam e v i c t o r y against the Rice Owlets, dug in and halted the Longhorn frosh at the four-yard-line. Defense prevailed for the rest the 6-0 the first half, and of score stood up. Both team s attem pted to take advantage in the second half of the gusty winds that swept Ownby Stadium. The third quarter was one of punt, hold, and punt, and ended with the score still 6-0. At the start of the fourth quar­ ter, however, the Yearlings took over a t the 45-yard-line after an SMU punt rolled dead. Carlisle, a threat as a runner or passer, ran for nine yards twice, and Philipp s m a s h e d through repeatedly to move the hall dowmfield. With the C o l t s pulled in tight, Ford d a s h e d around left end for three yards and touchdown with about nine minutes left in the game. The Yearlings went for two points and were stopped. the Minutes later Jim Besselman, yet another Ray graduate, re­ covered an SMU fumble at m id­ field to stop the Colts who were moving in the air. After two line sm ashes which n e t t e d almost nothing, Baum took the handoff, cut through a gaping hole be­ tween guard and center and out­ ran the Colt secondary for the Yearlings’ third and final touch­ down. Again the two-point con­ version try was no good. The Colts then completely de­ formation fected their regular and used the spread to try and move the ball. Rhome was suc­ cessful until Gamblin shook a receiver loose from a pass and covered the ball at the Yearl­ ing IO to stop one drive. A second drive, directed by the form er all-state quarterback at Ray, Max Derden, was not to be denied, though. Derden passed the Colts down the field from the SMU 48 to the Yearling nine-yard-line, and then with the defense set for the short pass, ran for the touchdown. sv.v. RALPH STONE * . . dents SM U line Sixth Annual Cross Country Due Saturday “ More than 700 miles of running experience” would be a fitting slogan when the sixth annual Uni­ versity of Texas Invitational Cross Country Meet is staged at Hancock P ark here Saturday morning. Sixty-tw'o team s and 347 indivi­ duals will reports Froggy' Lovvorn, meet director and UT’s assistant track coach. participate, The meet will be composed of four divisions- Division I, Confer­ ence AAA A and AAA high schools: Division II, Conference AA. A and B high schools; Division III. junior college and freshmen, and Division IV, university-college varsity. Pleasanton, Abilene j Midland, the University of Christian and Houston are defending team cham ­ pions in the respective divisions. Thus far, 35 team s and 187 indi­ viduals have been entered in Divi­ sion I. the meet s biggest; IO and 47 in Division n ; nine and 43 in Division 111, and IO and 70 in Division IV. Competition win sta rt Saturday a t IO a rn. for Division I entries. Others will follow' at 20-minute in­ tervals, with the college-university varsity runners leaving the sta rt­ ing point at l l . Division IV will run a three-mile route while the other brackets will cover a tw'o- mile distance. Houston’s strong Cougars are ex­ pected to cop both the varsity and JC-freshman bracket titles. Mid­ land, an easy winner last year, again is expected to capture Divi­ sion I, while Azle is figured as the top entry in Division II. Varsity division schools indicat­ ing they will be present include Hardin-Simmons, Texas A&M, Mc- IyTeP?f, state, Baylor. Texas Tech, North Texas, Southwest Texas State, Texas, and possibly SMU. The closest competition might in Division I, where Fort come Worth Arlington Heights looms as the chief challenger to Midland, which won easily a year ago. Mid the Fort Worth land and team in a recent m eet at Texas tied A&M. ROBERT Y O U N G . stopped the Pontes BO PRICE . shook Baum loose C O N C E R T B A N D AFIELD Members Praise UT Longhorn Band “I t ’s the first band I've ever with only 15 per cent of them be- , r in , j ,, /— i the University for ing music m ajors. The o t h e r been with that had the finesse and sound of a concert band on the 85 P*r cent fJrom almost *very , departm ent and school on campus. football h e ld .’ Chuck J o n . . , . ; Sine* its establishm ent 60 years 1 a g0> the Longhorn Band has held senior, said. the reputation of being the best the M artha Holland, freshm an, said, “I t ’s the only reason I cam e to sounding m arching band the University in the first place, Southwest. but I wouldn’t band or world, now.” trade either the the Vincent R. DiNino, director of the band, said the band tries to : fill all facets of entertainm ent at the University, Both of these students w e r e speaking in reference to the Long-j commencement, horn Band. They are typical of , Round-Up, and even has a concert most of the 60 new m em bers this : schedule going during football sea- year in the band. They were se- son. lected from the more than 300 stu- dents, who applied for member- ship. In addition to its other activi- ties, the Longhorn Band gives a at every different performance Known as the “ Show Band of football game. Most colleges, in comparison, only give three basic shows which they repeat on alter­ nating games. the Southwest,” the Longhorn Band num bers 175 full tim e m em bers. The m em bers are all volunteers plays at It T he D aD t T exan O pinion J expressed in T h e T exa n are those o f the Editors or of the u titer o f the article and not necessarily those o f the U ni i ersity ad ministration. Th# D ally Texan a stu d en t new spaper of T he U n iversity o f T exas Is published In A ustin. Texas, dally excep t M onday and Saturday and holiday periods Sep­ tem ber through Mav md n on th ly In A u gu st by T exas S tu d en t P u b lication s. Inc. Second-class p ostage paid at A ustin, T exas. D elivered In A ustin Malled . . M alled out of tow n In A ustin (th ree m onth* m in im u m ) .................................... TV m onth ........................................................................................ I' OO m onth ................................................................................................... 75c m onth SUBSCRIPTIO Jf R ATES N ew s con trib ution s w ill he accepted by telep h on e the ed itorial office. Jou rn alism B u ild in g 103. or at th e N ew s L abnratorv. J. It th e ad vertisin g 102. The circu lation office o ffice is J. B. I U . GR 2-2750). (GR 2-24731 or at (GR 2-2473). and is J. B. 107, A ssociated C ollegiate P ress All-Am erican P acem aker MEM BER Sou th w estern Jou rn alism C ongress U n iversity P rsss S erries AS S O CIA T ED P R E S S W I R E S E R V IC E The A ssociated Press Is exclu sively en titled to tho use for rep u b lication of all news d isp atch es credited to it or not oth erw ise cred ited in th is new spaper, and local item s of spon tan eou s origin published herein. R igh ts of pub lication of all other m atter herein also reserved PERMANENT STAFF ..................................... EDITOR ................................................................................ JO EICKMANN MANAGING EDITOR .......................................................... DON MYERS News Editor ................................................................................. P a t Rusch Dave Helton Amusements Editor Associate Amusements E d it o r ................................................... Karen Lewis Campus Life Editor ........................... ............................... Cynthia Vollme- Associate Campus Life Editor ................................................. Sue Mueck Sports Editor Charlie Smith Associate Sports Editor ............................................................ Hoyt Purvis Editorial Page Editor ............................................................... Jim Hyatt ................................. Leon Graham , Bettye Sw-ales, Editorial Assistants Sam Kinch, Jr., Joanne Williams ......................................... STAFF FOR THIS ISSUE ISSUE EDITOR ................................................................. BUX HAMPTON ASSOCIATE ISSUE EDITOR .......................................... JACK KEEVER Night Reporters ............. Minette Naquin, Claude Gruener, Ed Walther Night Amusements Editor .........................................................Karen Lewis S A N J A C IN T O C A F E SP EC IA LIZ IN G IN D ELICIO U S M E X IC A N A N D A M E R IC A N FO O DS REGULAR LU N CH ES EVERY D A Y AT REASO NABLE PRICES Visit Our Rainbow Dining Room OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 16 yrs. Experience on Same Corner I6TH A N D SA N J A C IN T O G R 8-3984 THE UNIVERSITY'S ONLY EXCLUSIVE RADIO AND HI-FI SALES AND SERVICE CENTER G R 8-6609 2010 Speedway Serving the University area for IO years EEDWAY H IG H FIDELITY AT REASONABLE PRICES’ Nothing is more exciting than H O M E C O M I N G and you can bet there'll be plenty of thrills around 2 o'clock this afternoon. A n d there'll be plenty of dining thrills before ... or after the g a m e ... A f ANY O N E OF AUSTIN'S BIG FOUR IN AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD MONROE'S M e x i c a n Food to Take H o m e 500 East Ave G R 7-8744 n y arva; rn - * i* R frv v a « V K & « > v ti* fA i i iH w T I■ n y m s M B a S A w K ■-■•rn ss . EL CHARRO Sp ecial izing in Delivery Service 912 Red River GR 8-7735 a . * . X x v ' - « • ' -WW -MWW. * SWM! h. . J*. SOT r e l t o r o H A Touch of “O l d Se vil le ” 1601 G u adalu pe G R 8-4321 * 0 - • - - s f EL M AT I H o m e of the “ Crispy Tacos” 504 East Ave. G R 7-7023 . • ■- -v \- -*;.•***• • .* * '«**** » "■ ■ >«?' W W * • * • O'- •••.-•'v:- v . ■ 4 '4 Saturday, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Pa ga 4 New $2.1 Million Union to Be Spanked" Today Make Hay, SH O U T S Ole Jitter how ttudents T eaching to “ m a k e tim # llv® Instead of kill­ ing tim e" is what C. C. "Jitter ’ N olen ealls the m ain purpose of the T ex a s Union. Nolen has been U nion director since 1951. Although b om In Pueblo, Colo., 86 yea rs ago, J i t t e r consid­ ers h im self a Texan because his parents w-ere on the w ay to T ex­ as at the tim e of his birth. Jitter w as a U niversity cheer­ lead er for four y ea rs, a m em ­ ber of F riars, and w as selected as an outstanding student by the C actus. His first job w hile a stu­ dent w as that of a part t i m e In 1948 he w as the stu­ clerk. dent m an ager of Prather Hall. in 1948, he m oved A fter graduating from the U ni­ v e rsity to Colorado Springs. Colo., w here he owned and operated a boys cam p. J i t t e r Is e x c i t e d a n d g r a t i f i e d t o s e e t h e c h a n g e In th e I n lnn. i s n o w b e c o m i n g t h e H e f e e l s It t h e c a m p u s an d s a * * c e n t e r of 10.000 p e r s o n s a d a y a r e u s i n g t h e f a c i l i t i e s a s c o m p a r e d w i t h 5 . 000 a d a y f o r m e r l y . Jitter sa y s the program offered by t h e U nion m u s t be m eaning­ f u l. He added that a program m ust be devised that w ill m ake recreation al and cultural oppor­ tunities m ore availab le to "good old .Toe " w’ho doesn ’t belong to anything. "The U niversity probably can the dem and for never ping-pong tables and m eetin g room s under the sa m e roof — sa tisfy B y D O X M Y E R S T e x a n M a n a g i n g E d i t o r It took $2.1 million to h e a t th e Texas Union th erm o m e te r of p r o g r e s s . T h a t w arm th has tripled the Union’s daily use. A splashy robe of color h as a d d e d a scenic quality to a fram e once shy, u n a s su m ­ ing, almost do rm an t the busy, rolling social and academic swing. in A ribbon-cutting cerem ony in the n orth lobby, one of m any Homecoming events, S a t ­ u rd ay at 9:30 a.m. will officially dedicate the new building. T h " Union has been open “u n ­ officially” since e a rly September. F o rm erly taken for g ran ted as a campus bulletin board, the Union w ears innovations and expanded facilities to become an inform ­ ation center, a fine a rts gallery, a rec re a ­ tion arcade, a leisure living room, and a re ­ lief for hunger pangs. ★ ★ A gray background th ro u g h o u t the build­ ing is dappled with th e quiet noise of red, blue, lavender, orange, and yellow. New and re-upholstered fu rn itu re c arries out the m od­ e m color .scheme. Among the novelties are a bowling alley, soda fountain, faculty m eeting and dining rooms, student and club offices, music lis­ tening rooms, a c raft shop, and an a u d ito r­ ium. A 16-lane bowling alley wi t h a u to m a tic pin-set tors gets first billing in the recreation area, which also includes IO billiard tables and five ping-pong tables. Five shades of red on the 400 seats, aisle carpets, and stage curtain brighten the first- floor theatcr-auditorium . The Chuck W agon— a gaily modernistic soda fountain and c a fe te ria —is across the hall. Dances are held here F rid a y nights. The A rts and C rafts C enter is one of the largest In any college in the .South. Gerald H. Jones, m anager, will d irect m any types of craft and shop work, including painting, ceramics, and sculpturing. The F o rty Acre Portfolio, containing ori­ ginals and prints which can he bou g h t in­ dividually or in sets, will be open Satu rd ay from 9:30 to l l a rn. ★ ★ Guided tour* of the Union will leave the main lobby every 15 m inutes from 9:30 to 11 a.m. S a tu rd a y O th er a ttrac tio n s will in­ clude filmed highlights in the Ju n io r Ball­ room of last y e a r ’s football games; continu­ ous student talent show's in the auditorium; carnival and p hotography booths in the Main Ballroom; International C l u b exhibits in rooms 304-305; refresh m en ts in the S t a r Room; and a faculty sm oker in the Faculty- Staff lo u n g e . Although the expanded Union means that each student will pay a $5 fop each semester for the next 30 y ears to pay for the bal­ looned comforts, University students w i l l have a Texas Union th a t is no longer dor­ m ant, but r a t h e r vibrant and alivp to the waking personality of the F o rty Acres. J A M M E D W A S wo'd, whether speak'-g of g a rn i ' L a ' 'he U ^’on jarri sef>bon Friday, 'h e a j d e n » cr " © p ‘cture. M ke Pecg c bb- es, p a no; Bob Hammers lag, sac a 'd G e o rge G ibbs tr ■ 'n boce; were tu® musical ma’ns+ayi in " e 'w o hour show. Se/e' a1 h undr ed sHidents n e r a- J facu!fy braved +u-© a f*e"'C'-n rain *o Hear e e y Friday -Q ra* blow in t h e I a i i , Th® ja m s e s s ’o m w I b e h e e e rt*'ro o *i in **« L u ’o n . A o p en jew ion s- p a g e 6) — Phc to by Venn# 'ROUND ABOUT UT gents. 8 30-M I d n I g h t — D edication D a n c e - M a i n B a l l r o o m , C h a rlie S p i v a k ’s O rch estra . 7 and 9 —- "T here's N o B u sin ess Like S h o w B u sin ess," Union A uditorium . JITTER N O L E N unless we cover the stadium and build room s inside It," he joked. Wlien asked w hat he thought about the com plaints of students it w a s foolish to who sa y that '.pend tile U n io n and not build new c la s s­ room s, he the com ­ plaint w>as groundless. The new T exas Union, he said, la a "pro­ duct of the d em ocratic processea of the student body." so m uch m oney on s«id that j o b , " " T h e m o a t r e w a r d i n g a s p e c t o f la a r c i n g . l i t t e r s a s s , m y c o n s t a n t I n i t i a t i v e , I m a g i n a t i o n , a n d c r e a t i v i t y e x p r e s s e d b y s t u ­ d e n t * . " I a rn. — E x-Students’ L i f e M em ber B reakfast, Longhorn Room of C om m ons. 8 30-10:30 R egistration of D ads, north lobby and m ain lobby. 9 — Annual M eeting of the Unl- v e r a i t y D a d s’ A ssociation, Union Auditorium . 9 30 — O fficial Opening, T exas Union B uilding addition ribbon cutting cerem ony, north lobby. 9:30-11 — G eneral Open House - v a riety a ctivities. 1959 Football H ighlights—J u n ior B a l l r o o m Photo Booth, "M angle the M u s t a n g s" Booth, Straw Vote — B a 11- room . Continuous T alent Show Union Auditorium. " F orty A cres" Art F x h I b 1 1 and Sale — Art G allery. G am es Area opr-n B owling, T able T ennis, H illards- B a se­ free when m en t — P arents student. accom p anied by a Arts and Crafts C enter open — "M ake a g if t for D ad F a cu lty Sm oker — F aculty- Staff Lounge. Guided tours of the building lea v in g the m ain lobby every 15 m inutes. 10-11 — C offee for Life. M em bers. D edication B anquet 7:30 p.m . - Junior Ballroom . Speaker: W ales H. M adden, Board of R e­ ednesday, November 2 is th e deadli ne dli for making your Class Picture Appointment for the 1 9 6 1 C A C T U S FEE 1.25 come by Journalism Building 107 I™"** f—• ■ 1 to make your appointment b o w ie* in *h a (5 /5 - g r n o n f o f th© P e w STRIKE O R SPAR E! For fun end sport !6 !a;es flW; a j. . f krv.,,'e - e t - : pin spoilers ecab'e stu- as >n. Ai de' >d time w 'h o u t de'ays caus- • 0 Have a id by n u : • red p v boys. Students watching their pocketbooks w " be happy to know that tfe/ may try their Lek for or / 25 cents a game. A m p 's space J. provided ’or spectator* who e ’her wart to watch 'heir friends or root for their favori'e ntramura1 'earn. DAILY TEXAN C(a5iified !Ach c l A s s m a n a d v e r t i s i n g r a t e s ........................... E ach W ord < 15-word m in im u m ) (G a sifie d D isplay I colum n x on** lrv- 8 on* tim e .......... E a rh A dditional T im # 20 C o n secu tiv e Issu es 8 w o rd s 15 w ords 30 w ords ................................... ........................................................................... .............. JI no .........................................................90 ?r no 8 . 0 0 11.00 4« (Mo copy ch a n g e fo r consecutive Issue r a te s ) C l.A S S in T D A DVERTISING D E A D L IN E S ................... T u e sd a y T u e sd a y T e x a n ................................ M onday. 3 :3Q p m . W ednesday T exan r 30 p rn. T h u rs d a y T e x a n ........................ W e d n e sd a y 3 30 p m. F rid ay le x a n ................................ T h u rs d a y . 3:3n p.m . .................................... F r i d a '. 3 30 p m . S undi.v T e x a n In th e -v e n t of e r r o r s m a d e in an a a v e r t i n r o t. Im m e d ia te n o tice m u st he given as th e r f> shcr* a r e re sp o n s ib le fo r o n ly o n e in c o rre c t i n s e r t .on. C A L L J O H N N Y GR 2-2473 Room s for Rent For Sal© Special Services W an te d A CCOM O DATIONS FO R T H R E E m e r sen. a ir c o n d itio n e d linens m aid Ice. p aved p a rk in g . 3 6 L a s t 3* ’ n, N C Arms Dorm UN B ELI EV A I LE BARGAINS! M C F - ' sk irts KU KRS —S3 15 - 5tv95; hu b cap s sp ilt- j m an ifo ld s m irro rs accessories. T E X A S AUTO. 1114 L a st 1 s t d u a ls—J l ’l 95; lakes plugs, m a t u r e m ale S IN G L E ROOM IN p r lv a ’ e horn# P r i'm 'e t o r e n ­ tr a n c e W a lk in g d is ta n c e Un v erslty GR 8-4228 ___ ____ ___ s tu d e n t A ctual v ahje $375 W ill L IK E N E W . C I' T-IETTT a c m rd la n . ta k e 5200. W r ite Mel W e in b e rg e r, 217 C ollege Blvd. S an A ntonio. R E N T — P U R C H A S E T V ’s. A lpha T elev isio n R e n ta l. G R 2-2692 N E W O P E N IN G A U ST IN H e a lth and B e au ty H om e 901 W. 24th. GR 2-7776, s u n ­ re d u c in g R e la x in g and lam ps g y m n a stic s yo g a. m assag e. I n ­ d ividual tr e a tm e n t. ta b le s , S in g les ROOM 8 F O R F O Y ? C los# to r am pus I inutile Mea;* A rr.rie p a r k ­ in g L ow ra te s. N ew C e n ta u r House G R 6-5891 1957 NORTON M O T O R C Y C L E «O0 cc $395. W ill finance GU 3-fisno. K L EV E N GAS used $ 6 each. GB. 6-9621 I i E A TER S. S lig h tly Apartm ents U N IV E R S IT Y . M O D ER N E F F I C I E N ­ CY F oam bed, off s tr e e t p a rk in g 165 90 sin g le, $70.On U tilitie s d o u h le OR 8-9125. p a i d RRTVX CT 018 C R E E R M#w S ecluded S to n e B u ild in g U n u su al T w o B e d ro o m A p a rtm e n t C h a rm in g C o n te m p o ra ry D eco r A ir C o n d itio n e d C e n tr a lly H e a te d B u ilt-in R a n g e - P r iv a te P a tio J IM GR 8-279* Furnished Apartm ents F U R N IS H E D GA R A G E A P A R T M E N T T h re e b locks U n iv e rsity cam p u s 2307 A R io G rande. W ill a cco m o d ate co u p le HO 5-9669 700 M A NOR ROAD. F o u r room s, s p a c i­ ous, r e fr ig e r a te d a ir g a ra g e . A d u lts o nly. N o p ets G I. 3-7425. G IR L S — U N IV E R S IT Y A P P R O V E D L a rg e m o d e rn . L iv in g room , k itc h ­ e n e tte . F u r ­ n ish ed fo r tw o to fo u r g irls. tw o bed ro o m , b a th S T R A T F O R D ARM S MRS. W A L K E R H O S T E S S GR 7-9373 M U ST S E L L reels o f B ell an d H ow ell, m odel T’S-G. ta p e re c o rd e r L ik e new . Include* n in e 180J foot ta p e a n d accesso ries H ig h e s t o ffe r ta k e s It. See Bob L a b e ­ le r P e a r e H all 2(*4. 8 00 to 5:00. Or call GR 6 8034 a f te r 5 p m. o r G L 2-3246. 1957 A U S T IN H E A LY J u m p se ats, to n n e a u cover, o v erd riv e. Im m a c u la te t h r o u g h o u t . 1315 W e s t N in th . GR 7 2623 A U S T I N H E A LY I960 3.000." C,re*n fo u r se a te r. H e a t. r-rad io . L ow m ile ­ ag e. C all GL 2-4241 fo r a p p o in tm e n t. p ro b lem s w ith ex cellen t 1958 M OTOR B IK E S e l v a p a rk in g In ex p en siv e tr a n s p o r ta tio n C all GR 8-4557 a f t e r 3 30 p.m . $85.00. Miscellaneous T A R R Y T O W N M E T H O D IS T C H U R C H 26*51 E x p o s itio n B oulevard S e n ,toe* l l !F» a .rn C ollege stu d e n t* 8 to a rn invited J a m e s F . S t o n e M in ister. M a u ric e P h illip s . M in is te r of E d u c a ­ tio n . Lost and Found L O S T ON BO T T O M flo o r M ain B u ild ­ ing Gold ( .t u r n W rist W ateh . Call M iller. GR 6-5712. B o g a rd ! _____________ L O ST ON F R E S H M A N field, stiv e r E l­ g in w a tc h . C a ll G R 8-2415. R e w a rd ! L O ST IN G A R R ISO N H a ll: H em m i S lid e R ule G R 6-828*. Ret a rd ! IO" Run- in g r a y case. A lteratio n s M E N ’S E X P E R T ALT! R A T IO N S done re a so n a b ly Q uick service. See Mrg Ja c o b so n a Men s W ear. 2332 A m t ii. G u ad alu p e. A L T E R A T IO N S AND DRESSMAKING*. 715 W est 25th S tre e t GR 6-3360. D A N C IN G A N N E T T E D U V A L STU D IO S. U n iv e r­ s ity ba ircnro classes o r p riv a te lesso n s a r e now being o ffe re d a t re a so n a b le r a t- 1*. E x ercise classes h av e s tu d e n t also In alo n g w ith cla sse s b allet, ta p an d m o d e rn 1a 7 z. F o r In­ fo rm a tio n , ca,I o r com e by T h e U n iv er­ sity S tu d io fro m 1-5 p m . GR 8-3951. s ta r te d Help W anted Goodfriends OPEN IN G S FOR SA LESLA D IES READY TO W EA R SPO RTSW EA R ACCESSORIES COSMETICS Excellent opportunity for in ladies with experience the a b o v e departm ents. Salary' p l u s commission. Liberal discounts on p u r­ chases. Apply to personnel office. Third floor, 10:00- 12:00 A.M. or 3:00-5:00 P.M. Goodfriends BLOOD D O N O R S—All ty p e s o f blood needed fo r u sa g e In A ustin. P ro fe s ­ sional d o n o rs now acce p te d T ra v is C o untv Blood B ank. 2907B Red R iver. GR 8-6-557 Typing S H O R T ON T Y P IN G , tim e. a n d m on- t \ p ; r g y o u r r e p o rts . M iss In o flint'* notes, ev ’ L e t m e h- p them e* G rah am G L 3-5725. M A RTH A ANN Z IV L EY M B A . A co m p le te p ro fessio n al typing; sena­ t e ta ilo re d to th e n eeds of U n iv er­ k e y b o a rd sity e q u ip m e n t science, an d e n g in e e rin g th e se s a n d d is­ se rta tio n s . S pecial la n g u a g e , s tu d e n ts for P h o GR 2-3210 C o n v e n ie n tly located a t GOODA LL W O O TEN D O R M B L D G . 21 u2 G u a d a lu p e D IS S E R T A T IO N S . T M E S E S. R E ­ P O R T S p ro fe s sio n a lly a n d c o m p e te n t­ ly ty p e d . E x p e rie n c e d , e le c tric L R M. c a m p u s . M rs. F o u r blocks B odour. G R 8 - 8 1 1 3 fro m T Y P IN G P R O B L E M S ’ C a ll R. W. H olley, G R 6-3018 a f te r 5:0© M u lti- llth m a ts a I .B M . E le ctric. G u a ra n te e d a c c u ra c y R a p id S e n ice. sp e c ia lity . N ew D K L A F I E L D T Y P IN G S E R V IC E . "hm -s M im eo g rap h ny P h o to co p ies. M u ll,lulling. HI 2-6522 tre m a He. R e p o rts E X P E R IE N C E D C O M P E T E N T . El ex­ these*, d is s e r ta ­ tions. Ail ty p e s G ra d u a te ■■ u n d e r g ra d ­ u a te C lose to cam p u s. M rs. D eB u tta . GR 8-3298 A CC U RA TE S T U D E N T P A P E R S . Ex­ p erien ced R e a so n a b le N ew e le c tro ­ n i c M a n u sc rip ts a s p e c ia lty . C lose to U n iv e rsity M rs A lb rig h t. G L 3-2941. R E P O R T S . D IS S E R T A T IO N S T H E S E S 1508-D R o b e rta B W in k le r. M rs W est 13th GR 7-75:54. THESES DISSERTATIONS, BOOKS. E l e c t r o m a t i c M rs .Petm ecky. G L 3-2212. H I 2-1449. w AN ’ I n T Y P IN G TO do in m y hom e. T Y P IN G D O N E IN m y hom e. IBM E l f -trie. M rs M o rg a n —G L 3-0354. E X C E L L E N T T Y P IN G . R E A S O N A B L E ra te s Call HO 5-9015 LAW N O T E S T H E M E S , o u tlin e s. 25c Page. G R 6-4717. UK I ME DO 'o u r ty p in g ! HO 5-5813. D IS S E R T A T IO N S . E TC EU E C T * OM A- t S ym bols i Mrs. R itc h ie . En- T it fteld Arc;, G R 6-7079. New Union Addition Link in Half-Century Chain lature, since no com pulsory fee can be charged In state-supported institutions without L egislative consent. The B oard of R egents agreed to underw rite the Union deficit. This was continued from 1941 to 1945. During these years, students voluntarily paid a $1 fee. In 1945, the Legislature agreed to a com pulsory Union fee of $1 p er sem ester. In 1953, the Legis­ lature agreed to raise th* fa* lo $5 per sem ester it tho students voted to do so. In 1956, students voted to pay the $5 fee and con­ struction on the new addition be­ gan. Saturday, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 5 O le Pigs Eye Looks in Union By JERRY C O NN We’ve got It Dads, a $2.1 million place to make ceram ic fish. And it’s a beaut, something any alum or visitor (and students for th a t m atter) ought to see. Bet th e re’s a lot of wide-open eyes and m ouths when form er students see how broad a broadening the UT is now providing for students. The new Texas Union is something on th© order of a fratemity-sorority house, a coun­ try club, an art gallery and a Boy Scout hut in a single building. The most color in the Union outside the art gallery is in the faculty lounge. If the red and dark brown carpets and walls don’t liven th e old boys up, nothing will. I t ’s so suave you get the im pression you’re stepping off the old campi into the b ar of some priv­ ate club. (Needless to say, you’re not.) The number of Eagle Scouts at thp Uni­ versity should shoot way up. The Arts and Crafts renter will make it a lot easier to get merit badges in leather craft, wood craft, wood work (powex lap­ idary (?), enameling, photography, a n d whatever it is yon do with copper. Any­ s a w s , lathes), way, th© University has mad© It easy to continue scouting all though college, so let’s get after it Scouts! And for all the brow sers among you Dads, if you have nothing to do after the game and before the n ight’s festivities, you m ight w ant to go to the Browsing room and browse. Next to the Browsing room is the Music Listening Room. On F rid ay th ere w asn’t any music playing so th ere w ere a bunch of students sitting a r o u n d sleeping. The academic influence w asn’t completely lost here though because most of the students had books in their laps. When they sta rt lis­ tening they’ll b e h e a r i n g i n stereophonic sound. But students won’t be paying $5 each for 30 years to sleep and browse. Best evidence of this is the b o ilin g alley with autom atic pin setters. Bobby Layne had to w ait until he got out of school to get a bowling alley (Bobby Layne’s Laynes) but now we all have one to use on study breaks. But, Dads, don’t forget that this is only a part of what is becoming a “University of the first class.” We do have a terrific em­ phasis on academics. Our $2.1 million Union is just for study breaks. By CI .AUDE GRUENER F ifty year* ago, th e thought of a T exas Union m ay have been as exciting as a b aked head of let­ tuce. Now out of the oven, i t s quite a dish. G eneral T. W. G regory In 1907 began a chain reactio n w hich re­ in the old Union'* com ­ sulted pletion in 1933. His plans w ere cu t sh o rt for a w hile w hen he w as called as a m e m b er of Wood­ row W ilson's cabinet. G regory s original plan w as for a m en s g y m n asiu m b u t upon his re tu rn to the cam pus in 1926, he saw the g reat gap th a t a Union would f i l l in U niversity life. the The original Union p ro ject in­ volved the construction of th ree buildings to co m m em o ra te Uni­ v ersity students who fought in W orld W ar T. In 1927, G regory the to p resen ted B oard of R egents, offering the E x-Studentc' A ssociation’s finan­ cial aid. The plans provided for an auditorium and stu d en t union in sam e building, plus a m en s gym nasium and w om en's gym nasium . p ro ject the A total of SI I m illion wfas set a* the ten tativ e cost of the build­ ings. The B oard of R e g e n t s ag reed to give $600,000, leaving the E x-S tudents’ A ssociation with $500,000 to raise. Then for th ree y ea rs, a series of cam pus and nation-w ide drives w ere held to raise m oney for the project. T hey w ere held in all the m a jo r T exas cities by ex-students and raise d a to tal of $413,000. Students on cam p u s w orked h ard and am asse d a to tal of $110,000. In spite of a financial crisis in 1929, m ost of th e pledges m ade by stu d en ts and faculty w ere col­ lected. In 1930, G regory Gym w as com pleted on the site of Jo rd an F ield. In 1932, the W om en's Gym­ n asiu m w as opened for use. B efore construction could be begun on th e Union, one big prob­ lem had to be solved. Contro­ v e rsy aro se when students heard it m ight be built on the southeast co rn e r of th e cam pus They felt life the cen ter of cam pus th a t w as n e a r the D rag and that the Union should he built there. The b attle w-a« over when the contested location w as found to be too sm all The present location w as then chosen m ost suitable. C onstruction w-as begun on the building in the spring of 1932, in conjunction w ith the construction of Hogg Auditorium originally scheduled to be sn extension of th e Union, but due to the position of th e old d ram a building, It had to be built separately. In 1933. both buildings were com pleted. Many Saturday night d ances w ere held to provide the incom e for running the Union. T hese dances provided all the In­ com e for the first five or six y ea rs. About 1938, something happen­ ed between students and the Un­ ion Tile all - university dances dwindled aw ay and Union income began to decline. Student leaders tried institute a com pulsory Union fee but failed Such an act would have necessitated the p a s ­ s a g e of a bill in the Texas Regis- to CHESTERFIELD, L&M and OASIS invite you to the Texas-Texas A&M Game Contest! r n c u i t i THE SCORE AND WIN UP TO. j u o i COME SEE OUR FESTIVE TRIM-A-TREE SHOP C h r is t m a s is grow ' g e • er c'oser, a '• J we at S c a r b r o u g h 's are a i! a g o g w * h the fe s tiv e b e a u ty oh c ar new T r im - A - T r e e Shop. T here a-e g a y trinkets, e 'e g a n t d e c o -a tio n s g a t h e r e d * rom a1 o v e r the w o r ld +o s p re a d h a p p y f ’ d ‘ z-. H e r e 's just a s a m p ' -q of our c o f a c t o r ) : • G r e e n !*gh*ed holly, 9 fe e t 4.50 • "he red s«f 'n a o p !e« each 1.00 • Musical a rage’*. se*' of 3 fo r 1.75 • Sa*** dressed in ve'.e* 5.00 Tr,m -a-Tree Shop, th ird floo r Scarbrough & Sons ■ v ■ . • . * 4 FIR S T P R IZ E J A C K P O T $300 $150 $ SECOND PRIZE JACKPOT t h ir d p r iz e j a c k p o t FOR THE STUDENTS AND FACULTIES OF THE ABOVE COMPETING COLLEGES ONLY! TIMELY SPECIAL O N H A N D Y HOSTESS RACK 198 S t y i t t f f urd/ cfVer ne p a f e d rack a f i e# r©i!'c g c a s e r . It has ha* rack, u m b ,' e " a hooks a ' d sh e bar. Idea' for -he c s or g u e s t ro o m . N o tio n s $ ” e e * F 'o c r P ick up a pack and tak e a crack at exp ertin g th e b ig gam e. I f you are the o n ly one to com e up w ith the correct h alf-tim e and final scores, th e first prize jackpot is all yours. I f there are tie s, you share the m oney. The sam e ap p lies to w inners o f the second and third jackpots. E nter as often as you li k e . . . and to m ake it easy, u s e the hacks o f packs* as your en try b lan k s. So each tim e y o u fin ish a pack ^ . take a crack at the b ig m oney! HERE’S ALLYOU DO TO WIN... 1. Predict the final score for each team. 2. Predict the half-time score for each team. 3. Use an empty pack* as your entry blank. READ THESE EASY RULES. . . 1 . On th® coupon below nr on th® bael of en empty w a rp e r or on • plain #rvivon of the Prue*. R.chards Cnrporatiow, r» independent lodging organization, whos* decisions are final and binding on ii) contestants. Only one prize per family 3 . Th.s contest is open to the collet# students and college faculty members al the above c >mpe*mg colleges on:,. Employees and members of their famines ct Liggett A Myers Tobacco Company and its advertising agencies are not eligible to enter. 6 . Ah entries become the property of the sponsor, and none wfft be returned. Winners will be notitmd by mail A im pute list of winners is available to anyone sending a stamped, se!! addressed envelope to the address below. 7 . This content is subject to an Federal, state and local laws and regidatlone governing amie its and their validity. ' ’ ■ *m*mm S T A R T S A V I N G P A C K S The more often you e n te r... the more chances you have to win. Wrttw cl warty th* fin*! •co-’* and he '-time score of the g i m a to b* played Nov*mo,, aa,' i960 in boxes net ca n to FINAL HALF-TIME TEXAS TEXAS A I M ( ( ) ) ( ( ) ) Mail t h is entry to: L lK C T T I MYC**. f 0 BOX JAI. NO* YOW « A * A tta c h a n e m o t y p n c x (or a n a c a p ta n a ® >b tt tut#, t e a ru es) Of L&W Chester**® d or O a s s c ig a r e t t e s w th th s en try N A M I . ADCRLSS. iPtLAlW PH NI) t n t r ie s m u s t b e p o s tm a rK w i) n o atwrtti^n m M im ght N n v .m b e r 19, I 9 6 0 a n d r e c e i v e d e t it h e a b o v e P O . Bn* n N#w Y o rk b y rn d m g h t N o v a nb er <>3, 19t>0 Submit a t m a n y more en tries as y o u wan t on the backs of empty packs.* On each one print the team names and scores with your name and address as shown above. \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I J p I UT IR* l««ri I MYTSS TCSVCCO CO 11M has found the secret that unlocks flavor in a f iter ciga­ rette. (Pack or Box). € ligg-M & My ar, Tobacco Ca. CHESTERFIELD — Now “ Air- Softened” , they satisfy even more! (King or Regular). OASIS-Most refreshing taste of af!, just enough menthol... just enough! *or acceptable substitute {see rules). CHAIR PILLOW, I 98 VZ ad a: 3 o r a V o pi "ow* f 'ed w d h f oa m- r ub b e r . R e r ' c wr , a r i r o -a be 16 or p c S a / . N o tio n s , Sbee* F oor Save 10% O N BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS C V CHr’>"oa C a - d Shop ’ % o p en e ®e a ca *: coo'® in a r I T ake \ our i t ’e c f i c ' t now, F or a limbed Time, y e vs sa-.e 10% O ' p e T ' - r 'zed c . a a . . . 1.95 and up C c J S o p i r ' r J F . o r T h e D a i l y T e x a n Amusements Saturday, October 29, I960 THE D A ILY I fcXAN Kage 6 Friday Jam Session Moved Students, Union, and Itself C H A R T E R BU SES Football Garnet — Retreat! — Picnics — etc. Air-conditioned— A ir Ride Rest Rooms Equipped Kerrville Bus Company, Inc. Phone G R 8-9361 “Friendly Service" T O D A Y AT IN T E R ST A T E *J>PU tO« A MOV# D I S C O U N T C A * 0 ^ B T I S M i p r . n o w ! A DULTS 90c 35c KIDS w m m m m m r r : r S T A T E ^ e v e ^ I i d greater m usk flame from the fire* o f tem pestuous lore! FEAT: 12:00 - 2.25 4:50 - 7:15 - 9:40 COLUMBIA I WUMM OOCTZ PMMCtiM S o n g wrorour EN D The toff of FRM UM 0 R K B O G A R D E IC M aa Fmni IMH n i m sows* ** c o r usmriHUKi • too acos I CUJSISCOPI • Luiman COLOR V A R S I T Y FNj nC T O H A VI TODAY! rKATl ' RF. f t AT 2 on I t s 7:10-9:35 Movie-wise.. there hee revert. „ anything like “T H E APARTMENT’’ A i****C* COSmurr mu*'mn* fttJHttMa J A C K L E M M O N SH IR L E Y M aoLA IM E F R E D M aoM U RR A Y - a r £ - '4' A U S T IN 'Chartroose C a b o o se " C © 1 ' 0 ^ - PLUS! LAST DAY! 6 P.M. Two Hits for the Entire Family -Mony BH BEN (MR IAMES CRAIG MARTHA VICKERS EDGAR BUCHANAN • Ty’-'v---- r J Y /J* —- rn-•rnrn I rHOtmx i m ’w * H U U IW K * . A UNIVERSAL INTERNATIONAL R ILEA }! — ----------- _ t . lobby of F rid a y afternoon, the , r{, Epstein kept com ing proving th eir . . , the T exas Union wa. ist place on the cam pus, as stu- dents got prim ed for a weekend from tbe audience a t of H om ecom ing jar i was moving it. The sessions moved bf.rfv ing, because C arleton, and A m ie im- la st perform ances, G rorge Gibbs ha(1 t0 b« called the begm- festivities. And rung of the show. He sat through the first num ber, hone In hand. front. he stayed there, because everyone into a p erm anent place Bill when he reach ed in and the * S tarting with a nucleus of Bill w anted him to. cist » B e n g r n , s t a r nr l i v e l y ar* singing. The audien te also heard Gwen Hines, piano; Bob H am m ers; g One of the highlights of the pro- and sax, M i k e P en g ra, B v * ; Sarge Carleton drum s n m utes afte r the 4 p rr tim e, th e gig saw three droit triers Bono. and three pianists take turns g r a m w a s H i n e s ’ o w n rangnrm nt o f “ I^)ve fo r S a I e,” and played by H i n e s , Som ew here along the m iddle of the pro g ram , H airy R a n g e r .Jordan give w ith some E lla Fitz- stam ped his feet, letting everyone th a t an old political w ar- geraid-type blues The. know like him self w anted only problem with Gwen Jordan horse equal is th a t she g raduates in January, tim e. So H ines m ade room for the the R anger cartoonist, G ilbert Shelton and we need her to Shelton got som e applause, and y e a r with the Jam m ing several m en In the f r o n t row P en g r a and Hines before, turned w anted him to m ake an encore In som ething of a spectacular, and Being m odest, the R angeroo called fo u r a p p e a r a n c e s In e a c h o f li tt l e g u s t i e r . h e m a d e , hi* g o t a H i s d r u m s m a d e t h e m o s t of the s i s a n d s i x n e a r t h e e n d o f t h e p r o g r a m . The original group them ed out on " F a t Old W om an'’ prom ptly at 6. Andy Bono, who has plaved with “ ( J a m B l u e s t a p e d a n d w ill h e b r o a d c a s t o v e r K VZZ B M S a t- But Andy hnd to keep Improv- s h o w w a s finish day. T h e t h e Radio-TV Projects Range Across Texas Two shows th a t a re video-taped The D epartm ent of Radio-Tele­ for com m ercial use by R adio-T ele­ vision producer m any weekly shows vision are “ P ro je c t M ath’’ and for distribution around the s t a t e is “ Colloquy.” The m ath show and program s designer! to be used taped and sent to D allas for an for teaching aids, as well as wo^k- Iv e x p e rim e n ta l workshop produc- educational station playback, and “ Colloquy,” an interview p rogram , tions ‘ Courses that are currently being « *p*n in the D allas-F ort Worth shown as a supplem ent to teaching area, a re psychology, chem istry, biology. geology, G erm an, and Japanese These video tapes provide added explanations of a subject and furn­ ish lab experim ents for the science course. KETT, which m ay be seen at. 4 p m. on T hursdays, is a student operated lab w orkshop. D uring the the students hours of production, of Radio-Television put their class­ room knowledge to p ractical use. The form at includes news, w eather, sports, and two fifteen-m inute fea­ ture shows, “ Big Man on C am ­ pus” and “ C am era on the C oed.” Williams Conducts 'Festival' on Tour Clifton W illiams, associate pro­ fessor of music theory and com- touring with the San jxisition, Antonio Symphony O rchestra as guest com poser-conductor of “ F es­ tiv al,” his m ost recent work. is A rkansas, lo u isia n a , Oklahom a, and T exas are destinations of the m usicians from O ctober 23 through N ovem ber 4. ‘ F estival” had Its w orld p re­ m ier in San Antonio on O ctober 22. Mr. W illiam s’ other com po­ sitions have been played by the Rochester, New York, Houston, Austin, O klahom a City, and other city symphony orch estras. W inner of two national aw ards in original com position for band and orchestra, Mr. W illiam s has been a m em ber of the U niversity faculty since 3919. GET Y O U R WI ( w)EICOL AMPLIFIER-TUNERS AT » ---- - - - KITS C § j P J E E D W A Y YOUR HI-FI CENTER 2010 Speedway G R 8-6609 Waring to Emcee Stereo Festival F red W aring and his Pennsyl­ vanians will g ree t U niversity stu­ dents T uesday the M unicipal in \u d ito riu m with "S tereo F e stiv a l.” P erform ances will be a t 6:30 and 9 p.m . The W aring troop first appeared ; here several y ea rs ago, perform ­ ing for 14,000 people at G r e g ­ ory Gym. Mr. W aring will serve as m a ste r of cerem onies and the glee club, o rch e stra, and soloists will be featured. This event, the J C ultural E n tertain m en t Com m it­ tee, Is free to season ticket and blanket tax holders. Students m ay draw tickets until 4 p m . T uesday. D raw ing is at. the M usic Building from 9 a m. to I p.m. on w eekdays and S aturday from 9 a m. to 12 noon. sponsored by Single adm ission tickets will be available a t the door. T ickets are r2.50 for adults, and SI for chil­ dren junior high school age. T here will be no reserved seats. through Far Eastern Hostelries Sets Theme of Exhibit “ Hotels for D iak a rta and Bali, Indonesia,” is the subject for an exhibit now' on display in the A r­ chitecture Building. This exhibit w hich w as com pleted in August, 1960, the g rad u ate thesis p rogram and was done by Ojok Su n arja. is p a rt of R. C. N orris, assista n t profes­ sor of speech, has retu rn ed to the U niversity afte r a y e a r's absence at the U niversity of M ichigan un­ the Fund for der a g ran t from Adult E ducation, a p a rt of the Ford Foundation. u n l a y n i g h t between l l p m . and session p r o p o s e d I a . m . larg er Longhorn Room the cooler, for next An estim ated 350 people saw ^ riday. F u rth e r proposed c h a n g e s b l ­ tim e. The next gig will ; elude moving the sessions up from to be In a m ore spacious 4 to 5 p.m . This will allow stu- those w i t h the pro- the show, with as m any as 200 at one have area. Vincent DiNmo, Band D irector who said some of afternoon Jobs his people will jam at the next gram . Iyonghom dents labs and to see in S A N C T U M M A S C U L IN U M K A Y W O O D IU M 'I’M ALL RIGHI THE BRIGHTEST COMEDY TMS YEAR!" -II Y TWQ SUTT*! PETER SEUERS IAN CARMHML M - W S - ; I T 'o V ’m4 TEXAS " O N THE D R A G " NOW! C A P I T O L A N D B A M H A I : O B E N 11:45 S N A C K B A R O P E N S 6 : 1 5 IDU NEVER SHW A STUDENT BODY UKE THIE! a war IN"! INT MOC St* V y sss pac (Wye la similar'^) ALBERT ZUGSMITH S eX K iT IB N S ^ C O IH Q E The Phenix City Story' K a th ry n G r a n t S eco n d F e a t u r e Lim&E A D U L T S 60c * C H I L D F R E E P S K r" MACHINE ; F I R S T S H O W S T A R T S 6 : 1 5 ROD . MIMIEUX PLUS! R IC H A R D " W I D M A R K The Law and Jake Wade' FIGHT BACK I Help preserve masculine prerogatives) Help fight creeping matriarchy! Join SMK. No dues. No meetings. One obli­ gation only. Smoke your Kaywoodie often—especially among women. Flaunt its manly grain. Tantalize them with the lush tobacco-and-briar aroma. But never let them savor a puff! Kaywoodie flavor, mildness, and relaxation — all without inhaling — are strictly male. Will this return women to bondage? Maybe not. But it will be a brave exer­ cise of your male prerogative . . . and pleasurable to boot. Write Kaywoodie Pipe*, Inc., flew York 22, R T. for Ire* SMK membership card and pip* smoking booklet. „ White Briar, Pear Shape $6'00 T u e k a w a y , R a i l e r G r a i n , Billiard Shape— $7.95 In Super Grain, $6.95. Standard $5.95. New crystal-clear-blt. Tuekaway comes apart, fits In easy-carry suede finish pouch. Connoisseur, Apple Shape $15.00 KAYWOODIE accents the male look Reserve a Page for your O rga in the 1961 CACTUS THE DEADLINE IS Friday, November 4 All pages must be paid for at the time you make your reservation. THE PRICE FOR A PAGE IS $40.00 plus photography and engraving charges. Come by Journalism Building Room 107 8:00 through 4:30 I HOUR CLEANING I DAY LAUNDRY L O N G H O R N CLEANERS GR 6-3847 2538 Guadalupe G oodyear Shoe Shop # Expert Shoe Repair 0 Mod ern Equipment # Key* Duplicated WkT# You W a t c h 405 W , 23rd Street B. C. R O G E R S Ophthalmic Dispenser Within new v.e k ng distance of the c a r : 1501 Guad. GR 7-1422 I {j£j\ J DELWOOD 3931 East Avenue ADM IS SION «©e • O l ’t N fi I’ M THE TIME M A C H IN E Bod T a y l o r . Alan Young S t a r t s 7 15 RIDE L O N E SO M E R a n d o lp h S r n t t S t a r t s 9:15 SOUTHAUSTIN 4000 SO CONGII KSS ADMISSIO N 50c • O P E N S 6 P M ELMER G A N T R Y B u r t L a n c a « tc r . J e a n Simmoita S t a r t s 7:15 — P l u s — Noose for a G un m an H a r r y Carn y. Jr. S t a r t s 9:55 DORIS DAY'REX HARRISON JOHN GAVIN IIO C I T I C K E T S N O W PARAMOUNT A L L S E A T S O S S A L E ! I I /tfic tn u fk t J ocm: in Eastman Saturday, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 7 NGLE THE MUST Delwood Cafeteria Cutler Motors ’•Wliwi food I* of lh lest" General Service of AII Makes 3829 East Avenua 2015 Guadalupe G R 8-28' • • i f One-Hour "Martinizing Laundry Service WELCOME F R O M Martin Hum Bak 510 W est 19th 2808 Guadalupe G R 8-04 i 3 I I Hit 'Em Horns TR A N S TEX AS THEATERS, !N C H | CAPITOL I ] : i n : T T J r « r n ™ University Boot Shop 413 W . 24th H A N D M A D E BO O TS Expert Shoe Repair— Keys Made While You W ait Pik • Nik Restaurant 3023 G U A D A L U P E G R 2-1996 "Always A G ood Place To Eat” El Charro M E X IC A N F O O D S . . . FREE DELIVERY BA N K THE A M E R IC A N W A Y American National Bank 6th at Colorado G R 2-540 10th & Red River G R 8-7735 Member of F.D.I.C. B U R T O N ’S Monroe's L A U N D R Y & C L E A N E R S M E X IC A N F O O D TO TAKE H O M E 615 W . 19th G R 1-4621 500 East Avenue G R 7-8744 FREE FO O TBA LL ST R EA M ERS W IT H SI G A S rn ! M N M ■ Rome Inn "Delicious Italian Food" El Toro M E X IC A N F O O D S . . . Air Conditioned Studtman Photo Service I9th and Lavaca and At Cameron Village Austin, Texas 2900 Rio Grande G R 6-6111 1601 Guadalupe G R 8-4321 R A S Sinclair 2900 San Jacinto 409 W . 24th G R 7-0290 Jim Henery Body & Paint Shop 2 4 - H O U R W R E C K E R Lacquer or Enamel Paint Hood Louverlng 18th & Lavaca G R 6 5343 After the Gam e— Get Your BIG BOY Hamburgers at Sunset Grill Open Til Midnight Longhorn Cleaners For O ne-H our C le a n in g a n d la u n d ry Service 2538 Guadalupe G R 6-384? De Francisco Salon El Matamoros Harrison-Wilson-Pearson "The Italian Stylist" Mexican Foods Steaks and Fried Chicken G O O D LUCK LONGHORNS FAST SER V IC E A L W A Y S Economy Engravers Hank s Grill 812 W . 12th G R 7-0762 504 East Avenue G R 7-7023 9 IO l/j Brazos G R 2-3542 A U S T IN S M O ST C O M PLET E A G E N C Y for REAL ESTATE SALES, R E N T A L S 305 W . 6th IN S U R A N C E G R 2-6201 Mooreburger Griner's Texaco Service Varsity Grill Tasty and Delicious "Specializing in brake lining and motor tune-ups" ’ Specializing in Southern Fried Chicken Austin Motorcycle Co. Starting Our 40t- Harley Scooter — N e * L The Largest, Most Beautiful Miniature G olf Course in Texas Green Acres 2701 Guadalupe GR 7-1068 3201 Red River G R 6-5424 111 E. 21st G R 6-5173 1611 Guadalupe G R 2-8788 871 I Burnet Rd. G L 2-1233 Skeeters Barber Shops Ne. I Shop 2013 Guadalupe No. 2 Shop 705 W . 24th University Typewriter Exchange Typewriter!— Adding Machines Sales— Rentals Free estimates on repair work "FREE PICK U P A N D DELIVERY" 2542 Guadalupe G R 8-4360 Compliments of Evelyn's Feminine Fashions Dale Baker Barbecue Party Catering Service G et Your Barbecue Before the G a - '* 2904 g uadalupe G R 6-5MO G R 7-8961 3003 Lake A u s ‘ n 8 Kash Karry Grocery Belotte Humble Burk & Fuller Barber Shops Courteous Service Always Tarrytown Campus TODDLE HOUSE "O P E N 24 H O U R S A D A Y " 4 Locations to Serve You 19th I Guadalupe -R 2-0978 3112 Windsor 2420 Guadalupe TAX U u t I' Mh 616 Sn I a m ir C I R ’ ( M U S S I ! H h I * 9 t h < .R 2 - e < M > ? C K * - t 3 S 3 5 S M B u r n e t Rd O L S M M W e re Boh nd You, Longhorns Everette Kelly Prescription Service Fine Foods Fast Service PLANTATION Have Your Doc+or Phone Your Prescription City-W ide Delivery Service 15th & Guadalupe Drive-In Service G R 8-6455 503 W . 19th G R 8-8340 % 5ator4«y, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 8 Horns Favored By Students ■ M M I “ I t sh a ll shine a g a in ! T h i r d tim e '* th e c h a r m ! " a said W hoever s te e r w on’t c h a rg e a h o rse m a y h a v e to think tw ice S a tu rd a y . T h e re m a y be a “ round-up the SMU P o n ies being h e rd e d o u t of M em o rial S ta d iu m if p re d ic tio n s com e r e v e r s e " w ith tru e . in Choices B ookies a r e giving 20 p o i n t * th is w eek, b u t to m e stu d e n ts In­ d ic a te th e y m ig h t up the n u m b e r to a s m u c h a s 35. T E X A S SH SM I 6 D O N N IE A D ELM A N , senior in­ s u r a n c e m a jo r fro m A u stin : “ With M e re d ith , SMU w as only m ediocre, “ I SMI fro m C a ia lle n : DO U G LA S SIM M O N S, b u t d a n g e ro u s. M e re d ith is gone now a n d to a d d to th e ir m ise ry , w e 'v e got too m u ch offense and d e fe n s e ." T E X A S 15 0 M A R Y M A L E E , ju n io r c o m m e r­ cia l a r t m a jo r fro m A u stin ; ‘ The H o rn s should h a v e w o rk e d out th e kin k s by n o w .” T EX A S 51 0 SMI f r a s h m a n p h y sic s m a jo r fro m A u stin ; "T e x an w ill w in all its re m a in in g g a m e s , in clu d in g SM U. We can b e a t th e M u sta n g s by at l e a s t fo u r to u ch d o w n s." T E X A S 27 SMU 0 IK E N E H E E B , fre sh m a n m a th m a jo r think T e x a s w ill m a k e a good allowing a n d w in by a la rg e m a r g in ." T E X A S 27 LYNN L A R O N Z IK , E U L E N E C A L V E R T , SMU 7 j u n i o r m u sic e d u c a tio n m a jo r fro m M es­ "If T e x a s c a n 't b e a t SMU, q u ite : th e y sh ould g iv e u p ." TEX A S 28 SMU 7 M ARY M IL L E R , se n io r sociolo­ “ SMU gy m a jo r th e ir h a s n ’t done prospec ts fo r th e fu tu re d o n ’t look too b r ig h t.’’ T EX A S 28 SMU 0 fre s h m a n bu siness m a jo r from D a lla s : “ P o o r P e ru n a a in ’t w h a t to b e !" TEX A S SS SMU 0 PATSY TA Y LO R , ju n io r g o v e rn ­ from San A ngelo: m e n t m a jo r “ SMU h a s n ’t won a g a m e y e t a n d T e x as t h e m s ta r t a w inning s tr e a k th is w e e k ." SM U 0 TEX A S 21 fre s h ­ m an m u sic ed u c a tio n m a jo r from San Anton; ). “ I th in k T e x a s w ill win by at le a s t 21 points. S ince th e y should A M B E ! ) JO E M A RSH, too w ell, a n d fro m S in to n : Isn’t going la s t w eek, sh e u se d le t to j th e y lo st 1 be m a d ! " ■ T E X VS 32 SMU 0 j u n i o r e le m e n ta ry ed u c a tio n m a jo r fro m N V NC Y FA R Q U H A R , “ I t se e m s S inton: lo g ical — th e f>oor P o n ies h a v e n ’t won one y e t.” SM U 0 TEX A S IO fre s h m a n a r t s BOB TRA CY, from L o s scien ces m a jo r and A ngel).s C a lifo rn ia : “ T his o ne should be a w altz — th e s h i n ® sh all r e tu r n ! " Exes' Barbecue Set for Today Breakfast Planned For Life members T he E x -S tu d e n ts’ A sso ciatio n w ill j h a v e its H om eco m in g b a rb e c u e from l l 30 a rn. to I p .m . S a tu r­ d a y a t D a r k Field, ra in o r sh in e. : In c ase of b a d w e a th e r, th e T ex- as-excs, stu d e n ts, and p a re n ts will m ove u nder the sta n d s, J a c k R , M aguire, alum ni e x e c u tiv e d ire c - I tor, said. B arb e c u e for $1 50 e a c h tic k e ts c a n be p u r­ the c h a se d E x -S tu d en ts’ A ssociation, lo c a te d on th e ground floor of th e H om e E conom ics B uilding, o r a t th e g a te of C lark Field. fro m E n te rta in m e n t will be fu rn ish e d by th e L onghorn B and. A b re a k fa st for life m e m b e rs of th e a sso ciatio n will begin a t 8 a .m . j S a tu rd a y th e L onghorn R oom ■ of th e U n iv e rsity C om m ons. in D r. H a rry H. R an so m , p re s id e n t of to th e U n iv ersity , will sp e a k th e life m e m b e rs about U n iv e rs ity p ro sp e c ts. M r. M aguire wall r e ­ p o rt on the p ro g re ss of the alu m n i a sso c ia tio n . John B. H olm es, the E x -S tu d en ts' A s­ p re s id e n t of so c ia tio n , fro m H ouston, w ill p re ­ side. Top Ten in Danger Opponents Upset-Minded T h e fo u rth -ra n k e d M iddies, w ith n e n tly fo r th e R o se B ow l, a r e a tw o-touchdow n choice o v e r N o tre th e ir firs t p e rfe c t sea so n a d is tin c t p o ssib ility a n d m en tio n e d p ro m i- - D a m e . By the Associated Press Iowa, Mississippi, Syracuse, N avy and Baylor take one look a t their unbeaten rec­ ords, give a quick thought to t a l k of postseason all the bowls, then go to w ork S at­ urday to try to discourage a quintet of upset-minded foot­ ball opponents. T h e fiv e m e m b e rs of college fo o tb a ll’s to p te n In th e la te s t As­ so c ia te d P re s s poll h a v e th e ir w ork th e m . F o u r o th e rs c u t o u t th e ir high d a r e not ra n k in g d is a p p e a r. fo r le t u p le a s t O n l y six th -ra n k e d M innesota (5-0) a p p e a rs safe. T he G o p h ers, looking a h e a d to n e x t w e e k ’s c ru ­ c ia l B ig T en b a ttle fo r firs t p la c e a g a in s t to p -ra n k e d Iow a, a r e five- touchdow n fa v o ritie s o v e r K a n sa s S ta te of th e B ig E ig h t. F o u r m e m b e rs of th e e lite d o m ­ in a te th e c a r d In th e M idw est w hile S y ra c u s e a n d P itt h a v e th e E a s t’s a tte n tio n . S e v e n th -ra n k e d B a y lo r (5-0) tr ie s to k e ep a to p th e S o u th w est C o n feren ce w h e n it p la y s to ugh T e x a s C h ristia n , w hile n I n t h -ra n k e d W a shington h a s a to u g h ie in o n c e-b e a te n O regon. to u g h e r w hen Io w a (5-0) h a d its ta s k b e a tin g K a n s a s m a d e th e NCAA p u t th e J a y h a w k s on p ro ­ ba tio n fo r a lle g ed re c ru itin g vio­ latio n s. K a n sa s v o w e d im m e ­ d ia te ly th a t th e re w ould b e e x tr a e ffo rt to b e a t th e No. I H aw keye*. A B ig Ten battle for survival tak es p l a c e o\ cr regional TV' (ABC) when eighth ranked Ohio State p lays M ichigan State (No. IO ) . M isso u ri, anis on 38 carries, caught 3 [lasses, intercepted one, and kicked 19 times for a 33.9 average. JOHNNY TREADWELL . . . he love* to hit For The "Mustang" Game! MIKE COTTEN . . . direct* the 'H o rn * • wm m j lf M ustangs Fall, Tower's O range; Two C olors lf Tie O range, orang» and w hite, or w hite. What will th® color of the Tow er be? AU ITT students hope that, after Saturday’s H om ecom ing clash betw een th e T ex a s L ong­ horns and SMIT M ustangs, the U n iversity T ow er top will he a blazing orange. And It w ill be lf chalk tip another victory. thus 1 th e Longhorns I If the g am e resu lts in a tie ] the T ow er shaft w ill rem ain w h ite and the observation and colum n d e c k s w ill altern ate oran ge and w hite. lf the underdog M as- i the I ta n g s com e out on T ow er w ill rem ain its norm al w hite. But, top, Sports Briefs Argentine Set; For TV Bout j B y T he A ssociated P r ess N E W Y O R K - F o r th e sa k e of a $6,000 p u rs e , A rg e n tin a ’s F e d e ri­ c o T h o m p so n w ill ris k his long shot a t th e w e lte rw e ig h t title S a tu rd a y n ig h t w h en he m e e ts stre a k in g G a s p a r O rteg a of M e x ico . T hey w ill c la s h in a telev isio n (ABC-TV 9 p .m ., F S T ) 10-rounder at M adison S q u a re G a rd e n . fig h ts, is all se t T ho m p so n , a 32-year-old v e te ra n of 100-plus to m e e t w e lte rw e ig h t king B e n n y (K id) P a r e t <>r C uba in a title tiff th e G a rd e n , D e c e m b e r TO. A a t d e cisiv e d e fe a t a t the h a n d s of th e a g g re s siv e M e x ica n c o u l d c o st T h om pson th e title fight. ★ Transf er S o u g h t N E W YORK T he W ashington S e n a to rs F rid a y fo rm a lly notified B a s e b a l l C o m m issio n e r F o rd to tr a n s fe r F ric k of th e ir d e sire to M inneapolis-St. P a u l the for 1961 A m e ric an L e ag u e season, the j c o m m is sio n e r’s office announced. ! MG SSS V" Si - ■-> Student Ticket - Sale to Hit 16:000 For S M U G am e A pproxim ately student tick ets will be sold by SMU- T exas gam e tim e Saturday, Al ticket s a b s man Lundstedt, ager, said F riday. Part of the tickets whieh will be sold Saturday are those re ­ turned by SMU. About Loco of the 4,000 tickets sent to D allas w ere purchased. R em aining the gam e w ill be on sale at gate seven of M em orial Stadium a1 9 aum Saturday. The other ga tes of the stadium w ill begin sa le s a t 12:15 p.m . tickets for T ickets are also on sale at Hie U niversity Co-Op, CAS Sporting Goods, H em p h ills Book Stores, and Reynolds- Penl&nd. Right in the spirit of the young-in-spirit Corduroy Convertible RP brings you the updated version o f the 3-pier c corduroy suit that has become the mainstay o f the natural shoulder wardrobe. N ew this year is the continental look: of the cut-away front and slanted pocket flaps. Back and better than ever is the two-faced vest that reverses to a crisp and clean-cut print to match the coat lining and pocket handkerchief. All-in-all, the most versatile ensemble you can own. An RP carly-b?rd for Fall in olive, black, charcoal and antelope . . . sizes 36 to 46 regular and long. Reynolds-Penland Gentry Shop Congress at Eighth Thrice Defeated W A R RETURNS HOME .. Threefold Feared and have managd to score only twice, once being against N avy and twice being against Texas Tech. By BILL HAMPTON T h e lately c on qu ered Texas Longhorns re­ tu rn hom e w ith som ew hat less p o m p than Brutus, N a p o leo n , o r even Chris Columbus Saturday w hen they take the field for their seventh skirmish of the ’60 cam paign against S M U ’s winless M ustangs. C om ing hom e w ith the L onghorns will be num erous o ther outfits from past wars, ex­ students, w h o w ill p o u r in for sundry reasons, a n d several dads, w h o will be present for m ore specific motives. A lth ou gh the healthy gentlem en in charge of the books have allotted the Ponies a 20 p o in t deficit, such a figure should only be considered in terms of wager. T h e odds-m akers’ lack of respect for SM U’s merits is due to the unavoidable fact that the M ustangs have yet to w in a game in five starts But also under the general heading of u n ­ avoidable facts is the memo on Coach Bill M eek’s desk: T o — SM U ; From : T rad itio n — Texas is T H E game on SM U ’s schedule. N o t to m ention that the Steers are T H E game on the schedules of Rice, Baylor, T C U , A rkans­ as, and A&M. And in a game w here success depends so greatly on mental attitude, and in a c o n fe r­ ence where the price o f a bowl of cotton is a gallon of blood, a black eye, and $1 w orth of luck, one should only expect fish to bark, dogs to fly, rabbits to climb t r e e s , and a g ro u n d h o g to sing a duet with a rattlesnake. So at 2 p.m. Saturday a gallery of 40,000 will witness wrar betw een SM U and Texas complete w ith screaming, hand-to-hand com­ bat, and even an occasional cannon shot with the w inner takin g nothing but satisfaction and a little tarnished pride. Both clubs are virtually out o f the SW C race, as b oth have two conference losses. T h e Ponies have provided afternoons of victory and nights of celebration for Mis­ souri, O hio State, Navy, Rice, an d Texas Tech on five September and O ctober Saturdays. Texas, on the other hand, met a Pearl Har­ b o r against N ebraska; s c o r e d Gettysburg against M aryland and Tech; an I w o Jima against O klahom a; but met a Little Big Horn and an Alamo in fight to the finish battles against Arkansas and Rice. T he Mustangs will have their outstanding man of war, G lynn Gregory nursing injuries (See ’HORNS, P-2) T he d a w T exan “First Co liege Daily in the South” Vol. 60 Price Five Cents AUSTIN, TEXAS, SATURDAY, O CTO BER 29, I960 Eight Pages Today No. 55 Baum, Philipp Lead Frosh to 18-8 Win m ost sp ectacu lar run with a 50- y ard touchdown Jaunt inside the Colt left end in the fourth q u a r­ ter. picked up 99 y ard s in 9 c a r­ ries. Philipp, the form er w orkhorse from Olney, gained 48 y ard s in 12 The Game At a Glance SMI 18 F i r s t D ow ns ICO H ushlntt Y a rd ag * 169 P asslnK Y a rd a g e P a sse s 9 -.2 0 P a ss e s In te rc e p te d bv 0 3 —34.3 P u n ts F u m b le s L o st 'Z * —38 P e n a ltie s T E X A S IT S d IS 3— 4 5 4 —31 O T—IKJ attem pt*, m ost of them pow er plunges through the m iddle of the Colt line. T om m y F ord, the d a r t­ ing halfback from the West T exas plain.* of San Angelo, w as next with 41 y ard s in 8 ca rrie s. received the opening kickoff as D uke C arlisle dow-ned it in the end zone. T exas On the first play from sc rim ­ m age F ord sm ashed through the center for 15 y ard s. Philipp then to th ree straig h t carried move the ball to m idfield. tim es The drive w*as m om entarily halted when the Colt line-backers began "red-dogging,” o r crashing into the Y earling secondary, to the wide plays by Tony stop King, Shorthorn halfback from Thomas Jefferson of San Antonio, and Ford. C arlisle, who played his high took school football at Athens, ad v an tag e of the weakened se c­ o ndary to hit P hilipp on a 10-yard pass for a first down. stiffened D ie Colts as the the 20-yard- Y earlings crossed line and held the Longhorns-to- be to just five yards in three p lays from scrim m age. On fourth dowm, C arlisle passed to Benny House, fo rm e r all-state end from Corpus C hristi Ray, who w as open on th e tw o-yard line. House wras unable to hold on to the pass, how ever, and the Colts took over. T hree plays la ter, Tom Hillary*. SMU q u arte rb a ck , h ad his p ass in the flat intercepted by House who dashed 25 y ards for a touch­ down. I^*e Hensley, the Y earlin g s’ WHAT'S INSIDE High School Scores, P-2. J e r r y M ays, P-2. O ther SWC G am es. P-2. C am pus Choices, P -i. Baylor-Tcxas G am e n e a r sell­ out, I1-8. left-footed point after man from Henderson, m issed, and Texas held a 6-0 lead. The Colts abandoned their reg­ ular “ split T” formation a n d cam e out in the spread on the next series o f playa, but wer# stopped when Hillary was thrown for a three-yard loss by the hard- charging Yearling line. Scott Appleton. Bobby G am blin, G eorge B rocks, Bo P rice, C harles T alb ert, and R o b e rt Young kept the Colts tied down all afternoon on the ground and also harassed the SMU q u a rte rb a c k s when they attem pted to pass. SMU had som ew hat better luck when J e r r y Rhom e, form er all- A m erica q u a rte rb a c k from Sun­ set High School in Dallas, took over, and m oved quickly to m id­ field. A fter Doug C hristian, another R ay product, pulled in a pass for 12 yards, h o w e v e r , T albert reached to m ove again. P hilipp hit the m iddle, his fa­ vorite spot, for seven yards, and the speedy F o rd skirted right end for five and a firs t down. Then C arlisle, unable to pass a few plays la ter, tucked the ball under his a rm , and raced for IO y ard s the Colt 25-yard-line. Two plays l a t e r , Mix G reen, dim inutive scatb ack f r o m Je f­ in­ ferson of San Antonio, ran side left end 13 y ard s to the IO. to The Colt forw ard wall, which largely responsible for the was (See FROSH, P-3j Homecoming Schedule S—B reak fast for lifetim e mem* of the E x-S tudents’ A ssociation at th e Longhorn R oom of the Com­ m ons. 8:30 - 10-30 — R e g istra tio n for D a d ’s D ay a t the T exas Union. 9 — Rusiness m eeting of the Dads* A ssociation w ith p rese n ta­ tion of M ost O utstanding Boy and Girl Awards, from D ads’ Executive Committee, and election of new officers. re p o rt 9:30-11—Mothers* Coffee on th# fourth floor, M ain Building. 9:30-11 — G uided tours of the Union leaving from the M a i n Ix>bby of the Union every fifteen m inutes. 9 :3&—Ribbon C utting Cerem ony in D edication of th e new Union in the north lobby of the Union. 11:30-1 — H om ecom ing B a rb e­ cue sponsored by the Alumni at C lark Field (See story P ag e 8). 2 Kickoff Texas-SMU football gam e. H alftim e — The Band salutes the retu rn in g for T exas E xes H om ecom ing. New officers of the D ad s’ Asso­ ciation will he presented at the gam e. Texas Union Council Banquet for form er m em bers of Union Com m ittee S aturday evening. By BOB BOYD DALLAS, (Spl) — On a b leak day 29 y ea rs ago, T exas AAM, led by the alm ost m ythical John K im brough, sm ashed SMU's line to such an extent th a t the te m ­ p orary bleachers cam e tum bling down at OwTiby Stadium , Injuring several spectators. The Texas Yearling* played at the name field Friday after­ noon, and while the stand.* didn t collapse, Harold Philipp and Alan Baum created a definite rumble In the antiquated struc­ ture with vicious line sm ashes that led the Texas freshmen to an 18-8 victory over the SMU Colt*. The final statistics show the fury of the Y earlings’ ground g am e as T exas picked up 319 y ards via the infantry route com ­ p ared to ju st 102 for SMU. B aum , who m ade the g a m e 's G roan! Not really . It would have been one unattended pep rally. Some people do like to have th eir little jokes. P ra c tic a l ones. (See RAIN, P-2) TEXAS No. Player IO •James Saxton 12 •Mike Cotton 14 19 Johnny Cerning John Ed Smith 24 Bobby Gurwitz 25 George Lewis 31 Pat Culpepper 33 *Ray Poage 31 38 John Allen Cook Jerry Cook 40 David Russell 43 Ray Barton 47 •Bobby Oliver 49 ‘ Jack Collins 55 * Marvin Kubin 60 Johnny Treadwell 61 Perry McWilliams 62 John Seals 61 David Kristynik 66 Emery Martindale 68 If. G. Anderson 70 •Dick Jones 72 Don Talbert 71 Ed Padgett 75 Dan Petty 76 *Jim Bob Moffett 78 Scott Mann 80 *Tommy Lucas SI Buddy Knits 81 Tommy York 85 ‘ Larry Cooper 86 ‘ Monte Lee 87 Decile (iou 88 Bob Moses Pos. Wt. RH 160 190 175 QB QB QB RU 160 RH 190 FR 180 FR 205 KB 185 LH LH KB QB LH RC ix; c LG c na na RT LT RT LT LT RT LE RE LE RE 200 175 195 170 190 200 195 205 190 200 220 195 215 220 205 210 215 215 200 190 180 195 LG 215 RE 185 LE 205 SMU No. Player Jerry Sebek Arian Flake Glynn Gregory •Billy Polk Pos. H i. QB 180 QB 185 LH 195 RH 170 Tommy Brennan RH 150 Norman Marshall RH 175 Larry Westbrook LH 170 Ray Schoepke John Ed Clarke 38 •Newell McCallum 14 19 21 21 z.) 26 28 35 37 42 41 45 47 50 51 60 61 62 63 65 67 69 70 71 i .) 77 81 82 85 Doyce Walker ♦Bill Murff Mike Hackney •Frank Jackson Joe Boudreaux •Joe Miller •Earl Bol* •Mike Rice Gene Sherman John Rumley Jim Crowe Jack Rhoads Alex Todd ( illy Reese Jim Hunt ♦Jerry Mays •Bobby Hunt John Glusing Happy Nelson ♦Pat Neill 86 Buddy Nichols 88 89 Ray Green •Reno Medellin * Probable Starter C 212 KB 190 KB 192 LH 195 LH 185 KB 201 QB 178 C 205 C 210 RG 195 RT 215 1X7 210 RC, 190 LT 215 ix; 195 RT 210 RT 238 LT 220 LT 223 na 235 LE 185 RE UK) RE 205 LE 185 RE 185 LE ISO Everytime it Rains ... It Rains Drops of Rain By MINETTE NAQUIN *The pep rally is at the band now. A fter five w eeks of school. A fter F rid a y nig h t’s deluge. e rs .” ‘‘E verybody back to C aroth­ h a ll!” Ha, Hah, yeah, stomp, whistle. (Apologies to Hairy.) It’s six (or more) blocks from Carothers Dorm to the band hall. In the rain. WTet rain. Into each life a little rain must fall. purses. It did. On raincoats; Into shoes and What happens if the printing on on e’s blanket tax runs? The spooks were out Friday. Only three more days till the Great Pumpkin com es. R eal spooks. In w hite and black sheets. To all tile dedicated souls who g av e up studying to go, the pop ra lly was not dedicated. Rut ra th e r the F re sh m an to band m em bers. Longhorn Rand. T h ey ’re full - fledged m em b ers It rained. Lipstick and tow - sacks are THE thing for w et w eather. P a ris h asn ’t discovered it yet. Only for­ m er freshm an band m em bers. Signs a re in style too: ’’Menu for tom orrow : Stewed SMU.” In the R itual Room, behind closed doors, in a R ite alm ost like a G reek candlelight cere­ mony, rem oved th eir orange and w hite beanies and becam e "old m en .” freshm en the Rousing cheers w ere heard. Lipstick sm eared. Really. The freshm en w ere full of it. Rut they w eren’t playing post office. They had it all over th e ir faces. P a r t legs. of Only one to each person. the ritual. And green And it rained. And the w ater poured down. In rivers. Southern . . . Bill Meek \.tx ( om m ander-in-chicf an d his captains , , . D arrell Ko) a1, D ick Jones, M onte Lee Saturday, October 29. I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Pag. 2 J I M BO B M O FFET T— a newcomer to Texos’ first team, M offeU re ie zed I promo* on th » week after a good perform er-* aga nit Rice v * last week. M o f f e t t , .* a letterman senior from Houston, and is 6 feet 2 and we ghs 215 pounds. RA Y P O A G E — An old hard at first-team although only a sophomore. P age seem', recovered from a h p injury that hp re'e ved against Arkansas and read/ to lead Horn rush­ e e against SM U . BOB M O SES . ..s p e e d y end D A N PETTY . . . talented toe In S W C Tilt Horns, SM U Action Set (Continued From Page It for the duration of the Longhorn battle. The Texas players however, are all high, hopeful, and healthy. But primarily the Mustangs, along with the Longhorns, are previewing things to come bv w rapping at least 13 of their varsity uniforms around t h e shoulders of sophomores. 'The Ponies bring 12 sophomores on their first three units, while the S t e e r s list 17 such recruits. SM U , trying to cure their case of snake­ bite, w ill enter the Texas game w ith a season rushing total of 590 and a passing total of 369. Their longest play from scrimmage went for 24 yards and was on a pass from Jerry Sebek to Larry W estbrook. John Ed Clarke scampered for 21 yards against Rice to ac­ count for their longest rushing play from scrimmage. After the Methodist skirmish Saturday, the Longhorns march their armv to W aco for the battle of Bull Run" in an effort to be­ come the SW C chief sniper unit. Although the ’Horns have t a k e n their lumps, it must he remembered that the final victors don’t always win their opening skir­ mishes. The I ' S & A had similar situations in the Civil W ar, and both One and Two World affairs. Confirmations of this fact can he ob­ tained from A. Lincoln, (zen. Wainwright, and Harry S. Truman. Eat Mexican Food Once A Day! ) A /\ EL MAT 504 East Ave. G R 7-7023 EL TORO 1601 Guadalupe G R 6-4321 EL CHARRO "Mexican Food to Take § G R 7-3744 g - MONROE'S 912 Red River GR 8-7735 Delivery Service 7 Days L - f . \jr ^ ' V ^ ^ 1 ) Austin s “Big Four ’ in Authentic Mexican Food 4 i D r * a n • C O « O e * C O * O P * C O * O e » C O * O P » C O * O P » C O * O P » C O « U U U f i n d | Makethit Big Games Seen in S W C B y The Associated Tress j Southwest Conference football hits its high note Saturday with everybody in championship action and the race likely to drop into a two-team affair. B a ylo r and Rice, unbeaten and untied at the head of the pack, battle T C U and Texas Tech in the top games S a v io r tries to knock over dog­ ged TCL’ at Fort Worth and thus win ifs sixth straight game and rem ain the only undefeated, un­ tied team left in the league. R ic e w arily meets Texas Tech at Houston determined to win its third straight conference test That would keep the Owls In pace with B a v lo r Arkansas, the only other team with a better than outside chance, clashes with Texas AAM at Col­ lege Station. Arkansas can s t a y hotly in the title chase if it up­ The Razorback* are ends A A M solid favorites. The fourth conference g a m e matches two virtually eliminated at Aus­ Texas and SM U teams tin The winner could clim b hack into the race only if B a y lo r and Rice should lose. Kven then the chance would he remote. Bavlor has the toughest row to hoe. The B e a r s seldom hava much success against T C L , a team that m ay not have realized its true potential. If the Frogs do it Saturday, they could wreck B a y ­ lor's greatest hope of winning a championship in 36 years. Rice is given a 13-point bulge over Tech. The Raiders are capa­ ble of giving tough fight, as witness the B a ylo r game. Texas favorite the heaviest of them all 20 points over S M U * winless and disheartened forces. the hest a is Arkansas is a touchdown p i c k over A A M but doesn t expect an easy time realizing it. Sports All in tra m u ra l fo o tb a ll Kam es sche<1 ulert to be p la y e d K rid a v n ig h t w e re called off because o f ra in . The> w ill be re-scheduled T e a m m an ag e rs should call the In tra m u ra l o ffic e to fin d o u t the new d ate and tim e e • 11960 Homecoming f ? A Happy Comfortable Days ft Show that Y O U Back the 'Horns ft e | O to the Band Hall. Stand tall, with your O ra n g s W et hills. A ll the conforming people in and W h ite tie —- Le t the their d ry little cars world know you ere backing the Longhorns. And see the beanie caps, wind-soekees, pennants, and other UT items near th# front of the store. O o • o o • o ft o o ■o• o o• 0 1 That a re n 't very practical. R a th e r im practical. Six blocks worth. B u t it w as a joke. It s up, hill all the w ay from the B a n d Hall to the corner of W hitis and 24th But it w as uphill from Whit is In their dry little (or big) shoes. And socks. M o r a l: he who goes to pep ra lly in rain without raincoat is a con­ formist. E v e ry b o d y else did. Tow-sacks are better. They absorb more water than plastic. And are much more be­ coming. R e a lly . Especially when it’s raining. Com m ission Recognizes Moore as Champion its continue N E W Y O R K The New York A th le te Commission voted F rid a y to recognition of A rchie M oore of San Diego as world light - heavyweight boxing It also suggested that champion. Alphonse H a lim i of France meet the w inner of the K drr Jo/re-Eloy Sanchez bout for the bantamweight crown. W EST AUSTIN PHARM ACY 1012 W . 6th IO r/c Discount on Rx to Students for 24 hr. Prescription Sen ice CALL GR 2-5477 X A n d Be Comfortable at the Game § o O *0• o o• a soft, dry seat at the S M U Be sure your are sitting on game this year, and for years to come, with a fold­ able, easy to from the C o-O p. C o m fo rt­ ing stadium seat or cushion o I i • a o• o • o o• o J Come Visit the Co-Op, the Student's Store they re O range and W h ite . carry, and You probably rem ember the old Co-Op, or you may have been here since the N ew C o-O p was built. But im­ O o • o o provements are made avery O pen tod ay till I p.m. day. Com e in end see. 2246 G u ad alu p e Stre e t e O P e C O e O P e C O e O P e C O e O P e C O e O P e C O e O P e C O e O P e High School Scores Port A rthur Bishop Byrne 18, Houston St. Pius 12 P o rt A rth u r 14. Beaumont I San Augustine 36, Joaquin 14 L ib e rty 26, Port Acres 0. Silsliee 21. Jas p e r 0 M cA lle n 13. Alice 7 Sherm an 21, Highland P a rk 20 Stinnett 42, Strafford 6 D ille y 16, Southwest 6 U vald e 16. Sam Houston 13 Johnson C ity 12, Blanco 0 San Benito 30, Weslaco 0 P o rt Neches 21, Beaumont Fren ch 6 V ic to ria 14, Corpus Christi R a y 0 Nacogdoches 40, Center 0 Lufkin 7, Texarkana 0 Ja c k so n ville 19, Carthage 6 Garwood 34. Crescent 0 Ba yto w n 28, Houston Sm iley 0 C hannelview 12, Angleton 0 A lvin 9, Laporte 0 Bro w n sville 18 Ldinburg 7 R io G rande City 16, F a lfu rria s 8 M ission 20, Mercedes 13 I-os Fresnos 14. La P en a 0 Hebbronville 47, Laredo St. Jo se p h ’s 0 Gonzales 32, Yoakum 8 Nederland 0, Huntsville 0, tie Vid or 38, Conroe 12 O range l l, Beaumont South P a rk 14 tie Sour I.ake 44, W arren 7 M a rt 20, Groesbeck 0 W a co 12 Austin T ravis I I-aVega 23, Belton 0 Brownwood 16 Vernon 0 G ra h a m 22 Mineral W ell* 8. O lney 49. P le c tra 0 Arlington 24, Birds Hie 6 1 W ic h ita Fa lls 27, Irving 0. W hite Deer 20. Sunray 6 Lubbock M onterrey 28, Borg er 14 A m a rillo P a lo Durn 40, Pa m p a 16 Happy 11, Hart 8, Hereford 25, Phillips I i Odessa Perm ian 19. Abilene 13, Houston Jones 13, Houston Austin Spring Branch 33. Houston S a n Ja c in to 0 Columbus 15, Humble 7. Austin Maroons 28, Bryan 6. Crockett 27, Cleveland 6. Saratoga 8. Fannett 6, Peacock M ilitary Academ y C astro ville St. I />uis 20. 28, Fa lla C ity 50, Runge 0 Iola 14, Centerville 8 Itasca 16, Waco M idw ay 0 Fro st 51, F u s ta co 0 Hubbard 34, I /irene 0 F a irfie ld 12, Franklin 6 C a lv e rt 8, I/yveiady 6 M erdian 20, Evant 0 Corrigan 12, Trinity 0 Industrial 26, louise 8 Spur 22, Haskell 14, Bo w ie 8, Richardson 0. Crow ell 42, Chillicothe 6 G rah am 22, Mineral W ells 8, A rcher C ity 26. Henrietta 0 Seym our 26, R u le 8, Knox City 0. M unday 6 Paducah 6. tie Nocona 12, Burkburnett 6. Perryto n 22. Quanah 8 .Shamrock 27, Wellington 0 New castle 7, Throelmortnn 0. I/)ckett 60, V alley View 20 W ichita F a lls Washington 14, l/>ng- Iowa P a rk 21, vievv Worn ach 14, tie. Spearm an 26, Childress 6. Arlington 24, Bird ville 6 W ich ita F a lls 27, Irvin g 0. Claude 49, Vega 8. Memphis 14, Clarendon 0. M iam i 28, Morse 8. W hite D eer 20, Sunray 8. W heeler 22, Texline 6. Stinnett 42. S ta ffo rd 6 B o y ’s Ranch 24. Estelline 0 A m arillo Palo Durn 40, P am p a 16 Hereford 25, Phillips 14 Odessa Perm ian 19, Abilene 13. Houston Jones 13, Houston Austin Spring Branch 33, Houston San Ja c in to 0, Bastro p 12, Shiner 4 I Columbus 15, Humble 7. Austin St Stephens 19, Houston Houston St TTiomas 14 h a lv e s St. John s 6 ton K irw in 7 IO. 13. Muleshoe 56, Morton 8 G ru eve r 26, Panhandle 12 D im m itt 44 Tulia 0 Port Isabel 42, Sharyland 42, fie M athis 12, Aransas County 8 VOUNG MEN with the "BRITISH LOOK’ SPO R T C O A T S by C R IC K F T E E R $59.75 • Moss Green • iJnhe Clay 9 St^oe cire) Seen rn P L A Y B O Y Coach B ill Meek s S M U Mus­ tangs have had m any disappoint­ ments thi - year, hut Je r r y Mays has not been one of them. Co-captain along with halfback Glynn Gregory of the 1960 edition of the Pomes who have lost five and won none. M a y s has been a constant standout perform er in the line. A 225 pound, 6-3 tackle. Mays is a 2-letterrnan senior and has s e e n action against the ’Horns in 1958 and 1939 Mays, sn all-city lineman while at Sunset High School in Dallas, is married and the father of two children. Polo Due In Austin The Texas All-Stars and the Mexico City C harro* w ill m e e t on the polo field here November 6 to vie for the Good Neighbor Commission Cup ” This is Hie first inter-American polo tournament Texas in 20 years to he held In Tile 20-goal handicap match will be played on the Cam p M a h r y Polo Field at 2 30 p m . The game is being jointly sponsored by the the Good Neighbor Commission, Adjutant General s office, and the “ Friends of P o lo .” Tickets, which are on sale at CAS Sporting Goods and the Uni­ versity Co-Op, are SI for adults and 50 rents for children. Students can buy tickets for 50 cents until November 5 w ill he admitted free. P r e school children Mural Scores Mullet r i u i Big R.e4 21 G e e * * 0 (la** A Rat Diggers 34. Chieve* 6 Green Pastures 4'gracious southern atmosphere a ith a continental flat or" 11:30 2 OO Dinner I 30-1000 SA T U R D A Y A N D S U N D A Y only for reservation!, call: HI 2-2343 811 W . L!va Oak I block* wait et tho A u itin Theater Watches Need the tops in repairs Work Don* in Our Own $K«p| FREE ESTIMATES Bay C ity 38, I .amar Consolidated luncheon Ev*ry D«y MEN'S W EAR 2 124 C, I A I) A L I P I. fcfiic& i jiid rf On The Dreg 2268 Guadalupe do girls go to your head? Or do they just go? If so try ‘Vaseline' H air Tonic-m ade specially for men who use w ater with th eir hair tonic (and who doesn’t!) .‘Vaseline’ H air Tonic’* 100% pure. light grooming oil replaces oil th at w ater removes. It will not evaporate - will stay clear and clean. Your hair looks great, stays neater longer. Ju st a little does a lot! r n CtfA* J* -7 ft* CUA# n* VASELINE HAIR TONIC m » M* IHM* "*«• *» m MtUle.M Kan Frosh Pound Ponies Saturday, O ctober 29, 1960 THE DAILY TEXAN Pag* I (Continued from P ag e I) 16-12 opening gam® v i c t o r y ag a in st th e Rice Owlet*, dug in and halted the Longhorn frosh a t the four-yard-line. D efense p revailed for the rest first half, and the 6-0 the of score stood up. Both te am s attem pted to ta k e ad v an tag e in th e second h alf of the gusty w inds th a t swept Ownby Stadium . The th ird q u a rte r w as one of punt, hold, and punt, and ended w ith th e score still 6-0. At the s ta r t of th e fourth q u a r­ te r, how ever, the Y earlings took o v er a t th e 45-yard-line a fte r an SMU punt rolled dead. C arlisle, a th re a t as a ru n n e r o r p asser, ran for nine y ard s tw ice, and Philipp s m a s h e d through rep eated ly to m ove the b all downfield. With the C o l t s pulled in tight, F o rd d a s h e d around left end for th ree y ard s touchdown with about and nine m inutes left in the gam e. The Y earlings w ent for two points and w ere stopped. the M inutes la te r Jim B esselm an, re­ y et an o th er R ay g rad u ate, covered an SMU fum ble a t m id­ field to stop the Colts who w ere m oving in th e air. A fter two line sm ash es w hich n e t t e d alm ost nothing, B au m took the handoff, through a gaping hole be­ cu t tw een g u ard and cen ter and out­ ra n the Colt secondary for th e Y earlin g s’ th ird and final touch­ down. A gain th e two-point co n -. version tr y w as no good. The Colts then com pletely de­ reg u la r serted th e ir form ation ; and used th e spread to try and m ove th e ball. Rhom e w as suc­ cessful u ntil G am blin shook a rec eiv e r loose from a pass and covered ing IO to stop one drive. th e ball a t the Y earl- j A second drive, directed by the | fo rm e r all-state q u arterb ack at R ay, M ax D erden, w as not to be denied, though. D erden passed the Colts down th e field from the SMU 48 to the Y earling nine-yard-line, and then w ith the defense set for the short p ass, ra n for the touchdown. ROBERT Y O U N G • . . stopped the Ponies BO PRICE shook Baum loose C O N C E R T B A N D A F IELD Members Praise UT Longhorn Band “ I t ’s the first band I ’ve ever been with th a t had the finesse and sound of a concert band on the football field,” Chuck J o n e s , a senior, said. M arth a Holland, fresh m an , said, “ I t ’s the only reaso n I cam e to th e U niversity in the firs t place, the b ut I wouldn’t the band or w orld, now .” Both of trad e e ith e r the U niversity for these stu d en ts w e r e speaking in referen ce to th e Long­ horn Band. They a re typical of m ost of the 60 new m em b ers this y e a r in the band. They w ere se­ lected from the m ore th an 300 stu­ dents, who applied for m e m b er­ ship. Known as the “ Show Band of the Southw est,” th e Longhorn Band n um bers 175 full tim e m em b ers. T he m em bers a re all volunteers with only 15 p er cent of them be­ ing m usic m ajo rs. The o t h e r 85 per cent from alm ost every d ep artm en t and school on cam pus. Since its estab lish m en t 60 y ears ago, the Longhorn Band has held the best the rep u tatio n of being sounding m arch in g band the Southwest. in V incent R. DiNino, d irec to r of the band, said the band tries to fill all facets of en tertain m en t at the U n iversity. It a t play s com m encem ent, Round-Up, and even has a concert schedule going during football se a­ son. In addition to its o th er activ i­ ties, th e Longhorn Band gives a every different perfo rm an ce football g am e. Most colleges, in com parison, only give th ree basic shows w hich they re p e a t on a lte r­ nating g am es. a t Th e D a@ t T exan O pinion J expressed in T h e Texan are those o f the Editors or o f the u titer o f the article and not necessarily those o f the U niversity adm inistration. Th» D ally Texan, a stu d en t new spaper of Th# U n iversity of T exas Is published In Austin, Texas, d ally excep t M onday and Saturday and holiday periods, Sep­ tem ber through Mav md n on th ly In A ugust by T exas S tudent P ub lication s. Inc. Second-class p ostage paid at A ustin. T exas. RALPH STONE * . . dent* SM U line D elivered In A ustin M alled M alled out of tow n In Austin . . (th ree m ontha m inim u m ) ......................... TV m onth l l no m onth ................................................................................................... 75c m onth ................................................................................... . «C B«C BIPTIO ?l RA T ES Sixth Annual Cross Country Due Saturday “ More th an 700 m iles of running ex p e rien c e” would be a fitting slogan w hen the sixth annual Uni­ v ersity of T exas Invitational Cross C ountry M eet is staged at H ancock P a rk h ere S atu rd ay morning. Sixty-two team s and 317 indivi­ rep o rts Ixtvvorn, m eet d irec to r duals w ill F roggy and UT * assista n t trac k coach. participate, The m eet will be com posed of four divisions Division I, Confer­ ence AAA A and AAA high schools; I D ivision II, Conference AA. A and B high schools; Division IIL junior college and freshm en, and Division IV, university-eollege v arsity . P leasanton, Abilene M idland, C hristian and Houston a re defending team ch a m ­ pions in the respective divisions. the U niversity of j TTius far, 35 team s and 187 indi­ viduals h ave been entered in D ivi­ sion I, the m e et’s biggest; IO and 47 in Division IT; nine and 43 in Division 111, and in Division IV. IO and 70 Com petition will sta rt S aturday a t IO a rn. for Division I entries. O thers will follow at 20-minute in­ terv als. w ith the college-university v arsity ru n n ers leaving the sta rt- | Ing point a t l l . Division IV will run a three-m ile route while the o th er b rac k ets will cover a tw'o- m ile distance. H ouston’s strong Cougars are ex­ pected to cop both the v arsity and JC -freshm nn brack et titles. M id­ land, an easy w inner last y ear, again is expected to ra p tu re Divi­ sion I, w hile Azle is figured as the top en try in Division IL The closest they will he present, V arsity division schools indicat­ ing include H ardin-Sim m ons, Texas AAM. Mc- N eese State. Baylor. Texas Tech. N orth T exas, Southwest T exas S tate, T exas, and possibly SMU. rom petition m ight com e I, w here F o rt W orth A rlington Heights looms as the chief challenger to M idland, w hich won easily a y ear ago. Mid­ the F ort Worth land and team tied recen t m eet a t Texas in a Ai.NL in Division N ew s contributions w ill he accepted by telep h o n e the editorial office. Jou rn alism B uilding 103 or at the N ew s L aboratory. J, B 102 The circulation office the ad vertisin g o ffice Is J. B. 111. GR 2-2750). (GR 2 2473 > or at (GR 2-2473). and Is J. B. 107, A ssociated C ollegiate Pre*# A ll-A m ericas P acem aker M EM BER S ou th w estern Journalism C ongress U niversity P ress S ervice A S S O C I A T E D P R E S S W I R E S E R V I C E T he Associated P ress Is exclu sively en titled to the use for rep u b lication of all news dispatches credited to It or not o th erw ise cred ited In th is new spaper, and local Items of sp on tan eou s origin p ublished herein. R ight* of p ublication of all other m atter h erein also reserved PE R M A N E N T ST A F F ........................................ EDITOR .......................................................................................... JO EICKMANN MANAGING E D I T O R ........................................................................... D O N M Y E R S News E ditor T a t Ruse ii Amusement* E d ito r ...................................................................... D ave Helton A ssociate A m usem ents E d i t o r .......................................................K aren Lewis Campti* Life E d ito r ............................................................... C ynthia V ollm e- A ssociate C am pus Life E d ito r ...................... Sue Mueek Sports E ditor ................................................................................ C harlie Smith Hoyt P u rv is A ssociate Sports E d ito r .......................................... E ditorial P age E d ito r .................................................................... Jim H yatt E ditorial A ssistants ................................... Leon G rah am , B ettye Swales. Sam Kinch, J r., Joanne W illiams S T A F F F O R T H IS IS S I E .................................................................................... B D J . H A M P T O N I S S U E E D I T O R .................................................... JACK K E E V E R A S S O C IA T E I S S I E E D I T O R Night R e p o r te r * .............. M inette N aquin, Claude G ruener. Ed W alther N ight A m usem ents E d ito r .............................................................K aren I-ewis S A N J A C IN T O C A F E ^ a - r F r i r i l l l SP EC IA L IZ IN G IN D ELICIO U S M E X IC A N A N D A M E R IC A N FO ODS r e g u l a r l u n c h e s e v e r y d a y AT Re a s o n a b l e p r i c e s ^ ur Ra'nb°w Dining Room OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 16 yrs. E x perie n ce on S a m e C o r n e r I6TH A N D SA N J A C IN T O G R 8-3984 THE UNIVERSITY’S ONLY EXCLUSIVE RADIO AND HI-FI SALES AND SERVICE CENTER 2010 Speedway G R 8-6609 S e r v in g the University a rea for I O years EEH)WAV H IG H FIDELITY AT REASONABLE PRICES" Nothing is more exciting than H O M E C O M I N G and you can bet there'll be plenty of thrills around 2 o'clock this afternoon. And there'll be plenty of dining thrills before ... or after the gam e... Al ANY O N E AUSTIN’S SIC FOUR IN AUTHENTIC MEXICAN FOOD MONROE'S I ” M e x ic a n Food to Take H o m e 500 East Ave. GR 7-8744 isx ga m m a T w m m m s t e e l s J EL CHARRO 4 Specializing in Delivery Service 912 Red River GR 8-7735 EL TORO A Touch of ‘ O l d Seville'* EL M A T H o m e of the “ C r i s p y " 1601 Guadalupe GR 8-4321 504 East Ave. GR 7-7023 Make Hay, SHOUTS Ole Jitter how ttudent* T each ing to **mak® tim e liv e Instead of k ill­ ing tim e" Is what C. C. “ Jitter" N olen ca lls the m ain purpose of the T ex a s Union. Nolen has been Union d irector since 1951. Although b om In Pueblo. Colo., 38 yea rs ago, J i t t e r consid­ ers h im self a T exan because bls parents w ere on the w ay to T ex ­ as at the tim e of his birth. Jitter w as a U n iversity cheer­ lead er for four years, a m em ­ ber of F riars, and w as selected as an outstanding student by the C actus. His first job while a stu­ dent w as that of a part t i m * clerk. In 1948, he was the stu­ dent m a n a g er of Prather Hall. in 1948. he moved A fter graduating from the U ni­ to v ersity Colorado Springs, Colo , w here he ow ned and operated a boy* cam p. .litter Is excited and gratified to se e the change In the Union. He feel* It I* now becom ing the renter of the cam pus and say* IO.(KH) persons a day are using the fa cilities a* compared with 3,000 a day form erly. .Titter say* the program offered by the U nion m ust be m eaning­ ful. He added that a program m ust be d evised that will m ake recreational and cultural oppor­ tunities m ore available to "good old Joe." w'ho d oesn ’t belong to anything. "The U n iversity probably can for the demand never tables and m eetin g ping-pong room s under the sam # roof — sa tisfy New $2.1 Million Union to Be ’Spanked' Today Saturday, October 27,I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Paged B r D O S M YERS T exan M anaging Editor I t took $2.1 million to heat the Texas Union th erm o m eter of p r o g r e s s . T h a t w a rm th has tripled th e Union’s daily use. A splashy robe of color has a d d e d a scenic quality to a fram e once shy, u n a ssu m ­ ing, almost d o rm a n t the busy, rolling social and academic swing. in A ribbon-cutting cerem ony in the n orth lobby, one of m any Homecoming events, S a t­ u rd ay at 9:30 a.m. will officially dedicate the new building. The Union has been open “u n ­ officially” since e a rly September. F o rm erly taken for g ran ted as a cam pus bulletin board, the Union wears innovations and expanded facilities to become an inform ­ ation center, a fine a rts gallery, a recrea­ tion arcade, a leisure living room, and a re ­ lief for hunger pangs. ★ ★ A gray background th ro u g h o u t the build­ ing is dappled with the quiet noise of red, blue, lavender, orange, and yellow. N ew and re-upholstered fu rn itu re c arries out the m od­ e m color scheme. Among the novelties a re a bowling alley, soda fountain, faculty m eeting and dining rooms, student and club offices, music lis­ tening rooms, a c raft shop, and an a u d ito r­ ium. A 16-lane bowling alley with a u to m a tic pin-set tors gets first billing in the recreation area, which also includes IO billiard tables and five ping-pong tables. Five »hades of red on the 400 seats, aisle carpets, and stage c u rtain brighten the first- floor theater-au d ito riu m . The Chuck W agon— a gaily modernistic soda fountain and c afeteria— is across the hall. Dances are held here F rid a y nights. The A rts and C rafts C en ter is one of the largest In any college in the South. Gerald H. Jones, manager, will direct m any types of c raft and shop work, including painting, ceramics, and sculpturing. The F o r ty Acre Portfolio, containing ori­ ginals and prints which can he bought in­ dividually or in sets, Mill be open S a tu rd a y from 9:30 to l l a.m. ★ ★ Guided tours of the Union will leave the main lobby every lo m inutes from 9:30 to 11 a m. S aturday. O th e r attractio n s will in­ c lu d e filmed highlights in the Junior Ball­ room of last y e a r ’s football games; continu­ ous student talent shows in the auditorium ; carnival and pho to g rap h y booths in the Main Ballroom; International C l u b exhibits in rooms 304-305; refreshm ents in the S t a r Room; and a faculty sm oker in the Faculty- Staff Lounge# Although the expanded Union m eans th a t each stu d en t will pay a $3 fee each semester for th e next 30 years to pay for the bal­ looned comforts, University students w i l l have a Texas Union th at is no longer dor­ m ant, b u t r a th e r v ib ran t and alive to the waking personality of the F o rty Acres. JAMMED WAS th# word, whether speak'-g cf a r d facu '*y b ra ve d the afternoon ra n to hear 4•« music a t the Um on jam sesvon Friday, the a : ©nee or the picture. M r© Pe~gra. bars; E '-I f - ©'■ p a~o; Bob Ham m ers'ag, sax; a~d G e o rg ® jazz. Tu© jam session* w ll be held e very Friday a rterroon in the Un on. A r /or e c * r b ’cw in the ©pen sessions— b e r g you* horn. (See story, r bs trom bone; w ere the musical mainstays in *•» tw o hour show. Several hundred students page 6) — Photo by V ern e 'ROUND ABOUT UT gents. 8 30-M i d n I g h t — D edication D ance - Main B a l l r o o m , Charlie Spivak ’s O rchestra. 7 and 9 — " T here’s N o B usiness Like Show B u sin ess," Union Auditorium. JITTER NOLEN unless we cover the stadium and build room s inside it," he joked. When asked w hat he thought about the com plaints of students who sa y that it w a s foolish to spend so m uch m oney on tile Union and not build new c la ss­ room s, he said the com ­ plaint w as groundless. The new T exas Union, he said, is a "pro­ duct of the d em ocratic p ro cesses of the student body." that "The moat rew arding a sp ect of m y job," J itter sa y s, Is seein g constant Im agination, Initiative, and creativity ex p ressed by stu ­ dents." I a rn. — Ex-Students* I . ! f * M em ber Brea Wast, Longhorn Room o f Commons. 8 30-10 30 - R egistration of D ads, north lobby and m ain lobby. 9 — Annual M eeting of the U nl­ it e r ■ 1 1 y D ad s’ A ssociation, U nion Auditorium. 9 30 — O fficial Opening, T ex a s Union Building addition ribbon cutting cerem ony, north lobby. 9:30-11 — G eneral Open H ouse - v a riety a ctivities. 1959 Football H ighlights—Junior B a l l r o o m Photo Booth, "M angle the M u s t a n g s*' Booth, Straw Vote — B a I 1- room. C ontinuous Talent Show Union Auditorium. " F o rty A cres" Art E x h i b i t and Sale Art G allery. G a m es Area open bow lin g , T a b le Tennis, Bill urds B a s e ­ - - P arents free when m ent student. accom pan ied bv a Art* and Crafts Conter open — ‘ Make a gift for Dad F a cu lty Smoker — F a cu ltv - Staff Lounge. G uided tours of the building lea v in g the main lobby e v e ry 15 m inute*. 10-U - - Coffee for Life. M em bers 7:30 p m Dedication B anquet - Junior Ballroom . S peaker. W ales H. Madden, Board of R e­ W e d n e s d a y , N o v e m b e r 2 is the deadline for making you r Class Picture Appointment for the 1961 CACTUS FEE I.25 come by Journalism Building 107 to make your appointment OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 - 12:30 1:30 - 4:30 ST R IK E O R S P A R E ! For L o e^d sport 16 lanes n,% > - b' a !c ’5 in ’ “ o bn'em ant c f the new ey­ es U - ’on. Au* " ••• pm spewers enable sty- c V "» *o hay# a good ' A e w ‘bout de'ays caus­ a l by d e v : * -cd p 'r boys. S Tuden*-s w atching their pocketbooks will be happy to know that the/ may try th e '” Ack for ©r' / 25 cents a gam e. A m p 's space 5 n-ov'ded for spectator* who either w ant to wa*ch their friends or root intramural for their favo rite ‘ earn. DAILY TEXAN C L JiJ ZAM Cl ASSIFIKD ADVE RT IS ING R A T T S ....................... 4« (15 w ord m inim um ) Each Word Classified Duple v I colum n * on#* lrv-h on# tim e Each Addition?*I Tim # 20 C onsecutive Issues H word# IS word* 30 word* (No copy change for cons* $r no 8 00 ......................................................................... 11.00 Issue rams ) ........................ |1 no .90 c l a s s i f i e d a d v e r t i s i n g d t a d l i n e s T u esd ay Texan ............................... Monday, 3:30 P m- it 30 p m . W e d n n d a y T exan W fd n esd av 3 30 p nu T hursday T exan ................................ T h u rsd ay, 3 Sn p rn. F rid ay te x a n .................................... Friday. 3 30 v m. Sunday T exan In the #nent of errors m ade In an ad.vertisen < nt. Im m ediate notice must he given a ; the p til 's h e ll are resp onsib le for on ly one Incorrect .nscrtion. CALL JOHNNY GR 2-2473 Room* for Rent For Sale Special Services W a n te d ■COMODATIONS FOR T H R E E men air co n d ition ed s e n i. paved parking. 306 I ast 3- th. N C ma Dorm ________ _ liner# mn d FLERS -SS 95. d u als—-SH 66: lake* plugs, UNB ELI EV AI EE BARGAINS! M UF­ skirts —$6 95; hubcaps, split-1 m anifolds mirrors, accessories. TEXAS AUTO. 1114 East 1st. SIGLE ROOM IN p rlva’e h om e for ■nature m al* en- student inca W a lk in g d istan ce L n lverglty. ____ ____ I 8-4228 P riv a te L IK E NBW . G IULIETTI a c r i d i a n ’ Actual value, 1375 W ill take $200 W rite Mel W einberger, 217 College Blvd. San Antonio RENT — PURCH ASE T V ' s . Alpha T elevision R ental. GR 2-2692 NEW O PE N IN G AU STIN H ealth and B eauty H om e #01 W. 24th. GR 2-7776 R elaxing and s u n ­ reducing lamps gvm nastlcs yoga. m assage. In ­ dividual treatm ent. tables, >OMA EDR BOY8 Clo*e to cam pus Single* Doubt*. Meal* A m ple nark I L ow ra tes New Centaur H ouse 6-5801 IMT NORTON MOTORCYCLE. 600 ae. $395, W ill fin a n c e GI. 3-6800. ELEVEN used 16 each GR 6 '* > 21 g a s H EATERS. S ligh tly Apartments U N IV E R S IT Y MODERN E F F IC IE N ­ CY Foam bed off street P arking *65 00 sin g le. UO.Ou U tilitie s p a i d dou b le GR 8 9125 F R IV ACT OW CREEK N ew Secluded Stone B u ild in g Unusual T w o Bedroom A partm ent C harm ing Contem porary D eco r lr C onditioned C entrally H eated Built-In R ange Erl v t ta P a tio r w o r i - n o s Furnished Apartments F U R N IS H E D GARAGE APA R TM E N T T hree block s U niversity ramp.-x 2307 A R io Grande. W ill accom odate cou p le HO 8-9669 700 MANOR ROAD Four r om s. spa 1- r»us, refrigerated air garage, A dults o n lv . No pct* GI, ,3-7425. GIRLS- U N IV E R SIT Y A F PR O V ED l a rg e m odern L iving room, k l’ h- en ette, tw o bedroom, bat ii F u r­ nished fot tw o to four k t < STR A T FO R D ARMS MRS. W ALKER H >S I ESS GR 7-9373 MUST SE L L Bell and H ow ell, m odel H d . tape recorder. Like new. Includes nine 1800 fo o t reel* of ta p e and accessories H ighest offer (ak** It. Hee Boh Hade- ler. P earce Hall 204. 8 O' to 5.00 Or call GR 6 8034 after 5 p rn. or GL 2-3216 1957 AUSTIN H EALY Jum p seats tonneau cover, overd rive Im m aculst* t h r o u g h o u t . 1315 W est N inth. i ,R 7 2683 AUSTIN HEALY 1960 3,000," Green four seater H* ater-radio. Low m ile­ a g e Call GL 2-4241 for appointm ent. 1956 MOTOR BIK! problems with ex I transportation Call 5 3o d rn. SSS CO. S o l v e parking lent Inexpensive IR 8 1557 a f t e r Miscellaneous TARRYTOW N M E TH O D IST CHURCH 2 6 0 1 E xp osition B oulevard Service# ll 90 a rn C ollege students a 45 a rn Invited .tame* F. S t o n e M inister M aunce P hillip s, M in ister of Educa­ tion. Lost and Found LOST ON BOTTOM floor Main Build­ ing Gold (.r u in W rist W atch. Call M iller. GR 6-5712. R ew ard! LOST ON FRESH M AN field , silver E l­ g in v at eh. Call GR 8*2415, Reward! j LOST IN GARRISON H a ll: IO" S u n - 1 rn gray case. j Hemml Slide R ule HR ( C M Reward! Alterations MU N S EX C EPT ALTI RATIONS dung reasonably Q uick service. See SU* Amt I Juoobsoo a kl . n s wear. 2332 Guadalupe. M UTILATIONS A N D DRESSM AN ENI* 715 h est 25th s t r e e t GR 6-3360 I I I I DANCING A N N E TTE D U VAL STUDIOS. U n iver­ sity ballroom clause* or prlva’e lesson s are now bein* offered at reasonable student r«o>r E xercise classes h a \e also In started alon g w ith classea ballet, la7z. For In­ form s’ lf n, fa ll or com e bv The U niver­ sity Studio from 1-5 p m . GR 8-3951, tap and m odern Help W anted G o o d frien d i O P E N IN G S FOR SA LESLA D IES READY TO W EAR SPO RTSW EAR ACCESSORIES COSMETICS Excellent opportunity for in ladies w ith experience th e a b o v e departments. S a lary p l u s commission. Liberal discounts on p u r­ chases. Apply to personnel office. T hird floor, 10:00- 12:00 A.M. or 3:00-5:00 P.M. G ood{ Wends BLOOD DONORS—All types of blood needed for u sage in Austin. P rofes­ sional donor* now ac* epted Travis C ounty Blood Lank. 2907B Red River. GR 8-6457 Typing SHO RT ON T Y PIN G , tim e and mon­ typ in g your In o time* note*, reports. Mise ey ? Let m e help them** Graham, GL 3-5725. MARTHA ANN SIVLEY M B A A com p lete proles Ionai typ in g serv­ ice tailored to the needs of u n iver­ keyboard sity eq u lp nx nt science, and theses and dis­ sertation s. Special lan gu age, stu d en ts for en gin eerin g Pho GR 2-3210 C on ven ien tly totaled at GOODALL WOOTEN DORM BLDG. 2102 G uadalupe D ISSE R T A T IO N S. T II E S E 8. RE­ PORTS proles Mortally and com p eten t­ ly typed E xp erienced , electric I B M . c a m p u s . Mr». from f o u r blocks Bodour, GR 8-8113. TY PIN G PR O BLE M S? Call R. W. H olley. GR 6-3U18 .-'Mer 5 •A Multt- llth m ats a I.B.M . electric. G uaranteed accuracy Rapid S o n ice. sp ec ia lity . N ew D I L A C I E L D I V P IN G S E R V IC E . rho. „ Mimeograph ng P hotocop ies. M u lt.hth m g HI 2-6322 t re m it Ic. R eports E M T R H NCPD CO M PETENT. Elee- theses, d isserta­ tion* All typ es G raduate undergrade u;o e C lo se to cam pus Mrs D eB utta. GR 8 3298 A C C U R A T E S T U D E N T P A P ERB F.x- pc” t r e e d R e a so n a b le N e w *le<-tro- m.ii' Manui.'t ip i* a sp ecialty. Clos# to I nlverxitv Mrs A lbright. G I#8-2941. REPO RTS. D ISSE R T A T IO N S. T H I S M 1500 D Mrs Roberta B W inkler. V est 13th GR 7-7554 _______ TH E SES D ISSE R T A T IO N S BK5I. . P etm gcky. I I e c t r o rn a t I c Mrs W a n i d l’Y P iM j TO do In m y horn*. GI, 3-2212. I ll 2-4449, TYPIN G DO NE IN m y horn# E lectric. Mr* M organ -GI# 3-0384. IBM EXC ELL EN T TYPING REASONABLE m e g . Call HO 5-9U15. LAW NO TES TH EM ES, outline* 25c Page (ill 6 1717, LET ME DO so u r t y p in g ’ HO 8-5813, DISSERTATIO NS, J TC J I.FICTROMA- _ Th \ i r i. p t :h «. Kn* field Ar pit GR 6-7079 -.mix) t i New Union Addition Link in Half-Century Chain lature, since no com p u lsory fee can be charged in state-supported institution* without le g is la t iv e consent. The Board of R egprt* agreed to underwrite the U nion deficit. This w a s continued from 1941 to 1945. D urin g th ese year*, students voluntarily paid a $1 fee. In 1945, th e L egislature agreed to a com p u lsory Union fee of $1 per se m e ste r . In 1953, the L egis­ lature agreed to ralsa tha fat lo $5 per se m e sttr lf tha students voted to do so. In 1956, students voted to pay the $5 fea and con­ struction on the new addition b * g a n . Saturday, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page S Ole Pigs^Eye Looks in Union B y JE R R Y C O N * We’ve Rot it Dads, a $2.1 million place to make ceram ic fish. And It’s a beaut, something any alum or visitor (and students for th a t m atter) ought to see. B et th e re ’s a lot of wide-open eyes and m ouths when form er students see how broad a broadening the UT is now providing for students. The new Texas Union Is something on the order of a fratemity-sorority house, a coun­ try dub, an art gallery and a Boy Scout hut in a single building. The m ost color in the Union outside the art gallery is in the faculty lounge. If the red and dark brown carpets and walls don't liven th e old boys up, nothing will. I t’s so suave you get the impression you’re stepping off the old campi into the b ar of some priv­ ate club. (Needless to say, you’re not.) The number of Eagle Scouts at the Uni­ versity should shoot way up. The Arts and Crafts center will make it a lot easier to get merit badges in leather craft, wood craft, wood work (power lap­ idary (?), enameling, photography, a n d whatever it is you do with copper. Any­ lathes), s a w s , way, the University has made It easy to continue scouting all though college, so let’s get after it Scouts! And for all the browsers am ong you Dads, if you have nothing to do after the game and before the night's festivities, you might w ant to go to the Browsing room and browse. Next to the Browsing room is the Music Listening Room. On F riday there w asn’t any music playing so there were a bunch of students sitting a r o u n d sleeping. The academic Influence w asn’t completely lost here though because most of the students had books in their laps. When they start lis­ tening they’ll be h e a r i n g in stereophonic sound. But students won’t be paying $5 each for f>0 years to sleep and browse. Best evidence of this is the bowling alley with autom atic pin setters. Bobby I^iyne had to wait until he got out of school to get a bowling alley (Bobby Layne’s Laynes) but now we all have one to use on study breaks. But, Dads, don’t forget that this Is only a part of what is becoming a “University of the first class.’’ We do have a terrific em­ phasis on academics. Our $2.1 million Union is just for study breaks. B y C IJU 'D E G R U E N E R F ifty year* ago, the thought of a T exas Union m ay have boon a* excitin g as a baked h ead of let­ tuce. N ow out of the oven, it s quite a dish. G eneral T. W. G regory In 1907 began a chain reaction w hich re­ sulted In the old U nion's com ­ pletion in 1933. His plan s w ere cut short for a w hile w hen he w as called as a m em b er of Wood­ row W ilson's cabinet. G regory s for a m en s original plan w as gym n asiu m but upon his return to the cam pus in 1926, he saw the great gap that a Union w ould fill in U niversity life. fought the p roject The original Union p roject in­ volved the construction of three buildings to c o m m em o ra te U ni­ in ve r sity students w ho World War I. In 1927, G regory the presented to Board of R egen ts, offerin g the E x-Students’ A ssociation ’s finan­ cial aid. The plans provided for an auditorium and student union in sam e building, plus a m e n ’s gym nasium and w om en 's gym nasiu m . the A total of $1.1 m illion w as set as the ten tative cost of the build­ ings. The Board of R e g e n t s agreed to give $600,000, lea v in g the E x-Students’ A ssociation with $500,000 to raise. Then for three y ea r s, a series of cam pus and nation-w ide d rives w ere held to raise m o n ey for the project. They w ere held in all the m a jor T exas cities by ex-stud ents total of $113,000. and raised a Students on cam pus w orked hard and a m a sse d a total of $110,000. In spite of a financial crisis in 1929, m ost of the pledges m ade by students and faculty w ere col­ lected . In 1930, G regory Gym wa* com pleted on the site of Jordan F ield. In 1932, the W om en’* G ym ­ n asiu m w a s opened for use, B efore construction could be begun on th e Union, one big prob­ lem had to be solved. Contro­ v ersy arose when student* heard It m ight he built on the southeast corner of the cam pus They felt that the cen ter of cam pus life w as n ear the D rag and that the Union should he built there. The b a ttle w as over when the contested location w as found to be too sm all The present location w a s then chosen m ost suitable. C onstruction w as begun on the building in the spring of 1932, in conjunction with the construction of H ogg Auditorium -originally scheduled to he an extension of the Union, hut due to the position of the old dram a building, it had to be built separately. In 1933. both buildings w ere co m p le te d . M a ny S aturday night d a n c e s w e r e held to provide the the Union. ru nning in co m e Those d a n c e s provided all th e in­ c o m e for first five or six y e a rs . the for About 1938, som ething h a p p e n ­ ed b e tw e e n students and the U n ­ ion D i e all - university d a n c e s dwindled a w a y and Union in co m e b eg a n to decline. Student le a d e rs trie d institute a compulsory' Union fee but failed. Such an a c t would h a v e necessitated the p a s ­ sa g e of a bill in the T exas L egis- to CHESTERFIELD, L&M and OASIS invite you to the Texas-TexasA&M Game Contest! COME SEE OUR FESTIVE TRIM-A-TREE SHOP C h r i s t m a s is g r o w ' n g e . e r c ' o s e ' . « - d w e a t S c a r b r o u g h ' s a r e a!? a g o g w'*h t h e ■festive b e a u t y o f our n e w T r i m -A T r e e S h o p . T h e re a re g a y t r inket s, e ' e g a n t d e c o r a t i o n ! g a t h e re d L o r n s ’! o v e r t h e wo r l d t o sproad h a p p y gs. H ere 'i j ust a s a m p l ' ^ g o f o u r e o P e c * ’o n : • Green "gh*ed holly, 9 feet 4.50 • ’i’he r e d s a * ’n a p p ’es each 1.00 • Mus'ce' edge's se*’ cf 3 for 1.75 • Santa d-e-rod in veVe* 5.00 Trim-a-Tree Shop, third f l o o r JUST PREDICT THE SCORE AND WIN UP TO... FIR S T PRIZE JACKPOT *300 *150 $ SE C O N D PR IZE JACKPOT t h i r d p r i z e j a c k p o t FOR THE STUDENTS AND FACULTIES OF THE ABOVE COMPETING COLLEGES ONLY! Scarbrough & Sons TIMELY SPECIAL ON HANDY HOSTESS RACK Uswa / 10.93 898 S' a plated f e e r o i ~ g c a s t e ' , i t h a s h a * r a c k , u m b ' e " a h o o k s a ' i sh e b a * . ’ e *' * r © c'h s O' q . p t room. No*’?"* S ’-ee* F cor P ick up a pack and tak e a crack at ex p ertin g th e b ig gam e. I f you are the o n ly one to com e up w ith the correct h alf-tim e and final scores, th e first prize jackpot is all yours. I f there are ties, you share the m oney. The sam e applies to w inners o f the secon d and third jack p ots. Enter as often as you l i k e . . . and to m ake it easy, use the harks o f packs* as your entry b lan k s. So each tim e y o u finish a pack ^ . take a crack at the big money! _ HERE’S ALLYOU DO TO IVW... 1. Predict the final score for each team. 2. Predict the half-time score for each team. 3. Use an empty pack* as your entry blank. READ THESE EASY RULES. . . I On the coupon below or on the back of an empty wrapper ne on a plain sheet of paper the winner of the a b v ? Rams Predict the final score and the hall time score (predict tie-, it y wish) Each entry must be accompanied by an empty wrapper lr rn L A V Ch< terfieid or Oavs cigarettes (or a single hand drawn copy of the letter mg LJ.M , CheC ertie 1 or Oasis as it appears on the face of the package) lf entry is < .'.mitt 1 on back of empty wrapper, be sure to include name and address, printed clearly. 2 . M id entries to Liggett \ Myers at the address appearing In coupon below All entries must be p- (mar* - d by midnight (ive days prior to date of game and ’ n gut the day p-- r to date of game Enter as oflen as you want, received by n l l be • ne to > t 'y wrapper (or acceptable substitute) with each entry. Illegible entries will not be considered. an i 3 . IVi/es FIRST PRIZE JA C K P 0 T - J3 0 0 , SECOND P R IZ E IA C K P 0 T - $ 1 5 0 ; I HIRO TRlZI JACKPOT — $W) (Aiming » 'dries will be selected according to the accuracy of the entry against the following in the order bited. ta ) the winning f e w estw y ff) (he *ew o w * hi team . (W) Itta final trnrr and el a determining the leading half-time* team and tha half-time score. In tha event of ties among contestants, toe price mnney for each of the three price categories will be divided eq^n y among contr tints tied lor th# respect .« priret A . This contect is ! *: a :ordwroy p "ow* f 'ad w'-H foam-rubber. P a - b '- v r r cr a en A rn j e u a b e ' i e O' q . 1 5 > I N e ors. S ': s e ’ F oor Save 10% ON BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS CARDS Cv.r Christmas Card Shop is ©pan a ■ we 'a . ou t o com a in an i ma*e y ur selections now. For a 11 rn'tad time, ) nu w‘ save 10% on p e r s e ^ a H e d c p a 'n c v : . . . 1.95 a n d u p Ch o S, up, I nird Floor T h e D a il y T e x a n Amusements S a t u r d a y , October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXA N Page 6 Friday Jam Session Moved Students, Union, and Itself CHARTER BUSES Football Gam es — Retreats — Picnics — etc. Air-conditioned— Air Ride Rest Rooms Equipped Kerrville Bus Company, Inc. Phone GR 8-9361 “Friendly Service'' T O D A Y AT INTERSTA TE A l 'S t KM A MOV* D I S C O U N T C A I D PA RAM OUN N O W ! A D U L T S 90c 35c K ID S the F rid a y afternoon, lobby of the T exas Union was the moving- ist place on the cam pus, as stu­ dents got primed for a weekend of Homecoming festivities. And jazz was moving it. The sessions into a perm anent place moved here. Starting with a nucleus of Bill Hines, piano; Bob Hamm erslag. sax; Mike Pengra, Bass; and Sarge Carleton, drum s; just a few minutes after the 4 p.m. starting tim e, the gig saw three drum m ers and three pianists take turns. ing, because Carleton, and Amie Kpstein kept coming im­ last perform ances their proving in and George Gibbs had to tie c a l l e d the begin­ from the audience at ning of the show. He sat through the first num ber, hone In hand. But when he reach ed the front, he stayed there, because everyone wanted him to. One of the highlights of the pro­ gram was Hines’ own lively a r ­ rangement of * ‘I .rive for S a I e,” played by Hines, P engra, and Fono. Somewhere along the middle of singing. The audience also heard Gwen the prog ram , H airy R a n g e r Jo rd an give with some Kila Fitz- stamped his feet, letting everyone that an old political w a r ­ know gerald-type blues The horse like himself wanted equal only problem with Gwen Jordan time. So Hines m ade room for the is that she graduates in January, Ranger cartoonist, Gilbert Shelton and w e need her the to Shelton got some applause, and y e a r with the jamming several men In the f r o n t row wanted him to make un encore R.eing modest, the Rangeroo called it a day. finish l>efore, A n d y F n n o , who ha* p l a y e d with P e n g r a a n d Hlne* t u r n e d In s o m e t h i n g of a A p e r t a c u la r , and four a p p e a r a n c e s In e a c h of h e m a r i e , h e got a little g u s tie r . H is d r u m s m a rie th e m o s t of the six a n d six “ f J s m H i n e s " n e a r t h e e n d of th e p r o g r a m , t h e But Andy had to keep improv- The original group themed out on ‘‘Fat Old W o m an ’’ promptly at 15. The show w as taped and will he broadcast over KAZ/. P M Sat- N O W ! unlay night between l l p.m. and session p r o p o s e d I a.m. j larger Longhorn Room the cooler. for next An estimated 350 people saw , Friday, the show, with as many as 200 time. The next at one have I/>nghom , dents in area. Vincent DiNino, Band Director who said some of afternoon his people will F u rth e r proposed c h a n g e s in- gig will elude moving the sessions up from in a more spacious 4 to 5 p m. This will allow stu- those w i t h the pro- jam at the next gram . labs and jobs to see to be 'I ’M ALL RIGHT Radio-TV Projects Range Across Texas CAPITOL A N D L A S r H A I ; O P E N 11:45 S N A C K B A K O P E N S 6:15 W NEVER SHW A STUDENT BOOY LIKE THIE! L— . WHwrw'"" I M M _ ...... .... ---------------1 STATE N e v e r d i d greater musk flame from the fires of tempestuous lore! 4:50 - 7:15 - 9:40 gqumn ne1 i s u m doctz pwwcto SONG WAYOUT END DIMBOGARDEIm e v e is c e Vk tory of F in Urn at Ow LM/f fsmco MOfnsoH wm o w arni win • iou acca C lttS S C O P t • Unman COLOR V A R S IT Y EN D S T O D A Y ! F T . A T I RKH 2IM I ti 7:10 9 34 A T Movie-wise • S there hee invert: . anything like “T H E A P A R T M E N T J A C K L E M M O N S H IR LEY M a c L A IN E FR E D Mm oMURRAY U r oth$rwl$t-wl»8f A MMOCX COMPMIV *»t MMV A no* trot* IN* The Departm ent of Radio-Tele­ vision produce* many weekly shows for distribution around the s t a t e and program s designed to be used for teaching aids, as well as week­ ly experimental workshop produc­ tions. Courses that are currently being show'n as a supplement to teaching a re psychology, chemistry, biology, geology, German, and Japanese These video tapes provide added explanations of a subject and furn­ ish lab experiments for the science course. KRTT, which m a y he seen at 4 is a student p m . on Thursdays, operated lab workshop. During the hours of production, the students of R n d io T e levision put their class­ room knowledge to practical use The format includes news, weather, sports, and two fifteen-minute fea­ ture shows, "Big Man on Cam-* ' and “ C am era on the Coed." ; Williams Conducts ’Festival' on Tour Clifton Williams, associate pro­ fessor of music theory and corn­ ix .sition, is touring with the San Antonio Symphony O rchestra as guest compose.r-conductor of “ Fes­ tiva l.’’ his most recent work. Arkansas, louisiana. Oklahoma, and Texas are destinations of the musicians from October 25 through November 4. "F estiv al" had its world pre­ m ier in San Antonio on October 22. Mr. Williams’ other compo­ sitions have been played by the Rochester, New York, Houston, Austin, Oklahoma City, and other city symphony orchestras. Winner of two national awards original composition for hand and orchestra, Mr Williams has bern a m ember of the University faculty since 1949. GET YO U R AMPUFIERTUNERS a t ( S i ’ L S E D W A Y YOUR HI-FI CENTER 2010 Speedway G R 8-6609 Two shows th a t are video-taped for com m ercial use by Radio-Tele­ vision are " P r o j e c t M a th " and "Colloquy." The m a th show is taped and sent to D a l l a s for an educational station playback, and "Colloquy,” an interview program , is seen rn the Dallas-Fort Worth area. Waring to Emcee Stereo Festival Fred Waring and his Pennsyl­ vanians will greet University stu­ dents Tuesday the Municipal in \uditorium with "Stereo Festival." Performances will be at 6:30 and 9 p.m. The Waring troop first appeared here several years ago, perform ­ ing for 11.000 people at G r e g ­ ory Gym. Mr. Waring will serve as m a ste r of ceremonies and the glee club, orchestra, and soloists will he featured. This event, the Cultural E ntertainm ent Commit­ tee, is free to season ticket and blanket tax holders Students m ay draw tickets u n t i l 4 p m . Tuesday. Drawing is at the Music Building from 9 a rn. to 1 p.m. on weekdays and Saturday from 9 a rn. to 12 noon. sponsored by Single admission tickets will be available at the door. Tickets are '>2.50 for adults, and SI for chil­ dren junior high school age There will he no reserved seats. through Far Eastern Hostelries Sets Theme of Exhibit "Hotels for D jakarta and Bali, Indonesia," is the subject for an exhibit now on display in the A r­ chitecture Building. This exhibit which was completed the in August, 1960, graduate thesis program and was done by Ojok Sunarja. is p art of R . C. Norris, assistant profes­ sor of speech, has returned to the University after a y e a r 's absence at the University of Michigan un­ der a gran t from the Fund for Adult Education, a p art of the Ford Foundation. I HOUR CLEANING I DAY LAUNDRY L O N G H O R N CLEANERS GR 6-3847 2538 Guadalupe G oodyear Shoe Shop # Ei pa r t Shoe Repair 0 Mo d e r n Equipment # Kays D u p 1 cat ad Wkfle You W a t c h 405 W . 23rd Street B. C. R O G E R S O p h th alm ic D ispenser / ^ ! Q \ Within aasy wa!*>g distance of f.-« cairp.i ^ GR 7-1422 1501 Guad. SP DELWOOD 3931 t o s t Avenue A D M IS S IO N tiOr a 01*1 N ti J* X| THE TIME M A C H IN E Bod T a y lo r, Alan M a r l * 7:14 I m int RIDE L O N E SO M E R a n d o l p h S c o t t S t a r t * 9 IS SOUTH'AUSTIN 4 0 0 0 S O . T O M . K E S S A D M I S S I O N 5 0 c • O P K N S 6 P M . ELMER G A N T R Y B u rt l.a n ra o trr. .Iran Simm on* S ta rt* 7:15 —Flu*— Noose for a G u n m an H a r r y P a r r y . J r . S ta rt* 9:55 PRE-HALLOWEEN MIDNIGHT SHOW Tonite 11:30 p.m. DORIS DAY’REX HARRISON JOHN GAVIN I O C | T K K E IN NOW PARAMOUNT A L L HEATH O S SALE! I I PETER S&IERS IAN C M M TOMASI FEATU RES: 2 - 4 6 - 8 - 1 0 P.M. TEXAS 'O N T H E D R A G " FIGHT BACK I Help preserve masculine prerogatives! Help fight creeping m atriarchy! Join SMK. No dues. No meetings. One obli­ gation only. Smoke your Kaywoodie often— esp ecia lly a m ong w om en. F lau n t its manly grain. Tantalize them with the lush tobacco-and-briar aroma. But never let them savor a puff! Kaywoodie flavor, mildness, and relaxation — all without inhaling — are strictly male. Will this r e tu rn women to bondage? Maybe not. B u t it will be a brave exer­ cise of your male prerogative . . . and pleasurable to boot. Writ* Kaywoodie Pip#*, Inc., Haw Tort TI, W Y. for (re* SMK membership card and pip# smoking boo kit. _ . W h i t e Briar, Pear Shape $6.00 EiHfflr nWi £,ardot$ SisW . t lt similar!^) A L B E R T / U i . S M IT H •W o ad F r a t a r a S e x K i t t b n s « c o l l e g e 'The Phenix City Story' H i m a A D U L T S 60o « C H I L D F R E E F I R S T S H O W S T A R T S 6:15 K a t h r y n G r a n t m ir /M MACHINE The Law and Jake Wade' ROD TAYLOR AWN YOUNG YVETTE MiMiEUX vt* f r o n t iv R I C H A R I ) " W I D M A R K T u c ta w a y , R e l i e f A r a i n , Billiard Sha pe — $7.95 In Super Grain, $6 95. Standard 35.95. New c ry sta l-d e a r-b it. Tuckaway com es apart, fits In e a sy c a rry suede fin ish pouch. Connoisseur, Apple Stupe $1 5 .0 0 KAYWOODIE accents the male look Reserve a Page for your Organization in the 1961 CACTUS THE DEADLINE IS Friday, November 4 All pages must be paid for at the time you make your reservation. THE PRICE FOR A PAGE IS $40.00 plus photography and engraving charges. Come by Journalism Building Room 107 8:00 through 4:30 NGLE THE MUST Delwood Cafeteria Cutler Motors " W W * food is et Its lost" General Service of All Makes 3829 East Avenue 2015 Guadalupe G R 8-2811 Hit 'Em Horns T R A N S-T E X A S THEATERS. IN C : 1 i t CA PITOL rruTTTrns r a m p » i One-Hour "Martinizing' Laundry Service WELCOME F R O M Martin Hum Bak 510 W est 19th 2808 Guadalupe G R 8-0413 Pik • Nik Restaurant 3023 G U A D A L U P E G R 2-1996 "Always A G oo d Place To Eat" El Charro M E X IC A N F O O D S . . . FREE DELIVERY 10th A Red River G R 8-7735 B U R T O N ' S Monroe's L A U N D R Y A C L E A N E R S M E X IC A N F O O D TO TAKE H O M E 615 W . 19th G R 1-4621 500 East Avenue G R 7-8744 Rome Inn "Delicious Italian Food" El Toro M E X IC A N F O O D S . . . Air Conditioned 2900 Rio Grande G R 6-6 I I t 1601 Guadalupe G R 8-4321 University Boot Shop 413 W . 24th H A N D M A D E BO O T S Expert Shoe Repair— Keys Made While You W ait B A N K THE A M E R IC A N W A Y American National Bank 6th at Colorado G R 2-5401 Member of F.D.I.C. FREE FOOTBALL ST R EA M ERS W IT H $1 G A S R A S Sinclair 2900 San Jacinto Studtman Photo Service 19th end Lavaca and At Cameron Village Austin, Texas Saturday, October » , I960 THE DAHY TEXAN Fag. 7 Jim Henery Body & Paint Shop 24-HOUR W R E C K E R Lacquer or Enamel Paint Hood Lawyering 18th A Lavaca G R 6-5343 After the Game— Get Your B IG B O Y Hamburgers at Sunset Grill Open Til M id ni ght 409 W. 24th GR 7-0290 Longhorn Cleaners For O ne-Hour C le a n in g a n d Laundry Service 2538 Guadalupe G R 6-3847 De Francisco Salon El Matamoros Harrison-Wilson-Pearson "The Italian Stylist" Mexican Foods Steaks end Fried Chicken G O O D LUCK L O N G H O R N S FAST SER V IC E A L W A Y S Economy Engravers Hank's Grill 812 W . 12th G R 7-0762 504 East Avenue G R 7-7023 9 l 0 ,/2 Brazos 2-3542 A U S T IN S M O ST CO M PLET E A G E N C Y for REAL ESTATE SALES, RENTALS, IN S U R A N C E 305 W . 6th G R 2-6201 Mooreburger Griner s Texaco Service Varsity Gri Tasty and Delicious 1 Specializing in brake lining and motor tune-ups" ’ Specializing in Southern Fried Chicken" Austin Motorcycle Co. Starting Oo Harley Scooter — N< The Largest, Most Beautiful Miniature Golf Course in Texas Green Acres 2701 Guadalupe G R 7-1061 3201 Red River G R 6-5424 I I I E. 21st G R 6-5173 1611 Guadalupe 8711 Burnet Rd. G L 2-1233 Skeeter^ Barber Shops No. I Shop 201 3 Guadalupe No. 2 Shop 705 W . 24th University Typewriter Exchange Typewriters— Adding Machines Sales— Rentals Free estimates on repair work "FREE PICKU P A N D DELIVERY" 2542 Guadalupe G R 8 4360 Com pliments of Evelyn's Feminine Fashions Dale Baker Barbecue Party Catering Service Get Your Barbecue Before the Game 2904 Guadalupe G R 6-5110 GR 7 8961 3003 Lake Austin B Kash Karry Grocery Belotte Humble Burk & Fuller Barber Shops TODDLE HOUSE Courteous Service Always Tarrytown Campus " O P E N 24 H O U R S A D A Y " 4 Locations to Serve You 19th A Guadalupe S R 2-0978 3112 Windsor 2420 Guadalupe W r a t HHH l a m a *,’*> S o H K t - e M S S I ! C K 7-Ut .YI J V I* B a r n e t K<1 \ S r al ttHH O H t - O O H ’ 1.1 S WSM W e re Beh nd Ye Everette Kelly Prescription Service Have Your Doctor Phone Your Prescription City-Wide Delivery Service 15th A Guadalupe Drive-In Service G R 8-6455 Fine Foods Fest Service PLANTATION 503 W. |9th G R 8-8340 Sator'dty, October 29, I960 THE DAILY TEXAN Page 8 Horns Favored By Students t - ~ r ~ ~ ■' “ It shall shine* again! T h i r d tim e’* th e c h a rm !" said a W hoever steer w on’t charge a horse m ay have to think twice S aturday. There m ay be a “ round-up the SMU Ponies being herded out of if predictions M em orial Stadium come true. rev erse’’ with in Campus ¥ ¥ Choices Bookies a re giving 20 p o I n t a this w eek, but some students in­ d icate they m ight up the num ber to as m uch as 35. TEXAS SH SMU « DONNIE ADELMAN, senior in­ su ran c e m a jo r from Austin: “ With M eredith, SMU was only m ediocre, “ I from C alallen; DOUGLAS SIMMONS, but dangerous. M eredith is gone now and to add to th eir m isery, w e’ve got too m uch offense and defense.” TEXAS 15 SMI. 0 MAHY M A G E E, junior com m er­ cial a rt m a jo r from Austin; “ The 'Horns should have worked out the kinks by now .” TEXAS 51 SMU 0 I r i s h ­ m an physics m a jo r from A ustin; “ Texas wall win all its rem aining gam es, including SMU. We can beat the M u stan g s by a t l e a s t four touchdow ns.” TEXAS 27 SMU 0 IR E N E R E E B , freshm an m ath m ajor think Texas will m a k e a good showing and win by a la rg e m arg in .” TEXAS 27 SMU I E U G EN E CA LV ERT, j u n i o r music education m ajo r from M es­ quite: ‘‘If T ex as c a n ’t beat SMU, they should give u p .” TEXAS 28 LYNN GARONZIK, SMU 7 MARY M IL L E R , senior sociolo­ “ SMU fro m Sinton: gy m ajor h asn’t done th e ir prospects for th e future don’t look too brig h t.” TEXAS 28 SMU 0 fresh m an business m a jo r from D allas: “ Poor Peruna a in ’t w h at she used to b e!” TEXAS 53 SMU 0 PATSY TA Y I .OR, Junior govern­ ment m ajo r from San Angelo: “ SMI" h asn ’t won a gam e yet and Texas sta rt a winning stre a k TEXAS 24 to let t h e m this w eek .” SMU 0 fre sh ­ man music education m ajo r from San Antonio; “ I think Texas will win by at least 24 points. Since they should ALFRED JO E MARSH, too well, and isn t going , they lost last week, ! be m ad !” TEXAS 32 SMU 0 NANCY FARQUHAR, J u n i o r elem entary education m ajo r from Sinton: “ It seem s logical — the poor Ponies hav en ’t won one y et.” SMU 0 TEXAS 4etter than ever ii the tw o fared vest th a t reverses to a crisp and clean-cut p rin t to match the coat lin ing and pocket handkerchief. All in-all, the most versatile ensem ble you can own. An R P early-bird fo r Fall in olive, black, charcoal and antelope . . . sizes 36 to V> regular and lo n g Reynolds-Penland Gentry Shop Congress at F i g h t h