(Eh* ll alto ^jexau First C o lleg e D aily in th e South A U ST IN , TEXAS, SU N D A Y , JA N U A R Y 8, 1922 Will It Ever Show Wear? FOURTEEN ENTER FINAL DEBATING TO DECIDE TEAM Prize* to Be G iven ; No S c h e d ­ ule H as B ee n A r r a n g e d Yet From the fo u rte e n su rv iv in g con- I testants fo r places on th e L onghorn debating squad fo u r te a m s o f tw o men each will be chosen a t th e fin al contest on J a n u a ry 17, acco rd in g to Dr. E. D. S h u rte r, p ro fe sso r o f p u b ­ lic speaking. No. 67 TEXAS DEFENSE HIOS VISITING Longhorn B a s k e t b a l l Squad Again T rounces on San Marcos A g g re g a tio n L COUNT IS 42 TO 15 the Victors follow s: P r iz e s to B e G iven B y L loyd J. Gregory S hooting b ask ets from B ellm o n t Uses Two Groups In P la y — T eam w o rk Features G a m e O therw ise Slow In addition to the selection o f the University d eb aters, aw ard o f prizes nggregating $250 will he m ade by the judges of th e c o n te st to the fou r best speakers, F irs t as place $100, second place $75, th ird place $50, fo u rth place $25. T hese prizes are d o n ated by W oodie G il­ bert of A ustin and Jo h n E. Quaid of El Paso. floor ju st about as they pleased the Texas : L onghorns d efeated the San Marcos J N orm al five last n ig h t 42-15. The : N orm alites fo u g h t h ard throughout the contest, an d a t tim es th reatened F o y r te e n D e b a te J to make the gam e a stren u o u s one in prev io u s co n tests w h o , fo r the Longhorn basketeers. One will speak a re : F. A. R am er o f Aus- fe a tu re of th e gam e was the impen- tin, It. C. C offee of P ara d ise , B lake j effab le defense o f the T exas guards. Johnson o f W aco, M adin Hill o f San R ut two field goals were registered I Antonio, J. P. W atson by the visiting q u in tet. The L ong­ horn statio n ary guard was able to ca re fo r the opposing forw ards, once th ey had worked the ball near th e ir goal, and the m ajority of the shots which the Norm al forw ards had at the bask et w ere long and from d if­ ficu lt angles. o f B aton Rouge, L ouisiana, E. M. R acey of Austin, IL S. K elly o f San A ntonio, H. G. W oodruff o f P a ra d ise , Judson Francis of A ustin, F ra n k M cGehee of j of W eatherford, V icto r Timpson, Jam es H am ilto n o f A ustin, W. H. Stephenson o f D allas, and Major Bell of T en ah a. Racey, Mc- I Gehee and F ran c is a re d e b a te rs of I last year’s team s. E x c e lle n t T eam w ork Show n The m ost hopeful Sm ith JONES DESIRES MORE TBr-OUTS FOR CUST CURTAIN CLOR PUU . I" - .- .— i Flay to Be Show n in February; M ale C haracters W anted to Owing th e n u m b er of male p a rts in the east of B ern ard Shaw ’s “ A ndrocles and the Lion,” which will be p resen ted in F e b ru a ry , th e C u r­ tain Club has found it n ecessary to hold additional try -o u ts which men of tim U niversity p a rtic u la rly a re urged to en ter. The p a rt of the lion which consists, in the m ain, o f ro a rin g and grow ling h as been aw arded to E yler Sim pson. H ow ever, th e p a rts of the Roman em peror, a nu m b er o f cen ­ tu rio n s, .soldiers, and g lad iato rs have not as yet. been assigned. T he tr y ­ outs will be held in th e au d ito riu m a t 2 o ’clock on Monday. J o n e s E l i m i n a t e s In discussing the try -o u ts, H. M. Jones, d irec to r of the C u rtain Club, said, “ By a rigorous process of elim ­ ination we hope to get in some really good m aterial. To p re v en t c a rry in g a lot o f dead tim b er, th e club will not elect new m em bers until a f te r a th ree m o nths’ pro b atio n period. The purpose o f the try -o u ts is to see what It the can d id ates can do in action. will be a good idea if th ey will come p rep ared to give a sk it or a scene from a play so th a t we can g et an idea of th e ir voices and facial ex ­ pression. W hat we arc to avoid is th e phonograph-record type try in g of p e rfo rm an c e.” >LUME XXII [CUTIS F IFFT ON CAMPUS ard R epresents 5 0 ,0 0 0 Club W o m e n of State; Session Starts T uesday III b e g u ests df vahsitt a n d G e a rin g H ave w ton C h arg e of E n te rta in m e n t; L u n c h e o n s G iven 're sid e n t R obert E Vinson has in- d the executive board of the state ( ration of W omen'* Clubs, which m eet in A ustin on J a n u a ry 17- to he the g u ests o f the U niver- The m eetings w ill be held in p arlo r of th e W om en’s Building, th e firs t session, which will open IO o’clock on T uesday m orning, ;uary 17, Dr. Vinson will deliver rie f address. It loard F a v o rs B e tte r E d u cation “■he ex ecutive board o f the S ta te eratio n of W om en’s Clubs is corn­ ed of the m ost noted women o f re p resen ts ap p ro x im ate­ as. ly,OOO club women of th e state. itself favor o f a educational b e tte r cy. T he U niversity is, th ere fo re , rested in having its rep resen ta - 6 know' the exact conditions th a t t on th e cam pus. fed eratio n has declared L u n ch eo n lo B e G iven dean liss Lucy J. N ew ton, of neii, and Miss M ary G earing of Home Econom ics D ep artm en t, j planned the e n te rta in m e n t fo r visitors. On T uesday, J a n u a ry the board will be the g u ests o f W om en’s Building a t luncheon, , Neil C a r o l e r s , Miss A nna L. dricks, and a group of ladies o f U niversity serving as hostesses. 4 in th e afte rn o o n the ladies will : the W renn L ibrary. Mrs. R. E. on is giving a tea in th e ir honor lier home from 4 until 6. Dther E n te r ta in m e n t P rovid ed tie F acu lty Women.’? Club will ■ lost a t a d in n er a t 7 o ’clock at C actus Tea Room. Miss Lucy M. ire, p re sid e n t of the club, is chair- : of th e com m ittee on a rra n g e - ts. Miss A nna Hiss o f the phy- ;1 train in g d ep artm en t will act as tm iatreae. he schedule of en tertain m e n t as J a n u a ry nged fo r W ednesday, includes a luncheon to be given rs. Hal S evier a t her hom e; a onally conducted to u r o f the Uni- ity fo r which the girls of the ese n ta tiv e board will act as es- *4 and a tea from 4 to 6 a t the ersity p ractice house a t which stu d en ts of the Home Econom ics artm o n t will be hostesses. -o-------------- irmer Student of University Spends Few Days on Campus to eing Mr. Tom D avenport on th e pus la st week was rem iniscent o f early days o f the U niversity. He ed w ith M orris Sheppard in B and was a classm ate o f Dr. h, Dr. J. R. B ailey and Mr. H. eck. A ccording to Dr. Bailey, m eeting of these p io n eer stu d en ts he U n iv ersity served recall y early evidences o f th e “ Texas i t ” of th e ir school days to g eth er, r. D avenport is now re p resen tin g natio n al g o v ern m en t in in v esti­ ng the ways and m eans of coni­ ng th e boll weevil in the south, fully ap p reciate the im portance this w ork we m ust realize that mg th e last two y ears th e cotton little less Si a pest in th e south and has been e m i l y fe lt th ro u g h o u t the en tire omic world. weevil has become -------------- o — . I1VERSITY HAS M ADE IO L A N D DEALS LATELY com m ittee, Recording to an announcem ent by W. W illiam s, chairm an o f the th e re acquisition been no fu rth e r b u y in g of Uni- Irlty expansion land recently. Mr. Hams stated , how ever, th a t th e re in occasional purchase, b u t th a t tran sa ctio n s were v irtu ally com ­ bed m onths ago and are ju s t now ig executed. Bailey Beck and Benedict Form Dancing “Rhizipods” Hall Scholarship In P i a n o Offered Girls By Reed ASSEMBLE PASSES NEW ll E ntertainm ents Must Be En­ tered T w o W eek s in A d van ce; O ther M atters D iscussed Upon th e approval o f P resid en t Vinson, a new ru lin g , re c e n tly passed by th e stu d e n ts’ assem bly, in reg ard to th e social ca le n d ar will go into the new ru l­ e ffe c t. A ccording to ing, any a f fa ir m ust be placed on the social ca le n d ar a t least fo u rte en days b efo re the a f fa ir tak es place, w h ereas by the old ru lin g , an a f fa ir had to be placed on the social calen ­ d a r d u rin g the first tw en ty days o f the fall term or d u rin g th e f ir s t ten days of each o f the o th e r term s. A p p o rtio n m en t of th e b lan k et tax will tak e place a t a m eetin g o f th e s tu d e n ts’ assem bly to be held n e x t F rid ay . Action will also be tak en a t this m eetin g on th e v a c a n t s e a t le ft th a t in the assem bly by R. W. Adam s failed to o f school th is term . The Adam s to re tu rn also le f t v ac an t th e ch airm anship of th e b o ard of p ublica­ tions. Adam s is a t p re sen t p ra c tic ­ ing law in Houston. th e fa c t to re tu rn fa ilu re Famous Austrian S u rg e o n H e a ls Varsity Student a \ T here is in the University at least ; one person who resen ts the rem arks ! of Chicago . doctors concerning Dr. I Adolph Lorenz, noted A u strian su r- * geon who is in the U nited S tates ! giving clinics as expression of j g ra titu d e to the peop e of the U nited S ta tes, an d th a t is a v.ertain student who was treated by D r. Lorenz a t D allas in 1903. The; clinic w as held I in th e Good S am aritan S an itariu m o* I D allas, which la te r w as taken over and became the B aptisr M em orial S an itariu m , now B ayler H ospital, and accord og to Dr. M M. C arrick , S ate H ealth O fficer, D, Lorenz holds a license to practice in Texas. Doctor Lorenz's methods of bolding conics are b e in / severely criticised by doctors all over ti c U nited S ta tes and in Chicago where he p a rtic u la rly v .sh ed to hold hi * next clinic Among the num erous operations perform ed by Dr. Lorenz is his fam ous “ blood­ less” operation on bone joints. By M erne N ail j ’Tw as in the days o f ’90 an d ’92 th a t Jim Bailey, now one o f th e high ; and m ighty ru lers of th e C h em istry ! D ep artm en t of the U n iv ersity of I Texas, and H arry Y andell B enedict, J honored and revered dean o f th e Col­ lege of A rts and Sciences, w ere d en ­ izens of “ old B H all.” I say “ old B H all” advisedly, fo r the p re se n t a rc h ite c tu ra l work of a r t th a t b ears the an cien t nam e was f a r d iffe re n t from the original model. H. B. Beck, now m a n ag e r o f th e cam pus, w as the stew ard o f th e H all and Bailey, Beck and B en ed ict con­ stitu te d the “ B-Hive o f B -H all,” and th e “ Holy T rin ity ” o f its o rg a n iz a ­ tion. T a c k l e D a n c i n g a s P a s t i m e In th e ir ju n io r year, B ailey and Benny conceived th e idea of b re ak in g into society. B u t neitlMpP o f them could dance. At th a t tim e the “ C en­ tip ed es” w ere th e society club o f the U niversity, the fo re ru n n e r th e p re sen t G erm an Club. B ailey and B enny could n o t fulfill all th e en ­ the “ C en ti­ tra n c e req u irem en ts to ped es” ; th ey lacked e n tra n c e u n its in “ music, e tiq u e tte and d an c­ ing.” tw o o f th e G re a t was th e ir p e rp le x ity and y ea rn in g until one of g roup fo und a m an in the H all who knew how to dance. They c a p tu re d him and forced him to re p a ir w ith them to a v ac an t room on th e to p flo o r every evening a t 7:00 o ’clock and these give a course F o r asp ira n ts a tim e th ey danced w ith o u t a n y m u­ sic o th e r than a w histled tu n e b u t la te r some en terp risin g stu d e n t dis­ covered a fiddle in the room o f one E. P. Schoch. in d ancing to fo r social p restig e. Schoch refu sed to play fo r them , a com m ittee, arm ed with le a th e r b elts and bed slats called on him , and a f te r one application Schoch was glad to play and did play. “ R h isop od a” O r g a n ised W ith th is group they o rg an ized the “ R hizipods” — a m em bership o f fo u r was th e lim it and the fo u r men were Beck, B ailey, B enedict and T hom p­ son— (th e fam ous R A. T hom pson th ro u g h o u t who has become known the U nited S tates fo r his pow er on railro ad com m issions). F,. P. Schoch was th e o rch estra. D ancing w e n t on every night for an h o u r and d espite the p leadings o f o th er men o f the Flail to be adm itted to the class, it retain ed original m em bership w ithout change. its In the course of a few m onths, B enedict and Thom pson were g ra d ­ u ated and passed the e n tra n c e into on is the C entipedes, but B ailey— it said the th a t Bailey made E course and n ever reached the h eig h ts fo r w hich he had stru g g led m an fu l­ ly. As fo r Beck, he had the p riv i­ lege o f keeping the room read y fo r the n ig h tly dance. So when Thompson and B enedict m ention th e ir Alma M ater proudly, ask them if they took th e ir degree in d an cin g from the sam e place. D ea n T a y lo r R esp o n sib le The responsibility fo r this m ost in ­ te re stin g y arn re sts on th e shoulders of th e “ G ran d Old M an” T. U. T a y ­ lor, beloved dean of th e E n g in eers. W ith th e close of this la st fall term , Dean T ay lo r has finished his th ir­ ty -th ird y e a r in the service o f the U niversity. He was b o m in P a rk e r C ounty, T exas, and received his uni­ versity tra in in g in the U n iv ersity o f V irginia, w here he received his C. E. and a t C ornell where he received his M. C. E. In 1906 he w as made dean o f th e E n g in eers and since th a t tim e in being a good has been occupied frien d of every man in his d e p a rt­ m ent. N O T IC E T h e fo llo w in g stu d e n ts a re re­ q u e ste d to call a t th e office o f th e D ea n o f th e C o lle g e o f A rts M on ­ d ay, J a n u a r y 9, w ith o u t fa il: D o n a ld Q . A dam s, R o b ert A t- m ar, V o ln e y B arcu s, E u g e n e S o c k ­ m an, F a e B lo ck er , V ic to r C, B rock , J o se p h in e C lary, O liver C lift, Joh n C rad d ock , R obert W. C u rtis, J e s se D ick ie , R aym on d D u la n e y , M ay B rig h t E llio tt, M arshall F a rrier. L elan d F u lch er, F ik es, H en ry D a n ier G a r re tt, Joe T . G ood w in , C arrie L ee G resh am , V a le n tin e H arm on , L o reta K e a h e y , B ern ard F. L ad on , M aym e L an e, G len O. L ath em , H arrison I. M cC len d on , O live M cD on ald , M ary N . M cF a r­ lan d, J a m es F. M cK enzie, J e sse C. M cP h ail, Jins D oroth y M ane, W ile y D ee M arts, Jam es R. M e n e fe e , R o s­ w ell G. M iller, John D. N o lo n , R oy A lb ert N o v e , R ichard P h illip s, R ob ert E. R ooke, R ich m ond F u lle r S te p h e n , Jack S te w a r t, Enrt L. S tid h a m , R u ssell V er n o n , H u go E m il Zapp. A ssista n t D ean o f th e C o lle g e o f A r ts an d S cie n c es. G «t Into C en tip ed e* H. T . P a rlin , by N o S c h e d u le A r r a n g e d - Although no d e fin ite schedule o f th e debate has been a rra n g e d Public S peaking D e p artm en t, it is as­ sured te a m s will m eet the Uni v arsity o f C olorado, the U ni­ versity o f O klahom a, th e U n iversity of Arkansas, an d will probably de- ; bate V anderbilt U n iv ersity . th a t T ex as I URN CLEAVE WILL GIVE TALK ON STORY TELLING-Galveston A u th o rity to E m p h a ­ Mrs. F ran k L. Reed, in stru c to r in the T exas In s titu te of Applied Music, in piano is o ffe rin g a scholarship th ro u g h the Mu P hi Epsilon, an hon­ o ra ry m usical so ro rity . The scholar­ ship will include two half-hour les­ sons p e r w eek, all music, and a place to p ractice tw o h o urs a day. A ppli­ ca tio n s m ay be m ade by any woman in th e U n iv ersity who is earn in g her way th ro u g h school and who would otherw ise be u n ab le to have the les-rnsons, alth o u g h p re fere n ce will be given to a s tu d e n t who is registered in th e School o f Music. Miss Jessie Gay Van C leave, d irec­ tor of th e children’s d e p a rtm e n t o f J the R osenberg L ib rary , G alveston will give a lectu re on th e th eo ry of | story tellin g in the lectu re room of size Scientific P o in ts of E n te r ta in m e n t C o m m itte r M akes A w ard A pplications m ay be m ade to F ra n ­ cos Mike, p re sid e n t of Mu Phi Ep­ silon, an y tim e b efo re Ja n u a ry 15. The aw ard will be made by a com­ m ittee and will be announced the fol­ low ing week. T his is th e second scholarship to be o ffered by the Texas In stitu te of A pplied Music. In the fall term a scholarship in voice was o ffered by Mrs. C h arles H. S an d er and was aw ard ed to M a rg a re t McCord. CIVIL ENGINEERS WILL HOLD INITIAL MEETING the the M em bers o f the A m erican Society of Civil E n g in eers will hold their in ­ term Monday itial m eetin g of the Engineering n ig h t a t 7 :15 in B uilding, room 209, reg u lar m eeting tim e having been changed fro m T h u rsd a y to M onday night. A take up a p art sh o rt p ro g ram will o f th e tim e, a f te r which some busi­ ness will be tran sa cted . All those who wish to ap ply fo r m em bership are co rd ially invited, the president, Bill T ay lo r, announced. The society p ic tu re for th e C actu s will be taken on T u esd ay a fte rn o o n . SIM ONDS MAKES ADDRESS tho* D ep artm en t of L ib rary Science Monday m orning at I t o ’clock. Mon­ the day aftern o o n a t 4 o ’clock ame place she will tell a series of I stories to fa cu lty m em ber’s children between th e age* o f 8 and 12. Mem- | hers of th e sto ry tellin g g roup o f the in Young W om en’s C h ristian Associa- | tion and stu d e n ts in the D ep artm en t of L ibrary Science will be observers j of Miss Van C leave’s m ethods in this I work. A second lectu re o n m e selection j of books fo r m odem ch ild re n ’s use j will be given by Miss Van Cleave on T uesday m orning at 9 o ’clock. This lectu re is the o u tg ro w th o f n atio n ­ wide in te re st in the scien tific d irec­ tion of the reading o f young people, and is a sequel to the natio n al chil­ d re n ’s week which w as ch aracterized in Austin by an ex niblt o f approved children’s books in th e room s o f the D epartm ent o f L ib rary Science. ------------- o -------------- Manager Drafts Shrubs To Hide Campus Scenery scheme ch aracteristic for th e fu tu re o f the V arsity play was the co n tin u o u s e ffo rt made at team play. It is evident th a t Coach B ellm ont is endeavoring to develop a passing team . This o f play a ffo rd s sm all o p p o rtu n ity fo r individual sta rrin g , b u t such a sys­ tu rtis o u t w inning tem m ost o ften I^ast n ig h t th ere w ere sev­ team s. eral long shots tak en fo r th e bas­ ket, when a T exas p lay er was u n ­ covered n e a r the goal. F o r the m ost chances were p art, however, few taken on long shots, and the L ong­ horn players exhibited a passing o f­ fensive which should be w orking well b efo re the big co nference gam es are played. T w o T eam s A re U sed Coach B ellm ont started P o n sfo rd fo rw ard s, P e n d e r­ and B a rre tt a t g rass a t cen ter, and C u rtis and Rob­ ertso n a t guards. This com bination got o ff well to g eth er, and w ith the firs t h alf leas th an half finished had ru n th e score up to 23-5 in fav o r of the V araitly q u in tet. At this point, a new five composed o f S ch u h ard t and P eyton, forw ards, D uckett a t cen ter, and Ashby and G ilstrap, g u ard s took up the Texas “ b u rd e n .” B efore the half ended, this q u in te t bro u g h t the score to SO­ HI in fav o r of the Longhorns. F ir st T ea m s S ta r ts S econ d H a lf W ith the exception of Ponsford in ju re d and whose place who was (C o n tin u ed on page 4) -o * G ames In Interclass Basketball Are Being Scheduled for Women the sp o rt Interclass basketball fo r women is being revived at the U niversity th is to stim u late the off a r t session, in enthusiasm th ro u g h fo r class rivalry. All girls in the school are eligigle to try o u t fo r m em ber­ ship on the team s, and each class is to practice w eekly in the W om en’s Gym nasium . Freshm en will p ractice j T hursday night ; sophom ores, M onday night ; ju n io rs and seniors, T uesday night. Each class has a g re a t v arie ty o f m aterial, and the team s should be well balanced, according to Miss J o ­ sephine Schmid, in stru c to r in phys­ The gam es will be ical played d u rin g F e b ru a ry , and th e w in ­ ning team will be aw ard ed a b an n er. ----------- — .— o-------------------- re g u la r “ Some E x ce rp ts from the W ritings o f an E m in en t G eologist,” was the su b je c t o f a talk by Dr. F. W, Si- m onds, head o f th e D epartm ent of the G eology, a t Ja n u a ry the Southw estern Geo­ m eeting of logical Society F rid ay night, Dr. Si- m onds pointed o u t some of the lit­ e ra ry b eau ties o f th e works of P ro f. Israel C. R ussell, form er president o f the Geological Society of A m erica and fo rm e r pro fesso r of geology in th e U n iv ersity b f Michigan, p a rtic u ­ larly stre ssin g his descriptions o f the tu n d ra s o f Alaska', the cascades of W ashington and the ascent o f St. Elias. F. L. W hitney, associate professor of geology, presided. train in g . Now a f te r M A N Y F A IL T O R E T U R N M any y ears ago a stu d en t stood on a tw o-by-four and delivered one of the most resounding and g radiloquent it has co rn er stone speeches which been the pleasure o f m an to hear. It was a t the laying of the first ced ar post o f the now fam ous Chem Shack. long .y ears of these Three h un d red and eighty-three striv in g to a lte r the building by build­ stu d en ts who reg istered in the Col­ ing a real one in its place, the m an- ag e r of th e U niversity has given up ; lege of A rts last te rm failed to regfts- | and taken the fam ous speech a t th e te r fo r the w in te r term . Of this nuni* co rn er stone laying as final and pro-! b er some few m ay re g ister yet. The rem ain in g includes both phetic. He has decided to m ake an those who failed to return o f their a tte m p t to covering the unsightlyness own accord, and those who “busted of these building since th ey are “h e re o u t.” The exact number of students to stay ,” and the hiding is t a be done who “ busted out” win be announced by the use of shrubs and o th e r form s later. of trees. n u m b er f h e B attu ®exax\ F irst Coll*«• Daily I* th* 3o«tk =* even though the naming makes little difference in its value. Among the services for which it will provide awards is the fur­ thering of peace through justice. Though he was a war president, there was no man more active in that cause than he. puklkbMi ag the cmbDu.* of th* UoW artily at Texan b r Th* T t i u Stud*** ta PablktH on*, Inc, every marxism WWW* Monday. MORE CONCERNING I SCHOOL SPIRIT Off!*# Room I i i . SM* printed Ly Is*iv*r*ity of tex** IhtW inf. Hall Entered a* *#e*nd-<*!*«** m atter at th* poat- o f f i c e a t A aa tin. Tex**. under th* A et of C H M a , M arch *, I « T i A c c e p t e e # ar »o*«tai rat* of IK H A W pro-rid**! for in Se-- tion 1108. A et of Ortoh*r 8, I t t t , author!***! -WpWmWr t i . 1018 MEA VIS COX Edltor-i»-CM*f WM. HARRY JACK Managing Editor TOMAR t i POLLARD Su pervisin g Busin*** M a n a ger L O U IS E GLAD NEY a n d K E I T H COPP A GF Advertising Manager* STAFF FOR TODAY H 0. Stilwell ... .... K enneth Harkhrr Leo Fox ....-... .Issue Editor Assist#*** Assistant REPO RTERS l e a n W ag E a t b r r W ti i o a D ouglas N «ttl*tos H. M. Pool Rayn«Id M artin Clyde Wa‘kin« Harold Young Cha*. Banister Dorothy Bara** S m i t h Led* W Sunday, Janu«r>' 8, 1922 THE WOODROW WILSON FOUNDATION Funds to establish a million dollar foundation to be known as the Woodrow Wilson Founda­ tion are to be raised, it is an­ nounced, in a campaign that be­ gins Monday week. The income of the fund is to be used for awards in recognition of “mer­ itorious services to democracy, public welfare, liberal thought or peace through justice.” In Texas, which has always been a faithful member of the far-famed Solid South, and where President Wilson usually is conceived pf as being very nearly the incarnation of polit­ ical, presidential and philoso­ phical perfection; even were the proposal in itself of no consider­ able value, a favorable response is likely. The true justification of the scheme, however, and the it really valid should receive encouragement, are altogether different. Presi­ dent Wilson may be thought, as many consider him, the most co­ lossal failure who ever sat in the presidential chair, or, as many others consider him, the greatest leader America has yet pro­ duced. But that the fund bears his name makes no difference in its social value. Laying aside sentimental influences, there is little in its name. reasons why actually is exaggerated, Europeans have long liked to call America an exceedingly a provincial, if not backward, nation in things lit­ erary, artistic and intellectual. the While it truth. charge contains much Most of us are characterized by an impatience with anything but practical affairs, and Americans in general will not invest time or money in anything whose re­ sults are not both immediately appreciable and distinctly val­ uable. Consequently, as is evi­ the undue stress denced by placed upon vocational training in colleges and upon outside ac­ tivities that help students “learn how to handle men.” the more Abstract and theoretical fields, though their indirect influence on social organization tre- fnendous, have been either sadly neglected or looked upon with positive contempt. is the Tbi.4 proposed foundation, providing as it does a stimulus for new workers and making it possible for workers who have proved their ability' to pursue fields their endeavors in they have chosen, will go a long way toward remedying the dif­ fic u lt. The Nobel prizes have undoubtedly stimulated types of work that probably would other­ wise hate never been accom­ plished The Pulitzer prizes for American literature are at least strong encouragements to writ­ ers who are doing commendable work. And this new foundation. if properly administered, will have something of the same ef­ fect. It is peculiarly appropriate that this foundation should beal the name of Woodrow WThon Since “school spirit*’ seems to be commonly acc epted as mean­ in g that you must yell your head off for the University and get back of everything she tries to do, no matter how worthy you judge her purpose to be, it might \>e well to recall that even in loyalty there is some room for intelligence. One of the most in- terefting writers on the prob­ lems of the Great War has put the gist of the matter, which has been repeated so often as to be if not at least commonplace, trite, into a sentence which, though he was not thinking of colleges, admirably sums up the dangers that may attend school spirit in the excess. “Loyalty,” he says, “to a body whose in­ terests and aims are unsocial and bad; discipline which sub­ ordinates the will as well as the reason and the moral sense to the advancement of a body or institution which may clash with reason and morality in any given case; the esprit de corps which, through thick and thin, bids the members of the corps to aet only in the interest of the body I or the individual members of the I body, overriding and wronging the claims of other bodies and the rights of other individuals j—these all become harmful and may end in criminality.” OFFICIAL NOTICES ALCALDE: Any one wishing to se­ cure copy of January Alcalde, M r, Kirby’s Memorial Number, must order at once, as only extra copies ordered in advance will be printed JOHN A LOMAX. WANTED: .Sophomore for freshman basketball manager. Report at of­ fice tomorrow morning. CLYDE LITTLEFIELD. ALL GIRLS who have changed their addresses are requested to call at the dean of women’s office and give their new addresses. LUCY J. NEWTON. O-—- ■■■■ Presbyterian Church Coming from Ure4o, the Reverend Lawn ru t- If. Wharton will occupy the pulpit of the University Presbyterian church of which he is to have perma­ nent charge, at both morning and evening services. lie r, W harton studied in Austin at the Presbyterian Seminary for three years, g rad u atin g with larg eat class ever turned o u t by th at institu­ tion. the During the late war Mr. Wharton was stationed at Kelley Field where, because of his marked success, he was urged to go with the troops to France, contrary to the custom of the army for one so young, — ©—------------- TURTLE CLUB TRY-OUTS TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY Preliminary try-out* will be held next Wednesday evening at the Y. M. C. A, pool for membership in the Turtle Club. The twenty girls mak­ ing thr* highest average will be mem­ bers until the first Wednesday in February. There will be another try-out be­ tween the ten members having the lowest average and ten applicants. This system will be continued until April when a final selection will be made, and competition will start for the gold and silver turtles, the annual awards of the club. The swimming meet will probably be held in May. o-----------—~ F A R L IN C O M P L E T E S N E W H O U S E Dr. H. T. Purlin, Assistant Dean of the College of Art* and Sciences, will soon have completed his new res­ idence, situated at 105 West Thirty- Third Street. The house is of gray stucco and is uniquely set in a grove of cedars and oaks. rA' TI S A F E T Y WHILE ASLEEP:— I will both lay me down in peace, thou, and Lord, only make* me dwell in safe­ ty.— Psalm 4 £$. sleep: for THE DAILY TEXAN THIS WEEK Today S tu d e n t V o lu n te e r* , Y, M. C. A. 2 o ’c lo c k . M o n d a y R e c a p tio n U n iv e r s ity B a p tis t C h u r c h , 7 :3 0 p. on. L o n g h o r n B a n d , S. H a ll a t 7 :1 5 b u s in e s s rn. R e h e a r s a l a n d p. m e e tin g . o ’c lo c k . T u e s d a y H o m e E c o n o m ic s C lu b , a t S R a m s h o r n C h a p te r o f A .A .E . a t 7 :1 8 p . rn., in 102 E n g in e e r in g B u ild in g . R e p r e s e n ta ti v e 7 o 'c lo c k , in ro o m 1S7, M ain B u ild ­ in g . B o a rd a t H ig h la n d P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u rc h San Antonio and Twenty-second streets. Rev. Thomas W. Carrie, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. rn. Preaching by Dr, Currie at l l a. rn. and 8 p. rn. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:30 p. rn. U n iv e r s ity C h u r c h o f C h r is t University and Nineteenth streets. Rev. Charles Robinson, pastor. Sun­ day school Rt 9:45 a. rn. Church services at l l a. rn. and 7:30 p. rn. U n iv e r s ity B a p tis t C h u rc h Corner Twenty-second and Guada­ lupe streets. Dr. A. L. Aulick, pas­ tor. Sunday school st 9:30 a. rn. Preaching at Subject, l l a. “The Majesty of Man." Special mu­ sic by choir and student male quar­ tet. Baptist Young Peoples’ Union meeting at 6:45 p. rn. rn. S t. P a u l ’s L u t h e r a n C h u rc h Red River and Sixteenth streets. K G. Many., pastor. Sunday school and Bible class at 9:30 a. rn. Serv­ ices at 10:30 a. rn. and 7:30 p. rn. Walther leagu e class for adults at 7 p. rn. F ir s t C h u r c h o f C h r is t, S c ie n tis t 1401 Colorado street. Sunday school at 9:30 a. rn. Sunday serv­ ices at l l a. rn. A ll S a in ts C h a p e l Whiti* avenue and Twenty-seventh street. Rev. Frederick J. Bate, rec­ tor. Holy communion at 7 :30 a. rn. Sunday school at 9:30 a. rn. Church services at l l a. rn. and 7:30 p. rn. Students’ Sunday Club at 4:30 p. rn. S p e a k e r s C lu b M e e ts Holding its first regular meeting of the year, Speakers’ Club will as­ semble next Tuesday night at 7:15, o'clock in the Speakers’ Hall. The program for the evening will i be on the disarmament conference, j C ft. Smith will giv** a discussion! on what France expects of the con­ ference. Jack Ausmus will discuss England’s attitude toward the confer-j enc#; Carl Harlow, .Japan* attitude; arid Albert Nash, China's attitude. The last number on the program will i bi- presented by Walter Cochran,: subject will be “The Atti-j His tude of the United States toward II the Conference.” ------------- o-............ - i; M a je s tic Opening the week at the Majestic is Clara Kimball Young, in “ What No Man Knows,” one of those dramas of the human heart and its emotions in which this star has already proved herself among the best actresses on the screen. Head-lining the vaudeville bill for the last half of the week is David Schooler, “The Boy Paderewski,” with his company of singers and dan­ cers. * A light comedy called “Calf Love,” another on the troubles of a couple of newlyweds, Lady Tsen Men, the Chinese lyric soprano, a ventrilo­ quist, and two light novelties are added attractions. ----------- a----------- N E W Y E A R P A R T Y IS P L A N N E D evening at On Monday 7:30 p. rn. the University Baptist church will entertain the students of the Uni­ versity with a New Year party. The University Mandolin Club will play and in addition to a contest between the girls’ and boys* quartets the com­ mittee on entertainment is arranging a number of unique stunts. All stu­ dents of the University and especial­ ly those who are registering this week are invited. One-Third Off —Sweaters Blouses — Wool Hose A L S O —Neckwear —Silk Underwear —Brassieres A t Greatly Reduced Prices The Bluebonnet Shop Q uality for the Discrim inating’ ; : U\ I Ii c ’ ll ’ r New Pastor Occupies Pulpit of University University avenue and Twentieth street. F. L, Jewett, pastor. Morn­ ing and evening services. T e x a s B ib le C h a ir That Sweater Clearance Sale You Have Been Looking Forward To Our Entire Stock of Athletic and Slip-Overs Go in This Sale—Sizes 34 to 42. $10.00 SW E A T E R S......................................................$ 7.50 $11.00 SW EA TER S......................................................$ 8-25 $12.00 SW EA TERS......................................................$ 9 00 $12.50 SW E A T E R S......................................................$ 9.38 $15.00 S W E A T E R S .....................................................$11.25 $18.50 SW E A TE R S......................................................$ 13.89 This m onth will be a cold one with next still colder. Here is your chance to get a good w arm sweater at greatly reduced prices. University Co-Op “T h e ST U D E N T S’ STORE ll U n iv e r s ity M e th o d is t C h u rc h Guadalupe a n d Twenty-fourth streets. Dr. K. P. Barton, pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. rn. Preach­ ing at 11 a. rn. and 8 p. rn, Epworth League meeting at 6:30 p. rn. F i r s t P r e s b y t e r i a n C h u r c h Seventh .md Luvu< a • i t »* -• t m ! Morning and evening services. Mun­ day school at 9:30 a. Christian Endeavor at 6:45 p. rn. in. Senior j PHOTOGRAPHS OF GREECE j WILL BE PUT ON EXHIBIT on Actual photographs of Greece as it is today will be shown in the ar­ chitectural exhibit the fourth floor of the Main Building. The ex­ hibit will begin Monday and is under the direction of Professor S. E, Gid­ eon o f the Architectural Department. There are fifty specimens, and they are large phonographs of ruins and other interesting objects in Greece, just as they are in actuality. The is open all day to every­ exhibit one. ----------- o----------- Hyde Park Floral. H all’*. The Best in Flower*. Reasonover’a Barber S h o p , l l chair*. . Littlefield Building. Sunday Night Candle Light Cactus Tea Room. J. R. REED Austin’s Leading Music House DONNELLY * W HITE Plumbing abd Heating Contractors 905 Congress Ave. Phone 131 00102753235353534800232348484823485323482353482323234823239048484853482323532300020101020100000201020100020202000200020202020100020200005353484800005348022353485353232353234853234801000110010210000200 * overcoat. F in d e r please call 8228 o r — 8 re tu rn to 2508 Rio Grande. have sam e by FOUND— Silver pencil ow ner m ay and 2300 — 8 paying fo r this ad. Call N ueces S tre e t, ab o u t 5:30. indentifying at condition. FOR SA LE — F o rd Coupe in good I f you w an t a F ord coupe it will pay you to see this ca r —IO at Lavaca S tre e t G arage. — 8 g ab erd in e R ETU R N the overcoat taken from th e L ib rary to the lost and found b u reau o r to W olseley at IO 1906 Speedw ay. Keep the soap. ROOM fo r 3 boys; 2 girls desirable. — 8 | A VERY desirable room on Speed­ w ay, th re e houses from the Law Law S tu d en t preferable - 8 B uilding. ! Cflll 4277. | W ILL STU D EN T who borrowed fo u n tain pen in R. 310 Education Bldg., add and drop section, Janu- ; a ry 4, leave a t T exan o ffice. — 8 FO R S A L E — U nderw ood T ypew riter. Mr. Scales, 203 East 23rd S treet. —• ll I N V I S I B L E A L T E R A T I O N FRENCH DRY C L E A N I N G MEYER MINCHEN SONS Tailors W E G I V E COURTEOUS AND PROM PT SERVICE 1009 C o n g ress PHONE 6312 Good, Fresh Sanitary Groceries Reasonably Priced D e liv e re d A nyw here TEXAN CASH GROCERY Phone 8257 2522 Guadalupe CLASSIFIEDS ROOM and board fo r U n iv ersity men. Also outside tab le bo ard . H ot and cold w ater. Across the s tre e t from the Law Building. 2010 W ichita — 8 S tre e t, phone 3455. 905 L ittlefield B uilding, DR. W ILLIAM E, BERGM AN, suite d en tal surgeon an d p y o rrhea sp ecialist, o f­ fice phone 2538. A ustin, T exas. — t f icure, facial o r W H EN in need of a sham poo, m an­ scalp m assage, rin g 3227 for ap p o in tm en t. Mrs. M. S eekatz, form erly w ith M arinello — t f Shop. ROOMS for 4 boys and board fo r IO hoys at Mrs. E. L. F a u lk n e r’s, 2105 — 8 N ueces S treet. MUSIC STU D EN TS d esirin g use o f piano for p ractice w ork call 3004 San Antonio S tre e t o r phone 3725. sleeping FU R N ISH E D room s w ith b a th and 2503 Rio G rande, fo r men stu d en ts. Also g a ­ — 8 rag e fo r re n t. g allery a t FORD S P E E D S T E R fo r sale. Paco body, Bosch m agneto, 3 to I g ears, disc wheels, good tire s, side ex h au st. See W. H. M cPhail, phone 7060. — 8 nished room s, FOR R E N T — To boys, nicely f u r ­ I 1-2 blocks from S a n A ntonio — IO U niversity. S tre e t. 2206 done— O utside LOCKSM ITH— Lock and key work calls m ade. R. B irnstiel a t J. A. Jac k so n ’s, phone — 18 6133. ROOMS FO R M EN o r couple, all THE DAILY TEXAN m odem conveniences. T hird house south o f Law Building. 2005 W ich­ — 8 ita, phone 7861. W A NTED— By young lady stu d e n t, a single room , p re fe ra b ly in a p ri­ v ate hom e, close to U n iv ersity , and in location w here m eals m ay be ob­ tain ed a n ­ sw er to T exan O ffice, Ad No. IOO. conveniently. A ddress MUSIC stu d en ts desiring o f piano fo r p ractice work call 2004 San A ntonio S tre e t, or phone 8725. — l l use ROOM and b o ard fo r boys. H o t w a te r, sleeping porch, $35.50. T h re e $18.00. m eals $25.00, tw o m eals P hone 3140, 2508 G uadalupe — l l A C OM FORTABLE, well fu rn ish ed room for re n t, fo r $12 p e r m onth. Phone 3410, — 8 Also g arag e fo r $3. 2830 Rio G rande S tre e t. FO R R EN T — To boys, one nice, new room in p riv ate home, all m o d em law lib ra ry , — 8 conveniences, com plete g arag e. 1800 N ueces. — 8 m ate. Lovely U N IV E R SIT Y stu d en t desires ro o m ­ h o t w*ater, gas h eat, lau n d ered . R easonable r e n t; n e a r U n iv ersity , — 8 phone 4517. fu rn itu re , linen P itm an, phone 4086. R ew ard. W A NTED— R oom m ate •—8 young m an, room is co m fo rtab le and has sleeping g allery, nice location, phone — 8 4708. fo r FOR R E N T — Room, p riv ate sleeping; porch, h o t w a te r, boys; also dow n­ n e a r stairs, fu rn ish ed cam pus, phone 5163, 2408 N ueces. L a p a rtm e n t, — 8 LOST— On Main s tre e t ca r, T uesday afte rn o o n n e a r U niv ersity , blue C a r r ie Bel Thorn** E d i t o r -V D e lta T au D e lta D ane* to d eleg ates the H onoring the ith ern Division C o nference of th e te m ity now being held in A ustin, Ita T au D elta gave a fo rm al dance iday n ig h t a t the C o u n try Club, ask by “ Jim m ie’s J o y s’’ an d sp e­ ll deco ratio n s in th e colors o f th e ato m ity added to th e fe rv o r of th e fa v o rs w ere asion. A ttrac tiv e ; fen those presen t. Am ong the g u ests o f the fra te rn ity re ; K atherine R isher, Dorothy \ arith , Ada M averick, E lizabeth eg a te s to the convention was held a t the D riskill Hotel last n ig h t, conclud­ ing the th ree-day session of th e con­ a feren ce, which was opened sm oker a t on T h u rsd ay evening. the ch ap ter house by Miss Lucy New ton and Miss Jo se ­ phine Budd will e n te rta in K ath erin e fresh m an D rake, p resid en t of com m ission, and the g roup o f girls which she re p re se n ts a t a firesid e te a this evening a t 4 o’clock a t Miss N ew ton’s hom e, 407 W est T w enty- the --------- Johnson, l ip Youngblood, Louise We}- Jack so n , M aybelle I Miss Bess H eflin of the Home E conom ics D ep artm en t, has gone to New O rleans to atten d the Reginal C on feren ce called by tile F ed eral B oard fo r V ocational E d u catio n . Mu P hi Epsilon, h o n o rary music society o f the School o f Music, is p lan n in g several open p ro g ram s to be given n e a r th e end o f th e w in ter term . The firs t will be an all-piano p ro g ram given .sometime in M arch. Mrs. S. A. S tre e t will e n te rta in the U n iv ersity D am es on W ednesday, J a n u a ry l l , a t 3 o ’clock a t h e r home, 208 E a s t T h irtie th stre e t. She will be assisted by Mrs. Hugh Lewis, Mrs. W illiam Cocke, Mrs. W illiam Klein, and Mrs. Ada Franklow . rash er, M arg aret B u tle r, L u e lla J seventh stre e t. lith, r, F ranchelle ynolds, D orothy Lochridge, Eve- B arn e tt, Willy H enderson, M at- Sue E n ab n it, M iriam Collins, dne S co tt, T abby Jackson, A nna ve, H azel E dw ards, M irian Mil- rn, P auline H aldem an, M arg aret lier, Evelyn B arnw ell, M arg aret- G raham , Eloise C arr, M arg aret By, Cecille Newell, Ju les H eb ert, Susan H iggins, elia G reiner, urn W est, M inifred Sm ith, F ran ces lesw orth, Helen B a s s , H ard y anis, Josephine G illiam , Daisy ies, M ary Ja n e R am sey, D orothy ruble, Vina W oodall, K ath erin e itchell, Sadie A ttichs, F ay David- , Em ily W itcher, E lean o r C overt, Uinie C o i t , H e rb e rt B eavers, in Lee, George Jo e ore, R ichard B u r n s , W eaver ore, Tom D. Rowell, Jesse W alk- Hal Davis, C rozier C ow an, Sam nbow, Joe Thom pson, John B ul­ t e n , Bill W right, Lewis T u rn e r, den Reed, W allace H ouston, od*- Swenson and Grip Penn. )elegates to the S o u th ern Divi- i C o nference of fr a te rn ity o atten d ed the convention a re : . Thom as 1. Miller, p resid en t of so u th ern division of D elta T au ta ; W. T. M cW horter, G eorgia *h; H. V. A rtley, U niversity of >rgia; S. S. Sim pson, G eorgia h; E. F ay W olfer, T u la n e ; M. W. milton, W ashington and L ee; jg las H am er, J r., U niv ersity of "th C aro lin a; F. A. T u rn e r, Van- b ilt; A. J . D ornbush, E m ory Uni- * ity ; R. S. Shreve, G eorge W ash- Lon U n iv ersity ; T. A ustin S nyder, K appa D elta had an in fo rm al tea v a rs ity o f V irg in ia; R o b ert L . : F rid ay a fte rn o o n in th e ir new s p a t t ­ e r s , Sew anee. Am ong the visit- m ent on Rio G rande. _______ alum ni o f the c h a p te r p re se n t a t dance w ere R. C. Low ry and Al- t Sidney Johnson, both of Dal- L am bda Chi A lpha an n o u n ces the pledging o f C laude Arnold o f W hit­ ney, T exas. Ix irrain e Pollard is ill in H ouston fo r and will n o t re tu rn to A ustin several days. Phi Mu an n ounces the pledging o f Donna B a rre tte o f P alestin e has Chi O m ega an n ounces th e p led g ­ Dania Jo n es is ill a t G race H all. re tu rn e d to the U niversity. Helen J a m a r o f A ustin. ing o f E dw ina Shelton. Z eta T au A lpha ann o u nces pledging o f M arth a C row der S h rev ep o rt, Louisiana. the of the 'h a p ero n es fo r the occasion were and Mrs. R o b ert B adger, Mr. and Chas. H ouston, Mrs. H. W itcher, I. T. F. Lcgg, and Dr. H. T. P ar- v ersity. Lue Sell has re -en tered th e U ni­ form al b an q u et honoring the del- H ouston. E d in a H ogan has re tu rn e d from T HE aim o f this store is not only to offer the best styles and finest quality in shoes, but to sell them at the lowest prices possible. Our values, always good, are particularly important now on account o f substantia] price reductions. Dillingham Shoe Co. 44 A ustin’s Greatest Shoe Store” £ a (■ We endeavor to furnish the best banking service in Austin We labor under the impression th a t we do. «■— ^ ■ ■ ■■ ■ " " H " ...... iR~pi 1 m i.....n j^ ja We invite everyone to give us a trial. CITIZENS STATE BANK G u a r a n t y F u n d B a n k L a r g e e n o u g h to p r o te c t you S m all e n o u k h to know you A lw ays r e a d y to s e rv e you I t an I D. B. GRACY, Chairman of the Board A. W. Wilkerson, Pres. Eldred McKennon, V. P. D. T. Iglehart, V. P. Leo Kuhn, Asst. Cashier THIS IS TO CERTIFY T H A T I AM A LIFE MEMBER O F T H E DON’T WORRY CLUB AN D T H A T I A L O N E C A N F O R F E I T MY M E M B E R S H I P M. SILVER, Organizer H E A D Q U A R T E R S IN D R I S K I L L B A R B E R S H O P THE ST A TE NATIONAL BANK OF AUSTIN TEXAS * -I O r g a n is e d 18S5 N a t i o n a l i s e d 1882 OFFICERS W a lte r B re m o n d , P re s id e n t P ie r r e B re m o n d , Vice- J. G. P a lm , C a sh ie r W a lte r B re m o n d . Jr ., Asst. P r e s id e n t C a sh ie r We Welcome Student Accounts * If you think of a fortune think of our Christmas Savings Club It is such an easy w ay to abolish the small extravagences of life. Let the dimes that go out in dribbles be­ come the base of a bank account, which you can use to advantage when your great opportunity comes. THE AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK Capital $300,000.00 Surplus $800,000.00 Depository oMtye United States For High G rade Shoe Repairing Try M A L M B E R G “Rubber Heels While You W ait” Elks Building 614 Colorado CACTUS Organization Pictures SCHEDULES MONDA Y, January 1922 2:00 p. m Interfraternity Athletic Council 2:20 p. rn. Delta Sigma Rho. 2:40 p . rn. The Newman Club. 3:00 p. m. Mandolin Club. 3:20 p. rn. S. O. T. D. Club. 3:40 p. rn. German Club. 4:00 p. rn. Polity Club. 4:10 p. rn. Delta Phi Delta. TUESDAY, January 1922 2 : 0 0 P- rn. 2 : 2 0 P- rn. 2:40 P* rn. 3 JOO P* rn. 3:20 P- rn. 3:40 P- rn. 4:00 P- rn. 4:10 P- rn. rn. Texas Chemistry Club. rn. Bachelor G irls Club. rn. W oman’s Council. Texas A ss’n of Civil Er Rusk Literary Society. Y.M.C.A. Cabinet. Home Economics Club. lf your C lub h a s not notified th e C ac tu s M a n a g e m e n t of your intention to com e in th e C a c tu s do so today. W e tru s t th a t e a c h o r g a n iz a ti o n will a p p r e c ia te the la b o r m any stu d en ts a re d o in g f r e e in o r d e r to ru sh th e C a c tu s to com pletion a n d will c o -o p e ra te w ith us by p ro m p tly a p p e a rin g in th e A u d ito riu m second floor a c c o rd in g to the above schedule. 1922 CACTUS EUBORJtTE PLANS ARE MADE FOR PUSHING OF FI C o n trib u to r s W ill R eceive E n ­ g r a v e d C ertificates of M e m b e rs h ip THE DAILY TEXAN motion picture theaters, in the adop- O/dMan's Aim tion by Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts J of the slogan “ Wilson are Scout ideals,” and in the revival of the the oratorical force known as four-minute men. Ideals Nets Thirteen Drakes On Hunt It is planned that each contribu- “Qn the morning of December 26, tor to the fund will receive from the accompanied I*' my secretary, Miss national headquarters an engraved Wanda Doty, I left on a duck hunt- jng trjp in the vicinity of the regia* card bearing an etching of President tra r *s office pond,” stated Dean T. Wilson and certifying that the hold- fj Taylor, of the College of Engi- er is a founder of the Woodrow WH- interviewed concem - neering, when son Award. Travis County » hairmen of the jng )ggg recent sporting escapade, campaign which will begin Monday, Decoys January 16, are: ley, Austin; and George W Walling, Jr., Au tin. had been set out at mid- the day after Christmas that the hunters came upon two large coveys of game in the pond. A stiff n o rth er sent the Mrs Forrest Far- term, but it was not until o DAILY BASEBALL PRACTICE WILL BEGIN MONDAY M any C a n d id a tes A tten d First M eetin g — D isch S tresses I m ­ p ortan ce of T rain in g ---------- LL-STAR GRIOSTERS DEFEAT CENTRE TEAM Tom D en nis Scores Lone Touch­ d o w n of G am e for Stars on Trick Play Tom Dennis, tackle awl captain o* As a means of furthering the pro­ gress of the Woodrow Wilson Foun­ dation, a fund of $1,000,000 which is to be raised by popular subscrip­ tion and used to make aw ards from tim e to time in recognition of mer­ itorious service in the fields of dem­ liberal ocracy, p u b l i c welfare, justice, j through thought or peace football tho 1921 Vanity scored tin touchdown which won fo r country have offered their services, the All-Star* yesterday over the Cen - J j | ja planned th at on Ja n u a ry 15, the t re CWlege aggregation of gridiron day before the opening of the drive, eleven celebrated clergymen over tho .-nUra BANO GETS SPRING PRACTICE birds high all day Monday, and ahoot- mg was delayed until the m orning of the 27th. spring tour the Longhorn Band will <|*ayjor mi88ed shot In preparation for its annual V arsity, Shorthorn and freshman 4tar at San Antonio, 7-0. Dennis I sermons be preached upon American I hold rehearsal every Monday evening th is letting a sn o r e d the touelutywn on a trick play, ideals and how baseball candidates, ninety-seven in num ber, atten d ed the first baseball It is believed that the trick in ques- by Woodrow Wilson. m eeting of the year, held yesterday afternoon in room 157 of the Main play on which Dennis scored a touch- the donation of advertising slides by j practice. two! Building. Abouty forty are Varsity down for the Civilians about candidates, ab out an equal number weeks ago against the Army team, are candidates fo r the freshman nine I thereby enabling the Civilian eleven | and the rem ainder « m aterial. are Shorthorn j to win, 13-7 over the Army team. tion was the famous “ hidden ball” * they were fostered I beginning January 9. At this meeting business matters will be dis- j Doty Other m e a s u r e s h a v e b e e n t a k e n in j cussed in addition to the Because of this heavy wind, Dean several tim es, few of the fastest Mal first lards get into the air and away. Miss as a few swift drakes will swim the pond until the next m id-term s sh o o t-j ing. registered regular “Nearly Busted” ducks. Hence losses these in The game sacks were full of crip­ ples which were shot by Dean Taylor and recovered by Miss Doty. “ We’re going to keep those lame ducks in | cold storage until the next exam s,” -aid the huntsmen. “We bagged thirteen o u trig h t,” boasted sportsm an Taylor, “ and they j were all drakes, too!” The dead ducks were a1! upperclassmen, old birds at the game, but fast enough to wing out of range of Miss | Doty’s splendid sighting, and Dean Taylor’s superb shot.” not / n r-v np «-» Dr. I. r . Cox D entist Scarbrough Bldg. Let Us Watch Your Teeth DR. G U F F IN and associates D e n tis ts Phone 7839 — 612 % Congress We do your work now FOR YEARS OUR CLEARANCE SALES have tau g h t you to expect end receive big bargains here— but the best we’ve ever given is dw arfed in the measure of money sax lur th! i se? son on account of the cut coming BEFORE WINTER had fairly began.— Come and SEE the Suits, Overcoats and Sweaters AT ONE-THIRD OFF 28.35 42.50 cut to 30.00 45.00 cut to .33.35 50.00 cut to ... 55.00 cut to ... ...36.65 40.00 60.00 cut to .48.35 65.00 cut to ... 45.00 67.50 cut to 2o OO CP t to 27 50 cut to ... 30 OO cut to ... OOOS 50 cut to. 35 OO cut to ... .25.00 37 .50 cut to. . . . 40 .00 cut to.. ... .26.65 16.65 18.35 .20.00 21.65 So long as we have such high class clothing as Society Brand, H ickey-Freem an Co. Rosen w all & Weil and Clothcraft no one can fail to recognize the advantage in coming here. FUR COLLARS GO cut to 35.00 30 cut to 20.00 20 cut to 13.50 to 10.00 15 cut Sweaters and Sw eater Coats 1-3 OFF READ TH E A D S IN THE DAILY T E X A N Do You BEG for Credit or Is Your Charge Account Solicited by the Merchant ? It all depends on your credit record. If you have kept faith and met your obligations promptly as they came due, you’ll never have to beg for credit accommodation. The mer­ chants are anxious to serve you. That credit record will follow you wherever you may go and, if good, it will give you prestige in the community. But how about the man who carelessly or habitually neglects his obligations until bis ac­ count is no longer considered desirable ? When he needs credit most, he can’t get it. And he doesn’t deserve it. It takes years to live down a bad credit record. lf your credit is good, keep it so for it means a great deal to you. But if it is not just right, let this be an invitation to make it right, for you w on’t be happy till you get that “Receipt T o m o rro w — T u e sd a y — W e d n e s d a y l l a. rn. Continuous 11 p. rn. CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG III The most b ea u tifu l p e r s o n a g e o n the serm on A ll I f / * CI “WHAT NO MAN KNOWS f t T h ey took fr o m her the man sh e loved and th e child th e w orshiped. T he man fe ll to the b o tto m o f l i f e ’* scrap heap w h ile t h e a u th o r it ie s p r e v e n t e d h e r from se ein g t h e little o n e . Did sh e d esp a ir ? Did sh e give up h o p e ? S h e did not. S he fo u g h t all the h ard er and won in the end. H a ro ld Lloyd in “ Bashful” A comedy scream L atest In te rn a tio n a l News THE INCOMPARABLE MAJESTIC ORCHESTRA r H A N C O C O P E R A H O U S E M o n d a y, T u esd ay a n d W e d n e s d a y HOW DOES A W OMAN KNOW? Out of the fog A lonely man sat on it bench in a London park. crept the slender figure of a girl. Fealessly she approached the bench, sat down and began to speak to him. She had arrived only that morning from far-aw ay Syria, a refugee fVom a Turkish harem. There was no one in a1) London whom she knew. And yet, one glance at this strange, tall man on the bench, and she KNEW’— knew th a t she could trust him. How does a woman know’? MAY MCAVOY in “M O R A L S ” A fascinating story wherein East meets West and conquers it. A d d e d A ttr a c tio n s : C om edy a n d P a th e News On the All-Star line up which took a fall out of th*- noted Bo McMillan’s D it c h A d d r e s s e s G a th e rin g Coach Billy Disch, V arsity’s fa- eleven appeared four members of. Bats I mo us diamond m entor, addressed the t hi • season’s Varsity m eeting on training rules, telling of Watson, quarterback and captain of I the training requirem ents th a t he has ; the All-Stars, George McCullough* j Ail-Southwestern Tackle, and George Hill, All-Southwestern guard. team. stressed during his ten years a t Texas which have netted the U niversity of Texas ten consecutive intercollegiate championships in baseball. — —... ... ■••■-r.-ais g g tg g a a M M M M M H B e Ragland. substitutions. grass San Marcos Normal, no Field goals: Pender- P ractic# S ta rts M onday Barrett ■'», Ponsford I, R Practice will begin Monday a ff e r- j ertson 2, Schuhardt 2, Horten I, Tid- well I; fouls, Peyton 9, Pendergrass I, Hildreth l l . R eferee, H enderson (Texas). Time of halves, 20 minutes. r n QUEEN MON., TUES., W E D . A N D THURS. noon at 2:30 o’clock on ( lark Field. Daily practice will follow thereafter, w eather perm itting. Many games will b t played between Varsity, freshm en and Shorthorn teams this spring, if Coach Ditch’s plans work out B a t Gillett Speak* three-year Bus G illett, veteran V arsity pitcher, who is captain of the nine thus season, said a few words to the candidates, emphasising the need for all athletes to make their courses in order that they may be eligible for participation intercollegiate athletics. in P rater Scad* L atter Colonel A. M. Prater, assistant business m anager of the University, dean of all Texas rooters, was un­ able to attend the meeting, but sent a letter which was read to the candi­ dates by M anager Moulton Cobb. Colonel P rater lauded Coach Disch j and spoke of the success and recog­ nition won by Longhorn nines in past season. Manager Cobb spoke briefly, declaring th a t he believed two roles should always be observed by candidates: implicit obedience to the orders of the coach, and constant and continued fight. o - ..... - — T E X A S D E F E N S E H O L D S V ISIT IN G COURT ARTISTS (Continued from page I) points— only s t forw ard was taken by Schuhardt, J the same combination which started the game began the second half. The latte r half of the game was rather slow, although many penalities were called by R eferee Henderson for! rough playing. During this half o f the V arsity five scored the game twelve seven more points than the Normalcies scored. P e n d e r g r a ss H igh P o in t S corer Pendergrass with five goals from the floor and one foul for a total of eleven points was the leading in­ dividual point scorer of the game. B a rre tt, with five field baskets to his credit, was only one point be hind. Both Peyton and H ildreth who threw the foul goals for their respec­ the tive baskets. the ball nine times o a t of eleven trials. H ildreth managed to chalk up eleven points out of sixteen trials. their eyes on “P a p ” Peyton netted team- had Starting L ine-u p M t i h e I NORMA HD hi ac K ^ M N ^ T T 5 OLIVO ♦•a" jar., a " a st ‘ s i I A ESORY OF .JOY A N D O PTO MISH S h o w s at IO a. rn .-1 2 noon 2, 4* 6, 8, and IO p. rn. S en sib le A dm ission Prices Low er Floor 5Sc, B alcony 4 0 c Children 20c M atinee an d Night HOME S T E A M L A U N D R Y 211 East Fifth St. Phone 3702 ‘Good Work Our Hobby” H i i n Full.” Texas Ponsford ....................... Position San Marcos Tidwell B arrett Horten R F. .............. L. F. Pendergrass ..................... Hildreth Robertson i f , J. , Curtis C. ............................. R. G. L. G. ........................ Shank 'I Substitutions: Texas, Schuhardt, Peyton, D uckett, Ashby, O iktrap, and Lowroa-i Y o ur Friend*, Von Boeckmann- Jones Co. Printers AUSTIN LAUNDRY & g 6536 DRY CLEANING CO. ? 6073 Retail Merchants’ Association Austin. Texas READ TH E A D S IN THE DAILY T E X A N