T he T exan V O L 54 Price Five Cent* AUSTIN, TEXAS, FRIDAY, A P R l f l 5, 1955 Eight Pages Today NO. 151 ‘The First C o liege Daily in the South' N UT Apartments $100,000 Excess Show T h e University apartments — ‘ the w aiting list for apartments service activities, reported. Brackenridge, Deep Ed d y, Little This was arranged when the influx j Biggest expense item in the fis- Campus cottages, and the trailer of veterans came bark to school; cal year 1954, according to the a re a —brought in an excess of in- after the w ar. There was no need Financial Report, was heat, light romp over expenditures of $106,- to require k deposit, Since there power, water, and gas which SIO 61 last year according to the ’ were long waiting lines There are drummed up a $61,049.22 bill. Re- Financial Report of the University, i no vacancies in the apartments at pair and maintenance of the build- The total expenditures for the present except in the Little Campus ires was listed at $25,999.26. apartments was $112,819 76. The total amount now listed in Students who live in th** apart-{ vacant Miss Helen Blackburn, the balance as of August 31, 1954, five hutments arc area where ments paid dwelling rents of $213,-: office supervisor of auxiliary and was $186,161.93, 290 57 last year, according to the | ---------- I eport. 1 11 1111 ...................................■" ' ..... — —- The transfer to the reserve for possible Josses by fire or other damages wav $22,983. This is an “ insurance measure which is paid on temporary housing units at the University, this Dorseys Entertain jj UT Tonight at Gym If reserve is subtracted from the listed excess, the remain­ ing excess s Rent cos range from T rad er spat No depos The fa urn is $v ’. v',',.61 s tho the apartments j h r i n g $20 to $40 a month, talents to Gr cs are $12 a month. 8 p rn. The s are paid to be on aggregation, in s I lorn v brr >thers w ill ■ combined musical gory < >vm F i idav a? all-star dance band headed bv Tom m y and Jim m y Dorsey, w ill also fea- t ire Ruddy Rich and his drums; Rill Raymond, vocalist; Lee Castle, trumpeter. Tire Dorseys have en joyed great! success in combining the valuable experience they have gained from their the long association with hand business. T h e i r separate orchestras have been among the top their caree: s. throughout ten bands Tire Dorseys became nationally popular when they had a band in 1955 Aft*-*' two big mg* 'her y pa '% de< ided to go the i the brothe own wavs. Tommy’s Iland rhythmic swanig sty went in for a SU , the combined res a with more poiiu Inn Ticket sale*i for continue F ri 11 a v I fern pl Union, the J R Reed Mush Tickets ens $1 50 e informal and open will he held fun rn A hi~L re''O' J given away a s a * I* a the dance by pa ny Nestle ’ S W I s .r-cys' teIev ii iv c r will he door prize at Nos tie’s Com­ il sponsor the show beginning Thf I >orscvtm rr'. A I st in appear-ante Thursday - dhr. 'dc their firs’ at Dessau Hall Assembly Curfewed; No Dalby Plan Action B y S H IR L E Y S T R I M Patly Texan Editor Three propo: *-d amendments, a moment of panic, and no action took care of the Dalby System at the Student Assembly meeting Thursday night. Plans were pre-anted by Byron Fullerton, Stan Adams, and Rob . Se I gel. I Panic came during a momentary flutter as to the constitutionality | of passing on amendments later than three weeks prior to campus election. j The lack of action was neces­ l l sitated by a quorum-busting o’clock girls’ curfew. The Assembly approved a Con­ stitutional amendment raising the President's salary from $50 per month to SIDO per month over a nine-month period and $50 per month in the summer. Proposed amendments to put the vice-president and secretary on $25 salaries for nine months were de­ indefinite­ feated because of ‘he ness of their constitutional duties. A hurried first reading on a bill to forbid freshmen's having cars a f the University came as curfew hour approached. A meeting was called for next Thursday to further discuss th* three voting plan bills and, if pos­ sible, submit an amendment for the April 27 general election. FulierfdD’s bill calls for a place system with candidates filing for ; Place One. Place Two, etc. Adams* "preferential point system” re­ quires voters to mark their pref­ erences for as many candidates as there are assemblymen in that school w.-jj counting on a prefer­ ential basis. Seigel’s plan keeps the Dalby System, but requires each voter to m ark as many candidates as there are e sembiymen m his 'All W eren 't Polled,' Dorm Residents Say Residents of the men’s tri-dorms told The Daily Texan Thursday afternoon tha* they had not been given complete information con­ cerning the proposal to put private telephones in dorm rooms. Fu r t h e r rn o r p . the occupants maintain that a poll taken on the subject last. fall did not reach every boy in the dorms as is claimed by ’he dorm management, Mr*. M ary Jo Carson, a member of the dorm staff, said Thursday that every boy In the dorms was approached for ,his opinion. She also stated that 80 per cent wanted the new system. Phones will be put in dorm rooms next fall for boys w’ho want them. Regular Austin phone rates wall be I charged. -aid that he had not been given enough information on tho subject to form an opinion. Other residents echoed hi* statement. Under a representative system in the dorm, each section used chooses delegates to meet and dis­ cuss such proposals as the phone system. Then they relay the infor- m at ion *•* the men in their section Tuition Raise Bill Changes Talked Rep. Zbranek Says Am endm ents Coming I chairman I school. The most fire was drawn in an I exchange of opinions on the hon-- : mg committee and its work. F u l­ lerton said the Assembly housing survey was not well receive I Them were criticisms, he said. bv I faculty members as to the w a y the investigation was carried out, " I think they r th a t r* ason,” he -ald , “ we a —W people not to be alarmed w h en th l* te%t ale rt ta so u nd ed and o u r N a tio n a l G u a rd unit* a r e t e m p o r a r ily m o b ilize d .” :o test vol corny 24 hr T h # aiel Minute Man the speed and efficif•ncv with ma;v be pressed into action which the Guard can he mobilized tim e. W hen ’ he alar ■ coml In *he event of an emer gent y . leav,o th* ii A secondary purpose is to give the! r ciaisSCS. fbi ■ i r Advancement of Colored People use got in the last word He urged the “ forthright” in de- ■ for ending it was last M ay in agregation violates limit urt he Cx IU M A R Y J A N E R A U U N S » “ Neither atomic energy nor solar enei rv can compete with coal, oil and gas at this time in the United States. I'm talking about planning for your grandchildren — but. we don't have to wait rn start. ' says Dr. F a r r i n g t o n I himeis. till then Dr. Daniels, chairman of the University of Wisconsin chemistry department, spoke Thursday nigh’ on “ New Energy Resources” at Chemistry Building. The supply of coal, oil, and gas will give out within two genera­ tion, Dr Daniels told the audience Can uranium, bp used as a prac­ tical source of energy? Yes, said Dr. Daniels, but scientists must of recovery and “ The fuel for an atomic furnace would be com paratively cheaper ’han coal or gas. but the cost of insulation makes impractical. it t w ii! come—-and I think xviii Rut comp very rapidly,” D r Daniels stated. Dr. Daniels has recently’ attended a symposium in New I'elhi. India, Scientists from a ll over the world discus-ed the use of solar energy and windmills for energy. In Dr. Daniel* opinion plas? cs vv J I he the new thing use of solar energy Th e en act date of th e operation is being kept secret— e \ e n from the gu ard sm en th e m s e lv e s . units of AIS the t tonal Guard test alert. Ii I '•••• Universe members of or members companies d groups. Texas Na- part in ti CUI he OS I t * w ho a rf Austin units ■ hometown th the local ar vv The eight Austin units w ill con­ gregate at Camp M a b ry in West Austin. Citizenship Meet Sunday in Austin Students fron campuses across Texas w ill convene in Aust n Sun­ day for the first State Citizenship Seminar, sponsored by the Texas Methodist Student Movement April 17-20. Gene for a ICS of i t a t Simon E . •at lecree avoid- "a fixed and o n ’ and “ no 'n at all ii-hall and in time. beleft vv ere the i Thursday, the urrsents on how Max s decision. little new and lawyers he, ’ii day of a oilow up las IK M t w a s imal ic at ir mg*, vv iii-, h prod cot contentions fit Southern states argued that the Supreme Court should fix no deadline for integration, lay down no specific orders for carrying it cup and leave details to the states and their school boards, ted three dif- w mdup of (2) Attorneys for Nog rd parents urged the court to say that segre­ gation must be ended by next September or at the latest, by September, 1956* The Texas units —composed for the most part of 36th r. Clarence H |of A problem which existed in the la tin A m e ric a " Haring. Harvard University prates-; His lecture was div ided into two colonial period in Spanish America sor of Latin American History’ at topics: the historical past of the and which exists todav is thf vir- (he annual Hackett Memorial lec­ I -atm American universities, a u d itu a l neglect of the liberal arts, ture Thursday. th<> present day problems of the Dr, Haring stated. Universities. _ Dean L. L . Click introduced Dr. Haring as “ the most appropriate man to speak at this Hackett Me- A uto In s p e c tio n D e a d lin e T o d a y In conclusion, Dr. Haring said Concerning the history of higher I "Although it m ay be doubtful if education in the Spanish-Ameriean the social science and humanities countries, Dr. Haring pointed out ! departments of North America al- that universities were already in W a y s achieve their objectives, their long before any intentions are still laudable. The lack of the La tin-American Candidates Receive Rules for Campaign . said. spring elections were Candidates building signs for the Chalk-written advertisements will reminded not he allowed on blackboards and the campus, and man of the Election Commission, of, whitewash advertisements are ai­ lowed off the campus only , with the r e r s coticernirg sign building and consent of the owner of the prop- campaigning. ere Bone, co-chair- j sidewalks on in developing the Thursday bv itfie! bolar engines are not a new thing. The first solar engine was exhibited in 1878, when the power of the sun was harnessed to run a printing press. Dr, Daniels said that solar heat- j chases mus mg. rooking, refrigeration and dis­ tillation of sea water are range practical possibilities Ea ch candidate will lie permitted erty on which they are placed. to spend not more than $3u for; Vandalistic destruction of signs m aterials in the campaign. Fur- J w ill entitle the owner of the signs ‘)e ma‘D ; Hemphill s (0 replace them, provided a sketch short- N° ' 3 and bear ltS currenl stam P of the destroyed sign has been pre- viously submitted to the Election He Pledge cards for the blood drive (H airy, not Busby) w a s . sponsored by Scabbard and Blade, quickly re-captured by the lexan national honorary m ilitary frater- oily, will tx* distributed to campus editor and held for ransom, John Land, more Ranger reviews o f' organizations soon, the Texan or else, quoth she. ; publl01ty t.hairman for {he dnve H airy ran be seen Frid ay morning at hts prison window in J B 103-F. said Thursday. or trademark. ; A ll campaigning other than oral Commission. ; campaigning must be approved by tho Election Commission before its use. This includes painted adver­ tisements. chalk-written advertise­ ments. campaign stunts, including serenades, and bands of not more than five instruments. Failure to check these things with the E le c ­ tion Commission shall be grounds for disqualification. O ral campaigning is permitted only in a conversational tone of voice except between ten minutes of the hour and the hour. Mega­ phones may not be used on the campus, and amplifying systems may not be use I at all. Off-campus oral campaigning is permitted by the Constitution of the Students’ Association from noon to 2 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. for not more th in five minutes at a time. Blood Drive Cards f ) i f Q | J 0 v l V v f l U t i l A C andidates are also rem inded that their platform s and picture* are due at the Texan office in Jo u rn a lism Building 103 by noon Mondo v . W om en s PT Director Attending Tulsa Meet Booths will be set up on the cam ­ Miss Anna Hiss, chairman of the of Physical Training the University, is attending the southern district con­ vention of the American Associa- pus near the end of April for is- j Department suance of cards to those not ap- *0: W ° men a* proved E v e ry student is asked to sign up. . to donate a pint of blood to the *!on Austin Blood Bank. through an organization. 1 and Recreation Physical F.duca- I rn Tulsa, Each student under 21 must have 0kla * t0 continue throu« h Frid a *v ’ j The convention meets annually and is an occasion when leaders in physical education may ex­ change experiences and ideas to improve education. written consent from his parents, and those under 18 are not allowed to donate. Those who give blood will receive a credit card which entitles them to a p in of blood from the blood bank at anytime „ w, . , to some organization of one year these credit cards are void. The Student Health Center will take the bbiod from volunteers dur­ ing the first week of May The University vs ill offer a short course rn driver education for teachers from M ay 30 to June 3. Men and women teachers may earn two semester hours of credit foi the classes which will meet from 8 a m. until 5 p.m., Monday- through Friday. F r id a y midnight is the deadline J operation there Registration forms may bp ch­ in Austin w ill he mild tamed from the Extension Teach- for safety inspections The temperature is ex- ing and Field Service Bureau. Di- mobile,-, the Department of Public Due to small funds, the prates- universities is their lack of educt* j peeled to range from 58 to 85 de- vision of Extension, The Univ er­ rs oft pm h a d ’Safety has warned Texas motorists. J sors often had for auto- were founded in the United States, 'great I n h a \ a n n t s i d p . h i m to have outside , don rn these fields Friday, and fair. I c i t w n ) shy of Texas, Austin i i . ' m - e o e glees. t h o c a tn " paying a short and sincere than'the students a condition that fhis^ lvni^ lf to his late colleague. Dr. seems rather strange to modern rn i v t: Extension Division Slates _ _ . \r tile end Driver Education Course ° ‘ , . _ A g a i n s t A g g i e s T o d a y throes of Vs woes- By V I R N E BO VTN U t Texan Sport* Staff The longhorn baseball squad, In the Josie, streak Sn history, squares off against league-leading Texas A&M in the first of a two game sera at College St at, n F n .l v - vt- ■ ■ Texas, which is searching for more plate power to implement Tom Snow s slugging, won’t fir I much incentive fr rn the south; in ­ stants of Joe Hardgr.n e. ace of the Aggie mound corps. Righthander Clinton Irby, wh has been taking his lumps regular of tate. will probably find himself with the unenviable task of silen­ cing the loud-speaking bats of the Aggie sluggers, However, if the 5ant one *eni- r has regained his early seas-rn form, and he is confident that he has, * ie change of scenery and his strong right arm could drop A.vM from its top porch in the conference The Steers have been getting ♦ Item base kn ks but ti coming at inopportune time: inability to deliver in the I with men on bases has . Longhorns decisions whet outhit their op pone r •$. Bright star of the m oi first baseman Snow, who emerged from his hitting with a bang. In Texas’ la; against Baylor, the slug}* n h i h a s th e p o te n tia l to h it th e long ball. More experience should give him consistency in this area. T h e Aggies, who were slated for a showdown fight for the league lead with SMU Tuesday, were r imed out and are presently rn a lie for f rst with the Mustangs, T h e Longhorns, who have made the other SWC members look like mullets for the last tw*o decade* are presently in a battle for the cellar with the pre-season favorite Texas ('IIndian, rite Aggies are 3 0 in conference play and Texas, 1-4. the Steers’s Turn Saturday * battle will probably pit .Kingman I against Je rr y Nelson of the Ag- [ gins It uas Junkman who came in to do a fine relief stint against • Bm lor Yearlings, A g g ie Fish Battle H e re A t 3 Bv JOHN H IL L J E I>x*R Sport* Staff A tight pitching duel between Texas’ Harry Taylor and A LM s Toby Newt on appears in prospect Saturday when the twm schools1 freshman teams clash. Coach Jack Trench’s unbeaten Yearlings tunc!* SWC! play 'n st week with victory over the R ice Owk T ip Fish bring an 0-2 re. Austin which includes bing at the hands of Cubs. ml to i 9-2 drub- the Baylor Center!.elder for the Year will he picked from the ti Palmer’* Fish at C ark Chob® Cc Je rry Planto s. Matthews, darting lineups: 41 4KfINGS The man ......... rn d at 3 p rn. tyler, a highly-regarded pros-; from Poly of Fort Worth • the distance in his only start, ling Travis of Austin to a single four hits while striking . n fifteen. i th*' Aggies* loss to Baylor, .ton relieved in the first inning proceeded to pitch one-hit balli seven and one-third Ie fanning sixteen Cubs. he Shorthorns have a 2-0 m ark: the year. They opened with; : I w in over Travis and started innings P bl W mxf: Wa vn Ladle Ch cho J Oh nr, s at! H arr Steers Whip OU For 4th In Row B aylor Net S q u a d Here Saturday Bv I DDI I IU D U ES Texan! 'p«r1* Muff A blow struck Texas* top-rated netter.* Thursday afternoon at 1’en- ick U hit yet they still whipped a good Oklahoma Sooner tennis squad 6*1 for the r fourth straight victory th* Saturday ferenee pi. The bio vaunted rn of Johnny I exits resumes eOn­ aga in st Baylor here. came when Texas* iFw r one doubles team fernandez and Sammy ell for th- first time < ner’ - combo of find Barry Watrtven horn duo, 6-1 ie only eonsola- :men toc^t home 'he tliis year. Ken Tayk whipped I 6-3 hut til I ion thf* vl with them I? e r n a defending SWC continued t<> fill singles post and polished Mss SOU! , s titles?, to remain when he n. 6-1, 64> •r, absent from yogs because of • bat k in eham- iet?mg John Mar- 64) fashion, cax jv dispensed R is,sell Fuller, *les R u a « o vforan before iweep in the oms, r' l,dj-3. pvo doubles »t newcomers, seal Blanton, eating Fuller ailment ish p toil flown in a v d St the S 6-1 ,k Itll king j ith summer tun T ft for everyon S W I M T R U N K S . . . In tho newest brief styles for men 2.95 5.95 9 95 14.95 . roc S W IM M IN G E Q U I P M E N T b y V o i t T E X A S ’ J I M M Y A D A M S An invasion on the A g g ie s farms SigmaChiHaltsAT O To Highlight Murals By D W F VI T E K Texan Intra m oral Ca-ordlmator Joe Foster s Class A Sigma Chi's downed the ATO 's. 4-2, to high­ light ’mural softball play Tharfc- dav. The winners* John M c C l a i n broke the game up in the bottom of the seventh when he smashed senior fattened his a home run Dick Seizer was the *u '5 doubles and a winning chunker while Ed Haw kin took the loss. Another ou* attempts. der B ill Stanley turn I in a n ss stocky, : UT Links+ers, Favored S M U Play Friday T h e U n ive rsity of Texas golf team faces a showdown with 5. Jth- west Conference favorite Southern M r‘hod st here F r id a y a? the Coun­ try Club, and the Longhorn* are determined not to let their chances slip aw ay.' S t r in g * me is I 15 p rn. A !‘bouch Texas AUM leads mr championship chase at the present the Floyd Add ng* n-ied Mustangs he a rp considered superior. The Lonc- horns trail S M U by a slim or.e- half point ma re m . e r f to the victor of F rid a y ’s m atch, goes the con- ference leadership. leat the T ie ROTC hine of e i ’rn Navy Band Rex w i imi n jj pitchins the S P E s as they Kappa Sigmas ll ROTC silenced th? 14-5. behind the p Stallings. In the last Class A gal walloped WestminSst • r, the strong arm of John and sharp hat who collected plate C am p u s Softball ri*#» X Stsrma Ch! 4. AI pita tau Ort---CS J Sig m a P h i Ep c lion l l . P h i Ka i r * Sigm a o N a v v R O T C 14. ROT C B ane S A S M R 10. W 11Tinsti It Sr Ch.! Gamma Iota over Ah AT. bv default L e .ta Sigm a P l arHSC Kapp a Alt ha 1 ' . A ft PU 'I C ov. - • Kappa Eps on 3 i j * Guild by de- A IM E by de'a. E !a‘ « B A rm y RO TC o\:vt S Spouse* by f a u . t datauU A?- <»rv 5 s'.Ion 5 Coffee Ground# P h i Delta The’a 9, Sigma Alpha Ep- I Davis Love probably will be Coach Harvey* Penick's choice to challenge Addington in the number one match. A confident, slender junior from Denver, Colo*, Love recently played n Tournament at Augusta, Ga. He H O USTO N ?■ -The U niversity of will team w ith K irb y Atwell of Houston in the number one doubles Southern Ca life rn a has I cen s< Ic- t- against Addington and Kenneth cd guest team for the fifteenth an- n la! Southwe?* Corte rem e basket­ Scott. A*-’.cli and Scott will oppose ball tournament. December 28-30, each other two at the Rice Field House. singles the Masters f o r S W C C a g e T o u r n e y (JSC Selected as Guest the number in John P ro c te r of S in Marcos w ill play the number three spot for Texas while Tom m y Towry w ill I occupy ’ he same role for SM U . Against SMU' * r. im ber four man Stewart C arrell, Coach Per.lek will use R a y Leggett of Midland Pete W halev of Marshall. With Texas Christian, The Trojans replace Alabama, guest team Cie past two years. the de­ fending champion, other confer­ ence s- hoots in the tournament v .. : be Arkansas, .Southern Methodist o r . B a ylo r, Texas, Texas A & M and R ice. J-Bet-He* *ley va. Warrent Biland Mr Le mn re vt Htggi Lie "d-Stewart vs I-.ast' - R HOK'KSHOF PITCHING 4 p rn, Os tee vj Freed ma n Baruch vs. Bori Brad? vs Patent Hackney vs Cooper I av .$ vt Bons* tt Harkness vs, Betiinger 4 3 8 p ID Han nan vs Nov. tm We D apper vs Johns n •• s SU C a n e y vs Bal* Pierce v s. B art Malev v» H an W iIt ox vs. H artei I Ha I . o r t on VI. Brasher tv J uchs to ne vs. An- any J act. bs 5-.S8 p m . Davis va. Coulter Ha ; vs. Soh - maker Lev -» v - Gibbon? y O ve rt-Ht vs Thur.r v K eith vs < "rule; field E ru s-n h sn i vs. C’fossnsn F-Msy. A p r* IS, le s s THE D A W TEX AM Papa J ■JUST OVER- W ill N e w R u le s Affect C a g e P l a y ? W ith IU H M K BRO W N OI the Ti*san Sport* St.xff Tho first work of spring basketball training Is almost over and one fact is ra*b. r evident. Both Kenneth Cleveland and Barr> Dowd, two b et-shot guards up from Marshall Hughes’ | freshman team, a rr going to give starters John Schmid and Not mart Hoot en a run for their money, Dowd and the be-1 spectacled Cleveland h a y I — rM-apgi— i Texas Shorthorn bBsketlAU team m a y well be surprised by the thew* M j m I 9 S I taste r,: ■ oxy * KENNETH CLEVELAND . . , Best study, then play v a rsity they ret their fir*! t ten are of bali ' ’.ary basket ba art Steers the .• r .mon th-.* ?h< se h lid mg Hi'.’ have a tough I b.g t • men . . Migtit he nome indies- Mon of what is to come for Texas basketball by the fx ir visitors or c h rnp i s tu*ing the T t xa s ReI a vs Among the four were a 6-' lad from Graham two 6-6 men from West Texas, and a sriaii 6-3 boy from the eastern part of the state . . . . T h ere « mans a amiKnc far e around Conch Marshall Hughes s off;ca ihe-e days lf seems that a eartairt 6-6 high school junior pivot from OU’ of st. te has received cage offers from Kentucky', Du­ quesne. and Ok th'>m i A i M es well as three SWC schools, but has his heart *et or, coining to Austin . . . m When aopimmorf pitcher Gary Gurxvitz made his first varsity appearance against he was Oklahoma University rapped pretty hard After giving third str cht hit. up his the chunker from T h n e e Rivers motioned cs‘cher Tommy LeBleu ou* to the ti and said Gurwitz “ that's three straight hits off me, Tommy,"* “ Yeah I know ’* said LeBleu, * and erne more will make four." When Gurwiht finally retired the side, Coach Faulk beckoned LeBleu over to his side. Asking the senior what Gurwitz had on the ball. Faulk received I don't know Coach. Not one ball has got to me yet.” . . . . A m-w ra le set up by the N C V A m ay hurt the big men rn college I .‘■kef ba Ii. seconds have elapsed. According to the change. the free lane w ill be w idere J to throw three feet but still boe ve second rule of getting r I of the ball w ill f ' ply, All-Southwest Con­ feree.; e s o p h o rn o r e Raym ond Downs is having a rather hard • me adjusting himself to the new 12-foot free throw lane, but don bet that Ray mend won't break the 20-pi rn m ark every game next >e?.r . Men like T C I "* great Dick O ’Neal won’t be bothered 8* much by the widening cf the lane since most of O'Neal's hooks are scored from deep on either side of the basket out J the free throw lane . . . . Another rule put in is that no effect by the NCAA player m ay hold the ball longer than five seconds with a man w ith­ in three fee* of him. I* make* no different e if the p!=r er is dribbling or standing '■till, he must net have possession cf the ball after five this answer. “ Gosh, “ Jolly the it Mural Schedule SOFTBALL CUM A ? P IE. vt A IT" T. Pi Kapp* Airt.* vt Delta Chi Pr*Os? r v*. Rc tier11 Oak Grove v* LF.- A Amery vt I E 8 P Eft. .-* •relay v% Been H o-'# t v * Claw B 4 pm Bata That* PI Tau Kappa Bps Ion \ s S gnu Chi 5 sm t 5 pm. S *ma Phi Epa t • I Alp- - a Ep* - F L am oda Chi Alpha va Delta I paiion Alpha Ta i Or ?ga vt Sigma Nu TI NM- DOI BLES C la-# A i p rn vt Blae P.ahb-A. {*■ n vs B it icwell-Harr*’ Greve-Korzekw* vt Henderson-’.vyU o a Daktl-HanC.-ej vs. S?«rs-l^v! -G . atar A f i on-Jct. rings vs. W il!.ara*-B«ck«r I . ipson-Middleman 6 pm Gasunan-Cttz.er vs Pfteffer-Knaggs G ernarlt-K ; s vs. Co. in*-Armers.- r. B r o wring-McGraw vs Rov- e-Cc gdell Green-Bre»-t-r vs Renouf-Oliphant Mitelman-Zoblot'-ky vs. w inner Finger* Norman Levinson-Ijpvv Thorntoft-Balrd vt Clark-Sm ith > ergusoivO iftoa vs. A.ien-Fears Gillette-NIorwootf vs. Harreli-Gregg Carter-Cooper vs Furr-Te«# Tennis Schedule I r«-fc,hi*j» a I : S© p.rn B a rn e tt vs Fra n k! Bt ken vs Wood­ son; Knapp vs W oodw ard 4 I.ft P DR Ever el*. \x P -r r XnAerEon v* Caf- roll W a lk er vs, Pc; looks cooler- is cooler! Light but sturdy, cooler and drier, sweet and satisfying •AJUSTQMATIC' (patented screw bit) 52.95 DELUXE w j $ 1 . 9 5 Wrote KAKSEAtlf •OWLS 9 5 CmcH I M P O R T E D B R I A R Presenting... the c o m p le t e line of J o c k e y Jockey Civ..'ti iocktf T-Sk.fU Jockey Shorts $ 120 Jockey T-shirts $ 125 Jockey C ontoured Shirts u n d e rw e a r lr — Custom swim fins of pure gum green rubbey Custom fitting by shoe s zes , . . S-M-ML L, 8.95 Adjustable swim fins I" natural q roe rn Separa*e straps with s>de 5.95 bucces. Sues M L. « . %■ H ER B E*! CO.. lac. IA I libyan* S4m< Ham Tori U , H I kaktj Cofttcur#o vat nj 2 2 7 0 G u a d a lu p e Custom a be* r green maslt with oval dear mass or pias­ tre < , 2.95 and 3.95 Viking blue mask with dear mm- lens. d e !uxe pered safety glass 4.95 metal fittings, Standard sand ycdyw mas? with large ova! clear glass or ember plastic tens, 3 95 Sporting Goods, Second Floor F n d a y A p r*' '5 1955 ""H E D A 5L Y T E X A N P a a e I M i r a c l e F a b ric — Dacron and Wool Slacks -SPORTS WHIRL Run Two Races In 24 Hours? W i t h M C K J O H N S O N — — CM lh** Texan S M H * staff — Through tho years Texas’ Longhorns have turned in con­ sistently good exhibitions at the three m ajor rela y attractions of the nation—-the Texas, Kansas, and D rake Relays. Y e a r after year coveted triple crowns have fallen toward the Orange and W hite as the Littlefield-coached harriers take championships in each of the* giant relav carnivals. sun- to fly to I Mila • Friday nude In 1954 four triple crowns were m time to c a w * the Saturday qu-d- captured by the Longhorns. I >ean ran^u- !i ni,H Hl hsK lr Smith turned the tuck in the IOO- yard dash and Bob Billing >4 did it in the high jump tied for the number one s*>t in and I j liar' r< ar. the K a n sa s lh iv e\ents were r a p t o r e d bv the tradition of « xeelh O ran g e at the three gi rns r e la y tug-' tit the I trek* But even if tbw c a rn iv a ls If such art entry is af. ail possible it certainly v. nu i i be a worthwhile thou ch he WHI venture. It would k* -p Texas’ long ! us ti e Drake serve the xaa show- Two W k y a rd < arni\ u s u u But rh*- Steers' absence this yeas a 1 Des Moines' Drake Relays rub out any possibility of th** three- w ay sweep this year Tire Dallas Invitational Track and Field Meet pits Texas, Southern California, S M I and B v t * AAM on the same week end of th** Drake all »sr. is rn the I 'rake- I' im crown A&.M s c ra t k .1 of a second < m ark in w nm '■■■ moo, B W n m I it M K I s k l 4 of a There IbJger Bennist**-. is talk how#*et considered Texas entry m the Des Moines many experts as ■'he gi* 'Test rt meet although no official word has u history confident, predicts been received. That entry would Santee will turn tis** ti k in probably be a sprint re la y com- neat bination the lack of ,;ood com De;,"ho;- * outstanding middle dis is the t a r e runners and sprinters The thing that has held the brill *pnnt relay event is. a F r id a y after- Kansas mile!' T om die sub- n< - >n af fair at Drake. wht< h would r f m ak e ii puss hie for the Ste e r four- lion Ba nm Ste that woui I Santee’s include future think ! time, f is made was triple Ofda boma rn- within the world W h y do more H o m e r - l e d V i c t o r i e s P a c e M a j o r L e a g u e s B roo klyn s Don N ew co m b ?, who is recognized as a pit.-her, turned his talents to slugging at New York Thursday when he stroked runs two home the r todgers to a 10-8 victory over the G ian ts in the N atio nal League. in hurling their In another battle of homers, the third took Chicago Cubs straight National League gam* 6-4 over Cincinnati, while the St. Loins Cards used an eleventh in­ ning homer by rookie Bill Virden to edge Milwaukee s Br yes S.? Another homer started a three- run winning uprising for Philadel­ phia b k the Phillies defeated Pitts­ burgh 4-3. W illie Juries was the lad who Diked the left field wall, th* blast over The Am erican League had hom­ ers a L o which counted heavily in lim Pierson the victory margins md Sammy White hit one apiece s Boston defeated the New York Yankees, 8-4; a game-turning blow by Bob Nieman led Chicago over Kansas City, 7-1 . and XI Smith’s roundtripper gave Cleveland a 3-3 verdict over Detroit Big League Barometer B i Th** A*«mm ,*t<*d Pr**-- N A T IO N NL L l X iii I VA I, m IR V M I H K \ \ LE Vt.I r. e n VV I GB UT Softballers Try Ags Today The University of Texas All-Star softball team w ill journey to Col­ lege Station Frid ay to play a strong Texas AA M mn** header, starting at 7 p m. in a double; The Aggies beat the I .longhorn softballers last >e«r in the Inter­ collegiate Tournam**n? hold in Aus­ tin Infielder Delano Womack pitcher Gwynn Teague, an! catcher Bud­ dy McCauley base been added to last the roster Returnees yea- are B ill Bond, T. J . Red. Ro vs Vick. K 11 V V I B l -I I I I ll I H-n V V - Kl - I I T - I urn v v s I. \ in - 'f < " tar rum v v > «. v aii s ■it por)pi ■ <-Oi v* n I ■ c (14- O pen: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday Sift VV>«1 Iflth st Corner ATTENTIO N C O L L E G E STUDENTS Free To W o rk Full Time This Summer In Texas * college men and EARN $1500°° BY SEPTEMBER • W rin k le Proof • C o o le r Com fort • Longer W e a rin g Smartly styled with continuous waistbands and deep pleats • C harcoal • Platinum • Cocoa • Black • Beige • Navy For persona! interview ca!! 6-436! Between 8 and 0 a.m. - I 2 to 2 and 4 to 6 p.m. Friday E S I B H B E 2 S 3 611 CONGRESS No Experience Necessary No Travel No Door To Door C A R IM P O R T A N T ! rn \ -- •<«■ * % J- I c f ■ ' 4 * 1 i t V- I - women smoke VICERO than any other filter cigarette? BECAUSE ONLY VICEROY GIVES YOU A PURE, NON-MINERAL, NON-TOXIC FILTER WITH 20,000 FILTER TRAPS IN EVERY FILTER TIP! "I Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,(KHI tiny filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action in any other agartltc. Besides being non-mineral and non-toxic, this cellu- lo*e-acetate tilter never shreds or crumble . The \ iceroy filter wasn’t just whipped up and rushed to market to meet the new and skyrocket mg demand for filtered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more than JO years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. Smokers en masse report that filtered Viceroys have a finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich, satisfying, yet pleasantly mild. Viceroy draws so easily that you wouldn’t know, • without looking, that it even had a tilter tip . . . and Viceroys cost only a penny or two more than ciga­ rettes without filters! T h at’s why more college men and women smoke VICK ROYS than any other filter cigarette. . . that’s w hy VICKROY is the largest-selling filter cigarette in the world! A 5 20,000 T I N Y FILTER T R A P S . . . plus Richer, Smoother Flavor rn I Cotton Sport shirts C o m p le te ly W ashable $395 mumm Thousands of cool cotton short sleeve sport shirts in every concievable color and pattern await your choosing at this low price! Hand­ somely tailored in all the new collar styles. .Merritt H S chaffer 611 CONGRESS E.(Jay. A pr* 15 1055 THE DAILY TEXAN! Psq* Foreign Students A C h a l l e n ge T o ih r E d it o r : N ecessity d e m a n d s that a foreign the a rtic -’s •ta d r* co m m en t on by foreign a u th o rs which have ap­ p eared sp o ra d ic a lly in The D aily T e v m . Such a rtic le s do no c xxi to aiwan® an d se rv e o n h to s tir up ill will. TH J K F VKI s n O F S T S here from all p a rts of th e w orld; to m * com e w ith g re a t ideals w hich they expect to s >n; se e accom plished. * m e h a v e po id eals w h atev er and no concept < n of th e work and be­ h av io r exp ected of th* rn. but, th ere a re a handful w ho a re so full of com plexes they c a n 't give any. -re a b re a k These few a re th e triv ialities of e a g e r to exploit ev e ry d a y life in o rd e r to d iscred it th e fra ils of so ciety for the >< f* ishness a n d p la in stupidity of the Vt th a t lew re a d u m uch the lire We v ee Wa cri I * * F< Am tole for toe an* I I ie I som e coun- g r e a T- M VV i < o v u m i a rtic le You, Mr ith nd vc the > a be' F i r i n g L i n e • Tuition • Parking for coffee o r tea , sit with an students You xx ill not be rd. A lot of us would Uke et more of you. but we a re a too VV* like the old a un i sh nu ms Airier re lect lo nu hit • I fam iliar « orb: J At ”K LOV INO Appreciated Criticism Editor I , 1 vt h "few th ey a re who find th e m " In m y six ye ;rs in this country I have found the freedom, liberty , and h ig h er equality, d e m o c ra t; of. But. I tell e d u c a ! *n y ai spe a k can p u rc h a se v o u . m y friend y et corner d ru g - none of th e se at th store, n o r do they < com e in a ne it ve live w ith n u x,igo You h a \( port int y :ni hav e them , an d m o re un truckle for th em to love there, am! > rn your v e ry in >rdor to m ake own t ' W E VI L a proof l l VV t of adat a st ITO f que •red cpi th e i > V O thirough Mon wht'ne*. * r r own I de sn a ! w nor! tv re fu se Hat i. ti T o th e In reply t Y VU a- if * nd (here t ;■ .ct wh» *' V'Wrerned 1>(f in the leg islatu re ' t r a i n- w e v e r y very few * will be m ore ib**ut Rte --? vndards of thev uifike po®* m iv e r - ag it,a* education which it Tx th*', th? hav c \ I I’K L S l A I is we res or w ho h pix Wake but I re Al AMAYO A pology T o th e , rn T I -111-• r : Higher Tuition Th th** I til ti li­ •OBY IDI 'I I th e any RAY d ll IA * I d it o r 's X rf. "L c IL* i>.' Bill I f S aponsiir*-*! bv K*‘pr*'s*-ntativ e» J, i> mein be re of the House, is tti<> only bill inthe 1/ gikliture alined at Inc reasing tuitlton.) (.ill hr* rn and s**ven other S Pidgeon-hole Parking ?♦ v- *t A ie t- To the Editor: ie I The park rig probU rn or ^ Two walls are too much safety. U n fa it /? L on( I C I St/j/c C i l l More th an STXAX) was paid in forfeited deposits in University dorm itory units last year. Cf this amount. $ 1,660 w as collected in the m en’s and women’s tri-dorm s. These are the only U niversity dorm ' unit? that have nine-month contracts. The purpose of a contract is supposedly to guarantee the landlord (in thi** case, the food and housing sen d ee) against losing lare* amounts because of cancel- lations. The tri-dorms do not need such insurance. the dorm itory units In the firs* place, collected as excess last year was irs $107,501.57. Surely, then, ‘he uncollected money tha* would result from tri-dorm students' being able to move a* mid-term without p na tv would not r in tm bude If a contract is needed t*< insure against unexpected vacancies, there is no need in this case. Spring would be the only semes­ ter affected bv the change. This spring there are three vacancies in the women's tri-dorms and file in the men s. N ex t year there will be at least 1.000 more students. Not only will e v e n room be filled, but there will be a waiting list. Many of th e student? who w ant to live In U niversity housing will have to find living space elsewhere. If the room s are detent rooms, they will be filled. Blanton Hall will m ake more space for women hut it w on't arain the halls of A ndrew s and Carot her?. There a re m any reason? people need or want *o chance *o another living un a. Some cannot study r ecau.se of a noisy room m ate or loud next-door neighbors. Some w ant to move into a sorority or fraternity house or live with a particular friend who cannot get into the full dormi­ tories. D ietary conditions affect others Simple dislike of tho living unit influences still others. Why should these poop!* he forced to stay or fork up S20 when o ther people are eager to move in at m id-term ? If the student must pay his >70 to leave at mid-term and a new person m o \^ in im m ediately, the money h a s no function other than to accumulate bigger excesses in the coffers. P erhaps the nine-month contracts were needed when they were installed, if the U niversity area was not over-crowded. But now they are antiquated, outdated, and unfair. I Here thouing to takt a t m id-term . n o re--.- cot an. A*,’e basis fc .hose who rn O ne-sem ester contracts a re the only fair a rran g em en t for tri-dorm ? occupant? hid the C M ? I C i \ S . The annual Silver Spur and Mike Flynn aw ards for the most outstanding students on cam pus will almost alway.-, unavoid- a b h , go to students who started in the U niversity as freshmen. Unavoidably because in a school ‘his size a student's basic connections and as­ sociation? must be m ade early to allow for a later increase in scope But both these and the D a d s Day aw ards leave unrecognized m any who tra n sfe rre d here as sophom ores and jun­ iors, but have still m ade their niche in cam pus life and have given long hours of service to this institution. The recent presentation of the Scar­ brough Award for excellence in teaching points up another blank spot in the Uni­ versity system of recognition. The aw ard is for faculty members in the College of A rts and Sciences. The teachers in the College of Education, ('oi­ ler' of l in e Arts, and o th er specialized areas a re left unrecognized. lose S eparate aw ards in ever;, col!* :< would the individuals soon “tu rn ’' passed to unqualifi d because of a narrow field of choice. their sigr AT-anee when But students and faculty alike should give some serious thought as to how rec­ ognition can be spread to tra n sfe r students —COPELAND and m ore teachers. T h e T e x a n qficiaf 7LIU13 O p in io n - t i p r t s M d bx C he I » -\a n a r e n o t a c c e s t v a r il' o f th e a d m i n h stra H on, oth* r I n iv e r a it v o f f i c i a l s , o r jo r ity o f th e s t u d e n t s . t h o s e t h e m a ­ I stun. stuaent newspaper pf .u*tir dally except Saturday. The D»U> Suhitsnea iii y Tf'Vsx St* .en! H ub.*-?*Livr.^ th* Nevi'i, c o '•* 4hiptto M *’! we * c ep te o oy • d it o m o lives JE ll ; os the « vs • bore tory JE IW Inc u lr«» en*, item to ti.* .j*e it a t not o th e n s .s e cred ited r e d i i f to rot repu b ii'-atio n In tm * Rig.* u Representee! to t N at ■ Advert - t x ny x en o n s? A d vertisin g S erv ice ©nil*®* Publishers Representative. inc tau M adison Ave ■ * * fo r a . N t . C h ic a g o - uo. ubb - *-o& A n . ; * . — San rrarw isco A»n>< air* * «.i « e hi* hr,** vt* WHI it first Cia**' KIHM S i n l o l l BA r Ka *t ai mu nj »at»wrtpti«» — I lire# Mantas* verre in a -. u n EiBi.ec ’n Ans:.a Maned ou! o! lo w # ............... * V me ntn .............. ............................. JEW month nvvUft ................... .. * •• .* . . I E d it o r -in-I ii (e t N ig h t E d it o r IR-xk t A H o r N ig h t E c p o r i t r t . . . P E R M A N E N T > 1 A I T S H I K L F V S I H I *t bi Corr Apr I 30 OO i o n THIN ISS! I M V I ! .................................................................i i m m i e M c K i n l e y .......................................................... J E A N s t HW AHT/, Shirley Strum , R uth Prouse. Caro] Sutherlan d Jo an n e Copeland Marx Ja n e R aw lins, D otty L e v e re t, C arl But gen Bob K r.g h t, A rn o ld Rosenzweig, J C . C oulden C o p y r e a d e r s Night .Sfiorts E d ito r ........................................ A ssistan ts .......................................... Night A m u s e m e n t s - Editor A ssistan ts ....................................... A nn ette Sm ith, L uke I- P a tre n e lla Night W ire E d ito r Night Society Editor .................................... Nigh! Fairchild Operator............................................. Dew© E.an* V erne B oatner. N ick Johnson .............................*......................... *....................... N ancy P age Med* Miller E ddie Hughes ■if! • alp s n i mg i j'. late J rn' on hP t T est v. Room ijfjl. few j:mn - st and *-..ar t,-. .Service P for* Apr; in t or n » ti') may tx* Guide net- th* Resist y I 5055 (T h is le st 'or entering Grad- Bus:rn m Adrriinia- •!,ver;..t> of Fex&s, ColISjfe A dm tfsm ij ‘i red in M H all, atu rd a y May 7, BKS. . SN a n A j. pile at tuna in fee mil: ’ be re- Kdut<• Iio nai T e s tin g ton S . J . or. or b<- B u lletin s o f rf a p p lica tio n blanks ti B t ir e T estin g and hi V Hall WI, or a t Off ii * \ . ADDER SO N ’;'>5" Ass x*;j fit J I re- tor Te*ti-.i., a nd G uidanee Bureau R«:ord •. en on Evant! na- Saturday, T he sc h e d u le b elo w « i d be fb i- low erf 8 4 5 a t m , - C a n d id a te s report (A p ti­ tu d e T e s ts , 12:15 p rn —( V i e o f sessio n I .Ut p rn.—O r d :date> report vane ed " est > 5 15 p rn.— A ppro .im a te c l o s e o f seas on iA d - In fo rm a tio n c o n c er n in g the G rad­ uate R ecord E x a m in a tio n s may ne obtained bv <-aliiny a t 'hi o ff.re of Ute l o : n e .mo ( .uidan«e B ureau, Vr 2b I. R egistration Ii ail. R oom closes A pril 15 1955 Lillian Ornish GORDO • I ANDER SO N A ss is ta n t D ir ec to r Te»Ung and O -.iunts Jinx eau , , IO d ij. Around the World in Quite a Dale Busby Versus Health Marquis cf Queensbury Rules B x K H l l V K !) B t 'B V 0 r 1 bt “ B t ;k. O to l f y o u ’r e break pc iv ho “ h asn 't be* *k Sri d a y in his life He doe’-r ; cf tint ) lik e m e w h e n m u re s ic k , y o u g e t g r o u c h y a n d u r u in p i a n d “ h a r d liv e w i t h ” a s it V o n m y r o o m m a t e e x p r e s s e s th e w o r ld f e e ! Ilk*- e v e r y o n e )<»ve, L w r o n g h u t y o u (a n d b i th e y a r e to p m for e v e r y t h in g t h e y ’v e d o n e to y o u in y o u r w e ll o r n o n sit W d a y * . t o o ) a n d y o u w a n t t h e m h a c k in The Hr lith C o r‘cr is the ' ‘lace fo r you to go p an es in t ♦ No o th e r place I ’ve e v e r been the H ealth C en ter. is quite Eke If you hair* nevi,- <■!'• ■ *• ! its : r -in the doors glass-p an ed doors ha - Health re n t'"' oh ;■ uk! and you are nearin g th at re­ im be* ic period to a? “ G rad u atio n T im e ." fe r r e d erything «preferably on your t) ? od high­ tail It to th a t House of M irth and ‘he H ealth C enter. Round M re on: y o u r colL gc c a re er. Y ou're paying for it. n quick, m an d r o p sneeringly IT I n e v e r f o r g e t th*- flrM t im e I w > nt in t h e H e a lth ( e n t e r . It w a x m y f ir s t d a y a t T h e I n i i e r - lo o k in g fo r x lty o f T e x a s . I w a s th e J o u r n a l i s m B u ild in g , hut I to o k a w r o n g tu rn on S< ie n c e R o w . c in I w alked in, gaping, and w as pro p erly im p ressed . N w as not un­ like any jo u rn alism building I had I had n ev er ev er seen, be a use jo u rn alism building. seen a n y I s lino ‘wha* else?) and a kindly w om an rolled u p m y sleeve and v a c c in a te d me ag ain st sm all­ pox 'I h a v e to laugh, At the tim e I m ista k en ly the w om an thought w as th e R ep o rtin g Lab supervisor who h ad an overdeveloped love o f I seri­ san itatio n a n d cleanliness ously co n sid ered c h a n g i n g n y m a jo r a t th a t m om ent. I could go this sa n ita tio n up to a point, but a fte r t h a t —w ell I had a fe a r of n eedles. But, I w as young.) fe w m in u t e s I h a d In a l»e#*n v a c c i n a t e d a g a in s t s m a llp o x , h ad b e e n th e y c h e s t X r a y e d , a n d w e r e j u s t a b o u t to ta k e o u t m y a p p e n d ix w h e n I o v e r h e a r d s o m e ­ o n e s a y h e w a s f r e p o r t e r fr o m T h e D a ily T e x a n a n d w o u ld lik e to p ic k u p th e S ic k L ist. T h e n I k n e w . I w a s n o t in th e J o u r n a l­ is m B u ild in g . P e r h a p s I W o u ld n ’t ch a n g e na y m a j o r ju s t y e t . I m a d e m y decision (I h esitated b ecau se I re a lly would like to hav e th a t ap pendectom y, but a t had th at I tim e p o d m y fe e s—th at I w as keeping thar H ealth C en ter in bi>iod> and said, “ E x cu se m e ,” and ma.de m y I didn t know until H ut fin a lly c a m I w a s t o g o t h e n I CM n • \ p o te d ti Li vt m y s e l f j q f c r r c il t o , ais*t I p Here.”) N ii I H I iv f th* day w h e n a s \ P a t i e n t , m ilk , th e s i * k is s o m e t i m e s T e­ a s “ VI h a t L e e s Ct k nit that of all scare m e the th e pi I q IU kf - is one So m e­ in me. As soon a s I. h i n g h oc • B a n g !- I’m a ! enter to v I don t w an t d if f e r n walk u I kill at desk, so m yself v ; ?h:s tim e t -rv h a ppen tm* I m frig h ten ed ) ft cr a drink of w a te r, by go 11 i * * > fountain frig h ten s But th tiBH t he rfesk m e m o i e v er seen those BC I! n e fount?, ii You stick your w hole body into the w all—which is rid icu ­ lous a - w ell as danger! is—just to I a l­ e o f a lousy dr.nk of w ater w ays rn think I'm going and dro w n and I ca n 't even en jo y m y w a te r, w hich I didn't w ant in th firs! pi?*-* F in a lly I m o x e i up to flu d e s k . d e t e r m i n e d fa t s * f r o n t . I n o t ic e th a t n o n e o f th e r e c e p t i o n i s t * a r e w a t c h in g , s o I t b u n te r f u r i o u s l y h a n g on w ith m y s a y m e r a n d o v e r in n u m in d , “ L i v e Us s o m e s e r v i c e . ” X lady com es up and holds five big p ad s in h er hand, sp read out " P ic k a c a rd ,” she say s. I like I sign m y nam e and sh* pi* k. the W aiting tells m e in Room (w hich could be a story in itself) I w ait in (he W aiting R oom . I sit in a sc hool desk and e x p e lf a p ro cto r to pate up and down th e finger, a n d to pu t on a to w ait to fall in d e x fun Mf In •n T h e n th e d o c t o r p l a y s a g a m e c a lle d “ W h e n I ( a ll Y o u r N a m e , ti o u T ry t o I n d e r s t a n d if y o u d o n ’t u n d e r s t a n d y o u r n a m e it k c a l l e d , o f t e n th r o u g h w h e n a b ig w o o d e n d o o r , t h e n y o u h a v e t o g o lo th** e n d of t h e h o e . 'I*- FmaLly I vet in to cc the d- "or. it And I forget w hat m e. Sometime - I th in k I had rathe r be sick is wrong w a n d ;T SOM E NEV ; M LN T wether le tte r a! is signed "WL w as w alking d i the Spud-Nut “ ALREADY ME NEWS DL PAR I received a it w “ i f I t sa id A s I toe alley behen about I IO a rn, las; T u p ''1. I carne up on w hat I thought w as a delinquent w heel from the -Soap Box D erby, a t h in g s , B u t n o. It w a s a r e e l o f film film can. in , o! a ll H o ld in g u p a f r a m e t*> th e fu m e d t o w e r V iodin th o trail* r “ R H O P R E S E N T S : Met P i l o t . ’ “ A t t a c h e d v v a s t h is n o t e , in th e i a g ile ly f a m i l i a r si ipt o f H o w a r d H u g h e s : “ I f a n y o n e finds th is , p lea s* e d it " I r e a d l i g h t s , ♦ ONE TWO Bl CK L E MY HORS ES HOE D E PA R T M E N T As I pas-ed the Dolt house at to I a . rn hi* o th er n ig h ' my w andering e y e s should a p p ear? Some boys pitching horseshoe-! by the lig h t of an au to m o b ile pointed th*- right way. • - .* Do i think h s stra n g e far boy* I .'5 cents. to he pit* hing ho rsesh o es at a .m .? 5'e s. But I won l l j J O Ttunnies re ar D arr*1!! Jones * am p Fern 84u n h a ts . T exas, m il be on to e c a .:,pu T uesd ay. April 19, to inter- for counselor p o sitio n s v |( th is sum m er C am p d a te s : J u iy 39- A igust in em ploym ent Bur* au , th*- S tu d en t I', ir* * H ail V £. Make appointm ent* roen in terv iew and L tuna el Hill, aA*.i«?ant auperln- f.ubbtx-k J* ibfic B* nools, t* r dent j>ro*p*-‘ i e i c n v e n - w ill ta i in T e a c h e r P la cem en t Service H olton ‘jot, on Friday morning, A pril 15, to 11:30 on ly B eg in n in g fro m 9 sa la r y w ith a bachelor s d e g r ee is go '•*«) m a s te r’s S3.SSS secondar teachers In te r este d registrants, should ca ll ■ ny Sutton 2. , % s e c r e ta r ia l i>*c lio n s (ff-iTiiiic; e x p e r ie n c e 3 R ecreation w o r k e rs < a se w ork­ ers (m ale and fe m a le ) Must have training or in gi<»i:p leadership, m u sic, drannatics si<*’«’Ch, sports, en te r ta in m en t a re rh U ra n ia q u alification s. S a la ry r a n g e $230-325. M aintenance is pro v id ed overs*'*** em ployees in a d d itio n to th eir sal- is ar- U niform allow a n n o f $100 granted new «-r»tplo> *-<-s Mak* ;*!>- point! i*»nts and pick u p a p p lic a tio n s in the stu d e n t i.m p io j m e n t iiu rcau , Pearce Hall 106 lr Mr W. L G unn, C am p T am m l Bani, near DhIIu w ill be on the cam pus th e a fter n o o n o f April 21 to interview m en as c o u n se lo r - Make th e app ointm en ts .Student E m ­ ploym en t Bureau P e a r c e H all 106. it in Mr. T ex R o b ertso n , r a m p I*ong- th e < a m p u l the h o n v ill be on in terview afternoon of Apr,) 20 to m en as c o u n selo rs M ake appointe m ents in the S tu d e n t Lmpioy mer# Bureau, P ea l ca H a il 10& P o go By W alt Kelly Yan / 7 C T T Z : ~ I **Q ** HO - TV > A V -ar * I 11 u p a M g a i g ' A g r ; - ; : r ; - - $ ^ 6 A s t c's a** - ^ L I - i?i6MT rH g S g ,” ^ - A '. A ? T A a. 5 £ ------ CBCAX FH O JBC nuO - - - f t ‘ R A ' ) ’ W H A T ' J •ji j j .if t v i j p i > I---- - iO pe at p so je c riL io A r : - a e a , a , . . - . , - w o p p / a s h o t : ‘*0* P O * r SLG HCH S A Y ? ' AD CP SMOKE A s - - s a : ? - ' P ' 7 a SAPE { .: f , A*A" SC- FLT an'— z ip h r z w j / r ' r —r ' e Zee * 'A A ■ ^ *-: - a a : a - *r. r e . r c . 'c s \ L \ TVrai i f e C ' >■ ’J e ^ s r x ; - ,v c -sc , : . 7 - X £ i - / r s # v i - T E X A N C R O S S W O R D A ( R f > - S I, V erdure 5. M ark of an injury 8 Sac red picture I Rusk. Ch.) IO M inute skin fY**vAn$n£r I ! , Disclosed 12 Near (poet.) 14 Single unit 15. Portion of a curved hoe 16. (dreck let!* r 17 Sewed with long. loose stitc h e s 20. Roman poet 22 Concealed 2 i symbol of marriage 2 ‘ Helper 2’ faxim 2 itciopm (A f r ,) 29 F ria r’* title SO. On the ocean SI S ugar-cane shoot J '. N eu ter pronoun 36 Jap an ese sh ru b 38. Km [ Joy 39. M* ther- of- pearl 41. Dim inutive of Anne 43, Fart, o f speech 44. h . *;nch city 45 Throw 46, M imicker DOWN ‘ j I Goddess of the hunt i ‘ 19 Ok ’dea of healing (Norse, 21. By way of 24. One** more 25. A moment 26. Owing 27. Constel­ lation 29 Back 32. Unit of weight 33. Variety cf willow 2 Fields 3. Spawn of fish 4 Conclude 5. Box scien­ tifically 6 A covenant 7. Part of “to be’’ 8 Harvesting ll . B .y’s nickname 13. Long, narrow < O vation rf land 15 h ind the sum of 18. A d ic t i o n a r y / / / - i 9 24. B om 37. Lairs 49. Cry of a dove 41 M iscellany 42 Pinch 4 h " ts I 8 f / . y y IO ii! I I 14 17 % 24- lh & 55 59 is Y/( rf? ie 20 / / / / / / / / r f 23 f % 2to us 29 3 i i YA 3 / % 41 44 46 I I % % 46 a J 44 1 / / / 21 / / / Wi 52. 3 5 $ 4 % % A Cryptogram Quotation M E Y R J T I P C E O . I Q M Y J T U O A K Y T U - <2X I Y, I Y S J A Y ! I Y S J A Y !—Q P T P O Y Q Q P g Director M rs. M, J , M cKee of Dallas* di­ rector of Province X IV of Delta Zeta sorority will visit the local ^fcibapter Friday through Mood.iv for a series of individual conferences w ith initiates and pledges and meetings with the Austin almanac She will be Joined here Saturday J . Blan chi, also of by Mrs. T. Dallas, who uhs appointed last year to the Delta Zeta National Council as director of college mem­ bership Mrs McKee will mu et with the Austin alumnae hoard on Frid ay evening and w ith the sorority chap­ ter Monday evening M rs, Bian* hi to Visit D Z ' s porahon Board of Dire* tors; and M*Kee-Thompson and Associate* Joanne Copeland and Carol Rem- She was nerving the sorority as haekel, president and treasurer of regional alumnae dire* tor of eight south and middlewestern states the U T Delta Zeta chapter. Mrs. M cKee, a graduate in .jour- until her appointment as dire* fur nalism from Kansas State College I of Texas college chapters. She is also a member of the New at Manhattan and a former grad- Fashion Group, Dallas yale student at the University of Y o r k Wisconsin, is an active participant branch; the D A R . Theta Sigma in her husband’* advertising agen- Phi, and two Dallas golf assoria cy. holding a vi< e-presidency in tions for women. SAE House Dedication n of the new Sigma Ralph R Carlin, district pre' Ion fraternity house to • dent of the fraternity from Ok) 4 p.m. Saturday marks boma City, and Leo S. Cade i budding pro [erf which Oklahoma City, a national off ic* [inning iii 1940. Judge J a m es V house which wag com- McClendon of Austin who hi h i :p,ed on Jan u a ry 27. served his fraternity hi years, y ated ai W ext Twenty-. be presented to the chapter : a pot rah of A buffet supper w ill be held f* Lon Tinkle To Address PBK Banquet Don Tinkle, profe-,sor of French of .Southern Methodist University and literary editor of the Dallas Morning News, will speak at a banquet honoring vpnng initiates ♦ of Phi Beta Kappa Tuesday. In- ■ alation ceremonies w ill also be held. The hang ie* w ill be held at 6 30 p m. in the English Room of Texas Union Reservations m ay be made until noon. April 18, with the sec- j re*ary in Main Building 2408 or by calling 2-2188 Any Phi Beta Kappa ; m e m b e r whether active the is in­ I University chapter or no* to attend and bring his vited in Labovitz Speaks A t Hiliel Friday Dr. Eduard Micek Predicts F-iday, Xo'tt IS T955 THE D A ILY TEXAN Pa<» % rn un. " Y ” the Russian people as ie j loved and trusted the told ges. if. itorship will ler than to the left,” lean to soldiers because he i< “ The Soviet arm y ic "because I do not sha! Zhukov,” D r M hukov is a true Com- “ I think it very possib w ill be a revolution in Russia and studied Zhu* that Zhukov w ill be in power.” knows that Although Prem ier Nikolai Bul- y Ic dei of ga nm hates Zhukov, he was forced id the must , to name hum as Defense Minister idee of the because of his prestige, Dr. Micek a peasant, explained day is M a r - 1 After Zhukov, whom Dr. Micek leek - ate'!, railed a good soldier but a poor e that there politician, made the mistake of I m g < Ord* mam H Bulganin, he w is vsrc.vn intr dis- favor D uring the rr.«ss a f e r Sm- Prem ier Malenkov nhscur- ! hr- light Zh Ik av - a- k ■ : lin s death. Tho Eag le Pax* f lub will meet in Texas Union 309 Frid ay at 7 p m All students from Eagle Pass are urged to attend. Dr I D e rick Ginascol. assistant professor of philosophy, will speak ♦he I rnutrian Student Fellowship it 8 p.m. Friday rn the U niversity Y Dr Ginascol s taflt is one of a currant U S F series on "O rtho­ doxy ; Must We Believe?” sport Th Hume Economics Club is ng a box -upper F rid a y P m Due ts will meet a* the Home Economics Building to go to Z liker Park, where ‘he boxes Wnl Be auctioned off There will be a program after the meal. Social Calendar MM IAF, C A L E N D A R F R ID A Y - ~ IO — Lambda Chi Alpha ex­ change dinner. 6-8 Home Economics G a b b o x supper, Pease Park 7-8 -Alpha Delta P i open house. 8-12 Texas Union da rum with Dor- s y brothers’ ore he-Ta. Gregory 50 million times a day a t home, at work or while at play There’s nothing like J , Ymi fwd it* I D T I I N FS S. 7L Yon taste it* BRIGHT GOODNESS. J . Yoo experience P F R F E C T R I F R ESHM EN T. -non of L r - * Deputy . bv *o the rd :i;e Defense to -sure the a-my - j loyalty. I 1 “ A* the time Znukov was nam--- • is ■ Deputy I he , was The leader o? a clique of mar- ■ red of ‘he wk ret love of the Russian us uni'^d bv illness"—5* i attend berat! The Tejas C u b semi-formal dm-' -p ■ Mov,-ow I rn the Bm S n police and peasants. Dr. M icek said President Eisenhower, who Tejas C lub Dance Zhukov's friend Zhukov irvi'ed to Zhukov To Be Saturday lins hie of “ lon atic d I not ner dan* e w ill he held Saturday I want him to. at 7 p rn. at the North Austin Lion- Dr. M icek became interested in Club. Zhukov in 1939 when he noticed Music will be provided by the 3 Russian soldier's resourceful- 'l a Huston-Tiilotson College c o m b o in a Mongolian border inci- - | | Cbrmnittee Chairmen i i ^en? ® lu ^ov surrounded his forces M i rn s. entertainment committee. r n i with tractors to drown out the Keith M cC ra ry decorations; rn noise of his tanks and thus was M iG ra w , food; and Victor Am- J able to make a surprise attack. mann, favors. are Bud 6- Joe 6 H a 7- C ELIA BARBER AND DON W A R R E N , re MCA a■■ cf J M C A wa * at toe sneaker's s’ a- 1 The group plans to return Sunday Y W C A to Sell Tickets To 'Queen' Next Week Nasty Habit. Anyhow I Tri Dells to Honor Spurs, Cowboys n a n in I oeak on Y W C A Planning Centennia: Party \ celebration of the one hun- ith birthday of the world-wide CA “ Fiesta Nocturnal,” will held Frid ay at 8 p.m., at the lh Austin Lions Club, Thirty* Uh Street and West Avenue its Harold L Robinson, gene'a1 lr man for the party, announced t the floor show will feature vir by Ralph Keyes and his or- stra Entertainers for the show he Franklin Maiguashca, Jose to, and Hugo Delgado, Univer- Dekex to Hold Bandera P a rty Delta Kappa Epsilon members md their da'es will leave Aus'm Saturday noon for a house party at M ayan Ranch near Bandera. The Russian comrades were look­ ing after the good of the state even rn 1929. Clanning hygiene as a reason, the Communists were trying to stop kissing in Russia. E v e ry kiss costs 40,000 bacteria” was the slogan stamped on all let­ ters:. Baptist Church in Show U lm S LW iz l l i :z S frid l For a J o b in Y o u r F ield * «.,t your rn*jot- from Ai tweoioo to k athar lr- Gibbs outstanding <*ee» •rut training »it! ba ar « I in obtaining ■onion in th# fi»ki of \. or inter#*t. Write •lese Dean for Gi*m G a u l *T Won*. 8»» ii Cr rn far Calif a# v* ••#!*» KATHARINE S f C R I T A t lA l , ll. •!*?$©*oui* St H#w y#fk J?,. 236 Park Airt Prevrtfanrt I . 155 A rtfu l l f HoMcmdt, * I 33 p %{ C e r lif ic J 11 M atchm aker No. 3680 t o ELECTRONIC TIMER USED snow mg fever of the gambling St, Petersburg in 1806, is the next project of the U niversity YW CA. To raise money for rim YW C A the University brareh Centennial is selling tickets to this film next Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday sn front of the U niversity Co-Op, The movie w ill br at the Texas Theater April 25. 26, and 27. ” Y ’ This is a “ first" experiment for the in raising funds. said Rosalie Oakes, general secretary of the YW C A Madeline Moore iv in charge of the project. The film, acclaim ed to be a “ w eirdly fascinating film ” by Bos­ ley Crowther of the New York Times, in the is a new release United States by Strafford Pictures Dance 'limey to Union to Big nevi,*; the Texas Union fund drive of 1929-30 was the Stu­ dent Assembly s vote to give mon­ ey from U niversity dances to the Union. About 95 per cent of all pro­ fit was to build the proposed two- wmg building. »o t h k > UNM# AUTwoamr of tm* coca-c o u c o m in o »y AU STIN C O C A - C O L A BO TTLIN G C O M P A N Y T * k * " i t 9 r e f i l t e r e d t r o d e - m o r t C H55, THI COCA COU COMPANY FREE ESTIMATES 2268 Guadalupe C H I C C H E X for streamlined You finally meet the campus And then you find her summering M-m-man queen—on graduation d a y ! next to your house on the bay ., that's P U R E P L E A S U R E ! q .'es r - * ^ ,v ' r T H ^ D A \ V ’’l - X A N P is a ® 5 fcritdn* lit R a d io TA M eet Gal# Adkins a ct, mg d irecttr of Radio H o o w . and J a c k Sum m er* field Radio House production su­ pervisor. ar# aftomJirte a radio-TA *-nm rn ’ ion and workshop in Colum­ bus Ohio A eroup cd University radio-TV* ma,tor# ar# also attend­ ing the c *n\ em ion. j D* INTERSTATE THEATRES NOW s h o w i n g ! Paramount Art Display Fine B l B l T H P R O J S F toon faculty members o mon! of Art a rr repro#* r oo OVOID! I heir anmia »o continued h p IjOC £T * B. O Apr ■he airp lan es to he -he tee l ir e of space and e n liv e n lend tangib ' tv ’ho sky A sidelight ex >et|\ av cd tho earth rotates ami the sky seems irt or to move, view ers discovered this 30 week that ort one day the moon Sd- was m the upper left-hand cornei­ ne the picture and the next day in the right-hand eon •or was T O I I MNM s n o w s D E P T H roll sa in ts or alw at a eoneern gioiis su b je cts, I* s h o o in g “ la n d -cape " i t h P e a c o c k a n d S a in t ." T h e re Is the fe e lin g th a t the p ic ­ tu re c a p tu re s a m o m e n t when r\ c r y o b ject nm l r i p n iii the tre e Is s till a n d se em in g ^ s ta tio n a ry . A g a in he h as p ro d u c­ ed a w ork lo m e tic u lo u s d eta il. leaf UT Construction Telecast Today ‘W o r ld ’ Saturday V ie w s Philippines F ir s t " a n a tte m p t in th* e x h ib it I,. W fU m snn *. is w h ic h is D o n a ld “ Vlght S k y ." lo ro m i itt-T m n n ic a te the q u a lity , e s p e c ia lly M U * " in c o lo r. of the sky a * one l<*>*ks stra ig h t up at i t , " “ Th* p a in tin g A 4 im a ta b i ♦£ sq u a re to Help s i t e the fe e lin g of not f lu o r i n e n o rth o r south o r east o r w e s t . " he abated. O ver the geometric pattern o » l o r ; the glowing spot? of star md of lights or tho tv,ne tip? o J FLOOR SHOW TONIGHT * MiRILYH * JIMMY Vim iHt (fencer voca id <• ** WI, frats'ny' ★ am BURHETT and kit ba- e ★ CACTUS PRYOR r — e.a* and comedy SATURDAY HITE B g F lo o r S H c » s fee*-ring The GEIZEHSLAW BROS. & other ach I A T T I S 2918 G u a c a L p e Two favorites ta the showing are and us J ade * ’■ Evening Walk ,hn Guer rn’? “ Column' J .'ade? < rem arkably captured an eve. ne atmosphere of peacefulne- 1 ;d M N T .pi - c l * : in Anc int ne a lm o st in to a oneness K e lly F e a r in g w hose p ain tin g - ^ M E R V Y N Le r o y C i n e m a s c o p e sn v* W * st NS nC. C Oft * T £ a u ! SY LV EST ER C A R T O O N P it t***f Etmro CRCS8T. urn. CHOKEY • n u Q ia P£aa*J C o lo r C a r f o o Iu n * * * A R I C H E X P E R I E N C E ! foe Greatest of Story fill Time! t ntettaini*^ JAMES A rt ED#-*" p'eser'j a COVTutr f*iMS pfroc JCt sa | How Before Your Very Eyes - • A truly unusual motion picture. • See the portrayal of Chi- st in memo­ rable scenes from the story of the age?. • Witness the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper, rhe Crucifixion and the Resurrection. riumph $**■■ ** LEE J. COBB• Robert WILSON • James GRIFFITH JOANNE DRU as Mary Magdalene-STOUCH CONNORS-IOWlLI GILMORE P*o4jt04 by JAMES * fg'tOP'CM • Dftcteg by It VIMC Pttrtt I intl ;0hM T CO* 11 • S*o*y b» ART HU# T. HORM** Color br EAS-VAW . F m n w « by RATHE LAB Starts TO D A Y! S T A T E P R IC ES: EVENINGS, & SAT. & Regular SUN $1.00 m a t i n e e s (Mon, thru fri.) .ss CHILDREN (under 12— all times) .SO D IS C O U N T C o u p o n Prlr ftd Br 0«* for S**der*» ' .'-lr*' P h a rr w ill prod * a wo k?h« p p I is a The prod in lion « tn " .als® and S ■ Iv Worst t-- -if I bv be telecas? - v it - ’ ; Three other lan d scap e scenes in by . she showing Sn a 1.1ndscape h am , ‘ Land: by Robert G raham , and Ru.ph White's ‘ Landscape with Figure.” R O U G H Vt V T F R Soprano Huser Sings Thursday In Recital Hall St>prarIO F(uth me Muser vv ill pre - lursdav at J n hi White painted his landscape in brilliant colors with a couch out* door texture " I t is a highly styI- lied interpretation of the forms and sent a r et. iI nj in R e n t a! Ha colors of the a r c a a r ound D allas. pianist 1 commented W h ite Miss Th The la*t painting iin the exhibit i*. “ S u r f" bv H ira m W illiam *, in which he e ffectivcly ra p tu re ? the ?ound and m ight of rough water. The Nun reflects oni the raps of the w ater w ith an appealing at- tempt at reality. Other Than the pa int inc? in the j ryp, Ii** w is the s*«n of a P re s to te iia a mfeaister anti his mother it was his was church organist mother's play trig inspired him and has led to t i airhead s later a* hiev em* nts. that d VV uns* h SS in 1954 fro r~ , I. , * ’ vt uue She has' p lay*‘d leading roles h<* I ’mv prs I tv At die age of set. wb> received a aris degree in music i fri >m J >piin V > in iv rid Two years a ber his first effort ,-!•»>-‘ be received an appointer en? as ur- st p l espy !*•! fan It he ntaved his first ch, .: ch sen. n * VV uh • ■;* h art- liar* m s decided he : j*tr\ that h - I ne M ikado , Also -he in VCV * iii other presenta- ' gar Ut foi I hit* I I .:* of F in e Arts , imp vcv street -see ne “ D er F led* ai.IS iii* r 'h ir e s ,ulp- ! lions of svorld-famous exhibition, there ar*4 lured piece? b y Charles Um laut: cenamies bv Paul her. canie IO tiie U n iv e rsity in Ix * i church since hts firs' position. Hatgil. and hand wee* en fabrics bv on a Fui Doris Coulter, U m laut s figures "M other and Child and '‘Torso,' ght St hd arthip 11 study e composi tiorI, H received his riotfir- D r V\ ans VVho vv iii "S is te rs ,'' l r 1952 he th,-- A chan e meet r e between Craig- h*'id md Di Alexandet 5! Curdv ate in nms looknj y in I860 front the head of the o rg an departm ent of I ’n iversi tv ,,f V ienna. of P h il ;**)» I oh i a received his mf •he State A c a. Vienna in plan* One of the rn gram “ Se ie is v, by D r Pan of musicology a It vv ii * while he was playing at Westminster I ollege in < ill fornia that he met Marian Keiff, ted Music Students Perform In Belton Piles o' P a n c a k e s To Be P r es e n t e d O n TV P r o g r a m Dr. Pisk is most cont cm pot poser and mi coming to the he was head of m ant a * Kl v. alif* •rr- Ot her se Ie is Yoi and Janet Phy McGa the rr were in a Bas lor ri a * n college be I ’niver- IS guc via r\ -H sn Belton Thurs- Y OL lip SI s d rector of the Junior String P i oject and is prim i- nevi cfdh.v with the A ust n Svm- phony Or* hestra . M iss M et »aughe\ pm ms the Uni • ersitj’ s rn us ic theory do ision. heads L a * N niuth * and \ en, P l ie gr Reine de Sa b a " from dChtZHUiX*!*’’ BHfl *' I ( kiunod I.icb- • in Penna eincn hah' wohnen ' by Wolf, “ Sedge N ich and "t'n d gev***rn hat cr m - R. > gebra iv by Marx, “ Chnnvon P petuelle ’ by Chausson, and P dyle ' by D-jparc Col. Biackstock Recalls Ja p W a r Crime Trials rv Approximately 50 members e guest? of Beta Alpha Psi. hr r.v accounting fraternity, heard C L . G. Blackstock. profess r of u .,, business law and visiting pr* *1 es rot vau of law . tell of experien* es in Japan- f,}m esc w a r crim inal trials at a dinner and meeting Thurs*tay emng at the Poy T arrytow n Restauram. Col. Blackstcx k described meth­ ods the commission usr*d to *>b- tain evidence, as well as discuss-; mg courtroom procedure- After his talk, he answ.-red specific ques­ tions by members of the fraternity. J e f f H u n te r arui W ife Divorce B a rb a ra Rush, attractive 27-year- old film actress, has obtained a d iv o n e decree against actor Je f f ­ rey Hunter, 28. on testimony that he called her a poor housekeeper ami poor cook. COMBO Tonight i Saturday JAM SESSION Sunday Af+erooon New Management Sally Shultr Waid Robison MOULIN ROUGE 2610 Guadalupe N O W ! TEXAS OPEN 1:30 ’The ye ar’s funniest film ! ” — I rf* Magatin* QUEEN ICAPITO STARTS TODAY! OPEN I 1:00 A.M. f (UMX NAT BLUES QUINTET Vocal varlets®* of R EBEA T R O B IN S O N for your Saturday date at the T O W E R PH. 2-6382 407 S. C o n g ree M <•» - * Inn*-* from Th** !-.«** * I S A t X ' K N U W JXj K l a a >n K T ! Final Performance Tonight & Saturday STUDENT SPECIAL 90 TONIGHT ONLY nd N (d e ra il- R e t u r n in '7 L ittle P o y t ’ Veterans Stu art lf* • ires ar I Fred loin knew and ■ K : lie F e y in n Param ou n t‘s ie fam ed -mg ie Seven Little O t,* T*Aee|0 in ru t 4SAH* A Melodrama in 2 Act* with Variaty Numbers — J ' £ / T il# / / / I < make reservations NOW! \»U0 D IA L 6 0 5 4 J . . . Jm TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT! % 1 (Jihfmuv' I QdluMiAtk F E A T U R I N G Ms P(afL m f&tt J C S t h o s e . FABULOUS DORSEYS and BUDDY RICH and His Drums The G n E G O R Y Place: G Y M N A s I u AA The time: 8 to 12 p.rn, * I -50 per person VfeRX s C r u z Tickets on Sale: Texas Union; Co-O p; 3 Hem phills Sponsored By Texas Union Dance Committee Nestled Company is to give away a new HiFi Philco Record player as a door prize E w S ’ Funerals, Fires Funny Rosellini’s W in n e r Stars GTs, Italians " P a is a n ,” Roberto 1948 w inner of a best aw ard, Will bo shown Wednesday in B a tts Hall Auditorium at 2, "A R oselhni’s k?p? ireign film did ti moviegoer. another. J 'H u lo t ’s H o l i d a y 'G o o d as July 4 Bx RICHARD BI SBY ems now Buster Keaton much b e tte r,'' said one spastic are movie changes of too-nerv OUK a r ’ cs of Mr. uL-fiirh VOUS, tfIO end to m ake viewet s ror- 'tie enes. and the Ii ttle- whole day bv vidd en he cha se« cars and f* chase d for a d 9gs a rd his ! lulo1 •enni^ techniq ie xxi ii ceria nlv be A fter a xchile you get to knoxx ere which the th’k. It range* from absurd tr ic k 1, o f burke!* nun trig around a k a y a k (bv w ires) to a little m ore refined s la p s tic k : a ca rd player a c c i­ dently playing hi* card at the w rong tab le and c a u sin g riotous uproar* a t froth table*. If there is an a ” erupt at * a tire, neat of it ss m issed because the •vents never slow down. In fact be only real draw backs of the ~J/uart*lgp« Phi)na 6-3847 3 1 1 7 M. L A M A S ph Kl KL vv ^ Open till I A M. ( arb Service 5 P M -12 A 'I G iv e J o y a jingle . . . . at 2 -2 4 7 3 FO R Q U IC K A C T IO N O N DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS C L A SSIF IE D H ATES 20 words or less Additional words I day ...................................% .95......................S .02 Each additional d a y S ,85.....................S .01 Classified Display . . . . . . . $1 35 per column inch In the event of » rrors tra d e rn an advertise­ ment, Immediate notice must be given, as the publishers are responsible for only one incor­ rect insertion. C L A S S IF IE D D E A D L IN E S 4 p.m. week days IO a m. Saturday for Sunday Classified ads, corrections, and cancellation* will be taken by the Business Office, 2-2473, only between the hours 8 a m. to 5 p.m . week days and 8 a m to IO a.m . Saturdays. For Sale For Rent Typing EFFICIENCY for "ne lad}. |35 Mus* iitcltidiiis* k tehen utensils. Block behind Co-Op s h a r e buffi. Furnishfvi ti San Antonio. Phone 6-"'-72. SPEED EQUIPMENT. Hollywood muff­ lers, dual exhausts, headers lowering mocks, skirts, xx nee! covers, dual mani­ folds. accessories Texas Auto. 1114 East First Street MOTO ROY CI. 61 flood condition v* Reasonable. Must s< : SOUTH AUSTIN— Two bed roo for sale bv owner. Large lot ‘ ba k yard. 4835 d<" n. assume | of J40 per month Phone 6-3003. good road I ik« going oversea: decorated couple. P LA] I NFL’RN!SHJ i > r _ * ■« uid turn apartment i Recently for des, rat 8-2154 ROOMS AVAILABLE for this *umm< home Air-conditioned. Txvo meals indue!- •need Delta Gamma sorority house. 611 Wi loan 23th. Call 6-5646 I0d s page. 6-4717 after I •HESIS TROUBLES* Why not Ire us? EDI TYPE. 8-3725, 2-9968. ESIS ETC., reasonable rate* and ut k s<*rx iv- IBM Electro matte Cs ll ■* aft? r 5 p rn. DISSERTATIONS, BTC. Eleetromatte T. Neighborhood. 'Symbols) U Mr* Ritchie, 2-4945. TYPING OF all kinds. Electro--'.atte. Mrs. Sanford. 2-0134. _______________ 1934 DUMONT 21“ TV. Blond cabinet, j For additional Information call 8-0656. r r ~ g , , r-- ',Q , r x ^ M.h ‘ “ "TC -^ T DRENCH u j k v •••• -,n *• : et- rcl « - feet, I I haul. excellent gas mileage. $100. A f t e r ----------- —____________ _____ _________________________ good condition, recent over- phone 6-2296. 2508 Rio Grande. 53-3546. 5 p.m., call 53-6130. Lo s f a n ( j f o u n d ALL TYPES workckme by expe; enced translations EXPERIENCED TYPING — (Electrte) expert teacher excellent references Theses, reports, etc. Mrs. Hunter INSTRUCTOR Coaching typist. Phone 2-6359 - Dressmaking. 60b ward offered, Call 8-5629 2-6569. LOST—Frat pin inscribed J.H T.. Jr rex ax Delta written on back Re- ACCURATE TYPING — Guaranteed 7 a. rn.-IO pm . Majorte De afield --- Special Services ." ALTERATIONS ------------- r West 25th Street Phone 6-336. BARRER SHOP—Arnold A Sons, 5ES02 Guadalupe, still a dollar. Typing TYPING—Ar.} kind. neat work. phone 3-9606 or 2-4353. INTELLIGENT TYPING don** B B A LET ME do your txplng. Acc graduate. Dorothy Baker, 5-0197 Reasonable rate*. 53-3642 . Patronize Texan Advertisers , r HES ES REPORTS, goyl rates Eiectromat v Mr* Bradley. 6-1297 fast. EXPERIENCED T Y P I S T . Electric machine. 53-0380 after 6. 1 .TIME typing desired. Phone LET MRS. Albright do your typing. 2-8752 after 5. I Experienced, efficient 53-2941. EYE-EXAM for a BATTLESHIP Trampoline Group To Jump May IO Avn A Gerr doctor ilex. ipo- M a . pf ■ T- ? team has appear pi pols in this countrv un >p<*. They have d at many as well as perform ed in I-- indon's famous P a l’. ad iurn and r e c e .ved a request lo p<•rf or rn be- the King and Quec n of Eng- " " m v 2 Mc 5 , the act. su pp:lies the surprises with his OC v ll-mav-care comedy. Russell, a cr Olympic cham. pion, has tmd fronts triples to bless. twists, backs, igh the hoop, and the audience breat do! ibIe keep nd M. Fib Kl -i I. wna larjd. poser r ‘ Re >b “ O ! d I lls, Juine lends grace, ch iif rn and a sp a r :kling personality to her a e r o xviii be i rn u nusicE "S*. and I.” Tolstov M ovie Get* H epburn ) 811“ Auidrey Hepburn has Ileon signed ne cast of “ War and Peace -----I version of Leo Tolstoy’s film fame Ok la JER RY SMITH, B E R N A R D FITZGERALD, and M A R Y F R A N C E S A D A M S . . . a run-through for the soloist* Fitzgerald, Symphonic Band To Play International C oncert long. The la,1 E tern al I 28 It is with E t ; interpret A rtbur Murray CJ V COLLEGE STUDENTS dance classes J-'**** It VO Ti It on* bour Im I me rn for Fur# darter anal'. A RT H U R M U R R A Y < / • • • / r ‘ H i- - THE BEST M E X I C A N F O O D a n d the M O S T COURTEOUS SERVICE it af EL M A T A M O R O S 504 East Ave. Phone 7-7023 Western Electric field engineers supervise installation of complex electronic equipment m ade for Arm ed Forces M arco Polo h a d n o th in g on W estern E le c tric ’s field engineers. T h e y tra v e l th e w orld to advise on use, in stallatio n an d m a in te n a n c e of th e electro n ic e q u ip m e n t we p ro d u ce for th e A rm ed Forces . . . lik e ra d a r bom bing sy stem s, a n ti-a irc ra ft fire con­ tro l sy stem s, an d th e N ik e guided m issile co n tro l sy stem . W e ste rn E lectric is called upon to m ak e th ese th in g s because of its v a s t experience w ith h ighly com plex electronic e q u ip m e n t as th e m a n u fa c tu r­ in g u n it of the Bell S y stem . I f s a job th a t p re se n ts a n u n en d in g challenge to o u r en gineering staff. 40th & L A M A R Tops In Unusual Flavor and Freshness gu#t'Mcrvt;«0 aho IU m r UVT or rut n u svsrin W estern product and development engineer* are responsible for turning out some 50,000 different item s annually for the Bell System — everything from tiny transistors to giant bays of electronic switching equipment. Shown is one stage of transistor manufacture. f r i d a y . A m * ' J D A I Y T X A M » • - « » Faculty Articles Contribute Bulk of UT Press Material *j> - award-winrarg book# pub- 11 shed by Th* University of T*xa* pyyi«ji sr* th* subject of *?* article bv F"snk FT Waitilavr, director of th* press issue of Th* Airs Id* in* April sr. v r\ p r e s * th o r i •'Twelve of th* fllt**n volumes th* j ’M r w e r e rs w h o le o r irs PAT! which w n b* published r> Uni •» bx • far;:; *- ■*. ai* Ha Tex .-is exes. th is i f l S 1 VV a I* *’G o u d a I*s Q u eer, A k x ’k of VI poem* by F.rv.'v Bronte w ill also be published this A 5 « a r . .Tan* Sox el sn Verse bx K m iIv ; Tx m n e d i t e d bx Miss Far;* * I Ratehford, cur a'or Of B a re Rooks T h e -ast of the sprmg books. pub ished ;r. oChopemtion xx uh the New Mexico Museum, 'sill be ‘■'Idle Midland Ibispovery, which tell* of the unearthing of a partial human skelet rn in a depos t of la** P leis­ ire near Midland tocene F a ll books to b# pubis shed ar • IVxh Byron s i ’’You Max “"ak* ft;* Witness " bx' Clinton G B r ox' *' a biography of Ed w ard Everett Hale by Jea n Hoi* Ju an ; A ioxx ax Variorum Bd bon " edited by Dr (*uy Ste {fan and W illis \v Pratt "T h e Saga of Jomsv kings its* IV . Le* Hollander: translated bx bx ‘"The Supreme Court Speaks "T he Silver C ra ­ J * re W illiam * dle bv Mrs, J uhs Ko.-*? War,gh: and " Naval Pow er in til* Conquest of Mexico.* bx- D r C. H arvey Gardiner, bx* Lier be < .res’ I ie- B F: lend -ne C Banket A x p? r e the : 57 UT Midshipmen Plan Summer Cruise - Sh o p Ax B a n .n Sr> Y ak Student Bodies May Jump 90% Big Increase Seen By 1970 in Texas Them xx ll be a 9x1 per cent In­ crease in the number of students attending «o.deg .• rn rex is by J STO Dr. C C Col vert told th* re .sa# Junior Co leg* Association Thurs­ day. Dr, Culvert, professor of educa non at th* U niversity and a con­ sultant in tumor college education. c>o s'ated at the a anociation' s annual meeting that, by 1970 one- half of all high soh av graduates xx n be attending college, compar­ ed with ’ 4 per cent at the present time. T h e s e enrollment predictions xx ere determined after a study i trends in par­ 'd tm .ade A r' a* Howard Countx general cr Ulan are n # o Del M rn Cc \ s Southwest \t h a r t n n ted M r . o o ffe re d A' • cor-cerned - g rn Tile if I na I an i Arr nape ■he cru se third NROT at Anna poi \ a.. June 4 S? :: ?p l r of Batt !tU i p \ I k Atlantic .mod;.it* co •* C-iot D rn mar VDCic: of Dc strove m rteen, xx ' J i'Ort' TTI ids px screen com n Th! cc other N IROTO s xxiii [fix oh e C o n t r a c I S -v1 rile ' in vcB in g act NRCTCX sen • •» from Ju ly 11 ti ? s tty - th! cc U nu e n ( n will join others I N ll a r jut 29 men fro < »n . .inc A1 ’ he ship* xx iii \ Nit the Mediterranean ports, and June .7 they w ill dock ,r Ere- waters Gunnery exercises will be held at Guantanam o Bay, Cuba, from Ju ly 26 to J u ly JO, R e a r Adm. R K. L t com - xx Ii participate rn aviation-amphi­ bious training for six weeks from •Buy I to August 13 Units will for three weeks aviation report •raining a ’ Corpus Christ, and then for three w e e k s amphibious training at Little Creek, Va, R EA D T H E C L A S S IF IE D S ★ Patronize Texan Advertisers * Chemise La Cosie Fine fitting sport shirts made in France Siizes Homme (Sm all) Half-Patron ( Medium) Patron (Large) J G r a n d Patron (Extra Large) Extra Grand Patron (Extra Extra Large) Notice the two-length shirt tail . . . the side plackets . . . snug-fitting knitting on t* or votive'?- t % i jribr rian yoi th* r* A rf QI Si t formats baht c arms an d collar, lf yo u 've ever worn this fine-fitting imported shirt yo u ’ll understand the reason for its tremendous popularity, In w hite or m aize. $ * JF 5 0 Marine Corps Training in which s x University men xxiii take par? xxiii he held at Marine Corps Schools Quantico, Va., from Ju ly 22 to September 2 m mm msmm m i smhhmbmmhi mm 1»***'% L? S P E E D W A Y R A D I O & T E L E V I S I O N SALES SERVICE Ph. 7-3846 M il Spw dviT J a i l S o U t e o l u r e g o r t U r n s 709 Congress "ft,, ;. ' *' th* I? wa« published fop th* Rena I s- t r -' 1" ie tv of An - x The next book which will come fHt* tb.« rrton*hi. i* ‘’Breeding Beef Cattle for Unfavorable Environ* jr;epts * edited by A ■• rt O Rhoad. t, 1C ou*growth of a conference he’d at the K ne R a n ch of scien­ tist# from all over the world gath* w ed to discuss pro-'cm* of rattle raising O' Snr-dry Folk Th* P r s mat c Principle ?r the Canterbury Tale* }« next on ‘he spring list. This critical apppnarh to Chaucer is by R S Lum iansky dear of the grad­ uate school a* T-.’an* University Hudson W in s Top Place W ith Engineering Essay Two civil engineering seniors hsv# placed first and ** *ond n an essay contest sponsored by the stu­ dent chapter of ‘he American So­ ciety of C ivil Engineers Leslie Hudson took top honors w ith his paper, •*Professionalism or Unionism for Engineers, nod John B a ‘*« placed second with h s paper entitled "T h e Rapid Sand F ilte r/ ' Korean A rm y Officers To Visit Cam pus Friday Eight senior Korean arm y offi­ cers xx H vis t the University cam ­ pus F rid a y as guevs of Dr C. P. O liver, professor of zoology The Koreans a i* presently eu­ ro .leo in the medics ?.•*- I serv ice school at Fort Sam Houston. The group Will vis:* various classes connected with pre-med work dom­ ing *b*.r vt sit her e. A D V EN T U R E & ‘ S IV IL tS t»*'% CO '*' 0* I . ’ SCI 60 Ct ft. •'* i .*'£■« . . 4660 " Art, ‘*’.s e, S * . c a s C a r e # , e * * * r S c : a U M Sc--: it sr pi * ,} so i t ? £ SIE MORE —. SPEED LESS 3 . "& ’ !'0»» A O S k— a I apr as S W a # I I I A A mg rn rn trttrihsa ti ft Im U t l i » « t r # I B i l a n d «{»*•*-' ft 1>» pf., r of Te*#* Stanolind Grants UT Two Awards The U n ivers tx’ is ore of fifteen colleges and universities awarded a total of sixteen Shine.:nd Founda­ tion fellowships for 1955-56. The University received one in geology* and one in petroleum engineering. Stanolind Foundation. was created arid has been supported for nineteen years by the Stanolind Oil and G as Company. Inc The fellowships are offered in eight fields of graduate study— five m petroleum engineering, four in geology, two in geophysics., and one e tc h in accounting. me> b a n ­ cal engineering chemical engineer­ ing geochemistry, and chem istry. Each fellowship is worth SI 500 pius tuition and fees. An additional $500 grant is allowed geology fel­ lows for summer field work Students in applying interested should consult the pertinent depart- ' ments or schools. F e llo w -.hips granted by Stanolind •-ire unrestricted, and fellows retain full rights to results of their study and research. Acceptance of a fel­ lowship in no w ay bind* the person to s i b s e q u e n t employment by i Stanolind. Student s Poetry Book Published by Book Stall M iguel Gonzalez Gerth. U n ive r­ sity of Texas gradua'e smdent from M exico City. is the author of a new book of poetry titled ‘The Infinite Absence " The b<»)k was published by the Book Stall, 2025 Guadalupe Street G erth is a teaching *->.-?an? in the Ilepartm ent of Romance Lang­ uages. H is work has appeared previously in an anthology, “ Poetry a? The U niversity of Texas,” published last v ear. S t u d e n t B u r n e d W it h A c id Robert McUarlev g ra d u a l stu­ dent, received superficial bums around the face Wednesday when he dropped and broke a bottle of sulphuric acid in a chemistry lab. T i Ifiicf i L r r t i f j j tettall .J On The Drag distinctive jewelry ‘".ii i.^ (O fficial A g cn cg for W A T € H I f 0»#ign*« tot mon*#** . .fnj.»•#/#* tot p r e m i e * o n # e # p *n d o ft i!,# y , Goorertood by a e e *n » r o< o d * * '# * * * to H i* * g * * n ils n d o 'd i of Si# wale*- Lo l*rt*. iw>*t*ri«»d Mow rot*, s. t. A 2268 G u ad alupe Royal favorites in patio society • * • ing Cords You've been asking for fhem, and here they are again to rule your leisure moments with a reign of comfort. They're our famous King Cords: lightweight, com fortable slacks featuring tiny-cord w eave of Colton given a taut and crease-resistant texture that holds up even under heat and humidify. Tailored to fit neatly with continuous waistband, deep pleats in tan or grey. W a is t sizes 28 to 44, inseam lengths 28 to 34. $ 6 95 ipvnolds ■a n r 709 Gongre&t UT Apartments $100,000 Excess Show ! the wailing T h e University apartment* list for apartm ents Brackenridge, Deep Eddy, Little This was arranged when the influx JSfegest expense item in the f!s- Campus cottages, and the trailer of veterans came back to school | cal year 1954, according to the area brought in an excess of in*; after (he war. There was no need Financial Report, was heat, light come over expenditures of $106,-j to require h deposit. Since there power, water, and gas which 819 61 last year, according to the were long w aiting lines. There are drummed up a $61,049.22 hill. Re* Financial Report of the University. I no vacancies in the apartments at. pair and maintenance of the build- service activities, reported, apartm ents was $112,819.76, The total expenditures for the present except in the Little Campus five hutments are Students who live in the apart- vacant, Miss Helen Blackburn, area where ings was listed at $25,999.26. The total amount now listed in the balance ag of August 31, 1954, Bionts paid dwelling rent s of $215,- office supervisor of auxiliary' and . was $186,161.93. 290.57 last year, according to the report. The transfer to the reserve for possible losses by fire or other damages was $22,983. Tins ss an "insurance measure" which is paid on temporary housing units at the University, lf this reserve subtracted from the listed excess, the remain­ ing excess sum is $83,836.61. is Rent costs the apartments in range from $20 to $10 a month. Trailer spaces are S12 a month. No deposits are paid to be on En D o r s e y s UT ^Tonight at Gym The famous Dorsey brother* w ill; and Jim m y Dorsey, will also fea- their combined m usical i lure Buddy Rich and his drum s; Bill Raymond, vocalise, Lee Castle, trum peter. b r i n g talents to Gregory Gym F riday at 8 p m , The all-star dance hand aggregation, headed by Tommy The Dorseys have enjoyed great success in combining the valuable! J experience they have gained from* their Song association with the band business. T h e i r separate j orchestras have heen am ong the their top careers. j. The Dorseys bm am e nationally they had a band popular when I together two big in 1934. After years the brothers decided to g o j ; their ow n v, a v s. throughout ten bands Tommy’* band em phasized a > rhythmic swing style . while Jim m y went in for a sw eeter style Now j the combined result finds a band with more popularity than ever. I T ic k et s a le s for c o m m i e Pi d a y the d a n c e will | th e T e x a s at s t o r e s , and the H e m phill J R R ecd M usic C o m p a n y , j Ti* kefs < cst s i 50 e i< h I tv dan- e to t h e public, J in fo rm a l a n d open j will b e h e ld f r o m 8 p m , to mid* night i Union, A hi-fi j th.- dan e by reno d player will be given a w a y a s a d o o r prize a* th* N e e le 's Com­ pony Nestle'* w ll the sponsor Dot -cys' television show beginning in S e p t e m b e r, T i l l ? i fin, T e x a n V O L . 54 Price Five C e n t s A U S T I N , T E X A S ” F R I D A Y , A P R I L ! 5. 1 9 5 5 " Eight Pages T od a y N O . 151 T h e First C o ll e g e Da il y in the South' Assembly Curfewed; No Dalby Plan Action By SHIRLEY STRUM Dally Texan Editor Three proposed am endm ents, a o’clock girls’ curfew. th* The Assembly approved a Con- three voting plan bdls and, if pc-* stitutional am endment raising the sible, subm it an amendment for Thursday to further discuss and month in the sum m er. moment of panic, and no action President s salary from $50 per took care of the Dalby System month to $100 per month over a Fullerton's I .ll calls for a pine* at the Student Assembly meeting nine-month period and $50 per system with candidates filing for Thursday night. Place One, P lace Two, etc. Adams* J Plans were presented by Byron re- Fullerton, Stan Adams, and Bob vice-president and secretary on $25 quires*voters re m a rk * their prof | Beigel. salaries for nine months were de erences for as many candidates as there are assemblymen in that school wit® counting on a prefer­ ential basis. indefinite. to the constitutionality ness of their constitutional d u ties A hurried first reading on a bill to forbid freshm en's having cars a t the University cam e as curfew ! n u tter as of passing on am endm ents later than three weeks prior to campus election. Proposed am endm ents to put the ‘‘preferential point system** Panic came during a mom entary feared because of ‘he the April 27 general election. Seigel’s plan keeps ^ __ _ _ The lack of action was neces- hour approached, sitated by a quorum-busting l l A meeting was called for next 'All W e re n 't Polled,' Dorm Residents Say Residents of the m en’s tri-dorm s said that he had not been given enough information on the subject told The Daily Texan Thursday afternoon that they had not been I to form an opinion. O ther residents *"** information con- echoed his statem ent. riven, complete cerning the proposal to put private telephones in dorm rooms. j used in Under a representative system the dorm, each section chooses delegates to m eet and dis- cuss sucb Pr °P°saJs as the phone F u r t h e r m o r e , the occupants m aintain th at a poll taken on the subject last fall did not reach every j boy in the dorms as is claimed by the dorm m anagem ent, J 1?™ * n ” their section ~ the Dalby System, but requires each voter to m ark as many candidates as there are assemblymen rn his I school. The most fire was drawn in an exchange of opinions on the horns* j mg com mittee and its work. Ful- j lerton said the Assembly housing I survey was not well received. There were criticism s, he said, by faculty m em bers as to the way the investigation was carried ou‘. * think they ithe adm inistration * ^ * 1 1 T / * meddling someplace we don’t be­ long,” Dan Slaughter agreed. M , President Jerry Wilson stood up to reply. "T here is a tone of pes­ simism here as to how’ far student* can go, The thing that burns me up most is the attitude that things llke this a ™ ’1 concern of the students.” “ If there are no troubles in a system. they I don't see why wouldn't welcome you and opr a their books to you,” Jack Little added. The five-man athletic policy com­ mittee was “ split right down th* m iddle” about liberal education plans, so no resolutions w ere in­ troduced, reported Irven DeVore, chairm an. SCIENTISTS PONDER POWER . . . D r . Norm an H a g e rm a n and Dr. Daniel* * it GUARDSMEN PREPARE POR ’MINUTEMAN' , . . ready any minute Photo by Friend ’A lert’ Plan to Test M o d e rn Minute M e n Hearings End \ istin appearance at D essau Hall state- Thursday night 'rhc Dorseys m ade their first and gas at this tim e in the United Planning U rged N o w For Use of Energy b in . M ary Jo Carson, a m em ber of the dorm staff, said Thursday that every boy in the dorms was easier than a PProached for -his opinion. She also stated that 80 per cent wanted , , By M ARY JA N E RAW UNS j "H ouse heating is "N either atomic energy nor solar solar engines because it doesn't energy can com pete with coal. oil. need so much power. The only j _ Phones will be put in dorm rooms I'm talking about planning have to have ten garage? of gravel cox* fall for boys who want them. Regular Austin phone rates will be charged. sn anticipation of the owner would 'rouble that is , for your grandchildren — but we ?r> store heat don t have to wait I s ta rt,” says Dr. F a r r i n g t o n I Daniels. to cloudy days 'ill then A ctually, solar heating could be used only partially for h e a tin g ,; Pp Daniels chairm an of the and still Locally extend the supply i n c l u d e Brackenridge, P rather, of coal, oil, and gas left in the j and Roberts Halls, Tuition Raise Bill Changes Talked Rep. Z b r a n e k S a y s A m e n d m e n t s C o m i n g At present there is one phone in each section of the tri-dorm s, which “ We hoped that the com mittee could wield more influence on fac- Roughly a dozen am endm ents ulty policy than we've been abl* will be introduced in the Legisla- to wield," he said. “ But the faculty ^ , bare when House Bill 126, which itself is in a turmoil. Charges and these phones will be removed would raise U niversity tuition to counter-charges are being hurled $50, comes to the floor, predicted ! back and forth, so we stepped out” Representative Zeke Z b r a n e k Wilson said he though’ ft Impor- this sum m er to m ake way for the ............................... new lines. No reduction in rem due ,._-j a ,- services has been Thursday. Sixteen men were interviewed fo low er the bill $ proposed tuition at random by a Texan reporter raise Thursday, and each said that he had not been polled on the phone the Assembly expre % These am endm ents are intended its view’s on the subject. (However, the Faculty meeting will be Wed- , nesday. before the Assembly m eets that iant Each am endm ent stipulates a again.) deferent tuition fee (higher than I .......................................... T h * alert, called "Operation Minute M an,” is designed to text the efficiency with which the Guard can tie mobilized • -ne When the alert con In the event of an emergency. speed and By MCK JOHNSON Very soot the nation'* 400,000 National Guardmnen will spring in a giant test alert into action the entire which will mobihre aliened; of G uar t , the A: my and A A secondary’ purpose is to giro the public an opportunity to see i bow the units tram , and the poten­ tial value of this ti , ring to com­ munities, state, and nation in an emergency. The exact date of the operation Ii being kept secret—even from the guardsm en themselves, Al! the u n ,', of the Texas Na­ tional G uard will take part in iii** test alert. Included will lie over I IN' University students who are m em bers of Hie eight Au t n units or m em bers of their hometown com panies drilling w ith the local I groups. only for training ing planned purpose*. “ For that reason,** he saki, “ w*» a*>k people nill to be alarm ed when thin toot alert Is sounded and our National Guard units are tem porarily mobilised.” Tile 150 University students in­ volved are on Ii h a cal! and may be pressed into a* *iim a any * he guardsm en will leave their abs their classes, their churches and their homes in an effort to meet the goal set up by national defense the goal of having 90 officials: per cent of the nation s 400.CKX) guardsm en activated and ready to Dons in two hours. Citizenship Meet Sunday in Austin On Segregation WASHINGTON- A rgum ents over issue of how the momentous abolish schools w ere completed Thursdav in the Supt erin Court. ‘he color line University of Wisconsin chemistry departm ent, spoke Thursday night I nn Chemistry Building ’ New’ E nergy R esources" at States, Dr. Daniels be­ : r,"- , , d>' hpen introduced in India w here fuel is r ?°:kmf bas " , , The supply of coal, oil, and gas within two genera to wlU CiVp s extrem ely scarce, but the people planned it greatly. The *" “ ....... ' have not used in public bon, Dr Daniel? fold the audience cook' rrs ’he '• 1 0 uranium he used a? a prac- people can 't afford them. However th ere is a good chance of develop­ ing a “ poor m an's solar energy” rn-- sri ea7h, and for ’ ’ Leal source of energy? Yes, said Thurgood Marshall, attorney for 1 . Daniels, but si entists must the *!n<* the National Association Advancement of Colored People use got in the inst word He urged the court to be as “ forthright” in de- " ’°uid be com paratively cheaper ''•••' (‘oal or ens. but the cost of cree:ny a segregation as it w as last May n K ula lion m akes impractical, declaring the* segregation violates T;” it will com e- and I think will Dr Daniels the Constitution. come very rapidly,” for ending limit time it _____ * The fuel for an atomic furnace oiency > ways of recov ery and i for US Solicitor G eneral Sinton F stated. m i*“ Sobeloff called for a decree avoid- Dp* Daniels has recently attended ing the extrem es of "a fixed and :1 symposium in New Delhi. India inflexible l i m i t a t i o n ” and ' no s ' ‘‘ntists from all over the world limitation at a1!” on tim e, discussed ’N use of solar energy M arshall and Sobeloff w ere the and windmills for energy. In Dr. only lawyers heard Thursdav, the Daniels’ opinion, plasties will be fourth day of argum ents on how Lie new to follow up last M tv's decision There was little new and little use of solar energy’. Solar engines are in developing 'm eg The eight Ai tin units will eon- Texas wall convene in Austin Sun- hearings, whi h produced th ree dif • lig a t e a t Camp Mabry in West d "*>’ *«* the first State Citizenship P ™ it contentions: Austin. j Seminar, sponsored by the Texas, dim Student Movement. cut and their school Ixia rd?. (2) \ttorneys for Negro! parents urged the court to say that segre- j September or at September, ISS®, the (3t The I ronhowcr adm ini'-tri- Wr 111 by next: latest, by I - I a / I O l d H a i r y 's Back R u t R n n n r m n * O U T f t W i l y 9 * 0 0 5 ’. II LJ . _ t l Q V e n i _ t O I C l y deadline Mr integration, tv I leave details to the stales ranK® practical possibilities. lay down carrying it - «ooking. reft igt ration and_ dis tillation of sea warner are short­ . aRainst an> term inable delay, through Sobeloff proposed an lion approach with no fixed deadline . , . Activities scheduled (or the three* day sem inar im hide individual ap- fx.intfn* lits with Representatives and Senators; interview* with state legislative leaders, the Spea of the House, and the Lieutenant Gov­ ernor; n t’endam e at com m ittee hearings; and addresses by Gov­ ernor Allan Shiver*. Ronnie Dug­ ger, Representative Maury M aver­ ick J r Chief Justice of the Texas Supreme Court John I Hickman, The I nterf rate rimy Couni ii elect- and William J Murray, chairm an cd officers for 1955-56 Thursday night, They include Dan C Smith, of (to Railroad Commission Registration wiU be .Sunday from. Delta Upsilon, president; Ja ck Rat- liff, Phi Gamm a Delta, viee-presi- the seminal dent; Howard Richards, Phi Kappa ; Psi, see ret ary ; and Bonner Herren, 3 to 5:30 p.m. a t the Methodist Student ( ’enter and will close Wednesday IFC Elects D a n Sm ith President for 1 9 5 5 -5 6 Jeff Mend, rson is acting as < hair- Mpha Tau Omega, trea su rer, (or die sem inar and Dr, J They will man Robert Ledbetter is faculty advisor, c d ’* next meeting take office at the coun- Apl I 2 $, The H airy R anger, the Cynthia P ark er of Old ,TB, was un- and ro-kidnapped Thursday night, light under the eyes of (he Uni­ versity policemen Old Hairs the Ranger's 7-toot long-missing wooden mascot sinre stolen bv somebody awful-! Iv bored, was found by Richard Bushy in front of the Journalism Building. He (Hairy, not Busby) was quickly re-captun i by the loxan national honoi my m ilitary editor and held for ransom "No more Ranger reviews of the Texan oi else,” q loth she. ran be Hairy morning at ins prison window in JU 103 B seen Friday | sajd Thursda> these type cookers which Ruest: >n. would be cheap and of low effl- Jam es Jones, an engineering stu­ in Roberts Hall, dent wrho lives at present, but lower than H.B. 126 propose? > and will be presented in sequence, Representative Zbra- nek said “ We (he and the group who will i propose the am endm ents! feel that a m ajority of the I louse would be­ ne lined to agree on some lower rate ,” the D aisetta representative j said. UT Drill Teams To Perform at 5 C a n d i d a t e s R e c e iv e Rui es f o r C a m p a i g n T h e U niversity’* outstanding team will Ive chosen in a competitive exhibition F riday at 5 p.m. on the South Mall. Drill nek ,eam s Lorn the three ROTC units 'ha* some raise should be passed. v'" d participate in the drill, and A rm y ROIC. Confederate drill "W e're going to put up a struggle ,, team will give a special perform ­ rem inded not be allowed on blackboards and ? , g n e be House an opportunity the competitions and ance after ! * Candidates building signs for the I Chalk-written advertisem ents w ill. Although, R epresentative Zbra- think spring electrons wert - — 1 to lower the figure * said. House m em bers ^ drill .. - - , 1 . on the cam pus, and j H g m h f led twic t t j during the judging - the Thursday' by Jefe Bone, c o c h a ir- ■ sidewalks not a new ru ;os concerning sign building and m an of the Election Commission, of whitewash advertisem ents are a 1 lowed off the cam pus only, with the consent of the owner of the prop­ erty on which they are placed. E ach candidate will be perm itted J 3 0 {or Vandalistic destruction of signs n ae rials in the cam paign. Pur- will entitle the owner of the signs < h isos n sst he m ade at Hemphill's to replace them, provided a sketch No. J and bear its current stam p of the destroved sign has been pro­ of tradem ark. two-ihirds m ajority the needed vote in order to come out of com­ mittee A rider on the House general appropriations bill (now in a Sen- nee rs ate-House conference com m ittee ) states that money obtained from any tuition raise wood go into : " viouslv subr viouslv subm itted to the Election special teaching salary fund. VU campaigning other than oral Commission, One of the am endm ents con- ................. Oral campaigning is perm itted ceros medical students, Represen- j in a only voice exc* pt between ten minutes conversational t .ne of tat ive Zbranek stated, “ The medical student tuition Sponsored by S c a b b a r d and Blade, honorary national ROTC fraternity, the annual affair gives Rangers (Army), the Bucca the Orang* ’11^ 5 ’Air Force), an opportunity d r,L trophy, and decider VN,n which team will perform at th* Military Ball next year. (Navy), and The four area* for judging in Aspection, required drill, special drill, and rating of the drill team comman- der. cam paigning must be approved by the I ectron Commission before its use. This includes painted adver­ tisem ents. chalk-written advertise­ ment . ti' check these things with the Elec­ tion Commission shall be grounds for disqualification. Blood Drive Cards To Be Given Out Pledge cat Is for the blood drive sponsored by Si abba rd and Blade, frater- nitv, w ill be distributed to . un pus organizations John Land soon, .publicity chairm an for the drive may not be used at all. Off-campus oral campaigning is perm itted by the Constitution of the St idenfs' A'S'.' i at mn from noon to 2 pun. and 5 to 7 p m. for not more than five minutes at a time. * C a n d id a te * a r e also r e m i n d e d th a t t h e i r p l a tf o rm * a n d p ic tu r e * a r e d ue at in J o u r n a l i s m B uilding 103 by noon Monday. the T e x a n office W o m e n s PT Director A t te n d in g Tu lsa M e e t , „ . Booths will be set up on the cam- through an organization. a tL'nr i nK jh e southern dtstiu-t con Miss Anna Hiss, chairm an of the *ep I rf n lent of Physical Training pus near the end of April for is- Department of Physical D arning foi Women at ’he University, is suanee of cards to those not ap­ attending the southern district eon-1 proved vention of the American A sso ria-, E very student is asked to sign up tion for Health, Physical E d u ca -' to donate a pint of blood to the tion, and Recreation in Tulsa, j Amt in Blood Bank Okla.. to continue through Friday. Tile convention meets annually and is an oc< ision when leaders in physical education may ex-I to Each student under 21 must have w ritten consent from his parents, and those under 18 are not allowed to donate Those who give blood wilt receive to a pint of blood entitles the blood hank at anytime from during one year \ pc*rson rn iv use Extension D iv isio n Slates this himself or may turn it over t* some org imzation. u ,h<* end Driver E du catio n Course of one y ear these credit cards are void. irnpro\ e education. . ird whi. h > t red,; them «1« » The Student Health t enter will course take the blood from volunteers dur- mg the first week of May Tho University will ottei a short for in driver education teachers from May 30 to June 3. Men and women teachers may getting through school. Representative Zbranek pointed out that some people believe Ii B 126 does not apply to junior col­ leges. "As I have studied the bill most certainly dives.” he declared. if, I U U K j o e s I 1 v S n ^ M ere Sa!k Serum Free Onlv to Children If University students wish to take the series of three Salk polio immunization it will cost shot, it they get them up to $ 6 a shot the rn at all this year, a Student Health Center said Thu: .-day. spokesman At the present, laboratories have been able to produce enough of the cherry-red vaccine, developed by Dr, Jonas Sulk of the University of Pittsburgh, to immunize children of die first and second grades free of charge. Other persona inlet e-ted lo .•I taking the shots vs ill Oro.* buy the vaccine and have u ad ministered by a private physician Dr. Salk has recommended that two shots first and a boostet snot s e v e re months later be token for \ \ 5 5 a more perm anent the disease immunity to .. KTBC FRIDAY 1:15 -- "Focus on Forty A cres,” 3 30-5—Canterbury Club coffee and lessons, 2607 University KTBC-TV. bridge Avenue. 6 Horne Economics Club to meet at HEB to go on picnic 7 Eagle Pas? Club, Texas Union 7:2 0 Behind the S cen es” KMET. 7 lh - Rabbi Eugene Labovitz to -peak. Hale! Foundation. 7:30-10 —• C o recreation. Womens 309, (Iv rn. 7:30 — "The Forgotten Factor,” free public movie. University Baptist Church. 8 Dr. Frederick G m used to a d ­ dress Unitarian F e l l o w s h i p , YMCA 8 -1 2 —Jim m y and Tommy Dorsey, 8 la "The Mine! s D aughter,” Gregory Gym. AC!’ Playhouse S 50- David Craighead, organist in recital, Recital Hall “ Forty Acres Forecast,’ NATI R D W Latin American C o lle g e s Lack So c ia I S c iences, Haring Says Bv E A R L N I MEIN H anng the universities of wa* a close friend and associate lecture,” as Dr. m o m ! "Although After paving a short and sincere Spanish America are of a noble of the Sate Dr d ia rie s I! irk ed tradition, they still fail adequately to cultivate sui tai responsibility in the stu d e n ts" This sum m ation I Haring spoke on “ The Univer*itics North A m tm a n colleges was m ade by Dr. Clarence- lf Haring, H arvard University profes­ sor of Latin American History, at the annual Hackett Memorial Un-j la tin American universities, ture Thursday. A problem which existed in the His lecture w tv divided into two mlonial period in Spanish America- the historical past of the and which exists today is the vir- art?, tual neglect of present day problem s of the Dr. Haring stated tribute to his late colleague Dr. seems l^atin America topics liberal and the of themselves This jobs to support often resulted in the problem of the professor cutting class more than the students a condition that to modern la th e r strange * Dean L. L. Click introduced Dr. Haring as "the most appropriate man to speak at tins H ackett Me- . la*pc< lion Deail I inc , today . . sin un* i nutu s. Friday midnight is the deadline operation ' ifety inspections (or mohile- the Department ct I’ubla fcatoty ha* warned Texas motorists Concerning the history of higher i "Although In conclusion, Dr. Haring said if education in the Spamsh-American tile social science and humanities countries, Dr. Haring pointed out departm ents of North America al- that universities were already in ways achieve their objectives, their laudable. The th* l a Un-American and it m ay be doubtful intentions are still long before any there for auto- were founded in the United States great lack of Du* to small funds, the prof es- universities is their lack of educa- p elted to range from 58 to bo de- vision of Extension, the . {sol* often had lo has* outside . uon in the** fields.” g lees. 1 siiy of Tex*#, Austin U. hon more children. j ACT Playhouse. fair. The tem perature is ex -' mg «nd Field Service Bureau, Dr WEATHER Friday, in Austin will be mild In an effort to make the vaccine 12 25- Pablo Guzman-Rivas to lead panel discussion on "World at Our Doorstep ” KTBC-TV to mdre children, the classes which will meet carn two sem ester hours of credit I Paralysis agreed toi from 8 a in until 5 p.m., Monday res{)on.sibIc for the third shot through Friday. available the National Foundation for Infantile Salk s two->*lK)t plan. P aren ts will be left to be given seven months later. The Registration form s may he ob* • plan v.ti1 enable the foundation to tamed from the Extension Teach* save about nine million cubic te n ­ is to Dr tim eters of vaccine, which tim e r - enough to inoculate over four mil- j $ 15 4 Dedication of new Sigma Alpha Epsilon house. West Twenty-fifth and Pearl- 5 "Magic With Manners,” KTBC, 6:30—Dr. Fred Bullard to speak on “ Volcanoes,” to University Club, University Tea House "The Miner * Daugh'er.” "The Mine News in Brief. .. •I Pv th# A P OI , I O P l f l \ I NT VTI VE IN T E X A S S P O T L I G H T HOUSTON — Dr. Henry Holle •tate health officer, said Thursday night Saik polio vaccine for Tex­ as school children should reach Austin within two days The Houston Post said more than 50,000 persons already have visited H arris County drug stores to re­ serve com m ercial Salk polio vac. cine. ■it I x SHARES SALK \ At < I N F MAV V O R K — Iii.- National I n u n d a t i o n for Int alii.* I ' a r al v s i n sa i d T h u r s d a y It ha s a l r e a d y n h a r e d tire know how on t h e Saik Polio v a c c i n e w (th a n u m b e r of foreign nati on*— including Soviet Hu s l i a . * I K E A s k s t ON G R E S S FOK M I M M I ' I VV VGK H I K E WASHUM H ON The Eisenhower adm inistration a s k e d Congress Thursday to apply the minimum wage . to 2 ,2 0 0 , 0 0 0 more workers and raise the minimum to 90 cents an hour from 75 A K E B ! L U O ! S < ONVI) T S Kl TI RN T O < E LE S III N T S \ I E E E —Tho IHS Toxa* in c o n v i c t s vv Ii., had holed up t hei r **\orris.* y a r d for JU h o u r s a nd bl m ilt ti U s g a v e up a t &:4d U rn. l b u r w U y . Frtdsy, A f f IS '« ?? T H S D A W TEXAN! Pace J •JUST O V f R - H f R D — Will New Rules Affect Cage Play? W i t h B E R N I E M O W N Of the T< xan Sport* Stuff The first week of sprint basketball traininc Is almost over and one fart is rather evident. Both Kenneth Cleveland and Barry D ow !, two hot-shot guards up from Marshall Hue bes' freshman team, are going to give starters John Schmid and; Norman Hooters a run for their money. Dowd and the be­ spectacled Cleveland h a v e looked good with their deft ball-handling and shooting. : - r. •' follower* of Manv ardent ti c freshmen KENNETH CLEVELAND , . , first study, then play the Texas Shorthorn basketball team may well be surprised by the show­ ing of lads when thev cot their first taste of varsity bali. .Many baske’he.U men are of the opinion that the short Steers will have a tim e holding tough r o c xp' * t • r , Might be Mime indton- J--en . r>r Tex ss tton of w hat is to o-m e basketball by the f - w visitors on cam pus (tonne: the Texas Relays Among the four w ere a 6-S lad from G ra h am . two 6-6 men from West Texas, and a sm all 6-5 boy from the es*’em part of 'he state . . . . There * many a untiling face around C ot M arshall Huchea’s office these days It seems that a certain 6-6 high school junior pi vet from out of state has received Accor dm? to the chance, the free cage offers from Kentucky, Du­ throw to quesne. a sri Oklahoma A&M as but wall as twe.lv e throe has his heart set on cerning to second rule of getting rid of the Austin . W hen sophomore ball will apply. All-Southwest Con­ pitcher G ary Gurwitz made hts ference s o p h o m o r e Raymond first varsity appearance against Downs i? having a rather hard Oklahoma University he w as time ad acting himself ti the new rapped pretty hard. After giving 12-foot free throw lane but don t third up hi* the st nu ch* hit, bet that Raymond wars’t break the from T h r e c R iven chunker LO- po r* rn a: k e \ e r\■ game nex motioned catcher Tommy LeBSeu year . Men Uke TCI ? great out to the rn .rand “ Golly.” said Dirk O’Neal won’t Ke bothered a* G arw in “ th at's three straight hits much by the wirier .re cf the lane off me. Tommy ” “ Yeah. I know ‘ - nee most of O N eal’s hooks are said LeB.eu. ‘ and one more will scored tram deep cat either side four,” When Gurwitx m ake of the basket out cf the free throw side, Coach finally lane . in . F aulk beckoned LeF.eu over to effect by the NCAA that no his side, Asking the se n o r what player may hold the ball longer the bai], Faulk G u n n tz had on than five seconds with a rn im. with­ I received in three feet of him It makes no don't know Coach Not one ball difference if the player is dribbling A n*w o r standing still, he m ust net have ha? got to m e yet,' . . role set ap by the NCAA m ay hurt possess! n of the PMI afte r five the big m en in college basketball, seconds have e.ipsed. lane will be widened feet but this answ er. * Gosh, Another rub put three SWC sc ho-' it retired still the the is . , . . . . . . . Mural Schedule J”re»-Hea*iey va. Warren-Csx E lard McLemona va. Higgins-Nag'a L'.'S -■•Mf.c vs Easton-Baaa HORSESHOE PITCHING 4 p.m. ■alev vs Freed r? ar. B aru ch vs. B ord B red e va P a te n t FU *k ey va Cot p er Davis t* Basevtt Harkeess vs Bettie, gar 4:34 p m. Martian va Nowovny Wolfe vs. V, barton D ap p er vv ?* rotary J o h n s o n vs S tro n g C a r s e v v s . B a l d r i d g e P ie rc e va. B a rtle tt A p rn. H a ir y va H a ro I * va. Br -on Wilcox v? Harteri Halliburton vs. Brasher W hite vs. Jacob* Tachate-* va. Ar any Da %ts vs. Coulter Hal vs Sedumsk e r ta % ne v* Gibboncy Overton v* Thurlow H e .th v* ■ rutcfifleld Britten ham vs. Crossman 5.34 p.m. • O F T l l A L L r i a * . A 7 pm. Tejaa v» a I -■ •(' Pl Ka pp* Ai J • a va Delta Ch! P l a tt e r v t R o en* I i nu t LF A Oak Grove Am ery va F • • -t Barclay va. B*< ii Kens* Cia** B - B e t a T h e t a P l v s T a u K ap p a Epa ion v» Sigm a CM ' K a p p * S i g m a 5 p . BB Sigm a Phi Epa- on Alpha B pt n P Lambda Cr? Alpha va Delta t ’psiion Alpha Ta.: Omega va S5gr ta Ne TEX SIV DOI R IH < l a * * A 4 p HI JU bb-A. leon v* Bl* cweK-Harr* ! Oreve-K orzekwa va fiend* mon-VV JU* aa Dekll-Harw! ev vt. Sears-Dodd Brand-Arr,; A vt Ev**is-B rn.part J p m. Dlekereon-Abernathv vs Ttnker-Grlmea M organ-Bo*tor. *« K van*-Drummond Keroeck-VV ri get vs V. u*©n-L« Trerae-Gam. .a y- Lewiev-Karktirk Claut ll l l gh.ee-Hart l.-j.aar.-M ddbm.ar. MoHna-I^ee re I .-Tnp lf TF* « K e e l h er Du re t v» H e rd e rs n-Scutfctrn Lee-Eil'.ott v* L evi - »irri- • W atta-Brooka va Atli BM ara or Wolfe-your go vs Ro rated-* -aw'-rd NowHn-Ta baton* ta. M ‘Gahejf-JSdor.*on Slgm ar-A niam an vs Dm rd' • a-Lezelte Lovol-R trhle va Roae-l >••>>*• Brow n-Slm roon* va Rarkiey-B' man va Diehard*-Iron ne I v* Searcy’-bunter Allen-J*r. run ga v* WULam*-L«ker fJasaman-Ci’ / P r vt PMAfer-Kitagg* Gerhardt-El a vt Coil na-A.n44raf.iii Brown!ng-McGraw va ftowe-Cdgdeil Green-Brewer va Renouf *OItphant Mitctatan-Zoblotsky va. Winner Unger- Thornton-Baird v < "ar f.-Srr 'n J erguaon-Olfton WI Alen-J- car* GU I et**- N arn ood va Harreli-Gregg GarttrdZocpc-r va. f'urr-Teo* Norman Lex mum-V s > 5 p m . Tennis Schedule I roskm* n S 34 |i in B aroni v« Frank tor ; Hr app vs Woodward Everett vs Brev* r • Arne-Ron vs i 'st i> rn roll Walker vs. Pol k*r vs \ hi50U Texas O pens Series “ For 4th In Row ’ Aqainst A gg ie s Today B a ylo r Net Sq u a d -r- Here Sa tu rd ay a • I B y V E R N E R O A T V I ft T e x a n S p o r t s S t a f f its worst throes of in history, squ ires off I The Longhorn baseball squad, in loping the streak against league-’radlng Texas A n t in the first of a two game series ; at College Station Friday afternoon. is searching for more plate power to suplement Tom Snow's slugging, won't tinc! much incentive from the * out! in ivv- slants of Joe Hardgrove ai e of the Aggie mound corps Texas, which Righthander Clinton Irby, who has been taking his lumps regular of late, will probably find himself with the unenviable task of silen­ cing the loud-speaking bats of the Aggie sluggers* However, if the S intone senior has regained his early sens* rn form, and he is confident that he has. the change of scenery and his strong right arm could drop AAM from Its top perch in the conference The Steers have been getting ► he r base kn ks ■ coming at inopportune times. Their inability to deliver in the clat. h with men on bases has co- * the Longhorns decisions where they j outhit their opponents. I Bright star of the moment he has the potential to hit the are presently in a battle far the long ball, More experience should cellar with the pre-season favorite es are give him consistency in this area. Texas, The Aggies, who were slated for a showdown fight for the league lead with SMI,’ Tuesday, were rained out and are presently in a tie for first with the Mustangs. The Longhorns, who have made the other SWC members look like mullets for the last two decade* po u;a inst Jerry Nelson o f the Ag gies, lr w is .Kingman who came rn to d o a fine relief stint against Rn', for Texas Christian, The Ag l l in vonfercni e play an I I Saturdays battle xx ill proton big­ the Steers s Tom Jungmar victory ti sea si «n. Yearlings, Aggie Fish Baffle H ere Af 3 By JOHN HI Ll J E Texan Spoil* Stuff SWC play last week with a 9-3 victory over the Rice Owlets A tight patching duel between The Fish bring an 0-2 record to Texas’ Harry Taylor and AA M's Austin which includes a 9-2 drub- Toby Newton appears in prospect bing at the hands of the Bay lox Saturday when freshman team*! clash. Coach Jack Trench’* unbeaten Yearlings tangle with Le? Palm er’s Fish at nark Field at 3 p rn. Centerfielder for the Yearlings the two schools Cubs will be picked from the trio of u n eaten in sin Chet» Conti eras . Jerry Piantow- by OI s sky and Probab Taylor, a highly-regarded pros­ pect from Poly of Fort Worth, went the distance in his only’ start, holding 'Travis of Austin to a single four hits while striking ran on out fifteen. In the Aggies' loss to Baylor. Newton relieved in the first inning and proceeded ro pitch one-hit ball innings for seven and one-third while fanning sixteen Cubs. H ie Shorthorns have a 2-0 mark for the year. They opened with i 13-1 win over Travis and started mce Matthews, st it !,rig lineup? : > I \ BEINGS Bi bbv T > rn rn ....... I*. ckkJ y WL • i I ma n . J or Guedea ............. w *v ne < Iraharn .., . ........ E d d ie P n liip s CheHo Centre rat Jiihmo VI,-in: .......... Brott Covington . . . IV. a -i- .......... K a n l i s t ! B obby Conrail C arlo* E sq u Ive! .,** .. (Frdnr Max'.veil Ri char d Johnson .. John Cantro ll . . . . . . Ju n e * K m othcrm an Fd ................. ....... Ken Keen. - J iud lev t n 2 B 3B MS I F < F* RF TU JI'. Mi SS Lf CF i ’ Ct I* Bv EDDIE IK (HIES I f \ «n Sports etui! A blow struck Texas’ top-rated nett ors Thursday afternoon at Pe fl­ ick Courts. ’ > I they still whipped a good Oklahoma Sooner tennis squad, 6*1, for their fourth straight Saturday, Texas resumes con­ ference play against Baylor her*. The blow came when Texas’ van qed numbt r one doubles team of Johnny- Hernando/ and Sammy (Kanimalva fell for the firs? time this year, The Sooner s combo of K< n Taylor and Barry Wa Ira von whipped the Lon.dtorn duo, 6-t 6-3, but that v. is the only eonsola- ti !i the visiting ne!men took home with then; H e r n a n d •' /. d< L : ling S\\ (' singles champion continued to fill in the i tmber one > : glen post and fulfi a I his duty when he polish' I off Taylor, tile defending Missouri Valley Conic fence singles fittest, 6-2, 6-3, < Laminal' a continued to re ma rn Irs play when he V. ii raven, 6-1 6 o from % absent inga t>ecaase of bai k in cha m- •'* rig John Mar­ Tommy Springe the past two rn eel an ailment, came pion hip for m by .v tin down in a 6-0 6-0 fashion. David Snyder casjJy disr*rnsed with the Sooners’ Russell Fuller, 6-2, 6-1, whi p Charles R u s s o struggl'd with Bill Moran before making St a clean s.veep in mc singles for the Longhorns, 6-1,XL3 two doubles I T e x a s’ number • team, consisting of tv,-** newcomers,. Karl Ka rn rath and Neal Blan’on, did right well in defeating Fuller ■and Martin, 6-3. 6-4. T E X A S ’ J I M M Y A D A M S An invasion on the A g g ie s farms Sigm a C h iH altsA T O To Highlight 'Murals By D W E VI TEK 7 V v * n I n t r » n » o r * ! C o o r d i n a t o r Joe Foster s Class A Sigma Chi*? downed the ATO s. 1-2. to high­ light ’mural softball play Thurs­ day, : UT Linksters, Favored S M U Play Friday is first baseman Snow, who finally j emerged from his hitting slump The winners* John M c C l a i n with a bang. In Texas' last gar rn broke the gam e up in the bottom against Baylor, the slugging leiTeil of the seventh when he smashed senior fattened his average with two doubles and a single in five a home run. D irk S eller was the attempts. winning chunker while E l Hawkins took tile loss. stocky, bespeeta< Another outfielder improving f »hn Kin tiber? and sh arp batting of Bob Bally, who coiler*e l two for two at the sn til mer fu n fo r eveat Confer*'-r re favorite Southern plate T h e Uni versify of T exas golf team faces a showdown w l h South- v • Mc'hod «d here F rid ay at the Coun­ try C ub. and the Longhorns are determ ined not to let their chances Slip a w a y / * sierra Starting tim* is 1:15 p.m . I S'err.? I Sfgi Ai thou rn Texas AAM leads the N vs AS? Del Ko A ir Kl T C >v.-r C ROTO over Ari C offee G round* 7 P h i D e lta T h e ta championship chase at the present, •ne Floyd Add:ngton-Ied M ustangs are considered superior. The Long­ horns trail SMU by a slim one- half point margin and to the victor of Friday’* match, goes the con­ ference leadership. fa u lt default TC 14 VV >«• (ll C a m p u s Softball O u i A n Omega I ll Phi Kappa T T C Band I «ter 3 »r A a a f by default r ALME bv d efau lt 4 ll W Spouses by Davis Love probably will be Coach Harvey P enick's choice to challenge Addington in the number one match. A confident, slender junior from D enver, Colo., Love recently played Tournament at A ugusta. Ga. He will Houston in the num ber !’>ne doubles Southern California h ' against Addington and Kenneth : cd guest 'team for th will oppose nun I Southwest Conf team with K.: by Adv ell of HOUSTON USC Selected as Guest the Masters f o r S W C C a g e T o u r n e y \ rn versify ?• H ie University of b I cen rode- t- fifte- r.'h an- *enqe basket* had tournament. December 28-30, at the Rice T told House. Sco". Atwell and each other single? the number two in in John Proctor of San Marcos will play the number throe spot for [Texas while Tommy T wry will 'he same role for SMU, occupy I Against SMU* number four man. With Texas Christian Th < • T ro j ans re pl a ■ e AI a > a rn a, guest team the past two years. the de­ fend.'.? cha rn p..on. oiler confer­ ence s hods m the tournament will u the rn Methodist, Texas A&M and 'v rn Carn ii, Coach Per.ick w . I be Arkar sag. or Baylor, Tex. of Midland lr sh a ll. R < e. Ti ii VY SW IM TRUNKS in tho newest brie f styles fo r men 2.95 *c 5.95 9.95 • 14.95 f j re®. j pf Me.* S W IM M IN G EQUIPMENT b y Volt 5.95 Presenting... the com plete line of Jockey u n d e rw e a r Jockey Shorts $120 Jockey T-shirts $121 Jockey Contoured Shirts $100 I . t M I*»I*T CO,, AQQ k it* , Urn si T*rt ^ A t JbiMjr C*"*'.u home in hurling runs Dodgers to a I■>.* victory over the ( ’.Usuis in pie National League. their In another battle of homers, the third look Chicago Coifs si I alg ii' N animal i I OM r Cin* snmiti, whi!e the St. Lotus Cards used an eleventh .ri­ ling homer by rookie B ill Vinton to edge Milwaukee > Br vest, $-7. I ,< ague gum* Another homer slanted a thrrp- run winning uprising for Philadel- , phia as th#* Phillies defeated Pitts- | burgh, 4-3. W illie Jones was th# lad the I w ho poked I left field wall. th* blast o ver The Am erican League had hom­ ers also which counted heavily in the victory margins. Jim Pier sail and Sammy White hit one apiece as Boston defeated the New York Yankees, 8-4; a game-turning blow by I ’n J) Nieman led Chicago over Kansas City, 7*1; and Al Smith’s round tripper gave Cleveland a 5-3 1 v el diet over I V t rob Big League Barometer ii* I hr ,Av,o( NATIONAL LF. M il I W I, Cr* A M I U K AN I.F.A i,I E W L ret GB f’»n? the a* ! >* Mo out «nv n Im pea SM I \V#*t Til B A N M M I It I J K I ** U i ,s I Ii I KMM V S Hi >1 I I H I ll I BSI! A I ** lit M X I I KIDA I s I- VMI * r u n t AL'*' lU M l < 14-15 I VS UT Softballers Try Ags Today Tile I University of Texas All-Star softball team will .journey to Col­ lege Statical Frid ay to play a strong ; Texas A A M nine in a double header, starting at 7 p.m. The Aggies heat the Longhorn softball*!** last ye a r in the Inter­ collegiate Tournament held in Aus­ tin Infielder Delano Womac k pit* her j Gwynn Teague, and catcher Bud- • fly McCauley have been added to last I the roster. Returnees year am B ill Bond. T. J . Red, j Ross Vick. Ken Conule} Bdl Stan-; ley, Ja c k Dulaney, Kd Dusky, Rd! j I»n g , Jam es B y e rly, Jim Rogers. I Bob Jameson, and Joe Foster. is “ Sonny'’ Hooker A A. from the Texas coach. ONE HOUR M ARTINIZING The Most In Dry Cleaning ONE HOUR SERVICE At No Extra Charge O pen: 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. M onday through Saturday 51« W«-«t tOIh st Corner >u»*c**s W hy do more ATTENTION CO LLEGE STUDENTS Free To Work Full Time This Summer In Texas m Wrinkle Proof • Cooler Comfort • Longer Wearing Sm artly styled with continuous waistbands and deep pleats • C h a rco al • Platinum • C o c o a • B l a c k • Beige • N a v y college men and EARN $1500°° BY SEPTEMBER • - • rnSL*A No Experience Necessary No Travel No Door To Door C A R IMPORTANT! For personal interview call 6-4361 Between 8 and IO a.m. - I 2 to 2 and 4 to 6 p.m . Frid ay 611 C O N G RESS women smoke VICEROYS than any other filter cigarette? BECAUSE ONLY VICEROY GIVES YOU A PURE, NON-MINERAL, NON-TOXIC FILTER WITH 20,000 FILTER TRAPS IN EVERY FILTER TIP! I . 2 3 Yes, only \ i< croy lugs this I ! iny filter t raps. You cannot action in any othrr < igantte. iter comp 20 OOO Resides boing non-mineral and non* lose-acetate tilter never shreds or cr 'XU eel, ti- Tho \ iceroy fille r wasn’t just whipped up to market to mw t the now and 'kyrockoti for tilt o w l cigaret t as. \ iceroy pioneer! resoarch wior< (hon Jo ycmm iiyo t<• Creal anil perftx’t filter. id rushed I demand Starte d t hi pnii Sm okers en mass* report th a t filtered Viceroys have 0 a finer flavor even than cig a re tte s w ithout filters. Rich, siltisfying, yet pleasanti> milli. Viceroy draw s so easily th a t you w ouldn’t know, w ith o u t looking, th a t it even had a filter tip . . . and V iceroys cost only a penny in two more th a n ciga­ ret (os w ithout filters! 4 5. T h a t ’s w hy m ore m ilage men a n d women sm oke VICEROYS th a n a n y o th e r filter c i g a r e t t e . . . t h a t ’s w hy VICKROY is th e largest-s d Ii ny filter cig arette in the world! 20,000 TINY FILTER TRAPS. . . plus Richer, Smoother Flavor XEL / % Sportshirts Completely Washable $ 3 9 5 -a © f § v - r n - \ Y^flL \ V y \ V , - ’ - Y Y,Jr" VA . * Thousands of cool cotton short sleeve sport shirts in every concievable color and pattern a w a it your choosing at this low price! H an d ­ som ely tailored in all the new collar styles. Merritt |Sd\aefer 611 C O N G R ESS FnMey, A pril !? !c ?$ THE DAILY TEXAN? Peg* A P®p Foreign Students Firing Line Parking • Tuition A C h a l l e n g e To thr U d lto r : N e c e ss ity d e m a n d s th a t a fo re ig n stu d e n t c o m m e n t on th e a r tic le s b y fo reig n a u th o rs w h ic h h a v e a p ­ in T he D a ily p e a r e d sp o ra d ic a lly T e x a n . Such a rtic le s do no good to an y o n e a n d s e rv e only to s t i r up 111 will T H I K F VBK STI D F NT* h e r e fro m all p a r ts of th e w o rld ; so m e c o m e vet th g r e a t id e a ls w h ich th e y e x p ec t to so o n se e a c c o m p lish e d . to m e h a v e no id e a ls w h a te v e r a n d no c o n c e p tio n of th e w o rk a n d be­ h a v io r e x p e c te d o f th e m , hu t, th e re a r e a h a n d fu l w ho a r e so full of th e y c a n 't g iv e c o m p le x e s a n y o n e a b r e a k . T h e s e fe w a r e e a g e r to e x p lo it th e triv ia litie s of e v e ry d a y life in o r d e r to d is c re d it th e fru its of sot icty for th e seif- i-e-.ro-s a n d p i.u n s o . p r i c y of th e v e r y few. th a t I th e th e a r tic le th is re a s o n . r e la tio n s b e tw e e n I h a v e r e a d w ith m u c h d is p le a s ­ u r e " B e c a u s e T h e y W ere F rie n d ly H e C h o se th e U n i­ v e r s ity ," w r itte n by tho e s te e m e d W alid S. A b a z a T h is a r tic le d e s­ c rib e s the " F o r e ig n S tu d e n t” a n d th e N o rth in­ A m e ric a n S tu d e n t” as a lm o s t felt to le ra b le . F o r s l m c '' re sp o n sib le fo r th e w ritin g th a t a r tic le m y se lf, T h e re fo re , of w h e n e v e r a fo reig n stu d e n t is re- fe re d to a s a p ro b le m stu d e n t o r an o u ts ta n d in g s tu d e n t. I b e lie v e w e to sh o u ld r e f e r m o re sp e c ific a lly h is o rig in . T he v e ry o m is sio n of o n e 's c itiz e n sh ip s e r v e s to d is c re d it, im m e n se ly , th e w o rk w h ic h so m e of us a re d oing to h ind o u r c o u n ­ tr ie s and th is c o u n try w e so g r e a t ­ ly a d m ire , M W I CON TIN I F b y r e fe r r in g t o th e a rtic le . You* M r, A b a z a . m ig h t w e ll h a v e s ta v e d a t hom e w ith m o th e r, r a th e r th a n e x p e c tin g to find y o u r b a b y -s itte r a t th e a i r ­ p o rt. is Should so m e o n e m e e t you w ith " M y boy, o p e n a r m s a n d te ll you th is th e only w a y to a b e tte r life a n d I a m to g u id e you th ro u g h lik e th is h a p p e n i t . " W ell, o ccasio n ally ' but you m u st a d m it. th in g s " fe w th e y a re w ho find th e m ." In m y six y e a r s in th is c o u n try , I h a v e found th e fre e d o m , loverly, e q u a lity , d e m o c ra c y , a n d h ig h e r e d u c a tio n you sp e a k of. B u t, I tell you, m y frie n d , you c a n p u rc h a s e none of th e s e at th e c o r n e r d ru g ­ s to re , n o r do ?he> c o m e in a n e a t p a c k a g e Y ou h a v e live w ith th e m , a n d m o re im p o rta n t you h a v e to love th e m a n d s tru g g le fo r th em in o r d e r to m a k e th e m y o u r v e ry ow n, to to go t i K A I,I, II V\ I th: nigh a p ro c e ss of a d a p ta tio n w h e n e v e r w e ta k e a stet) for o u r own b e tte r ­ fro m in m e n t B ut, q u e stio n , th a t a few is e v id e n t it of th e e m b itte re d m in o rity re fu s e to a c c e p t th e c h allen g e th e a rtic le T h e q u e stio n of d is c rim in a tio n a n d re lig io u s p re ju d ic e a s m a d e to a p p e a r in th e a r tic le is a fa lla c y . U n fo rtu n a te ly th e r e a l re a s o n s b e­ hind a ll c y n ic ism a n d u n h a p p in e ss a s p u b licly e x p re s s e d by M r. A b a /a a r e not found in his a r tic le . In ste a d . a b u n d le of u n fo u n d e d s ta te m e n ts a n d d re a m e d up a c c u s a tio n s w e re p ie c e d to g e th e r to s tir u p r e s e n t­ m e n t a n d d e s tro y a il th e tie s w hich h a v e a lw a y s e x is te d b e tw e e n s tu ­ d e n ts fro m a ll o v e r th e w orld T h e p e rs e c u tio n c o m p le x , w hich y ou h a v e d e v elo p ed , Ie ids no w h ere M r. A ba?, a. W h ere is fe elin g s o rry for y o u rse lf g o in g ?<* g e t y o u ? E x ­ a c tly ; N o w h e re !! W ake up an d s t a r t a c c e p tin g th in g s a s th e y < m e along. L ife will be m u c h s w e e te r a n d h a p p ie r a n d w e will all b en e­ fit r a th e r th a n c o v e tin g o u rs e lv e s w ith m ud. P. I nm na A L E X T O V A R TA M A Y O S tu d e n t fro m V en ezu ela m o n s fo r coffee o r te a . sit w ith A irierb an stu d e n ts You w ill not he r e je c te d . A like to m e e t m o re of you, b u t w e a r e a b it c la n n ish , to t, We like th e old f a m ilia r sig h ts a n d sounds lot of us w ould JA C K LO V IN G e A p p re c ia te d Criticism T o th e E d i t o r : In re p ly to G H. W h eeler You c o n c e n tra te d y o u r F irin g L in e th e m e in the fa lse .sta te m e n t o f ta k in g a d v a n ta g e of y o u r fre e - doht in d ce d y . T h e re w a s no sp ecific in s ta n c e in m y p re v io u s e ssa y to d e n o te to y o u r h y p o th e s is H o w ev er, all I h a d In c lu d e d a re a u th e n tic fa c ts . if not seen , h e a rd o r to u ch e d a t le a s t. A u th e n tic im p o s sib le fa cts a r e u n d e n ia b le a n d th e sens* of ta k in g a d v a n ta g e of y o u r f r e e la n d . to e x p la in in o th* is no n e ed r th* m d. od tr d e r u wont fre e m e r s e t tl e r s »: A s to I p ro b le m re le v a n t I w a s fro m y e b u t I re so rt of c iii th e F T h e re is no do u b t o f y o u r w on- to then* you, th e p eople of th e ire re c e iv e d w ith w ar* ire op en h a n d s th a n th e ay c o u n try . M a rsh a ll P la n , let th * c a s t a sid e a s it is in ­ c u r notatio n . rifle d to d is c o v e r t h a t or fro m a n y one e ls e , y w a s e x p e c tin g s o m e cism th a t m ig h t a p p e a r ut L ine, a n d th is o n t o d ju ste d a n d rig h tfu lly will be h ig h ly a p p en ­ I n of 'VCT o u r it end ed ighls. o n firm a tio n th a t > ta k e a d v a n ta g e V, A U D ABAZA A p o lo g y To th e E d ito r : I, on h e h a li o f th e vr ap h e re , id e a ls WI off s te a m i fo llo w ers of s G . Ii blow find F la n We a st m a jo rity xilogize fo r . H e is only u se he c a n 't a Ku F lu x to th e C om - H ig h e r Tuition I ilito r : T o th** R e a liz in g th a t the foUowir c o n flict yy I by T he Da w >* bop*1 1 h cie ir to pc fro m th e c A ngelo sr- , ex.rn, IU w S t ex p ress) erthele* y o u r w in e x c e l if th e S d a y , A pril 9, 1955. " H ig h e r T uition, A J u s t S o u rce fo r C ollege C a s h " is th e title. "VI I < \ \ I NU E! T lo ts of talk in to The ta lk a th o n Jo e L o ck 's bill | i r s tu d e n t' an d m a y b e even a the T e x a s S e n a te th is w e ek w hen S e n a ­ to r in c re a s e tu itio n rn s ta te u n iv e rs itie s c o n ies up 'th e little m a n ' will fig u re p ro m in e n tly in th e s e sp e e c h e s, a s th ey did in H ouse d e b a te s on th e s a m e issue. " B u t vve hope th a t a f te r a lt the p o litick in g !>e so m e s e n a to rs c le a r-s ig h te d enough to p a ss the!*' will in c re a s e . is o v e r, tuition th e " H K .H E K T U IT IO N is not only so u rc e of a d d itio n a l for m o u n tin g u n iv e rs ity an obvious re v e n u e n e e d s; it is a lso a ju s t so u rc e . "M u c h w ill tie s a id a b o u t o u r oil* o b lig a tio n t. mg. M o d er m a y Im; un g a b o n to o ail d e se rv jn w ho connu this s ta te h college ti i to CY i’ Ty O' It1 " VT B K E tuftily th a t. is only non th e U n ite d ! c h a n g e d sir of I Ga ira led whole a1 obit- Bing to indents m ain ly to give v free, T X I we are ti for our presen (Biti pr intl h depri is no u th e re p a y e r s should fre e e d u c a tio n fo r all, an d wt a b ility of a st * to p a y for a r " I n view of a g e of m oney g ro w in g derm p u rse , it. is dot la tu r e is got te a c h e r s w h a t ti! th e p ro fess h ie s , e v e ry SIV I w h final UCB not :hout any tost of the idea! or his parents easonable tuition. the chronic short- ;n Austin and Hie rids on the public I bifid that the Legis- ti* pay college rtg 'orih they I'n - ating sal their ahi! Ie of pay should ort t u n l o t >lv through rates. rid iculously low tuition "In other words, there would be more money to go around for the higher education of those who need funds for it if we did nm supply nearly free education for some who can w ell afford to pay. "Recently raised tuitions of som e privately endowed colleges give an idea of vc hut a college education costs, even rn coiler.*•* with tre­ mendous endowment- designed to keep tuitions down. Some tuition figures for next fall are: Hobart, $800 a year, Bryn Mawr. $850; Trinity. $700; Cornell. $850: Prince­ ton. 51.000; Holyoke. $950; Brown and Pem broke, $950. " I IIL Kl VI. I MENDS >f educa­ tion sn the legislature (and there are very , very few > will be more concerned about the standards of education which they make pos­ sible in our state supported univer­ sities thi n a lieut the fake agita­ tion against higher tuition which is sweeping: the various student bod­ ies edit'*nals We feel that this is one of the best the raise in tuition to come out in any Texas newspaper. concerning JACK RAY WINSTON CROWDER (E d ito r s Nole House Bill l ’f«, sponsored by Kepr* st-ntutiv cs J. O. < .ill hn rn seven other and th#* m em b ers of the House, Is only hill inthe lx gist iture a lin ed ut in creasin g tultiton.i * ’Pidgeon-hole" P arking To th** Editor • I The p . : * r p r o b l e m on the ■ cam ple said to affect au per cent of the students, shows a ; o k of planning on the part of the Admin­ istrative Council. 2. T h e p ro p o sitio n to keep fresh - Around the World in Quite a Doze Busby Versus H e a lth Marquis o f Queensbury Rules Pogo Bv l i l t ll XIII) B IS B Y co u n te r w ith That P know ho Dc old ICH a to th e a lw a y s show -offy s a f e rn a s s u m in g t h a t you a rn old en o u g h to be sic k Of c o u rse , th e re ic; curve- breake^; w ho " h a s n t b e e n sick a d a y in h is life H e d o o m t c o u n t ) lf y o u ’re like m e when y o u ’re sick , you g e t grouchy and gru m ­ py and "hard to live w ith" ae m y room m ate e x p r e s se s It. You feel th e world is wrong hut you (and, hv jove, they are too) and you want to for everything pay th ey've done to you in your well or non sick d ays. like ev ery o n e them hack in T he H e a lth C e n te r is th e p la c e fo r you to go. ♦ like No o th e r p la c e I 'v e e v e r been th e H e a lth C e n te r. is q u ite If you h a v e n e v e r e n te r e d its gia*s-pan<*d d o m - (e v e n th e d o o rs h a v e p a n e s in th e H e alth C e n te r- - oh y u k ’ ’ a n d you a re n e a rin g th a t I m b e c ilic re ­ fe rre d to a s " G r a d u a tio n T im e " th e n q u ick , m a n . d ro p e v e ry th in g • p re fe ra b ly on y o u r foot* a n d h ig h ­ ta il it to th a t H o u se of M irth a n d M ire, th e H e alth C e n te r, R ound out y o u r c o lle g e c a r e e r . Y o u 're p a y in g fo r it. sn e e rin g ly p e rio d I ll n ever forget th#* first tim e I w#nt In the Health C enter. It w as m y first day at The I Diver­ sity of T exas. I w as looking for the Journalism Building, hut I took a w rong turn on S cien ce Re I in I w a lk ed in. g a p in g a n d w a* p ro p e rly im p re s s e d b w a s not un­ like a n y jo u rn a lis m b u ild in g I h a d I h ad n e v e r e v e r se e n , b e c a u se jo u rn a lis m b uilding. seen a n y I stood line (w h a t c is e ? ) a n d a k in d ly w o m a n ro lle d up m y sle ev e a n d v a c c in a te d m e a g a in s t s m a ll­ pox • ! h a v e to lau g h . At th e tim e I m is ta k e n ly th e w o m a n th o u g h t w a s the R e p o rtin g L a b s u p e rv is o r w ho h ad an o v e rd e v e lo p e d love of sa n ita tio n a n d c le a n lin e s s , I s e ri­ o u sly c o n s id e re d c h a n g i n g m y m a jo r at th a t m o m e n t. I could go th is s a n ita tio n u p to a poin t, but a f te r fe a r of n e ed les, B ut, I w a s young. I th a t well I h a d a \ rayed , arui In a few m inutes I had been vaccin ated against sm allp ox, had been ch est they w ere jus! about Ut lake out m y appendix when I overheard so m e ­ one say he w as r reporter from The Daily T exan and would like to pi# k up the Sick List, Then I knew. I w as not In Hie Jou rn al­ ism Mudding. Mer haps I wouldn't change my m ajor just vet, I m a d e m y d e c isio n (I h e s ita te d b e c a u se I r e a lly w ould like lo h a v e a t th a t a p p e n d e c to m y , but h a d th a t I tu n e J d id n 't know until paid m y fe es -th a t I w a s k e e p in g in hJ«Kxh a n d th a t H e a lth O a t e r said "Excuse mc*," a n d made m y . . . Kl JU , Th I vva s sent x? few y e a r s . I v is ite d it a s a s u n o ften I sp a sm o d ica l::.', co u ld . tim e s se v e ra l fo r th e Sick L ist, an d o c c a sio n a lly ille g a lly s n e a k e d in te rv ie w so m e im p o r ta n t p e rs o n a g e on th e list, an d o n c e w a lk e d to b u y a box of B and-A :ds. (T h ey didn t have any. to in in Hut finally c a m e th e dav when \ P atient. t w as to go Ho t * ms I even expert#^ to m ake the ^b k L i s t m y s e l f fit is s o m e t i m e s r e ­ ferred to, a ls o , as "W hat L oc* l ' p H e r e ." ) Now I ll h a v e to a d m it th a t of a1! th e p la c e s th a t c a n s c a re m e th e q u ic k e st, th e C e n te r is one. S o m e­ th in g h a p p e n s to m e. As soon a s I 'm a I e n te r th a t d o o r B a n g ' I d o n t w a n t d iffe re n t p e rso n . to to th a t d e sk , so I kill w a lk up tim e th is ste el m y se lf to h a p p e n s ev ery tim e I 'm frig h te n e d ! by going a f t e r a d rin k of w a te r. But frig h te n s fo u n tain m e m o re th a n th e desk . H ave you e v e r se e n th o se HG fo u n ta in s? You stic k y o u r w hole body into th e w all w hich is rid ic u ­ lous a s vv ell a s d a n g e ro u s -- ju s t to lousy d rin k of w a te r. I a l­ get a w a y s in th in k I ’m going an d d ro w n a n d I c a n ’t ev en en jo y m y w a te r, w h ich I d id n t w a n t in th e first p la c e . th e w a te r to fall la n d to index jolt on a F inally I m osey up to the de*k, determ ined faKe front. I notice that none u t the receptionist** are w a tc h in g , so I furiously hang on the counter wi th my finger, and say over and over in my m ind, “ (liv e Us som e se r v ic e ." A lad y c o m e s up a n d holds five big p a d s in h e r hand, s p re a d out " P ic k a c a r d ." she sa y s. like I I sig n m y n a m e a n d she pick, te lls m e th e W aiting in R oom (w'hieh could be a sto ry in its e lf), I w ait in the W aitin g R oom . I sit in a school desk a n d ex p ect to pa* e up a n d dow n a p ro c to r to w a it t h o no en# any rn.nut#? to sec later is breaking I h a v e sign an oath have neither given nor received any rid on my blood test 5 line. * You in to I then play a gam e called "Try to K • p from St irin g ut ti < Peof A Sit’in .' Aero*.* fro rn M c 1 wh -h s fun but impossible. In those w a it­ ing I * : I put your eyes there is a peison sitting there. no rn it?#*r w h< . ,* x to I n d e rsta n d M r. T h ru th** d o c to r p lay s a ga m e r a ile d "W h en I f a ll Y our N a m e , V on Try lf you d o n ’t u n d e rs ta n d y o u r n a m e w hen it is c a lle d , o f t e n th ro u g h a big w ooden do o r, th en you h a v e to go to th e end of th e line. F in a lly I get in to see th e d ■ o r. A nd I is w ro n g ••*■ h m c. S o m e tim e s I think I h a d l a t h e r be sick. tor se t w h a: * A L R E A D Y ‘J E T SO M E N E W N E W S D E P A R T M E N T a n d I re c e iv e d a n o th e r it w a* signed "W LV l e tte r a b o u t ‘ "it. It said As I w a s w alk in g do n th e a lle y b ehind th e Spud-N ut S hop a b o u t I IO a in. la s t T u e s d a y n ig h t, I c a m e up on w h a t I th o u g h t w a* a d e lin q u e n t w heel fro m th e S o ap Box D e rb y . But no, It w as a reel of film film ru n . things, a in, of all Holding up a fram e to the fam ed Vustln tow er lights, I read tho trail* r : "KKD P R E SE N T S: M et P ilo t.’ " A ttached w as this note, in the vaguely fam iliar script of Howard H ughes: " lf anyone finds this, p lease edit." ♦ O N E TWO. B U C K LE MY H O R S E S H O E D E P A RTM E N T As I p a sse d th e o th e r nig h t, w h a t th e D elt h o u se a t I a m . to m y w a n d e rin g eyes should a p p e a r ' S om e boys p itc h in g h o rse sh o e s by th e light of a n a u to m o b ile p o in te d th e rig h t w ay, Do I think it s stra n g e for boy* I I w on 25 c e n ts . to h e pit* lu n g h o rse sh o e s at a m ? Y es. But (JO fj j j ) o r (u n i lie Darrell June* Caf ;> Fern m ar the be on ii 19, to inter- .dor positions summer Camp date*: July 19- i*kt 25. Make appointment* in Student Employment Bureau, re Mali 106. for th. Au th* Pe int Is h m ad Hill, assistant superin­ Lubbock Public Schools, tendent interview prospective elemen­ v . ll tary and in secondary Tete her Placement Serv ic* Sutton 2o.! on Friday morning, April 15, from 9 ii Ti on'* Beginning salary witli a be- helot * degtee is teachers 300 m aster * Vi. 525 Interested registrants should call or oo:e bv .Sutton a 9 lur appoint­ ments to Ida* * m e n I ( ‘alif., win bi Dean Green assistant superinten­ in dent Oxnard . •* i v ic e o n F r i ­ T e a c h e r to 5 p m. day. April 15. from t> a in Mi Green is Interested in prospec­ tive for hi* elem entary s c h o o l, but w ill bi happy to talk with secondary teachers about op­ portunities in general in California. Interested registrants should call o r co rn o by S u t t o n 2*«.i t o r a p p o i n t ­ ment*- teacher# A T he American N ation al Red C row ilia rues n p itsi-n u u v x * on will campus Wednesday, April 20. 1955, to interview men and women who ire inter*-.led and wiii qualify for the following I. Assistant Field Directors ■ large amount of * ar com m odate I tan ti few locations on the lot s way i sh) student but with- ■ brined lege Id b< I) d* hat not only scholarship fam ily lin­ net Aine if p. p ets bein ZING I RY By W a lt K elly • ~ IT t 0 -5 ‘# SO-N " £ 2 0 ' :x.£" "-J."; f i t ~ J O x ' 7 s r 11 y h G M E / . ’V ^ T A s i a ' ' O A S t .‘(C JT , F s £ £ . CAN ' ? ; ' ' 5 r ? /. 'v ‘B " * : ‘. vC, rx?C5. sff»fiM7TM£Bg.' I v c . x ^ v - is . VQ. T is S S "-2 G fffA T p n o j e c r t u o s’? 2 - - ' r T-2 G M M P Q O JB C X lU O SHOT O -'C e A Cr. C ' XOP0 O#rSLBMCH SA Y ?1' vc. LD SMOKE Cs7) T D C : ; r C f is CASS YC^**,##- # G P P / A ' h - ■ e & j t o - ' - r ' e $ a f b in M .V A Y " B B G L 5 6 V C . A CG im VC- \ 'n' 6 - 0 7 0 * - ' CV- ~ ~ W £ L 2 C .N L 6 . c o e . . £ k FA* * VOt IN T vVCft C VO*#- S IT— r r '£ Ei c T S 3 X CO i?ik\%w** - -------------- # 4 A W W r KC - A JL S * f t o W t i fey c ^ \ TEXAN CROSSWORD 'fTTTTm A (T K )"S I. Venture 6. Mark of an injury' fi. Sacred picture I Rusk. Uh ) JO Minute skin I! Disclosed 12 N ear (poet ) 14 Single unit 15. P o rtio n of a curved line 16. Greek lette r I? Sew ed w ith long, loose s titc h e s 20 R om an poet 22. C oncealed 2 A symbol of m a rria g e 2 ‘ H elper Dxirn 2 atelopes 2 ( Ai r .) 20 Friar’s title 30 On the ocean SI Hugar-cftne sh o o t 85 N euter pronoun SC Japanese shrub 38 Employ SO Mother. of-pearl 41 . D i m i n u t i v e of Anne 43 bart of speech 44 F rench c ity 45 Throw 4 C M im icker DOWN 1 , I Goddess o f the hunt i ‘ 2 F ields 3. Spawn of fish 4 Conclude 5. Box scien ­ tifically ti A covenant 7. P art of “to be” 8. H arvesting l l . Boy's n ick n am e 13. D*ng. na rrow elevation o f land 15 Find the sum of 18 A dictionary 19 G e d d es of healing I N orse, 21 By w a y o f 24 O nce m ore 25. A m o m e n t 26. O w ing 27 C o n ste l­ lation 29 Back 32. U nit of w eight 33. V ariety c f w illow 34 Born 37. Lair* 19. C ry of a dove 41 M iscellany 42 Pinch H % 24 % 2 5 % 7 / / — *> 14 SO I t 14 i 7 a / i i i i V / • * ■ X I % >9 [ / / / KS 3 2 / j I ii / JO 21 / / / V A/ / y 2 J 2 9 S I i !?t> 5 / r S i 'IA I $ *4 A b % A i t r 4 4 44* i % % r n % A Cryptogram (juoution M E Y B J T I P C E O J Q M Y J J U (J A K Y T U - Q X I Y, I Y S J A Y ! 1 Y S J A Y!— P T D O Y Q Q n Two wails are to o much safety. ? I hi 4 Bt to 'Unfair Cont, XI ct em More th a n ST,DCO was paid in fo rfeited deposits in U niversity d o rm ito ry u n its last y ear, Of this am o u n t, $4,660 w as collected in the m en’s and w om en’s tri-dorm s. im m ediately, the m oney ha* no function o th e r th an to accu m u late bigger excesses in the coffers. These are P e rh a p s the nine-m onth c o n tra c ts w ere th e o n !y U niversity d o r m ' needed when th e y w ere installed, if th e u n its th a t have nine-m onth co n tracts. The p u r p o s e of a contract is supposedly to guarantee the landlord (in this ease, the food and housing s e n ice ) against losing large amounts because of cancel­ lations. The tri-dorms do not need such insurance. th e d o rm ito ry u n its In th e first place, collected as excess in last y e a r w as $107,501.57. S urely, th en , the uncollected m oney th a t would result from tri-d o rm stu d e n ts’ being able to m o v e at m id-term w ith o u t p en alty would not ruin th e budget. If a contract is needed to Insure against unexpected vacancies, there is no need in this ease. Spring would be the only sem es­ ter affected by the change. This spring there are three vacancies in the wom en’s tri-dorms and The in the men s. Next year there will be at least I,(XX) more students. Not only will every room be filled, but there will be a waiting list. M any of th e stu d en ts w ho w ant to live In U niversity housing will have to find living space elsew here. If th e room s a re d ecent room s, th e y will be filled. B lanton H all will m ake m ore space fo r w om en b u t it won t d ra in th e halls of A ndrew s and C arot hers. T h ere a re m an y reaso n s people need o r w ant to ch an g e to a n o th e r living u n it. Som e cannot stu d y because of a noisy loud next-door neighbors. ro o m m ate o r Some w an t to m ove into a so ro rity o r fra te rn ity house o r live w ith a p a rtic u la r frien d who can n o t get into th e full d o rm i­ to ries. D ietary conditions affect o th e rs. Sim ple dislike of the living unit influences still oth ers. W ily should th ese people be forced to sta y o r fork up S20 w hen o th e r people are e a g e r to m ove in at m id -term ? If the student must pay his >70 to le a r ­ nt mid-term and a new person irones in U n iv ersity a rea w as not over-crow ded. But now they are an tiq u ated , o u td ated , and u n fair. T h ere is no reaso n ab le basis fo r con­ tin u in g to ta k e S20 fo r th ose w ho m ove a t m id-term . O ne-sem ester c o n tra c ts a re th e only fa ir a rra n g e m e n t for tri-d o rm s occupants. I n t l t h e ( ) l h i e r d . T he an n u al Silver S p u r and Mike F lynn aw ard s fo r th e m ost o u tstan d in g stu d en ts on cam pus will alm ost alw ays, u n av o id ­ ably, go to stu d en ts w ho s ta rte d in the U n iv ersity as freshm en. U navoidably because in a school th is size a stu d e n t’s basic connections and a s ­ sociations m ust be m ade ea rly to allow fo r a later increase in scope. But both th ese and th e D ad ’s D ay aw ard s leave unrecognized m an y who tra n sfe rre d h ere a s sophom ores an d ju n ­ iors, but have still m ade th e ir niche in cam pus life an d h av e given long h o u rs of service to th is in stitu tio n . T he recen t p re sen tatio n of th e S c a r­ b ro u g h A w ard fo r excellence in teach in g points up a n o th e r blank spot in th e U ni­ v ersity system of recognition. T he aw ard is fo r fa cu lty m em bers in th e College of A rts an d Sciences. The teac h ers in th e College of E ducation, Col­ lege of Fine A rts, and o th e r specialized a re a s a re left unrecognized. lose S ep arate aw ard s in ev e ry college would soon the “ tu r n ” passed to unqualified individuals because of a n a rro w field of choice. th e ir significance w hen B ut stu d en ts and facu lty alike should give some serious th o u g h t as to how rec­ ognition can be sp read to tra n s fe r stu d en ts —C O PE L A N D an d m ore teach ers. T h e T ex a n Oft i i i n I IU CCA Optniuni, expreM*#*d by l ilt* Texan ar,- not n e c essa rily tho** of the ad m in istration , nth, r U niversity offk tai*, or the m a ­ jority of the student*. rn* Delly I m n , stuoent n***;*• >a University of Texas, is an% wm) holiday mn axil iii Pl C h p u t is M • O ox !.-* t r r* • me s c ,*• rn Cut.r n.-.: VO (ll ,l*i. I -..Ii* «vt u* se ■ 1 •an u ria of! UM-* J I: l a rn ta* new* Ic* deliver* should ce n;»iae in , h ■ M itered a* eet-ond<• <*** matte! Austin Tex** urifin ti-.i id -if / B S # ' 'arc tf un* prion* *. /I T I ' •atory JB lilt a d v e r tin g J 8 t i t <2-2476* t* tile luquirie* concern- i n t Poet O ff. • et i at ai I n« ASxix-iateO Kl of im newt diepni< new* pa ;/*o * ad < > * o f a u b ile a U o r* o f a i K e u r e s e n te f l t o r N e ’ UU SI* <3 .VC Av* AtSMM tA I LU I'KIXM W lh r l f Kl IFK en tm •punuuMOu* * ere in el o ’er ow? r u e d se roi leusjBMrafton t>. credited in tine tied herein Right# ai Ad i o rti ag av Hee# Rubiiyher* R*-pr*»*ntet!v# .etlone, Advertising Service. r»e** tore. I C U P a g o tSasto* - i>o» A s i t i a — San Francisco *»»•,<» lr o t *,)«•# int* I rf** h n l Limo* Aff M K I B *.1 U**l Iii P l HIN K i n s M I,iiii«u> sub** rititiwB — I lire* Muetes/ ' < * nr Admission rn le ie«.J in M HSII, ’ IS a ri Applications ,n fee rnu-t be re- Education*! Tenting J . en or toe- ton fit B u lletin * cl apparation b la n k s ti at the '(Vet * na and to V H all IGI, or s t V A N D ER SO N Ij rn un nd Oui rte ive Bureau e e Record Esar* ns- given o n S a t u r d a y , Gu the mon ta OO n onto TS mon th »,**.iy*rrO In Ai Manse 'n Au*' (do cd OU) OI < Editor In-Chi*-! N ight E d ito r . . . I k v l I .chlor . . . N ig h t R e p o r te r s P E R M A N E N T ST A F * M U H L E I HT It I ’M Toe Ct tiom va iii A p r I) 30. I OK r i l l * ISM E * ! U I j i m m i e Mc K i n l e y ............................ ........................L l ........... JE A N SC HH A HTZ Shirley Strum, R uth B roose, Carol Sutherland Joanne C opeland, M ary Jam? R aw lins, D otty lx?ventt, C a rl B u r ie n Lob Knight, Arnold RoMttZweig, J, C. Gouiden Th* e hedul# Ive to w iou, i-rt H 45 a rn.—Candidates re port ! be fol» tude Tests/ 12 15 p rn—f i*i'* of a* »*ion I if l p m . —Candida i* * report v a n c e d Test*) 5 IS p m — Approximate c l o s e of .A d ­ ............................................ C o p y r e a d e rs Night .Sjiorts Educt Verne R oam er, Nick Johnson Assistants ............. Mod Night A m u sem en t- Editor A ssista n ts ....................... *.............. A rn *d e Sn th. Luke I . B atterieIla N ight Wire E d ito r Night so c ie ty Editor N ight Fairchild O p e r a to r ....................................... ................................... .............. D t u o E v a n s Eddie Hughes Information «ow#rnln* the Grad­ ual* R ecord Examinations ms;, be the off i e obi* 10**1 by calling at tit if. J i-er tip and Gulden** But • «u, V Hall. Room ttc1J, Registration flutes April I* 1965 a M iller N ancy P age Lillian Ornish GORD*#"- V A M i LRSON A-*i*unt ln r * - c io r i t st* i.g a aa OutUmve Ii uxtat* i Ofl -pv • Lon Tinkle Director to Visit UA s To A ddress \/,V,U D T T Hr Fiduard M i c e k I UT. I red i cis PEK Banquet Arm y Dictatorship for Russia ^ I J V- / - \ x —I i y—- 4 - /"•> ' J F r M a y , !< '1955 T H F D A I L Y T E X A N ! 5 “ A m ilitary dictatorship with Marshal Zhukov at its head is my prediction for Russia’s future.” Dr. Eduard Micek, professor of S la ­ “ Y ” vonic Thursday night. languages, told the "T h a i dictatorship will lean to the right ra'her than to the left," he continued, "because I do not believe that Zhukov is a lr ie Com­ munist." Dr. Micek, who has studied Zhu­ kov for sixteen years knows that Zhukov is the m ilitary leader of the Russian people and the most loved and trusted leader of the soldiers because he is a peasant. "T ile Soviet arm y today is M ar­ shal Zhukov,” Dr. Micek stated. " I think it very possible that thru e poration Board of Directors; and Joanne Copeland and Carol Rein- hnckel. president and treasurer of the IJ T Delta Zeta chapter. Mrs McKee, a graduate in .jour­ nalism from Kansas State College at Manhattan and a former grad­ uate .student af the University of Wisconsin, is an active participant in her husband’s advertising agen­ in cy, holding a vice-presidency McKee-Thompson and Associate' She was serving the sorority a, regional alumnae director of eight south and middlewestern states until her appointment as director of Texas college chapters. She is also a member of the New Fashion Group. Dallas Y o r k branch; the D A R . Theta Sigma Phi. and two Dallas golf associa­ tions for women. SAE House Planned for Dedication Saturday Mrs. M, J . M cK ee of Dallas, di-i rector of Province X IV of Delta Zeta sorority, w ill visit the local N*^,,pter Frid ay I hr. mc h Monday lot a series of individual conferences with initiates and pledges and meetings with the Austin almunae She will he joined here Saturday J . Blanchi, also of last by Mrs, T, Dallas, whet was appointed year to the Delta Zeta National j Council as director of college mem­ bership. Mrs. M cKee w ill meet with the Austin alumnae briard on Frid ay evening and with the sorority chap­ ter Monday evening Mrs, Blanchi will meet with the Austin alumnae chapter and sorority chapter on Sunday afternoon. Both visitors will be honored Saturday with a luncheon at the Austin Club, Attending': will be Mrs JI G. Reinha* kel, president of the Austin Delta Zeta Mothers’ Club; Pete Lee Dickerson Mrs Mrs Suarez; Mrs. Gerald Van Lek; Mrs. Geo. Gorzychi, new president of the Austin alumnae chapter; Mrs. H arry Stallworth, Mrs. lf. D \Vfusser, and Mrs Win, FL Leach, local House Cor- member of the I V It ii ''Igs t V et O fficers The new ffier John Phi are Fred Ow Knopp. si treasurer, Be Fred Goose, s Mickey Spark vie tary *nnv . of Delta Sigma Ellis, president; e-presudent; Ken : Harlan Walker. Good ’, m. editor; 'ant-at-arms, and I. historian. Dedication of the new Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity house to he held at. 4 p.m. Saturday m arks the end of a building project which had it«^ beginning in 1940 The new house which was com­ pleted and occupied on Ja n u a ry 27, 1955, is located at West Twenty- fifth and Pearl Streets The approximate cost of the house >s $275,000 and it aas acco­ il. *o durns fur forty boss and the house mother. It has dining facil­ ities for IOO people. Visitors and alumni will inspect the house from noon until l p m The chief speaker for the dedi­ c a t i o n Frank T Abraham. president of the Houston Alumni Association. is Other talks will be given by 50 million times a day a t home, at work or while a t p la y Ralph R Carlin, district presi­ dent of the fraternity from Okla­ homa City, and Leo S. Cade of Oklahoma City, a national officer Jam es W McClendon of Austin, who has served his fraternity 61 years, will be presented to the chapter. A potrait of Judge A buffet supper will be held for a c t iv e members and alumni in the Chapter dining room at 6AO p m. Tri D ells to H o n o r Spurs, C o w b o y s Delta Delta Delta sorority will honor the Silver Spurs and Cow­ boys with a breakfast at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at the Tri D ell house, Varied arrangements of spring flowers will decorate the house for this fifth annual breakfast. A brief skit etitled "T h e Private Live* of the Cowboys and Silver Spurs” w ill be presented by the T ri Delta. Baptist Church to Show Film ‘ The Forgotten Fa cto r,” a film sponsored by the national Moral Rearm am ent Group, will be shown at the University Baptist Church at, 7 30 p.m. Frid ay. .V 'QTM n raHEKjrpf I J J | ti J i i ii For a J o b in Y o u r F i e l d Lon Tinkle, professor of French Lon Tinkle, professor of French of Southern Methodist University and literary editor of the Dallas Morning News, will speak at a banquet honoring spring initiates of Phi Beta Kappa Tuesday. In ­ itiation ceremonies will also be held. The banquet w ill be held at 6:30 p m, in the English Room of Texas Union. Reservation* may be made until noon April 18. with the sec­ retary in Main Building 2408 or by calling 2-2188. Any Phi Beta Kappa member whether active the University chapter or not, is in­ vited to attend and bring his family. in La b o vitz Speaks A t H i l lei F rid a y Rabbi Eugene Labovitz of the Congregation Adath in Houston w ill be the guest speaker for F rid a y evening services at Hil lei Foundation. Emeth Rabbi Labovitz. who attended the Rabbinical Seminary' in Brooklyn and Brooklyn College and was principal of Hebrew school in that I city, will speak on "W h y Jewish Education?” Members of Sigma Delta Tau so­ rority will be hostesses for Oneg Shabat after the talk. Y W C A Planning C e n te n n ia l P a rty In celebration of the one hun­ dredth birthday of the world-wide YW C A ‘‘Fiesta Nocturnal,” will he held F rid a y at 8 p.m., at the North Austin Lions Club, Thirty- eighth Street and West Avenue. M rs Harold L. Robinson, general chairm an for the party, announced that the floor show will feature music by Ralph Keyes and his or­ chestra Entertainers for the show will be Franklin Maiguashca, Jose Brito, and Hugo Delgado, Univer­ sity students. Dckcs to Hold Bandera P arty Della Kappa Epsilon members and their dates w ill leave Austin Saturday noon for a house party at M ayan Ranch near Bandera. The group plans to return S u n d a y afternoon. N a sty H a b it, A n y h o w ! The Russian comrade* were look­ ing after the good of the state even in 1929. Claiming hygiene as I reason, the Communists were trying to stop kissing in Russia. ' E v e ry kiss costs 40,000 bacteria” was the slogan stamped on ail let­ ters. will be a revolution in Russia and that Zhukov will be in power.” Although Prem ier Nikolai Bu l­ ganin hate* Zhukov h»* was forced to nam#* him as Defense Minister because of his prestige, Eh*. Mieek explained After Zhukov, whom Dr. Micek called a good soldier but a poor the mistake of politician, made showing contempt fo* the politician Bulganin, h* was thrown into dis­ favor. During the crisis after Sta­ Prem ier Malenkov lin’s death, ' brought Zhukov back from obscur­ ity to the position of First Deputy of the Defense to insure the arm y's loyalty. "A t the time Zhukov was named Firs t Deputy of the Defense he was the leader of a clique of m ar­ shals united by hatred of the secret police and love of the Russian peasants.” Dr. Micek said is President Eisenhower, who Zhukov’s friend, visited Zhukov in to Moscow. Zhukov was visit the United States, but. was unable to attend because of “ dip­ lomatic illness” —Stalin did not want him to. invited Dr. Micek became interested in Zhukov in 1939 when he noticed the Russian soldier’s resourceful­ ness in a Mongolian border inci­ dent, Zhukov surrounded his for. es with the tractors to drowm out noise of his tanks and thus was able to make a surprise attack. Tejas C lu b D ance To Be S a tu rd a y The Tejas Club semi-formal din-' ner dance w ill be held Saturday at 7 p rn. at the North Austin Lions Club. Music will be provided bv the Huston-Tillotson College c o m b o . Committee Chairmen Bud M i m s . entertainment committee; Keith M cC rary, decorations; Joe food; and Victor Am- M cG raw , mann, favors. are ..... / J / I T I ///e e l Ine T h e Eagle Pa** Club will m eet in Texas Union 309 Frid ay at 7 p m All students from Eagle Pas* are urged to attend. ★ Dr. Frederick Gmascol, assistant professor of philosophy, will speak o the I n ite r.a n Student Fellow ship it 8 p.m. Frid ay in The University " Y Dr Ginascoi’s talk is one of a current U S F series on "Ortho­ doxy; Must We Be lieve?” * is The Home Economics Club sponsoring a box supper Frid ay if 6 p t i. Guests will meet at the H one Economics Building to go to Zilker Park where the boxes will U-1 auctioned off. There will be a program after the meal Social Calendar SOCIAL CALENDAR FRIDAY 6-7 30 — Lambda Chi Alpha ex­ change dinner. 6-8- Home Economics G a b b o x supper, Pease Park 7-8- -Alpha Delta P i open house. 8-12- Texas Union dance with Dor- soy brothers’ orchestra. Gregory Gym. 9-12 Kappa Kappa Gamm a for­ mal, Austin Country Club. 8ATI R DAY SUNDAY PH: Kappa Sigma house party. Mis­ sion Valley Guest Ranch T’h D n ’a Theta house party, Dixie Dude Ranch, Bandera. Alpha Tau Omega house patty. Flying " L ” Ranch. Bandera. Deita Kappa Epsilon house pa-tjf, Mayan Guest Ranch. Theta X i house party. Lost Val­ ley Ranch. Bandera. s a t u r d a y 5 30-10—Alpha Phi riverboat party. Green Shores. 6-10—Alpha Epsilon Delta banquet, Texas Union. 30-’ 3 Tejas Club dinner dance, North Austin Lions Club. 7-12—Kappa Sigma hayride. Bull Creek picnic grounds. 8-12—Delta Upsilon hayride, Q ty A12 — Sigma Alpha Mu costume 9-12 Phi Gam ma Delta costume ball, T W F C Building. SUNDAY 9-12 Delta Tie I ta Delta breakfast. 2-3 30- Delta Upsilon picnic. B u ll Creek park. 2-6—Curtain Club picnic, City Park. 2-10- Kappa Sigma picnic, R iv e r­ boat Commodore. 2-10- Alpha Omicron P i picnic I City Park. 3-9 — Newman G u b picnic, City Park. 3-4— Phi Mu open house C E L IA BA R BER A N D D O N W A R R E N , next year s head c r toe Y W C A and1 Y M C A wad at the speaker’s stand after the announce- m ent rd th e ’- e 'e c + cn a t A e Y' Thursday night. O th e r officers of the Y W C A are M a rc ia La rn bo. vice-president; M a u rle Subtle, sec­ re ta ry ; Diane M cF a rla n d , treasurer, Y M C A officers are Tom Browne, vice-president; Stan Adams, secretary; Lloyd H ayes, treasurer. Y W C A to Sell Tickets^ To 'Queen' Next Week .Corporation. It stars Dame Edith Evans as a Countess who sold her soul to obtain the secret of win­ ning at cards. With Anton Wal- brook, a celebrated British star, as the poor Captain of Engineers who will even murder to obtain .the secret of winning at faro. C a n te rb u ry C lu b To H a v e Dinner Park. party. Coffee, recreation, a n d bridgc- iessons will be available from 3:30 to 5 p.m., Frid ay at the Canterbury Club. On April 17 at 9:30 a rn. G a ry Lsnz. a student at the Episcopal Seminary, w ill lead a discussion group. It w ill be on the creed sad the faith of the Church. I Supper will be served at the ■ Canterbury Club at 6:45 p m. Sun­ day. At 7:15 p.m. Canterbury is hold mg a spring-fever party. Bringing to the campus "The Queen of Spades," a British film showing fever of the gambling St. Petersburg in 1806, is the next project of the University Y W C A . To raise money for the YW C A Centennial, the University branch is selling tickets to this film next Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday j in front of the University' Co-Op. The movie wall be at the Texas Theater Ajaril 25 , 26. and 27. " Y ” in raising funds This is a " firs t'’ experiment for the said Rosalie Oakes, general secretary of the YW C A Madeline Moore is in charge of the project. film, acclaimed to be a , "w e ird ly fascinating film ” by Bos­ ley Crow thee of the New York Times, in the is a new release I United States bv Stratford Pictures The Rig news In the Texas Union fund drive of 1929-30 was the Stu­ dent Assembly's vote to give mon­ ey from University dances to the Union. About 95 per cent of all pro­ fit was to build the proposed two- vvmg building. C H IC C H E X for streamlined flattery C A sl’m a id steely !o "g e r o^ waist end higher at the bo rom . . , this season's new, very flattering look, inre oreted by Rose M a r;e Reid. In trim checked astex. Com e try ore on -see *he lithe, long look it gives you. P nil O' B ack checks on wh *e, sires 32 38. Sport Shop, Second Floor For m ore pure pleasure... S M O K E C A M E L S I No other cigarette is so rich-tasting y j t Jf rf* m |1 ■ I I V m ■ ot^er brand ever been able to match the p u re p le a s u re in Camel's exclusive blend of costly to b a c co s - one of the reasons w h y C a m o is are A m e ric a s most p o p u la r c ig a re tte ! y * I atocia# TW>*c«« Co . » inturn StiM, N. Q, ■ * - s A:so pa rn ted xx uh detail is an­ other of Loren Mo/lex s still hies Two favorites in the showing arc “ Shadow Bo x ." Of a quite differ* Luis H ades “ Evening W alk' and is WU ha rn Lester s ent na tu ss* John Guerin s “ Columns Hades Found on a Beach with its dec­ has remarkably'' captured an eve- orative' pattern and the effect of ring atmosphere of peacefulness ,|1(, white light of beach reflectu>n. arui s« • en dx paint mg in soft colors m hrs p , ! | a v X p r " ■' T^-'E D A T v ' T V A NJ P-ioe 5 Arf Display Fine fcdkin* *4 Ri*4i« TA Mw! Gale Adkins, art rig director df Radio House, awd Ja c k Sumrrrr- f.riil, Radio House production su­ pervisor, are attending a radkvTV convention and workshop in Colum­ bus, Ohm, A croup of University rad»o-TV majors are altm a ii end­ ing the c >m entmn. IN T ER ST A T E THEATRES NOW showing! Param ount N J V A R S I T Y m HW' RSEVM? crssit . rn. a m a • m Ena r ----- Coior Cartoon FHO-'I SHOW IS., CP* P 'I. Rev Mi ane • Hoer Lamarr COPPER CANYON WALT DISNEY** H H K -,<,#0 f ■#•*> wm a- s'nr*-. comus — TIC HNICOtOi the airplanes Bx K l TH F R O ! AF. lend U n g ih h ty to Kichteen faculty members of tho the tool.ne of space and enliven exactly as tho earth rotate- and the skv seems to move, x'.ewers discovered this xxcck that on one day the moon was in the upper left-hand corner of the picture and the next day light-hand corner, ;t was Department of A n are represented the sky. A sidelight in a fine exhibition of modern art in their annual sprint: showing to be continued through April 30 in ?he Loggia of the Music Budd* tirM in the exhibit is Dora Id ’he in Sky. ‘ 'Night t OI I M S S SHO W S D E P T H I ,, R clim a n it* which »» “ sn Attempt to conv m tmh ate the quality, especially in color, of the *kx a* one l<*oks •tratght up at i t " “ The painting la a 4S-by-AS square to help six* the feeling of not fax .iring north or south or cast or xx est,” he ut* ted. In “ Oonimns Guerin has creat­ O ver the geometric pattern of ed a mood of coolr-'xs and anti­ color; the glowing spots of stars intrigues some view trs quity, and of Lghts on the xx .ne ’ .O' of vuj!j ,t<. depth arKj j^e creation of the sense of xx alk mg down the columned hallway from whichever angle " is view xxi. Guerin -'ated . thai it was an naginative paint-! mg xx uh no particular subject in I mind. FLOOR SHOW TONIGHT It * MAPILYH * jimmy m um m {l©rw>#r W vocalist Scad ey j ★ HAHK BUm n J h x b«- o ♦ CACTUS PRYOR t ~ ce# s*d c c —ray SATURDAY HITE Big F l o e ' Sh ow s U »H r:ng The GEIZENSLAW BROS. & other ach r v n r s 2 R : 8 Gwada:uoe “ S a n d D u n e " I* a n o t h e r in 1>.\R "-erie* of weed pie- W i n g r c n ' s t h a t he lur-**. W i n g r e n u h * i n t e r e * t e d in a c o o l n o c t u r ­ th e p r o b ­ n a l c o l o r a n d a b o In l e m of p a i n ti n g th e large-t p a r t of t h e canvas wi th no d e t a i l . s t a t e d in in-; ■ I* is chiefly decorative tent ’ he added. The artist is lend of pa ntmg n ser dg one of the nota rue ones boing a series on spe­ cial people xx ho are engaged in some kind of profession “ F t Vt XK K W D S A I N T Everett Spruce uses ‘he e a rth ; colors found in many of his pie- \ turos The in “ Comanche Peak projected points of ‘he landscape are emphasized in an attempt to] attain reality and an outdoor feel- \ mg. Another lo nil scape painting in is Ronald Fa rm er s the exhibit ’State Park a n-.’her w arm rep • -en’ dion of a distant - one melt-’ .ne almost into a one ne s- K elly F e a r i n g . u h o * e p a i n t i n g ' r^ C R ' E F # V S !- J | T E L E F H O V E V I D O ADI L T S 5)Uc '3 Ring Circus’ D * * * » M * r t i * J e r r x U » i » •—pl##—■ Alaskan Seas’ " xrn # * V BU>b*rt K y » n — J a n S t i r l i n g ^ vee* ® * j i M at#*t IF I JgLlPj 'Underwater' Su p ers^•>!*<• * ( '• h r ! Jan- Ku"*"ll—filbert F e a tu re T i l l A l l SS —|da»-. 'They Rode W est' O n in a Rer-d In Techni«-ai»f'! F ea tu re at 9:4# UT Construction Telecast Today ‘W o rld ’ Satu rd ay V ie w s Philippines V short film on building pro­ gress ai the University xxiii be shown Frid ay a? 1:15 p m on "Fo cu s on Forty Acres Along with this and other news, some A K ) service activities xx ill be .shown. W alter Mathews, W alter Evans, and B ill Oxlev w ill an non rn a and narrate ties University Television Workshop produt Mon, On " A World at Our Doorstep." Pablo Guzman-Rivas w ill answet questions on the Philippines put to him by Baker .’amor High School students He is a teaching assistant in geography Also a workshop pro. gram, it w ill be telecast at 12 25 p m Saturday assisted by Ja n e Pharr w ill produce ? h e J a c k Gilbe I. show The production staff also uh hides N’ano.gail Jordan. Margaret GI irk and Sally W ar st Soprano Huser Sings Thursday n Recital Hall Soprano Rut ha one Huser w ll pre sent a rex ital Thursday a* 4 p m . in Recii.il Had. accompanied bv pianist Gerhard Wunsch. a h s a n concern saint* or red giCMift s u b j e c t s , is ahoxxing “ L a n d - s c a p e xxifh P e a c o c k an d S a i n t. ’ There is th e feelin g thai th e p i c ­ tu r e c a p t u r e s a m o m e n t When in ex c r y o b j e c t and e x e r x la still a n d s e e m i n g s the s t a t i o n a r y . A g a i n he has pr o d UC ed a xx ark in m e t i c u l o u s d e t a il. t r e e l e a f Painted In a brilliant goonie trio overall pattern. Mix bael Friary ’n “ House and Bo a t*" I* strangely different from his pop ular Dance «*( life ’ (exhibited tn November) which c reated a *cn*e of great depth and move menu. Constance Forsyth uses her fam iliar style, however, in creating a n o t h e r watercolor, •evening Clouds." There is a certain simplicity aho art it and a sense of sltrident from Joplin, M d. She has played lr “ Street Scene, ’ "T he Mikado, and ' Der Fledermaus ' Also she ap­ peared in several other presenta­ tions of the Coiler* of Fin* Arts P un 1954 study I )tor- he he D r 'if unsch xx ho will a. on a Fuibright Scholarship to s composition. He rot * .vc.I h - d ate sn musicology in 19vt tr rn University of Vienna. In 195 received his m aster's degree lr the State Academy of Music Vienna in piano and comp nu non in Music Students Perform In Belton Ph yllis Young, cellist, and Janet McGaughev pianist, members of the music faculty of the U niver­ sity, were presented as guest a r­ tists in a recital at Mary-Harrt.n in Belton Thurs­ Baylor college day night. Miss Young is director of the Junior String Project and is prir.c.- pal cellist with the Austin Sym ­ phony Orchestra. Miss McGaughev pianist, heads the L'niv ersity's music th e o n - division. One of the numbers on the p ro gram from O pus 83 ’ by Dr. Paul A. Fisk, professor of rn us i H- -gy a' the University “ S e le c tio n s is I sr- Fisk is considered a fori most contemporary American c-im­ poser and musicologist Before coming to the U niversity in 1951, he was head of th- theory depart­ in ment at Redlands U niversity Calif*>rn: i “ La Reine de Sa b a " Other selections to lie presented ■•ire “ M aii.ed," Won ne der Web* math. ‘ and “ Der K u ss" by Beet iv v v en P l ie grand dans son obacurite l y from Gounod. “ Nachtzauber" and ‘Toh hah* Liebster wohnen * by Wolf, ’ Sf-iige Nacht." and "U nd gestern hat er m ir Rosen gebrarht ’ by Marx. “ Chanson Por- ftetuelle’’ by Chausson, and F’hi- dyle ' by Duparc in Penn i einen Col. Blackstock Recalls Ja p W a r Crime Trials ii Blackstock Approximately 50 members and guests of Beta Alpha Psi honorary accounting fraternity, heard Col. L. professor of business law and visiting professor of law. tell of e.xperiem es in Japan- *»se w ar crim inal trials at a dinner meeting Thursday ex ensng at the Tarrytown Restaurant, Col Blackstock des*rribed mph- to ob­ xLs the commission used tain evidence, as s o l as discuss­ ing courtroom procedure- After his talk. he answered specific ques­ tions by members of the fraternity J e f f H u n t e r and B ile D i v o r c e Barbara Rush, attorn live 2T-\enf­ old film actress, has obtained a divorce decree against actor Jeff- rey Hunter. 2k, on testimony that he called her a poor housekeeper 1 and poor cook Management Sally Shuitz Wald Robiion MOULIN ROUGE 2610 Guadalupe Folksinger Clark In Austin Today Huston-Tillotson Presents Him at 8 The annual spring K i n e Ai ti Festival program at HuMon-TiHot- son College will feature F Bogie Clark, one of the country s fore* most folk singers of this generation, Frid ay at 8 p m in the Brant h Memorial Auditorium, Regarded as one of ttjo leading interpreters of A f r o - American music, Clark performed last month in the Columbia University Folk­ song Festival ser ies, which also in­ cluded sin h prominent folksmgpr* as Burl Ives and Josh White. In addition to his folksong ap­ pearances, Clark i« also head of the music department ar Jackson (Mississippi) and a guest College lecturer at such institutions as Columbia School of Music and lh# Metropolitan School of Music, DAVID CRAIGHEAD . from church to concert Craighead to Play Organ Here Tonight An arr. hp ion of an I I v ear-old boy i has to plav “ the greatest of all instru­ ments i exulted us David Craighead s becoming one of \mer- ica a most distinguished organists Craiphx sd who xvi,I perform at s 30 Frid ay night n Recital H ill, the age began piano lessons at ■ v Hr was the s on <»f a l*re*bv terian and hts mother xx;»> chur* ti <»rgani't, It wa* his Inspired m other’s plax tag him and h a- led ha Craighead’s later achievem en ts, that At the act- of l l he [‘layed his first church service with >>tch art­ istry that hss parents dei d ei he houid have organ instruction. Two years his first, effort is ti: he i i v ,-d a n 1 pf - ■ nim - n? gam s* fo- for the First Presbyterian Chui t h sr helm Calif lie has C .■ .? :JOU eld a post in some church >; us firs’ position. Ar \ chans e meeting between Craig- Jie.'id and Dr Alexander M ‘Curdy. held of the organ department of the Curtis Institute of Philadelphia, resulted in Cl t ghead s admission lls’ graduated into Curtis Institute in 1946 with a bachelor of music degree It was xx tide he wa# playing at IVe*tminster c ollege In ( nil fitrn ia that he met Marian Reiff, Piles o ’ Pancakes To Be Pr esent ed On TV P r o g r am A huge pan sored by the Club, xx ;1| be T V Tuesday Humble Oil and Ref rn ; nice napper spoil- X bi lone K ox a rn# stiown “ ti KTBC- r ? k -30 p n i on riing Com- Texas in T V n v P > ii Pf paneake I, and bk) serv et I supper sp Fi) I OOO ■ aids the sored n can* cr xii* ‘xx n on V e t e r a n * R e t u r n in Litt le F a x * * Veteran- Si u ar* I{epa rim em of M isle. I'he progs on will consist of Th n- foma horn the i hith Cantata ' by Bach-iXipi e a chorule-fnniasy by Buxtehude entitled, “ How Brightly Shines “ Vi* van« e horn Second Trio Sonata" by Bach: ’ \ Toccat t in F Mater, ’ also by Bach “ P.tstorale" by Bog- er-Du asse Rameau's “ The Roll Call of the Bird s " and “ The Hen the Morning S t a r " ! I net . Eke rca roll# ‘ by “ P rim a - Vera” bv Bingham and two of Messiaen s symphonic meditations from * ft e Ascension ’ — * Serene V,Dimas From a Soul Til at Ia>ngs for Heaven and Oulburst of dux From a Soul Befoi • the (ilory of (d o ry ." Christ Which Is its \\ >t Tickets are on sale for 75 tents at the Music Building box office String Quartet To Play Monday An all-Mo/.arf program will b# played by the University string Quarte! at its spring concert Mon­ day at x 3b p rn. in Re* ii a1 H til. Tickets are on sale for 75 cents at th# Music Building box office. The quartet considered in music circles ax tine of the leading cham­ ber music ensembles in th* United State# xviii give the pro* peds of the program to the Fine Arts Scholar­ ship Fund The program will in* lude Mo* /.art’s quartet* rn B flat major F maka*. and D major. Members of th* string quartet a rt Angel Reyes and Eduardo Fiord !: v nun A Pert < uliis. viola ; and Horace B ritt, cello The pro- ; gram Is sponsored by the Faculty Concert Series HAT BLUES QUINTET Vocal v a rie ta l ot R EB E A T R O B IN S O N for your Saturday d a is at tfia T O W E R Ph. 2-6382 M<-»r ' T a i 407 S. C o n g o u t r i m Th* thru S»t Sit* I# Cl-1J *x# h NO XX Final Performance Tonight & Saturday STUDENT SPECIAL 90'|C TO NIGHT ONLY The Atfttfn C vie p r f s » J . a A f \ * M im » C«:/T«APRiD IN THE SWAPT1 A Melodrama in 3 Ach with Variety Number# + jr, MARI KEM RY Ah 0*5 N O W * is Hi P l A L 6 0 5 4 1 *' -•'V • rn $ rn rn T O N IG H T 'S THE N IG H T ! % tPitim ucfo 1 ( jtr ttfm & i' N O W ! TEXAS OPEN 1:30 "The y e a r ’s f unni est f i l m ! ” *— I rim Magotirt owl hii IMutha F E A T U R I N G Greatest Story lime! fill of Row Before Your Very Eyes — • A truly unusual motion picture. • Sec the portrayal of Christ in memo­ rable scenes from the story of the ages. • Witney, the Sermon on the Mount, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. r i u m p h St*- - '*( LEE J. COBB • Robert WILSON • James GRIFFITH JOANNE DRU as Mary Magdalene TOUCH CON NORS-LOWE LL GILMORE ta d * * * # - ami s r raicotiCM ' 0-*c-*-5 #*IN0 PJHtL .O*-** T COVI! S*nr, to M V * T •dC-PMA# Color to LA3TMAN . to r»’ Mf US G L O i l l O U S C O L O B T W I M Starts TODAY! S T A T E PRICES EVENINGS, & SAT, & SUN MATINEES (Mon thru Fri.) P * <3 ll t r $ 1.00 ,85 CHILDREN (under 12— all bmei) .50 DISCOUNT C O U PO N Rf nt#* Tarkio*— sk irt* Lad ie*’ Bas:* Billfold* O lores— Belt* CAPITOL SADDLERY 1614 I * .a c * SPECIAL THIS WEEK TARRYTOWN RESTAURANT 2 42 5 Exposition Ita^ac M e a t Balls and S p ag h etti rn S I C O I COMPLETE DINNERS i For Private Parties Coll 8-2652 C lo se d M o n d a y s G iv e J o y a jingle . . . . at 2-2473 F O R Q U IC K A C T IO N O N DAILY TEXAN CLASSIFIED ADS C L A S S I F I E D K A T K S C L A S S I F I E D D E A D L I N E S 20 words or less Additional xvords I day ...................................5 .9 5 .. .. ............... J .02 S .85............... Each additional day Classified Display SI 35 per column inch Ln the event of e rro rs m ade in an advertise­ ment, im m ediate notice must be given, as the publishers a re responsible for only one incor­ rect insertion. $ .01 4 p.m. week days IO a m. Saturday for Sunday Classified ads. corrections, and cancellations will be taken by the Business Office, 2-2473. only between the hours 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. week days and 8 a .rn to IO a.m . Saturdays. For Sale For Rent Typing S P E E D E Q U IP M E N T , H ollyw ood mutt* tars, dual ex h a u sts, headers, lo w erin g blocks. sk irts, w h eel covers, dual m an i­ fold s, ac ce sso r ie s. T ex a s Auto, 1114 E ast F ir st S treet. MOTORCYCLE — 61 cu . In. V incent. Good co n d itio n , very good road bike. R easonab le. M ust s e ll, go in g overseas. Call 7-5917. LF FICI ENCY for -n e s h a r e bath. F u rn ish ed lad;- $-»• Mux* TY P IN G , 20c a page. 6-4717 after I in c lu d e s w eek Cs--* k itch en u ten sils, B lock behin d C o - O p . -206 San A n ton io. P h o n e 6-0072. LARG E U N F U R N IS H E D a p a rtm en t — 1809 N o rth C ongress R e ce n tly re- ___________________ , T H E SIS T ROL* B L E S * Why not trou b le us ? E D I TY PE . 8-3725. 2-996S. decorated W ould fu rn ish fo r de.-.rabic T H E SIS cou p le. P h o n e 2-0811. 8-2154. E T C ., r ea so n a b le rates and qui he serv ice. IBM E le ctro m stic Call 5-9694 a fter 5 p m. SO U T H A U S T IN — T w o bedroom hom e fo r s a le bv ow ner. L arge lot, fen ced back yard. 4835 dow n. a ssu m e GI lo a n 25th. C all 6-3646 o f $40 per m on th . P h one 6-3003 ROOMS A V A IL A B LE fo r th is sum m er. A ir-conditioned. T w o m ea ls included. D e i’a Gam m a so ro r ity hou se. 611 W est Coaching D ISSE R T A T IO N S, ETC. E lertro m a tie N eighborhood . i S y m b o ls) T. U Mrs R itch ie, 2-4945. T Y PIN G O F a ll kinds. E lectro mat ie, Mrs. S a n fo rd . 2-0134. 1954 D U M O NT 21“ TV. B lond cabinet F or a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n call 8 < ,656. FO R SA L E — 1948 E n g lish Ford ’ P r e ­ fe c t.” good co n d itio n , recent over­ hau l, e x ce lle n t gas m ilea g e. $100. A fte r 5:30 p.m ., call 53-6130. Special Services A L TE R A TIO N S — D ressm ak in g. W est 25th S treet. P h one 6-3360. Patronize Texan Advertisers FR E N C H tr a n sla tio n s ex p e rt teacher, e x c e lle n t referen ces IN STR U C T O R P h on e 6-2296, 2506 R io G rande. 53-3546. EXPERIENCED" TYPING — ( E l - r c ) etc. Mrs. H un ter, T h eses, rep orta, Lost and Found ALL T Y P E S w ork don e by experien ced ty p ist. P h o n e --6359 L O ST— F ra t pin in scrib ed J .H .T T ex a s D e lta w r itte n on back Jr. F.e- ACCURATE T Y P IN G — G uaranteed 7 a.rn.-IO p m . M ajorle D e la field . 60S w ard offered . C all 8-5629. 2-6569 Typing T Y P IN G —Any kin d, 2-9606 or 2-4353. n ea t w ork, phone IN T E L L IG E N T T Y P IN G d o n e B B A gra d u a te D o ro th y B aker. 5-0197 L ET M E d o y o u r ty p in g . R ea so n a b le ra tes. 5.3-3642 Ac: - ra’* T H E SE S, R E P O R T S, good r a te s E lectrom atlc. M rs B ra d ley . 6-1297. fa it, E X P E R IE N C E D T Y P I S T . I I- rune. 5-f- « o a fter 6 Electric PA R T T IM E ty p in g 2-8752 a fte r 5. d esired . P h o n e L E T MRS. A lb r ig h t do y o u r ty p in g . E x p erien ced , e ffic ie n t. 53 2941. EXAM for a BATTLESHIP 3 t i n e * £ a i t 6 e r B A R B E R S H O P - A rnold A Son s. 2502 G uadalupe, s till a dollar. i i v A ! i f u u s i w u u j Rosellinis Winner Stars G l’s, Italians R n IJK ll Mil) Bl'SBV “ A very funny m ovie. hut "P a isa n ,” Roberto Roseilini s ^epf thinking how Roster Kenton 1948 winner of a hest foreign film did it so m urh better,” said one award, will he shown W ednesday, moviegoer. in Batts Hall Auditorium at 2, 7:30 p m. as the next-to- 4:30, <>nd the selected classic in last film s e r i e s by the U niversity Film Pro- niest show you ever saw .” gram Committee. then you probably thought this was the fun- “ Who’s Buster Keaten?” asked "If you don’t know, another. With the exception of four pro­ fessional actors, the cast is com­ posed of American, British, and G erm an soldiers, pius men, women and children from all parts of Italy. The them e of “ P aisan ” is the relationship between the soldiers and Italian civilians and is told in six in Sicily, Naples, Rome. Florence, a Francis­ can m onastery, and the Po River m arshes. episodes filmed The film is in Italian and Eng­ lish and is an hour and 55 minutes screen long. The last film in the series, “ The E ternal M ask.” will be shown April 28. It is a Swiss film in German with English sub-titles. This film interprets in the tortured mind of a young doctor suffering from a guilt complex. inner conflicts the “ I did.” The two moviegoers were dis­ cussing an already m urh discussed Olm, “ Mr. Hulot s Holiday,” now showing at the Texas T heater. " M r. H u !o t’s (r h y m e * w ith h a l­ lo w ) H o lid a y ” I* an e x t r e m e ly fu n n y m o v ie ( m o s t of th e t im e ) m a d e by .J a cq u es T a ti, w h o e v i ­ d e n tly i s fa m ilia r w ith th e s ile n t c o m e d y te c h n iq u e * , hut k n ow * h o w to a p p ly them for m o d e r n a u d ie n c e s , a n d e v e n to c r e a t e a few t o u c h e s of hi* ow n . The closest most present day movie fans have come to seeing the “ g re a t” comedies of the silent few “ F licker F lashbacks.” which w ere Just that. And m aybe an occasional Charlie Chaplin re-issue, era are a to a It i* fin re s la p s tic k . It r a n g e * trick * o f b u ck et* fro m a b su r d moving a ro u n d a k a y a k (b y w ir e s ) little m o r e r e fin e d s la p s t ic k : a c a r d p la y e r a c c i ­ d e n tly p la y in g hi* c a r d a t th e w r o n g ta b le and c a u s in g r io to u s u p r o a r * a t both ta b le * . lf there is an attem pt a t satire, m ost of it is missed because the events never slow down. In fact the the only real draw backs of / | c t W w MODEL I6C 3 U+HCd { t u t e x COMPARE THESE FEATURES: Exclusive twin injector cones, deep- pitched propeller ond beautiful modern design mpkei Vornodo the outstanding fan in America. You get more performance a n d comfort per dollar in Vornodo. Compare it ond see) SCOTT-GARRISON “Where Service Comes Fir st" 807 Sa n Jacinto Ph. 8-1633 CASA LOMA Op** daily til! I «.m. O p*n Sat. til! 2 s.m . d o t e d W e d n e s d a y • Erne Sea Food* • s p e c ia l H ail) l uncheon 1 5 ic -i> a f-7 5 e» • Good S e le c ti o n of Steak* • S p eciaiitinq in M exican Food block off E. 't h , HOO L>dia Ph. 7-0680 Our Friday Menu at Scholz Swiss Steak or Tenderloin of Trout or Shrim p C re o le English Peas & C a rro ts C o m b in a tio n Salad M a sh e d Potatoes H o t Roll* 4 C o r n b re a d — A p p le Pie C o ffe e or Tea / ST Scholz Gone, 1607 San Jacinto W h e re you are always welcom e fc l l ' f u els onie large parties W estern Electric field en gineers supervise installation of com plex electronic e q u ip m e nt m a d e for A r m e d Forces ^ D e l ic io u s ^ o o d s . . . * Distinctive Dishes Served in our Restaurant AN Day and Evening. KOSHER DELICATESSEN . . . to take out Entertainment Nightly in our Lounge 905 CONGRESS EAT HAMBURGERS at 2 - 1 4 0 l h & L A M A R Tops In Unusual Flavor and Freshness Marco Polo had nothing on W estern Electric’s field engineers. T hey travel the world to advise on use, installation and m aintenance of the electronic equipm ent we produce for the Armed Forces . , . like radar bombing system s, anti-aircraft fire con­ trol system s, and the N ike guided missile control system . W estern Electric is called upon to make these things because of its vast experience with highly complex electronic equipm ent as the m anufactur­ ing unit of the Bell System , I t’s a job that presents an unending challenge to our engineering staff. W e s te r n p ro d u ct a n d d e v e lo p m e n t en g in e e r * a r e r e s p o n s ib le fo r tu r n in g o u t so m e 50,000 d ifferen t ite m s a n n u a lly fo r th e Bell S y s te m — e v e r y th in g from tin y t r a n s is t o r s to g ia n t b a y s o f e le c tr o n ic s w itc h in g eq u ip m en t. S h o w n is o n e s ta g e o f tr a n s is to r m a n u fa ctu re. Friday. A p ** ’ 4 !C t f T H E D A * lY T Y AM Pace * Faculty Articles Contribute Bulk of UT Press Materia T w o a w a r d - * inning books pub- Hutted by T h * U n iversity of Texas p re s s the subject of an artic le bv F ra n k H W a rd la w . d irecto r of the press issue o ■ T h e A lcalde in the A pril • T w e lve of th# fifteen volum es which w ill be published by the U n iv e rs ity Press this y e a r w ere thor in whole o r in part w r it e r e rs of the U n iv e rs ity ’* bx m em bers of t facu lty and v a ft or sa I Mf W s cit law ~e\ns oxes, Iv#- G re a t F i t enc C B a r SSS “ Sam H ouston: The sismm •’ by Lleren a B . ii of t he Huge ne bt •r.iet *xas T f si ort" s A w ard of R epublic D a v id H. ne: profi the MoM of STV I * ah ip . field G, Rob w the Sons of the “ D ie lu te of >s' E rn e st C Moss- ' English, received Book Shop Aw a rd inmiished scholar- « A hook of SU poems bv K m .lv Bron te w ill also be published this “ C e r d a Vs Queen A It year Novel Ja n e in V erse by b rr,lh B ron te " edited by M iss Fannie Ratchford, c u rato r of R a r e Books. The cist of the spring book* published m co-operation w ith the New M exico M useum , ss ill be “ The M idland D iscovers- svhioh teds of the unearthing of a p a rtia l human skeleton in a deposit of late P le is ­ tocene age n ear M idlan d. F a ll booxs to be pub! shed ar# ’ You M a y T ak e hie W itness " bv Clinton G B ro w n : a biography of F d w a rd E v e r e tt H a le bv Je a n H o l­ low as A B y ro n s Don V ario ru m E d itio n ,' edited by D r. 1 c t s S 'e ffa n and W illis W P - a f * Jo m svikm gs, Tile Saga of the Ju a n translated bs- D r. Tee H ollan der; “ The Suprem e C ourt Speaks, by .terre W illia m * “ The S e v e r C r a ­ dle bs- M rs. Jlilts K n ott W augh: anti * N a s a l Rosser in the Conquest of M exico,' by D r C. H a n e y G a rd in e r, 157 UT Midshipmen Plan Summer Cruise I Student Bodies j May Jump 90% Big Increase Seen By 1970 in Texas T here ss ill he a 90 tier cent In ­ crease >n the num ber of students attending college rn Texas by 1970. D r. C C Col vert told the Texa s Ju n io r C ollege A ssociation T h u rs ­ day. D r, Col vert, professor of educa­ tion at the U n iv e rs ity and a con­ sultant in Jun ior college education, s so stated at the association x annua! m eeting that, by 1970. one- half of a il high school graduates w ill he attending college, co m p a r­ ed w ith 34 per cent at the present tim e. I of gen eral g r o w t h trends T h e s e enrollm ent predictions w ere determ ined a fte r a study in p a r­ Include A m a - H ow ard County P a n s . Sou th w e* and W h a r t o i tic u la r areas w h ich Hilo, N aval Texas County D el M a r, t o County V ic to ria > v is C -sider As* > pc D r. C lion of out th w h ich i per ce college. w ill rt ire students by A th inc) ird factor whit ea.singly large ■ age potent a, an coi h w] in* ge coved x iii nth 50 per cause >e r of attend erings :h w ill of the R E A D T H E C L A S S IF IE D S 'bye,george! t oy yo u rs*J- i% i gbter B in you think' AFTER StJfToem*l* bight on shoulders-light on budget f, $t3*n-shy” finish, too* For that' up-m the-donds t«eiicg-go m in d e r of B a ttle sh ip - C r u i s e r Fo rce. U S A tla n tic Flee? xx ill be in im m ediate com m and of “ Cruise A b ie ." C ap h D. L, C arlson com ­ Squadron m ander of D estro yer Fou rteen, w ill com m and its light unos as screen com m ander. T hree other N R O T C training pro- ora ms w ill in vo lve U T m idship­ men. C o n t r a c t Sen ior C ruise “ C h arlie in vo lvin g about 1.373 contract N R O T C seniors, w ill be held from IT to August 2b, T h irty - three U n iv e rs ity m idship­ men w ill join others in the cruise, J u l y juniors, m en from the N R O T C re g u la r .nclud- mg ■Kl I my entity. w ill p a rticip a te in aviation-am phi­ bious. train in g for six week- from I to August 13. U n its w ill Ju ly th ree w eek* aviation report train in g af Corpus C hristi, and then for three w eeks amphibious training at L itt le C reek, Va. for M a rin e C orps T ra in in g , in which xix U n iv e rs ity m en w ill take part, w ill be held at M a rin e Corps School* Q uantico. V a ., from J u ly 22 to Sep tem b er 2 S P E E D W A Y R A D I O & T E L E V I S I O N SALES S E R V IC E Ph. 7-3846 S#1# kpeed w«y J a r l S o b t a o! i i r * * « r j t i s ® ★ Patronize Texan Advertisers a t m m m m Wmmm mwff a*. | . j a- *,»' ’ ; J . '{ vrntowm ’N "f> ■ ' ■ *&&& ■* "Ti Chem ise La Coste Fine fitting sport shirts made in France Sizes H om m e (S m a ll) Half-Patron ( M e d i u m ) Patron (L a rg e ) G r a n d Patron (Extra Large) Extra G ra n d Patron (Extra Extra Large) Notice the two-length shirt tail . . . the side plackets . . . snug-fitting knitting on arms and collar, lf yo u 've ever worn this fine-fitting imported shirt yo u ’ll understand the reason for its tremendous p op ularity. In w hite or m aize. $ ^ 5 0 •* rtSRSSKSSBk. 709 Congress I g V Ona, V a lo r .',a and M. ,;n Spana, a od P o rts mou th. B J >v- “ M anuscripts to be pabbshed by mouth. and Plym o u th rn E n g I a tid t h e U n iv cr* J V Pre ** ar■e conssder- h av e be>en cle*ignated a* ports cd stric tly o r their rue:->.t« without re sard W-i’-dlaw l o us las? y e a r from w r lie rs scat- tered over most of the clohe call bor the 1955 N R O T C ‘ “ Cr.; oe I. 375 *T' id- tncludi:ng “ About 300 w ere offered shipm eri froiTi 25 to source." ep. the the first jt was nub aa nee Society of The next book America. w hich w ill come rr,on*h. i« “ B reed in g Beef ny* th for U n favo rab le E n v iro n ­ C attie m e n t * " edited by Albert. O. R hoad. j* •« ?-ne ou*growth of a c o r ferenoa b e d at the Kang R a n c h of scien ­ tists from all over the w o rld gsth- ered to d «<*•;«« problem s of cattle raising Of C ordry Folk The D ra m a tic P rin c ip le in the C a n te rb u ry T ales 1« rex* o r list. This the s p r - g crttii'a? approach to C h au cer is by R S. L u r Arsky dean o* the grad- ua*e s - hoc] at ~ a re U n iv e rs ity Hudson W ins Top Place W ith Engineering Essay Two c iv il engineering seniors have placed first and second in sn essay contest sponsored by the stu­ dent ch apter of the A m e ric a n So­ c ie ty of C iv il En gineers. L e slie Hudson took top honors w ith hi* paper, “ Pro fessio n alism or U nionism for E n g in e e rs. and Jo h n B ate s placed second w ith h * pap er entitled “ The R a p id Sand F ilt e r J ’ Korean Arm y Officers To Visit Cam pus Frid ay E ig h t senior K o re a n a r m y o ffi­ c e rs w d l v * * the Dr,..*-- - *y o r - pus F n d a v as gu est! of D r. C. P . O ily er. professor of zoology The K o rean s are presen tly en­ rolled *r the m edical field service school at F o rt Sam Houston. The group w ill visit various classes connected w ith pre-med w o rk dur­ ing th e ir vs* t here A D V E N T U R E TIU VI I te •*»'* comer ut Ii,'one -6C t i n . rn* | toes . , WSO xi-c ' I «te*«er u t -" A*w ct. t"e Oftest Arc.*3 tx# WOT IS ie# cost m in bf t t f ><*ooet mots* ** ‘ or ms tarsus >« tsirrt STUBT TOUPS " t" CC ?|« i« U "(U |tS *'t Mus So: * S '- o t% t i r e * caner eel* Sc*'C *r$-r po *, j »o t ^ 4,* % , . S E - M O P E - S P E N D L E S S \ — Tt j* Ire** Ag*** 09 V ^ S I T A i lr* tee I til l l ti itttniititA* I rn JI AJHI H r . Mow s r # T ow m r ad , I* o f T r i l l T exas, rn id sh ipmen in the cru st .Join 1.740 T h e m id shipm en, fir ^ and third N R O T C * em bark at Annapolis Norfolk V a ,, Ju n e 4 anc liv e ly . The m idshipm en re sea about <0 days the States August 2 re } i resent mg M d w ill turn- and espec- be at ng to W ill visit On Ju n e 20 the shop- . and Ju n e the M ed ite rran e a n ports ish w aters 27 th ey w ill dock in E n c : be held at Gunnery exercises w .:; G u an tan am o B a y , Cuba. from Ju ly 26 to J u l y 30, R e a r Adm. R E . L ib b y , com- Stanolind Grants UT Two Awards fellowships The U n iversity •« o rc of fifteen colleges and u n iversities aw arded a total of sixteen Stanohnd Founda­ tion for 1950-56, The U n iv e rs ity received one in geology and one in petroleum engineering, Stanolind Foundation, was created and has been supported for nineteen ye a rs by the Stanohnd O il and G as C om pany. In c The fellowships a re offered In fields of grad u ate study— eight five in petroleum engineering four in geology tw o sn geophysics, and one each in accounting, m echani­ cal engineering c h e m ica l engineer­ ing geochem istry, and chemistry*. E a c h fellow ship is w orth 11.500 pius tuition and fee*. An additional 1500 grant is allow ed geology fel­ low-* for gum m er field w ork Students In applying interested should consult the p ertin en t depart­ ments or schools. Fellow sh ips granted by* Stanohnd are unrestricted, and fello w * retain full rights to results of th eir study and research. A ccep ta n ce of a fel­ lowship in no w a y binds the person to i -J b s « q u « n t em ploym ent by ' Stanolind. Student s Poetry Book Published by Book Stall M iguel Gonzalez G e rth . U n iv e r­ sity of Texas g radu ate student from M exico C ity, is the author of a new book of p o etry titled “ The Infinite A b se n c e ." D ie book was published by the Book Stall, 2025 Guadalupe Street G e rth is a teaching assistant In the Im p a rtrnent of R o m a n c e la n g ­ uages. His w ork has appeared p reviou sly rn an anthology, “ Poetry at The U n iv e rs ity of T e x a s." published last >ear. S t u d e n t B u r n e d Vt lt h A c i d R o b ert M c C a rle y gradu ate stu­ received su p erficial bum s dent, around the f a c e W ed n esd a y when he dropped and broke a bottle of sulphuric acid in a ch e m istry lab. U t t H i s i i f s vl2 r r t i F i t SI,Malt’s diitinct-v# jew e ry 'N O n The D r a g s < a e > c x ^ 2 r8 *« 2 ^ ti^e (D ffic ia l A j j c n q j far '/MO/ H A C T f f W ObwqabB t#< f o r j r t d i i * * a n * * * p * " B a b i l iy .. tng t ) i > m •a Mil h gS*|i itan#«r#« o< #« m o i ng or*. I j o e I* IwW *•'«•*'or* Mf rn Tor* W I A 2268 G u a d a lu p e Royal favorites in patio society . # . ing Cords You’ve been asking for them, and here they are again to rule your leisure moments with a reign of comfort. They’re our famous King Cords: lightweight, comfortable slacks featuring tiny-cord weave of cotton given a taut and crease-resistant texture that holds up even under heat and humidity. Tailored to fit neatly with continuous waistband, deep pleats in tan or grey. >695 pm W a is t sizes 28 to 44, inseam lengths 28 to 34. neynolds Ii n^nland 709 Congress