(crowd chatter) (background talking) (inaudible) >> How are you doing? Yeah, I have eight special processor boxes that I use. Different installation. You know the lobby of the bass concert hall. It's got six balconies, we've done things in there with eight speakers and (inaudible) ♪ (music in background) ♪ Only one or two experiments. It was really fun. (inaudible) >> Amy! Amy! (background talking) >> Okay, I'm pretty sure this is hooked up right over here. (inaudible) I personally think it's video. Because it's already video out on the (inaudible) >> Or in some cases just to set up sound like right now-- ♪ (percussion sounds) ♪ and I work with the lighting designer and he-- and makes some of his cues. (percussion sounds) (inaudible dialogue) >> You have to open that lace covers, darndest thing. >> Oh I know about that. (percussion continues) >> Yeah we like it! Yeah we like it! (inaudible dialogue) >>...dance company. >> What's this? >> You can dance on it. Take of your shoes and dance. (inaudible) 3:46(laughter) >> Go for it. (phone ringing) (percussion continues) (background talking) >> Come on everybody (inaudible) I said wave your hands in the air, dance around like you don't care. Wave your hands in the air, and dance... (inaudible) I said wave your hands in the air, dance around like you just don't care. Wave your hands in the air, and dance. (inaudible) 6:23>> Vaughn Davis, can you come to the information booth please. Vaughn Davis to the information booth. Tina LeBlanc to the information booth. Tina LeBlanc to the information booth. (inaudible) 6:50>> We have a fortunate (inaudible) and see into four different muscles. (inaudible) And then we have synthesizers that actually make the sound that you hear, (inaudible) All the sounds you ever hear nowadays is made (inaudible) We map it into pitch and the harder I move my muscle, the higher you hear. Barely squeezing my fingers together in my right hand. >> Set it up for a regular map introduction. (inaudible) Yeah, I guess that's it. I don't know. (inaudible) >> So the next thing we're going to do-- does anybody want to to this? I'd like to get some volunteers. I see we have one. I need two. (inaudible) And you are? >> Vaughn. >> Vaughn? (inaudible) (percussion continues) What would be your (inaudible) (inaudible) (percussion continues) (inaudible) >> Huh? Very good. >> You can take off your shoes and try. >> What? >> You can take off your shoes and try, it's okay. >> I can? >> Yeah. >> You can get on it. Step on the lines. >> Ava, Ava can you hear me? (background talking) >> No luck? >> No, I mean I wish I knew more about that AV card in there because that seems to be the... source of the problem. So which movie did you have up before? >> Here. >> Bring that up again. (inaudible) ♪ (background music) ♪ >> Oh let me just find another table. >> What's happening, he's stepping on the sensors and he's activating the sound. You see how the light goes with him? It's all controlled. >> So it's based on... how many different sensors do you have along here? >> I beg your pardon. >> You have pressure sensors inside the floor. >> This way. >> Okay. >> And then the high end system is hooked up to it, the high end of the light. >> And then as you get to this one, the last one (inaudible) >> Did you see the-- you remember life forms? I drive you to (inaudible) and it goes to director. (background talking) >> So how does the music map to the locations on the floor. >> Every time you step on a sensor, it goes to the next note. >> Okay. >> Then you can also change it. You can compute it to anything practically you want to, you know what I'm saying? >> But it's a sequence of notes moving through your own speed. >> Right now it's a sequence, but you click and you can go over to a sequence of drums. You can go over to a sequence of drums and a mixture of things. You see what I'm saying? >> Can it handle more than one person on there at once? >> Oh definitely. You can take of your shoes and go on it. >> Let me try it out. >> Yeah. Jose! Can you try--oh >> You need to take your shoes off? >> Yeah. Step on the lines. On the lines, there you are. Keep going back. Step on this. (percussion) >> The computer needs to get close to this. >> What? >> The computer needs to get close to this. (inaudible) 19:52>> Try it. (static) (inaudible dialogue)